The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 07, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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defense had its inning. Continued from Twelfth Page. Harris made t Capt Wllaon on their re. turn to Savasnah, the witness raid the latter had remarked to Harris that he would make 1 a* hot a* the place that t uauallv drtlgsated In auch comparleonr If he remained In the atatr Later, the wtt ncee ontlnurd, he had btr attention di rected by the captain to the adage about pet rone being known by the company they keep, taylng that Harrte. with whom the wltneaa had been associating. was a moundrel. a qualifying adje tlve beer* employed, end that the Inference mlghi lw drawn The wltneea alao went Into iha , m ,tter of Hnrrtr' ehoes and Lieut. Bar thrlmety’ alleged threat* a* to what he would do to llarrtr If the latter rhowed up around him with any talk about the missing footgear. Home queetton to the ex-corporal's atandlng with the . om. liany came up. It being atrongly Intimated by the judge advocate that he had been diehonornbly discharged. but thin war loft in suspense. the aril near going down. Private W. W. Thomaron awore that he had never eeen llarrtr drunk In Louls v|li. lie raid he had taken the prleoticr a meal at hie requeat. but that the latter had made no complaint to him about rot having been given hi# meal*. Private James M. Ivey war the latt wit ner*. He raid he did not eee Harrl* drunk at any lime In Louisville. The wltnerw' occupation was asked by the • ormsel for the accused, and It seemed bat Ms was regarded as rather expert teMlmurtv upon thlr charge of drunken neer. os the reply wan that he was a bar lender. Pleading that he desired to show that animus against Harris, on the part of the officer* of the Blue* war responsi ble for the charges. Capt. Cann asked the witness If Capt. Wilson had ever made any remark to him about Harris The wdnes* replied that, after his return from Iruilsv'ile. he was talking with Capt Wtloon. when the latter declared that Har rl was a thief; that he had been reduced from ranks tti the Tennessee Regiment, to which he belonged, to the post of cook. Asked hy Capt Cann. the witness testi fied thet he was present In the pie:!.- conrt when the attachment suit brought by Capt. Wilson against Harris had been tried, and that Capt. Wilson bed swoiai that It was hh> money that he loaned Harrl*. Capt. Cann declared, when ob jection to the question was raised, taat he asked It In order to Impeach Cart. Wilson'# testimony before the court, ae the ofllcer. be mid. had sworn that It i ihe company's money. Upon the conclusion of Private Ivey's examination, the court took o recce* un til to-night at S o'clock. OH. JARRELL'S PATIENTS. PollllrUna On Not Appreciate Hl* lollrllailr no That Score. Tht* failure of Alderman J. O. Jarrell to attend Wednesday night * meeting of Council hag filled the practical politicians, who mak their headquarters at the City Exchange, with a large-sized feeling of disgust. The practical politicians claim that the doctor ha* thrown them down. As previously Intimated In the Morn ing New*, the Horrlgan ordinance, re pealing a section of the lax ordinance which provides for the appointment of a speeal officer by the mayor, with the ap proval of the Finance Committee, for the performance of cert an duties In the col lection of delinquent taxes and licenses. Is evidently aimed at Deputy Marshal Kell/, who hold* office under this section and enjoys the title by courtesy only. The passage of the Horrlgan ordinance woul.l leave Mr. Kelly without a Job and would open the way for the appointment of a deputy tnarahal who would perhaps not he Mr Kelly. In fact. It I* pretty gen erally understood that Mr. J. R Creamer is to be given the position. As Mr. Kelly has proven hltheelf a valuable man In his position, Chairman Tledeman and other member* of the Finance Commit tee. were not disposed to give their ap proval to the ordinance, and several of the member* being out of town. It was necessary to look around for support. The Ulnras of Aldermen Horrlgan and Schwarts put the ordinance In further Jeopardy. It was expected that Alderman Jarrell would vote for the ordinance, though It seem# now there Is some room for doubt on this point. When the Adermen gathered In the May or's room Wednesday night with only five present, three of whom had express ed themselves unfavorably to the ordi nance, It was seen that another vote wss needed to get even a tie vote In order to pas# the matter up to the Mayor, and Al derman Jarrell was the only member available. Aldermen Tledeman. Doyle and Ora ham were known to be In opposition while Aldermen Bacon and Dixon formed tha minority In favor. A young politician, who arrived at the City Exchange shortly after II o'clock, re pined that he had Just left Dr Jarrell, and that the doctor wa* then on his wav to the City Exchange As time passed and he did not appear. young city em ploye wa* sent post haste In a hired bug gy to facilitate the doctor'* movement*. The latter wa* found at his office and ex pressed himself a* nothing loth to respond to the call. only, he remarked, he con sidered his dntle* a* a physician to have the first demand upon hi* time, and mere were one or two call* which It wa* neces sary for him to make before going to the - xchange. The young messenger very kindly placed himself and his buggy at the disposal of the phyalclan. In order to facilitate his movements, which offer wo# accepted. The doctor said hi# patient lived "out Bull street." and the pair Jogged out In that direction