The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 31, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 WOMEN WERE HIS VICTIMS. ALEX YOUNG WOUNDED HIS WIFE AND KILLED IDA CARTER. llif Negro Wa* Craifd With Drink anil ißCfnited by Fancied Wronga From Him Wife—After Wor<l With Her, He Reßon Handllngr His Re volver—His Wife Sought to Pre vent Hi* l sln It. and Wn* Shot. Cont■ n n Hl* Attack* Young Shot and Killed the Carter W oman—The Murderer Gave Himself L’l> at the Harrnekw. Alexander Young, a ne#?ro, rrazed with drink and convinced in his befuddled mind that he vas a sadly-imposed upon husband, emptied the contents of his re volver into his wife, Louisa Young, and Ida Carter, who lived in (he same house with them, last night shortly before mid night. The Carter woman was killed in stantly. a bullet passing through her heart and another through the shoulder. The mans wife received three wounds, two in the right hand and one in the breast. She will recover. The shooting was entirely unprovoked, According to the testimony of Louisa Yeung, which was taken by Coroner Goette before the arrival of the physi cian, who, it was feared, might pronounce her wounds fatal. In that event her ante mortem statement would have been need ed in the court when the trial of her husband is held. Young took an extremely unusual and rather Inexplalnable course immediately after the shooting. Flight is the first thing tnat suggests itself to one who does so desperate a deed as his, but not once, apparently, did he think of escape. Though the gallows stared him In the face, he did not hesitate, but made di rectly for the police station, where he told of his bloody work and gave him self up. He was at once lodged in a cell. The killing created great excitement Amid the colored population of the vicin ity in which it occurred. Within a brief (time after the shots rang out, a great crowd had gathered, and wild rumors got afloat as to the extent of the crime. For n long time it was the impression that both women had been killed, and this view’ was the successor of several far more sensational ones that had given way to the statements that gradually found credence in the crowd as those who in vestigated reported the results of their search. On every hand might have been heard expressions of satisfaction in the knowl edge that the murderer was lodged in jail. The men and women of his race, gathered about the scene of the crime, were highly incensed against him. but the prospect of early Justice that would follow made them content to accept the news of Young’s Incarceration without (thought of wreaking any vangeance upon him themselves. From words that could be heard in the crowd, however, it was believed probable that summary punish ment would have been meted out to the man could he have been found among them. The ravings of the distressed rel atives of the dead woman were such as to incite to hasty revenge, and doubtless they would have been given ear had Young been around to stand as the ob ject upon which the wrath ot the negroes might be vented. The story of the crime Is simple. As told by the murderer’s wife, and substantiated, as to parts, by S. W. Carter, the hus band of the murdered woman, it had but low details, the murderous frenzy Into which her husband had worked himself having been, seemingly, the result of but a few moments’ brooding auger. His out burri was sudden and terriile, uncalled for and not to be assuaged. Returning from Ida work w’ith the Plant System, where Young has been employed, he wanted his supper. This the gave him, and he left the house. The Carter woman, with her husband, occu pied the same house, No. 650 President street, east, having rooms on the lower floor, while the Y'oungs lived above. The Carters left after supper for a choir prac tice at their church and were not at home when Young returned. Louisa noticed that her husband had been drinking when he returned to the house, and his temper was ugly. She told him, after she had been the butt cf several of his surly remarks, that she would not live with him if she was to be subjected to such treatment. Her husband then.said be wanted a blanket to spread upon the floor to lie upon, but Ixiuisa tol l him she didn’t have one, so Young lay down with out the blanket, his wife being upon tha bed. Lying there in the darkness, she heard her husband clicking his pistol. Fearing that he meant mischief, she sprang from her bed and sought to prevent him from ■using the weapon. Grappling with nun. she caught the revolver's muzzle In her right hand, Young pulling the trigger and the double-action 32-caliber sending two bullets through her hand. The bones were crushed, and the woman was forced to release her hold. In the meantime the Carters had re turned. They heard the shots above and ran up stairs. The Young woman scream ed to them to come in, that the door was unlocked, but both were ufrald to rush In upon the armed husband. Turning again upon Young, the wife swung him madly to one side, threw open the door and rushed down stairs with the Carters, Young following in hot pursuit. Those fleeing were in time to shut and lock the Carters' door, leaving the man with the pistol on the outside. He broke Bn the panels, firing at the figure of a woman he saw within, perhaps believing It to be his wife. Twice he iired, and the Carter woman fell dead. Then Louisa ■'-roamed, and her husband turned to the closet In which she had concealed herself and fir and a shot Into her breast. Turning then, he ran from the house. Carter firing a shot from his pistol after him as he ran In his flight Young chunked away his weapon, leaving It behind a bureau. A report of the affair was made to the police, and soon there were several nn the scene to maintain order among the fast-gathering crowd of negroes. The wounded woman had run Into the street and sought entrance Into the houses of two of her neighbors, but they refused her admission, so she sat upon the curb until two or three men carried her Into h house that was thrown open to her. There th- coroner tork her statement, and her W'umd* were dressed by Hr. Cur rie. Louisa showed remarkable forti tude while the doctor was probing for ♦he balls hearing her pain wonderfully. T>r I'urrlt said she would re over, as the wounds wire not serious. MMSAK TIIIKI' t iMlllXi IIKBI), ♦tolllll'll the Safe of ■■ lint Mtreef l inn In llriinil Dstllalii, A sneak thief enn-rid Ihi otfh* of |flin ter I’mrca A Haney ya.wrday morning about II O’clock and robbed lha safe of 111 all that was In the money diawer Tla lb*ft Wtti discovered when on* of the clerks who bad l-en in the year of lb* nor*, lame (o i|-e 1 the* The empty ttiotoy drawer It* found on *lt* window with 1 lie key Util In lln | oca While lh* aaf* doeer was ld < pen The mailer #* refe/rlid In the felic*, Imil as the Ifdef le/I bo by Is lii, b lee email Ii„ Ifa' irf •' tds'i* ified Ihe re tg Ultls likelihood of MS beiiig captor,4. WORKED A SMOOTH SCHEME. Savannnlifan* ( nine Out Well In a Central Rond Operation. Savannah hears worked a smooth scheme on the New Ycrk holders of the first income bonds of the Central of Geor gia Railway. There was a shade of trick ery about the operation, but, as in love and war, all is fair in stock transactions. Such, at least, is a concession made by those who operate. Inquiries failed to develop the details of che story or reveal the identity of those who are alleged to have profited by the scheme. Nor could it he learned to just what extent the New Yorkers had been beaten, but one report had it that one block of SIOO,OOO worth of the bonds had been secured by a single Savannah ian. He bought them at a figure that has enabled him to count himself win ner by something like SIO,OOO, including the dividend of 3*4 tnat is payable Oct. 1. It was said that information was wired New York Just before the meeting of the board of directors of the Central day be fore yesterday that there would be no div idend declared. This was a matter of sur prise to those who had the bonds in New York, for h dividend had been confidently expected. The news that the directors would declare no dividend rapidly gained currency, and it was not long before it had Its effect upon the quotations. The price declined from 44 to 42, and instruc tions were sent on from Savannah to buy. it was by this trick that the game was worked and the Savannahians came out on ton. With the news of the declaration of the dividend, up went the quotations again to something l>ove the point they had reached before the fake telegrams. The result is that, unless they have sold out. the smooth speculators hold the bonds at some points above the price they paid, besides having dividends .awaiting them when stock certificates are presented on Oct. 1 at the Citizens’ Bank. HU ES ON THE RANGE. The Company Medal YVon ly I,lent. J. M. Dreyer. The annual shoot of the Republican Blues was held yesterday afternoon at the rifle range. The scores were not a.s high as were expected, and as would hove boon made had the conditions been more propitious. The weather had been very threatening before the departure of the company, under command of Capt. M. Ed Wilson, from the Regimental Armory, and, while the fear of rain had about passed away by the time the com pany arrived nt the range, the air was murky and it was impossible to secure a clear view of the targets, especially the more distant ones. Considering the ad verse conditions, the officers regarded the scores as very satisfactory. The company medal was w’on by First Lieutenant J. M. Dreyer, whose score was 109. This was at the 200, 300, 500 and 600 yards ranges and on the skirmish, all of which figures in the rifle practice regula tions, and are those upon which records as sharpshooters and marksmen are made. Lieut. Dreyer is a Sea Girter, and the score is fur below that of which he is capable. His sharpshooter’s qualifica tion this season was upon the score of 138. from which it may be judged that the light was poor, or that something else was radically wrong. Quartermaster Sergeant Wilkinson was next in the competition, his score being 101. His highest score this season was 116. Lieut. Drcyer’s score at the several ranges was as follows: 18 at 200, 21 at 300, 41 at 500. 17 at 600 and 12 at the skirmish. Sergt. Wilkinson’s score was 20 at 200, 18 at 300, 42 at 500. 