The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 13, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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WHEN GREEK MEETS GREEK. WinHIH IX INJI MTIOMIK Hl\u OIIOHK A6*liT lacil OTHER. Tbu' for Ihr IMalaatlff Kttnlled ihr Merit* nol Abflltle* ul Ihr llrfrml. ml fo Ihr kktea, \l hllr Thutr for tlir Urlrailnul Derided llrr l u rt Claim lo Kiwllrarr-Hlw airman a ail llrr Trank Abaurliril Ihr Time ■ ail ,%llr atioa of Ihr haitrrlor foorl—Wlloraara Created Mrrrl. mnil In Ihr Court Hniini—rinlnlin Pell* Horn Hit liood Turu Deoerv i'il Anolhrr. Judge Falllgent took up yesterday mottling In thr Superior Court, Ihr hear. Ins main thr application for a temporary Injunction made by E. A. Mannirl. pro prlMtor of thr Royal Music Hall, prohibit ing LAszle Btcwarl from singing or net lag at Ihr rival establishment of Nell liiltlra during thr trrm of a contra,'t mod* with hrr for hr appcaran,*.* at thr Royal. Thr Morning New* of Tuesday contain ed an account of thr Inctptency and Ihr preliminary round* of thr legal battle be tween thr ringer and Ihr tnurlc hull pro prietor, thcao prellmln.irtea tlnjc fought out In thr court of Justice of thr Truer C. D Kllnr. Thr ringer, <> It was charg ed and Clown, had come lo Savannah from Tamin In compliance with an agreement for tier appearance at Ihr Royal, mad* between hrr and Manager Trank Hinnry. ot that establishment. She was to ap pear for Iwo week*, at a weekly stipend of 13’ Tor some reason she did not cere K> live up to thr agreement, declared It was not binding ti|>on her and on Monday deserted ihe Royal for Ihr ilval place ot enlrrtalnmenl further the street. She wanted hrr trunk and It was not aurrendvrad to hrr. A possresorw war rant was sworn out before Mugistr tee Ktlnr and Massart waa arrested. Carried before the maglsirate he was found by Ihr judgment of lhal functionary to have the trunk In his porseeslon or control, and upon hla failure to deliver It would have been sent lo Jail but for Itie tiling of an application for a writ of certiorari lo Ihe Superior Court and ihe giving of bond lo answer for Ihr eventual con demnation money. In Ihe meantime a lrm|wwary restraining order had been ob tained from Judge Taillgant, prohibiting the appearance of Ihe woman at the Al hombra until Ihe further of Ihe court. It was the question whether this re straining order should be yontlnued in force or dissolved that was before itie court for determination ,on yesterday, and with which Judge Talilgam. parlies, counsel and witnesses wrestled ftom early morn till dewey eve. Then it had not been decided. One of the points In Ihe case was the character of Ihe service rendered by the singer. Ihe law offering the lemedy by Injunction only when these services tire of rome spa tnl me, l. or unique eg. e Icn- •• iit pubis, of being rendered only by Ihe l-arty whose tendering of such rervice* to third party Is sought lo be enjoined This produced a peculiar slate of facts and a peculiar condition of the teilimony aiklured on Ihe aland. The witnesses for Mr Massart all testi fied lhal Mis* Stewart's services were of unique excellence and could not be duplt i-ated by any other performer In Ihe same business in the Rout It. The witnesses for Miss Stewart, on Ihe other hnnd. swore that her a hilt le* were not a whit abovi the ordinary, and could eaattv be dupll lated, at the rate of I2*> a week for each O n Ileal*, as many limes as were necee or convenlenl or desired. Jmnea.Sherron. manager for Olldea and u witness for the defendant. was one of tts -i- who entered emphatic disclaimers to any possession of sutler lor abilities or aitmetlons on lh*- part of the singer. .•die'* only o good average performer." he said. ‘Tve worked lots belter for s2n a wesk." And lot* worse, haven't you. Mr. Iter ron?" queried Mr. Hartridge for Ihe plain tiff. Well,” Ihe witness rsiorted, "If I have I 'Mdn'l keep them long." There was n g-iicral lough. There was considerable discussion uml Interrogation of witnesses also lo the present whereabouts of the trunk. The Hilictff. who was placed on the stand pi his own heltolf, declared that he knew milting ahoul it. “Well. Mr. Massart." Mr. Hartridge asked, "did Miss Stew art appear to be dis satisfied with the way In which she was treated while she was at Ihe Royal?" "Why, no." was Ihe answer. "It looked *o me that she was the gayest one In Ihe hunch. All Ihe folk I had with her. though, could be covered In twenty words. Th* first time I remember her having anything to say to me was when she wanted lo start a bar lab.” "A what?" asked the court and all the lawyers, at Ihe same lime. "She wanted to get some drinks on credit," explained the witness. "And did she seem to have other than kindly feelings for you ot that time?" asked Mr. Hartridge "Well, l thought not." was the reply. "The first thing she did was to treat me and. lo show yon how I felt about It, I trea.ed back." There was n laugh at