The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 07, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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NAVALSTORES. Continued Prom l’iir Eight. April 1. to foreign 231 I*6 3®. 453 Au 11. dtßßUfillc 217385 224.K0 Total LBR.JH MOM i*rk par barrel of 999 pound* of com mon. m-dlum ami pile roalu from Sept 1, 1899. 40 Aug. SI. 1860, |K I R ' (Common Medium ( Pole ‘ Month*- ~ H I. H £ H L~ September S1 4*31 October II V> 93; 1 19. I 35. 2K.2 10 November . ..) 110 l oo: 1 lr. no 121 December . ..j l 9> 1 <*. 1 To 1 3ft 2 so 2 JO Jot nary 113-'. 1 JO 1 96 I 79 I 85 1U February . ..| 1 o 1 S| S IK 2 TO. 575 | I 53 1 45; * I Of. 100 174 April 165, I 30 2 : 1 2*o 100 May 1 35 1 15 1 65 1 SO * 30 3 t June |ISO 1 IS,I Of. ISO2Si 2<* July 1 40, 1 24, 1 *5 1 65 2 *0 2 IS Augur I | 1 t<> 1 40 1 70 l 14, J 20 l IS *orrea of >■! More* !>u|pl| at Mnnunnli From Vpl. I* IHUR, to Am* Sl# lIHJU. “ , PUet'Byetem Ueiilioerd'ATTi Central ef (in Hivef flFr*~ iiaillng~Vescbi fatal iSplrlir Itoeli. Spirits Konln Spirit* lloetn 'Spirit*. Roain ( Spirits. RaMn Spirit* Kosiu. |s*pnmibiir ....[ Km tl.iu sa*! -7jii7 i.ut* as* M#t % T >t.*44 nuis Rtctobrr | 14.902; 52.233 SOP Jfc3h 2.619, JO. I SR J4* I.MS| 4Si 7*j X.m* M.IIS November | 14*31 4k. 7X; OSST 30.tE2 27*. S.fgl; 37* 9441 76 254 27.1521 99.999 Dectmler |lO 995 59.37 V 7.4(5 4 IMO. 2.® 13.413) 238 2 096! 104 297 21.012 123.28. January | 4.44* SASI4, *!'.< .*• 50E: 13.R{ 38 Sl| 389| 7.6 W *.756! Peltruary j I * 27 540 1.2* 19. M; 3*3* 10.416; IS! 2 0551 8| 1i 3 002! 59.W1 March j S 34 an, 1.510 12.UK51 7W 4,*23| IS) SC| 21| 1 5.5611 41.100 April | IJJO*. 34.197 5414 15270: lAUj 4,| 2SR 711) 54| 136, 80.104: 42.519 May i35 *7 44.5 M IJ.* *1.4*9 5.701 105*| 5711 1.949) 170! 1. 46.3M| 83.1*6 June | M.3t[ 46 629; 13.046: 37.413) 6.175 155671 7% 1.474! 119) 2SI| 45.346; *.301 ! July | 36 887; 49 319! 15364 11.385 kSo! 13.646: 7* 076; 223) 274 : 45.383! 93.499 August j 22 WK 56.5151 13.4*6 33987, 6 00, HAM) Sdt 1.540; 3* 36) 417®; 111.023 j ; Total I 19M21| ~4*!.7*i| — *.*L SOX*)" - 350667~MiTn7| 4344; 13.546, 1.06; 3511| 315,849|1.0U).a8 j the: rice 'uhkbt. IHMpaintm>l li k* Trade Owlni to Vary liphl Yield. The rice crop for the teuton ending Aug. *1 • a treat disappointment to pnxtiic art During the season the plant eras promising. and there was every proepecl of a good yield When the harveat nea eon arrived, however. It arte found that (he yield per acre war short 10 to 15 per cent, and that the (Train wan small and of me dlum quality. It war believed thia ahortane was due to the aalt water brought up by tha ttorma of tha prevloua aeaann and left In the ground The average yield per a' re did not exceed twenty-eight bushels, when It should hnve been from thirty live to forty buahela per acne In the river •notion a. The receipt* foe the year amountcd to 541.000 buahela. about 19.000 of which wan aoM In Ihe rough and ahlppe<| lo New York and New Orleana. S.OUO to 0 too buahela went to aeed, and the balance waa milled. The present crop la promising, but there la Ihe possibility of damage from storms. It would have been advantageous to plant era had the rains about Bept. I come two or three weeks sooner, as It would bava had Ihe effect of eniergtng the heads of rtoe and •aiming the grain to fill out bet ter. However, If there Is no storm, the trade look for an average yield. The following table shown Ihe receipts and alook of rice for (he period named Bushels. Heeetpts rice Kept. 1. IB#. 10 Aug . twin 314.700 Number barrels mute Bill Number barrels delivered 77.296 block on hand Aug. 31 3,313 no IRON. tthliawarafs to New York ond Balti more. The following table shows Ihe shipments of pig Iron fn tone lo the ports named from dept. 1, 1399. to Aug. 31. IOT, end for the come time previous year:: Tons. Tons. Tons. 37-2# 96-99. 