The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 13, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 COTTON MILLS EMBARRASSEO. TIMM .II C fITTOA I* HIGH Till* I'll IFF. OF GOODS I * 1.0 W. Southern Mills May Hate to CToae I nles* t nftnn Gea INma—l'.ldiPV. Ilullim'l* *•> the Farmers Arr Get ting the !!#•( of the Situation The Price of Goods W 111 Have to Go I |> If the Mill* Are to Keep at W ork. Atlanta. Sept. 12. lnterest In the cotton •Itunion ai> considerably hightailed to day on account of ih rtr*.Mlatlon of the story that the cotton mil s could not run with the staph at the present |rlee In speaking of the sttu itlon to-day from the stand|s>litt of the mill*, cx-Clov. Ru fus R. Hullo k. h tH.*mlnmt mill, said. ”Th ertiilh must either run at a I '** or ►hut down while cotum Is at the present price. Mills cannot mwk** u profit by sell ing at the present price of manufactured goods. If they h.v- to pay 10o*nt# or more for raw material The solution to the difTlciilty is mere speculation. Of course the matter will adjust Itself to the condi tions Either t* prl c of manufactured good* will go up or the price of row ma terial will go down. It would le the natu ral result if the price of manufactured goods should go tip, but n mon • on tel! liow If this will follow th- present condi tion “For the last few yeeirs the mills have been making n fair profit at the • xjwn*** of the farmer who hod to sell his cotton at a low price If the farmer malnr in* his present pric* h will moke u profit at the cxpenM of ih* mills " Mills ( niinnl (art ( otlon. Mr W L IV# 1 of th# firm of M <KJox. mill# catinof irrt cotton in sufficient quail till**** to run on “Ten M.. In Fall Hrver. Mu*., shut down recently becousc they have no: enough foiton to k*#|! th**m going.'* to# “The crop t* very late and *mll 1 look for an In the price, of mannCa< 'ur*-l K"<tK. I think the price of cotton will remain high throughout the •rimer Another reison why the mill* •hut doivn is be auee they can curtail the quantity of <*sMfct on the m.irkH an*l thereby run up the price of their product. With a market full of gooil the price cnot he easily raleetl. bur when th* mill* ore shut down amt manufactured good * get scare, the price can be r.inlly In created. In my opinion tne greatest diffi culty in the pr eent aituatlon is the * arci ty of cotton.’* THKV M %\T H%(K COTTOW TAX. Confederate Vrterana of Atlanta l*a*el a Heeolof lon. Atlanta, B#pt. 12.—Atlanta Confederate Veteran* are after the timr-honorel cot ton tax ag.tln. At a meeting of the W H T Walker Camp tael night the follow ing resolution was unanimously adopted “That a committee of three b* apt*olnf el to confer with the repreeentatlvep in Cotigrep* and apk that he d*ft a memorial to next Congreap. and to upe hip beat ef fort* and influence for the parage of a bill to refund the cotton lax now awaiting claimant*., ami where no direct proof can be given that Paid tax be returned to •urvlvlng Confederate soldiers and widows of the ftouth I. O. Hornsey, chairman; Moses \Vo.*l. Joseph lb# vie. Committee " The cotton tax w* a spedra of Internal revenue lmpo*ed upon the South Immedi ately after the Civil War. The tax was first levied by an act of Congress in 1865. the rale being 3 cents on every pound of cotton ral**l In the country. The tax Increased that bitter fee ing be tween the sictlonp then already at fever heat, for although It was for the whole country, cotton was raised only In the South and the Southern people looked up on the imposition of auch a tag aa nothing more or less than robber. In 186*. the tnx waa lowered to cents a pound and In 1867 the tax act was re pealed altogether. I Hiring the three years of ltd' operation the tax took untold mill ions of the Southern money out of the South and placed It in the United States treasury. A FIXE FOOTHILL ELEVEN. I ultfr.ll> Gelling I p a Splendid Trap of Pin * era. Atlanta Sept. 12-Georgia will have a splendid f.ioihall team at the State Unl veralty this year. Btuilenta are passing through Atlanta dally en route for Ath ena. Caps. Frank McCutcheon of Dal ton. who alii handle the football team this aeaeon, arrived yeaterday. Speaking of the outlook, he raid: "I think we will have un excellent elev en thl* year. M.inrtfrr Davie haa been working hard all the rummer to perfect the arrangement* We huve rerured E. K. Jone* of laet year - * I’rlneeton team a* a coach He eomer highly reeommendeil and we believe he Ir a good man It will be the flr*t time Georgia ha* had a Prince ton coach and we believe If we play the Princeton game we will win. Jone* will be In Athena to-morrow. 