The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 10, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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N.tRI!C INTKLLIGKSCK. , lal |rri of Interest to *lulppla Mea lirnrralli. T l„ weather at Hi continued unfavor- I, yesterday for th* departure of the ►,illtn vraaels now awaiting a chance to F .i out The only arrival daring the day „,1 the tirltndi steamship Parlfhgton from below. There were no departure*. 10 o'clock la*t night there were no ~.el* in eight from Tybee. Th* dipper ship Henry Vlllard. the first M.istre-rlgged Vessel In a long time to en .ege In Ihe coasting coal trade, was char i .1 at Philadelphia on Thursday to load ■ei ton* of coal there for Savannah at l per ton. The Vlllard went to Phil- H.ldphla from the Hawaiian Islands with argo of sugar, and on her arrival *t e Hannah will load phosphate rock back Honolulu for the sugar planters there • „|,t. Quick, an experienced navigator s J shipmaster, commands the Vlllard. Hates for sail tonnage In all depart ments are well sustained, says a PhtU c Iphla report. There continues to be a i: hI inquiry, partleulariy tor long voy age trade*, and also for lumber to South \tiierlca and the West Indies, hut vra s :* are difficult to secure. Coastwise I imber rates are hardening, though the ■ nand Is llghi. the strength of the mar ket being due lo the scarcity of tonnage i a) rate* to the Ensl are firmer Prompt , earners lo Cork for order* are In demand, nlth Intimation* that 4s. M would be laid fnr boats Immediately available. Ail s. ptetniier Is quoted at 4s "Vid to 4s Ikl. and th-lobar 4s. 7Hd. Berth term ton rage Is quiet, thougn races are firm at 9d. to picked ports. A good demand prevails for tonnage to load general car so at tlulf porta, with charters reported ..t 22a. 6d, to United Kingdom or conti nent. and 23iT. to Hamburg. Cotton ami timber rates are strong from the South. The engineering feat of transporting a i amboal of s&> tons from Scotland to Utke Tlllcgca—the most elevated lake In hottth America— has Just been arcom ished. The vessel 1* the C'oya. It was . aislructerl In ricoilond. and then taken In section* to Mollendo. Peru, from which P ace It was carried In twenty-two car* . n the railroad skirting the steep sides of lbs Andes to the lake side, nearly 13.0UQ feel above the sea level. There the sec tion* of the vessel were put together i-aln and the boilers und engines In colled. Passengers by fttranishlpe. Passengers by steamship City of Au gusta. New York for Savannah. Bepl. 7, C D. Kline. W J Ryan. F A Soper, Mis* 'Mary Wayne, Cl. F. Werm. Mr* F (Verm. B. E Willingham, A P. Persons. T H Persons, J W. Wilkinson. JAG ■ arson. J. M 1-ang. 11. Wachtell, Mr*. N W. Nichols. Mr*. E A Appel. D. 1 Jones, B M. Hull. J F Ththudean. A V Uesler. Miss E Ro,Bie, J W. Jackson. J U Cornell. J. J Hale, W K. Cullum. Mr Barnes. W. A. Harding. E Elchol*. Eichol*. Herman Lang. Miss 8. E Ty ler. Mr. Walker and wife, Lieut. G. P Maher and wife. Miss F Maher. Miss L Maher. Miss J. Rabbltt. Miss p A Cham (i in. M. I. Harrell and wife, Frank Har- I*ll. J. O. Applewhite. Mr*. Phllbrlck, • mas Newman, D. Cracowaner. Miss C. McDowell, Mis* Blake. A. V Basler. M I Co<ly and wife. J. C. Manning and • Ife, Miss Helen Manning, J Baumgartec, K. Chi*. A. Smith. J. P Madison. Mrs. W Grant. C. Carter. A. D. Butler. W T Mitchell. C. J Appleby. O O. Jack. W itryant. S. J. Reynolds. 8. I). Hughe#, M F McCleary. T. A. Mi Cleary, T Robert*. M Stiver, J. Stein, E. 8. Churchill, F. Williams. Savannah Almanac. Hun rises at 5:41 a. m. am) *la at 6:12 I' m. • Itah water at T.vbee to-day at 2.07 a. m and 2:46 p m High water at tkivan- Mt one hour later. Phases ef the Muun far Heplember. D. H. M Fir*! quarter 2 1 56 morn. Full moon 6 11 6 eve. Ux quarter 15 2 57 eve. New moon ...v 22 1 57 eve. Moon Perigee. 6th; Moon Apogee, 33d IMIV.4U AND DKP4RTIREI. VetarU Arrived Yralrrilay. Steamship Darlington (Ilr). Work, from below.—Strachan A Cos. Freights ami I barter*. Steamer Hurworth (Br), 1,621 tone. Sa vannah to Liverpool, with cotton. 51e. Jd., or Bremen, 525. Sd. Oitober. Shipping Memoranda. Charleston. S. 8, Sept. 9-Arrived, 'learner Comnnrhe. Pennington. New York, end proceeded to Jacksonville. New Orleans. Sept 9—Cleared, steam er Jarl (Nor). Pedersen. Celha Pori Fade. Sept 9—Arrived, steamer* Arnnsas. Hopner. Havana: Jarl (Nor). Pe dersen. Celha; Brelfond (Nor). Knudsen, Blue fields. Utsieln (Nor), Aarsvold. Puerto Oortea; Hydospee (Br). Hammond, l-lverpool. Sailed, stromers Roynslon Orange (Br). Murrlson. Cape Town; Hugln (Nor). An derson. Tampico; Adler (Br). Olsen. Port 1-imon; Conde Wllfredl (Span). Jaurlqua r.'it. Barcelona; Coala Rican (Br). Kelly. Liverpool. Alliance (Nor). Neilson. Celha, Key West. Fla., B<pt. 9.—Arrived, •'earners Mascotte. White, Port Tampa, and sailed for Havana; Fonlla. Thomiwon. Punter Rassa. nnd sailed for Havana Sailed, steamer Miami. Delano. Miami; Norwegian bark Veneiuela, from Ship Isl and lo Brake, total loss near Turtle har bor; crew saved British bark Sottlh American, from Santa Mexico, total lo*a French reef; crew saved. Pensa ola. Fla . Sept. 9-Arrlved, lug E. L Bussell, Kendstrom. iloblle. 'lrd. steamships Leabury (Br). Wlll inmaon. Oenoa. Huddersfield (Br), Huth er, Lubrck and Wlemar. * Notice ta Marlaera. Pilot Charts and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge In United Slates hy drographic office In Custom House. Cap tains are requested lo call at the ofhee. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to he Navy Depart ment. VRI6RU BUI AD FOR SAVANNAH. Alraniahlpe. L.ihuan (Br). 