The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 05, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hall's Great lllimirrT. On? amall bottle ot I tail's Great Dis covery cure* all kidney end Madder trouble*, remove* (ravel, rurri diabeie*. seminal emission#. weak and lame t-aik. rbeumallam and all lrrgul.iri<i- a of the kldneye and bladder In both m- n and • omen.* r trouble* In chil dren If nt aold by your drugs**! w* ll be rent my mall on r reipi of II one email bottle la :te month#' ireatnvnt. and will cure any caa ■ above mentinmd Dr K W Hall, eole manufacturer, I" O. Bo* O. Si I-out*. Mo Sind for teatl moniala Bold b> all druggist* * nd mona Cos. Savannah. Oj. Read Tbta. Dr. E W Hall. St. Louis. Mo : Dear Sir— Phase ship me three dozen Mali's diert Discovery bv first express. I hava and over one (mas It give# p. rfect sat- Dfactlon. and I rec>mm*i,d It to my customers. Tour* trulv. ii c. oßovtas Prop ABf 1-Monopoly Drus Store. Ocala Fla . Dec 11 . IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. KEW9 AXD VIBWi or THE Dll 1* TWO TlTe>. fotamhaa (•linn Mill* \tm Id to Take Ordrr*-lliK brrk for Mi ron's V. W. C. A.—Death of € 01. M>- natt (arrollton’* I otloa Mill, riorltla'* • nniiiiK Klrrtloa Mr rhanlra Thrown Oul f Work. Hair's Answer to III* C hild W Ife’* I'eitf lon for Annulment f Mar rlagr. Fparta Inhmaslitr: Bomt of ths paper* of thr iata have already •nnouiicfd thrmwlvM in favor of I’ope Hrowti an •uccennor to <ov. Ctndlrr. Th* y <lo not *e-m to ntani In of ih* maker* of tha late i!.itc convent km I'oiw l not the man nlw *latd for Governor. Will Cirt It* fhare, Common toner Glenn baa decided that the Houston High School is entitled to its pro rata share of the public school fund An appeal nan mule by several cltlsetn ot iKioiy county several days ‘ ,ng that the school nan a MK.*tarlan In stitution ami that tuition *** ‘ Mr. Glenn hat* rendered a decision to the contrary. Peek Will Not Han. Home time ago It was announced in the papers that Hop. W. Id. I*cek of Hock da ie county, had been nominated iflr the populists of hi* district, for the Satiate. He says now that he Is out of politic* in the setiee of irlnr a fsnJklate for any offie*. but that he |* still preaching the doctrine of salvation to the saint*- tue believers in Populistic principle*. IHivr laooncy Surrender*. live Looney, who l*ft Atlanta sonv weeks Hgo and couhl not he found to commence serving the sentence of twen ty days in jail for contempt of court. Imposed by Jisigc Lumpkin for the ofTen* of tampering with u juror. Is back *n and in Jail lie returned to the city and surrendered to the Jailer. There is another ami more serious charge against the e*-detectlve. upon which he wiM be tried by Judge. Candler later on. To Hoy Cotton on Afreets. Macon News: There Is a movement on foot in Mnocn to form an association to buy cotton on the streets. Heretofore the buying has been done through the warehouse system and the producer 1* subjected to a great many little expendi tures that will bv done away with on the advent of the street buyers. It I* also an argument of the promoter* of the idea that colion always net* a better price to the producer than to the warehouse man. ( heck for Macon Y. M. (’. A. Mr. W. E. Punwody, chairman of th* Finance Committee of the Young Men*# Christian Association of Macon, found in hi* mall Sunday n draft for Sl.nuO from the (Southern Hallway, to be used toward piying off ihe ex|cnc* of the new build ing. This splendid contribution is the gift of the (Southern Hailway Conrt|iany. It was sent by Mr. H C. An* ley of Wash ington, l>. treasurer of the company, and it was scoured by rs|ue*t of M• Oiwion, third vice president of (he Houfh ern Hallway Company. Col* I*. I?- M>natt Drnil. Col. Pryor L. Mynatt. one of the best known lawyers and cltisens of Atlanta, died Sunday night at 9:30 o’clock at h>- rfkVne. fC> Washington street, of *ctMo I liHiigestKNi. after on Ihrie** of two week* He was 7l year* of age. Col. Mynatt hod he'll in turd health for over three years, having sustained a stroke of paral ysis, which caused his retirement from the active practice of his profession, th* law. Col M\nft leaves a wife and two children. Joseph b, Mynatt a prominent farm* r of DeKnlb county, and Miss aiict Mynatt, to mourn his loss. Carrollton** I niton Mill. The new cotton mill at Carrollton, the first cnterpri*e of the kind for Carroll- | ton. la now about completed at the end of a twelve-month from the time dirt was broken for the Mime. It has 5.7G0 spin dles, with complement of JW> looms for converting one-half the yarn Into cloth, and 1.4(0 twider spindle* for the produc tion of ply yarn. This mill Is so equip ped thii u annot In- in full operation until a night line Is put on. It is now* running only in daytime. The day run will require about K 0 operadvea, and the full number, day and night, will be 110. The plant la said to have cost $150,000. Houston Crop \% 111 Hr Abort. Cotton is opening very rapidly In Hous ton county, und owing to the drought and extrem* hewt which has con tinued unabated with the exception of s f w local rain*, the haf grown bolls are being forced open The crop w ill be very abort—from twenty-five lo forty per cent, off— while u few week* ago tne prospect for a large yield war fine. Comi trillion among ‘otton buyers at Fort Valley is very great. There are five buyer* there now. representing the largest exporter*. 1 rSides several local men and the price* that have prevailed for the past week compare favorably with thane obtained Un Macon, • Cat taw Mill* In Dnnht. Columbus Enqutrer-flun Columbus cot ton mills are In an unusual condition. They are uncertain whether or not to buy cotton at the present prices, and thla un certainty has renderrd them rather doubtful as to the bet manner In which various pr< posit ions for their product* should be met. The oM coiton on wh.rh those mill* whose amply hi not been yet exhausted are running, wm purchas 'd towards the close, of the active IK9O - axon on a has!