The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 06, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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COTTON ADVANCES 1-4 CENT. ITROXO UTERPOOL *D It ■> CJ UK .n *ii* i* rt rt hk, fit rtllo* Future* Market f Inara at an Atlraarr of :*l and :tti l*olnla. tplrllt Turptallat firm nl 31 Uala, with a Reported quiet la. dertone —Hnala firm al an livaarr af A rrala Throuahual ike Liar. Mral and Trlrvraphlr Murkets. Morning Newa Office, Bept S Th* feature o( the markets to-day wai tna advance of It cent In the cotton mar ket, which showed considerable strength tn response to the sharp advance In cotton futures, and the general better feeling re ported both At hum* and abroad. The futures market Jumped 31 sn<l M points, with the trade looking for a better Liver pool to-morrow, which It Is expected will impart further strength to home markets At the advance there was understood to be a good demand for spots, though fac tors were disposed to hold for better prices. It was the current Impression itat the market was very Arm at quota tions. Spirits turpentine closed Arm at 31 ento, though It was reported the under tone waa quiet. The demand wa* good a part of the day. but during the late houra buyera were feeling of the condi tion of the market with a view tt> busi ness to-morrow. It t thought turpen tine Is wanted at present, and that a good demand may aprtng up at any time. The rostn market rloeed Art al an ad vance of 5 centa throughout the line. Th wholesale markets were steady. The fol lowing resume of the different markets will show the tone and quotations at the closing to-day: COTTON. The feature'of the local markela was the advance of Q cent In the cotton mar ket to-day, at which the lone was Arm and the demand good Owing to the Im provement tn the cotton futures market, and the strong advlcea both from foreign markets, and also the crop country, fac tors were Inclined to hold for higher prices. The market advanced 1) cent at the opening, and another cent at the succeeding call The receipts were 5,0*9 I ale*. against 1.840 last year. The following were the official spot quo tattena at the cloae of tha market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: I This i Last | day. ! year. Good middling . 193* h% ~ Middling jtft ,554 Iw mi<Mlln* j... .5 Good ordinary j... |v Savannah Rortiplt. Exports and Stocks Receipts this day 5,00 Receipts this day last year J,**l This day year before last 27? Receipts since B>t 1. 1900 14.111 Same time last year 15,140 ‘ oastwlse exports 1.11) Stork on hand this day 19,21*. Hams day last year 24.637 Receipts and Stork* at the Torts— Receipts this day 11.745 Receipts this day last veflr ®,<6* Receipts this day year before last... 9.96: Total receipt* since Sept 1. 1900 ... Si.M3 Same time last year■ Same time year before last Stock at all port* to-day 101.93’. Stock same day last year 431.277 Dally Movement* at other Porla- Galveston Firm, middling * 7-16, net re ceipt* MOO, gross 2.3®; sale* 951; stock 9 115. Mew Orleans—Firm; middling 9 11-18; net r oatgrta 1.300; arose 1.3®. sales, 2.4®. stock 96.247, Mobile-Nominal; middling 9; net re ceipt# 7; gross 7; slork 4,797 Charleston—Firm middling 95*; net re ceipt* 723; gros* 723; stock 2944 Wilmington -Firm; middling 9; nel re ceipts 1,344; gross 1,344; stock 8.556. Norfolk—Steady; middling 9*9; net re ceipts 872; gross 872; sales 841; Slock 1.193. Baltimore— Nonmlal. middling 94,. slock 600 New York—Steady; middling 9’; gross receipt* 14®: sales ®. slock 27.951. Boston-Steirty; middling 98* Philadelphia— Very tlrm; mliMilng 105*; net receipts 111); gnats 110; slock 1.276. Dally Movement at Interior Towns— Augusta—Steady; middling 9 11-18; nt receipts 1.213; arose 1,142. sales 678, stock 4 698. Memphis—Steady; middling 9 3-16; nel receipt* 48; gros* 48. sales 25; slock 7,845. St I suits —Quiet. middling 9 1-18; net re ceipts 13; Sloes 82; sale* 15; stock 7.386 Cincinnati—Dull; middling 95*; slock 7 927 Houston—Steady: middling 94*; nel re telpis 2 814; gross 2414; sales 77. stock 9.088. I*>ul*vltle—Firm; middling 964- Exports of Cotton This Day- New Orleans—To ,-onllnent, 2.230. Norfolk—Coastwise. 573. New York—To continent. 851. Boston—To Great Britain. 106 Total foreign exports to all port* this day: To Great Britain. 1M; to the con tinent. 3.1®. Total foreign exports from all. ports thus far this week: To Great Britain. 8.383; to the continent. 4.194 Total foreign export* elnre Sept 1. 1899: To Great Britain, 3.15&; to the con tinent. 4.194. New York. Sept 5-Spot colic® closed steady. s*c advance; middling uplands. V: middling gulf. 1059 c• •< M bal, ‘* COTTON PI Tl BE*. The ( lose Firm Hi ***•' ° r i "* ;ili Point*. New York, sept s.—Cotton—lt ' other Irvin* day for the beat* In *ll c°*' ion market*. though notably In Uverpoo. nnd New York The bull* were mercll*** In (heir attack* upon ahorl*. ami even tually drove Ihe latter Into a . frenxv Nearly everything favored o continuance of the aeneatlonal bull movement Marled • **'• rday morning here, and on Bat urday In the Knll*h market. The cab.e* were amazingly tirong. there were buying or der* In great numner* from all qu-H --• r* the print cloth and cotton gootte *ll - changed from one of gloom to an et epttonally height outlook, while Mouth *m |t market* were reported to be thriving upon heavy demand* from ex- Pnmera. At the time of our opening. Liv eried war h to point* higher, or far • hove n expected fair repone to ye t'rtiay’a great Improvement here Thl* tt owe enured riemoralliation In ihe bear rank*, and lnduce>l leading hull* lo ag grerrively operate on the long aide Fire! •!