The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TAX RATE HAS BEEN FIXED. AYAOIX Fl> BV THE 80180 AH BR ING $5.20 OA Hl.lHMt. Hutr Conlil Have Bren Lowered to Had II Not Bern for the l n usu ally Larne Appropriation ol the Laal I.eft iala turf —There Una Been a Gradual Itediietion Since Gov ernor tandler A.auiued His Of uve The Order issued Annonuoinft the Hate. Atlanta. Aug. 25.-The tax rate for the year was fixed to-day by Gov. Candler and Controller General Wright, the board authorized by the general assembly to do so The rate was lowered from $5.36 oil SI,OOO to $5.30. making a reduction of prac tically one dollar oil every thousand dol lars worth of property since Gov. Can dler has been in office. The reduction is due to the magnificent increase shown by the returns, which have been coming in since July. The rate could have been lowered to $5 on Si,WO had not the last Legislature appropriated $106,000 more than was anticipated. The rate this year, however, could have been ir,sde no lower, but if the increase next year is as large as it is this year, or If the returns amount to the same, it is \ery likely that a bigger reduction can he made. When Gov. Candler first entered his of fice the rate was $6 21 on SI,OOO, hut since that time several reductions have been made. The following iskhe order issued by the Governor this morning, fixing the rate for this year: "Executive Department, Atlanta, Go., Aug. 25, 1800 —Pursuant to Section 1 of the tax act of the general assembly, approved Dec. 22, 1288, which requires the Governor, with the assistance of the controller gen etal. to levy a percentage on the taxable property of this state, sufficient to meet the requirements thereof, not to exceed a certain per cent, named therein, ami after approximating as nearly as prac ticable the amount of all taxable prop erty in this state as shown by the digests end other returns: "It is ordered, that two and ninety-11 -s hundreds mills be assessed and collected upon the amount of taxable property re turned by, or assessed against each tax payer, and upon the value of all property in the state sub ject to taxation ad valorem. for genera] purposes, and, in addition thereto, an extra per cent, of two mills be assessed and collected (in conformity with said act providing for the support of the common schools) upon the amount of all taxable property returned by, or assessed against, each taxpayer and upon the value of all property in the state subject to taxation ad valorem. "It is further ordered. That In aditlon to the two and ninety-five hundredths mills and the two mills above ordered, an extra per cent, of twenty-five hundredths of one mill be assessed and collected for a sink ing fund (in conformity with the act ap proved Dec. 21, 1888. to retire maturing bonds of this state) upon the amount of taxable property returned by or assessed against each taxpayer and upon the value of all property in the state subject to taxation ad valorem. The whole tax here by levied, making five and two tenths mills for ail purposes for the year 1900. "A. D. Candler, Governor. "W. A. Wright, Controller General. "By the Governor, "J. W. Warren, “Secretary Executive Department." DECLARED AO ELECTION. State Board Passed LJion the Honti ton Com nil as i oner Case. Atlanta, Aug. 25.—The State School Board of Education has reversed the de cision of State School Commissioner Glenn in the case of Smith vs. Wellons, and has declared a vacancy in the office of county school commissioner of Hous ton county. After a careful examination of the record, the members of the board, Gov. Candler, Attorney General Terrell, Secretary of State Cook and Controller Genera] Wright held that George Smith, who was elected commissioner last Feb ruary, was not entitled to hold the place on account of his not being a resident of the counity at the time the election was held. E. S. Wellons, the old commissioner, was defeated by two votes when the elec tion came off. Smith was declared elect ed, but Wellons claimed that he was in eligible to hold the position on account of not living in Houston county. The board based its decision on the point that Smith was not a