* < f eight cents. The mills are now using this cotton, and are selling their product accordingly, on the basis of eight nt* for the raw product. Th- mills are dally receiving proposition* fiom the North which would b accepta ble if their sup| ly of eight cent cotton should continue They say. however, that If many of these propositions were ac cepted. It would fce hazardous, as. If the of cotton should go up to ten cents or tenia n firm at nine c*nf*. their basic ie*kon?ng wculd be en’lrely wrong, and tmy might not only fall to make a profit, but might lore money. It Is a fact that one mill receiv'd >#*terday an order in solving 73f>.(inn of In, nr,# an>l that It wa* not aeoptid l.ctutt th* manufac turer* thought It rather risky. FLORIDA. Nine hundred head of cwttle were load 'd at Tampa Friday for shipment to Cu ba. The general indications are that manv thousands will soon be shipped over, ss th* demand is fairly good and the *uppl> in every way equal fo the tvmand The only trouble is (he luck of transportation taclhtiea. Wpsaklaa at Miami. The state campaign opened actively Monday night In Miami Hon. W. R. Jco iling* Florida's next governor, lion. Robt W Pavts. congressman frcan ihe district, and lion M L \\ Hit im*. nationul Ivm uTAtk' elector, addressed the people of that sectkai on th* vital political isues of the da y. Orangr Trees l.oaded Dow*. New Hmvrna Brerae It la said Mr. L. E. Wilson • grove in the hammock Is literally loaded down with oranges. Num c t* prop# have been placed under the tree* but man> of the limb* have been arried to the ground by the weight of tne fruit Quite n number of grove# In this #*vUon are very full of fruit. I'armrra %re Dlseouragetl. Gainesville gun There erems to be a feeling of discouragement amongst the farmers in the Micanopy neighborhond. they having experienced some severe ad versities during the |ta*x three or four ami th* condition of many 1* such that h*v are seriously moving lo other parte of the state In hope* the change may prove a financial benefit. A nig I.umber Order. Tampa Tribune; The Tampa Lumber Company ha* Just received the first in stallment of an order of 150.0ft* feet of pine and cypres# lumber This Is one of the largest single order* of lumier on the lo cal records. The company's plant is a tout In rcadtnexwto begin active work ami will start in on this whlpmenl, manufacturing the lumber Into first-class sa*h floors and blinds. Th* company is negotiating to have a sl< Ini rack run into their plant by ihe riant System. *ho From %mbnb. A young man ha* Just arrived at Myers, from what is known as the Blockade Pen*. nn*i say# that Tlllot Whidden was ambusbt*! *ni shot on Friday morning w A o'clock by unknown persons. At the time the runner left Whidden was not dead, lait thought to h* In h dying condi tion. The Stockwde Pens are In He B*>to county, about seven or eight miles above Fort Thompson At the time he was shot he was riding *he pasture fence, Fhi. h he was employed to keep up. Their In** Una Heavy. Miller A Bweat of Tampa now estimate their loss on the steam ways, destroyed by fire on Friday afternoon, to be s(.V<nn They had about JlO,lO worth of valuable wcods which wer- <s•#troyed. In a*l<lltion to the fine machinery of the plan* Tire wooda InrltMled all the fine*! and le*t known to the art of shipbuilding (’apt Bv\ could have finished a cabin In any wood that ever grew which was suitable for such work, as the accumulation really embraced much that t'OtikJ not be found at every shipyard Workmen are busy bearing away the debris. Will Ho Much V oting. Jacksonville Metropolis: At the ap proaching general election the Democrat* of Florida will do more voting In one day titan ever before. Be*lde# the offbv-r* to be elected on that day the voter will ex press his choice for those offlt'ers he wants appointed by th*- governor. Here tofore the appoint'd officer* have !een selected upon the r-c>mm tidal ion of county Democrat!* Kxe.vitlve Committee or t>> the governed, without recommenda tion, but tinder the new* primary regime ndopted by the recent state convention, the whole body of Democratic voters will this year make their choice, and the gov ernor will comply with that expression in making the appointment*. Many Oat of l.mploymeat, Tampa Tribune: Seventydlva skilled mechanic*) are out of work as a result of the fire which destroyed the Miller A- Sweat shipyards Friday. Many of them lost their tools in the flames The estab lishment employed the most skilled me chanics in the city, and paM good wages, from $2.50 to S3.M per day. fonaidered merely from this atnndpoint. the destruc tion of the shipyard* wan sarious loss to tha city. Yesterday, n large force of men were pu: to work clearing away th* wreckage, and the owners assure the Tri bune that the work of rebuilding will , tie pushed from the start. A nunUter if enlargement* und Improvements wIU be made In the various departments of the plant* Increase In t Ignr lln*lness. Mora cigars were made in Tampa ti*t week than during the correspond,ng week of last year. For the corresponding week of lkf>9. ISO cases of cigars were shipped from Tampa containing M. 400 cigars l#i*t week there were 351 cane# of cigars ship ped which contained 1.755,0U0 cigars. This is an increase of ISI cases over laid year’s output, and an Increase of cigars over (he content* of the last year # cusaa Up to the close of buxines* on Baturtluy evening there had leei 15.