The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 STATE COMMITTEE TO MEET. Chairman duIIH.VOV III* CUUtI) IT rilM UK IT. 11. g*nll AMawdawrc *f ihr commllla# I* Kiperir.l—%. Mr m her* of the Commlflrr Appointed Front Ihr Varlnui I onare**lnn,tl lll*lrlrl* lt> Ihr Chairman—First IMafrlrf Br|. rrftPHtrd h> M. M. Nlarllu If Liber ty Inunl). At lain a. ii . Sept S —Chairman Fl*m- Inn dußtgnon ha* called a meeting of Ilia State Iteroocratlc Executive Committee, in hr held In Atlant i on Hept. 11. Nolp-ra hav. h-en sent out lo iff mrml-'t► an.l II I* iipfttnl I hare will bn a full attend anrr Mi duP.lgnon ha* al*n appointed hi* Committee of Eleven |o Ifni with lha Executive ComroiHPP Ilf make* hla ap pointments from ihr different omgr-s --slonal <li*irifts Following are m.-miw r* of ihr Blair Exw ullvn Committee from Ihr congressional district |>potnl*<l hy Chulrm-m dulltgnon: Flrsl DlMrtel—H M. Martin. Übariy county, llmrrvtllr lla. Second Dial riel—E. L Wight. Dougher ly count >. Albany. Ga Third District—Waller E. Btrrd, Taylor county. Butler. Ga. Fourth District—Frank M Uidlry. Troup county. LaGrange. Ga Fifth District—J. J B|ubllng. Fulton county. Allan.a. Ga. Sixth Dlstrld—J R. VawUuren, Orla wddvllle. June* county Seventh Dlstrlr’ -Jam--- M Me Brio#. Haralson county, Tallapoosa. Ga. Eighth Dial riel- -Hamilton McWhorter. Oglethorpe, county Ninth District—Chit* I. Bara. Ilaber •ham county. Clarksville. Ot Tenth Dlatrlct- Boykin Wright, Rich fnorvl county. AiiAUsm. Eleven i h IHtrlel-R 0 Dlckcraon, Clinch county. Hnmervtll.. G.i Hon. Clark Howell of Fulton, a* mem ber of the National Committee from Geor gia aid Hon. K T. Brown a* vice chair man of the Stair Convention, are number* ex-oflteki of the State Committee. The committee will arrange tor the cam paign Sp.akerr will be lected. and lha queatton of organising Remo relic cluba In all part* of the alata will be taken up Mr duHlgnon ha* teen In communication with Chairman Jonr* of the National Committee for some time past, ami Vice Chairman Brown of Ihe Hta'e Committee ha* been sending out letter* to the Choir men of Ihe countv committee* Mr du- Btgnoo said this morning that the u tlve Committee wool I be In -e|on for several day*. A number of politician* are expected to be here when the committee meet*. SENSATIONAL BMPKNUT. Amrrlrß* Girl and Mnenn Men S#- rrrtl) Mnrrled In Atlanta. A turn* Sept. &.—G. H Turpin of Ma con, and Mi#* Stella Scarborough of Amertrus were the principal* In a roman tic elopment and a 4-o'clock-ln-the-morn- Ing wedding In thla olty on Sept f. Strict secrecy wa enjoined upon the clerk* of the Kimball House where they stopped, upon the preacher who perform ed the ceremony, and It l* said upon Or dinary Hulsey, who was aroused late at night at his home to Issue a marriage license to the elopers. Both the principals. It seems, are Well to do. particularly Mr Turpin The cauae of the elopement was the ohjeclon of the gti. * parents to Mr Turpin II seems that Ml*# Scarborough left her home In Atnt-r- Icus on the night of Sept. 2. for this city Here she went at once to the Kimball House The eame night Mr Turpin left his home In Macon, for Atlanta, and ar riving here went at once to a neither hotel Then he began to cast his eye# about for a means of reach ing the girl without cx-ttlng the suepl cloei of person* who knew them In thl* matter He finally employed a special de fective who had access to the Ktmhal! House On the morning of Sept t, the> gtrl having he-en warned, this detective wen’ to her room In the- Klmtaill .ind to gether they took a lerrtoge and made a bee line for a spot where Mr. Turpin was waiting Together they heir an a searrh for a preacher. They went to three different places, then Anally drove to the house of a lustlce of the peace, lllnese In the house prevented this Jn-'icc from uniting the patr In msrrlsge. so the search liegan again Finally the carriage drew up In front of the parsonage of St l.uke's Kpls ropal Church at Houston and Pryor slreeis Mr. Wtlmcr ngreed to perform the ttoremony, anil In a moment, almost. It wns done. Then the minister wss en joined to secrecy as to the name* of the contracting parties ami the eloprr* went on their way. Immediately after Ihc c remony the party went to the car shed, still accom panied by the detective, and there the gtrl took a train for Knoxville. Turpin. It Is said, left at once for Macon Mr Tur pin is about *> years old. The girl Is about it. and strikingly handsome. GO . CANDLER OS HISTORIES. baya the Grand Arms Should Do fioier Investigating. Atlanta. Sept 4.