The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 01, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ABOUT THE SEED BUSINESS. IT* MOIUOII UROWTH l> THE LA9T TWENTY -FIVE YEARS. Tkr First Iteenrded lair of herds In Tilts I uunirj Was In 17R.1 Ra Over IWMOKI Irrra Ira I’lanlrd In I'raa lluar*Thr Rise of thr To mato. From the Washington Star. The wonderful development whlrh has been made In thla countt, during (he past few year* In every line of enterprise la nowhere belter Illustrated than by an In vestigation recently completed under the auaplcet of the United Slates government by A. J. Pieter* of the division of bot any. Department of Agriculture. Mr. Pieters examination* were to ascertain la is nlHiut seed selling, seed growing and seed testing, of which the public are up to this time unaware. The many things learned by Mr P’.eter* led him to conclude that the development of the seed business of the country forms me of tlie most Interesting chapters in American horticulture, and that from email beginnings In the later colonial .•ertods thr business has grown so that <o-day Ita value Is measured by millions of dollars. Al first the business was carried on In email shops, where a few boxes of seeds hsred a corner with codfish or a shelf with calicos and Umlts. but (lie lime has irrlved. says Mr. Pieters, when It claims for Itself immense warehoust sand busi ness establishments whose Interests ex end to every quarter of the globe. The tade has grown with the country, and It* eaders have Influenced a popular taste ror good vegetable* and flue flowers, cre itlng and Stlmulatlnw a demand which only their enterprise could suffice to meet. The first sale of seeds In this country, o fsr ws Is known, was made at New rt. R. 1.. In 1763, by Nathaniel Rlrd. sxok dealer, and the assortment was lim- ited to that of onions, recently Imported com Ixmdon. In New York city hemp ind tlax u*,| was advertised for sale ns •srly as 1765, and garden seeds In 1776. Rut Itoston was the chief city for the sole of rarden needs, ns II was the commercial enter nt that time. In the Ronton On train of 1767. six out of twenty-six ad vertisers were dealers In seeds. Some of •he*** did not advertise other good*, bu: a Is rtoublful whether they were seed dealer - exclusively. William Davidson, the gardener in Sevan Star lane, offered In 176*. seeds of fifty-six varieties of veg - --tables and herbs, and of one flower, th .a.rnation Home of hi* price* were . follow*: Lettuce, 8 to 4 penc-c per ounce, cabbage. 9 pence to a shilling per ounce; c.iultflower. 3 .-hilling* per ounce; carna tion. 4 shilling* |a>r ouiu-e. Mont of the other vegetable and herb need* range-1 from - pence to a shilling per ounce; pete. Karly < iold- n Hotspur anil Early Charl on, were worth 24 shilling* the bushel, or td pence per quart. I)avl.l*on dealt In lends Wholesale and retail for rash. The war for independence. Interrupting, is It did, the regulnr channels of trad.-, ■nterfered with the lm|*>rtltk>n of seed* dial the few garden seeds offereil during his tlm- were either imported from Hol ■nd or were taken from prise *h!|* Im mediately after ih* war there was a re vival of the trade In seeds, and In 17M John Adams, Hosanna Henkin nn-1 Busan ti.l 31 aitm all advertised seeds Just im parted from Ixxndon. One of the first seed men of the pres ent century was Hernar.l McMahon, gar dener. seedsman and author, who. In I*7o, opened a serai siore In Philadelphia A de scription of his store, whlrh has been preserved, throw* light on the enndMlon of the trade at that time and It Is as fol low*; "His store was tn Second street,i below Market, on the east side Many must still be alive who recollect Ms bulb window, ornamented with tulip glasses, a large pumpkin and a basket or two of bulbous roots. "Behind the counter officiated Mrs. Mc- Mahon. with some considerable Irish ac cent. hut a most amiable and excellent disposition, and withal an able saleswo man. Mr. McMahon was also much In the ssors, either putting up seeds for transmission to all parts of this country and Rurope, writing his hook or attend ing to his correspondence; and In one corner was a shelf containing a few bo tanical or gardening books, for which there was then a very small demand; an other contained n few garden tmple meors. such as knives and trimming scis sor*. a barrel of peas and a bag of seel ing potatoes, an onion receptacle and a few chairs, and the room, partly lined with drawers containing seed*, constitut ed the apparent tock In trade of what was one of the greatest seed stores then known In the Union, and where was transacted a eonslderable business for that day." In the fall of Orant Thorburn he r*n to eel! need* In New York, and sub sequently built up a substantial business During the next quarter of a century seed store* were opened In Baltimore, Boston :m>l Charlea ton, B C.. aa well aa In Phila delphia and New York, nnd there waa a ronsid-'rable trade In Shakers' seeds. These Shakers' web were popular aa ear ly aa I*l*. They were sold hy regular deal er*. and were peddled about the country tn the Bhakere’ wagon* The population cf the Polled Stales had Increased from a little more than three muttons of whites In 179 b to ten and a half millions In I*3o While most of the trade between IKS) and l*sh was local or wholesale to country dealers, a chance took place with the ad vent of the locomotive The lamer hotires reached out for wider Helds, made acces sible by railways, and new Arms spring up In every city of considers bln size The rapid Increase In railways not only open ed up a vast and flourishing country, but facilitated transportation