(04 cases of cigars shlpjed from Tampa for this vear. Ttiese case* contained 77,230.- o)i> cigars. This Is 4.(UT ease* more than was shipped up to the same period la*t year. It Is also an Increase of 54.225.tW0 (Igors over last year*# ahlj*ments. For that period there were I't.THl case# ship jH'd and these case# romalncil. altogeth er. 5J.005.0M) cigars. knsvver* Ills blld Wife. The answer of Edgar O. Hale of Tampa, to tha suit brought by hi# child-wife. Mary McQueen Hale, for the annulment of the marriage recently con#timm.ted b iween them, has been filed In the Office of the clerk of the Circuit Court at TiuniMi. Mr. Hale and hi* cousin. 17 years obi. were married clandestinely, during a visit of the young lady Tne groom announced the fact of the marriage a few days later. The young collide lived together In perfect happi ness for .* week. Then the mother of the child-bride took lier home, nnd began *u!( against Mr. Hole for the nnnulmtnt of the mirrlage, on the ground that li* had Intimidated the young girl into mar rvlng him The answer of the defendant denies that the plaintiff hod any cause for action It set* forth that no intiinUla tlon had hen shown, and that thep!a|nt- Iff. Mary McQueen Hole, was of siifncicnt years and discretion to make n binding marriage contract for herself It further alleges that the mother of (he girl ha* no righi to seek to prevent or to annul the marriage of her daughter to Mi- Hale And further, that the hrkle having lived with Mr. Hale Cor some time after marriage, without protest or objection denies her any proper ground for alleging an illegal or coerced marriage CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. * The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of THE MOKNING NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1900. 64 Pages o( Solid Facts lor Meo Free. JA nw edition ,on Hathaway'* I famou* book. "ManUnaae, Vis M or. Health.” for jy which t here he# #L,< h-rit an enor- H tnoua drmattd Ir I jir# Han nr of Chl ac*i!o'< forrmwi .aye i * “A copy ah. Mild h- in th? hand* j J Nrwton Hathaway.M.D- of every man, I l,ix?*t Elahll#hed of #* ery woman any Special!#! In h* and ev#ry boy,” South ha* Juat h.en l#*ued A copy of thl* Ilf tie took will a writ free, poatpand. In plan wrapp>r to any on* aufferln* from law, 04 Manly vizor. Varicocele, Sdlo lure. Speclhc Rlood I’<l4onin( Weak Rack. Ith. uomll,m. Kidney or I'rln.irv Compkimta, or any form of Chronic UIM-aae. If h* i a resular reader of thla pa|rr. Rend name and udreaa and mention till# raper J NKW'TOS' HATHAWAT. M. D., Dr Hathaway * Cos., ISA Bryan -treet Savannah. Oa Ofllrr hour*: S lo IS m . t to Sand 7 lo • p ,n Sunday, 10 a m lo 1 p m OKNBRWSITV WELL REWARDEO. Maa I.enda a Traveller and Ur fa KI.I.IHHI In lleiurn. From Ihe New York Journal. Sioux City. la„ Auz 2*.—Wllhou* rhak ln( a eradleful of ore. without enduiing any o fthe revere hardrhlpa of Ihe Klon dike or at Cape Nome, Joseph DryfttM. a fraveltnc man who t* now taking think# <ay at Mount Clement#, Mich., and who make* Sioux City hi* headquarter* on hi* travel* through lowa and Minnesota. Is now spendlmt the CS.OOO which came to him from an Investment of S£> In sold hunilnir Dryfuss was sent by his house to Ihtwson City to sell (oods. and while on his way he fell In with a youtiK fel low from Southern California. The lat ter Rambled hi# money away before he reached Chtlkoot t'aa#. and wo# up aßalnsi 11. Dryfus# liktd him. thoußht well of his shrewdness, and cove him IS (o hold him up temporarily. He found the youmr man Rrateful. but never thoußht a second time of the prom'se of the latter that If he mana(e.| to strike It rich I>ryfus should be counted In on his wlnninss l.ast week Dryfus# received n draft for HT,.mi from a California' hank without further explanation letter a letter earn# from the younic Californian. sayltiß that he had had a hard time at Dawson and on the Yukon, but 'hat when he reached Nome he had struck It rich, ami as he would hove starved but for the t£ r > which Dryfus# Rave him, he had counted Dry fuss his parlper In all his undertaklnas. anti therefore spilt even on tha proflt* of the Nome Rold find. Twenty-five thou sand. he hoped, would he satisfactory, one thousand to one. COI I.DVT THINK OF HF.tVEN. Worshipers* Ntlnds Were an the Seats W hlcti Held Them Fast. From the Philadelphia Record Rlchwood. N. J. Kept. 2 —When the Methodist Church was reopened, after ex tensive repairs, which Included the paint- In* and varnlshlnß of tha seats, there was an unusually larßa conßrcßatlon present As the first hymn war Riven out. and the worshiper* esrayed to rise, there came an ominous crackling. snapptnß and rtpptnß Many who started to their feet hastily dropped b.iok Into their seats, ahd A pain ed expressloo flitted over their faces Those who Insisted upon rlstntc left sec tion# of their Riirment* or pulled up great patches of sticky varnish A number of dresses were practically ruined, nnd men wished for lonß-talle.l Coat*. In vain ihe inslor preached The roiißreßatlon couldn’t b<> Interested There were uro frowns upon their faces. and their thought* were not of heavenly thlnß* After the brief, painful service the peo ple roi out of the seat*, and a murmur of dissent that threatened dire reaults arose from them It looked for a time a# thotißh there would lie no mor* cotißregatlons In the church, but the contractor fixed the seat*, and worship went on wlth-mt trou ble to-day. niCH WOMAN AT f AKHW AI.K. MHlllonalre'a Wife Dances With Men and Is Robbed. From the Phlholeiphta Record. New York. Sept. 7.