The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDEk. Hall'* (trrai iMarnvrrf. On* small bottle of Hall** Oraal Dl covary cure* ail k!Jn*y and Wod4cr trouble*. rm->v** (ravel, cure* diabeb*. •amlnal emission. *4ak and '.am'' back*, rhaumaitam and all Irr guUrRH* of tha kidneys and bladder In both m*o and women, logulatr* bltdirr trouble* in ohll dran If ntx a<ld b> your IrugghH w ‘*‘ be tant my mall on r<*lpW ° nt small borti- j- two mont • treatment and will cur** any m* ai *v* mentioned Dr E W Hall. oi.' manufacturer. 1* O. Bo* g. • bull, Mo bend for testi monial* bold by ah druggUt* and Solo mons Cos . Savannah. Cu Head Thla. Dr E W Hall. St. D>ul*. Mo Dear Fir—Pl ase ship m* three Hall a G?aaf Dlerovery bv first express. 1 have ao and over one jrr*e It *lvr perfect sat isfaction ai.d I rrcomm*nd It to my customer*. Tours tritlv. H r GROWS. Ocala. Fla. Dec. It.* • IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. KEVH AMI VIRUS OF Till: BAY IV TWO STATUS. laterestlnai State of Fplltlelnl Af fairs In Wilcox f onnt > Emillar Aeelilent at Albany—Attorney t.en eral Terrell to Spew L—Holder ft* l.ease Forsj th—l*l•• for Florida (am pa Inn—Another *liooflt*s nl (enter Hill—Other Florida Ae%% Items. Hon. B. F Holder. Jr., of Forsyth, one of the lending editors In that section of Oeorala. Is seriously r-ont*mpbitin* fttvinjc up hls work In Forxyh and removing hi* tesldence to another portion of the srnte. He stated that his plans had not fully matured nnd he was uncerialn what he would do. Should he leave. Forsyth would lose one of the brightest young newspaper men In the slate. An 1 niplre la Seleefrd. TJie arbitrators in the case of the Plant By stem tax returns. Hon. J. Pope Brown for the state and lion. Pope Barrow for the Plant System, agreed <h* they would eelee.t. before beginning the investigation, an umpire, whoa** d**ci*ion Is to t>e final In oase the two cannot raTee. Af*er come discussion, M**sss Brown and Bur row have de lded on the name of Roger L Gamble of Uoulsville. G . one of the best-known railroad authorities in the Pouth. J mitre Gamble was notified by telegraph at once of hls selection, and It Is probable that he will accept. The? Hunt Trrrell. Attorney General Tpit©ll la reeelvlo* Invitation* from all parte of the Mate to make speeches In the Interest of the Dem ocratic party. He haa already opted ifVfnil. and It may !•* ihnt lie will ac cept others. Mr. Terrell I* fa mo ue a* >• Ptump |H aker. and n'niv hi* entry Into politic* ha* done much for the lHma c ratio party. The countie* where he will apeak in the next f- w day* are hav ing •rouble with the !'opul<a(p. and it l* believed that several xl *p* nk r* from the l>emtM ralc rank* will bring matters around all right. % IVeullnr %rrldcnt. Albany Herald: Mr D. K FullbrigM wia* the victim of a very p* uliar ac t* dent at the gin p*nt of Mr F G l&lward*. on Jackson street. this morning Mr Fullhright wa* standing near ♦ rap idly revolving *h.ift adjusting some of tne gin machinery. In enn* hlour> caught on the shaft Mr Full bright putted latek with nil hi* might, h it •he shift wound up hi* loose blouse In a moment and he w*a whlrlrM nround with the shaft. After several revolutions h was thrown from the *haft with towh force that his feet much# I th celling a* he turo*s| |n the idr Kvfty thr**ft l of Mr FullbrighfN clothing was torn from hi* U-ly. and this I** whal life If th- clothing h.| been m* strong as not to have torn Mr Fullhright would have been killed liefore the ni i chUiery could have been itoppel Dr Bacon wa* called* In hihl on eauminatlon showed that Mr Fullhright** Injuries were net serious, but were remarkably slight for thr Occident 111* *ld# was *ksnn and in several place* ai.d hi* Itody hud sev eral bad bruise*, but no bone* were broken. Wilcox ( ount)'* Warm Platit. Two candidates were voted for In the last primary held In Wilcox county for l**xiM*tur\ ami lioth have le*-n de rlared the nominee of the party. Gres* eligibility to be a candidate w.* contest *d u|*on th*- ground that, while ho had le.*r living In Wilceat county, his home wa* regrard*-*! to Is In Atlanta, while some f hla political enemies charged that he h*l pc* particular residence, living al most anywhere ut any fim** he chop* to move, ad that New York was a* much hi* heme i* Atlanta. M* l>ol. on the other hand, had no such arguin*nl to contend with, as he had always lived in Wilcox county, and some of the people clwlnust that he hod ne\er l*e* n beyond the limits of the county line. The whole flgtii was centered upon the If* at inn of the Court House of Wilcox county. Th*\\ have no other political Issue In that coun ty Gres* was for Rochelle and McLeod favored the Court House remaining at Abbeville. On the night of the day of •he primary the Abbeville ballot lw*x my** ter|ou*ly disappeared. Last strayed or stolen wa* all the answer given when the question was a*k-d ns to what had lie come of It. When sui.’ff return* as were obtainable were counted It was nnnoune and that M. I**od had won out. Ore*s. how ever. would tMt have It that way. He