The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 11, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hall's Great Dlseorerjr. On# •mall bottle of Hair# Great Dla (every cure# all klrint) and bladder trouble#, rrcnovoa frivrl, diabetes seminal emissions. **.k an-1 Istne back#, rbeumailim and all tirjful irltbs of tbs kidney# and bladder in both men and women regulates bladder trouble" in chil dren l( nm sold bv your drugfiit will b# cant my mstl on r< ceipt of $1 One small bottle i* two months' treatment and will cure any ca# mentioned lr B H Ha . It iwanuUctnrtr. r. o. Box - tir Louis Mo S#nd for testi monials bold by all dru*Ut* ond Solo mon* Cos ba M*li. Ga. Heart Thla. Dr K W flail. St. l/'vut*. Mo : Dear Sir—Pl-ase ship m* three doaen Hall's G ant Disowvery by ftr't express. I hava ao and over one gross It gtvas perfect sat- Hfarttcn and 1 recommend it to my customers Yours fitly, M C GROVBS. Prop ADM-Mt opoly Drug Store. Ocala. Fla . Dec 11 • IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. ti:\H AMI VIRUS OF THE DAY H TWO STATBS. Home Has a Xeir Cotton UUI-llesTy Colton Rerelpta at tmerlroa—t ol ninbus Mills Are lluylnic t’otton. Family I'oUonrrt at Fort Valley. Talk of Two Sugar Meflarrle*. Ilealli of Editor J. Ira C.ore—Cither Florida Arses. Kastman Journal The directors of the cotton factory met Monday and decided to arrange for building the factory "right away. The machinery was ordered s-me time ago and pians and speclflcatlons of the building will be secured In a f**w days. It wi.j I** erected on the she now occupied hy the Kastman I number Com pany’s mill We trust that this enter prise will have no further tan k*t and that our farmers will be able to sell some of this year's cotton crop to a home In stitution. Populist* llid \of Nominate. The Populists, after giving two weeks’ notice of a meeting to be held at Butter Saturday, “for the purpose of putting out a candidate for representative and such other county officers us they deemed nec essary," decided, a* most of them voted in the prim try held In Taylor county on .the 11th of July, that they would abide the same. The Butler Herald, the local paper, had also prominently advertised that Judge Hines of Atlanta would speak. This gentleman did iioi com*, nor was tie represent*d hy any one No one seem ed to b advised of the. cjuse of this dis appoint m nt. Whole Family Was Poisoned. The entire family of Dr. O. A Thrower, p.tsfor In churg*- of the Methodist church at Fort Valley, w. r • taken suddenly and violently ill late Friday afternoon and their symptoms Indk’nte that they had been poisoned. A phy#l< lan was hastily summoned and bv Int* lllgent treatment j soon allevilao-d their pain, but the nan- I sea continued lor some time. They are all now entirely recovered ami save weak- ; ness feel no 111 effects from the attack. It wae first thought that some butter milk that was served at the noon hour was the cause, but later It was ascer tained that a neighboring family from whom the milk hud been procured, also drank of the aa me churning, lienee the cause of the attack Is yet unknoWn. Hornr'i New rollon Hill. Rome Tribune: Rome ho* anew cotton mill. It ha* been quieoly organized by local capiallst* X ,, '^ nr * enterprise will be known a* "The Anchor I>uck Mill.” and I* will be u splendid Industry for Rome A heavy quality of duck cloth will lie m<le. such a* I* used In army legging*. army cot*, harvesting machinery, tire hose, belt ing. awnings, tarpaulins, etc. There Is a great demand for such goods, and this Rome mill will lie k>*pi very busy from the day It starts. The stockholder* of the mill re M. ssrs. C. A. Might. J. A, Glover, C Terhune. C. K M I,ln. T It Garllngton. John and Ram Graham, I D. Ford and Elbert McGhee The thread Wll I ■ 5 I ! *1 *1 1 i and no spinning done. It will lie strletly a weaving mill This new mill Is capi talized at 180800 whlrh will he Increased as Ihe business grows. The mill wall he locnted In one of the suburbs Just outside the city limits, and as soon as the deeds ore signed around will be broken and Ihe buildings erected as rapidly us possible. Yesterday It was decided that the new cctton mill which will make only duck cloth will be located beyond Hast Roma on Ihe tracks of Ihe Chattanooga, Rome and Southern Railroad. The contract was let for the buildings. Columbus Hills llu>|*(. Columbus Enquirer Run: Whether It Is because they ore In actual no,si of the staple, or whether they believe that the market Is going to continue to advance ll Is a fact that the Columhus cotton mills have atarted to buying the new year’s crop of cotton. The mills have been In clined lo hold off and wait until the mar ket has gone down, hut Instead of drop ping. the fleecy staple Is acting Just ex actly as a kite In a real, brisk, lively lit tle gale—lt Just keep* on going up. And tne cotton manufacturer*, like everybody else, don’t know when It I* going lo stop. Whatever their Idea, however, the local tnlH* have begun buying The Eagle a Fhenlx went Into Ihe market yesterday, buying one or two* lots, und the other mills were also In the market. It Is saiel that they wUI ail be In the market fiom now on Whether or not It I* their lde.a to merely buy from hand to mouth until the market goes down, or whether they think lhal cotton I* going considerably higher, end they wish to begin to lay In n slock before another spurt I* had—all these Hre matters of Individual opinion. The Eagle A I'henlx h* said lo have enough cotton to run a month longer on. Americas* Ilia Receipts, Americus Tlmes-Rccorder: Amerlcus warehousemen received 812 bales of cot ton yesterday tHaturday), thus breaking the record for the season on receipts by more thun 300 bales. At an early hour the cotton wagons began rolling In from the country, and long before noon the business street* were crowded with team* nnd people. The warehouses were easily the buslc*t center*, and many thousands of dollar* were paid