The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 22, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. Hall'* Great Discovery. One email bottle of Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes grav< 1, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in chil dren If not sold b> your druggist will be sent my mall on receipt uf sl. One small bottle is tw months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 629, Si. Lcuis. Mo Send for testi monials. Sold by al druggists and Solo mons Cos., Savannah, Ga. Road This. Dr E W. Hall, St. Louis. Mo.: Dear Sir—Please ship me three dozen Hall’s Discovery by first express. I have so and over one gross It gives perfect sat isfaction. and I recommend it to my customers. Yours truly, H C. GROVES. Prop. Anti-Monopoly Drug Store. Ocala. Fla , Dec. 13. . NOTES FROM M A Yt'HOSS. Epnorth Lpakhci Organised Focal I ninn—Other Matter*. Waycross, Ga., Aug. 21.—The Epworth Leagues of the city organized a local tin ion last night nt First Methodist Church. E. Prentice Peabody was elected, presi dent. Dan Lott vice president. Miss Nora Lee Htirke secretary, and Henry Agathen treasurer. The pastors of the churches and the presidents of the local societies form an executive council. The people of Waycross were aroused this morning by a terrific noise. It was discovered that the crown sheet of the boiler at the Waycross Factory had b own off. It was thrown perhaps fifty yards, but no one vs as injured by the accident. The steamer Fi zhugh Lee on the Al tamaha river is laid up for repairs at Dec tort own The Teachers' Institute has had a very successful day in their work. Important phasu s of their work have b< en discussed by the teachers. Expert O'Quinn is giving perfect satisfaction. The Waycross Air Line will be com pleted to Vickers. fifty-!hr c miles from Waycross, in a few days. This will leave a gap of thirt* en miles to Fitz gerald. Mr. James B. Strickland was up from Camp Perry last night and states that the hospital buildings at that place whl all be completed and the carpenters will be ready to return home by the end of this week. Rev. J. M. Glenn left this morning for Thomnsville to see his aged mother, who is under treatment of Dr. Mclntosh. On Sunday, Sept. 9, Rev. C. E. Dow man. D. D., of Emory College, will visit Waycross and conduct the services at Trinity Church. It is quite probable that he will dedicate the new church at this service, although this is not definitely de cided. LOST S.TS,fNM> l> FLAMES. Store* on Pencil tree Street Were De stroyed Ln*t Mffht. At anta. Ga . Aug. 2!.—Short y before midnight fne destroyed the bull ing lo cated at 53 and 55 Peachtree street, whi h was occupied by the King*H ardware Com -1 any. and R. S. Crutcher, furniture deal er The .oss is ts ima c-J at |35,"t0, fully i su ed Crut her's stock of furniture, sls 000. is a total !cs . He is insured for $14,0)0. The King Hardware p-.ople state that it is impossible to estimate exactly the amount of damage sustained by ih-m. a* th#y have been u al* e t • examine their stock. They say that they had in the bui dng ove.* $1 0.0 0 worth of stock in h trdware Much of it w ill be damaged by the water. Thp building is own-d by the Hard ware Company, and the damage wi.l reach abou* $5.0,0. Crutcher has occupied the building for several years, but recently the place was pur chased by King, and Crutcher has since been disposing of his stock of furniture, while the King Company have been mov ing their hardware ino the place. Crutch er was to have been out by Sept. 1. The fire originated in the second story, and is supposed to have been started by n smouldering spark from a pipe dropped by one of the men engaged in moving the stock of Crutcher. NAVAL ASSIGNMENTS, Officer* Ordered to Duty on A enaels nml nt Station*. Washington. Aug. 21.—Lieut. A. H. Robertson has been detached from the Naval Academy at Annapolis and ordered to the command of the torpedo bout Gwynn. Lieut. Commander J. A. Shearman has been detached from the Bancroft and or dered to the navy hospital, Chelsea. Mass., for treatment. Lieutenant Commander F. S. Carter has been ordered to the torpedo station for in struction. Lieutenant Commander W. R. A. Roo ney has been ordered from the Richmond to the Bancroft as executive and naviga tor. Lieut. H. S. Ritter has been retired on account of physical disabilities. PI.I NGED IN FOR A BODY. And Levercn*e, Too, Wan Drowned in flic Verm II lion River. Danville. 111., Aug. 21.