In the Host and ma le possible the Immense development of the- mall trade. Thirty yaars ago one hundred letters a day wa considered a large business To day Nome houses receive over six thou sand letters a day during the busy season. Firms that twenty years ago employed only one or two clerks now employ a hun dred during the winter months. Through out the West the seed business has flour ished. and there ta a house In Wisconsin whose trade has Increased MO per cent. In the past fifteen years. A single ware house of one Western Arm now has be tween eeven and eight acres of floor space. Before the beginning of the century only three seed farms had been established In the United States, though for many years seeds were grown by farmers and market gardeners. The present development of garden ecds began when David Lnndreth • Atabllehed a small aeed farm at Philadel phia In 17*4 At first but a few acres were cultivated, and these were mostly occu pied by the nursery. As the hustn-s* grew more land was added, until In iWO gome t(P acres were under cultivation near Philadelphia alone. The Clalrmont seed Bardens, near Baltimore. Md., iippll-l some of tbs dealers of that city about ISM and probably earlier. The opening of the fivll War found the country still largely dependent upon Im ported garden seeds. The heavy taxes and the premium on gold raised the prices ot all Imported seeds to such an extent that the dealers began to look anxiously for n home *ut>piy. This condition sttmu lited home production and as many seed farms were established between 1M) amt 1870 a* during the thirty years before the war. • Veel Since the close of the war the business of seed growing has rapidly Increased. Notwithstanding some lmi>orterx of aeed* declared In I*B7 that American seed grow ing was a mvth there were at that time more than 2,<Du acree devoted to raising vegetable and flower seeds, and about ekv years later It was estimated that the t t and area then devoted to growing garden seeds was about 70 acres. Of th-ae 3 000 In the state of New York pro duced peas and beans The census oj UW snowed ibet there wrr® In the United •end farm*, conultving m rta, ct which &>.tn7 were actually pr< ducln# *cd crop*. Tin productin of icd l Kil l incrtMi-Iriit. and It Ih staled on good authority that • t Alone, and half as t any to b> an < In IS # wo Import®*! half our wrinkled sorts; n w wo supply rhu twg at root and import only In case of failure • f the crop Flower seed* are eaten*tv*l> grown in California, where then* Is cultivated great assortment of varieties, and while marly ail klnda flourish, there Is so much hard work and clove application ueceaeary tluit we have not been *b> to su • fully compete with Europe o* most things. Hwect peas, nasturtiums, cosmos, ver benas. jtetunhi* and aster# ar* quite ►a *• ce*i*fully grown, aial tins a*el trade now looks to t akfornln for of the sweet (teas and a great many nasturtiums. t4outhtn California has several very prominent growers of fine double petunia* and other |>i|i.t.<. The ru|4d advanee of the California f*swt pea > • and In popular- Ity la m>t mar velour A beginning was made In this line In a m<*l**rate way about IMCi, when then were not over a dozen varieties listed. At first about a quarter of m acre was grown; now one grower alone h<o grown from 180 to ’> acrew of them each year for tlie past five years. aixl there ar no less than l£f v rletUs In his complete list. This grower has Introduced tnor* than hnnty varie ties of great merit in the last three years, among them the famous race of "Cupfciw ” Ho ImiKjrtant a factor have the i 'allfortd sweet pea grow* rs ber*ome to the seed tride that some thalers go there annuali> from the East to Inspect the growing crop® md to hunt for nov elties In the sweet pea line. Flower seed® are grown In it numb r of places through out the United Hint*--, hut only a portion of the tral- I suppihd with home-grown seeds. OutsKle of California limited anioort's of (tower seeds are grown, the ktrsts is-ing aster*, phlox, pe tunia, verbenu. portul.ica, Inznla. balsam, hollyhock, pansies, sweet |M-a. begonias, • arsl some green house plants. It Is Interesting to tw*e the history of the tomnto. Its gradual rise In |H>pilarlty *mtl the rapidity with which new var - ilec app*'at*l when once Its |**4itton w.e .assured originally no American 4*or>tri butlon to horticulture. It was first used a. a for*! by the Litln races of teurop*. In New Orle.inw they were used in catsup ns early ns 177!#. but in the English colo nies tom • toes were planted only a* om •- merit*, under the name of “love uj|.;v." In IKK. however, they began to be popu inr us fooil. In IM7 there were six or seven varieties, but there wis not mii'h difference between them By IWi hun dreds of o re.- were planted with this veg etable In (he vl unity of I’nlkek Ipd* tone. Ih UW‘. the tomato tv as a unlver -l favorite. It hut become a commercial staple. earn! 1.000 acre® are said to have le#-n devoted #o its cult Iva: kg) in the neigh rliood of Fhlkidi Iphtu I Hiring that year the Tllden appt irel and at once t*k first rank In the next five years the Moupay. Foanl. Eureka. Cook's Fav orite. I lost on Market. Dlxey, Crimson Cluster and General Grant were introduc ed. She General Grant being the best *,f the numlwr and a really good tomato. From six varieties |n I*o the number in crease*! to thirty In IW*>. m.| in IK.v Amer ican seedsmen catalogued 212. vari* tie* of t multi The development In the varietbs of Mower* grown from ***ed. If not conspti'U °“s. baa f*een not !