this. The introduction of evidence waa contin ued until :J0 o'clock In the evening, whi n the recess waa taken until thia 10 o'clock. The plaintiff has some evidence In rebuttal stilt to Introduce and It is poeslhlc that there will be some other evi dence on behalf of the plaintiff. Messrs. O’Connor, O'Ryrne dr Hartridge and Oor don 8a it say appear for the plaintiff, ami Messrs. Rarrow A Harrow for the defend ant. The plaintiff Is rather a nice-looking young woman, whose charms are of an or der decidedly generous. As somebody in the court room said, during Ihe progress of Ihe hearing. "There’s nothing small about her." Indre.l, the word "generous" l> scarcely adequately descriptive of Ihe extent of her attractions. She seemed lo cxirnet as much amusement from the pro coding* as did anyotyc etee. and smiled gaily upon everybody who was taking a hand In Ihe game. A YOITIIFIL IIUIIIIRR. A Term on tlir Gang lias till Stopped His Thieving Propensities. Albert Williams, a eolerrd hoy 15 years old. waa lurned over to the City Court yesterday on the rharge of trying to rob Hie till of a fruit stand on Hast Broad ami l.lberty streets. While still young Williams la an accomplished thief. Though off the gang but a short lime, on Tues day afternoon he entered a pawn shop and stole a watch from one of Ihe show cases, although the proprietor was In flu store at the time anti saw the d*ed The arrest was made hy Delectlvo* Oarrllv ami Murphy. They have nol recovered the watch, but exp-ct to do so 10-day. PUYKD WITH I'JIIK. Two Hoys t’alnfolly Horned While at Play on llunllttßlnn Street. William Kilroy. a boy H years old. and a companion, while playing with fire yes terday morning In a vacant lot on East Huntingdon street, were both badly, though not seriously, burned. Taken for health gives pleasure. Taken for pleaaure gives health— delightful, re freshing. Har.n, gaArondack Water. All you tan drink for flv*- cents at Solomons drug store, Hull and Charlton •treata.-Ad medicines that jgjfl ised much but didn't Wj keep their promises. rM you want to get well jfj W.PIEPXEfc GOLDEN MEDICU DISCOVERY R For diseases of the stomach 1 ■ ami organs of digestion and I * nutrition, this medicine offers 13 IT. a jimrtirally cure. J\ E 1 Ninety-eight per cent of all /a V-j who use it get well. I "I ear not r*pr~** half mv feel- ifr of fo you writes K*: Mrs JRf Y. Clark, of 7'nterprise, { "Sfe H Shelby Cos. Mo "I hid |j p*e4 of ever p'-Xtiu k wHI I I S fcjf y hail lem lu bad health for Iffl fv? A twelve years. Had achea all* through tur nunb hands 4<J Mfrjf f***t aud evrrvthtog I atr dta- BEm treated me bowela constipated m **** vrrx dgpre— ’ 13 Fva when I /£asl4j hr*t wr dr to you 1 thought MRO, Bwfflr * coul orrrr be cured I Mill b-ve taken six bottles of Goldru I^l HIS CASE WITH THE COURT. Continued from Tenth Pagr. C’ajt. Cmn ayintr he deatred the argti ineiita in<l everything connected with the ci*ee to Im* carefully recorded. After eoin<- dlacusalon of this. It wait determined to hu\ the reporter take everything . decision th;;l will add greatly t* his work un*l delay hla getting his complete report made up. Mr. Hell ha.* found a gr* t deal more work than he had bar- Kulnt'd for In contu- tlon with the ca-e. as t*o or three seßalons were about as many n* he had he* u lw>k!ng for. The n* xt w sslon of the court will be on Monday night In th* officers' quarters at tt.e Kaginiental Armory. It Is then that th* numbers of t’omi any r. of th<‘ ol* o’el battalion, wlil lx* hrotixht up for trial. There were three of these m**n. I’Ut Private fliinson will not Ik* trle-1 > the bidg* advocate has advised th * a*ljutant g ru ral's office that there is not sufficient evidefic * against him to prove th** • h irg**y Cap*. Cann will repre*w , nt one of the ao ueed rl ll rs and Mr. 11. K. Wilson the other. t AtUIIT WITH His N.'OIL John JohnaOii. |.aded Willi “mien t liiekena. 4 sngltt hj Tom Murphy. John Johnson, colored, waa arrested yesterday morning at Kighth and Jeffer son streets, by Patrolman Toni Murphy for having In his possession eleven chick etis which the officers thought, and as It afterward turned out r-ghtly. to have been stolen. The man t*xp!a!ned th:it they be longed to his father whom he said lived on the Huckholter road. The officer wa> not convinced, however, and sent Johnson to the Ha tracks anyway. He appeared before the Recorder, but his .use was continued. Isist night a wo man culled at the Harraeks ami said that the chi--kens Ik longed to her mother who also liv*| on the BuckhaHer road and who. the night before had hwn robbed of forty chickens. Only eleven were found in the possession of Johnson, but It Is thought that the others are eight at his house, or stowed away somewhere until he ran get the chance to d'.epose of them without exciting suspicion. It is thought that Johnson has been guilty of other and numerous depredaklona on the roots of his neighbors, as he has been selling chickens to different