The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 30, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 for Infants and Children* The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Clias. 11. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over JIO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children —Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. -►' f tNT " W COV • / - - MJr> a y ■ t nr l ~ nW* O * C IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS A\D VIEWS OF Till* DAY IN TWO STATES. New Cold Mining < ompniiy Forinod in I ulon Countj—Trooble Ainon j* the Snlvat ioniwf* In Vncon The Central** \**w Spur Truck nt Kntm -t on—The I.ate .1 ml lie Tolleyaon liirby of .Xcwriin—St Aitßiiwtine and the Capital \'-w Stenmer l ine for the St. John**—Siiit Instituted A?(tlTBi( llir Tampa Timed by tin* Editor of the < Jenra ntcr Pro**. 2et)l union No. 52, of painters and dec orators of Macon, have derided upon a minimum scale of $1.75 per day. and no members will work for less than that amount. It has also boon decided that the contractors mu l grade th-ir men above the scab- arcording to ability. The new scale will not into • -fifed until Oct. 3. mo contractors may hav* tune to make their calculations. —i— Ju<lk* Tolleynon Kirby’. In the death of Judge Tolley son Kirhv et Newnan on the 25th instant, one of th* 1 most conspicuous and enterprising men of Coweta's early history pa.~ *d away. For several years he had been closely confined et his home and n thing but courage and great energy kept him up. He was born in ISI2 and moved to Cowetn county in IS4I and had lived there since that time. For several terms he was elected and served in the Hous of Renie-entatives. Immedi ately after the war, in which he distin guished himself as a soldi-r, he cut* l * 1 into the mercantile business in Newnan end amassed quit© n fortune. He was bur icd with Masonic honors. New Msninu Company. Articles of incorporation of the North Georgia Consolidated Gold Mining Com pany, with a capital stock of $500,000, have been filed with the clerk of the Superior Court of Union county, with the following named gentlemen as incorporators: A. A. Brown of NVatervlll©. Me.; H. W. Lcyens ©f Chattanooga, Term.; J. H. Brown of Chicago, 111., and \Y. L. Candler of Biairs viile, Ga. The object of this company is to develop the property thet has been ac quired by them, cot sibling of 6-10 acres of rich gold land.-. It has h'*en demonstrated that gold in large quantities exists on their property at on . and as soon as the organization Is perfected throughly, will take steps to that end. Central** Spur n< tvatonton. The railroad spyr at Eaton ton-, leading from the main lino to the eite if the Mid dle Georgia factory, of which enterprise Mr. Benjnmin W. Hunt is the leading ppirit, has been completed, at a cost of over $4,000 to the Central Railroad, and the material to be used in the construc tion and equipment of the fa tory i- be ing rapidly hauled to the place. Work will begin at once on the building*.. The railroad spur leading to the sit*- is con siderably down grade, and a few days tgo. •while a freight train was engaged in carrying out several can- of mat - rial, a car loaded with bn k became detached, and with fearful rapidity rushed down the incline toward the terminus, which is a score or more feet above the surroundings. ■Finding no obstruction here, i leaped wildly into the air and came with a ter rific crash into the depths below. Fortu nately, no one was hurt. llncon'ft Sahationliits. Salvation Army work has received a se vere blow in Macon. Capl. Toney, who has been in charge there, left and said he might never return. Her departure closely follows a criminal court case into which her name was dragged. Tom Dickens, who was a very energetic helper for the captain, was r< < a.