The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 07, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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COAL AND WOOD. Continued From l‘M Ten. waver. there ere manv Urge buyers „h|.-h patronlxn dealt r* believing It bet , r to patronla# home propie and pay a .. Konehle brokerage. rather then deal , ph outsider* eltogethtr In considering the consumption or fuel m Pevannah the receipt* of wood should pot he overlooked. Large ehipmenln of mud ere received yearly, and the more , „.d the better It le (or the country pea , . who furnish all the local dealer* handle A* In the coal trade It I* not an . ~• matter to srtimale the number of ■ t.ri ufhl to tMa city yearly, still a a known to run In the neighborhood nf J.floo . <re. and possibly many more I'nder re nt changes no me or the rallroade hare ,proved and extended their linee, which makee II poaelhle for country people 10 f: reaee their thlpment*. and possibly get n.od here at leaa coat than formerly Moil dealer* make their contracte In the iintry during Mav and June for furnlsh- Ing wood, at which time It la cut and . rdad to dry. The prevailing retail price i II per load, supposed to be nne-lourth .fa cord, more or lee* The dealera are well equipped for delivering, and during lint winter succeeded well In supplying the trade. EXPORT*. ' ieneral statement by articles and roun triea. of merchandlae. the ernwth. produce snd manufacture of the United Slate*, ex port ad to foreign countrlea from the eue i>m dietriat of Savannah, Ga.. for the '"tr ending Aug. tl, 1900: COTTON PHOSPHATE NAVAL STOKES. ALL OTHER I | x , , COUNTRIES. ; COTTON SEED * o> . to ? i ROCK PIG IRON IRON LIMBER SAWN TIMBER HEWN TIMBER OTHER Sea laLABb PHARR r^^ 1 * Roais [sw TtWWiWW ; rMtK Marches H* Helen Founts Dollar* Halea | Pounds i liollar> Pound* Dollar* Dollar/ * Ton*. Hollar* Itmrrela I).,liar* Gallon* Hollar* Too* Dollar* Ton* j Hollar* W' Peel 1 oll*r 'has Peel Dellare {Cubic rt Dollar*' \ Hollar* Dollars Argcaxioe Republic f. ... | I ..... | i ... ... ! 4M RtWtl |“ I. ... ~..l I .. 'I *i | w.'.* Auatm. ...... n.m a.HTAhtA mot ut<t a. M.auo i.ii -.u wxi ujtm iota® uki ks.isu l mit it wo j. ... m?tt 2***sV® . ... US o.i*! 7j ilmbT muo s.wv m ono i m.w I . I J m iahl iw ijiim rwwei RMS MJMM WARS l*t, Wl9l 90 I BMW IMB I \. 777 .... IIW lit |.M thl I.HOMrr (.real Britain. B.M It.IW.JU IMS.J7I URiiJ' Tt N.ttJ t.SMJMj IT.ISt 3tl IUBI iss.nia 17 &7 .•n7l itis.txn SM.OI J no; Jib * 39*i ; 170 U> lI.WO lira 3.77* iiaw IW MM IMI9MD (•enaany sr<* .an.ces stswO mi?** nurni: it.Mt.MO ate.LV? i,i i.wr tixiei Kt li ~ue i.ftwyn ;tKv st* cu* ... j saw i.sti stti ta.ns si.; itw. kesto i.*ia <x; Italy.. .*Ti iB.IM,IM l.*i4.M|. t.K| 3* taF It ML IMA I3MM 91.M0 1.9*3 O.f* k.l t01.47* 11*1' tll HI OR I IW !.Ml.t<* Netharlaade *! 3uu* SIMM •&* t7so iw.iaa mm iii inutt l.eutiw 7u,iwj r •* s a* .nuo i.satst 'OU M *.st .*' 9.09.399 St* MS NMH I*l .MS -I Mt.ttH Spate .... taiKT Ei.iai.WM j It.tot .1 : I MR JM M.tsu Suan iGt All okbrra . ...j . J I. .. D.OW) MaWj kSO 2d 1106 SMkR, j 77... 4.1*7 GR IT* Totals .fittoi it isj mi RS.iwtn wz.rat iHß.aikitl mas *t*j P> ail i>w itiaaa.i jsi.wt itaitot* i sißTiajToti w 1 1 saw* n 7*si s mtwi iu>t saMßij it nr.w* scion . m *ai osi'J t mi r.aai; * TANARUS; • up, Total* IMS w '• it wet • : if up- ru* ♦ i* i tot' ir irt is an • i tea :il I .Ml ttt 1 lo.iwrw j :i vai.tii . | eg. t ii- Import*. Import*— Port of Savannah G* , from I. I*. to AUi *l. I** l M'rchandl**. yuanllti Vaiu* *' mnt, p>und* ....j 3#.147,41i,l IDS,III i lllt*r*i ton* IS.UI; W TO! Mu riot* or pot*h. , lamnd* j 4.11.'.741; M.UOI **> rlt*, ton* j M.Jn7 65.37 Mltrat* of rod*, top*; 1.47*, 40.411 Jut* lodminp ,j j H.iii 1 tn and *|**| manu facture j j 30.017 1 !rat;ont. ton* ....I 751 M. 171 ■. pound* | I.U5| 7.7 < hm* clay, ton* ... * *■*•* 1 Pht of poia*h. i mind* 1t9.151 . I.* ''** and liquor*. aaiioua : 1.0*0; *. •ollnrum .....| l® Win:l wattr, Bal lon* 14 9*9 l.