pi. ices on the outer edge of • own much below the market price at might, in fact, be called ruinous rates. The w*oman who was robbed will he nt th** hurra 'k* thl* morning to tiMlfv against the deapoller of her hennery and incidentally to identify and regain h<r property. This Is only one of a number of similar rrests thol have been made by Patrol man Murphy, who enjoys the reputation of having taken red-handed an I having sent up for good trrm. another Johnson who usr*l fo operate on the eastrrn out skirts of the city, ami who enjovel. nt *1 deservedly, the title of king of chicken thieves. ROtUIIT in lilt. MNNON9. Miss IVrkino Will Oecnpy Hr. Ilopps* llonsc on Oct. 1. Dr. A. B. Hlmmnns has bought No. 17 Gordon street, east, and will make the house his residence after Oct. 1. when It will given up by Miss Perkins, the present tenant. Miss Perkins also occu pies No. Is. the adjoining house, and has used lioth as a Imardlng establishment. fin Oct. I .Miss Perkins will occupy Dr. R Ilopps* house a lb* corner of Ogle, thorpr avenue ami Hull street. Home months ago work of converting the house Into one suitable for the ommoditlos of many boarders was completed, but a ten ant <ll*l no; secure It until Miss Perkins decided that the location ami the advant ages of the renovated and enlarged house were such as to make It more desirable than that she had occupied. UTKICK WITH IVTK3T TO KILL The f barge That Josh l.awrfow. Col ored* Will ll* v e to Answer This Morning* Josh Lawton, colored, was arrested yes terday morning for mn assault with intent to murder. Marlon Bloke, also colored. Lnwtort ami Blake w* re employed ae help vrn in painting the Weed Hultding. where • h** frat iwsfK- urred According to Low tons story of the trouble during tb# aV nr e of fh* ‘•boss’* BMte *tnnel some horse play that seriously interfere<l with hi i work, he repeatedly requested him o 4..jdst as he knew that If they were seen ihey would both be discharged. Blake he says, continued until finally as he was advancing on him he struck him with pi# *’ of hoard thm was lying near at bnl. Blake was arrested also on a rharge of disorderly conduct. Hffi4E WHlP*ft f IIMOVHIBTF.iI. lint Was I aptiired and Will Be Tried Tills Morning. Trank Rumicll. co’ornt. was arrested jen-ri)ay by Detectives Murphy amt rtarrlty on the charge of stealliMl from the schooner Doris a chronometer and eeveral articles of ctolhina. Tfce/;hrononeter was stoten Aaturfiay n!*ht. and wae tmmedl alelv pjwne-t for . a very email part of It* real vatu*. The detective* are aware of its whereabouts and wl t recover It. Th* clothe* have not yet been found. THE MOKNING NEWS: THTIESDAV. SEPTEMBER 13* 1900. CUT DOWN THE SAILINGS. 0CE.%% UTRTfMKHIV* t OMmv II %*• THHBIC \ Kk!IKI.fI A WKIK. Kanr of glrnmshlps %rr fo Hun Hrgularly on thr wgvannnli->pw lark I.lnr—Thr t Ity of lllrmlng hmm Will Hun **W lid** Hrtnrrn *a vannnli nnd \rw % ork, hailing When a largo Is llt-ady for H*r. Jth<- %\ 111 l*t-ohnll> Curri no l*as> srngrrs—•!'tin I labour h*e Is on tlir W:>. nud thr I it> of Msnm Is on thr \r \ ork-lloston l.lur. Thr* saltings of tha Ocrsn Btcamshlp Company’s vessels from Havannah and from New York have been redu. -d to thm* m week from rsch port On Tues days and Thurs*iays and Saturdays, till further notice four vessels of th# first will bt> on thr B.ivannah-Nrw York line under regular schedule. Thca** four will be thr Kansas City, the City of Augusta, thr Xacooche* ami the Tallahassee Thr City of Birmingham will run ’’wild.*' Bhr will be on thr line between davannnh and New York, but will not sail upon schedule. This determination with regard to the vessel Is hy no means unprecedented, as in the past vewsels of the fleet have been taken from the regu lar sailing lists and used for the move ment of freight as cargoes materialised. 1-11*1 season, when the cotton movement was so heavy,twoof thecompuny’a vessels were t.l ktrii uIT iit<* k-kuliii .w.tiiii'*. *st, being run as fr ight bOitts to prevent the congestion that might have resulted at ftavannah. The vessels were iim and for cot ton. ami they moved the stupl*- as It ac cumulated at tlx* docks. It is probable there will be no |aseen ger.t carrle*! by the HirmiuKltom while she runs wild. This Is a point that has not been definitely settled, but It Is sakt ihat no business will lx solicited for the steamship. Naturally there would be no desire on the pirt of the public to sail by a vessel whoi*e departure was not ad vertised and al>out whose entiling th*re would be a question Tne olh* ials of th*- company propos** holding the Birmingham on each trip until her cargo Is ready, and the chance of delay would not le espe cially phasing to prospective pasi-cnger* The fleet of th<* Ocean Steam-hip Com pany now* number* seven vi>*di. Five have been mimed, and the others are the Chattahoochee, now on the ways In New York undergoing emtenslnve repaint, and th** City of Macon, which Is on the run between New York ami Boston. 