** *howed an advance of S to 13 polnl*. w tth the market officially reported *tetdy. In the face of a lemiiorary reaction In Liverpool, our market cotu.nued to nwvc In an upward dlrectlofi during the flr*l ►tour Near midday the retreat of hetir* developed into a complete rout ami de mand front tht* branch of trade, tn con nection with investment buying gave the market an exceeding!/ wrong under 'ona. After a brief period of inactivity •he market once more took an upward direction In the early afternoon, and •non *urpa**e<l the high point of the morning Price* advanced with remark able ease, there being practically no op- JV'ltloti offered and profit taking being ■lrhi. The announcement that •OO.'RO W* <• of off-print doth* had been aold In Fall River, end that the cloth market 'ltuaiion w the brtgheat In many week*, together with the announcement that American * pinner* were competing for • tpplle* with the foreign manufacturing •■lenient In flontbem market*, added to th# woe* of overcold operator*, and noted •* a fresh incentive to a higher market. It w* known that Manchester pinner mtt m de*pera;e Cor pop. W< MURPHY & CO., INC.. Board of Trade Building, Savannah Private leased wires direct to New York, l htcago and New Orleans. COTTON, *TOI h> AND DM AIN. New York office, No. 31 Broadway, Offices in principal dues throughout the South Write for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for trader*. Liverpool's stocks were at an exceeding ly low mark and thwt ocean freight room was abnormally scarce at all Southern porla. thus making It impossible to re plenish depleted stores of European spin ners readily The market vas very fever ish during the last half hour, with profit taking prominent, though not sufficiently heavy to undermine the market The pub lic was a conspicuous buyer all the after noon. on the belief that Liverpool wouat show further Improvements 10-morrow The close was Arm at a net rise ot 31 to * points PLITTt ATtM* l\ Kl TIRES. New York. Sept 5 —Cotton futures open ed ffiesdy and closed Arm Prices as fol lows: Open High l Close January .7. *.59~j 884 f *.5* _ | XkT February ....j til | t , *.s* , ski March | tit jtu .k y: April | X m s 78 x S * 83 May j 8.57 I 8.33 857 j 8.83 June | 8.57 I8 81 857 j 8 83 July j .... | .... j .... j 8.84 August I .... j .... j .... j .... leptemher ... 899 | 918 | x 99 | 917 October I8 82 9f j B.Bft 904 November ... 885 888 j 8 61 89 De*Wmber ...| BHO j 1.*5 jx 59 i.Bu Liverpool, Pep* 5 Cotton. spot. In creased demand, prices higher. American tnl ld’lng fair. *<yd; good middling, 6 7-33d; middling 4 3-33-1: low mbMllne. *l-32d; goml ordinary. SVL ordinary. 5 5-Id. The sale* of the day were IS,(WO bales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export sand Included 13,100 holes American. Receipts none. Futures opened steady and closed steady American middling, low middling clause September 5.53d seller*; Bepiem her-October 5.18d buyers; October-Novem ber. 5 01315 o*d buyers; November-Decem l>er. 4 574 buyers; f>ecemt>er-Janu*ry, 4.53 tM 'Ad buyers; January-February. 4 501 value; Fabruary-Marcb. 4 4701 ltd. March-Aprtl. 4 45d value. Aprll-May. 4 43* 4.44d buyers. May-June. 4 43* 4 43d buyera; New Orleans. Sepi. s.—Cotton futures closed Irregular. September . . 9.35 bid! February ...B.Bo*B 83 October * 99* 9 00 March i.U® M November ..8.80*4.39 April (.83*8.15 December . 8.78*4.79, May 8 84* 8.86 January ... 8.78*8.79 C OTTON LETTERS. New York. Sept 6 Hubbard Bros & Cos. say: Liverpool was the scene of an active market to-day. advancing sharply and causing an excited market with the sharpest advance of the season South ern markets reported an excellent demand from English spinners at prices which net the planter the largest amount of money for hla crop for years Tha move ment. while approaching the crop of 1807- 98, Is less than the drought crop of last season and this stimulated the Improve ment A Urge sale of print cloths was reported, and the market advanced sharp ly on these favorable factors. Only re alizing orders supplied the demand, whlc* carried price# upward to the highest prices of the yugr Another sharp ad vance Is expected in Liverpool to-mor row New York. Sept s—Murphy & Cos. say: Cotton advice* from Liverpool to-day caused considerable surprise and specula tive buying In this market. o|t there advanced 3-lSd with sales of 15.W0 bales Future* closed at an advance of 16 points for September and front 7 to 10 higher for the remainder of the list Here a.ivjn.v amounted to about 25 points on Septem ber. 28 on October and 22 to 16 on taler positions Liverpool bought near months 10 considerable extent. New Orleans also bought rather freely. Reports of con dition from greater ponton of the belt very unfavorable, and the bear* have at last realised that It Is out of the question for them to expect more than moderate crop. IHtf GOO Its. New York, Sept s.