The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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WILL HAVE ANNUAL SHOOTS. m r(RM or the corrwiT seem* TO IIOE 4MIHED THEM. jxlrrnt la ■ bootl* larmirt k> ilir Stair Skoal—All th® Visitor* W ®r® tirrsily Imprrasrd, and Thar Arr lir.trnua ol Tr> laa It Ovrr Aral Trar—Ko omplaiuta Hrlatlvr to tbr Shoot Harr Brea Madr. Soar ol Ihr Crark Shota Want Matrhra Übrrr thr Aattnaallloa Mas Br to). Intrrrft In rlflr practice ha undoubtedly rarrived a decided Impelua from the state .hoot that has Just closed. All Savannah waa inlrre*td In the events that were on the programme, and the result, vic tory (or Savannah teams In every match, was deeply gratifying. This, however, was nut little more than had been expected, us It was generally supposed that Savan nahians would win all save the carbine .ontest. which. It waa thought, would go to the Governor a Horae Guard from At .ante. The visiting soldiers have gone home. Nola murmur about the treatment re ceived In Savannah was heard. On the contrary, the members of the teems were profuse In their expressions of satisfac tion. and It waa plain enough that noth ing would please them belter than an op portunity to return for another match. During the conteats there was but one protest made. This was upon a shot fired by a member of the Oeorgta Hussars' carbine tram during the match with the Horae Guard. The marker had wared his red flag. Indicating a miss, but. when rung up by the range telephone and asked to examine the target carefully, hr raised the red disc to Indicate a four. t'apt. Hope of the Horse Guard did not think the four should count, and entered a formal pnoteat. t'apt. C. H. Richard son was range officer, and his ruling was in favor of the Hussars, as the marker had shown the four disc. Yesterday morn ing Col. George T. Cann received a letter if explanation from Capt. Richardson rel ative to the matter, giving the flltmea of several officers who could certify to the correctness of the stand he had taken rel ative to the shot. Col. Cann sustained tne range officer's ruling The score could not have been appre ciably altered by the ruling, for the Hus sars' team led the Hors® Guard by 11 points Had the four been counted as 0. as would have been the case had the marker not corrected his error, the lead would atilt ha’ e be. n 7 points. Their defeat was taken by the Horse Guards In goad part. They naturally felt It rather keenly, as they had worked hard and hoped for victory In the carbine con test, whatever else they might do. Cwpt Hope and the members of the team seem ed to think that the Savannah shots could not always have things thetr own way. and two or three of the team were heard io soy that they would be her® again next year to try conclusions with the local marksmen. From the interest that ts so thoroughly In evidence 111 rtlle practice. It weme a certainty that there will be annual eon tests In the future. Col Phil O. Byrd seemed to have no other Idea thnn that the mutch would be followed hy others He so expressed himself when on the range dav before yesterday. The Ooy ernor. doubtless, can be made to take the sttne view of the matter. If. indeed, nr .toes not already hetteve that It ta high ly essential that the troops should every car have the advantage Of the emula non and interest that ts inspired by match*# Considerable disparagement of the orig inal nmmunitton used In the shoot was heard.'many of the crack shots declaring the* they would never again enter o mat h. hi which It was stipulated that Mi. h ammunition should be used. It is claimed that the cartridges are thorough ly unreliable, and that no dependence lan lie placed In them They are likely to < arry to the point at which the rifle l- aimed, or they may miss It hy several feet. The crack shots are accustomed to shoot cartridges loaded hy the Winchester people, or hy themselves, and they want to he allowed to do the same thing .it matches. Then, they say. all would have the same chance, for fhey could load their cartridges themeelvee or buy the best on the market. Itulleyes could then be made and reliance could he felt In the ammuni tion. Col. Cann was asked about this point He said that original ammunition should h® used In state contests, for the obvious reason that they are held for the Instruc tion of the troops. It te with original am munition that the troop* are supplied In case they are ordered out. and for this reason they should he accustomed to Its owe. In mldttlon. there la the considera tion of the comparative Inexperience of some of the companies in the slate ser vice In rifle pro.tic®. Many of them know nothing about Finding ammunition, and It would be unfair to give the more expert and hotter Informed teams the palpable advantage they would enjoy on thl* ac count. Col. Cann made the concession, how ever. of the advisability of having n spe cial match for the crack teams that might desire to enter It with their own ■mmnntfian. Thl* might settle the con tention shout the matter of cartridges, and, leaving an opportunity for the best shot* <o show what they eould do with their own ammunition, adjust the vary ing