9-uO. To New York 35.074 25 297 15.173 To Baltimore 1.063 2.933 I.IM Total 45.123 3X359 .M 0 LI nni.ll TRADE GOOD. The Recent Alack In Demand Cheek ed Its Prsgrea*. While Bavannah's lumber trade on tha Whale waa satisfactory during Ihe past year, there was a slack In Ihe demand for the three months lust dosed which broke Into the good record promised at Ihe open ing of tha year. The demand up lo the latter part of May waa the beat In Ihe his tory of the local trade It was not a question of prices, but a question of mak ing deliveries. About June I (his dem ind begun lo de crease, and waa follow'd by a surplus tonnage and a consequent decline In freight rales North. The drop since has been a steady one. with consumer* Indlf fircnt about buying, pielerrlng to shape up slock on hand for order rather than order from primary markets. Northern yards were pretty well stocked with high priced lumber when the slump came. The rise In prices, which Is one of Ihe most notable In Ihe history of the trade, started In tNcember of 1393. end was checked about April of this year. The drop started In June, and since prices hsva gone off at a rapid rale, Ihe declines being anywhere from #5 to 36 lees per thousand feet under Ihe highest price* for the perks! mentioned. In the minimum else* the deop has been In Ihe neighborhood of 3S<e per cent, from Ihe hlxhest prices, end other slses have dropped In proportion. The outlook for an Improvement Is fa vorable, however, and exporter* hop* soon to see prices going upward Ball freight* have begun lo stiffen, and this with a bet. ter demand will atari price* upward, which will have the usual effect of bring ing buyer* Into the markgt In the hope of getting in early on an advancing market. Lumber will we wanted for house*, car*, dock work, warehouse*, factories, and tie# for railroad*. During ihe year there was a consider able increase fn ll:e amount of land* work ed throughout the pins belt. Florida hs* come fnet In the front In lb* development of her pine land* and Ihe principal ship ping polnte. Jacksonville and Fernandlna, bav* don* t good export bugU*##. Bound timber lend*, that Is. not previously work ed by turpentine farmers, that sold for from 12 to 34 per acre, are now held at from 36 to |lO per acre. The prevailing price* si Savannah for August were as follows: Yard stuff (de livered on cars!. 310 50 to sll oo for mini mum silc*; fourteen-inch. $12.01 ami sl3 00; stxteen-Uioh. 314 to 310: *hlp stock, 316 to 3’S. tier 7 by 9. V* feet. hewn. 3* cenio; sawn. 36 01 and 39 iW I.umber Shipments tnisisstth.Krta Sept. I, to Is*. 31, tIMHI. laeluslve. Bt. am Sell I Is *2 MONTHS. I -j Total S - * _ | COASTWISE. |_ 3ft * ptember | < (C 4.614 5.359 X 11.579.640 ■* * jOeU-bcr 332.233 k. 647.361 16.tC9.394 . 2 - November I 2.3 9.1,19 13.7454*5 16960.404 £ £ Dec. tnu r | 7 oil 44 4.121.414 11.141.9 CS ! *8 (January J 4336.95* .15a.4d 10 489.393 a ;S February j 4 iiIo.PJJ, 2.765.6 0! .796 963 . March j 4 HWJ7I 3.2W.9 7 7 Ml 85* * S -J April j 93*1.438 97*7.4:4 19.147.6*2 ~ " T May | 7 745.747 9167 7 6 15.915.4 K£ £ £ June ' 4 193.9141 4.516.556 9 700.485 = =- July | 3.6H3.9W 4.724 6 4 *.433,6*3 L- . _• - August 4.9917*0 MSlff, 12M.57 Total ~Tj M.U32.944 77J8i.2.9!1 *322T 5 B - C a Total coag* 146.923 2 3 j , “Total foreign 77717)7. ....j 57X9.0 0... ‘ 17rand tutul ..'...........j.. SM.IS22! 3 77.... D 1 • t- 3 la *> I omparaflee statement at Ktyerta at Dumber Pram Savannah far the Past Tea Years. COASTWISE. FOREIGN. I ' TOTAL. MONTH. | > ! I * 9 tT . I- ee4 ' ' *■"" Feet. | Feet. i U(0-l|.j IMI-WI 18®. 1*98.1 IM-IWI I 1804-1(96, I*s-!*** ; ltd*- 1807 ) 1937-19® 190*1W9.| IM6-1900 > IBg-ll ; Ibl-Mt UM-llH.; IM-IM.: IM4-13K ! lMt-t*M Ugg-i®7J IT-l®*i 19M-19W 1996-1 SKI 1®M991 :®l tZ ' lil lW 19® lKt ' 1*94-1995 IJK-UM.; I®*l®7 I*7-I*®, 1996-lU* !909-19*0 September 1~ TKC.litr “ll 633.M2; 3.975.480! 9.21328*, 8.903275! Hi.OR.MI 6.7® ,<t(l lU.gmAt* 11.579.640 Mt.3l2' TKSi | 318.5421 lA® tMU® 281.1911 IK: 77?) 7I3M| I 8.567 *l6; 12,87033. 