The young man wa# sur prised to find that It was some distance out Bull street. and. In fact. the patient was located at Tenth and Montgomery street* A short may was made there ansi then the doc tor pleasantly remarked that hs* had an other paHent on Seventh street who must lie seen. Time was rapidly passing and when the doctor remarked, after maklog the second call, lhat he had another ia tlent on Second street and must also be seen, the young Jehu grew Impstlent and remsrked that as he was using a hired buggy with n specific purpose In view he could nol be expected to make n lour of the entire southslde In one night, or word* to thst effect. So h* left the doc tor to make his last call alone and drove to town a# rapidly as he could, arriving 10 find ccvncll adjourned and hi# friends waiting for him on Broughton street. The politician* were much disgruntled, but the story was too good to keep anal the young man who acted as driver for the aldcrman-physl.'lan was kept busy telling the Jolte on himself yesterday. Needless to say. Mr. Cramer doe* not ap preciate the Joke, and neither do some of the politicians. Dance at Isle of Hope. On# of the twlce-a-week dances at Isle of Hope, thst have been so much enjoyed during the summer month*, will be given to-night, at Barbee A Bandy*# pavilion. There will be two prises, one to the gen tleman and the other to the lady guess ing nearest the number of persons on the pavilion. The first prise will he a •losen cabinet photograph*, donated by •I H. Moore, the photographer, and the other a box of one hundred cigars, do nated by J. 8. Plnkuasohn. Hortford’t Acid Phosphate NERVOUSNESS. A superior restorative when th* ner vous system baa become impaired by mental or physical overwork. A CHAIR HA* ( HO*eX. Candidate to Oppose Magistrate ha than* to Hr Named Wednesday. The F. 8 Van Olesen Colored Club of the Second District, held a meeting I M night, to receive new members and to perfect plans for active poll! teal canvas* of the district, from which It takes Its name, to secure voters who will indorse Mr. V an Olesen for magistrate of the dis trict. and Mr. James M Dixon for Mayor. The offleem of the club report that the meeting was well attended, and that there were numerous acquisitions to the mem bership toll. For the benefit of the new Members, the policy of the club w# out lined in a number of addresses hy the older members A committee of seven was nj.jwtoted to make an active canvass of the district, with the object of enroll ing on the dub list as many membem a* feasible, and gening registered all eol m.'f men otherwise eligible to vote, but who have not yet qualified Yhe joint committee of the friends rtf Messrs Van Oieren and L. D. Mell have finally agreed upon a chairman, In the p>-rn of Mr John K. Maguire, superln irtidunt of the fire department, ami next Wednesday night, will hold meeting for the purpose of determining which of the gentlemen shall be the candidate to oppose Mr. lssao Nathalie. Ihe present magistrate. WBHE IgHAPPIUr M UIHir.D. Mrs. Annie L. Boyd Filed Halt for Di vorce Agnlnat Her Husband. Mr*. A. L. Boyd Hied suit for total di vorce against her husband. WUIIam H Boyd. In the Superior Court yesterday morning. The defendant In the case Is a well-known young attorney and was mar ried 10 Ihe plaintiff In Charleston some thing less than a year ago. The alleged ground of divorce Is cruel* ty, though specific set* of crueltj* are not charged It Is understood that the real reason for Ihe permanent separation that la pending Is the Incompatibility of temperament that exists between the parties and their Inability to live together happily. It ls an Instance of the unfortunate mlstakee that young people sometimes make, and this one the law Is tteked to rectify. Mrs. Boyd asks that the name ahe bore at the lime of her marriage with the de fendant. Annie L. Speers, he restored to her by the decree of Ihe court. The de fendant will not fight her petition for a divorces ami has con sen led lo the rendi tion of a decree, allowing her counsel fees ami temporary alimony at the rate of 115 per month. POLICE HAD A HKIsK DAT. Three While Men Will Be Before Recorder oo Sertoae t hnrges. The police had quite a busy day yester day. While most of the prisoners were colored, and were arrested on the usual petty charges, there was a fair sprink ling of white*. Robert Furlong, white, was sent In by Patrolman T. J. Farrell on the charge of being drunk, beating, and threatening to kill Miss I,aura Feiyietl, Harry J. Gilbert, white, and another wrote man wno gave the name of Jonn Jones were arrested by Patrolman Hal ford on the charge of relieving Mr. Will iam Evans of 13 Edward Green, colored, was sent In by Patrolman Rauxln. charged with the theft of a lot of stencils from Mr. D. P Postell, while Charlie Wilson, a U-year old negro, was sent In on a charge of at tempting to break Into the window of Mr J. R. F.lnsteln, No. & Congress street, west. The boy attempted to steal some hat* by angling for them through the lane window with a hooked stick. It Is thought lhat he ha* previously got some of the stock In the same way, RECORDER'S SHALL Bt'SCH. Only a Few (sec. and Those QatrMV Disposed Of. In the Recorder s Court yesterday there were only a few caoes. Lavlnia Miller, the colored woman who was arrested for removing to LePalge vllle without a permit the body of a dead child, was discharged. W F. Corbett, white, arrested early Wednesday morning for firing hi# pistol In the street, wa* fined $lO, which he paid The two women. Busle A'llen and Martha Jones, arrested for disorderly conduct and