* r ot)un Manufacture* | *•*• lea’her manufac ture* ~j j 1.14* t'-ac*** I | . ftn 'min- 9yc 1,,. 91* M*lt 1 qtior* ........j I *77 All othrr article* ...| j 9.1*7 ~T ‘ "— jf~ 441.47*1 HIE Of SIIB i Fims lid Hove Coiiieo lo Moke Her lie Foieiosi Pod io lie world n iipon -001 PlOftlS REVIEW OF THEIR WORK. Their Relation to Savannah lo Her Rapid Stride to Become the Giant of tbe South. The stronghold of Savannah I* her tre merxhxia cotton and naval adore* buitne** Her cot ion factor* arc among the larg est In the South. John Flannery A Cos. and W W. Gor don A Cos., are per hap* the largest and oldest Hunter. Pearce A Battey. Wood* A Malone. Randolph Ax non. Grelg A Jone*. Onudry. Crlap A 00.. are all ex tensive handler* of cotton, as well * naval More*. They are all liberal In their dealing* with planters and operator* They make advances and make It possi ble for the people to carry on their work to the be** advantage. There firm* arc known widely over the country, and have contributed more toavard giving Aavannah rank aa a great cotton and naval store* port than any other one thing perhaps. JOHN FLANNERY A CO. The firm of John Flannery A Cos.. I* composed of C*pt J. Flannery and Capt Johnson lapl. Flannery I* connected officially with more good concern* la Savannah than any man here. Capt Johnson came to Savannah from kfllledgcvllle He |* a hard worker and a good conservative min. The Arm of John Flannery A Cos I* the only strictly factorage company In Ba vanmih. w. IV. GORDON A CO. Gen W W Gordon of the old and re liable Arm. of which he i* the head wi a member of the Arm of Tl*on A Gor don. which began here In ISSfI And i* therefore *he olden living business men In thl* community. This |* a wealthy Arm. and doe* n heavy huetnes* Gen W W Gordon ha* been honored perhaps more highly by the gov ernment than any Havannxhlan MaJ Holm* Gordon, the managing part ner. I* a storting clllsen and buetne*.* man of year* of experience He ha* been honored liberally with positions of trust by hi* fellow clttten*. fap*. O A. Gordon I* the Junior mein, her of the Arm. and thoroughly equipped aa a business man. RANDOLPH AXatlN. Mr Ax*on Is suc emor to the old and reliable Arm of Warren A Axeon. At Mr Barren's death In HU. Mr Axson began tn* nnd him *1 m v#ry iiicctiti fully. He make* liberal advances on con signment* of cotton He devote* hi* en tire time and attention to cotton, and an experience of twenty yearn At* him for the he*l and most aucceosful work an a cot ton factor and commission merchant Ht NTF.R, PE IRI E A HATTEV. This well-known Arm does a large rol lon factorage business, and ar large handler* of both upland and aea Island They are also large recetvera of naval store* Thl* business has steadily and rapidly grown, and they are now- num bered among our largest wholesale gro cers All the members of this Arm have had of experience In their parti tilar line*, sod glva their close personal at tention to every branch of their business. They have ample capital, and are always prepared to advance liberally upon con signments Rivannah ha* no more relia ble Arm and their patron* can always feel assured that Ihetr business will re ceive the best possible attention at their hand*. CAI'DRY. ( RIRP A CO. This house was established October. IkM Previous to that time Mr. Gaudry was connected with L. J. Gutlmarlln A Cos., one of the largest cotton factorage houses In Savannah for a number of years. Afterwards he became a member of the Arm of Herron A Gaudry. Thl* Arm also did it large business Mr Gaudry Ik one of the best cotton men In the state lie has an experience of twenty-four year* In cotton This Arm has secured the service* of Mr Matthew M Hopkln* aa cotton salesman Hr llopkln*. previous to thl* year, had eighteen years experi ence In handling upland cotton and aea Island cotton while with Duckworth A Cos. All business entrusted to thl* Arm will receive prompt and careful attention GHKIG >JXC9. Tide Arm Is