The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 11, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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LE FEVRE WILL BE MANAGER. OPERATION or THE ITBAIIIHIP COMPANY TO BB IN HIM CHARGE. Circular fianoanclag the Appoint ■ml Will Hr Issued Wltbla n IVn Dura other Appointments May Kollan, Iml Thar Will Probably Rr Delayed for a Time—l'nr (hr Rrm. rat thr Trolllr of thr Steamship fampany Will Remain I adrr Ita Prrarat Niaairaral-Kra Raa. nrr Will Report to President Kuna. Wbo 111 Hr Hrllrvra of |hr Phtalral Oprralioo. Ur. p. E. UFevrt mill aoon bi' appoint ed iMiufir of thr Ocean Steamship Com pany. Thta Infcrmatlon wan given out yes lar lay by President John M Egan, who fl ft lost night for Atlanta, whence he wl I go to New York to Consult with Mt LeFevrs relative to the latter anew du ties. For two or three years Mr. LeFevre has been superintendent of the company. Within the next few days the circular, announcing his appointment as manager, will be Issued by Mr. Egan. Than the etatement of Mr. EePevre'a promotion, the fact that hia headquarters will be New York, and the scope of his duties, the clrrular will probably convey no other Information, as no other change- that may grow out of a decision reached by thi nt!! rials to separate the actual manage ment of the Ocean Steamship Company and the Central Hallroad will not be made for the present. In speaking of the prospective appoint ment of Mr LeFevre as manager. Mr. Egan aald the latter was in Savannah a few daya ago for a consultation about the matter. The plan, under consideration for some time, was then determined upon, and It but remains for a few details to be ad justed before the formal circular an nouncement la made to the steamship and railroad world. Mr. LeFevre will be in charge of the physical operation of the steamships. The traffic, for the present, at all events. Mr Egan aald, will remain under Its pres ent management. Traffic Manager E H. Hinton of the Central Railroad. No de cision as to disioslilon of the traffic has yet been reached, but Mr LeFevre may deride, when all phases of the situation have been considered, to make appoint ments that may tend to the complete se gregation of the management of the two companlee As manager, Mr. LeFevre will report to President Egan, who, for some three years, has been managing the Ocean Steamship Company. The details of the physical operation, by Ur L-Fevre's ap pointment. will be assumed by that gen tleman end the president will be relieved of them. When asked why the contemplated Change Is to be made. Mr. Egan replied that the varied Interests of the Ocean Steamship Company, being a common wa ter carrier for several transportation com panies, appeared to demand segregation tr,m the management of one of those companlee. This was taken to mean that the wish or the railroads, others than the Central, entering Savannah for a sepa rate management for the Ocean Steam ship Company had been granted. H’IXG FOH PER MORAL INJIRIES. Eranl (rMmbi Wnute lam*K<'* Kroni lirral nallnt? omp*ny. Ernet Croombs, a freight brak'roan on Iha Plant Byetsm. AM an acllon for dam age* against the Savannah. Thunderbolt and lale of Hope Railway tn the Ctty Court yealerday. fixing the amount of the damage* he claim* to have Incurred through the negligence of the company at fe.oao The accident In which Croomba suffer ed occurred about a year ago. while he wa* engaged in the performance of hi* dutlea. He claim* that while he was standing on the top of a moving freight car. running along the lines of the Plant System within the city limit*, he was ■truck by a hanging wire of the defend ant’*, which fell down over the track He was dragged off hi* feet and to the top of the car, had his shoulder twisted and suffered other painful and dangerous Injuries, which confined him to his bed for an extensive period and which have been permanent In their effect*. It Is charged that It was due to the negligence of the defendant that the wire had been permitted to sag from Its sup ports and hang across the track ami dose enough to the top of the car* to become dangerous to those who passed beneath It. The accident occurred at night or In th* late evening and it was Impossible for the plaintiff to see the wire before he had been caught by It and dragged off his feet. The natute of the accident and tha re sulting Injuries are both described at length In the petition of the plaintiff He sues for the pain and Injury he claims to have suffered, for the lose eustalned by him through hte resulting Inability to attend to his duties and for the i>erm nent diminution of hie earning power. He le represented by Messrs. Twiggs tk Oliver. LOOK* BRIGHT KOH DEMOTRACT. Chairman Dale Thinks Party Will Parry Two Hl* States. Chairman J. J. Dale, of the Board of County Commissioners, brought back with him from the North an Impression chat th* Democratic nominees for President and Vice President