resident of Houston county and had voted in Dooly county. The board has declared a vacancy, and State Commissioner Glenn will order an other election to he held as soon as pos sible. Since the last election was held, six months have elapsed and Smith can now hold the office If he can be elected again. It is expected that he will be op posed by Wellons, who was defeated, and that the contest will be warmer than be fore. The commissioner is elected by the County Board of Education, and It Is before that body that the election will be held. The attorneys In the case before the board were R. N. Holtzclaw and W. C. Davis for Wellons, and Washington Des sau of Macon for Smith. AO CLEM EM'V POR .SHARPE. Governor Cnndler Would \ot Grnnr It to the Wife Murderer. Atlanta. Ga.. Aug. 35.—Gov. Candler has denied the petition of Hiram Sharpe for clemency, sustaining the action of the Pardoning Board. Sharpe will be hanged next Wednesday, Aug. 29. in DeKalb coun ty. The murderer, who, until yesterday, had not heard of the petition for clemency in his case, tiled last Wednesday, was told this morning of the action taken by the Governor in regard to the petition. He realises the fact that there is no hope left for him now, since the petition has been denied. Thiß was no shock of disappoint ment for him, however, as the gloomy man has felt no hope at any time, ap parently. When asked what he thought of the pe tition and of the action taken on It, he bowed his head, and shaking it. said slow ly: "God knows I don’t know what to think about It.” Sharpe seems to be ready to die and to care little about when death will cotne. lie had not even asked when he would be taken from the jail until yesterday. RE4 ORDER IN ATHENS. Irabeartl'i lllg Mortgage—Lady Olcil ut n Flsli Fry. Athens. Ga . Aug 25.—A copy of a first mortgage of the Seaboard Air Line Rail way lo the Continental Truai Company of Baltimore for the purpose of securing sT', of 4 per cent, gold bonds of the system was recorded here to-day. The money will tie used for the Improvement and extension of the railroad The mortgage carries revenue stamn. amounting to over $19.0(10 II costs s4,fast to record the papers, which have lo be re corded in every county traversed b> the road. While attending a fish fry several miles from Attains to-day dirt James Jsirelt *n f'ar.ier was tskrn violently 111 and died before a doctor from Athena could reach tree ' 4 Wilful Waste Makes Woeful Want.” It is as wasteful not to secure what you need and might have as it it to squan der what you already possess. Health is a priceless possession. You can secure it and keep it by taking Hoed’s Sarsaparilla which purifies the blood, cures disease, and irmigorates the whole system. dfoctfi SaUafmiiffn Never C/snpp oin , s . FELL THROUGH \ HOLE. Ilnrkßfnp'n Skull Wus Crashed on the Floor Forty Feet flolow. Kingston. N. Y., Aug-. 25.—Louis Huck- : slap, 20 years old, of Paul’s Post Office, | Va., stepped through a hole in the cell- | ing of the new jail here, he being one i of the workmen, this afternoon, and fell j forty feel. landing on his feet on the i steel floor. He rebounded and landed on j his head, ten feet away, crushing his skull. He died before reaching 4he hos pital. 1 1 1 ■■ .. ■ . i SPECIAL. NOTICES. —SACRED CONCERTe- AT TYBEE A Grand Sacred Concert will be given by ths Orchestra at HOTEL TY BEE TO-DAY. Tide suits for bathing. Fish Supper. CIIAS F. GRAHAM, Proprietor FOR VEHICLES —a ml— HARNESS At His lit Prior, call on COHEV-KI'LJUS CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO., Bromthtnn an,l YVe.t Broad Sts., Bnbcook'n Heprc.entatlve.. Suwanee Springs Cos., Suwanee, Fla.: Dear Sir? —I am in receipt of your es teemed favor of the 16th Inst., and in reply beg to say, that not half has ever been told of the valuable properties of the water from your beautiful spring, and I feel that 1 cannot say too much for a water which has lengthened the life of my father, and relieved me of the severe case of Jaundice, with which I was suf fering when X came to you. Trusting that you will soon let every one know what a treasure you have In those healing watrre, and that many will avail themselves of their power and your kind hospitality, I am, sincerely your friend, ROBERT M. HULL. All you can drink for 6c at Livingston's. SrECIAI. IVOTICB. To My Friends and Patrons: Please take notice that my stalls In the market will be closed until Oct. 2, when I will reopen with a full stock of the leading delicacies and choicest meats from the Northern and Western markets. Thank ing one and all for past favors, yours re spectfully, B. COHEN, City Market. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received until 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, Aug. 25. 1800, for the erection and completion of two frame school houses in Chatham county. Plans and specifications can be seer, at the office of the Superintendent of Education, Chatham Academy. Per order of BUILDING COMMITTEE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Aug. 14, 1900. STORE FOR RENT. Tha large double stores corner State. President and Whitaker streets, known as the Whitfield building. Can be rented In whole or in part from Oct. 1. Apply W. M. & W. E. CONEY. 81V A Will STE A M DYE WORK 8 Kindly request comparison of their work with all others and you will readily say that we are the only Prac tical Cleaners in the city. No decep tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. 21 York street, west. Georgia phone 1264. AT GVHDNEH’g. launti, Beef, Poultry. Choicest of the season. M. S. GARDNER, Phone 575. AVnynr and Whitaker. RED HEART. The besr of all beers Is -RED HEART.— All good people urlnk It. WM. BRICKEN, Manager. JUNG BREWING CO. Phone 915. THE FAMOUS SAN* FRANCISCO Dinners up to the atandnrd of the regular 50c meals. Our prire only 25e. Regular hoarders meal tieketa reasonable. ■fOR CHANG, Proprietor, 114 Drily ton street. GOOD IHRIIOR. Get Wilson Whisky at ROBT. REM LER’S, Liberty and Drayton. Head quarters for the best brands. Country trade solicited. No charge for .tugs. Phone 813 993,000. One of our cUauta has placed In our lands I'Jb.OUU to loan ou good Savannah real salats at reasonable ratss of Intsreat BECKETT A BECKETT. $4 Praaidrnt atrsat, asst. LOOK. The finest line of Msnlsts. Tiling and Grsaea In the city Prices rock bottom have money by seeing our goods before purchasing sisewhars SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO, Corner Congress and Drayton. *'tiot. (19. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. AUGUST 26. 1900. MEETLYttS. * ® ATTENTION, SAW MILL MEN \M> 1100*1100. You are Invited to attend meeting Geor gia Saw Mill Association and Concate nation of Hoo-Hoo at Hotel Tybee. Tybee Island. Ga., Aug. 28, 1900. Ail railroads offer reduced rates to Savannah and re turn. good from Aug. 25 to 30. Bring can didates. They will receive especial care. Special train for Tybee will leave Tybee depot. Savannah, Aug. 28. 10:30 a. m., rail road time; 11:30 a. m.. Savannah time. The lumbermen of Savannah tender transportation from Savannah to Tybee and return on above special train. Also lunch at Hotel Tybee, 12 o’clock, Savan nah time; banquet nt Hotel Tybee 7 o’clock, Savannah time. •FECIAL ftOYICEA LEV AN’S TABLE D’HOTE DINNERS. 1 SOc-DINNER—SOc. Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Sunday, Aug. 26. Claret Wine. SOUP. Diamond Back Terrapin. FISH. Pass ala Normandie. Potatoes ala Gastiomine. Celery, Queen Olives, Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. ENTREES. Lamb Fricasseed ala Parisienne. Pear Fritters, Wine Sauce. ROASTED. Prime of Beef, Dish Gravy. Stuffed Chicken, with Jelly. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes, Boiled Roasting Ears. Stewed Tomatoes, Green Peas, Rice. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Apple Pie. Assorted Cakes, Fruits. Cheese, Crackers. Lemon Sherbet. French Coffee. LEVAN’S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, wrest. THIS IS NOT CHINESE. Messrs. Sloat Bros. Cos., Savannah, Ga— Gentlemen—Please ship ns one dozen liottlc** of Sloat’s Vegetable Bitters. #I.OO wise. We have been using it for In digestion and find it O. K. • lave deeided to put it in stock* Ship at once. Vonrs Respectfully, J. E. INI MEN A CO. Summer complaint of chil dren quickly cured by Stout’s Vegetable Bitters. RYAN’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Rooms 27 and 29 Provident Building. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. SUMMER SESSION NOW IN PRO GRESS. Stenography (Munson. Graham or Pit man), typewriting, bookkeeping, English branches, penmanship. Short thorough practical courses. Latest and best meth ods. Students prepared directly for busi ness. Our graduates always give satis faction. Take advantage of our summer session; enter now and lit yourself for a position. Special night session for those who are employed during the day. Send for catalogue. M. E. RYAN, Principal. MOSQUITOES will not trouble you if you as© SHOOMLSKEET. It la a pleasant perfume. MELD ERMA ia a toilet powder that instantly dis pel* the disagreeable odora arising from perspiration. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM gives quick relief for aun burns and akin troublea. SOLOMONS CO. AT JOYCE’S. Prime Ribs Beef. Fresh Ricetteld Lamb. Fat Poultry. Everything flrst-class and the best ob tainable in the city. Orders filled any time of day. Fhonea 107. JAMES J. JOYCE. P. S.—Remember I keep Fancy Groceries too. Famous B. B. Java is kept only by me. WE BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE, Negotiate loans on same at 5 per cent, and rolled rents. Represent The Travel ers’ Insurance Cos., accident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriter Fire Ins. agency. Represent the Greenwich Fire Ins. Cos. Represent the Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Cos. All busi ness entrusted to us will be appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful at tention. No. 27 Bay street, e ist. Tele phone 348. W. C. FRIPP 4k < >. HELMKEN’S CAPE, Liberty and Whitaker. The only up tc date cafe suitable for select parties In the city. One block from De Soto. Phone 646. J. H. HELMKEN, Prop. LARGE \V \II EllOt SE HU (IF , FICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the city on June 1, I of fer It for rent from that date H. P. SMART. THE WAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. Ti e only way lo get your carpets prop ar.y taken tty, cleaned an l taken care of for the summer I* to turn the job over to the District Mtsaeng r snd Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or ca l ai 32 Montgomery stieel, and they will make you an esti mate on the eost of the work Pi ices reis ialle They do pack, move and stole furniture and ■ lanos C. 11. MEDIA >< K. Supt. and Mgr. IIIINDS i:\i.t i ted 11 y the Arndt. an Bond log and Trust t'utnpany of I’aliln.orr We are author ised to aswuta lo> 11l y ilium duti-ly upon application), all lio’ula In j nil LI pro ceedings ih either tlit- state or U tilted gaits < runs, and if administrators and gits' die ns LEAKING A HUM.. Agents Telephone 31, I’ro'ldstit Dili ding Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world. INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP CIGARROS. You w ill find them on sale everywhere. BUTTER! BUTTER! BUTTER! Fox River Batter Company’s . . CLOVER HILL . . Why pay more for soma butter when we can sell you the best in the city? 2!OC P er pOUlld. "“w‘e fia'vet'• mS ' MUNSTER’S. ‘ >h " eS 554 ' WE WASH TO PERFECTION SPECIAL NOTICES. lIIIATEDI PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. Thia pure elder is served on steamers on the American line, und at the Waldorf-As toria and lead.r.g family grocers in New Yo k city. Paulding s Pippin cider Is made from the puie juice ot hand picked apples from his own mill on the premises. It is abso lutely pure apple juice, and all the effer vescence )B natural, ar.d we guarantee it to be the choicest cider in the world. Leading ph>slcians in New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their patients, its perfect purity is guaranteed. In Paulding's Pippin cider, only Long Is land Newton’s Pippins are used. The ap ples are left on the trees until late in Oc tober when they are hand picked and placed in a dry rocm to ripen. Paulding says “the apples are thorough ly crushed in his own mill and the juice pressed out and run into sweet clean casks ” The difference between crushing and grinding apples is