composed of Messrs B Grelg and F. F Jonea, experienced, aafe and able men It does a large and aat lefnrttry bus ness In naval stores and cotion Liberal advance* arc made on cot ion and naval stores The Arm ha* every facility for doing buslnea*. and by It* prompt and fair transaction* with a good class of pairon*. It has built up a large bustneas All business entrusted lo them g.t* special attention They furnish supplies to their customers. WOOD* A vt tl.oxV Tht* I* on* of the best known and oldest house* In the Pouth They are sucreaoor* to Win Henry Wood* A Cos.. Woods A Cos., and Woods. Oarmtt A Cos Theae houaea had a large buslnea* which was left to tht lr aucceaeor*. Wood* A Malone, the style of the present Arm Both mem ber* of this Arm are experienced business men and are protnpi and painstaking In their transaction with their patron*. Their buslnts* I* a large one and con tinue* to grow Every employe In the house of Wood# A Mai. ne Is thoroughly familiar with Ihe Cutton business All business entrusted lo thl# firm will gat the beat attention. •AVAXNAMI HARDWMIS HIM 6E6. There la not a city the atxe of Savan nah In the United States which can claim stronger hardware firm# ihan Sa vannah can. Tl*e house* of Palmer *nd of Lovell and of Weed are a part of Sa vannah* history. They have always been strong, and with every year's growsh they art stronger They are pro gressive and pushing and avail them selves of every possible opportunity to place Savannah on a footing with the biggest and best mark*** of the world Within tbe Inst three years the Arm of R T. Semmes A Cos. ha* been estab lished While II lea young Arm It Is a progressive one snd Is equipped es thoroughly a* any concern in the court try to do buftlnm. ■OW4RI) IrOVtUe'S Thl* 1* reliable and Strong hardware house, located at M-115 Broughton ssreet It is one of the oldest of the South It deals largely In agricultural Implement*, fan mills, plow*, collars and iracea. They also are headquarter* for Are arm* and aportlrg goods generally; gun*, pistols, rifle*. Ashing tackles, canndge* and ammunition Their naval atores supply department THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1000. I* larger than any other concern In the city They are agent* for How* Seales and LaAtn A Hand smokelres powder. The Arm I* composed of wideawake bus iness men who are Urge owners of Sa vannah real estate and are otherwise IdentlAcd with the city’s growth. J. U. W KKI> A CO. This Arm Is a strong, conservative one It baa built up a gigantic business by fair dealing and tl keep* Ha trad*. Th* Arm stocks everything In hardware It provide* everything for agricultures It carries a complete line of hoop Iron, bar Iron, pipe Iron, and fooflng tin. am munition. It stock* the beet grade* of leather and rubber betting. It Is agent for (ly cantor* Powder Company, and the only Southern importers of Swedish ochre for roof palming, one coating of which will last twenty year*. This I# considered the on ly really Arst-clas* roof paint In th* mar ket. Th# member# of the Arm ark Mr. J. D. Weed and Mr. William D. Krenaon. B. T. SCltltltA A CO., WHOLESALE M4KIIWAHK AND CtTI.ERV. This Arm. although one nf the youngeet. Is one of the most progressive and pros perous. In January, IXI4. when a boy, Mr Semmes entered th# hardware business at ('antoo Miss . amt he studied the butt ties# for nearly six year*. In December. 1979. he accepted a position In Atlanta, and In 1S&.1. he became a stockholder In the firm of Beck A Gregg Hardware Com pany. and traveled until tan. when he largely Increased his holdings of slock and assumed ih* management of Ihe traveling men and buying of certain line*. Being convinced that Savannah offered better opportunities for distribu ting in the Boutheast all classe* of hard ware at reduced cost to th# consumer* than could any inland market, he sold his stock in April. 