The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 01, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 WILSON PUT ON THE STAND. CAPTAIM OF Till' ill.l > TFtTIFIF-l> ag a n%ni(is. ■•lnn of Hit* (irHrral Fourl-Hur tlnl llrgnti nt H O'clock iml Was %ni C onclulr<l I mil \eurly 9ilft nliilil-l'lrn of JiirUillrlloi' Made b> (apt. I own lor the Accuse*! WM • \( *USf Ule|—- llwfll rIMM IlHorcn the .limliic Athuralr amt € naaarl ua*l Many Ob|rrlln* tillered—Mmrp Wnnli Were Km* |lo> r.l by 4 apt, 4 Mint •uni Cu|H. W lUoii. The auUrnet that gathered in the com pany quarter* of the R* publican Blue* Um ntirht for the procee ling# of the gen ami court-mnrtiai had to wall some time before anything of extraordinary interest tlfviloptd. hut thopf in M*arch of the sen aatlonal found whnt they were looking for before the session map concluded, and tell somewhat repaid for the rati ■ r dreary prologue to which they had to sub mit. The trial of Cor pi. R. 8. Harris of the Republican Blues was continued. Th** full court was present. l,leut. Col T. 8 Wylly, Jr., presiding There wp dt tlnctly a military air about the proceed lng*. ihe mpmlfri of the court, the Jude** advocate. Lieut. David C It * row. the rotmsel for the defendant, Cupt. J. Kerris Cann. and many others, being in uniform. Detailed to preserve order In the court. Corpl. Thompson and Private Hermann of the Cadet* and Private McCabe of the Oglethorpe* mood at Attention throughout the proceeding*, which w re lengthy. th* court sitting at s o' lck and not adjourn ing until IFF* Immediately after the court was called to order. Cap!. Cann, on leh*lf of his client, entered a |lea of Jurisdiction, as follow "First. By hi* failure to enlist for the term of two year- ,i required by the Georgia Inw- t>' IM* hi' th*-t* enlistment for one year • I by operation of law. nnd he whouUl have Iteeii drt :*ed from the rolls of Company M I*l Inf (5. 8 T r**i he was not legally an enlied man of raid company at the um* s the offense* are alleged to have tw-en commit I**l, nor tw he at the present tins "Second. That under the military law of the state of Georgia, aptrovd 0> l '•' 1919. he 1s noi amenable to trial by a gen eral eouri-m r ul. for th* offer -. *• .li ed to have been committed bj him. hut can only tx punished ..* jr rIM In th* rules of th* comtMny r b ittabon. "Third. That no statement of service accompanied said charges when prefern I. nor when sent to Judge <lve< ate. which la a neccsuary isirt of the proceeding# "Fourth. Tha' said charge- hav* not been pr-operly referred for trial lothls bon ora Me court. the same having been re ferred by the Inspector general, and the ptate regulations require that alt commu nications be made through the Adjutant General. "Fifth That at the lime the offenses nr • alleged to have Is-* n committed this - fendrnt was t>t under order*, nor per forming any duty required by the state laws or military regulations, but was on a pleasure trip. "Wherefore, this defeniant submits to this honorable court as to whether h*- •hall be required to plead to said charge-" The Judge advocate ma*l* answer to the fea. and the court retired to and liberate. 2t*ttiming from the withdrawing room after ium minutes, the pr si dent stated that th*- pl* had i**en denbd. t apt r*,nn aek*d that hs ex*option to the ruling te record'd. Mr. Harrow called upon he Accused to Aland tip, but was Interrupted by th** opp.slrg counsel In fore he coti’d discov er what answ.r Corpl Harris mad* to the charg* Cupt farm d* to strike the first charg* of leltg absent from the compary withou leave, on the ground that there is no such offense laid down In the military regulations; Also that the fourth charge of Instil* rdinatlon be umi k on wmiltr groun .s a uiearch of the regulation# bavin*. failed to dls over upy such *ff*a<s* To fhl** motion, the Judge udvoate made gnawer. the court ret ire 1, ret urn* and and* and that the pwnicn of Cupt. Cann had le n over ruled. Heading the four charges of absence from the company without leave, curs ing a superior officer, being drunk and At- >rdej 1) and Insubordination. th.' Judg* advo**at* then asked the accused, who had beeti directed to stand up. to answer a* ! to his guilt or innocancc To each of the charges the corporal mail* th* reply that be was not guilty. Testimony wan to h* taton tton. nn<l th* ftrat witnm for Ito Mat**. ('apt. M Kd. Wilson of the KcpuiilkNn Bln**, th* proset'utor. w caltoi He wa* *w.*rn urul his rvlikn>* wax thooßh very plowly. First on* m 1 then the <>th*r of tto o|H’o*tiifi kiwy* ir* would intrj>. • an objection to a question, so that Cap; Wil son occupied the witness* chair for more than an hour without tonclutUng hi* t**s tlmoii> Indeed, when the urv for ad journment cam**. It wh* stated that a con siderably longer while would to m<*"- eary to complete the crow*-*lamination of the contain. This. too. after an ex pression from the jud* advocate during the day mat he ihouabt it probable that he might to able to conclude taking the testimony of all thirteen of the state’s wltwnvM* during the session After bringing out th** aulattance of the state* charges of the nru*ed having been drunk and dlsonlerly on May 31. last. In LiOUisvllle and the profane hn guag* he waa lleg**i lo have employed In speaking to ('apt. Wilson, the judge ad vocate finished with the witness, and C'apt. (’ann began his cross-examination The very fln*t question caused some moments of hesitation on the part of the witness, and an appeal to the court for h!s protection wrns made by tlie judge ad - vo'ate and overruled, ('apt. Cann ro sented n paragraph of the regulations to ('apt. Wilson and demanded to know