—Gov Candler has re cetved several letter* from the North re garding his utterances concerning the Grand Army of the Republic. It will he remembered that the Oovernor character ised (he Grand Army of ihc Republic a# a side show to the Republican pnrty. and stated the attack on the text book used In Southern schools wa* all rot and got up for political effect. Th* Governor *ald to-day: "A few day* ago I happened to pick up Eggleston's history of the United St ttas. /h,ch Is used hy my little son In turn ing the page* 1 found ten of them devoted to Abmhtim Lincoln I ws* somewhat sur prised at a historian devoting so much to one roan. I began to look to see what he bad lo say about Gen Lee. I looked through the whole book nnd -id (In-1 only one line. The book should he removed from the schools here and some other sub stituted "If th* Oram! Army of Ihe Republic Intend* to mk- a kick on matter* of thl > in.l I think It should Investigate further before taking any action lam surprised that the hook Is used here In Atlanta, end think that some other should he adopted The history Is not fair lo our s'd* of th# question.” Not a Candidate for Speaker, Atlanta. Sept s.—Hon W. R Burnett, representative-elect from Clarke eountv. was at the Capitol thie morning. He stat ed that th# rumors to the effect that he would be race for the speakership of Ihe HouiV.j Kcpresenfstlv** was not true The report been In cir-uiatlon for several ihtys, that It wa# Mr Burnett's intsntion to oppose Mr Little for the place. Wedding nt Metcalf. Thomasvllle. Go . Sept S—William Cone of Jefferson county Florid*, and Miss Su san Berry of Me.calf. (Is., were married Sunday si the home of the bride’s father. Prcf Bury, Rev Mose Ward officiating TO Cl RE A COLD 11 ONE DAY. Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets. Al! druagiets refund the money If It falls to cure E W Grove’s slgnaturs Is on each box. 24c.—ad. “He That Any Good Would Win " Should have pood health. “Pure, rich blood is ihe first requisite. Hood's Sarsa panlhi, by giving good blood and good health. has helped marry a man to success, besides gnnng strength end courage to •a omen <who, before tsking it. could not even see any good in life to gp in. 3 (ced'S Sa hkifxi ufla Nevet^jsapp^^? IIIMIIH’ Tl NVKR t HEMO< H AT. Noted Aegro Prearher Will Stomp Georgia and lllhcr Mate*. Atlanta. Sept S—Bishop H M Turner ha* notified <lov Candler that he will slump Ihe state for the Itemocrallc ticket. Itoeh stale and national. He ha* also no tified the National Democratic Committee of hi* Intention*, and hi* services hav* been accepted. It ta expected that he will return to Georgia In the negt few dev* and begin work. He u one of the most prominent ne groes In the South and wield* a big In fluence with the negroes of Georgia and other tnt*s where he Is known. ft t* not hi* Intention to speak only In Geor gia. He will make several addresses to the negroes In state* controlled hy fhe Republican*. There I* no doubt that he will prove of considerable value to the Democrats In the coming campaign os It I* admitted hy party leader* that ev ery voie In the doubtful slate* will count In some portion* of the country north of the Mason and Dixon's lln*. there are many negroes and with such speaker* as Rishop Turner and others. It I* believed that many of them will voda the Demo cratlc ticket. Ff'LTtl.N COI Ik TV’S TAX HATE. It Will lie Inmrshil Higher This tear Than last. Atlanta. S—Fulton county's tax rate will be higher this year than last. While the rate was not fixed hy the board of county commissioner* at their meeting to-day. It wea unanimously agreed, practically, that an Increase would be necessary as the digest this year show* only 4.V164X412. against |t0.77,1J0 last year, a d< crease of about tlfln.ntst This decrease was a matter of amuse ment to the commissioners, who had been under the tmpresalon that there would be a distinct Increase, enough. In fact, to allow them to decrease that tax rate and at the same time undertake many great public Improvement*. In vi, w of this surprise In the digest the ■oaater was postponed until next Tues day when the . ommlssloners will msst and go Into It fullty. Commissioner Adair said that last year there were some flagrant violations of conscience In the matter of tax re turn* to the city and county. He had little objection, he said, to a man turn ing In only 