belle veil that he was elected irwl served notice upon the Executive Committee that he would contest th** ©lection. A day was set for the hearing, and when it arrive.l Ores* wa* not pr****r*t to push hi* claims. This resulted m Chairman Charley War ren, who. by the way. I* no Ahie\ilie min. det kutfrtg that Mcljeod wae the nominee of the party It seem*. however, that a majority of the memier* of the committee favor Rochelle for the Court House, and these, eleven In all. hud a meeting a few da vs kiter nnd announced that Ore as bad been nominat'd for the Legislature. Oress wa* in New York when this action wa* taken, and wa* at on*e notified of the situation. He hurried home and ts now In Wilcox county sizing up the situation This condition of af fair*. It |s said, will bring about onother hard fight when flit election comes off In Or toiler. Bo fit men will go before the people claiming to be the nominee of the party. No -matter whot the result will be in the coming contest, the popo~ lar belief I* that the whole matter will fnally come lefore the legislature for adjustment. The question of the r*ino\l of the Court House nf Wilcox county from Ahl>evllle fo Rochelle, ha* figured prominently |n the LegtsUitur© for year*, and ha* never been settled It will come up again u* soon a* th© Legislature meets. FLORIDA. Orange buyers are beginning to arris© a* Tampa They are attracted by the besufy of the crop and the fact that there arc- *o many after the beauties. There will be a great deal of huatling from now until the end of the se*on for the orange*, for the fruit wa* never flrer. V'nlmpttn Fiber Factory. Bronon ts to have a palmetto fiber fac tory I>r. JoYm Harvey of Wllliston I* the financial hacker of thla new enterprise wad J 8. Willis of U ton sou lx to be utau- ifsr The factory will be located no O. C. j Tousey's land on the He* hoard Air Bine Just south of the water tank The works sil, give employment to a number of hand*, including several women. Afore Trouble at ( enter Hill. News ha* reached of mort trouble at ('enter Hill. John Dixon, broth er of Ham Dixon, who waa killed In the double tragedy laat Friday, shot "Mom" Merritt, father of Duke Merritt, who wai killed In the Friday encounter. One bull went through the arm and one took effet *. in the side. It la repotted that Mr Mer ritt cannot recover Preacher Hilled Him. Rev. G. B. Jttaven. a negro minister, shot and killed t’harle# Reese, colored, near Hkinner's mill. Escambia county. Tuesday morning. Recently Hteven had Reese arrested for a minor offense. Ree*e was cleared f the charge, but vowel ven geance . Tu**alay morning he fired a load of shot Into Steven's house, and before he i ould ocijh 1 Hteven had kti.ed him. Pensacola's Exports. Export* to foreign port* from Penaaco la last month were valued at pM.tid, dis tributed as follows: El verpool. tZU 706; Hamburg. 3114.049; Amsterdam. s*><6l; l/ttulon, sv. ♦*; Genoa. s*>.**<. Ym-iklen. $34,217. Rotterdam, $i9.319; Venire. Tallof Bank tilAUf*; Greenock. 121.YJ1. ’ Dundee. CL***. Ilavr*. Dunkirk. iI *• Antwerp IK 999 Kiel. 9t9J4fc. Cork t*6; Dublin. s7*o4; Marseilles. 17.890 Port Natal Ro*l*. $1,411; Matansa*. 34.190. Nassau. 12.23). Cardenas. $1,974. Profit* of ft*ia**lrrs. Miami Metropolis When or.s realises that wine, which cost* 40 cent* In Cuba, has a duty of $1 2T> a gallon, and agua dbnte. which coats about the same, ha* a duty of S2 £ a gallon, it I* not dlfTKolt to understand of the tempta • ton offered to unscrupulous foreigners when they so readily find purchasers imong disloyal Americana here at home The real crlmlnnl- are the people who buy of the smugglers, knowing the goods have been smuggled. Phosphate Business (inlet. Gainesville Hun: The phosphate Inter cuts of Alachua county are rather quiet at present and there is little demand for the rock. In most case* the miner* are prepared to hold their rock until prlc* t •r* letter atwl the demand stronger W It. Hteckert. who Is one of the hugest miners In the bunty. is having inrge shed* built for the pnrio*c of storing the phosphate as fast as mined, and will he able to hold hls entire out put for the rise In the marked. There Is some noticeable fact In connection with the miners of phosphate, and that is that the business ha* a tendency to drift Into the hands of n few Individuals, and these people are plenty ah:** to hold It until they can get their price. f|nnll fUeel Hails. Klsflmmco Valley-Gaxette: A gcntle man whose veracity Is <on*ldered to !