The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 31, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gflje IHofitiita Morcinc News Building-. Saiunnah, C in. FRIDAY, AI GI ST JU, IfHIO. Registered at the Post office in Savannah The MORNING NEWS is published every day in the year, and its served to subscribers in the city, or cent by mail, at 70c a month. ROD for six months, and W OO for one year. The MORNING NDW9, by mail, six times a week (without Sujyday issue), three months, $1.60; six months *3.00; one year SO.OO. The WEEKLY NEWS. 2 issues a week. Monday and Thursday, by mail, one year, SI.OO. Subscriptions payable in advance. Re mit by postal order, check or registered letter. Currency bent by mail at riek oi benders. Transient advertisements, other than special coiumn. local or reading notices, amusements and cheap or want column. 10 cents a line. Fourteen lines of agat* type—equal to one inch square in depth— is the standard of measurement. Contract rates and discount made known on appli cation at business office. Orders for delivery of the MORNING New a to either residence or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone No. 210. Any irregular ity in delivery should be immediately re ported to the office of publication. Letters and telegrams should bo ad dressed “MORNING NEWS," Savannah, Ga. EASTERN OFFICE. 23 Fork Row, New York city. H. C. Faulkner, Manager. INDEX 10 m\ ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Notices*— Look, Savannah Build ing and Supply Company; Suwanee Springs Hotel, Suwanee, Fl.; T. W. Jackson of Sandersville. Ga., to Those Afflicted with Rheumatism; To Close on Labor Day, Retail Merchants’ Associa tion; State Specific Taxes, 1900, Jas. J. McGowan, Tax Collector; Levan’s Table d’llote. Business Notices—Hunter Whisky, Bal timore Rye, Henry Solomon & Son, Sole Agents. Amusements—“ The Paymaster,” at Matinee, and “Mr. Young, of Utah,” at Theater To-night. Steamship Schedule—Merchant’s and Miner’s Transportation Cos. Received, New Styles Early Fall Skirts, Etc.—B. H. Levy Ar Bro. “Eclipse” Oxford Ties—Byck Bros. Do You Want a Wheel?—Wm. & H. H. Lattimore. To the Superstitious—Leopold Adler. Will Open the New Store Saturday Morning—P. T. Foye. Seed Rye, Etc.—W. D. Simkins & Cos. Medical —Hood’s Pills; Coke Dandruff Cure; Dr. Hathaway Cos.; Castoria; Mun yon’s Inhaler. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Lost; Personal; Miscellaneous. The Weather. The indications for Georgia are for fair weather, except showers on the coast, with light southwesterly winds, and for Eastern Florida, local rains and thunder storms in southern and central, and fair w'eather in nbrthern portion with light southeasterly winds. An astute newspaper man of Philadel phia has unmasked the political position of Andrew Carnegie, and discovered that he is "agin* ” Bryan and “ferninat” Mc- Kinley. Atlanta might do well to retain Mayor Woodward. Whenever other means for getting her name into the papers fail, she can always turn 10 and work Wood ward for u corking good sensational 6tory. It is to be hoped that Mr. Richard Croker will prove as good a political fore caster as he is a political manager. He places New York in the Bryan column by 40,000, and says Indiana, Ohio ami Illinois will surely go Democratic. The trust question, he says, “will do.” “No one is afraid of Bryan this year; they fear the trusts.” Dr. Chotincey M. Depew. who has just returned from Europe, says that McKin ley will receive a larger number of elec toral votes than have ever been cast lor any candidate for the presidency in this generation. It must be that the Republi can position appears to better advantage at a distance of 3,000 to 4.000 miles than it dors on the ground. Maybe if Dr. De pew r were to view the situation from the apex of the Pyramid of Gizeh he could see that McKinley would be unanimously elected. An “endless chain of prayer” is the means by which the W. C. T. U. women id Indiana hope to accomplish the defoit mt McKinley. Their especial grievance against him Is hie position on the canteen question, and they will even up scores by writing “chain letters” asking the re ip- Jfnta of them to pray for the downfall of McKinley and his party. The person who receives one of the letters is asked to pray against McKinley, the canteen -and wine on the White House table, and to write two letters to acquaintance* who will pray likewise and write similar letters. Some unnamed man who has been in terviewed by a Boston newspaper accuse* Admiral Dewey of the*. The charge is that at Hong Kong the night before he left for Manila to whip the Spaniards, he burglarized the British arsenal ond ab stracted therefrom a number of projec tile* ol a certain calibre which he needed to make his ammunition supply complete. After a while we ahull probably be told that Dewey committed ui duct ion when he took Aguin-uldo from Hong Kong, and nr sou when he burned the Spanish ships. A terribly bad follow. is Hum moil Dewey. The shirtwaist man has* stru Ic the church, with opposite affects, however, :n different Motion, of the country. In Dan vers. M i the ott<*r day i man nam'd Murray was order.d out of the house by the preacher •< an>< he appeared in a jkw in a hirt wuirt. On the other hand, at Du>'b**>wn, Pm , tie