out there forthe fleecy staple. And never were people in belter spirits.) Ten cent* for cotton was some thing new and the effect was well-nigh magical. Not In years has there been more money paid out here. Th® "good time coming’’ was long deferred, but came at last The expected slump lo the cotton market did not materialise. t’pon th contrary, contracts showed considerable strength and advanced several point* at the close The demand for spol cotton was good, though not * strong a* on the day previous when ten cents was the ruling price Ten cent* was raid for fine cotton here yesterday, though cents was the ruling price. And many farmers were very well satisfied therewith. Of the Si; bale* brought In yesterday perhaps WO were aotd. FLORIDA. The Volusia County Democratic Exe cutive Committee, at a meellng tt Doy loc* Wednesday. **t*eted Thom* hparkmsa aa the Democratic candidate tor representotive. vice M 8. I-ee. resigned. Houieht Haray flraagn., Palmetto New*. McLean A 81m* start- Ca out last Tuesday and before Saturday flight bought &.000 boxes of the finest oranges In Florida. Including the famous oak 1111 l crops. Forrlga Exports. Exports to foreign ports from Pensa cola las: week were valued at lIM.Wn. and were distributed as follows: London end Antwerp. $31..120. Rotterdam. s2s.<M. Ge neva. $£3.99. Lubeck anti W itmnr, $3,770; Cette, £2.400. Rio Janeiro. I*. 130. Skipped lire* to Paha. New Smyrna Breege: Mr John Pray craft shipped fifty colonies of bees by ex press to Havana. Cuba last Friday. If they arrive there in proper conditio* and do all right. Mr Craycraft may make other shipments In the future. Flagler's ■iniirovrmrnta. Gainesville Bun The improvements be ing made by Mr. Flagler at Mayport and Pablo Re* <h will revolutionise the ap pearance and business Interests of that part of Florida t'ndoubtedly Mr Flag ler Is Ihe greatest developer In the state It Is said that be now has employed in Mayport and vicinity over 300 men. Getting Desperate. Pensacola Press The Jacksonville Metropolis la getting desperate. Having been forced to face inrontrovertable facta at every turn, by those who are endeavor ing to ave the people of Florida from heavy taxation. It now charge* all news papera which are supporting Tallahaeeee In the capital Issue as "subsidised." No letter evidence* Is needed that tha cause It Is advocating Is growing weak. C igar Factory to He-Clpew. The cigar factory of Bias Trujillo Ac Cos at Tampa will soon he reopened Blnce Mr. Trujllao died by his own hand a month ago the factory has been closed and Its future was rather uncertain. The husi r*ep>e I* now In the bands of J. M Amo of the firm of Amo. Ortli 4k Cos. and he is packing and shipping ail the ctg.irs on hand. Pa nr ho Garcia the wealthy |e( dealer of New York, has an Interest in thla factory. He |a at present In Bpiln. hut tar* been heard from. The business will tie continued. J. Ira Gore Dead. J. Ira Gore, editor and proprietor of the Ft. Petersburg Times, died at his home in that city Fr day of Bright's disease. Mr. Gore has not been In good hesilth for nearly a year; hut It wua not known un til recently that hie 111 health was of a serious nature Will, his eldest son. died of typhoid fev* r early In the summer. Mr Gor** went to Bt Petersburg In INW. and lM>iight th Times of R J. Morgan. Since that tlm* he has been In active control, until hls recent Illness forced him to de sist He leaves a wife, one daughter and a son to mourn hls loas and they have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. Talk of Two Refineries. Tampa Tribune: Col. John I*. Allnut. the sugar refinery mag nate. announces that the New York members of the syndicate which Is Inter ested in the cor|w>ratlon will visit Tampa in the course of the next two weeks. The project of the company, according to CM. Allnut. Is now to erect two refineries. One is to he located on Hooker's Point, near this city, and the other In Savannah. 01. Pol Allnut talks ns though there is no doubt a bout (the plans of the company be ing carried through. He says all the money needed te available. The people of Savannah, he states, have subscribed all the money necessary to locate the plant In that city. As soon as the plant Is com pleted. Col. Allnut says that he Is to be placed upon a salary of $3,000 per year, and that, tn addition, he has tl& of the stock. fICULTI ON THE DIAMOND. rhlladelphla Hon Doth the Game* Played With Chicago. Philadelphia. Hept. 10—A lie and a post poned gome were played oft by Philadel phia and Chicago to-day. the home team winning both. Score: K.H.E First gome— Chldggo 0 9 <1 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 8 3 Philadelphia ..0 0 4 1 0 A 1 0 x- 10 l Hatterles—Menfee. Taylor and Chance; Dunn and MacKarland. Second game— Chicago 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 <l2 4 0 Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3—B 7 2 naileries—Garvin and Donohue; Orth, Frazer and Douglas*. Attendance 8.837. Pittsburg Meat Brooklyn. Brooklyn. fVpt jo—Tommy Leach won to-day’s game for Pittsburg In the eighth Inning wllh a home run drive to deep left, •s or. H IIK Pittsburg 0 1 1 8 0 1 0 3 0— 10 S Brooklyn o l 2 o o o 1 1 0-5 ll l BaMerles—Tann. hill and Zlmm#., Klt cn. McGlnmty and Farrell. Attendance 3.080. St. I.awls Won Easily. New York. Sept. 10—The poor fielding of New York this afternoon enabled the HI I .outs team to win almost as they pleased. Score: R.H.E. St Louis ...0 2 5 0 1 4 0 0 0-12 17 New York 1 00001048—* 13 * llaiterlcs—Young and Robinson; Sey mour, Carrlck and Grady. Attendance 830. Other Haases. At New Haven—New Haven, 8; Cincin nati. 2. At Hartford—Boston. 9; Hartford, 4. At Worcester—Worcester, 4: Syracuse * At Rochester—Providence. 5; Roches, ter, 4 t.rynd C’lrrail Races. N, tv York. Sept. 10- Beautiful weather, a perfect li-a. k and a Arst-elafs card were the fealur.w of the opening day of the Gtand Circuit mec lng at the Empire City track Summaries: 2:12 trotting, purse. $1,280. Bay Star won three straight heats and race. Big Ttm b< r second, and Nell Gywnne. third. Time 2.08; 2AB; 2:o**%. 