33333773, 3204.0*3 9.M0.b8! *.o*34J*| 10l.l® *9523*0, liJS.7s6*| October i 7 346 676) 9 la.l. W. 171.45! 55*0.2441 5.4f7.3| *.90.4*1! *.055.7** 15.tk8.5W 9 *36,00 16.9K9.96t 2153.142 174.5 M 2.145.*7J 3J7,J( 4® 290 701. *52 ' M 9.3R.1331 * Sfi.l' 9.9*UOtl November .. .I 3 IMI 9C1093& 111.359.484> 5834.5.8 0 897.813| 10.583.151; i.459 <kl 7.7M.9K5 9 8027*7 IK hem 1.195.254 1.2T5.4D 4C.0E1 441.477 9M.857 599 323 596.4*6) 47.. 1801 Total 7.64* 410! 10 ®t 410 > 921.0531 4 300 325! 7.1757 W 111*2 474 7.33*439 3.1. 3*03.767 I let em tier . ' 8 *46 538! 9.3.12W0 9.5® *W 4,154.3*2 * 7733*71 K1.1M.647 C.9*9 4X 11.949. OH! 9311.934 11,152.998 1.14290. 432 452! 4727*3! 1.330.289! 1.374.703! 4*3 444 219.032 •1.4*1, 428 5S4| I 9.971.501; 9 704 41* lt.2® C! 196 <sl ■ M.0&1 o*o 1 046 191 7.106.907; 12M1.05T *74#4i| January ' | 44M| 10t>44.714| 6.569,483' 7,345.1(7.*) 22M.(M*| 9.133.1*’ 9.SM.YB, 11 TfA.tkO 0X2*91. M.OK. Sin 2*1.195 2.JK.278; 7U1.297) 1.W9.466 952775) *l9.*sU 2X2*54 786 232; 2*6.711 Foreign ! 3.744.373 12246.9*2 7.2* MM 9.154.703 7.1® 964 9.9429® .W.T3*: 12.541 291, 3548.4181 February fi 9M.591 7 602,83*! 6 H slß| 1.151V294 H1.070.43u 10.473312 S.UU4 4M 11.t11.C86 5573®1 0,796.963 1.261.3*7 1.407.0*3 421. u 842.396: | 594.700 500.921 1 438 2®! 401,494 ! 23316.9 ft! 9.129.106 5 *28.411* 5 9® s> 10020.430 11jv74.®2 3571,405 12646 Mb; 9.M6 5941 M crch 9*344 237 11 664 183! 7,11 B) 6.474.779 B.ol* ME I 13.223.(1® 12533®*) 12.M8.65: 9.3®.J7( 7.3.96 k 1.874.172; 1.414.001) 1.043827) 351.112! | *67 431 4®.13f 1.3K.7H) ; Hewn j 11X3.4*01 1S.0I3UI! 9.4® 102; 395. (ttlj 8013*02 13.500.52* 12*634®! 131S.S®' 9,M9.3Tt| April ii 475 164, 11 8(54 4*5, * f73 4381 9.349.1,2.. 9 841.428; 11 059.321! 10.0*3728 11 931.843: 17.®*. 3® 19.147.882 $.750,168 974,6*6 1.383.311) 110 929; 9M,63f 834.468 310.09* ) I 1 tl.ttl.SOl 12781.0*0 26.9(1. 7®| 9.459 .954 1 10 03 30 12553.®* !u 976. gr 11.MUH3 K,*l33| 1 V®2 9t 9913U14; 137527*11 10 927.0(1', 11.132.464 14.3*1 374) 14.1M.4u9 14.911.5®. 10.3*1.494 15.913.482 2717.01 1574,417 646.162! 1072 610 1 6M.7®, 19.006 79* ®3M | and I UChM! 11433 491! 14 07 1331 11.997.0® 11.132.1Dt: 14.09.197. 15.01.1® t6.<b.lK. KJB.M| j u im 1030 747! 15U57 7®| U.621JK1 9.9*1. <**i .*.* I&ML2U 12212®*) 14.3* .737 1 12J00.930; 9.7®. 4® 407.017| I.tM.CMi 1.0429®! Mi. 719; 404.440) j 603.040 | | 110.763 7*4! 16., 43.. 14.3K.J7tt 7.57*7® 11.131.3® 16.M2314 12.7r.M0 M,®*TJJ 122UU® , .... . July * 051411 114o!77 t WIIB4I 6 076.1iti 11.39.0®. 9.044 .2®j 11,(418 9*ol 13.M1 .713 17.35.W61 9.42H.55; S,UI.7M| 7*5 *M 77K.6K 3.3 084 | W9.4X 469.77* 1.437.9® Sown. 12103.135! 12*0* 431 9.877.K S*> 2439.384 11.2S *® 9 K 8.773 1215.78 12.5.1 17.1H.K61 tme tm.mi *.®*.7®| BU®.*®' n.mxa| IS®*.*®: H 1.418 .024; 7.097 X 7 13.831X0 12>n.5®| | 7*9.476 114.077 7.499.053; 72g7! 1.144.414: „... j 9X9X3) 9,214,-.' t -f, 1.M8.9M 11 219.915 14 041 0 3 10.4.16 o*l 7 M 6.060 14.3®.•; - . 1U.c3ri6.435; 136 215.442| 116,*3.5| K.M3.M)U0.741.5M| UMS.4®) 13MNX7! IM.6W.SM' l.s®Jr H' -- , 0(947 7.6M.2| I.ONJCt) 4.W1.CM1! 7.9BJR*| 2183.®(H THE MOKNING NEWS: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 190a PIVAMItU Cnastderable Aetlvtty la teearllles ■ Purina tbe Year. Prices for serurltl o dealt In on rhl* mar ket have been fairly all maintained In comparison with thoae of other localities. The Central Issues, although showing no Improvement In prices, yet the earnings have materially Increased resulting In payment of all fixed charges and a surplus of lioo.fto, for payment of dividends on the Income bonds. The future of the road Is very bright and Its securities are enhanc ing In value. The K.iruur-.ah. Florida and WeMern system Is aim holding Ms own The buelneea of Its Florida lines show a good sutwtantial Improvement The competition of the gtahoard Air Une aystem terminals aIN Insure to our port an Increased business over that system The better faellltles for handling a large traffic over their lines are of the best and with their usual energy and push a rush of freight Is due