- I from jali Monday, where he hod been held for some time on e charge of assault and battery. He had been charged with pounding the lungs out of a man who advised (’apt. Toney not to associate with him. in a business way nor In any other way. The case came up for hearing before Judge Nottingham in the City Court. The prosecutor appeared to have been a disturbing factor in the army circles, and had been asked to leave ih<‘ meeting on one occasion; all becaus- he had assumed 10 himself the right to give fatherly advice to the army. His name was J. T. Led yard, a mar. many yeat> older than any of the others. lie and Capt. Toney had In days gone by hid pome sharp words over some unkind re marks he had made about the pretty little captain, but she had forgiven him. FLORIDA. J. K. Winter of Waldo Ins wired Chief Vinzant at Jacksonville to look out for and arrest his son, Vance Winter, aged 14 years, who has run away from home. The hoy had two valises and a double-barreled shotgun with him when he lett homo. A Men River Cine. J. D. Jackson of DeLand will shortly open anew river line from Jacksonville to Ocala. The boats will run from Jackson ville to Sliver Springs, and transfer the freight to Ocala at that point. Mr. Jack son has purchased one of the I.ueas boats from I‘alaiku. which will be pul in com mission in this service. For It■■ nidnit n Timer, A special lo the Florida Tins s-I’nlon •rid Citizen from tftephensvllle says: The Visited States marshal arrested J. 1). Kin*., of this place last Monday and took hltn to Jacksonville to answer lo the rh.irgi of selling liquor wltlioui a license. The fact that the "blind tiger ' a kept In ihe (oalofllce mule the charge all tin more serious. The la*-a biding citizens of t tile place ate determined to get rid of all moonstone stills ar.d blind tigers. - • Will Honor the llrqnlaiflos, Requisition papris for Ur John M Toler, signed by <kov. Inogham, have ar. rtvod si I'tmsacola. and Sheriff Hnmh I as •gain pta< o Talar under arrest, and n-ki fled the autnorm*a at M* inpnti of ft.a la*-1. I'd Uvutmn a sat i ant cottons ltd* the sheriff to deliver Toler to Ike Wolff, agent for the state of Tennessee, to be car ried hack to Memphis for trial on the charge of larceny after trust, from Miss I.illian Russel, of a diamond ring and a sum of money. Sued tin* Tii in pn Times. Asa result of the jk>l itioa 1 differences which began at Tampa early in the year, a libel suit fas instil uted day before yes terday for SIO,OOO against the Tampa Daily Times. The suit is brought by J. Leroy Brandon, editor of the Clearwater Press, and was brought through his attorney, Don C. McLeod. Week before last the Clearwater paper criticised the Times for opposing the county bond issue, and used a number of warm expressions. The Times replied in a hot personal retort, and Mr. Brandon makes reply. St. Augustine nt Work. St. Augustine Evening Record: St. Au gustine’s offer for the state capital is evok ing much favorable comment in the state press. Our candidacy is better understood. The newspapers of rival cities have ceased assuring th* ?r readeit? that St. Augustine is not in the race, and we arc now receiv ing dest rved recognition as by far the strongest bid ler in the field. Our State Capital Removal Committee report that letters from all parts o£ Florida ure pour ing in on them endorsing the Ancient City’s candidacy and proffering assistance to fit. Augustine’s committee during the campaign. The committee rooms in the city building now present a busy appear ance. Lnrge quantities of advertising mat ter anl hundreds of biters leave there daily carrying goo 1 words for St. Augus tine to all parts A the state. Drinking? With a < liinnmen. A card to the Tampa Tribune was as follows; Mr.Editor—Saturday night I be held in civilized Tampa a sight so shock ing to every finer sensibility that I will never forget it to the last day of my life. In a little Chinese laundry, on Franklin street, o white woman, well-dressed, sat drinking beer and carrying on in a most disgraceful manner with almond-eyed proprietor of the place. There W3S no at tempt at concealment, as the doors were wide open and crowds continually passing Two bright little girls waited on the side walk. occasionally begging their mother to "come home," hut the woman remained in the company of the Mongolian until sev eral cans of beer had been exhausted. The same thing, I am told by denizens of the neighborhood, happens two or three nights i week. 1 think this is a case for ordi nance No. 175, or for a lynching-bee, i don't now which would be more fitting. Watcher. COFFEE <Ol NTY DEMOCR ATS. Candidate* Nominated for Office* by tin* Delegate*. Dougrlas, Ga., Aug:. 