15 at 600 and 6 nt the skirmish. His prize was also a medal. The prize in the honorary, veteran nnd pay classes was won by Capt. J. P. White, honorary member, whose score at the tw*o ranges, 200 and 300 yards, at which those classes fired, was 40, being made with 18 ut 200 and 22 at 300. The company enjoyed refreshments nt the range and upon the return to the armory. The cool atmosphere that fol lowed the wind and rain of the early af ternoon made the stay on the range more pleasant than many have found It who have gone out on warmer days. QUIII K CAUGHT IN TAMPA* Defaulting Trenmirer of the Repnh lienn lllue* Arrented. Michael It. Quirk, the defaulting treas urer of the Republican Blues, was arrest ed yesterday in Tampa by the police of that city. One of the dity detectives will leave for Tampa to-day and will bring the man back to Savannah for trial. Quirk had been treasurer of the Blues for about a year before the crime for which he was arrested became known. This was on July 6 last, w’hon, after re peated requests for a statement of his account with the company had been re lused to Capt. M. Ed. Wilson, the cap tain himself made an investigation of the company’s bank account and found that it was overdrawn. Quirk was charged with the shortage and admitted his guilt, but stated that if lie was not arrested he would get friends to make good the amount of the shortage. Upon this understanding and the as surance of several of Quirks friends who promised to he responsible for the amount, he was not arrested. He spent the next five or six days at work on the books which were very badly muddled, but at the end of that time disappeared. The men who had stood surety were asked to make good the amount, but not only refused to do so. but likewise ro tused to make known the whereabouts of the defaulter. The matter was then reported to th< police. The amount that Quirk made away with is estimated to be between $250 and $.300, though from the condition in which he left the company’s books, it is Impossi ble to state the exact amount. The by-laws of the company provide that the treasurer shall be under bond. As Quirk was treasurer when the pres ent officers were elected, it was thought that this provision of the by-laws had been complied with, but after his departure it was found that such was not the case, so it is likely that the company will lose the entire amount of the defalcation. TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OLD. Knight* of I*y tlilns. Uniform Rank, l*irn<l* nnd Banquet. The Knights of Pythias. Uniform Rank, yesterday celebrated ils twenty-fourth an niversary with a street parade ami ban quet. The company formed at the castle at Barnard and Y'ork streets, and ai 6 o’clock, eighty strong and headed by Mid dleton’* Uind, they began the line of 1 town ati*'(s. They returned to Hie castle shortly before 7 o'clock. Refreshment* had been prepared and the remainder of the evrplng wus spent in having a plc.i*- ani lime. Tin uniform rank. !i* officers *,*>*, |* *b udlly growing in popularity and conse quently In inimlM-r* The liunuM* In n>ehrhlp ha bun jmithular|y notice* abb lately The pie** nt convention thal Is now being held In Detroit U expected to have s wide spread and whoUesofne In iere* t In this branch of inr order to n§ material Increase m<S advantage. Saratoga comes to town at Jkdomona Drug fu>rr, flub and Charlton streeta Du will now find (he re;#fera|rd Wgf rre Arondgck and catngrtg on 4nufkt In their natural stale. All you *sn Jinh lor l ca*n#.—a4 THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1900. CLAIMS AN INFRINGEMENT. USB OF ATTACHMENT TO HUTCHIN SON ISLAND COMPRESS ENJOINED. Montgomery Conipre** Company C laim* That the Principle of Lat eral Transverse ConiprenMion nnd Machinery by Which It I* Applied Are JtM Sole and Patented Proper ty—Alleged That J. F. Mini* A Cos. and Union Shipping Company Are I Ming Thin Attachment .fudge Shelby Enjoin* Uie of Attachment Temporarily—Will Not Interfere With Operation of Comprens. A temporary injunction, granted by Circuit Judge D. D. Shelby and filed yesterday in the office of the clerk of the United Stoles Circuit Court here, pro hibits J. F. Minis & Cos., and the Union Shipping Company from further use of certain attachments to the compress now in operation on Hutchinson Island. The complainant in the injunction pro ceedings is the Montgomery Compress Company of Memphis, Term., and the ground of complaint alleged in the peti tion is the infraction by the defendants of certain vested patent rights which it claims to own. The rights claimed are said to depend upon the discovery of the p inciple “that the compression of a bale of fibrous or like substance, to the ex treme limit in one direction, did not ex haust the quality of compressibility of the bale in a direction transverse to the first compression,” and the practical ap plication of this principle to the com pression of cotton for export. The complainant claims to be the sole owner of the patent and the sole rightful user of the process, by which, “in addi tion to ordinary direct compression, a lateral or side compression is produced in a transverse direction.’’ It is charged that in the opera (ion of the compress on Hutchinson Island an attachment is be ing used which applies this principle and which is an infringement upon the pat ent rights of the Montgomery Compress Company. Of course, it is not true, as has been widely and unwisely stated, that the grant of the temporary injunction pro hibits the operation of the compress on Hutchinson Island, or that it will mate rially interfere, with It. All that is pro hibited is the use of the alleged patented attachment, by which a lateral compres sion is produced in a transverse direc tion. This is merely an attachment, can 1)0 taken away from the compresses with out impairing their efficiency, and the pro hibition of its use will not interfere with the compression of cotton for a single hour, or even a single minute. Work to day will go on just as 1t has since oper ations were begun. The contention of the complainant is that the process was discovered and the machinery to apply it to the compression of c otton invented by Stonewall R. Mont gomery, to whom letters pa lent were is sued by the government on Sept. 14. 