The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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FLORIDA’S NEW INDUSTRY. Mil. T. 11. C.ITHIMWOOD TALKS OF the camava plait. A %<■ Industry tt lilrh Mean* Mach In Florida. un<l Which llrrmli rra> In He an Anarnl Karrru. I HtiNva the Greatest March l*r*- •luclbk I'lnnl Known In ftclcacr. Kar Owtrunktag Ihr I'utaiii-H Well Adapted In Klorida'a Kail) holl and Growers Iterelve Large lletnrua—The I'lnnl.-r* Manufac turing I onipnny and lla Work In Developing the New Industry. Mr. Thoma* B. Ckthorwcod, a lormer wrii known Savannahlan. who la spend ing a few days in the city with frfrnda and relatlvm, tiring* an Intetesting atory of Florida’* new Induatry. the growth and manufacture of cassava. The Morning News ha* had frequent mention of lute of the wonderful proper ilea of the cassava plant, atal the remark able possitdlltle* which It aeetned to offer In return for Intelligent cultivation and handling, Large arena are now under cul tivation in Florida, and the result* term to prove all that ha* been claimed. Mr. Catherwood haa been for the ;#n moulds In the rfnploy of the Planter* Manufacturing Company of I.ike Mary, Kia.. which is engaged exclusively in the planting iR-l manufacture of <-a**ava 1 < ic.g employee! In an official capacity, Mr. Catherwood’* position gives him ample op portunity to obeeive the various procewee* of cultivation and munufacture and the results obtained. When seen yesterday by a Mormon News reporter, Mr. Catherwood was en tirely witling to give the readers of the Morning New* the benefit of his knowl edge of the Industry, but requested that the Interview be tmpersonal He wa* con vinced, however, that the us of hi* name would serve to give authenticity to the statements which, to many unacquainted with the cassava plant and Its properties, womd seem to be somewhat to.king in au thority. Until within the last year or two Flor idian* pinned uil their ho|>es of fortune, or at least of comfort," said Mr. Cather wood. "to the orange tree, but the *uc ereslon of freexes ha* simply killed that source of Income for some year* ahead. The sandy soil, almost barren to ce reals, can be made to yield rich returns tvben planted with suitable arops. The cassava plant ha* attracted much atten tion, and Northern capital Is being invest ed tti it* growth and cultivation. Ijiml thoroughly yah.ietere for other purposes, are finding ihelr u*e*. for the cassava doe* best on the poor safety soil*, with, of course, fair care and cultivutlon, and the use of proper fertilisers. "Such lands planted In cassava soil* yield, with a minimum of care, and about 3DU pounds of remlizer to the acre, much bower pe< ttnlary result* ttam corn or wheat. Ten ion* of roots per acre is not an abnormal yield. It is tn fact, about the average, amt the starch factories pav to per ton for the roots delivered ut their doors. Tnen the seed, the above ground source of revenue, j* worth considerate, during the past season the average price of sessi was aoout SO cents per hundred feet, and every hill which yield* uhou* ten pounds of root*, will yield also about ten to twelve feet of seed." "The value of the Cassava root lies In it* great percentage of starch. The starch manufactured from cassava Is nearly 100 per cent, stronger than the potato starch, which Is bought In the groceries, and Is really the only starch known to the pub lic. It Is 0 per cent, stronger than the highest grade of starch now made, a product of wheat. The cassava staivh I* stronger than the mucilage of commerce, and to be used must he thinned down by u plentiful supply of water, reducing it at least 0 per cent, below the *ame quan tify of potato starch, or 10 per cent, of the wheat article. “Herein lies It* great value. The great cotton factories of the New England atate* have bought up eargerly every pound of cassava starch placed U|>on the market and that was only a supply of about fifty tons manufactured by the Planters' Manufacturing Company of Lake Mary, fhe result of thetr experi mental run In March. It Is understood that one mill has made a contract with this company for tntrty carloads, of twelve ton* each, of their starch, at a very en couraging price. It Is fortunate for the new Industry, said Mr. Wood that such a company as The Planter* Hr** takes tip the business This company with very large capital, prove* It* faith by Its works. It has bought about three thousand acres of valuable lands and ha* under cultivation about tight hundred acres, divided Into about foriy acre farms, under th< direction of two superintendents. It gives alt Its tlnv and money to the cultivation of cas sava, ami besides supporting Its own force of about ISO laborer*. It furnishes money and supplies to other growers, the ephere of Its Influence extending through out many counties. Starch, dextrine, tapioca amt forlna are all made under patents and processes, the discoveries of Mr. F. O. Perkins, the president of the company, who had been at the head of amt