The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 31, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MAYOR WOODWARD IS SICK. IMPEADIYG IMPEACHMENT AF FECTED HIS HEALTH. Urportod That He May Never < ome to 'Trial—Co u act 1 Still Seem a In clined to Treat the I>rlnc Official JLeniesitly—He Ha® stronit Political aml I'lTNon.'il Friend* anil May He Permitted to Serve Out the Kent o Ilia Term. Atlanta, Aug. SO.—As a result of the City Council's movement in the direction of instituting imp* achmt nt proceedings against Mayor Janies G. Woodward, that official is a very sick man to-day. His friends say he will not be well enough to go to trial next Tuesday morning, the time named in the resolution adopted by Council yesterday. It may be that the Mayor will never stand trial on the charges of drunkenness and consequent neglect of duty, under which he now rests, since there is a etrong sentiment in Council to let him serve out the remaining four months of his term, f he will remain sober enough to attend to his official duties. It is altogether likely that Mayor Wood ward will appear in person before the City Council at its meeting Tuesday, and make an apology for his past conduct, coupling this with a pledge to remain sober In the future. He has signified his will ingness to pursue this course, it is said, if Council will agree to drop the charges against him. A majority of the councilmen are not only personally friends to the Mayor, but are also his strong political allies, and they are disposed 10 afford him every possible opportunity to escape the humil iation of impeachment. A Strong Committee. Meanwhile, however, council’s commit tee, consisting of Alderm-n Mayson and Johnson and Councilman Rawson, will proceed to formulate thf charges, under the advice of City Attorney Anderson. On this committee is one political friend of the Mayor (Johnson), one political en emy (Mayson), and one neutral (Rawson), They form a tri< of the strongest men in the City Council and both the Mayor’s friends and enemies are well satisfied with the committee’s make up. The trial will be first instance in many years, if not the only one on record, wiiere a Mayor of a city In the South will he Investigated on charges which will cons itute an impeachment, if substan tiated. The law says the vacancy must be filled by an election within ten days af ter the office is vacated. If the office is vacated withfti three months of the end of the Mayor’s term, then the mayor pro im. shall act as Mayor until the term is finished. If Mayor Woodward is Impeached before October, a special elec tion will be called by the aldermanie hoard and the Council, a majority of both being required before the election can bo called. If the impeachment occurs and Is delayed beyond Oct. 1. then Mayor pro tern. Mays n will act as Mayor until Jan. 1, when Mayor Woodward’s term of office expires. SHOULD CAMI NEAR HOME. Acting Adjutant General’® Views on KneunipnientM. Atlanta, Aug. 30.—Acting Adjutant Gen eral Phil G. Byrd is opposed to camping all the regiments of the state at one point. He thinks that every regiment should camp somewhere In its own terri tory, fco to give the people of that section some benefit of the presence of the soldiers. Adjt. Gen. Byrd also has his doubts as to whether it would be a good plan to ask the Legislature at the coming ses sion for an appropriation for encamp ments. He is of the opinion that it would be better to wait a while before mak ing any further requests of the general assembly, as it was such a hard matter to get he appropriation. Speaking of the matter this morning, Mr. Byrd said: "I do not think it would be wise to ask for an appropriation this year for the purpose of a state encampment. You see, the state is trying the soldiers to see whm they wi-ll do. It was with great difficulty that che present appropriation was secured, and I think it would be best to wait before asking for more money. As the matter stands at pres ent. the state is furnishing the troops wih all necessary equipment and uni forms and Is paying armory rent. “It would cost the state many thous ands of dollars to establish the state encampments again, especially when it is necessary #o pay the traveling expenses of the different companies from their home stations to Griffin and return. If It could be arranged so that each regi ment could camp somewhere near Its headquarters or somewhere In Its own territory, I believe it would be better.” MIMS MILL MAKE A SPEECH. Atlanta's Slnjnrnllj- t'nmpHiitn lx Growing Interesting. Atlanta. Aug. 30.