—Mrs. Julia Moilen hauer. wife of J W. Mollenhatier. one of the millionaire sugar reflnent of W'll llamshurß. went to a negro cake-walk last night with her colored maid. Julia Hall.ld.ty Mrs Mollenhatier not only viewed the cakewalk, hut took (tart In the dancing which followed, and started home at 2 o'clock this morning with some men she had danced with. They Induced her to go to a stable cn the plea of getting a carriage In which to drive her home There she was knocked down and robled of her purse, containing |kf>. and of diamond Jewelry worth Il.tlO. The Mollenhauer house la one of the fln c*t residences In Brooklyn. NEW I'tMBMiKII ASSOCIATION# Will Include All l*o#aener TrsNr West of Misatastppt. tllenwocd Springs. Col., Sept. —A’- cording t<> all reiorta the trans-continen tal passenger association Is now an as sured fact. The general passenger agents who have been In session here since last Thursday morning concluded their tahora yeaierday afternoon, and the result* go to the presidents nnd managers of the reapective line# who will meet In New York city, tbpt IS. Ttw scope of Ihe organisation will cover alt passenger trafllc west of the Missis sippi river destined to California point* The association will not become operative until after the meeting of Ihe agent* In ChUago In October The association will he an tndep* ndent one. and the officer* thereof will be . hosen at the Chicago m etlng Oct 74 In the committee the vote for permanent hea tquarteis Is Den ver, 6. Ht Louis. 1. KI.VKHNOR WAR COMMITTED. Held on the Charge of the Murder of Arthur Hamilton. Darien. Ga, Brpt. f —Tom Eh'eraon and Bob West were given a preliminary hear ing this morning on (he charge of mur d ring Arthur llom It n Klverson was commit I'd to Jail to await trjal. The evl ornce aaalnat Klverson I* entirely cir cumstantial The negro wa* seen going In th. direction of the place where the shooting took place Just before the shot wa# tired and he was seen i omlng away from the scene of the shooting, a short while afterwards, having a gun with him. The prisoner did not make a statement The county has begun to repair Ihe ahell road, after a long period of nejleet. * —Senator Morgan declares that he la In batter health now than h* has bean for ten year# past, and Indignantly re sent* any intimation that he Is getting feeble, though he I* Indeed slowly loosing weight and hi* voice Is weak He la now "* year* old. hut hla friends nay h will slay In Ihe Senate until he la (J. He I* now at Warm Spring*. Va. rikdUAH MARRIAOB LANAS. Plata Pa Wife < aat Adrift With Three Children by the Chnreh. From th* New York Journal. Montreal, Quebec. Aug. SA—Here la a strange cave, which Is. however, but a sample of a dozen similar ones that crop up In the course of a year In this prov ince. where ecclesiastical and civil courts are mixed up In the most remarkable man ner. In this Instance an eecleaUsllcat c ourt ha* rendered a decision which haa lecn received with Indignation by Protea- Imn and Catholics alike. Albert Delpli, a young and well-educat ed Frenchnetn. who wa* brought from old France by the late lieutenant governor of Quebec, Sir Adolph Chi plea u. who ,l|>- pointed him as his private secretary, haa asked ihe ecclesiastical court to annul hla marriage. Delpli Is at present private secretary of Ihe lion Judge Jette, lieuten ant governor of the province, and was married seven year* ago to a pretty little lA-year-old girl named Jeanne Cote, tha daughter of a high official In the Montreal post office. The father was a spiritualist, and the young people were married In the I'nltarlan Church by the Rev. Mr Barnes. Three children were born to them, but of late th* two have not got along to gether very well, so the young man asked ihe ecclesiastical court pf tha Catholic Church lo annul the marriage on th# ground that both eontractlng parties being Catholics, the ceremony was nut per formed t>efore rompetent authorities. As soon a* Ihe young wife heard of Ihta move eh* Institute.! a *uft for a divorce, hut Ihe civil court* Pfused to entertain her eult till they heard how the eccle siastical court should act on the hue band's application. Mgr. Marots. who was at ihe head of the Catholic commission, decided that there was sufficient ground for the annulment of the marriage, and as the case stand* now. the civil courts will not meddle with It at all. The decision of Ihe eeclralastlcal court means that Ihe young woman And* herself an unmarried woman. There Is an appeal lo the Dope, however, and that appeal ha* been taken. t HAII.H Al.l. WILL HEART*. nagrfat fiefs Loose iu * Rtreet Car, Captor* Keep Them. From the New York Journal. A buahel of hard-shelled crab* escaped from a hag carried by two Italians In ltleecker street ear No. 1.717. yesterday afternoon.near the entrance lo the Brook lyn bridge. The crabs scented boiling water, or thought they did. They bit Ihe string that held Ihe bag shut. Then the oldest crab In the lot put hi* head out and two eiafty eye# blinked around the car. All seemed safe. He beckoned lo hla fellows and In a moment they were swarming all over the floor. They made a ''V shaped wedge rush for the door. The women passenger* behoved as If th* ernbs were so many mire. They Jumped on the seal* and screamed. The Italians made a wild scramble for their properly snd hustled several of them back Into Ihe bag. Of course the crabs bit them. A man with a red nose seized slz of the cribs rind wrapped them In a hand kerchief. The Lallans demanded that he surrender them. *'l am a lawyer.” he said, "and I know Ihe law. The statutes of the state define a ciob as a wild heazt. If he ge*s awav from you he belongs to the man who catches him. "This applies also to Ilona, tiger*, wild cats. elephant* and lobster* It does not apply to oysters for the oysier. while |irarl<-aliy a wild beast. I* regarded un der a legal fiction as real estate. "In no sense con a hard-shell crab he .considered a domestic animal. Does he come wheß you call him** No! ”I>oea he respond to gentlenee* N r * ,h purr like a eat or wag hi# tall like a dog? No! "Then these crab# belong to me ” Doyle, who was appealed to by the Dalian*, decided against them. They gathered a# many of the crabs ns they could capture and lef the car In a rage. Wl' SHOCKED AT A RTHAW RIDE. Chlarae Minister Raw a Young Mnn Hug n Girl. From Ihe Philadelphia. Record. Capa May. N. J.. Sept. 5.