thoroughly conversant with the manufacture of starch from i<o latoes. The company Is possessed of large re sources. ha* put nearly a hundred thou sand dollars Into the business, owes no debts and owns the flnest plant on the American continent for It* purposes. The existence of such a company on Southern soil, hacked by well-nigh unlim ited Northern capital. Is slnqdy another demonstration of the fact that "South ward the star of empire takes It* way." Naturally Mr. Catherwood Is enthusias tic over his company, but as the pioneer In what promises to prove a very Impor tant Industry for Florida the Pin liter* -Manufacturing Company I* undoubtedly entitled to very favorable consideration. It I* to he hotted that Mr. Catherwood has not overestimated the outlook for the new Industry and the results to be achiev ed by the Planters and other companies engaged In It* development. ItF.fOlt DKtt II ID A 111 Ml' DAT. "Itegiilnr" Arrests, I'untlnwril sml Docket ranee Made Ilia < mart. With the arrest* of the previous day and night, the case* on the Information docket. and the continued cates, the Re corder had quite an Interesting court yes terday. Harry J. Gilbert, white, and John Jon***, aiw white, arrested the day before on the charge of stealing S2O from Mr. Wm. Evans were among the prisoner* tried. Gilbert w* remanded to the Superior Court while Jones was discharged Charles Wilson, the colored boy who had attempted to fish hat* through the window of a Congress street hat store. w remanded to the City Court. Robert Furlong, white, arresled for be ing drunk, and for Im tiling and threaten ing Mrs. Laura Fennell, was fined II with the option of ten days Imprisonment Fur long, who was quite drunk when artesuM, told the policeman contldentlally that he w ... v. (■ ,iloan) i Ihnt he hel not her drowned at “in but h l eer iblli t out. and that he Intended to leave lor Tex as within a day or two. He probably won't, a* his line Is still unpaid. Ja*. Fcuntaln. and Andrew Stewart, a white and a colored men were on the In formation docket for throwing rocks at an old crippled negro. Hoth dented the charge, but the plaintiff brought a wit ness and the Recorder decided I hot they were guilty, and lined each of .them *W. which was paid. tUlied Uneeda Jjp, e-ppetite Uneeda( Quartet r U Etu-VTTngrat THKHKT.I. HE A NEW TMIAL. I .Indue \nrnimd Granted One In the I llnniaue *l(tl of Iteberrn Welle. Judge Norwood rendered a decision In the City Court yissterday granting the motion for anew trial made by counsel for the defendant tn the caee of Rebecca Well# against the Brush Electric Light ami Power Company. The decision re cite# that the motion la granted, "there being no objection made by Ihe resjiond ent." Jn thia shape Ihe decision of Judge Nor wood will scarcely prove acceptable and pleasing to counsel for ihe defendant. When the case was last tried the Jury returned a verdict for H. 750, considerably less than the amount allowed the plaintiff by the verdict of previous Juries. She sues for the homicide of her husband, who was a lineman for Ihe defendant company and was killed by the passage of an electric current through his body, while hr was in the discharge, of his duty. When the defendant’* counsel made fit. Ir motion for anew trial, now some weeks Since, Judge Twiggs, of counsel for the plaintiff, rose In his place ami Stated that he would Interpose no objec tion to the grant of the motion—that he, too, was convinced that the verdict was contrary to the evidence. This conviction cf counsel, however. w* bas,d on a dlf-, ferent theory than that of the defendant. The latter theory was that the plaintiff could not recover becau*e there had been r,o negligence shown on the part of the company; the former theory of the In correctness of the verdict was that If the plaintiff was entitled to recover at all She was entitled to recover the value of her hushahd's life, which had been shown to bo more than It.TSO. Counsel for the defendant did not care to have the court grant their motion for anew l rial merely because counsel for the plaintiff assented to It, but wished Judge Norwood to grant tt or overrule It on the grounds set out In it Briefly, these W,re that Judge Norwood had erred grievously In his charge lo the Jury, both In giving tn charge principle* of law that were cither Incorrect In th'mselves or tn appltcabie to the points at Issue In the case, or lo refusing to give In charge principles of law that were correctly stat ed, pertinent to the Issue, and which he had been requested to charge apeclflcally and tn writing Thi further grtund of motion for anew trial was alleged to consist In Judge Norwood’# refusal to grant a non-suit, width he had been asked to declare at the conclusion of the Intro duction of evidence for the plaintiff. It is the contention of the defendant that the court should have ruled poriilvely upon the point# of law at Issue, and. If he still held to his belief In Ihe correct ness of the principles he had given in charge to the Jury, that