♦• remirkaW* In. I ted It nviy be paid that in the entire history to equal the phenomenal Improvement in the nweet pea. In the United Htate* reputable see*U rmn have tested for germlnatkn pr \mh y since ih** flrsf s-ed firm was started. The stat** experiment stations have for a long tlm** don*- something In practical ere I testing. Among other s atlons that have contributed to the work ir Arkansas. Cornell. New York. Delawor®. Illinois. Indlma. lowa. Maine, Massachusetts. Minn* s vtn. North Dakota. New Mexico. Pennsylvania. Hb>de Island. South Caro lina. Hourh Dakota. Vernvait and Wis consin. Th<* le(>artment of agr culture has con ductel ii small trial ground for th** last three years at Kens gton Md . In con nection with the seed laboratory. Here siiidlcs of varieties are mad®, all the ob tainable varieties of cn*' kind being grown for one or mo e seasons, and care ful notes and plnuagraph* taken Unde termined weed seG* found In Imported grasses and forage plants are also plant ed and the plants grown to maturity. Many of these prove to l*e se* ds unknown In the l T nled Htatis. and the department can thus to some extent k* rp Informed of the weeds now being Introduce! Into this country. WIM rilTI HIM! C AMM.K*. Advances That Have Hern Miule In Che Industry. From the Scientific American Supplement. The discovery of gns lighting nnd im provements in lamps have done much to curtail the manufacture of candle#, but It Is yet n vast Industry. An estimate of the eonaumptlon in elite United States places It at 22.000.000 pounds annually. Candles ore still the staple Illuminating medium for the poor of large cities and for all clmwe* In small towns nnd villages where there ore cither Insufficient or no gas work*. Country hotels ami taverns are large consumers, and the preference of natty people for randies over lamps, as portable lights keeps up a constant demand tn all sections. Candles likewise are the true aristocrats among illumina tors. and the renaissance In art taste which hoM* no illumlftntlng medium to be quite so beautiful and effective as the candle for dinner tables amt party nnd ball rooms calls for an extensive manu facture of fine gra-h-s Now. It is not the beauty of the polished brass or sil ver candelabrum alone which makes ap peal lo the aesthetic Judgment, for. ex cept the yet Imperfect electric light, no illuminator can give so pure and while a light as ii perfect candle. The linnet fruit of science applied to the once home ly Industry Is the stearic acid mold can dle of to-day. which Is not only quite a* handsome In appearance us the wax can dle. but burns with equal brilliancy and purity, and Im* to a great extent usurped the place of the more costly light. The mines of the far Wes* share with the bou doirs ami salons ami dining rooms of the East In the consumption of the beet of these candles. Avery large proportion of the lineal grades gm* to Nevada. Colorado and the other mining slates and territories of the Pacific *h>i>o. the high temperature of the mine demanding a very hard and pure candle. The old candle would be entirely useless here. foV tuliotv melts ot from 90 degrees to ltd degrees Fahrenheit, amt the temperature of the Friend ivatTHIS wonderful f*' . dMaailpw ■ liniment which B. —4 ££i ha* helped *o rmany women through the Vedu-aBl dreadful ordeal • f chlld birth, is well named It Is a friend tndee t And It We do MBNA kr.-w , . Whi r. . faith f at!* u< and • ha* n. t <J. ne RfWS; ...J • mf.r e And th Usnuse.ulm, I: will do ! swa< —l*7- I *:i •he danger a ■■l of pregnnn.v, wdl make ■kHI *• ■ni ruing "■ e ' *' V- -. : pr ■■Cl iMFITII Igure Is- t that bnoc ' u ■m HSSS3' • Mnlhoj-'m / rlond ■' rEjssHR the drug -tore. f ‘ r I* M-r bottle. VI BBAW.IID RI&UAI0B CO. V V y X Write tor our tree illostrstci P book, " Before Hal,y I* Bom" THE MOKNING NEWS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 19€0. llteially live* up to It* nsm*— ktd-Wkr. soft, pliable, yet flim. net THOMSON’S “Glove-Fitting” Corset , Turn it over sad see bow lt’ made, t i, rj*-~ **am* run around the body. M lli J IF-'- ur Vcnlilgting Corset, EpA - >e—*l llff uXh*±~%nihl (TrsAo Mark Register, dl. mails cf Im "+**Snr;*l p rtl netting, stripted w.lth *jutll. a.d • I trtinm*d lac® and taby rli>l n |l uj ’ / I.Uht >, a f.-,th-r V t .*>• as ths fjfl stror.g-st. Hi* dv< m Uluatratcd cits* n-1/ Oco C. Balt heller &Co.,J4a Uroadw ay.N. V. For sale by all leading; dry goods stores. t h e BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, st. Julian and Whitaker Streets, The Newest and Much Wanted Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods Priced Specially Low for This September Selling. R.ulies' White I’olkn Dot Hose 10c I-i l- Ht.ilnleea Tan Hose, double heel ami toes 10c ladlM' Itlack Cotton Hose, high spliced heel* and loe* 9c lasdles' laice Dial* Hose, full re*- m.Mle. perfect shaped l*c Infants’ I,l*l ellose 10c la. lies' lilhhcd t.auxe Vest* 3c Dadlr*' White I,lnen Collar*, up-to-date shape* 9. !.;idh>' Sal in rttm-k Co!iara So lio>.-' H.llln Windsor Tie*, light and dark colors Sc de, p mines of N'ev.iila ofie reschea, 13> d*rees and even 13> degrees. A food "'carle n. id riri.ll- will withstand a tem perature of from 15 degree* lo 10 degrees more than ibis. ih- eteorle arid candle, whlrh Is now the principal randk- of traile, represents tie* high-water mark of the progress In randk inuking which Isgan seventy years ago. I nlilie Its |a lull live preileressor, the tallow -Up. It Is a prorlurt of st'lenllffc *"*dv. and one of the many trlumps of philosofihlr chemistry. The movement which i ff.