1 expect to meet him then and nrrange all the detalla. 'There will be many new men thla year to pick from. Of lan year'* team. non. Hewlelie anti myself will return. rtuPtgnon. who played end In 189 V will probably lie in college thlr year. A num ber of vuhetllute* from last year's var alty team will also be back. We Intend to have atrlclly a college team thla year There will be no outride men We think we can play belter tiall by adoirttng tbl* system College |Ktliilc* will he eliminat ed from the makeup of the eleven and everythin* will I* done to put out the beet team Georgia ever had." * SOUTHERN YAHX API*NED*. Annual Convention Held and Same Olllcerr Elected. Atlanta. Sept. IS.—'The flr*t aimual can a-emlon of the Southern Hosiery Yarn Spinner* A**o> lotion met here to-day Representative* of twenty hosiery yarn mill* were present. The oth er* of the | rcvtoim year were uikinimotwly re-elec,- ed for the eneulng year. They are: President. Charle* Adamson, of the Cedartown Cotton Company, Cedartown. Go Vic* President. J. W. Cannon, of th Cannon Manufacturing Compnny. Alber tos ric, X. C. Secretary. J. F Taylor, Kinston Cotton hulls. Kinston, N. C. A general advance in the price of hos iery was decided on. to go into effect at once. The high price of cotton Is given n* the principal cause of the advance. In the new scale, on all numbers up to elgh the price Is fixed at lT*w per pound Num ber* nine and ten will sell nt l*c per pound. On all numbers aft to 22 an advance of 14c waa made and the value of all above It was Increased He. Fulton County** Tst Hale. Atlanta. Sepi 12.—Fulton county’s tax ra*e was lowered to-day four points by the lxird of county commissioners Th* rate lasi year was 13 74. This year It 1* U. 70. It kt predicted 1 hut the reduction will create a big deficiency |n revenue* next year. There was a strong senlimen In the board favoring an Increase Instead o' a decrease to the rote. Collection of I'ißton'a taxes will begin In a few days TO Cl HE A till.l) l\ ONE fy AY. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure E W Grove's signature Is 00 •ach box. 25c.—ad. “Every Man is the Architect of His Fortune "An Architect designs. And his pUns Aft executed by A builder. The greAtest builder of heAlth Is Hood’s SArsApAnlU. It leys a firm foundstion. It mAhes the blood, the bests of life, pure end strong. Be An Architect of your fortune end secure Hood"’ as your heAlth builder. Zfcctfo SaUafHrti/fa never Du>dp Ooint> 1,1 ( K OF 1.l fit’* I. %M% H. Well-Known laorsisu ( nnnsel to Governor General of I nln. Atlanta. 8 gst I? Mr lairlus Lamar of. tlit> state ha* b en appointed counsel for the Governor General of Cuba Mr. La mar is <f (In- (lbttngulshed (Moral# family of that name, and was for a year tiuragrd in the practice of law In At gntg In I*B2. being at the time associated With Mr Ittirton Hmlth Hlnce leaving Atlanta Mr Lamar baa been arso c.a t • and with the law department of the Union Pacific Railway and has mad** an enviable reputation for himself by the acucracy and skill of his work For s<mi- y*-.trs past, be has l*een a Junior partner of Judge Dillon of New York and has also contributed to the law maga zine*. es!abllsh , ng a distinguished posi tion for himself a* a constitutional lawyer Re receive* a large * Mary, ha* offices in the governor general's palace, and his special duties are o act as legal adviser and assistant to the governor general In the matter of revising she laws of the Isl and of Cuba. f OTTOS lilt IA G* KLFABA CKAT!. Farmers Huahins If t %merlcns. Poor Man’s Horn** Hsrnnl. , Americus, Os., Bept. 12 —Amerlrus maintains her reputation of being one of the best Interior cotton markets by paying 11 cents to-day for the best grades of cow ton. The first bale bringing that figure was marketed by a negro farmer* and bought by the Georgia Colton Company, though afterward several warehousemen obtained 11 cents for the finest grades, while one lot sold at even a higher figure. Farmer* are rushing cotton to mark** and selling at prevailing prices, which de light them beyond expression. The crop Is being harvested rapidly and the field* will be cleaned In short while. The residence of Henry Rattle, near Americus. together with several out houses, was burned to-day with It* entire contents, the fire originating from a de fective chimney. Rattle Is a poor man and all his earthly possession* were swept away, he having no Insurance. A small lot of silver coins In his trunk was found among the embers melted together In a worthless mass. THEY FOUGHT DEBPKHATELY. Chance* Are That Two karsn Plumber* Will Die. Macon. Sept 12—Ed Jones and Bob Green, two plumbers, employed for llte lasi twelve year* In the establishment of 8 M Ruber's Ron*, fought desperately this afternoon,.and troth will probably die. They are now undergoing operation* at the City Hospital, and the physicians say that very little Cham'S of re.