29.—The forty Demo cratic delegates of Coffee county met In convention at the Court House yesterday and nominated the following ticket: For senator Fifth district, Hon. L. .Johnson of Wayft’oss, endorsed; for rep resentative. Hon. C. A. Ward, Jr.; for tax collector, Thomas Daniels; for tax receiv er, Micajah Paulk; for sheriff, W. W. Sutherland; for treasurer. Willie Vickers; for clerk of Superior Court, Fisher Gas kins; for coroner, Dr. W. M. Carter. They put out no candidate for ordinary in op position to the present incumbent, Hon. Thomas Young, who was elected four years ago on the Populism ticket. Dennis Vickers, one of the most Influ ential and wealthy Populists of the coun ty. who has been urged by his party to tun for representative, came into the con vention and openly asked admission back Into the Democratic fold, stating that his action was not for office; that he could not spare the time from his private inter ests. and would accept of no official po sition if tendered, that he saw his error and came back solely from honest con victions and to harmonize the county, for which purpose the Democrats made every honorable concession yesterday in the dis tribution of offices. Th© Southern Normal Institute opened yesterday with 126 pupils and he brightest of future prosjeets. Barents and guar dians were making applications yesterday for homes an 1 board for other pupils. The officers overhauled Charles Melton and Wade Hampton Cochran, mentioned in these dispatches yesterday, at Pearson. Ga. Cochran asked the officers to remove the handcuffs until he could step in the room and talk to his wife. They did so. He went in, shut the dor, in five minutes t*s< aped through a window and is yet at large. The officers put the wires- to work, and he will probably shortly be appre hended. He is the man principally wanted, as upon Mr. Melton’s return he showed ihat he w s only an employe of Cochran, ami hutcherd such beeves as Cochran told him he had purchased, and being in no way r for Cochran’s acts. He was given his liberty. ATTEMPTED SI H IDE. Fornytlir find Loaf Heavily on tlie Race four***. St. Louis. Mo. 29.—Courtney J. For sythe. 27 years old. son of Col. Robert Forsythe, of Louisville, well known in turf circles, attempted to commit suicide at th* Grand Hotel by cutting his throat with a razor. It is thought he will re cover. In u statement he gives ns the cause of hin -i I heavy loss s on the race fra ’k and the fact that his wife had left him. *oiit!i < urollua Cotton. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 29.—Cot lot. coni In ti* h to .<*h'-d both leaves and bolls, and to open premuiuiely. it G making no growth nor 1* It fruiting Wh r th** sl*ow rn ,%(• foiliwid by I tight sunshine, cotton was scald'd. IT king is tcaiuial. but is Mf.ird*d oy th© hot weathor Hen island • aton Is sufterit-g v*tely from drought, ! prtinatui# opening, and blight Replied to Rban. Dee Is. Aur 2V —Oov Shaw ht# r*> elved a mwage from Minister Cvit get in reply r Q on** sent iaat week by Oov. khaw Th*- iii*©Bk from Minister t aigsr follows i4ku ino <!#*• Ifnsw Dr Moines, Ja Thank ail lowa Ivr wngtatuistlvn. Con* THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. 1900. NOTES FROM \VAYCROSS. tonne Lady's Narrow Escape*—Otll rials of the Air Line. Wayeross, Ga., Aug. 20.—Joe Miller, colored, who stabbed Allen Rawls, ne gro. some weeks ago. wasT>efore Justice j. W. Hlghemith this morning. After hearing the case. Judge Highsmith bound him over in the sum of S3OO. Congressman W. G. Brantley was in Wayeross a short while this morning, en route from Brunswick to his old home in Blackshear. Miss Lei a J.jmes had a narrow’ escape from drowning in Sotllla river near Wal ter town, a day or two ago. She and a number off: lends were nothing in the river, when the young Indy gqt beyond her depth. She i-ank twice, and Mr. Randal Cason reached her ju.