them The movement of freight for the fall Is now In full strength and our poft la expecting to maintain Ita usual advanced position on the South At lantic coast The prices of southern securities ruling at this Hme. os compared with last year, are about aa follow^: STATE BONDS. I® | 1909. State of Georgia T j j maturing. U, J. A | | j J C 1111H122H117 lIITH Georgia 3',a. 19311 (11l |U3 He UW Georgia 34®. I*ls |W7 lot H>4 ,105 CITY BONDS. City of Savannah 5*.: I I | maturing I*®. F M Aug A Nov C ) 113 lilt 110 1111 City or Savannah So.) ) | maturing 1911, J. A; J *O. C |ll4 |ftt 111 ill! City of Atlanta *a. ma turing I*o2 HOT < Itlg 104 It* City of Atlanta *s, I*ll 111 H 123 120 [lll City of Augusta 7e. I*o3 I®>, llOVy UK 107 City of Augusta *s. m- ) luring I*o4 and 190 K . 111451113 HM HlO City of Augusta Ss. I*l9 114 (lISH.m jlli City of Augusta 44*a | | j 1*35 111145 U3 111 HU City of Columbus sa. I maturing 1906. J. J. I ; | C 1107 HR i6 108 Ct} of Columbus 44®.| I j | 1*77 |)og 1® 1107 11® City of Macon ®s. ma turing I*lo. J. A. J A O C 111745 178411* :117 City of Mnon 445. 193 K I', l®4 107 |HR RAILROAD BONDS Alabama Midland Rail-) | road. Ist ss. end | M 1M 96 ; Central of Oe.<rgla R R . Ist mortgage, b,; IMS !U7 jll* )11* |t Central of Georgia R.: R.. Ist consols, mort gage. ss. 1945 | 96i* 974 M M Central of Georgia R.) R. Ist preferred tn- ( comes. IMS ;43 J 44 45 Central of Georgia R | R. 3d preferred In-' comes. 1945 |IS II ; U 12 Central of Georgia R ; R . 3d preferred tn-j cotnss 1946 | ( 7 1* 7 Central R. R. A Rank-' ing Cos., collateral Trust, to. 1937 j 97 to 95 Charlotte. Columbia A Augusta Ist*, to. ex-: tended 1919 1108 110 10* 107 Charlotte, Columbia A| Augusta 7s. 2d mort-’ gage. 19FV j ).... !110 111 City A Suburban R R | | | 7s, Ist mortgage. 1907,| R M A A N. C 107 1® 1® 110 City A Suburban R R ill 2d mortgage. 7t, 1960 J. A J. C 100 104 100 103 Georgia A Alabama Is preferred, to jIOS ,107 |lO4 1 Georgia A Alabama Is coneols 110141024 97 W Georgia R. R A Rank-) Ing Cos.. *s. mature! 1910 111345,11145! | Georgia R K A Bank- j Ing Cos.. Oa. mature 1933 Ill* ISO >216 HIT Georgia Southern and j Florida Railway, Ist | to I log 1® ,110 111 Savannah. Florida and) Western R R„ to' consols, mature 1934.' A A O. C UW 11® , 130 1® Savannah. Florida and; Western Hallway to.) consols, maturing 1934 125 111* 110 111 South Bound Railroad. to | 100 lOO BONDS AND DEBENTURES Ocean Steamship bonds) I | | *s. mature 1900. J. A J |MT MB MS jMB Atlanta A West Po4nt I R. R to. certificates! | of Indebtedness, ma ture 1891 J A J 1104 H* IM6 !1 RAILROAD STOCKS Atlanta A West Point) j | | srocka 4 ymrly dlvl-! | j deads, to | 1 1® H 22 !1S Augusta A Savannah stock. • yearly divi dends. 345*. guaran-: I I teed |llO |ll JlO9 ill* Georgia R R A Bank-) Ing Cos. stock, quar-’ terlv dividends 3s 2® 3® BS 315 Southweetern R. R slock, 4 yearly dtvt-; j dends, 34®. guaran teed |II fIU !1 1® BANK STOCKS Chatham Bank )10* 1® in* )110 Cl 1 lie ns Bank 1130 111 11® 130 Germania Bank iIJO 131 127 1® Merchanta - National; Bank Ml |M l BM National Bank of 8a- j vannah \W !W l .* Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos jl 1® 11® HI Savannah Bank and' Trust co |n* ins n )n Southern Bank of the 1 * State nf Oeorgla |l4O 141 154 ISg GAS AND ELECTRIC BECt'RITIBS. Savannah Gas Light! stock In l4 a Edison Electric lllumi-i natlng slock il® I®* 'l® 1® Edison Electric Illumi nating * per cent. bonds |W7 1® |M9 il FACTORY BONDS Augusta Factory to,! Augusta WO IK ill ill* Enterprise Factory to. Augusta W 9 104 m 1® Sibley Factory to. Au gusta |1 103 1 10* FACTORY STOCKS. Augusta Factory stock 70 ,71 *6 38 Enterprise Factory. rommon stocks 1 M M 1® 1® GranltevHl* Factory. common slock )1® .I*l 1® '*s J. P. King Factory.! common stocks. Au #u„, |l* 1® 'MO 1® Langley Factory, com- I ■non stock. 