-overy re mains. Jone* wan stabbed In the lung, and an artery was rut In bis wrist. Green was shot three limes In the abdomen and breast. Green wan the aggressor, being angry with Jones over a huidness matter Each haa a wife. Jone*.has one clilld and Gre£h two. The fighting occurred at Jone*' desk. FOB ATTEMPTED ASSAULT. Two Yunna Negroes Are In Jail at gpnrtnnburg, A. (*. Columbia. R. C.. Rept 12.—Charle* llames and Rembert JefTrle*. young ne groes, were taken to Rpartanhurg Jail to day from Converse and Clifton respect ively. charged with attempting assault. llames entered the house of W. A. Black While several of the family were there and accosted un 11-year-o'd girl who was alone In a room.. The mother's screams brought men, who arrested llames. There was u disposition to lynch, but that de cision was overruled. JefTrle* chased ihe little daughter of Jefferson George on her way to schcol at Clifton. She outrun him and he wae caught. GIHL9 AT MILI.EIIUKYU.LK. tlpentnu of Georgia Normal and In da*trlnl College. Mllledgeville, Ga.. Rept 12.—The Geor gia Normal and Industrial College opened for Itw tenth session to-day. The opening exercises were hekl In the chattel of (he college at 9 o'clock Rlnce yesterday morning every train In the city has brought crowds of young ladles to the school, and apeclal cars on the Central train that reached here last night about brought In about Hub. All the teacher* and more than E student* were present at the opening exercises, and the college has started under more tlatterlng pros pects than It ha* had for some years. VEX ABLE SIIXG GOVERNMENT. Sail Itaaed on Work Done on T>hr* Island Fortification*. Atlanta. Rept 12—The Venable Con struction Company of thl* city nied a suit In Ihe Federal Court here to-dey against Ihe I'nlted Htate* government to recover 19. Ml W. alleged to be due from one of the coast fortification contract* of Savannah and Cumberland sound The contract up on which (hr suit was baaed Involved th* construction of gun emidacements on Ty bee Islam) and was signed by ex-Capl Ohetlln M. Carter LA HUE NYU.HO FELL HEAD. He llnd .last llren Arrested far Atah l.lMK Hl* W If*. Columbia, 8. C . Rept. 12—About mid night Will Johnson, a negro, stabbed his wife. They were walking on Green street. John Mclvrr. who was near, arrested Johnson, mid was taking him. with u po liceman lo ihe police telegraph box. when Johnson dropped dead. It was supposed he had been stabbed, but no wound was on hi* tiody. He was a large, able-bodied man. I nnaglrarr Inn Hrnrd. Macon. Bepl 12 —The conspiracy cases. In which several prominent Wilkinson county people are charged with taking a negro prisoner away from the revenue oflleer* lasi wtek. are before Commis sioner Erwin. Charlotte Will Contribute. Charlesle, N. C.. Brpt. 12.—The sum of 1M5.&5 ns* raised by public subscription In Charlotte to-day for the Galveston re lief fund. This sum will prnnahly Ire in creased to over II .nno to-morrow. Maensr Sending Money. Macon. Sep, 12—The cltlsens held a mas* meeting this afternoon and suit scribed several hundred dollars to the Gal veston fund. The Mayor and Council have telegraphed flvv 10 Gov, Bayers. THE MORNING NEWS: THI’ItSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1900. I m.l.n TO PUXT NOME WHEAT*. •IrrllUK nl I oM.n and Wheel Mrw rr. of KctMtb I oroll na. Columbia. H. C.. Sept. 11.—The two as sociations of Carolina cotton md wheat growers meet in Greenwood this niter noon. William 8 Hill was present as i f representative of Secretary of Agriculture Wilson He especially urged lh- farmers to at least plant enough wheat for home consumption The state Import* 5.0M'.000 bushel* a year. To-night President Harvy Jordan of the Potion Growers' Assoelatton made a strontc addseae alonr the lines of Southern producers organising and working In har mony. t'iIRIIETT HII.