The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 28, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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FIFTY-TWO FHISQNERS TRIED. Two Yc-w Policemen Appointed and Went on Duty Last \i£lit. Fifty-two prisoners appeared in the Re vorder’s Court yesterday, an unusually large number, even for a Monday's court, during the hottest part of the sum mer. The majority of the prisoners had been arrested on comparative minor charges, however, and were disposed of so rapidly that the entire docket was cleared by noon. Arthur James,the 12-year-old colored boy who was arrested Saturday for a criminal attempt on Bessie Harden, also colored, was turned over to his parents, with the advice that they give him a good thrash ing. There was no need of a second sug gestion in this line, and Arthur, after being thoroughly pounded in the stables, promised to be good in future. Joe Smith, the white stranger who was arrested Saturday night at the request of two ladies, whom he followed on Bar nard street, and to whom he made in sulting proposals, was sentenced to thirty days on the chaingang, in lieu of a fine of SIOO, which he was unable to pay. Anna Jenkins, colored, arrested Sunday night on the charge of disturbing divine worship at Perry and West Broad streets, and who both cursed and fought the ar resting officer and the sallyport man and turnkey, was given thirty days in con finement, with the option of paying S2O for her fun. A. A. Johnson, white, charged by Ivey Pounder with having assaulted h?r early Sunday morning, was discharged. Willie Green, colored, arrested by De tective Stark Saturday on the charge of a burglary, committed here about a year ago, had his case continued. E. M. Browning, a white stranger, who tanked up and went to sleep in the Cen tral Railroad depot, and who, when sent in, was found to have concealed weapons on his person, was sent to the City Court on the last charge. W. C. Goodman and Moses Buckwald were sworn as policemen yesterday to fill the places of J. J. Barrett, dead, and .1. Dooley, who recently resigned. The men were fitted out with uniforms and went on duty last night. AT THE THEATER. Woodward - Warren r.ngngeinrnt Opened Before n I.nrge Audience. The Woodward-Warren Company open ed Its engagement last night with Nat Good vein's play, "A Gold Mine.” The au dience wns an unusually large one for a first night, even when it is not ladies’ night. The play was presented as all of Mr. Woodward's plays are, in an accept able manner. The company is stronger, if anything, than that of last season, and is one of the best repertoire companies (hat comes to Savannah. The play was presented with the following cast: Silas K. Wolcott Mr. Woodward Gerald Riordan of Gals' Valley, Cal Mr. Edward Houghton Sir Everard Goxwood.Mr. Charles Hitner George Foxwood Mr. Keenon Buel Julius Krebs Mr. Charles B. Milton Wilson Mr. Charles Middleton The Hon. Mrs. Meredith... Miss Bertha Houghton Miss Una Foxwood Miss Lula Rumley Mrs. Vandervast Miss Marie Dale Between the first and second acts, Charles Milton appeared in pleasing spe cialties and between the second and third acts the Rumley sisters were the enter tainers. To-morrow afternoon the company will copear in a bran new comedy "Mr. Young of Utah," and Wednesday night will pre sent the English melodrama “The Tieket of-Leave r Man.” The latter play will be remembered by the older theater patrons, as having been in the repertoire of (he late William J. Florence and is considered one of the best of English dramas. To-night Herrmann will be the attrac tion The principal part of the Herrmann entertainments has always consisted of s'nrtling phenomena, the work seemingly setting at naught all the laws of nature. It is replete with mysticisms and those deeds ordinarily ascribed to the redoubt able Prince of Darkness. Yet everything Is simply done, and Herrmann has frank ly disclaimed any supernatural agencies. He unquestionably stands alone in the art diabolique. That the theater-going public etill admire this form of entertainment is evident from the advance sale of esats. •* ’TAINT NO SOFT SNAP.” % Street Car Conductor’s Opinion of Ills Job. ”A street ear conductor’s Job Is not by a loner shot so soft a snap as most people seem to think It is,” said one of them yes terday. “Besides lons hours, we have all sorts and conditions of people to deal, with: dodgers who try to beat their way, cranky people who seem to think we are mind readers and ought io know where they want to get off without signalling, who want a whole seat for a nickel; the woman with three or four children who wants to carry them all for a nickel; peo ple who signal a car a block off and ex pect you to hold for them to walk all the way, and when they get to the car stop and ask you “Does this car go down town” or “Does this car gou up town,” just os If they couldn’t look at it and see for themselves. “Then there’s the woman with half a dozen other women and children waiting on the crossing and frantically waving us down. When we stop she remem l >ers that she hasn’t kissed the baby* goodby and we lose a minute or more while she goes through the performance. The transfer kicker is another trouble that we can’t go to the police with, though we get along with him pretty well. 1 tell you we don’t