The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TAX RATE A LITTLE LOWER. FIXED m THU POINTY n*H*U*- •IOHBMS AT f(l. PER MI.MM. With the Redaction In the Mete of state Tmntlnn the People Will hove 30 Cent* Per Mt.Mttl on l*nf Year's (Mete nnd I onntr Taxes. The lluilitel Theee Ylasl Me n Met en nr o *ilM t" < nrrr the t'onnly Thronjih the Pineal A en. The county tax rate for IW> '* fixed gtaterday by the •‘ouniy <'otnml*looem •i W.r. per *l,a. Thin In reduction of 4 cent* per IMW on the tax rnte of I**4 year, and with the reduction In the rate of state tnatation trill bring the burden of eta e and county taxes down from Slid to Sil <4 per |1 <9**. a decrease of 3W t ent Tne county rate two yearn ago wan Kit **r SI ’to The rato for lfno In practically what the Morning Newn haa predicted It would be Of the full amount per SI.OTV SZle goes to the public achoola and $2. si 4b r general purpoeee. The budget of expenditure* fixed by the Commissioners for the present fiscal year In *34,425, " Increase of Sl7.(W> over the budget for W. The complete bud get In n* fololwn; a Public achoola • * s -® n ® Superior Court City Court Jail . ***** Chain gang and quarters County farm _ , ' 4 ’ I trail;age ‘ l, ‘ Hoads and bridge* 3>.<w Imi '!■ Live a toe It * Court Houre *•'" Insolvent coat *•*” Stationery and records Charltlea *•*? Ordinary and lunallca Commlaslonern* olhee * ,§ V Pont mortem Expense* (general) Extra expenses l-f“ Interest on bonds - Iled'-mptlon of bond* *•**• Hulnrl' S. communions, etc 14 i.o Elections • Total .„ S2M.4T; There In an Inert*** of *s,'> In the ed ticatlonul appropriation. S4.*s*' for Supe rior Court expenses. S'sni for |tl!. S'- f" for chalngang and quartern. C.> for drain age (MR for Implement*. Ordinary and lu natics, *225, extraordinary exi>enae*. S*‘- There are a numter of reduction* aino. Superior Court City Court ’*•*? lajnatlr* 1 Court House ’ Roads and brl.lge* Ordinary jr'* Insolvent costa *• ’ Record*, *4c Commissioner* k ' Election* .2! Ta* col led or To* receiver 1 "*.’ County farm ;* IJve Hk B Jg, •*> Chain-gang ■■•••• - Interest on and redemption of bo, * <, • 5 m j.* Coroner • Genera I expenses ■■■■ y- Superintendent public work* <■< - partment Implements 1 ™ Poet mortem* . Jl. County treasurer • •• * Permanent quarter for chain-gang I.W Extraordinary expense* Totnl **" Tne property return* to the tax re ceiver foot up SJI.SSI.m which U an In crenned valuation of SI.ISM4SOW 1* MOVING H4I*ITAL HI ILDINGX- T her Arr lo Hr Hrwodrlril wad I •+* mm Dwelling Boases. A for.', of boi vl. *.. >* un n,ovU ’* th. inov hospital building*. On. '-ull.l „ be*,* moved from 1* old l* ,<l,lon on th. east end of Ih. hoepHal 10 • ton lion further ***L h. other. will - nniM.l wh.n th. work on th. ffnrt ha. |.rn •' Thwi the remodeling Ui bogin, awl tt l expec*l '*< •‘ m ° n¥,n,h,i Will he required lor th. converolon of the tmllrttng* into dwelling* r p, Ohampton la having th. work don. He purchased th. hcepltal hulkl tnpa to* the recent sale. hia intention cdng to remove them to the land he bought •otn. time before, and rent them aa dwell- Imta. after 11m having their Interior changed an that they mlttht be adapted to that purpoa. A vaat amount of floor space exist* In the bulMlng*. and dwellings for aeveral hundred peofile rook! he provided. If. after the bulldlnga have been convert..! Into dwrelllngr. tenant* ran h* aecur.d • tar*, colony will aprlng Into existence Just he yon* I the city 4tinle* rtpr. w. . HtHt m:ad. H. Had Come to Xainnnah From Okatle. It. r.. for Hedleal Treatment. Capt W. N. Hama died tort night at the home of hla etater. Mra. B. C. Zlt traitor. No 107 Broughton at reel, east He had Jua: reached the city at noon, comma from hi. home at Okatle. 8. C., for medical treatment. Kor some montha |te had been her* for thla purpoae. hla ailment helna dropay. but aome two week* aao he returned home because of on im prove mml The mnladv arew worae aft er hla return home, itowever. and h de clde.) It would be w>-lt for him to come be. k to Savannah for renewed treatment. Capt Ham. waa a well known farmer In Beaufort roun-ty. He waa captain of th. Beaufort ltlatrlet Tn|. In the ttouth t’nrollra atate service. He w.ia 54 year, otd. unmarried, and leavea no other near relative* than Mra 7.lnrauer. The funeral will take place thla after noon at 4 o'clock, from Mra. /.Ittratier'a realdent-e. The interment will he at llon •venture. WILL EATKH THE COBVBUT. Mlaa W'alah of taaaala to Be He re! vrd To-day. Mlaa Walah of Augusta will be received Into th.