1897. The inventor, since he obtained letters pot ent from the government, has transferred all of his rights io the complainant in the pending suit. A number of items of damage, actual and prospective, are alleged in the peti tion of the complainant. It is asserted that the use of the patented process by the defandants will result in a large loss in sales, that it will cost a cloud upon the title of the complainant to the sole use of the patented process and machinery for its application, and that it is a wanton in terference with vested rights. Because there is no adequate nnd speedy remedy at law, the complainant brings its appeal to the attention of the court of equity and bespeaks its extraordinary processes of re lief. The complainant is represented by Messrs. Harvey 8. Knight of Memphis. W. E. Kay of Brunswick and Garrard & Meldrim of Savannah. The order granted by Judge Shelby, in the absence from the district of Judge Emory Speer, requires th 1 defendants to desist from the compression of cotton by the use of the patented attachment, by which lateral transverse compression is produced, but it is expressly provided that tho defendants shall in no way be inter fered with or restrained so long a.s they use only direct compression. The at tachment. the use of which Is prohibited, may be left on the compress and work proceed without applying it. It is not even necessary to remove it from the machine in order to comply with the provisions and requirements of the injunction and at the same time continue the compress ion of cotton. Judge Shelby’s order directs that the defendants shall show cause before Judge Speer, in Macon, on Oct. 3. why the tem porary injunction now in force should not he continued until the further order or decree of the court. The petition filed is accompanied by a number of affidavits-, tending to show that the attachment In use on Hutchinson Island is an infringe ment of the complainant’s patent, and re citing facts connect-d w ith various visits made by Messrs. Robert D. and Samuel J. Webb, the mechanical engineers who placed the Hutchinson Island attachments in position to the compresses of the com plainant in Memphis. The apparent pur pose of the affidavits relative to the Messrs. Webb is to show that they gath ered their ideas from the machinery of the complainant. Tho complainant, in compliance with the order of the court, has furnished bond in the sum of $20,000, with the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland ns se curity, conditioned to repay the defen dants any damages they may sustain by reason of the order being improperly sought and issued. WEDDING AT THE SYNAGOGUE. Ceremony Wn* I'ollounl ly Enter tainment nt Odd Fellow*' Hull. Mr. M. G. Cohen and Miss Hannah Kat zoff were married last evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Synagogue on Montgomery street, which was crowded by the friends and relatives of the bridal cbuple. The ceremony, which was strictly in accord ance with tho Hebrew ritual, was per formed by Rev. Horovitch. The bridal procession was an attractive one. The ushers were Messrs. Joseph Bauman. Sollie Kntzoff. Aaron KotzofF and I. Cohen. Misses Gussie Morris and Regina Bauman were bridesmaids, and Miss May Kntzoff was maid of honor. Misses Tillie Cohen and Hannah Kassel were the flower girl*. Mr. S. Morris was best man. The bride’s dress w’as costly and beau tiful. It was of duchess* satin, the yoke being of white applique and the sleeves accordion pleated und finished off in real la.e. The skirt was made with an ac cordion pleat of liberty satin. She wore a veil, and as an ornament a diamond •unburst, a gift of the groom. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony, the wedding party and many guests re paired 10 the Odd Fellows’ li.ill, where festivity reigned until a late hour. For a few' minutes the happy couple sat in one corner of the large hall, whet* they received the congratulation* and good wishes of their friend* and relatives. Then the wedding march was played, and the bridal parv headed the procession that moved to (he dining h ill, where a tempf itig feast wa partaken of Dancing fol lowed and wa enjoyed by th* young peo ple who had received card* The bride U th# daughter of Mr. and Mr J K Katzoff, Hhe has a boat of friends among the Jewish people of g*. venue h Mr Cohen is a well-known young business man of Hi Julian at reef Milk watels at 2$ |*/r teid discount. Ji ll Uv> A Ura.