1 %\ <ill:*KV DU* 4* 481 If I DATE. Brln*iril to Oppose Mnalirnlf >a llmnß It* lb* Bm*orU Hlatrl*4. F 8 VanGlc#ti was lasi nlxht ehos^i 10 oppose* Isaac Nat liana for th# magis tracy of th# B*cond MitUia Dlairkn in th# election to to* held In December. T*. eamlMkitre had declared thcmselver, Van Giescn nr>) Lacy 4. Mcll. It wts reakxed by their friend* that for only on# • anditUite to b# in lh# fiek! In opposition to Mr. Nathan# wouWi be n tllstinct advan tage over a three—"ornert'd tight, so Mr. Van Glesen ami Mr. Mell each choos<- twelve friends who with Mr. John K. Ma guire constituted o tv>mmlHee of twenty live to which wax left the decision as *o 11 hh h should oiipose the present incum bent. The committee met i*et night at Mr Van Glesen’s <ffi 'e on West Broad street hut as only right of Mr MeilV friends !htwel up nt the appointed tlm* Mr Van Glexen reduced the number of hts com mitteemen to eight atoo. thus making with Mr. Maxuire n body of seventeen to which was left the <lctermining vote. The meeting was called to order shortly Iw'fore 9 o’clock and lasted about two hours. The friends of each of the candi dates were staunch to his Interest and the question of the political strength of aeh whs entered Into and argued at length before a ballot was taken. When this was Anally done It was found that the vote was h tie, eight to eight The chairman. Mr. Maguire, cast the dectdng vote In favor of Mr, V’n Glesen. Previous to the session of the commit tee both of the candidates were railed in to the room and each pledged himself to sup|rt the candidacy of the one lhal should he clioaen. At the conclusion of thr meeting and after the result of the ballot had been announced Mr. Mell was among the first to congratulate his suc cessful rival and to assure him that he would stand by the pledge given before the meeting and use his entire Influence for hi* election. Sow that the matter of the candidate has been settled an active canvass of the district will be tegun. and. according to Mr. Van Oeisen's plans, kept up until elec tion day. 81 \III: I Hi; PACE A HOT OYFs. Negro Trespasser From Pooler Led Officers a Chase. John Young, a negro who is wanted in Pooler for trespassing, gave Officers Klley and Waters of Magistrate Wickham's (*ourt a hot chase the other morning, hut whs finally caught and landed in Jail pending the decision of the PoMer au thoritlca as to whether they will send for him. The negro was spied near the office of the magistrate at Bryan and West Broad When the ■lain Ealh> on the skin. Hair roHS s&rrysc Amß swollen glands, aching muscle* IB 111 ami hones, the disease n making rapid headway, and far worse symptom* will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of thia violent deatmetive poison. S. S. S. ia the only aafe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for thia specific poison. It cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently. Mi Csndltlei Could I contracted Blnjij Potsoa I tried Itvt betn Nt Worse. tmfZZJS did me no good ; I waa gening wm w all Ihe time . ray hair ratne out, uteer* appesfeti in tnv throat and mouth, my body was almost eoeeiad with copper colored splotehe* and often.tve •ores I ufferd •everely (rout rheumatic pain* tn my shoulder* sndgrto* My condition could hsve been no worse ; only tho*c afflicted as t was ran understand my .offering. I had slantt lost alt hope of ever being welt again whea I derided to try 8 R S~ - !*ut tuu.t ronfe*. I had little Isith led In any medtrine After taking W tbeth.rd brtttr In. Mired ■ change in my Condi- lSSSir® tlon Thl. wa. inilv en- fl Jiß.Xfl coirsgtng. and I deter- A SKuy-RT tvmeJ to give S. R. 8 ft - Horoogh trial. From > h.t tint-on the Improve- yjWdTSaMe BKC inru! UJ, rapid .S. h R. J 5 Stay MSP ' ..n:- t t ' tl.vr thr dI- J r..- r-,‘rtv under 4m (hr no nd ulcer, healed and I -’"(SIWi / R**]y •oon free from all *ign.yw . / f FvtP of tha disorder; I have *■ * been .troag and healthy ever da. (~ w. Sutra. Lock Boa *u, Noblesville, lad. in the only purely vege j? table blood purifier V iMini n f . Wk, S offered for proof that WW WW it contain* a particle of itercury, potash or other mineral poiaon. Rend for our free look on Blood Poiaon; it contain* valuable information ntxxit thi* disease, with full directions for fell treatment. We charge nothing for madi* cal advice ; cure yourself at home, rut SWIFI BR*C*flC CO.. ATLAK7A. castoria; for Infants and Children. Th<* Kind You llavit AlwayH linn ttorm* the turo of Chn*. 11. Flftrlinr, nnd liiik ln*i*n intuit' uiultir liit* piT* *ii|M’rvision for over HO yonrt*. Allmv no onn <o drt'clvr you in Hit*. <'oiinterf*>ltN, Imitation!* ami “.lust-tis-Sloml ” urt’ lint Experiment!*, uiul eiulaiiKer tlio Itealtli of Cliildrcn—Kxperienee uptiiut Kx|MTiuient. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signaturo of^ In Use For Over 30 Years. ... - —— " -- ” atrerts, hut when the ofll ers started to get him he ran for Yatmicraw and l***l them a good long chase, although harxll capt**-d by a basket of potatoes that lx* carried sH which h* refused t< part with, although It might cost him hi* Hbertv. He was piignaclous. too. f< r getting in to a house In Cooper Shop lam h< met Ihe officer* yt the door with a brick an*l wa* in ttx' act of striking W at. is with it sli*-n It was tru< k from his hand by Mr. Klley. THE IIKOWM;il Hill FOIAD. loans K niglit'a Body Recovered Srmr the Scene of the trrlih nt. The body of Fred Knight, the 11-year </l boy who was drowned Tu* *xl y after noon near lslan*!, an account f which was printed in yesterday’s Morn ing Nows, was found yesterday afternoon üboot 3:30 o'clock. The body was seen floating down Ihe river aUut fifty feet off shore from Hutchinson’* lelund, hik! uimnet directly opposite the Bull street dock. The body was first seen by Trlnce Lad son. a colored boatman who was starvlmg In the blacksmith shop Heir the water’s *!ge. ll*' called the attention of th** blacksmith to the object and the two set out In 1 r*toon's bout, mxl finding th*vt It r>as |n*leed th body of young Knight put • rote* trouml the waist arxl lowed It across to the Hull do k. where It \\ * m*l* fast until the coroner could lx rctilled and get to the seen**. The hndv was taken to Coroner Ooette’a uixlertak- Ing establishment. wh*r u was prepur •*! for burial Th>* funeial will take *>Uce lb # morning at ft o'clock Funeral of Mr*. A. 11. I alien. The funeral of Mrs. A. D. Ooben took lda<* from the First Harpist Fburch at I o'clock yesterday afternoon, the services being conducted by B*v. K. W. Cawfhon, acting imstor of the church. The servlcea .it the church were largely atterxhtd. —The n*w of Argyll mwle n rtalement a: • r*ceMly to the effect that he was Innocent ot music, and <-mild not tell the difference between “Fop Goes the Weasel” und ’’Clod Have the Queen.” LKGAL NOTK KI. NOTICE TO DEBTORB AND CRED ITOHB. GEORGIA—C HATH A M COVNTY.- Notlce Is h reby given to all person* hav ing demands against Charles Y Richard son. Ut# of said county, deceased, to pre sent them to me. properly made out. within the time prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount, and ail persons Indebted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment to m*. BFBANNA W. RICHARDSON. Executrix. Bavar.nah, Ga., Aug 19^0 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice Is hereby given to all persona hav ing and tnarxls against Raymond A. Harvey, late of said county, deceased, to* present them to me. properly male out. within the time prescribe*! by law. so ao to show their character ami amounts; ami all per sons Indebted to eaid deceased are re quired to mako immediate payment to me. Savannah, Ga., July 17, IW> WILLIAM F. SLATER. Administrator. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas Thomas Bcreven ha* applle.l to Court of Ordinary for letter* of a<lmln4*- traflon, cum te*tamento annexo, on Ihe eatat" of Georgia it. Hereven. deccn.ed. Th< *•> are. th.rrfore, to cite and admon ish nil whom It may lOltcern to be and upie:ir before said court to mike objei-- tlon (If any they have) on or before the ftr*t Monday In October, nxt. ofheewlse • ,ild lettera will b.- granted. Wltnea*. Ihe Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, thl* the flh day of Brptember. 1900. FRANK K. KEILHACH, Clerk C. 0.. C. C. NOTICE TO DEHTORS AND CREDIT ORB. OEORGI A. CHATHAM COrNTY- Noflre I* hereby given to all person* hav ing demur.d* ng.tlnet Frank T. Lincoln, lole of *ld county, deceased, to | rcsenl them la me. properly made out. within tha time preaerlbed by law. so as to allow their character and amount; and all per son* Indebted to *ald decease I are re quired to mak. Immediate piyment to me, Havantiah, Ga,. Sept. 4. 1900 JORDAN F. RHOOKH. County Admlnl.trator NOTICE TO DBBTORB AND CREDIT ORS. OEORGI A. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice | hereby given to all pcron hav ing demand* agajn*l Whipple Aldrk'h. Ile of *ald countt . dscMsal. lo preeent lhem to me. properly made out, within lha time pretwrlhrd by law, so a* to show their character and amount; and all |vr eon* indebted to *ahl d>rea**d are re quir'd to make Immrdiata payment to me. Savannah. Ot.. Sept 4. l!*o JORDAN F. BROOKS, Counfy Admlnletrator. U Bay *t.. w. £ood Positions y . Iff B/actiVe Wide only fe#a^YOUNGMEN Women . ® t<Keouepucbcal ::•* Rviin.ess 6ilrse pmHtjf r BUSINESS | COLLEGES.! L - —"-tl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. rKMONAL •’ITIILDR K.VB HAIItCUTTING" IN h<* latest style by the Georgia expert halrrutiar mii l hair-drcs.-er. Savannah Hair, Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. The pu< o for fine wigs, toupees, jKitnpa dcum, bangs, switches, mustaches and whiskers, fur dally private use; also spe cial m.ik* -up tor amateur ami profe-slon al detect Ive. Private theatricals, lodges and churches sutp!b J Mall orders promptly ll.ed, Emile's hair tonic s*-nt to any addrvas oci receipt of tents LEVAN’B shipment of 11. Fixii.tii lmirtel*. Levan's, 111 t*oi>gr<‘! street, west. ”STAFF OF LIFE" -BRAIN BREAD, reoomm* ihlkl by fh> ichins, crimp and Vienna loaves lwk*<l twice a day; my iw-ikmiihl Vienna |- sn excelkotit hxtf for sand w lent*. "D**rst's” Variety liakery, l.'’