The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 11, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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ITS SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT. IMKHKM'IM. IMontUTKII GIVEN HI T II) HOITHKMX orncuu. I*r sldent Heraael Iprarn Reported in ihr IMbpLlioUpm I pun the K i■■ 1.11• l> I> l of Ihr l.lnc Inin *•- in n null and Ihr <natra.-tlon of thr 1 n-ff l Hnrdeevllle—The imlrr Will Ilf Umml-lril in Time tnr llif Milnlrr Tonrlat I mill, iiialhrra Will Oim a One-third In irrraf In Ihr I nliiu Mntlon at la .uuiiah lr% fln|ini.-nl of Ihr south—Krrliibt mid I'oaseaalr hla. tiallcs. if sixth annual report of the Southern Railway. In pumphlrl form, has been Is , J. President Samuel Spencer, In bla re } ito the stockholders. rays: In pursuance of the plan Inaugurated I- the last fiscal year, by the purchase of i- Carolina .Midland Hallway, the last i mied eompnny. during the summer and Mil of 1*99. constructed a cut-off between payee (near Columbia), 8. C., and Perry, 8 * 31.12 miles In length, thus giving this . impany the control of a dirci line of r I from Columbia lo Allendale. S. C., neetln* there with the Charleston and V - stern Carolina Hallway. Trackage a, r.. menta were made with the Charles* ii and Western Carolina Railway and i- Plant System for the operation of .s.Mhern Railway trains from Allendale to Yemassee, 8. C„ and from Yemassee, ft C„ Into Savannah, Oh.. Including the ti-e of the Plant System terminals at Sa vannah. This comiainy was thus enabled to run Its own trains Into Savannah from t is beginning of last winter's Florida pas senger traffic, and the Florida service has been since succeasfully operased over the rrw route In connection with the Plant 8 •torn south of Savannah Under the trackage contracts above r-'erred to, provision was made for the future shortening of toe line. If desired, and the mod i' -not! of the trackage agreements oc uo.'dlngly. It has now been decided to do this by the construction, by the Carolina Midland Hallway Company, of a line about 53 miles In length, from Allendale, 8 C , to Hardecvllle, S C., on the Plant Svstra, and It Is expected that the new lit. will be completed In time for next winter’s Florida traffic. To provide funds without creating fi ding debt, nnd pending the permanent finding of the cost of these properties snd extensions, certificates of indebted r.<ss. Itenrlng 4 per cent. Interest, were tesued and sold In June last, as stated Uove. have Kub*tantlally con* iiukil for th construction of a n*w union passenger station at Savannah. Ua.. !.l terminal tracks connecting it with t.< several roa<t* entering Savannah. The Southern Hallway Comptiny will own a ore-third interest in th# property, and v . enjoy equal rlgnte with other own •e* in Its use and operation. The development of manufacturing In ■ tries In the Smith, h*j* continued dur | Ira the past year In a marked degree !*pon the line* of thfe company, or tributary thereto. 514 manufacturing In dustries and plants were completed and '-nan operation* during the year, Includ j trig Twenty-seven new cotton mills began '(‘♦rations. equip|ed wiih 4.49s looms uui - !.'•#* spindles, and having a combined ■ liiorl**. 1 capital of $3.44". OCR). The equipment of the old cotton .mill* Increased by the uddlMon of P. 449 io> rns and 57.U21 splndlea. the Improte r t% having an < -Mmau .i value of st.- b 125. , "Ire total Increase during the ycor In the a parity of active cotton mills trlb i utarv to this company's lines w.iv there fore, 13 917 looms and 507,179 spindles, the | additional capital Inveetcl being about I Sl.’