* *8 V. Ilia Wife Saya Ihe Klslil With McCoy Woa a Tali*. From the New York Press. Jmc J. Corbest. the |>uglll*t. ha* dis appeared Mra. Corbett aaye he sailed for Europe yesterday In the Campania to ovoltl service of nepers In h divorce suit she Is about to Institute Bhe says ttie departure of Marguerite Cornlllc. a sing er of French song*. Ik connected wWh her husband e going away. But. furthermore, ahe asserte the charmn o' the singer did not have much to do Corbett's going aw did certain deals which she *•>■ were made In Ihe recent McCOy light nnd which are ahoii, to come to light Chagrined at her husband's desertion. Mra. Porbeit, at her home. No. 21J> West Thirty-fourth street, talked freely to the reporters She said the actor-pustllst had abused her for months, that he had fail ed to support her and that: he had left her for the -otn pan lon ah Ip of omother woman. She said he ha* gone to Kufbpe to live and had sold his Interest In the [‘roadway saloon to John She sold that ahe wia ready to prove that porliett originally had eold the flgh' in MK'oy; thfit the latter pugilist did not train for that retison. and that Corbett, five minutes before the men went Into the ring, went hack on hie bargain and whip ped *he man to whom he should hove lost fihe asserted that the details of the deal were arranged by Tom O'Hourke and Ed die Burke, both prominent fight promo- ters O'Rourke sgid. laughingly, last night: ''l only wish he had let me In on such a good thing I would have had a few more dollars than I now have, you ran bet, I am the last one In the world that Corbett would come to In such a thing 80. you see, any connecting me it Is ridicu lous." "Kid" McCoy was seen In his saloon In Broadwray. and aakl ao a reporter for the Press: I "Why. It's ridiculous on the faee of It. I don't care what any one ways about that hghl I was beaten fairly. 1 fought a smothering fight when I shouldn't have— thal's all." John Cnnsldlne, Corheu'e best friend and his partnrr In the tlroawsy saloon, had this to say of Ihe allegations made by Mra. Corbett: "Corbett ha* not sold out his saloon II Is ridiculous to think he made any deal In that fight at all. or In any other fight. He's gone away from New York, yew-ami he'll he back again, too. I haven't heard anything about any divorce suit, snd I don't believe that there will be any. Cor bett has treated hi* wife too well for her to leave him rtf course, a* every one know*, they have had a lot of family trouble, but I guess there's much to be said on both eldes In regard to that. Cor bett haan't left New York for good I won' say where he's gone, but he'll be hack sure." Eddie Burke, the other alleged go-be tween In the Mi-Coy Incident related by Mrs Corbett, could not be found last night. Hl* friends—and he has many strong ones—scouted ihe Idea that he could he entangled In anything of Ihe kind, saying he was too true a sporting man to he mixed up In such a transaction. Regarding the disappearance of Mis* Cornllle many storln.- were afloat last night She Is English, tv r real name be ing M irgaret Churchill Dagmar Her spe cialty Is the singing of French song*, and she had been engaged to play a part In "A Million Dol am" In Ihe N. w York the ater. She appeared last on the roof gar den there on last Monday night, and since then lias not been seen about the thea ter. Corbett was known to have admired her. and It la said she frequently was seen about his training quarters In Bath Beach. She lived In the Hotel Olrard, hut left there. It was said. In company with her mother yesterday morning Her destina tion was not known, hut It was rumored that she had gone to Europe In the Cam nsnla. Her appearances In pahllc with Corbett have cxelbd comment for wsekMO the al- Irgid elopement was not unexpected. The steamer's sailing list does not show either Corbett's or Mile. Cornllle's name. George Consldlne left on that ship, how ever. with Ihe expressed Intention of ar ranging light between Corbett and Jeff ries. to be "pulled off" In London at an early date. About two months ago Mrs. Corbett underwent an operation, the effects of which she still suffer* from Early In the year she sold No 117 West tin.