Rev, Mr, Rind*- man. jastor, of Ht. IMei’a Reformed t'ii >; r• >; and tu* Re . that ‘ y n xt runmx i . the fTK*n woe i I• shirtwaist men ID iid h* thought ! was rklicu l is to In lave to *h rani f asftftoft of Wsai fie .os i in tint i t uiiur The re form m r*-Hv'ng muny set-,:j*ks, but something in • , e Urn of lvt w .atmi cotr* iOft SUi iOIIK of K, MR. BRYAN’ AMI THE GOLD STAND ARD. The gratement which Mr. Gage, the S<* - | rttary of the Treasury, made in the pub- J bo prints a day or two ago, as to what Mr. Bryan could do. if elected, to put the finances of the government on a silver basis, was undoubtedly Intended to assist the managers of his party *o make the silver issue the paramount one oi the campaign. Previously, in an interview, Mr. Gage said that a secretary of the treasury appointed by Mr. Bryan could not put the country on a silver basis with cut violating the gold standard law. In his last statement, however, he changes bis position, and practically says that he could. Tne Republican papers think they have a strong point against Mr. Bryan because, in response to this last statement of Mr. Gage, he refused to be interviewed. The New York Herald sent an inquiry to him an to whether, in the event of his elec tion it would be his policy to pay the current expenses and the interest on the coin bonds of the government in silver. No doubt Mr. Bryan saw that the purpose of Mr. Gage’s statement was to draw him into o discussion of the silver question, and thus force into the background the question of imperialism. He therefore said *o the Herald’s representative that he de clined to be interviewed on Mr. Gage’s statement. Now the Republican papers are saying that Mr. Br>an no longer ins the courage of his convictions. Thai they are mistaken will become apparent in good time. It is not evidence of a lack of courage that lie ’refuses to step into a trap which bis po litical opponents have deliberately set for him. He could not very well answer tile question which the Herald asked without being misunderstood by either the silver ! Republicans or the Gold Democrats. Mr. Bryan’s whole career, however, jus tifies the conclusion that if he should be elected he would obey the law. including the gold standard law. No doubt he would uee his Influence with Congress to have that law repealed, but ns long as it is a law he would enforce It. He believes In the tree coinage of sil ver. hut, if he had the power to prac tically nullify the gold standard law by indirect methods, he would not exercise that power. It can be safely said there fore, that In the event of his election the gold standard law will be enforced faith fully, unless Congress repeals it. It is cer tain that Mr. Bryan would not attempt to evade it. His refusal to be interviewed on the question as to what, if elected, he would do in financial matters will do him no harm. The people have too much con fidence in him to believe that he is afraid to speak plainly on any public matter at the proper time. TRYING TO HI-: Ml! \\ I NDKR NTA\DI\G. The dearth of news from China is ex plained by the statement that the Powers are conferring with each other as to what course shall be pursued in dealing with China. It is probable that there is very little happening 1 at Pekin. The allied forces are waiting to hear from their le spective countries. The Boxers have practically disappeared, and the imperial troops have followed the Dowager Em press. Li Hung Chang is waiting to ne gotiate for peace, but the Powers have not agreed among themselves In respect to terms. They may have some difficulty In agree ing. There is no reliable information as to their purposes. In the absence of information there are a great many ru mors and much speculation. Germany, Russia and Japan are credited with a de termination to have portions of Chinese territory. Russia Is said to Intend to take Manchuria, Germany Shan-Tung. and Japan, Korea or Amoy. The latter power has already landed troops In Amoy. Eng land is credited with having designs on the rich Yang Ts© valley, though she has thus far given no indication of a purpose to grab any Chinese territory. In fact, there is no ground for saying that any one of the Powers favors taking territory as indemnity, though it seems to be the very general belief that territory will be taken. China has no money, and her rev enues are barely sufficient for the needs of her government. It will be a difficult matter for here therefore, to arrange for a money indemnity. No doubt the revenues could be very largely Increased if her people would con sent to the opening of the country to such improvements as would develop trade. Be fore her revenues could Ik- increased very much, her exports would have to be in creased. They could be increased very greatly. ll will be more than Is expected If the Powers succeed in reaching an agreement as to the policy they will pursue in deal ing with China. The chances are that they will find that their views conflict. In that event there will not In* much hope of maintaining the integrity of the empire. Thus far the I'niud States have led In diplomatic matters since the trouble begun and there are indications that the other Powers are waiting for them to outline a policy. They may succeed in securing harmonious action. If they do it