*■ above question. informs im In cold bltxnl that quail arc destroying the steel rails on th- track of the Hog ir lu-lt near Hun* nymede. Numbers of quail have been ob served picking at the rails with great en ergy and perseveranew l’|ion Investiga tion l was found that they were tearing off flakes of rust. Why they should be doing this Is a mystery, but our theoiy I* that their syatem* are out of order and they are doctoring themselves with an iron ionic. As the constant pecking of the sick bird* may In course of time weaken the rails, our informant suggests that the I*l* m Hystem drop rusty nali* about In the right of way to entice the quail away from the rails. Heady for the t anipalgn. A state campaign committee to conduct the canvass for ihe election of the can didates nominated by the State Conven tion ha* been named by Chairman Clark. In pursuance of the act km of the State Executive Committee at its recent meet ing The committee Is made up of Chair man Frank Clark and Secretary ('rum of the State Committee, ami Me**r*. G. P Healey of Volualt county. R E. Rose of Osceola. F. J. Fern side of Putnam. J. D. Calloway of Columbia, anti J E. Wolfe of Escambia A committee to conduct the organisation of liemncratlc club* through iiut the state ha* also been appointed, a* originally provided by the State Executive Committee. The adoption by the State Executive Committee of the regulation* to govern bedding primaries Nov. 6 consti tuted the final oftiial act of the commit tee for the rampolgi) W OKI.II S STALLION RE4 OHD. Creaeeua Bent the Time Made by the Fnmnni IMrrHnm. Hartford* Conn.. Sept. 5 —The big event of the racing In the Grand Circuit to-day was th© trial of Creeceus. owned by Ketcfcam Farm. Toledo. 0.. to beat he world's stallion record by Directum of SrtCd*. Crooceus was driven by George KetchAm and wa* urged by Joe Pate hen. driven by Dickerson and by a runner driven by Walker Dl. kerson coached the horse to the half alone, vvlmi Walker < atne In with hi* runner, both pushing him at the flank to the wire. Cresceu* did not make a skip In the mile and the lime by quarter* wa* Sl%. 1:0^. 2:04V I>eattng the record with apparent ease, finishing very strong and not In the leaai The management gave 11.000 for the performance. The other events went to the favorites all along the line and the racing was not up to Tuesday's mark. Summaries 2:12 pace, purse $2,0)0. Johnny Again won In three straight beat*. Clinton 14. second; Wtnoia third. Turn*. 2MM, 2:08%. 2*V pace, put-* $2.0)0. Connor won the flrst, third and fifth heats and race Isl and Wilke*. Jr . second. Will Leybum. third. Island Wilkes won the second and Willey burn the fourth In at*. Time 2:04%; 2:<*4; 201%. 2*1%; 2 8V 2:10 trot, purse $1,200. Charley Ifcrr won the first, third and fourth heat* and rice, Pilatus second. Farris third. Pilatu* won the second heat. Time 2:10; 200%. IM%; 2;ls pavV, purse $1,200. Btacker Taylor won In three straight heat*. Watln Bells, im-'.jw!; Hptciui Boy, third. Time 20t%; 2:114- NOOMMV WON ItKLLK* VMKKA Keene* llroniibt Oat Another Good Filly at aheepshead. New York. Bept. S.—The Keene* show ed another good Ally to-day at Bheep*- head Buy In Noonday. Bh© Just galloped all (he way and won the Belles stakesea*. lly. which was the feature of the day’s card. Noonday went to the post >* the Tried Friends best. For thirty yearsTutt's Pills have proven a blessing to the invalid. Are truly the sick man’s friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria.constipa tion and all kindred diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE. THE MORNING NEWS. THURSDAY, 6. 1900. CASTOR IA for Infants ond Children. Th* Kind You Have Always Hought has homo the Mirna ture of Chus. 11. Fletcher, and ha* been made under hi* |ter*onul supervision for over 30 year*. Allow no one to deceive you in till*. Counterfeit*. Imitation* and *'.lu*t>uft-K*M>d ” are hut Kxpcrlnient*, and endanger the health of t.'hildren—Kk|crieuce against Ksperiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought yy Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. t*t CIC**IS CQWM* rr HuMt* |ltt' *rw *OM {IT* lucrative price of 7 to 1 an<l aft*r tho Ural furlong never gave her hackers any ttnea.lnesa The other feature to he derided wn the Scpiember. at one mile and three fur long* Klllushandra. the nrida-on favor ite, won eally In the atertch. Humma rte: • Klr*t Race—Sl* furlong*. The Regent. 7 to t. won. with The Golden Prince. IS to 1 and 6 to 1. aecond. and Bowen. S to t, third Tim. 1 15 1-S. Second Race—One mile. M' Meekln. to • won. with Whistling Ooon, *0 to 1 nnd J 5 to 1. second, and K.tmara. 5 to 1, third. Time I 40 1-5. Third Race-The Relies *takes. Futurity course, about si* furlongs Noonday. 7to 1. won. with Sweet t.avendar, 11 to & and I t,i 8. second, and lanly Schorr. IS lo 1, third. Time I,K 1-5. Fourth Race-The September stakes, one mile and three furlongs Klllnshan drn. lo S. won. with Advance Guard. S to 1 and 6 to 5. second, and Motley. 10 to 1, third. Time 2:22. Fifth Race-Six furlongs Knight of Rhodes. 7 to 2. won. with l.n Toac.t. 12 to 1 and 5 to 1. second, and Sanders. S to I. third Time Ml 4-5. Sixth Race—One mile and a furlong on turf Candlebrake. 7to 5. won. with Mill stream. sto 2 and ♦ to 5. second, and Golden Sceptre. 12 tol, third Time 1:54 4-5. HRSI I.TS OX TNK ll OIO*D. Brooklyn nnd 4 IGongo Broke Even on Two Postponed Unities. New York. Sept. s.—Brooklyn and Thl eago played off two postponed games to day anal broke even Hard hitting t> Baly, Ferrell and McGlnntty won the tlrst game. In the second game Brooklyn helders went to piece* In the fifth Inning nnd the Chicago's got eight runs, winning In n . enter. Score: R.H.E. Flrtt Game— Chicago 0 1 0 1 0 and 1 1 d— 413 4 Brooklyn ...aoiSlddl x 911 3 Balterles—Taylor and Chance; McOlnnl ty and Farrell _ „ _ Second Game— tt-u.