have no 6uch easy job as some people think we've got. Just you try' it awhile and sec.” VICTIMS or VACATION'S. Ills That Follow Slaving a Good Time on Holiday. “Did you ever have vacation irostra tion?” asked a man who has been off for a month’s holiday, and came back with and tire dfeeling that lllustratfe the scrip tural saying, “the last state of man Is worse than the first.” “Well, if you’ve never had it, you don't know what it is. It’s n feeling like one is all played out, with not only a disincli nation to get down to work, but a j>osi tive aversion to anything like it. How do I account for It? Well, it’s because peo ple who go off for a vacation wear them selves out trying to make the most of it, end come back home hollow-eyed, shaky and nervous, and have to go on a course of modiclne to get braefd up. What the average vacationer need* Is a sub-vaca tion, to give him a chance to recover from the physical disability into which he has plunged in ills attempts to enjoy his vacation proper. This sort of thing affects women ns well as men. Too much dancing, too m any card parties and drive* and rides, too violent a change in exercise, and too many social events lead to destruction, •and what I have calbd vacation prostra tion. It's a bad disease and a hard one to treat, and con over, I con tell you.” Ilurtied II ridge Hr pa I red. The Plant System bridge over the Lit tle Ogeccheo, about twelve miles from •he city, which was burned Sunday night, has been repnlred, nnd trains wh?ch were formed to use the Seaboard's track* arc now running over the bridge. The origin of the fire Is not known. Fiunt bystem train No. 23 was the first to go ovar the bridge yesterday afternoon. For a woman to come to that period known as change of life. It is almost always a period of suffering, and the de rangement of mind and body is some times so great that the family life is ut terly marred by the unhappy wife and mother. At such a time every \vo:nan needs just the help that is given by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It works with Nature, soothes the nerves by nour ishing them, and cures diseases of the delicate organs. In brief, it makes weak women strong; sick women well. "Favorite Prescription” contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic. " I have taken four battles of * Favorite Pre scription ’ for female weakness and change of life." writes Mrs. Lizzie A. Bowman, of New Matamoras, Washington Cos.. Ohio. '’Before I began taking it I could not do anything. I had such pains in my head and in tne back of ray neck that I thought I would lose ray mind. Now I can work every day and do not suffer. I rec ommend * Favorite Prescription ’ to all women suffering in the period of change of life. It is the best medicine I have ever found.*’ Every woman should send for a free copy of Dr. Pierce’s Medical Adviser. Send 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo,N. Y. Tlie Georgia Tech. Capt. P. B. Winn, B. S., C. E., of Stnunton, Va„ has just been elected as sistant professor in the Georgia School of Technology. He, was educated at the United States Naval Academy, and is a graduate of the David Military School, Winston, N. C. t and is a graduate with two degrees, B. S. and C. E., from the National Normal University, Lebanon, O. He is the author of “Elementary Ex periments in Chemistry,“ “Students’ Notes on Physics,” “Lecture Notes on Electricity and Magnetism.” He will live in the dormitory at the school and will contribute a great deal toward the successful management of dormitory life among the students. Prof. Winn comes to the institution with the highest recommendations, and brings to his work the experience of many years of success in his profession. The most noticeable change in the school life at the Tech the coming year will he seen in the management of the dormitory and in the culinary depart ment. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Crosby will have charge of the mess hall work, and they bring with them the results of many years’ experience in their business. Mr. Crosby was in charge of the Spa restaurant in the Equitable building. At lanta, and has been identified with cater ing and hotel work for the past twenty years. He has- entered thoroughly into the spirit which animates the authorities at the Tech, and his ambition will be to give -the students the best possible board for the amount of money paid. All of the buildings and dormitories have been thoroughly overhauled, and not a day has been lost in putting every available spot in order for the coming year. By no means the least interesting en terprise at the Tech is the cotton patch in the rear of the textile building. The cotton was planned in order to be an ob ject lesson for the students who wflll car ry the staple through the different pro cesses of manufacturing, from the field to i he finished product in high grade cot ton goods. While the Tech is not an agricultural department of the educational interests of Georgia, the success of the cotton field will compare favorably with that of any farm in the state. The stalks of the staple measure over six feet in high/, and many of them have fifty bolls to the stalk. Later on the cotton from this field will be gathered and prepared as above stated. "Graybcarr] is a family medicine with us,” sa'd a preminrnt business man yes terday. “My wife takes it, and I notice she is enjoying better health than for years. The children keep well by taking it." Grayb ard may be obtained at all and i g stores or write to us for it. Respess Drug Cos., sole preps.. Savannah, Ga.