The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 27, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 §fljc Ittofning lloruiDi; >ew Ifuildinc NMninniih, Ga MONDAY, AI C 1 ST -*7. MKM>. Registered at the Postoffue in Savannah. The MORNING NEWS is published every day in the year, and ib terwd to subscribers in the city, or eetu by mail, at 70c a month, W 00 for six months, and Sfc.OO for cue Near The MORNING NEWS, by mail, six times a week (without Sunday issue), three months, $1.50; six months $3.00; one } tar |6.00. The WEEKLY NEWS, 2 issues a week, Monday and Thursday, by mail, one year. 51.00. Subscriptions payable in advance. Re mit by postal order, check or registered letter. Currency sent by mail at rick ol tenders. Transient advertisements, other than special coiumn, local or reading notices, amusements and cheap or want column, 10 cents a line. Fourteen lines of agat* type-equal to one inch square in depth-* is the standard of measurement. Contract rotes and discount made known on appli cation at business office. Orders for delivery of tha MORNING News to either residence or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone No. 210. Any irregular ity in delivery should be immediately re ported to the office of publication. Letters and telegrams should be ad dressed •MORNING NEWS,” Savannah, Ga. EASTERN OFFICE, 23 Tark Row. New York city, II C. Faulkner. Manager. IKDEX 10 SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meeting—Magnolia Encampment, No. 1, 1. O. O. F. Special Notices—P. B. McOrlff on Su wane* Springs Water for Rheumatism; Attention. Saw Mill Men and Hoo Hoop; Proposals Wanted for Supplies, George M. Gadsden, Director; Proposals for Feed, George M. Gadsden, Director. Business Notices—E. & W. Laundry. Whiskey—Wilson Whiskey, Savannah Grocery Company, Distributors. Ballard’s Obelisk Flour—Henry Solo man & Son. Auction Sale—Monday’s Auction Sale, by C. H. Dorsett, Auctioneer. Amusements —Guy' Woodward, at the Theater, for One Week, Commencing To night. Legal Notice—ln t!>e Matter of Meyer Bluestein. Bankrupt. Railroad Schedule—Central of Georgia Railway. Steamship Schedule—Merchants and Miners’ Transportation Company. Washing Powder—Pearline. Medical—Dr. Hathaway Cos.; Castoria; Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters; Hood’s Pills. Cheap Co-iumn Advertisements—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted: For Rent; For Sale; Lost; Miscellaneous. Tlic \\ rather. The indications for Georgia to-day are for generally fair weather, with light southerly winds; and for Eastern Florida local rains and thunderstorms, with light southeasterly winds. The records show that there were 229 pardons issued to criminals convicted for •taking human life during the four years’ administration of Gov. Bradley, the Re publican Governor of Kentucky, who pre ceded Beckham. Doubtless there were some deserving c a rs, but such a re ord as that makes the administration of the law worse than a farce. Chicago is coming around somewhnt to the way of thinking of the census offi cials. with regard to her population. The Chicago Record remarks that Chicago has no need to feel otherwise than proud of her present showing of strength. That Is unquestionably the best way out of It. In spite of complaints the census rec ounts are pretty sure to stand as they have been compiled. It is said Senator "Billy” Mason, the famous anti-imperialistic Republican, has •been muzzled by the National Committee, In spite of his ardent desire to make a few campaign peeche for Mr. McKinley. The Illinois senator has had to cancel his dates made in Missouri, and another spellbinder will be substituted. Mr. Han na’s campaign seems to be having a hard time with its orators. Ex-Congressman Sibley of Pennsylva nia, the political renegade, is diligently circulating the story thot The Democratic nomination for the vice presidency wis offered him by Democratic leaders in Washington last winter, but that he de clined ft, preferring to run for Congress again, this time on the Republican ticket. Ex-Congressman Sibley must have leen absorbing some of the stuff that dreamt are made of. It is unfortunate that the farmers of the South should be unable to secure cotton pickers of whose services they are in such great need a< this time of the year. Particularly does this state of af fairs affect Georgia and Florida, and to womc extent also Alabama, where* the* tur pentine and lumber camps are offering better wages than the farmers can af ford to pay. It begins to ]oe>k as if she farmers will thus lose* some of the ad vantage which a short crop with Us at tendant high prices had promised them. The Hon. Timothy 1.. Woolruff, he* of the* many c lon and waistcoats, has had a reef or two t3ken in his sails and h • Is now about as close to the wind u< it b possible for him to get. From Nice pres idential aspirations of very pronoun* ♦ ) type, an am MRon which he was conceit'd enough to think would be gratified at ]* *-• by a nomination, he has gone down through the various grades until now he would he gla l to got almost anything *ht comes hw* way. A secondary object of hD vie# presidential boom, was to se cure i lift toward the gubernatorial nom ination in New York state. It has de veloped that thi lei is not n isisslhlllty. Tn • fact he has 11 <*ly been heard of, r*. <e # In le fijil uilh the Hire. S*>W his friends feel his wounded feelings •could be'assuaged, and the* are talking < r iunln him for emigres* from the 'I bird t’tmgrefstouai FHftl ♦. whtrh |s m Rt<~k!yr> V.iiiirnllv ihe Hon. Tima by Is not Idling in the best ol humor, hut h” Will dor'.lUf. Iw- Ki and to lit* the ton sll riMo<*,>. pomi which wvna to im Mb’ vt.ty thing in sight. <|l FFII POLITICS IN KEW YORK. The political situation in New' York is Chat of the bosses against the masses—at leaM that is the