whether he was familiar with It before leaving with ha* comi*any for the trip lo Lnulxvill*. Finally. C'apt. Wilson ad mitted that w> waa nt perfectly familiar with It. What the paragraph was was never made known to the court, hut was held in reservation by ('apt. Cann. who will probably • mploy It in his argument Then the question as to who had paid Corpl Harris’ fore to louisvlbe was raised. Capt. Wilson said the company ha*! kne so. Capt. Cann brought out by cross-examination. In explanation, that h pass made out for Corpl. Harris, woo whs an employe of the Central Kallrond. t;ad ton secured for him ss far as At lanta. wad that It va* upon thie that lie had trawed. Copt. Wilson explained that It was through i deni he had made with the railroad that he was able to wcurt the pass. Objection to this question was made bv the judge advocate, but the question wns a<lmitted. an had b*f'n * preceding one ns to who had p.WI the fare, to which th* Captain t answer had been. * The com panv." as he l*oll that the coniimny had really secured the |w*e. which w * n equivalent to Its having paid the fare. Mr. Barrow had maintained that there was absolutely no relevancy in the ques tions. but Capt <*mn declared that it was his purpose 10 show that the charges had been Instituted against his client purely In malice on the part of Capt. Wilson He displayed a hid against Harris and askej Capt. Wilson to identify It. which he readily did Cepi. Wilson was also asked to Identify an attachment suit, the one he had sworn out against Harris aft er the return of the Repub l n Blues from lgwilsvllie to recover the sli he was al leged to be due the company. Capt. Wll- CCor.tlnued on Third I'egs.) It %• H FH<%fl MV BAHIA. Mr. Hehne'a I mpresslnn of the French Capital nntl the K%piiitln. Mr Wm. Kehoe. accompanied by Mrs. Ki hOf, irtumed yesterday from Europe, j Mr KeftOA looks well, and says the trip .Improved hi* health. 11* visited Ireland ifid spent sever I day* with relative* ll* was In England some time, and then went |*o Baris IF s iys tie . xi*os t'* n Is a great show The American end of It Is •ill that hi expected And hfta expect#- I lions were not small. "our building Is in' what ft should I have been. * ons.d* the amount of in ny • sprnded in Ia construct ban," said 1 Mr. Kohoe. *Vflll It seems to answer the j purpose. Out* exhibit Is grand and vast, and even surpasses* th- original Inten ! t on* Tlie Am r.cnn dtafilay of mo hir.ery j is a great featur* of th* eg|*og|t|on.** ! 8 pea king of the exposition in a general way. Mr Kehce -aid "There is an cg | hit it <f • v<** ytfiing, ev* n to baby In* üba t rs " Hut b* English t** |d do not Ilk*- 'it Ah uf the hr‘t thing 1 noticed u|on •rriv|u: in l.<eion wa- the free and i a Ivers* criticism < f the French and tistr Ig. at *h w The l/xxksi 8t ind.rnl ha I • ven ktig ellto. las <!*.< rlptlve of the - *rea and pi tur. eque Irelaml—all for the ptirp e*> of k< • ping th*' p --ple at home.' Burls. Mr K*b.*e was led to be.leve, is a p.acc where one simply has to arand ad and Jlv* r. Kverythtim < oats, he mi il.rni l ost. l*\■•:>'. In London h os*erve.| that the expense of staying is by n nminn small, and he appreh nle*l a greater out lay in the French capital. "But I did not find it so. ‘ he l. "To my surprise we live! ehoioor In Barts tli#t we did in Lti don \\ * got the sam* accomnx dation and -ervlcc. *r If ih*rv was a dlff*rence it tin in favor of Bails." ‘ln Fond n s*ft i Mr. Kehoe. "the tip ey-t.m I* complete and eostly If one got up to have th* table a! a hotel without tipi lng th* waller, that functionary Im*j tul s-ks, 'Have you forgotten your wait er. sir " >r If ore takes a cab. and. af t**r paying the fare, does not drop a ape rial < in in o th* purse of cabby, he low in*) ..ska, You haven't forgotten the driver, have yo, sir?’ The young lady wlm h ate one in the theaur and hands t • programme at itv-Is for her two* i**u .. and sr.mda until she gets It. Kven t*. . | rkw In the h tel. 4 xfM-ci th*lr tip In Baris Mr K hoe met n thing of the kind. H* >avs that the pres, nt an l per • K* giish hay* t ’ward the French acd their cxp Aiisra no doubt from the atti tu*b* of France in the Boer war. Htlift. t(ib d'*e< lot appioir to b** causing the npixltion peofde any sleepless nights. n and the i U show goes smoothly on. in pr .-***.ng the world of the *woiirr ftiln*-*% . f the Fr* n di, anl of th*ir ability t* carry t* a successful close, the grea’eat sh< w of rnoikin tinns A%M> lliovb NKM t llOftMVil. Fifty will Have to Grade Down Afreets to |*rofeet Its U orl*. Bouthslders t*r** greatly pleased with the brick crossings the city is now putting down at different streets. In most cases the walks are wide and roomy enough for several persons to pass without hav ing to yield the walk. It Is noticed, however, that the walks will soon Is* hurled at some of the in tersections unless the streets are graded down. The workmen have, noticed this. For Instance, on Second street, near Bar nard. It was nere-s.ry to put the cross ing. which is twelve feet wide, several Inches below the surface of the street in order to bring the walk to its proper ele vation ITnies* the street Is graded to its proper level on either side of the crossing, wagons will soon plow enough sand on th*' crossing to cover If. Thor** who have not*. < and this understand that It is the Intention of The city *Mhorltles to grade the streets down, at least, enough to protect the new crossing*. (dUVKL G\ CiWHdKTT ffTNRBT. City llill llmt it Paved Hnl to tlie Water Works. (fWlrmett street, from where the brick paving ends nt Cemetery etreet to the water-works, is being hardened with Au gusta gravel. This