--<rd a complete revolution In the Industry, and ran a rapid growth aft er once It wns narito!. was an outcome of the discoveries of M E. Chevreul. tho French > hemlst. published to the world In Ix3, In hi* book. “Recherche* sur le* Corps Gras d'Orlglne Animate." In It lira the foundaibai of all our prevent knowledge of ih. chemistry of fatly oils, a rut this knowledge Is the starting point of modern can.llemr.klng Chevreul established the scientific fad that, as a rule, all fatty oils, loth liquid and aolld, are neutral comjxxunds of glycerin* and the so-called fatly acids. In candle fats these acids are stearic and oleic. Stearic add Is a crystalline substance, unctuous to the touch, but not greasy. It melts at ■■ temperature a little short of JM degrees and when burned through a wick gives out a white and clean light. Oleic acl.l la liquid nt common tempera ture*. and wns the cause nt the melt ing nt the old tallow candles at a tempera ture 7* degree* lower than Is withstood by pure etearlc acid. The glycerine bn*.' caused them to burn yellow and to smoke with an offensive odor. The dis covery of the chemical properties of these constituent elements of randle fat led with a eingle step to the fundamental Idea of the Improvement In candle making; olelc acid and glycerine are deleterious to the candle, and must be removed; and all the at. P- since taken—and they followed hard on the heel* of the tlrst—have looked to the doing of this In the meet expeditious and cheap manner, and the perfection of the molding machinery. Naturally the tlrst processes were rh.mica’, bu! they put a great obstacle of costliness In the way of the manufac ture. v. hi h alne st proved fatal The early industry, after surmounting the difficulty by combining mechanical means with chemical In separating and purify ing the fais. again came near suffering shipwreck from another cause. It was found by the French chandlers, to whom lielongs much credit for developing as w.-ll as originating the modern method, that tho stearic acid on cooling In the mold crystal!!* and and the oandles became unsightly, brittle and uneven of combus tion. The remedy appeared to lie In break ing the grain of the add. and this was done by the Introduction of powder. Unfortunately, white arsenic was the p wder chosen, and the result was so • • * . - W- = 1i U ll,*t t 'heve il nurtiuiv itijtat t • ■ real's discoveries wee brought Into dis repute. and the early |>art of atearlo add randle making was almost annihilated It tter study found a simple nnd harm less remedy to lie In lowering the tm perature of the acid before pouring It Into the mold and In heating the mold to receive It. Improvements wre also suc cessively made In the methods of pre pirin* the fat. and whin, finally. Amer ican Ingenuity was brought to bear upon the mechanical side of the problem, a mochln- was ileveloped out of Bleur de I’.rs-x s last-century mild that has mar velously simplified .md cheapened the nmnufa lure of candles The purification of th. fat had d>ne much to Improve the combustion, and the smoke had been abolished; th. flame, too, had become much brighter and clearer, and the snuf fing of the wick had become less neces {y for the combustion being mope per fect the wick, whose only duty Is to conduct the oil to be flame was more nearly consumed. A little attention to tho making of wick* soon banished the snuf fers and the snuff tray to the curiosity shops of the antiquaries The old-fashl m. and wick* wsre simply twisted fambaerre* conceived the plan of palling them with one strand lighter il- i th' 1 others In the candle the wick I- stinight by the hardened fat. but. • a*rand draws the end cf the wick over 10 on. side i-o that It Is brought In <-on t i ( with the outer envelop, of the flame where the combustion Is most perfect be cauc of the literal supply of oxygen r< iv .Ifr m g *r. nod thtls the wick Is continue usly consumed. Tin: I* OK KLlß*# One Stable Will Keep a Loras Yelh hnrhood supplied With Them. Harvey Sutherland In Aluslee's. ••If you burn Inaect powder In on old ♦ln pan It will kill mosqultoe*. A person. I mention no names, tried It to kill fllee 1 1 made the house smell like Fourth of July, though quieter. The tiles atm about their business a* usual, und never so much ns coughed. Two or three alighted on the edge of the pan. •Hello!’ said one •What’s this? Something new? Bay, Where W.ts you yesterday? I was lookin' for you nil over.' It never feaxed them. Lavender flowers, they say. will dlxcour age flies. Don't you believe It. They won't do anything ot the kind. At the soda fountains, though, where otherwise the sweet slop* would attract flits, by i die millions, the druggists scatter essence j of n*-afrn It Is rather amusing to I watch a fly salt In the door and make for the counter. 'I-emtne see now." you ■ m almost hear him say, *1 think I II take vauUUi kt-etts—' and then be Gentlemen's Beamless Half Hose, tan* ai .l black 7c Gentlemen's Boild Color and Fancy Striped Half Hose, pure combed Egyp tlan yarn 10c Gentlemen's Imported Unbleached Hal hrlggan Half Hoi, 10c Pilling A Madeley's Olyirpia Half Hose, seamless, double soles, double heels and toes .....124*c Gentlemen's Bleached Ralbrlggan Un dershirts jsc Roys' Fancy Percale Shirts, collar at tached aoc Gentl,-men's Matin Teck and Four-in- Hand Ties 19c strikes that sassafras ami crlee; 'Fuel Lw me out of here qukk!' Flies do not like sassafras at all. ft Is rather an Insistent perfume, and I do not know that I mv self should rare for It for hreukfist. luncheon rind dinner for weeks and weeks, all through flywlim Hear the conclusion of the whole mat ter. The armies of flies are to be dts ccmflt.d only by mucking the base of supplies It Is an old saying that If you kill one fly. forty will come to the