The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 11, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS rytabltshed 1K •- - Incorporated I*M J H EBTILL. President. HALF OF GALVESTON WAS DESTROYED Estimates of the Loss of Life There Now Put at from 1,500 to 5,000. ONE DESOLATE SCENE OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. The Appeal for Much-Needed Relief Is Being Generally Responded To. ♦ Gnrrluon of Artilleryman and (inters* All Itninard hoi Fifteen— Men, \\ iimi o anti C hildren Drowned l*r Hundred* or Troahed lo Death * I nder .he IVrerk. of Their Ho ni'-a—For Many There nai no ■Oarapr From the Wind and llaiea-lirerr Veaael In the Harbor Was W reeked—Wl II lake a Week to Tabulate the Deatha and Property l.*c* In the Uanaie to Proper! y Will Hun Way Ip In the Million* of Dol lara—Hrpiirt. Hare Ant Keen Kinurratrd. Chicago. Sept. 10.—The follow!nit Mate -1,. „t of the situation at Galveston ami the coast a received to-night: I alia*. Tea.. Sept. 10—Char lea 8. Diehl. (. - ,ral Manager the Aaaoctated Preaa, Chicago, From the latest report* which are ron , r.d reliable. Hie dlaaater at Galveston a 1 along the coast has not been exag- X*rated. The waters of the Gulf and bay r t. covering the island to a depth of i.e to twelve feet deep. During the flood • moat terrible storm was raging, the *-nd blowing about eighty miles per tear. Many of the dead have been uncovered tv hers are still under the debris; others carried out to sea. It I* not possible to Civ- at this time a reliable report a* to I me number of deatha. From estimates trade by reliable persons who have Just r.rne from Galveston. It I* believed that n„i less than IJMO. and possibly as many i 5,000. people were destroyed. Of course, the Bounded are numerous. The damage t property la most shocking, R-me of the best public buildings end private establishments were wrecked ■) vusanda of home, were swept entirely 6ay. It Is quite safe lo set this down : . „r:c of the greatest disasters that has ever vl lied the I'nlted States. The k*a of pr<nrty Is irreparable; the loss of life Is appalling. G II Dealy. Manager, Dallas New*. <*t KICKS OF tWFH. TIUOKOT. flow the Great Storm Ild He Fear ful Work nt Galveston. Houston. Tex,. Sept. 10.—Richard Spll hne. a well-known Galveston newspaper tnan, and day correspondent of the Asso ciated Pres* In tha* city, who reached Houston to-day. after a terrible expen ds-e. give* the following account of the C aster as Galveston; One of the most awful tragedies of modern times has visited Galveston. The *]<y Is in ruins and the deed will number cm- thousand. I am Jusl from the city, having been commissioned by the Mayor e I f'ltlxer.s Committee to get In touch with the outside world and appeal for help. Houston waa the nearest point at which v rklng telegraph instruments could bo found, the wires as well ns nearly all the I .Idlng* between here and the Gulf of Ji- xlco being wrecked. When I left Galveston, shortly before noon yesterday, the people were organixlng for the prompt buriel of the dead, dis tribution of food and all necessary work idler a period of disaster. The wreck of Galveston was brought ah >ut by *• tempest so terrible that no word* can adequately describe Its In tensity and by a flood which turned the city Into a raging sea. The weather bu reau records show that the wind attain tJ a velocity of eighty-four miles an hour when the measuring Ins.rumont blow away, so It Is Impossible to tall what was the maximum. The storm began at 2 o'clock Saturday morning. Previous to that n great storm I id been raging In the Gulf and the tide was very high. The wind at first came from the north and was in direct opposi tion lo the force from the Gulf. While •ho norm In the Oulf piled the water Upon the beach side of the city, the north wind piled the water from the bay on to the ba> part of the city. Disaster AX ns Inevitable. About noon It became evident that the • 'Y was going to he visited with disaster. Hundreds of residences along the beat n • nt were hurriedly abandoned, the faml -1 • fleeing to dwellings In higher por -1 v- of the city. Every home wan open 'd 'O the refugees. Mack or white. The v is were rising