-ti VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER. Verdict of the Coroner’* Jury In the I’owrll Inquest. An\inquest by the coroner into the death of George Powell, the negro w’ho was struck with a rock Saturday night by Jesup Fields and died the following morning, was held last nlghi *nd recit ed in a verdict of voluntary manslaugh ter. Four witnesses W’ere examined. Ed ward Green, the first, said that on the night in question, Walter Jones, otherwise known as “Toes,” came to the yard of Howard’s saloon, at Harrison and West Broad streets. He said that Powell owed him a little bill and that he intended to settle with him. After being in the yard a short time he went around to the front of the place, and in about five mniutes went running down Harrison street. George Brooks, another negro, who was present,remarked,‘There goes “Toes,’’who has just knocked George Powell with a brick.’’ Upon being questioned, the wit nesses said that he did not see “Toes’* run down the street. George Brooks, the next witness, said that previous to the row*, he, Edward Green and two women were in the yard at the rear of Howard’s place drinking beer, when three men came into the yard. He didn’t know any of the men, hut afterward learned that one of them Is called “Toes.” The men had bricks wrapped in paper in their hands. Ella Glover, one of the wo men in the yard, jumped up, and taking the bricks from one of the men, threw them away, but the man named “Toes” refused to give up the ones that he had. The third man of the party went into the bar where Powell and a friend were drink ing, while “Toes” and the other man went out of the side gate of the yard, going 'to West Broad street. Al>out five min utes later we heard someone come iqto the bar and say “they have killed a man out here.” We went to the side gate and saw the shortest man in* the crow’d run ning down Harrison street, and w'hen we got on the corner beard somebody say it was “Toes” that had hit the man. At the time Powell had a handkerchief against his temple, while his friend had one of the men who had come in the yard backed up in Howard’s window. The men that he had in this position said to him: "You know I didn’t hit the man, don’t you?” The dead men’s friend replled:“But you know who did hit him.” and the other said: “I told you it was ‘Eyes* that hit him.” James Green, another witness said: “I was coming from the market Saturday night and met ‘Toes’ and ‘Eyes* on Jef ferson and St. Julian streets. The man who was afterwards struck had some cross words with ‘Eyes.’ Later, while I, ‘Toes,’ and ‘Eyes’ were on the way to the club on New street, we met again near Howard’s saloon, the man who was afterwards struck. ‘Eyes’ asked him if he was drunk, when he was speaking to him before. The men started toward ‘Eyes,* who then struck him with a brick and ran away.” The witness stated that neither did ‘Toes’ or himself run. The last and most important witness was Walter Jones, or. as he is better known. “Toes.” In substance his testimony was lo the effect that on Saturday night in company with Green, “Eyes,” and a girl, he was coming from market when he met two men, one of whom was Powell. Powell accosted “Eyes” with the remark that lie looked like he had lost something. “Eyes” replied, telling Powell’s compan ion to take him on as he appeared to be drunk. Powell replied with an oath that he wasn’t drunk and would show him that he wasn’t. The witness said that they then went on but later met Powell and his friend outside of the store at West Broad and Harrison streets. He cor roberated the story of the other man about having a rock in his hand. Leav ing the yard, he said “Eyes w*-nt up to Powell, who was on the corner and asked him if he was drunk when he cursed him before. Powell replied that he was not. and repeating his former remark that he would “show him” started forward with an open knife in his hand. Then, said the witness, “Eyes” hit him with the rock and ran. Witness said that later he had met “Eyes” at Harrison and Farm streets. “Eyes” asked if Powell was hurt, and being told that he was not, went away. The witness said that he did not see him again until the next morning, nnd he. was then on the Clifton, and said that he intended to go to Bluffton. Asked about the club which he had mentioned so often in his testimony, and which seemed to he a general hanging-out place for the negroes, he said that it was a regular dive. ‘lt is located,’* he continued, “on New street, nnd is run by a negro named Willie Eady, a walking boss of the policy shops when they are open.” Further questions elicited the information that the club is a gambling house, of which one part is reserved as a dance hall, while still another is reserved as a parlor for loose women. The games played, he said, were skin, crap, or anything else that was called for. It took the jury but a few minutes to re turn its verdict. A WILI.ION FEET OF TIMBER. Sixteen Hundred Pieces in a Ton From Darien. A long tow of lumber arrived yesterday from Darien by the tug Neptune. It looked like a huge sea-serpent as It pass ed the city front on its way to the wharves further up the river. The tow is composed of seven rafts, numbering 1.600 sticks of timber, and, it is estimated, measured a million feet. It is sent here for shipment abroad, tramp steamers during the season taking large quanti ties of such lumber as deck loads, or dun nuge. Mill ons upon millions of feet of this class of Southern pine finds its way to foreign ports in this way. It is just so much extra freight and is car ried at low rates. This Is one of the en terprises of a great commercial port, where every article that can be shipped at profit has a market found for it. WORK OX IMO.