8 C. .....)W* 107 117 1® Sibley Manufacturing. Cos. common stock. Augusta ■•••! *J 1 *® THE H4'K CLEARINGS. Remarkable lasprovemeat Muss la the Clearlag House Reports. Tha4 Savannah's commerce has made great strides forward during the year un der review la shown by the enormous Increase In her bank clearings, which rep present a gain probably larger than that shown by any other city for this period The improvement Is due to various cause*, among them being the higher prist* companded lot couon. (aval stores, and other leading products for which there ts a steadily Increasing de mand. The following table can do Ms own talking: ~ I9ta.|*. , it**-!**# - September | ILWLiIB 37 122*3 *7* I* October | 17.594 *76 82 15,878.0® 7* November | 16.7®,*® M 17.796.2*6 21 December I 14.844.531 to 17.013.416*1 January | 12.ti04.548 l9.svs.7oi> A* February | 8,tv,;.776 36 M.4K.042 04 March | s 133.1*6 78 5.793.442 April j 8.546.058 45 16.344 541 40 May j 9.861.021 16 13.511.250 54 June I * 134.36* 14; 11.MW.M7 45 July I 9.033.495 63! 1* 742,17* August | 2365.668 K 12171.1*4 58 Total 114.M0.M1 12 300,270,638 61 BOOT 3911 SIIOK th IIIE. Jobbers a t nit In Hepnetlna aa la crease In Business. The story of the boot and shoe Jobbers of the year's business is certainly a grat ifying one They report an Increase In butlnes* as compared with last year, and all Indications point to the fact that con sumption In this linn has been large, due to the broader territory worked and the energetic efforts of the dealers to thor oughly cover the territory they controlled at the beginning of the year. For years past the Savannah dealer has found the boot and shoe trade confronted by a formidable competition from Kaerrn houses, which travel nveu the year around In this and adjacent territory. Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York Jobbers not only sell direct to many of local trade, but go a step further In traveling men here to sell to the trade the local Jobbers cater to True, some of the Jobbers deal directly with manufacturer*.* which m.-iv have something lo do with the Infringe ment by Northern Jobbers. To counter act these Infringements local Jobbers are sending men In all directions of the South, ao that the prospects for wider field* In this line are growing dally. Houses which would naturally control the North Georgia territory. for In stance. have men In thin section, and In turn the Savannah Job ber# send men to that held for the pur pose of equallilng things. It Is said sev eral houses worked In Alabama during the year, and will enter that Held more energetically the coming season. The close of the season finds prices In tbe bool and shoe line slightly off. due to the fact that manufacturers have anui down, and are making concessions to rid themselves of stocks. Otherwise the market has ruled steady, with the de mand. as stated, fully up to what Job bers reasonably expected The enormous nssa of the boot and shoe trade In this city may be Judged from the conservative estimates of houses placing the amount of business done annually at 81.060.000 While there Is a fair demand from city dealers, the most of this vast trade repre sents the efforts of the "knight of the grip" In the country ITntll the spirit of patronising home affairs grows more en thusiastic the Jrbber and the retail dealer may continue to go It single handed for a while One feature of the year s business has been the noticeable Increase In the demand for a finer class of hoots and shoes In years past the country trade generally wanted the coarser grades, but an Im provement in the times among the .ountry classes has brought with It a desire for a better article, which the Jobbers are endeavoring to supply. In few lines (a the prosperity among the farming classes reflected more than It ts tn the boot and shoe trade. Much ha> b.n aatd .1 (Inm. during th. year about th* manfaclur* of hoot* ami .ho.a In th* South Ent.rprl.lng prrinn. In Savannah have put their ahouldrr* to the wheel to find out what there le In the huelneax for ihte eerilon Th( hae nat urally attraotad (he