would carry this year the states of New York and Massarhu * tta. This Impression he gleaned from conversations with those who are In the position to know. "There Is a revolt against existing con ditions at the North." sold Mr. Dale, "which I think will result In many votes for Brvan and Stevenson. There are thou sands of men In the North who have been thrown out of employment by the or ganisation of trust*—the consolidation of capital and the limitation of production. These men will vote for the Demoorallo candidal'a “Just at present there are a number of gigantic strikes In progress, which are likely io destroy the Illusion that the times are filled with prosperity. While, of course. It would be foolish to say that the Democrats will carry the states of New York and Massachusetts beyond question, there Is yet a good chance ihat • hey will, end I believe that they will. Certainly, the outlook 1# very much more encouraging than li has ever been since the campaign began.” Moonlight Eirurtlon. A moonlight excursion oround the bell buoy will be given to-night, and the pub lie. particularly all the church people, ore Invited. The steamer Clifton will leave the wharf at the foot of Whitaker street at 1:30 o’clock Refreshment* will be served aboard tha boot. ar.Ttitt. Editor Morning News: To decide a dis pute please state what was the populailon ®f tialvsaton, Tex., by this year # enaue. yiii Women ran keep secrets. They often keep secret for [ a long time the fac. that they are suffering from drains, inflammation, ulcer \j\jW\A ation, or female weakness. CocMwif But they can’t keep the me- (7< cret very long, Ixvanae the QyCtNjL* hollow cve% cheeks flint have tost their freshness,and [yr\Tjr the irritability which come* fr-4jMr7\ from sorely tried nerve*, all conspire to publish the sto- rvyry* ry of suffering. The usual motive for such secrecy, dread of indelicate question* and offen sive examinations, is removed by Dr. Pierce’s methods. Diseases of the wom anly organs are perfectly cured hy the use of l)r. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Sick women can consult Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., by letter free. •Your wonderful medicine. ’Favorite Pre scription.'" writes Mr- c N Andrrsca, of kork briugr hatha. Rockbridge Cos,, Va.. "is a God send to week sod sickly women, restoring good health without subjecting their weak nerves to thr shock of au examlaatioo ! was all run down la health, could not work buts short time without rrsttug Was very nervous sod had a very poor appetite / derided tv ante to Dr. Purct ami italr any caw. sad sin thankful that I did, for I receiveds favorable reply 1 took tlx bottles of 'Favorite Prescription one of ‘Gold en Medical Discovery, and one vial ol ' Pellets.' and I can now work as well at I could before I was taken sick I think Dr Pierce's medicine the best In the world fur sick sod iurrooa women." • WANTED HER WASH MOMBY. Washerwoman Offered Pedigree to Prove Herself Entitled to .fnstlre. An Inlerrstlng oral amusing case before Magistrate O. Noble Jones yesterday was that of J. J. Openhelm. who sued his washerwoman. Grace Hldks, for larceny after trust. According to the statement of the plain tiff the defendant had In her possession a lot of clothes belonging to him which she refused to deliver, although he had offeted to par her for the work that had been done on them. The defendant Is a voluble darky of the ante-bellum type, whose sublime belief in the dignity of labor hi oniy exceeded by her independence and desire, vehemently expressed, to get her dues. Grace Is no bad talker and when she was allowed to tell her side of the mat ter told a very straight and plausible siory, laughable for the quaint language employed. In her explaining one of tha excuses of the plaintiff for not imylng her her money, she said. "He tell me he done couldn't pay den, cause his father in-law had tumbled our era can and cut his face In half, and knock er eye out an,l he hid ter fray de spelter*." She wound up her tale with a passionate, per sonal appeal to the magistrate to see that Justice was done "er "oman who was born and raised In Savannah.” The magistrate dismissed the warrant, but the rtght between the parties will be ontlnued in the court of Magistrate Ns. thans, where the clothes about which tha row occurred are held by the washerwo man under a laborer's lien. HEAT HIS MOTHER WHILE Dili \K. Then Hod the Prlnelpal W Itneaa Ar rested nn Charge nf Perjury. Ro>a Gooding was In Magistrate Jones' Court yesterday on a charge of per jury. The charge was preferred by George •Myers and was brought about by the fact thae about two week* ago Mr*. Gooding had had Myera arrested on a charge of beating and 111-treating his mother, and had appeared at the Recorder’s Court tha next day as the principal witness against him, as a result of which he wns given a good round sentence by the Recorder. Myers declared that she charge* were untrue and had Miss