2.J54 tons. Qurdner; due Bept. • for Bremen; sld Manchester. Aug. 25. City of (Jioucester (Br). 1.570 ton*. Mll burn; due Sept. 10 for Oenoa. Empress (Br). 1.975 tons. ; due Sep* At for Havre and Rotterdam, cilia dl Messina (Hal). 1.642 ton*. Mesar do: pd (Bhraltur, Aug. 16. lied wig (Qer). 1.540 lons, Yen*en; due Oct. 1 for Manchester. Leven (Br). 1.507 tons. Patterson; due Sept jn for Barcelona. L>alta (Ital.) 2.73 tons. Noberaaco; due Sepi. is for Barcelona. Treasury (Br), I.SSS tons. Davies; sld Bar ry. Aug. 17; due Sepi 6 Oenoa Raiho (Br). 2.747 tons. Nlsbet; sld Sour abaya. Aug. H>. Tbornley (Bri. 1.227 ions. Major, duo Sepi. 2* for Havre. Mile (Br). 1.229 lons, Nielsen; due Sept. 21 for Liverpool. M wby (Ur). 1.407 tons. Clark; due Sept 25 !l > Bremen. ' tele (Br). (pew). 2.200 tons. : due ■'ept. 26 for Manchester. 'iilovn (Br). 2.012 ions. Smith: at Man chester, Aug. 26; due Sept 25 for Liver pool. Georg# Fleming (Br), 2.226 ton*. Pars low; due B*pt. }n for Bremen. 51- M Plnlllos (Span). tons. ; due (tel. for Barcelona Vila (Br). 1.63 ton*. Grays; due Sep4 16 lor Manchester, ski. Madeira, Sept. 2 MURPHY & CO., INC.. Board of Trad# BtilMliw. Savannah. Private leased wire* direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. C'OTTOH, STOCK* AND GRAIN. New York office. No. *1 Broadway. Offices In principal cities tkroughout the South \Vrt#e for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for traders. Mantlnea (Br). 1.727 ton*. Kehoc; due Oct. 21 for Bremen. Bolton Hall (Hr). 2,227 tons. Leal*; due Nov. in for Bremen Asama <Br). 2.671 ton*. Johnson; due Oct. II for Bremen Ursula Bright (Hr). 2,114 lons. Goode; due Hcpt 1J for Bremen Fallodon Hal] (Bri. 2.9 W tons, Hostler; due <>ct & for Hamburg Masconomc (Br). 2.72* ton*. Mann; due Sept. 12 for Bremen; aid. New York Befit 2. lr!* (Belgl. 1,892 ton*. Sytor, ski. Shields. Aug. 2k Jessie (Br). 1,442 lons. Thomson, at 81 Vincent. C.'V.. Aug 12. Helgii (Nor). 1.475 lona. Itojahl; aid Shields, Aug. 3(1. Ships. Thor (Norl. 1.1A4 tons, Andersen; pd Prawle Point. Aug. HI. Henry Vlllard. 1.153 tons, Quick; at Phila delphia. Aug. 2k. Barba. •Marla Adelaide fltal). 460 tons. Ollvarl; sld. Omca. June 6. Zedro (Ball 846 ions, Pelleraho; sld Qe -110.1, July 21. B. I>. Metcalf (Nor), 1.157 ton*, Duu*; sld Garston, July 17 Solid tSw). .** tons. Weden; sld Glasgow Aug. 8. Norrakenet tSw). I.IM ton*. Bylund; pd Hoe k of Holland Aug. 14 Sylvia (Ncr). lent ten* Halvorren; pd. Cu*haven. Aug ]&. Pietro Acramtt fltal). 842 ton*. Costa; sld Hamburg. Aug. 11. Aii.intlc (Ger). 1.207 ton*. Doyen; ar. Ham burg. Julv 27 for Savannah. Teutonla (Nor). 595 4ons, Gregersen: aid Nantes, Aug 1 Norden (Non. 691 ton*. Fergersen; aid Liverpool, Aug. 25. Pandur (Dam. ton*. Schmidt; aid Brletol. Aug. 21. Scbwanden (Nor). 817 tons. Ertcksen; sld Table Bay. Aug. 22. Alert (Nor). 891 tons, Anderson; sld. Ap pledore. Aug. 31. Berth* (Nor). 1.344 tons. Hansen; old Harhurg. Aug 18. Elsa (Gen. I.lßb ton*. Springer; sld Bremen, Sept. 3. Record (Nor). 9M* ton*. Johannesen; sld London, Sept. 2. Brigs. Havllah 461 tons, Richardson; sld. New York, Stpt. J. Schooners. Hilda. 564 ton*. Hines; at Hampton Roads The Josephine. M3 tons. Towneeml. al Hampton Roads. Sedgwick. 477 lon*. Hagrihy; sld. Phila delphia. Sept. 2. WEEKLY M 4ItHliT REVIEW. Impnrinnt Advance In Cotton— Acute Corner in Liverpool. The opening week of the new season was a vry exciting one in the cotton market. In fact, some of the develop ments were on the sensational order. M nday was a holiday; (he next three days the market advanced rapidly, stimu lated by the great strength, and excite ment In Liverpool. On Thursdav. Jan uary sold at 9.25 c. which represented a gain of 97 points. A pretty sharp reaction occurred on Friday, but the market was firmer on Saturday, and nearly got bark the loss. At (he close. October Is as point* higher at 9.39 r, January 73 points higher at 9 11c. The gr. at. *t advance was In Sep timber delivery In Liverpool, which rloa ed at 6 40-64d. rise of nearly l!id, about 2'pc On account of the severity of the Liv erpool sqtieeg*. the .Manchester spinners held a kind of tndlg; yon meeting on Fri day. and engaged to buy no more Amer ican rollon for the time bring They <|e predated the selllsh conduct of the Llv crpool speculators, alluding to them as "gamblers." It Is reasonably safe to pre sume that these gamblers, being shrewd British merchants, are going to work the situation for all It is worth. Had they been American speculators, now. they might lei the poor spinners down a trifle more easily—perhaps—hui. as It is. they can be confidently relied upon to exact the uttermost farthing In times like these, many people lose their heads completely. It Is very clear that the recent excitement comes from the scarcity of Immediate cotton: the cor ner Is partly natural, but also a good deal The position has become still more tense owing to the slow move ment of the new crop. Now. while this shnnrma! condition remains, (he unhappy shorts rNh he squeexed still harder. *n(J prices be carried much higher Liverpool Is apt to go above 7d the ensuing week, and American markets will sympathise morn or less; hut when present short sges are made up, the pressure will cease Those who are fortunate enough (o tie able to do so. should sell cotton while It Is so desperately wanted, not hold It un til the supply gels abundant The crop situation Is exceedingly un certain; private reports are generally bad. and the bureau on Monday Is expected to drop considerably—possibly below last yar Yet the Chronicle's reports wre very sood as far a* they