73 or 66t pe r cent of hi* prop erty. but when h* turned In as one did last year. Ito.UM to th* city .and |l2.ton to the county he thought something should lie* done He stated that last ysar a man had been employed to compare the city and county hook* and In that way had restored about lionooro to the county hooks. There wo* no reason he ald why this should not be done this year H* be lieved It would nave a lot of money to the county. DEATH OF Jl IM.i: At. H. HELL. Was Baldwin County's Ordinary and a Well-Known nitres. Mlltwlgevllle. G*. Sept 4—Capt. M It. Bell, ordinary of Bnldwin county, died at his home In this clfy to-day. at llitt o'clock, after an Illness of aboul ten days Capt Bell was about 70 years of age. com ing Ip this city In I*W from Atlanta He come here under an appointment from President Grant. to take charge of the Freedman's Bureau He Is native of Forsyth county Ass Confederate sol dier he did faithful service for four years. Shortly after his location In thl* city. Capt. Beil was made steward of the slam lunatic asylum, which position he held for a number of years. He has been ordinary of this county for the part twelve years, ami was the Democratic nominee for re-election In October Judge Hell belongs to n well known Georgia family, his brother. Hon. H. P. Bell arrived In the city yesterday, and was at his .bedside when he passed away. Judge Bell leaves a wife and three son*. Mr B. B. Bell of Orangeburg. 8 C., ami Meei-rs J. F. and M 8 Bell of this city. MIJ. HERBERT 11.1,. lias a Severe I old Which Threaten* tn I let clop Pneumonia. Waycros#, Oa., Sept. MnJ. Sidney Herbert of Lake Maitland, Fla., arrived In Wayeross Tuesday night from Chica go. where he hud been attending ihe O A. H. reunion. While In that city MaJ. Herbert eotractedn a severe cold, which It Is fesred will developd Into pneumonia. Saturday night ho nnd his wife left Chi cago. arriving In Louisville. Ky.. on Sun day night. From there Mrs. Herbert went to Atlanta to visit friends nnd Mr Herbert continued on to his Florida home Arriving at Wayeross the old gentleman wss delirious, and did not know his whereabouts. When he came n himself he wns sluing tn the waiting room at the Plant Svstem depot. A Phoenix Ho tel porter took the sick man over to that holed, where he was given a room hy Mr. Strickland, M tllHIKI) l> THOM AAVILI.E. Air. J. A. Pnrse and Alias llalsy AAnrit of Aaisnnsli A\ edited. Thomasvllle. Ga , Sept. & —James A Purse and Miss Daisy E. Ward, both of Savannah, were married In this oily thla afternoon at the Methodist twrsonage Hew F. A Branch officiating Alias Ward was visiting heie. and Air. Purse came up to-day and the marriage followed The couple will rema.n In Thomasvllle. Fntrlleld New* Antes. FalrAeld. Fla . Sept 5.- Mr J Al Mof fert's sawmill has been shut down for a few days, bul ta now running again In full hlasi Joseph Horn's wife was criminally as saulted yesterday, hut the perpetrator of the crime has not been found The par ties are colored and live near Blllchton Henntnn and n llnrheeue. Americas. Oa . Sept. I —Columbus Iy*d>'' Improved Order Heptusoph held a re-on- Kin here to-day with the Amerlcus lodge coming by special train with a large num ber of friends. A sumptuous barbecue was served at Magnolia Dell and hun dreds enjoyed Ihe feast oi pork snd ek>- qtMUC*. t oses All Dismissed. Themasvllle. Ga.. B*pt s—Henry Booth ind others, while men. charg<d with as sault with Intent to murder In the case of the negro Grant Welley. had a com mitment trial to-dgv, and all the cases wi re dismissed on account of insufficient evidence. THEMOKNING NEWS: THVKSDAY. SEPTEMBER 0. 1900. A HEI MOW OF VKIF.HAAf. Whole f hnrrh It e>lla pitted—Hwd*oa Tnlk* of Vlearagnn. KaK.nlon. Gt .Hept. t.—Commander Hobt Young of the Doles-Cook Brigade has Is sued a call from this place for the survi vor* of the Fourth. Twelfth. Twenty-first und Forty-fourth Georgia Regiments. C. 8. A., to meet in thirty-fifth annua) reun ion In Macon on Sept. 26 and 27. Th* re union will occur during the street fair to be held In Macon. The re-haptlsm e,f the whole member ship of a church In title county was in event lo excite much Inierswi among ihe negroes, the church being a negro church. Tti church referred lo discovered that Ihilr method of administering the ordin ance of Baptism had not been orihodo*. and they forthwith proceeded lo have It done over Mr John R Hudson Jr., who for a nutnner of year* has heen In Ihe federsl geological survey, and