The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 07, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 STORM HELD UP IN THE GULF. >OT I.IKKLY THAT IT IUL HBAC H SAVAfISAII AT AM.. llarrtraa* Hlgniila Orilrrl Dow n and file Inaal Indlcaf lona Mioaa So Mian* nf Any I aaaal Dtainrhaac*. Mvaaßahlana and People In the larrnaadlaa I oanlr) YY err I’rr yarrd for ikr Hlnw Birr rlaaler* ■anil shlppln* Men Took All the Crrmatlon. Thry I nald, nod In ■aranrr I nmpaole* Hoppl'd laan lan Morin Pollelea. Thn iropl.ul hurricane that nr** n|*'t- Ml o reach Savannah yesterday nairninq .1 hi ran maicrlaliae, nor did It row Ut.-r In the day It I* non thought that <1 will not reach tkvmmah at all. a* report* received at Ihe Waathrr Bureau I**l right. Indicated lhl II nra* off run in Haitra on th* Florxle Hull roaat. that It had loot conahfc rabl* of It* energy, and appcarol to br .1 ytng out. It I* at 111 P° aibie mat it may tegoln Its energy nod errtke thr Georgia I'oaM. but tha prol btlity i vary rrmotr Tha hurricane signal* that had baan fly - Inf fnr>m tha Postofllce hulldtnf and from tha Morning Nmt building alnca tha day before, wart haula.l down about II o'clock, and the rad light denoting easterly wind# wto extinguished Thar* wa* crew* dera Me anxiety durlnit tha day. and tha previous night concarn- Ing tha atom. It* ranartad violence, nn.l tha lima tha* It mtghi he expected to reach ttavannah; and thl* anxiety wa* vary much htghtennd yalar<tay by Iha high wind* that prevailed during th“ greater p.irl of lha morning, o.ul which at 12:30 o’clock, reached In lha city a ve locity of tw*anty-lx mile* an hour, and at Tyhea, a velocity of thlrtyalx mile* Moat of tha resident* of Tyhea came up tot tha early morning truth, and It *> expectid rhot the two families who re mained woui.l coma up Mat night. The Tyhea road mnda praparailonn l<t have ail of Ita car* brought up from the Island, no that should lha track be damaged the rolling *tock would b* safe at thl* and of tha lino Tha Hotel Tybaa. tha larg. t buHdlng on the island, had baan protect ed a* far a* possible. whan II wa* cloned for lha glimmer only h few day'* ago. In lha city a!o number* of per*on* took auch precaution* a* they could think of lo protect their hou*e* and plain* of biMlnraw from tha fury of tha expected blow The*c precaution* In tha majority of caaa* ron*t*ted In a t lengthening of window* and door* and the *eeurtng and placing ready at hand brace* to ha u*cd if necessary Hunt no* *lgm> that were likely to suffer from a high wind were alao secured a* far a* wa* ijO-slhl* by guy rope*. Several of tha wholesale houge* on lha Hay atopped ghlpineotw during tha afternoon. removed all good* from the sidewalks and dt*mi**ed their dray*, but when It wa* found that tha blow did not develop and that there were but little If any algna that It would, busi neaa wa* generally resumed. The hy throughout thr afternoon gave little Indication of tha approach of a atorai: true there ware numemua cloud* banked In more or la** thick ma**e* on the aouthern and eastern hortson, but Ihey had not the appearance of win! cloud*, and hence created but Uttle un aaelnee*. * The mean temperature for the day wa* 7* degree*, which I* the normal. The maximum wa* K degrees and lha mini mum 73 degree#. There wa* a falnfall of .01 of an Inch up to I eVInA last night, but quite a hard shower came down short ly hefotr U o'clock, and there was every appearance of more lo come before morning. The state forecast la for shower* to-day and probably to-morrow, with fre*h to brisk east to northe*t wind*. *OT AFRAID or ITtlHtll. (•avaanah'a f nail l.lnera 4 oatlaar Itegnlar tailing*. The early approach of the tropical storm, which has been oottMetitly expect ed for the last twenty-four hour*, was not permitted to Interfere In any way with the <<|*ration* of Savannah's coaat wl*e steamships The Kanaa* City nailed yesterday after noon with a large number of passengers. The . Nacoorhee. which left Savannah Tuesday, probably arrived In New York last night The Tallahassee left New York Wednesday afternoon for ftavan ttah and I* the only one of the Ocean ftteamshlp Company's vessels now out Which stand* a probable chance of con flict with the storm If It cornea thl* wsy. President Kg an east yesterday that a* all of the vessel* mentioned are stout ship* *l*l In good . tradition no apprehension Is entertained, even should It be their |uck to comb** the etnmt. which seem* some what doubtful at present A m.