—Ed Casiday, a well-known young man of this city, was drowned last evening while bathing in the Vermillion river. His remains, floating in the river, were spen to-day by Robert Leverense, who plunged in after the body. He was seized with cramps and was also drowned in the sight of hun dreds who lined the banks of the river. will m;\i> them back. Government Will Oof rn y the Ki peiiKe of n Vtetnrn From \ome. Seattle. Wash., Auk. 21.—Gen. Randall has received authority 10 send back the Indigent alck and destitute from the Nome district at the expense of the government. He ban received over *3,000 applications for passage, and there were siill seven; thousand men who are moneyless and who will eventually be compelled to ask the government to assist them home. Stone Held In llnil. Mount Pleasant. la., Aug. 21—John W. Btone, superintendent of the industrial de partment of the State Hospital for Insane here, who was arrested yesterday charg ed with stealing state supplies and selling them for his own benefit, waived exami nation to-day and was locked up in default of $1,500 ball. John Cownic* of the stute hoard of control is in the city pushing the investigation. Sensational develop ments are expected. Will Probably Dismantle. Coshocton, 0.. Aug. 21.—The Coshocton Rolling Mill will probably be dismantled and a conditional bonus .f $20,000 paid to the builedrs by the board of trade. The mill has been idle since it was acquired by the American She< t Stet l Company, and President McMurty lias written to the Hoard of Trade that it cannot be oper ated at present without loss, and offering to make immediate settlement if the Hoard of Trade insist*. Heavy Storm in Dukntn. Pierre, 8. Ij . Aug. 21.—A heavy rain, wind and hail storm has swept over the country noiih f here wrecking numerous barns, small buildings and wind mills. W hile th- rain Is too late to benefit crops. It relieved a water (amine which was be coming serious. LOST Hl* RING AND MONEY. John ScriiKU* Ha* Not Been nhlr to Explain the Occurrence. Valdosta. Ga., Aug 21—After nearly two lays of unconsciousness, Mr. John Scruggs regained his senses yesterday evening and has partially explained how he came in that condition. Mr. Scruggs ii a young man who attended the State I University last term, and when the col j lege closed for vacation he accepted a traveling position to enable him to finish his course in college. His business called him to Moultrie, and from there he intended to visit his par ents in this county, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scruggs of the Ousley district. Saturday night when the train drew up to the sta tion here he was found in an unconscious condition between the first-class car and the sleeping car in the vestibule. His pockets had been rifled of $75 in money and a ring had been token from his fin der. though other valuables were in his pocket. He was taken into the depot here and several physicians were summoned. A careful examination failed to show any marks of violence, though he winced at the slightest touch upon the back of his h*ad. He was moved to Dr. Burton's res idence and his parents summoned- He remained unconscious until yesterday, whrn he stated that he bought a ticket irom Boston to Ousley end that when the train came to a slow-down for the station he went to the door to gei off. He stated that the train did not stop, but that as it jerked to gather up is s-peed, he fell and remained there until the train stopped here. PFS?r.gers on the train say that it did not stop at Ousley, but ihat it came to a flow-down at the river just beyond, and it is doubt less that young Scruggs received h s fall there. What became of his money and ring, in the meantime, is a mystery. There have \ en a dozen theories advanced in regard to the case—some alleging that he might have been sand-bagg and. and rone of them are entirely satisfactory. Mr. Scruggs is an excellent young man snd the mysterious case has attracted much attention here. CASI ALTIES IN PHILIPPINES. Ll*t Sent the War Department by Gen. Mac Arthur. Washington, Aug. 12.