views and Induce those who have sold they would never enter another original ammunition match to reconsider their de termination. The Charles Marka medal's dlsnosltlon has not yet been settled. It Is probable, however, that It will go*lo the man who made the highest score In the inmnsny twitch. That was Private Henry Mcln tosh of Company O of the Albany Guards The highest score In the regimental match was won by Capi. Thomas Hunter, who shot on the First Cavalry team. His score was !?. AT THK THKATKR. “ttcFadden's Him of Flat**' Mar ■lay** Attraction. The r#|c of seats for "McFaddrn's Row of Flala,” Saturday matinee and night, wtll begin this morning. The matinee Prb ea are SO centa. and 25 renin for chil dren. The night price* are 25, SO, 7S cent* *nd sl. The raM of characters com prise* such artist* as McWaterg and Tyson. Harry Wntson, Bobby Ralston, Frederick brothers, Jennie Lament, Jerry Bulllvan. John Price, Ima Thomas. Alonso t.ang and a doaen others The vaudeville features are all of the most attmetive kind and a large chorus give* added effeeg to the musical number*. The funny dwarfs sllr up things gener ally. the burlesque on Bou*a and his hand Is laughable, while the billy goal continue* to Indulge In hi* suw-du*t diet with n tin can on the aide, and Inciden tally double* up with Ale* and George In response to the alarm of Are. There *r* many other things that keep one In ol humor, not forgetting the trearh ’ roua stairs which seemingly take a fall out of each member of the company. Xsl Barber Fields. James H. Fields, barber In Paul Perry - * tooaorlal parlor a: Whitaker and Utterly •treets. asks the Morning Newt to state that he Is not the James H. FleMs who ** oresigned In Police Court, upon the ‘'barge of stealing an umbrella from Jack- Matager dr Cos. Barber Field* Is a flrwt-’iasa man in hls line, and h has a good reputation for honesty. Perfect Balance jl Of mind and body waa the Roman I idea of perfect health. They de fined this balance as "a sound H mind in a sound body.” A weak I or sickly body tends to drag doom J the mind to its own level. Keep I the body in health and the inind will take care of itself. The health of thfbody depends mainly on two thing*: A sound stomach and pure ■ blood. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med ical Discovery preserves the bal ance of health, because it makes f the stomach strong and the blood pure. People who had not had a i well dav in years, nervous of body, | depressed of mind, have been per- I fectly cured by the use of "Golden f Medical Discovery.” ■ During the summer and fill of l*q£ I ff became all nm down." writes Charles It 11 Sergeant. Esq .of Plain City Midtson Cos.. 1 Ohio. * nerve* were oat of order sod atom, ff sch was oat of order I wrote to Doctor II Pierre for advice He said I had general 11 debility, and advised Dr Pierce t Golden fj Medical Discovery 1 If used six bottle*, and U since 1 ’topped taking m —. fl H. about one year ago. If I hare not taken any \ ) W medicine of any kind. J and So tv Sera sk/ lo swi evert day My / . M*” ■ appetite is good tdo jf -, I JT'' VU'/aEm nol feel that burning / in the stomach after / rating and my blood KT ~> \ . jTtTJ. and nerves arr in good Dr. Pierce's Med- pM' . -Ik ical Adviser, paper R s \ covers, is sent free r Wi'V.H on receipt of 21 one- P Y‘ stamps to pay expense of mailing MwJiimifTlr only. Address Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, NY. - LOCAL PERSONAL. Mr. 8. A. Dorr of Augusta ts registered at the Pulaski. Mr. D. MrEachln of Cordet* la a guest of lh- Srri-vvn. Mr. It. W. l.lllllott of Sapelo la a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. C. N. Walker of Altph Is register ed at the Pulaakl. Mr. r. H. Watt of Columbia ts regis tered at the Screven. Mr John Menders n of Tampa Is regis ter* dat the Pulaski. Mr. J. N. Tupplna of Altamaha la a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. John C Mcßae of Moultrie ia reg istered at the Pulnskt. Mr. L C. Pennell of Malden Branch Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Charles D. Kline la expected home from New York Saturday. Mr. 8. Blnsw ing. r left vlvtis Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Detroit. Mr H. A. Cannon of Waycroa* regis tered at the Screven yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCallum of Pem broke are guest* of the S-reven. Mr A J. Oarfunkel wl I sail for New York to-day on the Kansas City. Mr J. A McAllister left via tha Plant System yesterday for Wilmington. Mr W T Ptoetor left via the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Portsmouth. Mr C A. MacAte# left via the Seaboard Air Line yewterday for Tampa. Kin. Mr. J. T Mann of Perry * Mill* was registered et the Pulnskl yesterday. Mr. J. E. Melton of Blarney was among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Measrs. R Manson and R D. Wylly of Darien are registered at the Pulaski. Miss Marie Ray left Yesterday for New York for a three months' visit to relatives. Mr G R. Youmans of Waycross was among the arrival! at the Pulaakl yester day. Mr. B B Stoke* of Early Branch was among the guests of the Screven yester day. Mr. John Morrison of Ella bell was