funeril. Three Iwtle skirmishes xvlth fly poison amt st.' ky paper are useless. To fence our selves in with screen* is hardly worthy of civilised people It is like living In forts besiege,| by snvagee It k< arum time* said (hat the old-fashioned house keeper who Is forever cleaning up Is both ered With few insect visitors of any kind, low I put up nn umbrella against the storm of Indignation sure to break over my head by declaring that the most scru leiloun cleanllnras will no: avail when there Is n stable near. One stable will o P . * * ar * r neighborhood amply sup Piled with flies daily in the season. It ,hrowln * •he manure, tn b h lbh h a y . tn,<> '' ,m an< * covering It With quicklime to kill the eggs and roj'**. but where on* man is thus care rul nine hundred ami ninely-olnc will not lake the trouble Ro great has l.en ...a SK*"” ° r ln, ‘ ' ml ‘ey-car, the bicycle automobile that every one has 01 invention to He ue horseless travel, but we sh-nl look long ami look in vain for the d.,v of cowless milk. Till then we shall have ro an.L h r ,, I ,hlnk '' ,h ' rnil " the superior fmJTn n ° rM " for • h, ‘ so!" (>f hi* foot In the contemplation of what we In the :“l y °f <wtv self-conceit, ca.l Thelow! a n <>ur -ncal Ignorance of ml,. h b U *” n °‘ Mnow J"*' how rooiish and no-account the male |* 1,,,, marker Bbly ' nf ’ r ,t "" h " '•> deflclent as usual, seeing that ranch*’” " r,> *° <■'<'' together that they I?gn t/T ° th< ‘ r Th "' - -l"W * had sign. If jouseeanybody wlih eyes close to- Zj;; i : e £: nt,,M ,n tMnk The fly has two sorts of eves, the big sbiTor'Th 'Z: r'J • bunph ° t H-. n L h for knocking!, In *?*'**• simple eves on the top of the head for use In a poor light cew iZ., J re J" lnL i,-or Into ee etasles of admiration ovci the creature that has 8.000 eyes cm each *(,}.. of n ,. a ,, It might tie well to remember that they are not of much account, in case of old files kept over winter, the compound eyes rave In and gel broken, yet the fly seems to get along and And food. One kln l pr**ntl<tnan varnish***! ov**r th* nimH** eyea and plucked off the wings of gome m# *\ found that h** mt<ht ho)*) u candle close enough lo burn the compound eye* of <ne Hy before It had a suspicion that anything out of the common was going on In daylight he look a knitting needle and brought It up In front of the fly close enough to touch Its antennae be fore It dodged. If the knitting needle was brought up on one side, Mr. Fly pick ed up his sticking plasters quite lively. "Most respectable Insects have two pairs of wings, but a fly has only one pair, with a scallop on the rear edge of each, show ing that In earlier days II had 'opener*.' even If they went Into the discard later. These scallops are called 'halters ' or bal ancers. and It Is the theory of some that they help to steer the <v. They say that when the starboard balancer Is cMpi-d off, the fly goes hard a-atarhoard. and vice versa. Hut under each of these wales Is a globular process, with a long tube fringed with cilia, believed lo be sensitive to odora. These globular processes pump air Into the nervures or veins of the wings and keep them taut and stiff, for Ihln though the wring may seem, it Is really a double texture. I‘erhaps clipping off the balancer lets the air out ot tho wing and so disables It. A fly la able to saunter along through the air at the rate of five feet a second, but when It Is In a ■■articular hurry It can go about thirty live feel a second, which Is a two-thirty gait. Its wings beat the air at about the same rate of vibration as the piano siring K. first line of the treble staff; but that Is not Us only* means of audible expres sion. When It gels excited and cannot break away from the fly-paper It mikes Its thorax vibrate at a higher pitch. You have heard that t’ampanlnl could sing high C with chest voice. He could not. but a fly with Its feet atuck fast can." An Acoaatlc Phenotncnou. From the Chicago Record. Perhaps the greatest mystery In Yellowy, stone Park Is an acoustic phenomenon that appears near the continental divide. Early In the morning, usually soon after daybreak, at Shoshone Lake, a strange sound Is heard in the air. It begins softly In the remote distun e, resembling the singing of telegraph wire*, some have said, or the peculiar whirr of a trolley car. It grows and louder ns It ap proaches the hearer, then decreases af ter It has passed him, and dies away In the opposite direction. The sound lias been ewmpared lo various familiar things by different people who have heard It. Prof. Forbss. for exampl-, say* that It reminded him of an aeoilan tmrp Ed ward Linton compared It to the humming of a swarm of bees; others have likened It to the sound of the music of di-tant bell*, and the Imagination of many ob servers ha* found various forms of com parison. but the phenomenon Itself wo* never had a satisfactory solution. Its weird character comports with Its pic turesque surroundings, end even the most practical and hard-headed man visitor must feel a sense of awe In the presence of this remarkable song In lha air. The easiest explanation Is to attribute the sound to thr rle.trie currents In the at mosphere I.KIMI t lltt ITT RAt EM. Final Da, Wound tp With Mnme I■- lercsttug Features. Providence, K. 1.. Aug. 31.—The day of the Grand Circuit racing wound up win-. Ih. U.-i two heats being rwa off tn the dark. In thr unfinished 3:X> trot. Uady Geraldine, the local favorite, won after wring the llfth heat. Dan W’cat l.trtd won the 311 pace. In which Btack-r Taylor was the favorite. Roster was the favorite in the 2.17 trot and won In a six-heat lace which was concluded In datknes*. Summaries: 2:30 trot, purse $2 uun. Uady Geraldine won second, third and sixth heat* and ta,<; Joe Watts, second; Maggie Ander son. third Joe Watts won the fourth and fifth heat# and Maggie Anderson first hr at Time 2:l2V*; 2.114; *:!