—Gen. MacArthur transmits the following casualty list from Manila: Following deaths have occurred since last report: Dysentery—Aug. 13. Company C, Twen ty-seventh Infantry. William H. Fullmer; Company F, Seventeenth Infantry, George Middleton; Company A. Thirty-seventh Infantry, Oscar Rlblet; Aug. 12, Company M. Thirty-sixth Infantry, Walter S. Keith er; Aug. 11. Company I, Twenty-first In fantry, Quartermaster Sergeant Edward Murphy; Aug. 14, Company A, Thirty ninth Infantry, James E. Curtis; Aug. 17, Company K, Third Infantry, Henry G. Voigt; Company C, Forty-first Infantry, Harry Barnehart. Diarrhoae—Aug. 11, Company L, Six teenth Infantry. Fred Gordon; Kntero colitis. Aug. 16, Baisot, Corpl. Coleman S. Stay; Company D, Seventh Infantry, Frang Dixon. Pyaemia. Company —, Thirty-eighth In fantry, Harvey Collins. Variola—Company —, Thirtieth Infantry. Rufus N. Finney; Aug. 14, Company L, Thirty-sixth Infantry, Charles Peters. Heart disease—Aug. 6. Company A, Thirty-eighth Infantry, Elmer R. Ward. Syncope—Aug. 15, Company B. Twenty seventh Infantry. James Saunders. Tuberculosis—Aug. 13, Company B, Thir ty-seventh Infantry, Corpl. Levi C. Wood ley. Killed, fighting comrade, Aug. 4. Com pany A, Thirty-sixth Infantry, Joseph Kelly. Drowned—Company B, Thirty-eight In fantry, Boyd M. Young. "MacArthur.” TERRORIZED THE TOWN. Rnt n Pn**e Ho on Disposed of Four Honffli Conti y*. Wheeling. W. Va. t Aug. 21.—'Yesterday afternoon at Hundred four men named Condy came in from the country, got drunk and proceeded to terrorize the town. When officer Haught attempted to arrest them they knocked him down and b*at him badly. A powse of citizens then appeared on the scene, but the despera does fired on them with Winchesters. The pospe fired back, shooting and rapturing three of the Condys. The other escaped and Is still at large. Among the persons injured arc: Will iam Haught. shot through the arm; New ton Roberts, shot above the'ear; E. Yen Horn 4 shot in the arm; Charles Tennet, t?hoc in the leg. Others were wounded, but their names could not be learned. 11l RT IM A STORII. Sfvprnl rpruom Were Injured In n Blow In Indlnnn. Hammond, Ind.. Aug. 21.—During a windstorm last night several buildings were unroofed and the triumphal arch of the city was blown down. Injuring several persons and creating a panic among the hundreds of persons In attendance at the pageant. The Injured: Klsie Busha. struck by flying timber from triumphal arch; right arm broken. Oeorge Demoreet, struck by falling arch; right shoulder dislocated. Charles Gundmark, crushed under arch; right leg broken. Frank Schultz, crushed by falling arch; Internal injuries. Klsie Ogeno. Japanese performer, crushed under fallink timber; internal In juries. Fire nl Britildoek. Craddock, Pa., Aug. 21.—Fire to-nigh* destroyed J. C. Schmesinger's photograph gallery, the First Christian Church, the millinery store of Maggie Field, Mrs. Feeley's grocery. Craddock Fpholsterlng Company, William Zcolplitz's gentlemen's furnishing store, Kodgers’ lumber yard and Craddock Coal and Supply Company. Boss. $50,000, with small Insurance. Origin unknown. ( apt. Stevens DinclinrKeil. Washington, Aug. 151.—('apt. G. W. Stevei s. signal officer, volunteers, and flrot lieutenant Sixth Artillery, having tender ed his resignation as an officer of the volunteer army and having resigned his commission in the regular army, haw been honorably discharged from the service of the United Slates. Filed In Atlnnta. Atlanta. Ga.. Aug. 21.—The Seaboard Air Line Railway’s first mortgage to the Continental Trust Company of Baltimore lo secure an iswue of ST.non.oco 4 per cent. K ol<l bonds has been filed in the clerk's office of the Superior Court here. ■ CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the , S/STZST Signature ol C /■GOCCeUAI W. F. HAMILTON, Artesian Weil Contractor, OCALA, FLA. Am prepared to drill wells up lo any depth. tVe uae hmt-olaa, machinery, can do work on short notice and guarantee oatlatacueok THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22. 1900. 64 Pages of Solid Facts lor Mea Free §A new edition ton Hathaway’s famous book. "Manliness, Vig j, which there has 5 been an enor f mous demand. ■ Dr. Lars Ran een. one of Chi •' eego’s foremost \ specialist* says: 1 * “A copy should be in the hands J.Newton Hatha way,M.D. of every man. Ix>ngest Established of pv ery woman any Specialist in the and every boy." South. has just been issued. A copy of this little took will to sent free, postpand, in plan wrapper to any one suffering from I^> S s of Manly Vigor, Varicocele, St.ic ture. Specific Blood Poisoning Weak Back. Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or any form of Chronic Disease, if he is a regular reader of this paper. Send name and adress and mention this paper. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D.. Dr. Hathaway & Cos., 24A Bryan street. Savannah. Ga. Office hours: 0 to 12 m.. 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p m Sundays 10 a. m. to Ip. m. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Matter* of Interest to Shipping Men General I y. The Italian bark Angelo Castellano c]ea:el ytsterday with a cargo of 283,- ."93 fet t of pitch pine timebr, valued at $4,305, and 4.170 cak slaves, valued at s6*o. Ship carpenters are putting a top mast on lh° ves el, an l un 1! this is finished she will not proceed out. The Georgia Lumber Company furnished the cargo for vessel. It was the dullest time for we ks in the harbor yesterday. Not a single ves sel was shifted, and the tow boats con sequently remained at their docks dur ing the day. There were no arrivals. The largest fioa ir.g dry dock in the world is now' being l uilt for the United States government by the Maryland Steel Company at its works at Sparrow’s Point, just below' Baltimore, Md , says the New York ll* rad Tht* dock, whui finished, will l o towed down Chesapeake Bay to the Atlantic and through the Gulf of Mexico to the Mississippi, where it will be stationed for use at the naval station at Algiers, La. It must be <1 livered to Unc’e Sam by Nov. 1, and in the event of failure on the part of the company to complete it by that time $209 f>r every delay of twenty-four hours will bed and icted from the contract price of $819,000. The work of core ruction is now being pushed to a finish. Part of the shipyard has been fenced off, the forr shore has been scooted to form a her h and the dredged mat rial arranged so as to form a coffer dam. A platform of timbers was laid in the large h le, ard two trestles were erected to carry the tracks for the trav eing cranes employed in placing plutes. Tracks are laid around the berth and i ioing £or the compressed air by which the riveting machines are worked. The complement of thrse arrangements is a machine shop, built expressly for the work in ques ion. Passenger* by Steamships. Passengers by 9. S Itasca for Bal‘l - yesterday: E M. Putman. E. S Elliott. F. P Love joy. W H. Griffith. T. E. Rogers. Edmond Ferrindlni, Marie Ferrindini, Cap'. K. Davis, Emma Tott and children. Passengers by S?? City of Bi mirg hnm for New' Yo k yesterday: Chas. Jordan R. L. Strickland. Mrs. Lawrence Lippman Miss Eunice Llppman, Miss Gladys Lippman. Mi c Dot is Lippman. A. K. Ben ke, L. Beneke, H. H. Smi h J. .TV Teeple. Chas. Roh. Mi-s Mont gomery, Mrs. Brandon, T. Fdsall. How ard M. Smith. TV. B McPhaul. L E Morgan, F. C. McDonald, TVm. Lamher fon. C. Lindmann, Miss Mcßae and frierd. Miss L’llie Hl’l. Mrs TV. H. Hoff mann. Mrs. W. Rulk>y, Miss L. Jeffers, Ed Mayer. Ed Croath, Reeves Brown. Seth J. Roth, MUs M E. Herschele. Miss Ruter. Mrs. Lyrch. Mr. McKee. Daniel Crackowancr, Mrs J. TV. Young, Mrs. R TV. Brcwn. L. G. Jonrs and wife. R. E Andrews. Jr. H. J. Thomp son, Clyde Shr pshtre D. Duffy, J H. Clancey and wife. Mr. Wilson. Mr. Law renson. Miss Smith. Miss M. Walsh. A. 9teii;er James M. Hobson, Jr , S Ftern- b a rg and wife, J. C. Puder, N. W. Co’- lier, A. C. Homer. Mrs P. E. Reid, Sam Ross. J. C. Arenburg, Tom Keener, Jas per Cook. Savannah Almanac. Sun rises at 5:29 a m. and sets at 6:36 p. m. High water at Tyhee to-day at 5:37 a. m. and 5:59 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phanea of the Moon for Angraat. D. H. M. First quarter 3 10 45 morn. Full moon 10 3 30 eve. Last quarter 17 5 46 morn. New moon 24 9 52 eve. Moon Perigee 12th. Moon Apogee 27th. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Vessel* Arrived Yesterday. Steamship TialUhasa e. Askins, New York. Ocean Steamship Company. Vessel* Cleared Yesterday. Bark Angelo Cast'Bano (Ital.) Muolo, Allocate, Sialn. Dahl & Cos. VeMMel* Went to Sen. Steamship City of Birmingham, Berg. New York. Salted for Savannah. Schooner Edgar C. Ros, sailed NVw York Aug. 19 Steamship Imaum (Rr.), Femberthy, sld. Caidiff, Aug. 18. S enms’ ip Cltta di Mes Ina (Ital ). pd. Gibraltar, Aug. 18. Shipping; Memoranda. Nw t Orleans, Ang 21.—Cleared, steam er* As rorom-r (Br.). Townie. Liver pool; Panin (Br.), Mvlm. Liverpool; El Rio. Mas n, N<w York; Proteus, Gager, New York; Premier (Br). McDonald, Oiba; Hughuin (Nor). Anderson, Tam pico; Bernard (Rr.). Taylor, Rotterdam via Norfolk; James Tucker (Br ), Hard ing. Rotterdam Port Ends. Aug. 21.—Arrived, steamers Germania (Rr.). Norton, S:. Vincent; H<rtm (Nor.), Pedersen, Rlucficlds Sa ld: Ftcnnnrs Linderhorn (Nor.). Bmm*-f’s, Rotterdam via Norfolk: El Old. Quick, New York; (Nor). I e er-sen, C< iba; Hermann (Gor.). San dus. Antwerp via Newport News; Hel vetia (Ger.). Von Hoff, Hamburg via Newport News Port Tampa. Aug. 21—Ar lved: Steam er Masco*.te, White. Havana via Key W^st Pensacola Aug 21 Arrived: Steamer Hlrunds (Nor), Olsen. Newcastle-on- Tvno; ship Hanger (Ger ), Daniels*n. Hambu g Mobile, Aug. 21—Arrived: Ship Mana gua <N r) oi*ir.