who more re cently was a member of the Isthmian Ca nal Commission. Is spending a few days In Kalonton. hi* former home. Mr. Hud son. having Just arrived from his recent sojourn of a year or more In Nicaragua. Is full of the subject of the projr ted Nic aragua canal, and talks very entertaining ly of ihe work of the commission. He was one of a party of tnirty-flve which had headquarters at Han Juan del Norle Mr Hudson attribute* Ihe defeat of the Nicaragua canal hill to Ihe last House to fhe fact that no Intelligent or deceive action i ould he taken by the government until ihr rommlsslon had given an ac count of ll* work, arut SCI forth the feasi bility of each route, together wilh an esti mate of ihr cost and political or other compllcalioos attendant upon each Mr. Hudson says Ihe Nicaraguan climate 1* egcee Itngly trying, the temperature ranging fr<n K to 110. and not one of his patty escaped a spell of tdrknes'*, though there wns hut one death. Mr Hudron eayr one of the natural curiosities of the country I* a kind of cotton that grows a natural brown, amt la used to adulterate woolen goods. WILL HIM IMIEI’F.ADEVn.I'. Though lleaten In the Primary. Hill ary Will Han for Ordinary. Atlanta. Sept. 4—Judge W. H. Hulsey, ordinary of Fulton county, to-day an nounced himself as a candidate for re election despite the fad that he wa* beaten In the recent Democratic primary hy John H Wllktneon by aomethlng over 301 votes. Judge Hulsey said to-day he believed hi* defeat wa* due to Republican votes being cast In the primary, but made no effort to contest the matter at the time. It I* hi* opinion that he hlmaelf receiv ed a majority of the Dcmocratla votes cast In Ihe primary, and he consider* himself the rightful and legal nominee of the partv lo succeed himself In the office he now hold*. Judge Huleey says two of th* mm on Ihe Wilkinson ticket were Republicans He was once Mayor of Atlanta and has for many year* been regarded a* one of the strongest men politically In Fulton county. ll* will make a warm race. HOW AND WILLI ABM VKBV ILL. Well-Known Georgia Newspaper Man Aint Expected In Live. Atlnnta. Sept. A.—Howard Williams, one of Ihe best known newspaper men tn the seate. Is crltleslly 111 at his home. 207 CourtUnd street. Little hope Is entertsln ed for his recovery, though his condition this morning Is somewhat better than It lias been for Ihe pane few ihtys. Mr Williams has been In bad health for three years, during the Inst twelve months of which time he has heevi In a very serious condition For the last two months he has been confined to his home, and most of the time to his bed. He is suffering from complicated liver trouble Mr. Williams le one of Atlanta's best known eltliens. He moved here In 1874. from Columhus, Ga.. his boyhood home Bine* lhal time Atlanta has always been his home! though on several occasions he went to distant places for a season tn con nection with his newspaper work. Argm Mysteriously Shot. Amerlcus. Oa.. Sept s—ln a genenl Aght between three police officers and two desperate negroes in the house of a ne gro woman whrre the men were conceal ed. W’llllam (lathings one of the negroes, was seriously shot and may sucrumh to the would It In helleyed the shot was Arod by a confederate of Tattling* eoneeal i.l |n the darkness outside nnd was In tended for the officers, but struck Cath- Ings Instead •FECIAL NOT ICHJL CENTRAL OF GEORGIA R.AII.AA AY TO Savannah. Oa.. September 1. 1800 Interest at the rale of lit per cent., be ing $32 At! dollars on each bond of a thous and dollars, has been declared payable October Ist, 18(0. on the First Preference Income Bonds of Ihe Central of Georgia Railway Company, and will he paid on presentation of 111* bonds on and after that date to the Guaranty Trust Company of New York or to the Clltxens Bank of Savannah No Interest Is payable on Ihe Second Preference Income Bonds or Ihe Third Preference Income Bonds. By order of the Board of Directors. T M CUNNINGHAM, Treasurer. DIVIDEND NO. 14. The Board of Directors of the People's Savings and Loan Cos this day declare a dividend of three dollars per share on he capital stock from the earnings of Ihe past six months, payable on and after nth Inst. E L HACKKTT. Treasurer Savannah. Sept Ath. Iflnn SPF.CIAL NOTICE* Dr. Ollveroa has returned to Ihe elly. SPEC IAL NOTICE. Neither Ihe master, owner nor consig nee of Ihe British steamship Hoxby will tie responsible for any debls contracted by the crew, D. L