he should have overruled the motion, and so permute,! ihe when this mutter could have been detcr ri,, lit Judge Norwood believed, on the „tb< ■ hand, that it was ohogether within 1 h legal proprieties for him to grant the motion by consent and without reference lo the weigh; of the ground* set out. The homicide for which the action ha* l* ~t l t,rough* occurred In ISB*. and the suit was instituted comparatively soon •hereafter. Since then It has been tried several limee. nod has made two trl|w to the Supreme Court. The plaintiff I* rep resciM-l by Messrs. Twiggs * Oliver. ,ihe defendant by Messrs. Baussy * Baussy and A. C. IVrlght. bask and dimhw. V Short l.rsaon on the Mean lon of ■ I'it mi lln r Word. Disease Is Ihc oiqxsdte of ease. Web ster dertniw disease ns "lock of ease, un easiness. trouble, vexation, disquiet." It Is a condition due to some derangement of the physical organism. A vast major ity of the "dht-ease" Irani which people suffer is due *0 impure blood. Disease rd tbP kind I* cured by Hood's Bar*,i which purities, enriches and vital ixcs the blood Hood's Knrsapartita cure* scrofula, salt rheum, pimples and all erup tions. H tones the stomach and create* t good appetite, and It gives vigor ond V.sallly to the whole body It reverses the coed Ulan of things, giving health, comfort ami "ease" In place of "disease," -ad. _ 1\ THE RAILROAD WORLD. Natters of Interest In Savannah and Klarwhere. Mr. J. J Griffin, a commercial agent of the Norfolk and Western, with headquar ters at Columbia, wan among the visitors in railroad circles yesterday. Mr. H F. Smith, traffic manager of the Narbvlil*. Chattanooga and Bt. Lands, Spent yesterday in Savannah. Mr. F, J. Robinson, chief clerk of the passenger department of the Central rail road. has gone to Warm Springs. Ga.. for * vacation, THE MOKNING NEWS: SATI'IIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1000. HARRIS TOLD HIS STORY. Continuod from Tenth Page. The court decided to retire to consider the objeriion. and. returning after a few minutes, announced that the objection whs overruled. Bergt. Murphy said it was tn the dining room patronised by the Blues tha* the trouble occurred. It was among members of the Blues, and the wltnpas said that nothing save the very promflt and decisive action of Cap*. (’. H. Richardson served to prevent very serious results. The po lice appeared on the scene, the principals in Ihe difficulty were hustled Into the company quarters and the disorder reused. No men were held tinder arreat for partic ipation In the affair. The Judge advocate objected to the wit ness terming the disturbance a riot, whereupon <’apt. t'.inn deflned the heal meaning of a riot, the wlinc.-- then •dy ing that the trouble could not be so term ed. He described the occurrence, telling of Ihe sudden outbreak and the great anger that apparently seixed upon num ber of Ihe men simultaneously. This was the affair In which ex-Corpl. Smith of the company tet)fted that he had received thre,- wound* from a bayonet The witness was asked by Lieut. Har row if he did not know that the dlffliultr had grown out of one member of the comtotny cursing another, and that the great commotion was due to the efforts of friend* to keep the men atvarl. Of hi* own knowledge, the witness did not know that such was the ease. Corpl. Harris was sworn, and, question ed by Capt. Cann. gave hi* story of his treatment In Louisville, hla stay over In *hat city, his return to Savannah, the loss of hi* position and other circumstances. He Instated that he was subjected to in famous treatment, and that meals were not allowed him. He was not permitted to leave his ecu. nor to took oul of the window. He hail not been accustomed to this, and so derided to escape. The accused told of Ids apology and repeated lta language. He was then re leased and returned to the company. He had never shown any disrespect to the of ficers of the company. He Intended *o re turn to the quarters after escaping, and was on his way Kick when apprehended. Intending lo stand hi* punishment and make somebody suffer for It after hi* re turn to Savannah. His counsel here ad monished him that It was unnecessary to sell about what he had Intended doing aft er gelling hack to Savannah. The statement of the accused required some time When hi* counsel had finished the questions by which the statement was drawn out. the court adjourned e* Lieut. Barrow was supposed to have a long rro* examination tn store for Harris. There is considerable speculation a* to the outcome of the case. A great deal of Interest tn It has Iven manifested, a court martial being on unusual feature In Sa vannah. notwithstanding the decided mil itary tendencies of the clly. Various guesses are made a* to what the action of the court may be. hut there Is. of course, no way of telling wh it will be done The guesses range from acquittal t „ dtsmls-al from the service. no one seeming to believe that any misdemeanor punishment will la* Inflicted. BACK FROM CMAITAmCA. Nr. T. C. Risks of the V N. C. A. Rr ' tnrns After n Coarse In Gymnastics. Mr John C. Blake, physical director of the Y M. C. A., has returned to Savan nah. after an absence of several weeks, the most of which he spent at ChnutauqiKV N. Y.. it the Chautauqua Course of Physical Education. This course consists of Instruction in (wo branches of athletics, senior and n Junior. Mr. Hlakc link both, with the view of fitting himself for the winter work in gymnastics at the Y. M. C. A. here. Resides these courses, he took also lessons In Swedish gymnastics. In which is contained work that he think* particularly valuable, and which he wilt teach to the classes of bunlnes* men. which he expects to organ!