The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WOODWARD’S SCALP IS SAFE. ATLimi I'.KHIMi MUOR Witt hk roaoivßx a.%in. Mm* I'ravllrallr llrrn %nt to lui|(fn'li HIM If Hr Will Mnkr nn A|loii> anti l , riMlMr fur tbr Third or Furlli Tlrnr to l *o Aarmlo—t'ctwtnillfrr Will Hfport, lnf Ihr ll *|Mr t Mn> Nat lr Head. Atlanta. Au|. 81 -Forrlvcne** will br Mayor Jamc* O. Woodward’* portion at the hand* of thr City Council. If he will appear before that body and make apol- Offy for hi* puli conduct and promise to keep aober hi thr future. Thr m)|M**<-hrm*ni proceeding* which are pending ifralnm him will be dropped and peace will attain rrljrn In th* City Hall, If the Mayor will pursue the courae Indi cated That he will la a foregone con clusion City coundlmen held several Informal caucuses to day, and praett ally tfrral to atop the Impeachment prorsedlnsa on the Idea outlined. Nevertheless, the |c clal onitnitter which has In hand the matter of formulating charges against the Mayor, met to-day avid bvxan Its work This committee will probably report as directed a* the neat meeting of the Coun cil, If permitted to do so, bu< It #* not at all likely that the report will ever be read. Mayor Woodward Is In a contrite frame of mind. He realises that he has per muted his appetite for strong drink to seriously Impair hi* usefulness and influ ence. and If given the opportunity. Hi friends say. he will most certainly stay sober during the remaining four month* of hi* term. He Is still sick at his home It Is snf* to say M yor Woodward will not he Impeached FKLAUS OF A LYM HHQ, llut Sam Robinson W 111 Probably be Lrsnl I > Ktersird. Atlanta. Aug 31 -CNhf. Candler has heard of expected trouble at Marietta to morrow. when Sam Robinson, the i'-*a > l ant of Mrs Inser, will he honge.t. A gentleman cal|e<| on the Governor yes terday ar.d told him he had just seen a man from Marietta, who drove from that city to Atlanta yesterday, ami nil along the people were talking of lynching the toegro The gentleman stated that the people who lived In the district where the crlm was committed have been organising f r a week, and are determined hot the negro shall not be hanged It Is the intention, •o It s**em, to take Robinson from the sheriff and swing him to n lima of a trem or tori ure bun to <!eath The Governor’* Informant asked that troupe is* sent to protect the man. hut the Governor cannot order out troop* save on a request from the Mayor of a town, the judge of a Superior Court, or the sher iff of a county. No requests have been made to him for troop* so far. and It 1* now believed that the negro will tw car ried to Marietta only under the escort of the sheriff The gallows upon which Robinson will be hanged la about completed. Robinson will arrive at Marietta at 9 o'clock In the morning. In change of Sheriff A A Rlshop and hi* deputies. They will be •net at the train by a local guard of fifty picket! men and go to the county Jail The gnllow** is situated on the grounds of the old Georgia Military Academy, shout one rmie from town, on the I'owder Springs road. I* of crbashaw. FrleuUa It |mllt f * Report Tlist Me Took Morphine. Atlanta. Aug 31 - The friend* of Cnpt Frank Crenshaw, who died several days •go. are oofMldembiy stirred up over the dispatches In the morning press, contain ing an Interview with a captain nmii.d Girard, in charge of the hospital Sari Francisco. It. which i * -tatei that Capt. Crenshaw wuk addicted to the use of morphine. Those wtw> knew the pat loot captain .my that he never touched in toxicatlng liquor* of any kind. and that he used no nar cotlca. It might have been mat after he wa* we-uiHlol he was given itK>rphine lo ease 'he pain which • aimed him no end of suffering, bin to hi* Intimate friend* l was a well known fact that h* was strict ly sober in every respect. J. JL>. Massey, aecivtary of the Railroad 4 'ommission, of which fol. T. C. Cren shaw. father of the young man. ia chair man. eutd: "1 have known Ctopt. Crenahaw for a liumbot of years. He wa* always sober. He never drank and I am sure he wm not a morphine eater, a* he has been termed by the captain In ch irge of th* hospital. I think th* charges iii.ulti by •he officer at Ran Prancieo. after the young man ha* passed away, are entirely unfotmakd and outrax>tift in every re- I are nn rgason why hr should makr such • statement ofier thr young n>an. wh,. iav, hi* life for hi* country, * no longer here to <trfrn<l himself." CX)*f MIWMIOM'tt ULBX\ PI T OI'T. W'anfa Floyd's Commlulaarr Tried for healed of limy. Atlanta. Aug. 31.