\ STATION Will IlcKln. It Is Reported. Probably About Nov 1. The union stotion will probably be com menced sooner than was expected a few days ago. At that time it was given out that work would probably begin about upon the expiration of ninety days, but the gentlemen who are engineering the preparations have found that it is more likely that ground will be broken for the building about Nov. 1. Speaking of the matter yesterday, one of them said It wlil be no later than Nov. 15, at the same time expressing the belief that they will have nffalrs In such shape by Nov. 1 as to admit of the work commencing then. The company Is wait ing on plans, and the architect will pro vide these as soon as he finishes them. PRIZE!* ON ( 111 lu ll HI I.ES. (irnee I hit roll l.ciiuiicrn Will Hold i, Disci |l 11 ii • lice. The August literary and .o l,| meeting cf draco (,’hruch Epworth longue will be held to-night hi the parsonage on Dark av enue, west. A feature will be a "Discip line lies," In which the Kpworlh laviguets will he questioned as to the doctrines and rules ot the Methodl't Church An n|>- propilate pi lie will be awarded the leaguer who inwrrs ths created -number of ques tions It Is la. level (hi. featuie wlil p ov* both snjoyah t and In.trucilve Your hast friend ran g.vs no heller ad vice than this: "Kor Impure blood, bad atomarh and weak nervea taka Hood's ♦aieasa/lila—ad. < LOCKED HIM UP IN JAIL. A. J. FRANK FOR REFUSING TO DE LIVER INSURANCE POLICY. He Hnd A**ittn*d It to Meinhard A Schnnl, Received It Again From Them for n Purpose and Refn*ed to Return It—They Took Out Unit in Trover Proceeding* Againnt Him—He Would Not Give Up the Policy and Could Not Give Bond, So That to Jail He Went—Policy Transferred to PlaSntifT* a* Secur ity for Frank** Indebtedness to Them. A. J. Frank was arrested yesterday un der hail in trover proceedings instituted in the City Court by Meinhard & Schaul, and, default of the delivery to the officer of the insurance policy, the recovery of tvhich is the object of the proceeding, or of bond, was committed to jail. Frank is a merchant in a small way. who was the owner of a country store, destroyed by fire some time ago. On Aug. 14 he assigned to the plaintiffs in the bail in trover proceedings instituted against him the policy of insurance upon ‘he store and stock, for S9OO, to secure them for the debt he owed them. More recently he came to the office of the plaintiffs and stated that the adjuster for the insurance company was in the city and asked that he be allowed to have pos session of the policy for the purpose of arranging matters, connected with the loss, with the representative of the com pany. He promised that he would turn over the money received as soon as ar rangements had been perfected and, on this assurance, the policy was committed to his hands. Then he refused to return it. Though he had assigned it to the plaintiff® and though they had had possession of it for some days, and though he was unable to give any reason for his action, he insisted that since he had the policy he would keep it and remonstrances and appeals were alike unavailing to induce him to change his mind. The affidavit in trover was eworn out yesterday by Mr. Mark H. Schaul, a member of the firm, who averred that the policy was in the possession of Frank and that there was good reason to be lieve that it would be moved away from the city and county, unless prompt and decisive steps to prevent this action on the part of Frank. Armed with this process Deputy Sheriff John L. Willink, of the City Court, went in search of the defendant. He found him in the Metropolitan Clothing Company's place of business, underneath the offices of the plaintiffs, and notified him that he would hive to deliver up the poliev, give bond for its forthcoming or submit to arrest. As Frank would not accede to the first demand and could not comply with the second, the third was all tnat remained. He accompanied the officer to jail, tvhere he was committed for the night. He said he would give bond this morning. To Deputy Willink Frank stated that he hod the policy end that he had no in tention of giving it up. It belonged to him, he said, and he expected to realize the money it represented from the In surance company. Mejnhard & Schaul, he averred, should never see a cent of the money. Frank told the officer, in addition to this, that he intended to institute suit against the plaintiffs in-the hail in trover proceeding for false imprisonment. While he was an acquiescent prisoner, he was neither very willing nor very gracious, and took the prospect of a night and perhaps longer in the Hotel de Sweeny in very ill part. "I’m not going to run away,” he explained, in an aggrieved voice, to the officer who had him in charge. "Oh, I’ll look after that nil night, ’ Deputy Willink responded, where upon the march to the Jail was taken up. It is probable that Frank will take some steps to-day to secure his liberty, though after he has admitted that the policy is in his possession, there are but two meth ods by which this can be accomplished. These are by delivering the policy to the plaintiffs and by giving bond for its forthcoming at the next term of the court. Frank declares he will adopt the latter plan. WELLS THE* LCCKY BIDDER, Received Contract for Schools at llonaliella and South Newington. The contract for building the new coun try school houses for the county, at Bonabella and South Newington, has been awarded to Thomas