The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 13, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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Sou. Hy I ft 0 12 do pref 54ft. do pref ill, Tex. ft I'ec. .... 15 (T. C. C. ft HI. L. ji, • Bonds. Rvf 3* re* 104 |M K. ft T. 2D | do coup. do 4 91*4 U. 8. I*. re* K*s*jN. Y. C. l*ti...M6fc do 3*. roup . .1096* N J C. *en. b IIP, do new 4 re* 134 No. P*c.' 3* sib* do new 4s COU 134 | do 4* K4X, do old 4>. rgll4ft,:N. Y. C. ft Si. L. do old 4s. couJIVV 4e 107 do 3s. re* USD N ft W con. 4e 99 jo !. coup . ..113 Ore Nv Ills l' I>. of C. 3 6V*... I£l I do 4s 102 V, Alrh (Ml. 4s lol>4jO S. U 6s 12OT, do .trtj 4* 251 xdo consol Ss 11 sis C. of (1 con. is #4 ; Bead. *>n 45.... 871* do Ist Inc. hid. 4.1 (K. <l. VY lsls 96 do 2d Uk. Nd. 11 181. L ft lr. M Cftn. So. Jnd5...10646; tonsol 3s 11349 C ft O. 44j Ss4* Si 1. ft Son F. do 5* 130 | Kenerul 6s 123 C ft Nw. con |Bt. 1’ c0n5015...166% C ft Nw. 8. F | Ist* 117 ft, 1 leb. 5* !'♦ do 3s 119 Chi Term. 4* .92 |Bo. Par. 4 79®. Pol So. 4s 92 |So. My. &h Id* 7 * 1) ft R. U. lgt.l(B%|S. Ko| ft T 6s. K do 4s 99> 4 Tex. ft Pac. lsls 11344 Erie Con 45.... *64 do Jiuls U K. W. ft D. C. |P. Par 4s 1058* ists 73*-*!Wabash lsls ....117', Oen Wee. 5a 119 | ,lo 2nds lU2H lavra C. Ist* ..113 |\Vesl Shore 4* 112'* ft N P 4 99V'VI. Cent. lsls. 9744 31 ft O 4s 944a Vh Centuries M 7 New York. Sept. 11—Standard Oil, 537?( 541. HI*rELL*SEOtI MARKETS. Not#—The** quotation* are revised dally, sod are kcpl as near so possible In accord wllh the prevallln* wholesale prices Ofltrtal quotations are q.,t u e.i when they disagree wtlh the prices whole, saler* ask. Country and Northern Protloce. rollLTßY—The market Is steady Quo. tatlons: Broilers. 3tiSV. per pair; half #rown. 45‘950(-: three-fourths crown. 553 6ts-; hens. 65®*'*-; roosters. 4litx ; ducks, 6tvtj7sc; geese. 75c4)t1.06. EGGS -Steady at 16®17c. HUTTER-Ttie tot e of the market v steady. Quotations. Cooking. 20c; extra dairies. 21**22; Elgin*. Rill edge. 227f23c; ,xtra Elgin*. 24 l ifi2sv. CHEESE- Market firm: fancy full cream cheese, 13c for 20 to 12-pound average KSfi.lft-pounrl average. 12ft,r ONIONS—YeIIow. In turrets, $2 50; crates t 00 Early Vegstnlilis. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, |2(y sack. CABRAOE—6ti4S7Hc per head. Breadatnllß. Hay and Grata. FLOI'R Market steady; patent. *4.60; straight. *4.30; funcy, *4 15: fumilv. *3 SJ MEAle—Pearl. P r barrel *2 75; per sack. *1 30; city meal, per sack, hotted, *: yv. t 1 75. water ground. *1 25; r|ty grits sacks. *125; *>*rl grits. Hudnuts. per carrel. *2.95; per sack. *1 3244. sundry brands, *1.2501 30 sack. CORN- Market firm, white. Job lots, 6.V; carload lots. 67c; mixed corn, Job lots 62c; carload lots. 59.-. RICE- Market rteadv demand fair; fancy head. 6c; fancy. 544 c. Prime I Good - 4461HV, ratr . 4 (H 44 Common 344 OATS-No 3 mixed, cirload, 334*; Job lots. Me; white clipped. 39~. Jit>; S7c cars. BRAN—Job lots, 95c; carload lots 9hc HAY—MsrkM steady; No 1. timothy, •Re Jch: 90 ears; No. 2. 90c Job: 8S cars. Mam* ami Lord.. BACON—Market Arm; D. B C R side*. 9 , r09c. 1> s bellies. (Eastern.; D. 8 bellies. 9>4)9%c (Western); smoked C R sides 9t4c. HAMS -Sugar cured. 12**<1134je. LARD—Eure. tn tierces, 94s.n4 > c; In Yl pound tins and no-pound tubs. stx*is,c; compound. In tlepH-s. 64c; 50-pound tin* and SO-pound tubs, 6ftc. Suiter and Colter. BUGAR- Cut loaf 6.R3:piamond A *.3 Crushed 6S3'Confectioners’ A.6.3 Powdered 6SV White IC* tra C .5 9* XXXX. p0w'd...6.91 Extra C 5.96 Granulat'd 6 43 Golden C 5.78 Cubes 6 59 Yellow* 5.66 Mould A 4,| COFFEE- Mocha 16c [lk-imc. No. 3 ...114c Java Me jffood. No 4 ..114c leaherry 144c;F;ilr, No. S 11 o Fancy No I....l3VcjOrdinary, No. 6 104 c Choice. No. 1 . .11 V’ Common. No. 7 10 c llardeart and Until lot Supplies LIME. CALCIUM. BLASTER AND CE3lKNT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair demand and eeli at 60 cents a barrel; special calcined pinstei. 