- convent of the Sister* of Mercy thla afternoon The ceremony of reception will take plact at 5 o’clock. A large party will arrive from Auiruata thla morning to attend the ceremony. Died Away From Mont.. Ethel Eugenia Anderaon. the R-year-old daughter of Mr awl Mm. M J. Anderaon of Waycross, died at No 416 McDonough atreet. weal. Inat night from fever. The little girl waa vlaltlng relative# In Ht vannah. and had only been In th. city a week The funeral Kill take place thla afternoon at 4 o'clock, from the realdence of Mra M E Alien. No. ll* McDonough atree* wear The Interment will he In Laurel Orov. The child - * pnrenta arrived In Savannah aeveral day# ago. and were with her when ehe died. The increaae In the aalea of Cook'# Im prrial Extra Irry Champagne la aom.thlng eao.rooue Purity and superiority will tell. —mi. HOI M: I %*K HKTTLED. I'Ri mrnl of I mill' *nm nml for Ittrl Hni of Agrrf nirnf. The Row fstwti raf*r, whtrh inter* [ cp •*) the public th# itt fern (Ufl, an (led >##t#rlgy by an ■grwmt m "•tarrn Kou* ovhl th* Rirl'n p# rrn, In whtrh thr former, on rofitnbriikn of th* • •* bring ilropitol an<l no further t<'Uor of any kin*! bring taken, agr**## (ogtivrto ihr girl |T.’* rawb. an*l to p*y for mrritrai treatment for hrr under m ttavanfwb phy sician for on* mouth Th I/k|ii Kiri, mho coubl rut hr found Tu**i*ta y night, having left her (oar<ling hou* during the afternoon, wan dierov erorl yeaterduy morvting in a board.n holt#* on (\>ngrr*# street, near Went Broad. All ptrtft#* to the atfreetneni. met 111 Mr T. I* Hill’s office in th* afternoon and the ion that mi a'crp;ei wan th*-n mab It %*.# not ttHMik* without i tne heeltancy, nrxl wt until Mr r>l Mr* Leerl* bml made a \imi to the off). *■ *p( i |**al abrlicr. Ar tber question tht %va* but miu h i' not definitely settled, wai ’.he fuiure tn.n. of the in tmtu.l in tin* matter. I wm* con*-eded that It mould In* pitpollngi) nli-our*-*s!b> t.ot to My !m|fc>#ibi, for the lanit* to u iln occupy the reiatiorut of employer and employe formerly held, or e\-en to live !f *-.i h other'* imm* Hate vicinity, and to U f?* quire tkr>.Kald*' that Mr and Mr* l-ewia m.kc their fuiure home In inmtrt Carollmi, where they formerly lived liou-e had nlwHit decided to return te Cyclone Tuemiay night, lut man per •u .|nw| not to, )>oth by Mr Hiil and b\ hi# iMJhJiw * partner. Mr lawton Mitch* ell. The former w-t# anatoun that a #et tlemert r*e m.>. and thought that on** ao ml ie f**> .?.!•• |f the [wnw>np |nt rei*t*.l oHtkl he brought together; while the hit ter itid not think that it would he caa. ;|y wfe for Kouae to return at the present time. A PNKTTI MtsllT Ul lIDIXi. "* That of Mr. H. J. Tbumn* anil Mia# tnnle I- . Ilrnkrn l.nat %l|ght. Avery pretty mfSing %%hl. h took pla nignt at KdO o'clock, wo that of Mr Kvan Joelah Thom.w and Mi* Annie Franca* Itenken. The ceremony, mar performed at the home of the brldp'r mother, Mr# A. I*. Henkrts. No 714 Alotii gornery wrest, by Rev. Robert Van le. venter. pnMor of the Inilfv Htreet Hapti#t Church. There were no attendant*, hut ihe pjrlor* mere filled with the numerou# frl-’oi* of the hrkle and groom. The bride wa* )hn <mlrigiy dreeaeaf In n gomn of pearl gny Venetian <-iJfh, trim- Wd with white matin applique. Bhe car ried a houqur: of liride ro*e*. She |* a young lady of many mirme ;ind iiydoi pli#hnenti*. which hive m.ide for her n !4rge circle of friend*. Mr. Th>mn* i* u well known young 'Heine-* man. cotmeoted with Me**r# <leii A Quint. At the ronclu*|on of the eremony .1 rei'iaicn wa. held. Mr. and Mr#. Thomw will make their home at No. 304 Taylor itreet, went. The very many t>nd hareiNome prvmeiit* with which they were remembered by the|r t riefmi#, will fumleh mu I eli*rn I heir new home. WILL HAIIG % Tl\ ROOK. flight C hange Mnde In the Plan# for the School HnlMlni. Mr G. L. Norrmcn. the Atlanta archi tect. wlio ha# dmignel tw*> or three ochool building# for the Haviinn.h Hoard of Ed ucation. wa* In th> city yesterday to con fer with the Building i'otnmiUee of the lH*-*rl. relative to change in the roif plan of the Eighth Street School, whir!, i* tKw in cour#e of ereotioti. It wa# the original intention to put a gr.ivrl roof on the huikikig. hut Inventl gation dl#cloeei the fact that the a#|>halt in auch roof# #omntlnie* skwo not ermlur** well In this climate, tun learning of thi*. the committee deckled It might l*e well t commit with Mr. Norrman relative to ti change. The consultation, which wia held yesterday at Hupt Ashmore # ofnw, r suited In the committee deciding to sub stitute a tin r*of for the gravel. FI'AKHAL OF I. At. It A ALh. Interment Iralrrdar Afternoon In Itonat.ntnrp Cemetery. The funeral of the late Mr Ivtula M Ryala waa held yeaterday afternoon from No 101 Anderaon atreet. eaat. the home of hla brother. M tj. O. M. Ityala. The ser vice at the realdence waa at 4 o'clock, many friend* of the family attending Itev Mr. t'awthon. supplying the pulpit of thi First Hupttst Cnurch, In the ahaenre of the fuiator. Rev. John l>. Jordan, con ducted the aervloe at the residence and at the grave In Donaventure cemetery. The fun-rat warn attended hy Landrum Lodge of Mason*. of which Mr. Ryala waa a charter mrmtor. The pallbearer* were MaJ Thnmaa 8- reven. Mr. W. G. Rrewer. Mr Thomaa Warren of Orange laike. Fla . Mr John M Hogan, Mr. W. F. Train and Mr James Butner. OFFICE OF Till! KLKS. t araltal I ommttf.