The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 10, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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y* tall Mill' A LIVING CIIHIftT. Ilrv. W. K. AAaitkin*' krrmon at the 1 lirasllaaai 1 hnri'li. • Tho Living Jnut" wai the subject of Rev. W. F. Watkins' sermon yesterday rnrnlng < the Christian Church. Chrls ti.n* worship a living, not a dead Jesus, he said, and cited many passages from the Bible to substantiate and Illustrate I Is views. For his text, Dr. Watkins took Rev* aiiotis ti l*. "I. Jesus” This.” the preacher sold. "Is a short, l ut sweet and suggestive teat, just two voids. 'I. Jesus.’ Link It Into another scripture gem. 'This same Jesus.' He had . '•pped Into a chariot of cloud, and been swept out of view His disciples stood straining their eye* lo catch one more glmpse of Hi* vanishing form. Whither had He gone? Was He lost In the cloud*? Angels sent to cheer their des-mndlng hearts say. 'He Is In Heaven, and that In due time Hr will c* me again. ' Let us call three witnesses who shall i-onflim the angels' leaching. The drsl witness I* Stephen, the flrsi Christian martyr In Acts 7;55-69. Is the account of his tragic, yet glorious end. He saw 'the heaven* opened, and Jesus standing at the right hand of Ood ' TM* was not an optical Illusion, a phantasy of the brain. Nq, It was the vision of faith: he was tilled with the spirit and his emancipated soul leaped from It* battered house of . ay to the embrace of hla Lord. Stephen tells us Jesus Is alive. The second witness I* Bml of Tarsus On hi* way lo lNimascus. a very wolf of hell about tp spring on the few defense. |ese sheep of Christ, there he was smitten to ihe ground hy a light brighter than the nonday sun, and a voice from beyond the home of the thunder pierced hi* very heart: 'Why persecutes! thou Me?' And to til* trembling Inquiry. 'Who art thou. Lord?* came the response: 'I am Jeaus" Who was this Saul? According to the story of Stephen* martyrdom, there was a young man stapdlng by. holding the clothes of Stephen's murderer*. He was an accessory to the crime. As Stephen fell asleep upon hi* bed of stone* hi* dying eye rested for a moment on tht* young man. and he breathed the prayer "Lotd. lay not this sin to their charge ” It was the last arrow In the quiver, and it went straight to the mark! Sea-ce had Stephen's first song of praise died away before the throne, when an angel was sent to tell the surprising news con cerning that very same young n*m "Behold, he prayeth!” Who will dare deny Augustine* saying. "The church owe* Paul to Stephen's prayer!” Surely It was one link In the chain of Ood * pur poses. Parent*. pray on! Now Paul testifies that Jesus is alive. He saw Hl* glory and heard hi* voice. "Our third witness la John the Evan gelist. Thirty more years have passed, ihe 'beloved disciple' ha* been banished to Patmos Persecution 1* a gun that alwals recoil*. Here In a solitude broken only by the *|.ls*h of ths wave* upon the rocky shore, or the scream* of the wild sea bird*, were recalled vision* that sustained the lonely exile, and have thrilled the heart* of successive genera tions of believer*. John saw Jesus, who said: ‘I am He that was dead, and be bold. 1 am alive forevermore!' "So then angel*. Stephen. Paul. John, ell tell u* that Jeau* live*! Wedo not worship a dead Christ. Our* I* a living saviour Alive to-day. a# He was here on the earth. The life of Jeaus I* different from the life of anv of the person In history. Caesar was Christ Is! It Is a reat de feet in our study of the life of Christ to • onslder Him In but a single chapter of Hl* life and work. A* we *tu<ly Him his torically. let us commence with Him per sonally. ottering tlje prayer. ” 'For Jesus make thyself to me A living light reality.' "Hla name la Jesus still. He Is not a■ hamed of His okl human name that tvas eclated With Bethlehem and Calvary. V metlmes people who get up In the world are ashamed of. find repudiate former as sociate*. They seek to conceal their hum ble origin. Not ro with Jesus. That le the name which Is to be ahove every rams. 'Sweetest name on mortal tongue, sweetest note |n angel's song.” l-et It be shrined In our deepest memories, and woven tn our highest harmonies. So I strike to-day anew the key-note of mv ministry. 