attention of Johher* who feel a rleep Inlereet in any move looking to the betterment nf th. trad*. The main a urn. tlon with the Jobber. Ie whether ekllled labor ran be obtained and held In tha South. They are a unit In be lieving that fhte manufacturing will have to be done by ekllled while labor. If the undertaking Ie to be aurreoeful With finely executed work they do not doubt hut the manufacturing of .ho., m th. South can b* made a iiore However they reallae that good* Inferior In quality and appearance to the Northern-made would not aland much ahow In the South, and until thsy are aattafled with the kind nf article to be turned out they healtate to participate In the enterprtar. It Ie the opinion of many, however that it la only a queatlon of time until manufactur ing In ihla I In. will follow In th. of th. manufacturing of cotton In th. South, which ha, made auch rapid atrldea during the paat year. "I believe there are many In Be'an nob who would take atock In a boot and ahoe factory.” aatd a Jobber, “provided ll can he conducted on a feaelble plan. And the main thing la In getting th. aktlled labor. Nowadays Jobber, generally give Ihetr order, early In Ihe aeaaon lo the manufacturer, who make, up the good, accordingly. They can afford to do thla with order, of fgnnom at one time, which It ta not uncommon for Savannah Jobber, to give at the opening of the aeaaon We are a, anxloua aa any to leave thla money in Savannah and when the feaalMllly of home manufacturing la ahown. It will not meet with aerloua opposition from thoae who handle the anode ” Y'KAR WITH TIIF. II 911.H0 9119 The rentral'a Barnlags to'aa a Feat are nf Their Operations. The proeperoue aeaaon with th* ralt roada entering Savannah hae been co-or dlnata with ihe enlarged volume tn all hranehea of htielneee. That th* prosper ity during the twelve months In question waa shared by the railroads la ahown by the improvements tn earnings, which all have shown by Increased buelneea The Central of Grorgla. the Flant System th# Seaboard Air Line, embracing under the new organisation tha old Georgia and Alabama and Ihe Florida. Central and I'e ntnaular, have ahown gratifying tmprove menta In all department. The weekly statement of earning, fur nished by the Central of Georgia Hall way for publication have ahown Increa-e, throughout the aeaaon A showing of thla kind, together with the favorable feeling which prevail* a to the management of the mad. haa kept Ita aecurliles active and advancing For the fiscal year end ing June 96. 1900. the gross earnings wr* 16 o*4 363 33. and Ihe net earning* were 9! (79.(57.97. The feature In the management of Ihe Central during ihe year waa the election of President Egan, who at once took fits place at the head of Ita operations. Tannage at Fart af fiavaaaab. -Tonnage at port of Savannah. Oa.. from Sept 1 18*. to Aug. *l. 18® |Ves*'U:Ton'g*rCr*w~ American ve##*la| entered j Uj 7.5® 1 American veaeet,; cleared I Tj 4AO! 1® Foreign veaaele en-| tered I 341; 2*8,796 , 4.172 Foreign veaaela) cleared | 2*3 312.184 5.274 Total foreign ...| 544 !*.*; 9TI Coastwise entrte* | 494 199.107 ; 20.510 Coastwise elttr-l ancea j 4*7| 757.7*1 19.6*1 Total conswlse ..j Ml 1,617 23* 591 Total foreign 546 61**66 9*71 Grand tMal 1,477 2 3*7.36* 4* 362 •Ve.ael, entered and cleared through tbe Custom House A targe number of coaarwlse vessels ar rived. which are not compelled to enter or clear. These vessels ar* got iactuded in tb gbeva auiemgau FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CROPS. HiviKim row tiik vf,%h light AM) Ql AUTY HKDIt %!. AA Alailr • lif* Nilr nf N**eApta Dlf fAroll Una Hip l*l**\ the I'rffW' <au*rl In MnrLeflnti Ihr Crop*. Prlf \m \\hi Drawer* r4-Afii(pniril liai r.nrly *bl|- Mtfiilß nf Afirtalilfi Yurtl® Mwc** IHM.4 onaumpllun nf I’fti* Ap ■*rn\|nmtr*| WN>,(HNI Dobir for fhr Year. Thw r*ve|pti of rwrly %•*'* uhlrp, coun try proftu o and truck of all kind* wer< nn laitfe fur (hr *raion of l 1 *) l* Th®' mwtn dm* Kick, however. w.