constantly and |t ralncJ w r.d was so Act- • I : ie ism eut nits * knife. B >' three o'colck the waters of the Gulf * bay met end by dark the entire city w‘s submerged. The flooding of the elec ,tlo light plan* and the gas plants left •ha city m darkness. To go upon the • -"sag lag to oourt desth. The wind was then at cyclone velocity, roofs, cisterns, portions of buddings, telegraph poles and walls were falling and the noise of the wind and the crashing of the buildings were terrifying In the extreme. The wind and water rose steadily from dork until 1:15 o'clock Sunday morning. During all this time the people of Gal veston were like rat* In traps. The btgh ent portion of Ihe city was four to five feet under water while in the great ma jority of cases the streets were submerged to a depth of ten feet. To leave a house was lo drown. To remain was to court death In the wreckage. Such a night of agony has seldom been equalled. Without apparent reason the water suddenly began to subside at l:tt . m. Within twenty mlnutenthey had gone down two feet and before daylight the streets were practically free of the flood waters. In the meantime the wind had veer,vi to the southeast. Death and Destruction. Very few it any buildings escaped In jury. There Is hardly a habitable dry house In the city. When the people who had escaped death went out at daylight to view the work of Ihe tempest and the floods they saw the most horrible sights Imaginable. In ihe three blocks from Ave nue N to Avenue P, In Tremont street. I saw eight bodies. Four corpses were In one yard. The whole of the huslnrss front for three Mocks In from the Gulf was stripped of every vestige of habitation, the dwell ing*. the great bathing establishments, the Olympl.t and every structure having been either carried out to sea or Its ruins Pile*! In a pyramid far Into the town, ac cording to the vagaries of the teiqpest. The first hurried glance over the city showed that the largest structures, sup posed to he the most substantially built, suffered ihe most. The Orphans' Home. Twenty-first street and Avenue M. fell like of cards. How many dead children and refugees are in the ruins could not he ascertained. Of the sick In Si. Mary's Infirmary, to gether with the attendants, only sight are understood to have been saved. • The Old Women's Home on Rosenberg avenue collapsed, and the Rosenberg school hours Is a mass of wreckage The Rail High School Is hut an empty shell, crushed and broken. Every church In the city, with possibly one or two exceptions, Is In ruins. Soldier* Deported Dead. At the forts nearby all Ihe soldiers are reported dead, they having been In tem porary quarters, whteh gavs them no protection against the tempest or the flood. No report has been received from the Catholic Orphan Asylum down the Island hut It seems Impossible that It could have withstood the hurricane. If It fell all the Inmates were no doubt lost, for there was no aid within a mile. The bay front from end to end Is In ruins. Nothing hut piling and the wreck of great warehouse* r* main. The elevators lost all their, super-works and thetr stock* are damaged by water. The llfe-aavlng station at Fort Point was carried away, the er w being swept across the hay fourteen miles to Texas City. I saw Capt. Haines yesterday, and he told me that hla wife and one of fcis crew were drowned. The shore at Texas City contains enough wreckage to re-bulld a city. Eight persons who were swept across the bay during the storm were picked up there alive Five corpses were nl-o picked up. There were three fatolltle* In Texas City. In addition to the living and the dead, which the s'oim cast up at Texas City, caskets and coffins from one of ihe cemeteries In Galveston were being Ashed out of the water there yesterday. Disking Oil the Dead. In the business portion Of the city two targe brick buildings, one occupied by Knapp Bros . and the other by the Cot. ton Exchange aalcon. collapsed In the Cotton Exchange saloon thera wer# about fifteen persona Most of them escaped. Up to the time I left Galveston three SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1900. deed had been taken from the ruins. They were: Stanley