Gooding arrester) for false swearing. In the hearing yiwterday It developed that Myera could not remem ber the testimony that had been given In the Recorder’# Court, nor could hls mo ther, his principal witness help him out, because, being deaf, she had not heard It. Miss Gooding had a number of witnesses to testify ihat the charge on which Myera had been arrested had been Justified by hie conduct on that particular occasion, and that hts 111 treatment of hi* mother was. Indeed, of no unusual occurrence. The case was dismissed. B*ox at ixi.b or hope, Indications Are It Will lie Prolonged Some Time Yet, It seems that the efforts which are be ing made to prolong th* summer season at lale of Hope will he successful to some extent. It Is the Intention of Barbee and Bandy to continue their entertainments for some time. Mr Barbee eald yesterday It la the intention io keep this resort run ning as long as the warm weather con tinues, While several of the summer res idents hove returned to the city, many are still there, and will not come to tha city until later. An entrrtalnmenl and supper are advertise I for to-night. •’ll Cured Me.” "Graybeard broke up rheumatism on me.” says Mr. Chaa. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. ’’And put me In betser health ihau 1 have enjoyed In a long time.'' Take Graybeard Pill* for that dlsxy feeling—Loet appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Graybeard. It la all you need. Respess Drug Cos., sola props., Savannah. Ga.—ad. A Delicious Smoke. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fumes of (hls fine tobacco; It la evbilarattng detlUoua. Kr ihat the name of Herbert Spencer is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50 Concha* at ** 50. and Perfecto*. 34.50 at Lippman Bros . whole sale druggists. Barnard and Congress •treats, ot ihi* city.-ad. ’’Graybeard I* a family medicine tilth us." said a prominent business man yes terday. "My wife take* B. and 1 notice sh- l enjoying better health than for years The children keep well by taking It.” Graybeard may be obtained at at: d:?>* store* or writ# to us for It. Reepeaa Drug Cos., sole pr< p*.. Styannah. Oa. -ad. Special attention will be given to th# comfort and pleasure of those going by the Seaboard Air Lin* Railway to th# annual convention of the National Bap tist Association (colored), io be held In Richmond. Sept. li-SO. These rates are open to everybody.—ad. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 11)00. COTTON FUTURES WENT HIGH. LONG* TV MR IDO TO THEIR (INI If AND REALIZED HEAVILY. The Market Opened Erne! led aad finned at a Net idvasre nf 40 and oil Points—The Day's Sales IfWMKai Ita lea Greater Thun Ever Reported In New York—l.ucal Trading Not on a latrnr Scale liter the Wltdeal Temper of thr Market Was Real ised. From the phenomenal movement In the cotton futures market yesterday it la pret ty certain that fortune* have been wreck ed ul other place* besides Galveston ns a result of the storm's disastrous sweep Opening Irregular and excited at an ad vanes of forty-three to alxty-one points the market eased off slightly, then start ed upward with renewed energy, closing at a net advance of forty-six and ninety points. Sales of 1,360.000 bales were re ported. which Is 150.000 more than over reported on the New York Exchange. Hieing on tha strength imparted by the reports of damage In Texas on Sunday the market lost no time Ml Jumping when the session open,,!. Ikings tumbled to their cinch, and put a fancy price on their holding* at the outset, which seems to have been the price It was considered the extraordinary conditions made cotton worth. It was estimated that the damage would result in a lose of anywhere from TJb.OOO to 1,000,000 bales in the prospective Texas crop, which added to the bullish (ever. Beside* the Texas reporta of dam age. there was an advance hi Liverpool, and later came the government report, giving the condition of Ihe crop a* 66 2. against 76 last month, ami *5 for Sep tember of last year. It seemed that all condition* were tit fuel for the bullish flame of excitement. The following table will show the clos ing prices on Saturday as compared with the closing yesterday, and t!u- net gains over Saturday: Saturday. Yesterday. Rise. January .U 9 63 .61 February 9.( 9 53 .61 March ,9.03 9 57 .66 April 9,00 9 55 .66 May 3 00 9.55 . 66 June 9.10 9,69 .19 July 9.0i 9.56 .50 August September 9.50 10 10 ,i October 9 39 10 01 .65 November 9 1* . 