go. In fact, a person who had kept up with the crop this ynar entirely from the Chronicle, and had seen no other report*, eould *oarerly help con cluding that the yield wa a large one— U.rtkMM* to 12.n00.tM bale*, at least. The Texas storm disaster, (he extent of which Is not yet known, will not un likely exert some Influence upon the mar ket. It Is to he hoped that the destruction of life and property will prove not so great a* now apprehend, and William T. William* RANKER CLEWS’ VIEW*. The Flnauelal Outlook a* keen Front Wall Mrret. New York. Sepi. 9-Augurt proved a ■llsuppolnting month In regard to the vol ume of business on the Stock Exchange, the total transaction* being the smallest of any month In several ye*r*. What Sep tember will bring forth remains to be teen for both investors nnd speculators continue in n conservative mood because ot the political uncertainties both ai hone and abroad. AVhlle thus*- remain, neither buyer* nor sellers ore anxious lo take the Initiative; the majority of small operator* being chiefly influenced by the probabili ties of the home elections. The foreign situation has decidedly Hu proved The Chinese question is by no means settled, but the chances of dis agreement between the Bowers have been greatly dlmlntohed hy the opposlilon of Russia to tne dismemberment of China So many conflicting lourests nnd forces are fli work, however, that some time may elapse before this elrment of disturb ance will he removed Home conditions ore generally favorable. A good harvest Is ptactlcoll) ossured. ami farmers ore making good profits; better In fact on the average thar. for many year*. Railroad earnings are eurprletngty well maintained We have now had Ihroe or four successive year* of large gain*. Some decrease* should cause no surprise. Net results hove also b*en satisfactory, as shown In the many rood* which entered ,he dividend list. A number of road* hove expended Immense sums upon Im provements new rolling stock, etc. These extra expenses should xn dunin tah„ But • very large Item, often Uie THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, SEITEMHEK Id. 1000. chief Item, of Increased espenre* ha* been the pay roil, end ihla I* not likely to be diminished. The general situation has presented some especial feature* of Interest during the week The very large purchase of stß pieces of cotton goods by a well known manufacturer Indicates strong faith In tlx- maintenance, at least, of pro valllng prices In that line BOOK NOTH KM. "The Art of Study." it manual for teach, ers and students of leaching by B. A. Hinsdale. Ph. IV. LL.D. Cloth. 12mo. 2*6 page*. Price |! *O. American Rook Com pany. New York. This book Is an Import ant contribution to pedagogical literature. The book I* rich In practical suggestion* for the guidance of (he teacher, and de votes several chapters to rules and hints which will be of greal assistance to the pupil a so. The subject of attention, both passive and active. Is taken up and a vig orous I* given of ll* nature, kinds, and value, together with fruitful suggestion* as to It* cultivation. Thor oughness Is shown to he a purely rela tive matter and Inalstence Is placed upon ■he fact that ll Is as great a bar lo the pupil's progress to require too much of him us It Is lo require too little. "A General Phvslolosy for High Schools," based upon the nervous sys tem. by M L. Macy, L B . assisted by II W. Norris, A M , professor of biology In •he lowa College. Cloth, 12mo . 408 pages Illustrated. Price, 81 1(1. American Rook Company. New York The attention of person* Interested In the study und teach ing of physiology In high schools Is called to this new hook. It Is constructed on s new and original plan, qnd t* n radical yet sensible departure from the old meth od* of teaching Unlike other books of this nature now In use. It is based oil the nervous system, the center and main spring of life, and teaches the relations and Inter-dependence of lh parts and funclons of the human organism In this wav u unity of Impression Is secured, the actual connection with every vital proow< of the nervous system becomes obvious, and the emphasis Is placed where It projierly belongs. This method of treat ment shows the relation between physiol ogy und psychology, and prepares the stu dent for that study and for the study of general biology. Subjects which hold a leading place In the public mind are very ably discussed In the September number of the North American Review. The Very Rev F. W. Farrar, dean of Canterbury, contributes a thoughtful and eloquent article iin "Im perialism and Christianity," In which he replies to the arguments of those who op pose the policy of Imperialism on the ground that It Involves a necessity for war. und that war Is Inconsistent with the principles of the gospel of peace. A prominent Democrat, Melville E. Ingalls, president of the Chesapeake nnd Ohio Railway, considers "The Duty of the Gold Democrat" In the present election, ami conclude* that what he calls the Silver Danger Is the paramount Issue In the campaign. "Imperialism" being simply de vised by the Democratic leader* 2o divert n(4ent|nn_ from the blunder they made In 1896 In drawing the dollar Into politics. In a powerful paper. Charles Johnston de scribes nnd contrasts "Nihilism and An archy.” und the causes from which each, respectively, has sprung Dr FeUx L Os wald discusses the social and ethical sig nificance of "The Assassination Mania.” advocating the substitution of life Impris onment for drath a* a punishment which would effectively discourage, the trade of the "klng-klller.” The Rt. Rev. J A McFanl, Blschop of Trenton, In an article entitled "Catholic* and American Cltlxen shlp," explains tne purpose of the pro posed federation of Cathotlr societies, (minting out how. by concerted action, elt- Ixens of the t'nMe.l States who belong to the Catholic Church may obtain for them selves certain constitutional rights from which they are unconstitutionally de barred because of their religion. The fore going are among the powerful articles of the number. North American Review. Franklin Hqunre. New York. ■McCall's Magazine for October ha* su perb fashion Illustrations and note*. It has besides, household hints. Action and articles on current toples. The McCall publishing Company. 