199*. and bought an Interest In < harlot. A Conklin A Cos of Savannah and Charles A Conklin Manu facturing Company of Atlanta, and added hardwire to the line* formerly carried Jn Savannah Two year* ago he withdrew and entered business for himself under the style of R T Bemmes ACo In eddl lion to an admirable force of traveling salesmen Mr Setnme* ha* two strong lieutenant* In Mr J. A Moncrtef. In charge of the office, and Mr J I, Burr, in charge of th* sales department. palmer hardware company. For a long number of years this enter prising company has conducted a hualnees tn flavannh Members of the famUv haw been prominently Idem I fled with It perhaps half a century. Gradually the Arm grew and the Aoor space was In creased until within the last few year* Palmer Hardware Company was forced to erect anew building out and out. which covers more spare than any concern In Georgia Thl* houae ta located on Jefferson and nay at reel*, at which point the wholesale and retail trad* I* centered, and Is no doubt the largest of the kind In :he ftouth They handle all kinds of hardware, agricultural Implement*. mechanlrai builders' supplies and blacksmith and miller*' materials. They have built up a mammoth business by broad, liberal deal ing They purchase In the largest lot# which enables them to sell at the closeet margins They control ihe territory em braced In Eastern and Hoiilhern Georgia ami Florida They have a large trade tn Carolina, and reach out for a share of Alabama a trade. Tht* company ta com poecd of prog renal ve ritlsen* Mr. 8 B Palmer Is president. H. A. Palmer, vie# prealdenc. A. B. Palmer, secretary, and 11. W. Palmer, treasurer. SAVANNAH'S NAVAL STORE CON. < F-RNR. Savannah Is Ih* largeet naval stores port In th# world The Arm* of J. P Williams A Cos . end the Kills. Young t'ompany. have contrtb mtd their share toward making It so They are the largest handler* of naval stores In the country They have en abled operator*, by dealing liberally wl:h them, to develop the induetry. By mak ing advances and otherwise assisting op erator*. they have Increased the huetnes* in Savannah, and are still doing ao. J. P. WILLIAM* A CO. Thl* Arm does a large hualneae |n Geor gia ami surrounding Stale* It owns large Insereeta In railroad snl steamboat line*, heeide# owning hundred* of acres of An# iimoered land* In Georgia and Florida. It ha# aided hundred* of small con cerns In (he inlerlor. by making advances and enabling them (o gel st#rtd In Ihe naval stores Industry. Mr William# ha* th# reputation >f hul.tllng th# Oeorgl# line Hallroad with out a single dollar of tndebtndneea He I* president of this rood, and I* idenuAed with Savannah's growth and boalnceo every way. Mr. Carson, vie# president of the company, t* a sterling business m*n He is president of Merchant'* Na tional Bank, and is among th* foremost In promosing Savannah* enterprise*. THE ELLIR-YOt'NG COMPANY. This company |* a large and prosperous one. doing a satisfactory and safe busi ness In Eastern and Bout hern Georgia In naval store*, groceries and supplies Th* company la sole agent for the flagtir sx sviih Grimes' patent sye. Bagur hack er* and scrapers Blount potent dip bar rel rims and heads. It carries a lull line of suppllcsi used In manufacturing naval atores. as aplrli barrels, both new and e*rond-nan*!. also hoop Iron, glue and hatting This company succeeded Elll*. Toung A Cos., who for thirteen years did one of the largeet naval store* bustneas In the coun try. Th# company la one of the moat liberal in Bavatsnah and th* present enm romy. whoa# principal officer* are Mr. John R Young and Mr C. 8. Kill* suc ceed# lo all the business, and greasly in creased business of th# old Arm. Th# grocery department t# under the manage meat of experienced men NAVANNAH'N HAY AND GRAIN HOI *ER. Th# hay and grain trad* In Savannah Is carried on by many large concern*. Among th# largest and moat prosperous ar# A. B Hull A Cos and W. D. Simkln* A 00. These Arms ar# known extensive ly throughout the country for lh#lr fair dealing. W. D. RItIKINN A CO. Fifteen