9.63 .64 December 9.11 9.63 .61 While there was considerable local trad ing. It was not on a very large scale after the wildcat nature of the market waa realized. Longs who were In the market Saturday were prompt to realize. There was some disposition to again buy on the prospective bullish bureau report, and a few did so with profit. Conditions were such as to perplex even the old conserva tive heads, and while some were Inclined to believe that Ihe rise would necessarily he followed by a reaetlon. others were not disposed to express an opinion. Liverpool was looking to Savannah amt Galveston for Its September supply of cotton, and the fact that shipping from Galveston will be greatly hindered opened the way for conjecture as to the probable movement of the Liverpool market. Ttventy-als Police Prisoners. The docket In the Recorder's Court yes terday was smaller than t usually the case on Mondays, only tw-nty-slx prison ers being tried. None of the cases were of any Interest Cochran Taken Hsek. Reubln Cochran, the negro murderer of Henderson. Ky.. arrested Friday night by Detective* Murphy and Garrtty. left for Henderson yesterday In charge of Detec tive Henry. A TONIC Horif ordt Acid Phosphate Half a teaspoon in half a glass of water, refreshes and Invigorates the entire system. A wholesome tonic-e Cerium* bars soma Hossraao’t oe wrspper. LEGAL SALES. MARSHAL’S SALK. The United States of Amerlcu. Eastern Division. Southern District of Georgia By virtue of an order of sale. Issued out of the Untied State# District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, on the sixth day of September. 1900. notice I* hereby given that I will sell at public B’ictlon. for cash, on Monday, the seven teenth day of September. 19®. al 11 o'clock a m.. In front of the Custom House In Savannah. Ga., al the suit of Middleton A Cos. versus Bark ’•Carl von Dobetn,” and at the suit of Byuth Atlantic Towing Company, versus bark "Carl von Dobeln." the eakl bark "Carl von Dobeln,” her bouts, tackle, apparel, and furniture, an she now Ilea In the port of Brunawk-k. Georgia Purchase* paying for papers and revenue stamps. JOHN M BARNES. If. g. Marshal, by CRARIJM J WHITE. Deputy. Crovatt A Whitfield, Sausay A SdUsay. Garrard A Meldrim. Proctors for Libellant*. LEGAL NOTICE*. IN the City Court of Savannah. July term. 1900 Michael A. Connolly vs Th# Atlantic Contracting Company. Benjamin D Greene, John P. Geynor and Edward H. Gay nor Attachment. To the defendant*. Tha Atlantic Con tracting Company. Benjamin D. Oreene. John F. Oaynor and Edward H Gay nor: You, and each of you. are hereby com manded to be and appear at the next term of the City Court of Savannah, to wit, th* November term, 1900. on the flret Monday In December, during eald term, at 10 o'clock a m , before the Judge of said court, to show cause why an order for the sale of the property levied upon In the above entitled case should not be granted. Witness, the Honorable Thomas M, Norwood, Judge of the City Court of Sa vannah. Ihle loth day of September. In the year of our lord. IMr> WARING RUSSELL, JR.. Clerk City Court of Savannah. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTT.- Notlce Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Lucinda William*. It le of wild county, deceased, to present them to me. properly made out. within the lime prescribed by law. so aa to show their charaoter and amount; and all per sona Indebted to eald deceased are re quired to make Immediate payment to mo Savannah. Ga Aug. 13. 190). SOLOMON CONYERS. Executor. Care Denmark. Adams A Freeman. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTT.-No lle* I* hereby given lo all persons having demands against Mary Ann Thru*, late of said county, deceased, to present sham to me. properly made out. within the time prescribed by law. to ae to show their character and amount; and all person* in debted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment to me. Bavancab. Ga.. July S. 1900. JOHN J. BURNS. Executor. X* TRACT MARIC miss jar' sy>oßr PURE, TSJSb PALATABLE, PURCHASABLE fl Hill 1b m. >1 os. A. Magnus ’ fl Cincinnati, O. CLASSIFIED ADVEKI ISEMENTS. rukiikk "CHILDREN'S ItAIRCI TTINO” IN the latest style by the Georgia expert hairrutier and halr-dres-<T. Savannah Hair, Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. The place for fine wig*, toupee*, pompa dours. bangs, switches, mustaches and whiskers, for dally private use, also spe cial niak—up for amateur and profession al detectives Private theatricals, lodge* and churches supplied. Mall orders prompti> filed. Kintle's hair tonic sent to ony address on receipt of 50 cents. * I' SHOULD SEE MILLER'S FURNL ture: newest style* for bedroom, dining room, parlor. In oak. walnut and mahag any; Millers price* and terms are rea sonable 307 Broughton, west ~~YOI WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It's rich and pure; try It. MOO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last. C. I*. Miller. Agent “tJ SHOULD BEE MILLER'S NEW styles in eartiets, matting, window shades, art squares, rugs, lata curtains, etc.; Miller's prices and terms are reasonable 31)7 Broughton, went. FINE RIC KFI El t’ — LaMB “aT' "BA ker s," evrrjr day; beat of all othar meats In mark*! ir iTB KUOS YOU WANT, you can get them cheaper from McGlllls. KIMBALLS “ANTI-11 HE USIA TI C rings; thousands using them and *ll ben efited Gardner's Bazaar, agt 'SPECIAL, AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers; ladles' atse, at t 2. J. W. Teeple. itaThuys n7ce rattan ROCKERS. latlles' size; large assortment of rockers, couches and easy chairs. C. P. Miller, Agent. ■ M<-T IST I WILL MOVK To 111 WEST Broughton. Ring up 3161 If you want to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage: t guarantee prices the same ae I do the work that's given to me A S. Griffin. 