impression made by the reports that are appearing in the New York papers. The political bosses, Mr. j Croker and Mr. Platt, the former con ! trolling the Democratic machine and the j latter the Republican machine, do not ; want a man in the Governor's mansion who has a mind of his own. They want u man there who is willing to be guided the bosses. • It is the understanding that the Repub licans have decided to nominate Mr. R. B. Odell, the chairman of the Republican State Committee, for Governor. Mr. Odell Is popular with the Republican party workers and with his party generally, but he is believed to be willing to be guided by Boss Platt In all political mat ters. If be should be nominated ami elected Mr. Platt would be the real Gov ernor. He cannot get the independent vote, unless a more objectionable man is nominated by the Democrats. It Is ad mitted that the independent vote will de cide the election. Mr. (’oler is a candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for Governor. He Is a very strong man with the independents. He is also popular with Democrats of the rural districts and the best element of the Democrats in the cities. But the ma chine Democrats are against him. Mr. Croker is determined that he shall not he nominated. He doesn’t want him be cause he knows that lie would he against many of the schemes which Tammany lias in view for the benefit of Its members. It is believed by such able politicians as ex-Senator Hill that the Democrats could <*leot Mr. Co’er, provided Tammany would give him n* hearty support, and that with him as the Democratic guber natorial candidate the state could be car ried for Mr. Bryan. But it is very doubtful if Mr. Coler will get the nomina tion. If he should succeed in getting it. it is doubtful if Tammany would make a sincere *ffort to elect him. That or ganization, it is alleged, would prefer to have Mr. Odell for Governor. Mr. Bryan is likely' to lose New York because th** Democratic boss in that state is against the nomination for Governor of the man who would carry it for both the state and the national tickets. Democrats in other states have reason to complain of this condition of affairs. They are not particularly interested in the Democratic state ticket, but they are profoundly interested in the success of the Democratic national ticket. But there is no way' in w'hich they can Interfere in New' York, because Mr. Croker will nor permit interference. He says that he knows more about the political situation there than is known by outsiders, and he declares that Mr. Coler is not popu lar with Di mocrus. He is not popular wirh some Democrats, but that is no rea son why h£ should not bp nominated. If he is the only man the Democrats have any chance of electing, those Democrats who do not like him ought to pocket their feelings and stand by their party. They won’t do that, however, unless directed to do so by Mr. Croker. COMMISSIONER. PECK. Probably our representatives abroad, ambassadors, ministers, consuls, and par ticularly commissioners to foreign coun tries. are scrutinized more closely and crit icised ntore severely than is the case with the average government official at home. Their distance, perhaps, lends added In terest to any circumstances concerning them which the American public is en titled to know, and on that account, no doubt, the newspaper eye Is kept more closely upon them for the public's benefit. Commissioner Fet%nand W. Peck, Ihe Chicagoan who is the leading representa tive of the United States at the Paris Ex position by virtue of some special political . "pull.” has had a fair share of that sort of criticism which docs not result in the pleasantest sort cf notoriety, and it seems from all accounts that the end is not yet. In the tirst place there came some very positive reports of the dissatisfaction of American exhibitors on account of their difficulty In obtaining space in the Amer ican building because, as was charged, the space whs being sold. These reports were Just as positively denied; neverthe less they left tin unpleasant impression. Then there was h complaint alleged extravagance of the commissioner in mak ing away with the fund allowed for kef-p --ing up the American building, which, as will be remembered, almost led to a con gressional investigation. Later on when President Loubel paid an official visit to the American pavilion, the commissioner who. of all others, should have been on hand to receive him, seemed Io have im portant business elsewhere, and President hatl to "go it alone." More recently Commissioner Peek has been the subject of some tart criticism nn the part of President Nlssen of the Man ufacturers' Association of New York, who asserts that he is an "incompetent.” Mr. Nlssen states that Mr. Peck is unpopular with the American exhibitors, with many of whom he is said to have broken faith in the matter of promises of space, and he qualifies by the phrase "it Is said," the statement that Ci mntls loner Peck has em ployed his relatives and the sons of favor ites at large salaries, the earning of which consists in attending social functions. In defending Jlr. Peck from this attack Sec retary Griffith of the New York State Commission simply refers to the "vote of thanks" that was tendered the commis sioner by that body. Now there comes an amusing story about the commissioner, which mn.v lead to more trouble. Recently, as was announced in the press dispatches. Commissioner Peek was honored by the French government with a decoration, the badge of the Le gion of Honor. The story Is told that Mr. Pick wore the decoration on reiurn j mg to ills hotel from the Salle drs Fetes, and there proud 1)’ showed it to the head waiter. asking him If he had ever seen a decoration before, and remarking to the amused servant lhai similar honor ita<l been paid to Germans and Italians and to distinguished tn o of other countries, but never before to an American. The French man whp told the story said such an ac tion was In exceedingly bad taste, and deel.irtd that others similarly decorated never forget that Ii Is their courrtry that Is honored and not the individual. it seenta that Mr. Peek. In accepting the I decoi.ition. bis overlooked the cxtstltu- I tion .1 piohU'ltldhAgalne'official rapt*- sentatlve nf the United Ria'es accepting ..ny decoration fintn any foteixn sovereign or government unless specially authorised |todoso by congress It mav he that | Congre-r will om to Mr. Pic k s rc JI, THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, AUGUST 27. 