G. Spencer, manager of Ihe El der-Dcmpsur Steamship Company. Richard Isird. train- manager for George H M-Fadden A Bro. Charles Kelder, of the Arm of Rammers A Flint. How many more torpsee ore there will not be known un 11 the search I* flnlahed. The cotton mill*. Jhe baggage factory, the gas works, the electric light work* and nearly all ihe Industrial establish ment* of the city are either wrecked or cripp.ed. The flood left a slime about one Inch deep ov<r the whole city, and unless fast progress I* made In burying corpse* and carcas/es of animals, there It danger of pestilence. Some Miraculous Escapes Some of Ihe stories of Ihe es.tape* are miraculous. William Nlsbelt. a cotton man. was burled In the ruin* of Ihe Col ton Exchange saloon, and when dug out In Ihe morning had no further Injury than a few bruised Angers. Dr. S. O. Young, secretary of the Cot ton Exchange, we* knocked senseless when hi* house collapsed, but was revived by the water and was carried ten blocks by the hurricane. A woman who had Just given birth lo a child was carried from her home to a house a block distant. Ihe men who were carrying her having lo hold her high above their heads a* the water was five feel deep when she was moved. Many storks were current of house* falling and Inmates escaping. Clarence N. Ousley, editor of the Evtnlng Tribune, had hi* family and the families of two neighbors In his houe when the lower half Crumbled and Ihe upper pari slipped down Into the water. Not one In the house was hurt. Of the Ldvtna family, six out of omen are reported dead. Of the Burnett family only one Is known to have been saved. The family of Stanley O. Spencer, who met death In the Cotton Exchange houae saloon. Is reported to be dead: The Mlstrot House In the west end was turned Into a hospital. All of the regular hospitals of tha city were unavailable. Of Ihe new Southern Pacific Works lit tle remain* but Ihe piling Half a million feet of lumber was carried away and the engineer say* as far a* the company ta concerned. It might at well start over again. Alnny A'essela Wrecked. Eight o ean steamers ware torn from their mooring* and stranded In the bay. The Kendall Castle was carried over Ihe flat* of Ihe Thirty-third street wharf lo Texas City, and lies In the wreckage of thk Inman pier. .The Norwelgnn steamer Gy’.ler I; strand ed between Texas City and Virginia Point. An ocean liner was swirled around throuah ihe west hay. crashed through ihe hay bridges, and Is now lying In a few feet of water near the wreckage of the railroad bridge* Thn steamer Taunlon waa carried across Pelican Point, and I* stranded •about ten miles up Ihe east hay. The Mallory Line steamer Alamo was torn from her wharf and dashed upon Pelican flats and against the bow of the British steamer Red Cross, which had previously been hurled there. The stern of Ihe Alamo I* alove In and ihe bow of the Bed Cross Is crushed. Down the channel lo the Jellies two or three ocean steamships lie grounded, gome nrhooner*. barge* and smaller craft are strewn bottom ride up along the allps of the piers. The Tug Louise of the Hous ton Direct Navigation Company la also a wreck. I Will Take a Week to Get Detail*. It will take a week to tabulate the dead and the missing and to get anything near an approximate Idea of the monetary ioes It la safe lo assume that on* half of Ihe property of the city Is wiped out and thal one half of the residents have to face ab solute poverty. At Texas City three of the resident* were drowned. On* man slipped Into a well by a mteohance and his corpee waa found there. Two other men ventured along the hoy front during the height of the storm and were killed. There are but few building* at Texas City that do not lell the story of the storm. The hotel is a complete wreck. The of fice of the Texas City Company was al most entirely destroyed. Nothing remain* of the pier* except the piling. The wferk age from Galveston litters the beach for miles. The lifeboat of Ihe life-saving station was carried half a mile Inland, while a vessel that was anchored In Moses Bayou Ilea high and dry five miles up from La Marque. The Oalveeton News asked to have ll announced thal all the men of Hs staff are safe. STATEMENT FROM IIOtITOH. Severe Losses on Ike Mainland as Well as at Galveston. Chicago. Sept Ift—The following state ment of the storm situation was received by Charles g. Diehl, general manager of (Continued on Sixth Page.) MUST LEAVE PEKIN i*owerB r.