-snage from Tybee yesterday after noon stated that the wind was blowing thirty mile* an hour when the Kansas tTty pa-tad out. but that there teas very little sea on. The steum-hlp City of Birmingham, from N> w York, and the Itasca, of the Merchant*' and Miner*' IJnc, from Italtl mor. reached their dock* hefore midnight last night, without having experienced ptorm) weather of any conaequence. The fact that thane vessels were known *o be on the seas and possibly within the norm area had added to the local anxiety reports of the storm had produced Jt wa* with a breath of relief that the listening one* caught the sound of the vessels' whistle*, sounded as they passed the Oily Exchange, and knew them to he on time and safe The officers and passengers of the two steamship* said that they had not been visited by any trace of the storm, unless a somewhat heavy eea and a rain that prevailed yesterday could he so consider ed The passengers were astonished lo learn that they had been the subject* of anxlaty In ffavannah. WO STORM POLICtK*. Ageats tintt YY rltlns That bias of la saraaee Yesterday. Havanrtahlanv. who had waited unlit the last moment to take out storm In surance. d*l not find ll such an eaay mat ter to have thetr desire# in that lino grat ified yesterday. The local agents. Who write storm Insurance, have been rather chary about accepting risk* since the storm signals were hoisted, and yeater diy at twain they got together and de cided not to write any more of this clam of insurance as long a* the storm signals rem.ii ed up An agent, who was a*ked shout Ih# matter, said that the tour companies wnich are the only onea now writing etorm In aura nee m Savannah, had about all the rleke of thl* kind they eared to carry, many property owner* having made It a rule to carry A his line of Insurance a* a regular thing. "Previous to MU." said the agent, "there Were twenty companies writing storm In nummA In The mrorm of that I y+mr ran***} flv or *t* to withdraw Tin* j pfotm f IM*i proved a dlwi>lrouf *nr for | in# Ul thl* Itlir. Mini u nUmIHT more* withdraw from Aavahitah ihr ptorm of 14* only four romiMitlM roo tlnurtl wrlunir thl* clan* of tnuram*o h*r*. aikl they r* pretty well loaded up Har ing all the> cared to carry, the agenta were naturally In no haute to burden their • *mpanle* with vldHionai rlk with the • lunger of lon* atarltig them In tn# fare It I# Jupf (Ike being nuk'd to I nayre n man * lioue when the houae next door to him 1* on Hr#.** With the hum* ane Miami* down. It la lik* iy that the ngent * will r**aume writing •torin ln*urav>r>, am! mam of the prop eit> owner a, who are unpr*vt*-rted by thl* elan* of Ineur-anee. will d**uh le** haeten to avail themaelve* of the p|vtrtuntty fo gel unYr cover. *o to iiettk HIC K I* HOHRIFII). ktnrm Proaprrt Olvea Them ( imr for I neaslweaa. The rtre p antere wen more badly war. rled \e*teriiay. perh.i;*#. at the |*ro*fect'% of the Morin than .ilm*t any other rl.iw of rltlsen*. The rice crop I# Ju?*t In ©i dltion to atiffer very eeriou* injury from a severe etorm The planter* hive already been dam aged aomewhat by the heavy rain* which ret in Juet after they had got well under way with the harveatlng *f tne early Hce l.e** than half of thl* rot ha* been cut and of the port km cut . rei deni ! *t||| m the Aeldn, having been aught hy the rain and being too wet to rentov* The plrmter* have let the harvest water on the (bid* which have not been cut a* the water furnishea i eupport to the r.ce •*i and aervew to keep it from leing b own down to the ground but should the hank* break the <!amage will still he great. < ft GMT IY PEN H t 1. % YE. Willie Harris, a Yearn Murderer. Yahhed hy Deputies. Willie Harris, a negro wanted In Waynesboro for Ihe murder of Elbert Slcwarl. was arrested yesterday morning by Itepu’y Sheriffs O'Connor ami Wcst cotl. who captur'd ihe alleged murderer In Perry lane, between Montgomery and West Itroad street*, and lodged him in Jail. The murder of Stewart occurred last July, three negroes two other than Har ris. twine charged with complicity In Ihe crime. Harris I* *ald to have l>een the and lo have struck the fatal blow ihe other* aeilng merely a* his accomplices and helpers, but not partici pating actually anal actively In lhe crime. These two other* are now under arrest at Waynesboro, where they were cap tured mam after the crime was committed Harris made his escape and got ovsr tn o South Taro) tot. He came Into Savan nah on one of the negro excursions Gist reached the city Wednesday and was seen by a spotter who knew him. The spoiler notified Ihe officer* and Ihe arrest of Harris followed The section of the city In which he wss found Is one of the most disreputable, a* ll I* one of the most dangerous. In Ihe city. Even bad Ihe of ficers not been ip possession of Ihe fact that Harris w* there and barely knew he was In Savannah. It Is Ihe place they wnuld have chosen lo seek him first. Sheriff <\ W Hurst, of Hurke county, was notified of the arrest of Harris, and wired In reply that hr would come on lo Savannah at once and lake the negro tack to Waynesboro for trial. It I* said that a reward of KSfl has been offered for the arrest of the man and that this sum will go to Officer* O'Connor and Writ eoff. wild, ixmiiTinh*. I Flve-Mluute Yelled ale May Be ftp rraled VI It I Inker street. The street railway company will accept the grants made by Council for double tracking Hamard street anti operating cars both ways on Whitaker street. In cluding the roat of paving Harnard street with vltrifled brick from Congress to Hroughton street. The switches on Whit aker street have already been located by Director Gadsden of the public works. There will be three switches on the street, one brtween Mcltonough and lib erty streets, one between Gaston and