—Fall River small sale of half a million piece* of regular print doth* at full price of 25*c. M C. D Borden was the buyer Cloth market closed very firm. No belter demand than before for heavy cot ton goods and price* very Irregular, not being helped by Strength of cotton market Other cotton goods departments featureless Men’s wear woolens and worsted* dull and Ir regular. Dress goods quiet and unchang ed. NAVAL BTORRB. Wednesday. Sept 5 SPIRITS TERPENTINE—The market for turpentine closed firm to-day at II cents, with the undertone quiet The opening was firm at 14 cents, with sa es reported ai the Board of Trade of 1.521 ■ asks, and the closing unchanged, with no further transactions reported There was some Inquiry during the Ule hour*, but li was not understood any business of consequence was done The dity’a re ceipt* were 1.131. ailc* 1,521. export* 25. ROftlN—The rosin market advanced at lhe Opening 5 rent* throughout the line to-day. at which the lone was first. There were sales at the opening of 2.789 barrels, and at the closing further sales of 752 bar rel*. The demand was fair The receipt* wete 2.352. and the exports 2.985. The fol lowing were (he quotations: A, B. C II 40 I SI 53 D I 40 K 1 E 1 45 M 1 65 F 1 SO N 133 O 1 55 W G 2 (15 11 4 1 55 %V W 2 40 Receipt* Wednesday— Spirits.' Rosin Central Railroad 197 187 8 F. A W 638 1.495 F C. * T and G. * A 221 560 Bch. Mary Evereit ® 80 Sloop Ogarita 21 3 Shipments Wednesday— -8 8 State of Texas. 8a1t0... 1177 H S. Nacoorhee. N V SS MS Naval Stores Statement— Spirits Roalp Stock April 1. 1960 2.197 143 506 Receipt* to-day 1,111 2.152 Receipt* previously 209.622 412,787 Total since April l 106.130 578.645 Export* to-day 25 2.965 Export* previously 183.6t6 453,896 Export* tdnee April 1 161,671 458.861 Bto k on hand today 42 679 118.761 Slock on hand same day last year W,73* 139.989 Charleston, R. C.. Sept. s—Turpentine, nothin# doing Rosin siewdy and un changed. Wilmington. N C., Sept. 5 —Spirits tur pentine. nothing doing, receipt# 124. Roln dull, unchanged; receipt*. 213 Crude tur pent®* *e#dy. 11.1082 10; receipt*. 127 Tar tlrm. 11 *>: receipts. 58 New Orleans. Sept s—Receipts, rosin. 215 barrels; turpentine. 40. Export* non*. FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keep* fairly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANOE— Market 1* steady Commercial demand, $4 Ml 4; alxiy day*. 94 81; ninety day*. 14 1159; frsnea. P*rt* *nd Hsvrs. sixty day. 5.195* Swiss, sixty days 5 145*: marks, sixty dsy*. M **->*• DOMESTIC EXCHANGE Steady; hmks are buying at 5* discount and aell tng as follow* MS ami under. 10r pre mium ! 10 150. l&c premium; ! to 1100, 8k- premium; 11® to M® c premium; MOO and over par Check* must average MW to get Ihe par rat*. SECUBITUSA-Tb* tngfktt Is *ry lnc- THE MORNING NEWS; THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER (i. 1900. five, scarcely anything doing. Quotations are rath-r nominal Stacks. Bid. Ask Augusta and Savannah R. R 1C01) tio , AtUnta and Weal Point UR u* do 8 per cent. cartlUcate* 106 I<3 Augusta Factory 80 83 Cittxens Hank 138 139 Chatham Hank u* ui Chatham R. K A 1. Cos.. A s*>) 67H do do U 63 57 Eagle und Phoenix Mfg. Cos too Edison Elec trie Ilium Iflft 105 Enterprise Mfg. C 0...... 99 803 lletmania Hank 135 139 Georgia A Alabama 35 37 Georgia Railroad, common 21ft 315 Uranlteville Mtg. Cos 139 13S J P. King Mtg. Cos 100 103 Lit glev Mfg Cos 117 130 Merchant- National Hank 108 110 National Hank of Savannah 140 150 Oglethorpe Saving* and Trust... I<* 110 People's Having and Loan ..... 96 100 Southwestern flatlnxi.l Cos. Id* Ml* Savannah Gas Light Cos 34 35 Southern Hank 153 155 Savannah Hank and Trust lit 116 Sibley Mfg Cos . Augusta . 86 to Savannah Brewing 95 100 Roads. Hid. Ask. Char . Col A Aug lit Is. 1900 .. .103 Id Atlanta city 4a. 1*33 It*4 KM AngUe'S City 3s. IIS7 .105 107 do 414*. 1935 110 111 do 7s. USB 16 It* do 6* 1913 119 131 Ala Mid ss. I tid'd 1938. M A N 97 99 Augusta Factory. 3 percent , 1913 109 110 Brunswick and Western 4a. 1933 . 30 33 CUBA Banking collateral 5* 93 91 C of O. Ist ss. 50- year gold. 1945 F A A 117 11* C of O con sa. 1945. M A N. ... 9314 C ot (in Ist Incomes. 1945 4* 45 do 2d Incomes. 1915 11 U do 3d Income*. 1945 8 7 C of O <M O. A A. Dir.) s#. 1947 J. A J, ..................... . 93 94 C. of G. (Eaton Branch), sa. 1988. j . an 94 95 City A Suburban R R Ist 7s . 10* 110 Columbus city. to. 1909 lot 107 Charleston city 4. 1944 101 101 East* A Phanix Mills 6s. 1928... 103 107 Edison Electric Illuminating 8s .104 703 Enterprise Mfg 6a. 190! 10! ltd Georgia Railroad 6s. 1910 114 11114 O S A F 1945, J. A J 109 110 Georgia A Alabama Ist to. 1945 .104 103 Georgia aisle 3‘4*. 19(0. J. * J M3 107 do 3H*. 1915. MAN Iftt Pd do 414*. 1915 .117 118 Macon city 6s, 1910, J A J 116 lit do 314*. 1930. Jan par 107 ltd Ocean Steamship to. 1933 103 DM Bavannah city ss, quar. October 1913 11l 113 do ss. quar Nov . 1909 11l 113 Booth Carolina state 414*. 1131 ..H3 113 Sibley Mfg 0 0 I*l3 Ml |(K South Hound to *9 Iflft 8 . F A W gen ml'gv. 3*. 1934 123 lit do do Ist 5. gold 1934 UOH lUH do Bl John Dlv Ist 4s 14.... 94 96 New York. Bept 5 —Money on call easy at 119114 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. t?is<) per cent Sterling exchange soft with actual huslneaa In hankers' hills at 81 *7*sftt *714 for demand, and at It K3’„Wt *4 for sixty days; posted rate#. 84 85 and 91 8314 Commercial hill*. 84 83') *4 83V Hat silver 62*)c. B:lver certifi cate*. 6ft**t7oft*)e Mexican dolalr*. 