-Chinese Min ister Wu and hla nephew accepted an In vitation to a straw ride last night with out any wrll-deflned idea as lo what It meant. Four horse* decked with sleigh bell* and plume* hauled a hay cart half full of straw. The minister hod the aeat of honor at the head of the load. A dozen Cape May damsels, with their heatix. crowded In. All went well for the flret mile, and Minister Wu was delight ed. Then by the light of Japanese lantern# he saw the arm of a young fellow steal ing around the waist of one of the girl*. In China this would he a shocking breach of peace. The Chinese mlnlter looked to see the girl resent Ihe advance. In stead her white hand found that of her sweetheart tinder the straw and held It Wu hoped his nephew had not seen l A minute after he saw thnt general hugging was being Indulged In by other memlier* of the party. Taking the arm of hi* nephew firmly In hi# hand Minister Wu pulled him to the tall of the wagon and alighted. ”VV* need ezerclac and we will walk home." he said. And polilely saying goodnight he and the young man went to the hotel acroes lots. THE NEWS AT 111 BI.IN. Opening of the Fall Term of fhe Pub lic Reboot#—Other Matters. Dublin. Ga.. Sept. 4.-The fall term of the Dublin public school# opened yester day under very favorable auspkes. At lh* white school#. 745 pupil* matricu lated. By next Monday thla number will be Increased to 750. and In a month It is heileved that more than 400 white puplle will have matriculated. The opening exerciae* yesterday were very interesting Address** were made by President J M Mlnar of ihe Board of Education, and Revs. J. M Lovett. W. N Alnaworth and K. E. Neighbor Ter. grader, arc taught in lh** of Dublin, beflde# mualc. art. elocution nnd physical culture. Rev. O, O. William* of Douglaevtlle. has been called 10 the pastorate of the Reihiehem Baptist Church of Condor thi* county. It I* believed that he will accept. Mr J. T. Taylor ha* returned from a visit to Montgomery county, and state* thnt the cotton crop there |s badly dam aged In fact, much worse than the cot ton crop In !hl* county, where only half a crop I* expected STATE* CAN KILL TRIRTR. Former Attorney General on Effect of Rtate lasi. Columbus, 0., Sept !.—Former Attorney fleneial Monnelt In an address delivered at the Lab r Day picnic het* yesterday. I. I I' at# 4it Ini! n 1 stu uttt were adequate to d*troy all trusts If rnforccd ■ Government official* ef tha nation*. In agr* past, have too often sown the seed, of dlsaolutl n by the r Indifference, brih. ery and nrgbet until th* tumbl ng of the masse* and the red flag of anarchy and the wan arm* of starvatlem have risen fo their wrath and lighted the** grievous wrongs. * COTTON MARKET ADVANCES. F4l It 111 RINI'R# I MINE IN THE FACT; OF THE IMPKOV EMC NT. The ration Futures Market ( lose# Steady at a Net Advance ut N and 1A rotate—Spirits Turpentine Firm nt .14 Cents on Snles of Over II.fHMt I asks—Hntlns Firm nt Drellnr of R real* on I nnd Abovr— Local and Telegraphic Markets. Morning News Office. Sept 4. The cotton market showed continued strength to-day by an advance of 7-1! cent on good middling and basis middling. I At the advance the market was bulletin ed Arm. and the demand good. Good ! middling f. o. b. was offering at 9% cent. The entrance of outsider* In the cotton future* market, caualitg an advance of to 14 points during the early hours, and light receipt# nt the ports, were factor* in bringing a net advance of 4 and IS point*, at which the mark** closed steady. The government report wa# more favor able than expected, and caused a stam pede of profit-taking which resulted In the Jumping of prices. Spirit* turpentine closed firm at 74 cent*. The price dropped on sales of over 7.0 M casks at the Standard Oil Company, which about cleaned up the offerings. Thl* large purchaae came at lima to Impart consid erable strength to the market, and at a time when assistance was needed most. Whether thl* will have the effect of checking Ihe downward tendency of prices which has prevailed for some lime past I* not known, but It places factor* In better position to protect the market ; Rosins dropped & cent# on I and above. „4 which the lone was firm. Sales of a round lot were reported for the day. The wholesale market* were steady. The fol lowing resume of Ihe different market* will show the tone and quotations at the closing to-day: COTTON. An advance of S-1* cent In the cotton market to-day va# posted ot the opening rail, when the tone of the market wa* bulletined firm The day's sale# were 77* hale*. The receipt* were 3.574 There was a fair demand for goo.l ml.ldling. f.o.b. bal# of Fv cent*. The movement at the port* for the day wa* light. .The iuturro market closed steady at an advance ot 8 ami 15 point*. The following were the official spot quo tation* at the close of tha market at th* Cotton Exchange to-day: | Tola | Laat i day. | year. Good middling s’i Middling 5S lw middling .....j... 5 Good ordinary j... !4< Market Arm. sales. 77. Savannah Receipts. Exports ami Stock# Racsipta thl* day 7.574 IBoetp'* this day last year 6.<V> This day year before last 527 Receipts alnee Sept. 1. 