Is an improvement that will be appreciated by thoxv who use the roadway. A further improvement and one that won I*l to of great benefit to truck far mers along the line of HprlngMeUt planta tion. would be the hardening of Btllea ivenue, which would g‘ve a hard rosd wjiv to the Ocean Bteamship Company's wharves. nnd also a ontlrniou ) trdened ihrlveway through Own nett. street. chiles avenue. the Augusta road. and Bay street. Tne section of country embraced by these road*, is one contlnous truck garden, and what ban been already expanded by the city nnd county in improving the road ways. has a.Pled largely to the develop ing ami value of the adjacent lend. VFATKIII) % % MIT MS WARM. Tlm* 'lon ill Prnhntily \mnnu the Hut test and llr>est on llreuril. August ckse*l 11.1 degrees ahead on tetn perature and short nearly (1 Inches of ram The maximum t* ni|* raturo yesterday was K( degrees, this bring only the fifth time during the entire month that It has been less than degree*. The minimum was 70. The mean for the h*y was TH. which Is the normal, oik! leaves the exceaa heat for the month at the same point reached yesterday. 113 degree*. The rainfall up t< 8 o’clock amounted to >2 of an Inch, but another .01 fell before 10 o’clock. This reduced the shortage for the month to 6.73. and the year to 9.04. While th* record for the month ha* not yet been made, out It Is thought that when completed It will show it to have been one of the hottest ami dryest alnce the establishment of the bureau. The state forecast for to-day and to morrow Is ’ showera ami thumb reform-; with light*to fresh winds, mostly north east.” >ih. 40m:pii ?. •**. imtnotH iik U). The Funeral Will Take Plaer This Ifternnnn at Saered Heart f tiureli. Mr. Joseph S F. li.triiour died at 10 o'clock la*t night nt the home of his brother, Mr. R. T. Harbour. No. 41* Hall *tr" t. east. Mr. Barbour was si. k stout two month* prior to his death. The last three weeks he spent In the Bt. Joseph s Infirmary, and was removed from there to his brother's home only yesterday morning. Mr. Barbour was In the grocery bu*l n->. conducting a store at West Broad nnd Henry streets, lie was unmarried, and his only surviving relatives In this city ar* hi* mother. Mrs. R. Barbour, and hi* brother, at whose house he died. The funeral will take place this after noon at 4 o'clock nt the Sacred IK.isi Church. The burial will be made in Lau rel Grove Cemetery. •‘lfnngsr I* fhe Best tnnrri" Yet tome pecple arc never hungry What- Thera Is. of course, someth ng wrong with these people By taking Hood’s Sar as pail la a short tlma thy are given an appttlta ar.d then thay enjoy suing and nourish'• thm If >.u find your aprotlte (ailing, just try a bottle of Hood's. H It* a true stomach tonic and every dose dto* goad. The best family cathartic U Hood's THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1900. WILL FIGHT TO THE END. ghf.f.m: %\i> run uayaon* will 01*1*0*F RKMOV %L TO %\A>\%M. District % f tnru*y Fro In Itegards the Grant of the \|tp!lrallen for a \\ arrant of fttcniovnl ns Incvitn hlr. bat llcHevcs That After If llns Hera l*rnotel \\ rll#. of Habeas t orpus and tuber l.eaal Mrsss D lu> Will be Itrsrte| to l> the llefeudo n Is—4 ase In >o • !%•*• fret v|io|m— ft.% lilenee <f Weateotf Una Sensational, but \t Aeedcd. District Attorney Marlon Krwin was ' one of !he passenger* aboard th Savan nah llnr City of August, from New York j l ist night The Augusta reach* I her .o. kai ont 11 o lock, but If wan an hour later b* fore Mr. Kiwln bad b on regis tered at the I u ask! Il.*u*e and could he seen by m r* pres r.tattve of the Morning News. The first question he was asked, of ; course was in reference to fle Invea iga ! ti**n row f ndmg I e fore Cos mail*# loner Shields in N w Y'ork. having for Its |ur i* se the removal of Green* and the ta>- nors to Savannah, to answer th.* indict j tne ts prefarre-l against th*m by the grand Jury of the United States District ('ourt. Mr Krwin eaid there was noshing ) that could pr |* rl> !o* given to th** pub lic that bad n t air* ady l>cen handled by | th* ntWsp.|X*r* during the course of the invusfig •;ft- r However. In the course of his talk wl h h*' Vlorr.ittff News rei*>rter bn made s me mt* t* sting atalcmcnts of f.ct and opinion tearing upon the case. "When we found out from Judge Brown's decision," said Mr. Krwin, "that it would by necessary for us to make proof of prohubl* <-au*e of guilt of the ii*eused. Ix fore the commissioner in New V'ork. in order to secure their removal to Savannah. I determined to do this thoroughly, so that there could l*e neither cavil nor well-founded objection to the application for the grant of the warrant of removal. "I think this has been done. The vari ous stei* in the conspiracy have been taken up s**rlatim. and the proof that has teen presented to the commissioner is in such *hr|*e that It does not adm't of denial. Home time the defendants must come to Savannah to stand trial, but Just when this will be It would lx* to predict " Mr Krwin said the prosecution Inter j posed no objt aion to the application of the defendants for n pow'ponemrnt of fur ther proceedings until Sept 27. In* luded In the evidence that he had placed before the eommlssloner was a large amount that was documentary, and counsel for the defense desired time to examine these accounts and to prepare evidence In re buttal This request fr**m counsel. Mr Krwin was not disposer! to opt***# The dintrl* t attorney said he did not le -lleve that any very great amount of time would be consumed In the further exam ination before the commissioner, after it is resumed on 8* pt. 27. "But this h* true." he added "I am con