128 to 146 West Fourteenth street. New York city. The September issue of Table Talk con tains an Interesting article entitled "In An Okl Restaurant of Mexico City," by Olive Pcrclval, also one entitled "How Other Peoples Marry." by Mrs. Burton Klngs'.and. The author I* a veteran trav eler and has visited the nooks and cor ners of the world rarely visited by trav elers. and It Is of these 18111011* people she write*. "Nutriment. False and True” Is a most valuable short article for the home, written by a trained nurse "Chemistry of Food" treats of the sub ject In a plain and simple manner. Table Talk Publishing Company, Philadelphia. Pa. In Universal Brotherhood Path for Sep tember. William A. Dunn haa a valuable article on "Tho Spiritual Thread In Opera." He says. In pari: "Opera Is Im portant. because It combine* two great arts—music and drama Opera, consider ed In the broadest and truest sense. Is the outward representation of the whole Inner life of man. In opera the soul may wit ness the action of. and Interplay between, nil human (acuities and altrlbules. Mu sic. universal and divine. Is the world mother It Is Ihe hast* and sustaining power of all manifestation, and Ihe mind bathe* Jn Its pure streams And* It self titem the highway which leads to wisdom snd to God Theosophlcol Pub lishing Company, 144 Madison avenue, New York clly. A It SUICIDAL EXHIBIT. The Retrospective Museum of Polit ical Crimes In the Paris Fair. Pail* Letter In New York Tribune. Tito crlm<* committed hy Breed and Sa son. rumors of other plots alleged to have been hatched In the I'nltnd Slalea and In Italy and the approaching Con. press ef anarchists to Ih held In Par|s bclore the close of the exposition lend unusual reality In the world's fair lo an historical collection which haa attained Ihe proportions and Importance of a re trospective regh'tdtal museum. With Ihe exception of Ihe dagg r (hat caused the death of Henri IV. all the objects and Comment* of thla remarkable collection are In the large hall of Ihe Prefecture of Po'lte. In the pavilion of the City of Pa ri*. A Sunday In Part* always affords ex cellent oiportunPles fi r getting In touch with the messes and noting the popular trend of thought Last Sunday I hap pened to be strolling about In Ihe expo sition. g the • (Idles* stream of workingman, with their women folk and children. The assassination of the King of Italy and Ihe attempt to kill the Shah of Persia formed the chief topic* of con versation A small family group, appar eptly from Bellevlllg, attracted my at tent on. The man was about forty years of Mg. . Hl* eye* were bright *nd eym pathetic, but be smelled or garlic and stale tobacco. He wore a blouse and a shabby black pot hat. Over hi* shoulder was slung a twine net. In which was a Itollle of rtd w ne. a loef of bread..a piece of c.ld cal. a huge murage and a few orange* The w.uoan was of Intelli gent and pr< possessing appearance, aud Southern Railway. Trains Arrive end Depart Savannah an Wth Meridian Tim* - On* Hour Blow- r ( t Than Ci ly Time. Schedule* In Effect Hu niter June A 1900 WfcAUDOWNII ’ TO TH i~EAST. " ' || ItfAD UP~ ■ReTit i No. 14 1; FNa 2& , Ngt.i* j 1| (Centra I Tima.) jj 12 biin.U 2Uam. Lv Seva nosh Ar|| l Mem 8 Ats (Eastern June.) 4 21pm 4 28am Ar Blaokvlll* Lv 8 00a in 1 JTprn ( 06pm 6 Idem Ar Columbia Lvl 1 38am 11 Ham 9 lOptn 9 46am Ar .....Charlotte Lv| 9 82) on 8 Mam 11 44pm i>23ptn tr Ot oneboro Lv 7 Wpm * otic.. ihim Ac .. Norfolk ~ L>', , tsqan '■ c’.stt. 1 :.B,.iri AI Inn vide L> 5 40pgn t 8a . 6 lA'sm! | liptniTAr ~~T. lUrh wonfl 01pn> 11 Op 11 2 40sm| 343 pm Ar ~ IdmokbUM I '■”> 4 Slam 5 25pm Ar < bar :oi lesvill* Lv j 7 Mi<tas|l2 Upm 7 Seam 8 Ulpm Ar Washington Lvjjll lfc-imj • 60cm • 16arn 11 S6pm As Bill I more Lvjj 8 ’"ami I ITpm 1121 am 2 Mim Ar .. PhOnd. !phla Lv 2 Man.) 4 ffipm 2 98pm 6 23am Ar New York Lv' T 2 Ukitnj I Spm 4 IQpmj 3 tWpmj.Ai Poqlon Lv|| 8 60m|l0 Idem No.MU TO THE NORT 11 AND WEST. | No * !! (Centra I Time.) || UttMßltLv Savannah Ar j i ton |) (Eceior n Ttmo.) )| 3oam.|Lv Columbia t.' | 1 2ra • iUaniijLv Spatlabhurg Lv(| * 18pm !2 lupin .Lv Aelicvlll* Lv|| I (Stan 4 02pm' Ar Hot Spring* Lv 11 (B*m 7 3)pin Ar Knoxville Lv 1 * B jm 8 lOeni Ar Lexington Lv'ioibpm 7 (isin Ar Clnolnnat! Lv'i 8 OOpra 7 SOani Ar laaioville l.Vtl 7 *pm Obpni Ar St Lout* Lv|| * 06*m All Iralna arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINB 33 AND 34 DAILY, NMW YOR K AND FLORIDA EXPRESS V**U bulwl limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cara between Savan nah and New York. Canned* at Washington with Colonial Express for Beaton. Pullman Sleeping Cars between vh.iroil' end Richmond end rhailott* end Nor folk Dining Cars serve ell meals )*■ we* n Savannah and Weehlngton. TRAINS 28 AND 28 DAILY. THE UNI TED STATES FAST MAIL Veetlbule* limited Heine, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Car* between B 1 > annals end New York Dining Car* serve