1900 9,i'2n Same time last year 9.525 Coastwise expor's Iffl Stork on hand thl# day 15,.U< Same -lay last year 24.517 Receipt# and Stock* at the Ports. Receipt# thl* day '.423 Receipt* this day last year lft.Oc*: Receipt* this day year before last.. 5.55! Total receipt* since Sept. 1. I#oo ... 22.1 H Same time lost year 2.55i Same time year before lum Holiday Stock at oil port# to-day M.dc Stock same day la*t year 411,5 Z Dally Movement# at Other Port*. Galveston— Holiday; net receipt*. 175; grove receipt*. 875. stock. 6.855 New orlain*—Firm; ml.MHng. 9 -78 r; net receipt*. 6*6. gross receipt-, 656. sale*. 1,750; stock, 27.157. Mobile—Steady; middling, 9c; net re ceipt*. 16; gross receipt*. 16; sale*. liW; stock. 4.790 Charleston—Firm; middling. 9 l-16c: net receipts. 4!i. grow* receipts. 496. sales, 200; stock. 2,221. Wilmington—Firm; middling. 9c; net re ceipts. 2.140. gross receipt*. 2,110; stock. ? 212 1 Norfolk—Steady; middling, 94c; net re ceipt*. 536; gross receipts, 556; sale*. 166; stock. 3,833. Baltimore—Nominal; mid King. 9\c; stock. 500. New York -Steady; middling. 9Hc; sales, 130: stock. 27.490, Heaton— Hot tdny. Philadelphia—Firm: middling. 9V; net | receipt* 80. gross receipts. *0: stock. 1.166. I Dally Movement* at Interior Town*. Augusta—Quiet and steady: middling, j 94c; bet receipt*. 1.862; gross receipts, 1.- 862; sales. 1.108; stock. 4.940 Memphis—Steady; middling. 9 5-16 e; net receipts, 10: grees receipts, 10; stock, 7,- 639 Si Louis—Steady; middling, 94c; net receipt*. 16. gross receipts, 16; stock, 7.- 544 Cincinnati—(Two days)—Dull; middling, i 9'jc; stock, 7,967. Houston—Holiday; net receipts, 7,858; gross receipts. 7.858; stock, 7.754. Louisville— Firm, middling. 98c. Export* of Cot lon Thl* Day- New Orleana—To Great Britain. 4,300; coastwise. 635. Norfolk—Coast wise. 243. New York -To Great Britain 849. Total foreign export* from nil port* this day: To Great Britain, 5.W9, to the conti nent. 93 Totnl foreign export* from all ports thus far this week: To Great Britain, 5.215; to the continent. 1.093. Total foreign exports since Sept. 1. 1900: To Great Britain. 8.249; to the continent DIM. New York. Sept. 4.—Spot cotton closed steady, middling upland* 9V; middling gulf 9V Sale* 1 bale*. Charleston. S. C.. Sept. 4 -Cotton firm, mhklllng 9 l-16c; sales. .Hi COTTON FI TIMER. Market Closes (Heady at an Advance of Hand 1.1 Points. New York. Bept 4-A feature of the trading In the cotton maiket to-day was the re-entrance of the public Interest In the market on a broad teal*, the outsid er# taking the bull side Bears were thrown Into a spasm of fright by an ad vance of 6 to 14 points In active options In ihe Liverpool ttifititei, privately report ed to have resulted from hardening sta tistlca. fears among shorts that a squeeze was to be attempted and belief that the crop out-turn would tie small Spot sales In that market were the largest In many w<ek*. reaching s (mu bales at an advanre of 4d. Another factor was the continued light movement at all point* In the South Minor influences Included un favorable crop reports from the central bell and report# that southern spot mar ket# were <*4(4c high. r. On the first call price* Jumped up 8 to 16 |Kdnt* with the ! market Irregular and exrltcd Still later . Ihe advance wa* Increased to a matter of s©7 p*dnts by a spurt of general buying led by ro>m bear*. Europe and the publl alao bought. Throughout the day New Oreans short* were heavy buyers In our ntatket The bullish gyrations of the New Orleans market added materially to the firmness heie as did a decrease In the Liverpool stock of 81.000 bales, shown by a recount. The weekly government report proved less peaslmla lc than figured upon and led to qol e a scramble cf proflt tak ng under which price* w nt oft a veral Fears of another bull move In Liverpool to morrow prevented an organized attack upon the position of bulla, however, and the tnnrket held Arm to the Moae. which •as steidy at a net rise of 7 to ii points. ' FM CTI ATIOKR IN FT TYRES. New York. Sept. 4 -Oottoei future* opened Irregular and closed steady. Prices a* followa: |Ooen. 'High Low icioae. jTnuary ......| 849 T.a“|"JT| BK> February ....| 8 50a 8.49 | 8.49 9.49 March | 8.51 8.51 i 847 i 8.48 April |8 48 .... j .... |IK Mv |9 50 86* 8.49 > 8.51 July | .... | .... | .... I 157 August i .... | .... .... j .... September ...| 8 9(1 | 895 | 8.81 | .... October ft & 573|860 |8 68 November ....j 851 | 8.55 j 8.49 851 tueember ...,| 8.49 | 8.51 | 8.46 | 8.57 Liverpool Kept. 4. 4 p m —Coiton, spot fulr demand; prlees unchanged. Ameri can middling 5 31-211 The sale* of Ihe day were 5.0(5: bales, of which 7* were for speculation and export and Included 6.(M> bales American Receipts 4.015) bales, In cluding 7,600 American Future# opened steady and closed quiet but steady; American middling lew mid dling clause. September. 5.4 M. sellers; Keptemher-Oetaber, 5.1105.13d. *c|ler#;Oc tober-November. I S9*f4 60d. sellers. No vember-Decemher. 4 sld. buyer#; Decem- Iwr-January, 4 47d. buyers; January-Feh iiiary. 4.AVI. seller#; February-March,4 43d. seller#; Marrh-Aprll. 4 41d. buyer*; Aprll- May. 4 4od. seller*; May-June. 4 7804 79d New Orleans. Sept. 4.—Cotton Arm; sale# 2.000. Cotton future* closed steady. September .9.1308.15 February ..8.3405.96 October ...8 614*8.53 March 8 3508.37 November .8 324#*.Jl April 8 3605 17 December . 8 33*18 . May 8 4009.41 January ....8320* 73 COTTON LETTERS. New York. Sept. 4.—Murphy A Cos. aay: Cotton advanced In Liverpool alnee the closing of our market on Friday last Qd on spot*. !2-64d near and 6-44d on far po sitions, which was very much heller than expected here, and hetng accompanied with large order* to buy fall deliveries, caused thl* i.iarkei to rule active and fev erish about 1? points higher for near and II point* for late months New Orleans also sent buying orders and offer* to sell confined to long realising Memphis re ports condition* slightly lesn favorable. No special advices from other points, al though weather report* were generally favorable. New Orleana report* the crop of lIBW-ltaxi 9.436.416 bale*. The government report Is expected to he extremely bullish, nnd we think further advances before that date probable. New York. Sept 4.