1000. ! but in the meantime it would seem, if re* * ports are correct, that Mr. Peck has put | himself not only in a ridiculous, but a’r<> I in an illegal, attitude. FLORID \> c %PITAL. | Jacksonville now has her orators out j on spellbinding tours fur the purpose of trying to demonstrate to the people of • the stife why they’ should vote for the j remove I of Florida’s sear of govern ment from Tallahassee to that city. Hon. Frank (’lark, who appeals to be leading the movement in behalf of Jacksonville, fired ihe opening gun tit DeLand, where he presented the other day a carefully pre pared argument to show that his city is the only logical site for the Florida statehouse. In brief, Mr. Clark’s argu ments in favor of Jacksonville are its accessibility', its ability to furnish the necessary conveniences and facilities for the transaction of (he state’s business, its offer of SIOO,OOO in cash toward the new building, besides other considerations in the %vay of temporary quarters, and tlie tact that Duval county pays about one tenth of the stare’s taxes. Mr. Clerk also called attention at some length to the present condition of Flor ida’s capital which stands to-dav prac tically' as ii was constructed by the Fed eral government In territorial days. It may be far from adequate for the accom modation of the state’s officials, and the storage of the state’s valuable records. The fact, however. that the Legislature haw not seen fit to add to and improve the building, is not an argument against Tal lahoseee. Asa matter of fact as good a building can. be constructed in Tallahas see as in Jacksonville, Galnetsville, Ocala, or any of the other candidates for the sent of government. As to accessibility' some of the other candidate* for the capitol may’ enter the debate with Jacksonville. Heretofore, however, there has been no complaint of ’he inaccessibility of Tallahassee except from the northeastern part of the state, and the legislators from extreme South ern Florida have not appeared averse to going there. The conveniences necessary ro the transaction of business can be pro cured at any point, if the funds are pro vided for them. About the only' special advantages Jacksonville has to offer, so far rs can be seen, are that it is the largest city’ in the state, and a gift of SIOO,OOO. Many Floridians will, doubtless, ]>onder a long time before they vote for the state to spend $300,000 or $400,000 at Jacksonville, when one-third of that .imount invested at Tallahassee will an swer every' purpose. The coming primary on Nov. fi w.ll decide nothing more than Whether the Legislature shall pass a resolution pro viding for a change in Ihe constitution of the state for the removal of the cap itol to some other point, and whet point shall be named in the resolution. If such a resolution is passed the amendment must go before all the voters of the state for their ratification or rejection, nnd thus they will have two whacks at it. Prac tically the question before the people, in brief, is whether the capitol shall remain a* Tallahassee and be remodeled, and im proved to meet nH the present needs of the state, or removed to some other point at the great expense of putting up an en tirely new structure. The question is one of the most important which has con fronted the people of Florida In a decade o more, and its outcome will unquestion ably be fraught with much meaning Cos the Peninsular State. MUST W Y TO TEACH TEMPER ANCE The best and most effective method of conveying good impressions to the mind of youth Is a matter that Is likely to re main in controversy. Superintendent of Public Schools Boone of Cincinnati. 0., has. It appears, some very decided ideas on tihs subject. He has determined to abolish the use of charts In the public schools there showing the diseased condi tion of the body resulting from the use of alcohol. There is a well-grounded idea that an exhibition of the evil results of excesses and violations of the laws of nature is a powerful deturent to those Inclined to such abuses, and by some the wisdom of Superin tendent Boone's action will, no doubt, be questioned. Physicians have pronounced the charts used for the purpose stated, overdrawn and inaccurate, hut it is not al together on that account that Superintend ent Bopne has decided to discontinue their use. “I am opposed to the he says, "on the general idea of never giving a child a bad impression.” Superintend nt Boone goes even further than this. He recently refused to allow school children to attend a temperance lecture given at the Central Christian, Church of Cincin nati, on the ground that it ts injurious to have children's minds filled with bad im pressions. It is his idea that temperance should be inculcated into the youthful mind rather by showing its benefits than by exhibiting the evil side of drinking. There is food for much metaphysical thought In the ideas advanced by Super intendent Boone. The comparative value of good and bad example, properly illus trated and promptly applied, is. perhaps, a mooted question. "Which is the stronger deterrent from evil, the fear of punish ment or the hope of reward?" Is the way It is put in