—Atlanta city politico came to the front to-day with an an. nouneement from Maj. Livingston Mims, one of the four candidates for Mayor, that he would open his campaign with a epeech at the Grand Opera House next Thursday night. The Major in a vigor ous talker, and as he declares his inten tion of handling all local issues without gloves. It is safe to say his speech will he red hot. Supporters of tw T o of the mayoralty can didates, T. S. Mitchell and Nym McCul lough, engaged in a battle royal for the eupremac-y In the JeftVrson Club ’ast night. R. O. Cochran, a Mitchell man. was pitted against Lee J. Langley, a Mc- Cullough supporter.- After the ballots had been cast in secret, a motion to adjourn was made and a wrangle look place which ended in adjournment before the votes had been counted. Both sides ar t claiming a victory to-day. An effort on the part of the liquor dealers and their friends to have the dale of the city primary changed from Oct. 5 to Oct. 3 in* aroused the ire of the Jew ish citizens, since the last named date Is a Jewish holiday, and the Hebrew.- say they cannot be Induced to vote on this account. The liquor men want the elec tion set for the 3rd because the state ele.u tion will be held on that day ond they do not wish to close their saloons twice In one week. There Is some t.i k of postpon ing the primary until November, and this may be the solution of the difficulty. Death of .Ininew Miller. Augusta. Qa , Aug. 3f.-Al an early hour this morning Mr. James Miller, one of Augusta's older i citizens, died at his home on Greene strict, ut the advanced age of *5. He was born in Greensboro, Oa., and came to Augusta In 183 c. For fifty years he w i- a successful dry gco i merchant at 'tie site of the present liver building He w.i u man of high char acter and personal popularity. Hi- Is sur vived by one toil and live grandchildren His funeral will tike place Friday at let noon Hood's Pills Io not grliw nor Irritate the alimen tary canal. They net pen||y yt prompt!) cleanse efteitually and Give Comfort ■old by all drugglsta. so onti. RECEIVED, New Styles Early Fall Skirts* Also a New Line Rainy Day Skirts. B. H. LEVY & BRO. FENCING IN THEIIi HOMES. Suit for Injunction \gaiiiMt tlie Cen tral Railroad. Atlanta, Aug. 30.—Suit for a way to go borne was brought to-day by Rosser & Carter on behalf of John D. Malsby and Thomas J. Avery, joint owners of a lot on Whitehall street and the Central Railroad. If this suit fails, say the petitioners, the families now living in five house* adjoin ing the road's property will have to move or be fenced in. and they will have to take their houses with them if they expect to live In them any more. According to the allegations made by the petitioners there has been an open thoroughfare along the Central Road fiom Whitehall street to the point where the Atlanta Railway and Power Company lines go under it. for about thirty years. No one has ever laid claim to this prop erty and It was presumed to be open for the use of the public. At any rate, it has been kept open and five residences have been built, facing the thoroughfare. One of these is owned by W. R. Beauprie, a prominent railroad man. Now it seems that the Central Railroad Is engaged In fencing in its right of way with barbed wire. The fencers yesterday came to the property owned jointly by Messrs. Malsby and Avery and promptly put in their fence posts. Only the string ing of the wire was necessary to make prisoners of the occupants of the five col lages. There Is, it is claimed, no other inode of egress. When matter had reached this state Mr. Malsby and Mr. Avery called in counsel, and decided to take action. Then followed a temporary injunction upon the granting of which the Central Railroad took up the posts It had planted. The matter will come before Judge Candler on Sept. 8 at which time the question of the permanen cy of the injunction will be argued. NEW DEPARTI RE IN LAI HENS. Tlie Reason* Case* Are Not Tried Will lie Made Public. Dublin, Ga., Aug. 30.