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. uThouLd ieb' millfk r OFFH'E desks, ofllie tables, office thalra, office matting, office shade*. C. P. Miller. Agent. ' FLORAL DESIGNS. I'ALMS AND CUT flowers, at Gardner'! Bazaar, agent for Oelsehlg’a Nursery. U WILL BOON MOVE AND ttVill certainly nc**<l •amcthlng lr my line; IT will uvfi money by trading wHh me C. P. Miller, Agent. M’OILLIH BELLA SIXTY-tNCH HUOS —Smyrna pattern*—for 99 cents. iron-Lin is cheap on *uos. netk lace curtains, hammock*, water coolers, pillow*, pictures, stove*, bedroom suites, and fumttura of every dee rlpelon. "GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN. At Gardner’s Bazaar lace curtains will beautify your parlor, I8 VOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF? Stlffel A Freeman have a standing offer of 91 .Out) for every safe of their make that dare not preserve It# content*. On* safe ws tn burning debris 111 hour* When taken out, the hose hod to l>* turned on It. When 'opened, not a page was dis colored, not a record lost, rot a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Stiffen A Freeman safe. C. P. Miller, Agent .“see the - Jewel stoves and ranges for sale by J. W, Treple; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. ~V SHOULD SEND YOUR ORDERS for tuning and repairing pianos and or gans to W P. Manning, with C. P Mil ter. Agent; prompt attention to out-of town orders C. P. Miller, Ageeit. U'Gn-I.IS MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; best work only; no "Cheap-John" prices—no "Cheap- John Job* U SHOULD IIS MILLERH STtiVhH and ranges; the lost makes at reasonable price*. C. P. Miller, Agent. WHEN YOU SEE M'GILLIS'SIXTY fnch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help It; will sail In any quan i‘iy ___________ "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARR.” la a specialty with McOtlMe ~U SHOULD SEND ME YOUR Oft' dereforupholsierlngparlorend dining room furniture In leather, silk and other fab ric*. In the beet manner; curled heir, moss and codon mat tresses renovated, all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed. C. P Miller. Agent. “PULLET BELTS.* 23C. RUCKLES. IOC; aluminum shirt art, 10c, at Oardnr'a Ua xaar. MUTUAL. LADIES! CHICHEBTKRg ENULIBH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particular*. "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist [ Chichester Chemical Cos., Phtlada.. Pa. ~HOW ARE TOUR FEET? IF YOU* feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cur* Ingrowing nails, corn* and all dlaeases of the feet without pain; charge# reasonable; can give the best references In the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders ran be left as Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 253. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist _ —— ■ ■■ —-n HELP \\ \TWO— M ALE. ACTIVE MAN, BY ESTABLISH DD house worth 1250.0®, dutlee. hiring help; liberal salary and ex pen we advanced to right party. Address William J. Uhl. Manager, 723 Chestnut street, Philadel phia. Pa. "ioOcmiß - WANTED,~CITY TRADE, on commission: party with side line pre ferred. Address Commission. Morning New*. "WANTED. YOUTH 14 TOlf YEARS OF age. to make himself generally useful In office and ttore: must writ* fair hand. Apply after 9 a. tn. at 414 Broughton street, west. WANTED AT ONCE - YOUNG - MAN with experience In the drug business. C. W. Love A Cos., Blackahear. Ga. "manager FOR branch' OFFICE at Savannah, by old e*tahlt*h*d house; salary tl® month; also liberal commission on salsa: 9W cash and references re quired. Address Box MI, Philadelphia. Fa Hl’-I.P U %\TEl>— *1 %|*K. HCKKRiTtO g< in *ountry Apply 147 Farm Hire*!. YoFnTT MKM -OTH ILL#! ■ 6TKATKt) catalogue ex |>Ulna bow w<* teach barber trade In $ week*; mailed free. Holer liar her College. Hi Ixnita. Mo IIBLI* w citi:i-.f:m4l K. STENOGRAPHKK WANTED. YOi Nd lady preferred, one to make themaelvea generally unefui In uflicn work Apply to Collins* llravfon St Cos “WANTED, COMPETENT WARMER woman to work on premium. Apply IMS Itaberehani atrret, thin Tuesday morn- , lug at o'clock \m Curt can eaaidy makblu to s2*. !► i week by tia In her locality, aiui an the iHwdiHm t pleasant and profitable. I will rlm<llv vend full |>ar~ j ttruUm to all. Thin la no d* e|Hson, even your !pare nine la valuabli A<llr*im Mra. Mar> I*'. Wheeler, 17 Waahlngtoti Btvttl 00, HI. ai.i.xrs w asted. "'"liTriFTjF madfThv our live agent*, men or women, selling our latest novelty, campaign waierpfool neck • Ira. Good* entirely new and patented. Agent# delighted. Sales ut.llml'ed What others do. you ran do. Tkito 1* short Write to-day and secure exclusive terri tory. Guaranteed best seller. Address. I with stamp. M A M Manufacturing Com pany. Dept C. Springfield. Mass. 