the- schoolboy's debate, and the affirmative has probably won the de cision as many time s us has tho negative. There can he no question that fear is a powerful force in shaping the career, hut can it he said that it builds up (he char acter of a man? We think not. It is the* w< ak character that bad impressions and the results of evil doing have the greatest deterrent off- cl upon. The re can , be- no doubt, however, of the gexxl effect In the formation of character of teaching the benefits e>f temperance in all things. Superintendent Boone Ir right in the con- , elusion that such teaching will serve to strengthen and build up the plastic anel | unformed character of the child. The character thus formed Is of far more value to society than that which inclines te> the i right merely front the fear of evil results. It is a moral influence whose effect will be felt in whatever community it may ta lon nd. "Bryan the Populist" Is tho way the New York Tribune heads its r< i>rt of Mi Hryan'r acceptance of ilu National Pop ulists' nomination for Ihe presidency. Tne Tribune's malice Is perceptible but it I could not have ina-te us,- of a less ig nominious appellation. The nun "Popu hst" eon be applied to Mr llryan only in the same sense as the term "Demo crat." which means a mat) of the poop:*, who is for tn people in alt things that I | are right. j The Department of Agriculture has just issued a bulletin giving the results of tin experiment in shipping American sw*ft po:cocs* to Paris and London. Ten bar i> s of selected sweet potatoes were ship ped <o each city, of course, under the most favorable conditions, in order to in sure. as ?.,r as possible, their preserva tion. While the experiment was not en tirety successful, it demonstrated the fact *hat with sufficient can* such shipments may be made. In some of the barrels there were found many rotten ones, aver aging about one-third. In London the potatoes were distributed through stores and some were given away. The English people who ate them found after one or iwo trials that they were quite palatable, and a ready sale could no doubt be found for them there. In France the potatoes were simply placed on exhibition, no' be ing distributed because they were in bond. However, they excited much cu riosity' and interest. The reports from both London and Paris indicate that if sweet potatoes can be placed in Eu rope in a good state of preservation, quite a market for them can, no doubt, be found there. “Is bicycling as a sport in its deca dence?” asks the Chicago Record. In Chk'ago it (H*ms that the nightly proces sion of wheels with flashing lights upon the boulevards is a thing of the past. The century run is a hack number, and the wheel is becoming a necessity, an object of utility’, where it once ranked s a luxury. To a great extent the same is true in Savannah. Probably’ as many’, if not more, wheels are ridden here than was the case a year ago, but the nightly pa rades on the county roads are largely a thing of the past. Where a hundred wheels were seen on the road a couple of summers ago there are now scarcely ten. if as many. Have the people tired of the sport, or has the utility of the wheel taken away part of the enjoyment that it gave as a luxury? The rumor that Russiy, Germany and Japan have declared wnr on China and invited America and England to withdraw. Is probably not well founded. It is not probable <that those Powers would take such action without due notice 'to the gov ernment at Washington, and so far as is known, no such notice has been given. It is not likely' that the American forces would be left <here to join in such a wnr if i*t were declared, but considering Eng land's well-known desire to get ail that is coming to her, it would be interesting to know just what she would do in the event such an invitation w’ere issued. Rev. William Hindman, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, Neb., of W’hich Mr. Bryan is a member, has been asked by his congregation 10 resign, because, as is charged, he has left the Republican fold and accepted the po litical teachings of Mr. Bryan. The ma jority’ of the members of i he church are Republicans and no word was ever said against the pastor until he became a Democrat. Mr. Bryan will, no doubt, champion the cause of his minister as against the congregation. It is seldom the farmers organize a trust for the protection of their interests, but that is what the broom corn producers of the West have done this year. Like wise the buyers of broom corn have form ed a combination, and it promises to be nip and tuck between the two organiza tions. The crop is short, the farmers have pooled their product, and the chances are they will get more out of it than has been the case in former years. The chance* are that Mr. Bryan will carry two boroughs of Manhattan in No vember. Manhattan, Kan., applauded his sentiments Friday, though the nudi eree was composed largely of Republi cans. and the borough of Manhattan, Gteuter New York, promises to fad in line when the time for making a showing comes around There will be 2,000 campaign orators at work for the Democratic candidates in September. The Democratic National Committee will, to a great extent, leave the matter of assigning them to thf* state committees. These orators will devote their attention to removing the doubt, in so far as possible, from the “doubtful states.” It is said Gov. Plngree of Michigan will probably join the Democrats In the fight against McKinley. It would not be sur prising. for the Governor has had a vari colored career since he embarked upon the uncertain sea of politics. Mr. Bryan will come across more kinds of pickpockets during his campaign than 4 hose who simply make a practice of go ing through the clothes of those in his audiences. Cl It HUNT COMMENT. The Philadelphia Record (Dorn.) says: “The crime which breeds lynch law arouses mob violence along ihe lakes as well as in distant Southern communities. Akron, 0.. where a mob sought to wreak upon a prisoner of the law the summary vengeance of Judge Lynch. Is s ar ely thirty’ miles from Cleveland, und is in habited by an industrious and ordinarily a law-respecting population; but with these people, no Jess than with the r neighbors far to the southward, tlie thirst for quick reprisal upon a wretch 100 base o live proved stronger than traditional regard for tlie mandates of authority. Such is human nature tiie country over; and such it will remain, no doubt, so long as the unpardonable crime shall menace the homes oi the people.” The Baltimore Sun (Detn ) says of Mr. Bryan’s Topeka speech: “Disappointed sorely must be those persons—lf any there were—who expected Mr. Bryan, in accept ing the Populist nomination for the pres idency. to recede from or qualify in any way the ground taken by him In his speech of acceptance of the Demo ratio nomination In favor of making imperial ism and militarism the paramount issues in the campaign, as they constitute to-day the greatest danger to the permanency o' our republican Institut eis and the cause of popular liberty. If anything, his words at Topeka are stronger, if possible, upon this point than what he said at Indianap olis." The Chicago Chronicle (Dem ) cuys: That gifted political expert Henry 4'\ Payne G tirmb convince! that the return if Penator CVfewart to the Republican pnrt\ means ‘a political r volution in the mountain states.’ Mr I’ayn* ilso leheves of corns*, that one swhdow mukea n sum mer, but that does rot tnattet The Inter Hsiing thing L th* e'Mdm rise nf Hr. Hirwatt from the position fa lisereil fd silver stir **ker to that of |>ol|M n| tM || wrthrr f t thf whole country w*( *,f the Mils! <*lppt Marvelous:” >lr. \Yu*m Pertinent Question. Senator Eugene Hale of Maine told re cently with amused chagrin of a passage at arms he had with Mr. Wu, the Chinese minister, says the New York Tribune. The treatment of the missionaries in the Far East was under discussion, and .h-? Senator had trotted out a number of in stances oi maltreatment, and even worse, that the missionaries had met with at the hands of their Eastern brethren. Th* Senator then pointed out to the minister that this was hardly' the way in which the missionary’ should be received, and that a liberty of faith should be accorded their subjects by Eastern rulers. All through this homily the Chinese minister had grinned sympathetically, but a tritle derisively. “Liberty of religious thought, eh?” Wu inquired tentatively, when his chance came. “You not always give liberty of religious thought in this country; you sometimes p* rseeute the missionary in these great United States. I think?” To this, needless to say', the junior Senator from the Pine Tree State interposed a vig orous denial. “No. you never do such things here, never! You never persecute the poor mis sionary! You are too high-minded. You have too much freedom of thought for that!” And here Wu’s derisive smile grew diabolical. “How about that Levantine af fair?” “Levantine affair?” was the puzzled in quiry. “Yes, Levantine affair; affair at Le vant. What did you do there?” And then the Senator suddenly remem bered the fate of a Mormon missionary at Levant. Me. The keen Celestial eye of the Chinese minister saw ihe look of un derstanding in Senator Hale's eye, and he drove the nail home. “What did you do with that Mormon missionary nt Levant* eh? You gave him what is called the tar and feathers; i* is not so?” But the Senator had no Response at hand. Greeley’s Ways Willi Victuals. One of the most remarkable traits which characterized Horace Greeley was his complete nbsorjtfion of the duties of the moment, says the Youth’s Companion. When hard at work, he would forget all about his meals, and gradually he fell into the habit of depending on one of his assistants io keep on the lookout for him in this respect. The editor would call out, “Jones, hove I had my dinner yet?” and Jones would give the correct answer. Once, while at the house of a leading politician, Greeley’ had been having a heated discussion, when his host’s wife invked him to partake of some refresh ment. Without heeding what he was do i ing, Horace seized a plate of crullers, and | emptying its contents on his lap, continu- I cd the discussion, munching a cruller now I and then until he had finished the lot. H*s kind-hearted hos4ess, fearing that in the absorption of the moment Mr. Greeley had eaten so many’ crullers as to make himself ill. and having been told rhat cheese in moderation is a capital digester, handed him a small plate of cheese, hoping that he would t ike a bite or Vvo, and thus indirectly and uncon sciously’ counteract the effect of ihe crul lers. But Greeley’, in his excitement, treated the cheese as he had treated the crullers. Finally all the cheese disap peared, to the astonishment and alarm of the sympathetic hostess. A few moments later, the discussion having ended, she was astonished to hear Mr. Greeley, evidently unconscious ef all he had devoured, deliver an eloquent ha rangue on the virtues of graham or brown bread, and denounce with vigor the pernicious fondness of Americans for cheese! % Servant King in Fiction. Kipling's famous story. “The Man Who Would Be King.” is founded on fart, says London Answers. An ex-civil servant named Cosw r per, who had come to grief in his profession, obtained the powers of a monarch in Kaflristan. This is a wild and dangerous country' at the back of Af ghanistan. north of India, and. as rule, it is certain death for any European who is found there. The Kaffirs—nothing to do with the Africans, by’ the way—are one of the cruelest and most turbulent on earth. Yet this man, who went without followers or money', was