fighting in a house In York street lane. mum. A*ere sent up each for ten days, as neither could pay the optional fine of 1$ TO IIK AN IRRIGATING PI MP. One Reins Pnt In nt Mr. F. t. la throp'a Hire Plantation. Mr. Duncan Mcßiravlek of New Or leans Is putting In an Irrigating pump nt Mr. F. 8. Lathrop'a rice plantation on the Louisville road. The pump is one of Mr. Mcßtravlck's own paten! and Is In tended to pump out water In wei seasons and to pump In water In dry season*. II Is only 24-horse power and Is what Mr Mcfttravlek calls a small pump. Never theless It has a capacity of MO.flflo gal lons an hour or about twice the pumpnge of the Savannah waterworks. These pumps are In quite extensive use In Lou isiana. IN THE RAILROAD WORLD. Hallers of Interest In tavssnsh nnd Elsewhere. Mr J. E. Cornantao, southeastern pas senger agent of the Mobile nnd Ohio, with headquarter* at Montgomery, wa* among the visitors to Savannah yesterday. Xlr. W. H. Pleasant*, assistant general freight agent of the Seaboard Air Line, with headquarter# at Jacksonville, spent yesterday In thl* city. Mr. H. W. B. Glover, freight traffic manager of the Bealtoard Air Line, with headquarter* at Portsmouth, spent yes terday In Savannah. Mr. J P. Beckwith, traffic manager of the Florida East Coast, with headquar ter# at St. Augustine, wa* among the vis itor* to the city yesterday. Mr. Smith D Plckeet. general freight ami passenger agent of the Atlantic, Val dosta and Western, with headquarters at Jacksonville, wo# In Savannah yesterday. Mr. J. 8 Crews, general manager* of the Albany and Northern, with head quarter* at Albany, spent yesterday In Savannah. There was a meeting of a large number of railroad men In the office of D. F Jack, freight traffic mnnager of the Plant System yesterday, the object of the meeting wa* not gtven out ln# night hut Is said to have ben relative to the ship ment of cotton. Mr Jack declined to be seen about the meeting Trn BRBvmu. Tha People s Savings and I/an Com pany has declared a semi-annual dividend of $3 OO a share, payable on demand. The Independent Club of *he Second District, s colored organisation, met hist night at KM Wayne street, west, and In dorsed Frank 8 Van Gelsen for magis trate In (he Second District. The club also adopted n resolution to the effect that It was organised In the Interest of good government, and for tha protective of Its members and Irtends. THE MOKNING JSEWS: FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1900. LOCAL PERSON A6— Mr H E Weed of Grlffln I* a guest of (he Pulaski. Mi 8 Bird of Belleville Is registered at Ihe Pulaski Mr. W. B Rice of Rixville Is a gueai of the Screven. Mr L. L. Cieekey of Atlanta la regis tered gt the tie Soto Mr J, F McGowan of August* Is reg slered at the De Boto. Mr T. M Puller of Richmond Is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr George 8, Cox of ThomasvlUe Is registered at the De Boto. Mr R. O, Middleman of Amerlcua Is registered at the Pulaski. Mr W. R Pritchard. Jr., of Bluff ton la registered at the Screven. Mr H A Kowltnekl left via the Uouth ern yesterday for New York. Mr H D Weed left for New York yes terday via the ilea hoard Air Line, Mr. Louis Levy left yesterday for Su wannee Springs to spend Septemlwr. Mr C. W. Hunt of Waynesboro was In the city yewterday at the Screven. Mr. F. W Griffin of Oxford was In the city yesterday a guest of the Pulaski. Mr D. H I .abler of Me Use wse among ihe arrivals ai the Pulaski yesterday. Mr F. O. Byrd of Atlanta was among the arrival* at the De Boto yeeterday. Mr. ami Mrs T C Erwin left via the Plant System yeeterday for New York. Mr A. A MoEaebern left via Ihe Plant System yesterday for Red Springs. N. C. Mr —Allan Sweat left yeeterdsy for a business trip through Southwest Geor gia. Mr and Mrs J. B Marvin of Rome were among the guest* of the De Boto yester day. Mr Dolph M. Young of August* wae In the city yesterday and atayed at the De Boto. Mr and Mr*. J. C. Erwfh of Atltnt* were among the arrivals at the De Boto yesterday, . Sir and Mrs W H. Whitehead sailed for Savannah Tueeday on the _ City of Birmingham. Mr and Mrs J. H. Brown will leave for Suwannee Springs to-morrow morning to ! remain three weeks. Mr J. T Jullletl was among the pass engers of the Seaboard Air Line yester day for Jacksonville. Mr. and Mts. T J Meldrlm and children of Darien were among tha arrivals yes i terdny at the Pulaski Mr f\ A. 1— Cunningham and family ' were passengers over the Southern yes terday for Waynesvllle. Mr. W. W. Gordon, Jr., and family were among the passenger* of the Southern yesterday for Asheville. Mr and Mrs. A. B Hull are passenger* on the City of Birmingham, which aalled I from New York on Tuesday. Mr. and Mr* J 11 Clancey are passen gers on the City of Birmingham, which sailed from New York pn Tuesday. Mr. and Mr*. 8 F. B Otlle*gle are pass , engers on the City of Birmingham, which sailed from New Y’ork for Savannah Tues | day. Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Gamble ami chll ' dren were among the passengers of the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Baltl- Imore. Mr. Gasaway B. Lamar, of St. Augus tine. r*a., was among ihe |<a*sengee or ! Ihe Kansas City yesterday Mr Lamar I* i now cashier of a hank at St. Augustine, i Ha 1* going north on a three weeks trip. Mr. T. B Catherwood of lake Mary, Fla.. I* In tha city, and Is stopping with Mr Arthur M Honour si No US Twelfth street, west Mr. Catherwood. who Is an old Savannahlan, Is now bookkeeper for the Planter* Manufacturing Company at Lake Mary, Fla Hev. W F. Watkins will return to Sa vannah. from the North to-morrow Dr. Malkina has Iteen spending a six weeks' vacation visiting relatives In the East, and reusing In the White Mountain*. He will he In hi* pulpit Bun-lay morning and evening Dr Watkins wn* called to the Christian Church n year ago Hl* friends wish him n prosperous future. Me Has Nol. Editor Morning News- Please let me know whether the Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph has married again after the death of the Empress Elisabeth J Lustlg. 