—ad. "Anew lino ot eygant fire pr:of safes from the large-t manufacturers in the United States can be seen at Llppman Bros., wholesa;e druggists in this city. Price and qua ity will be of interest." —ad. LKGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO DEBTORS ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice is hereby given to ail persons hav ing demands against Rosa Green, late of sai.l county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, .so as to show their character and amount; and all persons in debted to said deceased are required to make immediate paynftnt to me. Savannah, Ga., July 20, 1900. PATRICK O'CONNOR. Executor. TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—No tice is hereby given lo all persons having demands against Mary Ann Theus. late of said county, deceased, to present hem to me. properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all persons in debted to said deceased arc required to make Immediate payment to me. Savannah. Ga.. July 3. I9on. JOHN J. BURNS, Executor. | INJECTION. ; A PERMANENT CURE < i of the mort obitlnate ca-scs of Gonorrhoea i 1 and (ileof., puttrantooil in from 3 to o | ! dftys ; no treatment required. Sold hr all drugirlfta. ( SCy.RE YOURSELF! Use flic f>r unnatural iisrhurtfcs, intiauiaiiitiiiua, rrltutiona or ul-prutious >f mucous nirnibraijAf. i’ainleou, and not aalna* , gent or poisonous. Mold by Druirrlnta, or sent In plain wrapper, hr espraea. pr**t*a,d. tor •i m, or 3 hotll-K, L 7. Clrcolrr on r J. D. WEED & CO UVAMAII, OX. Leather Belting. Steam Packing & Hose. Agent. Ir NEW IOIIK HllWfcEh BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. THE MOKNING NEWS: TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1900. CLASSIFIED AuVtflflSEMttiTS. rtuitso.x “JOHN K. U.” AWARE?—THAT IT IS finger-ring-sale week at Fegeas’, 28 East Broughton lialr. Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. My sister got hers there 11 years ago and she has been happy and lucky ever since. The ring to-day is as good as new. Some of the prices I saw in his window: Solitaire diamond ring, $5100; plain gold band rings in the latest Tiffany shapes from $1.50 to $15.00; ruby cluster ring, $2.70; amethyst misses' ring, 98c; baby’s ring, 49c. The size of my finger is No. 6Va.” THE BARBERS* BIG PICNIC TO-DAY at Lincoln Park, and a big cakewalk to night. led by Mr. Jot' Brown. H. Ponder, manager. Four big prizes given away. N -TICE TO CONTRACTORS: PLANS ond specifications for a school building, to l>c erected at Statesboro, Ga., can be seen at office of Mayor; also at office of the architect, L*. F. Goodrich, August**. Ga., and at office of H. J. Lamar & Son*?, Mu con. Ga. Bids for the erection and com pletion of this building will be received by the Mayor, until 6 o’clock p. m., on Sept. 4. 1900. The right to accept or re ject any or eli bids is reserved. Address J. W. Wilson, Mayor, Statesboro, Ga. 'U~SHOULD - SEE~MILLER*S~FURNI ture; newest styles for bedroom, dining room, parlor, in oak, walnut and mahog any; Miller’s prices and terms are rea sonable. 207 Broughton, west. TRY THE Mil K FROM 9PRING fIeId Dairy. It s rich, pure and whole some. There is non' 1 b tter. “LADIES. SAFE ' HOME REMEDY ; circular and particulars free. P. O. Box 30S8, Boston,' Mass. ~sl.oo FOR WO VEN WI RE COTS while they last. C. P. Miller, Agent. ~U SHOULD SEE MILLER’S NEW styles in carpets, matting, window shades, art squares, rugs, lace curtains, etc.; Miller’s prices and terms are reasonable. 207 Broughton, west. FINE RICEFIELD LAMB AT “BA ker’s,” every day; best of all other meals In market. ' KIMBALL’S A N'T! - R HE U M A TI C rings; thousands using them and all ben efited. Gardner’s Bazaar, agt. ”lF _ ITS~RUGS YOU WANT, YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGillis. $1.48 BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS, ladies’ size; large assortment of rockers, couches and easy chairs. C. P. Miller, Agent. MING UP 2464 IF YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. "u’SHOULD SEE MILLER’S OFFICE desks, office tables, office chairs, office matting, office shades. C. P. Miller, Agent. FLORAL DESIGNS. PALMS AND CUT flowers, at Gardner’s Bazaar, agent for Oelschig’s Nursery. U WILL SOON MOVE AND f WILL certainly need something in my line; 17 will save money by trading with me. C. P. Miller, Agent. ' M'GILBIS SEGLaAiNTY-rNCH"RUG9 —Bmyrna patterns—for 99 cents. * SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. BADIEfi. SAFE HOME REMEDY: c-ircular and particulars free. P. O. Box 3088, Boston, Mass. M'GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN. sl. At Gardner’s Bazaar, IS YOUR IRON SAFETFIRE PROOF? Stiffel & Freeman have a standing offer of SI,OOO for every safe of their moke that does not preserve its contents. One safe was in burning debris 113 hours. When taken out, the hose hod to be turned on it. When opened, not a page was dis colored, not a rectord lost, not a dollar de stroyed. If you want security, buy a Stiffell & Freeman safe. C. P. Miller, Agent. “ M'GILLIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. 