* K*>t Hrougiiton street. f Slfot'l.D HITT. Mll .I.KK'B Tt’RNl lure; new* at styles for Ixxlruom. dlning rx>m. (xtrlor. In oak. walnut ttnd mahog any; Miller's prices ami terms arw rea sonable. 207 Broughton, west. YOT WIU* LIKE THE MILK FROM Hlirlngflcld Dairy; It’s rich and pure; try It. B.ffi FOR WOVEN WIRE COTB while they last. C. I*. Miller. Agent. "V SHOULD SEE MILLER’S NRW In car|* ts. matting, window shades, nrt squares, rugs, la* o curtains, etc.; Miller’s i ii*-*’* an*) terms ars reasonable. L”7 Broughton, west. Bit ’EFIEI T ra MB AT "BA kar’s,” every day, beat of all othsr m#U In marks! II ITS 111 G 8 TOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cueaper from McGlllls. KIMHALL‘B ~ANT!-R IIE V M ATI C rings; ihKisands ti.dng them and #ll ben efited. Gardner's Kaxaar. agt. ~BrErfAL. AN UNLIMITED StJFPLT of nice willow rockers; ladles' stxc, at <2 J. W. Teeple. Ill* 111 *Y 8 NICE "RATTANItOCKKRB. ladles' slxe; large assortment of rockers, -ou hes and easy clmirs. C. P. Miller, Agent. * OCT. IST I WILL MOVE TO 414 WEST Broughton. Ring Up :M If you want to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that's given to m* A 8 Griffin. 311 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. F SHOULD SEE MILLER’S OFFICE desks. offi*e tables, office chairs, office matting, offi. e shades. C. I*. Mlllur, Agent. ~ FLORAL DESIGNS. PALMS AND CUT flowers, at Oalschlg's Nursery. I WILL BOON MOVE AND IT WILL certainly m-e*l M>m*dhing In my line; IT will sav** money by trading with me. C. P. Miller. Agent. MGILLIB SEI.I-u SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Ptnyrna pattern*—for 99 cent*. M GILLIR 18 CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, laca curtains, humrn.uka. water ivsolera, pillow*, pldura*. Hove*, bedroom euitas, and furniture of every dearlptloa. “guaranteed fountain pen. L At GardneCa MGILLIS LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. IB YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF? Hllffel A Freeman have a *lnn>tlng offer of 21.008 for every safe of their make that doe* not prenerve It* content*. On- af w.i* In burning d-brl* 112 hour* When taken out, the hoe had lo be turned on it When opened, nol a page waa dis colored, not a record lo*!. not a dollar dn stroved If you want aecurity, buy a StiffA Frc-man aafe. C. P. Miller, Agent. 'HKE THE JEWEL KTOVES AND range* for aid* by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Inuranca g.iaotlna afova. “U SHOULD SEND YOUR ORDERS for tuning and repairing plnnna and or gana to W P. Manning, with C. P Mil ler. Agent; prompt attention to out-of town orders. C. P, MlUer, Agent. M GILLIR MOVER. PACKS. SHIPS and stores ptano* and furniture, best work only; no "Cheap-John" price,—no "CUaap- John" Job*. ________________ P RHOULI) BEE MILLEIPH BT?)VKH and ranger; the test make* at rtaaonabl* price*. C. P. Miller. Agent. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARB." la a attecialty with M GIIU# ~V RIIOI'LD SEND ME YOUR OH der*foru|ihlstering parlor *n.l dining room furniture In leather, silk and other fah rlca. In the beat manner, curled hair, moss nnd cotton mattress** renovated; all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed. C. P Miller, Agent. “rouit Pi lI.TH, nr. rucklSs.~MC; aluminum ahlrt art, 10c, at Gardner'* Ra aaar. “WHEN YOU BEE M GII.LIH' BIXTT Inch 99 cent* ruga, you will buy them Just can't help R; will sell In nny quan tity. SUIIOAI, LAIGEiP Pennyroyal Pllla are the beat. 3afa. re liable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particular*. “Relief for Ladlea. ' In Idler by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos.. Phllada., Pa. HOW APR YOUP FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cura Ingrowing nail*, corn* and all dlseasea of the feet without pain; charge# reasonable; can glva the beat references In tha city; pa tient* treated at residences; order* ean Iv left its Livingston's drug sloes. Bull and Congee*, etreeta; telephone 298. Lem Pavte surgeon chiropodist HELP W A.vrisia— WALK. WANTED, FOR UNITED STATES army, able bodied unmarried men between ages of II and X>; cltlsana of United States, of good character and temperate bibit*, who ran speak, read and writ* English Recruit, are specially desired for service In Philippines. For Informa tion apply to recruiting office. 304 Lu'l ■treat. Savannah, Ga. BOY WANTED. SO CENTS a'DAY AND board, 28 East Rroughton tirarl. wanted. oood“c<x>k, ALSO RPT ler that understand* Ihe c*re of koraetl. It) Bryan, east, rear office. HELP W IMEU-g ILK. ex perience. One acquainted In South West Georg*.i and Florida preferred. Address Excelsior Mhl- Icine Company, WaynoSs, Ga. *W ANTED, A FIRST-CLASS COAT maker. Apply at once to B. L Ruben. Co lombia. 