very great You will Know the difference between crushed app es and ground apples if you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter taste which is not with Paulding’s crushed apples. This cider has not the extreme sweetness of the Russet elder, and everyone will find the Pauld ing’s Pippin cider just t ight to take with dinner. LIPPMAN BROS , Sole Agents in Savannah. ESPECIAL INDICTMENTS AT MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY. I offer to the public for fifteen days in high grade work, two fine extension top Carriages, 3 open Carriages, 6 Phaetons, 5 Runabouts, 2 Pneumatic Runabouts, 4 Handsome Traps, 20 Open and Top Spring Delivery Wagons at factory cost, with freight added. This is no humbug. Ca l and examine for yourself and you wi.l make no mistake. A full and complete line of Harness at cost. Mark Apple Carriage Repository, 320 Broughton street, west, use only the Kelly Springfield Rubber Tire, the best on the market. Phone 778. HEAT CHASERS. Try the combination—a comfortable seat, electric fans and a delicious cool drink. CON IDA’S SODA AND SHERBETS are justly popular; they are cor rectly served and the best made, TRY OCR NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM For Sunday delivery leave your or ders early in the week. CONIDA’B ICE CREAM PALACE. SAVANNAH FOI'NDRY AND 3IACOINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work in competition with Northern and Western manufacturer®. Repair work on Engines and Boiler* KNIGHT'S PHARMACY, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Eeef. Wine and Iron 73c Roach Salt (guaranteed) 10c K. R. C 91.00 Talcum Powder, borated 5c Palmer's Toilet Waters 50c Empty Capsules, 1(X) for 5c T. P. Dyspepsia Tablets Free Imported Castile Soap 50c Insect Powder, P. D. & Cos 40c Trusses 50c to $5.00 Syringes, Fountain 75c to J3.CO Thermometer (Fever) 50c (os2 00 We lead in everything In our line. KNIGHT’S PHARMACY, Ga. Phone 539. Sail Phone bts. St WAN EE SPRINGS HOTEL, Sunaure, Fla. Situated on the hanks of the suwinco river Climate unequaled. No malaria. No mosqui toes Cool nights Most healthful and delight ful resort in the 6otltfcL Water cures ©vsry known disease Board |lO per week. Special rate for commercial men oi $2 per day, v h ch included transfer Table and accommoda tions strictly firat class For illustrated pstn phlet uddreks suwanee Springs vo Suwanee Springs. Fla ANDREW HANLEY, Mgr YOI R I*ll ESC HIPTION* will be filled at Park Avenue Pnarmacy while yo wait. We till them at uny hour day or night. The only live drug stote in southern section of Savannah. PARK AYMM K PHARMACY. J L. Bransn. Propel* or . Corner Park avenue and Barnard Bt. 80-Phone 1146. IF IT'S NICE HP, II % Vi; IT. Drop in and r*t a Jar of IU #j drl • I beef or a!ir<*) bteakfaet bacon. Little of Pin Money Pickles or ILuffe-S Olives from HARDEE A MARSHALL. Phone KA. MISINIiSS NOTICES. Stearns Bicycles Stearns Bicycles Most riders are familiar with the '97 Stearns Bicycl?. Those that know them also know that for speed and durabi ity they are unequaled. We have bought all that the Stearns factory had. These are the wheels which in ’97 were sold for SIOO. They are now equipped with all 1900 Im provements, and are therefore up to the minute In design and construction. We offer these wheels at S3O cash while they last. This is the greatest bargain that has been offered the riding public of this city. We now have In stock the largest and assortment of Lamps and Bells in the city. Goodrich Tires we be’.ieve to be the best on the market. We offer their No. 19 at SB.OO per i>air, put on your wheel. We now have the best equipped repair shop in the South, and are now better than ever prepared to turn out the best .work at reasonable prices. FREE AIR ON TAP. R. V. GONNERAT, 346*348 BULL STREET. j ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., j Electrical Engineers, Con= tractors and Supply Dealers. Electro = Plating on all Metals. j STORES-49 and 112 Drayton st. PHONES: Georgia and Bell, 62 and 643. DURING THE DULL SUMMER WEEKS is a good time to have your watches put in condition. We are better pre pared than ever for this woik. Re peaters, Chronographs