all ral* between Savannah and Weehlngton Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah end Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The Land of lb* Bky " For complete Information at lo ratro. echedule*. etc., apply lo O GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant Sy item Station JAMES FREEMAN, C. P *■■<> T. A.. 141 Bull street. Tele phone*-Bell, Ml Georgia 880 s H HARDWICK Assistant General Peseenger Agent Allenln. On. wore a thnndbere gown of cheap black doth a plain straw net that might have coet 10 centa. and. like all Parisians, had nice shots. She led by her * ilea pretty little bliii*-eyed girl about 8 years old. They were chatting merrily, and walked ah ut as If they bad arranged beforehand their plan for the day and knew Just w bat they wanted to see I followtd them across a little footbridge. They entered the Pavilion of the City of Pari*, and. after looking for a few mo ments at the door of the old Conelergcrle Prison, whence Marie Antoinette wan conducted to the guillotine, they came to a stands!lll before n donen rusty gun tier rels, fastened together In a horiaontal row with Iron hoop*. The gun barrel* wern twisted out of shape, as It they had iun taken from a fire. An Inst rlptlon Indi cated that this was one-half of the In fernal machine of Fleachl. which was dis charged ai Lou la Philippe am he crossed the Boulevard du Temple after reviewing the National Guard on Nov. 28. 183a The rllisen King sit unharmed, but the ex plosion killed Marshal Morller. Gen. a nd Col. Raffe. Lieut. Col Rleussec. eight grenadiers, a little girl and an old man. "Whitt I* an Infernal machine?" asked the workman's child a* she stood gazing qt the grim twisted gun barrel*. •'Oh.' 'replied the father. "It Is a ma chine that used to be loaded with gun powder and explosive bullets to kill klugs and capitalists!" Vlorlild Interest Shown. The pavilion was already packed !■> overflowing by working people taking their weekly holiday, ami It was Interesting lo Watch the almost morbid attention at tracted by reglcldal relic*, such as the Orsinl bullets, the original record of the order for the execution of Ravnillac, the • adored |>rliit* of the Infernal machine with which Saint Regent attempted 10 kill Bon aparte when he was first consul on the third day of the month of Nivose. 111 the yiar IX (Dec. 34. loan: he portrait end signature of Damiens, who wounded Louie XV with a penknife al Versatile# on Jan. 3 ,1717; the potralt of Louvei. who assas sinated the Due de Berrl as he was leav ing Ihe opera on Feb. 12. *' and the oli jcol* relating to Charlotte Corday's as- Msslnatlun of Marat In his bath on July 13 I7W. when, with Robespierre nnd Dnn totx he had acquired absolute power Thl* retrospective exhibit oi the art of political assassination n* a peculiar fascination for th* Sunday visitor* at the fair, who are thus enable.! to study the progr-s* made since the seventeenth to follow It* development from Huvalliec to Otelnl. ~ There I* a little square table In Ihe re trospective section of Ihe Palace of th. Army and Navy. Just t the en*ranee to the hall containing ihe superb collection of mediaeval armor loaned > h* I ■ b fxpoaltlon by William H. Higgs of New York. This ia***e is always surrounded by a curious and Impatient crowd, for upon It protects.) by a gU twee, may be seen Ihe dagger with which Ravalli*, stab!**! Henri IV. on May 14. >*° dagger Is in a stele of pier vatlon. The hamlle |s of hltck wood. The blode I* quadrangular, nearly an Inc 1 thick at the base, len Inches In lenglh. beautifully Inlaid and chxsed In gilt or gokl. and the point Is broken. The leath er sheath bear* the Inscription. "Hae. dexter* vlndex prlnclpls ot pglrtne." He x'd** the dagger are two large sharp pointed knives. Between the kntvra Is 1 B'tdtneval Italian stiletto, the blade of which I* almost as Ane as a woman's modern hatpin. The hamlle I* of *te*l and chased sliver. Nearby I* a leather rase In which Ravalllac kept his four weapons This Interesting exhibit, tuaned by the ministry of war. beam the Inscrip tion. "Prl* sur Ravalllac per le Mare cnnl de la Force." Peril and Fair. In thi* relrospe live collection of the Prefecture ot Police In ihe Pavilion ot Ihe City of Pari* there are some unique manuscripts relating lo celebrate.) assas sins. Among them la the original regis ter of the Coneiergeri* Prison, beautifully hound In sheepskin It B n enormous book, nearly a foot thick, and Ihe entries are m large, bold, seventeenth cen tury character*, on thick paper resem bling parchment, The writing I* still quite legible, although the Ink ha* turned to a (.ale rust color. The entry .laird May 16. 1610. I* that of Ravslllac In the margin, snd In a smaller handwriting, u the sentence of Parliament, which In quaint French condemns Havatllac "to make honorable amende in from of the principal church of Porto. whith er he shall he conducted In a scavenger'* cart; there stripped of all clothing ex eept hit shirt, h"Mmg a burn nx torch weighing two pounds, he must declare that he maliciously committed the abom inable and detestable crime of killing Ihe good King wph lwo thrust* of a dagger, am) for which he reprals and Implores pardon of God. of the King, and of Jus- Gee. He shall then be ltd to the Place de Orv* and pared upth * affold. Large plr.cer* ahull be attached lo hl breast, atme, thWh. and calve* of ha leg* In h * right hand shall be placed the dag gr with which he committed the mur der Th# fart* of ths body where the pin cers nre shell he seared and burned with a mixture of molten load, boll ng oil. wax. rosin, pitch and