** Have a Hnon* I Oder the llauars' < lull. The Elka have secured the office under the Georgia*' Club, formerly used aa ticket office for the Florida Central ami Peninsular Railroad The headquar tera for the committee* having In charge th. Elk*' Carnival will tie located there, and until the monster show they are ar ranging has Inert concluded, there will he member* of the order In the office to look after It* affair* Director General Renaon of the Carnival will be here within th. next few dnya to look after the arrangement*. After hi* arrival preparation* will go on with a rush, though th. several committees are already busy, and It seem* that the iHrer. tor general will find thing# well under way on hi* arrival. A 111 HAT OFFERING Tt* URIAH. Narrowly Averted by the Timely Ap p.arane. of a Polleemaa. In Bust. Allen and Martha Jones, two colored restd.nts of York street lane. eaat. Patrolman M Davis had a pair of tough customer# to deal with late Tuesday night. The women wer* arrested on the charge of flghilng and creating o disturb ance that annoyed the neighborhood When the office entered to make the ar rest the Allen woman hail poured kero sene over her antagonist and u en deavoring to Ignite her garments. The op portune entrance to the policeman pre vented a tragedy WILLI ARM PIT IA JAIL. Ilwllorh County Man surrendered by Ills H o nilsmnn. O. W. M. William* of Bulloch county, era* committed to Jail yealerday by Uni ted Stale* Commissioner Lewi*. William* was arrested aome time ago for the lar ceny of a letter from the malls. He was taken to Augusta, and held under a *3OO bond. Later he came to Savannah Hla bondsman. B F. Porter of Rulkych coun ty, fearing WHllamo would not show up for trial, had him re-arrested and taken adore Commissioner Lewis, and with drew from the bond. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1900. HURRICANE SIGNALS UP. hex kmk nnHM H’ui kgt rn M 1 I\t. I I* THK A OAST. Ktyrriril le Slrlke (he fieorgla A'naal To-day hlwwal Hwkfl* S*lre4 true (he I’n.lnlHrr Mnlldtna aa<l (he Ala r(rll Tower e( Tyhee at tllilßlabl—Mire l*law(era awd htp plaa Mew Sear (he a(r*w—l-repor. ■ (lan. ■( Tj bee ana on (he ( as( lalaada. That a biirrleahe may be expected off the Georgia coast to-day wan the Inform*, non received by (be Went her Bureau lam r.tgbt shortly before l rt o’clock The men* *.i*e came from Washington: ‘ Hurrlcan* norm (tarnlng at Cedar Keya. Taibim. ftints Gorda. Key West. Muml. Jupiter, Jacksonville and Hnvaanah. Storm center of great Intensity near Key Wt. mv- Ing elowly northward Dangeroua and destructive northeasA wlrxie o'er Bout ti er n Florida during Wednesday ntgnt and Thur*d.i). extending Thursday through North Florida cd along Georgia coast.’ Tht* telegram had been preceded at I ts in the afternoon, by one ordering up northeast storm signals on account of a tropical storm centered near Key West, moving northward. The message further prrdt. ied north*'at wind* becoming hgh ut night, and continuing to-day with raln. Observer Boyer and Asatatant ttbaerver Mitchell were k* ie busy until after mtd ntght notifying the people and chipping men of the approach of the hurricane. Btorm signals had been flying all the aft ernoon after the reeetpl of the first mes sage. on the Post office and Morning News building*, and at dunk the red lantern. Indicating the approach of easlely winds, was 111. Afmr Ihe receipt of the second message three signal roekm* wrere fired from Ihe top of the foatolßce building lo warn river men and the resident* of the surrounding country of (he probable storm. These rockets were fired with fif teen minutes Intermission between each, beginning ut II S' o’clock. A selephone message was sent tit the station hi Maf leilo Tower til Tyhee directing (hat rock et* ulso be went U| from there. The rockets show a red light that can be seen under favorable condition, a tlls tance of about eighteen miles. That they were seen by large number* of persons was Instanced by the numerous requests for Information about them that wer* telephoned to the Morning News The w other condition* yesterday were almost normal The thermometer regis tered a maximum temperature of *6 de grees. ale Ia minimum of 73. giving a mean of hi degrees, but one above the normal for Ihe day. There was but a Iraee of rain, less than 1 of an Inch The excea# uflthe rainfall (or th* month l* I K trw-he*. while the shortage for the year t* 7.7* Inehew. A storm of any severity Just at this time will result In great damage, partic ularly to lire rlee planters. The ba>*k tides would Inundate the fields ami the wind would destroy whal grain I* left There was much during the afternoon ami night among shipping men. planter* and people on the sea Islands. Properly owners on Tyhee looked after their houses as well as they