—Commissioner of Ed ucation O. H. Glenn has preferred charge- again*! J. D. Gwaltney. County School Commissioner of Floyd county, and ha* requeued the Board of Educa tion of Floyd county to try Mr Gwaltney for neglect of duty. The whole nro.-c on account of Mr. Owaltney refuaing 10 send tn an annual report to Commissioner Glenn when he la required hy law to dr *o. Mr tllrnn tate* that laat year he failed to end In hta report, making It necea*ary for hint to leave Floyd county out of hta annual report, which la made every year to the general assembly This year the name a'ate of affair* eglat* and Mr. Glenn I* determined to ge* hi* report or *ee that there 1* anew cotnml**loner In Floyd county. OommUaioner Glenn say* he hn* writ ten to Owaltney eeverat lime* thl* year, and *o far not one of hta letter* have been anawered He *ay* he will wait no longer, but will puah the caae against Owaltney and will endeavor to have him removed from office. He aaya that he doe* not propo* to be Ignored by the County School Commissioner. and that he will take the action required by law. Mitten linker* lltirucd. Mlllcn, Ga , Aug. 31 -The Mlllen Dak ary. owned and run hy Mr T. J Hunt of Waynesboro, wa* burned here VVedne*. day afternoon at ISO o'clock. The wind cgnght the lire up and It looked like every thing In that vicinity would burn, but help arrived and everything dee wtaa aaved. Mr. George W. Small, the baker, came very near getting aartoualy hurt. He fainted while trying to aave hi* per eoral effect* Tlve origin of the (Ire I* unknown There I* no insurant*. BCXESti VI Cl HE. 3(1 IMI. Your tlrutultl will refund your money If Paso Ointment fall* to cure Ringworm. Tetter, Old t’h era and Sore*. Pimple* and Blackhead* on the face, and all akin dis ease*. 60c.—ad. "Put Money In Thy Purse.” Nobody suffering from brein-feg, lech of energy, or “ that tired feeling" ever puts money in his purse. Lassitude end listlessness come from impure, sluggish blood Ihet simply acres through the veins. Hoad's Serseperille makes the blood pure end gives it life, vigor end vim. ■■■■'"■ \OT I'ttlpJl ll< Y\ 111 T THITH. (it n. (iiirilua Anasvers G. A. R. Attack nn Host li*rn lltstnrlea. Atlanta. Aug. 31.—The Grand Army of the Republic at Chicago Wednesday adopting resolutions condemning th* school books alleged to l>e used In tin Southern j*< hool* as calculated to perp*tu ate piejutll. e against the Federal govern ment over Ihe vents of the Civil War. Qen. John B Gordon, commander-ln chlef of the United (’onfederatc Veterans, aays he dot* not believe that any re spectable Roiith.-rn teacher Is knowingly using env book that I* Intended to per petuate prejudice In the mind* of flout hem children. "Every movement made by the Ignited Confederate Veterans and every recom mendation made by our Historical Com mit te nas ieen to find and sustain only such hook* a* gave the truth of history, without the slightest ting*- of passion or prejudice against cither th* North or the South.** Gov. Candler commented rather forci bly on the matter, saying the affairs w nn all rot and gotten up for political ef fect. LADV KIM.KII lV MONT* IMG. Victim the Wife of Rev. T. J. Cobb of kinfeaboro. Statesboro. Ga.. Aug Sl.— Lightning ■truck the house of Rev. T J. Cobb of this place to-day. killing hi* wife instant ly. Her husband and two or (hr**- chil dren were In the house at the tiro*-, but escaped with only slight bruise*. Ml*. Cobh was silting In her bedroom near her bed. when tin* bolt descetub-1 The room and an adjoining room were lit erally torn to piece* Dr*. Quattlebaum, Roger* and Money were cent for. hut life wancx'lnct when they reached the house Rev T J Cobh Is a Baptist minister and very popular He move I here three year* ago from North Carolina His wife %va* a sister to the well known nav and ■tores men. McDougals. The husband Is prostrate with grief. DEATH OF DM. GOtCTCHH'*. Well-Known Divine of Rome Ex pires from Apoplexy. Rome. G . Aug M.