sulphur, all sllrred tog. thsr. Thla done, he shall h- drawn and quartered by four horse*. Ihe frag mmls of hla body shall then be burned to ashes and sca t red to the wind* " • • • The rrgister. hy lb. way. con tains a aubaeqw nt eitry. stating that the sentence w-a carried out to th# letter, but make* n> m.nlbn of Itavalllac'a dag ger having b. en pr.served. Half a doien prints and rough engrav trigs lapr.sent Ravalllac In the act of siabh ng Henri IV, when, rent and In a large, eumhrmme open earring* the King ptssd thiough the Rue de la Fer e O her engtavlngs reproluce the *0 lie of the execution In the Place de Gieve. Ttne collection of the Prefer'lure of Po lice contains tome quaint prints of Da mien. who attempted to assassinate Louis XV, Damien, who seems to have been merely a mystic sort of "crank." only snatched the King with a diminutive penknife, hut hr was. nevertheless*, exe cuted 141 Ihe same terrible mariner a* Ra viliac In fact, the sentence of parlia ment recorded In Ihe Condergerle prison register served a* the Instruction* for th.. executions.* who "operated" up- n Da men. I tn. like Ravalllac. was aba. Impr.senet In .he Uonclergerle previous to Ids death The registry contain* a mar ginal note stating ttytl when the keeper of the i ls n announced to Damien that hi* execution would b- similar lo that of Ravalllac. the unfortunate men merely exclaimed, "la journee eer* rude!" Sketches of PTeaelil. In addition lo the Infernal machine which whs discharged at Louis Philippe, there ar* numerous documents and prim* relating to Fleachl. There are aeverel portraits of Fleschl and hi* four accom plices, unit one of Ihcsc sketches repre senting Fleschl surrounded by his four accomplices, Morey. Pepin. Holreau and Rescher. Is very spiritedly drawn by the caricaturist Honors Daumier, aomrilmes called Ihe Parisian liogarlh. In whose mrmory a statue was unveiled last Week at his native village of Yslmondola, on the Oise. There Is always a compact group of sightseer* examining Ihe ratios of the as sassination of Marat by Charlotte Cor day, which ere displayed In fhe histori cal section of the Pavilion of Ihe City of Part*. Beside* the prison register* und documents, the famous pbeufe by David representing the scene occupies the most prominent place. This painting la loaned by the Art Muaeum of Brussels, hut I* of no greet hletorleel value, because David was a friend of Marat, and In hi* palming tried to flatter 4he bloodthlraty Conventionalist and to hand him down to posterity as a martyr. II Is well es tablished that the Murat repreaenled In Ponsard's drama, "('hurlntte Corday." now being acted at the (bison by the fomrdle Francalse Company, I* far nearer the truth than David'* bright-colored canvas. On a shelf be neath David's picture Is the newspaper. L'Aml du Peuple, of which Maral wax editor, and which Mara 4 was reading In hi* hath when Charlotte Corday stabbed him The newspaper has become quit* yellow and I* stained wllh large blotches of Mood. The authenticity of Ihe news paper. which hear* the number of 878. I* it (tested by • written certificate of Col. Maurln. who slates that ft was given him by Albertme Marat, sister of the terrible demagogue. There Is also another copy of the I'Aml du Peuple of the same date and bearing also stains said to be caused hy the blood of Marat, hut which Is un accompanied by any certificate of authen ticity. This compact little museum of rs#m spectlve assassination ha* become one of the most popular features of Ihe World’s Fair. It I* thronged by crowds of visitors from morning until th* hour of closing The government has perhaps acted wisely In restrict in* th# exhlhM to retrospective proportions. The most re cent political crime of which relies are displayed Is that of Oralnl. None of the objects or document* referring 40 crimi nal attempts since |BSB. of which there I# a rich collection In the archives of the prefecture of police, have been placed be fore the pubfle, consequently there I* nothing giving notoriety to Itnvaehot. Oa serlo. Vatllam or Henry, nor anything that can In any way Incite disordered brains o emulale their crime* WILD HOUSES IN (OMIK6IM). Large Herds of Them Within Forty Alllea of,Denver. Frcm Ih* Denver (Col ) Poat Wild horse* are becoming a nuisance lo the ranchmen and eatilr owner* whose herds feed on Ihe range* of low hills and small valleys In th* mountain ranges west of Morrison. This statement may sound odd to the casual reader, as Ihe general opinion ta lhat wild horse* are practically railtyt In the West, almost a* scarce. Indeed, as buffaloes Rul II I* true that there are large herds of wild horse* In the slot*, and Ihe herd* are Increasing al a rale alarming In small owners of stock, who look upon th*m a* serious depreda tors of the graxlng grounds their cattle roam • A large number of these arc the native wild plains horses lhat the earliest emi grant* found graxlng In boundless hands on th* prairie* They were rendered prac tically extinct later, and were scattered snd hecam- *o shy that thsy were rare.'v seen But of la!