-t in time to save her. Rev. J. .NT. Glenn. Rev. E. M. Whiting. C. C. Buchanan and a number of others will leave here to-morrow and Friday for Gaskin’s Spring for th© annual tamp meeting, which opens there Friday night. The meeting will continue one week Col. R. C. Cannon is assisting in a meet ing at Bethel Church in this county this week. Ho contemplates purchasing a gos pel tent and going out as a lay evangelist. Mr. Cannon has been a lawyer and far mer here many years. <mu mi l t •*’* Appointed. At the recent tear hers’ institute a num ber of important committees were aj>- pointed, one to investigate and report on adoption of text books being W. A. Berry. Miss May Blitch and John Lee. This committee will report to the County Board of Education cn the first Tuesday in Jan uary. To investigate school law and re port to board first Tuesday in Novem ber. S. P. Settle, Sank* y Booth, Miss Katheryn Shults; on absence and exercise for non-attendance on institute, S. P. Settle, Joe Ganey, J. A. Branch. .Air Idn** Officer*. Waver ss Air Line officials give out leie to-day information of the election of officers for that road. M-ij W. G. Roul, president of the Mex ican It J'way System, is presi dent of the Air Line. His headquarters will be New York city, and he begins his duties as president 1. Georg - Do e Wadl- y has been elected vice presid-.nt and general manager, with headquarters in this city. J. E. Wadley, cashier of the First National Bank, is treasurer of the company. Mr. Alex continues as superintendent, Mr. F. M. Hawkins, auditor and traffic manager, and Mr. C. K. Jones, master mechanic. The Air Line is Icing pushed as rapid ly as possible to Fitzgerald. Only a short gap remains to be built, and then the Colony City and Wayeross will be in direct connection. Officials are reticent about giving out information in reference to extensions of the road further than as already planned to Fitzgerald, with a branch to Ocilla. I' is rumored that the road may be ex tended south to £>. Mary’s, but this will centainly not he done immediately. It is generally believed that the road will be extended to some |>cint even beyond Fitz gerald. but to what point and when is not definitely known. HATS IN THE GARRET. Theory \<l Yiinccil About tlic Rurn lu of C. G. Parker** Home. Wayeross, Ga., Aug. 29.—Information has just been received of the burning of C. G. Parker's residence at Waresboro, eight miles west of here, last night. It is said that rats had carried some pistol cartridges into the ceiling, and the explosion of these cartridges aroused the sleeping family just in time for them to make their escape. Mr. Parker carried SI,OOO insurance, which only partially covers his los*. J ii* ti tin till* Killing. Orlando, F!a., Aug. 29. Justifiable *.om icide was the verdict of the coroner’s jury yesterday that examined into the killing of the negro, Sam Cypress by Fore man Smith, of McQualg & Beecham's tvrpentinc camp. This finding wan upon testimony given by the negro employes about the camp. —Singularly, the ordinary bean, which only the Bostonians know’ how’ to cook properly, may be cultivated with certain ty of profit in only a small part of the country, say:; the New’ York Press. For many Mortroe, Orleans and Niag ara counties, in New York state, produc ed manji more beans than any other sim ilar area in the world. Their bean crop was the only one of importance on earth. Broekport, in Monroe county, was the world’s bean metropolis, and farmers near there made small fortunes out of beans. "FREE TREATMENT ’ FREE SAMPLES.” A “Strinß” I. Aiway Attached to Theme “Generoim*' Offer*— the Ulti mate ( out In Lett* and IleNult* Certain When You Are Treated by Dr. Hathaway, the Muster Specialist. If your house needs repairing you do not get a blacksmith to do it; why. then, when you are sick, do you buy a hit-or-miss a mixture of j^Trfdrugs from some man or mi ' J "medical eom- V '*™, M PAtiy” or “liisil- T** v *fl tutr" r a (her , " ome regularly f '-V: Fradutued Another r'a-s K of mm an.] ■•in '"“T* 1' stltutes. ’ etc., J.Newton Hathaway,M.D. o is The Longest Established f rt Speemlist in the South. , rei>lmrnt .. and "free reme<lles.’’ You may depend upon it that there Is a very strong "string" at tached to all these offers, and that In the end sou pay more than you would to a real doctor—one capable of understanding your case ami one whose reputation de pends upon the cures he makes. Most of these "free treatments” consist simply of a few doses of a very powerful stimulant, which, when the effects have worn off, leave the patient )n worse condition than before the "treatment." I>r. Hathaway has never resorted to these methods. For twenty years he has tieen a t radioing physician—o specialist In the treatment of chronic diseases of men and women. Year by year hts prac tice has grown until <o-day it Is larger ten times over than that of any other BlM'Clattst 111 his line In the world. Hy hts method of treatment laist Vital Weaken.*! Manly Functions. Vart cocele. Stricture. Syphilitic Flood Poison, lug. Kidney nr.d t’rtn.iry Complaints, anil all other forms of ohionle un.i lingering d.-eases are cured, tied Hired to slay cured In Hathaway's oltt. els permanent; it Is not here to-duy and there to-morrow ]|. practices In th# community where is known. t'onsultitlon and sdvl fire nt office nr by mall Alwaya call at office whenever possible J. MWI'.IX H ATH t WAY. tl. I). Itr. liatliMws, A fu., 24A Bryan street, Bnvsnnah, Os nines hnutt Itoll m 2 to 5 and 7 la *p. m Sunday* 10 s m. to I p m \v. I . HAMILTON, Artuaian W'l Contractor, of A LA. FLA Am prepared to drill writs up to any depth. We use first Isss ms liinsty, ■sa do work ini stH.fl MHA* end auaiai (* •allstsslwUs { THE .e.B.SSS WORCESTERSHIRE \ 'MW /< fjar- BEWARE OF IMITATIONS -apAy ‘ “ This signaturo ca eveiy bottle— 1 ££]L A* ’ t'‘'v at ! er c how W j LX°'f n Cooks and butlers every- \ rt SYt/ * /) Meats, Fish, Soups and Salads sjT , / 'VI * , .. \\ ' \?/ 1 H KM , are p/epared they wiU be im- C?JLgZ Aesf whcre jounce ,t an unfa- )\ l\ // ff V, vfC V\ proved by Lea & Perrins’ ■' •ryrjg pensable requisite to the Culi- \Vy ( A /, )(| Sauce. / nary Supplies. |S_J — JOHS DUKCAS'S SC.VS. Ajeots. Sew York CAR WORKS KEPT BUSY. Georgia Company Finishing the La*t of a 1,000 Car Order. The renewed activity that has charac terized railroads all over the country for the 1 st few months and the conseauent demand for new cars calls attention to the fact tiiat in the Georgia Car Manu facturing Company Savannah has one of the best equipped plan’s for the manu facture of cars in the country, and that the fact is so well real zed by the rail roads of the country that the factory is kept busy the year round. While <he factory was established in 1897 its first work was in repairing cars and i-t was not until the present year that the manufacture of the completed car was attempted. So successful has it been, however, that it has been able to compete with the largest concerns of its kind in the country. Nor are the con tracts secured received from merely local lines which, were it the case might be attributed to favoritism; on the contra ry, the product of the factory has gone not only all over this country, but even to Yucatan, .and the company is even now making an estimate on a number of cars that nr** wanted for the banana trade of Jamaica. Since building completed cars was begun the factory has built cars for the Florida Central and Peninsular road, the Plant System, the Tifton and Northeasrern, the Jacksonville and Southwestern, the Brownell Improvement Company of Chi cogo, and Dolese & Shepard of the same city. In addition to this record there ia being r.ow delivered the last of an order of 1,000 cars for the Chicago and Alton road, and is also engaged on an order of 350 cars for the Atlantic, Valdosta and Western. In smaller quantities the com pany has shipped cars also to Cleveland, and to I ronton, O. The factory now has on order from the Plant System for 100 box cars. 01 which work will be begun wfithin the next day or two. os soon as the material ar rives;. Other orders which are already booked, will keep the factory running at its full capacity, ten to twelve cars a day, until at least Nov. 1. The outlook for further orders just at present is not qune so good as it