among the guesta of the Pulaski yester day. Mr. W. A. Wooten of Mr. Vernon was among the arrivals yesterday at the Pu laski. Mr J. B. Geiger of Mt. Vernon was In the city yesterday and stayed at the Pu laski Mr. A. R Roger* of Moultrie was In the city yesterday and stayed at the Pu lc*kl Miss McLaws was among the passengers of the Plant System yesterday for Balti more. Mr C. M. Sheffield of Camden was In the city yesterday, and stayed sit the Screven. Mr W. D. Slmkln* ha* returned from a month’s stay to the mountains of Penn sylvania. Mr. I>. B Morgan and family have re turned to the city after spending the agtn. imr at Tybee. Dr T. P. Waring was among tha passen gers of the Southern yesterday for Blue Mountains. Maryland. Mr John H. Fox and family have re turned from a several weeks' trip to Blaek Mountain. N. C. Mr. L. J. Maxwell, manager of the Western Union Telegraph offlee. returned yesterdny from his vacation, which he spent In New York and at the resorts. Messrs. F. T. Scruggs. 8. E. Ives, Jr., and P. T. Siemens of Orlando reached Savannah yesterday en route for New York, for which they will leave to-day on the Kansas City. Capt. G. A Gordon ha* returned from a thiee-snonth*' trip to England atel the continent. He visited Purl*. Rome. Vien na. Moscow. Berlin and many other cities, returning by way of England, where he spent some weeks with friends at their country places. A V\ Ml It t%' K l> cot RT. Hearing In the Mrllpln Marsh lalnml t aw Hrgnn. The hearing of the Injunction ault of Henry McAlptn. A. C. MeAlpin and oth ers ngnlnst Abe Gross, Tom Cross and Alonso William* and Ada Jackson was begun In the Superior Court yesterday. The plaintiffs are members of the well known MeAlpin family, while the defen dant* are negroes. A temporary restraining order was granted by Judge Palligant recently re straining the defendants from removing Mind or otherwise trespassing upon Me- Alpin or Morsh I s'and, formerly known ns Hog Island, which lies In the river Just above Hutchinson Island. A* the owners of the Islsnd the plaintiffs claim tS . at the defendants hud no' right to re move ssml or otherwise interfere with Ihelr property without their consent. The defendsni* claim that they did not tress pass upon the Island, but thwl the sand laken by them w* from a natural sand br in the river adjacent to the Island. The sand bar la claimed by the plaintiffs, however. •* a Pr< of the island Itself. The hearing la likely to be a lengthy one aa ll Involves some neat |>oint* of law a* to the e*lent to which. riparian owners may lay claim lo accretion* to their property by natural causes. Messrs. R R Hlchard* ami W. I- GUtßiUatt rep resent the plaintiff* and A. A. Lawrence, Esq.. the defendant*. J THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER fi, ISKK). THE WEATHER. Forecast for Thursday and Friday: Georgia: Partly cloudy Thursday with showers In southern portion: Friday rain and cooler: northeasterly winds, becom ing high, dangerous northeast gules prob ably on the c.iast by Thursday night. Eastern Florida: Haiti Thursday and Friday: dangerous northeast galea. Yesterday's Weather at 8-ivannah— Maximum temperature 2 p m .. Wi degrees Minimum temperature 9 a. 71 degrees Mean nmierature M> and. gre* Normal temperature 79 degrees Exeeaa of temperature 1 degree Accumulate <1 exc< aa since 8 pt. 1 6 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan I „ 95 degrees Rainfall Trace Normal .73 Inch Excess since Sept. 1 1 2k Incite* Ihdleiency since Jan. 1 7.79 Inches River Report—The hight of the Savan nah river at Augusta, at It a m (7Mh mer idian time) yesterday, wa 7.0 feet, no change during the preceding twenty-four hours Cotton region bulletin. Savannah, Ga., for the twenty-four hour* ending at 8 a m . meridian time, Sept. 5. IW iMaitun* 01 t Maa.i kib.,iuil Savannah district. ITem.lTem.l fall Alapaha. On., cloudy .j to | 72 | .64 •Albany, clear 1 92 ! 72 j .00 Atnvrtou*. cloudy j 83 99 .00 I tain bridge, clear | ta* 72 | .00 Eastman, partly cloudy.) 90 99 j .00 Fort Gaines, cKar j *0 | t .00 Gulnesvllle. Fla . clear..., *6 | 71 j St Mtllen, Go., clear i 92 j 00 j .00 Quitman, partly cloudy...| # | 71 | T Savannah, clear j M j 73 .84 Thomasvllle, clear 9ft 74 .04 Waycroo*. clear ...j US 72 j .00 •Re-i ivtd too late (or telegraphic uv*r ages. Special Texas Rainfall Report*— Ree vllle, lit: Blanco, trace; Rrenhnm, .01: Columbia. .82; Houston, trace; laimpasa*. .90; Lullng, .00, Sherman, trace; Tempi®. .12; Waco, trace; t'orpuw Christ!, 1.16: Galveston, 36. !|IJil. AV( No. | 1 1 Sts- Max 1 Min 'Rat* Central Stations. |tlons Tem.lTera.l falL AGanta .TT7rr.T7T...Tj 12 B*“f 98 f*. * Augueta j It ; OS j 00 j .09 Charleston j & Mt |72 j .00 Galveston | 28 ; 92 72 | .10 Little Rook | 13 ! 92 | 70 | T Memphis | 16 . 9n | 7n | .00 Mobile | 10 90 7<> .01 Montgomery | 8 1 #2 j oh |,t New Orleans | 15 ; 91 72 T Savannah | 12 D| 71 .15 Vicksburg | 11 j 92 j 70 | .00 Wilmington j 10 : 90 1 oh j .01 Remarks. —No m.ttrrlal in t*m fM*r tirr; scatter**} showers, except no rain over the VJrkshurß, Montgomery. AuiviihU. Charleston an*) Memphis clis irlcts. Observations taken at the mime mo rn* ni of time at all stations. Sept. B. 19U0. ft p. nv. 75th meridian time: Names of Stations. | T |*V Rain. Horton, clear f72 "j” j .00 New York elty. dear *...f 7*l | 12 j .00 I'hllndelphla, dear K 2 { I, J .00 Wnshtnicton city, dear ... KO t | .00 N*irfolk. clear ; ?