1 would present Jesus—the tinner's Savior—the sinner's friend Be this my theme: " Happy II wIH my latest braath. t may but gasp Hl* name. Preach Him to all; amd cry In death, Behold! behold! the Lamb.' ” Dt LL WEEK IN THE COURTS. Tha* May Ir Urrard b> fhe Assign ment of Criminal ('•. This bid* fair to br • dull week in thr courts, nlthouirh there I* a possibility that with thr rrturn of Solicitor General Os borne from the North eome of the crlmi nit cases now on the docket will be as signed for trial before Saturday. Mr. Osborne Is expected back during the week. Among the Important eases In w hich the .lefendanla have not been tried though they have been Indicted. Is that of Joe Lloyd. who was Indleled with Sea born Hayes for the murder of Motorman Lucius B. Varnadoe. The third man in dicted. James B’.lge. has never been ar rested. Edward Gardner and Josh Butler have both been Indicted for being acces orlea after the commission of the crime. In shleldng Hayes from arrest. nUIB WEIT or THE CITY. Supposed to Re r Hay Stack on Ex ley's Farm. Shortly after 1 o'clock this morning flames were seen to the west of the city, probably a mil* or a mile and a half be yond the limits. They attracted the at tention of the yardmaster of the Central road who Investigated the matter as far at. possible but although he went os far as the house of Mr. M. U Kxtey on the Bay Bireet Extension he could not dls iover what woe afire. To all appearances, however, le was a lot of hay which had teen stacked In a Held across the K C. and p. track. The fire lasted considerable time and attracted the ottentlon of th watchmen lit the western part of the city. WEATHER STILE WARM. Yesterday's tlailnom SH Degrees, Equal to the Highest Point Yef II inched. Savannah's temperature yesterday equalled the highest that has yet been r-alstered this month, that Is the maxi mum, which was S.H degrees. The mini mum. 71 degrees, was one degree lower than thot of the prevloue <lay giving a mean temperature halt a degree lower lhan that of ftaiurday. The forecast for to-dsy and to-morrow ts fair and continued warm weather with light winds mostly east to south. The weather bureau received no reports yesterday from the storm stricken dis trict. —The Pace.—" Misfortune always trav els fast." "That's right; the more rapid 1 " pace a fellow goes the quicker it over >Ke* him."—Philadelphia Record. should not b* confounded with other so called malt products some breweries put out It ts rot keel sim] "burnt sugar." Nee that the name Anheurer-Husrh Brew ing Ass n is on each bottle. Sold by all diuggtsta. An Early Starter FOR FALL. 21 Styles of Suits at $5.50 19 Styles of Suits at $7.50 for early fall. Heavy enough to wear until the first of next year. See our west window. Biggest value ever offered to the public. B.H.Levy & Bro. I'llLlt KMAA C'AttiHT A TART AID Adam Heed, Colored, Cat "Pinck ney" nnd Damped. A desperate encounter took placa late Saturday nigh* between a colored would be-murderer. who was resisting arrest, and Patrolman Stafford. Adam Reed, nllas "Kill Time." also lo cally known as "Darling." was the negro. In n quarrel with another negro, Pinck ney, he had dealt him a vicious slash with a knife, making a wound acres* his breast several Inch** long. This affair occurred near the Tybee depot, and Reed then went a little further along lo about the foot of Perry street lane,where he was found laier engaged in plajlng craps by moonlight. Patrolman Stafford had lo cated his man and was on hts way up the street to secure assistance when he was met by two colored friend* of the negro that had been cut. They related the story of the affray lo the officer, giving the name of the assailant, nnd upon Ihe po liceman telling them that he had Ihe man located and was then on Ihe wuy to se cure sufficient assistance to secure him, they offered their service, and together the three men returned to ihe scene of the ciap game, the officer following cautiously behind the negroes no ns not to frighten away by his uniform his prospective pris oner. B hen near enough lo Ihelr quarry on* of the negroes pounced on Reed, and Stafford, who was within a few feel, look charge of Ihe man He look hi* arreat quietly and walked with Ihe officer for a few siepsqulledocilely, then suddenly with a warning cry lo hi* mate* for help, soiled Ihe wrist Of the officer as he at tempted to draw hla club, and at Ihe same time clutching his body with the other arm. struggled violently lo secure hi* release. In Ihe struggle that ensued both men went lo Ihe ground and Into a ditch. The negro retained hi* grip on the arm of the policeman, and In order to make him br.ak his hold Stafford was forced SC. use his teeth on Ihe wrist that held his own so lightly. Hl* arm released. Ihe policeman strnlghiened up. but even as he did so the negro dealt him a vicious blow squarely In the face and knocked him oxer. Before the policeman recovered the negro made hla escape. Reed 1* a man of gigantic else and strength and one of the terror* of hi* I ace. Reside* the affair of laat night he Is wanted on a number of warrants sworn out against him for numerous offenae* committed against other negroes Pinckney, the man who wa* cut. after wards walked across the street to a store near the Tybee dp)t. when becoming weak from loss of blood, he wa* forced to lie on th- slreel until medical atten tion could be had It I* thought the ne gro* wound will not prove fatal. A MISAIOA AHA PROPHKCT. Il*v. K. \A'. Cawthon'* niseourse at ■he First Baptist C hureli. Rev. K W. Cawthon preached a eermon on missions al the First Baptist Church yesterday morning. "A Missionary Proph ecy" the sermon might be called, being baaed upon Ihe text "The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover Ihe sea. Isaiah 11 9 Rev Cawthon said that this was o prophecy of universal peace, for where the gospel goes peace Is the outcome. It is u universal ehown by the striking figure of spech employed The condition of universal peace presented Is that the knowledge of the Lord ahall All the earth. Taking theee matement* a* * naM* Mr. Cawthon dlicuifM the mean* by which thla knowledge of the Lord, reuniting In universal peace. Is to be obtained. Upon IWs ground he shower! Ihe necessity or missions In order that the knowledge of the l.ord might be spread lo all nations and dl*cu**e! and upheld he work now being carried on to this end. explaining and Illustrating the results and the bene fits both to Ihoae who make the work pos sible ami those who are reached by It The humble labors of each Individual Christian, he contended, are needed that he work may be continued to Its fulfil ment The value of the work to those who participate In It was dwelt upon. The Immense Held still remaining open for Christian effort and Ihe needs of the work wer* ably set forth The testimony of distinguished traveler* to the character and extent of the work accomplished In foreign fields was offered In answer lo the attacks and criticisms of those un favorably disposed towards missions. In conclusion Mr. Cawthon drew a beau tiful picture of the time when prophecy shall have been fulfilled and all the world -hall rejoice In the knowledge of be Lord and nil nation* unite In sounding hi* |ir Mr' ,, Cawthon has mad* quit# a favors he imprweslon upon th* congregation of the First Baptist and ,h ' members are very pleased with hi* effort*, not only In Ihe pulptt hut In other line* of church work. —Sknklewlc*. the Potlah novelist. I* to have a present of a hnm'S'ead on the oc casion of his author's Jubilee next No vember. The fund I* now being collected bv bis many admirer*. THE MOKNING NEWS: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1900. I.OI'AI. IT.KVtmi,. Mr. J. W Moore of Atlanta Is a guest of the Screven. Mr. H. O. Jones of Columbia Is a guest of the Screven. Mr. W, A. Rhudy of Atlanta Is register ed at the Pulaski. Mr. H. Klson of Jacksonville Is register ed at the Screven. Miss Dll Mclntosh of Darien is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. B. R. Sharpe of Halcyondale Is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. C. W. Hurst of Waynesvllle ts reg istered at the Screven. Miss Anna Black of Pacolet. 8. C.. Is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. F. Sionebraker of Mldvllle Is registered al the Screven Mr. Tinsley Smith left vis the Southern yesterday for Washington. Mr, and Mrs. J. P. I.egere of Charles ton are guests of the Pulaski. Mr. William Henry Schley left laat night for a visit to North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Brinson of Still more are the guests of the De Soto. Mr T. H. Wannamaker of Columbia registered at the I>e Soto yeaterday. Mr. B. H Powell of Jackaonvlle was among yesterday's guests of the Screv en. Mr. A. R. Stewart of Columbia was among the guests of the De Soto yester day. Mr. B, Holmes of Hawklnavllle wa* In the city yesterday and atayed at the Pu laski. Mr. C. H. Cummings and Mrs. M F. Cummings of Manassas are guests of the Pulaski. Mr E H Campbell of Jacksonville was In the city ynslerday and stayed at the Pulaski. The Misses Alma and Rosa Tally of Ohoopee were among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Mrs. Andrew Ambrose and daughter. Mtsa Gertrude, sailed Saturday on the Itasca for Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas I-ana and Miss Itllr Dang were among the passengers of the Southern yesterday for Raptdan. Misees Ductile and Dena Ambrose have gone to Baltimore, where they are to at tend Mt. De Sales Academy. Catonsvllle. Md. Mrs. -N O'Keefe and Mrs T. Sheehan chaperoned a Jolly party of Sovannahlans on a moon light ride through the moun ts ns of fpward. N C.. last Thursday. Mrs. W. 8 Young of I'pward. N. C., en tertain-! last Tuesday evening In honor of Miss Hannah McCarthy of Savannah The parlors were beautifully decorated for the occasion Refreshments were serv ed. and the merry folks danced until the wee wee hours. Death of Mrs. John t. Olson. Mrs. John Y. Dlgon died yesterday In Atlanta Her body will reach Savannah at 7 o'clock this morning on the Central of Georgia train. The funeral win lake place, Immediately after the train's ar rival. from the station. HV MAIN BTHBNCJTH. \\ lint gome (Iron Nf of Maine Have l)nar In Wflla*. From the Dewlston (Me.) Journal. "Who Is the strongest man In town?" asked a correspondent at Belfast of some workmen at noontime. "No one knows," we the reply. A fanner, o stableman, and a milkman came along and the con versation became general. "I am not so stout as some." said lrn [•'landers, "but at my work of wbeeline brick. I once took ana) 300 weighing 1,300 pounds, on an ordinary tier row. and think inut I can do It again. although It don’t do n fellow any good." •■glia'* Beckwith.” raid the milkman, "shouldered barrel of pork and carried It from one truck to another about twenty yards away He said that he felt relieved when he put It down.'