—Hubbard Bros. A Cos. suy: The bureau report wa# consid ered more favorable, and price* declined upon It. The advance of Ihe Liverpool market was due to a decrease In the stocks found on recounting and the near posi tions. then advanced rapidly, stimulating our r.irliar deliveries here. The Improve ment come ns a surprise, but on Ihe ad vance selling orders freely supplied buy ers and new buslnea* not appearing, prices receded. DRY GIMtDR MARKET. No Changes Noted tu the Cbaraeter of (hr Demand. New York. Sep 4 —The market for dry good* reopened after holiday, with no change In the character of demand. There is nothing doing for export for fhlna, India or lied Sea ports South American ports buying fully average quantities. Print cloths and ginghams quiet and un changed. NAVAL STORES. Tuesday. Sept, 4. 1400. SPIRITS TI'RPENTINE—The turpen tine market closed firm to-day at M cents, with th* market fairly well cleaned up at this price. The Standard Oil Company was the big purchaser, taking 3.219 casks, which were reported aold at tha opening call The effect of these tales was to Im part considerable strength to the eltuallon. and will enable factors to get the down ward tendency of the market under better -ontrol While factors were relieved of . onstderable stuff. It wa* not understood that all the day's receipts were taken The receipts were 2.398. sales 3.279 ami the ex port# 15. ROSINS—The rosin market went off 5 cent# to-day on 1 and above, at which the market was firm. There was a fair de mand for rosins, but It wa# not such as to Impart r. great deal of atrength to the market. The current Impression was that the weakness shown by the decline wa# temporary, nnd would be followed by a re action. The receipts were 9,567. sales 839 at the opening call, and 7 93b at th* dos ing call, when the decline* were posted The following were the quotations: A. B. C 81 35 I 71 60 D 1 71 K 1 55 E 1 k> M 1 1 60 F 1 45 N 1 80 g isn wa 200 Ii: 1 50 W W 235 Receipt* Tueaday— Splrlta. Rosin. C. R R 314 2,114 8.. F. and W 1.267 4.375 F C. A P and O. A A 731 3.018 Steamer Day M ..... Shipments Tuesday— -8 S Alleghany. Baltimore 3.455 8. R. Alleghany, Philadelphia ... 155 Tallahassee. New York 15 651 City of Augusta. N. Y 683 Naval Stores Statement- Spirits Roaln. Stock April 1. 1900 2.197 143,406 Receipts to-day 2 398 9„V7 Receipts previously 360.634 423,2*0 Total since April 1 205.219 674.993 Exports to-day 15 4.944 Egports previously 1*3.631 450.952 Export# since April 1 163.646 455,896 Stork on hand to-day 41.573 119.397 Stock on hand same days last year 36.136 137.778 Churlenton. 8. C., Sept 4 —Turpentine, nothing doing Rosin steady. B. C. D . ♦1.30; sales. 250 barrels. Wilmington. N. C„ Sept, t -Spirits tur pentine dull, nothing doing; receipt# ltl. Ros'n unchanged, receipt# 435 Crude turpentine dull, 71 30 and 72.30; re ceipts. 90 Tar quiet. 31 40. re'-elpta KS. New Orleans, Sept. 4 Receipt*: Rosin 400 barrels; turpentine. 65; exports none. FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keep* fairly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Market 1# steady. Commercial demand. 74 B*4. sixty day*. 31 83t,; ninety day*. 34 stv franca. Parts and Havre, sixty day# 5.194 Pwls*. sixty d*yn. 5.30. marks! #li v dav*. 94 7-16. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; hank* are buying at 4 discount and *otL Ing as follows: 325 and under. 10c pre mium: 725 to ISO. 15c premium. 750 to 3100 20c premium. IWO to 1300. 25c premium; EOi and over par. Cheek* must average ' J9>o to go the par rate. SECI'RITIKS—Jhe market Is very Inac tive. scarcely anything doing Quotation! are rath< r nominal Slack*. Did Auk Augusta and Savannah R. R ijgt Atlanta and Weal Point .1.1*4 la l do g per cent certiorates mg Augusta Factory ’ K jg Clttsrn* Hank Chatham Bank ng Clinthnm R E. A I do. A...’." Mu mu. do do B gg' Eagle and Phoenix Mf*. Cos . liog 1 Edison Electric Ilium '"sag . Enterprise Mf*. Cos 11. * Germania Bank 1111 "*i Georgia A Alabama „ Georgia Railroad, common...."lag Granltsvili* Mf* Cos , 5? j r Km* Mf*. co is L*n*ley Mf* Cos m } Merchant* National Rank ...llllu)* no Notional Rank of Savannah 140 tvt Oglethorpe Having* and Trust!.l.l no People * flavin* and I.o*n £ Snuthneatern Rallrood Cos. ... u* Savannah Qaa Uht Cos U £ Southern Bank 153 155 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 j|g Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta *5 , Savannah Brewing 95 im Mona*. BM. Ask. Char.. Col. A Aug let 4*. 1900* ug Atlanta city 4*. 1923 lot t Augusta city is. 107 MS trj do 4V9*. 1935 U 0 U 1 do 7*. 1901 105 lag do 6s. 1913 U 9 ui Ala. Mid ss, tnd'd. 1928 M AN. 97 99 Augusta Factory. ' ptr oral.. 19U.109 114 Brunswick and Western 6a. 1938 .. ID q C. K. R- A Ranking collateral s*. 93 4) C of O Ut ss. 10-year gold. 1945 F A A 117 111 C of G coo sa. 1945. M. A N. ... ~, C. of Ga Ist Income# 1945 44 4-, do 2d Income*. 1945 U n do kl Income*. 1915 g j C. of a. (51. O A A. Dlv ) 6a. 1967. J. A J 93 <H C. of G. (Eaton Branch), to. 1996. J A D 94 95 Clly A Suburban R. R. Ist 7... H* yj., Columbus city. to. 1169 ... to* 107 Charleston city 4, 1945 .*....101 )03 1-togl A l'hen.x Mill# 6s. 1928 lid m Edison Eleotric Illuminating 65..101 ?os Enterprise Mfg to. 1903 101 po Georgia Railroad 6a. 1910 114 us 4 O. 8. A F. 1945. J. A J 109 no Georgia A Alabama Ut to. 1945 ..KM pt Georgia state 34a. 14(0. J. A J. .104 107 do 34a 1915. MAN IM log do 4. 