#& J ft .on HatUraf, clojr 74 | I* j on Wlimlnjfton. dear \ 7ft J I* | oa Charlotte, clewr ftj L* j .00 Raleigh, clear NO j L | .t§ Charleston, dear ' fO io j ,oo Atlanta, clear } ftJ ft jno Augusta, clear J S3 | L j oo Bavdioah. pt. cloudy ....j 7r T Jacksonville, pt. cloudy ..j 74 j .22 Jupiter, raining i, 7; j M 122 Key West, cloudy 7ft ft } 04 T.imfwi. cloudy 7ft j 14 Ift Mobile, clear ft.’ 12 | .(io Montgomery, eleur j 4 j L# j .00 Vicksburg, and ar j ftft ft j no N*wr Orleans, clear } M I* W Oaiveston. pt. cloudy ftl Ig jOl Corpus Christ I. cl only ..ft> j L* .Ift Palestine, clear .* ( ftl L* J 0 Memphis, clear /....} ftft j L j .do C ncinnatl. clear ftft | Ig j oo IMttsburg. pt cloudy Wl j Ig on Buffalo, cloudy | 71 | II j ivtrolt. e'ear J 7ft j 10 .00 Chicago, clear j M 24 .00 8t Paul, clear j ftft j ft .00 Davenport, clear j ftft j ft { oo Ht I/OuH. clear ....j ftft | ft Kansas City, clear j fU j ft j .oo Oklahoma clear | ftl j ft f no iKMlge city, clear j ftft j 10 j .00 North Platte, clear | m | Ig .60 M.irqut t<<—Missing T. for temperature; V. for velocity. H. B Boyer. Loool Forecast Official FOURTEEN FU KD RECORDER. tad Were Mrird Oat Vnrj-lna Prn- Irarrt ti-rurdlna to Offmarß. Fourteen prisoners apprared before the Recorder yesterday. but the cases of only a few were of more than passing Inter est. Mike Welch. P. T. Murphy and another tr in named F. F. Cannon, who were ar rested shortly before court convened, all of whom were charged with taking rum In the theft of a soda water fountain from J. C. Ray. were discharged. The case of Miller, charged with moving from the city to LeUnlgevllle the dead body of an Infant without having secured a permit to do so. was continued. The removal of the body took pinch the latter part of last month. James H. Fields, the n-gro charged with stealing fans from Messrs. Jackson. Mets ger A Cos., was ndjudged guilty and sen tence.! to pay tl& or go up for thirty days. He paid the tine. Annie Conroy, a white woman, who says that she Is 50 years old. was arrested the night before on the charge ot being drunk and disorderly, was seiH to the lock-up for ten days, as she was shy the S3 that would have secured her freedom The seslii fountain case In which Can non, Murphy and Welch figured resulted In the finding of the fountain rut In ptcees at the Moore Metal Company's place of business on Bay street. The fountain, whlrh was of copper, had been stored In Cnnnon's place near the Tybee deriot It was removed by Murphy and Welrh and taken to th Moore .Metal Compuny and sold. Mr. liay says, for ft and was then broken up to be remelted for the copper. Cannon sold that he bought the fountain from his predecessor In business Mr. Ray says the fountain cost, when pew. 336. and was stamped with hla name. He proposes to recover. If possible. Its value. Trustee'* Resignation Accepted. An order was Issued by Judge Falllgant In the Superior Court yesterday accept ing the resignation of St Julian de Cnr radoun as substituted trustee of the trust estate created by the marriage settlement of Kmlly Waring and Bt. Julian de Cars rsdMK. The trust estate, which orlg- H 'CT E l J k Bs f Kfh M B 4 JffF% EiLW J p Tt Kits, Mice, Cockroaches, Etc-, eat K I Stearns’ Electric Paste I Band die. It consumes their bodies |Jg Icives no odor* (I I ** All OEAllftt, 25 CENTS A BOX. H STRAND CICCTMIC CO.. ■ 3..\, CHICAGO. iU* % DR. STEDMAN S Teething Powders The Famous Aid to Hat* and Palnlew Teettiing. fW mo#Arr I tk* %*+rUt for ewverly ,* ymri. IK NTEIVMAN havtug open*! a Imncti ofllr* in A m+rtem,odium*!#raQv rrxfurv* there*# of lime juwitj reiebratod powder* l"bey arr put up In ysilow ttfwp prre. Tbe trad* mark. * gun* Woo* I, T R MARK Is on every oackri gru*. on every powder, wtibmit wbteh nocw M gvnuinr a packet pow trm V> crn** At your druegtet at. or raallmt on rrxwtpi *f prim. sont for bookWi ••/#r NterfiNun a Ifirmry A>rfnr a<Miw 4. a. Mm.%% ii.ri'M. Writ J-Ka.aa M., UrmenUM, I'hlU . Pm ffoM hy TeTPPMAN Pnoff AVAnnnh. Oa Inally of n lot In R.tvannnh. hnvlng hrrn converted Into ciih and tn veot'd In h renidence now occupied by •he fnmlly In rharleston, there m no lonjct r any nremlty for th service of a trustee. I'ntertnliimritt at late of Hope. Over IrtO people went out to Harbee A Handy** at Isle of Hope l.iet night to wttnese the cinematoscope exhiblthwk and attend the d;tnce n*l Kurrsini contest. The clnefnAtosc>pe pb’tures i%-re from • • and U o’clock, unit ofter that un til o'clock. The cutgliss. silver mounted pitcher, wan won hy Mt M.irie Hcovell, on fuem of 317. .inl will be de livered at the K & \V laundry offlee thts morning. dllTlllsWOtll) WAI At 4| I ITTEI). p * ro Then Arrenteel for Threaten- Inn Prsiersting witness. Beaufort, 8. C.. Sept. 5.