48’,c. Government bonds strong, state bonds in active. and railroad bond* Irregular. BTIHKI AND RONDS. Considerable Animation Apparent In Iktr'e Trading. New York. Sep. sBy contrast with the recent dead level of apathy to-day's trading In slocks seemed like positive animation The aggregate of deal®#* was considerably larger than for some time post, ami the total was not made up with an overwhelming preponderance ol trading In one or two stocks Sugar I’eople's Gas and Brooklyn Rapid Transit ail continued fairly prominent, bus there was a marked Increase of Interest In rail road stocks There was a peculiar Irregularity of movement In the specialties. Sugar a* a rule, moving up while People Oas wa# going down, and Sugar reacting a* Peo ple's Gas recovered Both slocks were largely dealt In both above and below lasi night's level. There wus eariy strength In some of Ihe Iron and steel stocks, but they sagged away In the late dealings, seemingly under apprehension that to-morrow's trade review* might have something unfavorable to say. The .-ause of Ihe rise In the railroad stocks was not very clear, hut there tut 11 manifest accession of confidence on im part of the bull* Dealings were largely professional, but there was buying on 0 large scale In n number of stocks. Individ ual transaction* running up to 2.0® shares In some case* St. Paul. I'nlon Pacific, Chesapeake and Ohio, on talk of a divi dend. Southern Pacific and Louisville were notably in demand This strength had Us Inception In Iwndon. which center bought quite freely of various Intern.!- tlonnls Buying by local operator* wa# based in part on Ihe expectation that Ihe demand from lwndon would continue Benimenl at that center I* clearly much more cheerful, and uneasiness over the money market seem* to he much ahatel The settlement of threatened English rail road strikes, the belief that Ihe war In South Africa l* nearing It# termination, ind a ho|>ftll view of Ihe Chinese situa tion, all helped ihe English market, and operator* there Interpreted the election In Vermont as favorable 10 higher price* St. Paul's notable Increase In earnings for the fourth week In August, attracted buying here, and there was a large de mand for the other Granger slocks from Western source#, said to be from the abort account, and to he induced by the fav orable weekly crop summary of the Weather Bureau. The strength In T-onden was said lo he due In part to the expectation of receipt* of gold from New York, but this did not hurt 4h# New York market. With the surplus reserves of New York hanks at over 127.0®.®!). with gold being constant ly received from Australia and from the Klondike, and with the demand for money from the Interior continuing unusually light for the eeaaon. there Is no Imme diate apprehension over the local money market. Best prices were not maintained, and Ihe market closed heavy at only a fractional net gain. Ruslnes* wo* better in bond* but some Irregularly continued. Total sales, par value, M3s.n®. Dnlltd States old l and 5s coupon ad vanced 3* In the bid price. The total sale* of Mocks to-d*y were 253.9® sharer. Including Ihe following: At chison. 5.9®. Atchison preferred. 8.570: Baltimore ami Oh®. 6.299*. Chesapeake and Ohio, 30,940; Rt Paul. 8.981. Southern P*- cltlc, 11,455; I’nlon Pacific, 14 866, Steel and Wire. 8,283; American Tobacco, 10.*®; Brooklyn. 11,0®; People’s Oaa, 21.994, Su gar, 46.695; Leather. 7.295. * New York Stock List. Atchison 26'a I'nlon Pacific .. 571* do pref 715* do pref 7! B A 0 728* Wabash JU Canadian Par. *9 | do pref 1154 Can Southern 49 jW. A L. E ** C A 0 28*4 do 2d pref .... 23*, C. 01. w lot* Wlsconeln Cen.. 115* C.. B A Q 1258* Tilled Avenue 112 C.. Ind AL. U : Adame Express 114 do pref 575, Am Express 154 C. A E 111 Pb* United Stales Ex 43 C. A N W .. IB2H Weils .Fargo Ex 124 C.. B LAP. 17 |Am Cotton 011 *284 C. C. C. A 8t L do pref Ms* Col. Southern ... 85* Am Mailing .... 4* do lit pref ... 41 i do pref 2454 do 2d pref .... 18 Am Bm. A R... 16 Del. A Hudson 11184; do pref 89 D. L. A W. .. ms:Am. Hpirtta .... 154 Denver A B. O 198* do pref 17 do pref & |Am Bteel Hoop 28 Brie 11*4' do pref 8754 do I*4 pref **** Am Steel A W M 54 08, North pref 15*1-4 do pref 755, Hocking Coal . 1554 Am. Tin rial*.. 288* Hocking Valley M ! do pref ® Illinois Central 117 Am Tobacco .. Ml* lowa Central ..188, do pref IK do pref ....... 44 (Anaconda M.C. 85'4 -a- Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on to th Meridian Time - One Hour t ort Than Cl ty Time. Schedules In Effect flu nday. June Ift, 1900 niAßPowwii "WfWg~tam: n , ~Ro *4l nx ' i jioTlfl, ( j| (Centra I Time.) j | _ 13 Atpin.l3 Ham Lv Bavannah Ar | ( iOuto 3 | [| (kwlern Time.) 4 31pm 4 35am Ar Hiuok vllle Lv 3 (Warn l 77pm 3 ukjau t lOam Ar Cutumbia . Lv | 1 11 Itoin 9 10pn 9 4tom Ar Cbavlott* l.v 9 56iuu I lOam U 44pm G zipm Ar Qrennaboru t*v{{ 7 10pm I Mam Warn; Af~7.7........Tr.TTTTTTT.. Nor folk L, s wpin I .am 1 stpm At Dm Mile 1% 8 40pm • to > <*am| ( Mpm Ar . ~lßch~mowA 1.. ;j Olpu. 11 op •• 1 4u..m J tSptn; Ar Lynliburg Lv s;p>r 50am 4 Mam U'v|<ni Ar I'kriOl teavllla Lv |;3 060m,12 Upm 7 Mam 8 Uq>m Ar Washington Lv|lU tkirn * Wpßi * 15am 11 Mpi Ar Baltimore Lv 8 22am I fTpm 11 3tam I 56am Ar Philadelphia Lv 3 50aml 3 Olpm 2 33pm: 323 am At w York Lv 13 Warn) 335 pm 3 Mpm| 3 flflpeniiAf Gog ton. Lv|| 5 OupmjlO Mam Wo.MII to Tin NuHTtT AND WEST. 1 Null II (Centra I Time 1 || 11 3uani,|Lv .Bava nuah Ar I 5 lurnu ij (E.iaiar n Timv.) 