oould and every precaution was taken to guard against the storm. IlieHOP Ktlll.EY AT HOME. Monslgwnr AVartlaclll Wilt officiate at 4 athedral Dedication. Bishop Kelley ha* returned to ehe city after a month's absence In the North, spent partly In rest at hi* brother'* home In Brooklyn and partly In looking after vartou* matter* of business pertain ing to the Savanna)t dks-eae On hi* re turn Bishop Kelley came hy way of Cin cinnati. where he attended the consecra tion of Bishop Moeller, a former class mate. Hlnce his return the Bishop ha* been very busy with the affair* of the diocese, considerable work having accumulated during his a lute nee. When seen yester day he said that the arrangements for th. dedication of the Cathedral have not yet been completed. "The dedication will take place Oct 2*," he said. "Monslgnor Martlnelll, the papal delegate to (his country, will he In attendance. Cardinal Olbbons will lie un able to be present. 1 have no Idea what other prelates will be In attendance, the Invitations not having been aent out a* yet." The Bishop declared Ihnt he had noth ing of Interest to report, his vacation hav ing been spent very quietly. He took no trouble whatever to Inform himself a* to the political situation, "t have never voted and never egpect to.” he said. TO PROVIDE A ST AI It WAV. I'nsy Access to Hr filvew la Foot of Whitaker Atreet. The petition of Cnpt. G. U ( . Beach for more convenient *te|w hading down to the foot of Whitaker street from the Muff, will he granted by Council. Capt. Reach r<-|re*entcd that hi* steamboat line han dies In the neighborhood of 50.000 people .< year, all of whom are more or lea* In convenienced hy the present ateep ami narrow slop*, amt Investigation showed Iltat there was m> rlt In hi* claim Alderman IRxon hon plans which have been prepared for a wood en stntrway. leading down from I he bluff to River street. Thr stairway I* to he fifteen feet. In width, nnd to constat of three siage*. so aa to give in essy grade In arrangement It re semble* the stairway at the Tyhee depot The coat of the Improvement Is estimated at *3OO. MAT DIVIDE THE OFFICE*. Ilnrstlnn of the llnnsra faptalney nnd t'lnh Presidency. A meeting of the Georgia l!u*ar* was held Utd night, when the question of mak ing a change In the by-laws to provkle for a separation of the offices of captain of the troop and president of the club was discussed It was decided to leave the matter with a committee to report a plan uniter which the separation of the duties of tho two positions may be brought shout. Capt. Henry McAlptn has been trying for some months to have the two offices divided. He I* desirous of being relieved of the presidency of the club, and It was at hla solicitation that the movement to tiring about the division was begun. FDR CIVIL HEHVD'B PLACE*. Examination To-day for Candidate* fur Positions of clerk and € arrlrt. A civil service examination for clerks and carrier* for the Savannah Posinffhe will he held this morning at the Post office building at to o'clock. There are twenty-one applicants who will be exam ined. twelve while men. one colored wo man. nnd eight colored men. If you don't feel quit* well, try a bottls of Hood s Sarsaparilla It la a won Jerful tonic and invlgorator. It will help you.— ad. Chair cars on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday; engage your seats on Baturdaye at the Li* Soto Hotel ticket office.—ad. ■Il l TIMA AT *F.A liIMT. Hralsiealal Team Hid shooting Here That Mas Superior. Savannah and Sea Girt will not do bi*l neaa together any more, because of a cer tain little unpleasantness, it is unnecessa ry to mention, but. If she Savannah Vol unteer Guards had tram there to partici pate In the shooting that Is now on. It I* very likely that tester scores than theee thus far recorded would be masle an-l that Havana.ihleie would again come back as winners The Washington I'awt rtf Tuesday hael the account of Mon day * snooting, snowing that Ihe fttxth Hattaiton team of the National Guard of the metric! of Columbia stood first up 10 mat time, when me snoot log at the J" end the Sin-)ar4> rapges. ten shots at each. In Ihe regimental match, had been ccmp.eted. Better shooting was done here In Ihe slate shfiot day before yesterday by Ih* Guards’ regimental learn. Klx men com pete al Rea Girt while ten were on the regimental teams here. Taking the six men of the Guards' team who made the (test score*, doubling their score* at 3UO. where but five shots ware fired, a total of id? al the two range* results, ngalnsT t total of tv.' made by the District of (Columbia team. Following Is the score made by the six Ravannahlan*: 3hn LOi F-tger a A*. Wilson. F. C 21 Austin 21 41 Wilson, H. E 1 41 Myers 42 Tunno It 9 123 261 When 123 Is multiplied by ! for ten *hots and the reault, 24f>. I* added lo XI, ? Is the sunt Following are Ihe scores shown for the District of Columbia teams at Rea Girt Sixth Battalion. D. C. N. G soft Aggr.