*; 2:144. 2.124: 2:124. 214 paring, purse Dan Westland won In three- straight heats; Slacker Tay lor. second; Fred W.. third. Time 2 CSV,. 217 'rat. purse 11 .ran. Roster won sec ond. fifth and sixth heats and race; Ortana. second: Fhillp E . third. Ortana won third and fourth heats. Philip E first heat. Time 2:15; 2:124; 2:134. 2:144. 2:154: 2:174- 2:17 pacing, purse lI.tMP. George won tlrst, se.xxmi and fourth heats and race; Ituna, second; Haha. third. Ituns won sec ond heat. Time 2:094; 3:104; 3:1*4; *ll4 GOOD CARD AT NHBKP9HEAD. ( onvoy, the Hot F'avorlle, Won the Mapphlre Slakes. N w York, Aug. 31 —There was a good attendance at Sheepshtad Ray to-day. the card being attractive. The chief event was the Sapphire a'akrs In which Coo voy ww a hot favorite, and won In a driving flnhsb from Bcllarlo In the turf handl ap. Jack Feint was the oho ce with lady Massey, a strong second choice, as Sloan was upon her. Potente made the running with I-atly Ma-sey and Jack Point clore behind Up the back stretch Sloan get Into a p> cket. but he got out of It In the stretch and won by a length and a half by goed rbllng. Summaries. Flrei Race—Five furlong* Onduras. 5 to 1, won, with Inshot. 3) to 1. and Id to 1 second, and Duerana. 4 lo l third. Time 1 DO 1-5. Second Race—Six furlong* Annoy. 13 10 5. won. with Zeemora, 6 to 5 and 1 to 2 second, and Chanticleer, 5 to 2. third. Time 1:15 1-5. Third Race—Sapphire stakes. Convoy. 6 to 5. won, with Del arid, in to 1 and 3 to I. second, aid Six Shooter, 7to 2. third. Time 1:06 3-5. Fourth Race—One and nnr-rtghth miles. Kavontua. 7 to 1. won. with King Rram he. 3 to 1. and even second, and Bomb shell. 9 to 5. third. Time 1:53 3-5. Fifth Race—One mile OPa, K to 1, won, with Fleuron. TO to 1 and 15 to 1. second, and Silver Garter. 15 to 1. third. Time 1:41. Sixth Racr—Turf handicap. mll and a quarter I only Mrsssy. * to 2. won. with Potente, 6 to 1 and 2 to 1. second, and First Whip. sto 1. third Time 2DS3-6. REH'LT* Ot THK DIAMOND. Brooklyn l.ost an I nlnterestlnu tinme tn Philadelphia. Brooklyn, N. Y„ Aug 31 Both Kennedy and Bernard were retired In the second Inning to-day for giving too many free passages. Howell and Dcaiahue each pit idled well, save In one Inning. The game was uninteresting. Score: r.h.e. Philadelphia 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 0-9 10 1 Brooklyn ....0 2002000 o—4 7 3 Batteries— Bernard. Donahue and Mur phy; Kennedy. Howell and Moduli#. At tendance, 1,200. Chleaan Played Poor Game. Chicago, Aug. 31.—The Chlcagos to-day probably played the worst game of the season, making several more mlspkiye than ran -be shown tn the error column. Attendance 1.800. Brore: R. 11H till ago 0 10000000—1 49 Cincinnati ...1 0 2 4 0 2 1 1 0-11 12 2 Batteries—Taylor. Bresnahan and Dex ter; Scott and Kehoe. Boston Won Finally. Boston, Aug. 31.—Boston won easily to day. Taylor's bases on halls proved rosily. Attendance. 1.500. Score: It U K Boston 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 x-5 7 0 New York ....Q 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I—3 5 3 Batteries—Nichols and Clark; Taylor and Bowerman. at. I.nuts Bent Pittshnrw. Pittsburg. Aug. 31—St. Doul* won the game In the first Inning on three hits, two bases on balls and an error by Beach. At tendance 2,1000. Score: R.H.E. Pittsburg ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1— 5 14 3 Bt. Dolls ...5 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 A-10 18 1 Batteries Chesbro. Tannehlll and Bchrlver; Powell and Robinson. Other Games. At Buffalo—Buffalo. S; Chicago, 8. Al Cleveland—Cleveland, I; Kansas City. 1. Second Game—Cleveland, 4; Kansas City, 3. At Indianapolis—lndlanapols, 2; Mil waukee. 4. Second Game—lndlanapols, 3; Milwau kee, 2. At Detroit—Detroit. 8; Minneapolis, 1. At Toronto—Toronto. 10; Syracuse, 4. At Montreal—Montreal, 2: Rochester. 5. At Springfield—Springfield, 7; Worces ter, 9 At Hartford—Hartford. 2; Providence, 2. Beaufort Court Kelt Week. Beaufort, 8. C., Aug. 31—The fall term of 4he Court of General Sessions convenes here on Monday, Sept. 3. Judge R. C. Watts of the Fourth circuit will preside. The county Jail Is well filled with male factors, nil negroes. A Beer Cheek In Ills Stomach. From the New York Sun, John Lane of 20) First avenue lost a brass eheck good for one leer, and he siißi'ects his 11-yrar-old boy Dennis. Dennis Is known to have gene through his father's trousers' pockets yesterday looking for money, and soon afterward he became seriously 111 His father missed the check and then questioned the boy. who said he thought he must have swal lowed It. Dennis was taken to Relievue Hospital, where the doctors said they would have to u*e the X-ray to locate the check a* a preliminary to a surgical op eration. DR. STEDMAN’S Teething Powders The Famous Aid to Nafe and Painless Teething. r#Fd by moikors the trftrld fj*+r for nearly 50 wart. PK.HTKDMAX ha vine oprnrtl m branch ofllr* In AmtrUm.coimklrraUir reduce* 111*tx*l of th+ Juatir cr>brat*d powd#r. They put up *o ytllcw wrap pers Tb* Irmdtr mark, affum Uuc*t, TRADE^^^j^^MARK It on rxorj n*ckt ixl on rrory powitor. without whk*h noi)4* la iranutiH* A packet ronutnin( nlo pt>wflF.