Huntingdon streets, and one between Pork svrvtue and Duffy streets. The switches will lie shout half a block In length each, to allow of the accumulation of live or six cars In cose of need for special occasions. It Is understood that It Is the purpose of the . umpany to operate a flee-minute sehrdule on Whitaker street. UK tTH OF AY 01.0 CITIBKM. Mr. George t. Heller Passed ls) at t'olehrooh. Year Mnntettti. In the death of Mr George A. Keller, occurred at his country Place, •'Colehrook.” near Montlrth, yesterday morning, the county lost one of Its best known and most highly respected cttl sens. Mr Keller was more than 7 years old and for half a century bad lived upon the plantation on which he passed away. The funeral will lake place at Halem Cntirch. at 4 o'clock this afternoon Mr Ketlrr leaves a widow and the following sons and daughters: George A Keller. Jr. Miss Oeorgetta Keller. I. W. Keller. I-amar Keller. Paul Keller. W. W. Keller, Mrs James T Welle Mrs. W. G. Gilbert. Mr*. W H. Oliver. Mrs. A. C. Timer. O. I’. Keller. Mtss Florence Morrell Keller and Mis* Dto Keller. TKI.FAIH lIOSPITYI, HEMPF.YKn. •tas Been < losrd Mlaee July 1, and Improvements Made. The Telfair Hospital ha* reopened after having been elot*l since July 1. Dur ing that period there have been made a number of change* and Imfwovement*. New floors have been put In four of the wards. electric light* ami electric belt* have been put In throughout the build ing. the lower hall* have been painted the operating room, which formerly had a wooden floor, ha* a tile floor, anti new bath tubs have been put In throughout the building. The private room* also have been refurnished. The expense* for these Improvrmiytls will be charged up to the maintenance fund, which ha* been accumulating for some time and which will cover Ihe coals Involved. Heath of E. L. Ilnffmaa. Mr. E D. Hoffman died yesterday aft l emnnn at the Havannah HoapMnl of con- I gevtlon of the brain. The deceased wn 41 year* old. a native of Charlottesville, Vo., and a - printer by' trade. lie leavea a wife and four children. The funeral will take place at I k o'clock Ihl* after noon from No. SI4 Hirnsrd atreet. and will be attended hy Mvrsle Dodge No and Ihe Ftrt llaitallon. F!rt Hegtnv nl, 'Tnlformed Hank. Knight* of Pylhla*. and by Oglethorpe I-odg# of Odd Fel low*. If you aufTer from Exceaalve Bmoklng —lnaomnla or Nervou*n**e. try Saratoga Arondack Water All you can drink for five cente at Solomon* drug store. Bull end Charlton street*,—ad The summer Is passing, have you taken In the Plant System Sunday excursions lo Charleston? Ooe dollar Cor the round trip -so. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER T.-lffoo. ASSUMED THE WHITE VEIL HIM BELLI: V% WaJHI HKCOHKk A notac ror xiftTiottft or hkhci. Ceremony < ondected h> HI. Her. Benjamin J. Kelley, Blsbop of sa vannah, %sslsted by Net. rather Hubert Kennedy, in fhe lmpel of the Convent of Af. Vlsrrsi dr Paul. %!!■ Walsh tclven the Name nf Mis ter Mnr> lr natlnw— I The Bishop’s Tender Sermon of Rarsafiarwrat ■ml %*|vlce— llecorntlon of the %l tar anal t hancel bent an Added Beauty to the Orenslon. Miss Belle Walsh of Augusta began her novitiate in the Order of Ulsters of Mercy yeaterd.yi* afternoon. Her reception Into the order took place at the chapel of the Convent of Ht. Vincent de Haul. The cer emonies were conducted hy Rt. Rev Ben jamin J Keiley, Bishop of Huvunnah. Miss Walsh has served the postulate of six month* that precede# the novitiate of two years, so that she was prejaired to fake the vows and assume the white veil The ceremony of the reception Is a beautiful and Impressive one. and a* con ducted by the Bishop It loaf nothing of its impressiveness and beauty Bolemn i and sacred thought* could not fall to be aroused by sh* oootem plat lon of the fig ure of this sweet young girl, who felt that she had received the calling lo a j religious life and was putting away for ever the Joys and the comforts and the myriad sweet and tender associations thus are of the world. Uhortfv after 5 o’clock the procession en tered the chapel First came the ems*- beurer. *• young girl, followed hy six lit tle flower girls, crowned with wreaths and I hearing clusters of roeew The sisters of the order followed, while la#t. between Mother Superior and the Mother Assist ant. came the young woman who wo to take the vows of a novlgc. Hhe was draped in bridal rolie*. as became one who was about to le ome the bride of the church. As the pro* es * lon entered the chapel the choir wing the hvmn. *’<* Olorlosa," the cross-bearer, flower girls and sisters mov ing up the aisle and kneeling as the hymn was sung. The choir consist**d of Miss Maggie Conway. Miss Agnes Kenney and Mrs. Krana Htihner. At the altar the procewdon was mei by Bishop Kelley and his assistant. Rev Father Kennedy. The lntcrtogatl*ns were propounded hy the bishop, the novice an swrtng Irr the affirmative the prescribed <le-Milan* as to her understanding of Ihe responsibilities she was about to assume and her firm wish and fixed intention to become i sister of the order. At this point the postulent left the chap el ar.d discarded