* "The greiiteat, feat of strength tvtthln my knowledge," said the farmer, "was when SI Wentworth shouldered the Tin pound anchor and carried It out of the company's shed. SI had to step down one step, and though no one knew that he was'hurt, the Jar Injured his hack. anJ no has never lifted heavy weight* since." "Probably the strongest man In this vi cinity to-day" said the stableman, "la Vf Kills of Prospect. Alf got a repusa tlon for lifting up In the quarry, and was pestered nearly to death by people woo wanted to get up some kind of a trial with him "So he rigged up some straps to a big rock thnt lay under his shed, and lifted It with ease- In the presence of a large company. There |s my load.’ aays Aif. and when you bring a man that can lake her up I will try again.' "No on* has aver lifted It. and It m wife to say that no ordinary man ever far It weighs somewhere between l.jtt and 1.2 W pounds •' "Speaking about feats of strength," said the IHacksmlth. "puts me In mind of a contest wa had In fnoitt of my shop last fall. Wa put out a btg plank on blocking about breast high, and all Ihe stiong men up nnd down this street hod o tr> at lifting the plank with a big box of old iron on top of It. "Freeman Hatchckter. who works tn the shop nt the head of the street, earn# down to look on. and was Invited to take a try, although no one supposed that he could budge the load. Well. sir. Free man lifted It ns easy ss an ordinary muo would have raised Ihe plank. "Then two men ami a hoy got on. nnd he lifted the lot The ln*ere among the other fellow* seemed to die out after that, and there hwen't been any lifting around here since. ” Inquiry among the police force shows that the city marshal. Wlttlom H. San born. ha* been and I* yet one of th sponges* men In the place. On one occa sion he was known to lift 9*5 pound*. There have been frequent trial* of strength by lifting on scale*. The con testant stand* on the scales anal lifts on a bar that Is attached to • rope tied un der the srale* Weight* are a-Vl—l until the limit of the competitor's strength Is reached. Welman Hanaon. a foreman In the shoe factory, tipped the beam with 1.300 pound* oppos' and lo him tn a trial of this kind At the shipyard there are many strong men. bnt the lifting is now don<- mostly by power. Abner Jlpeon. a former em ploye tberr, had remarkable strengih. He eould lift as much on one end of a slick of timber ns three or four ordinary men could on the other. On one occasion he lifted the weight of a pile driver that weighed, or wa* said to have weight'd, I.BUO pounds. —Precise Speech —Brown—Do you ever talk In your sleep? Town—Not that I know of. I have sometimes talked In oth er people’s sleep.—Boston Transcript. P. P. r . a wonderful medicine; It gives an appetite; It Invigorates and strength en*. P. P. P. cures rheumatism end all pains In the side, back and shoulders, knee*, hips, wrists and joints. P. p. p. cure* syphilis in ell Its various stages, old ulcers, sores ami kidney complaint. P. p. P. cure* cotarrah. eczema erysipelas all skin dlseaao* and mercurial poisoning p. P. P. cures dyspepsia, chronic female complaint* and broken-down constitution and loss of manhood. P. P. P.. the best blood purifier of the eg*, has made more permanent cures then all other blooa] rem edies Llppman Bro#.. sole proprietors. Savannah. Ga -wd “It Pared Me.” "Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on me." says Mr. Chaa. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And pul me In better health than I have enjoyed tn a long time." Take Oraybeard Pills far that dizzy feeling—Lost appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Oraybeard. It Is all you need. Rexpesa Drug Ce., sol* props.. Savannah. O*-—ad. A Dellctoua Smoke. • Th* Herbert Spencer la an elegant cigar and I* truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale Ihe fumes of this tine tobacco; It IX evhilxratlng m*l dtrlleloux. Hoe that Ihe name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50. Conchas at 33 50. and Parfaetas. 54.50 at Llppman Bro* . whole sale druggists. Barnard and Congress streets, of tht* city -ad. "Graybaard la a family medicine with us.” ~Aid a prominent business man yaa terday "My wife lakes It. and I nolle* atv- la enjoying be'ttr health than for year*. The children keep well by taking It." Orayb'ard may be obtain'd at all d'ng tore* or writ* to us for It. Heaps** Drug Cos., sole prep# . Savannah, Ge.