actually installed as king—for a shot* time. He was a master of the Kaffir language and man ners. and managed to get himself accept ed as a sort of god. While he was king he didhe thing thor oughly. and governed well; also surround ing himself with money, horses, and serv ants. His reign, which was popular while it lasted, gained for him the rever ence of the people, for they believed him to be a genuine deity, and worshipped as a temple he had erected to himself. He established the beginnings of a great horse trade with Afghanistan, which flourished ever since, and the coun try* certainly prospered under his rule. He only held the throne for a year, how ever, for a rival chief aroused a faction against him. and had him murdered. The Sliah Kept IMn Hat On. The Shah of Persia, like our early Qua kers. religiously object to taking off hi* hat in a Christian Church, sayft the Lon don News. On his way from Peters burg to Paris the Shah stopped nr Cologne and expressed a wish to see the interior of the famous cathelral. His grand vizier was sent to ihe ecclesiastical authorities to make the needful urr.mgemf nts for his master’s visit. The Persian minister was informed that it was the rule of the Church of Cologne, as unchangeable as the laws of the oil Moles and Persians, that every* visitor, however sublime his position, should uncover his head whl’e in the Cathedral. “In that case,” said the grand vizier, “my master will never come.’’ Subsequently, however, it was nr. ranged that all ordinary visitors should be excluded during the Shah’s presence, ! and that he and bis ten ministers should be permitted to inspect the Church of the Three Kings of the Has:—for such is the dedication of the cathedral--not, indeed, with their ten hat*, but with ten small lumbswool caps upon their heads. It was casualisti'ally, but very conveniently, de termine*! that this would be no more ir reverent than the wearing of a beretta by a priest or of a mltt£ by the archbishop within the sacred walls. \ll %fter Mr. Rockefeller l>r. Harper rf ihe Univer-i’y of Chicago has British •rivals in his designs on John I). Roc k'efelh r s mi' ions, says the Lon don <• rrenpondence of th* Paul Globe. Wlicfi the oil king visited London in July, J his presence at the p tvoy hotel had not 1 been ohro iic'c l mote than tw r.ty-four ] hours I efi ro hundreds of letters Ic.a i ro arrive f* r him. His secretary opene I only enough to observe that ev ry* men I di ant and institution in th* empire was po.-r-essed cf ad s rc* to in k the a - mint nee of the R. . k**fe ler tm nificei ee | The applications ranged I r om r qu sts for a ton ot *oal to no Itlons for the ndow- I ii out of <• 11* ges and oral an asylums,an 1 ; th* y ate s i'l o ining. Mr Rockefeller will , return to London late n the fall. There j awa ts Mm at th*- Savoy a bundle of lot- j tors nearly two feet square. \ntl|HMleatt Tale of a Dor. Murphy, when he lived in the huh, al ways shared his blanket with tin* pup, but when he shifted to town he had to break th** pup of its old habit, says the j S *ln ' Bulletin First time he caught it | in b*d In* kicked It out Next lime Toby heard bin* coming, and jumited up quick* t l\ , bu; Murphy ua suspicion**, pm his! hand *4i the bed iii)*l Lain.l p v\ irrn Then ( there was trouh •* f*-r one -mail dog. Tea* •lay the pup earnestly wrotchod Murphy • Doling hi** dinner by blowing on it f.j. I lowing day Murphy earn* uome hi unit • 1 hum , sneaked qu;#tiy up Muirs and on i s* rved the pup blowing on the bed for .ill I hr wu worth. . ITEMS OF INTEREST. —The worn-out uniforms of the British army are sold at auction each year, and bring back into the treasury nearly $150,- uOO annually. —As an evidence of the supremacy of the English tongue In the Far East it is to be noted that the various foreign jour nals use the English word “Boxer” In speaking of the society which is foment ing such grave disturbances in China. For example: the Germans write “die Boxers.” the Italians, “11 Boxers,” and in Spanish it is “los Boxers.” —The village* of Santa Foy tie Tare-n --taisc* in Eastern France seems doomed to be engulfed. The base of the hill on which it stands is being eaten away by the rapid waters of the. Isete. Some of the houses show crooks rivaling those of our Cheshire Northwich. Some day there will be a “short, sharp shock,” and Tarentaise will no longer exist. —According! to Prof. L. O. Howard, chief of the bureau of entomology at Washington, the honey industry has shown marked development in recent years, and there are to-day more than 300,<X)0 persons engaged in it, the vol% of the product being $20,000,000. There are 110 apiarian societies and eighty journals devoted to tho industry. Much of the honey is exported, England being the chief purchaser. Nor bus the limit by any means been reached. —One of the most remarkable railroads in the United Stats is that which runs from Fabyan, at the foot of Mount Wash ington, to the summit—a distance of 3.3S miles. The time required in making the ascent is one and one-half hours, which is at the rate of a mile in twenty-seven minutes. The descent is made in the same time. The fare is $1 for the roud trip, or at the rate of sixty cents a mile. No other road in the world charges quite so much, and few run trains at a speed quite so slow. About 6,000 passengers are car ried annually. —A prize of 1,000 franca is offered, says the Electrician, by the French Industrial Association against Accidents to Labor ers, at Paris, for (he most efficacious insu lar ing glove for electrical workmen. The gloves must be strong enough to resist, not only the electric current, but also ac cidental perforation by copper wire, etc., and must, in addition, be easy io wear by hands of any size and allow the work man’s fingers sufficient freedom to exe cute their work. The Competition ,is in ternational, and is open until December 31. 