will be on the urcit islanding that the integrity of the empire is to la* preserved. They are against taking any territory from China. It will be known probably within the next two or !hro days what the Powers pro pose to do. If the European Powers in sist upon having Indemnity in territory it is probable that the T'nlted States forces will lx* withdrawn from China without unnecessary delay. Two of the new cruisers authorized by the recent sessions of Congress have been provisionally named West Virginia and South Dakota, but the ar* that the names will be changed. There has arisen in the navy opposition to tail ing vessels by names beginning with North. South. East or West, the claim be ing iha In signalling at such names would prove confusing and probably preg nant of danger. Furthermore, with cruisers nam*l North Dakota and Routh Dakota, for It.stance, on the naval royi - ter, it would I e • asy for confusion to nri** ill Ofdete at Ia -count*, A smart negro who lurn tie color of his Kkin to ' untilty profit lives tn K tie sim City. An ex--hang© nays that In imikM a pfj te< of buying hou< In ► • U t whit*' neighborhoods, ur and then < x << > lUf.’ good beii “ from tfdj-jicnt propel’. ' op pert who wish to g t hlrn out of ti * )• igiibothood The 4m •me however, b i I*4 oriaiMftl kin* wj n *1 < tte d< 4 . , have prart|n*i| a inodllfi *i.oo of if !i Brooklyn for a numbu of years *u4 have trout” n* oik y by it# THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, AUGUST 31. 1900. FIGHTING OVER THE OLD <STES TION. The protest of the Grand Army of the Republic against the school histories used in the public schools of the South shows that the Union veterans will never be sat isfied unless the Southern people accept their view of the Civil War. In this con nection it is inteiesting to recall that at about every reunion of the Confederate veterans there is a discussion of the ! school history question, the complaint of | the Confederate veterans being that in j many, if not most, of the public schools jof the South the histories used do not do | the Southern side of the Civil War jus tice. It is worthy of notice that the Con federate veterans do not undertake to say what views of the Civil War shall be taught In the public schools of the North. They simply want the truth taught to the children of the Southern states, but the Union veterans not only want to say what the public school histories of the North shall contain, but ;lso what those used in the South shall contain. It ought to be apparent to them that they arc demanding too much—that they are meddling in a matter which does not concern them to any great extent, and that their protest is neither a proper one nor is it likely *c have the least effect. The Southern people are about as well ac quainted with the history of the Civil War as are the people of the North, and are not likely to consult the wishes of the Union veterans in the matter of his tories for their public schools. No doubt there are many Northern peo ple scattered throughout the South, and it may be that sofiie of them do not ap prove of histories used in Southern pub lic schools, but the fact must not be over looked that there ure many Southern peo ple living at the North, and the school histories In use there may not be wholly to their satisfaction. As the Grand Aimy veterans grow older their desire to run the country and to dic tate to all of the people thereof seems to increase. No doubt they mean well, but they should not fed aggrieved if their in clination to interest themselves in matters not contemplated in their original organi zation, should not be appreciated in all parts of the country. Even if they were entirely sure that the exact truth was (to be found in the school histories in use In the public schools of the North, it is a question whether it is the proper thing for them to do to protest against the his tories in use in the public schools in the South. SOCIAL SET CRITICISED. The high society of New York and New port is the subject of some recent sharp criticism from such sources as to make it attract public attention. It began with a sermon a few Sundays ago in All Sain's Church, Newport, by the Rev. Braddin Hamilton, who called attention to some of the alleged petty vices of the “smart set,” and urged that the conduct of the lives of those who composed that set wae of vital importance, “not only for your own sakes, but because of your influence on 75.000,000 of people.” The Rev. Mr. Hamilton charged Newport society with petty gambling, reckleea extravagance, vulgarity, desecration of the Sabbath by boating, playing golf and indulging in other sportive pleasures, and other petty vires of various kinds and degrees. There followed a more mild-mannered criticism of the social set by Cardinal Gibbons, who drew a contrast between the duties of the wife and mother and the frivolities of the woman of the fashionable set. Then came Mr. Thomas Nelson Page, even more se vere in his condemnation than was the Rev. Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Pago denied ve hemently' the intimation that the people looked up to the swell social set as ex emplars. and asserted that “outside of their own circle there are not 50,000 people in all the country who do not reprobate and deride their arrogance.’’ Seeking some Information on the other side of the Question n representative of a New' York paper interviewed Commodore El bridge T. Gerry', one of the best known and most typical Newport residents, and one or two other prominent summer mem bers 6f that social colony. The conclusion reached was that neither the Rev. Mr. Hamilton nor Mr. Page knew anything about the subject upon which they had essayed to speak. The preacher was un known to the social side of Newport, and that feature of Newport was, no doubt, unknown to him. Commodore Gerry and others asserted that the amusements in dulged in ate moderate and innocent, that there is no gambling uixl no Sabbath des ecration. As for the entertainments giv en by the wealthy he showed fiow they put money into the pockets of those who need ed it, and were nothing more than a source of innocent amusement and enjoyment to the young | tropic who took part in them. Commcdore Gerry blames the public for its hypercritical attitude toward New port society, the result of a demand lo be kept informed through the news; apers of the doings of the wealthy. This he attributes to curi osity rather than envy. Commodore Gerry seems to have taken the most lib eral view of the matter. There are un doubtedly as good p* ople. and as many of them, comparatively speaking, among the social set of New York and Newport as are to be found in any of the other lass of people. The Washington correspondent of the Chit Journal has been miking a cas ual little examination of the passenger IDD of the steamships bound for Eu rope. In them he finds a number of names of eongrossmen; and, peculiarly enough, it transpire." that those congress men who were most conspicuous in the aivoca<-y of the Hanna-Psyne ship sub sidy bill have almost to a man taken a trip to Europe this summer, and that practically all of thm have taken pass age by the American Line boats, which line would have secured, and y<| .-©cure, a bonu* of ?o,floo,onrj a year under the proposed legislation. Of course, the fa*’ h forth ibovt constitute c mere o'n <b*n< <\ t >ur congressmen w ould not for a moment j - unit a trip to Europe to influence them in tin ill", barge >f their altered duties in the halls of Congress. The punishment *r Ur* *< l, the assassin *>f King Humbert, \ by no m* na light H** Is condemn* i • n living d**.tfh to p * tle remainder of Ids nrur.d life w**n font waits. wiM. n, . mtnin un "uve hi* own bit ti i hough I* Tn , man ./? Intellectual ‘ tpsMty, sojiisry .mflrn a 11. without even th# ~f , iruaj visitor to hr. ~* the terrible ircmo onw, is worse iltstt Ar, th Vtt to* *•**#.!* |lth < i y Utstrvte ins bit; North Carolina will have an ample sup ply of good timber from which to pick her next senator. Chairman Simmons is the man who led the Democratic hosts to vlctofy in the recent stirring campaign. He is a shrewd and careful politician of the better sort. Gen. Carr, the million aire tobacco manufacturer of Durham, is one of the most broad-minded and dem ocratic rich men in the country. His pub lic spirit and afTection for the “common people’’ are proverbial in North Carolina. Mr. Waddell, formerly a member of Con gress, is the man who took hold of the situation in Wilmington at the time of the riots something over a year ago and brought order out of what for a time promised to be an extremely serious con ditions of affairs. It is hardly worth while to say a word of ex-Gov. Jarvis, so well is ho known. Either of the gen tlemen named would make North Caro lina a good representative in the upper house, and restore her to the place of honor and influence which she lost tem porarily when Marion Butler took advant age of a peculiar popular mental aber ration and secured the upper hand in her politics. The male shirtwaist crusade, it appears, is to be conducted on business principles. The fad is too good a thing for the shirt manufacturers to miss, and they are evi dently going to work it for all it is worth. Th© traveling men representing these manufacturers are under instructions, it is said, not to wear coats anywhere, if they can avoid it, and to put in their best efforts for shirts at every oppor tunity. Another season will, doubt less, see styles of shirts to be worn without coats, too numerous to keep Crack of, and the shirtwaist dude will be a sight to see. The anti-coat cru sade promises to revolutionize male at tire as much as did the change from knee breeches and long waistcoats to trousers and vests a few decades ago, but the chances are it will be sometime before the male shirtwaist gains entree to social functions or transforms the dignified sar torial adornment of the pulpit and the bench. The Florida Agricultural Experiment Station has just issued an important bul letin on pecan culture in that state, with a view to encouraging this valuable in dustry in the section where the trees can be grown to advantage. The pec'an tree in Florida flourishes as far south as Oneco and Fort Meade, though It floes better in the middle and northern parts of the state. The methods of propagating the pecan are dealt with extensively in the bulletin end much important informa tion is given. It also quotes from some Georgians who have interested themselves in the industry in the southern part of this state, and who