SHIELD. Master. #13,000. One at our client* hu placed la oar I lands txuuu to loan on good Savannah real estate al rsaaonoble rates of Inter set BECKETT A BECKETT. It President atrast. sast. Mo\DK EXKC ITED By the American Bonding and Trust t onipany of Baltimore. We are author ised to execute locally (Imm dlately upon application), all bonda in Judicial pro ceedings In althrr tho state or Unlhd H ate* courts, and of administrators and guardians DF.ARINO A HULL Agents Telephone HI, Provident Building. noth B. Neither the master nor ctnnsignees of the British steamship Bn -htifdd. W. Jeffells. master, will be responsible for any debt# contracted by crew of said ves sel. J F MINIS A CO. Consignees NOTICE. Neither matter nor consignee* will be responsible for any dew* contracted by the crews of Norwegian bark* Russell, Sonora, or Norwegian ship Germanic. CHR O. DAHL A CX>., Consignees. rt AKMAi. t ITATIOJ*. ANDERSON.—The friend* and ae quatmancea of Mr ami Mr* M J An derson are Invited to attend the funeral of their daughter. Ethel E Anderson, from ihe family re*ktence at 11* McDon ough. west, this afternoon at 1 o'clock. BARNS—The relative* and friend* of rapt W N. Baron and of hi* sister. Mrs E C Zlttrauer. are respectfully Invited lo attend the fun• nil of the form* r at 107 Broughton atreet east, this afternoon at < o'clock Interment Bonaventure ceme tery EI.MORE —The friend* and acquaint in' e* of Lydia Elmore. F M. Gotten an.l Janie E.more. are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral of the latter, from her late residence. >1 Floyd street, at 4 | m New Orleans and Boston papers please copy MBXTinttl. •OLOtinV* ■ Hindi NO. 1. F. A A. *l. A regular communication of this lodge will be held at Masonic Tern X3f pie this (Thursday) evening at H 14 o'clock. The M M. Degree will be conferred Transient brethren and members of sis ter lodges fraternally Invites! to attend. JOHN W PARKER. W. M. J AS. R. CAIN. Secretary SPECIAL. XOTILES. LEVAN'S TABLE D'HOTE DINNERS. toe—DlNNEß—toe. Dinner 1 to Sand 6to 9. Thursday. Sept 6 Claret Wine. SOUP. Tomato. FISH Fillet* of Grouper au Cmirtholn. Potatoes ala Boulletes. Sliced Tomatoes. Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ENTREES Breast of Laimh ala Jardiniere. Macaroni ala Palermetalna. ROASTED. Prime Ribs of Beef. Fish Oravy. Veal with Dressing. VEGETA Bt.ES Mashed Potatoes. Asparagus Butter. Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. Candled Yams Butler Sauce. PASTRY AND DESSERT. * Lemon Custard Pie. Assorted Cakes, Cheese, Crackers. Tapioca Pudding. Wine Sauce. French Coffee. LEVAN S CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. PBEieUVC YOIH Slut IT By wearing glasses that not alona enable you lo see. bul corract every defect that may ex Is*. There la no guesswork In our methods We have ih* latest and moat approved acientlAc apparatus for accurate eye tast ing. We make no charge tor consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services of a physician ws will (rank ly tall you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value lo the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses ss a aids Una. DR M. SCHWAB A SON. Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street. N. B —Oculist prescriptions Ailed same day received. Repairing dona at atiort notice. SUFFER HO AA ITH DY'AFBFBIA. Having suffered with dyspepsia for a long time, one weeks stay at Suwanee Springs has entirely rured me. and J may nd food that I could never think of eat ing before, and I feel better than I have for years. 1 also suffered with catarrh, and from the effects of the water and sun. I know that If t could have remained three weeks and followed directions. It would hove cured me of It entirely also, and 1 take pleasure In recommending Ihe springs and its wonderful water to those suffering as I have. If they will only follow directions, and use the water freely, they will be cured. 1 have gained aeven pounds In the week, and shall never forget Suwanee Springe (W. H. F. DONNELLY. Druggist. Liberty and Price Sirens. Savannah. Ga. All you ran drink for Ac at Livingstons. TWO SOLID CARS Of "Babcock" sad "Oeorgla Pride." Bug. glee snd Runabouts Just received They are Ihe prettiest line of goods ever brought to Savannah The public la asked lo call and examine Ihe two lines. Price* are right. COHEA-KI LM AN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO., Rroaahton and West Broad Sts., Auburn and Cohen Special Wagon*. ~ NOTICE Clly of Savannah. Office Fire Department. Savannah. Ga.. Sept. 1. 