her hr dal robes, don ning Instead the black habit and white %*e|l of a novice Then, as the *’Venl Cre ator’* was sung, the novic* prostrated herself, thl* part of ire ceremony signi fying that her renunciation of the world and -Its Interests was as complete as If sh- were dead to th*m all. The name Mis* Walsh will hear In reltgl >n. that of Ulster Mary Ignithis. was conferred uion her hy the Bishop In his sermon Bishop Kelley dwelt lov ingly and tenderly upon the beauty and holiness of the religious lfe It called for much of sacrifice and much of renuncia tion. but it held out to those who em braced It the promise of ennteniment and peace and a great usefulness. In this con nection the Bishop paid s tribute to the memory of a former B*ier Ignatius, who did some two years ago. and was at one ’lme Mother ftupertor of the Order. Bish \op Kelley exhorted the novice to follow In the footsteps of this sainted woman, whore piety and devotion ha I been unex celled. The sermon was on* appropriate to the theme and ihe occasion, hut It con tained much of wise counsel and encour age rmnt In turn tb* newly-madP novice em braced each sister of the order, the bene diction was pronounced and In the order In which they had entered the cha|M I the crossbewrer. sisters and novice A’ 1 out During the ceremony the sisters carried lighted candles and the altar was ablax* with many lights Flowers had teen taste fully and bountifully used In the decora tion of the altar and chancel and the scene of beauty thus engendered was one that in Its nature well fitted the sweet solemni ty of the occasion. Mr John Walsh, the father, and Mr M. I*. Walsh, the brother of the novice who took the vows, come down from their home In Augusta to wldteafi the ceremony, as did Mrs. Patrick Walsh, her aunt, and the widow of the former editor of the Au gusta Chronicle Mr M P. Walsh Is the present managing editor of *the paper. A MKORO MOTIOR HLKO. I’lnlnllll nnil Drlrmlnnl In llnnrqnln I'nar (rr l)l**ntltled. A monil motion for a trial war fl|-d m (hr- Superior Court yesterday In the race of Pol lunar Hourqttln aaalnrr Gugle Hourquln. On thr day preceding a similar motion wn* filed by thr son anil plaintiff; thr motion tiled yesterday was on brhalf of thr fathrr and defendant Thr vrrdlrt that was rrturnrd by thr Jury that last tried thr case, at the pres ent term of thr court, was In thr nature of a compromise awarding that imrtlnn of thr lands In dispute located In the city to the plaintiff and thr country lands to the defendant. The verdict was In ac cordance with the spirit of others which have been granted In the same case. In that It was the evident purpose to ndn dle the unfortunate differences between father and son Neither party. a|>paren!y. Is satisfied with any compromise The faei that mo tions for anew trial have been filed by both of them la taken to Indicate that their purpose Is to tight out ihelr fight to the hitter end and to a decision that la wholly In favor of one or the other. WAKCROm filß 'MB. Forest City ITMk Will Send a Team to Tournament, The Forest City dun (Tub has received an Initiation to attend the find annual tournament of the Waycrosa Oun Club, to be held on Wednesday. Sept- U The programme, which has been received by the secretary, arranges for ten (ll>> events of ten. fifteen, twenty and twenty -five blue rocks. The entrance fee ranges from II so to IZ.m. with (. tarn ami Ho® add ed to purses Arrangements are being matte to semi a team from ftavannah. and In all probabil ity five of the best shots of the Forest City will visit Waycrosa on this occasion. EFFIM.II ART HRPNMK'T ATI V K. Will He tot. Woman Hants, Who Was Aomlualed Wednesday. The Democratic primary for the nomi nation of a representative for F.fftngham county was held at Guyton Wednesday and resulted In the selection of Mr Mor gan Rawls 10 succeed hlmaelf. His op ponent. Mr. Angus E. Grovenateln. was defeated by a plurality of W. The total number of vote* cast was MS The convention of the National Baptist Asaoclarlon (colored) will be In session at Richmond, Va.. Sept. U, 11. N U. It. 17. IS. 1* and 80. Take ths Sea board Air Une Ratlway. , Xhcsy rales ars open to everybody —ad. NIIYKY FROM OTMF.R MU KI M. To Hal.* I p nifferearr Rrlnrra R*- lnrn> Iron. Taaatlon aarf lludart. Tha county lax role of W.*. p*f j ** d-. iar*<l by ih* l ommlaalon tr* on W*dn*#<lay and announced In the Morning New* yo*terday wilt produce a revenue of tIS&.KI S4 from the return* of properly marie (o the receiver ihla ynu, The 1.u.15l of county expendllurea. a* made up by the comml*lonr* and re viled by the *ranl Jury, provide* for an outlay for varlou* purpoee* of t£M.O . Between the amount of Ihe budget of ex- | per.dlture* and the amount that will he iaied by ihe county by direct taxation 1 upon a me* wed and returned vaioea there I* a difference of tSl.Mti.iW Thla. II U ex- I peeled, will be made up from the county'a ' ehare In the ( ixailon of railroad* on prop- j erly owned by the compante# within the county'* limtia. from the collection of tn eotvem tax ft fa* and from the produce of the county farm. The return* of the railroad compante* are not directly to the county re ceiver* of tax return*, but to th* comp troller icenera! of the Hate. Th# valua- ] tlon of railroad property, therefore, la not it* lu.l'd In the va.uatton upon which the lax rate t* . omputed. in It* report of the action of the Coun ty (Vmmi**lnner* In declarinx the tax late, th* Mornlrt, New* commented on the fact that of thr late of s>i 75 per thouaand that had t.een declared. 