-ad. For tvor Fifty Yegre. Mrs WlneloWs Soothing Byrup has been used for children teething. It soothe* the chMI. ooftens th* gums, allay* ail pain cures wind colic, and IS tbe best remedy law Dierrhaye*. Twenty-flv# cents a bottl*. —ad. Paiildlng'* Pippin 4'lßer. This celebrated pure, appl* Juice elder, made In Long IslanaJ, ran be bad In pint or quart hollies, direct from Ihe manufac turers. with their own stamp, at Llppman Brothers. Druggists, Savannah. Qa.—ad. A High-Grad- Institution for ladles.— Shorter College, Rome.. Oa. Write for catalogue—ad legal notice*. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY—NO tee I* hereby given to all fersons hav ing demands against William F. Dunn, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me. properly made out. within the time prescrib'd by law. so as to show iheir character and amount, and all per sons Indebted to said deceased are re quired to make Immediate payment to me. MRS. ANNE DUNN. Executrix. Savannah, Oa.. Sept. 5. 1900 CLASSIFIED AiJVtKIISEMENTS. rgusj \ il ' CHILDREN 8 HAHR' UTTINO" IN the *t>ir by the Georgia espert haircutler and ha r dresser. Hayannah llalr, Jewelry .in I Shaving Supply House The place fer One wig.-, toupees, pompa dcura. bangs, switches, mustache* and whisker*, for dally private use, also *le dal mak> -up for amateur and profcsslon al detectives. Private theattbals. lodge* and church. * aqpplle I Mall order* promptly tiled; Etntla* hair tonic sent to any on receipt of lai cent*. P SHOULD SEE .MILLER 8 FI’RNL tura, newest styles for bedroom, dining room, parlor. In .ak. walnut amt mahog any; Miller's prices and term* are r*.a sonahic. 207 ltraught*>u. west. ’ YOU W ILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Bprluglteld Dairy; It's itch ami pure, try It. II on FOR WOVEN WIRE COTH while they last. C. P Miller. Agent. 1* SHOt'LD REF. MILLER’S NEW style* In carpets, matting, window shade.. art square*, rug*, lace curtain*, etc ; Miller'* prices and term* are reasonable JOJ Broughton, west FINE RICEFIKI f. r.AMB AT "HA btr's," every day; beat of all othar m at* In nvarkat IF ITS RUOR TOD WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from M<-(lulls. KIMBALL'S ANTI It HR V M A TI C rings: thousands using them and all ben fitted Gardner'a Bazaar, agl SPECIAL, AN UNLIMITED RDPI’T.T of nice willow rockers, ladlca' site, at 12. J. W. Teapt*. I! 4k Itt’Yfi NICE RATTAN' ROCKERS, ladies' size; large assortment of rocker*, couches ami easy chairs. C. P. Miller. Agent. “ocT IST I WILL MOVE TO 414 WRIT Brough lon. King up 24*1 If yon want to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage. I guarantee prices the same a* I do the work that’s given to m< A 8 Gridin. .114 Broughton street, west; mattresses made tn order. tf SHOULD BKB MILLER'B OFFICE desk*, office table*, office chairs, office malting, office shades. C. P. Miller. Agent ~FLORAL DESIGNS. PAI.MB AND CUT flower*, at Gardner'* Bazaar, agent for Oelzchlg's Nursery. u WILL 8t KIN MOVE AND U WILL certainly need something In my line; V will save money by trading with me. C. P Miller. Agent. MOILLIB BELLS SIXTY-INCH RUOS —Smyrna pattern*—for 99 cent*. M GILI.IB 18 CHEAP ON ft DOS. NRT4. ktea curtains, hammocks, water cooler*, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every deec rips lon. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN. tl At Gardner's Daaaar. MOILLIB LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. *U — TOflt IRAN SAFE FIRE PROOF’ Stlffel A Freeman have a standing offer of 11.0011 for every safe of their make that dots not preserve It* content*. One safe was tn burning debris US hour* When taken (Hit, the hose hod to be turned on It When opened, not n page dis colored, not a retard lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a BtlfT.ll A Freeman anfe. C. P. Miller. Again. BEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. W Teeple; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove “t; SHOULD SEND YOU It ORDERS for tuning and re|lrtng piano* anti or gans lo W P Manning, with C. P Mil ler. Agent; prompt attention to out-of town order* C. P Miller. Agent. MG7LLIB MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and More* piano* am) furniture, bast work only; no "Cheap-John ' prices -no "Cheop- John" Jobs. r SHOULD SEE MILLER’S "STOVES and ranges; the best makes at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller, Aaenl. WHEN YOU BEE MOlLLlfc'* SIXTY• Inch 99 cents rug*, you will buy them. Just can't help It; will sail In any quan tity. ' ““FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARS,' la g sue laity with McGIIHa “u SII'TI.D SEND IK YOUR t.H den* for upholstering parlor ami dining room furniture tn leather, silk and other fab rics, In the best manner: curled hstr, moss and cotton ma'tresse* renovated: all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed. C. P Miller, Agent. “PULLEY"BELTS. r. BUCKLE 9. _ 10C, aluminum shirt set, 10c, at Gardner's Ba zaar. Tf^YOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nail*, eoros and all diseases of th* feet without pain; charge* reasonable; can give the best reference* In the city; pa tients treated at residence*: order* can be left a4 Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone Ml. Lera Davis, surgeon rhtronodlst HELP AN 4.MKH-M AI.B. Apply Springfield Dairy. 