The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 04, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 COMPANY A WON THE MATCH. Cl .% 111)9 AO AI Hi MHOW K O THWB Attll TTV W ITU THK HirLK. Tbt f oinpan > *• Tram • 9ror* of A7M'ampaßi H of Ihe (nrd ft—< Willi (11-aMtrivr'a Hro (imiril Tran* Third W'llh S23f—< lor € ooiprfltloa of Thro* Tram*—Thirl* Trawa Wrrr F.wlrr ril lor ihr € ontrtl. U hlrh 99 •• 9o| rorlnHrtl llrt'iMMir of llarlnr*. It 99 111 ll* Flalafceil To-day—l ar- Itlnr and Regimental Mnlrhr* 1%111 Hr hnl-rrr* Wrrr !*% Ilrrautr of 4<hrrr € oadlllon*. The flrai day of ihe Mrond annual car* Mn# and rifle cncnpHltlon for Georgia Plate Troop** ha pauad and but one thin* •nurred If a nucoeep. That a a** the beaMiy wind that prrvallM ihroufhoul the rhool* In*, preventing th excellent erore* that were expected from r*ocne of the t arn# and a routing the Ire of the markemen. Seldom do auch advera *ondlti<tia a* thoae of yesterday prrvaM on the range Jt la frequently the nw* that the poUflera have to ahoot In a atroti* wlmi. but It la usually true that eucn wlnda have the attevxllnjr eirrumetance* of ulmoei unde viatlng direction Yhi w.a not true of the Hahtail production of the elements that awept .jp the range all day. blowing first to one aide and then to the other, keep ing the mtntere of the t*.m budly em ployed in shifting and altering wln laue and elevation after almoat every a hot. There were mm shooting who account It no singular feat to make a string of five bull’s-eyes. Horn* of the local phots and some of the vlsliorw h iv* eu ti iu'hlavements to their record*, but they were not duplicate 1 In the contest. On the contrary, those who ore ac<aietomel to vnode anywh>re from 22 to 2S at HI and Hu yards had to be content if they man.iged to puli ud rtf kuil • 19 or 20. Jn but one Instance dd the shooting ap proximate thet which usually prevails upon the range when there la a gathering of the celebrated rtavannah markamen. That was wlien Lieut. K. C. Wilson was Ht work with Company C*s team of the Guards at the <BC** yards range, where he made a score of 24. scoring four bull’s eyes. There were otter ranges where he did not shoot up to ht* usual form. The company match for the D* ooto trophy was the event. It was not finish ed. there being ten teams yet to complete j their scores. Great Interest was centered Jn :he match, not only a* to the winning team, but a* to the other places up near the top and generous competition was conspicuously observable. The teams that are yet to finish their score# cannot make enough at the Oh* yards range, and the skirmish to become dangerous for the lenders In the ahooting of the first day. and It may he positively stated, despite the fact that the match Is yet unfinished, that he winner Is Company A of the Sa vannah Volunteer Guards The Dn Solo up. therefore, the trophy to go to the winning team, will be Held in Bavannah. It will probably he formally turned over to Cotniany A U|<on the on riuaton of the shoot this afternmn. The *core made by (‘omiwinv A ww- 571. which lad the next competitor. Company B of the Savannah Volunteer Guards, by 39 point/*. The Governor's Horse Guards from Atlanta, were third, with a acort of 522. Th# MtlMt amour th# thr## lei-lln* UaniN km* th* an<l mn*t inl#r linir It w#* Atlanta agaiiurt Savannah, •r*i the Savannah nMfi w*ra tii* ke**n to tm\ f* cm*' of th** local team* win a* th# AtlantmisK w*t** to capture th* prtsa lor thrmiiHm. They worked manfully for It, too nhoottnic. not with tlirlr own wea- X<t&. the carbine, th* nn of th#* cavalry, l>ut with the Infantry'* Bprtn<cflel4. The hlackhoanH uion which th*? ecorc* w*r* po#t#d were x'amn-d ctoady while the three leading team* w*r* *hcv>Unic. and it wan ciaar lrm*t ftom th* Mart that th* pitt* e of honor would feet with on* of the thre*. All were shooting to rather close *uc##**toti, because the draw ing for the ord* r of contestants so or dained. and It happened that the team from Company A and from the Horse Ouants shot at th* mime tinv- on th*- 'oi and the 600 yard ran*as Bv*ry shot was watched with the closest attention, hut the Horse Guards were play In* a losing game almost the start. Company B win ahead of them foe two rang*s. and Company A was behind, but Comiaany R lost at * yards ami Company A *ain*d there. though Company R regained the I*ad farther nkmg and Company A Increased ita atari over the Atiantiana. To-day will demonstrate the shoot Inc abiiltltv of the Hors* Guanta with th* rwrbtn*. ami It Is fi|*'t*d that they will win. At least. It would W no great sur prise to anyhodoy if they should, though the three or four teams of cavalrymen, who will enter the match with them, are determined to give them a struggle. Bo chat* was the competition between th* teams from the Guard* and the Horae Ouarii. that representative of both or **■•• •> hnd In **. jf *• r> y . thing might develop to form a basin for a challenge or protest. This was in thor ough good spirit, but the teams Ml they should have ah that was “coming to them." and none of the memhera pro pnsMl to have any little technical point tnilitate again* them in favor of the other pwopl* Th* shooting began at about *:46 in the morning The cap;aina of the thirty ;enms that participated In the contest drew for the