%* %< urruß nv CHAFFEE GIVES THE REASONS. ( lII\ESC AITHORITIKB WILL NOI HKTt H N TllliHU. II) Remaining In Pekin lirn. ( hafffr Nn) Ihr Allies Are Oelntlnu >rgo tln Hon* lor Settlement—* Ameri can Tronpa Mo % Soon AA tthdrnw. tier in a ai) auil Kniiland Likely to Remain T%%eot>-two American MlMtonn rlea Murder *d. Wnihlnft<>t), Be pi. 10.—The development* 01 the day |n the Chines situation ntall point to a speedy withdrawal of the l lifted Ptatc* troop* from Chinn. tien. Chaffee hus added the weight of hi* opinion to that • I randy entertained by ninny cffbul* here. It probably I* sig nificant that the Generals statement* on thi* point were given publicity by the aP mlnitrathw> No confirmation | at hand here of the rejort that Oreot Britain and Germany have joined in an agreement to remain together m Pekin. regardless of the at titude of the other Powers. Should this be true, the fact doubtiera would hasten the rearward movement of the Ameri can troop*, for there l* a firm determln at lon to avoid be>omiig Involved In any between the Powers, mch a* might reasonably be to follow the execution of this reported A ngln-( Sermon programme. It doe* not follow that because the I’nited State* troop* are to be withdrawn this autumn from China, our interest* will be left completely at the mercy of the other Power*. On the contrary such disposition will be made of these troops that they, with other* If necessary, can be returned to China. To this end. the entire army of Oen. Chaffee will be quartered In some of the pleasant and most salubrious portions of the Philippines. If they are wanted again In China they can be transported In side of a week, thoroughly refreshed and fitted for effective action. M INI' MIBSIOM tttlKft lUIX. Others Are Minim and Their Fair I* still In Doubt. Copyright, ISflO. the Associated Press. Shanghai. Bept S— John Ooodtiow. the United Stale* consul general here, after inquiries from every possible source. I'trni that Ihe number of British and American missionaries, probably ’ mur dered during the upr.sng in China has been ninety-three, while 170 others sta tioned In Chi U and Siren 81 provinces are unaccounted for. and there Is reason for the belief that they haw met the same fate. Of those whose deaths have been at>*o lut'ly proven, twenty-two were Ameri cans—eight men, eight women afid ala children—and thirty-four were British— nine mm. fifteen women and Ur. children. There is string proof that thirty-seven more were killed at Yai Yuen All the na tives from that place tell substantially the- same story. Ten men, thirteen women and seven children are known to have been there. The list of missing numbers: Americana, twenty mm. twenty-one women and twen ty children. British forty-one men, forty nine women and nineteen children. It Is Impossible to get the numbers of the Cath lies killed, but there were many French pros e and sisters and some were In Ihe country, where the Husalans are fighting. Th< re were also aeveral Swed ish and Danish Protestants The msiKirre and petsecutkm of Chi nese Christians continues every where,and It Is said the antl-foraign leadera Intend to exterminate them. Tao Tal and minor offlrlals are sending memorials to the Dowager Kmpreea thanking her for ridding the country of foreigner*. All the Inf irmatlon coming from Ihe In trrlor Is tha*, except In those parts of the country which the foreign troops oc cupy. (he people believe that the Em pres* ha* won gteat victories and driven out Ihe foreigners. It la asserted they will continue to think so until the foreigners, who were compelled to Wee, are able to return and conspicuous punishments are Infilcttd in retaliation for those who were kll ed. CHINO till PItODICB BMPBROR. Conditions In Pekin May Aerraaltnte Troops Ullhilranln*. Pekin. Aug, 11, via Shanghai, Sept. The British. Americans, Japanese and Russian* are posting proclamaiton* defin ing Ihe Jurtadlctton of their respective dis