has been, said Mr. W. D. Thomas, the contracting ngent, yesterday. "The trouble is this Us a presidential year, and there is a dispo sition on the part of all large interests 10 hold back until the election Is over." Continuing the discussion of the factory and its business, Mr. Thomas said that the chief source of trouble to contend with is ihe difficulty of getting the ma terial as rapidly as it is wanted, and when wanted. "We moke it a point." he said, "to buy everything that we can at home, giving Savannah the preference in every case," and. he added, parentheti cally, "if nil of the other manufacturing concerns and the people generally would do the same thing, the prosperity of the city would be materially increased." Get ting back to the material he said that all of the lumber used was bought from Sa vannah merchants, and is of the long-leaf Georgia pine, where oak is called for in the specifications, that, also, is of Georgia growth. The wheels are bought from Birmingham, and the axels from Richmond. As an example of the strength and good workmanship of the product of the fac tory Mr. Thomas cited the case of a wreck a few week** ago on an Illinois road in which one of the cars made by the fac tory played an interesting part. It was <1 coal car of 80,00) pounds carrying ca pacity. and was loaded to the limit. In some inexplicable manner the engine of one of the trains got on top of thic; load, and as the wrecking crew found it Inconvenient to re move it the car carry its load of coal and the additional weight of the heavy locomotive pulled into Bloomington. The car was neither Injured in the wreck, nor damagedq>y the tremendous load. Ihe company is strictly a Savannah concern run by local officers and with local cai-ltal. It employs 15) men, and disburses monthly between SS.OOO and $lO,- OjO in salaries. There are five miles of tracks in its yard, and half a mile of sheds 1.0 feet wide. To accommodate its workiwn it is necessary to run each day to and the plant a fgx-cial train. llritov Hunter l<cleaned. Bristow Hunter, arrested by the police for pocket pick'ng, has be* n dismissed by the Recorder. WOWS HE IS CHARLEY ROSS. Trump In .fall Tells Story of the Famous Kldnopinjx. From the Philadelphia Record. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 27.—A man just committed as a vagrant startled the Recorder to-day by stoutly asserting in court that ho is thp* long-lost Charley Ross, who was kidnapped from his pa rents in Philadelphia nearly twenty-five years ago. The man tells n story which accords In every detail wih Ihe accepted story of the kidnapping of young Ross, and pro duces do uments intended to substantiate id* assertion lie has assured the poll* that a man lives in New' York who can prove that what he says is true. Chief of Police McCabe has requested • h** New York police *o investigate the story. Ross says that he has been tramping a hour the country for ten years without money or work He carries with Ihm a picture of young Koss taken just before h* kidnspidng occurred. There is a strong similarity between th# photograph and the tramp s face. The my a ery of the g< Id spurs given C|ru Robert V l/t has bem rirarrj sway Th* y wr# It sp|*ere by a nuftiUr of Maty land sympathiser# MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Matters of Interest to Shipping Men Generally. The Spanish steamer Gaditano, from Pensacola via Newport News, has ar rived at Liverpool damaged by a collis ion, supposed with the Norwegian bark Whale, bound from Newry for Bruns wick. The steamer has tw’o df her plates broken. The total value of imports for the port of Boston for the w’eek ending last Fri day amounted to $950.2t>9, against $1,090,339 for <he corresponding w’eek last year. The valuation of export last week was $2,787,045, while the figures for the same week last year were $2,454,277. The British steamship George Fleming has been posted at the Cotion Exchange. She is due Sept. 20 to load for Bremen. Capt. Frank Avery of the tug Abram Minis returned yesterday from a trip to the country. Th© government tug Wm. H. Jenks ar rived yesterday from Charleston. She •coaled and will proceed to Havana. Savannah Alumnae. Sun rises at 5:34 a. m. and sets at 6:26 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 10:40 a. m. and 10:51 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. I*lia*ea of the Moon for Angust. D. H. M. First quarter 3 10 45 morn. Full moon 10 3 30 eve. Last quarter 17 5 46 morn. New moon 24 9 52 eve. Moon Perigee 12th. Moon Apogee 27th. < A Hit IY ALS AND DEPARTURES. Vessel* Arrived Yesterday. Steamer W. S. Cook, Curry, Augusta.