1900. Proposal* for furnl*hlng Ihe Fire De partment with winter uniform* will be re ceived at the office of the undersigned until 11 o'clock m of Saturday. Sept. 22, 1800. SpeclAcalion* will be furnished upon application al the office of the Fire De partment. corner of Indian and We*l Broad alreets. any day between the hours of 8 a. m. and A p. tn All proposal* must be sealed and ad dressed lo Ihe Committee on Fire Uniform* to be delivered f o. h In Sa vannah on or before Oct. IS, 19**’ The committee reserve the rlghl to reject any and all proposal* or to award the contraol In part or as a whole. JOHN E MAGUIRE. Supt. NOTICE City of Savannah. Office Fire Department. Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 1. 1800 Proposal* will be received at the office of Ihe undersigned up lo 12 o'clock m of Saturday. Sept. I, lNf. for palming and stenciling Are alarm telegraph pole* All proposals roust be scaled and ad dressed to the Committee on Fire. The committee reserve the right to re ject gny or all*. JOHN E. MAGUIRE. Supt MATT'RENNES, MATTRESSES. Have your mattresses and feathers ran ovsted by our medicated steam practh before a change In weather take* place. (The only plant In Saiannah ) It over come* all Impurities and renew* life and volume In all bedding material. Prices on renovation of feathers a* follow* Bed* S3. AO. holsters tl. pillow* Mr. Cotton, moss and hair mattresse* made to order Fine work, low price*. Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING OP. Bell phone 11. Mi Urivton street. SPECI AL NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignee* of the British steamship Imaum will h* re. sponsible for any debt* contrasted hy ihe crew. STRACHAN * CO. Consignees. Savannah, Ga., Sept. A. IMS KODAKS Filins, Photo. Supplies, and Developing, Robin son's Bath Cabinets. If you have RHEUMATISM be sure and get a bottle of FRANK'S* RHEUMATISM CURE. It never fails. Price *1.50 bottle. When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON’S TWO PHARMACIES* 801 l and Ornsress. Branch 301 Bull Street. RHONE Sto. BOTH PHONES PHONE *M IN EXCELLENT SHAPE —FOR— Fine Laundry Work. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383. SPECIAL NOTICES. PH DC LAM ATKIN. City of Savannah. Mayor* Office, Aug an. I**l-The Sanitary Board. In accord ance with the provision* of an ordinance, p***.vt Aug. 2S. I Son, and entitled An ordinance to provide for the cutting and removal, or destruction of weed* and oth er rank vegetable growth growing on pri vate iwoperty within said limit*, to pro vide a penalty for non-compliance with the provision* hereof." etc., the sold Sun- Itary Hoard, having notified me that In the opinion of the board. It ts necesasry for the preservation of the health of the city to have cot and removed from private property In the atd city or lies*toyed thereon, weeds ami other rank vegetable growth, I do hereby Issue this, my proc lamation requiring the cutting and remov al of such weeds and other rank vegeta ble growth In accordance with the provi sion* of the following ordinance Any one falling to comply with Its provision* will be placed on the Information docket and fined Olven under my hand and the seal of the city of Savannah this. 30th day of Au guat. liW> HERMAN MYERS, (Seal.) Mayor. Attest; WM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council An ordinance to provide for the cutting I and removal or destruction of weed* and j other rank vegetable growth growing on j private property within said city limit*; [ to provide a penalty for non -compliance : with the provision* hereof, and to author j lie the city authorities to cut arut remove j and dentroy *uoh weed* and other rank vegetal!* growth at the expense of the 1 owner or owner* of the property on which It grows. Section 1. Be It ordained hy the Mayor land Aldermen of the city of Savannah. In ! Council assembled, That whenever the Sanitary Board of said city shall notify I the Mayor thereof that, In the opinion of j said board. It Is necessary for the preserv l aiton ot the health of the city to have cut and removed from private property In the said city, or destroyed thereon, weed* and other rank vegetable growth, the Mayor shall Issue hi* proclamation requiring the Immediate rutting and removal of such I weed* and other rank vegetable growth to | the properly line of aatd lot or the dost rue ' tlon of Ihe same by fire on such lot by the : owner or owner* of said property, or the . vgents of such owner* having charge of i such properly, an.l thereupon. If such needs and other rank vegetable growth l* not rut from such private property and re move*! to the property line of such prop ' efty or destroyed thereon hy fire artthtn ten daye after the first publication of said proclamation by the Mayor, then and In that event the ownerorowner* of said property, or th# agent thereof having Ihe same tn charge, shall, utun conviction In the Police Court of the city of Savannah, of a failure lo cut and remove such weed* and other rank vegetable growth within the time above named, he punished hy a fine tio. to exceed fifty (tot dollars, of Im prisonment not to exceed thirty tJO) day*, either or both In Ihs discretion of tha court. Sec. 2. Be It further ordained. That lit the event of Ihe failure of Ihe owner or owners, or Ihe agent of such property having charge of the same, as the case may b*. to cut and remove such we.dw and other rank vegetable growth or de stroy the amc within the time abov# named, then and In that event the NJayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, through the director of public works, shall, at the expensed the owner or own ers of such Isroperly, have the same cut and removed or destroyed. Sc- J. Be It further ordained. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with this ordinance are hereby re pealed. UEYTT DISC OUST SO TICK. TOC WILL IAVB TK* FEB CENT. By partus sour bills su us toe. (ore the lath teat. a. H. LETT a OHO. UUSqtITUKS will aol trouble )• •( you waa SIIOOMI SHEET. It is a pleasant perfume. ME I,DF.It M A la a toilet powder that laataatly dis pels the disagreeable odors arising from perspiration. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM ■ Ives quick rellof for ain burns and skin troubles. •OLOMONS DO. I XHUE WARKHOt -I. AMD OF FICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on W<at Bread, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos As they will gy* up business in the city on June 1. I of fer It tor rent from that date H. P. SMART IMb MAI TO CLEAN CARPETS. Thu only way to get your carpet* prop, tr y taken up. cleaned and taken -are of for tha summer Is to turn the Job over to the Dtairlct M-saig r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call al 32 Montgomery stt##:, snd they will moke you an esti mate on the cost of th* work Prices teas >rai |e They also puck, moy# and store furniture and rlanos C. a MEDLOCK, Supt. and Mgr SPARKLETS Make* Foda Water at home. Craphophones Hold and repaired. EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. 11.00 that o h r charge 42 40. AMI'hEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATER. SATURDAY SEPT 8. NOTHING 111 T FI X. McFADDEN’S row or FLATS. Every thing New star Cast of Fa mou* Singer* I'amer* and Comedian* Not <>ne Dull Moment' DDIPt? Ea’tnec. adult*Mk- children Mr rmuto Night t r&< so. *nd a*. RtglNEda NOTICES. THIS MARK I9 the mark of merit. You will find it on Flour. Hams, Canned Goods and various staple groceries. And ev erywhere it appears it means “Best.” Ask for the “Diamond B” and you will never be disappointed. THt s. i. ucn a, Cor. flroufthton anil Whitaker. HOT If I'llo**:* TI. ARE WE BOXERS? Ye*. We box Ihe best STER LING BILVEH. CUT GLASS and JEWELRY; and our name on the box Is a guarantee of the merit of the good* Inside WED DING PRESENTS unite to be a specialty with u*. Hunter & Van keuren, JEWELERS. Ga Phone Ml 143 Rul| street. We Invite Competition No that oar work may be ap preciated. SPECIAL NOTICES. BtY ONLY THE REST GINGER ALE. The best I* the Whealer Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos.. oi Beifaat. Ireland, from toe celebrated Crutuut opting. of tnat city. Toes* springs are the property of Wheeler A Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac tuier in Ireland ha* thoee waters bul themselves. Th# Wheel-r Ginger Ale Is made from purs Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; on# la deleterious—lhe other Is a ionic. For Heallhfulnea* snd Purity th* cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Al* Is the beat. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agents. Bsvnnnah. Oa. PL.AbTEHKR#' AND NASONS’ NIP PLIES. Cement. Lime, Plaster, Hslr and River Send. Prompt delivery Hsmonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton snd Congress Phone 418. LIME. CEMENT. PLANTER. We have Ihe largest slock of the beet good*. Get our price* before you pay more to other*. ANDREW HANLET COMPANY. NOTICE. ©By of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council Savannah. Ga.. Sept 4. |tm Bid* Will be received at this office until 12 o'clock m Friday. Sept XI 1840 for furnishing the Police Department with winter uniform*, ecordlng to specific*:- lion* to he eeen at the police barrack* The right Is reserved to reject any or all bld - WM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council. LEOPOLD ADLER. JtlO. K. DILLON President. Cashier C T ELLIS. BA!RON CARTER. Vice President. 3a*t. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH will be pleased to revelv, the account* of Merchant*. Firm*. Individual*. Car.ka. and Corporation* Liberal favors extrnded. Unaurpaaaed collection fadlltte* promp returns SEPmUHVIKISDEHRTIIEIIT IVTfc.HL.VT COHPOI'NDUO ftI'AHTER. I.Y ON DEPOSITS, Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults rent Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bail U- tIIA.WAU. , CAPITAL. £500,000. Iraawuu - (.<*„. t,,,;.,,, ■ aalaeaa. hut lull* Accounts ad ludlvldaat* Mereksau, ttaaka aud albas Carp*, ratios*. bo.*!,* with oufrty tvsaeur onrf iUsateh. Mnpouaiti qaortrrlg allowed OI deposits la eat gavl* n Uapartaxout. •**•• Mas., aad d10e... gH.4NTI.RY A. DENMARK. Proaldcax. HILLS B. LANE. V|o* rrwU„ L SKOHtiE C. FREEMAN. Cash!*. HOhPON L, OHOOVKK. AaaL task!.*, southern Tank of th* biota ot Georgia Capital 1*00,040 Surplus and undivided profits Hoi ObO UEmnunv or the state of GEORGIA. Superior faclltiiM lor transacting a General nankin* Business. Collections made on all points accessible through banka and hankers. Account* w t Banks, iLnkeis. Met.Hants and others sollutiad. Sate Deposit* tor rent. Department of Saving*, Interest payable quarterly. Sells Sterling Exchange on London a and upwards JOHN FI.ANNKRT, President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vice President JAMES BIT.I.IVAN c,hler directors ■ JNO FLANNERY. WM. W OORDON E. A WEIL W. W GORDON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERB JOSEPH FERBT H P SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBY Mail M MCI CAPITAL. #.190,000. Accounts of hanks, merchants, corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid quarterly. Safety Box** and Storag* Vaults foe rent. Collections mad* on all points al rta ! sonabl* rates. Draft* soU on all th* chief cllls* of tbs 1 world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vies President. W F. McCAULEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital CO■ | Undivided protit# 40. (Mi Thl* bank offers Its services lo corpora tlona. merchants and Individuals. lla* authority to act as executor, ed mlntetrator, gu-iidlati etc. l*eu< drafts on ibe principal cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on th* Continent Inter-*' raid or compounded quarterly on dsprslt* in the Savings Department Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, Pr.el lent. GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vice President JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F HOGAN. Ass'* Cashier No IMO. Chartered, IM4. —THE— HIS Mill H OF SAVANNAH i CAPITAL. 440,0). SURPLUS. 119,00 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A G. CARSON. I'ra-ld-nt. BEIIINK GORDON. Vice President. W. M DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of bank# and banker*, mer chant* end enri-oratlons received up n the moe’ favorable term# conelstent sdth safe and conservailve banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 4 PER CENT, per annum allowed oa deposits, withdrawable on demand Inter est credited quarterly. # PER CENT per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, withdrawable at annual periods. GEO. W TIEDEMAN. President. B H LEVY. Vice President. E. W. BELL. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR , Treasurer OFFICE. IS YORK STREET. WEST. FOR RENT," from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Heal Estate and Im provement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET. EAST If Newspaper MM For aale. a Forsalth Newspaper FoiJen will fold sheet J-xG. It to In good order. Price 800. It coat origins Hr .U. h"' w# bavs no us* for It sod want the room tl occupies. It will be an In valuable adjuact M *V. newspaper office. AOdreae MORNING NEWS, IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed * and printed stationery and blank boohs tram Morning Newe, Savannah, Ga.