61.00 per lairrel; hair. 48 sc. Ronedale cement, li 30Q 1 25, carload lots, epeelal; Portland remenl, re tail 62 15: carload loin. |2 onr.i2 30. LUMBER F. O. B. VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard size*. 310&08D 01; car sliL. 312.50@13.00; different sizes. $14.00 4(1800; ship stock, |16.<10816.06; anarn ties. 30U0A.50; hewn lies. 35413 c. OlL—Market steadyi demand fair; zlg nal. 4b6iooc; West Vlritlma black. 9t112c; lard. 58. . nealefoot. machinery. 16 il2sc; linseed oil, raw. 674 c; boiled. TV; kerosene, prime **edit. 12. ; water white. 13c; Pratt s astral. 14: deodorized ziov gasoline. drums, 114 c, emidy oil barrels, delivered, 65c. BIIOT—Drop. Si SO; B. P. and large. 31 3; chilled 11.75. IRON—Market very eteadv: Swede. 5190. NAILB—Cut, 12 60 base; wire, 32 65 twee BARBED WIRE —33.50 per 100 pounds e'raUht goods, 3t|3oc; sugar house mo lasses. 1.M1300 GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack ehot, 64 00; half kegs. 62.25. quarter k-ga, 31 3; champion ducking, quarter kegs. 32 28; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. 31135; quarter kegs. 35 75, 1-po ind canisters. $100; less 3 tier cent.; Troiedorf smokeless ponder, 1-pound cans, 31.00. 10- (enind cans. 80c pound Emil* end Ants. APPLES—EarIy Northern variety, $2,253 2.75. HANANAB-II 2581 50 bunch. PINEAPPLES-Extra large Abhakss Cayenne*, 83 St) per suttidard crate, small Re ! Sratl-h 32 (Mg 2.50 LEMONS—Market sia-idy at 34 5035.01 1 ' 'C0AN1'T5—61.35413.16 per 100 NETS—Almonds. Tarragona. 16c; Ivlcas, 16c; walnuts, French. 12c; Naples. 12c; pa eans, 12c; Brazils, 7c; Illberts, 13c; aaaore cd nuts. 50-pound and 25-pound boxes, 12c. PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand; matket firm; fancy h.ind-ploked. Virginia. |>er pound. 44c; hand-picked, Virginia, ex tras, 4c; N. C. seed peanuts. 4c. Mrlrd mid Evaporated Emits. APPLES—Evaporated. 7488 c; sun-dried, I'M* l REA'’HEB-Evaporated, pealed. 164 c; unpeal,d. 843*c I*E.\HB-Evaporated. Sc APRICOTS-Evaporated. *6c pound, nectarines. 10c RAISINS—L. L.. 32 00: Imperial cablneta. I-' 3; loose. 50-pound boxes. 6884 c pound. Cotton llagglng and Ties. RAGGING—Market firm; Jute. 24- pound. 64c; large lots. 4c; -mail lota, l-jioiind. Eland bagging. 124 c. TIES-Standard. 45-pound, arrow, large lots. 11. w; small lots, 3160. Salt, Hides and Wool. SA7.T—Demanu is ralr and the market steady; carioad lota. 100-pound burlao sacks. 44c; !AO-poond cotton sack. 45c; 110-pound burlap sacks, 4*4.’: 110-pound lotion sacks. 44c; 225-pound burlap tacks. 55c; 135-pound cotton sack. 56c; 2U*-pound burlap sacks, 65c. HlDES—Market firm; dry flint, 134 c; dry Ball, 114 c; green salted. 6c. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool. 19c; black. 16c; burry. 10c. Wax. 25c. tallow, 34- Deer skins. 30c. Mini rU.LAXI'Ot ft. FlSH—Mackerel. half-barrels. No. L 19 50; No, 3. 38.00; No 3, 3650; kits. No. L 3140. No. 2. 31 35; No. 8. Mo. Codfish. pound bricks. 6V<c; 2-pound bricks, c -htnoke.l herrings, per box. 30c. Dutch her ring. In kegs. 11.10. new mullets, half |S &0 SYRUP-Market quiet: Georgia and florid* syrup, buying at a*oc. svUlAfi at MURPHY & CO., INC.. Hoard of Trade Building. Savannah PrivaU tensed wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND OR UN. New York oftt-’#, No. fl Broadway. Offlcoa in principal elite* throughout the South Write for our Market Manual and hook containing instruction* for trader*. sugar house at 10© IV. selling at HONEY—Fair demand; srramed, in bar rel* 6iQQ>c gallon. High wine baila. $!.