vince*! that the defendants, even after the grant of an order of removal, will exhaust ♦•vary legal n.eana of preventing or i*wt porting t h-~ir dr par tups from New York n*i their coming to Savannah. Writs of AfthcA* corpus will be sworn out and ev ery legal prisqii that promises delay will be resort 'd to by their counsel. lam as sured ihr.t this Is Hk- course they will fol low. Indeed. I have had an Intimation to this efTect fn>m a source altogether relia ble However, brought to Savannah ulti mately. they must and will be." Mr Krwtii Mid that the evidence in the •ase was now in such complete an*l per fect shape that no combination of circum stances. however adverse, could interf* r* with Its proper presentation to the court and Jury hv whom the defend ante will be tried. Kv* ehouid (lUtt a c.iang* tn the personnel of the prosecuting officers, he did not think that anv serious incon venience woukl result The only remain ing question. In Ills opinion, is one of time "The evidence given by Mr. West cot t. rapt Carter's father-in-law." mid th* district attorney, "was interesting iird important, ond its effect sensuitlonal. but It was not needed. Without anything h had to mv the case would have been Jiim s conclusive ns It Is to-day. The proof of the time, place and circumstances *f ♦he division of the gains of the cons pirn *v was the last essential link in the chain of evidence Mr. Krwin was asked If he had heard of the suits that had l*een died against Barter. Greene nd the Gaynors by Michael A Connolly, one of the defen dant* indicted with them. In which Con nolly claim** something more than to be due him for various services render ed the defendant, chief among which it* said to Ite the collection and arrange ment of evidence In suits by or against them The district mtarney. to this ques tion. replied laughingly tht he had heard that the suits had been filed, but thnt this was all that he knew about them When asked iM to the status of Connolly's case, he would not say more than that the |n dlctmen against him was still pending, thus having unqtiMrd the somewhat prevalent umor that Connolly is to be come a witness against the other defend dants. n.UMKD \ HOW IN ( 111 HT. Illnna nnil K)lvln UmiTn l 9 „nllirl for f>nlr,n|il b> .Imlu— \ornnml. Tlh> "urtpinn ami illlmr nrvl Ki'anhlns of irr - h" that follow, and Ju<ljir Norwood'* Inlll.-iion of *rntrnro In thr C’lty Court ymiorday inornliiK. r.sulUd in Iho pun- of thr lo i.'.-n of iho ohoru* for contempt of court. Three ti. nro hnjr*. Willie Prrovpn. Al.ram Wllllent* and Joseph ilroen. *'r.. broiiaht t>. fore Judpe Norwood, at hi* reK uln eel> criminal * n-toii on yester day. lo im.’r a ehare of m.ilirlou* nil*- ehlef. prefened by one of the Plant Hyr liin delectlvew It was alleged that the hoy* had !•••• n ftuiltv of throwttiK rook* at a pa**lnx train of th.- *y*tem, bmik tnK the window* of some of the car* and • lolnx other and further damafte. The evluenee airali *i them wi* eonelulve and Judge N. ro.d aeniem-ed I hern to l*av a tin* of |Mi and cos'* or to *erve iwelv* month* on the county chaln- Kaog Then eame the row Th. mother and *ller of the Bcreven hoy had been Inter .*(! hn~e*e* of the proe.fdna* and when they heard the *entence of Iho court pronoun, el. Ihe fountain.', of the r tear* were opened and their vole.-* lifted in lamentation They rushed cut of the court ro. m howlliiK nn.l *'res rain*, until, from a* far north a* lirnughton etreet and a* far *>uth a* O*lethorpe avenue, wonder- In* crow I* cf men and boy* ru*he<l up to *cr what wa* the trouble. Without h ivtoK.teen < n the spot ll I* era re* poe eliile lo real ae th* amount of nolee and eonfuilon that the two women *ucced*d i : pioducln* or Ihe deep dleappdlitmetnl Of the crowd that gathered, only to ttnd out thot no rloi wa* In procre * The two women w. re arrested and ear rio! before Judge Norwood The elder. Diana Screven, wa* given two month* on Ihe chain-gang for h-r share in th* .11 w turbane*. whll* the younger wa* let off with thirty day* In Jail and a lecturo. Pine Tar Company Incorporated. Judge Falllgant paraed an order In the Superior Court yetterday. Incorporating the Pin# Tar Chemical Company for n period cf twenty year,. The company ha* a pald-tn capital of |l*.ooo, and an authorlred capital of half a million. Its principal huelne** will be to manufac ture and deal In pitch, tar. aplril*. roatn, rurr-nlio* and their prod net a. \KW Ml Lt£ A 1.1. MIGHT Ait FAIL Sanitary Inapprtnn Ilf gin Urk of liuhircing Gnrhau** Ordinance. Bp-ciil Inst ructions w*r ghen th*- san itary inspector* yesterday In regard to the new garhag ordinance, requiring house holditi to p.ace their garbage I arrels in the lane# or at convenient punts near th entrant*- wh r** th-ie are n*> lane*. Several thousand pamph •(*, containing th** ordinance in larg t>|>e. were furnlsh •*! to the Inspectors for distribution in making thlr rounds. "How Is the garbage ordinance work ing'' Pr* to Ga ;* !fn *f the public Wi rk. was ask*-*l. "Lis*' a aim.