* lh> i*vr quality of dboiil everythin* received hi the local market In thin line, which w.* the m*an* of holding |rl> ea down, and oiherwte* -tamartu* farmer* by prevent* Inn them from ahl|pinir et\iff to dlatant market* or even netting ll In flrthclaa* c.ndittoti to the lotwl market. Aa a ie ault, therefore, the average rotnmlwlon man doea i ot regard the aaaon ae a very aailafanory orre What made the aale of prMuer the m<r difficult for many farmers war the fr ate. which ump at a time to aet back a large portion of tha early pea and bean er>p crops were delayed Juat enough to throw them on the market with lh* Flor ida crop which waa mah / d In In good condi tion. Hereby glutt ng tbe market and knocking out the local crop Prlcea were not what they eh>uld have been, and not what they tmually are un-ler favorable conditions To make matters worse the Charleston and North Carolina e.rop* r -ached market about the same time which brought ihe whole too mer togeth er lo make It very profitable for any of the growers. Patsiora, Peaches anil T*ioatop While there was a considerable crop of Irish pof-ytoee grown In fhls section, the crop was not altogether a aattffactory one. Prices were not what grower* had expected Thla was largely due to the fact that a big crop of o and potatoes had been left over in the North and Wept, and these were gradually feeding the market Moreover. Ihe local crop was not of g**d quality, which Intarefered with ihetr axle a* against a good old crop |tao The lack of quality was largely attributed to an excess of molpture. The tomato crop began to arrive about May 16. There wa a good output, and at the opening of the seaaon fairly good prlcea were commanded Shortly after the local crop got on the marker, however, the Florida tomato arrived It see me the crop In that stat* was very large, and that growers were anmlous to ship here. In manv case* being satisfied to get the freight out of their shipments The effect of thla on the local crop was. of course, obvious A grewt deal baa been said about the peach crop, hut not much from he com mission men. who are In the be*t popplon to judge the crop, at least from the standpoints of Its quality and market val ue. They pronounce the crop an unsatis factory one. Thot;w*nds of dollars weie loat by growers by reason of the fact thm Ihe excess of moisture mode It Impossible to ship peaches very far without ioaing the entire shipment In trwnelt. In fa t much of the fruit received by local house* rotted before ommlsston men could clear their stores of It Had the fruit been In sound condition on leaving the orchards In other words not been subjected to over moisture. t*etter prices would have been ommended for the reason more rouid have been shipped out. thereby keeping the market suffb lently free of surplus stock to maintain prices. Early ai.lp.aent Narth. The Morning News received from Mr rrancla Hart. No. ® Jeffereon street, the following table showing *he date of the earliest and latest shipments of vegetables North for Ihe ps,t eighteen years: Shipment, April 7, 18*3 u Shipments. March M. 18*4. Shipments. April. 22.18*5 •> Shipments. April 16, IWK Shl|neiita. March 33. 18(7. Bhliunenta. April 3. I*B* Shipment*. April 6. 1889. Shipment,. Feb. I*. 18® Shipment*. March sl, 1891. Shipment, April, 12, 1892. Shipment,. April 11. tBM Shipments, Mnrch 36, 1894. Shipments. April 23, 1895 Shipments, April 17, 1896. Shipment,. April 10. 