—The Dublin Bar Association has requested the County Commissioners to publish ofßr each term of the City Court and the Superior Court the list of cases remaining upon the dock* t. and the reason they were not tried. The reason the Bar Association de sires the cases published and the reason they were not disposed of, given, is be cause the lawyers in the past have been c;itic:’s and for so many cas s remaining untried after each term of the Superior Court, and they say that they do not Intend to bear the blame any longer. The following are tHe new officers of the Bar Association: President, Ira S. Chaffee; vice present. P. L. Wade; secretary and treasurer, J. E. Burch Next Monday at Madison, Howard & Armistead, attorneys for W. H. Fordham, who was convicted at the last term of Lauren® Superior Court and sentenced to the penitentiary for life for the murder of Oscar Cannon, July 4 last, will argue a motion for anew trial before Judge Hart. The grounds art* that the verdict was contrary to the evidence and that Judge Hart, in recharging the Jury, erred in making no reference to that clause per taining to reasonable doubt, etc. He did make such reference in his first charge and, though he undertook to recharge the jury completely, he stated that his first charge must be taken in connection with the second. Rev. Charlton B. Smith, who lived five miles north of Dublin, is dead. Mr. Smith was one oi the best citizens in the county. He was a great believer in the Savannah News and has been a constant reader of that paper for forty years. He was buried Tuesday in the Smith family burying ground. SEVERE STORM IN AUGUST A. Two Men Fined for A**nol t lug (i Ultum Afciiinat Them. Augusta. Ga., Aug. 30.—Augusta was visited by a severe storm of thunder, lightning and rain at 6:30 o’clock this evening. The play of the lightning and crashing of the thunder were terrifying, but no casualties were reported. On Washington street W. C. Page fell to the ground from the shock and bruised his face on the pavement. He was carried to the hospital nearby but It was found he was not injured by the lightning. Across the ilver at the North Augusta Natato rium, the rain was like a cloud hurst, and broke th dam in two places. In the Police Court Recorder Baxter lined John Padgett and Bud Padgett each ?50 for assaulting a witness who testified against them at the stssion of the court yesterday. The Padgetts run a bar, and charged Ernest Rushton with swearing falsely against th in. As soon as Rushton left the court room the Padgetts knocked him down stairs and were heating him, win n officers of the court interfered. Judge Fax ter declared it not only an out rag- ous assault, but a serious contempt of court. The Padgetts have sworn out a warrant against Rushton for perjury. The first eub-stati >n of the Augusta postofflee will he op* no I Sept. 1 In the drug si ore of J. P. Smith. In the West end factory district. CHILD KILLED IIV LIGHTNING. Accident Occurred nt Irwlnton. Other WllliiiiMon \ew. Irwin tor. Ga , Aug. 30.—Yesterday after noon Macy Payne, the 10-year-old daugh ter of Mr. J. F. Payne, who lives near here, was struck and killed by lightning. The family was sitting on the front porch and the little glri was sit'lug wi h her arm around a post. Lightning struck the post and killed the child Instantly. No one els#* was hurt. The County Commissionei* met yester day and fixed ih- county tax rate at 1.30, making the state and county rat# 9.5*). Pension Commissioner John \V Lind ■y, w*ho reside* here, has completed hi® li,-i for tills year lie hue not a- yd summed Up the whole list us to the number re jected and approved, but hiiv> tint lie up. proved about on#* In every fiw Tlieie v* r* scon s of new uppih (iittN under the Indi gent I t Cotnilli ,-I.Jiu r Lindsey |* v|y i 1 r 'mu, ic, ippH mi | 0 ,om III# to every r. quln m nt in otka to g. t n the )!st The ,oi ton < r<#p In th.#* roan > i* ti ##tert we hwv#t hud In pm >. ull over the - omit) r®pofts oti* iht thus will not be. hsif of j viop rnnjs. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. AUGUST 31. 