- yard*. yards, gate. Taylor 42 4 Sk Homer*..., 42 41 Ki McGovern .... h 41 M Isoolan S 4J *1 K W. Bcott 37 4J Ml Dickey 37 41 3* Total .... 4*2 Of otbir shooting, the I’ost has the following: The Rrhuetxen range* were occupied all day. aid the Hunt match on the German ting target. In which N. w York. New Jersey, and Pennsylvania were rcpre*nt ed. were closely contested. Ih- winners lelng the first of the Z*tiler Klfie Ass-slatlon. of New Y’ork. the Fhllatlel pbla It I fie Association being second, only 7 |sdnta behind In the I'olumbla trophy match and th* National tiuard match, which were con fined to six-men team* from New Jr*ey regiment*, the Fourth New Jersey lead* In both matches, with respective score# r f SUI and MO In the re-entry revolver match. Tom Anderton. of Boston, still leads with the high score of 137 out of a possible ISO. but he w* closely prewed to-day by 1,. Pteroy of Jersey City, who la credited with the scare of 133. George Joiner, of th* Z*:t!er Rifle Asso ciation. of New York, nt.ll hold* the high sec re* In Ihe cont n tutus Rehuetaen eon tests. with 1 on the standard American and 223 on the German ring target Following are the leading stores In the different contests, ex.ept In the team match, which I- given above: Columbia Trophy. New Jersey National Guard—Fourth Regiment. sbi; Berond Regiment. 4tt. First Regiment. 450. and Third Regiment. 3*7 National Guard of New Jersey match- Fourlh Regiment. 4t: Second Regiment. 441: First Regiment. 414. and Third Regi ment. 396. Beheutxen team match. German ring target Zettler Rifle Team No, 1, New York: F. C. Ross. 2M: Michael llorrler, •-■tR: H. M Pop*, m. George Jointer, 300; Henry llohies. ITU; total. *77 Philadelphia Rifle Ass. slat ton—ll. J Mehard. 301; J <5 DU lon. 177. E C God dard. 179; L P. lttel. 201. and Nathan Hperlng. 201: total. 944 /.enter Rifle Team No 2. N< w York— L. P. Ilanaen. 306; R Busse. 19fi; George f'urktss, 189: (Jestrge Rchllcht. 311. and G Wtegham. 163; total. Nei Manhattan Rifle and Revolver Associa tion. New York—J. A Hilllgan. IW., W. I’hler. Ut; O. E. Taylor. 195; le C. Riiase, 189. and Dr W G. Hudson. 3V5; total. 9i>3 Hoboken Independent R hnetxen Associ ation—A Peters, ITS; K Fist her. 19S; A. Volk. 125; W Foekel. 17a. and V?. Merck mann, 193: total. 853. He-entry revolver mat h—Fifty yards standard Am< rlcnn target; military re volver allowed: ten points on three scores. Tom Anderton. Boston. 4*. 46. 43—137; L. pteroy Jersey city. 48 44 . 4A 135. J A. Dletx. Jr.. New York. 43. 43. 43—129; Corpl. ("owperthwalte. H*ju.ilron A. New York, to, 34. 10-118; T H Keller. New York. 37. 33, S3. 10-113; Corpl. Hale. Boston. X, 35. 31. 10-112 At IAG FDR OVER gA.OOO. \ Hum lint f and Bellinger Sard hy Acs* York Huai Oar Company. Butt waa filed In the Superior Court ye*, terday hy the New York Ron tier Com pany against P. C. Rumholt nml William H. Bellinger formerly of Savannah, hut at present non-residents. The suit la for MJMO principal, on four promissory notes of |1.125 each, with Interest from Oct. SI. IXS9. and also *472.66 attorney's fees. The notes were made payable, the peti tion states. In one. two. three nnd four years, and were secured hy a deed of con veyance to lot 5. Spring field plantation, ami the machinery and plant thereon. Thi* Is the plant that was used by Rum holi and Bellinger In tb*- Savannah Box and Ita-ket Works, though the name of the concern ami the purpose, for whl-'h the plant waa used are not mentioned In the petition. An oar making machine was not Included In the conveyance, hut was simply leased from the New York concern It la stated In the petition that an agree ment was a leu entered Into hy the |iat - Ilea hy which Rumholt ami Ikillnger were to Insure the plant for *5..V0. the pol icy to be made payable lo the New York liarlle* In case of loas. It I* stated that the defendants have fatted lo keep thla agreement, and this la made the ground for bringing the suit. The real reason, doubt leas. In the unsatisfactory condition of the affairs of the Savannah Itox and Basket Works, of which Messrs. Rumholt < and Bellinger were the proprietor*. The box ami haket work* wrre appar ently doing a very prosperous business and the enterprise wot* euppooed to he a paying one. hut some months since It was announced that Mr Rumholt had disposed of his Interest to Mr. ReHtnger. It was quietly understood at the lime that he received practically nothing for his share ami was left in bad shape financially. Mr Bellinger was a resident of Tonawanda, N\ Y., though It waa thought he Intend •l continuing Ih® business here. It would seem from the statements contained In the petition that such Is not the case, a* tt I* requestAl that service he perfected by publication. What were the cause* of the trouble of the box and basket works sre unknown here, as the concern seemed lo he well |ial roolzed and to be doing a praeprrou* huslneae. A torpid liver mode active, a had head ache relieved by using Saratoga Aron dark Water Alt you can drink for 5 cant* at Solomons' drug store. Bull and Charlton street®.