** Oct. I. On (he eamc date will Is- begun, also, the Junior class, which will meet In the after noon, and the senior class which will hive’the use of the gymnasium at night. It Is probable that there will be organised abo a class of men, which will meet In the mornings Whether this class will he started or not. depends upon the hom ier of applicants. At the Chautauqua school Mr Blake had the Instruction of some of the be*; known athletes In the country, nroor - them being Mr Clapp of Yale Class '**. the champion pol* vaulter of America. "A feature of the drills and class exer cises North." wild Mr Blake yesterday, •is the growing Importance and use of music with which to accompany them It ndd* life and plca*ur* to the- work, and I shall try o introduce It Into Ihe work of our classes this winter, Whtl* sway. Mr Illake also looked into the matter of learning suitable games, with which to entertain the guests of the association on ladies’ evenings, and has on-ter consideration a number that he will teat as sour as the clasasa are organ taed and in working order. A pan of the time, while awoy. Mr. Blake spent In bis get me r borne, Lynchburg, Vm. I.IH %1, PERSONAL. Mr. Ed Elkan of Atlanta I* registered at the Screven, Mr. John H. Barrett of Mcßae I* a guest of the Ihtlaskl. Mr. J. Ohemari of Mtiledgevtlle i* reg istered at tile Uutaskl. Mr. \V K. f Terra way of Carrs way is registered l Ihe Pulaski. MsJ W. A. Wilkin* of Waynewboro is registered at the ire Soto. Mr. O. 1* Murray lef* via the Seaboard Air Line yesterduy for Norfolk. Mrs. W. 8, Wilson and children left vti Ihe ltascn yesterday for Bait (more. Mr. James Glover left via the Plant System yesterday, for idelphia. Mr. A. H Hahlefk r left via the Ben- Isjwrd Air Line yesterday for Norfolk. Mis* i-eila M- I (enough left via the Southern yesterday for Itiackvlile, B. C. The Misses IMUcrvt were passenger* over the Southern yesterday for Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chase of Gaines ville, Fla., are guests of the De Soto. Mr. and "Mrs J. li Hunter will sail on the Birmingham to-day for Now York. Mr K. A. Dewoe# of Charleston was among the guest* of th* Pulaski yester day. Mr. W H Smith of Goldsboro w< amcaig the guests of the De Soto yeater dny. Mr it. Epstein of Port Royal was imong the arrivals a* th# Screven yes terday. Mr. J. Bluen was among the passengers of the Plant System yesterday for Mont gomery. Mrs. B B. Henderson ha* returned to the city after a month's stay in North Carolina. Miss Nona Baussy was among the pea se neers of the Southern yesterday for Baltimore. Mia* Florence Elmore will hr among Hip passenger* of the Birmingham t.-d.ty for Now York. Mr. 8. P. Kehoe will bp *mo"j the pie- MVirt of the Birmingham to-day for New York. Mr*. J. J lieClalre and Ml** Bonn I>>- ilolrr will have for Howe, I. TANARUS., loMay, utrr the Uinnt System. Mr Thomas Gamble and family are vis iting ratal Ire* In Philadelphia and will spend romp lime at the North. Mr. Cobanto* ami Ml** Hard# Caban to* will he inwflK the iiwtn*iT of the Bir mingham to-day for New York. Mr. and Sir*, Solomon Woodworth ar* pa wronger* on the Tallahassee whieh left New York Wokimday for Savinmih. Sir, J, A. Vamedoe returned yesterday from flwantianoa, N. C. Sir* Varnedoe and children will remain In Swannanoa until Octotwr. Sir*. laiwrenee Kelly ami children, ac companied by Sirs. Clarety and Ml** Sla mle Hellly, will return to-day from a pleasant vlalt to Aeheville. Sir. Frank SI. I-ane. who for the last eeveral year* ha* been at Newport New*. h* returned to ftav < netah, and will make It hla furure home. He I* eonnooted with the Dovla Machine Shop. A recent l*ue of the Sfualcal Courier of New Y'ork city h* the following to any of a Savannah young lady: “Among the large roll of students of the New York College of Music for 1900 there is always ,t large contingent from all over the Southern state*. From among those spe cial mention I* due of one In particular. Miss Bessie Whatley, of Savannah, Oa.. who Is taking a seiond summer eourse at t his famous conservatory of music. Miss Whatley Is possessed of rare musi cal genius. She ha* had careful musical training under tit* best masters since early childhood, ami her eserution Is not only brilliant, but her touch Is exquisite tits! her technique and expression are al most faultless. Bin