2:l* trotting, purs® $1,200 Lord Derby won three straight heat* and race; Grat tan Boy. second, and Lord Vincent third. Time 2:07; 2/ff. 2AB. 2:30 pace, purse $1,300. The Private won ihlid itflh and sixth heat* and race, liana 9. corn!, winning second and fourth heats, and Anne N. third. Barrister won first heal Time 2:11%; 2:11%; 2:11%; 1 13%. 2:11%; 2:11% Free-for-all. 10 wagons Zernbla won. with Franker second Time 2:14. —The University of Zurich was the first university nt which the German tongue Is used that admitted women not only a* students, but as instructors. Frsu Kempln *■■ a ’’prlvat-docenf In the j law faculty there for a number of years preceding her departure for Berlin, and Ihe growing Inflrmliy of her mind. Arrest •• disease by the timely use ol Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges* tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1000. Chronic Diseases in taf wn. All rortt ol drugs and |>a:n>! mediclnei and "family run. dies” are tried, medical"lnstitutes’' acd ’'Companies" are retorted to but ttio rendition become, none rattier than better. It li tbc nature of the disease Itirtf. tocetla.r with all It. eom plication*. which mint bo .tndled before any sji'cm of treatment can be prescribed It la an individual personal treatment which la needed In every chronic case, whether It ho Loss of Manly Vigor, Varicocele. Stricture. Blood roiaoslo*. or any form of fienltal or tlnnary Complaint It la atirb treatment that Ur. Hathaway glvev hi* patten:., and *urh treatment only. That hu method !• rtghl hat been prored by the uniformity and Invariability of hla eure* for the pant 21 yeara. a record which liaa placed him tar tn advance of all other .peclallatt to the treat ment of rhronlc Diseases. rail at hl office Of wrtte him for free eonanltatton and advice, f MIWTOJf HATHAWAY,H.D. „ co py of tils new 84-pOBe hook, “Manliness, Vigor, Health.'’ and self-examination tymptom blank. .... t. newton HATHAWAY, m. O. , Hour*-* to M m., 2 to 5 and 7 Dr.HathaeaydVa, *P- ro Sunday* 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. SA Bryan street. Savannah. Oa HUNTING FOR A CONTINENT. TIIRF.E NEW ATTEMPT!* TO KOLVE THE ANTARCTIC* NVDTEIT. Heasoni for Believing That a t'oatl. aeat Evl.fa Aboat the Pnalh Pole. The Tetrahedron Theory of the Earth— Attaeka on the Problem Kroai four IMgereal -Idea. From the New York Sun. The report of Ihe Belgian Antarctic ex pedition which wu puhliahed recently In Brussel*. la of .pedal Interval for Ihe reason that within a few month* three more expedition.—one English, one Scotch and one German—will .tart for the south polar region on similar exploring mission*. It I. perhaps too much to ray that the at tack of these four expeditions t. a com bined one. A. a matter of fact each of the four was organised and planned quite Irrespective of the other. There was no concerted arrangement a. to the different point* of exploration. The circumstance that each planned to approach the pole from a different direction la purely a mat ter of chance. But It wra. a fortunate chance. The Belgian expedition Marled from Ant werp on the apedally equipped .learner Belgtea on Aug I*,. 1897 During ftfiea-n month, when for the greater part of the time the lt< Iglra was fast ha lted In tha* south polar lee pack no tidings whatever cants from the explor ers. It was not until nearly April of last year that new. of their safety came They had escaped from the Ice pack with th" Belgtea Intact and with the loss of only one man. who had suecumtied to the cli mate and to the depression Incident to the long Imprisonment wnd constant peril. The expedition was commanded by M. de Oerlachc with t.leut. George Lecolnte. a Belgian who had served In the French Navy, as second officer. Its original pro gramme Included two summer campaigns, one was In the direction of Victoria Land to the east and the other In the direction of Graham 1-iutd to the west. It begin and ended wtih Graham Land exploration owing to ihe rapture of the Belgtea by the Ice and her detention a* a prisoner for up ward of a year. The German expedition, which Is to start early next year, w.ll he under the direction of Prof. Z. von Drygaskl It proposes to approach the Antarctic sone to the south of ihe Indian ocean near Terminus Island, and on the prolongation of a meridian that would ras* tlynugh Slam and tho Island of Sumatra Tht. Is exactly opposite the Pnlmer and Graham Land reg on. where the Belglra started her explorations. The English exi—dltlon organized by the Royal Geographical So ciety will start toward the pole from tho neighborhood of Victoria Land to Ihe south of the Polynesian sea The S-otch expolltlon. under William Bruce, will ad vance frrm Graham Land on the oppo site side of the pole from Victoria 1-and. the English point of and picture It Is the object of all three expedl'lons to study the geegraphlea) conftgura lon of whaf Is suppesed to l;e the great Antaretle conti nent and also to examine It* geoloclcsl formation and especially to make mag netic, meicrolngleal *tyl or. anographleal observation*. It la thought that the uni ted work of the three expeditions, nil working with similar Instruments and ac cording to practically the svme system, will bring very valuable r**ult*. The question of reaehln*.’ the pole I* another matter and 1* not proclaim'd a* the great obfeettve of either party of explorer*. Writing of these three expeditions and of the result# of the Belglca's voyage. M A Pastre tn a recent contribution to one of the leading French periodical*. says: "Geographers generally admit the ex istence of an Antarctic continent having ll* center at the South Pole. The South Pole differs In this respect from the North Pole. If Ihe North Pole. In fact, la In the water* of a more or less frozen ocean, the B>uth Pole Is. on the other hand, on solid land, land that I* frozen as are the wa'ers of the Ncrth Polar sea. It 1* true that this cmcepilon of the two pole* Is based on theoretic reason ing. but It l* reasoning that Is very strong, which, up to the present time, no ascertain-d fad ha* overthrown. "The first result of Antarctic explora tion* was to confirm Ihl* theory of Ihe terrestrial conformation of the South Po lar region os opposed to the marine char acter of the cap that covers the polar region of the North. The problem that future expedition* will have to solve Should be lo determine the configuration of this froaen continent, access to which Is nearly everywhere barred by Iceberg* and vast flelds of Ice pack. They should determine Its extent and outline It* shore*. Up to Ihe present time It never has been reached except at Isolated point*. It Is not known whether these shore*, only seen In a fragmentary way. belong to Island* or lo the vast conti nental mas* whose existence Is admitted led. Are these solid threshold* against which Ihe more fortunate navigators have stumbled al wide distance* apart—Adelle Land, discovered In 1840 by Dumon* d’Ur ville; Sabrina Land. KndrrhY Land and Graham Land, all discovered by Blscoe In 1832, nnd Victoria Land, discovered In 1841 hy Cap!. James Clarke Ross—are these the shore* of a eontinent or of a polar achlpelago? Do they form around the Booth Pole a more or less solid gir dle. or do they resolve theinselve* Into Isolated Islands 7 "What Is certain Is that land* mtilllply and become concentrated Just In propor tion n* we approach the pole. If we ex amine the southern hemffcphere. we ob serve that the non-*ubmerged land ends very pear Ihe equator. The remainder up to the neighborhood of the polar cir cle offer* lo the view nothing but on Im mense stretch of water The African con tinent ends at the Cape of Good Hope In latitude 34.31; that I* to styy. It doe* not extend any further below the equator than Morocco I* above it. Tasmania, which may he regarded ns a prolongation of Australia and of the Asiatic continent, does not extend beyond latitude 43.30; that Is to say. it doe* not reach half-wu/ to the pole. South America alone throw* off It* southern extremity. Cape Horn, as far south a* the tlfty-slxlh parallel and I* sill) a* far nway from the South Pole as Scotland I* from the North Be. yond these three continental projections and up to the polar circle—that Is to say, up lo the seventieth parallel of latitude —we meet with nothing but the Immense mass of th# antarctic water* dotted here and there with rare Islands like mere •peck* upon their surfaces. But once we have crossed the circle the scene change*. Land reappears In all direction*. It emerge* all about u*. We have there the genuine southern continent: Its ma** Is Joined under Ihe water* with ths rest of the solid earth of which Aala. Australia, Africa and America are *he cropping, out rldgea visible above ihe surface of Ihe oi-ea n. "Following tha* Idea we may regard ti e solid part of the globe as a triangular pyramid, of which the summit touche* the Houth Pole and whose base form* th* glacial see of Ihe North Pole. The- side* of the pyramid are more or less depressed to form the basins of the ocean*. On he other hand, th* mass of the waters, of which the surface la that of a spheroid, so tit own* this solid earth that nothing ap pear* above th* aurface save the three continental ridges and the antnrllc point. k Thl* conception of the general con figuration of ihe earth and of the waters tnereof Is to he credited to an English man. Mr. Ixtwthian Green. who advanced It In 1975 and lias labored ever since to Justify It. and with a certain success. It Is kneovn under the name of the tetra hedron. But what |* hypothetical of the solid earth to a tetrahedron as the ex planation of the means by which the orig inally spherical crust of our globe took on this singular form It Is the progres sive cooling of the globe which brought about this metamorphosis. By reason of the construction of the shell, as a result of this cooling, the crust, which Is rela tively thin, being no longer supported, gave wav and hent. It acted then, ac cording to the familiar and very applica ble comparison of Mr Iwllnmand. like me rubber membrane of a balloon. wno; swellings and depressions, when It is carefully dtslnflated, do as a motter of fact sensibly reproduce the figure of a tetrahedron This deformation of Ihe crust is a.-compsnied hy fr.-- • ures of the surface, covings | n and diver* accidents following alwnvs the line or least resistance. „ch is the theory of the earth's formation which up to the P "Lv n * <tay reign* in science. rhe supposition that a south polar con tinent exists is, then, a consequence of the tetrahedron theory of the earth's for mation. It I* a conseqflence also of a very general law which seems to domi nate the history of the formation of our gw>tw and that Is that wherever there Is a prominence on the surface there Is a ror rcs|K>nding depression on the side diamet rically opposite. This law of the recipro cal opposition of elevations and depres sions at the extremity of the same diam eter has very few exceptions, and where there are such exceptions they are expll •- able by Intervening disturbance*. n right In line with this law that we ahould find a south polar continent above the sea as a complement to the depression which makes the basin of the glacial sea at the north polar end of the earth's axis. "The observations made by the Belgian expedition are favorable to Mr. Green's tetrahedron theory, but these are obvious ly not sufficient to put ihe accuracy of that theory beyond discussion It ivili require numerous and fortunate observa tions to decide It definitely. I'nder this reserve. It |* permissible to say with M Arctowskl, one of Ihe two geologists and meteorologists who accompanied the ex pedition. that In the region through which the Belgtea passed ’everything tended to confirm belief in the existence of a conti nental mass to Ihe south.’ " Of one thing the Relglca explorers are sure, and that Is that If there I* a gr-at Antaretle continent It Is covered with a thick covering of snow and Ice. The best weather they got during their long impris onment wa when the wind blew from the south, because It was a dry wind and It brought elear skies Hut It was bitterly cold, as If It had swept hundreil* of leagues of bleak leefleld*. whereas the north wind, blowing off thousands of miles of water, raised the temperature several degrees, although It brought with It such penetrating Icy fogs that the men of the Belgtea welcomed the return of the colder but clearing winds. DOCTOR’* LAST TEST. litis He E.ipneed a Girl Who Pre tended to lie Blind. From the Minneapolis Tribune PhysL tans often have to exercise great car* to avoid becoming the victims of Imposition If a dishonest applicant for a pension can hcndwlnk some doctor the latter’# certificate may he mad* the means of perpetrating a fraud upon Ihe gov ernment and social parasites who seek to sponge on public and charitable Institu tions are always trying to Inveigle a physician Into saying Ihe word or writ ing the line which would gain them ad mission An Interesting case In point was related by the leading oculist of Montreal, a man whose practice extended far outside of Ihe bounds of the city. One day a young woman came Into th* office, accompanied by an older woman, apparently the moth er. The young woman wore colored glass es. which one might have assumed to he superfluous, as It was claimed that the girl wo- totally blind What was wanted of the elector was a certlfle-ate authenti cating this claim of blindness; putting II beyond dispute; and It was frankly slated that the object In seeking this wo* to obtain certain aid* and advantagea of a philanthropic nature Impne-slbl* of ac- Yes* other/ila# The standing of the ocu list was such that a statement from him would carry full weight wherever pre sented On examination the surface of the eye* save no Indication of any effect; hut that might be so and bllndneas still exist Ap plying tests of the strong*)! light thc glrl prof ***d herself to he absolutely un able to distinguish between light and darkness. The doctor was puzxled and baffled Apparently the girl was stone blind, but he was unable to solve the problem of those eyes, to discover the cause of the blindness or say Just where the defect lay. The doctor wa mnpi than half disposed to grant the desired certificate when, as a last expedient, he hit upon a novel ex periment. He dismissed the patient with Instructions that she should come again at a e.-rtatn heur the fallowing day. When she came Ihe doctor had her securely blindfolded with a heavy bandage over her eye* Then he look a tiny mouse, whlrh he had ready, and held Ihe llvelv llttle thing hy Its tall before the girl's fare, though not touching her. while he ordered the bandage to be removed. No sooner was the bandage ol* than her screams rang through th* place, and her eves were wide wllh terror al Ihe harm less little rodent, whieh had thrown her so completely off h<r guard and exposed th* Imposture Of course she saw 11. or she would not have screamed Needle** to say the applicant dtd not get that cer tificate. , —Vereotlle—"l admire your wife’s style of writing. Her dkllon Is perfect." "Ye*, her diction Is all right. So I* her contra diction. That’s wonderful.’ —Harper’s Ba ser. BIG JUMP IN COTTON FUTURES. NIHKBT LOURS IHHEfit I.AH WITH PIIH E* UP AOfIOO POINTS. I ______ Tlte Loral Spat Market I p H rent. With the Tone Firm—Spirits Tar prntlac Firm at 3IH. f eats a fial loa—Hoslns Firm aad ( nchsnurd. Local and Telegraphic Markets. Morning News Office, Kept. 10. The feature In the commercial world to day was the sensational In cot ton futures, which break* the record of any previous advance, both In Ihe vio lent nature of fluctuations and the vol ume of business transacted Sales for the day were 1.220.000 bales, or 160,000 more than evrr l-fore recorded. The closing was Irregular and excited, with prlci* net to to 90 points higher. That Ihe cotton trade was prepared for a big advance was known on Sunday, when a part of the news of the great dam age In Texas became known. It was not generally thought that the rise would be to such an extent as li was. however The opening was at an advance of U to 01 points on a rush of buying, both by shorts to cover and for speculation. Price* then eased off a little, but later took another turn upward, and remained at fever heat throughout the balance of the session. Ex cept on spurts of profit-taking prices did not recede materially. The damage caus. ed by the storm that swept a iarge portion of Texas was the stimulating feature. Es timates from half to a million hales loss were made as a result of the dam . age Added to the storm reports wa* un advance In Liverpool, and later came th* bureau report, which Increased Ihe bull ish fever by giving Ihe general condition at Cs. 2. against 76 last month, and 68.a In September of lasi year. The local cotton market advanced \ eem. and closed firm, with considerable business reported during the day The spirits turpentine market closed firm al I'-v. cents, an advance of a half cent over Saturday’s closing. The ro*ln market closed Arm and unchanged. The following resume of Ihe different mark-ts will show ihe tone and quotations at Ihe closing to-day: roTTO.t. The cotton market closed Arm at an ad vance of rent to-day. Transactions of 7M bale* were reported. Receipt* were*.Ed. against 6,046 last year. The demand wa* ■ond Much atrcntlon was attracted to the phenomenal movement of the cotton futures market, which jumped beyond all exi*ectnttone at the O|o>ning, due to a stronger Liverpool, the storm damage In Texas, and the bullish bureau report. The following were tne official snot quo tations st the close of. the market at Ihe Cotton Exchange to-day: Tills Last day. | year. Good middling in% ~~* Middling :tq% 5% Low middling 5% Good ordinary |... p- B Mark** firm; sales. 