have demonstrated that Georgia can raise a most excel lent product. The bulletin is largely pre liminary and will be followed by others from the experiment station with a view’ to extending the pecan industry in Flor ida. It is an industry that promises to demand great attention in this section. Curiously enough statements made by ex-Mlnister Denby who has gone over to the Republicans, are responsible in part for the conversion of President John J. Valentine of the Wells-Fargo Express Company to the Democratic w’ay of thinking. Mr. Denby said in his report as a member of the Philippine Commis sion, that if these islands would not ben efit this ration, they should be set free. Mr. Valentine reasons that the islands cannot be of any lasting benefit to us, and he has followed Mr. Denby’s advice, so to speak. Patent medicine posters in New York City, are offering nostrums for preventing and for curing sickness due to the ex cavations being made in various prts of the city for the underground railroad. Tho citizens along the route of the new line have felt much alarm over the up turning of the earth at this time of the year, but the authorities in charge of the work laugh at the idea and are prose cuting it with vigor. In New York sickness does not seem to count when there is a money making enterprise on foot. PERSON AL. —The use of the word “silhouette” is the only thing which keeps alive the memory of Etienne de Silhouette, who, in 1750, was the French minister of finance. M. de Sil houette was mean and stingy, and was far from popular with the people. When it was desired to stamp anything as cheap and worthless it was called “silhouette” in ridicule. So when the process of mak ing portraits by (Anting out the outline of the face in black pa|>er was invented the name of “silhouette” was given to it. And for once, it appears, a man’s parsi mony and meanness have made his name immortal. Cl It RENT COMMENT. The New Orleans Picayune (Dem.) says: “The Filipinos do not want to come under the control of the United States. They do not want such American citizenship as would be accorded them, for it would not mean equality, but subjection and sub ordination, and they ate resisting such a fate with all the energy and might of which they ar-' capable. Nor do the American people want ten millions or more /)f these mongrel—Asiatics as fellow-* it izens in i>ollrics. as competitors in the field of labor; but. should they accomplish the conquest and subjection of the Filipinos and tl'*ir country, they will bring about conditions which they and their children after them vdll regret for generations to come, and which will curse this republic and its in sti* tit ions for ages.” The Norfolk Landmark (Dem.) thinks Mr. Bryan did precisely (he right thing when he courteously declined the Invita tion of the G. A. R. to attend the national ♦n< tmpment ut Chisago. It says: “There would have been no absolute harm in the Democratic candidate s going If he wished to do so. Asa litizen, he had the privi leg* of acepting the invitation, no matter what Mr. McKinley dkl about the matter. It was simply a question of delicacy, an 1 Mr. has risen In the esteem of the country by having shown himself equal to the occasion.” The Chicago Chronicle (l>* m ) says: “Henaior Thurston of Xf’hru'ku, who will shortly Im* ex-Senator Thurston of Ne braska Is Inclined to think that w- ought o lung on to a slice of China ’as a ba*e • Thl* ‘bus- business D a favorite with statesmen who have hu .no.i- d* duns up. oft othet p opts territory It is ’has* in both sens* - * The Louisville Uoyrler (Dem) ***• ‘The all #e#m anxious to barn wl.i UitHe Ham I# going to do in Util** liA/IX, ittfn , trek log *f)>a<l)er ftiau theme* ties having likkt the h | |j, very nj-*eMfuJ tisivc so tmt, your I’im.** pin itiort fia* ceased to be a ‘am kef." ** Rubbing Sticks Together. “Hanged if 1 believe anybody ever made a fire by rubbing two sticks together, all travelers’ yarns to <he contrary notwith standing,” declared an enthusiastic local sportsman the other day, according to the New Orleans Times-Democrat. “I spent a couple of weeks with a camping party on the upper Red river, west of Winfield, last spring,” he went on, “and one morn ing I got separated from the other boys, and it was night before I found my way back to our shack. I am an inveterate smoker and when I filled up my pipe after wandering around for an hour or two 1 was horrified to find that my match safe was empty. As soon as I made the discov ery my desire for a smoke increased ul)out 500 per cent. If I had had my gun along I could have started a blaze with out trouble, but unluckily I had set out to do some fishing and had no weapon but my hook and line. Naturally, the first thing that occurre i to me was flint and steel, but I couldn't find any flint, and then I happened to think of the old story about making fire with two pieces of wood. Well, I won’t tire,you with details, but if ever a man gave an experiment a conscientious trial I did on this occasion. I picked up chunks of half a dozen dif ferent kinds of wood, trimmed them down with my penknife and tried them all in various combinations, using one hard and one soft stick, exactly as the story books .say the Indians do. But, although I rubb ed until the pesky things