1897. Shipment*. April 5. IBM Shipment,. April 18, 1899. Shipment*. April M. 19® "Juat In this connection I would Ilk* to suggest to growers to cultivate late aa well a* early varieties of peach**,” said an old com ml, anion man "My experi ence for many yeara has been that 4h* early vartetlea about ronaltmt* the crop, there being few shipments after th* early crop Is marketed Farmer* who will cul tivate late a* well as early vartetlea will get as good prices, and In many case, find a much heteer market for their stuff Good late free stonea would sell well all seasons. "This aim applies to watermelons." he continued ”1 believe Ihe Kolb Gem.l* a thing of the past. I can sell a r*r of the long, or 'rattlesnake' melons for 21®. where I can't get *25 for a ear of Kolb Oem The lon* melon ts th* more desir able to all classes of our trade, and ha, been so for several years put Th* appended statement show* the ex port* of fruits tn packages, number of melon*, and vegetables In packages: |Ora nge* j | jand Oth-, Vegeta- | Melon*. |*r Fruits; hie* f o 'Saw York 1*7.4® *14.80* T *46.*49' To Boston ..) 1713 ) 36.084 ) 3.645 To Baltimore | 1* 869 | 36.389 | “Total f 154.371“ ! 398.116 T W.7M "Total I*9B-9* 125.332 \ 307.548 ) 653.7*' Ens 4411 roi LTRT. fiavaaaab Oar nf the Greatest Egg and Poultry vtarhet, la tbe filal*. Savannah Is one of the greatest egg and poultrv markets In the state. The con sumption of eggs Is conservatively cell mated al WO.O® boxen, of which 56 per cent come from Tennessee The price of eggs during the seaaon has ruled firm, with the range from I lo S cerrta There was one lime when all the egg, and poul try consumed In Savannah was raised roundabout the dty. but for some reason the country people have dropped the In dustry. and thereby lose much money yearly, whlofi goes to the thrifty moun taineer. who grow* poultry among hi* native hills and ships It from three to five hundred miles at a good profit It ha, been repeatedly pointed out hy commis sion men In this section that great prof. Its were In store In the Intelligent rais ing of pc it try shout the rtty It has been don# befOkfi. an . "here appears no rea son fpr belt, -ring It anno* be done again "My obaer,. " os during the year lead me to believe the truck farmers about Savannah should plan* varied cmjw oald Mr. J. B colUns "Let them raise chicken*, vegetable*, and all other pro duce which haa an immediate cash vtlua In the market. If one crop falls they can fall back on th* ofiher. I am convinced that nothing Is to be lost on the thrown away lands about Savannah by a little thrift " The receipts of all kind* of produce from the surrounding country have been large far th* year. In proportion to the site of the crop* The country people con sign s Mg portion of what they raise to ' CouilAucd oa rage Ten. JOHN K. TOt’NO. President C. * £l*l*lß. Vke President. J. W. MOTTE. JR.. Bec and Traua. Tin ELLIS-YOUNG CO. Commission Merchants. Naval Stores Factors, Wholesale Grocers. Agent for the Standard Dip Barrel, Open heads. SAVANNAH and BRUNSWICK, CA. E. B. HUNTING & CO., —Manufacturers and Dealers in All Classes of— Pitch Pine, Dressed and Rough. Cross Ties, Cypress. Shipping Points: SAVANNAH, JACKSONVILLE, BRUNSWICK and .CHARLESTON. MAIN OFFICE: Equitable Building, Baltimore. SAVANNAH OFFICE: 304 Bay Street. East. GEORGIA LUMBER GO.; ORCANIZED MARCH, 1891. WHOLESALE LUMBER. GEO. U. IT.HKIto,, PII3BK J. 4.411 111 TT, Vlas JOIIY J. KIHBY, torrrtarjr and Tr.aaur.r. ini ituiitsi Slims i Mi! Man Have their own Saw-mills and Lumber Wharves, alongside of which the largest class of vessels can be loaded. _ _ I JOHN KI.ANNI KV I JOHN U JOHNSON. JOHN FLANNERY & CO., COTTON :: FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 10 BAY STREET. EAST, • • SAVANNAH. *l4. Prompt and .artful acntlon given to all bu.ln.aa tntruatsd 4a ua. Coaalgto manta of cotton aoUrltad. , UPLAND AND SEA ISLAND BAGGING. TIES AND TWINE FOR SALE B. OREIO F. T. JONES. GREIG & JONES, Cotton and Naval Stores Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MBDRAL ADVANOKB MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND NA VAL STORES. FACILITIES OF BI’SINPJBS t'NSt'HFASHED. 202 BAY STREET, EAST, - SAVANNAH. GA. A* B. HULL & CO.* CRAIN AND GROCERIES. Flour, Hay, Rice and Provisions. ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY & PROMPTLY FILLEa not TO son Bit STREET. WB9T. HULL & LATHROP, Site il Him Denis, 22 Bull Street. Savannah. 9