—Dr. George T Geotchlus. for fourteen par* pastor of ’the First Praabyterlan Church of this city, die I suddenly here this morning from a stroke of apoplexy. He was mod erator of the Southern General Assembly when It met at Charlotte, N. C, and for twelve yar*. was clerk of the Synod of Georgia lie was a broih-r of Henry R Gowchina of C< lutnrmr ami had served as pa**r at All any. Mil'* Ig ville and Augusta lie a< SI year* old. and leaves a widow. otv* grown son and tw young daughter* He was unlvcraally I #*ovtd by ult denominations, and hi* sudden death has cast a gloom over the community. The funtral will occur Sun day. ItRIMA AT ATI/A\TA*R FAIR. I nited Mates Army officers Will br the Ja*lcs. Atlanta. Aug 81—Company K. Fifth Regiment, ha* already notified the Fair Association that a drill team from that company would lie entered In the prixe drill to be held here In October. It Is ex pected that ell th* ottwr 'Atlanta com patties and a number ffoa out e? town wtl! en!*r alro Gen j C. P. Br*•h*ridg©. inspector of th< Cnl-cd States Army, ha* Wen ♦- vltcd by the sta e authorities to visit Atlanta at the time of the drill and to Irapact the itoops. TIM Judges of the contest will be three United Bta*e army r fltee • Gov. Candler ha* comenKd to dedier the prizes to th* winning <ou|unUa DIUCtUTKNT AT AMKBICt'I. *. A. 1.. Rmiilnyri nA Thrf raaan for f'nmiilnlnt .Amerlcu*. Aug 31 -There wii consid erable discontent nmoog many of Ihr em ploye* of Ihr Seaboard Air IJnf Hallway hrrr yesterday. when Ihr i*y train irm*' through. Thr company ha several hun .IIC.I employe* here, ihr monthly pay roll amounting to 112.000 or 315.000. Bceld*-* being two weak* lair Iherr waa many ompliilijjr of error* In thr account*. An other p-nirul cause for complaint waa thr fad that ihr hundred* of check* paid Ihr men. were drawn upon a Savannah hank, and Ihr local 'rank* charged Ihr usual ex change for cashing them Heretofore the Georgia nnd Alalutma Hallway * checks were cashes! at full value. tioTii iAm\m killed. Tan Varner* II orklng on Share* Shot Knell Ollier. renter llill. Kla.. Aug. SI.—A horrible tragedy occurred here to-day. Luke Mer ritt nnd V M Dixon had been farming on share.*. In aoo-.e way hey became In volved In a quarrel over the division of the crops, Each secured u gun and each shot and instantly killed the other. S.iwhlnlaic'a Work at lleaiifnrl. Beaufort, 8 C.. Aug 31.—The moat ter rific thunderstorm that has visited this section In Hevernl years occurred yeater day afternoon The dry goods store of Harry Cramer, on Bay street, was struck by lightning, and a large plate-glass win dow shattered. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Th residence of Mr Heathen Ptonne on the Point, wo* struck nnd several weather-hoard* knocked off The house was unocehpled A wire extrnd‘i,g be tween she foundry and machine shop at the Beaufort Iron Works, in Ward Six, conducted ' he’Vice trie fluid Into the shop, where It flashed along the steel lathes and made things lively for a few mo ments. It was llltla short of miraculous the* no one was hurt In the latter In stance. a* several men were working in the shop at the lime The rain dsscendc 1 In torrents through the afternoon, and late Into the night. Aaah to toe l.lenlenant I olnnet. Atlanta. Aug 21.—At a recent meeting of 'he commissioned officers of the Fifth Regiment Maj. J Van Holt Nash * nominat'd for the office of lieutenant col nmri of the regiment, now vacant. A reg ular election will be order'd by the Gov ernor at an early date, and u• there Is m> far ro oppose lon to MaJ. Nnsh. he will then. In all probability be i Ire ted to the office. to rfßii A rv>.n i\ oak dav. Take laxative Brom Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W Grove's signature is on each box. 36c.—ad. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1900. ( Ok NOiri HE AIM|I‘ ARTI/RA. I’rathfrxonr MUsAsA He Will Win the !••% ernnrsbip. Columbia. S C. # Aug. 81 —An active campaign has N*e begun by both skle*. to t> kept up till the second primary. .*cpt. 11. Headquarter* for Col. Hoyt were opened here Uwlay by Ids son and | (*. c. Feathrrstone. who nude such a j * lose race with Gov. Eilerbe# two ye*rs I ago. Mr Fentherstone *|d this evening he | ws* Militfiftl Col. Hoyt's chnfireg were grsxl. that his large vote with four can j didatre against him. baslde* Senator Till man. wa- . pleasant surprise for hi* frtefwl* If*, figure* thut large I*arl r.f (he following of Gary and Patterson will turn to Hoyt, nd ihat u •hoosutid Hoy* men will return fr<m summer trip* lw fore the tuxi primary. The vote of Charleston and |n the mountains. Mr. Feat hers ton# declares, show* that th>* whisky men went to Mcßweeney. Gov. Mcgweenep hue lwuel on address exprceslng hi* gratitude for the vote given him. urging hi* friends to br ac tive and promising a “business" adminis tration If elected € ONI* AA Y W A AT* DAMAGES. L>alsvlllc and Aa*hvllle Refn*rl I ae of It* W Harvea. IVnracola. Fla.. Aug 81.