were chafed nearly in two, I never succeeded in get ting them even warm. At las< I remem bered reading somewhere about a scheme of the natives of Java, who are said to lay a flat piece of wood on the ground and twirl a small rod, top-fashion, on its surface, by means of a cord. I soon made one of the machines, cutting up my sus penders for the string, and if you had seen me squatting there see-sawing the thing you would have taken oath that I had lost ,my mind. At the end of half an hour I was redhot and the apparatus was dead cold. The longer I twirled the cooler it got. If I had kept on another half hour 1 believe I would have had a stick frappe. But I had gone far enough to convince me that the man who wrote the story was a double-barrelled, back-action, triple-plated liar, and I yearned violently for his gore. I struck camp just about dusk, and the first thing I did was to grab a coal from the fire and put it on my pipe. Later on I discovered four matches in the lining of my vest. I won’t repeat my remarks, but my friend's asked me why I didn’t talk that way in the woods. They say my language would have set fire to u piece of asbestos.” A Alan of Renources. When a wife is just starting down town to do some errands and leaves her husband at home she invariably gives him from one to a dozen orders, couched in the language of requests', says the De troit Free Press. This one said: “Don’t you thank, dear, that it W’ould boa goed scheme to get out tho hose, drench the lawn, drown out the heat on the stone walks and wet down the roof of the portico? That tin just steams, But be sure to put down the windows*, dear.” He muttered things to himself while carrying the hose, spoke louder when a stream from a break banged him in the eye, lit on the back of his head when he missed an Intruding dog at which he kicked, and then was dead ripe for a strat agem or crime. Of ccurs:*, he forgot to clcse the windows, the result being that he deluged the upper flcor, with the sub sequent result of spoiling the ceiling be n<ath and injuring a good 4b al of the parlor furniture. His first conclusion on discovering this ruin and devas ation was that his wife would make the fur fly. compel things- to jingle and raise the roof. But he is a man of resources. He gathered newspa pers right and 1 ft as he ran, piled them in the upper room, made a bonfire, drowrn <d it out in time and then ran like mad to the fire alarm. The department res ponded gallantly. He met the boys with a smile, told them that he had coequal Q d the flames, gave a written order for citars end sent thrm away happy. The wife never removei her hat. but went to th" insurance office, secured a compromise adjustment for SSO and then went about boas;lrg,abcut her husband’s wonderful presence of mind. Next day the company got an anonymous commun ication inclosing SSO in conscience money. Tlie Sexton’* Wit. “An Irishman of the fall blood cannot resist an opportunity for repartee, no mat ter how solemn the occasion or what his surroundings,” said an English clergy man, a visitor in Washington, the other day, when the conversation turned on the funny experience of clergymen connected with the church, according to the Wash ington Post. “I wns assisting an old friend of mine, the rector of a church in Ireland, one Sunday, and before the service we w’ere in the vebtry room putting on our robes, with the old sexton, a shrivelcd-up Irish man of the perfect tyj>e, assisting. My friend, who was somewhat old, was a lit tle testy that morning, and somehow the sleeve of his surplice got mixed up. Not withstanding the assiduous efforts of the old sexton to direct his arm to the right hole, the two would not cbnnect. Final ly, losing patience, my friend said, sharp ly: ‘“Ach, the divil’s in the thing.’ “The old sexton brightened up, and. looking over at me with a twinkle in his eye, said, as quick as lightning, “Not yit, your riverince.’ “It restored the good humor of the sit uation. and the vestment was properly adjusted.” The Value of Languages. A good story is told of two Oxford un dergraduates touring in the East, who en tered the shop of a Jew’ whose knowledge of English, though he spoke most oth* r tongues was limited, Bays London Tit- Bits. With the customary carelessness of the Anglo-Saxon race when abroad, one undergraduate remarked to the other, on failing to make the Jew understand what he wanted, “The fool does not speak Eng lish!” This remark came within the radius of the old Jew’s comprehension, and drew from him the following questions: “Do you spik ItalianV” to which they re plied : “No.” “Do you spik Grik?” “No.” “Do you Fpik Turk?’ “No.” “Do you spik Spanish?* “No.” “Do .