*.. Chicago 0 0008112 o—l 2 IS 0 Brooklyn . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- 111 6 Batteries —Menefee and Donohue. How ell and McGuire. ABe.tdance 2.4n> I'll i.ltnrit Mokes Five Straight. Boston, Sept b -Rttishurg won 10-.tay. making It five nralghls Horton sgaln oiHhtttted the Ft rales, but lost on error*. Attendance WO. Score R.H_b. .Boston „ j a 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 i J Flttsburg a 0 0 0 1 J 0 1 O—S 4 I BaMertss— Bellinger and W. Clarke; Phll'.lppl arwl O'Connor. Clnelniintl l.ost Again. New York. Sept s—The Cincinnati- New York game war too onesided to be interest lit*, atwl every one wss satisfied when I'mtdre Snytler cslle.l the g tme in the seventh on account of darkness Score: H.H.U. Clnrlmwitl 1 0 ft ft 1 1 0— 31 i Nctv York S 3 l 3 -H 1 Batteries—Hahn. Newton and F.-ltx, Carrlck and Grady. Aitemlanc* 1.000. St. I.nuls Ileal Fhiladelpkla. Philadelphia. Sept. Utuls .lefen'- ed PhU.tdelphla to-day by suisrlor all around work Score: RH K. 81. leouls ....0 0 0 1 3 0 J 0 I—7 10 0 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 O-l 10 4 Batteries—Young ttrwl Robinson; Dunn anl McFarlan.l.- Atlemlance 2.0 M. Other tiiimeß. At Detroit—Detroit. 2; Kannas City. 0. Second game Detroit. 7; Kansas City, 3. At Buffalo--Buffalo. 2. Milwaukee. 1. At Clave la Cleveland, 2; Mimieai>oli*, 4. Second gome—Cleveland, 7; Minneapolis. 8. At 1 mbampolio—lmliannpolls, 1; Chica go. 4 He -'yil game—lndlanapalts, 0; Chicago, ! At Rochester - Rochester, 6; Byracuse. 3 Ai W’orcer*ter—Worcester, 8; Providence, At H irtConV-Hart ford. 2; Springfl* UJ. 6. Nl’lftßLL'i GKLATENT FEAT. The rroia-Riamltiaflow In the Par nell Trial. From the Daily News. In the memorable trial which began on Oct. 22. lltt*. and came to an end on Nov. 22. I*BB. there were many scene* which those who witnessed them will iit.yer for get. In these scene* the chief person age* were Bir Charles Russell, as he then wa*. and Richard Pigott. the forger, and Houston. Pigott** employer and dupe, and la* Canon—that strange, sinister figure, the ablest by far of the wlin*ia> for tb*‘ Time*. One remembers those scenes, not merely for their dramatic inter*t of the moment, but also for their revelation of the many-sided character of the great ad vocate who shattered the fabric of lies laboriously built up a* an obstacle against the effort of English Liberal!*!* in the causa of Ireland. Of all those scenes the irot stirring wa*. of course. Russell** cross examination of Pigott. which began on Fob 21. 18*8. During the whole of (Imp preceding day and the flrst few hour* of the list Btr Charles Russell had been making hi* last prep.*rat ton* for hi* on slaught. He bad turned Houston invldo out. so to speak. And he had been quiet ly taking stork of Richard Pigott during the forger* long-winded, plausible story to B*r Richard Webster Who can forget hi* treatment of the prim, priggish, com posed. Uaiuihnxlcul Houston? Composed. I mean, until Mr. Houston became demoral ised by the merriment caused by hi* own admission* In answer to abrupt little questions, delivered In a wort of confiden tial undertone, curiously at variance with the sudden, searching gaze that accompa nied them. After eleven year* 1 can see Mr Houston, in the flesh as It were, coming miserably to grief in that cross examination shout the black bag In which Pigott and his alleged confederates brought the Tarnel! letters to their pur chaser in the Hotel dc* IVux Monde*. Avenue de I'Opera, Paris. I ran hear the laughter in the densiy packed courts laughter promptly suppressed by the usher —while Mr. Houston told how he waited "upstairs ' while the bargaining lor the lot i**r* wax xotnr on "ilownatalra." ami how hf* iWra!m*i from coin* "downHtiri," or **inx who wax ih**rf*. or talking any |art *hJiii*viT In tbo btirg.ilnlng — ,, brrati**,‘' pai*l Mr llou*K(i. *i wl*4i*<l lo mv aloof; I w.infl to kxrp my*-lf In Ig tioran* • of ihc dourer of th* l*n*r*,'‘ I run h*ar Blr Gharl***’ “ay***—"aye**— "avr.” üßr-reil at Intervals, quietly, en rouMiglnxly as it w*r<\ while the xmurt Mr llouaton was |.tying larr hi* own n tr*m xlmpllcliy—or wornr. Sir Charles l*K>k*l at th** <iling Then iown again, in an ab.mteniirule(l sort of way. H* un ;x>4*kf*tx hi* snuffbox. He lit|-m* the lit! With hi* right thumb ho hr},ia htme!f to a plr h “You flbftn'; go downstair* Il -v lltt (HtMlljr "N* ' Th *nfTy brown hmdkerrhlef half w.iy up to Sir Chari* ■*’* noar atopa. The k*en eye* lo*)k .Mr llou.*(on through uml through. "No T* “No." Ui ugh ter— and furious rebuke In the usher'* eye*. At h •If pa*t 1 on the following 4*y Sir Richard Wtbe’er’a examination of Rich ;*rl PiAs' .tt came to an end. Almost before Hlr Rl-bonl sal him down Hlr t’harle* was up The loud murmur of talk that hrok out after IMgott's "evidence** came to a dead *?