11~SHOULD - SE N D YOUR ORD ERS for tuning and repairing pianos and of gans to W. P. Manning, with C. P. Mil ler, Agent; prompt attention to out-of town orders. C. P. Miller, Agent. — SPECIAL, - AN UNLIMITED' SUPPLY of nice willow rockers; ladies’ size, at $2. J. W. Teeple. M'GILLIS MOVES; PACKS! SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture: best work only; no “Cheap-John” prices—no “Cheap- John” jobs. IT SHOULD SEE Ml I.LER'S - STOVES and ranges; the best makes at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller, Agent. WHEN YOU SEE M'GILLIS' SIXTY- Inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can't belp It; will sell In odj quan tity. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,” Is a specialty tvlth McGlllia. U SHOULD SEND ME YOUR OR ck-rs for upholstering parlor and dining room furniture in leather, silk and other fab rics, In the best manner; curled hair, moss end cotton mattresses renovated; all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed. C. P. Miller, Agent. PU LLE Y ~BELTSHSC, BTTCKLES, 10C; aluminum shirt set, 10c, at Gardner’s Ba zaar. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 200 for 2i cents, at Rtialness Office Morning Netra. MEDICAL. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies,” in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos.. Philada-, Pa. “HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references in the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WASTED—MALE. 'TwnttT^TTkTnsedTrugThst at once; state experience, salary, married or singe, including rcler nces. Box No. 32, care tile State, Columbia, S. C. WANTED. RELIABLE MAN AS stenographer and clerk; give references. Address Box 19, Morning News. WANTED. TEN FIRST-CLASS BRICK layers for work out of the city. Apply at 12 o'clock Tuesday at Pulaski House, Algernon Blair. t MANAGER TOR BRANCH OFFICE at Suvannoh by old established house; salary 110 month, also liberal commission on sales; JftO cash and references re quired. Address Box 581, Philadelphia, P*. WANTED, CITY DRUMMER, WHO owns or can furnish horse and wagon, to sell ar.d deliver to grocers canned und keg soda and two grades baking |ww/r; price and quality sell our goods; pays better than traveling; many of our men clear over s!<>t per momh; must give bond or pay cost of stock furnished. R, T. Hoyal Boda Works, Loulavllle, Ky. 'WANTED. AT ONCE. SUPKKlN tendent for large saw mill; none but tlrst claes, with best references, need apply. Address Ilox 65, rare Morning News. IIK |,|* WA S TED—FI IM ALK. 1 '^vAvnuTT^riTrrTr"woman wTtil out 11, ambiance; good home. Apply at j once, 323 Wait Bolton treL AGESTS WASTED. every town to sell the finest line of cam paign novelties in the world; now is the* time; over 100 per cent, profit; 3 samples and catalogue 10c. Worden and White man, Ypsilanti, Mich. WANTED. HOME RESIDENT AGENT (one who is well acquainted with the ho tels. restaurants and fancy groceries) to solicit orders during: the celery season; good commission can be made for the right party. Address Gold Medal Celery Cos., Kalamazoo, Mich. S2S’TO SSO DAILY EASILY" our live agents, men or women, selling our latest novelty, campaign waterproof neck ties. Goods entirely new and patented. Agents delighted. Sales unlimited. What others do. you can do. Time is short. Write to-day and secure exclusive terri tory. Guaranteed best seller. Address, with stamp, M. & M. Manufacturing Com pany. Dept. C, Springfield, Miss. ■■■■■' ■ - ■—! EMPLOY *IKXT WANTED. sitlon as bookkeeper; 8 years bookkeep ing and 1 year experience with credit of Florida trade. Address A., this office. ”YOUNG~ MAN STENOGRAPHER desires position, railroad preferred; expe rienced; can furnish all references desired; owns machine. Address Stenographer, care Morning Nows, city. wanted7by comuetent~color o<l girl, positim as nurse or housegirl. 525 Charlton sired, east. HUISES WANTED. TWO-STORY HOUSE WANTED (with lawn or garden preferred), In good location. Address Good Tenant, this office. BOOMS NY ANTED. house, eouth of Gaston street; state price and location. W. E. V., P. O. Box 335. BOARD W ANTED. wishes board with quiet, private family, not over $4.00 per week. Anxious, News office. BOARD WANTE d7 GEN TLE MAN. with wife and one child; will furnish own rooms. Address Box 40, stating terms, Morning News. W AN TED—3IISCELLA N KOCS, IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH the milk you are getting, try Springfield Dairy. IF YOU WANT A PLACE* TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., free of charge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard rood, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and Easl Broad streets. FOR IIBNT- ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN IM provements, south front. 126 West Tay lor. FL ITS FOR RENT. 