734. Savannah Receipts, Exports and Stocks: Receipt* this day 4.4. V! Receipts this day last year 5.<45 This day year liefore last 2.3)12 Receipt* s.nce Sept 1, 1900 39.007 Same time last year 38.702 Coastwise exports 2.043 Stock on hand this day 29.225 Same day last year 29.173 Receipts and Stocks at the Ports— Receipts this day 11.t8>4 Recelpi* this day last year 28.154 Receipts this day year before last... 19.384 Total receipts since Sept. 1. I9t> 77.811 Same time last year 188.284 Same time year before last 10.5>19 Stock at all port* to-day 124.2 M Slock same day last year 480.854 Dally movement* at other ports. Galveston—Not received: stock. ls.oflfi New Orleans—Firm; mi-Idling. 10%. net receipts. 1.869; gross. 1.889, sales. 4,fn>: slock. 21.783. Mobile—lrregular; middling, 10%; net re ceipt*. 381; gross. 384; sales. 300; stock. 5.212. Charleston— Firm: middling 10; net re Wilmington—Firm: middling 9-%; net re ceipt*. 3.388: gross. 3.388, stock. 14.873 Norfolk—Steady: middling. U>%; net re celpt*. 818; gross, 618; sales. 80; slock. 4.031. Baltimore—Nominal; middling. 10%: gross. 50; stock. 431 New York-Quiet; middling. 10%; gross 3.f)40; sales. Id; stock. 23.501. Boston—Steady: middling. 10%; grot*. 243. Philadelphia Firm. mkldllng. 10% slock. 1.308. Dally movements at Interior towns Augusta—Firm; middling. 11; net re ceipts. 2.101; gross. 2.401; stock. 6,716. Memphis-Firm: mf.idling. 10%; net re celpt*. 827; gross. 627; sales, I5 stock 7.958. *<• Louts—Firm: mld-Plng. 10%; net re ceipts. 2; gross. 2; sales. IS6, stock. 6.719 Ctn -Innatl—Dull; middling. 9%; net re ceipts, 1; gross. 1; slock. 7.308. Houston -Steudy; middling, 10; net re ceipt*. 6.718; gross. 8.748; sales. 32; stock ’.A3*. Ixml*vl!l*— Firm: mi.Miing 1014. Exports of Cotton This Day- Mobile—Coastwise. 150. Charleston—Coastwise. 625, Wilmington—Coastwi-e. 1.110. Norfolk—Coas> wise. 1,619 New York-To Great Britain. 1.862; to France. 493. to Ihe continent, 4.655. Total foreign export* from all port* this day: To Great Britain. 1JI82: lo Franee. 493; to the eontinent. 4.853. Total foreign exports from all ports thus far this week; To Great Britain 6.062; to France. 943: to the continent. 4.655. Total foreign exports since Sept. j. moo- To Great Britain. 15.717; to France. 943, to the continent, 10,797 New York Sept. 10 -Spot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands. |0%o; middling Gulf. 10%c: sales. 165 bales. Charleston. 8 C., Sept. 10-Cotton firm, middling 10c; sales 109. 4'OTTO 6 FI TIKES. Phenomenal tilianee of From 4)1 lo INI Point* Reported. New York, Sept. 10.—The Intensity of ex citement and activity of speculation on Ihe Cotton Exchange to-day were without a parallel. Fluctuations far exceeded any thing on record, the extreme being 100 points with relapses frequent nnd violent. The market opened Irregular and excited with prices 43 lo 61 points higher on an irresistible rush of buying In which everv branch of the trade took pait. Sellers were few and far between and without excep tion parties having heavy profits within reach. Many of these Immediately took Ihe bull side again nnd were still iong nt the close to-night. Following Ihe call the market seesawed ala breath-taking rate with the movement In the main gradually swinging toward higher prices As the morning progressed speculation broadened until the market was beyond the control of even the hulls. Sensational setbacks fell In the nerve-trying bulges which kept operators of no matter what belief on the Jump to keep pace The English market showed corresponding gyrations and pri vate cable# denoted complete chaos In Liv erpool wllh Ihe hulls, however, being car. rted along by the advance. On the local exchange September sold up to 10.50 c. .is against 9 50c Saturday night. The be*t level of ihe later month* wo* 50 to 7i points above Saturday’s final figure* The foundation of bull Ideas and the chief cause of th# terrific hull speculaiion was Ih* news that the beat section of th* crop cotinry had been swept by a tropical storm. th equal of which was not known Reports from Central Texas were vague and totally unsatisfactory, which fact tended to Increase the fears of shorts and tho big crop theorist* In general. Liver pool was similarly Influenced, a* well a* the New Orleans market. Estimates (minting to a loss of 760.000 to 1.000,0K1 bales, and the nnouncemeiH that apot cotton was In enormous demand South at •jiA,c higher prices Intensified the con victions of Ihe bulla. The government report for 1 September, usually the most important of the season, cut comparatively IMtle figure as on Influ ence. The general condition wa* given al c- as against 76 Inst month, In Sep tember last year, 79* In ISW, and 7*3 In 1*97. This average Included 77 for Texas, us contrasted with S3 on Aug. 10. and 01 on Hcpt 10 of last year. Al 12:05 p. m. the failure of L. O. Behlf fer and Guy L. SchlfTer were announced, these broker* being caught short by the opening rise. The announcement of their suspension did not seriously disturb the market as they were known to have un- Imimrtaut obligation* outstanding. The bull fever reached Its hight In the las* hour, end under a slight flurry of proflt l iking near the close price* settled back a few points. The close was Irregular and excited wWh prlcea net 16 <o 90 points higher. Estimate* placed Ihe total trans actions at 1.250.000 bales, or 150.000 more than ever before recorded. FLITTI ATIOYtt 191 FI Tt RE*. New York. Sept 10—Cotton futures opened Irregular and close.! irregular aid excited. Price* a* follows: | Open. High ; Low ; Clo*. January f 7*> 1971 f * V SO | .62 February ....| 9 6.7a ! 966 | 961 | 9.38 March |9 65 97 945 i .S7 April | 9 5* | .* | 950 | *55 May | 9.60 ! 9*l | 9 | 957 June j 9.53 | 960 | 945 | 9SS July | 9.5* | 95* j 9.52 j 954 August I { I .... | .... September ..