8. t\ WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS BTKN ographer; it t e other nee<l apply. Adtlresa ”o,*' this office. ■ - ’ ■■■-—■! auk a re xx a m u. 'nL^TcrTsT7>ATLr^LAiHT^r^^ our live ag* nt#. *net or women, selling our latest novelty, campaign waterproof neck ties. Good* entire!) new and patented. Agent# delighted. Sales unltmtied. What others do. you can do. Tone Is short. Write to-day and secure exclusive terri tory. Guaranteed br*t seller. with #• imp, M A M Manuf :, curing Com pany. Dept. C. Hpiingfleld. MjM. MAN OR WOMAN. TO EMPLOY AND superln< nl agents; per month and ex penses: experience not required; perma nent. Zeigler Cos., ‘X<l Locust str*et. Phll- !• iphla. AGENTS FOR HEN/.IGEICH MAGA ilne. tie rno-t inpular llluatvntetl Catho lic family misaxlne, $1 o a year. 8* Us fast. La a wee|| easy. Exclusive urrl >ry given. Addr* ** wltii references. It nxlg er Ii rot he ia. Mi Barclay site t. New York. KMPLOYSIKVr llTkll. smmT* family would like n pla*e on coast to at tend stock or <lo # anything. Address llox 41. Manassas, Ga. LICENSED DRUGGIST, SOBER AND up-to-date, desire# paltlon. Address U ct nsed Druggist, care Morning News. HOP WKS lIA.ITKU. (with lawn or garden preferred). In good location. Address Eiuul Tenant, thia office. KOOtIS WJHTBO. WANTED. FLAT OF FIVE OR SIX rooms wHh private Istth; must be mo*l* rn hone- with private family, no children. A*hires# L., care Cable Plano Cos. HO lift!) WASTED. ""gentleman d"ehh< kS rvT^TT ately. ib uMntly situated, well-furnltihe*) roont with first dos ImrJ, bath, hot and cold water. If sulteit, may make r -rangements for himself ami wife from Oct. 1. State terms. Reference# ex changed. J. I*. M. t this office. W ATKIe-MItKLUMtOH. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. BEV eral years' prac*lce, desires lo> at lon on contract. Address Dr. C. K. Williams, rare Morning News. “IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS turpentine plant ready opened up, write M< Quntg A Heacham, Orlando. Fla WANTED. To HIKE A BUGGY horse for two weeks. Apply Youmans A liemmond. Provldetil Huibllng. WANTED. W TO 2f HORSE-POWER toritilde engine ami botor; elate lowest cash price. 1. Bllvertorg A Cos., Savan nah. Ga. “WANTED. to HUY STANDARD gauge Shay tram ♦nglne; 8-lacli face wheels, 13 to 1* ton; in good running or der. Parks, Luekte A Cos., Pendarvls, Ga WANTED. ANY MAN HAVING A hat that looks shabby and out of *ha|w; bring It to Wheeler, the hatter, ami have It made new again. 48 Whitaker street. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK.'’GET IT, from S|ringlb Ui Dairy. It s rich, pure ami whole some. "IF YOL WANT A PI-ACB TO DUMP earth, dirt, guild, manure, etc., frse of charge, just af city limits, hauling over hard road, write or* telephone Brown Broe.. corner Andereon and East Broad e treat e. FUH It I'AT-ROOgl. TWO ELEGANT SOUTH FRONT room*, every convenience; nicest location In the city. 28 West Liberty. ii.— . FLAT* FOR HKtIT. ’TtEGItARLH ERATrt I) Itt* 'Md newly renovated; funded**! or unfurnbtt e,|. with or wit trout lrar>l. No. 3) Mucon l*treel, runt. “NICE FLAT” SOUTHBRN EXl*OH urc; f> room*, cloaet* ami bath; gqud lo cality; rent cheap. ll* E. lfcnry. “ELEGANT RAY WINDOW FLAT second flo*rr. four connecting room* ami lath. 5 Kart Duffy. A|>|> y fop flat. FOR KENT. KI-AT OF FOUR CON nectlng and Irath. ettlt.iMe for light house keeping. 21* IJlierty. west. ““FLAT. BIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, find floor; Lyona block; aulte bla for any purpose. John Lyon*. FOH HERT— llOl'Bl<_9 HOI'HKfI 33. ALHt) 217 WALDBURG street, cant; perfect condMton; every con venlrnre; right rent rlghl tenant; 125 00 the month. Ext Balomon Cohen. Weal limad and Broughton afreets. FOR" RENT~ RESIDENCE IN PKR fect order; cheap at 115, well located. D. 11. Lester. FOR RENT. HOUBEB. 435 AND 4 Rarnard atreet.Apply 112 Broughton atreat, veal. THAT DERIRABLE HOUSE. NO. 215 Jon** street. ea*t; renovated throughout. Apply W. A. Plgman * drug More. Aber corn atreet. FOR RENT, DWELLING AND TWO lot* No 9 Matipua avenue, near Bull atreet, seven dollar*. I D. Laßochr. “FOR RENT. DKRIRARLE BRICK houses, number 402 ami 40* Huntingdon, east; newly ta|*ere.l and re|lred; with ill ntmlern Improvement*. Apply to E. C. Way. Bell Telephone. IST* -#•011 71ENT. RESIDENCE 220 ton street. we*t; aeven rooms; all con venience*; newly papered *n*l painted; 222 per month; lease for on* year. Apply to J. T. Hhuptrtne, corner Congress and Jef feraon streets. “for - RENT TO AN ACCEPT AIILE party, my residence, northeart comer Flrsi and Drayton atreet*. Apply C. W. Hoarsrd. No. Vi Hay atreet. eaaf. ■ FOH KENT—Mitt KLI.AAKOVS. FOR RENT. TWO FLOORS, WITH all conveniences, over our tore. 117 Broughton street, west. Apply Sternberg A Cos. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. At CTION SALES TfVIS DAT. AUCfIONBTAX WILSON ■ t 11 ovlor k at 11* IlmtiKhion wm*. of Mi’ltnrry i}.