'T^rT^ENTTin^EtTAIT^ on, the o( rner Jones and Lincoln streets in beautiful condition, every eonv-nienee, first-class or< er, de liable locality, right rent to right tenant. Est. Salomon Co hen. co'.n r West Broad and Broughton streets. ~FC R REN T. H LEX JA N T PARLO R flat of four room*, good locality, Liberty street, west, with two large basement rooms suitable for doctor’s office. Ad dress Doctor. Morning News. 11l RENT, ON LIBERTY fITREET, near the De Soto, a very desirable second flocr flat of five rooms, with bath; refer ences exchanged. M. TANARUS., News office. "flat; SIX CONNECTING ROOMS, wdth bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR RENT—HOUSES v TO RENT. MY RESIDENCE AT ISLE of Hope; it is furnished and has gas and water; also the. cottage nearby, partly furnished. J. H. Esfill. ~209 HENRY, WEST, OCT 1. APPLY Room 9, Provident building. FOR RENI ’ RESIDFJNCE 320~~BOL ton street, west; seven rooms; all con veniences; newly papered and painted; $22 per month; lease for one year. Apply to J. T. Shuptrine, corner Congress and Jef ferson streets. FOR RENT TO AN ACCEPTABLE party, my residence, northeast corner First and Drayton streets. Apply C. W. Howard. No. 202 Bay street, east. HOUSE NO. 214 AND No. 216 WALD burg street, west, between Barnard and Jefferson streets; every convenience; first olgps order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. “HOUSES 223. ALSO 217 WALDBURG street, east; perfect condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant; $25.00 the month. Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. “FOR RENT. 16 OGLETHORPE AVE nue, west. M. S. Baker, agen*. FOft RENT. 516, 52S AND 530*'MONT gomery, corner Huntingdon; 515 Bay, east, and 420 Charlton, cast. G. H. Rems hart, 1G Bryan, east. TO RENT. DWELLING HOUSE, 120 Waldburg street, east; jKJssession at once. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. FOR KK.U-STOIIES. STORES FOR RENT—THE HAND some double stores known as the Whit field Building, situated corner State, Pres ident and Whitaker streets; con bo rented from October Ist; also the small annex stores in r£ar. Apply W. M. & W. E. Coney. FOR RENT, "STORED CORNER~JEF ferson and Berrien; rent cheap. Apply i(C Broughton street, west. FOR RENT. store, in BROUGH* ten street, caat; pcs**edition immediately; ah o several d-slrable residences and flats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Br>an street, e -st. FOR RENT; THAI DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tiedeman A Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; In perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can lie given Immedl ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, comer West Broad and Broughton streets. Foil SALE—RIAL ESTATE. THAT IiEAUtTfiT, place between Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope, known as Wellington, will be gold before the Court House door, at auction, by Mr. Tuesday, Sept. 4, the photographs of which can be seen in the show windows of Messrs. Theus Bros, and Ludden & Bates. FOR SALE, A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE THOSE Lots ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, who will mak* good neighbors; and none other can buy The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. FOB RALE, LOTR ON NINTH, NEAR East Broad, a* S2X) each; will soon be advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dornett. FOR HALE. LOTH ON NINTH STREET near East Bfoad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; *wenty-flve dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H Dorsett. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING IjOTH for i all o\r the city, Robert M Tiitftn, real est*’.* d'U*r, No. 7 York •treat, west. tsJll BALL—AiiStiiU.IaS3LOI 3. WITCHHAZEL! THERE* 19 WlTCll haztl and witchhazel. one is made to cure; the other Is made to sell; put a bottle of ours by the e-ide cf one of the other kind; we give you all the quality and all the quantity that your mcney en titles you to—a pint for a quarter. Pcrsse’s Drug Stcns, Henry and Abercorn, Whit aker and Taylor. FOR SALE. ONE JERSEY SPRINGER. Apply t 8 State street, west. FOR SALE, TURPENTINE Bus iness. with eight crops virgin boxes. Hud son & Smith. Bienville, La. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY ~IS THE place to get rich, pure milk. D pot 3 0 Whitaker. TURPENTINE.' WE HAVE A GOOD location for large operator. Gifford Com pany, Jacksonville. ASH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR —ISO,OX> feet of ash suitably for wheel wrights, carriage makers, car works and interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We hve resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full lino of them lor sale. V*lo Royal Manufacturing Company. UOAROIIIu. GENTLEMEN boarders, phasant rooms, table at 207 Charlton street, wcs<. MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire sati?faction guaranteed. Adams Paint Company. “WE SELL SEWER PIPE,’ FLUE pipe, fire clay, fire brick at low’est prices. Adams Paint Company, 104 Congress, west. "“OYPSINE 18 THE BEST WAUL FlN ish made. Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agents. 104 Congress, west. DSmONB B Secured sb- B/atrttVe.Vtde&.waV |YOUNGfe £ AWOKEN our practical Business (odrse o|GWMO% 5 | ' *“ „ "BUSINESS •; <'//?/%/ CD LLE GES.I /ur)/r.}/r/rj'( : J Send for CaioJeyt& /djtz/ LEGAL NOTICES. THE UNITED STATUS OF AMER ioa, Kas ern Division. Sjiuhorn District of Georgia.—Whereas, on tho thirto.nth day of Augu.