< p You rou and hur a pin fall Ri*e!l and Flgott >to>d there con fronting ach other “Take that**—(he Kiinl* rang out sharply In the breathless slier ce "That" wax a *hee* of paper which Hlr Charbs Russell held out. Pl* gift <'harle* in blank Every* lody in court glan-4.| at every other "If* ha* him." a barrister wh spered. turning r nnd to me "Write down ’live lihood.* Mlk* llhood.' your own name, *t>r "selytlxm.* ‘Patrick Egan.' and hi* Ini tial* aid ‘hesitancy.* " Which Plgott did. smiling tie while, foolishly, nnd with a Hush'd fire It will he remembered that In one of the forged letter* Plgott had *j * ll and the last word "hesitancy." It ha* oft* n been said since, and by >x|er!enc*d m* mbets of the bar, that H r Charles* In- It al tactics wre a mDtak*. Was It not pribabl* that Plgott. warned by the early dl*t u sons th forgeries, would have t k'n care to *p<ll the word aright* Plsott might have done It. But he didn't Sir Char e* Ruraell hod taken stock of hls man ami cons'dfred th effect of a surptl-e The subject sugg st* a military analog>. fly “the rule* of war." Welling i n #iy the military critic*, 'ought* to h ive b en beaten t Waterloo. But he w;-n't—and th* re Is an end en t An ordi nary advocate would not have started wl h "Take that." Hlr Charles Russel! was rot an ordinary advocate—he was an advocate of genius, nnd that first shot of hls w s decisive. I can **e Plgott'* round I road hack as he b nde down (.after scr* wing hls evegUf* Into Its place) to s rawi the word "hesltency;** and when tie stand* up again, a short, sroutlsh. tound-*houl lered man. with a bald, shiny h* ad. bushy w hite whiskers and mustache Drg*. Irresolute mouth. h!g. fi shy nose and *m.illl*h >••* far i*art. Many an nmusirg scene occurred In the cro#-ex ami'iatlon which show.d how Plgott had tried to •wind!* both sides— Parnellltes nn*l anti-Parnellltes But the most amus. I* g of all w re caused by Plgott'* admix *l* ns ns t > hls "Information* to Mr Forster, to cajole and even bully Mr. Forsbr. and by tils ♦ xcuae* f>r nol emigrating to America with the help of the mmev whtch. he said, kindly Mr. Fcr*ter had given him more ?hin onre fo*- the Hlr Charles Rue>ell. quietly helping himself to a 4 ont m>latlve pinch now and again. Plgott making himself more ludicrous every Instant with his story of excuses to Mr Forster, and the three judges try- Irg harl to preserve a sevsre cYmposure made an Ineffaceable picture The three Ju'*ge w-8 re not equally successful. Hlr Javm* Vlannen compressed hls lips. Plr Alexand r Hmlth thrust hls hands Into hls |>r*ckets and stared hard at the cell leg. Mr Justice I'ay laughed outright— reddened and liughed at each fre*h reel fal of Plgott** failure to emigrate with poor Mr. Forster • nv ney The only ab solutely,. xexd m n there was Russell himself, now see mingly lost In a brown s udy. now tapping hie snuff box ns in * ar h for nn idea, now taking a pinch and then dnr Ing i searching look at hls victim, with a brPf. half-confiden tial question The emotional side of Rus sell’e nature, hls Inborn tenderness, hls deep humanity, revealed themselves In nl! their unconscious strength on the mngnlrWnt. historic speech In which he sumrn* and up hls case, not merely for the Pat mint. s. but for the Inland of hls birth. SI All KSfiIVEKH l\ THE CAB. I rail F.nwlne Driver Trie* to SYreek Hi* Train. From the New York Journal. ftednlla. Mo.. Am 31.—Jamea Findlay, nn engineer on the Missouri. Kansas and Texas Railroad. Is a prisoner In the hospi tal here undergoing treatment for Insan ity which impelled him lo attempt to wreck hla train in Ihe Indian Territory on Monday nlithl. His fireman, after nn exciting struggle In the cah of the loco motive. overcame him. He was manacled and sent tn this city. Findlay has for many years been an tnglneer on Ihe Ch- -taw division of Ihe rallroHl. running from Parsons. Kan., to Paris, Tex For some weeks past he has been actinic strangely, but from his con versa lion. It was thought by his asso ciates that he was worrying over domes tic difficulties. The Idea that he was mentally unbalanced was not entertained. Findlay took hla train out as ttsual on Monday night. The cars were filled with passengers. At a point tn the road where there are many curves and the' roadbed Is not of the best. It Is customary for heavy passenger trains to run slowly. In stead of shutting down as he came to this stretch of track. Flndlny opened the throttle and sent hts train along ala •[wed of fifty mile* an hour. The fireman crossed over to speak to Findlay and was attacked by the engf neer. who was hy this time a raving ma nioc. H swore that he would turn the train upside down on fhe prairie The conductor, alarmed by Ihe swinging of ihe cars, made his way to the front of the train nnd cilmbed over Ihe tender In time to help the fireman subdue the In sane engineer. Before either Ihe eonduetor or Ihe fire man emuld get to the throttle the train was spinning along at more than a mile a minute speed, and the passengers were panic-stricken. Findlay waa taken from the train at Atoka and sent to the hospital here. Hls wife say* that he