—An Interest ing suit has been begun here In the Uni ted Htates Court, wherein the West Co* t Naval Htores Company nek* for s2V(*n ikimngeM from the Lsmlsvllle and Naghvllte Railroad Company. Tne suit grows out of the refusal of the railroad company to allow the Hollander Line of steamer* to receive freight nt It* wharves, wdilch ne cssltatcd the Naval Biore* Company sei'urtng other wharf fa cilities. and enforced upon them the ex pensive work of loading good* by wagon to raid wharf, to be loaded In the steam ship* l Is alleged that the 1/oulsvllle and Nashville Itm.road Company will en*cr the plea that the Hollander Lino of steamer* Is operating c rival transporta tion line in its territory, through con nection with the Mobile and Ohio Rail road Company from Mobile. fiAKHU I* V ITATIOJIW. HARBOUR- The relatives und friends of Mr*. R. Barbour and her son. Joseph S F. Itarbour. re invited to attend tha funeral of the latter from residence of hi* brother. R T Barbour. N*. 418 Hall street, e.*-f. this afternoon a 4 o’clock PAHiT-Th* relative* and friends of Mr and Mr*. J A Pa pot and of their son. 8 N. Pa pot. arc respectfully imdted to attend the funeral of the latter from rcaldence. 322 Lincoln street, at lb o'clock this (Saturday) morning. Interment at Laurel Oreve C- m tcry. •PEC IA L 30TK EI. FIVE GOODS *T LOW PRICES. We Arc In It on Celery. Dunkley's Celebrated Celery, In quart Jar*, l&t'. Dunkley's Celebrated Celery Salad, In quart Jar*. IK'. Hazard's Stuffed Olive*. Ju*t in. IDr Jsr. Hazard’s Baby Olives. Just In. 10c )gr. Armour A (’ ’* Boned Chicken. can. Numvn A Co's Early June Peas, Just In. !<V can. Columbia River Salmon. Hat cans. 15c can. 8-lb. Cadfornla Bartlett Peats lie can. Armour A Co.‘s White Labe'. 8ou(w. quart con*. !*• Franco-Amerl an Soup.*. V;-p*nt can*. 1(V? can. Franco-American Soup*. 1-plnt can*. 17c can. Franco-American Veal and Green Toa*. 2.h can. Franco-Amcrlcan Calf Tongue and Toma, to Sauce. 2Do can. Rich's Improved Table Jelly 1(V package. Rich's Ginger Chips 10c package. Imported Hardlnea. boxes. ISc can. Fruit Shrub. Grape Juice and Ginger Ale. FRUITS. Fancy Northern Annie* Fine Lemon* ard Limes. Fine Pears 36c peck. Fine Sweet Potnic>e Fine Cabbage Bartlett pear* for eating, cheap. FISH. No 1 New Mackerel, Just In. No. 2 New Mackerel, tine hut rmall. C A. DRAYTON GROCERY COMPANY, O. 8. Van Horne, V. P. HATH AL OF UCOROI A It AII.AA U CO Bavnnnah. Ga.. September 1. 1900 Interest at the rate of 31* per cent., be ing 332 50 dollars on each bond of a thous and dollars, has been declar'd payuhle October Ist. IWO. on the First Preference Income Borda of the Central of Georgia Rotlwuy Company, and will be pakl on presentation of the bond* on and after that date to the Guaranty Trust Company of New York or to the Clttsrns Bank of Savannah. N Interest I* payable on the Second Preference Income Bond* or the Third Preference Income Bond*. By order of the Board of Director* T M. CUNNINGHAM. Treasurer AtITHH. The planing mills of Savannah will close their mills on Monday, the 3d of Septem ber. I-alarr Day SOVTHKitN PINE CO. OF OEOROIA. W. W. AIM Alt A CO HKPPABD. SNEDEKKR & CO. DIXON MITCHELI. * CO A H BACON A SONS OOPAHTNr.MMIir AttTICE. We have this day forme I copartner ship under the Arm name of Dougan A Sheftall at 148 Bay street, west, for the purpose of transacting the wholesale grain and grocery business P M DOUGAN. SAMUEL SHEFTALL. S. ft. 1. 1900. Hi MY I It 11. Mis AMI THE PUBLIC. On and after date I can be found at McGovern's shoe store. No. 3a Broughton street, west, where I am prepared to serve you from the best selected stork of La dles'. Gentlemen's and Children's Shoes In the city. Thanking you for patronage In ihe p.iat and asking for . ontlnuam r of same. I am very truly yours. CIIAH E WAKEFIELD TO-lIAY A* lit At. Prime Beef. Mutton and Lamb. Veal. Matchless Corned Beef. Sunday delivery If desired. You esn always get the best at my stalls In the city market, noth phones 65T. JOHN FI NK a r JOY i > - Ricefleld Lamb. The hntal Berf In this market. Y'oung. fat Chickens Vegetables, Fruit*. Phones 107 JAB J. JOYCE. P, B.