1900. JIACKEI 'I\DK HIS KSCAPE. Sheriff'll Flirty Almost Hml Xegro W,in*-<1 for Murder. Quitman, Ga.. Aug. 29.—Young Mackey, the negro who murdered a prominent young white man of Montgomery county on Aug. 6, was located at the home of his nnele about nine, miles from here several -lays ago by Sheriff Conoly. This morn ing the sheriff, accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Mashburn and Hall Young, a young fellow, lefi to arrest Mackey. Arriving at the house where the negro was, at about daylight, Young was sta tioned at the hack of the house at one corner and Sheriff Conoly at the other corner, while Mashburn was sent to the lroiu door. As expected, the negro came out of (he back door and jumped the fence and started to crawl off through a cotton patch to wards Young. When within ten or fif teen steps of him, Young ordered the negro to get up. He got up, running to ward n swamp. Y'oung shot at him twice, hut without effect, and the negro made good his escape. Blood hounds from McKee’s arrived here at 1:30 and were carried to the swamp where Mackey was supposed to or, but no trace of the negro could be found. Mackey was in night clothes when h< left, the house. There is $260 reward ror him. $l5O by the state, and SIOO by the relatives of the murdered man. John Moors was arrested at Barney yesterday and lodged in jail here by Sheriff Conoly. Moore was thought to ho wanted at Homerville for murder, but the. deputy sheriff arrived here to-day and stated that Moore was not the man wanted, so he was reieased. - ♦ PL AXT SYSTEM’S TAXES. Arbitrator. Wilt Meet on Monday to Consider Them. Atlanta, Aug. 30,-Hon. J. Pope (Brown and Hon. Pope Barrow will meet in At lanta on Monday 4o adjust the differences in tax valuation between Controller Gen eral Wright and the officials of the Plant System of Railways. The railroad did not give In what was thought proper by the Controller General, and he made an assessment which amounted to over $73,000 more than the road desired to pay. The road objected and, according to law. It will be neces sary to have a committee to arbitrate the difference. The state appointed i’ope Brown and Ihe railroad named Pope Bar row. In case they fail to agree they have the right to select another arbitrator. The Beat Pr*cni(lon for Mnlarln, Chills and Fever, is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and qutnino In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price 60c —ad. SPECIAL XOTICES. THE GREAT ATLANTIC AXD PACIFIC TEA CO. AMERICAN BEAUTY ROSES. Beautiful Chromo Pictures, GIVEN AYVAY FREE To all purchasers of 25c worth or over of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Butter, Extract, or Condensed Milk, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. COFFEES AT IMPORTERS’ PRICES. Rio, per pound, 15c, 20c; best 25c Maracaibo, per pound, 25c; best 30c Java, per pound. 30c, 33c; best 3Sc Mocha, per pound, 35c; best 42c TEAS AT CARGO PRICES. Oolong, per pound. 50c, 75c; best $1 English Breakfast, per pound, 50c, 75c; be, *t J 1 Young Hyson,, per pound, 50c, 75c; best $1 Pakhoe Imperial, per pound, 50c. 75; best $1 Garden Leaf Japan, per pound, 50c, 75c; best ji Finest Mixed per fiound, 50c, 75c; best.Tl PURE SUGARS . 15 pounds Best Granulated $J 16 pounds Best Soft White $1 TABLE BUTTER. Fancy Elgin Creamery, per pound 25c A word to the wise Is sufficient. One fiound of good ten or coffee will go as far as two pounds of cheap, trashy goods. THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO., 106 Broughton street, west. Phone 616. STATE SPEC IFIC TAXES lIKWI. All persons engaged In any ot the fol lowing linos of business, who have not registered and paid tne state special taxes thereon for litcti are hereby notified that such taxes ure due IMME DIATELY ON COMMENCING to do the business taxed: Auctioneers. Keepers of Pool or Billiard Tabic*, etc. Dealers in Spirituous or Malt Liquors Intoxicating Hitters, Brandy, Fruits or Domestic Wines. Dealer* m Cignrctt-x- Dealers in Pistols, pistol or Rifle Cart ridges, llawle Kn‘vc or Metal Knucks. I’aw nbrokers. Failure to register or lo pay the state special tax constitutes a misdemeanor. JAB J Mellow KN Tax Culler tor C. C. LOOK. Tlis finest line of Mantels, Tiling and fit ace* In Ills city. Pi ler* rock ♦tve money by win our *oo ls b*furn purehuslt e vevvher* SAVANNAH BUILDING BUPI'LY CO. Corner Congress and jjrgjuuu. I Phone bit. DEATH). PA POT—Died, at the residence of hit father, 322 Lincoln street, on Aug. 30, Sam uel N. Pa pot, eldest son of J. A. Pa pot. In the eigtheonth year of his life. Funeral notice later. ITtNKRAL !.