and ordinary watches of the finer grades put in condition now, can be splendidly regulated. We give proper attention to ihe cheaper grade of watches, producing the best results possible. Look Into it and avoid the busier season. THEUS BROS. OKARMA, Shoe Manufacturer. Daily Production 30 Pairs. To keep our plant moving we reduced prices on all graces. Come and see how we make them. I I I Broughton. East. SPECIAL NOTICES. CHOICE CREAM. The best Cream and Sheibets to day at MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY. Send In your dinner order. WHITAKER AND LIBERTY. THE TIME OF AI.L TIME*. Have renovated at once your mattresses, feather beds, etc., by out steam medica ted pro -ess. (The only plant in Havan nsh) t hut overcomes ail Impurities, whether contagious or otherwise Have reduced fer.vutkin of feathers for Au gtist s follows Feather beds from I.V t) to S3 U). bolster* from $1 Ulo $1(0 Pillows from 76c lo Wc. Cotton, moss nut heir mattresses made to order Will save you money. Wink guaranteed NATIONAL M ATT H Kbit AND RICNO- V A TING ro.. Dell (hone 1126. s3l Drayton Stieot tWhen yoa consider how the men admire trim looking feet it’s no wonder the Ladies take to oar SULTO • Oxfords. They say they make the feet look moro dainty, but are perfectly easy. No one else has them. 4 styles, all one price. $2.50 IN EXCELLENT SHAPE FOR Fine Laundry Work. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, KODAKS SPARKLETS Makes Soda Water at home. p,lms ' Phol °' Sl,pp ' ies ' Craphophones and Developing, Robin- Sold and repaired. ] son's Bath Cabinets. - SPECIICI S. SI.OO (hat others charge $2.50. If you have RHEUMATISM be sure and get a bottle of j FRANK’S RHEUMATISM CURE. It never fails. Price $1.50 ' bottle. When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON'S TWO Kiat MAC -.j. Bull and Congress. BrancO 3119 trail street. PHONE 293. BOTH PHONES. PHONE 352. THE OftSLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY, TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Foil Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.00. DCI PR! PCD P Ofl sole Proprietors, 43 Whitaker Street. BtLomutn a uU t fillu^TofclaWwines. A Ten-Dollars Spent UILADEVEZE’S PICTURE ** FRAME FACTOR! You XV ill Make Your Home an Attractive One and Give It an Air of Refinement. We employ nothing but expert workmen that will not botch your work as others do. Our stock of Moulding ten times larger than that of any of our competitors, and our prices aie the lowest known. 105 TO 107 fOVGHE SS STREET, WEST. BUSINESS NOTICES. . •‘Out ot Sight, Out of Mind,” applies to your FURNACE this kind of weather. The winter is near ot hantf. We owuid suggest a thorough ex amination of your furnace (o see (hat it Is In good shape for the winter’s work. No charge for examination. Our charges for repairs very reasonable. , I3 Whi|aker st A. L.Desbouillons 4.‘J Bull Street. We have a pretty line of boild Gold Cuff Buttons in plain, chased, amethyst, or with diamonds. As pearls arc now all the rtiße we have pretty Scarf Pins rind Pearl Jewelry of nil roriß. specially Brooches. A. L. DESBOUILLONS, 43 Bull street. New Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. Best work. Lowest prices. GKKKXK & Cos., US Whitaker street. CHARLTON A llllltL’lON. Attorneys and Counselors st Imw, Rooms 12, Provident Building. BUSINESS NOTICES. iisfiiNDlßi awarded to the GORHAM MFG. CO. at Pari3 Exposition. VVe always have on hand a full li ne of GORHAITS silver. The best made at very moderate prices. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jewelers. _ For Rent, Residence 118 Gaston street, weit All conveniences. Can b* rented from Ist August. Apply to CHATHAM HEAL ESTATE AND It PROVEMENT CO., It Bryan Street. East. 10 mm Pilisi For sale, ft Fomalth Newspaper I*'*<J* fl will fold sheet 21x4s. It Is In guoJ Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO. 1,111 we have no uss for It snd wsm the roett 11 OCCIIpItS. . It will be r invaluable adjuncl !• * newspaper office. Addi ess MORNING NEWS, gavannsla, on * IF YOU WANT OOOD and work, ordar your lithograph'* - pi in ted stationary and blank book* M, ruing News. Sevannah. Os.