— ad. Th* annual convention of th* National Baptist Association (colored) will be in session at Richmond. Va.. Sept. U. U, 14. 15. 16. 11. 18. tt And 20. Take the Sea board Atr Line 'Hallway. These rate* gre open to evtrybody —d CAR LINE PETITIONS GRANTED. I IA IMM RLE TRAC K RARNtRfi (AD PIT MM'ITA Ml OA AAHITAKKH. The ( nmitany Hetialretl ta P*f# the Hloch on Barnard From t'ongress to Rroaghtou With A ItrlHed llrlek. It Is Also Allowed ta Erect shel ter* lor Paasragera on East Broad Street—4|derniats llorrlgaa’a Ordi nance Laid tin Ihe Table—hew Ales arnger nl ( nuncll to Be Elected at heat Meeting. The meeting of the City Council lawt night was email and comewhat unevent ful. though several maitera of Interest were disposed of. There was Just a bare quorum present, five members beelde* the Mayor. Alderman Bchwait* and ttorrtgan •ere k< pt away by Hines* and Alderman Jarrell wa* also absent. Those present win Mayor Myers and Alderman Tltd • man. Dixon, Doyle, Bacon and Graham. Tht- oth* r aldermen are out of the city. The several petitions of Gensral Man ager Lofton of the Street Railway Com pany. were granted with the exception of the one with reference to the paving of Holton street, from East Broad to the Savannah. Florida and Western Rail way. The ordinance introdu ed for this purpose ut a previous meeting waa not taken up because there was not a ma jority of the members of council pre-ent. the approval of a majority of ihe members being required In order to pass an ordi nance of this description. The pe-tltion of the street railway com pany for jtermlsslon 4o double track Bar nard atreet and to operate a double belt upon Hay. Barnard. Tenth anti Aber rant atreet*. was grunted with the con dition aft ached t oat the company should pave Barnard street, between A’ongrc.** and Broughton street* with vitrified brick. It Is understood that the street railway company will accept this condi tion. though General Manager Lofton takes the position that as the company Is making an improvement for the public bench! at considerable expense to Itself and one which will Increase the operate exiteneer as well, mat It Is something of a hardship that an additional expen*, should be- saddled upon the company for Its public spirit. The petition to be allowed to place switches on Whitaker atreet and to op erate cars both way* on that street was also granted. Another petition granted to the street railway company was to l al lowed to place small sheds or hoods at the Intersection of Gwinnett and Ka* Broad strreta and Bolton and East Brood streets for the protection and com fort of Its passengers at these transfer point*. A petition received from resident* anti property owners south of Anderson street asking lhai a striking clock hr placed In Ihe cupola of the new Eighth .Street School was referred to the Committee of the Whole. One of the aldermen remark ed In a stage whisper that It might be better to put a cupola ami clock on Ihe new engine house, lo lie erected on Eighth street. It having been states! that the plans for the Eighth Street School •lo not Ini lud.- a cupola. The petition 1* very numerously signed, there being sev eral hundred signature*. By resolution by A Merman Tledeman. the Mayor was authorised to receipt for IJi.fdO. the amounl agreed upon between the elty ami the treasury department a* the balan -e due from the government for the building*, machinery, wharves and other improvements owned by the city at the quarantine station. Tbs action of Council was only a miller of form, as the Mayor had already signed ihe receipt In accordance* with authority previously vested In him by the Committee of the Whole. A treasury draft for the amount I* egpeeted In a few day*. By resolution by Alderman Dixon the ebrk of Council wa* Instructed to adver tise an election for messenger of council lo take place at the next meeting of that body to fill the vacancy caused by the recent lealh of the late Messenger John Hardsell Mr. Charles A. Gradot I* now performing the duties of this office hy temporary ap|*dniment by the Mayor.and Is giving every satisfaction In this ca pacity. He is the only announced appli cant for the position eo far. A communication was received from !t alth officer Brunner Inclosing a resolu tion adopted by the sanitary board at Its m cling this week In which attention Is called to the unsanitary condition of the lands southeast of th* city, lying between the Waters Read, the Thunderbolt shell road and the line of New Houston street, ext-mded. due to lark of drainage, nnd urging that step* be taken to remedy this condition of affairs at one*. This tract Is Just outside the corporate limits of the elty, but 1* within the