.nUO "00. • Twenty-one knitting mills began opera ti rs with estimated capital of 1594.000. "There were put In operation during tlte > .ir: Anew steel mill nt Knsley. Ala., capital, $1,000,000; anew wir* anil rod mill hi hinder. Ala., capital. $3,000,000; an Iron l l c plant. North liiriutngham Ala. ca|- ital 1175.00 U. and fourteen pig Iron fur- * went into blast. "Four hundred nd forty-nine mlscel -1 in* <nis Industries wre established and I ut >n operation during the year, among whu h may be mentioned thirty-nine fur i Iture factories, 30 wood-working plants. • lumber mills, 30 cottonseed oil mills, l** flour mills and aeven canneries. The year has beef) on* of uausual bua b*s activity and growth in the territory r-.i -hed by your company's lines. The Iron and coal Industries of the h uthem states have been still further dc %*loped. and the large and modern steel } int referred to In the last report has • • ♦ n completed and put |n successful oper- m nt Knsley. Ala. ft has now been d* termlned by th** owners to n<tf) to this Int 4 mill for the rolling of ateel rills, <• industry much needed for the futi • ’dilation of the products of Southern furnaeea. and. If euci'essfully maintained. , ‘ l much pos.-iblo icn. tit to the railways of *’!• Southern states. The improved price of cotton durihg ' V-r a* oimpnrel with that of recent > * rg, haw greatly benefltted the entire ’"•ton producing section, the surplus stock • previous years having been consumed. "* •* *he farmers fortunntely having re -1 ‘ived a full share of the advance. A* pointed out elsewhere, the develop. rn nt of cotton manufactures In the ftoutli •* minus* upon a steady and substantial 1 **d*. and Is contributing largely to the I ••merltjr of that section of country The Increased business activity throughout th* 1 country during the year is* resulted, however. In a large Increase in the cost of the operations of the rail • ,Vw - both In labor and in materials used. 1 nf * ‘mfortuna’ely the railways could not. n n;her consumers can. Increase the av price of the tale article which they lave for sale—namely, transportation." In a comparison of statistics of freight "nd passenger traffic, Third Vice Presi dent and Cfeneml Manager Frank 8. Oan • on ways: The freight earnings Increased $3,215.- I. or 19.07 per cent. The number of tons of freight carried Increased 1,9tt.534 tons, or 1d.44 per cent. The number of tons of freight carried “Aide Increased 371.739.3 W tons, or 19 34 1 -**r cent. The average length of haul of freight l r ton wns HM *2 miles In 19M and 1C4.11 ndles | n u<*9. „ n increase of 2.76 peT cent. The average rate per ton per mile wrap ' *•? cent In 190" an compared with 925 • f n cent In the prevlotts year, a decrease • ■ about 1 per cent. The average earnings of freight train* • * r mule run were $1 617 In lifc\ compared v, h tat in ]S99; increase 10.44 per cent. „ The passenger earnings Increased $172,- * Vj - nr 2.1* per cent. QR.STEDMANS Teething Powders T he l-ainouD Aid to Safe and FainleM Tcclliiiiß. 1 h/ moth erg the wrwld over for nearly SO yean. ’ ''TRUMAN having opened a branchoAssin -rn . .onwUiarakly redocea thacoatof t*M Jtjwfly powders. Tliay aroyut up In fallow wrap e n The trade mark, a gum lancet. TRADE MARK b on arary packet and on every powder, without ; 'leh none In gamilne A packed iwntoinin* nln# W renta At your drugs**’ • or inaii*l *y**peM ah rwvipt of price. Hand Ini\ booktat— l/' -McUrrutfi | Vurirry Jtnetar ” Add re** u J. a. Mm, %l TKK. w**t ieVmwi Si., Uenuatowa Phlla., Pa by LirPMAN BROW , Savannah, 0 CASTORIA . . - A -,ww : for Infants and Children. Castorin In n harmless substitute for t'KMor OH, Pare- Kr*c, I>ro|s and Kootlting Syrup*. It i* Pleasant. It eontains neitlier Opium. Morphine nor other Nureotin Mihstanee. It destroy* Worms and allay* Feverishness. It cure's IMarrlneu null Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ing Trouble's and cure* Constipation. It "egulate's they Stoma, h and llmvels, giving healthy and natural Mlet'p. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought y* Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Monthly Periodicals. We print them by the thousand. We can do it cheaper than you can, and get them up in correct style. Under this head are embraced Medical Journals, College Papers, Magazines, Church Periodicals, some Weekly Publications and Sunday papers. No matter how far you are Irom Savannah we may save you money over your present plan. If you are interested, write us. We cheerfully furnish estimates, ii Ms Ji iiiiii J. H. ESTILL, President, SAVANNAH, GA. -The number of puaeUim carried ln <-r.•.,! 700,41*1. or 11.73 lr .Wil. ••The number of |Mnnnn carried one mile decrease.! 10,41*'. 103, or 3.177 per rent "The averaxe rate per imesenaee per mile M 2.349 cents. a compari'd with -jfi cents In the previous year, an In crease of 5,7.3 per cent. •The avrroe distance traveled by pass eners was 45.22 miles, as compared with 50.74 miles In the, previous year, a de creaae of 13.57> per cent. "The average enrnlnas of passenser trains per mile run were |UOI In IWO. comiared with $1.1*33 In ltttH. a deereae' of 2.44 |>er cent. "The disrease In the number of passen ger, carried one mile (os attains! an In crease of 11.73 tier cent. In the number of passengers carried! and the Increase In Ihs average rate per passenger per mile, are due lo the lcais distance movements o? a large number of I’nited Stales gov ernment troops In IS*, at reduced rates.” SHOWS 3ltM ADVWTIbI*. Compendium Compiled by the Plant System's Industrial Igesl. A compendium of the resource*, attrac tions and business opportunities along the line* of the I‘lint System has Just been complies] hv Mr. John 11. Stephens, indus trial and Immigration agent of the system Arranged alphabetically, run* the list, and Industries, crops, possibilities and whatnot appear In an order that admits of Ihelr being readily found when a search Is made. The book has 71 page*, and Ihe Information conveys I Is valuable for any who may contemplate seltling In Florida or elsewhere along the Vlant System. Of the bool, and Us purpose, Mr Steph ens sjys: "This book has been compiled to meet the demand upon the Agricultural and Im inigrutlon Departmetii of the Plant Sys tem. for the Information ns to the re sources. advantages, attractions and £uel, opportunities offered and presented in td by the ierrltory traverse,! by the line, of Ihe System, ami to enable the hurepi to morh successfully handle the many In ~dries being received from prospective settlors and capital reeking investment. •The territory traverse,! by Ihe Plant System embraces Kastern South Carolina Southeastern, Soul hern and Southwestern Georgia, Southeastern Alabama, and the entire peninsula of Florida, the heart of the South. "Florida In the natural garden of the world, still holding her own and eshlhli- Inga recuperative ttower unapproached by any other state In the I'nton. "The territory traversed by the lines of the 'Plant System produces profitably nearly all varieties of general farm pro ducts of the T'nited State-, every variety of fruits and vegetables indigenous 40 the more northern latitudes, as well as the entire family of citrus, •tml-trfpical. and many of Ihe tropb il fruits and veget ibles. “The wonderful resource* of Florida In agricultural, horticultural nnd indflstrlal pursuits arc so many and varied, and tha ovcnite* of profitable return upon ju die toils Investment so that It would lake a much larger volume to go Into specific details, therefore no attempt has laen made in this direction, but we have of necessity been confined to a mere out line. In Mime instanees giving only the rime and a very short description of the product or Industry with it* potentiality and last season's marketable output.” Applications for coplea of this book for distribution should he made to the Agri cultural and Immigration llureiu of the riant System of Hallways, and will re ceive prompt attention. PAR HOT AMI !