order in whl* h they were to shoot at t o cWck Capt. W. E. Corny, adjutant of the First Infantry. rObductlng the draw ing This having at ned, th- hall V c*pt. W. W. Williamson was in charge. A number of the • rli*t*-d m* n and offlcera of local c. mm and* r*n<Wed assistance at that range and the others, and Col. Cann, under whose direction the match la held, was ttporaciadlve of their service. It was char from the start that no very high scorns were to be made, for some of the eracx shots In the Guard* followed soon after th* less expert shot* that led off for two or three of the visiting team* and twos and three*, where fours and five* are the rule, showed conclusively that there was something wrong. It was the wind, as the mnrksmcn'Medared after the first two or thr-e shots. At the 200 and 30) yards ranges th* shooting progreawd rapidly, and by din ner time alt the team* had completed their work there. At the 500 yards range, how ever. where Capt J. C. Poatell was In charge there were ten shot* to be tired by each of the live men comprising a lorn, mo that more time wn* necessary. A sort of congestion was the result, and Jt waa not until 0 In the afternoon that the shooting was completed there. It was desired to finish Ihe company match, but tlarknese prevented. The team* declared they could not see the silhou ette* If they were forced to run. *o Col. Cann decided to postpone the rest of Ihe skirmishing until this morning Two nr three of the teams yet to flnlsh are at the skirmish with very good scores, among them the Oglethorpe Dlght Infan try. which command. If Its record up to that point Is maintained on the skirmish, will rank up among ihe five or six teams that lead The highest score made waa 111 by Prlvat# Fetxer of Company A of Ihe Guard* Following him were Private C. B Richmond of Company A with 120. Dteut Tunno of Company B of the Guard* With 11#. Private Phllpot of the Irteh Jas per Green* with 117, Serge Thorpe of the Savannah Cadets with 115 and Sergt Gar den of Company A with US. These live, (Continued on Seventh Page.) BOISE liIVKM \ IIKHI!(U. Hr Drain Ihr lria Girl's 9tory, lull Mir Slicks t* It. A private hearing km hrkl yestenlay ; l>y Recorder Hart ridge In Ihr exec Of B. ! J House and Sa r.l h Rml. Ihr former charged with * < assault Bgnnrl j Bessie Lewis. and the latter with having I taken lh<> girl ton lewd house (or Immoral purpose*. Thr hearing developed romr sensational fraturra, but the greater rrt of the evi dence war unlit for publication. Besides Uouar. Mira l.rwla, anal liar llred wottaan. a number of perrons* tv. re aumtnuriol at witnesses. Both thr artrating oflli-rra, Patrolmen Umhach and Cronin, were present, a* were also Octtvloua Miner and the harkman. The I,* wt* girl told the name alory that abr told when drat taken to the barrack* .and which .tie haa since repeated when ever called on. Ita rut—tanoe wa printed In yeaterday'r M.wninx Na-wa The atory told by House I* to the efTeet that although he look the gtrl to the houae and worked hla wall upon her. It was with tier content, *uid that ahe made no objection. Me raid that It waa the laar at tba g'ri .it tha k|tl of the i->- lleematn that he would arreat her for lw- Ing In the place, or rather for having been there, that led her to deity that ahe had come of ler own will. A< cording to the teatimony of I’atrol mn I'mbach. the arr-sting officer. when he approached the buck the atrl waa crying and moaning. The evidence of *he negno Inmate of the Jackson woman a houae itnd the hnckman. both of whom haul heen ao Impressed wrjth the mati'a treatment of the girl a* to rail the alien at th. offs • r CO Hie matter and tell ' wrong about the affair. Another f act thm waa brought out. and one that may have important bearing on the caaee when It comer up for trial. !a that the woman. Sarah Reed. it know. . .>gel that. If not the prevent mttreaa of Itouae. ahe haa borne that relation to him. House scorns Vo hsvs sVIII tin unshwk*t ■ onfldence In the poorer of money, and yestenlay avid, that If the father of the girl had been here he could "ll* It " A peculiar f*uftire of the caae la lhat, al* thourh the girl's father haa l>een written by the |avllee anthorltlee. Rouse's attor ney ye-terday telegraphed for him to come to the city. The girl spent the greater part of yeatei day morning crying She aeen— to he utterly dejieted. and her condition waa auch that It waa deemed beat to rend her to the hospital and ahortly after 1 o'clock, ahe waa taken to St. Joaeph'a Infirmary, where ahe now i. The father 1* egpeeted to arrive title morning, when It la likely lhat the caae will le continued Willie Butler haa bean put hi Jail on a warrant, charging her with keeping a houae for Immoral fturporee CLOAK TO A ItF.COIMI UKKAKKR. tfigvist, lfHM*. the Hottest and Driest With On* Rseeptlos. Iyist month was with one exception the hottest and itr|eat August recon*<l by the Weather Bureau In thirty years. The hlglieat t*mierature reached was 162 de grees. The mean was *4 degree*. August. I*?