Wells, whose hid for ihe work was the lowest and best of those received. Bonabella is one of the. settlements on the salts between Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope and is the center of a district that is comparatively thickly populated. South Newington is about seventeen miles form the city, and is one of the old settlements of the county. The build ing at Bonabella is to be completed by Oct. 1 and that of South Newington with in two or three weeks later. Mr. Wells was the contractor for the county school at Isle of Hope, that was built last year, and which has proven altogether satisfactory to Supt. Ashmore and the Board of Education. WILL DO the: hag time dance. Joe Brown, the “Colored Primrose,” at Lincoln Park To-night. Joseph J. Brown, otherwise known as the “Colored Primrose,” a cake walker of considerable local renown, will be ten dered to-night at Lincoln Park, a grand benefit by his friends. Brown will lead the walk, and promises to give an exhi bition of new and artistic steps that will discourage all of his rivals of this, and other towns. A special car for white persons will leave the west side of the market at 9 o’clock. At the Park there will be re served seats for the white patrons of the exhibition. Death of George H. Fey, Mr. George H. Fey died yesterday morning at his home, No. 221 York street, east, after an illness of several months. The deceased was 22 years old and was a cabinetmaker, employed in the Plant Sys tem shops. 'He was also a member of the Naval Reserve, which will attend his fun eral in a body at the house, at 6 o'clock this afternoon. The interment will be in Laurel Grove Cemetery. Dentil nt Samuel 51, Pnpot. Samuel N. Papot, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Papot, died at 9:30 o'clock last night at the residence of his father, No. 322 Lincoln street. The death is a sad blow to the afflicted parents of this bright young man. though It was not un expected. He was 18 years old when he died. The funeral arrangements have not been made. tine Tliimimii ml. Amtylcnn Den lit lea To He Given Away I’ridny nml Sat urday. Just rtealved 1,0 0 baullful framed pic ture*, American beautlas elz* 10 by |o Inches, all ready for hanging up, and will b* given away fr. to aii purchtatra of on* pound of A P Baking Powder The Great Atlantic and Pac,fle T*a Com pany, M Broughton street, west. Tele phone 41* —ad mm wit t & pep cm. discount, i). 'it. Levy * liro.-ad. STILL ABOVE fK) DEGREES. August Likely to Go Out With an Unprecedented Record for Heat. The promised thunderstorm came yester day, but brought relief only from the the amount of rainfall being so small that the rain gauge at the Weather Eureau registered only a trace, less than .01 of an Inch. The temperature, how ever, which, previous to the storm, had reached 91 degrees, took a decided fall in a very short time and remained at a com paratively comfortable point the remain der of the day. The minimum for the day was 72 degrees, and occurred about 6 o’clock a. m. The mean temperature, 82 degrees, was 3 degrees above the normal, and made the accumulated heat above normal for the month 113 degrees, and brings the shortage for the year up to only 70 de grees. The shortage of rainfall, however, is mounting up with alarming rapidity and now measures for the month 6.31 inches, and for the year to 9.62 inches. A curious fact regarding the overplus of heat is that it has been of such regu lar occurrence day by day. Out of the entire month thus far on only four days, the 1,5, 6 and 7, has the mean tempera ture been below the normal, while on the other days it has exceeded it by, at times, as much as 10 degrees. The state forecast for to-day and to morrow is for fair weather except on the cca?t where showers may be expected. To-day w.ll be warmer in the interior. Light southwest winds are predicted. WEARY' OF HER LIFE. Mr*. Resnie Andrew* Attempt* to End Her Trouble* Witli Laudanum. An attempt to commit suicide by taking a quantity of laudanum was made Wednesday night by Mrs. Bessie Andrews, a resident of Collinsville. The deed is said to have been prompted by family troubles. The woman claimed to have taken the contents of three bottles of the drug, but Dr. Stothart, who attended her, stated that the quantity was considerably less than that amount, though amply suffi cient to have caused death. No report of the matter was made at the barracks. Now In I lie Time. To use Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic. If you wish to remain at your duty and pass through September and October without the loss of a single hour of time, take a course of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic. Neither the mountains nor the seashore can guarantee such absolute immunity from sickness as Johnson’s Tonic se cures to you. The wise man his life and the wiser man insures his health. A bottle of Johnson’s Tonic is a guarantee of health. It saves enormous waste of time, saves vast expenditures of money in doctor’s bills and saves human life when endangered by fever. Use it and use nothing else.—ad. Chair cars on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday; engage your seats on Saturdays at the De Soto Hotel ticket office.