tricts for Ihe preservation of order, prom ising protection to the inhabitant* ami In viting a resumption of business for the purpose of restoring confidence. The street*, however, are atilt deserted. A scarcity of food seems Inevitable, owing to the fact that no produce Is arriving The various general* have, accordingly. Informed their governments of the condi tions, recommending a partial withdrawal of the troops before winter act* In. be cause of Ihe difficulty of provisioning them and as, tn thetr opinion, a • large force ta unnecessary. It |* unofllc aliy but reliably staled that Prince Chtng will produce the Emperor. The situation seems to hinge upon this. If Prince Chtng can dlacov/r llie Emperor. Hl* Majesty'* rule will probably be re-es tablished. as there la no other likely can didate. Prince Chtng come* here und’r authority of the Imperial edict Two o h-r leading Chinamen will be deputed to assist In the negotiation* for a settlement, on* of whom will prooab.y be U Hung Chang. Ytsterday a member of the Japanese legation, guided by the secretary of the Taung LI Yemen, found a body outelde the southeast gat* which wee Identified as that of Sugt Ystna Akira, the chancel- kr Of (he Japaneee legation who was murdered by China** June last The body wa* cremated and the a*he pre pared for shipment to Japan. * A fir* occutred last night In a pagoda where a company of Amirkan and Brit ish heliogmph operator* wer* at work. When th* smoke of the fire was first dis covered effort* were nvMI A to extinguish the fiames. but they proved futile ami th* large wooden structure was totally de stroyed. The origin of the fire la un known. IWEKPINU IXll*l .It I \ L EDICT. LI Hung Cltsni Is (given Poll Power to Aeantlaate. Washington. Kept 10—The Clhtnese Minister h.ia racUvad an Imperial edict conferring on IA Hung Chnng extraordi nary power for the complete settlement of the Chines* trouble. It gixe* him au thority to m k* any terms accoiding to his own dlai ret lon without refmlng tnem to the Emperor This Is unu-ual authority and It Is claimed at the Chines* legation, gives Li Hung Chang credentials edtquale to meet all th* objec tions hereafter raised aa to hi* power to negotiate for peace. Th* edict Is dated two w**k* ago, but is Just forwarded fren Id Hung Chtng. Minister Wu delivered It to the tttat* I>e tartrnent this morning. MU HAVE TO LKAYK PER IV Cbalfee Maya Presence of Allies la llelaylnn !%ecollatlbna. Washington, Bept. 10. - Th* following dis patch ho* been received at the War De partment . **Taku (no date). Adjutant General. Washington. Two. afternoon, fourth. Ev idence accumulates that diplomatic rekx tlona will not be resumed here for a long time. Russian legation leaves very soon for Tien Tsln Appears to me certain Chi nese government wUI not return here whilst foreign army ’remains and If this true our legation can transact no business. My opinion Pekin should be merely camp foreign army pending settlement by Pow er* at other points, (fligriedi •'Chaffee .*• TRKtrNRH % (IE THE CHI YEAR. Lo Feng V.tth and Wu Ting Fang Charged With Deception. Ismdon. Hept. 11—Dr Morrison. the P*kii correspondent of Ihe Times wiring Aug XI. confirms tho treachery of the Chinese government and th* issuanc* of imperial decrees ordering th* extermin ation of foreigner#. *’Th* imperial troops.** h* says, "mined the British legation and probably In an other day there would have been a tenth;* expkvdon. A arimilar mine, mad* by the Chinee* imperial troops, exploded In etie Pei Tang Cathedral and engulfed two hundred native Christ in ns "The most profound Indignation Is felt here that fair Chill Chen Uo Feng Luh and Wu Ting Kang, whoae shameless lies an*l transmission of bogus Imperial edict* de layed the departure of the relief column until nearly too late, me Mill received with honor in Leindbn and Washington." (ZAH IBBKIVU PEACE. lint He leems In Think It I%'ltl tome tn the Distant Future. The Hague Sept. 10 —According to a tel egraphic mcsjgc forwarded from the Osar Sept. 4. on the occasion of the placing tn the foreign office archives of the ratifi cations of Ihe agreements nnd treat!