*l*. ron-tetlrqj of Pin, Velvet*. Izire*. Htraw Tr mmln*,. t*tlk,. Kaney Trlmrotna*. Klbbon*. Mull < tep-, I'aa titer*, wine*. IHrrte. *itl ITower*. Bhow Counter*, U** Kt*ture* it. roH HBn-noiu*. FOB KKNT. HTOrtE. 115 UROVOH t<*t *tre*t. ..<•!. (H.****lon limnxtUtely; ■ho tev*rl h*i abl* reeldenoe. anj fiat*. A* ply A. Wylly, 12 BryMi *tr**t. Ml FOR ItKNT. HI'ITARI.F. FOR BTORB ot olfiaouthea.t coin, r Uontfom!| ■ml I'erry strict Unr. FOR KENT. I HAI DESIRABUi *lor* and warehoue* formerly oocupte. by Ororito VV Tledetnan A Bm, corner Ray an I Mnni*<>m*ry tr*et, tn per fee* order and condition, right rent to rtit tenant; roaereelon ran let given Inimedl* •trly. El Balomon Cohen, corner Waat Rrod and Rrouahlon afreet*. tilt HI'AT-OFFICKfi. ofit* c near !><• ■ >ffi<te. Hcl.rl 11. Tstein, J Volk Mt.rt ~*|. Ft ill MII-KMI. I'.aTATK. TI'RI'KNTINK. \VK HAVE A OOOD In at lon for large uiterutor. tiilTorvl Con- Itatty, Ja< keonvllle. i ini; I >OI.I.AH PKTt WEEK Ift CL latv til .- lot. on Kleventh and Twelfth etrcel*. near West lltoad. thtvannah Real Katale Kxcnange. A HOME WITHOI'T CABH TWO dollar per week will buy one. rijv.ininth Real Eetatr Exchange. ion Sals.' a Lot for two hfn. dred dollar*, eaey term*, on Ninth straee, near East liruud. no city taxation. C. ii. Ooraelt. FOR SAI.I TIH’Si: l/T8 ‘IN NINTH ■tree*, near Eaat Rroad. have only been .old to llntl-clase (turtle*, who will make good neighbor*: and none other can buy. The terra* are very easy, and they ara rhea par than any othar In the vicinity. C h PowgU. FOR 5A1.1.. LOTH ON NINTH. NEAR East llroad, a* law enrh; will oo be advanced to 1225; when a lot haa bean paid for I can arranga to get a boras built. C. 11. Doraett. TOR HALF.. I.OTB ON NINTH BTREFT near Emm llrnad; no city taxee. at M each; twenty-five dollar* ca*h nnd #ay monthly payment, C. H Horeatt. “ REBIT’ENn* AND BTTILDINO IJTTH for *ale alt over the city. Robert H. Tatcm. real eetate denier. No. 7 York at reel wet gUU lAUe-MMUtUdIkUM. WmilllA/BL! THERE IS WITCH haxU and witchhaxel One I* made to cura, tlia other la utad-- to aell, put a Coti la of oura by the >4da of ana of tha otb<r kind; we glva you all tha quality and all the qunntl'g that your money en title* you to- M pint for a quarter Ferx-e's l>rug Htorca, Henry and Abercorn. Whit aker and Taylor "for BAI.E. noon MIIX'H CTW; give* from Kto 9 quarta dally. O. K. Krmehnrl, IS Hryan, e,t*t. ■jl'KT ARRIVED, 25 AFOOT. BAD dle and wuaun hor.>a; c ill and Inapect. ftovannah Bai arxl Iloar<tlt>K Htabtre, 8. 11. Ssotick*, manager. MiQITAIO A REACH AM WILL, REEL you first cla* round timber, Mllt.ible for mill or turpentine, for 75 cent* per acre. I'liWH FOR HALE IF YOl? WANT A good milk l ow. reo* >nab:e, I can aupply you Call til Wot Itoundary. *lK.|> ACKER OF THE BBHT ROI'ND lltrber In Klnrldt. Andy to Mcijualg 4k Reai ham. Orlando, Kin AMIf AND CTRREHH I.I’MHEn FOR •ale iso.ont feet of a*h *tiliabl* for wheel. • light* carrta** maker*, car worka nib) Interior houae finish. Also cypres# lumber of all *l*e* We resumed culling our famous brands of cyprena shingles and wIU soon have a full line ,->f them for sals. Vala Roval Manufacturing Company. 'BI'KINOFIEEH frAIRY IB NOTE7> for having ri< h. pure milk; try 11; you will be pleased. . * Lllt’l AMI rul/'.ko. !>>HT. RTBARNB BICYCLE. BLACK • i. i- >••• nutu |>lali , * LOHT. It L ACK SETTER RITCII Flip py. lilu< l*h gray markings; answer* in name Nellie. Reward If returned to A. L. Well, 11 Hroughtoo street. ea*t. ■uAituisa. HOARD, FRONT ROOM WITH HOOD board; horn* comfort*. Tattnall street, third from Liberty. “NICE ROOMB AND BOARD IN >KL vate family; all convenience*. 421 Har nard street. r 1 1 ... . i PLUMB I SO. MODERN PLUMB)NO. IT WILL OH to your Interest to let me glva you an ea tim.rte on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work at specialty, aa I am a practical plumber. No guess work lo etelanger your life. Wiggins, 'phone 187. Georgia or HcH. ' lll'l I t I.AM.lfl •>, HAVE YOUR HOCBK PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire satisfaction guaranteed. Allans Paint Company. WE HELL HEWER. PIPE. FLUE pipe, fire clay, fire brick at loweal price,. Adam* Paint Company, lot Congreag, waat. . . “fIYPBINK IB THE RKBT WALL FlN lah made Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agent*. lOt Congrega. west. PHOI'USALI UA VI ED. U. B. ENGINEER OFFIOB. Savannah. Ga-. Aug. It. IWO. Heated proposals for dreilglng In harbor of Suvannah, Ga., will be received here until 12. noon (Eastern atandurd time) Sept. It. 19ft). and then pub licly np-ned. Information furnished on ap plication. Caealux E. Gillette, Capl, Engrx. r. R. ENGINEER OFFICE, Savannah, Ga., Rept. 11, 1900. Healed propoeate for building training dyke*. Ksvannah river, nettr Augusta, C..i, will be received here unill 12 noon (Eastern etnndanl lima) Oct. IS. 1M). and then publicly opened. In formation fumbhed on application. Cas sius E. Gillette. Capl.. Engrs. 3