23 Liberty street, west. RAD SPILL AT SHEEPS HE AO. Jockey Morphy Hay Lose Ills Life from the lerltlrsl. New York. Sept. A.—An unfortunate ac cldent which may result seriously In the case of one Jockey, marred the racing at Hheepshend Bay to-day. Three horse* went down In a heap at the last furlong pole In the first race and the only wonder Is lhal their rider* were nol kills 1. The field wns well straightene-l out In the stretch when Unsightly, Knight up. fell. Beverage, with We.lder#trand up. turned a complete somersault over him, and Elnus. ridden by Murphy, also plung ed Into the struggling mass When the dust had cleared away the three boy# were seen Ivlog on the track Wedderstrand was only stunned ar.d showed his nerve by riding again In the fifth race. Knlghl hid hi* shoulder sprain'd but later wa* abl lo go home. Murphy lay all the af ternoon In an uneonsejous 'condition and appear# lo have sustained a fracture of the skull. The Pride, favorite for tha race, won by a head from Elfin Conig. ihe well backed second choice. The weather wa* uncomfortably warm but a good slsed crowd wa* on hand and enjoyed some high claw apert. Sum maries: First race, six and one-half furlongs, selling The Pride. 2 10 1, won: Elfin Conlg. 7 to I arvi even, second; Carbuncle. 7 to J. third. Time. 1:1 2-5 Second race, one mile, Gonfallon, 3 lo 1. won; Flaunt. $ to 1 and 7 to 3, second; Toddy, to ID. third Time. IK) 1-3. Third race, the Golden Eagle stakes, six and a half furlong# on turf. fidUrlo. 9 to 10. won. Alaril Bchcck, 5 to 2 and 3 to 1. second; Demurrer. 7 to 2. third. Time. 1:21 S-S. Fourth race, the Omnium handicap, mile and a furlong Poieme, * to J, won; Decanter, 0 to 5 and J to S. second; An dronlcus. 5 to I. third. Tim*. 1:33 4-0. Klflh race, five and one-ha If furlong* All Green. * to 1. won; Sliver Dale, 7 to 1 and 3 to 2. second; Dublin, 3 to 1 and even, third. Time, I*9. , Sixth rare, mile and Ihree-slxleenlh* on turf, Maximo Gome*, even, won; Com pensation. JO to 1 and I to 1. eecond; Al stke, 100 lo 1. third Time, 23)1 1-3. RET* WERE DEI LA RED OFF. Jockey NX as Charged Milk Boldina Hack Prlaee Alert. Hartford. Conn.. Fept. (—The Grand Circuit racing to-day was sensational In onq.featur*. Prince Alert, on# of the three starters In the fiet for *II pace, after making a half In 1:091,. came In at Ihe wire either he hi by Walker who was up. or In distress, taking second place. The odd* were to 10 on the horse and the bets were declared oft by the Judges on the supfos tlon that Walker held the hoise Walker drew Ihe hors# In the sec ond heat and b*t* were again declared off Walker explained that Prince Alert ceme down the stretch suffering from blind slagg r* and that he wa* obliged to bleed him a* soon a* he left hi# seat. Vo ter: nath s were sent lo examine the horse. The talent was badly upset by tb* oc- eurrence ns the abort end had big money ; tn sight Summaries :27 Irol. pur*e. *l,* M*J Greer won In three straight heats; Dolly MldwetL j second, with Martque, third Time 2:16*, miv nv Charter Oak. Con so a I lon. puree l*f>o Lady Geraldine won In two atrolght heat*. Maggie Anderson, second, with Joe Walla third Tim. 1:11V 1:11V Free-for-all, each heat a race, pur** 61.1R> Indiana won In three straight heats, with Coney second, end Prtno* Al bert third. Time. 106. 2 04t. iM. 2:10 pace, pure* *t,3l (unfinished). The Admiral won aecond and third heat* Paul Revere won first heat. Time 2:97k*. 2.07 V 2<*% . HI.SI LTS ON THE DI AMOND. Pittsburg Beat Brooklyn la a Welt Played Game. Brooklyn. Sept. In the Brooklyn- Pittsburg game to-day a muffed -throw by Daly threw Kennedy up In the air In the second Inning and four men were sent around the base* by wild pitching and a couple of hits. Klison then went In and was hatted hard. The Pittsburgh played a superb fielding game. The game was called In ihe eighth on account of darkne**. Atlendanc*. LAW. Score It UK. Pittsburg .0 A 1 I • 0 I 9~ II 0 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 11 l Batteries—-Leever and Zimmer; Kenne dy. Klison and Farrell At. lonia Won from New York. New York. Sept The New Y'ork and the St. Louis ball teams gay* about Ihe worst exhibition to-d*y that ha* been seen here In some time Atendance. I.uon Scores RILE. St. Louis 5 o*ooll 0-11 10 1 New York ....1 OOOItOO-A A7 Batteries—Sudhoff and Roblnaon; Do heny, Mathewson and Bowerman. Philadelphia, •; Cincinnati. It. Philadelphia. Sept. * - The home team Indulged In a balling matinee to-day. and made everything in the hit line from a scratch bunt lo a clean home run. Score: RUE Chicago 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 o—6 6 T Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 6 2 1 x-W 1 Ilatlerie*—Callahan and Donohue and D- xler; Bernhard. Fraser anff McFarland. Attendance 1,212. (Tnclnnntl hnt Oat. Boston. Sept Boston white-washed Cincinnati to-day Both team* played list lessly at the bat and In Ihe field Game called In Ihe *• yenth on account of dark ness Altetiilnnce ISO. Score. RH 67 Huston 0 I 2 0 0 0 I—6 K> I Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 O—O 6 4 Bftterles— Lewis and Clarke; Scott and Pelta. 