I* bound to take a high place among the musical critics of this country," Miss Whatley Is a daugh ter of G. B. Whatley. Ksq. Her recog nlaed musical talent and the progress she Is making In the art of mush 1 is a source of pleasure to her friends In Hnvannah. AT THIS THBATKR. NeFaditew'a Plata at Two Perform oneea Teatsy. •'McFadden'* Row of Flats" will be the attraction at she Theater'to-day with a matinee and night performance. The fare* has earned sure*** and the humors of life on the rastslde of New York arw depleted with the laughable touch of caricature. The players Include McWaler* and Tyson. Bobby Ralston, Jennie Lament. John Price, Alonso being, Charles Maunders, Jerry Sullivan, Harry Watson. Brother* Frederick. Frank Cotton, Jma Thomas *nd E. M. Hrwn. A chorus of pretty girls, coatumed In various attires give the new mustcpl ensembles life and attrac tiveness. There are several scenic en vironment# that have attracted more than paaslng notice; they are studded wuh electrical devices which forms a most dnsallng picture. Manager Fred O. WVa will give a bargain matinee for the ladies and children. V Reltelnus Smoke. The Herbert Spencer ta an elegant cigar and la truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fume* of thin tine tobacco; It la evlnlaratlng ami delicto)**. Hae that the name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper at every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Bf>< peer cigars are only sold by the box of M. Concha* at 13.n0. and Perieclu*. H P at lapptnan lira*., whole sale druggists. Barnard and Congress street*, ot this city —ad To llrunsvetck and Upturn gl.oo via the Plant system, Sunday, In addition to the Charleston Sunday excursion*, the Plant System are selling round-trip ticket* to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rale of Si.oo for the round trip Tialne leave at 2:10 a. tn. and 1.20 a. m - ad The rate* are ch ip, the route direct and service unsurpassed by the Seaboard Air Line Hallway to the annual conven tion of the National Baptist Association, at Htohmond. Sept. 12-30 These rate* ore open to everylwdy.—ad. “Greybeard I* a family roedi In* with us." said a promtnrnt bo ties, man yes terday. "My wife takea It, and I notice ah<* i enjoying better health than for years The children keep well by taking It" Onryb'ard may be obtained at all drug stores or write to u* for It. Jtespea* Drug Cos., sole prop*.. Savannah, Cla. ad. The Plant Bystem excursion train to Charleston leaves Savannah at * to a m. Sundays; tickets are sokl at one dollar foe the round trip.—ad. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS., taxor ground, boned, set ami made to shave easy and smooth, by the old ex perienced barber, 2k Kart Broughton, llnlr. Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. The place for taxors made to shave; remem ber that all scissors and shears with Keg ex'a name on, are nil ateel made, mil are sharpened free of charge; barber rhalra for sale or rent; barber shop* bought and sold. *l* SHOULD BEK MILLERB FURNl ture; newest styles for bedroom, dining room. par lor, In oak. walnut and mahog any; Miller s prices and terms are rea sonable. 207 Broughton, west. YOU Wild, 1,1 KK TIIK MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It's rich and pure; try It. Itn FOIt WOVEN Wilt K <)TB while they last. C. P. Miller. Agent. ~V SHOULD SEE MtLLEIVB NEW styles In carpets, matting, window shades, art squares, rugs, lace curtains, etc.; Miller’s price* and terms are reasonable 207 Broughton, weal. FINK RICHFIELD .-A MB AT BA~ kero,” every day; best of all otbar m ats In market IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from MnOlillS. KIMBALL'S ANTI-It HE I'll A TI C rings; thousands using them and all ben efited. Gardner's Baxaar, agt llkk BUYS NICK RATTAN IIOCKERS. ladles' else; larg* assortment of ro. tiers, couches and easy chairs. C. P. Miller. Agent. “OCT IST I WILL MOVE To 111 \\ .’.ST rtroughton. Hlng up 21*-i If you want to hove your furniture moved or packed for shipment oi* storage. I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A ft. Griffin. 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. V BHOTI.D SKB Mll.l,Fil'd OFFICE desks, ollh* tables, office chairs, office matting, office shades, C. P. Miller, Agent. “FLORAL DEBIGNB. PALMS AND CITT flowers, at Gardner's Bazaar, agent for Oelschlg's Nursery, I* WIIJ. St KIN MOVE ANI/lf Wild, certainly need something In my llw; V will save money by trading with me. C. P. Miller, Agent. ' MOILLIB SELL* SIXTY-rNCH BUGS —Smyrna pattern*—for *9 rente. “skb~ the jewel stovks and ranges for aala by J, W. Teepla; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. "krOILMS IS CHEAP ON RITCIS. NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stovaa, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN, U At Gardner's Bauer — is'your IRON SAFE ~FIRB PROOF? Stlffel A Freeman have a standing idler of ll,om for every safe of their make Ihnl doe* not preserve ll* content*. One