■:! Til KM. Aernnipllshert llird an Attrnrlloa In the Plant flMre. An addition lo the Plant System cliy ticket office has been made In the ,ho:*e of a red and green parrot, one of the neighbors having sent the bird In to be THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1000. cared for by City Passenger and Ticket Agent E. A Armand. The parrot Is quite a talker, and Is song bird as welt, Its repertoire Ineludlng four or five familiar tunes. Now and then tha bird will make an observation that Is very apropos, con vulsing Its hearers with laughter. The other day a highly reapeetahk- lady of middle- age was In the offiee to buy a ticket. Her purchase having been made, she turned to go. When nearly to ihe door she was startled and shocked by hearing someone say: "Hello, 8al." The lady turned, but her gathering wrath was dissipated when he saw that the parrot was the offender. , The r linings of the Central of Georgia Hallway l for ihe week ending Ihe third week of August, were IbM.lkV against $97,- 148 for the corresponding week of last year, anti $3 703.325 from Jan. 1. to the end of Ihe third week, against $3,324,710 for the corresponding pertor last year. HAH Til Kill I! 17,01tS WITH THEM. And Almle Tilings l.taely tmong the ilenafnrt Kxrurslunlsts. There were nixor* In the air yesterday on the steamer Pilot Boy, which brought a colored excursion from Beaufort. The melee terms to have been general, or so nearly 1 so, (hat there were some half a dozen negroes rut. more or less seriously. Th# tight took place after the steamer had entered Ihe Savannah river and was well on her way up to the wharf. An soon as she landed, Information of the fracas was telephoned ihe barracks and Patrolmen Godbobt nnd Christie were sent to investigate. They found that a nc*ro named Cyrus Green, had hern seriously cat having received a three-inch swipe •croon the throat. Him they sent to the Georgia Infirmary, while K. Johnson. Ed ward Green, and Robert Roberlson wera sent to the barracks on the charge of hav ing a hand In the light. Latter Patrolman Gndbold fount another excursionist, Wni Gooding wlih a generou-i piece of his ear missing, so ha sent him In also. Johnson had been so badly cut nnd mauled that It wan nec es.iry to secure medl -al attention for him after ha was taken lo He lock-up l-ite |n Ihe afternoon. Just before the Pilot Boy stalled on her return trip. Pa trolman Godhold discovered Cyrus Green In a hack at Whitaker and Bryan streets on hie way to the boat In charge of some of hie friends After getting hi* wound dressed It seem* that he had waited until iherc was Just sufficient time to ralch Ihe boat and then skipped out His llttlsi game was blocked by the policeman, how ever. nnd Green was 10. led up to ap pear e wllness this morning when the case will be heard. FOR A SHOOTIMG GALLERY. A Itnnue (nr Small I sillier Weapons Is Desired. Several gentlemen who are greatly In terested In rifle and pistol practice met last night at the arsenal of Ihe Savannah Volunteer Guards lo consider a movement for the organisation of an Indoor rifle and pistol association. From the Interest that was manifested. It seemed clear that there wolud be something definite reeultlng from Ihe next meeting, which will be held soon. It I* proposed to form an association, consisting of as many member* a* may be secured from among the gentlemen of the eMy who are Interested In shooting, for night practice with 22-callber rifles and revolvers. The distance will be Iflt) feet, ns that Is about the limit of accuracy for weapons of that caliber. Some two years or more ago there was a reduced-distance range established by the Savannah Volunteer Guards on their lot. The range was Mell equipped, but ihe memher* of the Guard* never grew en thusiastic. and It was use.l but little The dtflbulty. It Is said, was he,ouse of the cost of loading the ammunition for Ihe Springfield*. This will he removed by the use of the small calibre weapons, for which reduced chargee will not have to be wed. In addition to the Indoor (hooting, with rlfl. • and revolvers. It Is proposed to havo the association father a movement to