| 9 90h 10 30 9*2 ! 10. October I 955 10 10 976 10 04 November ..) 972 j 9*5 ; 95* | 9*2 December . 96* j 972 | 952 I 9.92 Liverpool. Sept. 10. 4 p m —Cotton, apot limit.d demand; prices higher: American middling, fair. 7 9-!(1; good middling. 7 5-16.1; middling 7>d: low middling. 7Vid; good ordlrary. 6 23-3.’d, ordinary. 613-32d Tic saks of the -lay were 3.1W0 hales, of which Mo were for speculation and ex port. *n l included l.tou hales. American. Hecelpt* 3.003 bales no American. Future* opened exclled and closed Irreg ular; American middling low middling clause, September, 6 56d, buyers; Seplem l>ar-Oct< her. 6 031. sellers; Octobcr-Novem her. 5.32d. sellers; November-December, 5.17416 IM, se'lora; Decern her-January. 5.13 415 ltd. buyers; January-February, 5.10gf s.lid. sellers; February-sfareh. 5 o*d, sell ers; March-Aprll. S.<V>4is,n6d, sellers; April- May. 5.13fi5.(Ud. buyers; May-June, 5.02d sellers; June-July, id, buyers; July-August 4 <£d. buyers. Excitement In Liverpool, Liverpool. Bept. 10.—The excitement In Ihe cotton market approaches fever heal and there Is great anxiety regarding the settlement of Thursday. New Orleans. Sept. 10—Cotton future* Irregular. Sepiember 10.4*4110.51 February 9 6089*1 October 9 90H9.91 March 9 6109 62 November 9.61419.63 April 9 6089.6; December 9 6089.61 May 9.6009 62 January 9 6<i4i9dl rnTTOY LETTER*. New York. Sept. 10 —Murphy A Cos. say: The advance In the Liverpool cotton market of !7-32d on spots, middling 7'w. 24-6td on flepiember-October, and 16 lo 1,-611 on remainder of the list, caused this market to open about 6) to 50 point* higher, nt which there was heavy realis ing sa’e* and wa* followed by a reaction of about 15 point*, after which the mar ket ruled active and nervous The havoc In Texas and uncertainly about extent of damage to crops, was the principal cause of the excitement in Liverpool, and thl* market and the government bureau of 65.2 wa* also a supporting feature. Cot ••■n In Liverpool closed at a net advance, 16 point* Sept, mber-October. and IS to 24- 64d on the rest of the list The bureau re port Issu'd at noon gave condition J against 76 last month, and 6*.5 September a year ago. which wa* lower than expect ed and caused an Improvement of about 8 point* during the afternoon The strong etatlstl-a! po-liion In England and anx iety about Ihe Texas crop coupled with the low condition given hy the bureau cause* a very anxious feeling about the prohahle sze of this crop If under ten million seems likely, may cause a further advance In price*. New York, fepl. 10—Hubbard Bros and Cos sty: The heavy storm In the Gulf and the damage supposed to have been done to the crop In Texas, caused Liverpool to advance repldly. until Kept and Hept-Oct. were twenty points and the remainder of the market twelve lo fifteen points higher than Saturday. Our market about sixty lo sixty two points higher, then re-aeid flfierg t© twenty points, and ha* since remained nervous fluctuating In a radius of about ten to twelve points. The government bureau report Issued at noon, gave the condition as 68.2, against 6*,S same time last year, and 76 on Aug flrat last year. This wa* construed as* very unfavorable and prices advanced on It some five to six point* The feeling among operators Is very nervous, and we think most of Ihe short Interest has been covered. DRY GOOD*. New York. Sepi 10-Print cloth* an 4 other gray goods In active demand and higher prices likely. More Inquiry after heavy brown cottons and mark< distinct ly flrmer. Coarse colored cottons also Stronger Bleached muslins unchanged. Actual Increase In business moderate. Print* are showing up better In staples and tone firmer. No change <n gingham*. White goods steady: fair business. Job bers open Ihe week with good sates. NAVAL STORKS. Monday. Sept. 19. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The closing In Ihe turpentine market to-day was llmi qt 35% cent*, a gain of a half cent above Saturday’s closing, which was firm at 33. At the advance there seemed to l>e a gooil demand. Af the closing It was un derstood that about everything offering was taken. Supplies were wanted from several sources, and the spirited demand Impane l drcldrd strength to Ihe market. The opening ot the Board of Trade was firm at 35 cents, with salts of 212 casks at this prli e and the closing tlrm at 33%. with further sale* cf 416 at this price. Bom# of the dosing eale* were made on a basis of 33% cents The receipts were 1.213 and the export* none. ROSIN—The rosin market opened firm and unchanged and closed unchanged The demand • fair Transactions of 3.1*4 were reported for the day. The fol lowing w.r* the quotations: A. B, C tl S3 I |i P 1 35 K 1 ) B 1 40 M 16& F 1 45 N 1 K 0 1 50 W O 203 H 1 rat W W 240 Receipt* Monday— Spirits. Rosin r H. R 127 1.330 *.F A W 953 1,92, F C. A T and G A A 163 1,333 Shipments Monday— Sle mshlp Itasca, Baltimore 3 sr Steamship Itasca. Phlladel l'h, 1 S .tmshlp Birmingham. New York jdj Naval Stores Statement- Spirit* Resin. Slrck April I. 1901 2.197 142,506 Receipt* to-day • 1.243 t.sgj Receipts previously 207935 447.274 Total since Ap II X 211.175 594.363 Fxport* to-day j.jgi Exports previously 167,109 40009* Exports since April 1 187.108 483.859 Stock oa hand to-day 44,286 130,701 Block on hand same day laat y**r 27.47s Him Charleston. 8. C.. Sept. 10.—Turn.-,.™ firm. 3*S. Rosin quiet, unchanged. Wilmington. N C.. Sept, lo turpentine firm. 33834 c; receipts j( 1 Rosin Arm. 51.1uM51.9i. receipts 7 , Crude turpentine shady, Sl.lMif. celpta 140; tar firm. *1.40; recetp;* * FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps f uriv with the supply. ' ' “* FOREIGN EXCHANGE-Ma-ke, weak. Commercial demand t, ' alxty day*. 54 12<4; ninety dav*. j, ,' *• francs. Pari* and Havre, slxiy 5.19 I *. Swiss, sixty days. 5 :t\ ir-. T sixty days, 9!c; ninety days. S.IJ DOMESTIC EXCHANGE _< ( , banka are buying at % dlacoum „ , Ing aa follows *2> and under ~ * mium. 125 to 150. 