41 oilier Games. Ai Indianapolis -Indianapolis. 6: Chica go. S. Second game: Indianapolis. 2; Chi cago. 11. At iwtrolt— Detroit. 2. Kansasy City. J. Second game Detroit. *: Kansas City, 1. At Buffalo —Buffalo. 5; Milwaukee. A. AI Cleveland—Cleveland, A; Minneap olis. 2. At Hartford—Hartford. 7; Providence, I. Second game Hanford. 0; Providence. 0. Called eighth Inning At Worcester—Worcester, IS; Spring field. 1. Hay Reduce Coal Tariff. Berlin. Sept. S,—The iveueate Nac hr len ten aays the coal tariff will probably be reduced during the winter Wttstlrra W 111 Never lease. tJppman Brother*, wholesale druggists. Llpt men bkek of this city, ars giving away frw. a splendid regulator clock rearly 2 feet high, with calendar attach ment. also three doxe-i Llpt man’s liver iMIls. free, lo Ihe purchaser of three dos er. Herman's chill and fever ton c. This 1 c-lfbrated and renowned chill tonic la sold with a positive guarantee "No cure, no pay." and th* price and sis* la the •am* a* other standard chill tonic*. This great <xi ense Is undergone simply to Introduce Lineman's chill and fever tonic the best tn the world —ad. Paulding's Pippin Cider. This celebrated pure, apple Juice elder, made In Long Island, ran be had tn pint or quart bottles, direct from Ihe manufac turers, with their own stamp. at Lippman Brother*. Druggists. Savannah. Oa.—ad. See your agent at once a* to date* and rate* by the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the annua! convention of Ihe National Baptist Association (colored), at Rich mond. Va. 4 These rate* are open to everybody —ad. "Anew line of elegant fire proof safes from the largest manufacturers In the United State# can be #e-n at Llppman Bros, whobaal# druggist* In this city Price and qua tty will be of Interest.” —ad. The rate* are cheap, the route direct and service unsurpassed by Ihe Seaboard Air Line Railway to Ihe annual conven tion of the National Baptist Association, at Richmond. Bepl. 12-20. These rate# are open to everybody.—ad. "Oraybeard Is a family medldna with us." sa‘d a promint nt buslnea# man yes terday. "My wife lakes It, and I nolle* she is enjoying belter health lhan for years. Th# children keep well by taking It." Greybeard may be obtained at all drug stores or write to u* for It. Rest*** Drug Cos., sol* prop*.. Savannah, Th# Plant System excursion train to Charleston leave# Savannah at (: a. m Sundays; ticket# ar* aold at on* dollar for the round trip —ad. A High-Grade Institution for I/idle# Shorter College. Rome.. Oa. Write for catalogue—ad. LEGAL SALKS. UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S BALE. The rolled Stales of Amerlcti Eastern Division. Southern Dtetrlct of Georgia Ry virtue of an order of sole, issued out of the United State# District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, on the sixth day of Beptcmi<cr. 1990. notice 1s hereto given that I will sell at public auction, for cash, on Monday, Ihe seven teen! r> day of September, 19. at 11 o'clock a m , In front of the Custom House In Savannah. Ga.. at the suit of Middleton A Cos versus Bark "Carl von Dobein," end nl the suit of South Atlantic Towing Company. versua hark "Carl von Dobein," the said bark "Carl von Dobein." her bouts, tackle, apparel, and furniture, n* she now lies In the port of Brunswick. Georgia. Purchases paying for papers and revenue stamp*. JOHN M BARNES. U. 8 Marshal, by CHARLES J. WHITE, Deputy. Orwvait * WhUfletd, Snussy A ftnussy. Garrard A Jteldrlm, Proctora for Libellants. LEG %I. NOTICE*. 'TsKoRGIT CHATHAM COUNTY Mr*. Margaret Ray has applied to ihe Court of ordinary for a twelve months support for herself out of the estate of James Ray. dre#*ed Appraisers have made return* allowing name These gre, iherefcue. to ett# all whom It may concern to appear before said noun to make objection on or befora tn# first Monday In October next, otherwise same will he granted. Witness, th# Hnncrzble Hampton L. Ter rill, Ordinary for Chatham county, this th# (th day of September. 1900 FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0.. C. Cos., G*. CLASSIFIED AUVcHI ISEMENTS. HHAOXAI. swear not. but ha vs; you iII tasor ground, honed, set aid made to shave easy and emooth. by th# old *x lrienced barber, 2X East Broughton. Hair. Jewelry and Shavtag Supply House The place for rasors made to shave; rement- j her (hat all scissor* mid shears with Fegea'e name on. sre all mad and are sharpened free of charge; barber chair* for sale or rent; burner shops bought and sold. I' SHOULD SEE MILLERS Ft'RNl ture. newest styles for bedroom, aiming room, netlor, In oak. walnui amt mahog any; Miller's price* and trrms are res amiable 2(C Ilrvvughton, weal. TRY THE MILK FROM SPRlNO fteld Dairy. It's rich, purr, and Whole- Home. There Is none h. tier. while they lest. C. P. Miller. Agent. ~U SHOULD SEE MILLERS NEW •tylea In rariwts. malting, window Charles, art squares, rugs, lace curtains, etc,; Miller's prices and terms are reasonable 207 Broughton, west. • t attention mnswa? iv*!A pres* en<l clean your uniform while In S.ivantuh: w know how to do ll Ster ling frees Ins (Tub. 1# York. we*. ~FINi; RICHFIELD r AMH AT BA ker every day. beat of all other mcave tn market IF ITS RIGS YOf’ WANT YOU CAN gel them cheeper from McGlllle. KIMBALL'S ANTI-R HE C M A TI C rings; ihousands using them and all ben efited. Gardner's Hosier agl M AS III'VS NICE RATTAN IKX'KEHS. ladles' slse. largn assortment of rwker*. couches and easy chairs. C. P. Miller. Agent. RING UP 2464 IF YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for ehlpmenl or storage; I guarantee price* Ihe same as I do