33.73 per thou -an't would he expended for purpoaea of public <ilucatton A* a matter of fact, the fieople of t’hatham county will he taxed thl* year for uchool purpoaea to the total extent of nearly 33n.0 Tiixe* amounting to 111 t.MiS for educa tional purpoee*. are rent to Atlanta. Thla tmount I* made up of 3*3.H3. d< rtvwd from III* I Inantlon upon value*. t&l.diO. from liquor llcenee*. anti 31.***' from other afe cillc taxes. The county a|iproortatlon for education I* PS.*®, ao that the total amount of taxation b.erne by the people for thl* purpore ! 3199.56 J. Of thl* amoup 3117.#t I* expended In Savannah and t'hatham county, havlnx IAI.tS3. which the city and county contribute to educa tion In other (>ortlona nf Ihe Mate. Thl* I* one of the thing* that I* calculated to make the .average Savannnhlan exert** Ively weak. THKIH BIBS ARK HIGH. 1 •intrartnra Want Gantt Hoary far lltver llredalna. Ittd# were opened ye*terday hy Capt. C. B. tilli-Me for dredging Sn.OOO cubic yard* of earth from the river channel, about ten mile* below the city near the home of "the llghthouee girl.” Bid* were received from Riltenhouae Moore. F. Sanford Rosa and the Ba bcoek-Uary ''otjipnny. The hid hy Mr Moor* wa a the lower f. hut Capt. OilleHe stated last night that all the hid* were higher than he had rea son to expect and that he would prob ably not award the contract until he had conferred with the chief of engineer* at \V irhlngton. The work for which hid* were reque**- ed, Cnp*. Gillette Mated. I* simply an emergency matter for which hid* were asked on ten days' nolle*. It being desired to remove a small knoll which has accu mulated at the point named. Bid* will he opened Sept. IS for the work of re moving JWifWi ruble yard* of enrth from he river above th* city In the neighbor hood of tha Central Hallway wharves All th* local dredging com pan lea will hava In bids for this work and quite a clone competition 1* expected. WTOI.K DltW'Bill CUT HI TTOS. YYnmnn Arreated far the Theft Hal I ha race Afterward YYlthdrawß. By wane clever detective work Patrol man God hold yesterday secured a pair of diamond rulT button* of considerable value, which belong to a well known Sta vartnahlan. and were **len from him aboard Ihe City of Augusta Just hefore she left for New York on Aug 25 The gentleman was a passenger on Ihe boat, and had left hi* cuff* with the hut ton* In them In hi* Mat* room. lairing hi* absence a whhe woman, well known nhom Ihe city, came aboard the ship to deliver to another man who occupied .i part of the state room hi* laundry. While In the room he spied th* button* and Mot* them. The loss was reported lo the office of the steamship epmpany and Patrolman Gcslhokl tvas assigned the ca** lo look up. Yeaterdny h* found th* wo man who had ilellvered th* laundry', wear ing the button*, and immediately arreated her and sent her *o th* barrack*. An offi cer of the steamship company waa noti fied. He called at the barrack* and took possession of the buttons Being *aGelled with Ihe recovery of the property, h* withdrew the charge* and the woman wa* released. IY lIVHKVI) homm; Mr. Charles Falser anil Mias Ynnle Everett Married Yesterday. Mr Charles Fulger and Min Annie Everett were married yesterday afternoon n* No. tin York street, west, hy Magis trate G. E. lievana. A large number of friends were present and united In ex tending their best wishes for the future happiness and prosperity of the young couple. The bride Is a charming young lady of Hrewer. Go., while Mr. Fulger Is a resi dent of this city. He Is a blacksmith em ployed at the Censral of Georgia shops Mr and Mrs. Fulger will make ihelr home for the present at No. 41S York street, west. POli UOVEHYMEYT PttYITIOYg. Twenty Candidates for Positions la Post office Examined Waterday. Twenty applicant* for positions aa car. rlera and clerks In the Savannah post office were examined yesterday in the post office building by Mr Harry Kairls. sec retary of the Civil Service Examining Hoard. Twelve of the applicants were white men. seven, colored men and one. a color ed woman This Is HXTnu-ood colored wo man who baa been examined In flavannah since the establishment of the Civil Her. vice Hoard. The oiher candidate p-isaed Ihe examination but failed to receive am appointment. assistant Foreman geyaaoar gas pended. Borne time was occupied by Mayor Myers yesterday In hearing charges against Fireman-K. J Beymour. assist ant foreman of No. 1 Engine Company, The charges against Beymour were lengthy and somewhat complicated, con stating In effect of Insubordination and disrespect to Foreman McFarland and speaking disrespectfully of Superintend ent Maguire. As Ihe result of Ihe hear ing Beymour was suspended thirty days and fined B tan Yoa Tell Why You have eonsiaiM headaches, are nervous and sleepless at night and feel tired m the morning? Your blood len t carrying the right materiale to your nervea and other organs Begin taking Hood's Bar. eaparllia. the great blood enricher and you will soon realise a change You trill feel better and stronger, will relish pour food and enjoy refreshing sleep, Nausea. Indignation ore cured by Hood’s ruts.