** resulting from the Peace Conference, his majesty after exprtttslng hi# *lnc< re thanks, conclude*: "God grant that the labors In which these gentlemen have taken such active part may serve as the basis for the es tablishment. even though In the distant future, of universal petes, which Is Ihe goal of Chrlatlan civilisation.” Will Not Evacuate Pekin. London. Sept. 10—A special dispatch from Rerltn says that Great Krltuln and Germany have agreed not to evacuate Pe kin until satisfaction for the recent out rages has been obtained. NEARLY WHOLE H ATTRRY MINT. Officers end Artillery men tanas the Morin's Victims. Washington. Sept. 10—The war depart ment to-night received the following dis patch from (Jen McKlbhcn, In command of the Department of Texas: "Han Antcnlo. Tex . Sept. 10—To Adju tant General, War Department, Washing ton. D r • Wtart flr-t trill* to-nlsrlit. l'r*~* reports rrcelved here stale thal all of battery I'St but 15 mm, both officer* tost. McKlhben.” Gen. Corbin thinks the telegram meana only flfUen were saved, but give* the telegram exactly as received hy him. PI TM LOSS AT A Newspaper Correspondrnt Nays ILI* es W rrr lasi. New Orleans. Sept. V>— The following message was received from Mr. Hayes, a newspaper correspondent, well known throughout the South: Houston. Tex.. Sept. 10.—I have Just ar rived from Galveston by boat Storm de stroyed ten million* of property and fif teen hundred lives lost. National aid ask ed for.” DAMAGE TO TEA A* CROP. Collna Madly Injured In anntliern and Central Part. Houston. Tex . B#|>t. • W—There la no doubt thal the cotton crop has been se riously Injured throughout Southern and Central Texas. Owing to the excessive ralna this year the cotton has grown to weed more than aver known and In some field* it ranges from six to ten feet high, end I* verv rank with leaf. Tha wind haa whlaoed spd twisted th* stalks, beating the open cotton out of the burr, and the rain has hasten It Into the ground so that It Is ruined. I I’H tH n COTTOY MOV KM BUT. Yew Orleans Firm Cornered fpnt Market nnd sold High. N*w' Orleans. Kept. 10- The New Or leans cotton market opened sixty point- 1 up this morning, over Batutday's closing, the feature of the day being the cm list ing of the spot market by W. IV Brown A Company, th* leaders of the New Or iran* bull movement. Brown and Company purchased ail the available cotton hi New Orleans, amount ing to 3..W balsa nnd are said to have sold six thousnnd hales at Liverpool at the top figure, the highest price wine* Oct. 4. l*oxi They are also reported to own 20,tf0 hales now afloat for Liverpool. Falling in with New York and Liverpool the New Orleans market snowed an open ing average from forty-one points on May contracts to sixty point* on November. •he current month showing n gain on the first call over Maturday'* closing of fifty four point*, or s2.7*x per hale. There tv as a slight reaction due to tfo large liquidating movement, but the re •lVer\ %\ .f •|•i • h and |*rl'rt stiffen I with the upward tendency decidedly man* feat aaain. Ml KDEHED EVI llt E F AMILY. Insane Mnn Rilled Ilia Ife, Two i bitdren nnd Himself. Jackson, Miss., ttept 10—A horrible quadruple tragedy occurred at West fha tton. five miles north of her*\ this morn ing. George W Moore, a prominent m*r chont of the place who has been suffer ing with periodical insanity for some time, administered strychnine to hla wife and two little children, telling them It was aulnine to keep off chill*. Within a few minutes all three wen* dead Moore then took a pistol and fired two bullets through hi* own heart, failing to the floor across the dead body of one of hi* little children- TO ATTIC YD NIBIBU W KDDINti. President \\ Ifh a Party Has (itsf to Somerset, Pn. Fomerset. Pa.. Sept. 10 —The President ami party arrived her* over th* Baltimore and Ohio road at f:XO o'clock thl# after noon to be pre-ent at the wedding of Miss Mabel McKinley, the President'* niece and Dr. He-rmanuM L Baer, whfrli occurs- on Wednesday. The trip from Washington to Bomerset was without especial Incident save for the enthuslistlc greeting given the Prestdem nt Cumberland the home of Henator George L. Wellington. Short stops were made en ram* at Han cock. Meytrsdale. Bock wood and Martins burg, where