*, wvfit one degree better. The aver age August temperature la SI degrees. Last month there were but six da>a when mercury cisl not go above 90 de grees. The rainfall was 201 Inches. August. IMT7. got along with 1.7* inches The aver age a* K inches. August shows a wider range in rainfall than It does In tempera ture. Since I*7o. the rainfall has six times for August been 11 inches and over. The wettest August on record was tht of 1 £9ft. with a rainfall of something over 22 Inches. August. I*7l, came next, wi.h IS inches; 1086. with 14 Inches; 1*72 and IWM. with 12 Inches, and I*9l, with 11 inches There were twenty-one clear days dur ing last month, ten partly cloudy, and no cloudy day*. THE WHTH.MT AH %RIIED. Wiles A Itrndt Hill Erect the Acw At. Josepk's Hospital. The contract for the new building, to be erected by the Bisters of Bt. Joseph's In firmary has been awarded to Messrs Miles A Brwdt St is understood that th* bid was not the k>w*af submitted, but the work of the firm In the erection of the Cathedral. has l*een eo satisfactory, that it wa* decided t© give them th* 'ontract. The building tvlii be located at Taylor and Lincoln streets. n*l will be a hand some four-story brtrJc structure. The coat, including ejiili>ment will be between gV>. - 080 and 840.800. Work will begin at an early date. The Idttle Bisters of the Poor are aao contempt.ittng an addition to their build ing on Seventh street, the slea l*emg to .•omptet.- the wes* wmg. this having been a part of the original BODY NOT VET RECOVERED. Aewrch for Aappoaed t'orpee of \V. O. llv den Kept | p Wllhnaf !trulf. The search for the body of W O Bow den, or rather for the body seen floating In the river that Is thought to be his. was continued all of yesterday, but without re sults. Apparently the hunwm derelict that the government engineers **aw from the reservation wharf has been caught In soma whirlpool or eddy atul dragged down to the bottom of the river. The h<*arch will be kept up for several days longer, os those engaged in It are far from abandoning all hop* of recovering the body. It may le reeling somewhere in the marsh and be found during the day. The searchers wer- at work late last night, but as no r port of a find had been ma le to the coroner, at whose in stance thy search Is proceeding. It la to be presumed that none has been mails Mil. R. A. CLARK DK.tU. Passed Away After an Illness of Five Month*. Mr. Randolph A Clark died last night a* hts home on Park avenue, well. He had been ||| for some nve month*. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Clark; two brothers. Messrs. H. G. and M. H. Clark, and a sister, Miss Eula Clark. Mr. Clark was employed for a number of year* In the Job department of the Morning New*. He wn* a member of Forest City Ixslge of the Knights of Pythias and of the Junior Order of Amer ican Mechanic*. The funeral arrange ments have not been concluded. They will be announced later. PROF. WIUOI MAY HE5103, ( niter.i,mil That He Will Take Ip the Study of Medicine. It is reported that Prof W 8 Wilson, teacher of mathematics In the High School. Is about to resign that position for the purpose of studying medicine Capt T 8 Dues*, principal of tha Anderson Street Grammar School Is spoken of to fill the vacancy. For Kidney Die**#*#. Nervousness, ITrle Acid or Rheumatism try Saratoga Aron, dack Water. All you can drink for flv* tent# at gkdoenon*' drug store. Bull and Charlton streets.-ad. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1900. LABOR’S DAY OF JUBILATION. TUB fIOMDU VE2lt 1 OII4KHU:i) 19 *%9.%99 9M. The Olrhratlos m SailafarfAry One Jn Bvery itvpvct—Lsrge I mnds nt Tyhre mill Other BnnrU nwt lle •t ofOriler I‘reser* eil—% I nih> Prsgrssisie of Events M-*e••fully I nrrled Hut—l.sliorlng People tarn* rrally KnJojeit n Full llollrin>. Labor lay W4S not only more generally rtlebratol in Havaixuih than during any previous year, hut the holiday proved 10 he a very #ti>>yable one. The w<wking peo ple ami their friend* entered into the uplrlt of the lav with tost and at the Mtm* time took their pleasure with moderation The it.iy was almost entirely devo.d of casualties, not withstanding the large t rowds at the resorts, and the excel ent behavior of the crowds at Tv bee and else where was a subject of general remark About 1.60 u people spent the day. or a part of It. at Tybee. and as many more took In Isle of Hope. Thunderbolt and oth er places of lesser note. T.he crowds at the resorts would undoubtedly hive been larger hut for the fear that the rain, which poured down so heavily during tha early morning hours, would resume ope rations again The threatening ap;earance of ihr caus-d the early trains for Tybee to go down half loaded, hut this was made up for later in the day. the 2 oVlntk train carrying a very Ivrge crowd. Many people, accustom'd to the regular schedule of the 3:35 train, which haw been off. calculated u|>on this train and so got taft. In the city the rallrmtd and machine shops and factories of every class shut down for the day. giving their employaa the whole day. The commercial people for the most pan gave a half holiday, though In the naval stores ami some oth er leading lines the day was hardly ob served. owing to the press of business at this season and the further fact of Ms being near the first of the month. The office* at the City Kxchmnge and Court House were close*!. So were the hanks, and the Cotton and Hoard of Trade also ceased operations for the day. During the morning, the fact that th;* working people woee ruit working