1900. —To discover a universal language, says the London Globe, is the dream of many Ia sane and domesticated gentleman. One j of these patient scholars, we are told, has just hit upon a Volapuk which he calls “Clarison," and which "contains no let ter which its not in every Continental alphabet, and no vocal sound which an Englishman, a Frenchman, a German, or an Italian would have to learn.” A shorter way to a universal language, we believe, would he to turn three or four babies of every European nationality loose on a desert island, with plenty of food, for ten years, and then see tongue they had evolved. —The new possessions of the United States will be well represented among the students of the University of Michigan during the coming season. Thus far one Cuban and several Puertoriquenox have registered, and last week three Filipinos arrived. They are Senors Lorenzo Orl rabia of Cavile; Artiraga of Manila, and Juan Tecson of Vulacan. All three have been sent by the International Club of Ma nila. and were successful candidates in a competitive examination for scholarships in this country. Four Filipinos have al ready been sent to this country by the club, one having entered the University of California. Three others were sent to Ann Arbor through the influence of Com missioner Worcester. —“The Hartford Courant thus presents the other side of a much discussed ques tion: "It would be intt resting to know how many men, women and children have itc* n killed became the horsts beh'nd which they were riding had not 'docked t ii s.' Nothing makes a horse behave ng -- r and more urr aso a! le than to get hit undorkrd tail across a teln. Down goes the tall, and the more the tad pres-es the more annov.d 1- the horse. Off he goes, kicking and running, and whoever is behind or in front cf him is in for tr übe. The situation is full of danger. 'Dumb Animals' may not be es pecially let rested In the fact that hu man b-ings are imperilled, but some con sideration should he had for the horse." —The second malarial exiteditioti of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine has just wired home from Bonny, in Nigeria news of a most important discovery - namely, that the parasite which causes elephantiasis has. like that which causes malaria, been found in the proboscis of 'he mosquito. Oddly enough, the same discovery ha- just been simultaneou-'y made by Dr Low in England. In mosqui toes brought from Australia, and by Capt. James In India. Elephantiasis is a dis ease which causes hideous deformity ,n thousands, or rather millions, of natives in tropical countries, and sometime- in European residents, ft Is due to a small worm which lives in the lymphatic ves sels end occludes them. The fact that this worm can live also In the mosquito has long been known, but the discovery of it in the insect's proboscis shows tint It enters the human body by the bites of tnose pests. -The Pars correspond nt of L-ndon Truth writes: Is there any billionaire or trll io alre who would like to make a | startlingly ch c present, an I yet one of jan extremely simple chara-Ur? ]f so 1 t h m first buy a Panama lady's cycling hat at the exhibition for fBO. He can fill thD hat with four p.unds of goMen-t'p ca costing 1160, at the Ceylon or Indian Pavll'on. Next, he can place In the tea the 240-carat diamond, worth £280,001. Does not this rrmind you of Br llai-Sav arin's olive in the o-tolan that was nlac tii in a quail and the quail in a wood ooelc, ard the w odcoek in a pha,-an ? When all these birds were roasted the olive only was to be eaten. Should the billionaire nr trllllonaire not be enamored o simple ty, he can deck the hat with some of the rare orchids in the city of Paris' greenhouses. Tiny only c„<t 30 shillings a 1 ce A f-w dezens of them woud mi ke the 184 hat look smart. T 1 e day of big books h.t- gone by," I sai ‘* 11 dealer, speaking of some recent line publications, according io the New York News. "1 p to a few years ago nearly ull ! b'- art prints and handsome limited addi tions of standard works were either folios or something almost as large There's a beautiful set of Dickens, for Instance, printed in 'B6. The Illustrations alone cost full\ ssot i". and it represented high-water mark in mechanical excellence at that pe riod. Bui look at the size of the vol umes. Thfy are almost as olg and heavy is standard cyclopedias I At present the tendency Is Just the other way, and the majority of the rcull.v lino books that are IH-tng published are small and light The usual cover measurement Is from five h> swell to six hy eight inches, and moat of the standard novels are coining out In that size, one reason why bly U-oks hat von,’ out of favor may strike you at ilrt blush us ruth, r foolish, hut I .mi assured of its Impel i> publishers who hare mad- the ' rude a life siudv The big booh cun'l be read In lied It’s too hen-, 1,, 1,,, li-l'l When on,- is in H reclining position while the small -oinps.'t volun - -an oe handled as easily as a magazine Th trrei I massive rollon of the old time- nude f tile* omamenis for the center table ~,u j ] came In handy for the v.-ins, children u> ' sit on at mblr, but to really read u ,,. m was a Job for an athUia." Ocean SteamsniD Go. -FOR IMew York, Boston —AND— THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All the comforts ot a modern hotel. Electric lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets include meals and bertha aboard ship. Passenger Fares lrom Savannah. TO .NEW YORK—FIRST CABIN. UO FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $32; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sls; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. s2l STEERAGE, $lO. TO BOSTON FIRST CABIN. $;:• FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $36. IN TEItMEDIATE CABIN. sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. $28.00. STEERAGE. $11.75. The express steamships of this line are appointed to sail from Savannah, Central (IkMh) meridian time, as follows: BVYAW AH TO NEW YORK. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher. TUES DAY, A up. 28. 7:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg, THURSDAY. Aug. 30. 8:U0 a m. TALLAHASSEE. Cart Askins. SAT URDAY. S-pt. 1. 9:00 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Dagget*, MONDAY. Sept. 3. 11:30 a. m. NACOOUIIEE. Capt. Smith, TUESDAY, Sept 4, 12:20 p. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fish-T, THURS DAY. Sept. 6. 2:30 p. m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Bcir, SATI’RDAY, Sept. 8. 4:00 p. m. TAELAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, MON DAY. Sept. 10,-5:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Paggett. TUESDAY. Sept. 11, 0:31 p m. NACOOCHEE. Capt Smith, THURS DAY, Sept 13. 8:0> p. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher, SATUR DAY. Sept. 15. 10:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg, MONDAY. Sept 17. 12:f0 noon. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Askins, TUES DAY, Fe_ t. IR. 1:0 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt Daggett, THURSDAY. Sept. 20. 2:30 p m NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith, SATUR DAY. Sept. 22 4:00 p m KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher, MONDAY. Sept. 21. 5:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Berg, TUESDAY. Sept. IS. 5:20 p. m. TALLAHASSEE. Cant. Askins. THURS DAY, S pt. 27. 0:30 n m CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, SATURDAY, Sept. 29. 8:01 p m. NEW YOU K TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY, Aug. 27. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. 31. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WED. NKSDAY, Sept. 5, noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt Savage, MON DAY, Sepl. 10, noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Sept. 14. noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Sept. 19. noon CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. MON DAY, Sept. 24. noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt Savage, FRI DAY, Sept. 28. noon. This company reserves the right to change Ms sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for. Sailings New York for Savannah daily except Sundays. Mondays and Thursday, 5:00 p. m. w. G. BREWER. City Ticket and Pass enger Agent. 107 Bull street. Savannah. Ga. E. W. SMITH, Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah. Ga. R. G. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah, Ga. WAI.TER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dep’t, 224 W. Bay street. Jack sonvillfc, Fia. E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Sa vannah. Ga. P E I.E FEVRE. Superintendent, New Pier 25. North River New York N. Y. M Emms AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMSHIP LINES. SAVANN *ll TO BALTIMORE. Tickets on sale at company's offices to the following points at very low rates: ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. BALTIMORE, MD. BUFFALO, N. Y. BOSTON. MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND, O. ERIE, PA. HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG, PA. HALIFAX. N. S NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER. TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-class tickets include meals end state room berth, Savannah to Baltimore Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. Freight capacity unlimited; careful han llng and quick dispatch. The steamships of this company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah to Balti more as follows (standard time): D. H. MILLER. Capt. Peters, TUES DAY. Aug. 28 . 6:00 p. m. ITASCA. Capt. Diggs, THURSDAY, Aug. 30, 7:00 p. m. ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster, SATUR DAY. Sept. 1, 10:00 p. m. TEXAS. Capt. Eldridge, TUESDAY, Sept. 4, 1:30 p. m. D IT. MILLER. Capt. Peters. THURS DAY. Sept. 6. 3:30 p. m. And Dora Baltimore Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 4:00 p m Ticket Office. 39 Bull street. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agent J. J CAROLAN, Agent, Savannah. Ga. W P. TURNER. G. P. A A. D. STEBBINS, A. T M. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager General Offices Baltimore. Md. SI MM EH ULSO-ITS. CHARIVIING RESORTS For health and pleasure along the line o£ the Tabular! Falks Ry Cos. To those seeking summer homes attention is in vited to the delightful mountain resort* along the line of the Tallulah Fails Rv Close connections are made with all Southern Hallway trains. You can leave Atlanta 7:50 o. m., 12 o’clock noon, and 4:30 i>. m. Comfortuble and convenient hotels and boarding houses are located nt Pemorost, Flarksvllle, Nacoochee Val ley. Turnersvllle. Tallulah, TalluUh Falls, and in Rabun county. Any of these pin* <e eon be reached in three hours’ ride from Atlanta. This is one of the most beautiful and picturesque sections of the South, 'ihe climate Is cool and salubrious n1 the water the purest and he.t In the world. For fur ther information apply to SAMVKL C*. DUNLAP. General Manager, Clarksville. Oa.^ HOTEL VICTORIA Broadway, iiii avenue and 27ih st., New York city. Entirely now; absolutely fl'e proof; Kuropean plan. Rooms, SI.OO pf day and upward. RORKHT T. DUNLOP. Manager. Formerly of Hotel Imperial- M lluiil.s AND COMiKUKI. ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY ~ For I,u mt I. D 4iliinsiO(i, county, Georgia, admltic.) i< be one of the mom home-like iiimltuiiuiia In the cotui try. Climate healthy. Extensive. Uwn* Courae thorough Tel tne moderate Mnnc, Art, Phyaloal Culture, Elocution, nten'ig raphy and Typewriting Addreaa MOTHER SUPERIOR.