< Belize hark KUeser (Nor ), I annlng. Pernambuco. Clear'd: Sc'iconer Margaret S Smith (Br.), M r lei Belize Baltin ore Aug 21. —Ar Iv and D. H Mil *r. Siv; nnnh Salad. S'a e of Texas. Savannah K*y WM, Fla.. Aug 21 -Arrived Ollveit*. Smith. Port Tamjm and sailed for Havana; schooner Golden, Hind. 13 on sc co. Notice to Mariner*. Filot cherts and all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge in United States hy drographic offioe in Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the office Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the navy department. Baltimore. Md.. Aug 19 —Notice is given by the Lighthouse Board of 'he follow ing changes in the buoyage of the Fifth Lighthouse ditr;ct: I amlioo River, N. C.—Temporary re pairs were made to McTV.lliams Point Shoal beacon light on Aug It. and the light is now shewn as heretofore. Coan River. Va Coan River gas buoy No. 5, a black gas buoy, marking ih° entrance to Coan River, Va , which was reported extinguished Arg 4. was re placed by anew buoy Aug. 15, 190). sloken. Charles or, S C., Aug. 21—Spoken off Cha:l?ston 20th schooner Oliver S. Bar rett. bound for Darien. Foreign Export*. Per Italicn bark .Angelo Castellano for A leante, Spain, 286.598 feet (6.169 pc&.) p. p. lumber. $<,303 ; 4.170 oak staves. S3OO. Cargo by Georgia Lumber Company. Coastvelne Export*. Per steamship Itasca for Baltimore, 2.%1 harr Is rosin, 72.222 feet lumber. 5 barrels cil, 135 packages merchan dise, 124 packages domfsMc and yarn. 222 baleß hides and wool. 18) caees canned goods, 65 barrels pitch, 643 sacks c ay, 450 barrel* handles. Per steamship City of Birmingham to New Yoik Aug. 21, 103 bales island cottcn. 258 bales domestic, 25) barrels cottonseed oil, I.79obarrels rosin, 160 142 feet lumber. 217 bales hides, 49 bales tobac co. '6 packages f uit, 15 cases cigars, 81 barrels resin oil. 68 packages merchan dise Per schooner John O Schmidt for Philadelphia. 352.019 feet yellow pine lum ber. Cargo by Hunting Cos. RESULTS AT SAR ATOGA. Horne* That Made Killing* for Tlielr Rocker*. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug?. 21.—Racing re sults: First race, five furlongs Raison, 12 to 2, won: Dollie Webhoff, 7 to 2. and 6 to 5. s cond; Sir Christopher, 3 to 1. third. Time, 1:00 Vfe. Second race, five and a hnlf furlongs. Boomcrack, 5 to 1, won: Bard c.t Avon. 8 to 1, and 3 to 1. second; Hand Vice, 15 to 1, th'rd. Time, 1:0844. Third race, the Fairview Stud Stakes, one mile. John Yerkes, 11 to 5. won; King Bramble, 8 to 5, and 2 to 5. second; Greenock, 5 to 1, third. Time, 1:41. Fourth race, one mil? and sixteenth. Intrusive 2 to 1, won: Gonfal’an, 6 to 5. and 2 to 5, second; Radford. 9 to 1, third. Time, Fifth tace. short steeplechase course, about two milfs Reby Bi 1. 7to 10. won; The Cad, 6 1o 1, and 6 to 5, second; Mr. Dunlap, 5 to 2, third. Time. 4:18^. Trotting and Bcielng. Boston. Aug. 21.—Three of the four events at the circuit meet at the Read ville track to-day went in straight wins to the favorites. The fine condition of the track was shown by the remarkable time of 2:o7>i in the 2:25 pace, although the winner, Bonnie Direct, has a mark half a second better than that figure. Summary: The Neponset stakes, 2:10 pace, value $5,000. Connor won three straight heats and race; Island Wilkes, second; Harry O. third. Time 2:07%; 2:05%; 2:07%. 2:25 class, pacing, purse $3,000. Bonnie Direct won three straight heats and race; Sally Hook, second; Evolute, third. Time 2:07%; 2:09%; 2:10%. 2:10 class, trotting, purse $1,500. Dare Devil won two straight heats and race; Charley Herr, second; Capt. Jack, third. Time 2:09; 2:09%. 2:20 class, trotting, purse SI,OOO. Cor rlne won second, third and fourth heats and race; Miss Duke, second; Baron Beit, third. Miss Duke won first heat. Time 2:14%; 2:13%; 2:14%; 2:14%. THIS GAME WAS CLOSE. Philadelphia Took It From A>it York hy 5 to 4. Philadelphia, Aug. 21.—The game was close throughout, and Cross twice saved It for the locals by brilliant stops and good throws. Attendance 1,510. Score: R.H.E. New York .0 03000010 o—4 10 1 Phlla 0 00121000 I—s 6 2 Batteries—Hawley and Bowerman; Fra ser and McFarland. With a Home Run. St. Douis, Aug. 21.