471 Wasi Bound ary, Monday morning. WANTED A YOUNG MAN OF gTmID address, between the age of IS and 11. to assdst In a bar; one who lives with hts parents nnd who aloe* not smoke cigar ettes; a fetr salary will be paid; must write a good hand Aaldresa, with recom mendation If any. Bar Assistant, care News office. “day and night hack drivers wanted at 355 East Broad street, near Jones. ACTIVE MAN. HY ESTABLISHED house worth ITAdO; duties, hiring help; liberal salary anti expense* advanc'd to right party AtVlre** William J. Uhl, Manager. 723 Chealnut street. Phliatlo;- phla, l’a. “YOUNG MEN—OUR ILLUSTRATED catalogue explain* how we ie*ch barber trade In 2 weeks; mailed free. Moler Barber College, Mt. Louis, Mo. ■ HELP NVANTKIS— FEMALE. “wANTEd!^c7' >m7g?TENT~BERVANT to do general housework. Apply No. 222 Park avenue, weid. ’WANTED. UNMARRIED WOMAN TO work In flrst-elaa* restaurant; must write a fair hand, no experience needed; give references; good salary to one willing to work; hour* from 7 a. m to * p m. An swer to-alay and Tuesday. Restaurant, care News office. WANTED. A COMPETENT HOUSE and table maid. Apply 1014 Drayton street. “WANTED, A GOOD. STEADY COIAYR ed woman to lake care of young baby. Apply at 4X Whitaker atreat. ANY LADY CAN EASILY MAKE *lB to $25 per week by representing u* In her locality, and as the |>o*litoii Is pleasant anal profitable, I will gladly senal full par ticulars to all. This la no dr eptlon. even your spare time is vuluable. Aaldresa Mrs Mary K Wheeler. 37 Washington streel, Chicago. 111. AUK* r* A* ANTED. 'n^^riSTTolGl-ricAsTTAnjADß^^ our live agenta. men or women, selling our latest novelty, cenifaatgn walerprvmf neck tie*. G oasis entirely new anal pala-ntod. Agents delighted. Bela* unlimited Wnat others do. you ran do Tlmai la short. Write to-dsy and secure exclusive terri tory. Guaranteed beat seller. Address, with stamp. M A ll Manufacturing Com pany, Dept. C. Springfield. Mass. AOENTB. GENERAL.“ TO BELL OUR lubber collars, cuff*, front*, etc.; reliable good*; largest commission*; big money to hustler*. American Rubber Collar Company, Springfield. Mass. r.Ml'l.tlV fItAT WANTED. """a UhV AS stenographer, thoroughly experienced. Ad dress "X " care General Delivery wanted, position by expert ■lenograplter. Isadtkeeper ami nil round I office m in, Addre** Jay, Morning New*. Hllt SKg IV AA t ED. TWt i-HTOHY HOIBK wanted (wlih lawn *r k mien preferred). in good h*. auon AtUliKLd Good Tenant, th:a oflh*#. m HOUMA WASTKO. nice flal; muet be roaitKxmFk. AiMrcm •Vomfon." ihi# office. U AATBb-MIH'KLUISOri. y a hat th*t look* shabby and out of Rhoi*-; bring It lu Whoekr, the halier, and have ll made n* w 4* Whitaker street. IK YOI’ WANT <K)OI> MI!*K OKT IT frt>tn S|>rinKtiekl Dairy; lt*a rkh. pure ami wholesome * FEATII EIU4 WANTED; * MARKET price pahl for old feather bed- and pil low*; all order* promptly attended, acini postal. J. L Isaac*. Marshal House. IF YOU WANT A I'UCg TO DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, ere., free of charge, juat at city limit* hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Pro* , corner Anderson and Eaal Broad streets. FOR RRNT—ROOMS. FOR RENT TWO OR TIIREE GKN tb-mcn can set ure plea-ant room*, matly furnished nnd convenient to lutth. with private family, at K* Liberty. west, NEATLY FURNISHED K"UTII room*. nil conveniences *8 Barnard *1 rant: TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS. HOT ami cold hath lit Ea*t Idberty. ELEGANT LARGE FRONT Ri>OM southern exposure, for one or two gen- Ilenten. AM Jones street, west, near Bar nard. To LET. FURNISHED ROOMS about ten minute* walk from bualnes* center. Apply 121 llalaereham. FLATS FOR RENT. FOR RENT. ELEGANT LOWER IT.AT on ihe corner Jones and Lincoln strecte tn twautiful condition, every convenience, fir-(-ela-s order, dad i a hie locallly, right rent to right tenant. Eat. Salomon Oo h*n. oorn-r West Broad and Broughton atreets To RENT DESIRABLE FLAT. WITH hath, also two room* 1 Charlton street. TWO DESIRABLE FLATS DNFDH ntstied; southern and northern exposure. 20 Macon street, cast. FLAT. SIX CONNECTING ROOMS with hath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose John Lyons. FOR RENT. A FI. AT OF 4 GOOD rooms; with use of balh; rent reasonable. 11l WaMbarg, east. 