—ad. Arrangements have been effected by which 1,000 mile, books, the price of which is $25.00 each, issued by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail road; from Portsmouth to Baltimore over the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and between Glinton and Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and Laurens Railroad. This arrangement includes the books issued by the Florida Central and Peninsular and Georgia and Alabama Railroads.—ad. Sunday Trips to Rranwick via Plant System, sl. The Plant System will sell round-trip tickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date o£ sale, at rate ot SI.OO. Trains leave at 2;10 a. m. and 5:20 a. m.—ad. The Plant System excursion train to Charleston leaves Savannah at 6:20 a. m Sundays; tickets are sold at one dollar tor the round trip.—ad. At Estlll’s News Depot, 45 Ilnll Street Savannah Morning News, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charles ton (S. C.), Jacksonville, (Fla.), Cincin nati, New Orleans, Washington, (D. C.), Chicago, Augusta, (Ga), Atlanta, Macon (Ga.), and other prominent dailies; also the various monthlies and weeklies, new books and everything else usually found in first-class news depots.—ad. "Graybeard Is a family medicine with us,” said a promlrunt business man yes terday. "My wife takes it, and I notice she is enjoying better health than for years. The children keep well by taking it.” Graybeard may be obtained at all d-ug stores or write to us for it. Respess Drug Cos., sole props., Savur.nah, Ga.—ad. The summer is passing, have you taken in the Plant System Sunday excursions to Charleston? One doliar for the round trip. —ad. To Brunswick and Return 91.00 via the Plant Sy stem, Sunday. In addition to the Charleston Sunday excursions, the Plant System are selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rate of SI.OO for the round trip. Trains leave at 2.T0 a. m. and 5:20 a. m.—ad. A Delicious Smoke. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and is truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco; it is evhilarating and delicious. See that the name of Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50. Conchas at $3.,;0, and Perfect os, $4.50 at Lippman Bros., whole sale druggists, Barnard and Congress streets, ol’ this city.—ad. Cheap Excursion to Columbia, S. C. On (Saturday night, Sept. 1, the Sea board Air Line Railway will sell tickets to Columbia for train leaving at 11:59 n. m., at $1.50 for the round trip. Call on ticket agents for information. —ad. The Heat In llaltiinnrc. I received your letter and got the Tet terine without difficulty. I used it this last time for prickly heat, which it clean ed oft nicely in three days. I am glad to know that Tetterine in foe sale in Baltimore, as 1 desire to recom mend it to my friends. Y'ours truly, Lot Elnsey, Baltimore, Md., Aug. 22. 1900. 50 cents per box at druggists.—ad.' For Over titty Year*. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing ilyrup has been ' used for children teething It soothe* the 1 child, softens the gums, allays all p,,i n I cures wind colic, and Is the best r*m- dy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle i —ad. Paulding's Pippin Cider. This celebrated purt, apple Juice cider, made In Long Island, can be had in pint i or quart bonier direct from tha manufac turert. wlih their own stamp, at Lippman i Brother*. Druggists, Havannah. Ga.—ad. * Hlsh-Grsde Institution tor LfeUe*.. Shorter Coll**#, Rome;, Qa. Wrlta for i catalogue I AT LiTTIMORE’S. Do Yoti Want a ¥/heel? The Cleveland will give you good service. It is equipped with Burwell Bearings and is the easiest running wheel K on the market i Our terms are very low. \ We have a number of ;Second-Hand Wheels which we offer at very reasonable prices. Stoves and Ranges. a line that can’t be met by our competitors. Perfect, Royal Magic and Othello Ranges. Give us your order before the rush; inducingly low prices rule now. Plenty of time to put in your range properly. AT I.ATTIMORE'S, FRUIT JARS. Mason’s Quarts, 5 Cents Each This is the place to hvy good things cheap. 0, W. Allen & Go. State and Barnard Sts. JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF GARDEN TILE, in inn sons. 113 rtroiiKton Street, Went. SCHOOLS AM) COLLEGES. For \oung Lauies, Wasnington, Wilkes county, Georgia, admitted to be one of the most home-like institutions in the couni try. Climate healthy. Extensive, lawns Course thorough. Terms moderate. Music, Art, Physical Culture, Elocution, Stenog raphy and Typewriting. Address MOTHER SUPERIOR. EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL, L. M. BLACKFORD, M. A*. Principal. For Boys. Three miles from Alexandria, Va.. and right from Washirgton, D. C. The 62d year opens Sept. 26, 1900. Cata logue sent on application to the principal at Alexandria. BRHNNAN BROS., fVHOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. aa bay street, wssu Telephone sas. SEED RYE. GEORGIA SEED RYE. SOUTHERN SEED RYE. TEXAS RED R. P. OATS. HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CHEESE, BEANS, PEAS. W, D, SIMKINS & CO. JOHN C. BUTLER, —DEALER i*X— Paints, Oil* ana Glas*. sash, Doors, Blinds, and Builder*' Supplies. Plain and Decora tive Wall Paper, ForaUn and Domes!*'' Cementa, Lime Plaster end Hair Sole Aernt for Ahertlne Cold Water Paint JO Congress street, west, and 1 SC Juliso street waac Empty Hogsheads. Empty NuUmvi liogahodi t9W •**i© ir C. M. GILBERT & CO. H Morphine sad Whisker hsb. Its nested without psti or SSSSti,T*VS ZS&.VUXTSMX