# years they have vaslA* Increased, owing lo one cause that op erated doubly to aid them, that la, the great decrease In Ih* value of horaee Ranchmen and horse dealers ceased lo hunt them to "walk them down." corral (hem. and ahlp them East, for they be came of so IIMIe value that their price In th# market hardly paid their freight. For this reason they have not hern mo lest'd for some time Further, many own ers of large herds of domeallc horses that were allowed to ream the ranges al random paid Utile attention lo these animals wh-n the value of horses de. rim(b many even abandoning them and no longer rounding them up for brand ing Many of these herds hav* become as wild as their wild brtthrvo and have Plant System. of Railways. Trains Operated by Kith Meridian Ti me—On# Hour Blower Tfllfl City Tima. read i.. ffsciive Aug, t. I—l n Had up. *? I fit) &i~ti 1 Tf~[j~ Norih~a nd douth. jj jS j | H ' ' * *• I- ■ ••■ 1. Sai ■ • ■ At : 4k. l 11'* u 4Ua; 4 19p,1 Ma Ar ...Cbarleaien.... Lv||ll lk| BWe 3IV 74U 8 I * 2*a: 7 28p Ar ... Richmond .. Lvj; 9 Mail 4 I I #lo| 11 p, Ar .. Washington .. Lv] 4 .#> t OTp ••• j • **e| 1 Ms, Ar ... Haltinuw*.... Lv| 2 B&n| 1 44p I Upj 7 00*; Ar ... New York .„ Lv|j 9 2>P| I stoj "”,•■•) I * *OP| 2M>i ,Ar Boston Lv|| 1 0p l2')#n!| • , # i'ii | tr~M ii *M. Illftp s Ota 8 30., 3 2oe|jLv ..Bivam.ah ... Aril 1 to, 12 luolU #Ptl< !Ax]lo lla 8 Obpj i 45p 10 .Oh 7 ia. < 25n ;Ar ... . W*> cross.... Lv 10 30p; i. Wp, B6a 3o*| 7# I. itsaj 9 ..Op 2 litpj / ltl'j 1 lii> Ar Thotnaavllle ... Lvl 7 (dpi 7 Dpt ilk I t** Jbn 10 301. 7 40p 13 Ha 9 20a 8 3oa ,Ar ... Ja k-omllle . Lvj BJP 8 lh> iOU 7 300 It <XBx j*oaa b 40p; j Ar Hanford Lv 12 0&p 1 06a 1®*.... I I I 330 p; 2 20pli Ar ...Gainesville .. Lvj 2 40p j I ~|lO WpjlO lup Ar .St. Petersburg.. Lv 4 • T 3>e 10 0p.,10 aup l# cop |Ar Temp* .. Lv 7 lit)* 7®a 7 25p 7p I 110 46a 10 41*. Ar Ht Augustine. Lv I 3)p 8 3>p !'. Cop, 3 18a p 20*| Lx .'..Bnvannah .. f.i :0 Isn UlO ....... I P| 6 12a) 4 &0p 6 40a Ar JeSitp Lv BXw 10 p' - I 2Bpj 7 loq[ 8 ap| 8 Ota|)Ar ...Brunswick... Lv|. I 40a | 9 op’ NORTH. WEBT AND HOI'TIIWKBT 14 1 3 l■ J' .‘P 14 36 U m Via tn-r> !• , .' " '*•)• I.v Ar M la 1J Ida I 6 OOp sea 1.. its varnish Ar 10 12a 1 <o* •PI • Oa,|AT .. Jesup.. Lv I 1 30a(lt lOp, 8 in, # 2np Ar Jl'tg n.ery Lv 7 tip’ll .'in Ilia lUp Ar. Macon Lv 1a 334 p, T I4p| 4 80s Ar Nashville Lv 9 o*a 1 21* 120a I idp Ar Atlanta Lv 10 4bp 13 Otp 3 xoa'u 28p Ar Louisville Lv 2 61a OUp 0 42a llOpjjAr Che nooga Lv 4 OOp I 4*a 7 06a 4 06p Ar CKulnnsll Lv 11 OOp 0 tip 7 *h> 7 U)a ,Ar Dullsville l.v 7 46a 7 42p I 20a; 7 llp||Ar 88. l-oul* Lv I 54pj •As T 90|), 7 42a; Ar Clnc.cviall Lv] 8 30a 7 OOP 1 |j (LAN) Ar B ,' Lou “ Lvl lup 8 46a 7 S3a| Ar Hi Louie Lv 6 OOp 7 15al 5Up Ar ( hlcago Lv t 2U|. 9 (lOp jj ()( A O.) 140. 1 Hu- Lv Atlanta Ari 10 Ssp 11 30a I #o’ • IBn !Ar Chicago I.v 7 nrp 1 86p 6 08p 7 UojlAr, Memphns Lv 6 sue 9 OOp ~ 0 42a; 710 Ar KansasCUyLv’ 4 30p| 9 42p 4 Upj 3 05* Ar . Mobile ~Lv||U Hp|l2 80s • (an.t unmarkei trainee dally, * 26a Ar N Orleans I-v., 7 22aj 7 Up ' Dally except Sunday. f ap am { |Lv davannnh Ar, 10 14a 12 10s (Sunday only. , u 90,, Ar.. Tlflon ...Lvl i lta Up Through Pullman Bleeping Tar BervW 3 42a 2 10t> Ar Albany ..Lv MOD 342 p 10 North. East and Weal iM to Florida I 2 M>p Ar Columbus Lvl 10 60* t ssstrllosß made at I'urt vsltla steamer* (or Key West ssd Havana. Leavlan Pori Tampa Moadaya, Tharsdaya sad Oatnrdaya af 11 KM p. m. J. H Polhemu*. T P, A ; E A. Armand . City Tkt Apt.. De Boto Hotel Phone 72. B W. WRFNN, Passenger Tr* flic Manager. Savannah. Oa. McDOMOUGH & BALLANTYXE, -.V Iron Founders, Machinists, laclxemltka, PotlermaAera, maaaf. etarrr, of err end I srUXI. naebws. and lap Xu li' ' l *'“ “‘De, >U|U Writ and Pan*, aha filag, I'a'lrj.. rla. ij-■ •' .'^K TELEPHONE NO. 123. BU lEt) Ooubie Daily Service The short line lo Norfolk. Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York end Ihe East. • - s A I, R) 12 35pm 11 80pm Ar Columbia. B A. L. Ry: 4 34pm’ 4 Xtlam Ar Raleigh, ft A. L. Ry 111 37|>m 11 80am Ar Durham. H A L. Ily | 7 Siam, 4 14|tn Ar Petersburg. 8 A L.Ry] 4 I SBpm Ar Richmond. 8 A L Ry| 2 12am 5 Plan Ar Washington. I'ennu .{ 8 45am! 4 lOl.m Ar Baltlmnrr Penn* ~..|10 tdam It 25pm Ar Philadelphia. I’enna . 'u 27ptnj 2 Uxm Ar New York Peons | 3 i|un * Uatn ■ INo 44 No .21 fjv Savannah. 8 A I. Hy 12 14pmill 20f.m Ar PortsmoutH** H.A.L Ry; 7 OOamj 6 40pm Steamers leave Norfolk dally, excep* Hundny. for llaltlniore, Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Washington. The eli.irl line ~io WontgOSB SIT. kokflo nn.l New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 728 a m . arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p. m , at which point dose connection I* made with the L. A N K K., arriving at Mobile 202 a. m and New Orleans 7:40 * m _ ~~¥he nkdrl line to Femendlna. Jeciteon vllle. Tempo and other Florida f No 27 | No lf Lv Savannah. 8.~X.~L Ry| 8 OOamj fpm Ar Kermindlna. H A LRy 9 Ssam o6pm Ar Jackeonvllle. 8. A L.Ry I 9 loam 7 40pm Ar Tampa. 8. A L. Ry....| 8 20pm] 4 20am ’ "Magnlflcetw Pullman buffet sleeping ear service to Washington. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also lo Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining car* from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond lo New York Buffet parlor car* Havennah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Ticket omoc. Bull and Bryan streets. Phone 24. been .adoptrd by them In this way the hand* of horse* orlgln*lly wild have been largely Increased by horses from domestic •la It The two combined *r- growing so rapidly th*t they are becoming serluu* drawback* to the rattle owners These hand* *how nil Ih* Instinct* of other wild animal* whose original home was Ih* plain* A* Ihe elk. deer, and buf falo were forced to abandon the plain* lo escape from hunter*, so were the bands of wild horse* And the latter-day alock I* now In the deep canone and In accenslble fastnesses of Ihe mountain*. They aometlmea ventuic Into the plains, hul do so cautiously and usually only In winter, when the heavy enow* shroud the mountains and l Is difficult for