—Burkett won to-day’s game In the ninth Inning with a terrific ewat to the club house for a home run. At tendance, 600. Score: R.H.E. St. Louis 3 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 I—9 14 1 Cincinnati ...2 0101 220 o—s 13 1 Batteries—Jones, Powell and Crlger; Hahn, Phillips and Kehoe. Other Games. At Syracuse—Syracuse, 3; Toronto, 2. At Worcester—Worcester, 2; Hart ford, 3. At Rochester—Rochester, 10; Montre al, 3. At Providence—Providence, 2; Spring field, 3. At Buffalo—Buffalo, 3; Detroit, 2. At Chicago Chicago, 3; Minneapo lis. 1. At Kansas City—Kansas City, 4; Mil waukee, 11, At Cleveland—Cleveland, 2; Indianapo lis, 4. BOHEMIAN'S DARK DEED. Committed IsMnult, Mu-der and Sui cide in Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 21.—A special lo the Pioneer Press from Pine City, Minn., says: Last Saturday night a Bohemian named Paca took a girl of 18 and h r younger brother, chldren of the family with whom he boarded, to the river to fish. About 10 o’clock Paca drove the boy away by threatening to shoot him and then commuted an assault up n the girl. He then choked her into lnsm-i- Mllty and threw her inly the r.ver, where *he was drowned. After seeing the girl drawn Paca deliberately waded Into the river and was himself drowned. The boy hid himself in the bushes and was a witness of the whole trag edy. NOMINATED BWALEV. Second District Mcrtln* lie Id at lllneavllle. Hlnesville. Ga., Aug. 21.—David A. Smaley wao to-day unanimously nominat ed for the Senate by the Democrats in th“ the Becond Senatorial District. Chairman F. H. Ma 'Farland of Darien called the convention to order. After a few preliminary bouts the sup porters of Mr. Warnell saw that the Smaley forces were in the majority and gracefully withdrew their candidate in the interest of harmony. J. E. Martin was elected chairman of the Executive Com mittee for the ensuing two years. Negro tllUMtrel l>cnl. Chiengo Aug 3f>.—William H. one of the ft rat original negro minstrels of the Fulled States, died yestenlay of Bright’s disease, aged ♦ years. Us was 4*o ted as a tenor singer. BEAUFORT COUNTY POLITICS. Candidate* for Office* Before Demo cratic Primary. Beaufort. S. C.. Aug. 21.—The candidate* for county offices here who have opposi tion are very active and are anxiously awaiting the result of the Democratic primary' election, which occurs next Tues day, Aug. 28. County Treasurer H. Q. Adams has no opposition to his re-election and his ad ministration of the important office he fills has been most acceptable to all con cerned. Clerk of Court C. L. Paul is also without opposition. Mr. Paul is a com petent and courteous official. Mr. R. E. Jenkins, the sheriff of Beaufort county, is very popular with all classes and not withstanding the fact that he is opposed by Mr. Daniel Mann, his re-election, it is said, is almost a foregone conclusion. County Auditor H. C. Pollitzer is also a candidate for re-election. Mr. Pollitzer has proved himself a most efficient pub lic servant. Mr. Frank T. Hardee, coun ty superintendent of education, is opposed by Mr. N. E. H. Dopson. The county su pervisor. Mr. Wilson Sanders, is a candi date for re-election and has no opposition. The coroner, Dr. R. R. Sams, is also with out opposition. ALMOST A BAD ACCIDENT. n. S. Broun. Jr., Came Near Being Killed In a Runway. Beaufort, S. C., Aug. 21.—What might have proved a very serious accident was narrowly averted on Ray street, in the vicinity of the Court House here, yester day afternoon. Mr. B. S. Brown, Jr., was out exercising a very spirited black horse, which was harnessed to a light road cart. While making a sudden turn The vehicle was upset and young Mr. Brown was thrown violently upon the hard shell street, striking on his left knee. He did not release the reins, and displayed admirable nerve in handling his frightened horse. Nothing but the young man’s superb control of the frightened animal, which had started to run away, prevented the loss of property’ and possi bly life. As it was. the young man’s knee was painfully bruised and one of the shafts of his vehicle w r as snapped off. HOME SCHOOL IS CLOSED. Famous Institution That Will Not Re Opened This Year. Athens. Ga., Aug. 21.—The Home School, the efficient head of w r hich ha, for many years, been Miss Callie Sos nowsky, will not be opened this fall. This is one of the most famous private in stitutes for young ladles in the South, and is over a quarter of a century old. It w'as founded by Mme. Sophie Sosnowsky, once principal of Lucy Cobb Institute, and y’oung ladies from all parts of the South have been educated within its w’alls. Since the death of Mme. Sosnow sky her daughter, Miss Callie Sosncwski. has been in charge. The latter is abroad this summer, but it is learned that upon her return she will give up the school and betake herself to other work. The build ing and grounds, which are of excep tional beauty, will be leased to the mem bers of the Chi Phi Fraternity’, who will occupy the place as a chapter house this season. A FIRE AT HAMBURG. In Its Glare a Runaway Couple Were Married. Augusta. Ga., Aug. 21.