—Remember I ion All order* any time of day. When the market rlores I'm open and ready for business A special line of Fancy Groceries. AT G AIIOAIIR'S. Better eend your order in early for a nice raas* of Umb or beef. 1 have some •pedal meat*. 31. 8. GARDNIH. Phones 575. AVayne and Whitaker. P. B.—Sweet breads, brains, liver, tripe and irult* and vegetable* inu*i. ituuuu. Tilt; HU*T - ATI.4XTK PACiriO Tt: A ro. AMERICAN BEAT TY ROSES. lir.iuitful Chronwi IMciur. GIVEN AWAY FREE To >l purchtr of worth or over ot Tow, CofToe, Sugar, Butler, Extract, or tMilk, FRIDAY AND SATI'HDAT. COFFEES AT IMPORTERS' PRICES. Hlo. per pound, lie, 2ue. beat S4c Maratottio. per pound, 'Pi e, beat ..30c Java, per pountl, a, . 33c: be-1 3*-- Mocha, p. r iMUiid, 13* . beet ttr TEAS AT CARGO PRICES. Oolong, per pound. 30c. 73f. beat |1 Engllah Breakfaai. per |>ound, .. 73r; ltd 31 Youn Hyaon, per pound. SOr, 7Sc; beat *1 Pokhoe Imiiertal, per pound. 30c. 73; beat tl Garden I.eaf Jupin p-r pound. 30c, 73c; beat ... 71 Fineat Mixed per pound. She. 75c; beat .31 PURE SUGARS . IS pound* Brat Granulate,! tl lt> pounda Beat Soft White tl TABLE BUTTER. Fancy Elgin Creamery, per pound 33 e A word to the wlae la auflloient. One pound of good ten or coffee win go a* far as two pounda of cheap, traahy goods. • THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO . lot; Broughton street, weal. Phone gl*. LBVANI TABLE D'HOTE OIAAKRA. 30c—DINNER—30c. Dinner 1 to 3 and 0 to 9. Saturday, Sept 1, Claret Wins. SOUP. Boottleh Barley Broth. FISH. Redflah. Tomato Sauce. Fotatoea a I Algerlenne. Cold Slaw. Queen Oliver. Chow Chow, Mixed Pl* k;ea. ENTREES. Frlcaaee of Lunh ala Parlalenne. Boston Bak'd Beans. BOILED. Fulton. Market Corned Beef anti Cabbage ROABTED. Prime Rlh* of Beef. Dirh Gravy. VEGETABLES. Ma-ii—i rotatoea, Frit.l Egg riant. Bit wed Tomatoes, Rice Green Peaw PASTRY AND DESSERT. Potato Custard lhe. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers. Baked Pear Dumpling, Fruit Sauce. LEVAN'S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, lit Congress street, west. LEVY'S DISCOUNT NOTICB. YOB WILL SAVE TEN PMI CENT. By paylwg yew bills sa as bo. fore tbs IStb lost. S. B. LEVY A URO. Buwan*e Springs Cos.. Suwanee Springs. Fla.: ■.irntiemen— 1 am phased to aay that t was much benefited by a three weeks' so journ at your Spring* When I went to your spring* I was nearly run down with general debility, and was suffering with my kidney*. I was much Improved tn both respevfs. and although 1 have now been away from the Sprtngs two month*. 1 still fe I the beneficial effects of the visit. I am persuaded that If 1 could have remained with you for n couple of months. I would have fully re gained my former health. Yours respectfully. LAURA T ir.LAR. Blackvllie. 8 C. Alt you can drink for 3c at Livingston’s. SAVANNAH UOI NllltY AND M At IIISiB COMPANY, Builders of Marin* and Stationary Boilers, will furnish estlmatss on now work In comprlltkm with Northsrn and Western manufacturer* Repair work on Engines and Boiler* LARUE HAIIUHOISE AYD *F PICK to rent located head of Broughton *tr<et. on West Broad, now oocu |.'e.l by Ihe Savannah Carnage and Wagon Cos A* they will g.v • up business In the city on June 1. I of fer l; for rent from that date H. P. 831 ART, -ini'. WAY TO CLKAY (Akl'KTl. The only way to gel your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer t* io turn the Job over to ttie District 3!<es- t'K r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery an eel, and they will moke you an e-u --mate or. the ea of the work. Prices rsasorai-le They aim pack, move an i store furniture and pianos C. H. StEDLOCK Bupt and Mgr I'LASTEHKHS' .Mill MASOYS' SIP. PLIES. Cement. Lime. Plaster. Hair and River Hand. Prompt delivery. Ite ■ onanle price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone ill THE FAMOI * *AY Fit IXI'IICO !‘i*rr up to the aianitaril at th<- renular .ka ?