ha* been queer for week* Hhe denies that any family (rou ble brough’ on hls Insanity Findlay's run whs a long and hard one. and many trainmen be.leve that loss of sleep for many month*, because of exact ing duties, unbalanced hls brain. KEU WEAK o*k U HUE HDIUII. Hack Fairer Than the Average White Man %\ ho Fives Oatdoors. From the Bcientlflc American. For more than a hundred years the question whether there existed In Ameri ca a tribe of white Indian* ha* been agi tated. ar.d more or lc* positive state men#* from learned men can he quoted on both side*. That the legend of a white race had a basis in fact is proved by *lx individuals, still living In the Pueblo of Zuni. N>w Mexico. Their ex istence, however. Is known to very few. ;nd even of thnxe who have* visited #h* village not many have seen (he white In dians. for a* a rule they keep them*e|ves oul of sight. The history of the legend Is interesting. From the earnest times more or less definite rumors about white Indians hove been current. In 1791 the Rev. Dr. John Williams publish'd a treatise on (he sub ject. which is now very rare, although the Impetus which he gave the inquiry still survives. The purpoe of the publi cation was to start a subscription fund, to he devoted to th a exploration "of (be wild parts of America beyond the Ohio river.** where the author was sure the long-sought white men would be found. In hls own mind there was not the * tght est doubt that these whites were de scendants of Prince Madoc of Wales, who. according to the old Welsh legenl. left hls natve coun<ry soon af'er 117 A D.. on account of family dt-*en*lon*. and sailed out to the west, leaving Ire land on his right hand* According to the an den* birds. Prlno* Madoc retuiAicd In (he course of ttm • with glowing ai'count* of anew countr> he had discovered, and gathering hls ad herein* about him he set sail ag lln for the far wrest, to the land which he had found, mil woe never afterward heard of. Dr. Williams contended that (he white Indians were the descendants of these twelfth century Welshmen, ard whatever mnv he thought of hls con 1! elusion hls argument was certainly worth consl'ieratlon. He cited the many repot;* 'oncerning these Indians then current, 'omlng from various parte of the Am-r lean C4>ntlnent. partlcu: rly the account of n man named Rem ngton. a native of Englond. who had met the white Indian* at t grand trading meeting, or Itvliai fair, at the forks of the Ohio. He wax told that iney came from n remote dis trict. west of the Mi**i*ippl Remington ompnnion. a Welshmen, claims to have spoken to these Indians In hls own lan guage It was said also that these In dians had a took, which they venerated highly, put were unn de to read. >rc than sixty years later, when the pa cific Railroad surveys arrox* the con tinent were made, the stor> cropped out In another form, hut (he white Indian* were definitely locatixf a! the p i*blo of Zunl In the reports oi that survey, pub lished In 1939. a description of one • f t hefie Indian* |s given, logether with n list of words, tvhl' h were said to h pra tleally synonymous In the Zunl and Welsh li'nguig'V*. No (xplnn ttlon of the pr *- ence of white members of the tribe wax attempted. About 1H77 J. H. Beadle. now*pap*r porrmprm.len*. vMt*d Zunl H<- rm-tiilon* a hook which thMv IrotDns h.i l n<! which th-y r-xarfirfi with xroat r**v -renc*. nlthouKh thry could not It Th-ra ran ha no liauht tha whttr ItwlMn* at Zuni ra albino*. Thara ara tour orhrna at tha Moki vUi.igaa an*l ary. rral arattara<l amonx thr olhar Ptiabloa. Ir. ilraaa, minnara. ruatoma, lanatmxr thay ara lika thatr frllowa. hut thrlr cotn piaxifm la vary ralr: thav nra. Indaa<l mui-h whltar than tha avrrakr whitr mnn who haa 11vr,4 murh In lha otan air Thrlr hwlr la a tawny yalknv, inataa.l of tha Jat hiark whlrh eharnetrrlio* tha In <llan. Tha|r pip, ara ao wa.ik th/it thay hava to krap tham rkma.l in th- aunlichl. Thla la itua. to tha nhaanra of rotonnk tn tttar In tha Irla A thr akin larka that protrrl*on alai thrar paopl ai’flfar varv much from aunhurn. whara thr rrmlar Indian la almoat aa Immune a* a nrirro Thrir ayalkla nntl llpa ara alwav. aora. nrul It la probahijr on arrount of thalr 4raa<i of thr aunllxht that ao frw trhvrlara havr aaan tham To .hoar who hava arm thaaa rurloua fraaka thav *lvr tha tmpraaalon at firat that thry ara Irlah man <!r. -aa.l aa !rllana. for thatr fora, have a rta.-14a.14y faltlc roat. Tha only way. howrvar. |n whlrh thry rtlffrr from othrr mrmliara of thr triba la In lha nb arnre of ooforinir mailrr In lha akin anrt hair Tha rauaa of Ihla alhlnoiam ha, not baan rtrtarmlnart; 4t may ha rtua to rloaa Intarmarriasr within tha f.imliy. an InavltoMa raault of thr aortal ayatrm of tha I*uah|oa. anrt thalr oritanizotloi, under tha clan or *rn ayatrm —Tha Garmon Crown Prince InherMa all hla fathar'a love of mllltnrlrm Ha la ilao fond of tnualr and play* the vlollii "FREE TREATMENT FREE SAMPLES.” * l Alwny* AMnrhr.l In Thrnr “Cmiroin" t>flrr— ihn I 111. mat- Coat l U and Itraulla ( rrtnln When Ynu Are Treated hr Hr. Ilalhanay, llr Mooter *|.rcia Hat. If your hou>e need* repairing you "do not *t a bla. karnlih lo <lo It; why, then, when you dre aklc. do you buy a hlt-or-mlxs f party" or "Inatl. OW i '■f h* r |\ ,J irealment t o *ome regularly HBT , e*|tered phyn h lan ai;.l up. > Another ** of men and "In k 1 > dlturea." cie.. j New ion Halhatvay.M r. hp >* The I-ongeer FMohllrhe.l •‘ , - Hl-etall.t In .he K.aith '*" *! fr " Ireatmenl • and "free reme.lle.” You may <le!