—A second fire occurred in Hamburg. S. C.. across the river, to-day, an 1 nine frame houses, oc cupied by negroes were burned. There was i radically r.o Insurance. The lire was extinguished by running a line of hcs2 2,5f0 L*et acres? the river bridge from an engine on the Augusta ride. While the fire ragel only n few fed distant and th flames were almost licking in the window of Justice Soh 1- br’s office a runaway couple were mar red fn the glare of the fi e They Frank Dresson and Miss Fannie Wilkes of West End, the factory ward of Au £u=ta. MGBLS SHOT MORTAX. Had Been Warned of flie Latter's In tention to Kill Him. Dunnedin, Fla., Aug. 21.—A desperado named Mortan came from Tampa this morning with the avowed intention of killing E. W. Nigels, the depot agent here, against whom he had some unknown grievance. Mr. Nigels heard of Mortan’s intention and armed himself. When Mortan came into sight Nigels got the drop on him and shot him dead. Nigels is a quiet, peace able man, and his act is considered justi fiable. MIST MAKE ADDITIONS. Expert Milne Say* Atlanta Han Ont grown Her Waterrvorkn. Atlanta, Ang. 21.—After spending a week inspecting the city waterworks. Peter Milne, a New York expert, made his report to the Citizens' Committee, by which he was employed, to-day. His re port, in brief, is to the effect that At lanta has outgrown her waterworks, and must make extensive additions in the shape of engines and other costly machin ery. Athena Vow* Xote*. Athens. Ga., Aug. 21.—Hon. James M. Smith, the state’s wealthiest planter and a member of the Georgia Legislature, is again seriously ill at his home, in Smlth onia, near Athens. The announcement that Mr. Craig Bar row of Savannah has applied for a po sition with the Fnited States Hospital Corps for service in China was heard with much interest here, where Mr. Barrow graduated from the State University. The heat in Athens has reached the 98- degreo mark. There have been three prostrations, but none fatal. Tattnall County Vioinlnatlonn. Reidsville, Ga., Aug. 21 —The Demo cratic convention met here to-dav and made the following nominations f r the various county offices: Representative, Charles G. Edwards; ordinary, B. F. A lex a r der; clerk Supreme Court, Lester De Leach: sheriff, S. A. Brcwtrn. tax collector. Sam DavD-; tax r. oeiw r D. J. De Loach; treasurer. J. B. Smith; sur veyor. Geo. B. Johnscn; coroner, Dr. Geo. Grey. Honored file Grand Mnnter. Athens. Ga.. Aug. 21.—At a meeting of Gleen Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Hon. T. S. Meel, grand master of the Odd Fellows of Georgia, was pre sented with a handsomely engraved grand master'*} Jewel. The Jewel was one of rare beauty and was very expen sive. The carving represents the sUns and symbols of the order. A number of speeches accompanied the presentation, which was- followed by a big banquet. To Entcrtu!ii Masons. Athens. Ga., Aug. 21.—Athens will en tertain the Masonic fraternity of North ern Georgia next Tuesday. The Invlta tion Committee from Mount Vernon Lodge has already received a number of responses from the lodges of the Eighth districi and the indications are that nearly 400 Masons will he here on this occasion. Athens is making ready to give the visitors a royal welcome. I Operations Resumed. Pittsburg. Aug 21 Operations were re sumed to-day at all the factories of the National Glass Company (tat>l* ware com bine). The resumption give# employnuiU 4,000 men. . THOMSON’S “Glove=Fitting” Corsets rerjulre no "breaking in.” “ms tit so accurately over t!.- " fipK lines of the body that you do not realize you have changed the , p?* 4 ' old jtrset for the new. , Turn them over and see how they're maj; All seams run around the body. W, ujjrp ' This picture ahowa Our Ventilating Corset, j, it / (Trade-Mark Registered), made of ported netting, stripped with coutil, a \ I IjiPJErJr I * trimmed lace and baby ribbon, j . t,'"jVwl ‘ uCmlwf''*/ " a Bai" at all dealers. /*/ Light as a feather, yet s rong as 9 pST? *! H :'•!