- Hundredth and Nineteenth street, a home given to her by Corbett, but say* she turned the money It brought over to him From a woman companion, who said she repre sen'ed Mr*. Corbett. It was learned thtit nearly all this money had b< en spent, and that she had little left for current ex penses. It was this said the companion, that embittered her so against her hus band. SPECIAL NOTICE*. TO WATHR TAKER*. Ofßre of Savannah Water Works. Savannah. <Ja . Sept. 12. I9UO The water will he *hut off on York •tre t, between Wat Rroid ami Whitaker streete. Thnr<lay morning 9 o'clock. Sept 13. Will remain ofT for a few hour* for the purpoae of making connection 1. U. KINSKY. Supt. NOTICE IIK COPARTNERSHIP. The underslgtu <1 hove thl* day formed a ccparttverehlp for the purpose of con tinuing and carrying on the business of Wilder A Cos., taking over the asads and •••timing the llahl |tle* of Jo*enh I. Wilder, drceased. lately doing business und r the firm name of Wilder * Cos The firm name will remain unchanged nnd ihe lm*lne* will be conducted for u* by Wm W Williamson a* manager OEORUIA PAOK WILDER. ANNE PAOK ANDERSON Savannah. Oa., Sept. 12. 1900. SPECIAL NOTICE. All hill* agaln*t the Htltlsh teamhlp Axmlnster mttt he presented at our olßc before 12 o'clock m. thl* day. or |ynient thereof will he d< barred STRACII AN A CO, Consignee# Savannah. Oa . Sept 13. ISP. WALI PAPEH, IIAMinO We carry complete urorimml of tat<*t atyle papers, and amploy only beat artlata See our good* and get our eatlmata be fore giving out your work. Our prlca* the very loweal, SAVANNAH BUILDINO SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 119. TUI. \\ A A 111 l I I A A l AIIITIT*. The only way to get yoOr carpets prop, arly takan up, • leaned an I taken cant of for tha U to turn the Job over to the District M.aa-t g r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery st eet, and tha* will make you an a*t|. mate on the cost of tha work Prloas ri*bn*ide They alo pack, more and •tot* furniture and pianos C. 1L MEDLOCK, Supt. and Mgr. TRADE MARK \o Ajfcy PURE, PALATABLE, PURCHASABLE Alii I biii nv. F%t|Jos. A. Magnus IESSS & Cos. If f SR BMBi Cincinnati, O. mCKAL IHTITATIOa*. CHIAHOLM.—The relatives and frisnds of Mrs Kltsa C Chisholm nr# Invited 10 att#n*i her funeral services at the lisle* pendent I' Church this after non at 4 o’clock. FITZBIMONB- The relatives and friends of Mrs f'Amcia Fltzsitm'n# are Invite*! to 4(t#(d her funeral from No. tulethorpe avenue. wct, at 4o'clock this utter noon. KNIOHT—The friends and relative* of Mrs. L F Knlaht and family and of Mr and Mrs T l>. Robert* are Invited to at tend the funeral of Freddie, only aon of the former, from No. 105 York etreet, west, at it.3o o’clo k this morniriK. Mfc.Au 1 IM*S. /LIU MB A llt I I olM.l: No i.l a A. M. A regular communi- at ion of this JL lodge will be hell thi - (Thursday) evening at 8:15 o’clock. Members of -Ister lodges and transient brethren are fraternally Invßed to meet With us Ry order PLEABANT A STOVALL. W. M J A. HERBCHBACH. Secretary. BPM i It HOTII I* The following r*solution was adopted at a mass mat ting of ct'lsen.* held on the lJlh Inst, at the City Kxchange: Resolved. That the lady managers and pr*siden(s of the several charitable as soda?ton* In this city meet at the City Lxchange this day, the 12th Inst., at 5 p. m . to ink* Into cc net deration the qtietion cf gathering up clothing to a:d the dis tressed of Galveston. In accordant e with the above, the lady presld* nts and managers of the charitable institution* and other ladles tnteret*d are invited to meet at the City Exchange thin day. at 5 p m lIKRMAN MYKKD, Chairman Citizen* Meeting. WM P HAILEY, Bocretary SPECIAL 80TICKI. STEAMY* BICYCLES. THIMI NE BICYCLES. It % It III.EH BICY CLES. YALE BICYCLES. We have these machines In all sixes nt frames and In different Colors Our stock of Chatnless model* I* the most complete In the Souih Five distinct style* to se lect from. We can dupll. ate any other chalnk* on the market and save you money. We carry the larged stock of Limps. IL-lls and Hundrlea In the city. Positively no "seconds" sold here, each article bear ing Ihe makers' name and the best that they make We aril Palm, r and Goodrich Tire* These are the heat for durability and easy running on the market, and our prices are less. Our Repair Department la equipped with the latest machinery and we are prepared to turn out work promptly. In this de partment O'.r motto Is how well It can he done, not how cheap Bend your w heel to u* and II will be handl'd by experts, and not by cheap and Inexperienced la bor. FREE AIR THE ASKING R. V. CONNEHAT, Bell Phone No. 6V> No 3K-MR Hull