'FEAT THREE ROOMS PARTLY FUR nlshed; all conveniences. Ut Barnard street TO LET FLAT CONTAINING FOUR roam* nnd bath, all convenience*. Apply 124 Habersham. FOR RENT—HOI vileN HOUSES 23, Al.Sti 217 WALDBUMO street, egt; perfect eondttton; every eon venlence; right rent right tenant; I2T. no the month. Eat Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton street. THAT DERI It A Itl.E IK at'BE. No“l!. Jon.* street, east; renovated throughout. Apply W A. ITgman's drug store, Aber corn street. FUR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE REH tdence, ft* Park avenue, west, with all modern Improvement*. Apply C. 8 DNtSCfe, * Hull street, west “FOR ' RENT SPLENDID HOUSE, modem Improvements, vicinity Park Ex tension I'd Duffy strret, west. Purse, printer. Ft HI RENT P\\ ELLIN! I AND TWt) lots No. 9 Mutipus avenue, near Bull strret. seven dollars I. It. Laßoche. “for l!i:\T DESIRABLE BRICK houses, number 402 and 4Uk Huntingdon, east; newly papered and repaired, with all modem improvements. Apply lo E. C. Way. Bell Telephone. 157. Ft Gt RENT. RESIDENCE HO BOL lon street, writ; aeven rooms, all con venience*; newly papered and painted; 122 per month; lea re for one year. Apply to J. T. Shuptrlne. corner Congress and Jef ferson street*. FOR RENT TO AN ACCEPTABLE party, my residence, northeast corner First and Dreyton streets Apply C. W. Howard. No. K! Bay atraet. east. FOR RENT FOR *ls TWnfTOIIV house. Anderson, near Lincoln. D. 11. la-ster. I olt KENT, RESIDENCE *ls HALE. east, and 707 Habersham; I rooms, hu* and cold water, elegant locality; also 442 Price; Immediate posesslon, flr*t-ela*s order. Ap ply W. W. Mwlnlon, M Eighth street, eaet. FOR RENT. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. Jone* street between Montgomery and Jefferson. Apply 107 Broughton street, west. for RBirr—trroiiKt. ~BvfAEI^STORKS store* on President street anti three on State street, in rear of Whitfield bulkl- Ing. and near new poatofflee, rent low. Apply W M. A W. K. Coney “FOR RENT. STORE. U* BROUaiT. tun afreet, -aat; poaaesslon Immediately also savoral dialrablo res.dencea and flats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan atreat. seat. ■“FOR RENT. rHAI DKBIR ABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tledeman A Bro., corner Bey and Montgomery street; In perfec* order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession ran be given Immedi ately. Eel. Solomon Cohen, Corner West Broad end Rroughton streets. FOR HK.trr—MISCELLANBOI*. "T’I’IUGHT PIANO FOR RENT OR sale; term* moderate. Address Miss Ul mer. Vtl Wahfburg streel, east. " 1 - FOR SALK—HEAL ROTATE. '^fJNE-^'ANIT^rWO-ACRE^^TItACrS^TjN the Ogeechec road; fine high land. C. 11. Domett. r SPLENDID - BI'B!NESS~gTAND“IV Ihe eastern part of the city; well estab lished and desirable. C. H. Dorsett. TEN-ACHE TltA(*T IN ~ CATTLE Park on avenue; line front, and trolley line to city. C .H. Dortett. A isifo investment nut uw, two houses renting for *l3 per month on West Motion C. 11. Domett. “FOR BALE.“a“LoT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Brood; no city taxation. C. H. Do malt. I 1 It BAEK. THOAD LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only lieen sold o first-class parties, who will make good neighbor*; end nan* other can buy. Th# terms irt very easy, and they am rheaper than any other In the vicinity. C. H. Domett. FOR BALE. LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR East Broad. a4 (Son each; will soon be advanced to *23; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home bulls. C. H. Domett. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at *2OO each; twenty-five dull am cash, end easy au'-ruOily payment, c. U. Dorsett. FOR SALE—REAL KATATK. LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Taxem. real aatate dealer. No. 7 York street weet. a. . • " ' • uit ixio.—ai4vu.iavv.uii. WITCHHAXKLI THERE laTMGTCID hast I and wlt.-hhaxel One |v made Li euro, the oih-r I* titatl- to sell, put a hottlo of otim by the eld* nf on of the oilier kind; we give you all the quality and all ihe quantity that your mosey en title* you to-a pint for a quarter. Ikfrwte * Drug Sh r *. Henry and Abercurn, Whit aker and Taylor. COWS FOR SALE. IF YOU WANT - A good milk cow. regannable, I can aupply you ('all 471 West liuundary SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try II; you will Its pleated. ABII AND CYrRESS LUMBER FOR #*l—!6o.lJU feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights. carriage makere. car works and Interior house finish. Also eypreas lumbar of all sixes We lu.v resumed rutting our famous brand* of cjrpreaa shingles and wMI soon have a full line of them for sale. Val* Itoval Manufaeturtng Company. ' ...i-di avAgmaa. NICK KOOMB AND BOARD IN PRl vate family; all convenlcncex. 