safe was In burning debris 11S hours When taken out, the hose hud to be turned on tt. When opened, not a page was dis colored. not a record loat, not a dollar de stroyed. If you want, oecurlty. buy StltTell A Freeman safe. C. P. Miller, Agent. __ M OiI.LIS LACK CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. uHtIOUI j>~ BEND YOUR 'IRDF.RB for tuning and repairing piano* and or gans to W P. Manning, with C. P. Mil ler, Agent: promtd attention to out-of town order*. C. I*. Miller. Agent special Tan UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers, ladles' star, at SZ J. W. Teeple. M'GTI.LIH MOVES' PACKS. SHIPS and More* [4anos and furnlturs: beat worn only, no "Cheap-John" prices—no "Cheap- John" Jobs. if should ski: millers st<ivi:h and ranges; the lw*t make* at reasonable price*. C. P. Miller, Agent. WHEN YOU SEE M 011,1.1 S' SIXTY Inch cent* rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help 111 will sell In any quan tity. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." la a so* -laity with MeOtlUa. “It SHOULD SEND ME YOUR OR .ter* for upholstering parlor and dining room furniture In leather, silk and other fab rics. In the best manner, curled hair, moss and cotton mattress** renovated, all work well don* and aatlafartlon guar antecd. C l‘ Mill* r. Agent. PULLEY BELTS. C, WV&XSSBTWCI aluminum shirt set. 10c, at Uardner’a Ba soar. OLD NEWSPAPERS. W> for B cent# at RuMnsos Olllea Morning Newa SKUIIiAL feel are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief, I curs Ingrowing nails, corns ami all diseases of the feet without psln; charges reasonable; can give the best reference* In the city; pa tients treated at residences: orders can be left at Livingston’s drug store, Hull and Congress sereets; telephone BS. Lem Davis stirgsnn chiropodist HELP WAATICt*— FEMALE. **WA > !?rED~ r^ U, "nfwl^HN"Kdlf'" IpitDFlC lcnt In mualc ond me Ic*. Address Mrs. F. W. Hash hurst, Houston, Fla. ■ ■■ . AUKSTS WANTED. '^TTtTTSrTiATiLriEAimrrTJADE^tIY our live agents, men or women, selling our latest novelty, caminlgn waterproof neck tie#. Good* entirely new and patented Agents delighted. Hob* unlimited. What others do. you ran do. Tune Is short. Write to-day and secure exclusive terri tory. Guaranteed best seller. Address, with stamp, M. A M. Manufacturing Com pany. Dept. C, Springfield. Mass. Hilt SI'S MASTED. ''TWo'ftTultY fIUUAE WANTED {with lawn or garden preferred), In good location. Address Good Tenant, this •Beg UK I.l* W AITKO-M A I.K. UIIICkMASONB WANTED TO OO IN the country. Apply immediately at Kep pard. Bnedeker A Cos s Lumtier Yard. ItOY WANTED, ONE WHO HUB HAD office experience; write* good hand and can furnish good reference; must be a hustler, l.uddrn A liatt a. vv anted, competent not>kkeep er, one who understandu stenography and general office work. Address, with full ((articular* "Colton," this office. WANTED. FIHST-CI.ABS HTKNOtB rapher, man with railroad experience. Ad dress P O. Box ¥u “WANTED. A HOT FOR GKNKItAL housework. Apfdy with reference, after 9 o'clock at 3#v Gwinnett street, east WANTED. FOR UNITED STATES army, able bodied unmarried men batweon age* of 21 and B; clttsona of United States, of good character and temperate h.blts. who can speak, read and writs English. Recruits are apeclally desired for * rvtce In FhllippUtao. For inform* Men apply to recruiting office. 361 Uuil atreat. Bavsnnah, Oa. lllll’l.OY MEAT WABTBU. ir? expert stenographer, toiofckceper i*l all found office mm. Address Jay, Morning New*. ROOM* W IkTkll. ril FLAT for light housekeeping, ut otto*. Apply No. JtV. I’erry, west. HOARD ANTE It, “'wANTKIb TWO YOUNO GENTLE men wont |>ermitnent Isaird tn rettned family. Address Gentlemen, this office. IV ANTED—JXIMf kt.k*VEU2k IK YOU WANT GO*>D MILK, GET IT from Springfield Dairy, It's rich, pure and whole some. “FEATHERS WANTED. * MARKET prlca paid for old feather beds and pil lows. all order* promptly attended; send postal. J. L. Isaacs, Marshal House. WANTED. ABOUT VJHUSKT COW; must glvo thiee gallons ut present, and young Address Dean Newman, I3U Jones street, west, city. IF YOU WANT A PLACri TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure. eie„ free of charge. Just at city (Unite, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros , corner Anderson and Eael Broad etreeta. rOH RENT— ROOM*. LARGE SOUTH ROOM WELL FUR nlahed: gentlemen preferred, 120 East Charlton. FLATS FOR IIKIT, on ih# cernar Jones and I 111 Mi streets in beautiful condition, every conv>ntonee, flr<i < la order, da It aide locality, tight rent to right tenant. Eat Balomon co hen. coi n> r West Broad and Broughton street* FLAT. BIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, flrsi floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose John Lyons. FOR HEAT— HOI *EJ* HOUSES 223, ALSO 717 WALDHURG street, east; perfect condklon; every con venience; right rent right tenant, f the month. Eat. Salomon Cohen. \V t Broad and Broughton at reals. FOR BENT-SPLENDID HOUSE modern Improvements, vicinity Park Ex tension. 