380 am jLv Col imhla Lv|| 1 Jtiam ttoam.iLv Star lAhhiirg L' 6 Iti tn 12 lupni l.v Astu vllle Lri| 8 tfc*n 4 03(111 Ar 1101 ffprtnga Lv 11 Atom 7 30ptn Ar Kb >i vllle Lvjl 8 Ana 5 10am Ar Lexington I.VftO tom 7 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv \ 8 OCpm 7 4b.i1)1 Ar I Au.aville l.vj 7 4(pm 6 00pm; Ar St Louis Lv|| I Oeam All trains arrive and depart Jtom tha 7’lant Bystem Station. THROUGH CAIt SERVICE. ETC. TRAIN'B 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vostt buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Hoorn Sleeping Cara b. tw .n B-vaxe nah and New York. Connect* at Washington with Colonial Express for Bogton Pullman Bleeping Cara b-tweeri v' and Blvhmund and t'h.iilutle amt Nor folk Dining Cars serve all meals Iwiwegn Bavannah and Washington. TRAINS AND M DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vratllmied limbed tralna. carrying Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Cars betwran Si small ami NVw York Dining Cara serve all natal# between Bavannah and Washlm ton Also Pullman Drawing Room file ping Carr between Savannah and CkalnoxU. through Asheville and "The Land of tha Sky " For complete Information as to rate*, achedulea etc., apply to O. GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant By item Station JAMES FREEMAN. C. P and T A, 141 Bull street. Telephone#-Betl. 850: Georgia, 850 s It HARDWICK ABllant General Passenger Agent. Atlanta. Oa. L. E. & W HH Brooklyn H T do pref 93 |Col. 7'uel A lr. 15 laikc Bhore ... 309 jcont Tobacco .. 36 L. & N (~ do pref 78'j Manhattan L .. 92 I Federal Steel .. S4* Mri. 81. Ry. .. 154 | do pref 37 ilex Central.. US (ton Elecrlc,. 18N M 4 81, L 55 (Glucose Sugar .. 5154 do pref 98*y do pref 96 Mo. Pacific .... SUylnter Paper .. 118 Mobile A Ohio 37 | do pref 33 M. K * T ... 9V, laiclede Gas .... 73 do pref 31 National Hlscult 33>, N J Central 13314' <lo pref *5 N Y Central I*H4 National Lead . 179 Norfolk A W. 3544' do pref B*', do pref 76 National Steel.. 27 Northern P. .. 51 | do pref *S4 do pref 71', N. Y Air Brake 128 Ontario A W ~ 21', North American 15 Ore. R. A N. .. 42 I‘adflc Coast... 55 do pref 7* j do I*l pref .... *7 Pennsylvania .129 do hi pref .... 34 Reading 134, Pacific 3!tl .... 3H4 do Ist pref .. 574, People's Oa* .. 92', do 2d pref 27 Pressed B Car B‘j R. O. Western 54 | do pref 72'4 do pref 88 I Pullman P. Car I*7 St L. A Ban F Ift |Btan R. A T. .. &4 do Ist pref .. 67 Bugar 121** do 2d pref ... 334* do pref 113 8. L B W. .. 124, Tenn Coal A Ir, 704, do pref 29','17. H la-ather .. 114 Bt. raul 114 | do pref 70 do pref 17244! 17. 8 Rubber .. 30‘, M P A Oma 112 j do pref 9 Bout hern Pac.. 34V, Western Union Southern Ry. .. lit, R. I. * 8 12', do pref 52’, do pref 54*4 T. A P 14', P. C, C. A Ot.L. 54 Bonds. 17. 8. ref 2* do 4s W reg MS M A O 4s .... 4‘* do coup It*', N Y. C. Ist ...HM44 do 3s. reg It* N J C O 5# 122*. do 3.-, coup I North Pac 3* 331* do ne w 4*. reg 1334, do 4s 10414 do new 4s. c’p 138*-, N Y.. C. A Bt do ohl 4s. reg.ll4 | Louie 4s W*7 do old 4*. C'p..m N A W. C. 4s 97'j do to. reg ..112, Ore N. I*l ...110 do ss. coup .1128,' do 4a D. of C 3 31s 123 lOre. S L *• ..133 Atch.. gen. 4*. 10' j d> con to ...thlU d.i adjt 4* *SB, Head Gen 4s..X*Vj Can Bon 3d .108 (Rio G. W. Ist... 9*'i C. of Ga con. St L A I. M 5a 93 I .' con 5* 11l do Ist Inc. .. 41 Bt. L. A 8 F. do 3d Inc 11*4 Acn 8* 12lj C A O. 4*M> ..(**'< Bt- P con !6*x <7.1 5s 1174,81 P . C. A P. C A Nw C. 7*.140 | Ist 11 do S F Dab. Bt P , C. A P. to ....: 11* ! Se 11 Chi Ter. 4a .. 914).80u. I’ac 4a .. 7*, Col Bou. 4* .. 82V*!Bou. Ry. to 10M, n A R O. tat. 1324) S R AT 8* .. 67 do 4s 98' 1 Tex. A I’ac Ist .112 Erie Gen 4* .. 894,’ do 2d 55 FWAD C. i Union Pac. 4s ..1054* tat 22 |Wal*asli let 117’, Gen. Elec to ..115 | do 2d IftUi low* Chi. lat. lU’i W#*t Bhore 4a ..lU'i LAN U. 4s . 99V, Wlac. Cen. Ist .. k*44 M.. K. A T Id. MlyVa. Uetit. ..... * New York. Bept. s.—Btandard oil 536*539 MIBCELLAREOVB MARKETS. Note.-These quotattan* ar* revised dally, and ar* kept a* near aa possible In accord with the prevailing wholesale prices. Ofllclal quotations are not used when they disagree with tha price* whole saler# ask. Country and Northern Produce. POULTRY—The market Is steady Quo. (aliens: Broilers, KBKe per pair; hall xrown. K®4or, three-fourths grown. 459 60c hens. (6®Me; rooetara. 4®; ducks, gees* and turkeys out of sesson. EGGS—Steady at 17c BUTTER—Th tone of th* market ta steady. Quotations: t’ooklng. 14r; sstra dslrles. 51c; Elgin*. 22®33c; extra Elgin*. 2iS®2sc CHEESE- Market firm: fancy full cream ohec** Mb’ for 20 lo K pound average. 26930-pound overage. 12V ONIONS—YeIIow. In barrel*. *2.50. crates It®. Early Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, 12® CABBAGE—BS49Bc per head nreadstuffs, Hay and Grain. FLOUR—Market steady; patent. 14; straight. 14 10. fancy. 1195, family. 7A MEAle— Pearl, per barrel. M-75; per aack. 11 rliy meal, per sack, hotted, 14.K9 ' water ground. *1.25; city grits, sacks *'#■ Vrl Hudnotg*. per oarrei 13*5' l > * ,r “Ck. 11M54; sundry brands. IIWH ® “e*- CORN-Market firm, while. Job ®ta, 43c; carload lots. 85c; mixed corn. Job lota, 81c' carload lot*. 59c. RlCE—Market steady. demand fair; fancy head. 8e; fancy. 954 c. Prim* * Good HBBt Pair 8 9*' J i Common OATS—N 1 mixed, carload. Mi*: Job lot*. Me: whit# clipped. Kc, Joh; tic cars. BRAN—Job lot*. 