421 Barnard street. GOOD TABLE. NICE ROOMS’ spirmtkl location; reasonable rale*, at *22 Harris streel. east. ai tiiuio.t ra. Hoard! TThTn'd view*, greatly reduced rwtes for the fall month*. Addrrsa llox IM. Rei*ler*on vllle, N. C. 1 • 1 1 ; IM.I'MRIAG. MODERN PLUMRING. IT Wild, HB to your Inlerettl to let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old work, repair work a specialty, a* I am a practical plumber. No guess work lo endanger your life. Wiggins, phone MJ7, Georgia or Bell 111 4I4B*!( IHA4DIL ~BTOEK TvoTpa?! oluTanYzed! Hook mailed free Working ca|Bts! pro cund. Corjvomllon 1-tw Campany, Wash ing on. D. C. NISI'RLLAHXIII. 'TTave YOTR tIOUHK painted with German ready-mixed paint; entire xntlsfaidlon guaranteed. Adams Paint Company. WE SELL SEWER PIPE, FLUE pipe, hr# clay, lire brick at lowest prices. Adams Paint Company, lot Congress, west. GY RHINE IB THE REST WALL FlN tsh made Adams Pnlnt Cos., Savannah agents. 104 Congreae. west IF YOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books tram Morning News. Savannah. Os. PETITION FOH ItgCOItPONATIOK. PETITION roll INCORPORATION Noth* of Intention to apply for rallrnod charter. After four weeks' notice by pub lb at ha> pursuant to Section* 21 j et ee qultur of the existing Code of Georgia and the amendments thereto, the under signed will Hie. In the office of the Hern iary of State, a petition for the Incorpora tion of a railroad corporation, of which the following ts a ropy: Htate of Georgia, I'hatham County-To the II • mom bis, tha Secretary of Stale for the atate of Geor gia. The petition of Wm W Gordon. Iletrn* Gordon. W W Gordon. Jr.. G. A. Gor don. J. H. Klntle. W. G. Harrison, H. C. Harrison. It Hunter. Thomas Hunter, H. M. Peek. W. U Hughes and Joseph A. Lwan. all of Savannah, G* . rmipaclful ly shows: Klmt. That they desire to form a rail road corporation pursuant to (he provis ions of the Act of the General Assembly of 'Georgia, approved Dec. 17. IMS. Leiws 1492. pages 17 el aeq and the amendments t hereto. Second That the name of tha company whhti they desire to nave Incorporated will be the. "SAVANNAH WHARF AND TERMI NAL RAILWAY COMPANY." (There being no existing railway cor poration of that name In tha stale of Georgia.) Third That the said railroad will b* located entirely within the limits of Chat ham county. 111 said state, and Its length as near as ran be estimated, will be one mile. running from tha track of the Central of Georgia Hallway Company, located on lot number eighteen of estate of D. La mar. on the west aide of Randolph afreet. In the city of Savannah, to the tracka of the Savannah. Florida and Western Hall way Company, located raat of the Bilbo canal. In said county and slat*, together with the necessary switcher and spur tracks, so aw to facilitate the tranaoclton of business of railroad companies with otcl) other, and with the property In said tty, county and state known as the Gor don wharf. > The general direction or said road wilt he easterly and westerly, ami It will run from lot number eighteen of estate of D. Lunar to the wharves of tha Plant Sys tem of Hallways, and It will connect the River street track of the Central of Geor gia Hallway Company with the tracks of the Savannah. Florida and Western Rail way Company. Fourth That the amount of proponed capital stock of said company will ba twenty thousand (gjo.oobi dollars, but tha privilege la desired of Increasing the same to two hundred thousand (12u0,5 dollars, divided Into shares of ong hundred (*100) dollars each All of said stock to be com mon stuck of equal dignity. Fifth. That petitioners desire Cos be tn rorporafed ns aforeeald for the period of one hundred (Ml years Sixth. That the principal office of'tha proposed corporation I* to be looted In the city of Savannah. Chatham county, Georgia Heventh That the petitioners do Intend In good faith to go forward without de lay. to secure subscriptions to the capi tal stock, construct, equip, maintain and operate said railroad. Eighth. That petitioners have given four weeks' notice of their Intention to apply for a charter by the publication of this petition, lit one of th newspupera In which the sheriff's advertisements are published In said county; once a week for four week*, before the filing of this peti tion. Ninth That your petitioners have an nexed hereto an affidavit made by three of the persons forming said company: that the names subscribed hereto are the gen ii,,:* signature# of the persons named In the petition, as required by law. ami (hat the fait* stated In this petition are true, to the best of their knowledge, Informa tion and belief. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they mny be Incorporated under the law# of thfe state, and that a certificate of In .-ormiration be tseued to them under the great seal of the state as provided bv law. WM. W. GORDON. By Wm. W. Gordon. Jr.. Attorney In Fact. BKIRNE GORDON. WM. W. GORDON, JR.. G. A. GORDON, J H. KIN7.IE. W. O. HARRISON. R. C. HARRISON. B HI'NTKR. THOMAS HI'NTKR, H M. PEEK. W. Q Ht'OHKH. JOS. A LOGAN. ir TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* (tom klorplov Now* Savannah Ga. 3