the President shook hand* with as many of the assembled crowds as he could raach during the few moments tha stops ware made. WEALTHY FARMER KILLED. Was Shot Dead hy a Man W hnm He Intended tn Assnnlt. Pensacola. Fla. Sept. 10—Near McDa vld tn the northern portion of the county. J. It. McClammn. a wealthy farmer, shot and Instantly kilt'd E R lloppla, anoth er wealthy farmer. Bad.blood had exlnted between the men and Hopple went to McClammas horn* for the avowed purpose of beating him. He caril'd a bar of Iron In his hand Mc- I’lttiwi met lloppto at th* door of hi* home wlih s Winchester rifle and warned him not to enter Hopple continued to advance, and was shot dead, the hall entering bl* chest The enronrr's Jury returned a verdict of Justifiable homicide. TWO FAILI HKS ANMOUCiCQ. L. G. Schttfer and His Kan Are Re ported Bankrupts. New York. Sept. 10.—Two failures were announced on the Cotton Exchange to •lay. On* waa that of Guy R. SchllTer and the other that of hi* father. L. G. SchllTer. one of the oltleft men in the cotton trade In thl* city. The failure of the elder Schlffer I* supposed to have been due to hla efforts to help his son. who has been a heavy trader for some time The fail ure*. however, produced no material ef fect on the market The Arm* had comparatively email out standing obligations tn Ihe New York market. GEN. WHEELER IK RETIRED. Gen. W ade tn Take ( barge I atll Gen. (ills Goes to < hleago. Washington, Sept. 10 -A formal order waa Issued hy Ihe war department, an nouncing thr retlr ment of Brigadier Gen eral Joet ph Wheeler, who to-day reached the age limit of #1 year*. Gen Wad*, commanding the Department of Dakota, was teb graphed to take charge of the uffatrs of the Department of the luiken until the department commander arrived. It la expected that Gen. Otts will go to Chicago about Oct 1, to assume com mand of the departm-nt. HI I.LKR TOOK HOUR FDKITIOA. British Had Thirteen Killed and Twenty-live Wnnnded. London. Sept 10 —The war office has re ceived • report from Lord Roberts say ing Gen Butler. Scot *. attacked and rap tured the Boer position at Hpltskop He adds that the Boer* retreated over a nar row causeway, losing heavily. The Brit ish had thlrlren rnen k ited, and twenty live wounded. EFFORTS TD A4ERT A STRIKE. If They Fall the Strike Will Hooa lie V Ordered. a.. Sept. K) —George W. Hart'eln, secretary of the Shamokln dls tr cl. United Mine Workers of America, received >h* following dispatch at 1 o'clock to-night from President John Mitchell at Chicago: "If efforts now being made to settle fall, strike will he declared In a few days. Advite miners to get ready.*’ Damane to Ihe Rice Crop. Jennings. La , Sept. 10—The Southwest Lou tlana rlca crop has suffered cuneld •rabl* loss from th* storm that swept over this locality Saturday and Sunday and Sunday night. Rice men estimate the damage at H to 14 per cent, of the crop. DAILY. X* A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-TIMKH A TEAR BIG SLUMP IN MAINE lIKPI vn \ I>TE lit PKR CKRT. I.K9H THAR Ik I Mmi. PLURALITY IS ABOUT 33.000. DEttfM It 9TIC ‘ VOTE DHOW a a AIR OF 1H t GVT. Hepuhllcnn Ticket Elected, but the l.ose I* hot t alralatrd to (live That Party Much Cheer Democratic t.atn la Most Kacaaraglag--Returns Received Indlcnte Tbnt the Ne liutiltrnn Slump Will Be given tirealrr Thou lit Per Cent. Portland, Me, Sept 10—The Republi can voters elected their slate ticket to day by a plurality over the Demorratlo candidate of over 33,0f.0 The vote was nimost as large as four years ago and the return* up to UJo p m, compared with 1999. showed Republi can loaves of about 10 per cent, or a Dem ocratic gain of about 19 per rent. The result must tie In a great measure gratifying to both parties. To Ihe Re publicans because they polled al most aa large a vote as In 1999, and lo the Democrats be cause of the heavy gain* over that year. While thousand* of voters who. In 1999, deserted the Democratic ranks, returned to tha fold to-day, yet the Republicans were able lo make good most of the ktaa. What the Bulletin* Show. Returns from SO town* and plantations In the state give Hill (Hep), 11.197, and l.ord (Item ). 