-ad. DEFENSE HAD ITS INNING. •EYKY WITItKHE* EIAHIYKI) Ik H AItRIH <Ol RT-MARTIAL. tmllrnrr Mas Regaled YAlth Sonar Rather Mplry Teat lat oar—Some of It Moald Not look Well la Print. Pay Member liapii Told nf Har ris' tthJecGou la Bring Treated "Like a Nigger"—Other Mllneaaes showed the greased'* hide af the t gar—4 apt/ ( ana Brought Oat Rsl drarr In Impeachment—Hrarlag t ottilnnril To-atahl. Another chapter In Ih# Harrl* court martial waa written lasi night. Th# court resumed th# hearing In the Republican Blurs room In Ih* Regimental Armory at I o'clock, and more witnesses for Ihe de fense were examined. At II o'clock It waa decided to adjourn. Capt. J. Ferris Cann having stated lhat he had three more Important wltnewae* to put on Ihe stand for t.'orpl. Harrl*. Th* audience was of about the propor tions observed at former *e*lon*. and mot of those present were lho*c woo have been regular attendants upon the proceedings. The larger part of the crowd I* content to aland at the rear of the room for two or three hours while the testi mony Is given, the Interest In the pro ceeding* helng sufficient to offeel person al Inconvenience and discomfort. Thai wa* th* conclusion reached last night,, al all events, as the evidence ha* a flavor that seemed rather lo appeal to the audi ence. Much of It waa of a character that would not look well In print and pleated Ihe ear of many hut little more than 11 might the eye. Corpl. Robert A. Cox of the Oglethorpe Right Infantry wa* the flr*t witness call ed. Hla testimony wa* that It was Just about a minute before 2 o'clock that Corpl. Harris had reported for guard duty. Instead of flv* minutes after, as Ihe prose cution alleged. A* to Harrl* having hern drunk. Corpl. Cox tesllfled that he wa* sober, so fir a* he wa* able to Judge Pay Member J. K. Campos. Jr., of the Blues, was the next wltmss, and hi* story of the trip of th* company to I>oul*vllle wa* followed with interest. Beginning with the Mart from Savannah. Mr Cam poa said that the captain of Ihe company had given strict order* that no liquor* were to be allowed In Ihe car*, yet the train had not gone l> tnllrs before a bot tle was op. ned by a lieutenant of the com mand Arrived tn i.ou!rvllle, and while In Ihe quarters, the witness said he heard llama, who wa* then under arrest, say to Capt. YYllson " Captain., you are treating me like n nigger." Capt Wilson then, according lo the wltne**. walked over lo Ihe latter and *ald: "Did you hear how that fellow was talking to m 3" Th* with*** said he (hen tried to tell .Capt. Wilson lhat h* waa probably a llt lle too severe on Harris, thai the mem ber* of the company were noticing It. and that the commanding officer wa* not con ducing lo hi* popularity wllh th<m To I hi* Ih* captain* reply was, "Well. If he i does not shut up. I'll punch him He doe* not know what authority a captain ha*, hut 1 11 show him b efore 1 am through with him." The wltne** continued by say ing lhat he had tried to art a* a peace maker, going to Harris and reasoning with him. saving that he would employ hi* Influence with Ihe captain to ac# If he could not have him released. llr Campos Intimated rather strongly that Harris waa'treatrd with greater se verity then other* who deserted *v. n more On* man. h* said, had com* In beastly drunk, was arrested, but was turned lore* ihe next morning. He *ald he had not *n Harnr drunk at any lime The witness *poke of hi* long connection wllh the company, and said he had not been on unfriendly term* wllh ih* cap tain. H* *ald the company had been given to understand that they might retuMi from Uxilavtll* after Ihe reunion a* they |dea*ed: lhat their lick*** would he turned over lo them Individually. He had remained over. In facl. had quit the com pany after Ita arrival In Uulivlll* he cause of the fatluro of Ihe captain rad officers to appear at a Mated assembly of the command, to which he had hern ordered, and. upon ht* return lo Savan nah. had been requested by Capt Wilson to make good a sum lhat wa* considered hy Ihe officer a* due because of hi* not having done duly a* an enlisted man while on the trip The wltn*** *ald Lieut Barihelnee* of Ihe Blue* had told him that he would he a qualified fool to pav the money, and lhat he hardly thought he would do o. Private W W Jerrigan of the Blues testified that he and Private Broom had gone out to arrest Harris after his es cape from confinement. They found their man In a dry goods store, and he said that he bail escaped because he was hun gry and thirsty, as he could not get any thing to eat or drink tn his quarters Ospi. Cann asked the witness If he had known of a set of men in the Blues on the Dullsville trip who were known a* the "Big Four.” The reply of the wit ness was tn the affirmative, and he nam ed hlmaelf and others as having enjoyed that distinction. 