*eal*. Our price unl> 26e. Regular kasrSen meal tickets reasonable. JOE I HIM,, l*roprletar, 114 Dray too afreet. ftLMA One of our etlaats has placed In our hands 125.00! to loan on good Savannah real sstale at rsaaonnbla rates of Interest BECKETT A BECKETT. At President • treat, east. PALMER HARDWARE CO., SAVANNAH, GA. Railroad ami Mill Supplies, Rubber Belting and Parking. Builders’ and General Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Rules, Pistols and Ammunition. , Rope, Tinware, Stoves. —AGENTS FoR— Fairbanks’ Scales. Austin’s Crack Shot Powder. /Etna Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. When Is Your Wife Coming Home? Only telephone us at phones 554 or drop us a line and we will stock your store-room with everythin); needed, so that she will have no trouble when 9he arrives, or we will send a salesman to the house on arrival. MUNSTER’S On tv and Dravtoo. KODAKS Films, Photo. Supplies, and Developing, Robin son’s Bath Cabinets. If you have RHEUMATISM be sure and get a bottle of FRANK'S RHEUMATISM CURE. It never fails. Price #1.50 bottle. When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON’S TWO PHARMACIES, Hull and Congress. Branch 309 801 l StrccL PHONE 03. BOTH PHONES. PHONE 3K. IfCUAI. SO I IC E* Pitot I. AM ATIOS. City of Savannah. Mayor's Office. Aug 3n, 1900—The Sanltury Board, In accord ance with the provision* of an ordinance, poesed Aug. 2*. 1901. and entitled 'An ordinance to provide for the cutting and removal, or destruction of weejt and oth er rank vegetable growth growing on pri vate property within raid limit*, to pro* vide a penalty for non*cotnpllinct with the provision* hereof." etc., the sai<i San itary Hoard.having notltl*-i m<* that in tho oplislon of th* board. It i* for th* preservation of the health of th** city to hove a \jt nn<l removed from private prop rty In the ti.iid city or destroyed then on. wenjsi and other rank vegetable growth. I do hereby Usue thl*. my lr-*' ..I mat ion requiring the cutting *nd remov al of auch weede and other r;nk vegeta ble growth In *v>orrtartc* with the provl jdon* of the following ordlnanr** Any one falling to comply with IP provision* will lie placed on th* Information tlockct Hiel fined. (liven under my hand and the t*eal of the city of Savannah thla. 30th day of A gu*t. 19uu. HHUMAN MYERS. (Seal | Mayor. Attest: WM. P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. An ordinance to provide for the cutting and removal or destruction of weed* nnd other rank vegetable growth growing on private uro|rrt> within aaUI city limit.* 1 ; to provide a penalty for non-compliance with the provision* hereof, nnd to author lac the city authorities to cut and remove and destroy Mich weed* and other runk vegetable growth at the expense of the owner or owner* of the property on which It grow*. 9 Section I. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the dty of Savannah, in Council assembled. That whenever th rt Sanitary Board of *ald city tlMtl notify the Mayor thereof that. In the opinion of .iid hoard, it I* neceß*ary for the preserv ation of fh*' health of th city to have cut and removed from private property *o the Mid diy. or destroyed thereon, weeds nd other rank vegetable growth, the Mayor -hall issue his proclamation requiring the immediate cutting and removal of su h weeds and other rank vegetable growth to the property line of said lot or the destruc tion of the same by lire on such lot by the owner or owner* of said property, or the agent* of such owner* having charge of such properly, and thereupon, if such weed* end other rank vegetable growth l* not cut from such private property and **• moved to the property l}n*‘ of such prop erty or destroyed thereon by rtr* within ten day* afet the first publication nf nald proclamation by the Mayor, then and in that event the owneri>rowners of said profM-rty. or the agent thereof having the Fame in charge, shall, upon conviction In the Police Court of the city of Savannah, of a failure to cut and remove such weeds and other rank vegetable growth within the time above named, be punished by a fin** not to excecsl fitly (801 dollars, of im prisonment not to exceed thirty (10) day*, either or both in the discretion of the court. Her. 2. Be it further ordained. That In the event of the failure of the owner or owners, or the agent of such property having charge of the same. a* the case may be, to cu* and remove such wc*d* and other rank vegetable growth or de stroy the same within the time above named, then and In that event the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, through