%TITATI9Ik FEY—The friends and acquaintances of Mr. George H. Fey and of Mrs. 11. Haas are Invited ro attend the funeral of the former from No. 221 York street, east, at C o'clock this afternoon. SPECIAL NOTICE*. LEVAN’S TABLE D'HOTE DINNERS. 60c—DINNER—50c. Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Friday, Aug. 1. Claret Wine. SOUP. > j. i j Green Turtle. FISH. Whiting ala Normandie. Potatoes ala Gastromme. Cold Slaw, Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ENTREES. Fresh Deviled Crabs d’Orleans. Rice Croquettes, with Jelly. ROASTED. Prime Ribs of Beef. Dish Gravy. Rlcefield Lamb, Mint Sauce. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes. Butter Beans. Rice, Stewed Tomatoes. Asparagus, Butter Sauce. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pear Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Pineapple. Fruit Cream. French Coffee. LEVAN’S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. MONEY SAVING SPEC IALTIFS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Wild Cherry Phosphote. per bottle 15c Nox Tox, 3 sizes sc, 10c and 15c Quarts Lime Juice, per bottle 25c Chili Sauce %-pints 10c, pints 20c Horse Radish Mustard, per bottle 10c 3-lb. cans Table Peaches, per dan 10c 3-lb. cans JeJly, per can 10c 2- cans Sliced Pineapple, per can....15c 3- cans White Cherries, per can 10c 1-lb. package Corn Starch 6c 1-lb. package Bi-Carb. Soda 5c Sweet Pickled Pork, per pound 10c* Fulton Market Corned Beef, per lb 10c 1-lb. pkg. Gold Dust, per package 20c Celluloid Starch, per package 5c Armour’s Ter Soap, per package 5c Small Lean Hams and Strips. Fine Large Beef Tongues. —at— JOHN T. EVANS & CO.’S, Congress and Barnard streets. Fones 286. SPECIAL NOTICE* Savannah, Ga., Aug. 29, 1900. In accordance with a resolution passed in meeting, the undersigned members of the Retail Merchants’ Association will close their stores on Labor Day, Mon day, Sept. 3, at 2 o'clock p. m. BIG. GARDNER, Secretary. L. Adler, B. H. Levy & Bro., Sig. Gard ner, Jackscn, Metzger & Cos., J. E. Gut man, Byck Bros., W. E. Wimpy, D. Ho gan. Lindsay & Morgan. Krouskoff Mil linery Cos.. M. Dryfus, Falk Clothing Cos., Kirby & Cos., I. Collat, Geil & Quint, T. West & Cos.. Sternberg & Cos., B. S. Levy, Metropolitan Clothing Cos., A. S. Nichols, Walsh & Meyer. TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH RHEU MATISM. I have been a sufferer for thirteen years of this dreaded disease, have vis ited the Hot Springs of Arkansas, and been treated by physicians all over the South, only obtaining temporary relief. Mr. Ben. Smith of Sandersville, Go., ad vised me to try the waters of Suwanee Springs, Fla., and it affords me pleasure to state that after remaining there for two months, drinking of and bathing in its waters, I have obtained a permanent cure. T. W. JACKSON. Sandersville, Ga. All you can drink for 5c at Livingston’s. t HOOT BEER. Pin s SI.OO doz. Quarts $2 00 doz. GERMAN RASPBERRY SYRUP, VARTRAY GINGER AEE and SARSAPARILLA $1.25 per and z. GRAPE JUICE, LIME JUICE. All seasonable and very fine at A M. & C. W. WEST S. BIY O.YLY THE BEST GINGER ALE. The best la the Wheoler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated Crouiac springs of mai city. Tiles, springs are the properly of Wheeler & Cos., henev no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Aie is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents. Savannah. Ga. SUVAXEE SPRIXGS HOTEL, Sim n nee, Fin. Situated on the hanks of tho suwinee river I Climate unequaleU. No malaria. No mosqui toes Cool nights Most healthful and delight fui resort in the south. Water cures every | known disease. Board $lO per week. Special i rule for commercial men of }•’ per day, w hich , includes transfer Table ami accommoda tions strictly first c!*ss. For illustrated natn I phlet address Suwanee Springs Cos Suwanee springs. I-’ la ANDREW HANLEY M.