and lhat the retail stores were open gave a lively appearance to HrugN:on street, many selling this opportunity to go shop ping. In the afternoon, however, with most of the retail places closed. Brough ton street looked almost as If It were Sunday. Tybee ws headquarters for th* labor people and there they not only rallied in numbers, but made a very creditahla showing The large crowd waa not only orderly nnd well behaved, hut it was a neatly dressed and well appearing crowd. It waa also a thoroughly good humored crowd. Th* people were out for a good time and they were not worrying them selves m hot it every-day musters. The programme of events, which had be#n arranged for the day. was very suc cessfully carried out There was a large number of entries and the greater num ber of those entered |>arttc|pited In the events. The programme was hr gun at 11 a. m. and continued almost without Inter mission until 7 p m Tha cakewalking, the egg and spoon race, the sack race and the tug of war between the teams from the Central and the Bavannah. Florida and Western railways seemed to ba the chief features of Interest. The following Is the list of events with th--*se who were declared by th* Judgs to be th* eucceas ful contestants: Climbing the greasy fole; F J Bhlp pington first nnd second prises. W. low n*y third prise. wo-yard sack race: F M Finnic, first prise. W. A Robertson, second IttKyard dash, union men only: Robert Qreene, first; James O'Hearn, second. I*te eating contest: John Sullivan, win ner. Foot race*, 100-yard dash Jo* M Hull, first; H. Greene, aecond; F. M. Finnic, third SO-yard dash for girls under IS years: Rifle Sullivan first; Ruby sec ond; Teresa IJghtbodv third. 100-yard dash. <>pen to all: Sigmund Berg, flret; J A. Dukes second. W. Bulli van. third Running broad Jump: J A. nukes, first; W P. Ronsn second Standing broad Jump J. A. Dukes, first; BUvnund Berg* second Bicycle races: Two-mil# championship. W. 8. Harris first, J. W. GrlfTin second. To-mlle amateur: H. Beckett, first; R. E. Oronk. Jr., second. Two-mile for boys: Fred Waters, first; H Greene, second Putting the shot: Claudius Brown, first; Albert GceMa second. Fifty Yard Egg and Spoon Race—Teres* I* Light body, first; Lisxie Moffett, second; Jennie Maddox, third Shoe Mixing <Y>ntest—Fred Beckman, first. D Sullivan, second. The tug of war whs an interesting fea ture. able-bodied men being set by ones, twos, fours and even six men on a side to ;**!! #;wri ■mlnn.mmli* lfm*>nl The garments ue<l were furnished by th* Falk (’lathing Company and tao<l the li>l well They were awarded to th* successful Mruggiers ®n lh# spot. Among these were C. F. Fetslnger, D. C. Blase and P. J. Griffin. In the cake-walking contest, F. M. Fin nic and J. J. Moore won the honors, ear ning off l*oth the first and aeeond prtie*. P. J. Flnnlne won the third prise mid Graham Batighn the fourth prise. The tug of war between team* chosen from the employe# of th* Central Railway and the Plant System *i exciting bat Inconclusive. The Central crowd easily pulled their opponents over the line, but It was contended that ehe former had three men more than the rules allowed. On the second contest the Plant System l>eople claimed to have pulled their op ponents aero*# the line without any iltlfl cuky. This left the contest somewhat Inconclusive and as a compromise It was decided lo hold n smoker at an early date at which Ihe members of Ihe oppos ing tenm* will consume the beer and ci gars offered a* prise*. (latching the greasy pig proved to he great sport for the crowd. There were many who caught It, hut few who kept It. The price was awarded to W. Dow ney. The committee which had charge of th# award* consisted of 8 W. Thorpe, chair man, W. E. Quarles, J. A. Denson. C. S. Stephenson and B. Dundhy. Apparently the decision* of th* committee met with the approval of the crowd. Mr. W. S. Harris sms chairman of the General Com mittee and exercised a general supervision of Ihe affair. An orchestra furnished music at the pavilion and dancing .was generally Indulged In during Ihe day and until a late hour laat night. A large crowd came up on Ihe 5:40 train and the remainder at 11 p. m The general verdict was that the day had been a very satisfactory' one. Proprietor Graham kept the hotel open during the day, but no meal* were serv ed. Sandwiches and coffee were to be hod at the pavilion The hotel. It was an nounced. was formally closed for the sea son yesterday. The employe# of the Street and Dane Department and other forces under the control of th# director of public work* were given a holiday yeaterday. The ■(•avenger men and etreet cleaner* work ed until noon, but other employee got a full holiday. Th# national flag did not fly from the mast at the City Exchange yeatetday, though no alight waa Intended to labor by the omission. When Deputy Marshal {ConPTtatd on Sixth Page.) till) A 9% It to\\ K9CAPB. John 11. <|le*w I l**c t all I nder a Iriil n at Tybee. John B. Opie. a machinist at the Cen tral of (io>T6ia Hallway shops, mimed his footing while attempting to board the t 25 train t Tybee yet**rd.y afternoon, and hod his left foot and ankle badly bruise*). Opie very narrowly escaped being run over, and haa good reason to thank his stars that his injuries are no worse. Me wa* |n