muke outdoor revolver practice more pop ular, aml this will mean work or the rang, with the regulation 3-c!lbre wea pons. It has not yet been definitely ascertain ed, but the promoter* believe they will have no difficulty In securing the use of the strip of ground running alongside the arsenal of the Guards It wan tier,- that the reduced-distance range of the tiuarda was. and the place Is admlrabl) adapted lo the purpose for which It Is desired. LOCAL. I'CRmU.U. Mr. IV McKinnon of Jerome ts a guest of the Pulaski. Mr, J W Oulland nf Statesboro ts a guest of the Pulaski. ' Mr. J. J B. Morel of Bylvanla ts regis. fered at the Screven. Mr. J IV I>. nu. of Woodbine ts regis tered at the Screven. Mr*..A C. Hamrick of Columbia Is a gin st of the Pulaski Mr. W. W. Wilder of Brunswick Is reg istered at the Pulaski Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Graham will sail to-day for Italtlmorr. Mr W W Wagnrr of Charleston Is registered at the Pulaski. Mr George L llsh! of Jacksonville is registered at the Pulaski. Mrs F Haskell left for New York yes. terday on the Tallahassee Rev M J Eptlng will leave to-day for Newberry for a visit of ten days, Mr. J J. l>ale returned from the North yesterday on the City of Augusta. Mr. J. W Jackson returned from New York yealerday on the City of Augusta. Mr. J A O. Carson returned from the North yesterday on the Cpy of Augusta. Mrs Annie Decker will leave vta the Plant System to-day for White Springs. Mr. J. 51. l.ang whs a passenger on the City of Augusta from New York yester day. Mr. T J Hyde nf Jacksonville was among the arrivals at the Screven yester day. Mr A. M Rohertsnn of Jacksonville was among the arrivals at the Screven yester day Miss N. 1,. Smith of Wayrros* was In the city yesterday a guest of the Pu laski. Mr. A. C. McAlptn of Bluffton was In the city yesterday a guest of the Pu laski. Mr. and Mrs. W T Harrow left vta the Plant System yesterday for New York Mls J Torbett was among the passen ger* of the Tal!ahasaee yesterday for New Yolk Mr. R. M. Hull was a passenger' from New York yesterday on the City of Au gusta. • Mr. C D. Kline was a passenger from New York yesterday on the City of Au gusta. Mr. George P Smith of Brunswick was In the city yesterday and stayed at the Pulaski Dr. A W. Quattlebaum of Statesboro was In the city yesterday, a guest of the Pulaski. Lieut. G R Maher and family returned from the North yesterday on 4he City of Augusta. Mr II V Register and party of flve left vie Ihe 8* aboard Air Line yesterday for White Springs Mis* Lilian E. Strickland was among the passengers of Ihe TallahasSee yes terday for New York Mr James Freeman, city ticket agent of the Southern, left last night for At lanta for a very rhori vlelt. Mrs. C. 111. McCall and son have return ed from Walden Branch, after sp'ndlng several weeks with relative*. Mrs James H Hunter and family were among Ihe passengers of the Plant Bys t-m \e*trday for Mlllerton. N. T. The many ftlendsof Jt>f*e H. P Brewer of Waycros* will learn with pleasure that he Is much Improved after hi* recent Ill ness. Mis* Jennie Bobbitt of Washington I* standing a couple of weeks wtlh har nephew. Lieut. G. B Maher. No. 112 Duffy street, west. Mr. E. F. Vasehe. Mr* Mary Vasche. and Mrs. Matilda le-Flock were among the passengers yesterday of the Plant System for Denver. Mr*. M. L. Ztterouer. Mis* Marlon Zlt trouer and Mia* Florrl* Holy have return ed home after spending two months very pleasantly ni Charlotte. N. C. Miss Maud Etta WHkowskl will leave to-morrow for Mllledgcvllle. where sne will take a special course at the Georgia Normal and Industrial College. Mr. and Mrs. M I Frankenstein and son*. Milton and Irving. Miss Julia Frank enstein an.) Miss Henrietta Meyer re turned home yesterday from Astwlllo, N C.. having spent the summer at Waynesvllle, Asheville and other western North Carotins, mountain resort*. IHiltsK PLAY Eillt IN THOI RLE. Other 4 aec* Thai the Recorder \A 111 