*nd upon It that .here Ir. a very erron* >trln<r al. .ached to all 11-eae ofTera. and that In the end >ou pay more than you would .„ real doctor—one ca.uiMe of underaiandlna your eae and one whoee* reputation de pend* upon .he cure, he make*. Moat of Iheae "free .rentmenta" ronrlat almplv of a few doaea of a \ery powerful a.lmuianl, which, when Ihe elf eel* have worn off leave the In worw condition than before the "treatment" Hr. Hathaway ha. never reported t 0 three melhcde. For twenty year, he har hern a pract.clne phyetolan-a apeclallat In the treatment of chronic dteeaeee of men and women. Year by year hie prac tice her grown until <o-day It | H larger ten time, over thatf that of any other epeclallat In hla line In .he world. By hla method of trealmeni Loet Vital Forcea. Weak.ntd M inly FuneUone. Van. eocele, Itirlcture. Syphilitic Blood Polaon. in*. Klilney ar.d I'tiuary Complain.a. nd : all olher forma of chronic and llngrrln* I dlaeaaea are eu*ed. and cured |o atay cured Hr Halhawev e office la permanent; It la | not here to-day and there to-morrow He | practices In the community where t, j known. ! Consultation and advl:* free at office or i by mall. Alwwye call ai office whenever poeelble J. fF.WTOt HATH % WAY, M. D. Ur. Hathaway at Vo.. ZSA Bryan etreet kwannah. rf. Office houie— to 1! m . J lo Sand 7 t la a Sunday a 10 a. m. to 1 n ta. , Cigar Dealers Like to have their regular customers smoke Old Virginia Cheroots because they know that once a man starts smoking them he is "fixed,” and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent cigars. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your ovn dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. * LINDSAY & MORGAN STILL AT OLD POST OFFICE, With Great Banjains In Summer Goods, Such as Mattings. Mosquito Nets, Refrigerators, Porch Awnings, Reed Furniture, Go-Carts, etc. Closing out our stock of Buck’s Stoves and Ranges Low Down. The only Odorless Refrigerator. A High-tiracle Inatltution CUfIDTCD Pill I CPC KOMt:. for LADIES. OflUVl I CVf tlULLhllCj UEOkUIA. 1 ■—■■■■■■ ■ 1 Slf •■flwt 1 (llmalf d*liMll •8.1 llrmlih rw-t* I Msma ■— fsrtftilitiMmsHm >rm firi* rar-t#, ah JL O Mtrx WHS • <•**•#• HvlltllllfW wr fth |J V) Ifi* kwMtpNM*' / is wil syroieM Slmukdim, gwn4 Hr Farally. Imi* Ir' 'Ao *>| **4 XloS>< f )>!• M 4 •|Wf4r -'1 |r-r>Mnft tim 'llanptt n7 a Arl A in l(n Uh thn** §i**n >• un.xwitill** A Urj* I'.ndow V jf.£ v ‘ gkiMl ■•■(. Wulwnt* • (erlM.-* 8' iiUfr tin virui* r.i Tht !■ iw-t kK t AJ> • iiniHnf *4 ffcaUrOHpn in Owffmt rxs U4i— Art m nSL r k. Hi 1 IKjUSt itinluxiis **; er.n4uf**n Ka. ulif WMirsm( n *■•>'•, ■.hki ■pnu'Vtl- ; FrSS&i J antanl nnfkM A POIZC PIANO '■!> t • r.n.r,,,. 1,,. > Mki!: pel j'' 71, tNn|| .. n... . • il.n.t a t,t. t't.,, r,r,.... ... .... ... ( .... .... - "Xy-T 1 ' ••••,.. i'l I- . **■ - . ..... ... ■ -- t-t .. .1, .n . „>• ~* ......^-, t . . .. .• I ... 1.1 I I WON rw.Mil I-. a .kWI will UMI (Nr 1.0,1 MAItIYK ISTBLUORSCE. Mnttrr. of lairra.t to thlaplax Maw t.rnrrally. Tha Britlah airamahlp Roxby, Cap! Shlelle. arrlvart yaatarday from Genoa. She la 21S daya out. anrt tha captain ra porta a plraaant paa a a over Tha Roxby la consigned to loud a cargo of cotton. The pilot boat John H Eatlll came up to the city yesterday to coal. After tak ing on her u.sual supply she returned to her station at sea. Tha Britlah stearoahlp Arams, rtua Oct. IS (or Biemen. pooled by the Georgia Ex port and Import Company, anrt tha I'raula Bright, due Bept 13 for Bremen, ate up .it the Collon Exchange. Tha schooner T W. Dunn arrlvart yes terday from New York with a cargo of salt. STATISTIC* ' THE PORT. 4uacuat Arrivals and Tonnage—Yea aria and Thalr Riga. Tha Morning Nawa give* today tha during the laat month. with the rigs, nationality and net tonnage Tha num ber does not Include tha arrival* at quar antine or Tyber, hut only those vessels whlrh have arrived at tha wharves, and have discharged cargoes, or ara In bal last or loading It does nol Include river or Inland coast steamers, nor does It In clude vassals under lOtt lona Tha arrivals, with tha nga and nationality, are as fol low*: 8 8 Bks Rkia Brhe Total American 52.0>i *n,..'....| .fM 3.n*. British 2M2 404 | 444 1.7 U Italian I I 2.3*3 | 2.3*2 Norwegian I j 1.343 | | 1.342 German j 2.404 | | 2.4 n Belgian 1 J.M4 j | j 1.M4 Total '57.433 7.10* ,7777.110,299 74.444 American | 31 l| |~ It Ji British i 2 li j Ij 4 Pallan | | S| | | 3 Norweg an | ; 3; j j 2 German ...' j 3j | | 2 Belgian | Ij | | | 1 Total | 34[ t| | 30: _ 43 Savannah Almanac. Sun rises at JJ9 a. m , and arts al <l7 p. m High water al Tybee to-day at 4:SI a. m. amt S:3f p m High water at Savan nah one hour later. rhne of the Moon for September. D. H. M First quarter 2 1 M morn. Full moon a 11 eve. I-a*t quarter IS 2 S7 eve. New moon 22 i 57 (v( Moon Perigee, th: Moon Apogee. 