Bt. LEVAN'S TABLE D'HOTE DIN.NEHA. too—DINNER—SOc. .Dinner Ito 3 and to 9. Thursday, Sept. 12 Claret Wine. SOUP. Mulligatawny. FISH. 8p ekkd Tioul, Egg Sauce. Potatoes, St. Julienne Sliced Tomatoes, with French Dressing. Queen Olive*, Chow Chow. Mixed Pickle*. ENTREES. Calf* Llvrr, ml.h Fine Herb*. Macaroni au Gralln. ROASTED Prime Rib* of Beef, Dish Gravy. Htcefleld Limb, Brown Gravy. VEGETABLES * Mashed Potatoes, Green Pea*. Rolled Okra, Rice, Stewed Tomato s. PASTRY' AND DESSERT. Potato Pie, Assorted O ik- *. Cheese, Cracker*. Lemon Water Ice. Drip Coffee. LEVAN S CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. HOY Al. Ml MIC H ALL, 218-21* Broughion street, west. THE PEOPLE S PLEASURE ,RESORT. Week commencing Monday. Sept 19. First appearance of MISS LIZZIE STEWART. The B wee 1 Singer. Also anew sene* of MOVING PICTURES Bl*reoptlen Slide* and Dloramlc Views. A FEATURE SHOW OF NOVELTIES RICH. RARE AND RACY. Admt**lnn 10c. Box Seat* 25c. lima FOR SCHOOL at rri.iK*. Rd* for school supplies for one year will he iscelved at the office of the Su,e - Intedent of School* till noon Sept. 2.’. The** supplies consist of Stationery. House Suppiha. Priming. Wood and Coal. Stove* and Btov* Repair* Duplicate blanks and other Information mav he oh. mined at the office of the Superintendent of Schools. NOTICE. All pei* n* are heteby cautioned agilnst harboring or trusting any of the ctew of the British teamshlp Maeconomo. Mann, master, frtm New Y'ork. as no deb<* of their contracting will be paid by master, owners or by .W. W. WILSON, Agent, Consignee KODAKS SPARKLETS Makes flo<la Wo er at home. Films, Photo. Supplies. Craphophones and Developing, Robin- s®*' l rep*ir. EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. son s Hath Cain nets. |, w (hat o ij,, n charge i-'.s#. If yon have RHEUMATISM be sure and get a bottle of FRANK’S* RHEUMATISM CI'RE- It never fails. Price $1.50 bottle When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON'S TWO PHARMACIES. 801 l and Congress. Branch 309 Bull Street. PHONES IM. BOTH PHONES. I’HONE SIC. IN EXCELLENT SHAPE —FOR- Fine Laundry Work. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, •muL iviicu, I'AILUIXU Ut* t.U.XU IkLAMI I'tSU" UHATKIt PIPPIN APPLK CIHKH. This pur> ctdar la .arved on st amsra on th* Anwrlcan 1))*. um* at th WalJorl-Aa to't* sn'l family grocera tn Naw Yrnk Hty l'aubllig * Flppln r;der Is made from ihe put* Juice of hand p!< ke<* apples Irom hi* own mill on the pientlees. It U abeo lutely pure f>ple juice, and all the effer v is natural, and we guaranies to be the ch> tcest rider In >hi world. L>ding phye,clans In New York and Brooklyn recommend thta older to their Tallents Ite p purfty Is g.iaraiu-wt n Paulding's Pippin ctdar. only I-ong ls- P.nd Newton's Plpt>'n* aie used. Th# ap pies are tali on the ree until late tn Oc tobar when they are hand picked and placed tn a dry ro m to ripen. Paulding say* "the appl-a are Ihnr ugh ly crushed tn hie own milt ant th* juice pressed out and run Into sweet clean casks" The difference be’ween crushing and grinding ap*’lea Is very great You will Know Ihe difference between cr etc and app ea and ground apples If von take some stems and chew them, you will And ghat bitter taste which ts not with Paulding's crush'd apples This elder has not the extreme sweetness of the Husset cider, and everyone wtlU find the t’auld *ng i Pippin cider Just right to take with dinner LI PPM AN BROS . Sola Agents In Bavannafc. Pit E-Mail VE YOt It SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alons enable you to aee. but correct every defect tbai may exist. There le no guesswork In our methods We have the latest and most approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing. We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and ehouid you na-d 'the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal tenses ere perfect Ut every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared tn value to the kind offered as cheap by the an-calld opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses oa a side Una. DR. M SCHWAB * BON. Excluetve Opticians. 47 Bull Street. N. B.—Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Repairing done at short nolle*. COHBN-KILMAN rtRHIMiE AMI WACtOY fOSI’IUY. f.nrisest Wholesale and Retail Ileal era in Veblelea and Harness In Ueorgls, ItrnnKlitnn nnd West Broad fltrerte, llabeock Hepreaentatlvee. Suwanee Springs Cos.. Suwanee, Flo.: Gentlemen— Having been a r. rident of thl* and adjoining counties for Hfty-eeven year*, and a practicing physician annul thirty, have had a favorable opportunity of observing the effects of your spring as a remedial agent. I can cheerfully say that for certain clauses of diseases I have wen some miraculous cure*, vlx: Rheu matlsm. kidney Yind bladder affections, skin diseases, eronlc dyspepsia, etc. The winter ha* a One tonic and alterative ef fect. a* evinced by the magic Increase of appetite, tone to the system, etc. S. T. OVERSTREET. M IX. Live Oak. Fla. All you can drink for 5c at Livingston'*. MATTHK*KI, MATTRESSES. Have your mattreeses and feathers ren ovated by our medicated steam process before a change In weather takes place. (The only plant In Savannah.) It over come* all Impurities and renews life and volume In all bedding material Price* on ler.ovatlon of feather* as fol-ows: Beds 13,50. bolsters 31. pillows too. Cotton, tnoas and hnlr mattresses made to order. Fine work, low prices. Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATT HESS AND HKNO VATINO CO.. Bell phone 113*. 331 Drayton street. bil l'll K. City of Savannah. , Offlc* Clerk of Council. Savannah. Ga . Bept 4. lisjn Rids will be received et thl* office until 12 o'clock m Friday. Bept. 21, 1900, for furnishing the Police lkpaiiiwent with winter uniform*, aeordlng to specifica tion* to b seen at the police barrack* The right is reserved to reject any or all bid* WM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. i tlii.i: n viti.uni m: mi hi - KICK lo rent, located head of Rroughton street, on Writ Bread, now occu rred by Ih* Savannah Carriage and YVugon Cos As they will give up business in the city on June 1. I of fer ll for rent from that date H. P. SMART r%l*T*, oil.*. WALL PAPM. Get nut price* on the best good* for yanr handing. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignee* of (lie Rrltlsh steamship Labuan. Gardner, master, will be responsible for any debt* contracted by crew of *ald vessel J. F. MINIS & CO., Consigning il lMgll HOTICBS. “Nothing New Under the Sun.” So (tee* the old adage, and yet we can show you any number of articles in our line an NEW and and *o PRETTY that not seen changes of style or fashion can them look old. We have heard of the "GOOD OLD TIMER" and we twlteve In the "GOOD NEW ONES." and Jurd think It over. Our price* are always right. Hunter & Van Keuren, Oa. Phone Ml . 143 Bull Street FOR SHOW CASES Of Every Description SEE HENRY SOLOMON & SON. •FluciAi* xuncica. MOMIVITOBI will not trouble 70a If 70a *•• MMOOMUIiEET. It Is a picas* at pcrlaiat. A Is m tollrt powder (hat instantly di> prla (he illingrreablt odon arising front perspiration. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM ttlvoa quirk relief for ibi burns and • kin troublaa. •OLOMOftI LEVY’S DIICOII.4T SOTICB. tor will save TBS PVR CENT. hr sarins roar hills an as be fore (he 13th Inst. H. O. LEVY mo. NOTICE. Clly of Savannah. Office Fire Department, Savannah. Ga . Bept. 1, 1909 Proposal* for furnl*hlng the Fire De partment with winter uniform* will he re. calved al Ihe office of Ihe undersigned until 12 o'clock m of Saturday. Sept. 22. 1900. Speclffcallon* will be furnished upon application at ihe office of th* Fire De partment. corner of Indian and West ltroad street*, any day between the hour* of 9 a. m and sp. m. All propo-ul* must he sealed and ad dressed to Ihe Committee on Fire, Uniform* to he delivered f o. h In Sa vannah on or hefoie Oct. 15. 19U0 The committee reserve the right to reject any and all proposals or lo award ihe contract In part or a* a whole. JOHN E MAGUIRE, Hupl. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, Sept. 7. unto. A vacancy having occurred In the office of messenger of Council, caused by ihe death of the tale Messenger John Harrt *on. and In accordance with a resolution adopted in Council Sept, ith. Hut. nolle* I* hereby given that an election will he had at the next regular mealing of Coun cil. lo be held on Ihe 19th Inst at * p in. to fill the unexpired term, all application* I to be filed with the Clerk of Council at or before 12 m. of ihe 19th Inst. Rond of lafrili required: names of bondsmen must accompany the application YVM P BAILEY. Clerk or Council. HIM* l\ Ivi EH. Office Director of Public Works. Bavan- J nah. Ga , Sept. s. 1900.