* be r. pH and "We are b\lng no trouble at ail. and the ordl- an< * Is being gen rally observed In fa t. lii the enuin msderc* sect In cf the city the suggestion Hint h*r * Is ahould he place*) m life outsid' the gates In order to fa- illtate th* work <-f tlw de partmert was gene* ally eomplfbd with without waiting for tin piasage of th** ordinance. Our trouble. If any. will be in ♦be Mcticna on the eastern and western si • n of the city." No complaints, the director raid, have be n rvcetved from property owners, a* to tie manner of enforcement of the ordl no nee. "Walt a w*ek and w wll tell you more a,hrut It," sai*l a sanitary lns|*octor, who was ask**! how th*’ new ordinance was working "It Is not K:ng to he all Mixoth silling Already there have been complaints of harr 1* sioieti at and overturn* • 1. As the hrdiday season these comi 1 tints will b multiplied. With people who have servants to gather up and <h t osti gaihagc In th** barrel 4 In the lap. s there will he little trouble, it must b * remernlx r and. h *w* vrr. that the major- I y of fiimilie-* m th** city do their own • ’ p e to be com|e led to place the garbage In ih* lanes. Ins;* ad u# bnvlng the scav enger men come int the yards after It This I- especially the case where there r* half a dosen to a down houses lo cated In short lares and blind alleys In there the ordinance require* th*- people living in the alleys to have a suit a*e recrptuclo at th i*oint where th*' alley entr* the stret anl to *b |ssit all their garhag*> (here. In some cax*n this mean* a walk of rwa ly . bb ck It will la difficult to enforce th ordinance In such caaes However, af er w k ex |x*rlence we will kiM>w more about It. The scavenger wagons I* ve th*- city lot between ♦ and in the morning In order to reach their districts by 7 o'clock, by which time the garisig* Is required t* ts- in readiness for them Asa matier of fact th*- day has not begun with a large proportion of the population at that hour and the servant* have hardly arrived op en the premise*. As it takes the wagon* some time t*> make their rounds, how ever. the householders are allowed ; con siderable margin as to Jim* In fact. **> long as the spirit of the ordlnan t* l-com plied with, it Is not likely that the city will be exacting ns to the b^ur. TVUftCI) THRKR 1.l > ATIFA. Ilrhrrrs Itrow n I Xsrlia ru**d Itecanse nf Her Phynleal Condition. Three all g'*l lunatics had their montol corrlltfton examined at the county Jail ye*terdu\, two of whom were found to he Insan** and order, and sent to th* state sanitarium 'I he thirl. Rebecca Brown, was g ven her liberty Rebecca Is the woman who created such a disturbane* lit the office of Clerk Kell i Hi b. cf tlx* Court of Ordinary, a week or two since, on which o cation she made an armd assault u r on officer Galllari wi h a paper knlf*. It t->ok the combined cHforts of three men to Induce her to de sl-t from her attack U|*on the colored bailiff, and iwj or three di>>‘ confine ment in Jail t stop th - f*ow of her pro faidiy. that was then begun Tlx* c**rflt'.oAte of Dr. 4*hlsholm. the county physb lan. stated, however, that the woman wi* In a *rl leal state of h*alth and that her condition demanded the tnd*re*t aid most cireful treatment On this c-r*lhcate and the promise of her hiishai.d that he would *• e to it that Ms wife was tenderly and w. II looked after and niven medial attention, Iho Jury gave her release* from custody The other lunatics trhd were Nat Haw kln** and IV*er Blair, hth colored. The jury found thm insane and directed that they he sent to the slat*' sanitarium, and there cor.llne*! until their tn-ntal balance has been r- vtor and. GF.TTIM- Mil) OF THB HKBIB. Ontral and Seaboard Companies Have Forces at Work. It Is probable that a large percentage of ihe owners of vacant lots In the city will proceed ro comply with tto* ordinance requiring the removal of weeds without waiting for the city to enforce this work at their expense. Many Inquiries have been made nt the health office a* to the requirements of the ordinance, nnd the proper steps to he taken to comply with It. indicating n readiness to do so. The Ontral of Gronria Railway and th Seaboard Air Line have lo!h set exam ples In this respect. Ixdh corporations hiving large forces of hands engaged in cutting nnd removing the weeds from the extensive tracts of lands owned by them west of the city. The work Is being very thoroughly done, and in addition, (he ditches through the railroad lands are be ing cleaned out at the same time. Fieri iiit or Ki-cninr*. Likenesses of Urn. Anderson nnd ( apt. Green Received by Mipf. Heravea. Pictures of Gen. Robert H. Anderson v of the Savannah police force, were turned over yesterday to MuJ. Screven. *up< rln tendent of police, by Mr. W It. IVder, who has charge of the affairs of the Green estate. The pictures were found by Mr. Pitder In the residence of the late C'upt. Green on York street. The picture of Gen. An derson Is a large one. n handsome piece of work, and I- considered g*od like ness. Capt. Green’s picture ts of smaller also, bin Is a good likeness. Th** pic ture* will be hung upon the walls of the superintendent’s office and will to a very desirable addition to the gallery already there. 2ND IHPTItICT MAGISTRACY. Joint Committee Will Select Candi date. Th* question whether Mr. Lacey Mell or Mr F. 8. VanCJlesen will oppose Mag istrate I Nathan* (or the magistracy of the Second Militia District will probably be eetile.l within a very few .lay*. Two parties, one *epresenting VanGi.n.en, ..nd the other Mell. w.U select a chairman to dty for the Joint Committee of twenty four. which will determine, hy ballot, which of the candidate* wtll mike the ra.e. Mr Nathan*, th* present Incumbent of th* offt.'*, who 1* a candidate for re-elec tion. •*> hel* not worried over the out look: that It I* too early to talk yet. hut when the election t over hi* opponents will know that he ha* been In the race Don't forget to take a few bottle* of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne with you on your summer outing*.