'AGENTS FOR IIENZIOER S~ MAGA ztnn. the most popular Illustrated Catho lic family mtgaslne; fit*) a year. Hells fast,'s3s a week easy. Exclusive territory given Address with references, H. ling er Rrothrts, 36 Barclay stie-t. New York “aoenth. general, to hell our rubber collars, cuffs, from*, etc.; rellaoln goods; largest commissions; big money to hustlers American Rubber tTollar Company. Spring Held. Mass EMPLOYMBNT WANTED. A COLORED GIRL WANT* BMI’.-OY m. nt as chamler maid or waiter: guaran ters gisnl work IJJ lloustoti stte--t. east. - WANTED.* POSITION BY EXPERT stenographer, bookkeeper amt all round office man. Address Jay. Morning Newa HDt SIC* WASTED. '^wXsTd : n^rT7rm7CTTCidrTrrE^\dN ter.from Oct. I. residence at Isle of Hop-*, state location and rent- Box 30, this office 'TWO-STORY HOUSE WANTED (with lawn or garden preferred), In good location. Address Good Tenant, thl* office. ROOM* WASTED. WANTED. FOUR OR FIVE ROOM fiat. with conveniences. Housekeeper Box I*7 W ANTED— Mise ELLA YEOSI*. turpentine plant ready up, write McQuatg A- Itearham, Orlando, Fla. WANTED. TO BUY STANDARD gauge Shay tram engine; g-lnrh faee wh-els. IS trt 1* ton; In good running or der Parks, Luckle 6 t’o.. Pendarvl*. Ga “WANTED. ANY 51 AN HAVING A hat that looks shabby and out of shape; bring It to Wheeler, the hatter, and have It made new again 4* Whitaker street. “IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. OFT IT from Springfield Dairy; It’s rich, pure and whole some. ATHERS WANTED; MARKET price |>ald for old feather bed* and pil lows. all orders promptly attended, send postal J L leaecs. Marshall House, Fri day. Sept. H. last day. IF YOU WANT A PLACTs TO DUMP earth, dirt, astid. manure, etc., free ol charge. Just al city limit*, hauling over herd road write or telephone Brown Proa., corner Anderson and Baal Broad streets. roll HEAT—HOOM. FOR RENT-TWO OR THREE OEN tlemen ran secure pleasant rooms, neatly furnished ami convenient to hath, with private family, al 109 IJberty. west. *FOR~~RENT. LARGE FERN BUIKO room Just papered ami [Sainted. No. 2h Oglethorpe avenue, east. * TO* LET. FURNISHED ROOMS, about ten minutes walk from business center. Apply IN llaberaham. ri.vm for hunt. FOR RENT. ELEGANT LOWER FLAT on the corner Jones and l.lnotn streets to beautiful condition, every • onvinonce, Ar-i-clar* order, dedtabl* locality, right rent to right Itnanl. Eat. Salomon Co hen, corner West Broad and Broughton at recta. "to rent flat of FIVE ROOMS, or singly; bath on floor; room* southern SR Barnard, between Charlton and Martin. 'TO RENT DESIRABLE FLAT. WITH hath; also two room* 3 Charlton street. FLAT. SIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose John Lyons. "to LET. FLAT CONTAINING FOUR rooms nml hath; all conveniences. Apply 114 Habersham KOH HEAT—HOI IBS HOUSES at. ALSO *l7 WALDBURG street, east; perfect condition; every con venience; tight rent right tenant. CG 99 the month. Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton atreets. “jtor RENT DESIRABLE SOUTH front residence. 114 Duffy, west; hot and cold water. THAT'DESIRABLE 'HOUSE - NO MS Jon.* street, east: renovated throughout. Apply W. A. Pieman'* drug store, Aber corn street. 'FOR RENT. DWELLING AND TWO lots No. 9 Mrtupus avenue, near Bull street, aeven dollars. I. D. I-a Roche. "for RENT. DESIRABLE BRICK house*, number 403 and 40* Huntingdon, east; newly napered ami retired; with all modern improvement*. Apply to E C. Way. Bell Telephone, ISM "FOR RENT. RESIDENCE HO BOX, ton street, west; aeven rooms: all con veniences; newly papered and painted. W per month; leas* for one year. Apply to J. T. Shuptrlne, corner Congress and Jef ferson streets. — FOR RENT T6 - AN AfT’EPTARLF. party, my residence, northeast corner First and Drayton al reels. Apply C. W Howard. No. KB Bay street, east. "FOR HI NT. FIVE ROOM HOUSE, Jones street between Montgomery and Jefferson. Apply 107 Broughton street, west. a 1 FOR BEAT—STORKS. FOR RENT, STORE, 111 BROUGH, ton street, east; possession Immediately: also several drolrabl* residences an] flats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east ____________ "FOR - RENT SUITARLE FOR STORE or ofllce, southeast corner Montgomery and Perry street lane. FOR RENT fill DESIRABLE etor* and warehouse formerly occupied by George VV Tledeman A Bra. corner Bay and Montgomery street; In perfee* order and condition; right rent to right tenant; poaseeslon ran be given Immedi ately. Eel. Rnlomon Cohen, corner West Broad end Broughton street*. FOR HEAT—MiacaU.AXBOt’9. WITH all convenience#, over our store, 117 Brougotou street, west. Apply Sternberg KOn a me— KRAI, ESTATE FOR SALE. CORNER LOT. JUST outside city limits. Adderss l-ot. this of flea. pop. SAl.f:. A LOT FOR TWO HUN fired dollars, easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. H. Do rati t. “for kale!"those"LOTfl 6n NINTH street, near East ltroad, have only tern sold lo first-class parlies, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In tha vicinity. C H Dorset!. 