-t, 150*. Middle:<n A C >., a firm doing business in New York, fiDd their 11 Del in the District Court of the United St itts for the Southern District of Geor gia against the Br. bark “Carl von Do beln,” her brats, tackle, appan 1 and fur niture and cargo, in a cause of contract, c vil and maritime. And Wheiaas, by virtue of process In due form of law. to me directed, return able on the twenty-eighth < ay of August, 190v‘. I have. kGz and and taken the said Br. bark Carl von Dobeln, her beats, etc., and heve her and raid cargo in my cus todv. Notice is hereby given tha* n Distr ot Court wifl be he and n the United States court room, in the city of Savannah, Ga., <n tho 28;h day of August, 1!M)>. for the trial of said premises, and the owner or owners, and all persons who may have or claim any imerest, are hereby cite.l to be and appear at the time and place aforesaid, to show cause, if any they have, why a final dreree should not pass ' prayed. JOHN M. BARNES, U. S. Marshal. Crovatt & Whitfield. Siussy & Sattssy, Proctors fur Libellant. THE UNITED STATES OF AMFR ica. Eastern Division. S -u hern District of Geo gia.-Wh r' as, on the thirteenth day of Angus**, 1900, S.u h Atlantic Towing Company ct. ah, filed th*ir lll.t 1 in the District Court cf the United States for the Southern Disrrict of Georgia against the Br. bark “Carl von Dobeln,” her boats, tack’e. apparel and furniture, car go, etc , in a cause cf salvage, civil and maritime. And Whereas, by virtue of pro'ess in due form of Pw, to me directed, returna ble on the twenty-eighth day of Angus', >9OO, 1 have seized aid ;ak*n the paid Br. bark Carl von Dob. ln, her hr ms, e c., and have her and paid cargo ln my custody. Notice is her* by given, that a district c urt will he held In the Unit and States court room, in the city of Savannah. Ga., on the 28th day of August, 190), for the trial of said rrembes, and the owner or owners, and all persons who may have <r claim any Interest, are herrby cited to be and appear at the time and place aforesaid, to show cause, if any they have, why a fint-1 decree should n t pass as- prayed. JOHN M BARNES, U. S Marshal. Garrard & M ldrim, Proctors for Libel lant. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Lucinda Williams, lite of said county, deceased, to present them to m<\ properly made out. within the time prescribed by law. no as to show their character and amount; and all per sons indebted tlo said deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to rn Savannah, Ga.. Aug. 13, 1900. SOLOMON CONYERS, Executor. Care Denmark. Adams & Freeman. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TOItS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY-NO tlee is hereby given to all persons having demands against (Mara M. Ellis, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; nnd all persons in debted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment to m*\ CHARLES ELLIS, Executor. 128 Bay Street, east, Savannah, Ga. Savannah. Ga., August 13, 1900. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas, Patrick O’Connor has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of admin istration on the estate of John Green, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite nnd admon ish all whom it may concern to be and ap pear before said court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first. Monday in September, next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable llampion 1* Kerrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, this the *ixth day of August, 1900 FRANK K. KEILBACH. Cler k C. 0., C. C. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice is hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Ciiiuham county, for leave to sell lots No* 57, 58, 59, 60. 61. and an Interest in lot No. M. of h subdivision of East <*hlp pewa on the Montgomery and Water* road m, In said <ounty. belonging to estate of L. M Warfield deceased, for the pay ment of debts and distribution, and that said order will )>c granted m September term. 19u0. of said court, unless objections *re hi*d thereto. II C. CUNNINGHAM Administrator, eta, Lsl L. M Was field AI'CTIOS S.YLI.B FL’TtllE DATS. TfinFinvestmenl GOOD LOCATION AT AI CTION. C. 11. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will eell on TUESDAY, Sept. 4. 1900. at the Court House, during the usual hours of sale, The western portion of lot No. 17 Gtl- ward, situated on the southeast corner of President and Arnold streets, near the Tybee depot, and the improve ments, consisting- of six one-story tene ments, all tenanted. LEGAL SALES. * HA Hi \M SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER and by virtue ol a tl. fa. issued out of the Justice Court, First District, G. M., by G. E. Be vans ex-officio Justice of the Peace, Chatham county, Georgia, in favor of S. L. vs. Jas:>er vllle Land and Improvement Company the following described property of the defendant has Let n levhd on by H. T. Beekett, Constable . f .Chatham county, and the said fi. fa. has been place! in my hands for advertisement an l sale to wit: All chose lots of land situate and Mrg in Chatham county, Georgia, and known on the plan of Jaspervllle (being a subdivision of lots number 19,20 and 21 of 'lie McLco.i tract) as to.lows: Lot No. 7, letter M; lots 13 and 4, letter K; lots 1,2, 3, 13. 14. 