— W. T. Gibson, manager. Shipping Memoranda. Charleston, S. C., Aug. 29.—Cleared, schooner Eltlotine, Francis, Boston; Ed ward W. Youni?, Blake, New Bedford. Arrived, schooner Fannie Reiche, Buck aloo, Baltimore. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 29.—Entered, steamer Colon, Robinson, Santiago. Cuba. Sailed, steamer Roanoke, Jay, Philadel phia. Cleared, barkentine Hurray Murriday, Holiday, New York. Entered and cleared, steamer N'avaho, Johnson, Boston. Sailed, Algonquin, Platt, New York. Key Weat, Fla., Aug. 29.—Arrived, stea mers Concho. Risk, New York, and sail ed for Galveston; Mascotte, White, Ha vana, and sailed for Port Tampa; Miami, Delano, Miami, and sailed for Havana; tug Lopez, Havana, with two barges in tow; schooners Majic, Lowe, Bimenl; Wave, Roberts. Matanzas, reported brig Daisy, Jamaica for New York, Mobile, Ala,, Aug. 29.—Arrived, Eteamer Ard"nrose (Br.), Smith, Havana; schoon er Clara L, Dyer (Br.). Bodden, Ruatan. Now Orleans, Aug. 29—Cleared, steam ers Malinhcad (Br.), McKee, Belfast; T,o ango (Br.), Troop, London. Pensacola, Fin., Aug. 29.—Sailed, stea mer Casoro (Br), Collin, Dundee; bark Elizabeth (Oer.), Rumors, Hamburg; schooner Clara A, Phenny (Am ), Phen ny, Matanzas. Cleared, steamer Trekleve (Br.), Roach, Vlclnnia. Hamburg, Aug. 28,—Arrived, steamer Mayfield, Pensacola. Apalachicola, Fla., Aug. 28.—Cleared, schooner Morris W. Childs, Murphy, Bos ton. Siotice to Miirlnern. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge In Fnlted States hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. Frenchman Will Be There, Berlin, Aug. 29,—The autumn maneuvers of the German army will be attended this year for the first time by a representative of the French army. —The Empe or of Austria Is one of the m"st democratic of sovereigns, so far as his own personality Is concerned. When In a city In other tfon his official ca pu-Hy he Insists on walk rg ah ut a great dial and has 'hus made many friends who have to this bay r Idea chat he is the ruler of Ihe Austrian Empire. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret ofhealth H the power to digest arul assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not .act it’s part. Doyou know this? Tutt’s Liver bills .are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. I utt’s Liver Pills f Springs 9 If you want to get rid of money go to some springs. If you want to get rid of disease, stay at home and take P. P. P., Lippman’s Great Remedy for itism and all forms of Blood Poison* >pepsla. Catarrh and Malaria. Newton. Aberdeen. Ohio, says P. P. P. noro good than three months treatment Timmons, of Waxahatchie, Tex., says natism was so bad that he was confined and for months. Physicians advised hot Ark., and Mineral Wells, Texas, at which spent seven weeks in vain, with knees so ollen that his tortures were beyond cn- P. P. P. made the cure, and proved it i thousands of other cases, the best blood n the world, and superior to all Sarsa* nd the so-called Rheumatic Springs, lallantyne, of Bailantyne & P.cDonough'* ndry. Savannah, Ua., says that he has for vears from Rheumatism, and could lief from any source but P. P. P., which m entirely. He extols the properties of on every occasion. P. is sold by all druggists. $1 a six bottles, $5. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Proprietor*, pman Block. - SAVANNAH, OJW LINDSAY & MORGAN STILL AT OLD POST OFFICE, With Great Bargains In Slimmer Goods, Such as Mattings, Mosquito Nets, Refrigerators, Porch Awnings, Reed Furniture, Go-Carts, etc. Closing out our stock of Buck’s Stoves and Ranges Low Down. The only Odorless Refrigerator. Scotch and Irish Whiskies. We are agents for the most celebrated Scotch and Irish whiskies, imported direct from the distilleries of Scotland and Ireland. These Scotch whiskies are the blend of the finest Highland whiskey matured many years in wood before bottled. The expert Analyist describes this Scotch whis key as the perfection of Highland whiskey, and is special O. \ . H., selected Old Vatted Highland whiskey from Glasgow, Scotland. The latest novelty in Scotch whiskey is distilled by Rutherford of Leith, Scotland, and is called Scotch Cherry Whiskey, and very palatable indeed. We are also agets for the famous old Irish whiskey, imported bv us from Wheeler, Belfast. Ireland. LIPPMAN BROS., 1 Agents for Scotch and Irish Distilleries i: A *n?CSSr h * SHORTER COLLEGE, SU; I I- NHuatlon btintiful Cllmntr .Iclljhlful rrt InvijnrEtiiip Hrnllh w*rl, I 1 iutprnll**iel l!”me muiPrtN. careful ittpervisinn. Trent* airls rrcei\*ul All, 1 r f —- r 'a li'fl with the faculty In the college li >ifl<)lu c * nrtL f IN' .•<**" Equipment ( ,A ■ •irellent, w*|| appointad laboratories, good gymnasium, ec- Taeully. *rk ' ,' ";**■ aiV'* i a,ili ro, l 1 l’" , ' 1,1 *•’ an 't Mptrianrnl professors Com men extensive snd I i ./'“'fL —MrWk>*,'N Jmx thorough, in lins with those g|#ri in the Iraoing universities A large Kiid*w- i i tti twent, ensuring students supsrlatlvo advantages st moderate cost The Trusts#* ( irnWtt’ll ; 1 i.mnUr „f t0*,,.,, in, |,di„ Art ui.,l Klorutlol, ffsl 11 r, 1 iTt:IISES*IAa ."•.ll.n, A PRIZe PIANO 'lift of • f.irnd ol aKfafiFr..-.- i*r SF V/,Mr *'• ■*•**• (nt U>. W.t „rk M„. „ ■ tno.tho,in,)-<lllr 1 ii* la Jruvldia***ffifr* * ,u, let l*nvl I luiiu |>erliik|t the gran-lrst musical t-nre ever <,**ered i i In any eollefs in the world During the past term sll spare was tilled Yourf ,l~ .-• ll Mi wlr •i nIU itinn ~.. in *.,,n>.r I Write Presiusnt Siotntons for • eaUtlugue, which will he sent free, p.,stpsi4 • 111 <•<• lilnpUmnll. From the Pall Mall Gazette. M Monnler. Iho well-known Frmfh Asiatic tri.velor. vouches for the trulh of the following: A short tlm ago the Em peror of China ma.le up his min.l lhat the strei't of I hr- legal lon n In Pi-kln ahould ai l ist D puvf<l, To Insure the work bring done h<* hlmr- If provide*! ihe m-,ney—some *3.Hon. This sum wan hanrleit lo a high "in- la I of ihe public roods .'ipt hlghwajs depart mini. It entered Into the mind or ihls dignitary thul ihe work i ouM be done for much bs. lie very soon found an • nlerprlslng comraclor wl w uiuleriook the task for I) iso No 2 hail, however, views similar lo those of No. 1, amt was equally sue - refill In finding a No. J. who. in hi# lurn, ronscb red lUn an extravagant aunt for so Insignificant an undertaking The ► rev wan eventually paved a> a coal of n • A Chinese gentleman. Hop Sli.f. a trav. cel Oriental*, g man of mean* and raflne. m.m, a personal friend of M Monnler *#< on tm caelon sorely vPtlmlged. Hop ffvng lived on the Hi rest of Ihe Roam ed i‘i>rri, as amtvatf and 111-paved a •** •• any Ut all l\kln. Th# lutel man- 1 darin war an Intimate friend of hie. and Hop Sing availed himself of this friend ship to press the mandarin to have the street repaved. Certainly! At once. The men would be at work on it before Hop ftinjr had returned home. A week |ws 4 - cd; then another visit, and so on. until. In despair, Hop Sins determined to have th sire, t repaired at his own expense. The work was satisfactorily completed The surprise of Hop Him? was only equaled by his indignation when, on awaking 1,1 ** morning, he found a gang of eoolii s up heaving the newly flagged atree*. Hl* surprise grew when he heard from the mandarin's own Hi* that th** men w* ra there at his orders "Von m* , my dear friend." said the mandarin, “1 am etne 't- Ing the head Inspac or around her* in • few days. Now. if he were to a*-e the lean tiful pavement you hava laid down In your stnat ha would coma *o the comhi slon that there wss money abo- • • n ' i ! * would assured.y bleed avery vein lo tT ** bod). Thta would me m my ruin. IM# y#,u ae why your paveotsrtt really m te* oma up* It *tmi ins on* fortune to f*ra my put I don't want U* #pet*4 othse* rn |*p4ng |l/