Hear This Morning. Wm Smith and Francis McKay, two white men were arreatrd last night on a charge of malicious mischief preferred by Caesar Miller, • colored hack driver Sunday night, according to Ihe driver’s story, he left hi* hack for a short lime at Houston street and Perry street lane, and when he returned found lhat not only was Ihe hr.dle gone from the horse's head, hut that the rein* were rut and the whole harnew. otherwise mutilated and damaged He thinks the men arrested last night are the one* lhat did the deed, and had them arrested. The ease will he heard this morning In the Kecorder'a Court. Mack Brown ws arrested hy Detective Murphy churgol with burglary. Adeline Thompson, colored, was sent In ,hy Detective Stark on the rharg* of the larceny of a pockethook from a house In which she was doing some' scrubbing This I* nol the first time that she has been srrested on surh a charge, and her sent, nee will probably be one that will keep her out of mischief for some lime to com*. Manny Gadsden, colored, was sent In hy Patrolman Frew of the Plant System force on the charge of assaulting an-J cul ling anoiher negro named P. Smith. The wound ta only a alight one on the left hand. /mARNS^BtsI l ELECTRIC PASTE I 1 kills RATS. MICE. COCKROACHES ■ i and all other VERMIN, leaving ■ I no- odor. At M E h Bugs I ■9 iMorif* ftriA Net# C* , S'to W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Agent, RAILW AY AND WILL SI PI'LIES, Provident Bull'iloc, havzonal), Oa. I Eg Mrrnelh and <re,d medicinal value Don't lake the weak, eatery PM Ujl KfJ Ejj 'tilth Dace I preparation* represented to be "the ame at" PONDS H H ■ Bfl EXTRACT They ReMrtllv tonUln “ wood alcohol," which Irritates ! f • jj'J FI bet POND S EXTRACT, sold only In sealed Outlie, In ball wrapper., rljj E# A BARGAIN IN SILKS. Several thousands yards of Fancy Silks thrown on our Center Table will be sold at Great Reductions. You will find them very attractive at the uniform price of EmL cts O Zero weather could not have produced a quicker demand than we had for Blankets. Of course the Low Prices did the work, the Duality did the selling. The Blanket Sale Continues. A $4.00 l ine White Wool Blanket at $2.09 A $5.00 l ine White Wool Blanket at $5 49 As7 00 California Woo! Blanket at $4.09 A ss.oo California Wool Blanket at $5.69 Clean White Blankets 05e and up to $22.50 See the Skirts and Waists. $2.50 Black Walking Skirts now xit $1.49 $2.50 Braided Flannel Waists now at $1.50 SIO.OO High Clash Black Skirts now at $5.00 A few White Waists, clean Htock, A (.111, 50c & $1 $1.50 Infants' Fine White Dresses this week $1 S2O Ladies' Suits at $7.88. 75c Dress Goods, new styles and colors, at 40c SI.OO Dress Goods, a handsome variety, at 09c 82.25 Finest Venetians, the latest shades, $1.49 Black Goods, always the best at lowest prices. The Bilk Store of Savannah. “Alwayscomplete." A Small “V Big Bargains. ISr Pillow Casing HK' 17.50 Taffeta Pstilenats $3 W | Children's Parasols 2V Host Bleach Hheetlng 55c 17.C0 Taff.-ia Waist* ll.l* Children's Usahrellaa ..T.V Klanellettc Outing* lc lIo.SO TalTsia Waists . g.,** Ml™ Laundry Bags .....ISr I.V- ChlMrsn's Hose ... 10<- Ladles' Hulls... It Ntr l.aumlry Bag* 26c Children'* li'dkerclilofs. Sc 16.00 Kubhrr Cloak* tt 3.1 Nice Htampsd Scarfs— IB- Ladles' Handkerchief*.. Sc Marseille* (Jutlta $3 at* tl.'B l.lnsn Square* fl*e M.iff* Handkerchief*... te sS<m Fine Umbrella* 11.00 l.lnsn Scarfs HO* Chll-lrsn'a Vndcr bodies Sue OOr Msn's Shirt* S9- Ths Victoria Oorssts—gk- Chlklrsn's M Waists., l&c * Msn's Hhirts 41 Ths It A O. Corse, *. 75<- 76< Infants' Cap-... 30> I! ' Msn's Hhlri* i>s<-,11.(iu Poi k'tl*sk* nt.... 7Sc 60c 1.1,1s Slocking* 2c Msn's Gloria I,'mhrsllo* 90-' Full Hiss Hhspts ISOs Js<- Silk Rlhlmna 16c Msn a Fancy Ho*lery...2Sc' Hsmstlishcd Bhsst* COME TO THE SILK SALE. Prompt and Careful Attention to Mail Orders. All Bargains as Advertised. No Disappointment. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. LINDSAY & MORGAN STILL AT OLD POST OFFICb, • With Great Bargains In Summer Goods, Such as Mattings. Mosquito Nets, Refrigerators, Porch Awnings, Reed Furniture, Go-Carts, etc. Closing out our stock of Buck’s Stoves and Ranges Low Down. The only Odorless Refrigerator. FRENCH CLARET WINES, and GERMAN RHINE and MOSELLE WINES and FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES. All thee* tin* Wine# and Liquor# ora imported hy ua In glass direct from tb* grower# in Europe. • • _ . Our Bt. Jutien Claret Win# from Kvoreat. Dupont A Cos of Bordeaux. France la on# of ihalr apeclaltlo*. Ood on* at extremely low price. The Chateaux Leovli.e. on* of Ihalr superior Claret Win**, well known all over th* '.trilled Slates. We also carry In bond Claret Wt .#* from this celebrated Arm In casks. Our Rhine and Mow!l* Wine* are hnimrted from Marlin Douts, Zmnk ftort Germany, are the beat that com* to the United Btutea. BODENHKIM le eery fine and cbaip. NIERHTEIN also very pwd. BUriKBHEIM very choice. ' RAUIBNTHAL. nelectad grape* very elegant LIEHFRANMILCH. quite celebrated MABCOBRUNNER CABINET Geaahi and rsra. YOHANNIBBUHOER I* p#rf-Mon. BPARKLfNG IKK’K SPARKLING MOBBLt.E. BPARKLINO MUSCA TBLLE. and FINE FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES Special Brandies are Imported dlr.Ot from Franc* by ua. In ***** and cask* . LIPPMAIS brothers. @CU4* YOURSELF! ,!*. ni* *4 tor iinn.laral hevhenr.*. lnOWß.ii<.ii*, rrtutn. or übereUoa* .f raurea, memhr.nee. PsutleM. end not Mtrt> (eat or ynteenom. hold by Drwitm, or sent In plain np*f, hr nre*ai‘t. lot tt m. or 8 l-.tfl-.; ft. 7S. Ctremise sent an nahft J. D. WEED t CO 3AVAB3AJ3, Ut. Leather Beltiot Steam Packing & Hose. Agent* for NEW YORK RUBBER BELTING AND PACKJNO COMPANY* IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* from Morning News, Savannah, Ua. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texas Ruel Proof Oat*. Coatt-ralsad Rye. Cow Feed. Hay, Grain. Bran and Feed* of ali kind* for stock end poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 223. lift Bay street, west. ESMO ; I injection. I; A PERMANENT CURE j: | I of the moat ohetiiutr cases of Uonorrhm* i ’ i ' and (Jleer, gaanntewl In from 3 to and ' , i days; Do i.’her treatment required. i j i Bold by >ll druggists , ' Ocean Sieainsmo 6a -Fon- New York, Boston -AND THE EAST. Vnsurpa.srd cabin aci-ommodallona All ths comforts of a mwiari) tiotsl Klactrta lights, t’ro-x* sli.4 (able Ttcksta IncluOs msals and bsrths aboard ship. fares Horn .savannad. TO NKW YORK -FIIIBT t’AHIN. *2O; fikht cabin round trip. wj. in- TKRMKDIATK CABIN. *ls. intkrme- DIATK CABIN ROUND TRIP, |ii htkkragk, 110. TO BOSTON FIRST CABIN. *: FIItHT CABIN ROUND TRIP. I !N --TI-.'ItMKDIATK CABIN. 117; INTKHMB DIATK CABIN ROUND TRIP. *3Uk HTKF.RAOE. 11l 76 Tha sxprsss st.>amhlpa of this lln. ara apiiolntsd lo .all from Havannah, Control (With) msrld in tlms. as ‘ollows: OAVAMVAH 1 SIfW I'OHK. CITY OF AtJGUHTA lap' Dnggstt. TUESDAY. 8, pt 11. ;J p m NACOOCHEB, < 'apt Hmlth. THURS DAY. Hspt 13. k.-O' p. m KANSAS CITY, Capt. F.shsr, SATUR DAY, hspt 13. 10 00 p m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. C"Pt Bsrg. MONDAY Hspt 17. ml noon TADDAHAMKE. t'ap>. Asktn*. TUES DAY. r'opt. I. I:" P m CITY OF AUGI'HT 4. Capt Daggstt, THURSDAY. Hspt SO. *1) p m NACuOCHKF Copt Hmlih, SATItR DAY, Hspt K tOO p m KANHAH CITY. Capt Ftsher. MONDAY, hspt St. 6.00 p m CITY OF BIR.MINOHAM, Capt, Bsrg. Tt ÜBDAY Hpt. :s *3O p m TAI.I.AHAhHEF. Capt. Aaklns, THURS DAY 8-pt 27 P m CITY OF AI'OUHTA. Cap' Daggntt, HATT'RDAY. Hspt 59 *1 p m. U; milk TO ItoaTlt*. CITY OF MACON. Capt Havaga. FRI DAY. Hpt It. noon CITV OF MACON. Cap' Havags. WED NF.HDAY. Hspt 19. nc*n CITY OF MACON Capt Havags, MON DAY. Hspt 24 noon CITY OF MACON, Capt Havags, FRI DAY. Hspt SO. noon This company rsssrvs* ths right to Chang* H* sailings without nolle, and without liability or accountability there for Hailing* New York for Savannah dally amrspt Sundays, Monday* and Thursdays. •HO p m w O DREWKH. City Ticket and Pass enger Agent. 