-w. as cents At your dntnrtat a. or auuWw! on ronHpt of prten. Hond for hookt•< .stttiman't Merorp Jturtor ” Add' aa J- A MffirWALTER. Wot iaKHMa *t., Uemaalaa a, Pllla., |*a Sold by LIPPMAM BROS.,, Oe. Pain Ii you suffer with pin—any kind of pain—keep in mind that pain is but a symptom, not a disease; that what you must fight is not the pain but its cause; that liniments and oils for external application are almost worse than useless. To overcome the cause of pain, internal treatment is necessary. Pains, whether in muscles, joints, head or elsewhere will disappear when you purify and enrich the blood and strengthen the nerves. There is one remedy that has been successfully em ployed in thousands of cases — Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People Rheumatism is a disease of the blood; Neuralgia is the prayer of a nerve for food; Sciatica is but rheu matism under another name. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People can be used with the greatest success in any of these troubles because they attack the disease in the blood and drive it out. Proofs as to the efficacy of these pills are found in thousands of testimonials from grateful people who have been cured. At dnwrt*t or iim*t from Dr. William® XoilciM Oa., HrhmMtadf, N. Y.. pulp*Jd ocs rvccipt ot prto® M ctou pvr box ; • boxes. ILA ( OLdiltF.D ODD fTl.l.imr RIOT. One Vlnn Killed nail Several Others Dndly W imuded, Columbia. S. C., Aug. 31.--When the smoke and dust cleared awny from a rbu at .1 colon I Odd Fellow.-' picnic tear Helton, to-d ly. George llalcman found dead, Lawrence Williams desper ately wounded from a pistol shot, Henry Washington knocked out with a rock and tl hslf-doxen others with lesser Injuries. The surviving Odd Fellows scattered and the ringleaders an* Itelng pursued. Primary for Ordinary. Louisville. Ha., Aug. 31.—0n account of the vacancy tn the office of Ordinary, caused by the death of Judge Wootlen. the Democratic Executive Commlttre met here to-day and ordered a primary for Sept 21 to till both the unexplrrd and full terms. There are six candidates In the field. Ilnync Was Discharged. Amerlcus. Oa.. Aug. 31.—A telegram re ceived here 10-nlglil from Preston, Web ster county, stabs that in the committal trial of K. It. llayne there this ufternoon. charge.! with misappropriating funds of the Whitley Grocery Company of Amerl cus. the defendant came clear. PROPOSALS WAITED. PROPOSALS?—SaIe of U. S. vessels Nentuckee and Cheyenne.—Sealed prai*<- sills will be received at the Navy Depart ment until noon on the 27t!> day of Sep bmher, 1900, at which time and (dace they will be opened, for the purchoee i>t the U. H vessels Nantucket, appraised value 115.(lOU, and Cheyenne. a|>pralsed value 15.000. They will be sold for cash to the person or persons or the corporation or corporation* offering the highest price therefor above the appraised value there of. A separate proposal for each vessel bid upon must be submitted in a scaled envelojie, uddrraacd to the Secretary of the Navy, Washington. D. C.. Indorsed "Pro posals for the purchase of the U. 8 8. '' (naming th* vvseel for which offer is made), and each proposal must be ac companled by a rot Is factory certified check for not less than 10 js-r cent, of the amount of the offer. On application to the Navy Department, form- of bid* and bond*, together with th* t*rms and con ditions of sale, also a primed llet giving general Information concerning these ves sel*. will he furnished. The vessel* can be examined at any time after the 25tt day of Auguet. IMP. by apidytng lo tho commandants of the Navy Yard, ls'sxu. Island, Pa., and the Naval Station, I*oll Royal. 8, C.. where they now respective ly He. They must lie removed from the limits of said yard and station within such reasonable time as may Im* Axed by the Department. Th* Department re serves the rlgfit to withdraw either or both of the aisvve named vessels from saie and to reject any or all bid*. F. W HACKETT. Acting Secretary of the Navy. Aug. 22. 190). LCUAL NOTICES. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTIvI Wtierens, Robert B Reppard. has ap plied to Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of Albert Evans, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern, to be un,| appear before snbl court, to mike objec tion (If any they have), on or before the first Monday In Ootolier. next, otherwise sold letters will be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, thin, the 31st day of August, 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0.. C. Cos. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas, Henry F. W Slink, has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters dlemis ory us administrator, on the entate of Henry F Wllllnk. Sr., deceased. These are. therefore, tn c|t ami admon ish all whom It may concern, to be and apiiear before snhl court, to make objec tion (If ony they have), on or before tha first Monday In December, next, otherwise sawl letters will be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrili. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 21t day of August, 1900. FRANK B. KEILBACH, clerk C. 0.. C. Cos. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY— Whereas. George 8. Johnson has applied to Court of Ordinary for letter* dismiss ory as administrator on the estate of Ste phen Johnson, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to be and •appear before said court to make objec tion (If any they have), on or before the first Monday tn December, next, other wise said letter* will he granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st day of August, ]fk*>. FRANK E KEILBACH. C>rk C. 0., C. C. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas, Henry C. Heutsler has applhd to Court of Ordinary for lettera dlsmle sory as executor of the will of Richard A. Raltz. deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom tt may concern to be and ap pear before said court to make objection (If ony they have), on or before the Sth day of December next, otherwise said letter* will be granted Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Fer rlll. Ordinary for Chatham County, this the 31ai day of August. IPO. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord > , C. Cos. Rheumatic oSciatic or Neuralgic LEGAL NOTICES. • hkoit'GiA." "^rATHXxr~(WN‘T'r Anna Miller ha* applied to the Court of Ordinary for a twelve-months' support for herself out of the estate of Stmp* >c Sill ier. deceased. Appraisers have made r.- turns allowing same. These are. therefore, to cite all wtem It may concern to appear before said < rt 10 make objections on or Itefore the Hr 1 Monday In September, next, otherwise same will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Fcrrlll, ordinary for Chatham county thix the 10th day of Augttsi. ll* FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0.. C. C. Georgia' Chatham county Whereas Julia Kmmu Bmlth he applied to Court of Ordinary for letter* dl-mlf ory as executrix of the will of John I). Bmlth, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admor* Ish all whom It may concern to be and appear liefore said court to make obJe> * Hon (If any they have) on or before lbs first Monday In November, next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton I. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st day of July. 19H0. FRANK K KBILRACH Clerk C. 0., < C GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas Janie Elmore haw applsd to Court of Ordinary for letters dksm sory as administratrix or. the estate of llel'la Elmore. These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to 1- and appear before said court lo make objec tion (If any they have) on or before tbe tlrst Monday In November, next, others 1 e said letters will he granted. Witivse, the Honorable Hampton L Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the Jlst day of July. 19H0. FRANK K KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0., C. C. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas M. A. O'Byrne haa applied to Court of Ordinal y for letter* of adminis tration on the estate of Ellen Morgan. d> - ceased. These are. therefore, lo cite and n Inwn- Ish all Whom It may concern to be and appear l*fore said court to make objec tion (If any they have), on or ls*fore the first Monday In October next, olherwlso sabl letters will lie granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Fr rtll, Onllaary for Chatham County, this the 3!*t day of August, lsnn. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk Pt. Or*!'. U ■ GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas M. A. O'Byrne has applied *o Court of Ordinary for letters dlsml**ory at administrator on the estate of Chris Mar -’-ly, deceased. These are. therefore, lo cite and aimed. I*h all whom It may concern lo tie and ap pear before said court to make objection (If any they have), on os before the ilrd Monday In December next, other*-)* soil letter* will be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Fer rlll, Ordinary for Chatham County. i!J> the 31st day of August. IN> FRANK K. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. onl y. C. Cos. “GEORGIA" CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas, Joslah T. Clarke ha* applied to Court or Ordinary for leiier* dlumlssory a* guardian of the property of Eugene •> Clarke, formerly a minor. ThMe are.therefore to cite and 8 j® ‘ nil whom It may concern to lie and op pear Iwfore said court to m ike obj-etlnu Ilf any they have), on or before th-' hr*' Monday In October nexi, otherwise ***■ letters will be granted. Witty.ja, the Honorable Hampton L ”•' rill, Ordinary Tor Chaiham county. thl* the 31st day of August. 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord'y c Cos. “oEORGIaT CHATHAM OOUN'TT.- Annie Klckltn has applied to the Ordinary for a twelve months' *u|>P’ rl herself and minor child out of ihe •'? > of Joseph Fleklln. deceased. Appr* * hava made returns allowing same These are. therefore, to die all who may concern to appear before said ™ to make objection on or before the Monday In October next, otherwise *• will be granted. . Wltnese. the Honorable Hampton " Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chaiham county. ■he 31st day of September. 19 , ‘ > . FRANK B. KEILB A* H Clerk Ct. Ord'y C. Cos.. “GEORGIA. CHATHAM c ° rN '/j Where..*, Jordan F. Brooks has to Court of ordinary for letters, dism sory as ndmlnlstor. e.t.a.. on , *' e 1 ot Mlntle Orahnm. deceased. These are. therefore, to cite a**) * 1 j Ish all whom It may concern. t<> b appear before said court, to make 4> 'U tlon (If any they have), on or before first Monthly tn December, next, o* Wise said letters will la- granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. r> ■•* ordinary for Chatham county, this. 31st day of August. 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0.. C. 1 0 . "GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas. Jordan F. Brooks ha* to Court of Ordinary for letters, diem " ■ory a* administrator on the •sts*'' of Clinton O. Anderson, deceased These are. therefore, to cite otl a dm-* ' Ish all whom It may concern, to be re ' appear before said court, to make oM*' tlon tlf any they have), on or before ir first Monday In December, next, other wire said letters will be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Fern- 1 - ordkiury for Chef him county, thle. 1 31st day of August. 1901. FRANK E. KEILBACH Clerk C. 0.. C. C-