them to gain a livelihood there. They drift down through Ihe canons and out Into Ihe plains On Ihe plains they readily find plenty of food, for however deep the snow It la always *n easy matter for them to And some hillside that Ihe wind ha* *wep! clean. There (hey find Ihe wild ■Trasses ready cured Rhr them. Then. 100. they scrape aside Ihe snow with their hoofs when It I* not too deep and And the dried grass underneath During the winter they drift as far east and north as the butte* of Western Ne. braska With the return ef spring they a < West and usually south sgaln lo the mountains They arrive shout the lime the pasture* of th* hills and mountain valley* ar* getting sweet and well grown They grave In these portion* unlll dis turbed. gradually working hack Inlo the rough country as spring progresses. Numerous ranchmen In Ihe valley of B'or creek have met wl h land* of these wild creature* In the last three years and hav# no'ed the Increase In (heir num bers. Several hunt* have been made In the Inst two or three year* to drive the horses from the groxlng ground*. When started (hey Invariably leave for the coun try adjacent to Weat Reaver creek, hark of Morrison, which Is rough and broken aAd furnishes any number of avenues of escape through Ih* rough canon*. Hanchtmn In ths neighborhood who have had tccaslon lo hunt them off their ranges hsve observed that they have a complete system of gang or hand laws The leader Is always some powerful stallion, who hy hi* strength, courage, and sagacity, has proved himself a worthy leader. He la al ways In the' lead when the herd travel*. When they are grffiilng he selects the highest knoll In Ihe vicinity and stands guard H* I* rarely caught unaware*.and s'swva selects a graving ground where nil direction* may be swept readily to detect thr approach of foe* Thase horse* ore of o peculiar build and coltr Thy are much bolter bred, as a rule, than Ihe plains hors**—from a mix ture of several good strains Among the different blood* that have been infused Into th* wild horse hy lh<lr mingling with the domesticated animals Is tho Cleveland 00k RfYCo/ Schedule* Effective Sepi 19. 190*. Train* arrive al and depart from Central Station. West Broad, foot of Utterly street. 90th Meridian Time—One hour slower thaß clly time. I-leave AfTtVW Savannah! Savannah! {August j. MavonT Allanla.l * •S 4SamjCovlngt.m, Mllledgev!lie;* 00pn land all Intermediats pototaj | Augusta. Macon, Atlanta.! * Athens. Montgomery. Co-| •9 OOprn lumhue, Birmingham. Am-|Ni OOani jerlcus, Eufaula and Troy.| n modal ion ITT Aaaa t 2 OOpmj Guv ton Dinner Train. ,14 tupo* •Dally. tKxcepi Bunday. BETWEEN SAVANNAH ANT) TYBEEL 75th meridian or Savannah city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Monday only 4:X! a m Daily excopl Monday 9.20 a. m Dally 2:00 p. m. LEAVE TYBEE. Monday only 7;|5 a m Dally rxcepl Monday 10:25 a. m. laatly 5:20 p. m Connection* made al terminal tointa with all train* Northwest. West and Southwest. T Sleeping ear* on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor car* on day train* between Ba* vtmnah. Maron and Atlanta For complete Information, arvhrdules, rates and connection*, apply to W O. BREWER. City Ticket and Para* enger Agent. 107 Bull street, or W R McINTYRE. Depot Ticket Agent. J C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent. E H HINTON. Traffic Manager. THEO, D. KLINE. Gen, Superintendent, Savannah, Ga. 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED. DRY FI-INTB lily* DRT HALTED i HHa CIItKF.N HALTED t*a D. KIRKLAND, lhnr*or to R Kirkland. 417 to ill at Julian *tr**t, wtit hay and llambletonlan. A number of full* liloo4ml Cleveland hay Mud colt*, with their damn, have In the laat It* yaara been |ot hy ranrhm-n of the vlclnltjr, and It la reaaonably certain that they wen* adopted by the wild herd*. In build lhay ara mora ranity than tha ordinary nlalna horaa Tbay ara deeper and roundar In lha ahaat. Tbay hava email haada, tha markad characteristic of nood blood, and Invariably avaa that aro *l - etipernaturally kern Tbay ara tall and rathar abort-coupled, and climb tha rook* Ilka mountain goat*. Hanahman of lha neighborhood tn#n tlonad aiata that thana horaaa will nta down hlllalda* at full apeed, ao ataap that It would ha a difficult matt'r for a man on font to follow tham. nlnjr avan tha jrraataat aara. In tha fall, whan thay drift out on tho plain*, tbay an tin vlalt tha paMura*. Tha amount of rarer that a band of 310 or Hit wild horia* will itraaa ovar In a faw day* I* MMOtwut. Further than thal. home* crop tha araaa much mora aloaaty than rattl*. and whan a hard of cattle romrt to ground that ha* batn jtm**d ovar by the*# band* thay begin to drift on. look- In* for hattar paMuragc For tha** rna *nn* tha band* of horaaa ara lookad upon aa a trraat nulaanea. If thav continue to Incraaaa at tha rato thay hava In tha recent pt tho ranch man will taka Map* to get rid of tham. Thl* can hardly ha don# In any oth#r wav than bv hunting lham aa wild ani mal*. with long-range rlffo*. and killing tham It I* * I moat impo*lh|a to captor* thrm whan one# thoy raach a broken country ao tha only racouraa wtll ha to axtarmlnata tham Tha faw that hava baan capturad llva but a abort tlma. Thay cannot *t*nd conflnamant on a ranch.and either dwindle away to mara skeleton* or dla of conaumptlon. —Tha llchool Hoard at Trenton. Mo, held tan meralng and took 7U) hallo?* be fore a Buprrtntendent could be elected. Tin- county repeatedly and In all erlou*nex* ugge*>rd that the contact b* •attlad by a game of aevan-up, but tha board regarded auch a procedure aa lack ing In dlgtnity. 9