1915 117 118 Macon City to. 1910, J A J 116 U do 44. 1996. Jan. par 10? i Ocean Steamship to. 1926 101 m Savannah city s*. quar. October 1913 ltl 113 do sa. quar Nov . 1909 U| U 2 South Carolina state 44*. 1987 ..116 ]]B Sibley Mfg °o 6*. 1903 101 103 South Round to 9>i 10, 8.. F. A W. gen. mt'ge. to. 104..1S Ut do do Ist to. gold. 1934 1104 nyu do St. John Dlv. Ut 4a. 1984 ... 94 96 New York. Sept. 4 —Money on rail steady, IQiSl'a Pr rent Prime mercantile 4>aper. 6064 per cent. Sterling exchange easy with actual business In bankers' bills at 31 87404.874 for demand, and at 34 4 for slztv days. I'oated rate*. 74 Br> and 71 B*4. Commercial bills. 74 834*14 818, Rr silver 0c Stiver'certificate#. 6l 4 *us:v, Mexican dollar*. t*\o. Governmsnt hond# Arm S ate bonds In active. Railroad bends firm. STOCKS AND BONDR. Raaar Jumps on the Eve of a Divi dend. New York. Sept. 4.—Th* fever tn Amer ican Sugar Reflnlng stock, which ho# been undergoing a proeewa of careful nursing for several weeks past, broke Into a crisis to-day, as Is not unusual on the eve of dividend action on this stork. For sev eral weeks there wa# extensive buying of sugar stock, but the manipulation to advance the price which accompanied the buying aroused the suspicions of the sapient profeoalonale who turned hear#. To-day there was a rumor that the dtrec. tor* had determined to put th* atock dn an annual dividend basis of 8 per cent. by declaring n quarterly dividend of 2 per cent, to-day. and the bear# ran the stock up 64 point# wMh rhelr eager de mand* for l.onn. l.fiOO. and 2.000 share lo:s. The price eagged off a point, but stiffened again to about the best at the close This buoyant rise In Sugar helped some of tha other specialties which had been under pressure In the morning, the early decline* In Brooklyn Rapid Transit. s!*n hattan and Metropolitan being mors th.ia recovered. People's Ga* also, avhieh earn-# next to Sugar in point of activity, recov ered a point of It* 24 point break, hut fell awav again In the final dealing# The war of gas rates in Chicago accounted for Its weakness. American Steel and Wlra also got back to the top at 14* over Fri day's price after |t# early movement htd apparently proved abortive. Th* steel group as a whole, failed to resfnnd and In Tennessee Coal and National Steel there •a* not a single sale during the .lay The same was true of Rock Island, and th.. railroad list a* a whole continued much neglected There was #otn* firmness here, nnd there tn the railroad llat. notably in the Southwestern and Southeastern groups. There wa* no indication, however, of any general awakening from th* re cently prevailing speculative apathy, and the new# of the day found no reflection In the stock market. Bonds were not active, but were sltght |v I’nlted States s's registered advanced 44 in the hid pt Total sole# of stocks to-day were 267 - 900 shares, including the following I nlon Pacific, 6.150; American Steel and Wire, 5.7*0; Brooklyn Rapid Transit 13.- 685; People a Gas, 43.156; Sugar. 83.975. -\mw York Stock Upt. Atchison #'ll'. Pnc. n<dlv., R7*j , pr *T f *•*•••* do pref ex-41 v. 7* Ball A Ohio .. JJ-i Wahash 7 can. Pbc ©V do pref IS r>n - So W A u. E. ... s* Chaa. A Ohio .. % <to 7.1 pref .... 23'j Chi. Qt W. .. IfPi Wl* c . Can U>y rhl.. B A Q...un,,Thln Avrtiua ..HOW Chi . I A L. .. 3', Adam* Ex lil d° Pfaf 67 .American 164 Chi. A E. I. .. 96>* t’nlted State* .43 Chi A Nw Itati, Walla Far*o ...IS C.. R. I. A P 10% Am Cot. Oil .SS C. C. C A Si. | do pref St*j Lou** WH Am. Malting ... 4% Col. Sou. 6 | do praf 21 do Ist pref .. 41 Am 8 A R S4i, | *o 3d pref .... 1* | do praf (O*. Dal A Hud. ..Ill*, Am. Spirit* .... I** D. L,. A W... 171 ] ,}o praf- 17 p. A R. G. ....I# jAm. Slaal Hoop -* l ' do praf S? jdo pref ... *<’s Hrt* 11 |Am. Steel A W. *'i do Ist praf .... do pref 75*. Ot. S' pref .... 153 Am Tin Plate . a l * Hoe kina Coal .15 do pref kcV, Hocking V 34 Am. Tobacco * IHlnol* Can 11*4,1 do praf 13't low* Can lie, An.i Min Cos *l. do pref ........ 43 jUrook. R T... 54V la- E A W. ... If Col. F. A 1.... 55% do praf 8S jCont. Tob 3*% \ laika Shore ....Silk do pref 74 ! * te * N Tl * Federal Steel ..34** Manhattan 1,. . 9H, ,j<> pr ,f Met. St. Ry. .154 Oen. Elec 1- Mex. Can. .... U% ! (4iiiirwe Stiasr .. Sl>4 M A 81. L. .. 55 i dl pref 5* do praf M l .. Intern. Paper .. 23 Missouri Pac. .. SOI* <!,, pref •* Mobile A Ohio.. *7 UsClede Oa* 73 M.. K. A T. .. M|Nntl. Blacult ...33 do pref ©%! do pref 1*- C 134 Natl. Laud !*'• 77■ Y. C 1304s do praf w M * W 34V Natl Steal 37 do pref ........ 74V! do pref H North. Pac. .. K>VN. Y. A. B IS* do Vf** 71 North Am • mt. a wrat. .. Il'itPaclßc Coa*t ..55 Ora. Ry. A N.. 42 | do lit praf *7 do praf 7 j do Id pref .... ** Pennsylvania ..UsV'Paclftc M.tll ....31 Heading IST, People'* Gas i do 111 pref .... 57 .Pres*.d 9. Car ® do 2d pref ... 2*%; do p*ef 71 Rio O. W U ip.til. pal. Car iW *l® praf SH 19. R. A T 9 *’' 81. V. A g. F.. IVltivt Ks do lit praf .... *7 ; do |iraf "7 do 2d pref 3344 Trim. ' k I. . : • St. I*., , 4!** '.T. .-4, l/c-.ther '•'*% do praf * j., pr- f .'<* Bt. Paul 113% it. s Rubber >\ do praf tfl I ,|o pref **> t p * O 11l Western Pnlon . 74% Sou Pac SJt, K |. A S I* 7 * Sou Ry U'i .to H'ef s*’ do praf 53V,P C. C A Bt. Tax A Pac. .. MV LoUla M Bond*. U. 8. ref. 2a.ras.lkS | do 4 W* do coup IIM A O. 4*. ex do la. was 10 Inti reat M ‘* 3o fa coup ...10* IN. Y C let* l** 7 ’ do naw 4*.res 133% N. J. C. fen 5t 122 s * do naw 4e.cou.t3S% Nor. Pac. S* -• •* do o’d 4*. res do ♦ I M ‘‘ ex-lnt 111% N Y. C. A S' U do old 4*. cou . 114%! 4* W 7 do sa. re* 1134ijN. A W con. 4* *7% do fa. cou lll4*|Ora. Nay. let*...l'd D of C. S m..m | do 4* W* Atcb. son. 4s jOra. 8. U 5,...Ui