1 OH H All: I .O''lS ON NINTH. NEAR Eii.d Broad, at I3uo each: will soon be advancer! to 3335; w lien a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorset! *FOH SALK. IrOTB ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at Pff each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments C. H. Dorsett. “residences and building ixvrs for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 7 York •treat, weal. i toil :.AUr-IUIUUJJkkOIA WITCH HAZEL! THERE 1H WITCH hazel ami wltchhazel One I- made to cur*, the other is made to sell, put a tool* of ours bp the side of on- of the ot'sr kind, we give you all the quality and all the quantity that your money en titles you to—a pint (or a quarter l*r*e’s Drug Htora, Henry and Ahncom. Whit aker and Taylor FOR SALE. AT A RIO DISCOUNT, new National cash register No 7i> original cost tarn This Is a bargain. Address Box No. 2. Anderson. 8 C. 'M QI AIO HFACHAM WILL SELL yon first class round limber, suitable for mill or tiir|>entlne, for T> cents per acre. FOR“SALE CHEAP, HtIHSE. *.• cash. Aptilv 12>i llala-rshnm. “COW* FOR SALE. IF YOU WANT A good milk cow. reasonable, I can supply you. Call 471 West Boundary NXl.idl ACRES OF THE BEST ROUND limber In Florida. Apply to Mctjualg fit Its in ham. Orlando. Ida SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure tnuk; try II; you will fl* *9t i • I AMI I AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR aale 160.000 feet of ash suitable for wheel wright* carriage makers, car works and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sites. We have resumed rutting our famous brands of rvpress shingles and wUI soon have a full line of them for sals. Vala Royal Manufacturing Company. IXIST AND rill'M). IA >ST. BLACK BETTER HITCH Flip py. blueiali gray markings; answer* to name Nellie, finder ideas.- return to A. L Well, 11 Broughton street, east. lost, a pocKvrrnooK contain Ing two Bank of England notes; some American currency and a British pass port Finder liberally rewarded on re turning samp to Morning News office. aLM nctoun. EXCELLENT BOARD. GRAND Views, greatly reduced rales for Ihe fall month*. Address Box 108, Henderson ville. N. C. BDICATIOXAL. SAVANNAH ACADEMY- THE THllt ty second annua! ssselnn of the Savannah Academy commotres Oct. 1. preparation for i-ollegn or lia|nea. s|*-ciil primary and grammar school depariment. Apply or 334 Butt afreet for catalogues and spe cial terms John Taliaferro, principal Pl.t 'hum. 'ldolH^7r>PpLUkHHN(rnrr^vTur^E to your Interest to let me give you an es timate on your plumbing new or old work; repair work a specialty, aa 1 am a practical plumber. No guess work to endanger your life. Wdggtns. 'phone fO7. Georgia or Bell. MIfICBLLAYHOVS. HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire satisfaction guaranteed. Adams Paint Company. “WK SELL SEWER PIPE, FLUE pipe, fire clay, fire brick al lowest prices. Adams Paint Company, tot Congress, west. GYPHINE 1H Tin; BEHT WALL FIN Ish made Adams 'Paint Cos., Savannah agent*. 104 Congress, west. SITIONS |j B Secured Young Men Women ourprattical business (oUrse piCHwonob ( "BUSINESS f/optmruUo4^ CO HE B CS I Snl fa, raiilujv} '77*4* H. i/1 IfAjj#’ H aaaawswe—- ■wawt^me’— ■— LRUAt NOTICES. NOTIT' t?tM~ Tn D CREDI TORB. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY-NO tlc* la hereby given to all persons having demands against Clara M Ellis, late of eald county, deceased, lo present them to me. properly made out, wllhln the time prescribed by law. no a* to show their character ami amount, and al! persona In debted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment lo me (TIARLES ELLIS, Executor, IK Ray Street, east. Savannah, Ga. Savannah. Ga.. Auguat It, 1900. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ORED ITORB GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.- Notlce I* hereby given to all persona hay ing demand* agatnel Rosa Green, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. eo a* to show their character am) amount, and all person* In debted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment to me. Bavannah. Ga . July V*. 1909 PATRICK O’CONNOR. Executor. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. ACCTIOA IfiLkt rtrrrttg DATS. ~GUAR D ALi?~ ¥01*486 A DEM MO YD, Anctlessrsa. Under and by virtue of an order of (ho Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, I will sell at public outcry, between thw legal hours nf sale, on the FIRST TUEB DAY OF OCTOBER. 1900,belng Ih* secaad flat thereof, before Ihe Court House door of Chatham nounty. to the highest aald best bidder for cash, purchaser paying for titles and revenue stamps, an undivtdad half Interest In twenty-live ocrea of land on the Ogees-hee mad at ifa Junction with thr Charleston and Sa#mah Railway, ami known aa the Milieu place on said Ogeecbeo trout, with Improvement* there on Mold for maintain*nec and support of minor heirs. 