&. OCEAN FHIwIGMTX. COTTON. —Savannah to Bouton, per cwl.. 15c; tn New York, per rat . JOc; tn Philadelphia, per bale, fl; Baltimore, ft. FOREIGN DIRECT—R remen. Sfrffflnc (Oct. 56c); Liverpool. K>; Hamburg. Wk*; Genoa. 6Sc; Barcelona. 7<k’. Manchester. 550; Havre. 10c. FOREIGN INBIRHf % T-Liverpool, k*. Muachepti-r. <>>• nominal; Hamburg. fiV; Havr* 73*; Genoa. *<>••; RevaJ and Bt. Pet* rabtirK, #Sc; Antwerp, ttk*. U'Ml’.l H ftv '.ii Freight* dull; t*> Baltimore tnl eastward. Si tu 56.00 per M . In -lading I' LUMBER By Bteam—Savannah to Ral tlmore. to V It H or B A O docka. L jj. to Philadelphia. lt>*v *p**r owt . <4 lbs to fool; to New York. 16.00 per M. $6.75 to dock; lightered to Boston to dock. Is Ou NAVAL BTOREB —The market l* firm; rnahum size vessels. Itoaln—Cork for order*. 3s 6*l per barrel of 1M pounds, nnd 5 per rent, prlmag* Spirits, 4s ltd per 40 gallons ym*#. ami 5 per cent, primage !*arite vessels, rosin. 3*. spirits, 4.h if Steam. 11c p*r 100 pnumls on rosin: 21Vfce on spirits. S.ivannah to Boston, and IVjc on rosin and 19c on splrtte o N e York. Git % IN. mo VIRION*. ETC. New York. Sept. 12—Flour marked was nv>ro cirtlve on spring patents ne old trlces and generally steady all around Rye flour, steady, t’omtn* 1. .lull Rye. steady; No. 2 western. 57c. Barley, dull Barley malt, dull Wheat—Spot, easier; No. 2 red lh%f; opt ionopened quiet and steady on Arm xihlr ?* but' m**et!ng fairly active liqmda floti from local sources Inspired hy weak nees In th** Northwest and at flt Itns. After a final rally on covering the mark*t closed steady 1 HGS net decline March closed, MS'; May. HR4O; September. 7IS'. Ortoher 'losed 7f ? 4c; December. M\c. Tortv—Spot, easy; No 2. 46e; option mir ket opened steady on the F.nglbh advance after which It weakened with wheat, nn l uiwfcr realising. Closed easy nt *>*' ret d* line. Mi y close* i 41Sc Oatc Sf*'t, dull. No. 2. 25c; options quiet .'*!>• I nominally lower. Beef, quirt Cut meats, easy; plckele.l bellies.* '<l He; pbkeled shoulders. picketed hame. 10%,c. Uni, steady; Western steamed. 17.27 H; September, closed. $7.25 nominal; reflnal. steady. Pork. Meadr. Tallow, dull. „ Petroleum, quiet, Ro.dn. ueady. Arm. StK/TSbyr Rice. Arm Butter, steady;*creamery. 17f121e; state dairy. lfVftEkOc. Chee*e, Arm; kirge white. snvill white. lnmiluKo Eggs, steady; state and Pennsylvania. 17tilV; Western, regular pai-klng. a mark. llsH7c. Potatoes, quiet; Jerseys. $ 1.25ft1 75; l/nit I slaw I fl .VHril.7s; Jersey sw**ets I'eanute. steady; f in* >- handpicked. IS* fi0 |7 jc; other domestic. 2 I 3 S^ C ’- Cabbages, quiet; Long Island, per 100. $2.0002.50. Cotton, hy steam, to Liverpool. Coffee Spot. R|o quiet; No. 7 Invoice, ; mild market quiet; Cordova. The market for coffee futures opened in active at unchanged prices and ruled )till and easy, following unsatisfactory cable*, uu estlmaia of 6.suU.<m> Santfa crop sn) spot demand very slack The market closed quiet, with prices |K)lnfs net lower. Total sales. 7.5A> higs. Including October at $7-25ff?.2ft; Mutch. 17 m> und May at $7.6T*. Sugar, raw, strong Fair refining. 4 ! 4 c. centrifugal, test, sc; molasses sugar. 4* COTTON m:ko oil. New York. Sept 12 —Cotton seed oil was llrn*. * specially on spot. ow ing to light offering*. with the ok*s Prim* crude, barrels, nominal: prime *umm< r yellow. :t’>4|364c spot; ofT summer yellow, 354ni prime winter yellow. 