y#*r* this Arm ha# been In business, snd It hat been a growth steady and strong Th# Arm I* composed of two progres sive ritlsen*. Mr W. D. Simkln# and Mr James A. Doyle. II I* one of the Isrgesf concern* In Ba vannah. dealing in hay. grain, feed. Aottr. fruits, produce and vegetable*. It has the reputation of being tho pioneer orange house of Bavannah and this pari of Oeorgla It handle* more oranges and belter orange* than any concern here. It makes orange* a specialty, and It And* th# best shipper* and Its treat ment of these growers has made It head quarter* for ihelr product. By th* care ful handling of shipment* and broad, lib eral dealing with pstron# the house has become well and favorably known throughout th# city and country. Is do## *n extensive business, and Its trad# Is growing rapidly. A. D. MI'LL A CD. Th* aenlor members of Ibis Arm came from Florida to Bavannah when b# wa* IS years old Hr entered buslnea#. and hi* Ilf# has h#*n • busy one. full of prog re#* and prosperity. H* has been pros perous In every undertaking He ha* been careful and roraklemt# of hi* customers And to-day tbe Arm la one of the largest In this part of th* country. Five men travel Oeorgla and Fortda. South Caro lina and Alabama. In Aour. hay. grain, rlca and wholesal* groceries business, no PALMER: : HARDWARE: : COMPANY, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Corner Bay and Jefferson Streets, Savannah, Ga. The Largest and Most Complete Establishment of the Kind in the South. Vlbolesale and Retail Departments replete with every conceivable article in tbe line oi General Hardware. AArirnltnrai Implements —Feed Callers, Coro Shelters, Pan Hills, Hay Hakes, Horse Collars, Bridles, Traces, Cotton and Manila Hope, Plows o( every description. SPORTING GOODS. Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Car tridges. Hunting Clothing, Loaded Shells, Dynamite, Austin celebrated Powder, Shot. Steel Fishing Rods and Fishing Tackle of ev ery description. Harness & Saddles Harness and Sole Leath er, Cut Lacing, Lace Leath er, Whips and Bridle Bitß, Belt Hooks, etc. Supplies for Mills. Agents for Kearney & Foot Files, Revere Rubber Company and Page Belting Company. Complete line in all varieties of Steam Pack ing. Artois (or Fairbanks' Standard Scales. doubt A. B Hull A Cos. stand foremost In Savannah. Thl* Arm l alao distributing agent* for crockery, glassware and tinware. Mr John Hunter, the other members nf th* Arm. came to Bavannah from Louisville, Ga , and hi* life ha* alao been a busy one. and a proaperoua on#. No Arm In the country la composed of better busi ness men. non# more reliable In Ihelr dealing None more popular. SAVANNAH'S LIMBER HI NINF.N*. The lumber htialn#*# of Bavannah ha* assumed gigantic proportion*. It I* large, ly controlled by E B Hunting A Cos. and Georgia Lumber Company. K. R. 11l NTINCI A CO. Mr Charlea E I-ewl*, Lloyd T Flook. both of Baltimore, and Mr Harvey Granger of Bavannah have been admitted lo thl* Arm They hav# been employe# of E B Hunting A Cos. eighteen year*. Mr. Granger manages the Hon there end of the business from Sa vannah. The company la In splendid shape lo do a large buslne** and ran handle every thing promptly, hoth by steamer and by mil boat Bhlpmeni# are made from Jack sonville. Brunswick. Charleston and thl* port The romptny I* a large handler of cypres# off Ihe Gulf, aa well a* rrosatlea from th# eoa*i. GEORGIA LI 91 HER COMPANY. Thl* company was organised In I*9l. and I* one of Ihe largest shippers of lumber, not only from Ihe port of Havannah, but from the Southern stale* The Georgia Lumber Company'* wharves, located In the center of Ihe city, extend from Hull lo Ahercorn street*, and the company's ot - Are overlook* discharging of care and loadlpg of veeoel*. Mr. G. W Perklna. president, ha* had many year* of practical experience In ihe manufacturing and ahlpment of lumber. He Is also a member of Ihe Arm of Per kin* Lumber Company, at Hagan. Ga ; Georgia Iron