-Henry Bythe wood. Indicted for the crime of bitruUiry, was tried here yesterday. The negro en tered the houw* of one Binffleton in the nikht time and purloined a goid watch and chain, revolver, M in mom*y and nu vnerous trinkets, all of which, with the exception of tho money, were subsequent ly found In Dythewood'a possession on hii premises. The prisoner defended himseif. de nounced the entire* negro race, and claim ed that his grandfather was a white- man and a prominent citizen of Hamilton rbunty. He also stated that he had shot and killed a negro for nttemtdlnic to as sault the wife* of his whtt employer. The Jury returned a e-uled verdict of "not fcullty.** The verdict was an unexpected one. Alter his release the necro went delib erately from the court room on Bay street and threatened to burn the premise* of ami murler Rlnglcton. the prosec minx witness in the case axalnat him He was promptly arrested under a peace warrant and committed to the county Jail in de fault of Imll. Judge Watts stated that during: his lon* experience on tho bench he had never tried u clearer cans, and it was his Arm conviction thut the man was guilty of the crime with which he was (barged. By the wood is n desperate character. Soialti • sroilns ( ottos. CoiumMa. Hept. S.—Karly cotton shows no improvement, und will do no more than mature the crop of bolls It now hears, but late at ton is again growing, blooming, and fruiting. Shedding has ceased, and there Is le*s premature open ing Beo Island cotton hns attained but half its usual alge. and Is blooming to the lop. Picking rotioo is general and ! being pushed since the cooler weather set in; some fields have been picked over once. There is complaint of a scarcity picker*. Teeth I iaa. Teethlna was first used by Dr. Charles J Moffett, a graduate of Jefferaon Medi cal College. Philadelphia. Pa., in his ex tensive and succ* ssful treatment of chil dren In Cleorgia in overcoming the trou bles Incident to t*ethlng and the hot sum mers. Teethlna (Te ihing Powders) counter acts the (T**ct of hot w’*athT and keepa the digestive organs in a healthy condl dltlon. and has saved the lives of thou sands f t children in many parts of thl.- •tat# where physicians prescribe and all mothers give It, and It Is criminal In mothers of out section to allow their hat*a and little children to suffer and I* rhap>* die when relief can be so easily obtained by giving Teethlna —ad See your agent at once as to dates and rates by the Besboard Air Line Railway to the annual convention of the Nations! Baptist Association (colored), at Rich mond. Va. These rates are open to everybody—ad. "Anew line of eßgant Are. proof safes from the largo-: manufaelursrs In the United States can be sen at Llppmun Bros, wholesale druggists In this city I’rt. o and quality will be of Interval.'' —ad. The rates are cheap, the route direct and service unsurpassed by the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the annual conven tion of the National Baptist Association, at Richmond. Sept. 12-30. These rates nre open to everybody —ad. I'uiildina'■ Pippin rider. This celebrated pure, apple Juice cider, made In Long Island, can be had In pint or quart bottles, direct fiom the manufac turers. with thetr own stamp, at Lippman Brothers. Druggists, Savannah. Ua —ad. Tha Plant System egeurslon train to Charleston leaves Savannah at 6:30 a. m Sundays, tickets are sold at ona dollar for the round trip.—ad. - ■■■■ I.M*AI. HOT I IK*. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas Thomas Screven has applied to Court of Ordinary for letter* of admlnls trntlon. cum testamento snnexo, on the estate of Georgia II Screven, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern lo be and appear before mid court to make objec tion (If nny (hey have) on or before the ttrst Monday In October, next, otherwise said letters will hr- granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L Ferrtll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the Ith day of September. ISO FRANK H KKILRACH. Clerk C. 0.. C. C. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM OOUNTY- Notlce Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Frank T. Lincoln, late of said county, deceased, to present them tome, properly made out. within fhe lime prescribe I by law. to as to allow their character nnd amount; and atl per sons indebted to said deceased are re qulre<] to make Immediate payment to me. Savannah, tie Sept 4. 1900. JORDAN F BROOKS. County Administrator. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas Abraham Rundhaken has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlsw ory as administrator upoo the estate of O Helene Rundhaken. deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to be arid appear before said court lo make objec tion (If any they have) on or before the Aral Monday In January next, otherwise raid letters will be gtanted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. l errlU. ordinary for Chatham county, this the sth day of September. 130). FRANK E KKII.BACH, Clerk C. 0., a C. CLASSIFIED AUVtKiISEMENTS. rß a ax. "BWEAR NOT." BUT HAVE YOUR rsior ground, tinned. *et and mad* to shava easy and mooth. by the old *x pertenml liarher. 