th* work that’s gtvea 10 me A. 8 Grlffln, 114 Broughton strtot. west; mattresses made to order. - U~SHOrLr>~SEE MILLER'S OFFIUE desks, office tables, office chairs, office matting, offl.w shades. C. I*. Miller. Agent. FItORAL DESIriNS. PALMS AND CUT flowers, at Gardner'* Uesaar, agent for Oelachtg'a Nursery. "ATTENTION SOLDI KRB.” LET ~|TS press nl clean your uniform while in Savannah: we know how to do It. Ster ling Pressing Club. 16 York. snl. U~will *oon move and v will certainly need something In my line, U will save money by trading with me. C. P. Miller. Agent SI'CHLLIS SKi-LA SIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrna pattern*—for M cents. “see THE JEWEL STOVES ANO range* for sal* by J. W. Tee pie; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. ki GILI.IS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, lac* curtains, hammocks, water coder*, pillows. |.l. turea. stove*, bedroom eullea, end furniture of every deacrlialon. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN. O AI Gardner's Basaar. is'your IRON BAFF. FIRE PROOF’ Stlffel A Krrrmsn have a standing offer of 11,(Wl for every saf* of I heir make that does not preserve It* content* One safe was In burning dehrt* HI hours When taken out. Ihe hose hod lo he turned on 11 When opened, no! a page was dis colored. not a record lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Sttffcll A Freeman safe. C. P. Miller. Agent. 6101LL19 LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. U SHOULD SEND TOUR ORDERS for tuning and repairing piano* and or gans to W P Manning, with C. P. Mil ler. Agent; prompt attention lo oul-ol town orders. C. P Miller. Agent. "ATTENTION SOLDIERS,”' LET~VB prees and clean your uniform while in Savannah; we know how to do It. Ster ling Pressing Club. 1 York. weat. BPECJALTa.n'UNLIM!TED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers; ladles' Mae. at 62 J W. Teeple. MGILLIB MOVES BACKS SHIPS and store* pianos and furniture; beet work only; no "Cheap-John" prices—no "Cheap- John" Jobs. tTSHOULD' iff MILLER'B ST. IVIS and ranges; the best makes at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller. Agent. WHEN YOU SEE M GII.LIS SIXTY Inch *9 cents rugs, you will buy them Just can't help It; will sell In any quan tity "FURNITURE MOVWD WITH CARE," la a specialty with McGtlHa. 0 Blini'l.H SEND ME YOUR OR dersforuphnlslerlngparlorand dining neon furniture in leather, silk and other fab rics, In Ihe best manner; curled hair, moss and cotton mattresses renovated, all work well done and satisfaction guar anted C. P Miller, Agent I t LLEY RKLTS. 2SC, RUCKLES W. aluminum ahtrt set. 10c. at Gardner's Ba zaar **”■“"** feet are troubling you. call on roe end 1 will give you relief, I cur* Ingrowing nails, corns and all disease* of ihe feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give th* beet references In Ihe city; pa tient# treated at residences; orders ran he left a* Llvtngston'a drag atrwe. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 295. Lem Davl, e'trgeon rhlro"odtt HELP BRICKMABONB WANTED TO GO IN the country Apply Immediately at Rep. pwrd. Bnedeker A Co.'* Lumber Yard “PHOTO PRINTER WANTED. MUST be up on modern methods, wrbe or call at once Franklin A Foils, modern pho tographers, 1! Hull. "WANTED. FIRST CLASH CLEANER and repairer. 8. Hyman A Cos . 1* Brough ton. west. WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO work on farm and take charge of stock. D. B. Lester. * WANTED. K"K UNITED STATES army, able I. died unmarried men bat wean aga of 21 anti S3; cltlaona of United Btalea, of good character and temperate habit*. who can apaah. read and write English Recruit* are apedally desired for service In Philippines For informs tlon apply lo recruiting office. 300 Bull street, Savannah. Ga. HELP W %KT.-;I—FEMALE. 'TvTnTkTT’a imvVTiuTi-r*h^TiToeid lent In mna'c nrd mathematic*. Address Mr*. F. W Hub hurst. Houston, Fla AGENT* W ANTED. ~Rr'TrT9iri>ATLY~EAbTly'maDe"7!t our live agenia. men or women, nailing our latest novelty, campaign waterproof neck ties. Good* entirely new and patented. : Agent* delighted. Hales unlimited. What other* do. you can do. Time la short. Write to-day and secure exclusive terri tory. Guaranteed beet seller. Address, with slump. 31 A M. Manufacturing Com pany. Dept. C. Springfield. Mm : ;:""s ■" ■ EMPLOY GENT W ANTED. stenographer by young man; willing to I atari oti email aalary. J. T. J,, New* office, A~LADY DEBIREB POBITION~AB stenographer, thoroughly experienced. Ad dress "X.” care General Delivery. WANTED" POSITION BY EXPERT stenographer, bookkeeper and all found office man, Addrea* Jay. Morning Nears HOUSE* W ANTED. 'tWOJTORY HOUtfE WANTED (with lawn or garden preferredi. In good location. Address Good Tenant, this office. HOARD WANTED. ~WANTK?r~MY Y-IYUNfTf^MCNTLEMAn’ hoard in private family; state terms; an swer quick “D." Ibbt office. WANTED. ROOM AND BOARD IN' private tnmlly; or first-class Uiardlng house, by Northern gentlemnn and wife Ualklng dlvi tm e from Postoffice Ad dres* H W 11. ■ "" ■— —'■■■ H aUKIcIIKI t.l.i.A vr.tna. WANTED To EXCHANGE DBN.A more Aypcwriter In gcKal , omlltton. for i Smith-Ih-emlcr. th g<l condmon. Ad dresa P. O. Box 462. WANTED AS E< iim >hAN DTV I' 1 ' writer at 21* Ray, west IF YOU AKK NOT SATISFIED WITH the mlik you ate getting, try Sprlngfirld Dairy. FE ATHI'TRS WANTED; MARKET price |otld for old feather beds and pil lows; all order* promptly attended: aend postal. J Is Isaac*. Marshall House. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMB earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., tree or charge, Just at city limit*, hauling over hand road write or telephone Brown Bros , corner Anderson ond East Broad streets. FOR lirAT-gOilfil. LARGE SOUTH ROOM WELL FUlt nlshrd. genllemln prefetrtal. ASi Earl Charlton. FI. ATS I'OH HEAT. FOR KENT. ELEGANT LOWER FI .AT on rhe ccrner Jones and Lincoln street* in beautiful condition, etory coßvrnlcnce, first-class order, de liable locallijr, right rent to right truant. Eat Salomon Co hen. coin, r West It road and Broughton streets FURNISHED THREE-ROOM FLAT for llxht house-keeping, at mice. Apply No 206 Perry. W. FOR RENT ,\ FLAT OF A GOOD room*, with use of iath; rent reasonable. 211 Waklhurg. east I IB H>M ELAT WITH ALL CONVKN leneea. m excellent location. Apply .Ski Anderson, west. El IT. .si \ CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, first floor. Lyons block, sulta l for any put pose John Lyons. FIMA RENT—HOI’SKM HOUSES 222. AIAIO 217 WALDRUHO street, east, perfect cotHlMlon; every con venience; right rent right tenant; 625> the month. Et Salomon Cohen. West Hroad and Broughton street*. FOR RENT SrUHKDfD HOUSE i mnib rn impntv.mmta vicinity Park Kx ' tension. lIA Duffy stro-A. west. Purse. Printer FOR RENT EXCELLENT SIX ROOM houee. fifteen ilollars; In perfect condition. D B Lester “RBSHyENfK. CORNER WHITAKER snl Hull streets Apply to Robl. H. Ta lent, 7 Y'ork street, west. FOR RENT—SS GWINNETT.* WEST. 6 rooms. (Hiller |antry, lath, etc., 64* from Oct 1. Premises can tie seen after 6*> each evening or upon application to W. J Mlscally. Jr. FOR RENT, 'DWELLING* AND TWO lots No 9 Maupua avenue, near Bull street , seven dollar* I. I* La Roche Kuli KENT, uksihAiiLa BRICK houses, number k>2 and Arts Huntingdon, east; newly ni|ered and re|*dred, with all madam imo-ovemem*. Apply to E C. Way. Bell Teiephona, 167# * FOR RENT. RESIDENCE S ItOL ton street, west; seven ro<vm*; all con veniences; newly papered and painted, 623 per month, lease for one year Apply to J. T Bhuptrine, corner Congress sttd Jef ferson streets. FOR RENT TO AN ACCEPTABLE party, my residence, northeast corner Finn and Drayton streets Apply C. W Howard No 1C llay street, east. “TO RENT DWELLING HOUSE. 120 Wald burg street, eagt, possession al once. Apply 112 Broughton etreel, we*t. gull KENT—STORES. FOR RENT. STORE. 11l BROUGH, tori street, coat; |*a*eaton Immediately the several (Lalreble (evidences and fiat*. Ai ply A. Wylly, $3 Bryan alreat. a rat FOR RENT. I HAY DICBIRABLE elore and warehouse formerly occupied by George W Tledeman A Pro.. corner Bay and Montgomery street; In perfect order and condition; right real to right tenant; poee**lon can lie given Immedi ately. E*r Salomon Cohen, corner Weat Broad and Broughton atresia. FUR BALE—BEAL ESTATE. for a residence, thirty-five feet front bv one hundred and twenty-two feet deep, lane In the rear; new drainage system and city water, a bargain. C. it. Dor sell. FoR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL I/IT. north front, for only s6i cash, or e#*y time C. H Dorset! Unit SALK. A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollar*. e**y term*, on Ninth street, near Fuel Broad, no city taxation. C. H. Dorset! Ftrft BALK THOSE 1//T8 ON NINTH e'reel. near East Broad, have only been aold to first-data parties, who will make good neighbor#; and none ether can buy Th* term* are very easy, and they ar* Cheaper lhan any other In the vicinity. C H. Dorset!, FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR Ea*t Broad, a* L> each; will soon be advanced to 9223; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C H. Dorset! FOR SALK. LOT* ON NINTH STREET near Kail Broad; no city tame*, at m each; twenty-five dollars cash, nnd easy monthly payment*. C. H Doraatl. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING I-GTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Talcm. real estate dealer. No. I York etreel weal. I'Ll HftlNG. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL BE to your Interest lo let me give you an es timate on your plumbing new or old weak; repair work a specialty, aa I am a practical plumber No guea* work to endanger your life. Wiggins, ’phone 107. Georgia or Bell. a-... US til.L-HdU-lU.ikUlt. "'witchhazfiTThlre IB 'witch' baarl and wltruhaael On# Is made tn cure, the otlnr I* made to aell; put a bottle of oura by the eld* of one of the othr kind, we give you al! th* quality and all the quantity that your mosey en title* you to--# pint for a quarter Beraee's Drug Stcr. a, lb nry and Abereom, Whit aker and Taylor. FOR SALJE, RAZORE'aND swim raaor honed, straight edge, sharpened, conesvi .1 and hollow ground; cuttlery, and cash registers repaired, uteei heel |4ates and razor strops, bee; for sharp edge*, order* left, core Hasiam A Cos . No. 117 ami 149 Bud street, leave your name and address on artlche to be repaired. Robert 31 I*.cough. Savannah, Ga Troll RALE-ONE MILK COW~AND young calf. East Broad ami Anderson. ~HI'RING FIELD DAIRY IS THE piece to get rich, pure milk, D<pot 3.9 Whllak'r ABM AND CYPREBB LUMBER FOR eale—lM.MD feet of aeh suitable for wheel wrights carriage maker*, car works sad Interior houae finish. Also cyproea lumber of *ll six**. We have resumed culling our femou* brand* of eypruea shingle# and will aonn have a full lino >f them for sate. Vatu Royal Manufacturing Company. AICTIOX SAl.r.s FUTURE DAYS. adminl str ato r t s's a leT^ VAI.I ABLE IAAF.STMEVT PHOPKHTY C. 11. DOM SETT. Auctioneer. Under and hy virtue of an order grant ed by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, I will sell at Court House In Savannah, during the us ual hours of sale, net Tuesday. Oct. 2, IWn. for the purpose of the payment of dehes and for distribution. th<- following property of the estate of Barbara A. Koch, deceaaed Those three certain lots of land In Ihe city of Savannah, known a* lot* No*. A. 5 and 16. Jones ward, with Improvement* thereon, known n> No* Ski '-22. 