95c; carload lota. ®c 1 HAY—Market steady; No. I. timothy. Kc Job; K care; No, t ®c Job; M cars tlaeou. Haute and Lard. BACOS'-Market firm; D. S. C. H ski**. P*c; D 8 bailie*. #s4c. (Eastern); D 8 be ll.s. tc. (Western), smoked C. R. sides, * •- HAMS-Sugar cured, 1254911 c. LARD—Pure, in tierce*, *>4c; In ®-pound tin* and 90-pound tubs, M4c; compound, in ttarces. B%c; 50-pound tin* and in-pound tub*. 81*c anger and Cage*. SUGAR— Cut loaf CM] Diamond A Crushed * Mtt’onfectloner*’ A6 23 Powdered 6,M!While Extra C. 598 XXXX pow d... 6*1 Extra C MS Cube Golden C 6.78 Mould A 3.58 Yellow* 5 38 COFFEE— Mocha 88c iPrlme, No. 1 ...114)0 Java 83c jfiood. No. 4 ....114(0 Peaherry 144)c Fair, No. 5 11 a Fancy No. 1 .13VI ordinary. No. 8 104 y Choice. No. 2 . ,114)c'Common, No. 7.10 c llsrdasrt and Hsldlag Supplies LIMB. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair demand and eeb at BC. cents a tmrrel; special calcined plaster. 31 DO per barrel; hair, 4* jr. ltosexlale cement. $1 to*l 18; carload lota, special, Portland cement, re tail. 35. carload loi*. 82 '*tt2 SO. LUMBER F O. B VEBHEUt SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard ala."., 810509110 ft; car sills. 112.80*13.00; different six. - (14 On |tM '; ship etoi k |l Oft*lX uo ; , 88<8d78k>: hewn tie*. 3643t< | k. I steady; demand fair; alg- I nal. 4Mptoc; West Virginia black. 9itl3c; 1 lard. 68c. neatafoot. Okului . ma hinny. | , 4i2ic; llneenl oil, raw. 674,c. boiled, 75.-; kerosene, prune white, 12c. water whlta' j 13c; I'ralt a astral. 14; deudortze.l stove gaaulinr, drums. Il4gc. empty oil barrels. [ delivered. Ssc I QUN POWDER-Per keg. Austin crack i shot, 1400. half keg*. 12.35. quarter keg*. 11 25; champion ducking, quarter kaga! 32 28; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. 11135; quarter keg*. *5 75; 1 I’wind canisters. It OU. less 25 ner cent ; Tr.ue.lorf smokeless powder, l-pound cans. |1 00. 10- | pound can*. 9ftc ispind BHOT-Drop, (1.10; U. P and large, (t. 7(. ; chltlexl. (1 75. IRON—Market very steady; Bweda. NAHA—Gut. 87*0 hase; wire, |t,Bs baae IIAHBED WIRE 83 50 per 100 pounda. straight goods. 23S3tv. augar houaa mo lasses. 15930 c Frails and Bata. APPLES Early Northern variety, (2X39 3.00. BANANAS II 2691 75 bunch PINEAPPLES— Extra large Abhakxa Cayenne*. 9! 50 per standard crate; small Red Biuinlsh 72 0002.(0. LEMONS Market steady at 94 50 NUTH Almonds, Tarragona. |gc, Ivtcas Me. walnms. 7'renrh. 13c, Naples, 12c pe cans. 12c. Braills. 7c; nib. its. Me, mu^urt . ed nut*. 50-isuind and 35-txiund boxes, jje PEANUTS Ample stock, fair demand market firm, fancy hand-picked. Virginia Pr pound. 44*c; hand-picked. Virginia, ex tras, 4c; N C. seed peanuts. 4c. Dried and Evaporated Fruits. APPLES -Evaporated, 74493 c; sun-dried 5*496c PEACH Eft— Evaporated, pealed, 144 c; unpealed. *1,99c PEA US Evaporated, 9e A PHIi'OTB- Evaporated. 95,c pound; nectarine-, 10c KAISINB—L. L. (2.00; Imperial cabinets 12 25; loose, 60-pound boxes. X9B',c pound. Cnttuu flagalug and Ties. BAGGINO Market firms Jute, 344- rnind, H*c; large lota. 94*c; small lota. pound. 8%09c; IV pound, (4)®*44c; saa Island bagging. 124)c. TlES—Btandard, 48-pound, arrow, large lots. (1 40; small lots. 11.50 •alt. Hides and Wool. HALT—Demand is fair and the market steady; canned lota. tOft-pound bin leu sacks. 44c; lftn-pound cotton sack. 4,V; 110-pound burlap sacks. 4*4)0; 110-pcund cotton sacks. 49*,c. 225-pouml burlap aacka, 68c; 125-pound rollon sack, s(c; 38> i.umi burlap sacks. 86c. HIDES- Market Arm; dry flint. 134)c; dry salt. 114)c; grevn salted. 3c. WOOL—Nominal; prim* Georgia, free of sand burr# and black wool, UK . black, l#c; burry. 10c. Wax. 38c. tallow. (Vac. liver akin*. 10c. Mlkf KM,I.ANROtg. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels. No. 1, 88 60. No. 2. 18 00; No 1, (6 50; kits. No. L (1.40. No 2. II K. No. I. 85(1 (Velltah. '•pound bricks, 34)c; 2-pound bricks, *c. Hmoke-i herrings, per box. (Be. Dutch her ring. In kegs. (1.10. new mullets, half barrel*. 18 50 BYRUP Market quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 2M7Wc. selling at Bolsc sugar house at 10015 c; selling at HONEY Fair demand, strained, In bar rets. 6S9oftc gallon . High wine basts. 81 S. OCEAN FKHI6HTI. COTTON.—Savannah lo Boston, per CWI.. Kc; to New York. t>er cut , Kr; to Philadelphia, per bale. 21; Baltimore, 21 FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. Uc; Liv erpool. 55c. Hamburg, 55c; Genoa. SuC; Barcelona. 70c; Manchester, 16c; Havre, We. FOREION INDlßECT—Liverpool. Sic; Manchester. 4Tv; H imburg. 90c; Havre, 61c; Genoa. Kc; Reval and Hi, Petersburg, 70c; Antwerp. 65c. LUMBER -Rv h-il Freight* dull; to Baltimore and eastward. (4 ® to 16 00 per M . Including Porlland LUMBER -By Steam—Savannah to Ral llmore. K® . to P R R or B, A O, docks, 26. M; to Phlladelpnla, 168*c per cwt.. (4 lbs 10 foot); to New York. |6® ,o- r M 16 J 5 to dock; lightered to Boston to dock. |gau. NAVAL STORES —The market la firm; medium else vessels Roe in -Cork for orders, 1* 6d par barrel of S pounds, and 6 per cent primage. Spirits. 4 ad par to gallon* gross, and 6 per cent, primage. Large vessels, rosin, la; Spirits, is Id. Steam, lie per 1® pound* on rosin; 2154 c on sptrlla. Savannah to Boston, and 954 c on rosin and >9c on spirits to New York. OH 518. PHOYtMIOgg. ETC. New York. Sept. 6.—Flour a trifle eas ier. especially on spring patent*, which were shaded to encourage business, Min nesota patent*. 