Works. Peikma Manufactur. ing Company, and th* Standard Manufar turlng Company of Augueia. Oa., all of whlrh are monuments to hi* enterprise and success Mr. Frank J Garhutl. vice president. I* a member of the Arm# of T W Garhntt A Cos of Garbutt. Ga . and Oarhutt Lum ber Company of Wright. Ga . and l* con sidered one of the moat efficient and sue. cesaful men of thl* trad# Mr. John J. Kirby, secretary and treaa. urer. ha* had over (weniy-Av* (29) year*’ experience In various derailment* of Ihe lumber buelneea He I* also a director In Ihe Southern Bank of the Btste of Georgia, and la the manager of the com pany's affair* In Bavannah. g.IVANNAH'N IN ON AND COPPER i ni Minii'.t Going hand In hand with Ihe great naval store* Arm* ar* the mammoth iron foun dries of Bavannah, The Arm* of McMillan Bros, McDon ough A Ballantyne and John Rourke A Bon and Wm Kehoe. manufacture every thing an operator need* McMillan hro*. This Arm I* composed of Wide-awake business men. who have made one of the large*! concern* In the country. They ar* tn* Fading still manufacturer* In th* world Their work* are here. In Fayette ville. N C , and Mobile. Ala . and Jack sonville. Fla They ar* equipped for the manufacturing of turpentine out Ats, and the McMillan Mill I* recognised every where a* the standard Thl* Arm I* able to furnish extra kettle*, cap*, arms, worm* bottom*, notch** anti rivet* and ar* ready for any kind of metal work In cident to the turpentine buslnea* Coun try orders ar* received and get prompt attention. McIMINOt GH A HALLANTYNE. This Arm Is located on East Broad mreet and ha* one of th* Attest plant* In the city They are Iron founder*, machinist*, blacksmiths and boilermaker* They make and repair slaltonrry and portable engine# and guarantee them equal to any made tn the country. They make Ihe well known "McD. A B " sugar pin* and mill*. They keep In etork shafting and pulley* They also manufactur* the popular verii cal and top running corn mill*. The Arm ta composed of Mr J. J. tMinnouih. for mer Mayor, and large lumber operator. Mr. Ballantyne la one nf Bavannah'* prominent buslne** men. He I* a direc tor In tbe Chatham Bank. JOHN HOI RKK A RON*. This la one of the oldest and beat known concorna In the country. Mr. Hourk* ha* equipped hi* shops ao a* to make them among the t>e*t and most complete tn the I'nlted State*. They are prepared to do work, aa well a* any foundry In the country. Marine work, aa* mill*, machine and boiler work of all descriptions. The Iron and braa* foundry la doing * great deal of work The blacksmith ahop la provided with one of the largest single stand steam and also double-frame hammer* In the Bouth The Arm ha* Increased lla wharf front and I* continually finding It necessary to extend In all branch** of the buslnea* OTIIKH I’HOGHKNfIIVK SAY ANN All CONCERN!!. HIM. AND LATHROI*. Thl* Aim doe* a general hanking and In surance buslmsa It I* successor to C. 11. Olmslaad A Cos . banker*, who hesan busline* here In IX7* The member* of the firm of Hull A I-athrop are progre**- Iv* clllsen* and i<uahltig hu'lnes* men Mr Hull I* from Athena, and I* a aclon nf th# famous old Georgia family, while Mr 1-athrop come* from New Jersey. Mr Hull ha* been engaged In ihe banking business th* giealer part of hla Ilf*, and la thoroughly familiar with Ihe work LEO FMINK, Mr Leo Frank I* proprietor of one of Ih# biggest manufactories of barn*** and •addle* In Georgia H* make* the beat harness to be bad In Hdulhaaal Georgia and Ihe heal saddle* In Ihe world III* manufacturing **tah'lhm*m la at the corner nf Congress and Whitaker street* Hy hi* fair dealing he ha* built up a large trade not only In Bavannah but throughout Havwnnah’a territory Mr Frank It also agent for the heat manu factures of mill and gin supplies He represents th# Manhattan Rubber Belt ing Company, and alao lloyl's celebrated leather heltln* He carrlr* a full and complete alack of gin coverings Hl* trad* throughout the aartlona where the aaa mills