9.067 Compared with simi lar returns off ur years ago, the** fig ures Indicate a Republican loss of 11 per cent., and a Democratic gain of It par cent. On this basis the Republican major ity wilt be about B.h'O. Returns from 111 towns and plantations out of 112 districts, give Hill (Rep), 4.1.- 7J4; l.ord (Rem.), 24.1(7 The same plaeea four yrars ago gave Power* (Rep), 49.792, and Frank (Rem.), 19.1X9 This show* a Republican loss of 11 per cent., and a Democratic gain of p per eent. On thla basis It I* estimated that the Republican plurality this year will be about 12.191. Returna front 240 towns and pkmtatlona out of the state give Hill 94.949.‘L0rd 90,292. Ha me place* four yaar* ago gava Pow. era (Hep) *0 974. and Frank. (Dem.) 14.74*. This shows a Republican lose of 11 per cent and a Democratic gain ot 19 per rant. Op Ihla basis It I* estimated that tha Re publican majority this year will be about 32.97* (1I PJT lII' TMB MUI CLUE Col. Ilryan the People- Drlfr. mine H hnl Tlarlr Only la. I'hk'ii*. (U|rt. 10.—William i. Bryan art the guest thl* morning ot the Nebreska Bryan Club of Chicago at a reception Im'Ul al thr Hhnmm House. Col. Bryan bav in* shaken hand* with 200 or morn people, wa In*rorhiorrl by M. V'. Cannon, presl dtnt of tlwrlub, ami wkl In part: "In thM campaign we am standing upon the great fundamental principle* of bu nion right* n<l human liberties. We In lt that It la not a question of what thin nation can iky H la (juratlon of what tola nation ought to do amt no PrestdrtM can tell the American proplt* what their duty |*. They decide that for themselves. No President can tall ua what our drwtlny la. It la whot we mako 11. and In the hand* of the American poo l>k we leave there great problema will* the ronlVileirt liellef that the patriotism and Intelligence of the jieaple will ha equal to thla emergency a* they have been equal to all Ihe emergenclea of the past " Mr Itryan later addreaaed an audtenca conalatlng of more than 1.00) people, moot ly women. With brief preliminary Introductory re mark*. Col. Bryan began an attack upon the present form of government. aaaaUed truata, the alngle money standard, bnnk notea. a targe iandlng army and Impe rlallam. One auditor, when the. apeaker, talking of the dtapoaltton of tha Phillp plner. Inveighed agalnat a ayalem which would permit one claaa from ruling an other. a*k*d: "How about the situation In North Car olina TANARUS" Inatantly Ihe apeaker replied: "Bet the race question, which hag brought u* so much trouble, he a warning lo you nut to bring another roce question Into tl)lr country: and we do not have to go to North Carolina, either, for we liava It right here In Illinois and In Ohio." WILL IXNPKt T I'IIK TtlUITt. Veteraas Will Verity Hrrardt at I hleknitinuu* Park. Washington, Kept. 19.—A circular of tha Chlckamauga and Chattanooga Park Commlaalon announces that arrangement# have hern completed, with the approval of the Secretary of Wr. for the Inspec tion by Ihe veterana of all the armies engag'd about Chattanooga of the histor ical tablets, monumental Inscriptions, and locatl'n of lines of battle upon the seven battlefields embraced In the park, the ob- Jirl being lo secure vrlflcatlon or cor rection by partlctflnnts In Ihe battles of The Inspection will takt* place Oct. 9, M The Inspection wit llake place Oct. 9. 19 and It and a half rale has been arranged for with most of the railroad associations. TO KXPOHT IHON AND STKBL. tggrraalve trps Being Taken by the t nrnegle < ompnny, Pittsburg. Pa.. Sept. 10.—The • Dispatch soya: Aggresrlve steps are being taken by the Carnegie Steel Company to export Iron and steel to all parts of the world. IClght great English trana-Atlantic liners have been charted for a year, and two of them are now loading at Phllode phla for export. Cae will probably be made thla winter of eight lake trana-Atlamlc boat* now operating In Ihe ore trade on tha Hreat Bakes, and orders will probably ha given Ihla winter for sixteen of the*n*w pattern boats that can be operated both on the lakes and ocean. Lynched for l annl Crlnae. Montgomery. Ale.. Sept. 19. Seed Floyd, a negro, was taken from the jell at Wetumpka late leal night and hanged. Floyd attrmped to assault a white wo man.