Jurisdictional lim its The rommunleatlon was referred to the drainage committee. Alderman Horrlgsn's ordinance repeal ing section IS of the lax ordinance, which authorlxee the appointment of a special officer hy the mayor with the approval of the Finance Committee, as an assistant to the tax assessor and city treasurer In the collection of delinquent taxes and bus iness llconwes was read a second time amt laid on the table on account of the absence of the author. There I* little doubt but that the ordinance will he adopted. The proposition of W. H. Tarver for the establishment of a free library by the rltv was reported upon adversely. The petition of the Unon News Company to l>e allowed to place slot weighing ma chine# upon the streets was acted upon favorably, a tax of $1 per annum being required for each machine ami the loca tions of the machines to be under the direction of the Street and Lane Commit tee Petitions were received from the Low ton Memorial anil the Haven Home to he relieved from assessments for sidewalk improvements, and wer# referred lo the Committee of the Whole. Hills amounting to 110.2 M t were re ported correct by the Committee on Ac count* ami passed for payment. Council took a recess subject to the call of the chair. FI ND FDI4 INDIA XI FFERKHX. Xaxannah’a 4 untrlliuGiiii Foots I p Xo Far, gattojtn. Savannah's subscriptions to India fa mine relief fund handed to the Southern Bank, up to yeaterday. footed up *330 39 a* follows: Amount previously acknowledged and rimlttod ...*3Ol M Cash 15 Mr*. Nellie M Schlrm 100 J. J. McDonough. Jr 1.00 F. C. Rat'ey tOu Many A Apple 1 00 B A Rsck 2.0) Dr. J H. Redding. Waycross Ga jo.oo Cash 20i Carl A Erdmann A 2.00 N. M. Coney 1 0) Mrs Max Robinson l.Ou J K Wllllnk l.Oi T. J. U'linen 1.00 gl.Ati to Awmiata and Retwrn. Central of Georgia Railway will sell ex cursion tk'ket* to Augusta and return. Sept. 10. at rate of *1.50. tickets limited to date of sale, and at rate of *2.00 ticket* limited two day* from date of sale, for special train leaving Savannah at t;l* a m . Sept. 10 Special train will iear* aoi gusta returning at 11:00 p m same dale, —ad. Th* summer is passing, have you taken In the Plant Systam Sunday excursion* to Charleston 7 ou* dollar for the round trip, -gd —— - II ill M PER A lit ADARCI (IF SPIRIT*. ( aased 73. F. Corbett to Fire ll( Hl* Pletol la Ihe Tenderloin. At I Jh o’.Cock yeeterday morning the dents*ns of the Tenderloin were startled by Ihree pistol report* In rapid succes sion. and then, after a short Interval, two more. The pistol was fired from * hark, at Price street and Ugletnorpe avenue by W. F Corbett, as It was afterwards dis covered When the first Ihree shots were heard Patrolmen Atkinson and M Davis, who were at the barracks, started for the seen* of the shootlntr its! were In sight of the hack when the second fuetlade took plare. The hark wa* driven rapidly northward, the officer* pursuing, and fin ally overtaking It al Habersham and Broughton street*. . The occupant was arrested and sent to th- barracks on the charge of being drunk and disorderly and firing his pistol In the strert*. He was unable to apttcar yester day morning and hts vase was continued until this morning’s session of the Re corder’s Court. THE UOI H(|l 13 CAME AGAIN. Motion for a Yen- Trial Filed by At torney lor P. Honr<|itln, . A mo:ion for anew trial wa* filed yes terday In the Bu|trt|or Court. In the ease of P. Bourquin. versus G. Bourqutn. the motion being filed by Mr. <5. W. Owen*, attorney for the plaintiff The Bourquin case has been In ihe courts for years, atvl seems likely fo continue there, a* neither of the ling infs seem.- willing to accept the settlements agreed upon by various juries, which have heard the cases float lime to Ilme It I* a fight between father nnd son, nnd will iloubtless con tinue as long as bo:h nre alive. hots la Ihe Time. To use Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonjc If you wish to remain at your post of duty and pass through Heptemlier and October without the loss of a single hour of time, take a course of Johnson s Chill and Fever Tonic. Neither the mountains nor the seashore can guarantee such absolute Immunity from sickness as Johnson's Tonic ec ru re* lo you. The wise man Insures hts life and the wiser man insures his health. A bottle of Johnson’s Tonic Is s guarantee of health. It savea enormous waste of time, saves vast expenditures of money In doctor's bills and save* human life when endangered by fever, t'se It and use nothing else —ad. f 15.1 W to Hlehtnonil. Aa. nnd Return Vln Xonthern Hull uni. Account annual convention National Baptist Association (colorcdi. Tickets on sale Sept 10. 11, 12, final limit Sept. 22. Rat* open to all Most convenient sched ules. Jas Freeman, C. P snd T. A.. 141 Bull street. 