the director of public work*, shall, at the expense of the owner or own ers of siich property, have the same cut and removed or destroyed. See. 3. lie It further ordained* That all ordinances and parts of ordinance* In conflict with this ordinance are hereby re pealed. PA t LUI.YU UP LU.VU ISLAM) t'ELK UHATEO PtrriN APPLE t limit. This iur elder Is -erv,d on at amen on the American line, nnd at the Ws!dor(-As and leading lamily grocers tn New Yo.k city. Paulding* Pippin Is made from ihe puie juice H hand puked apples from hi* own mill on the premises. It Is abso lutely pure applo juice, end all the efTer- V-scene • na'ural. and w* guarantee M to h the > h iceat cider In ih>- world. leading |h>sclans u. New York and Brooklyn recommend thl* cid-r to thtlr pa lente fte p rf ct pc.rl y Is guarantead In Paulding * U'l plr. - ider, only L'exg Is land Newton's Pippins are cued The ap ple* are left on the rer* until late tn Oc tober when they ar" hand picked and placed In a dry ro tn to ripen. Paulding says "the appt- e ere thorough ly crushed In h s own mill and juice pr-se.d out and run Into sweet clean cae-e" The dlflerence between crushing and gr ndlng apples I* v< ry great You will anow the differ nee hetwaen er slnd t p r# and ground apples If you take some aiemt an I chew them, you will find ehat bitter taste which I* not wt:h Paulding'* crushed apples. This cider has not ihe extreme w-e nr* of tha Russet claer. and everyone will find the Pauid <ng * Pippin elder Just right to take with dinner HITMAN BRO, Sola Agents In savannah. BOORS. HASH, BLISDS. And everything In the building material line. W* are hcidquarter* for these goods, with the largest ard most com plete stock In Ihe South. Buy While Pin* Door*. Hash and Blind* for your new home. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. SPARKLETS M ike. Soda Waiar at home. Craphophones Sold and rpaired. EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. 31. 00 ihat other* charge 33.50. A m *4t:\TS. g % \ (NMII Till; Theater cooled with Iced air. WOODWARD-WARREN CO. Matinee To-day 3 p. m., * A OOLI MINE * To-night. 1.30 o’clock. •THE DIAMOND MYSTERY.** Price* Mjttne.. children 10c, adults 20c. Night. Me, 20r and HCIIXUSS NOTICKt. FRESH FRUIT. All selected stock. The right things for break fast, luncheon, dinner and supper. New Y'ork Bartlett Bears 19c quart Cooking Pears Sc peck Orange Pippin Apple* 40c peck Fancy Delaware Grape*. 5-'.b, bosket*, ST.c Fancy Concor.l Grape*. 3-lb, basket*. ..20c F.incy Scuppernong Grapes. 4-lb. ba*kei*. 10 cent* LEMONS ARE DOWN— Extra Fancy, dosen ,30c Cocoanuta (new) Sc and 10c 18. t BRANCH CO., Broughton mi.l Whisker Simla Both Phones. 76. SPECIAL AOTICbS, MOKKY’ MYIAIi SI'KUIALTIKN KOH Flllll AY (Ml BATI HDAY. Wild Cherry Phoephotc, per bottle 15c Nox Tox. 3 alxe* .' Be. 10c and 15c Quarts Lime Juice, per botlte 2Se Chill Sauce Vx-plnt* 10c, pints 30c Horse Radish 31u*tard. per bottle 10c 3-Ib. can* Table Beaches, per oao 10c 3-lb. ran* Jelly, per can 10c 2- can* Sliced Pineapple, per can.... 15c 3- cans While Cherries, per can 10c b. package Corn Starch 5c l-!b. package Bi-Carh. 6c Sweet Blckled Bork, per pound 10,’ Fulton Market Corned Beef, pr lb 10c l-lb. pkg Gold Duwt. per package 20. Celluloid Starch, per pu ekage 6c Armour'* Tor Soap, per package 6c Small lean Ham* and Strips. Fine Large Beef Tongue*. —at— JOHN T. EVANS * CO B. Congress and D"mard streets. Fonea 28*!. MOM) t'ITOKS ivtll ant trouble you If yon a** •UOOHIIKEBT. II la a pleaaaal perfume. MKLDERHA la m toilet poetdrr that tnalantly dl*- pela the ttlanureenble odors arlalag from perspiration. 01.0 STYLE COLO ( HE AM gives quick relief for sun haras noil akin tronbles. HOLOMO.Mg CO. THE TIME OF ALL TIMES. Have renovated at once your routiresaes, feather bed*, etc. by our slt-am medic*. ie! procraa. (The only plant In Savan nah) that overcome* all impurities, whether oontag.ou* or otherwise. Have teduced renovation of faultier* tor Au gust a* follow* Feather bed* from to 3X50. bolster* from 31.50 (o lI.CO. Pillow* from Ik to fch, Cotton, mo** amt hair matireaae* made to order Will *ava you money Work guarortcad. NATIONAL SSAT'I HESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Ball phone 1135. 