—ad. The riant System excursion train to Charleston leave. Savannah at (.X a. m Sundays; ticket* are aokl at ocs dollar for th round trip —ad MOVING FOR DEEPER WATER. MAYOR MYBRf AIBKICIIVG AKGI WRIT A\D AT %TIATI4 A. ICatlrMl and 4 umnirrHal latereats ( ailed I pon fnr Riiilenrr Aftiovr* Isk the Nerd of a 4 liannel of or : Feet in Heptli and for Fig* area to support Hit* t lain*—Aoroe Aery Anflfa*forx Replies Mereftved unil \aluahlr liif or ion f Inn Prom la-d— Hepllea and Atatlatlra Will be l*ulillalied In l*niuphle( Form for lae of ( onunltlrr to be Ap pointed l.ater. Mayor Myers has begun his movement in behalf of deeper water for Savannah in an earnest practical manner. The May or believe* that deeper water is a necessity for the further growth and progress of the port, and he believes (hat the people m<l the business men r*|avially realise this fact. He further believes that the authorities at Washington are convinced I of the desirability of deeper water at Sa vannah and thnt M Is only necessary to present the question to them In the proper light to secure their co-operation and as sistance. Hhortiy after his return from New Y’ork Mayor Myers sent out letters to the rail road ofTI dal* and to represent a ti\ e# of (he varimm vommerclal Interests request ing statistical Information hearing on this question This was not a formal circular letter, a *p •••al request being sent to each corporation or body addre>d. In rp*aking of the matter yesterday. •be Mayor said that his ohject Is to ae cii > beth fa- 1 a and statistics which can tw* u*ed a* arguments In *up| ort of the pe * for deeper water Th* railroads and tie c* Interests add res ed wore teqio*tiH| t give thGr views upon th** que*‘ion of Savamaih's ne* i of a channel ( to 90 Let of and pth to (he sea and t* give their rxuftofis In support of such ;i n and. In brief, whether an Increased depth of the channel would give an In ' e.>ol eomrmr.r In wiiat linos and to w hat 4 xtotit ih s increase might ho ex |w*trd. wheth*r (he deepening of the channel by fabling larger vessels to en ter the port, would mean lower freight rute.4 itf>on commotitles ehi|pei übroH*i and the offset of such lower rates upor the c mmsree of the port ‘ -VI tie mil avion* show." raid Mayor Myers, "that tilts r untry is assured of i largr foreign business In iron i oal and g aln This husine-a must he <1 ne largely throigb (he Atlintic peris The d* man ! air**ad for Amerlran cral ond Iron is al ready gret and is incrests ng. With the railroad facilities which we now have, there Is rn. r* us* n why we should not obtain a large share of thl-4 budness. A large grain export hualnea.4 I* already being !on** by Baltimore and N* w fir cars 8-tuated midway between these two prr s we should shar* In thia busl re-< It lias long 1 e*n a desire of our railroads and >tir eommerclai men tha* .we should have a ihire of this business Tlx* main requisite Is evidently deeper UHt*r In my letters I have r*qurted spe cß!c Irf umatlon on (his subject "It Is also an important question aa to whether we shall retain our present largr commerce In lumber, cotton and naval >t re Deeper water will undoubtedly hlp us to realn (his commerce and douhtpes to increase it. Special Informa (l n has l*eeti requea*-d • to thvse lines pa? tlcularly naval stores We desire to retain our pre eminence as the chief na val sors port of the worl), and deeper water will certainly be an aid to this end. "Home very satisfactory replies have already been received.” said th* # Mayor A4-HUtn<'U have also !• en receive*! from some ef the railroad officials (hat an ex haustive Investigation i- being made by th*m for the purpose of furnlthlng the f ilbwt Jeet We have also r-nslderable Informa tion In hand, obtained from other s urce*. "Th** replica received and the statistical Information obtained will be published in pamphlet form The fart* and figures will then to ready to submit to the com mit t*r of rinsers, to be appointed to take up this work The committee wld thus have its evidence In hand, nnd will to able to formulate n plan of campaign wtihour unnecessary waste of ttm** "Another argument in this connection." said the Mayor, "is. that with deeper wa t#• we will be In position to offer an eligible site tor the naval station, should It to b elded to remove It from Port Royal. Our advantage |n being able to offer n ft**h water anchorage for naval v seis would to a very consider.ibl* one.** The move undertaken by Mayor Myers is itidcp* ndent of the Inquiry recently In stituted by Capt. C . A Gillette. I'nlted Ht.ites engineer, in charge of this district, for similar Information as to the need of a 2*-foot channel, rapt. Gillette’s In quiry is made at tne Instance of the chief of engineer* of the war detriment, ami P result*. If any. will to felt In that quarter. The Information sough! by the >! vor will be usM In the move to to in upon Congress, to secure an appro priation for deepening the channel to a depth of 2$ or even .V feet. m iii.i.D mu rononKii. oilier Cases In Recorder's Court % esterriny. Of the eight prisoners who appeared be fore the Recorder yesterday only two were of any interest. They were Ander son Young, who the night before jellied Ida Carter, and Henry Allen, colored, charged with being insane. Young was r**manded to the lock-tip, pending the ver dict of th* coroner's Inquest, while Al len was turned over to (he Ordinary’s Court. The case of Mr. J H. Murken. who was on the information docket, charged by Mrs. Annie Ftitch with annoying, assault ing nnd striking tor. wns discharged, us was also Mrs Warner of No. SlO Tattnall street, who was wanted on a charge of contempt of court, refusing to receive a summon* (o ußend a case held the pre vious day In the Recorder’s Court, CHEATING %M> SWINDLING. I harare on Which A. Nl. Graham Swore Out n AA arrant A**ln*l lloh y.lpperer, A. M. Graham, white, yesterday swore out In Magistrate Wickham’s rourt