'Phcnca K 0 -ad Arrangements have been effeeged by which 1.000 mile book*, the price of which is 125.00 each. Issued by the Seaboard Air Hallway are honored ihmneS in Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail road; from Port*mouih*lo Baltimore over th# Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and Laurens Railroad. This arrangemcn* includes the books Issued by Ihe Florida Central and Peninsular and Georgia and Alabama Railroads—ad. Tlckefs on sale for the annual conven tion of the National Baptist Association (colored!, at Richmond. Va.. Sept i, u. 12, good until Sept 22. Inclusive. Take the Seaboard Air Une Railway These rates are open to everybody —ad. At Esllll's News Depot. 45 Dull Street Savannah Morning News. New York. Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Charles ton (8 C.). Jacksonville. tFla.), Cincin nati. New Orleans. Washington. (D. C.), Chicago, AuKiictn. lOa ), Atlanta. Macon ((■• ). nmt other promlm nt ihtllte*, ..Ho the various monthlies ami weeklies, new books and everything rlir usually found In ftrst-dars new* ilepols.—ad. Ticket* to the annual ronventlon of the National Baptist Association (colored), at Richmond, good for thirteen day*, hy the Seaboard Air Line Railway. These rates are open to everybody —ad. Special attention will lx- given to he comfort and pleasure of those going by the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the annual convention of the National Bap tist Association (colored), to he held In Richmond. Sept. 12-2 P. These rate* are open to everybody.—ad. .A Drllelona .XiunWc. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant elgar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco; It Is evhilaratlng and delicious. See that (he name of Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50. Conchas at $j vi t 3n j Perfecto*. *4 50 at Uppman Hros.. whole saln druggist*. Barnard and Congress street*, of this city —ad. The annual convention of the National I Baptist Association (colored). Richmond ! A'a.. Sept 12-2). will lie a memorable oc- i caalon. All good Baptlsls will take the I Seaboard Air Line Railway. These rates are open to everybody ad ‘•lt Cured Me." "Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on mf," says Mr Chiu Thom.ia, th jew eler on Whitaker atreel • And pul me | n better health than I have enjoyed In a long time." Take Oraybeard Ptlla for that dtxxy feeling—Lost appetite, and follow |t up with a bottle of Oraybeard. It la all you need. Reaper* Drug Cos., aole propi. Savannah. Oa.—ad. Sunday Tripe to Brunswick t la riant System. ft. The Plant Byelem will veil round-trip ticket* to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date ot sale, at rate of fl 00. Train* leave at 2:10 a. tn and 6:20 a m -ad. Cos to the annual convention of the Na tional Baptist Association (colored!, at Richmond. Va.. Sept. 12-JO. by the Sea board Air Line Railway. These rate* are open to everybody ad. To Brunswick and Return T | a the Plant System, Sunday. In addition to the Charleston Sunday excursions, the Plant System are sellii,. round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rale of fi.oo for the jound trip Trains leave at 2;iu m , jnd One fare for the round trip to Ihe an nual convention of ihe National .Baptist Association (colored). Richmond. Va Sept 12-20 by the Seaboard Air Line Rail wiy These rates are open to everybody —ad f 13.30 to Richmond, Va., and Return vta Southern Railway. Account annual convention National Baptist Association (colored) Ticket* on sale Sept jo. 11. ia. (Inal limit Sept r ! "" *“* 'WMtai sched ule* Jas kreeman. C. p. and t a uli ttrgst, 'Pbeees SW.-od. *" 141 I Come in and take a look at our “Kay Harness.” We manufacture them. Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. ililil i25 Congress a. Vest We handle the Yale & Towne Manufactur ing Company’s line of Builders’ Hardware. See these goods and get prices before plac ing your order else where. IF Sllll’s Illfßli DOtS NOT CURE ALL MM Fevers snd Chills YOUR DRUGGIST WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY Every Bottle Guaranteed. MANUFACTURED BA’ COLUMBIA DRUG C 0„ SAVANNAH, CA iMZORS., A ASSORTMENT Broshes, Strops, Etc. EOWH LOVELL’S Ml lia llroagiuu atreet. West. BRHNNAN BROS., R NOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etr. * IJ say street. w*jl Triers* as a AA. SEED RYE. GEORGIA SEED RTE. SOUTHERN SEED RYU. TEXAS RED R P. OATS MAT. GRAIN, FLOUR. TEED. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHEESE. BEANS. PEAS W. 1) SIM KINS & CO* Seed Oats! Seed lye! Texaa Rust Proof Oats. Coast-rai**"* Rye. Cow Feed. Hay. Grain. Bran •"<* Feed* of all kinds for stock and poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 223. H* Bay street, wr**. DUCRO’S Cfssm Alimentary Elixir Is lustily rreostmemird ms m remedy tor hois Stresses smt ss a wsrsnlter tor typhoid, malarial saa all Stall* at lexer* a seals. K. Fosse rn r*.. Sew TTwek m Morphine and Whlskevhsb nTITTTI n *t trested without p." >' Drlufe^i