operate and where a great deal nf cotton I* grown, la heavy Mr Frank la a young man yet. but Is old In hualnes* He has been busy all hla life, and the aucreaa that ha* come to him during th* last few years la a result of hi* persist ent rffort, good judgment and a clear knowledge of th* wants of hla patron*. M. M. BILLIVAN'S SON a. The Ash trad* of Havannah la Immense, and It I* practically controlled by M M Sullivan's Bona Th*e entarprlalng deal era receive shipments by car and boat. They handle th* best (lai> and oysters and are able to make shipments aero** th* state In good order They are always prompt In handling order* from Ihe In terior. and never fall lo give *ailafac il n The company ha* large capital upon wnlch lo operate and by liberal and fair dealing ha* placed them at the front aa A*b dealer* Messrs Bulltvan’a Bon* han dle Ogeechee shad, mullet, terrapin, crabs, shrimp—in fact, everything In their line Everybody knows who they ar*. and Ihelr trade gradually growa. •I. M. HICKN Mr Hicks' reputation a* a restaurateur, 1* known throughout Georxla Hla famous place |* on Congrea# afreet, a few doors from Hull street. It I* Att*d up ilegantly. Th* Arst Aoor I* devoted to gentlemen arid regular l>oarders. while ihe second I* furnished for ladles and pri vate partis*. A gentleman returning from New York a few days since, raid that th* people of Havannah did not realise what they had. In Hick-' restaurant It would not be lost on Broadway, by any means, said he. P. H AHMKTT. Sixteen years In the asm* place. In tha tame buHdtng. at the same work I* a lona time, to think about It. But when on* I* making money, a business, a reputation. W. D. IIHKINI. J4I. x. MTU. W. D. SIMKINS & CO., Commission Merchants —AND WIIOLSA Aide ÜBAIJCni IN— III GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR. PROLUSIONS. FITS. VEGEIIBIES. [lt - odt' ORANGES. 8EKI) RYE. CANDY. LEMONS. SEED OATS. RAISINS. APPLES. COW PEAS. BANANAS. ONIONS. BEANS. • NUTS. POTATOES. CHEESE. OOOOANUTS PEANUTS. GRITS. MEAL. ETC., ETC. SIS aed VIB n-T •tl’Kt, Wnl, *. crowding a* much time and energy Into every minute a* possible. It la not long This la what V. Barret ha* done If* l>rgn work with one boy. al ahuelng Ivor**#. He did hi* work well He pleased hi* customer*, and they came back amt brought other customer*. Hla business grew and soon he employed other Nnen to help him He added a carriage depart ment and made vehicles Hla success was pronounced. He repairs now and gets work front every quarter He employs about twenty hand*, and hla rapacity for turn ing out more god work and neat work than any Itko concern In tbe city Every t>ody say*, and truthfully, that F llar ett H> all rlahl and bis business growa Itecaatly he went North and purchaaed new and Improved machinery (or the man ufacture of vehicle#, and I* now about the beat equipped manufacturer In the city III* machine* run by electricity, and he Is thoroughly up-to-date. THE COLI Mill A UMVU COMPANY. Thl* enterprising company doe* en ex clusively wholesale business It carries a full line of the best and freshest drugs obtainable. In addition tn carrying the beet known proprietary article*. It rarrlea th* heat line of Aukl extracts, eoap. surgical ap paratus—heavy drug*, bulk and -crude drug* Their farmer* for AHlng all or ders with promptness Is unsurpsssed. They carry a full and complete atock of the freshest garden seeds. Their labora tory Is one of the Arst In Georgia It la managed by Dr. E. J. KelAer. a graduate In pharmacy, and a well-known and re liable chemist and pharmacist. Quit# a number of preparation* are tmnufartured by thl# company. They ar# ail put up under the trade mark "Columbia.'' A largf number of girls are employed In the laboratory, engaged In buttling, labelling ami packing. Among th* prep aration* mad* by thl* company Is BmPh'i Chill and Fever Tonic and Hendy'a Dami ans Compound Bpectal attention la given t„ the manufar lure of tlnoturea and elix irs In glasewara