221 and 2M. ReynoAdn street, and No*. 222. 256 Arnold street. Term* cash; purchaser paying for ttAl#*- Jb 11 KOCH. Administrator Estate Rarhsra A, Koch. -i ej—TSa VIIM SALK— XIU Kl.l tIKOUt. K<lt SALE CHEAP. <'NE OAK RED room set. Apply *l6 Llherty street, west. “Fiano for vk jones street, east Bargain; easy term*. B'ITAA YKD. STRAYED FROM GREENWICH Park, red Dachshund dog Return to Greenwich Park amt get reward at mmi.u atau tTA greatly retiH’el rates for Ihe fall months. A.l.tress Hot hm. Heiatersonvtlle. N. C. Nix SM.66BH a- THE LEADS THEM all; New Ixmat to Machine, with ball bearings Proton A Hon. FOR PAPER HANGER AND PAINT er get Tavlor's estimate*. You won't re gret It. Painters' supplies WE CLEAN CLOTHES DV THE RE sorr-tne antls-ptic procean. Try us New York St* am liye Woiks. YVhPaker and State. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK Iff being turned out by Forest City Laundry Phone 1676. SPECTACLES OF THE RENT GRADE at moderate price*; eye* tested tree. Koch A Sylvan. "interior decora ting or ALL kinds done by skilled workmen Interior liecoratlng Company: see us early. “FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS. ETC., go te Cornwell A Chtpman. HAVE YOUR “ HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire satisfaction guaranteed. Adam* Paint Company “ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RE" palr. and while you wait: all werk guaran teed. For poor people free. I’crit >n A Ron "WALL paper*. UAINTR. var i blue kal-omlnes nnd glaa* and goad mechanic*. See Taylor. K. of P. Halt LET UB CLEAN YOUR UI/TIIEB BY Resurelne untie-file process. New York Steam Dye Work*. Whltaker-Rtat* am eta. WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or glnee finish, perfect work. Forest City Laundry. Park avenue. "LINK at TTi INS t n“great VARtE ty at Koch A Sylvan'*. If Whitaker street. Price* low. "WALL PAPER. PAPERHANGING done In beet style by Interior Decorating i ompany, 113 Stale, weat. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLITOO lo Cornwell A Chlpman's. "wk hell"sewer" pipe; rCOE pipe, fire clay, fire brick at lowest price*. Adam* Paint Company, lot Congress, weat. singer Needle*, three for five centa; gill oil with doxen free. Fenton A Son NO BOTCH, NO HUMBUG! BUT“A thorough pointer, taper hang,r and dec orator Taylor. K of P Hall IT DOESN'T PAY TO" PR UPS DIRT or gasoline In fine clothes. New York Fleam Dye Work*. Whitaker-Riate, •PHONE I*73' TOR FOREST CJTT I .sundry They will call for your llneh Immediately. LADIES' LACE PINS IN GREAT VA rlely at Koch A Sylvan's, VI Whitaker street. Price# low. PAINTING AND K A LSOMTNINO don# by expert# at Interior Decorating eempany: 'phone W&l. ~FOR RANGES AND STOVES. OG“fO Cornwell A Chlpman. “OYPSINK IS THE BERT WALL FlN lah made Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agent*. 104 Congress, west. ■JHI4I, NOTICE*. n lt iuiT'i : ~rn£iu mins GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY - Notice Is hereby gtvn to all p<r*>n* hav ing demands against Hansom Kaybourn. late of said county, deceased, to present them to me. properly made out. within the preacrlb and by taw. so as to show tselr Character and amount: and all per *. n* Indebted to said deceased are re quired to make imm'dlat* payment to me, MAURICE E ROBINSON. Administrator. Savannah. Ga., Aug S, It 0 'GEORGIA. PHATHA3! COUNTY.-r XVhere##, Philip M Russell and Waring Russell. Jr., have applied lo Court of Or dinary for letter* dlsmleeory a* executor* of the will of Sarah J, Woodfleld, de ceased . These are. therefore, to c|te and admon ish all whom It may concern to be and •[i|*r before sold court, to make objec tion (If any they have), on or before Ihe eighth day of November, next, otherwise said letters Wiil he granted. Wilneta. the Hon. Hampton L. FerHII, ordinary for Chatham county, this, th* sixth day of August, I9W> FRANK E KEILRACII. Clerk C. 0.. C Cos. NOTICE TO DEBTOR* AND CREDIT ORE GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice ta hereby given to all persona hav ing demand# against Mary Anderson. kMe of said county, deceased, to present them to roe. properly made out, within Ihe time pre*crlb?d by law, so a* to show ihetr character ami amount; and all person# In debted to sold derawsed are required to rouke Immediate payment to me lioBEBT w. m<-laughl!N. Executor, Thunderbolt, Ga. Savannah. Ga.. Sept. 4. 19m. RT ATE OF <ir*,K<l!A. CHATHAM County.—ln re New York Boat Oar Com pany v*. P. C Hu mho! t anti William H. Bellinger. Action tn note and contract In Superior Court of Chatham county. December term. 19m. The defendants. I*. C. Rumbolt and Wil liam H. Bel Inger are hereby required per sonally. or by attorney, lo be and appear at the next term of Ihe Superior Court ol Chatham rounly lo be held on the Oral Monday, being the third (Jrdl day of De cemtvr. next, then and there to answer ihe plaintiff on the merit* of the forego ing ;>ellllon. In default of aurh appearance the said court will proceed as to Justice ahall ap pertain. Wltnees I lye Honorable Robert FalH gant. Judge cf said Superor Court, this the (th day of S-ptemb-r, nineteen hun dred (ifffi) S. L I.AZARON, Attorney for Petitioner. JAMES L MURPHY. Deputy Clerk. 8. C., C. C., Oa. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molaaaes Hogsheads (aa C. M. GILBERT & CO. 3