\ou spik Russian?” “No.” After a pause the old man. with consid erable energy, ejaculated: “Me one times fool, you five timee fool!” to the complete discomfiture of tin* young man. Ouc Would Not Be IllMftl. in connection with the last visit to Lon don of the fate Shah ol* Persia, many stories are told which sound like satire upon the politics of tin* East, says the Youth's Companion One of those tl< more nmusing perhaps than true, is that In- sirongly advlr-d the Prince of Will • t*> make .iw.iy with a certain influential nobleman who had grown “too powerful to be quite safe ” Another story is vouched for on hotter evidence The Hhith was taken to vkqt Newgate prison, and after u somewhat * xt. i <l*d exuinitiation, he suddenly r* <|U*'Vt * and to Mil (X* <*Utlon. With ill* Ut ni*at iir-r th - * warden of tile prison <rp .lined that u ll tppilv no one watt un der 1 i.efn - Just at that time ltn ih Hhali swept wti> the tJectLo* wif.i 1 ¥ * e of fit* hand. ' Tak< <>r;r of tny suite,” he raid “Any one Will do.” Greatly to h< <Jl*P4*dn'ftt<a,t the offi 'k'.ussl 10 comply *mii hu is* Hnmi, MDNYON’S INHALER ' jrfsw CURES * CATARRH Colds, Coughs, ffr t - Hay Fever, Bron- Asthma fljlpl| fjpsjgand all Diseases jpppFof t * lc Throat and Clouds of Medicated Vapor are Inhaled through the mouth and emitted from the nos trils. cleansing and vaporizing all the inflamed and diseased parts which cannot be reached by medicine taken into the stomach. • +lt reaches the sore spots—lt heals the raw places—lt goes to the seat of disease—lt acts as a balm and tonic to the whole system — sl.oo at druggists or sent by mail. 1605 Arch St., Phik* IT. 81. Of HOPE R’Y AID G. 8 S. R’f SI UEUI LE For Isle of Hope, Montgomery, Thunder bolt, Cattle Park and West End. Dally except Sundays. Subject to change without notice. ISLE OF HOPE. ' Lv. City for 1. of H. ; Lv. Isle of Hope. 630 am from Tench 1 6 00 am for Bolton 7SO am from Tenth | 600 am for Tenth 830 am from Tenth j 7 00 am for Tenth 9 15 am from Bolton | 8 00 am for Tenth 10 30 am from Tenth 110 00 am for Tenth 12 00 n'n from Tenth 11 00 am for Bolton IJA pm from Bolton |ll 30 am for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth | 2 00 pm for Tenth 330 pm from Tenth | 2 40 pm for Bolton 430 pm from Tenth I 3 00 pm for Tenth 530 pm from Tenth 400 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth | 6 oo pm for Tenth 730 phn from Tynth | 7 oo pm for Tenth 830 pm from Tenth I 8 00 pm for Tenth 930 pm from Tenth | 9 00 pm for Tenth 10 30 pm from Tenth ;10 Oil pm for Tenth |ll 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv city for Mong’ry. | Lv, Montgomery. 830 am from Tenth 715 am for Tenth* 230 pm from Tenth 115 pm for Tenth 630 pm from Tenth 600 pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. Lv city for Cat.Park] Lv. Cattle Park, e 30 am from Bolton | 7 00 am for Bolton 730 am from Bolton | 8 00 am for Bolton 100 pm from Bolton | 1 30 pm for Bolton 230 pm from Bolton | 3 00 pm for Bolton 700 pm from Bolton I 7 30 pm for Bolton SOO pm from Bolton 1 8 30 pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT. Car leaves Bolton street junction 5:30 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11:30 p. m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 6:00 a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton street junc tion. FREIGHT AND PARCEL TAR. This car carries trailer for passengers on all trips and leaves west side of city market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and all intermediate points at 9:00 a. m.. 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Leaves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt, City Market and all intermediate points at 6:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 2:40 p. m. WEST END CAR. Car leaves west side of city market for West End 6:00 a. m. and every 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 11:30 p. m. Leaves West End at 6:20 a. m. and ev ery 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 12:00 o’clock midnight. H. M. LOFTON, Pen. Mgr, B. P. NeaTj, F. P. Millard, President Vice President Henry Hurt. Jr Sec y and Treaa. NEAL-MILLARD CO. Builders’ Material, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Brashes, EWERS' HARDWARE, j Lime, Cement and Plaster. 'if mm, ,’hllekn Street,. SAVAIRIH, 64. Wp dyspepsia runJmu/ z-7 Cm'e , - Tablets * ) Jr* Not only quickly rli#ve tv In.ligostion, (Jus. Bloating, Constipation,BHJowm***, lNu pitation ' f tt>9 Hatrtiind kindrtd disorder!, Fa offect a permanent cure. v¥ P r °mote *r> e Appetite Y find Put Flesh or\ Thin J People. All disorder* o? the stomach and ‘ * bowel* ran b* cured by their use. Neat romped ran he carried in the pock ■ et. Price fiOo per bos. At all dr.iggist, J LOU BURK ti CO., Bloomington, 111. COMFORT™" For your slock. The fly season Is now on us and the time to usa Tough on Flies, n lotion when applied will prevent your horses and cattle from being pestered. Try ll and be convinced. HAY, GRAIN, BRAN, COW FEED CHICKEN FEED, etc. T. J. DAVIS, Phone 223. ll* Bay street, west J. D. WEED * CO 14V43N4U, 04. Leather Belting, Steam Packing k Hose. Agents for NEYV YORK RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. OPIUM Morphine and Cocaine habits cured pain h’ssly In 10 to 20 days. The only guaran. teed painless cure. No cure no pay. Address, DR. J. H. HEFLIN, Locust Grove. Ga Good Goods —Close Prices. Send us your orders. Soups, Patent Medicines, Drugs, Rubber Goods, Per fumery, Toilet Powder, Combs, Brushes 4c. riONNELLY DRUG CO.. Thono 678. L.Oerty and Price sts. I’BOPUJAU WANTED. I'DRI SCR l.\ EN, Tyler Island, *s, An, l, IMy S< nled propo.uls.ln triplicate. Will he re ived here ur4l! 12 111 . gept. f 1W). for eonur ielln* 1 store house u! S p f'-ivi i gill to aerepi or rej.