15c premium. *:.> , , i *’ 20c premium. IM* to COO. JSc pr,n. and over por. Check* must aver,,.... ‘ to get the pur rate. BECL’RITIEB—The market Is v. r , tn ,. tlva, scarcely anything doing Quotatl y nl are rather nominal Blacks. Blj, *jk Augusta and Savannah R. R . j,... Atlanta and West Point ;J( do 6 per cent, certificates pyj Augusta Faitory H , ' Citizen* Bank , Chatham Bunk Chatham B. E A I. Cos. a do do B r- Rngle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos lu, Edison Electric Ilium Enterprise Mfg. Cos ir . Germania Bank Georgia A Alabama ej „ Georgia Railroad, common.. ;;a , Oranllevtlle Mfg. Cos jjn J P. King Mfg. Cos ioj Langley 51 fg Cos U 7 t* Merchants National Bank ... National Bank of Savannah. hi j Oglethorpe Saving* and Trust p* 7],, people’s Saving* and Loan > Southwestern Railroad Cos. ..pq ~ Savannah Gas Light Cos -4 Southern Bank !J5 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 ]“ !4 Sibley Mfg. Cos.. Augusta ‘(,j Savannah Brewing tloada. Did. Aik. Char., Col A Aug Ist ss. 1900 . Atlanta city 4s. 1922 pg IH August* city 4s. 1927 w. ],jj do 459*. 1984 110 lit do 7s, 1903 ,]'j6 ; 4 do is. 1913 n m Ala Mid &s. tnd’d. 1928. M A N 9J Augusta Factory. 6 per cent., 1915 1:9 m Brunswick and Western 4s, 1938 so CURA Banking collateral '. yj jj C. of a Ist ss. 50-year gold, 1943 F. A A C of G. con. s*. 1915, M AN M <M C. of O. Ist Income*. 1945 41 M do 2d Income*. 1947. 104 114 do 3d Incomes. 1945 5 6 C of G. <M. G. A A. Dlv.) 5. 1947. J A J 95 94 C. of G. (Eaton Branch). sa, 1936. J. A D 94 City A Suburban B R. Ist 7s 109 111 Columbus city. s*. 1909 ug wo Charleston city 4*. 1945 lot 102 Fa*la A Phemx Mills 6s. I<K* . ltd if! Edison Electric Illuminating 6* ;04 155 Enterprise Mfg 6a. 190,1. IK 10 Georgia Railroad 6s. 1910 lit lliy 0 8. A F. 1945. J. A J 109 110 Georgia A Alabama Ist ss. 1915 ..104 I*6 Georgia slate 34a. 1930. J A J ..106 107 do IH*. 1915. U A N. 104 194 do 4H. 1915 117 111 Macon city 6a. 1910, J A J 114 119 do H*. 1926. Jan. par WI M 9 Ocean Steamship ss. 1936 WS PI Savannah city ss, quar. October 1913 11641114 do Ss. quar Nov.. 1909 110 1 South Carolina state 4Hs. 1933 116 111 Sibley Mfg Cos. 6*. 1903 101 ! South Hound 5s 99 140 8 . F. A \V gen. mt’ge. 6s, 19*4 123 ’,31 do do Ist ss. gold. 1934 IIH do 81 John Dlv. Ist 4a 1931 .94 K New York. Sept. 10—Money on nl steady at lHfllH per cent Ixst loan at 1H per cent Prime mercantile paper, 4854 per cent Sterling exchange weak with actual business In bankers' bills at 91 >64 454 *66 for demand, ond at II KS’.ilt for sixty days. Posted rates. St u<tt 63 and SI47HC4 *H Commercial bills UK ,* 4 834 Silver certlflcate*. 6244pi34c Br silver. 62'jc Mexican dollars. I9< 4 c • Government bonds trong State bonds firm Ra Itoad bonds Irregular STOCKS AM) BONDS. Vtteatlon Diverted to the Wild Flan nation* In Cotton. New York. Sept. 10.—The stock mark-, maintained Ms waiting attitude to-tlar. The Indisposition to make any marked commitment* was emphasized hy the new uncertainties In tl outlook. particularly ihe postpone ment*. hut not the abandonment of the anthracite miner* strike, anl Ihe very meagre new* received up to nu lime the nvtrkt clcsed of the extern of tin dlsaeter In the Texas hurricane. The sill exclieinetit In the cotton market dlveri-4 speculative Interest from stocks aid cause.l kome disquiet, both by reason ’4 the possible misfortunes which in.chi tend such unbridled speculation, and :fi* demands which would be mad-- on :$• money market in order lo carry the specu la lion. The Texas storm caused some posit! deprraston In the early dealing*, •"t* 6W* port wae offered |n the Imi-ntac: sto-ks affected and they rallied. The Kn** City Southern stocks were raided shsr/- ly and lost two and two and half, respectively. for the .-omnwa and preferred, but It was evlteflt that Ihl* was a hear drive Indued hy the recent liquidation evident 1" **• stork* anti they rc-ovored all hut half •" the loss Anthracite coalers were fav° r ably affected by the iMjatponenien' of n strike end Beading first preferret iro New Jersey Central roe*, respectively 1,1 art! two small |lnta on small tieslinp. I’rofi sslonul operator* are steeped In conviction that an active spccuiztlo* l J* waiting only on the decision of the P*"’* tig electoral contest and ttny cove's* their short contracts to-<l.i> in the I**’ that the Maine election might a* l *''® the market Into activity at th-lr •*!•’’*'■ The result from the movement of ph ** was generally very small atsl ragged T Indus*rial specialties which have Iven ' der recent pressure, notntdv Sugar. Peo ple* Gas and Brooklyn Transit, re lovered. The only other movemcm* of ,B wT" tone* were slocks seldom dealt h ' *> - on-in Central preferred dropped ' few transactions, without any other pmnatlon tnnn In* declining In e-'rnic- The fall of 2% in International I' l' r " ’ attributed to reports that * rival pav |s to he formed. The furioun speculation in co ton 6 1 isrdnl lo the bank statement, and a'"''* some renewed uneasiness as to l '”’ . tv o f the money market to meet th- [W ' r ; of fall strain upon It. A further -h > decline In sterling exchange, due tlnued heovy foreign demand tor ■' * ’ disposed of any supposition ,h *' * hll . might go ouf lo England this , the suh-trearury I* beginning to 1 rash on account of the revenue ■- r,> . , r . The bond market continued que a regular. Tola! sales par value J-* • V. 8. refunding two# when ..w vanced % and new and Old four o |! live# % per cent. In the hid price The total sales of slocks to-w 117 700 share*. Including Atchison P> red. 7.230. Brooklyn. 33,711; Vtof*** 15.350: Sugar. 6.500. Naw York Closing Stocks Atchison 27% Union Pacific JJ* do pref 70%i do pref Balt. A Ohio .. 72% Wabash Can. Pac $7 | do pref Can So 49% Wheel * L , Che* A Ohio .. 28% do 2nd pr* f ~ Chi O. W. ..... 19% IWts Centra! Chi B A Q 125%Third Aren'" Chi lnd * L.. 23 jAdam* Expr' „ do pref *T |Am. Expr*r