14.(9)94.®. Rye flour dull. Oornmeal quiet. Rye weaker; No. 2 Western. 17c. Barley steady. Parley malt dull Wheal Spot, steady; Not 1 red, 10c. Op Plant System. of Railways. Trains nperated by loth Meridian Tt me—One Hour Blower Than City Tim*. _ READ In'll N* , ECf olive Ax a I9uu . Rt AD I' I** 1 til ,88 *v Si tvh and South. 1. 33 ,88 *5 111 H* : * 12 -sail toa, 4lplo Mu IMe Ar Uharlesion.... Lvjjll lip! 5 Mls| 31P 7 41a I dtp j * 2*a 12p Ar Richmond Lv 9 06aI Bp| I 1 01a| 11 3i| Ar ..Washington... Lvi 4 Jus 3 07pj - I • *9j 103 Ar ... Baltimore.... Lvjj 1 |6aj I 1 15p| 7 00a, Ar ... New York.... Lvjj 9Sp 3 Hal sssiie ar : "' ' * ' > 00p jAr Boaion Lv lip I2oonl ujjjs* l ' 13 . 51 , ~soi7th ’7* 06 . 34 , 13 .. wp i lip MU* 5 Jo(j 3 t"....Savaaiiah .... Aril l 0ta.,13 iua|M *P|U 59ii* U tipi 4 4&P tu sua, 7 AV. 3 aAr . Way cross.... Lv 10 *op| S 80p 3 85a 9 30a| 7 Oua 12 tool 9 3p, 2 Dp| J Dp| 8 Isi! Ar .. Thoms*vllle . L' 7 00pl 7 3f 5 36#! 5 438| I * 10 Wp 7 top 12 Ml :• -Jki, X 3ua ,Ar ... Jack onvlUo Lvi, 9 rn> 8 Uo|>j 8 '•* 7 lua 5 Otk* |M *Pi I p|U pl3 ICp Ar Falatka Lv! 2 40p ( oop 4 0(a 4 36a .... | 1 Uto 8 40p | Ar ... has ford Lv. 12 06p 1 00a 1 Oua ....... j I I 330 p( 2 lop Ar ...Ualtiosvill# ... Lv 2 40p ....u. I j J lip I lip Ar foal* Lvd 1 40p j I ’lu 6d|. 10 6't Ar .Bt. Potersburg.. Lvi I 800 j 7 SOajlO tukvlft ODpjtO Oop. Ar Tampa ... Lv 7 00a 7 00a 7 36p 7 p - IBIO 10 top; 10 top 10 sup Ar Port Tampa Lvi 3 360! 3 16a 7 OOp 7p .... .j | 1 lOoj 1 iftai I lou Ar ...Puma Uorda . Lv j 4 33p 4 35p I | . HO 46a-10 4to Ar ..Bt. Augustin#. Lv 8 3pi 3 top i 8 COp 3liUp 6 Lv Bavannah. Lv|| 15a 12 10a ....* ....... ....... I * lap 5 Da| 4 sop 6 vs* Ar Jcsup I.v| * J<a 10 tor 1 | 335 p; 7 !0j 1 36p| I 06a|,Ar . ..Brun awlck . Lvh 6 oa| 9 06p| NORTH. WEST AND •ODTHWMOT. 15 .14 , Vto Jcsup || Mi 36 li 134 \la Montgomery ,| 18 | fiT Lv tMvannah Ar |1011a,13 10a j 6 0p n dim Lv Bavannah Ar ,10 lia I 40a 6 45p| 3 40u,.Ar .. Jeeup.. Lvl| I 3fta|lo 50p * |>a 9 top \ r Mtg mery Lv ! 7 46|> 11 25<% •Bl; I Up,jAr. Macon Lvj 1 00* i 90p lopl 3 60* jAr Nashville Lv 9 00a 2 21a 6 30a I top At Atlanta Lv 10 48p 12 USP 2 30* 13 p! Ar Loulavlli* Lv 2 55a 9 lip 9 44a I 40t Ar Cha'nonga Lv 3 OCp 6 sia 7 s*. 4 06p Ar Ulro'lnnall Lv 11 oop 4 43# 7 (ftp) 7 60* Ar lamlavllD Lv| 7 4to 7 45p 7 loa| 7 lip |Ar Bt. lotuls Lv 3 top 3 33a 7 to|i 7 34a: Ar ClnchXiatl Lv l 8 30a 7 OOP | I (I, 3 (3.) IMa OOp Ar Bl LouD Lvi 9 15p I Oka 7 82a) ]Ar 81. 1-ouD Lv 8 OOp 7 15* 5 MniiAr. Chicago .Lvi ■ top 9 UOp | 1 (gf A O.) 6 4uai 4 Ist* Lv. Atlanta .Ar to Ssp|ll so* 6o*l 9 t*n lAr.. Chtcaeo .Lv 7 tvg> 1 sop I 05p 7 15a Ar Memphna Lvi; 8 30al 9 top ~ rTT™ 9 45a 7 iu. Ar KanaasCMyLv|j 8 lopj 9 top 4 12p| 8 o*!|Ar Mobile Lv||U 83p|M 19a * land unmatxed tralnO) dally. * *®Pl 3 JJ Orlaana Lv'i 7 s&a' 7 Up t Dally except Sunday. ... , L Bavannah Ar .10 Mailt Ma (Sunday only ! 1 (to ll top 'Ar. Ttfton ...LvM 2 l&a 6 top Through Pullman BlerptngTar Service s* 2 10p Ar.. Albany ..l.v 'll Ola 1 45p to North. East and Weal and to Florida j I 6 top Ar Columbus Lv|| 10 30a C oanerflona made al Port laaips svltb airaaiers for Key Weal and Havana. Leaving Port Tampa Moo days, Thursday* and Oatnrdays at 11 am p. m. J II Polhrmu* T T A ; F A. Armand . City Tkt Agt.. Da Solo Hotel. Phone 73. B W tYRENN, Passenger Tra ffle Manager. Bavannah, Qa McDonough 1 ballantym^, Ir6n Founders, Machinists, moaafa eluree* ot stnii..* err aad Paelabt* Eaalae*. tfrllaal aed V-p Mueale. v? lore a l He, Mill aed ’•■*. Ska Dial. Pallets. .I*. TELEPHONE NO. 123. IT P IIMITED Oouble Daily Service The short line to Norfolk, Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and the East. j Ntx 44 i No. (3 Lv Bavannab, 0 A. L Ry ll 35pm li spm Ar Columbia. B A. L. Ityi l ttpmt 4 Mam Ar Raleigh. B A L By ill 37pm:1l SOam Ar Durham, H A I. By j T toani 4 16pm Ar Petersburg. B A L tty 4 18am; 4 Mpm Ar Richmond. 8. A 1. lly! 5 Mam 5 4"pm Ar Washington, Penns.. 8 45am 9 30pm Ar Baltimore pcnn.i :10 'Oam ll topm Ar Philadelphia. Penna ;I2 27pm 2 56am Ar New York l'enna | 8 OSpmi 6 13am Lv Savannah, i. A. L. By 12 ttpm II spm Ar Portsmouth. 8 A.L.By; 7 Ouum, 6 50pm steamer* feave Norfolk dally, except Hunday, for Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York, and dully for Washington. short line to Munigomery. Motill# and New Orleans, leaving Bavannah at 7:26 a. m.. arriving al Montgomery 7:40 p. m . at which point cloae connection I* made with the L. * N M. K.. arriving at Mobile 1.06 a. m. and New Orleans 7:30 a. m _____ The then Ifrf. lo Fernandina. Jackaon vtlle. Tampa and other Fkrld* point*. | No. 27 | No. U Lv Blvannsh.T. A L. By 5 06am I tffpm Ar Fernandina, B A L ily 9 Ssm 9 (Apm Ar Juckaonvllle, B A.L.Ryi 9 tftam! 7 40pm Ar Tampa. BA.L. Ry j 6 30pm, 8 10am Magnlflccn* Ihillman buffet sleeping car aarvtce to Washington. Baltimore. Phila delphia and New York; aiao to Jackaon vllte and Tampa. Dining cars from Bavsnnah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Bavannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan etreeta. Phone 28. tlons opened steady on talk of continental acceptances, but Immediately weakened under liquidation Inspired by lower ca bles; targe spring wheat receipts and for eign selling A late rally on covering and big export demand cloacd the market tlrm at A partial 59c net decline; May closed. 