company with Mr. C. K M. Bern hardt. also a machinist at the Central, the two having taken in the Day picnic nt Tybee. They eepirated aa the tram approaihed and Opp* nttempted to hoard the train without waiting for it to come to a sno(>. lie stumbled and missed his footing, hut still held on to the hand rail of the car. wMeh resulted In his tw-lrig thrown dow-ft alongside the track A* he f*il ne was struck by the truck of the cur and the few siiectators. who witnessed the accident, thought he had been severely injured by this biosr but jt aeems that such was not the case Private Charles M. Baker* of Battery’ C. at Tybee, was the first to reach Y>pl*b ,nd with great presence of ml ml. warned him not to move a* the train was still moving, opie did not obey this injunc tlt. however, but in attempting to throw Mmself away from the car. threw his left foot on the rail with the result that tht heel and ankle were badiv contused, though not crushed. When the train ame to a stop Opie was helped out on the platform and efforts mmle to incur* him medical aid. Dr. M. L. Currie of Rivinnah, was In the crowd, ami procnp:- ly gave intention to the wounded man. After being given iem|orary aid. Opte was placed on the train and brought to the city, being taken to the Savannah Hospital, where it was reported hast night that his injuries were not considered se rious. and that It was not thought likelv that he w'outd lose the limb. It was gen erally rumored at Tybee that Opie had had hl leg cut off. and that his lnjoritw were likely to prove fatal, but fortunately such was not the cose IALM DAY AT COURT HOPPE. Several %ttraetlve Pieces of Property Are tigered To-day. The September sales of renl and per sonal property, at public outcry, will take place to-day before the <loor of the Court House, beginning at 11 o'clock. The ad vertised offerings are not very numerous, though some of them appear to afTord good (•pportunitle** to the Investor, who ha* faith In the paying properties of Hnvan nah and Chatham XMinty dirt. The piece of property that Is. possibly, of largest value. |s the residence of the •ate Madame Mary Playter. with the sur rounding grounds, situated near Thunder loH. The house ami grounds together make up an attractive suburban place of residence for one who wishes to spend his days away from the noise and glare <>f the city, and yet be in close touch with It for purposes of buslnesw or pleasure. This piece of property forms ;**rt of the i’lacentia tract at Thunder bolt, ami is offered for sale by Col. Jor dan F Brooks, administrator of Madame Playter’a astaie. Three lots fronting the at Isle of Hope are Also to be sold. They make up. together with a fourth lot that has al ready been sold, a sub-division of she lionaud property, have hi. t, a depth or three hundred at *) forty feet, am) a front on the river of fifty-two. sixty-four and eighty-one feet, respectively. The first td third lots have dwellings already erected upon them There is other city and suburban prop erty to be sold, while three city of Sa vannah bonds tire also among the offer ings. The aherlffs of the county and the city Court also advertise property that will be sold under ex€<aitlons issue* 1 either upon Judgments, or for non-payment af taxes. •ot IETI 9t;t-;i>* MONEY* Delinquent Member* of Georgia His torical to He t rgrd to l*> I p. The Georgia Historical Society held Its September meeting last night. There was little business of Importance before It ex cept questions of ways and means. It was stated that the society Is in need of money and that It may be compelled to borrow In order to meet it* obligations. It was alro stated that there are u large number of members who are in arrears to th** society and whose dues, if paid promptly, would relieve the society from any necessity of contracting a loan. No steps wt*re taken as regards a loan, but the treasurer was Instructed to give the delinquent members a reminder of their dues and of the needs of the society. FIT I kUKN PEACE HO YDS. Mr. Mmlflaril nnd Mr. Mrnrhnn on Arrnant ktndilnnl-tpplr I ontra. versy. Mr. Edward 8 Stoddard antf Mr Marry a. Rtmchsr., his brother tn-law, were pot under peare bond, yrntrnlay on warrant* iwam out In Jtiatlce Nauhtln'a court on account of threat* aald to have been made asalnat Mr. B J Apple. * a reault of the <ll (Terence* be;we* n Mr. S'od lani and Mr. Applr nti Insurance matter*, and their unfriendly myelin* several day* a*o. TUB FIHUT MEW KICK. t Onnlcnmcnt of Bnahela Hr. reived l.y It irr Flnnter* 1 Mill. The flrat (wo corgoee of the new sea son'* crot* of rice arrived a* the planter*' Mill yester.lay, consigned to W. Q Mor rell. Of the consignment 2,jnn httshel, were from Mr. Ralph Klllott's plantation, and 1.000 bushels from Mr. J N. Wal- IteFs plantation. The grain looks very handsome and will class prime. A Htg Shipment, Tobacco, the leading Journal of the to bacco trade, has this to say of a well known B*vattnah house: In these dn de siecte day* shipment* of car-load lot* of a popular brand of tobac ! co are a common afTatr of dally life, and of late even whole train* made up of a single brand, are frequently heard of. We believe, however, that the first or der for a ear load of rhenoota ever given, to be made In a single shipment, was given this