107 Hull street, Havannah. Oa. E W SMITH. Contracting PretgM Agent Havannah. Os. R and TRE&EVANT, Agent. Savannah. Os WALTER HAWKINS. Genera! Agent Traffic Dsp't. 534 W. Bay street. Jack sonvllls. Da E, H HINTON, Traffic Manager, Sa vannah. Oa. P E tit FEVRE. Superintendent, New Pier SS, North River New York N T. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. •TfcSAMatllP LINK). HAV ANA All TO RALTIMOHK. Tickets *>n sale nt company's officaa tai tha follow If ut i—mia ai v-ry low rata*. ATLANTIC CITY. N J. BALTIMORE. MD BUFFALO, N T. BOSTON. MASS CHICAGO, ILL, CLEVELAND, O. ERIK. FA HAGERSTOWN HARBIBBURO. PA. HALIFAX. N 8 NIAGARA FALL*. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. Firs! -class tickets Include meals and slata from berth. Savannah to Baltimoro. A< cmmodatlona and cuialna unequalod. Freight capacity unlimited; careful hul ling and quick dispatch. Th# steamships of this company are ap pdntad to from Savannah to Balti more a* follows (standard tlmel: ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foater, TUESDAY, Sept. U. **> p. m. TEXAS. Capt. Eklrldg*, THURSDAY, Sept. 13, <>“ a. m. I> H. MILLER, (’apt. Patera. SATUR DAY. Bept 1&. U m ITASCA. Capt- Dlgga, TUESDAY, Bopt. IK, IJ p. m ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster. THURS DAY. Sept. *O. 4:4 F m TEXAS. C'apt. Eklrldg*. SATURDAY. Bept. 22. s:* P m And from Baltimore Tuesday*. Thurs days and Saturday* nt IrO p m Ticket Office. J* Bull atreel. NEWCOMB COIIEN. Trav. Agent J. J. CAROLAN. Agent. Savannah, On. W P. TURNER. O P A A D. BTKRRINB. A. T M. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. General Officen. Baltimore. Md. L l S l Of HOPf ft *llO a J i R 7 •i HI.Ill I.fc. For lala of Hope. Montgomery. Thunder bolt, Cattle Park and Waal End. Dally except Sundays. Subject to eftaogg without notice. ~ IBLE OF HOPE. Lv. City for 1 of ri.| Lv. tai# JTWSjSt I M> am from Temh *>u am for Bolton 730 am from Tenth I (09 am for Tenth lam from Tenth j 7 am for Tenth t IS am from Bolton j 0 06 am for Tenth 10 10 am from Tenth |K> Wam for Tenth UOO n n from Tenth fit hi am for Holloa 1 Ift pm from Holton ju 30 am for Tenth 230 pm from Tenth | IDo pm for Tenth 330 pm from Tenth j 2 40 pm for Holloa 3u pm from Tenth j 340 pm for Tenth IM pm from Tenth I4 tt pm for Tenth 030 pm from Tenth I*o* pm for Tenth T3O pm from Tenth | 700 pm for Tenth 1 10 pm from Tenth tOO pm for Tenth •10 pm from Tenth >OO pm for Tenth 10 hi pm from Tenth 10 00 pm for Tenth II 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv city for Mong'ry. 7 Lv Montgomery 3M am from Tenth I 7 Ift am for Tenth ** pm from Tenth lIS pm for Tenth ft h) pm from Tenth |ftoo pm for Tenth CATTLE PARR. Lv city for CarPark!~Lv ~Cnttle Park. 0 M am from Bolion | 7 90 am for. Bolton 7 JO am from Holton | I no am for Holton 1 00 pm from Rollon 1 1 30 pm for Bolton *to pm from Bolton | I 00 pm tor Bolton 7 0> pm from Bolton j 7 M pm for Bolion •oo pm from Bolton fft K pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT Car leaves Bolton street Junction IN a. m. and every thirty minutes 'hereafter until 11:10 p. m Car leaves Thunderbolt at oon a m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton street Junc tion FREIGHT AND PARCELT-Aa Thl* cr carries trailer for passenger* on all tripe and leaveo weal side of city market for late of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate point* at 900 a. m.. 10) p. m . 1.00 p. m. Leave* lale of Hope for Thunderbolt. City Markeft and all Intermediate point* at ( 00 a. rn . 11:00 a. m.. 2:00 p. at. WKMT KND CAR Car leave* wc*l aide of city market for W*t End I a. m. and every *> minute* during tha day until UAO p, m Leave* West End at ft. 39 a. m and ev. ery 40 minute* thereafter .luring the day nnttl 12:00 o'clock midnight. H. M. LOFTON. Oen. Mgr. 7