—Bid* will be re- I reived at thm office until Saturday. Bept. I IS. 19no. at 12 o'clock noon, city time, for the privilege of assorting garbage pile for all material*, such as rags, paper, tin can*, glass and al: substance not of fer- Drilling value. All hid* to be mad* good for one year Envelopes to be marked "Bid* for assorting garbage " The city I reserve* the right to reject any or all bid* 1 Bid* 10 be opened In the presence of bid der*. OE<X M. OADBDEN. Director. BOND* EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust < ompany of Ralttmor*. We are author ised to execute locally (Imm dlately upon : application), all bonds In Judicial pro- * ceding* In either Ihe state or Untied : Riate* courts, and of administrators and guardians DFABINO * HULL. Agent* Telephone 321. Provident Bul’dlng, *70,000. On* of our ctlents baa placed in oar hand# SX.OOV to loon ou good Savannah tool estate at reasonable rate* of lnt*r**g BECKETT * BECKETT. U Praaidtni *UMt. tuk, LEOPOLD ALLER. JNO I: President. c., C T. ELLIS. BA It no v View Prcsklenl. Ass' fa. Tlie Chatham Bank Will be pleased to receive th of Merchants, Firm*. Indivtdu, “>, J '*'* •nd Corporations Liberal favors extended Unauriwssed collection fact!. Me, . ing prompt returns I.Y Oh Ilk'poxiTt. Ssfstjr Deposii Rratsa and Vault. . rant Correspondence aollclted. Tiie Citizenslai Oh 4AVAH.IAU. " capital. 5500.00a A > Miasm, .a M , bvavist UaUk| M ■ Busin r s. 4 hG4U ,. 4ItU Mnahssu, Swalsa ata,. t . rM , mllsai. Cwllsettow. ha.Wlo with •••••■*r sail dispatch. ~ latrre.i earn founded . ■ Ilwssad deposit, tp „ r ~,, Dspsrth.,l. h-fety Vaalts. “ BRANTLEY A. DEKHAkK,,^ •* Via. gKORGE C. KRKnm, ra.hte, BOHDOXI L. GROOVER, Asst. , . Tt| SOUTHERN BANK of the State of G#crgia eapltwi ’... Laid, Surj.ius and undivided prom, ... - DKPOSITOIIY tK THE STATE or GEORGIA Superior faculties lui transacting . ’ i. II- 1.11 1. it.e i,„ Collections made un all po.nts aoesslid. ihiough ban*- and bankers. Accounts oi liuiiks, IT*uk< ai. i.r.axtia and others sollolted. Safe DtpueH Box., for resit. Depsrtmenl g>f Savings, Inierest payable quarterly Beils Sterling Exchange on London a and upward*. JOHN FLANNERY. Pretldenl. HORACE A CRANE. Vic* President JAMES Si'LI.IVAN c,hler DIRECTORS JNG. FLANNEKY. WM w. OORDON. E. A. WEIL* W. W GORDON j r H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERBT H P SMART CHARLES EI.LIS EDWARD KELLT. JOHN J KIRBY MIIMM CAPITAL, S3i4O,UVW. Accounts of hanks, merchants, corpora tions and Individuals solicited, Savings Department, Interest paid quarterly. Safely Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections mad# on dll points at rea sonable rates Drafts sold on all the chief cities ol lh, world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President W F. Mr CAP LEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ua. Capital Undivided profits tusur This bank offers Its services to corpora tions. merchants and tn.ilvlduals. Has nu homy to act ua executor, ad ministrator, guardian etc. lesu.a drafts on the principal dues le Great Britain and Ireland and on the ContlnstnL raid or compounded quarterly on dap .nils In the Savings Department. Safety Boxes for rent HENRY lILT7N. President. OEO W TIEDEMAN. Vice Presided JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass'! Cashier No. KAO. Chartered, lIM. —THE— IMIS Kill H OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, ito>.<ol. SURPLUS. 1101,2* UNITED BTATEB DEPOSITORY. J A. t'arson. President. BEIKNE GORDON. Vice President YV M DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of hank* and hanker*, mer chants and corpora 1 lona received up* the moat favorable term* con*l*tent with safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand Inter est credited quarterly. PER CENT, per annum allowed oo deposit* of even hundreds, withdrawable at annual period*. GEO W TIEDEMAN, President. B. H LEVY, Vice President. E. W. RELL. Secretary. C O ANDERSON JR . Treasurer OFFICE 15 YORK STREET. WEST. FOB RENT." from Oct. 1* that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Heal Estate and Im provement Company, • 14 RRYAN STREET, EABT^ if Newsw lift For sale, a Forsaltb Newspaper jrolJer: will fold sheet 2 x4a. It Is In good order. Prtc* 3109 II coal originally 11.190. Out w# hava no use for It and warn lb* *> It occupies. Il will be an Invaluable adjunct to •” newspaper olßo*. t Addreea MORNING NEWS, Savaaaah, *• IF YOU WANT GOOD UATCKIAL and work, order your lithographed printed stationery and blank book* I l ** VnrnJn* Nut* Savannah. 0*