2* Kan Broughton. Hotr. Jrwetry and Hhavlng Suiqily House The place for raaor* mad* to shave, remem ber that .ill w’laaora and shear* with Fegea'n name on are all ateel made. n.l are sharpened free of charge; ha r her rhalt* for sale or rent; Nirber *hoi>a bought and sold. V SHOULD RKK MII.U'.IiH FtJßNl ture; newest si vie. far hedraom. dining room. pnrlor. In nnk. walnut ami mahog any: Miller * prices and term* ara rea sonable. 2OT Broughton, west. TRY THE MILK FROM 81'RINCL flcld Dairy, (is rich, pure and whole some. Tie r* la none h tter. “LADIES. SAFE HOME REMEDY f'lreular and particulars free. P. O. Box 30HH, Boston, Mass. ’ r ri|( WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last. C. P. Miller, Agent ”lf SHOULD SEE MILLER'S NEW atylea In carpet*, mailing, window shade*, art squares, rug*, lace curtain*, etc.; Miller'* price* and term* arc reasonable 3OT Broughton, west. fine hicefiki.d i Attn at "Ra kar'a." every day; best ot all other meat* In market IF ITS RUOi YOU WANT, YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGillls. KIMIIAIJ.B ANTt-H HE U M A TI C ring*, th’Hisand* using them and all ben efited. Gardner's Baaaar. agl 114* BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKBRS. ladies' *lae; large assortment of rocker*, couches and easy chairs. C. P. Miller, Agent. “RING UP MM IF You WA NT TO have your furniture moved or parked for •hlpmenl or etcrage; I guarantee price* the same ne 1 do tha work that's given to me A. 8. Griffin. 114 Rroughton street, west: mattresses made lo order. V~ SHOULD SEE MILLER S - OFFIOB desk*, office table*, office chair*, office matting, office shade* C. P. Mlilee, Agent. “FLORAL DESIGNS. PALMS AND CUT flower*, at Gardner'l Bataar, agent fur Oelachlg'* Nursery, U WILL SOON MOVE AN!. U WILL certainly netd something In my line; U will nave money by trading with me C. P Miller. Agent. M'GILLIS BELteb SIXTY INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. ” BEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. M OILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NET* lace curtain*, hammock*, water cooler*, pillow*, picture*. *tov*a. bedroom *uile*. and furniture of every desert;*ton Ot'ARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN. |L At Gardnrr* Baaaar. HTyOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF’ Stlffel A Freeman have a standing offer of 31.009 for every safe of their make thnt doe* nol preserve It* content*. One safe wa* tn burning debris 113 hour*. When taken out, the hose had to be turned on It. When opened, not a page waa dis colored, not a re. Prd lost, not a ilollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Stlffel) A Freeman safe. C. P. 31 liter, Agent. moillis- da ns curtains wTLI beautify your parlor. U — SHOt'U* BEND TOCR ORDERS for tuning and repairing pisnoa and or gans to W. P Manning, with C. P Mil ler. Agent, prompt attention to out-of town orders. C. P Miller. Agent. SPECIALTIn'UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers, ladles' sixe. at 32 ; J. W. MOILLIS MOVES. - PACKS. SHIPS and store* pianos and furnllurs; best work only: no "Chssp-John" prices—no "Cheap- John" Jobs. tr skouLD bee'miller's stdTfih and ranges, the best makes at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller. Agent WHEN TOU SEE MOILLIS' BIXTT- Inch cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help It. will aell In any quan tity. ' "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." ta a specialty with Mtillda 1 SHOULD SEND ME YOUR OR. derwforupholeteringparlorsnd dining room furniture In leather, ellk and other fab rlca. In the best manner, curled hair, moss and cotton mattresses renovatcl. all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed. C. I* Miller. Agent. PULLEY BELTS. Or. RUCKLES l\ aluminum shirt set. 10r, al Gardner's Its soar. OLD NEWSPAPERS. SO for B can Ia al Rust ness t imes Morning New* kkllitAL LADIES' I'llltllc.Hiait g ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Sate, re liable Take no other. Send 4c stamisi for particulars. ''Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mall. Aek your druggist Chichester Chemical Cos.. I’hllada.. Pa. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF TOUR fest are troubling you. call on me and I will glva you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pstn; chargee reasonable; can give the best references In lbs city; pa tients treated at reetdences; orders can ha left at Livingston's drug store. Hull arid Congress street*; telephone 233 Lem Davis, surgeon rhtronndlst HEM* W BRICKMASGNS WANTED TO GO IN the country. Apply Immediately at Rep pa rd. Hnedeker A Co.'s Lumber Yard. ■ WANTED. FOR UNITED STATES army, aide b. died unmarried men be: wean ages of 21 and 36. cltlsens of United States, of good charm-tar and tempera's habits, who can speak, rsd and writs English. Recruits are specially desired for service In Philippines For Informs Hon apply lo r- tuPl' g office, 303 st'-'s:. Savannah. Ga HELP WASTED—FEMALE. WANTED. GOOD WASHERWOMAN Apply between 3 and 2 o'clock at 2905 Wbleaker street. WANTED A GOVERNESS. PROFIC lent In music ard mathematics. Address Mrs F. W. Hash hurst, Houston. Fla IMMEDIATELY A FIRST-CI.ASB hr,use maid, while or colored. IIS Ogle thorpe avenue, weal. 4UKITI AV ANTED. AGENTS WANTED. THREE GOOD men to (111 vacancies; a rare opportunity to the right men. no experience neces sary. Apply Metropolitan Life Insurance Cos.. Odd Fellow* Building, room 9. be tween 6 and 10 a. m 13 TO iso DAILY EASILY MADE nr our llvs agents, men or women, selling our latest novelty, campaign waterproof neck ties. Gouda entirely new and patented. Agents delighted. Sales unlimited Wht others do. you can do Tkne Is short. Write to-day and secure exclusive terri tory. Guaranteed beet seller. Address, with stamp. MAM. .Manufacturing Com pany. Dept C. Springfield. Mass BNPLOYMBNI Mtvi’RO. "'w~rVTEfrTiuTn : 7o?r~Air7 r LE stenographer by young man. willing to start on small salary. J. T J.. News office. WANTED? POSITION AS BOOKKEEP er or grocery clerk by competent young man. strictly sober, absolutely trust worthy and willing to work; small pay >o start. Address A., Y. M. C. A. Building. “WANTED. BY A COLORED MAN."A position es porter In office or store. Ap ply 02 Bay street, east. W ANTED.' POSITION" BY RXPERT stenographer. Imokkeeper and all round office man. Address Jay, Morning New*. HOV9E9 MAMED. ’’■'TWOdiTo tTT HOUSE WANTED (with lawn or garden preferred). In good location. Address Good Tenant, this office. HOUM) W4BTKD. WANTED. A FLAT OF FOUR OR five rooms unfurnished, south of IJberty etreef. A.Mrees Flat. M’.rntng New* wax it i.-tiiaiKLaaMßßMßb WANTED. Tt > BORROW SOME money on one year's time, good security. 8,, care New* WANTED. TO EXCHANGE DFJN.e more <>|iewrller In goo>l condition, for Smtth-Premler. In good condition. Ad dress P. O Box 45.1. IF YOU ARK NOT SATISFIED WITH the ml k you ara getting, try 8; rtngfl-ld Dairy. FEATHERS WANTED. — MARKET price pa id for old feather hot, and pil lows; all order* promptly atiended; eend postal. J Is Isaacs. Marshall Mouse. IF YOU W ANT A I’l.ACb TO DUMT earth, dirt. aand. manur*. de., free of charge. Just al city limit*, hauling over hard road writ* or telephone Brown Brae., corner Anderson and K**l Broad •treat*. "" Kon IUT-gOOM9. NEATLY FURNISHED SOUTH rooms, all convenience-*. 30* Itarnard street near Uterty. LARGE SOUTH ROOM WELL FUR nlshe.l, gentlemen prefeiT’d, 42it East Charlton. Kl. T 9 FOI4 NKIT. FOR RENT, ELEGANT LOWER FI.AT on the corner Jones and l.incon streets In beautiful coorlttton, every ronv.nlence, ftrst-rlass orcer. de liable I -caltty, tight rent to right tenant. Salomon 09- hen, corner West Broad and Broughton atresia. FOR RENT—CONVENIENT FLAT. 4 room® an.l hath Apply 310 Liberty, writ. FLAT. SIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, first floor; Lyon# block; suita ble for any put pose John Lyon*. roh Hi:vr—hoi xm HOUSES 223. ALSO 217 WALDBURQ ( srreet. east; perfect condMion; every eon-' venlence; right rent right tenant. 325 00 the month Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton street*. “RESIDENCE." COBNF.It WHITAKER nnd Hull street*. Apply to Robi. 11. To tem. 7 York street, west. FOR RENT 3B GWINNETT. WERT. 9 rooms butler pnntry. bath, etc.. 3*> from Oct l. Premises can be seeti after 0:X) each evening or upon applbflftlon to W J. Miscall). Jr FOR KENT SPLENDID HOUSE nu.lcrn Inquovemenl*. vicinity Park Ex tension. lit Duffy street, west. Purse, Printer. FOR RENT. RESIDENCE 122 Dt'FFY. east Apply on pr.-Tnlece FOR RENT. DWELLING AND TWO lots No 9 M. iu|'ii avenue, near Hull stnet, seven dullars I l la.Roche. ' FOR RENT, DWELLING ON Eighth street, nsar Lincoln, possession Oct. 1. Apply H S. riaghnm. 110 Rryan street, or C. 8. Wood. 222 Bay. east. FINE LARGE RESIDENCE I*oll rent; reasonable, excellent ka’alLn,north west corner Taylor and Abercorn Apply on premises FOR rent! DESIRABLE BRICK bouses, number 402 and fox Huntingdon, east; newly papered amt repaired, with all midern improvements. Apply to E. C. Way. Hell Telephone. 1579 “FOR RENT. RESIDENCE tSK BO£ Inn street, west; seven rooms, all con veniences, newly papered and painted; 323 per monih, leare for ona year. Apply lo J T Shuptrtnr, corner Congress and Jsf feisnh streets. FOR RENT TO AN ACCEPTABLE party, roy residence, northeast corner Finn and Drayton streets Apply C. W Howard. No. .312 Bay street, east. TO RENT. DWELLING HOUSE. 130 WuMhura street, cast, possession at ones. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. run HKVI-STORK*. SMALL STORKS FOR RENT. TWO stores on President street and three on State street. In rear of Whitfield build ing. and near new pustoffice, rent low. Apply W >l. A W. K Coney. FOR BENT. SUITABLE FOR STOKE or office, aoutheast corner Montgomery anil Perry street lane. “FOR RENT, STORE. 115 HROUOIL t<*> street, east; pcsse*slon Inin*dlately n o several 'he! able residences and flats. Aip y A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street. oast for rent. Thai desirarlb store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W Ttedemnn A Bro., corner Hay and Montgumsry street; In perfect order and condition, right rent to right tenant, poaaeeelnn can ha given Immedi ately. Esl Salomon Cohen corner Weat Broad and Broughton streets. FOR SALK—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. A LOT KOI! TWO HUN dred dollars; easy farms, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. 1L Doraett. for SALK THOM!