ami drug sundries tn* Columbia Drug Company Is about a* complete as any concern In th* Booth The management of th* Columbia Drug Company I* under Mr N. J. Gillespie, who has had long experience In wholes tie drug buslnea* He la well and favorably known throughout ih# trade of Georgia. Florida and Alabama. Arkuewledament of Thank*. For siaiistlcal Information furnished for Ih* Annual Trad* Issue of The Morning New* return* thank* to the official* of Ihe different railways and water trans portation companies, and also to lls other correspondents Special thanks for sta tistical report* ar* extended Capt. C. L. Chesnutt. superintendent of th* Board of Trade. Mr J. P. Merrlhew, superinten dent of the Cotton Exchange, and Col. J H. Doveaux. collector of < uatoma of Ih* port of Savannah. Stoves and Ranges A complete line Cooking, Oil, Heating. Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges—guaranteed. Tbe Lantet and Most Complete Line ot Cutlery in tbe State. Blacksmiths' Supplies. Forges, Blowers, Bellows, Anvils & Anvil Tools,Horse and Mule Shoes, Nails, etc. Everything necessary. Bonders’ Hardware, Carpenters’ and Macninists' Tools. TINWARE, ETC. Lanterns, Tinware, and a complete assortment of Wood and Willow Ware. Hncim or wool uairr. I anlliln*. In Thla Market far the Year Nat Ratlrejy katlifaHnr,. The feature of the amol market ilurinf the past year haa bran thr great shrink ago In receipt*. variously naimalxl at from W to W per rant, lean than laat • Aa ron Wool begins to rotne to flavannah In June anti Ir generally about all In by the lari of August The receipt* for the av erage good yaara la aatlmalad to reach pounda. but thla season It la not thought the entire receipts will go murk beyond WO.(TO pounda. I*rl<ca ruled Arm at the opening of the aeaaon on the good demand which usual ly prevalla then. Ii was noon found that the demand from mill men traa not ao great, believed to be due to the stocks of raw and manufactured material they held, and ae a reeujt prtoee went off in ehort order. Prime whiter brought 8 and 8H cents at the opening, hut later drop ped to It and ft cents, which waa tka prevailing price up to a abort lime ago. Inferior gradea ruled Arm at the open- - tng, but later reacted with the finer gradea. It will be eeen, therefore, that thla feature of Havannah'a trade, which la generally satisfactory, la far from be ing ao the pant year. Many rauee* ara aeelgned for the un favorable condition#, though the trade aa a whole are not agreed aa to what the trouble really H. Home believe holders expect better pricer, and are holding back for a rise In the market, inhere taink the "yalter" dog bee again reduced the number of eheep In the country, and (hereby eurceeded In cutting down thla > proAtable trade to the farmer. hM think more eheep were eold on the hoof the part eeaeon than Juan* previous years, and lhat thla le responsible for the shortage of Ihe output In speaking of the matter a deafer who hae handled much of Ravitnnab's receipts of wool for year* past said he believed Ihe remedy wae lo kill out the sheep-de nt roving dog*, which would not only aavo farmer* from great losses yearly, but would encourage others lo go Into thla Industry. Until legislation of the right kind le enacted, Mich aa will provide a penally for keeping a sheep-killing dog. Ihe Industry In Georgia will continue to suffer Farmers will not car* to under take that which Is practically sure of bringing them losses and trouble Thla Is a regular complaint by handler* of wool In this section, and on* which doe# not seem to receive much attention from legislators. While prices wars off during the latter part of the season, due to the nausea mentioned, and alto a reported overpro duction of woolen good*, a low market Is noi always Ihe case. tn fact, the aver, age price for the peal e*v*Al year* ha* been quite satisfactory to the trade, and haa made *h*ep raising a proAtable In dustry for farmer* all ever the stela. 11