8354 c; December closed. M|c. t'orn—H|g>t easy; No. 1, W|, Option market was weak meet of the day. owing to active liquidation supplemented by fa vorable weather, weak ralitea and the drop In wheat. Rallying Anally on cover ing and export business. It closed Arm at s*c nel advance May closed, 4034 c, De cember closed. 46%. oats—Hpot weak. No. 2,26 c. Options dull ami easier. Reef steady Cut meal* steady. Lard easy. Western steamed, 17.10; Sep tember Closed, 17.0754 nominal; refined quiet. Pork quiet; mess. 112 604} 11.16. Cottonseed oil dull. Rosin steady. Turpentine steady. Rice quiet. Molasses steady. Cofree future# opened steady with price* 1 to tt point* lower and ruled easy during Ihe rest of the session with price* tend ing downward under fairly active gen eral selling based upon weak foreign ad vices. a bearish ruling of statistic*, and discouraging conditions In the spot de partment; speculative support wa* lark ing and (he outlook In general pessi mistic. The market closed steady with price* 10 lo 15 point* nel higher. Total sales, 14.160 hag*. Including September at 7.1097 15c; October. 7.15b7 ®c; November, 7 154|7 25c. December. 7.13 c; February. 7 4087.45 c; March. 7459759 c; May, 2.58® 7 60r. Bpot coffee. Rio easy ; No 7 Invoice, 834 c; mild quiet. Cordova. 9544114*. Sugar-Raw. strong .fair reAnlng. 454 c; centrifugal, 96 leal. 4 15-tic; reAned Arm. Butter ateady. creamery, 1754922 c; fac tory. 14917 c. Cheese Arm; large white, 1954: large col ored. Egg* Arm; slate and Pennsylvania. 1654 919 c; regular parking at mark. t4li<c potatoes quiet; Jerseys, II.KOI.TL Jer sey sweets. 11.1593. M. Peanut* quiet: fancy handpicked, 4c; otehr domeallc, 25494 c, Cabbage dull: Long Island, per I®. 13 ® 92 Freight* lo Liverpool Arm; cotton. 18c; grain, 45*1 POTTftN 6EF.It OIL. New York. Sept B—Cottonseed oil was steady; high ocean freight* check export business In forward delivery Prime sum mer yellow. M<4964c spot; off summer yet low. SMIMS4C; prime winter yellow, Mff 1*545 prime while, 1791754; prime meal, (26 CHICAGO MARKET*. ChkWgo, Sept. s.—An Improved export %tfYCOy Schedule# Effective Sept. 1, 1906. Train* arrive at and depart from Central Station Weet Broad, foot of Utartjr street. Mth Meridian Time—One hour slower than city time. Leave Arrive Savannah: Oavarmahi {Augusta. Macon. Atlanta]] •8 45am Covington MiHedgevlllefN 00pm (and all Intermediate pom<s| lAogii-InlAogii-In Macon. Atlanta.| Athens. Montgomery. Co-, •9 00pm litmbua, Birmingham, An-|N 60am |ertcua, Kufaula and Troy.| mtnodalMn r7~tf*a* M ®pm Quyion Dinner Train. jti Myra •Dalis (Except Sunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TT BEE 75th meridian or Savannah city tlmef LEAVE SAVANNAH Dally—lo 06 a. m , 3:16 p. m.. S:K p. ra. LEAVE TYUBE. _l)ally~7.K a. sa , 11 06 a. m.. 8:46 p. m. Connection* made at terminal point* with all 1 rains Northwest. West at® Southwest. Sleeping oars 00 night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon. Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day trains between Sa vannah. Macon and Atlanta. For complete Informal®*), schedules, rates and connections, apply t W O. BREWER. City Ticket and Pas* anger Agent, 107 Bull street, or W R MrfNTTRE. Depot Ticket Agent. J C. HAILE. General I‘as# eager Agent. E H HINTON. Traftlo Manager. THBO. D. KLINE, Oen. Superintendent. Savannah. Ga. I, HIDES WANTED. DRY FLINTS 1154* DRY SALTED 11540 GREEN SALTED 6540 D. KIRKLAND, Successor to R. Kirkland. 417 ta 421 St Julian street, wast. demand was Ihe main support lo a dull and generally weak market to-day. Onto, her closed 34981® under yesterday Corn closed 54c lower ami oal* 54c higher. Pro visions closed a shade to 75*0 lower The leading futures ranged aa follow*; Opening Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheal No. 1- Rept 735497164 78549 WA 71 736*97*34 Oct 711497454 7454 7184 7*4 Nov 715*97454 7454 7454 74S Corn No. 2 Sept 3993954 MB4 <>Ct 178,91714 >s*fl3* ITS *< Nov 15149*8 *69*65* KB4 % oats No *~ Hept 21 2192154 2054 2154 Oct 2154 21x492154 1192154 21 v, Nov 1154 2184 *1549*184 2154*21*4 Mea* Pork, Per Barrel 8* pi. I® 95 116 95 110 ® ROM Oct, . 11 6754 11 1754 16 *754 11 ® Jan .11 275* 11 275* UK UK laird, Per 1® Pounds— Sept. . 676 9 7254 * 70 7154 Oct. .6® 8® 876 871 Jan . 6 5754 880 850 655 Short Rib*. Per 1® Pound# Rspt. .725 7 SH 7 23 TK Oct. . 7 1254 715 7 16 7 Jan. .6® 195 5 8754 6® Cash quotation* were as fol®ws; Flour quiet ami unchanged. No. I spring wheat, 89971 c; No 1 red. 7554 c, No 1 corn. H64® KS4C; No, 2 yellow. sac; No. 1 oal*. 21® 2I3|C; So 1 white, 21591454 C; No. 1 white, 228,92454 c. No 2 rye. Me; good feed tug barley. 19c; fair lo choice malting. 429 48c; No 1 Sax seed. t1.U91.51; No. 1 Northwestern, $1 515*9! 54. prime timothy seed. 118; mess pork, per barret. 110 95® 11. lard, per I® pounds, W.725*96.MH; short rib# rides. Goose), 17 1397.48: dry salted shoulders, (boxed) *649*840; short clear sides, (bused), 17.6597.75; whisky, basis of high wines, 11.1454; sugar* cut loaf unchanged; clover, contract grade, 19 25®9.50. "Orayheard la a family medicine with us,” *Atd a prumlnrnt bus®es- man yes terday 'My wife take* It, and I notes she Is enjoying better health than for years. Tba children keep well by taking tt.” Graybcard may be obtained at all drug stores or writ# lo us for It. Reapaaa Drug Cos., sol* prep*.. Savannah, Ga.-ad. 7