■. 1 J .fS <>N NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to nrst-class partlos. who will maks good neighbors; and none other can buy The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any othsr In tbs vicinity. C H Dorset! FOB SALE. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at S3UI each; will soon be advanced lo 1225; when a lot baa been paid for I can arrange to get a borne built. C. H. Dorset!. FOR BALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at 3203 each: twentv-nvs dollars cash, and susy monthly paymenls. C. H Dorsad. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING ItOTS for sals all over the city. Robert H. Tat cm, real estate dealer. No. T York street wool Pl.l NIIIMI. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL HE to your Interest to lei me give you on es timate on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a specialty, aa I am a practical plumber. No guess work lo endanger your life. Wlggtne. 'phone HI, Georgia or Hell. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. ruk aai V-MOI V.l lilMlimi WlTt’l4- hssl and wltzhiiasel one Is mad® to cure, tlie otl® r Is mad. to sell, put a bolt Is of ours by the tads of on of tha other kind; we give you all the quality and all the dhanUiy that your rnoasy en title* you to—a pint for a quarter D*r**‘a Drug St or. s, Henry and Abercarn. Whit aker and Taylor. THREE GAS STOVES FOR HALE; very cheap. A. C. Price A Cos.. Georgia and Belt phones 958 FOR SALE. ONE FINE YOUNG MUUS and two gentle family horses. Apply 34 ■ troughton, east. 1 IR SM.I AT HARMON'S HTA bles. 112 Mdmnough. east, a light loti hugg) FOITbaLE ■ 111 AI - ONE OAK BED room set. Apply 315 Duffy sires*, west. PIANO FOR oav.l tir.> JONEB street, east Bargain; easy terms. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS THE p see i gel rich, pure milk. D pot 310 Whitaker ASH AND CYPRESS'“LUMBER' - FOR sale~lso.on feet of ssh suitable for wheel wright*. carriage makers, car works and Interior house flolsh Also cyprsss lumber of all fixe* We resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vala Royal Manufacturing Company. 3.09*3 A All rtll .YDr^™"* j 'A v, PAHrTrr“GrMdr"K^^ eyeglasses In the vicinity or Ilrysn and Drayton streets. Flruler will please re turn same to 323 Y'ork street, rest. LOST-MASONIC JEWEL; lNSt'RIpl lion I'. M. Clin*. F Fulton. Liberal re ward. FOUNfi, rtUIJ. DOG ON HARER sham and liny; owner ran have samo by c.iipng at No an Bryan street, rest, ami pnylng espenses. Ui A It It. AHIIFIST FOR Ml' Smith. In Oeneva county, Alabama. Aug. 29 Harvey Woods; color, black, age, 2S; bight, about 5 feet 10 Inches, weight, 179; wears No. 8 shoe; good teeth; mean took; low, soft voice; smooth-faced, when las* heard from, wa* going In direction of Southwest Georgia; wore broad-brim black hat and was barefooted; has served erm In Georgia penitentiary; IlhYon re ward Is offered, which will, lie Increased to considerable nmnunt, possibly IHTOd) in 35M1AW. arrest nnd wire. W. C. Campbell or fl. W. Illark. Gem va, Ala. •THAI Kb. STRAYED FlltWl GREENWICH Park. red Dachshund dog Return to Greenwich Park and get reward. ——— " 9UAHUIR9. •‘BOARD;” FRONT ROOMS WITH grod hoard: home rim for to. 305 Tattnall street, third from IJberty. HimauAnoi!i. HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire *atl-faet|on guaranteed. Adams Paint Company. “WE HELL SKWEIi PIPE. FLUB pipe, tire clay, fir® brick al lowest prices. Adams Paint Company, to* Congress, west. “OYPSINE IS THE REST WALL tsh made Adams Taint Cos.. Savannah agents. KB Congress, west. Good Positions Z. ~-c' Secured Young Men Women t>tf ouf pr ebeal ' (odrse . p |CHßol< o - j 1 BUSINESS { f COLLEGES I V.>4 .w' UCOAL NOTICKS. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS OEOROIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice I* h reby given lo all persona hav ing demands against Charles Y Richard son. late of said county, deceased, to pre ant th<m to me. prep rly made out. within the time prescribed by law. *o aa lo show thtlr character and amount: and all fwrsona Indebted to said deceased are required to make Imm dlate payment to me. SUSANNA W RICHARDSON. Bsecwtrta. Savannah. Oa.. Aug 6. 13C*. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Nottos Is hereby given to all persons hav ing iletnands sgalnal Raymond A ,/larvey. late of said county, deceased, lo present them to me. properly mad* out. within the time prescribed by law, so as to show rtior rharaner and anwmwt*; and aii per sons Indebted to said dr eased are re quired to make immediate payment to me Savannah. Oa . July IT. I3M WILLIAM F. SLATER. Administrator. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice Is hereby given to a'l persons hav ing demands against Whipple Aldrich, lale of said county, deceased, to present them to me. properly made out, within tho lime prescribed by law. so as to show thetr character and amount; and all | ar sons Indebted lo said deceased are re quire! to make Immediate tayment lo me. Savannah. Ga.. Sept I. 13W. JORDAN E. BROOKS. County Administrator. 13 Bay at., w. Empty Hoflsheads. Empty Molasses llogaktalt foo sals by C. M. GILBERT & CO. 3