114 Duffy street, west. Purse, printer. It 1)811 .KNEE: CORNER WHITAKER and Hull streets. Apply to Rotol. H. To tem, 7 York street, west. FOR RENT—W GWINNETT, WEST. 9 rooms, hotter pantry, bath, etc . MO from Oct i. Premise* can he seen after 6:*> each evening or upon application to W. J. Ml*, ally. Jr. FOR RENT - 1 >W'ELLINIf AND TWO lots No. 9 M.lupus avnue. near Bull street, seven dollar#. I I*, lot Roc he. “FOR RENT. liKHIILVItI.K liltl’K houses, number kfl arwl *4 Hunttngdim. east; newly papered and repaired; with ail modern tmpriivement*. Apply to E. C. Way, Bell Teleirhone, 1574. “FOB RENT. RESIDENCE 220 BOU lon street, west; seven rooms; all con veniences; newly papered and painted; 132 per month; lease for one year. Apply to J. T Hhupirtns. corner Congress and Jef ferson streets. FOB RENT TO~AN ACCEPTABLE party, my resldenc*. northeast >' >rner Flrsi and Drayton streets. Apply C. W. liuwaid. No. 202 Bay afreet, east. TO RENT. DWELLING HOUSE. IS) Waklburg street, east; possession at once. Apply ill Broughton slresl, west. FOR RKVI-ITOHM. FOR RENT, STORE. Ui BROUGH, ten street, east; |.aae*aton Immediately also savaral d.airable rssldenoes and UatA Apply A. Wylly, 13 Bryan atreat, east. FOB RENT. I lIA'l DESIRABLE •lore and warehouse formerly occupied by SGeorge W Ttedsman A lira, comer Hay and Montgomery street; In psrfso* order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can b* given Immedt slety. Eat. Balomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. FUR HALF— HEAL BSTATR. ONE- AND TWO-ACRE TRACTB ON the Ogeecbee road, tine high land. C. H. %>or**it. A~SPLENDID” BUSINBEB HTAND IV Ihe eastern part of the city; well estab lished ami desirable. C. If. Dorsett. TEN-ACHE TRACT IN CATTI.K J, ill h> - ■ tin# ft ml and I A BNCG INVKBTMKNT FOR II.WI, two houses renting for 111 per month on West Holton. C. H. Dorset!. FOR BAI.E. AN EI.KOANT CORNER for a residence, thirty-five feet front oy one hundred and twenty-two feat deep, bine In ihe rear, stew drainage system and city water, a bargain. C. 11. Dor si tt. FOR HADE, A HKACTIFI'I, DOT, north front; for only |klt cash, or easy time. C. H. Dorsett. HADE. A DOT KOK TWO Ht'N dred dollars; easy farms, on Ninth street, near East Kruwd. no city taxation. C. U Dorsett. “FOR HADE, THOSE IAjTSON NINTH street, near East llroad. Ins vs only been sold to nrst-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy The term* are very easy, and they arw cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C H Dorsett. FOR BADE. DOTH ON NINTH. NEAR East Hrosd. at (2MI each; will soon be advanced to C2S; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to gst a boms built. C. H. Dorset*. FOR HADE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at JS each; twenty-live dollars cssb. and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett RESIDENCES AND BCIDDINO i/m for sale all over the city. Robert H. Talrm. real eststs dealer, No. 7 York street, west. DOST AND PUL AD. IdIST. DAROK HIDE CURTAIN TO surry. Thu reds y afternoon, on Jones to Drayton. Drayton to Park avenue, out Rail to Anderson. Finder will be reward ed. G. If. Rem short, I* Bryan, east. 'iiOST, MASONIC JEWEL. INSCRIP non. p. M. Cbus. F. Fulton. Liberal re ward. 4 AITTION HALES PITtHH DATS. TRUSTEE’S SALL II; FLATSHBK A CO.. A nelloneee*. Under and by virtue of an appointment by Tabllha A Wt:*on, under a power con tained In a deed from Hotnuel Daniels to th* said Tabltha A. Wilton, dated March 3 IM; nnd re.-orded In the office of tke Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham county, Georgia. Book of Mortgagee 4 P. Folio 99, a* trustee for the hM katnuel Daniel*. I will offer for sale before the door of the Court House at Bavunnah, Chatham county, Georgia, el public outcry In the usual manner of truutee*' ante*, during the Itstai hour* of sale, on the flrat TUEBDAY, Itelng ne second day of Oc tober. lie the property deurrtta'd In aild (|e>,l. to wit: All that certain lot of land •Ituale. lying ami being In the city of Sa vannah, county of Chatham and Mala of Georgia, nnd known on the map ot said dly a* the western one-half of tot nom ine ntm tl Marsh til ward, said western one-half of said lot having a frontage ot thirty CIO) feet, more or Ice*, on Imffy street, and a rectintpilar depth north ward ot one hundred and flva il06) fe*t, bounded north by Park avenue lane, for. merly New Houston atreiet lan<* east by the e it> m |*>rtion of s ill lot numlier nine (9i. south by Duffy *>rel. and west by lot number • leht (Ki ot s.itd want Term* ia*h. ptircnaaer paying for till*. JAB M HiKJERB. Truatae. ruk •ALk-MtHkkUXkUU. WITCH HAZEL! THERE IB WlTCH hasel and wii tihaxel One I* made to .tire, the othir I* made to sell, put a tmttla of ours by the *>d of on* of the oiler kind, we give you all the quality and all the quantPy that your money en titles you to—a pint for s quarter Persse * Drug Bt.-r *, Henry and Abeitsorn, Whit aker and Taylor. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IB NOTED for having rich, puee milk; try It; you will be plea.ed. abh and rol sale—lSti.Wl) feel of ash suitable for wheel wright*. carriage makers, car works and Interior house flnleh. Also cypres* lumber of *ll *i*e* W* have resumed cutting our famous brand* of cvpreea shingle* and will eoon heve a full line af them for sale. Valo Royal Manufacturing Company. PIANO FOR SAe.E VC. "jONEB strtvt, east Bargain; easy terms. * l it HIM. IccTTaYkTl GiTEENwToH Park, ml Dachshund dog. Return to Greenwich Park and gn| reward. ICMHIik kkMMTI. greatly reduced rate* for the fall montha. Address Box 16*. Hendersonville, N. C. I'l.tHHIUi. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL BE to your Interest to let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old wut k; repair work a specially, a* t am a practical piumlier. No gues* work to ■aaliinger your life. Wiggins, 'phone 107, Georgia or Bell. HIM KLLAkEUbB. 'TiAVK PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entlra satisfaction guaranteed. Adam* , Paint Company. "WE 8 ELI.” - BE WEH PIPE. FLUB pl|. fire clay. Arc brick at lowest prices. Adams Paint Company. 101 Congress, west. ■ OYPBINE IB TlfF. nEBT WALL FlN l*h made Adam* Paint Cos.. Savannah igent*. 101 Congreaa, west. LEGAL XOTICKI. CHATHAM COUNTY Wlirren*. Rots-rt B. B-I*pard. ha* ap idled to Court of Ordinary for letter* of /idmlnistration on the relate of Albert Evans, dei-eaeed. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern, to be atal appear before *ld court, to natke ohjec tton (If any they have), on or before the first Monday In October, next, othecurleo said letters will be granted. Wltneea, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrttl, ordinary for <’batham county, this, tha 21*1 day of August. ISO) FRANK K KBILBACH. Clerk C 0., c < GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Wherea* M A. O'Hyrne ha* atqdlnd to Court of Ordinary for letter* of adminis tration on the estate of Ellen Morgan, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom it may concern to be and sintear before aald court to make objec tion (If any they have), on or before the flrat Monday In October next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Mon. Hampton L. Fer rtll. Ordinury for Chatham County, thia the Ual day ot Aiiguat. IffiO. / FRANK K K EII.BACH, Clerk OL Ord', C. Ctx OEOROLA. CHATHAM - COUNTY.— Whereas, Joalah T. Clarke has applied to Court or Ord Hi aty for letter* dlsmtasory a# guardian of the property of Eugene U. Clarke, formerly a minor These arr.theretore to cite and admontah all whom It may ivaicem to Ih- and up twar t* fore saki court to make objection (If any they have), on or before the flrat Monday In October next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L Fer rlll. Ordinary for Chatham county, thia the list day of August. I*. FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord'y C. Cos. -GEORGIA"; CHATHAM COUNTT.- Annle Klcklln baa applied to the Court of Ordinary for a twelve month*’ soffiyort for herself and minor chtkl out of the eaiate of Joseph Ftcklln. d*a*ad. Apprulaer* have made return* allowing same. These are, therefore, to rite all whom It mnv concern to appear before aald court to make objection on or before the flrat Monday In October nit. otherwise same will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham county, thi* the list day of Heplember. 1900. FRANK E KEILBACH, Clerk Ct. Ord’y C. Cos,, Oa. phui ( uau waitku nrtoPOHADir^SJir^^ Nantucket and Cheyenne —Healed propo sals will to- received at the Navy Depart ment until noon on the Tfth day of Sep tember, 1900, at which time and place they will be opened, for ihe purchase of the V S. vessels Nantucket, appraised valua *l*,ooU, and Cheyenne, appraised valtlo t&jm. They will lie cold for cash to the person or person* or the corporation or corporation* offering the highest price therefor above the apiaaised value there of. A separate proposal for each vessel hid upon must t*- submitted Hi a eealad envelope, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy. Washington. D. C.. Indorsed ' Ppo far ihe purchase of the V. 8. K. D made), and each |H-o|>oaal must be ac contpanled by a satisfactory certified check for not less than 10 per cent, of the amount of the offer. On application to the Navy Department, form* of Wds and Honda, together with the terms and con dition, of sale, also a printed list giving general Information concerning these ves sels, will he furnished. The vessels can tie examined at any time after the Men •lay of August. I*uu, by applying to lha commandants of the Navy Yard. League Island, Pa., ami the Naval Station. Port Boyal, 8. C., where they now respectlv*- I) He. They must be removed from ths limn* of said yard urn! station wlthm such reasonable time as may be fixed by the Department. The Deportment re serves the right to withdraw either or boih of the above named vessels from sale and to reject any or all bid*. F W. HACKETT. Acting Secretary of the **vy. Aug. , ISM), 3