week; and the strangest part of It I*, the shipment Is not for asiy of the great elites of the North with an out . let to vnst musses of population, but to one of the enterprising cities of Dixie. The order In question was given In this city on Thursday to the American Tobac | co Company for a car load of Old Vlr : gtnla Cheroots, by the enterprising whole sale grocery end tobacco house of 8. Guck enhelmsr's Sons, bavannah. Os. At the same time, and In connoctlon therewith, on order waa given for a car load of ! Duke's Mixture, and both car* will start, duly hannered. In a few days from th# ' point of production to Savannah The cur load of Old Virginia Cheroots will con laln 1.000.000 of this brand, and tha other car will contain not lees than #O.OOO pounds net of Duke * Mixture. M. 8 Oucken helmer. of th* firm, accompanied by th* head of th* tobacco and cigar department, Mr Alexander, ha* been In town for eev era) days, and both gentlemen were pres ent In parson at th* giving of the order. "Mots" Gitckenbelmer "doe* nothing by balvea" ail who know him say. ALLERCYONE AN EASY WINNER AN-©rr DAT FOB TUB PAVODITM AT THI SOEHROLT TH II K. I'aallaar aaa<l Maa H l.rfi liy thr Blarh In ihr tlnraarn. Ilarr-I’rrrj E am.l Unlit Fnrr. thr Talfunll ( nunly aprintrra. Ilrfralrd Hlnsfal In Ihr frarkrr Harr-Jarky ilcl.rnii anal * Ir.'U 1.0. Ir I*lloirt thr lllnnrra. Taylor Won thr Htatrhrr** F.vrnt ■and Knillr>‘a Bnlr. thr llala Burr. FuKy ©nr Ihouannd aorclslors wllnma r*l Jl inJirr Doylr'a c*r<l*of rvrna *1 Ihr Thutulrrhult tlrlvlne Park yratrrday aft • rrnoon. Tin- wralhor wa nil th*t coukl drsirwl for r. ‘lnn un<t ih trauk In hnr rond:t|or>. It waa an otT-.lay for thr favorltra, aa all of (hrm wwrr hralrn. AllrrrvotUf aurprlard th* talrnt in Ihr harnaaa r*cr. and thr Tntlnall county <lrl>K.tllon won nil of tha runnin* evrnta with ihrlr favorltra Perry E. nnd Bald Kncr. Thr fraturra of thr card wrrr thr driv ing of A P. I*oj Ir hrhlnd Allercyone, and Ihr riding of thr Tattnall county "Spider." who ptlotrd Bald Face and Perry E. to victory, which made th* admtrrra of Ktngfull fret that they had dropped their coin in n well. The Judgra wrrr Edward IVhalm, Jamra Itourkr and R. V. Connerat. Promptly at 4 o'clock, the b<|| tapped In thr Judgrr atand. and aummonrd the entrtm tn thr hnrnraa event at thr poet Aleck Doyle waa flret to ahow up hrhlnd Ihr sterling iroltcr Allercyone George palmer waa neat on thr track, driving Sir Kuck‘.t favorite pacer. I‘aullnr. Then came Muy 8.. with Jamra Furlong in thr aulky. Uttlr a Hitters waa with drawn on account of elcktie Vf hla owner. In a reigning po altlona May B waa given Ihr pole, Pau line second place and Allrrcyonr had thr outside. Before Ihr horses began to score down for the word Pauline wa* a hot favorite with Allercyone second choic- Very few thought that May B had any chance of winning. After | few attempts for a slart, the flyers were final y given a splendid send off—with Pauline setting the pace for the party. The gray pacer was In front nt the quarter and was moving easy. At the half Allercyone t—gHn to move up to her and the race for the last half was very pretiy. George Palmer make a good drive behind Pauline down the home stretch and landed the mare a winner by a half length from Allercyone. Time J:i. In the second heat Allercyone gave a striking evidence of the race horse he Is. The horses were given a line a*art for the second heat. Pauline, aa usual, made her rush for the first turn and succeeded In carrying the black horse off hla feet. When I'oyle aettlfd Allercyone. Pauline had gained several lengths on him and was moving fast down the hack stretch. Allercyone presented a beautiful picture of the perfect ■ rot ter as he chased Pau line to the half-mile pole At that point he caftured the gray pacer and made short work of her when the pair sailed by the three-quarter pole The race hotnr was an exciting one. Pauline gave one of her rushes on the home stretch, hut she failed to reach the speedy son of Allerton. •is he swept under the wire, a winner In 2:32. The third hra! was another victory for Allerryone When the word was given Doyle * nt the black horse away at a fly ing clip. The (wee waa too fast and Aller cycnr made hie usual "Jimmie” on the first turn Pauline at one# passed him and was several lengthy In front before Allercyone got on his stride again. The black gave another splendid exhibition of trotting as hr speeded down the hack stretch. \Vhn be reached the quarter pole he captured Pauline and went by her. as If she were tied to the fence. From this point Allercyone had an easy time of It and won the heat as he plensed In ?:K In the fourth heat all of the others seemed to have fallen out of ll except Allercyone. Pauline and May B were extrenyly tired and made a poor showing with the black horse driven by Aleck Doyle, who won Ihe heal In Allercyone by hi* performance stamps himself a* one of the best race horse* that has been seen here in years. He Is highly bred, and was sired by the great trotter. Allerton. Allercyone Is the proper ly of Dr. H. J. Duke# of this city, having been presented to him by hi* uncle, Mr. Jerry Allis, a prominent merchant of Min nesota, who once owned the famous pacer. Tommie Britton and sold him for Co.imo. The ‘Tracker races" furnished