1.31 M A RKISF.N. Guardian The owners of the other undivided half Interest In property hove described wilt sell for the same iwicc that the guardian obtains for the tfiher half YOU MAN* A DBMMOND. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. - y am tflu: im:T*fAT piuipfirt* 11. IHIRIUCTT, AMPtiiiHcrr. T'nrtrr nrul hy virtu* of ;n ord*r irrant *tl by tho Honor.i!>)<• Court of Ordinary of Chatham County. I will sell at Court Holm** In H.tvannah* ilurtna th? u- bourn of h.ilo. on Tmuwlay, Oot. 2, tan for the pur(H>f of tho puyTn*nt of nl for llNirthutlnn, th- foltowtny property of the **tata of Barbara A. Koch, d*c**i*cd: ThoiM* three oortaln lot* of land In th* city of Bavannah, known an lot* Noe 4. 5 and IS. Jonea ward, wlfh Improvement* thefion. known No* 3k. 232. 254 an I 2M, Keyooldi afreet, anti Not. 223. 255 Arnold afreet. T* rni* cash; purchaser paylna for titles. JOB If KOCH. A!mini*trntor Estate Barbara A. Koch. GUARDIAN SALE. Hi ROflt.ltT H. TATEM, Anetlnneer. UNDER and by virtue of an ofider granted hy the OrdlfMry of Chatham county, Georgia. 1 will eel I at public out cry before the Court House of Chatham county. Georgia on Tuesday, Oct. 3. at II o'clock, those three lots of land known ae lots Nos. 1. 3 and 3. In ilull’a sub-dl vlston of southern portion of lot No 3. In tluck* tvtblng. Pervlval ward, being on Montgomery street, extended, asst al>out *l> yanis south of Twelfth street Term* cash. THOM AS W.AI.SH Guardian for Joseph O. Walsh. I.KGAL SALES. CITY MARSH ALT BALM, City Marshal's Office. Savannah, Ga . Aug. It. 1900 . Under a resolution passed In Council Aug. 3, I*oo, 1 will offer for sale, at pub lic outcry. In front of tho Court Itouev, In the city of Savannah, on TUESDAY, Ihe ELEVENTH DAY OF SEPTEM BER, ttfin, between the legal hours of mule: Lot No. 28 Thomas ward; minimum ap praised price. 52.6u6.(8. Lot No. 28. Thomas ward; minimum ap praised price. 33.ttXi no. Term* cash; purchaser paying for BIQ* and stamp#. JOHN POWER. City Marshal. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ADOPTED. Extract from the minutes of Council meeting of Aug. 8. 1900 lly the Committee on C||y Lot*— Resolved That the marshal of Ih* city of Savannah Is hereby directed to ee|l *t public outcry to the highest and beat bid ders. for cash, on Tuesday. Ihe lllh day of Hepfemher. I*6. and at it o'clock a. m . dly lime, Ida numbers twenty-eight (28> and twenty-nine (29). In Thomas ward, said city, belonging In the city of Savan nah Upset price for ltd number 21, twenty-five hundred <2.5001 dollars; for lot number 3*. twenty-one hundred (2.100) dol lar#. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. City Manthal’a ofllce. Savannah, (la, B#i>t. A 190 J —Under and by virtu* of **• ectittone for real estate for the year 1*99, placed in my hand* by C 8. Hardee, city treasurer. I will sell, a a required by tha city ordinance, before th* Court House, In th* city nr Havannah. county of state of Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tumday In October, 19®. the following property (tot and Im provements thereon*, to wit: Each plena of property (lot and Improvements there on) levied on a* the property of the prroon or persona whose name or namna Imme diately precede the description; all of tha eald property (lot and Improvements thereon) Mutate, lying and being in tha city of Havannah. county of Chatham, state of Georgia: B. Wm Brown, trustee, south half of lot No. 54, Johnston ward, 11. C. W. Howard, lot No IS. Roppard ward. Patle Hopkins, east half of lot No. 13, oub-dlvtslon lot No. 24. Kobertavllle ward. S. John Smith, lot No t. aub-dlvlston lota No 79. S3. 33. U. M. Choctaw ward. W. Estate Michael Walan. lot No. 14. Choc la w ward Terms cash; purchaser paying for title and stamps. JOHN POWER. City Marshal. CITY MARSHAL’S SALE. City Marshal's Ofllce, Savannah. O*, September 4. 1909. Under ami by virtue of execution* for pavlog. laying, reiwtrlng or curbing sidewalks, placed in my hands by C. S. Hardee, city treasurer. I will *etl. as required by the city ordinance, before the Court House. In the City of (havannah, county of Chatham, slate of Georgia, be tween the lawful hour* of sale, on th* First Tuesday Pi October. 1909, the follow ing properly Hot and Improvements there on). to wit: Each piece of property Cot and Improvements thereon) levied on as the property of th* person or persona whose name or immedi ately precede tha description, alt of th* eald property (lot and Improvements thereon) situate, lying and being In the City of Savannah, county of Chatham, mate of Georgia. 11. C. Wallace Howard. Lot No. IK. Rep peed Wan). Terms, cash, purchaser paying for title and stamp*. JOHN POWER. Ctty Marshal. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molasses Hogsheads (St sal* by C. M. GILBERT & CO. 3