15, and eastern half of lots 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. all in letter II; and lot No. 17. letter D. all in Lazaron ward, and lot 12, in letter G, Cob ti ward; said lots and half lots having measure ment ami bound ages as defined in Fail map or plan of Jasperville, Slid lying west cf the city of Savannah, Ga., be tween Bay stre t extended, and cld wa'er works tract. And I will ( ffer the said above described property of the defendant Ja-*pervillo I.aml and Improv in *nt Company for fo’o at puhl'e outcry b fore the Court House door <*t Chatham county In the city if Savannah, Ga., on tlw first Tuesday in Stptember, 19.0, durng the legal hours of Fale. to satisfy said fi. fa. Defendant notified, cash, purchasers paying for titles. THUS. J. SWEENY. She: iff C. C.. Ga. CHATHAM’S SHERIFF’S SALE. UNDER and by virtue of a mortgage ti. fa., issued out of Chntham’s Superior Court in favor of John N. Geil vs. Mary Stevans, I have levied upon the follow ing described properly of the defendant, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Fifth district, G. M., said county and state of Georgia, containing sixty-one acres, more or less, and fully described by a bound ary as follows: North, by lands of Chandler; east, by lands of Orr; south, by land formerly a portion of rhe Catitl* Park tract, conveyed by William Wilson to A. L. Hartridge; west, by county farm, and being th* same property conveyed by George H. Millar on Oct. 25. 1893, 10 Louise M. Mll’ar, as appears by a deed ami map recorded in Chatham county records hook 7 Hs, folio 469. And I will offer for sale at’ public outcry before the Court House door of Chatham county, in tho city of Savannah. Ga., on the.FIRST TUESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. the raid above d< scribe and property of the s.dd defendant, during the legal hours of sale, to satisfy said fi. fa. Terms cash, purchasers paying for titles. THOMAS J. SWEENY, Sheriff C. C., Ga. CITY SHERIFF*B SALE Sheriff’s Oifi e. City Court of Savannah. Savannah, Ga.. Aug. 7, 1900. UNDER and by virtue of an i-xecutloYi issuing out of the City Uourt of Savan nah in favor of Reppard & Company for the use of Franklin F. Jones against Henry G. Walthour I have this day levied uppn the following described property as the oroperty of de fendant. to wit: All that lot. tract or par cel of land, in said county and state, and in the city of Savannah, known as lot number seven (7) of the Forsyth Invest ment Company’s subdivision of lots In the northern port of Garden lot number twen ty-four, west, in the city of Savannah as shown on a map of said subdivision, re corded in the County Records of said County Book *1 U’s foiio 233; said lot num ber seven being bounded east by lot num ber six and west by lot number eight of said subdivision; couth by lots five and six in Garden lot 24, west, and north by Oak street extended. And I will proceed to offer same for sale at public outcry on the fir sit Tuesday 19t;n (same being the fourth day of the month), dur ing the legal and usual hours of sale. In front of the Court House door In Chat harif county, to satisfy said execution. Defendant notified of levy. Property de ecrlbed in execution. Terms cash, pur chaser paying for titles. E. J WHELAN, Sheriff C. C. S. " CITY MARSHAL’S SALK. ’ City Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Ga., Aug. 14, 1900.. Under n resolution passed in Council Aug. 8, 19t;0. 1 will offer for pub lic outcry, in front of tho Court House, in the city of Savannah, on TUESDAY, the ELEVENTH DAY OF SEPTEM BER, 190<>, between the legal hours of sale: Lot No. 28 Thomas ward; minimum ap praised price, $2,500.00. Lot No. 29, Thomas ward; minimum ap praised price, $2.100.fi0. Terms cash; purchaser paying for title and stamps. JOHN POWER, City Marshal. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ADOPTED. Ex tract from the minutes of Council meeting of Autr. 8, 1900. By the Committee on City Lots— Resolved, That the marshal of tho city of Savannah Is hereby directed <o sell at public outcry to the highest and best bid ders, for cash, on Tuesday, the 11th day of September, 19(A), and at 11 o’clock a. m.. city time, lots numbers tw'enty-eight (28) and twen4y-nin‘* (Cft). In Thomas ward, said city, he.onglng *o the cliy of Savan nah. Upset price for lPt number 28, twenty-five hundred (2,590) dollars; for lot number 29, twenty-one hundred (2,100) dol- # la r Good Goods —Closz Prices. Send us your orders. Soaps, Patent Medicines, Drugs, Rubber Goods, Per fumery, Toilet Powder, Combs, Brushes, (Ac. DONNELLY DRUG CO.. Phone 678. Liberty and Price st*. Empty Hogsheads. Empty .Molasses llonshrads for sole ly C. M. GILBERT & CO. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. ,205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. AUCTION SALKS FUTURE DAYS. TRUSTEE S SALL Ry PLATSHEK dt CO., AUCTIONEERS Under and by virtue of the power vest oil In me as trustee under deed from Stepney William**, to me os trustee, dated the 11th day of March. 1898. and recorded In Chatham county record3, book of mort gages. 4 B’s., Folio 11, I will well at pub lic outcry to the highest and best bona fide bidder, before the Court House door of Chatham county, on the first Tues day In September. 