a great surprise for the hacker* of Klngful. There were at least two hundred people In the Tattnall county delegation and they hack ed the favorites of J. H. Durrence heavily. Durrence matched Bald Face against Klngful for a half mil# and Perry K •igulnst the Hon of Kingston for three eighths. When the horses appeared on Ihe track Klngful with his Jockey up, pre sented a picture of a thoroughbred that ought to win both events In a gallop. As Jockey lacgan Vlcla-an walked Hold Face, the Tattnall county entry In from of the grandstand very few thought the Durrence horse had a ghost of a chance of winning from the bavan nah favorite. James Furlong acted as starter for the running events and his work with the flag gave perfect satisfaction When Klngful and Bold Face lined up for Ihe word before Btnrter Furlong, excitement was running at fever heat In Ihe grand stand. All eyes were on the two run ner*. After a few breaks the flag fell, Hutrler Furlong gave the signal "Go." am) the runner* left the post s* a flying clip. Bald Face, with the Tattnall county "spider" In Ihe saddle was sono In front, ny the time the quarter was reached Klngful gave It up and Jockey Mcla*an won the evens easily. When Bald Face passed under the wire a winner In M sec onds he was loudly cheered by Ihe spec tator*. In the three-eighths dash the Tattnall county entry Perry B had very little trouble In defeating Klngful Ills time was seconds. After this contest Jockey McDean was given a perfect - ovation when he returned to the Judges' stand on Perry F.. Taylor won the butchers' event and J. C. Smiley's mule captured the mule race. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne Is th# pure Juice of Ihe grape naturally fermentad. For bouquet It has no supe rior—ad. Change la T)be* Schedules, Effective Sept. fl. l*eave Savannah dally !ODS A m . 3:35 p. m.. 5:36 p m. Deave Tybee dally, 7:30 a. m., 11:<B a. m.. :45 p. m —ad. lands) Trips to Itraassvlrk via Plant System, 81. The Plant System will sell round-trip tickets lo Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date of sale, al rate of SI.OO. Trains leave at 3:20 a. m. and 5:30 a. m.—ad. Go to the annual convention of the Na tional Baptist Assoeliielon (colored), al Richmond. Va.. Sept. 12-20. by the Sea board Air Dine Railway. These rate# are open to everybody —ad. To Brunswick and Return 81.00 via the Plant System, laaday. In addition to the Charleston Sunday excursion# th* Plant System are selling round-trip Dakota to Brunse'tck. good on Sunday* only, at rat* of tl.oo tor th* round trip Trains leave at tJO a. m. and Jt X A ov—ad. THOUGHT HE W AR DYING. \e*rn kirk on llalrhlnaan'a Island Gives His Friend* a Fright. It was reported at the barracks about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, that a col ored man. who had been at work on Hutchinson’s Island, was In a dying con dition. and the request tvns mad- that the ambulance be sent at once to the foot of Bull street, to meet the Seaboard Ail IJne ferry boat, on which he was being brought over the river. The srobulatK-e was sent, but the rase provtd to be quite on ordinary caae of epileptic tits. man. la>wls Williams, was laken to div home, No I*T> Bay street lane. AO HOPE FOB HIM HKIOVERY. Henlli of Mr. I.tint* VI. Hints Esprcteil Hourly. Mr t-ouls M Ryals. who suffered a sec ond stroke of ap.plcxy at Ocala. Fla., last Wednesday, was biought to Savannah tht* morning by his brother. MnJ. G. M Ryals. arriving at 1 o'clock, mid was taken at once to the Savannah Huapltai Ills con dition was such on his arrival that Itierc was little hope of his surviving more than a few- hours at the longest. ATE C OM'bVTR ITillt LIB. I.title rhllil fame Year Bring Pol aoned In (tenth. The 5-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mitchell, on Charlton street, east, secured late Sunday night a box of concentrated lye and got a quantity of It In hla mouth la-fore he was discovered. lirs. K. 11. Nichols and J. D. Prosser were called in and treated the little sufferer. It Is not thought that the burns are serious. CITY HUKVITIK9. The usual Tuesday night entertainment at Baruee A Bandy's, at Isle of Hop-, has been postponed until to-morrow night, when a clnematoscope exhibition wrlil b* given from 9 to 11 o'clock, ami dancing from 11 lo 1 o'clock. An operation for appendicitis was per formed upon Miss Helen O'Connor at the home of her father. Mr. P. O'Connor. No e*9 Indian street, yesterday, three physi cians being In attendance. Miss O'Con nor's condlrion Is quit.- serious, but her physicians hope for the best. , Do you rend what people say ahout Hood's Sarsaparilla? it Is curing ail forms of disease .-oused or promoted by Im pure blood.—ad. low la the Time. To use Johnson's Chill end Fever Tonic. If you wish to remain at your post of duty and pass through September and October without the loss of a single hour of time, take a course of Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. Neither (he mountains nor the seashore can guarantee such absolute Immunity from sickness as Johnson’s Tonic se cures to you. The wlee man Insures hi* life and the wiser man Insures his health. A bottle of Johnson's Tonic Is a guarantee of health. It saves enormous waste of lime, saves vast expenditures of money tn doctor's bills and saves human life when endangered by fever. Use It and use nothing else.