§' strongest. Handsome illustrated ca lll lvy* logue mailed free. Geo.C.Batcheller &C0.,345 Broadway,N.Y, For sale by all leading’ dry goods stores. WALSH & MEYER, 1A- Broughton, West. LADIES’ FUR IN IS HUNGS. ItlisiWflißsTlslfiß Bargains in Every Department. Children’s Hats, Infants’ Caps. 81.50 White Shirt Waists at 75c. Don’t forget Buena Cream and Lotion for tan and freckles. Rapidly Moving I Parlor Suits, Reed Rockers, Refrigerators, Mosquito INets, /Watting, Rags and Portieres, Window Shades, and all seasonable Goods At Very Low Prices in anticipation of our trip to 112 Broughton street, west, Oct. 1. LINDSAY & MORGAN, Old Rost Offioe. “ ail 14 E as t Broughton St. Ribbon, the latest, best and cheapest. All-silk, heavy satin and taffeta, assort ed colors. Write for samples and prices. No. 1 Baby Ribbons, lc yd., 48c spool. No. 2 Ribbons, 2\oC yd.. 20c bolt. No. 4 Ribbons, %-in.. 5c yd., 38c bolt. No. 5 Ribbons. 1-in., oc yd.. 45c bolt. No. 7 Ribbons, Di-in., 5c yd., 50c bolt No. 9 Ribbons, No. 12 Ribbons. -2in., 10c yd.. 90c bolt. No. 16 Ribbons. 2 1 4-in., 12bjc yd., sl.lO bolt. No. 22 Ribbons. 2%-in„ 15c yd., $1.35 bolt. No. 40 Ribbons, 3V4-in. t yd., $1.60 bolt. No. 80 Ribbons. 4- in.. 20c yd.. $1.85 bolt. No. 100 Ribbons, 5-in., 25c yd.. $2.25 bolt. All above run ten yards to bolt. Wo mail ribbons free all over United States. Bell telephone . o. 1170. LEA & PERRINS’ THE ORIGINAL H 15 WORCESTERSHIRE IfCW3.T€ of Imitations This signature Is on fviry bnttlfl It is highly approved for the very agreeable rest which it imparts to Soups, Fish, Game, Hot £y 0 L/\ sA and Cold Meats, Salads, Welsh Rarebits, etc. JOHN DUNCAN’S SONS, Agents, New York, EDI C AT ION Al,. ©© j£mor\> Collcoe— Fortv miles east of Atlanta. Situation high and healthy. No liquors so din county. Intercollegiate games pro hibited. Full college courses offered leaning to A. B. B. Ph.. and B. S. Degrees. Entire necessary expenses with in S2OO . 63rd annua! session begins Sept. 19. 1900. For catalogue and full information, address G. Bi. IDOWinan, president. lUlQUlHfiTflll CtlllUiDV M Nsrth Atlinta, Oz—School? W ftu II i™ U I Uil OLlYimAn I Twenty three teachers, graduates of \Y* IV Harvard. Kandolph-Macon and Baltimore Womans Colleste. Primary. Academic. Music. Art, Elocution and Business courses Small t la-s - In dividual - ork. New butldmu. Home life. Pupils enter Vassar, Wellesley and Kandnlph• Ma con on certificates. Next session begins Sept. 6. For illustrated catalogue address Mrs. W. T. CHANDLK.H. Principal. LLEWELLYN It. SCOTT, Associate Principal. K B. Neat* I P. Millard, President Vice President Henry, Jr Sec y and Tress NEAL-MILLARD CO. Builders’ Material, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Brushes, [ULCERS’ HARDWARE, Limp, Cement and Plaster. ■ 'V. *T4 WklUkra Strati., UTAmi, u. LADIES'*!^ A safe- and powerful remedy for functional troubles, delay, pain, and irregularities, is APIOLINE (CHAPOTEAUT) Successfully prescribed by Speclalift* for Dis eases of Women. Price fi.oo of all Druggists, or by mail. P. O. Box aoli, N. Y. UNION HOTEL. We*i Broad and Haris streets, opposite Centrs] Depot. Modern appointment. Convenient to all •treat car lines. Hates 1 1 26 and |1.60 and 12.00 oar day. Hindis meal 26c. dt. J. PATERSON, Manager. t The Whee er & Wilson Improved Sew. irg Machine No. 9at cut price?—7sc ptr VNcek until :ttid for. Lightest amd besi. Box Paper and Er.v lopes 4c, 10c and io? box; 40c. COc, 75c. 90c and $1.20 doz boxes. Fine line Ink Tablets ic each. 40c dozen. Envelopes. 5 and 6Vin., XXXX, 2 pkg 5c Wrting Paper, nic gocd-. 110 she-*!? sc. Lead Pencils lc to 2H'- each; 7 to 20c and. Men s B ack and Tan Seamless S x 7' 2 -J na’r; 75c dozen. Lndi'S’ Black Seaml s' Fi e Hose 100 12*.frc pair; $1 05 ro $1.35 dozen. Children’s Black Rib Hose 9c pair. 23c and Fine line Tci et Soap. 3 c ke?. for 10c. J. Sr P. Coate*?' Rest Spooi Thren i ,'<i doz. H. Sr R. Sewing Silk 4c spool; 45.? dozen. Fine line Too‘h Brushes 9? each; 05 doz. -'(hills & Fever L dumb ague anu- L. MALARIA A UPPMAN BROS.. Proprietor*. Druggists. Llppman’* Block. SAVANNAH. C* A BUCK'S W%; Dyspepsia Cm'e , : ||4Lcir Tablets ! I I Not only quickly " S Indignation, <Ja. Bln* l Cnntiipution.Bilinui’iMa ■ rotation of ths Hcaruand kirnlreddia f • l * r * I nut effect a parmanonl cur*. fW Promote the Appetite 1 J and Put Flesh on Thin I / Pennlp All ditordertof Ah* atnm' M P * bowel* ran be rurt lbv ut> Neal compact ran l>® carried • t• I ■ H et Price Wic per boN At all and: ntgiat* M LOU DURK * CO., ■!—tnlnplon, OPIUM Morphine and Cocaine habits cured p*'n leasly In 10 to 20 days Tha only *uaran teed palnlea* cure. No cura no par. Address, BR. J. H. HEFLIN. Locust Orova, oa.