n warrant against Bob Zlpperer, a farmer of Effingham county, charging him with cheating and swindling. According to Graham's account of his trouble with Zlp perer. a lot of corn was sold to him hy :hi defendant, who represented it to he all of the best quality, but after the purchase wo* completed It turned out to be worthies*. Zlpperer ha* not yet been arrested, but doubtless will be this morn ing. Three Colored Hermits. Three negro recruits who enlisted at the recruiting office In this clfy for ser vice In the Philippine*, left over the Sea board Air Line yesterday for San An tonio. Tex., where their company Is now stationed. Sunday Trips to Urunsnlrk via Plant System. SI. Th Plant System will sell round-trip tickets lo Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date of sale, at rate of fl.oo Trains ltsvt ai S.lO a. m. and 6.30 a m ad. AAOTHI.It HATThB FOR CORt OKIL Australian T onUf Williams Will I lulu Him This Mouth. Another fight for Tom Corcoran, the local pugilist, will. If Is expected, he ar ranged to take place In September, be tween the 25th and 9ftth. Corcorans op ponent will he Australian Tommy Wil liams. who I* at present In Louisville. He weighs, when In fighting trim, be tween 145 and 150 pounds. Just about Cor coran's weight, and Is said to Is* an Al man. and one that will give the local man a first-class fight. The affair will lake place under Bir auspices of the Austral Athletic Club. Corcoran fought Williams once before, last February. In Atlanta, and then pul him out in nine rounds, though he !* said to have received severe punishment him self before he succeeded in doing It. Wil liams claimed at the time he would huvt- put up h harder tight, but that he was tn no condition, having had only eight days In which to train. Williams was to have fought Reddv Hamilton with whom there was some talk of arranging fight with Corcoran, but a' cording to report* Ha mi*, ton bucked out Itnd (hell Williams determined to take on the fight in this city. Th.* Hamilton ftgh: with 4 % or**oran will follo%v. it is thought, some tlm* after the bout between Will iams mid 4'orcoran. The Austral Club will stipulate In the articles of agreement which they will forward to Williams to-day. that there shall le no fake, and os n further guar antee to the public, will ntta *h to each of the tickets sold a coupon entitling the holder to his money should either of the m**n prove quitters, or th* bout lx* in any other way not first-class In every ftxirtic ulur. ftUßillTlKfi OF THE TK\!>i:R MH V Trouble Between Two of the Demi- Monde Fed Tb.•* to 4 4>nrt. A pea. e warrant was sworn out ngalnst IjAulse Grant yester lay in Magistrate Wickham's court by May Vonkamp. Both the women are of the demi-monde ansi run resorts nearby each other in the Ten derloin. The trouble that lid to the war rant occurred Thursday night. The de fendant in the suit went to the Thest**r. | it was claimed, and during her .licence j th#* piano player employed by her went ' over to the establishment of her rival and i was still there entertaining the guests when she returned The plaintiff avers that she was requested by Madam Grant to put the man out of the house, nnd Ufvn her refiisa. to do so, she was roundly curs ed and abused The defendant gavo a iond of SK to keep the peace. Now Is the Time. To use Johnson's Thill and Fever Tonic If you wish to remain at your post of duty and through SippmUT and October without the loss of # sing e hour of time, take a eourse of Johnson * Thill and Fever Tonic. Neither the mountains nor the #ea4horc • can guarantee such absolute Immunity from sickness as Johnson s Tonic se cures to you. The wise man Insures his 1 if** and the wiser man insures his health. A bottle of Johnson's Tonic Is a guarantee of health. It saves enormous waste of time, saves vast expenditures of money in doctor's hills and saves human life when endangered by fever. t'e !t and use nothing else —ad. Chair ears on riant Bystem excursions to Charleston every Sunday: engage your seats on Saturdays at lit* De Soto Hotel ticket office.—ad. Arrongements have been effected by which l.tmo mile hooks, the price of which is StYrtl each. Issued by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Bennsylvania Rai: road, from rorismouth to Baltimore over the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and Laurens Railroad. This arrangemeng include* the books Issued by tlx* Florida Central and Peninsular and Georgia and Alabama Railroads.—ad. \t F.nttll’e New* Depot. 45 Hull Afreet Savannah Morning News. New* York. Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Charles ton (8. €.), Jacksonville, (Fla.), Cine in it,iti. New Orleans. Washington. <D. C.), Cbl-ago. Auguutu. (Ga b Atlanta. Miron. iGa > nix I Other prominent dallies; also the various monthlies arx) weeklies, n* w books and everything else usually found in flrpt-clnfs new# depots —ad. "Grsyb<ord Is a family medicine with us.” sad a premlwnt business man yes terday “My wife takes It. and 1 natlce she U enjoying totter h.aith than f. r years. Tha children keep wtll by taking it.” Graytoard may to obtained at all drug stores or write to us for It. Ih'spes* Drug Cos., sole preps.. Bavurnsh. Og. ad Tbe summer Is passing, hove you taken In the Plant Syatuu. Rundgy excursions to Charleston? One dollar for the round trip —ad. To llrnnsulck nml Hrturn 11.00 via the Plant H|Rtem, *anlay. In addition to tto Charleston Sunday excursions, the Plant System are selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rate of H.OO for the round trip. Trains leave at 2:10 a rn and 6:30 a. m.—ad. % llellriona (tnnk**. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fume* of this tine tobacco; It is evhduraling and dcllciou*. See that the name of Herbert Spencer is on every wrapper of every cigar, with, out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars arc only sold by the box of 60 Conchas at 13.60, and Ferfectos. 94.G0 at IJppman Bros, whole sale druggists. Barnard nml Congress streets, of this city.—ad. Wonder* Will Never Leave. Llppman Brathara. wholesale druggist* Llppmsn blcASk of this city, are giving away free, a splendid regulator clock nearly 3 feet high, with caDrdar attach ment. also three doxen I.lpr man’s liver pills, free, to the purchaser of three dot en Llppman's chill and fever t'nc Thl* c lebratrd and renowned chill tonic is sold with a posltlv* guarantee. "No cure, no pay.” nnd the price and *l*e i* the same as other standard chill tonics. This great expense Is und* rgone simply to Introduce Idppman’s chill and fever tonic the best In the wnrid —ad. "It Cared Me,** "Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on me,” say a Mr. Chas. Thomas, the jew eler on Whitaker atreei. "And put me In better health thwn 1 have enjoyed In a long time.” Take Graytoard Pills for that dlxxy feeling—Lost appetite, and fellow it u p with a bottle of Oraybeard. It u A j| yoj need. Respest Drug Cos., sole props., Savannah. Go.—ad. "Anew line of elegant fire pr>of safes from the large**: manufac urers in the United Stats* can be e*n at Llppman Bros, wholesale druggists in thla city. Price and quality will be of lntormu** *—,d- i. 18 LOf HOPf HI mC. 8 8 R’f tIHKUI U. for Jule of Hope, Moittnotnory, Thunder bolt. CaUlo I'urh and Weat Hud. Dally except tiutulaya. Subject to ettany, without notlca. ISLE or HOP* ' T 7; t’lty lor l. of H Lv I*l# of Hop* ao am from T<mh litou am for Holton" 7SO am front Tenth *U) am for Tenth SSO am from Tenth j 7 Oil am for Tenth 0 1& am from Holton ; at am for Tenth 10 SO am from Tenth |lO 00 am for Tenth 12 OD n'n from Tenth ,11 am for Bolton 1 IS pm from BoMon 11 30 um for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth Zto pm for Tenth SSO pm from Tenth | 2*o pm for Bolton So pm from Tanlh j SOO pm for Tenth ISO pm from Tenth |<o pm for Tanth *so pm from Tenth I * it) pm for Tenth 7SO pm from Tenth | 700 pm for Tenth SSo pm from Tenth | SOO pm for Tenth fSO pm from T< nth |Suo pm for Tenth 10 So pm from Tenth ;10 n. p m tur Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv city for Momfry. T~I. vT Mo'ntiromei^ SSO am from Tenth I 7 IS am for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth | 1 IS pm for Tenth So pm from Tenth |6OO pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. Lv city for Cat ParltF LvTcnttle Park. SO am from Holton | 700 am for Bolton 7 30 um from Holton | t 00 am for Bolton 100 pm from Bolton ISo pm for Bolton 2 80 pm from Bolton ; 3 00 pm for Bolton 7 00 pm from Bolton i 7SO pm for Bolton t> >t m from Bolton #So pm for Bolton THI'NDERBOLT. Car leave* Bolton street Junction tJO a m and every thirty minute* thereafter until 11:30 p. m Car l-.tve* Thunderbolt at * 00 a. m and every thirty mtnutea thereafter until -7 hi mlvlnlsht, for Bolton atreet Junc tion. PIUCIOHT AND PARCEL c*n Tht* car carrlea trailer for paeaenirere on all trip* and leave# weat aid* „f city market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and all Intermedinte point* at aoo a. tn.. 1:00 p. m . 6:M Ji. m. Ule of Hope for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate polnu al 6 00 a. m.. 11 00 a. m.. 2 to p. m. virr end cam Car leaves west aide of city market for \Vt at Knd 6:00 a. rn and every to mtnutea thereafter rtnrtn* the day until 11:30 p. m Leave* Weat End at 6:30 a. tn mid ev. ery to minute* thereafter during the day until 15 06 o’clock midnight If M I.OT*TON. Oen Mgr lUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF GARDEN TILE. [■ mil's sk 113 llrougtuf* Street, West. It lioul.ti AMI OOLltEulll. stTjoseph academT For 1 uung Luusvx. tVasiungton. Wilkes county. Ueurgla, admit ted to be one of the most hum*-like Institutions In the count try. Climate healthy. Extensive, iawrua Course thorough. Term# moderate Music, Arr. Physical Culture. L ocution. Htenog raphy and Typewriting Add reus MOTHER SUPERIOR. BETHEL MILITARY ACADEMY. H*th*l %eal*m. % irulnln, In hlatoric* Northern Virginia. Pr-'par a for Unlvarsltl*s, for Business and for tho G -vernment A cade ml s Heat references .V I sesaon l-egins September 21st. lllus tratc-1 ca Col. R A. Mclntyre. Bup rln ten lent. Edgeworth Hoarding A Day School For Girls. Reopen* Sept. 27. 35th year. Mrs. H. P. LKFKHVRE. Principal Miss K. D. HUNTLEY. Asso*inte Prin. 122 and 124 W. Franklin st.. ILiltimore.Md. BRENNAN BROS., WHOLCSALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etr. 122 BAY STKLET. Watt. Itkt hone ttt. SEED RYE. GEORGIA BEEP KVE SOPTHKHN HEED RYE. TEXAS RED R. P. OATS. HAY. GRAIN. FIAItR, FEED. FRITHS AND VEGETARI.EB. GHEESK, BEANS. PEAS. W. I) SIMKIXS & co. JOHN C. BUTLER, —DKALtuU **>— PalBU, OIU aiki ulaia, ah. Doora, Blind* an<l IluliJara Plain and Decora tive Wall Paper, KoraUn and DoroeePt Cement a. Dima. Piaaler and Hair Boia *r*n for A Routine Cota Watar Palnl 10 Coogreaa street. araat, and l Be Julian street. wane * Those tiny Capjule* are superiol to Balsam of Copaiba, I M Cnbebsorlnjcctionsandlftiny I lU 1 CUREIN4 HOURS VJ/ WJ the came diseases without xm inconvenience. aWY Ay g/f Jru~~hft. W. ROSS ORAVENKR. Manufacturer’s Agent, RAILWAY AMI MILL M PPURI. rrovWlent Rull'llna, Savannah, O* Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molasses Uogabcada <•* aala by C. M. GILBERT & CO. AGISHI ■ Morphine aodWhlekev hat* t “ i ,T < 11 R ll tr-te,r nett or P M VKu Ui lUlktt£nrS