—ad. One fare for the round trip to the an nual convention of the National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond. V., Sept. 13-20 by the Seaboard Air Line Rail way. These rates ore open to everybody —ad. Chair cars on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday: engage your seat* on Saturdays at the be Soto Hotel ticket office.—ad. Arrangements have been effeoed by which 1.000 mile books, Ihe price of which Is $25.00 each. Issued by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail road: from Portsmouth to Baltimore over the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia. Newlierry and 1-aurens Railroad. This arrangemene includes the books Issued by the Florida Central and Peninsular and Georgia and Alabama Railroads—ad. Tlckees on sale for ihe annual conven tion of the National Baptist Association (colored), at Richmond. Va,. Sept, 10. 11. 13, good until Sept. 22. Inclusive. Take the Seaboard Air Line Railway. These rates are open to everybody.—ad. It Ratin'* Mem Depot. 4.1 Hull Street Savannah Morning Ne* New York. Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Charles ton 18. C ). Jacksonville, (Fla ), Cincin nati. New Orleans, Washington, (D. C.), Chicago. Augusta. (G*.), Atlanta. Macon (Ga ). anti other prominent dailies; also the various monthlies and weeklies, new books and everything elte usually found In flrst-ckts# news depot*.— ad. i q A Ticket* to the snnijuj convention ef the National Baptist Association fcolored). at Richmond, good for thirteen days, by the Seaboard Air l.lne Railway. These rates are open to everybody.—ad. The annual convention of the Natlonnl Baptist Association (colored) will he | n session at Richmond. Va., Sept 12 13 n IS. l. 17. I*. 1# and V> Take the Bct bonrd Air Dine Railway. These rate* ore open to everyhody.—ad. The summer I* passing, have you taken In Ihe Plant System Sunday excursion* to Charleston? One dollar for the round trip, -ad. Special attention will be given to she comfort and pleasure of those going by the Seaboard Air Dine Railway to the annual convention of the National Bap tist Association (colored), (o be held In Richmond. Sept. 12-20. These rate* are open to everybody.—ad A Delicious Smoke, The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco; It It evhilarattng and delicious. See that the name oI Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50 Conchas at #3.60, n J Perfecto*. *4.50 at Dlppman Bros, whole aals druggists. Barnard and Comgre.i streets, of this city -ad uwgrej* The annual convention of the NaSlon il Baptist Association (colored). Richmond, Va.. Sept. 13-Sri. wilt be a memorable oc casion. All good Baptists will take ih Seaboard Air Dine Rallwny. Those rale# are open to everybody ad “It Cared Mr." "Graybenrd broke up rheumatism on me." say* Mr. Chaa. Thomas, the jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In beMer health than I have enjoyed to a long time." Take Oraybeard Pills foe th , t a nd, feeling—Dost appetite, and follow it U n with a bottle of Oraybeard. It la all you need. Respeas Drug Cos. tola props Savannah. Ga.— ad. tn " ; Th* Plant Byitem excursion train to Charleston leaves Savannah at :*> a at Sundays; tlcketa era sold at one dollar for aba round trip —ad. Come in and take a look at our “Kay Harness.” We manufacture them. Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. SEPTEMBER Necessitates the crowding out of , | Bummer Goods. This Is the last oppor tunity to get the good things very cheap. Bummer Quilts, usual price Sir. now <3c. Bummer Quilts, ususl price tl 00, now 79 crnls. Flhe Whit* Crochet Quilts, cheap at *1.75. now $1.35. FRENCH ORGANDY. 73-inch Whits French Organdy Jc; re duced from 40c. 73-lnch French Organdy 48c; reduced from 65c. 72-lnch French Organdy 73c; reduced from 81.00. SHIRTING SALE. Our 10c Bleached Shlrilng now 84e. A good yard-wide Shirting for 7c yard. TOWELS. Huck Towels 10c; reduced from 15c. Extra slxc Damask Fringed Towels —c; actual value 35c. A 30x40 Untn Huck Towel 15c; eetlly worth 30c. An extra large Turkish Towel, bleached and brown, well worth 40c. only 35c. Special horgalns In Table Damaak Nap kins and Dollies. INDIA LINENS. White India Unui regular price 10c. White India Unen 10c; regular price KH* 1 . , White India L>lnen 15c; reduced from 30c. White India Linen 30c; the beet value In the city. CHINA MATTING at very low prices, from 15c to 80c par yard. New. fresh and attractive patterns. Daniel Hogan, The corner Broughton and Barnard sts. 1. 1 MS 1 1 i25 COlfffi St. WfiS! We handle the Yale & Towne Manufactur ing Company’s line of Builders’ Hardware. See these goods and get prices before plac ing your order else where. IF ill's HI Mi DOES NOT CURE ALL loriol Fevers ond Mis VOUR DRUGGIST WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY Every Bottle Guaranteed. MANTFACTURED by COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH, CA Seed Oats! Seed lye! Texaa Rust Proof Oals. Coast-rat*** Rye. Cow Feed. Hay. Grain. Bran sod Feeds of ali kinds for stock and poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone S3. 1U Bay strast, west. Empty Hoqsheads. Kanptp Molasses Hsaskeait *** satis kr C. M. GILBERT & CO.