-et unv or all piei.neiß or any pa-: ihiivof. in lorn, til"!, -rn Md on tiniharijn En velop.. ',,nn|i proposals should be mi.i. ed I .oiHiritis .or constructions," address .John E. Ilsy.l.n, y. M OLU NKWIPAPKIM. W for asst* ts ftus.asM 031 c, Alornkif News, Ocean Steamship Ga —FOR— IMew York, Boston —AND— THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All the comforts of a modern hotel. Electria lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets include meals and berths aboard ship. Passenger Fares irora Savannah. TO NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. S2O; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $32; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sls; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $24. STEERAGE. $lO. TO BOSTON FIRST CABIN. $22; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, $36. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $23.00. STEERAGE, $11.75. The express steamships of this line are appointed to sail from Savannah, Central (90<h) meridian time, as 'ollows: SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. TALLAHASSEE, Copt Askins, SAT URDAY, Sept. 1, 9:00 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, MONDAY’. Sept. 3, 11:30 a. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, TUESDAY, Sept. 4, 12:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, THURS DAY’, Sept. 6, 2:30 p. m. CITY’ OP BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg, SATURDAY. Sept. 8, 4:01 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, MON DAY, Sept. 10. 3:30 p m. CITY’ OF AUGUSTA Capt. Daggett, TUESDAY, Sept. 11, 6:30 p m. NACOOCHEE, Copt Smith. THURS DAY, Sept. 13, 8:0) p. m. KANSAS CITY’, Capt. Fisher, SATUR DAY", Sept. 15, 10:00 p. m. CITY’ OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Berg. MONDAY, Sept. 17. 12:00 noon. TALLAHASSEE, Capv. Askins, TUES DAY, Se;:t. 18. 1: 0 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, THURSDAY. Sept. 20, 2:3) p. m. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith, SATUR DAY’. Sept. 22. 4:00 p m KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher. MONDAY, Sept. 21, 5:00 p. ni. CITY’ OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Berg, TUESDAY, Sept. 25, 5:"0 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, THURS DAY’, S pt. 27. 6:3.) p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, SATURDAY, Sept. 29. 8:0) p. m. NEW YORK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY. Aug. 31. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY’, Sept. 5. noon. CITY’ OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY’, Sept. 10, noon. CITY’ OF MACON. Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Sept. 14, noon CITY’ OF MACON, Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Sept. 19, noon CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage, MON DAY, Sept. 24, noon. CITY’ OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY’, Sept. 28, noon This company reserves the right to change its sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for. Sailings New York for Savannah dally except Sundays, Mondays and Thursday, 5:00 p. tn. W. G. BREWER. City Ticket and Pass enger Agent, 107 Bull street. Savannah, Ga. E. W. SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent, Savannah, Ga. R. G. TREZEVAKT, Agent, Savannah, Ga. WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dep't, 224 W. Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla. E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Sa vannah, Ga. P. E. I-F. FEVRE. Superintendent, New Pier 25. North River. New York. N. Y. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMSHIP LINES. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE!. Tickets on sale at company's offices t the following points at very low rates; ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BALTIMORE, MD. BUFFALO. N. Y. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND, O. ERIE, PA HAGERSTOYVN. HARRISBURG, PA. HALIFAX, N. S. NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER. TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-class tickets include meals and state rcom berth. Savannah to Baltimore. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. Freight capacity lnlimit-d; careful han litig and quick dispatch. The steamships of this company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah to Balti more as follows (standard time): ALLEGHANY, Capt. Foster, SATUR DAY’. Sept. 1, 10:60 p. m. TEXAS, Capt. Eldridge, TUESDAY, Sept. 4, 1:30 p. m. D. H. MILLER, Capt. Peters, THURS DAY", Sept. 6, 3:30 p. m. And from Baltimore Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 4:60 p m. Ticket Office, 39 Bull street. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agent. J. J. CAROLAN, Agent, Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER. G. P. A A D. STERBINS. A. T. M. J. C. WHITNEY. Traffic Manager. General Offices, Baltimore, Md. IF Sill'S HiliMiC DOES NOT CURE ALL 101 l Fevers mi Cl® YOUR DRUGGIST WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY Every Bottle Guaranteed. MANUFACTURED DY COLUMBIA DRUG C 0„ SAVANNAH, CA ftIMMKM ULSO iri. HOTEL VICTORIA ProvlWiy, l'• i: uveiiut and 27th ■(.. N#w York clip. Knilittly nw. abxoluuly ftrr* l>r<*n. fcuroj>*an plan, Room*. fl.uo pt day and u|>**r<J JtOiJEHT T. Dum/yp, Manaftr. k onanrts at lietai lispaiiaL