331 Drayton street IWMI* EXECI TED By the American Ponding and Trust t ompany Of Baltimore. We are au'hor- Iged to locally (luim (Lately upon api>letlonl. a I lionds lti prt>- c • dtt g* In e ther the state or Untied ft ate* courts, and cf nclmnDimtcr# and guardian* HEARING A Hl’EI, Arena Telarhoo* 331. Provldant Gulldlngr LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO R. DILLON. President. Caster ' C. T. EI.LIS. BARRON CARTER Vice Preidit. Asat. Ca>ht r The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will b* pleated lo receive (he account, of Merchant*. Finn*, individuals. Lar.* an.) Corporations*. Liberal favors extended. Uneurpaeoed colle, non factllilee t r _, r Ing prompt returns. StPAHATE,AVINGSDEPARTMENf IVI'LME&T KIWUIAUKII iji AKTKH. I.Y i\ DEPOIITi. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vault, to rent Correeponrtence solicited. The Citizens Sank OF SAVAAAAM. CAPITAL. 5500.00a l, *“ - veaeni Uwwkiu Uwsineee. Solicits Aceoonts mg MltMaak Mer.h.wc, UmmtL, mme otAse valieii, Cellfciloas kesdleg eeltk r dlepsteb. laterest eowspounded Mrtsrtp allowed „ deposits !■ osr to., an Drpartaa,,. ■tafety Ikfull Boxes sag itorap- V'sulte. BH4NTI.RY A. DENMARK. Preat m . ■ II.LS B. LANE. vie. P,nM.. l BEttlHiß C. FREEMAN. Ca.hler MOMPON L. OnOQYEH. Aset. C..,^ SOUTHERN Ml of tne Stole of Georgia. Capital 3*06.01, Surplus and undivided profits ... DM DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE of GEORGIA. Superior facililiee lor transacting o General Banking Bualneea Coilecitcne made on all points <• > *l< through bank, and Uonksra. Til count* ot Ltaiikt, fUuiot., Merchant, and olncrs eoltcflod. Safe Deposit Boxes lor rent. Depertmcnt of Savings, Interest payabls quarterly Sea, Sterling Exchange on London t] and upward*. JOHN FLANNERY Pre*ldent. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN t'o.hler. DIRECTORS ! JNO FLANNERY. WM. W OORDON. E A. WEIL W W GORDON Jf, H. A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FER6T ! H. P SMART CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLT JOHN J KIRBY Siii ill Mi CAPITAL, gA.VJ.OOO. Accounts of banks, merchant*, corpora tions and Individuals solicited! Savings Department, Interne paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaulte tor rent. Collections made on all points at rre -1 sociable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of tbs i world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President. w. f. McCauley, cashier, THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, ua. capital sao.ooa Undivid'd profits 60,000 This bank ofter* Its services to corpora tions. mere hairs and Individual*. Ha- su horlty to act ns executor, ad ministrator, guardian etc 1 issues diafia on the prim Ira' elites In Great Britain and Ireland and on tha Continent. Inter-a laid or compound'd quarterly on deposits In the Havings Department. Safety Boxe* for rent. HENRY MIjUN, Pr>alilent. OEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vice President JOHN M HOGAN, Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier ■ 1 - 1 —i No 1640. Chartered, IMA —THE IHtt NlllOll Ml OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. Ii 0.0. SURPLUS. HO- 1 .94. UNITED STATES DEIk*BITORY. J. A. U. CAltifnN, I re Id nl. BEIRNE GORDON. Vl-e President. \V M. HAVANT. Caahler. Accounts of l nnks and bankers, mer chants and rin orations rerelvsd up n the most favorable terms consistent with wife and con.-rva> Ive bunking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . Assets over SBOO,OOO. h PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Inter est credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds. wtllidrawaM* at annual periods. GEO. \V TIEDF.MAN. President. H. It LEVY, vice President. E W. REI.E, Secretary. C. o ANDERSON. SR Treasurer OFFICE. 15 YORK STREET. WEFI For Rent, Residence 118 Gaston street, west. All conveniences. Can be rented from Ist August Apply to CHATHAM REAL ESTATE AND IM PROVEMENT CO., 14 ftrynn Street, East. 10 Newspaper Piste. For sal*, a Foraalth Newspaper FoidaG will fold ahati ;.ik It la In good omen Price 3100. II coat originally K.lf* w# hava no ue* for II and want tba room 11 occupies. It will bear Invaluable adjuaat t# *M newspaper oißoa. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, On. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, ordet your lllhographad * r - J printed atationery and blank books tm* Meriting Nawg, Savannah. Oa.