-r LARUE WAREHOUSE \N4J OF FICE to rent, located heed of Broughton street, on Wi * Bp ad. now o 'cu pel by ihe Savuti ah t'arr.nge and Wagon Cos As they will gve up business in the city on June 1, I of fer 1. for r< nt from that .late lb P. B'lAltT WE 111 A AND KELL HEAL ESTATE, Negotiate loan* on same at 6 per cent, and tolled rent*. Represent The Travel ere' Innutame Cos . uccldent and liability departments Represent the New York Underwriter* Eire Ins agency 2,tpresent tie Greenwich Fire Ins Cos Rrprr.ent tie Phuems Mutual l.tte Ins c„. All ness entrusted to ii will l>e appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful at tention. No. t! Lay street, eael Tele* phone M. %V. C. jrßil'l’ * CO. Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world. INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP GI6ARROS. You will find them on sale everywhere. IN EXCELLENT SHAPE —FOR- Fine Laundry Work. SAVANNAHSTEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, •FECIAL NOTICES. ~ City of Savannah. Mayor’s Office. Aug. 30, 1900.—The Sanitary Board, in accord ance with the provisions of an ordinance, passed Aug. 28, 1900, and entitled “An ordinance to provide for the cutting and removal, or destruction of weeds and oth er rank vegetable growth growing on pri vate property within said limits, to pro vide a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions hereof,” etc., the said San itary Board.having notified me that in tho opinion of the board, it is necesasry for the preservation of the health of tho city to have Out and removed from private property in the said city or destroyed thereon, weeds and other rank vegetable growth, I do hereby issue this, my proc lamation requiring the cutting and remov al of such weeds and other rank vegeta ble growth in accordance with the provi sions of the following ordinance. Any one failing to comply with its provisions will be placed on the information docket and fined. Given under my hand and the seal of the city of Savannah this. 30th day of Au gust. 1900. HERMAN MYERS. (Seal.) Mayor. Attest: WM. P. BAILEY", Clerk of Council. An ordinance to provide for the cutting and removal or destruction of weeds and other rank vegetable growth growing on private property within said city limits; to provide a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions hereof, and to author ize the city authorities to cut and remove and destroy such weeds and other rank vegetable growth at the expense of the owner or owners of the property on which it grows. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, That whenever the Sanitary Board of said city shall notify the Mayor thereof that, in the opinion of said board, it is necessary for the preserv ation of the health of the city to have cut and removed from private property in the said city, or destroyed thereon, weeds and other rank vegetable growth, the Mayor shall issue his proclamation requiring the immediate cutting and removal of such w’eeds and other rank vegetable growth to the property line of said lotorthedestruc tion of the same by fire on such lot by the owner or owners of said property, or the agents of such owners having charge of such property, and thereupon, if such weeds and other rank vegetable growth is not cut from such private property and re moved to the property line of such prop erty or destroyed thereon by fire within ten days after the first publication of said proclamation by the Mayor, then and in that event the owner or owners of said property, or the agent thereof having the same in charge, shall, upon conviction in the Police Court of the city of Savannah, of a failure to cut and remove such weeds and other rank vegetable growth within the time above named, be punished by a fine not to exceed fifty (50) dollars, of im prisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days, either or both in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That in Ihe event of the failure of the owner or owners, or the agent of such property having charge of the same, as the case may be, to cut and remove such weeds and other rank vegetable growth or de stroy the same within the time above named, then and in that event the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, through the director of public works, shall, at the expense of the owner or own ers of such property, have the same cut and removed or destroyed. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby re pealed. BIDS WANTED. City of Savannah, Office Director of Public Works, Savannah. Ga., Aug. 27, 1900.—Bids will be received at this office until Friday, Aug. 31, 1900, at 12 o’clock noon, city time, for furnishing feed as follows; No. 1 Timothy hay, per 100 pounds; best quality feed bran, per 100 pounds; best quality corn, per bushel; best quality mixed oats; to be weighed at the city lot. Envelopes to be marked “Bids for Feed.” The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in the presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. PROPOSALS WANTED. City of Savannah, Office Director of Public Works, Savannah, Go., Aug. 27, 1900.—Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Friday, Aug. 31, 1900, at *2 o’clock noon, city time, to furnish the city of Savannah with supplies until Sept. 30. 1900. All proposals must be made on official forms, which can be secured at tills office on and after this date. Envelopes to be marked “Proposals for Supplies” The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in the presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. ESPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY'. I offer to ure public for fifteen days In high grade work, two tine extension top Carriages, 3 optn Carriages. 6 Phaetons, 6 Runabouts, 2 Pneumatic Runabouts, 4 Handsome Traps, 20 Open and Top Spring Delivery Wagons ut factory cost, with freight added. This la no humbug. Ca 1 and examine fur yourself and you wl.l make no mistake. A full and complete line of Harness at cost. Mark Apple Carriage Repository, 3.>0 Brought-n street, wesi, use only me Kelly Springlleld Rubber Tire, the- best on tbit market. Phone 778. i tit. vt % i tut it; a\ t ARPKI Ti e only way to get your carpets prop or y take,i up, cleaned uni taken > are >,f f. r tie summer It to turn Ihe Job over to tu. Xneirlct M-a-mg r end t elivery tv I telephen i, oi ca i it 3.' Mo-itgom* ry et ee , and it e> will ria-k - you ,m e o. teat on tie- co-l uf tu* work pipes ■ rase ual le They also pa- k. move an I atote fuinlttn* and uian--e C. IL MSDJUDCK. Kupt, and Mar. J AMUSEMENTS. §A VANNAH THEATER. Theater cooled with iced air. WOODWARD-WARREN CO. Matinee To-day 3 p. m., “THE PAYMASTER.” To-night. 8:30 o’clock, "MR. YOUNG OF UTAH." Prices—Matinee, children 10c, adults 20c; Night. 10c, 20c and 30c. BUSINESS NOTICES. SUMMER WEEKS is a good time to have your watches put in condition. We are better pre pared than ever for this work. Re peaters, Chronographs and ordinary watches of the finer grades put in condition now. can be splendidly regulated. We give proper attention to the cheaper grade of watches, producing the best results possible. Look into it and avoid the busier season. THEUS BROS. HUNTER WHISKEY BALTIMORE RYE HENRY SOLOMON & SON SOLE AGENTS. For Rent, Residence 118 Gaston street, west. All conveniences. Can be rented from Ist August. Apply to CHATHAM REAL ESTATE AND IM PROVEMENT CO., 14 Bryan Street. East. To taper Site For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder will fold sheet 2ix4a. It b in good order Price SIOO. It coet originally $l,lOO. bu' ve have no uee for It and wani the room t occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Addresa MORNING NEWS, Navannah, Ga. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . Assets over SBOO,OOO. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Inter est credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT. i*r annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, withdrawable at annual periods. GEO. W. TIEpEMAN, President. B. H. LEVY. Vice President. E. W. PELL. Secretary. C. G. ANDERSON. JR.. Treasurer OFFICE. 15 YORK STREET. WEST. SPECIAL XOTICES. ill not trouble you If you use SHOOMI'SKEUT. It it a pleasuut perfume. HFI.nE.IIM A !■ u toilet powder that iiiNtnntly din pel* the dinnirreeuble odum Arising from perspiration. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM gives quirk relief for suu burns and skin troubles. SOLOMONS CO. THE TIME OF ALL TIMES. Have renovated at once your*, feather beds, etc., by our steam medica ted process. (The only plant in Savan nah) that overcomes all impurlths whether contagious or otherwise. Have reduced renovation of feather- for Au gust as follows: Feather b -Is from to bolsters from 81.50 to sl.oo. I'lßews from 7- to 60c. Colton, moss and lialr t: nitre--.--s made to order. Will save you money. V\ -irk guarantee I NATIONAL MATTRESS AND HENO. VATINO CO.. Bell phone 1136 331 Drayton street ROMAS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust i ompany of laliinoie We >,. #utho-- iz-d tu eve- ut- 10-ill.y (hum and it- l app IcatlonA a I Lottos in J ,ui |,j c- - dlrgv in ail her the Mat- rr L'rvlt. c$ 8 at-s -curia, end -f s-im in tutor* amt guatdi >n* HEARING * HULL, Agenta. Ttlaphopa l. I'nivl lent UuJidloy. i Sister Edith made me go to Byck’s for a pair of these “Eclipse” Oxford Ties, and I ain’t '^s* sorry g, „ U either? LOOK AT THAT. only $1.98 BYCK’S ______________ store is at 25 Broughton st., west, corner Whitaker. ] And don’t forget to look over oursl.ooTable. Many shoes ■ on it worth double. LEOPOLD ADLER, JNO. R. DILLON President. Cashier. ' C. T. ELLIS, BARRON CARTER, Vice President. Asst. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. x Will be pleased to receive the accounts of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Banks, and Corporations. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, injur ing prompt returns. SEPARATESAVfNGS DEPARTMENT IXTEHE.ST COMPOUNDED QUARTER. I.Y OX DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults foa rent. Correspondence solicited. Tiie Citizens Bank OF SAVAX.VAtI. CAPITAL, $500,000. loiUbuciff •* Gene ru.l uaukiug ttuftiaean. solicits Account. •! Merchant,, Bank. un-i ,thr Auras, ration*. Collection, h.sdiod with safety economy and dl.patch. latere.t compounded quarterly, aliened on depo.lts In oor Savins* Department. Safety Boxes and Storan Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DESUARK, President MII.US B. LAXE, Vice President. GEORGE C. F-RBEMAX, Ca.hlee. GORDO GROOVER, A.t. Cashing SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia. Ca P*t a l $600,000 Surplus and undivided profits $401,000 DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities ior transacting a General Banking Business. Collections made on ail points^ accessible through banks bankers. Accounts oi Dunks, liai.KeTs. .vietchanls and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes tor rent. Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly. Sells Sterling Exchange on London 11 and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Ceshier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON, Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY’ MYERS, JOSEPH FERST. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBY. Mill MCI CAPITAL, ?ar.O,(MK). Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora* tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. W. F. McCAULEY, Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capdal $200,000 Undivided profits 50,0 X) This bank offers its services to corpora tions, merchams and individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interns paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Savings Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, resident. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN. Vice President JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN, Ass't Cashier No. 1640. Chartered, 1866. —THE kills imiNii ■ OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. SSOVO I . SURPLUS, SIO'.OjO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. (I. CARSON, President. HEIIt.NE GORDON, \ Ice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of larks and bankers, nvT chan's and c irpor.ulons received up’n the no? 1 favorable term- consistent with safe and cons rva Ive bulking .SPECIAL NOTICES. #23,000. One of our dieult hu placed In our hand# $25,000 to loan on good Sevsnnelk real estate t renaonable rales of Interest BECKETT * liECiruTT, 44 Pieeident street, east. IF YOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed eud pdnted stationery end blank book# trust Mvtplnf New#. Buvenneb, G