2Sd ARRIVALS *2l) DRPARTt'RRS. Vessel* Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Roy by (Br). Shield*. Genoa— A. F. Churchill Sohoiner T. W. Dunn. Bond. New York Master Frelglita and Charters. Ship Henry Vlllllard. coal, Philadelphia to Savannah, 4) t Shlpplnu Memoranda. Mobile. Sept. S— Arrived, ateamer Oa tanla, Furotig from New York; steamer Nord (Nor.). Bnger. Sabine Pass, Texas. Peneacoin. Fla . Sept. 4.-Arrivcd. ateam hlp Ruth (Nor ). Helllaen. Cardiff: Lang ford (Nor.l, Helttzen Newport; Dartmoor (Hr). Barton. Havana; bark Madonna (Nor.). Flagstead, Para Balbd. ateamer Hlrundo (Nor ). Olaen Anrhu*. Cleared, ateamer Aqua (Br), Keyea Cette. Jaekaonvllle. Fta . Sept. s -Entered ateamer Weetover. John* Philadelphia; ZSSZJT™' m p ’ r ~' 1 - Cleared ateam tug W H Jonea. Pierce Mnnianllo Cuba; ateam tug Agulre NeU aon. Ponce Porto Rico Yotk'*” 4 ' Bearer. New k':" r r^ rw, • ,r^uo '*- Charleaton. S C.. Kept S -Arrived tarkenttne Prince John (Nor) Herman aen. U* day, from Ptaagua m * n ’ Georgetown, 8. C., Sept, l-Aritved, DHL Of HOP! nMI 11 IT MHtUILK For lala of Hope, Montgomery. Thunder bolt. Cattle Park and Weal End Dally exeept ttundaya. Subject to change without notice. ISLE OF HOPS. 1-v. Cliy for I of H. Lv Isle of Hope *lO am from Tenth | •uu am for Bolton 7to am from Tenth I 00 am tor Tenth *SO am from Tenth |7Ou am for Tenth IS am front Bolton SOO am for Tenth 10 SO am from Tenth |lO 00 am for Tenth UOO n - n from Tenth II Ou am for Bolton 1 U pm from Bolton 11 30 am for Tenth SSO pm from Tenth 2do pm for Tenth ISO pm from Tenth 240 pm for Bolton 4Su pm from Tonlh 300 pm for Tenth tpm from Tenth IOU pm for Tenth SO pm from Tenth <cn pm for Tenth 7SO pm from Tenth 700 pm for Tenth *SO pm from Tenth 300 pm for Tench SSO pm from Tenth S tt> pm for Tenth 10 30 pm from Tenth 10 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv elty for Mong'ryTT' Lv. ’ Montgomery' 1 SO am from Tenth I 7 It am for Tenth 2 pm from Tenth | 1 IS pm for Tenth 4 SO pm from Tenth [ 400 pm for Tenlh CATTLE PARK. Lv city for Cat ParkT Zv. Cattle Park' 4 SO am from Bolton ; 7 00 am for Bolton 7 SO am from Bolton | 3 00 am tor Bolton 1 00 pm from Bolton ! 1 SO pm for Bolton 2SO pm from Bolton | 3 00 pm for Bolton 700 pm from Bolton i 7 30 pm for Bolton 500 pm from Bolton i *SO pm for Bolton THI'NOERBOLT Car leavea Bolton afreet Junction 5 M a m. and every thirty minute* thereafter until 11:30 p. m. Car leavea Thunderbolt at 4 00 a. m. and •very thirty minute* thereafter until 12-00 midnight, for Bolton afreet June tlon. FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR Thl* ear carries trailer for passenger* on all trip* *nd leavea west aid. of elty market for I*le of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate potnta at t:00 * m, 1:00 p. m . 3:00 p. m. Leavea Ila of Hop. for City Marked and al! Intermediate H** at 4 00 a. m . 11 00 a. m.. 2:40 p. K WEST END CAR. Car leaves west aide of city market for West End 40# a. tn and every 40 mlnutea thereafter during the day until 11 JO p. m. Leavea West End at 4:20 a. m. and ev. ery 40 minute* thereafter during the day until 12:00 o'clock mldnlrht. H M. LOFTON Oen Mrr. ateamer Oneida, Stamples, New York via Wilmington. New Orleana, Sept. 4.—Cleared. reamer* Ouaale. Leech. Clmfuegos; Jamaica IWI. Pick that. Liverpool. Port Rada. Sept S.—Arrived, ateotnr# Olympia (Br.). Seldera. Port Ulbaon: Prah (Br ). Slmnnd. Lo# Palmar: Rovston Orange (Br). Maurlgen. Norfolk. Lotil** (Ger), Von Borgen, Hamburg via NorMk; Sunniva (Nor 1. Johannaen. Ceiba. Tam plcan (Br.), Hlghton, Liverpool, aid hnS.rca Balled, ateamera Premier (Br ). McDon ald, Sanches; Banea (Nor.). Tronal*'. Port Llmon; Louisiana, HaDey. !*’** York. Port Tampa. FU., Bept. A—Arrived, t’t* Guillermo. Lope*, an l barges MlchaaU, and Bella Calnllna. Havana Key Weat, Bept L—Arrived ateamer Fanila. Thom eon, Sagua Sailed, night of the 4th, ateamer M cotte, White, Havana. Baltimore. Sept. A—Cleared.Allegh*ny. 1 Savannah; Itasca. Savannah. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic !nf° r * motion will be furnished maatera of ves sels free of charge In United States hy drographic office In Custom Houae Cap tains are requested to call at the effla Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to 4he Navy Depart ment. CLAYTON TRI4IO SI ICIOR- Led to tke Art by fhe Oeaertlo" *1 Hla Wife and Bnby. Atlanta. Sept. S—Remorse over the de sertion al hla wife and baby led B w Clayton of Spartanburg, 8 C , to attempt suicide at the Williams Houee this morn- Ing He look morphine and atrycbnln* In sufficient quantities for either to him Hut one poison acted as an antidote for the other end kept him alive urtlt physicians arrived and saved hla life n' left a note giving the desertion of hta and baby aa hla reason Hl* w ** Mta* Rifle May Parham of Spartanburg- Ha left her last Sunday.