1-leui Karthelmess be ing in the number Idem. Barthelmese had stated when on the stand that he was not n member of that Interesting or ganisation. hut Private Jernlgan pointed to a picture commemorative of the Blues' trip that adorned the wall and dire ted the court's attention to the fact that It contained a photograph of the "Big Four.' Ldeut. Barthelmese being In the group The officer, the witness said, had beep with the maselve quartette a couple of nights, succeeding some other member who had dropped out. T||la talk ahout the evidently select few seemed to amuse those present who had been on the louts vllie trip Private Jernlgan said rapt. had told ths company that any man might stay over In Louslvtlle, though he had understood that apeclal arrangement and understanding to that effect would have lo exist with the Captain. Harris, he said, he had considered sober, nor was he disorderly at any time h* had seen him In the quarters. Ex-Bergt. James Furlong. Jr . was put ori the stand, and hta evidence and man ner of giving It created a ripple of amuse ment now and then thns the men on duty had to suppresa. He remarked that Har ris had been one of the worst treated men he had ever seen, but the Judge ad vocate told him he would prefer facta rather than the wltneee' opinion. "I'll give you plenty of facts." said the wit ness. snd he went on to tell lhat Pri vate llanley of the Blues had cursed l.leut Barrow, had been put under ar rest. but was released and nothing fur ther was done. He said he was acting as flrst sergeant of the company much of the time In Louisville. and that It waa part of bis duty So stand nt thr stairs and give out meal tickets to the men. He had given none to Harris while the let ter was under arreet. having received no Instruction# covering the man's case. Mr. Barrow askad the witness If he knew that Private Hanley had apolo gised to the company and to himself for his condui-t before being released The witness did not Asked If he knew that Harris had apologised to the company, the witness replied shat he had some rec ollection of some such occurrence. Ques tioned ahout hta attitude toward the ac. cured, the witness unreservedly stsied that he had never had any use for him. a reply that must have removed any sus picion of prsjudlca In Harris' favor Ex-Corpl 3 N. Smith was sworn, snd said he had remained over In Louisville for a week after (he departure of the j company. Describing the report he and (Continued on Third Page.) WKIMTKHIASS’ NEW OITKERI. Fleeted at the oelet*' Weekly Sleet Ina l.aal Night. The WrbMerlan liehallng Society met last night at No MB Park avenue, west. After the usual business, Ihe following officer* were elected: PrrMdent—J. W. Hohensteln. Vice President—l N. Gasan. Secretary—Cha* !•' Power*. Treasurer—ll. Truehelut Parliamentarian and Critic—B B. Ho hensteln. , Orthoepld—W B. Spann. Jr The qiwMlon debated wa* "Resolved That Self Government Would he Better fir Cuba Than Annexation to Ihe United Stupa " The affirmative wa* taken by Mr J W Hohensteln and W H Spann. Jr . ind the negative by Messrs R. M. and R W. Ho hensteln. The debate wa* decided In favor of the nrgaiive side. Now la thr Time. To uae Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic If you wish to remain at your post of duty and pass through September and October without the loss of a *tngl* hour of time, take a course of Johnson a Chill and Fever Tonic. Neither the mountain* nor Ihe seashore can guarantee *uch absolute Immunity rrom ateknem as Johnson* Tonic se cures lo you. The wise man Insure* hi* life and the wiser man Insure* hi* health A bottle of Johnaon'* Tonic I* a guarantee of health. It saves enormous waste of time, save* vast expenditure* of money In doctor's hill* and saves human life when endangered by fever. J'ae It and uae nothing el*e ad. • 1.V.q0 to Rlrkmisd. V*. and Return Yin Soulliern Hallway. Account annual convenllon National Baptist Association tcolorcdl. Tickers on sale Sept. 10. 11. 12. final limit tkpt S. Hat** open lo all. Mast convenient sched ule* Ja* Freeman. I'. P. and T. A., 141 Bull street 'Phone* AW—ad Arrangements have been effected by which l.ono mile books, the price of which I* 325.00 each. Issued by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail road: from Portsmouth to Baltimore over ihe Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and laturens Railroad. This arrangement Includes the hook* lasued by tit* Florida Central and Peninsular and Georgia and Alabama lUllroad*.-ad. Tick'd* on sale tor Ihe annual conven tion of the National Baptist Association (colored), ol Richmond, V*.. Sept. in. 11, 12. good umli Sept. 22. Inclusive. Take the Seaboard Air Lire Railway. Thee# rate* are open to everybody —ad. At Katlll'a News Depot. 4ft Hull Alreet Savannah Morning New*. New York. Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Charles ton (S C). Jacksonville. (Fla.). Cincin nati. New Orleans. Washington. (D. C.). Chicago. Augusta. (Ga l. Atlanta. Macon. (Ga l. and other prominent ftwlllr*, aio the varlou* monthlies and weeklies, new hooka and everyltdng *U usually found In Ar*t-da>* new* depots.