1900, between the legal bourn of sale, all of the following describ ed property in said deed, to-wit: AM ihut certain tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly de scribed. situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah aforesaid, on the north side of Hall street, continued eastward from East Broad street, having a south ern front on said street of twenty-five (25) feet, more or less, with a rectangular depth of seventy-one (71) feet, more or loss—bounded north by land sold by Charles Collins to D. G. Purse, eont by a lot sold by said Collins to Phoebe Ann Jenkins, tv est by land sold by said Col lins to one Way, and south by said Hall street extended, said trac*t of land being in Atlantic ward, and being the same tract of land conveyed to Stepney Williams by Clara Williams, by deed, dated June. 6. 3895. and recorded in said county records l>ook 7 0., tolioa 295-5, together with all the improvements ond appurtenances belonging co said tract of land, and ail the right, title, claim, de mand. p** session and inPueHt of said Stepney Williams at law, or In equity therein. ! Terms, cash purchaser paying for title and stamps. M. A. O’BYRNE. Trustee. TRUSTEE’S SALE. ISAAC D. LaltOCltE. TruNice. Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me, as trustee under the deed to secure debt, made by Benja min Prezant to Emma M. Laßoche, under date of December 19th, 1899. and recorded in Chatham county records, in book of mortgage. 4 J’s, folio 292, I will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court Houst door in aaid. county on the first Tuesday in September. 1900,-(being the 4th day,) the following property, to-wit: All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Chatham county, stato of Georgia, nnd near the southern border of the city of Savannah and known as lot number sixty-eight (SS). SouthviUe, having a northern border of thirty feet on Lamar avenue, with a depth of ninety feet southwards to a lane and being a part of a sulKllvision of tne western portion of lot seven* (7) of the original sitlxllvlsion of Farm lots 7. 8, 9 and 10. Tyrconncl Tythlng, Derby ward. Terms: Cash, purchaser pay ing for stamps nnd deed. ISAAC D. LaROCHE, Truste*. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I. D. LnHOCIfE, Inelloneer. By virtue of an order granted by tho Honorable Court of Ordinary for Chatham county, Georgia, I will sell before thw Court House door. Savannah, Ga.. during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der, on Tuesday, the 4th day of September, 1900: All that lot of land situate nnd being In the county of Chatham, said state, being a part of lot number six (6) of the subdi vision of the Placentia tract, lying be tween the right of wav of the Savannah, Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Railway and Williamson creek nnd excepting there from a public roadway twenty feet (29) in width, running from said right of way to the creek, along the eouthern boundary line of said property and the public road leading up lo Taylor’s and back of tho residence upon nald property, together with the Improvements thereon. Terms: Cash, purchaser paying for papers. JORDAN F. BROOKS, Admr. Est. Mary Playter, deceased. ’ BEAUTIFUL PROPERTY FRONTING THE RIVER AT ISLE OF HOPE, AT AUCTION. V. D. LnROCHE, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of a decree granted by the Superior Court of Chatham county, Georgia, I will off. r tor sale at public out cry, before the Court House door in al<l county, on the first Tuesday (being th® 4th day), of September, 1960, if not pre viously sold at private sale, either aa a whole or by lots, the following property, to-wit: Ali those certain lots of land fronting south on the Isle of Ho;>e river, being subdivision of the Honaud property, as per map made by Percy Sugden, C. K., May Kih, 1896, and lettered A, B, C, (D having been sold) and having respectively 52, 64 and 81 feet river front, with a depth cf 340 feet more or less, lots lettered A and C having dwellings thereon. Terms: One-third cash, balance In one and two years, ut 7 per cent. Sale subject to confirmation of said Court, purchaser to pay for stamp and papers. JORDAN F. BROOKS, Substituted Trustee Estate A. Bcnaud. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. f. I>. LA IttH'IIK, Auctioneer. By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, Georgia. I will sell during the le gal hours of pole, before the Court House door in Chatham county, Georgia, to the highest bidder, on tH;SI>AY, the 4th day of September, 1900, trn (10) acres of land, on the Buckhnlter road, 275 feet wide, and running northward 1,650 feet deep <m one side and 1,900 feet on the other side; bound*d .outh by the Buckhalter road, cast by lands of Grimm, north by Belmont tract, and west by lands of Geo. W. Beckett, excepting three (.1) acres of said tract, which pas heretofore been sold by said Friday Mil en o Sarah Ann Black. JORDAN F. BROOKS. Administrator estate Friday Millen, dec’d. GUARDIAN’S SALE. IIY J. McI.AIGHLIN A NON, On TUESDAY, 4th September, 1900, be fore the Court House in the city of Sa vannah. during the legal hours of sale. By virtue of an order from the Honora ble Hampton L. Ferrlll, Judge of the Court of Ordinary, Chatham county, Georgia, I will sell cHy of Savannah bonds as follows: One sr>oo$ r >oo bond, due 1913, numbered 16. One SSO bond, due 1913, numbered 218. One SSO bond, due 1913, numbered 218. Belong to the estate of Mary Shea ban and Josephine Shea ban, minora, for the purpose of distribution. CATHERINE OOETTE, Guardian of 'Maty and Josephine Shea han, minors. “IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* from Morning News. Savannah. Go. 3