—ad Ticket* to th* annual convention of the National Baptist Assorladion (colored), at Richmond, good for thirteen day*, by the Seaboard Air Lin* Railway. The** rates are open to everybody —ad. Special attention wilt be given to 4he comfort and pleasure of those going by the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the annual convention of the National Bap tist Association (colored), to be held In Richmond. Sept 12-®. Theee rat** are open to everybody.—ad, A Drlleloa* Smoke. Tli* H*rb*rt Bp*nc*r 1* an el*gant cigar and 1* truly a delightful enjoyment to tnhal* the fume* of thla tine tobacco; It is avhtlaratlng and delicious. Sc* that Ihe name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper o( every cigar, with out which none are genuine The Herbert Hpencer cigar* are only raid by the box of 50 Concha* at 33.50. and Perfecto*. 34 SO at IJppman llro* . whole sal* druggists. Barnard and Congress streets, ot this city.-ad. The annual convention of the Nut tonal Baptist Association (.adored), Richmond. V*., Sept. 12-30. Will be a memorable oc casion. All good Baptist* will take the Seaboard Air Lin* Railway. These rate# are open to everybody,—ad. “It 4 areal Ylr." "Orayheard brok* up rheumatism on m e." says Mr. Chaa Thomas, the Jew eler on Whtiaker street. "And put me In betser health than 1 hava enjoyed In a tong time." Take Orayheard Pills for that dtxxy feetlng—Lost appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Greybeard. It Is alt you need. Reapeas Drug Cos., rate props.. Savannah. Ox-ad. Sunday Trips to krsnswlrk via Plant gjstrNT #l. The Plant System will sett round-trip ticket* to Brunswick on Sundays. Ilmtted to date of sale, at rate of 3100. Trains leave at 2.M) a. m. and 5:30 a m —ad. Go to the annual convention of the Na tional Baptist Association (colored), at Richmond. Y’a.. B*pt. 12-30. by the Sea board Air Line Railway. These rate* are open to everybody —ad. To Braaswtrk and Return f1.410 via thr Plant System, Sunday. In addition to th* Charleston Sunday excursion*, the Plant System are selling round-trip ticket* to Brunswick, good on Sunday* only, at rate of 31.00 for the round (rip. Trains leave at 2:lo *. m. and 6:30 a. m ad. One fare for (he round trip to the an nual convention of the National Baptist Association (, oloredl, Richmond. Va.. Sept. 12-20 by |h* Seaboard Air Line Rail way These rates are open to everybody.—ad. • 13.30 In Rirhmnnd. \„ llrlnrn via Inalkrra llallna), Account annual convention National Baptist Aaaoclallon (colored) Ticket* on ■ale Pept 10. 11. It final limit Kept. j* Kate* open to all. Moat convenient sched ule* Ja* Freeman, C. I*, an I T. A.. 11l Bull atreet. 'Phone* too—ad Chair, car* on Plant System excursion* to Charleston every Sunday, engage your wat* on Saturday* at ih Lie goto Hotel ticket office.—ad. The Heal In Baltimore. 1 received your leeter and got the Tet tertne without difficulty. 1 u *rd It thla laat time for prickly heat, which It clean ert off nicely In three day*. 1 am gtad to know that la foe •ale In Balilmore. a* 1 desire to reoom mend It to my friend* Vour* truly Lo, Bnaoy, Baltimore Md. Aug tt imo to cent* per box t drugglit* _*d. For Oeer Fifty Tear*. ***Ti Soothing Pyrur ha* been chi and hUdr *” > *>**h*# the cvu.a, •oftfm th* gum*. *ll*vb *ll Min Srn.*"!!: 0 *!--'* 1 ” •heTw r^d? for Twaoty-flva cent* a bottle \ LATTIMORE’S DON'T FORGET that we offer bargains j„ every Une we handle. Around on Congress you real, ize a saving on all I) Ur . chases and our prices are a|. ways the lowest on the row . We make appreciable con cessions in all hardware things. Our lines are always the latest and completest. Whatever your w ants may he we can fill them/and fill them at rock-bottom prices. Come see us to-day. Remember our Ranges and Stoves. (let our summer esimates. Do *t w ait till cold weather. LATTIMORE’S THE PEAL —OF Wedding Bells Will noon hr heard ,\ud thr |rc|mrull !* thr ,|*r from thla great lorr of our* STERLING SILVER, Thr ltrt, of rourir, H 111 I I>i, h CUT GLASS, Thr phnlt'Mt •rlrrtlon# from all of thr fatptoo* maker*. CAMEO WARE. Thr moat Dainty Oration and anrr to !r arerptahlr FINE CHINA, ! or on Irr or drrorallon. LAMPS. Thr kmhl nnr arc all hrrr LAMP GLOBES. A nra airortmrnt In proper fth*lr* and h*|M*. ICriii*mher thin D thr storr ahrrr you mo money. G. W. Allen & Cos., fctatr and Barnard strrrta = 7if 11l s HI Hi DOES NOT CURE ALL MifiA Fevers anil Chills YOUR DRUGGIST WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY Every Bottle Guaranteed. MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH, CA RAZORS .„ -fry A FINE ASSORTMENT Brisks, Strolls, Hit EMM IMI S ■ lift Street, West. SEED RYE. OEOROIA SECT) RYE SOI THEIIN SEED RYU TEXAS HEI) H. P. OATS HAY. GRAIN. FIeOPK. FEED. FRI'ITS ANl> VBOHTAI CHEESE. ItEANS. PEAS W. 1) SIM KINS & ( Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texao Rust Proof Oat*. CoaK-f® 1 '•* Rye. Cow Feed. Huy. Uralo. Bn" l,: 1 Feed* of all kind* for atock and r ■ ‘ T. J. DAVIS, Telaphon* 03. U B*y *(•' w '‘' opiiiSS