403141 c; prime while. 39t40c; prime meal, 32*1. CHICAGO 41411KF.T9. Chicago. Bept. 12.—Wheat was firm early on strong cables and smaller Northwest receipts*, but succumbed la'er to h mor favorable weather and large primary re ceipts. closing weak, October. SO*,'’ low er. Corn closed Vu4c atal otws 4*' dowm. Provisions closed quiet, but little changed. The leading futures ranged a* follows: Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Whent No. 2 Sept 7448714 *7 734 7l' l v Oct 7548754 7548’54 744 744 Nov 76 8764 764 744075 75*, Corn No 3 Sept 404 406fc 404 4048884 Ort TO 8394 39>, 684 3*4 Nov .W>. 364 364 3648364 Oats No. 3 Sept 214 21*4 B 4 214 Oct 23 22 214 21 a Nov 224 224 8224 224 Mesa Pork, Per Barrel- Sept f.... *.... ... $11424 Oct It 40 11 524 H 274 II 524 Jan 11 25 11 35 11 224 H 35 laird. Per 10U Rounds— Sept .... 6 S2* Oet 685 665 * 774 * 6"> Jan 624 * 624 574 3‘ 1 Short Ribs. Per 100 Pounds— Sept 7 lo 7 574 7 45 7 574 Oct 7 374 7 40 7 32 7 |0 Jan 5 95 * 024 5 95 6 024 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady: No. 3 spring wheat. 7248"4*c; No 2 red. 7548764*0; No. 2 corn, 404 c. No 2 yellow. 4-V"l" : c; No. 2 white outs. 24V: No 3 white. 2248254 c; No. 2 rye. 51c; good leedlivg barley. 3Mt34 1 "l fair to cholee malting; 496150 c; No. 1 tlox seed. 31-49; No. 1 Northwestern, 31.50; prime timothy seed. H M<4 an. mess [M>rk. per barrel. 311 438 11.30; lard, per 10* pound*. 36 *2B* 65; short ribs -sics, tloosei, 37.4087.511; drV saßol shoulders, (boxed). S.KSifilO**: short char sides, (boxed). 37 858*05; whisky. b>- sts of high wines. 31.26; clover, contract gra<le. 19 fstftS 60. ••II Cared 91e." ••Oraylß i,r< l bro * t,> “P rheumatism on me." say* Mr. Chax. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In better health than I have enjoyed In a long time." Take Graybeard Pilla far that dlaay feeling—Lost appettle. and follow It up with a bottle of Greybeard. It la all you need. Reaped* Drug Cos., sole props.. Savannah. Ou.—ad. 4 Delirious kniobe. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and ts truly a delightful anjoymeni te inhale she fumes of this line tobacco; II t, evhlleretlng end delicious. Hee Ibat the name of Herbert Spencer M on every wnapper of every cigar, with out which none are grnulue. The Herbert* Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 5# Conchas at 33.60. and perfective. 3480 at Lippman Bros., whole sale druggists. Barnard and Congress streets, of this city -ad. "Orayheerd Is a family medicine with ti " said a prominent business man yes terday "My wife lewee It, and 1 notice ,t,, u enjoying be'ter health tlutn for years. The children keep well by taking 14." Orayb-ard may be obtain'd at all drug ■toree or write to us for It, Reepeas Drug Cos., cole prop*., Savannah, 6v4 THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1900. MAH INK I\TKI.I ItdAGft Matters of latere*! to 4hlp|tlng Men Geavrally. 'fhe steamer Clayton was hauled out on the m trine railway yesterday. Besides being (minted mikl repalretl. she will have h<r name put on the wheel houses in large letters. Sinie she was turned out of the Jacksonville shipyard recently the* name Alpha, under which eh* went pend ing the fippllt'atlon for permlssbm from th’ government to change the name to Clayton, has been in small letters, which could be discerned only at close range. Now that the permit has been obtained It Is propoiH'd lo put the steamer s name on h'r In large letters. The British steamship* II reck field and loibuan. now m port, art* consigned to J F. 51 Inis A Cos. # The British steamship Valentia. from N*w Orleans for w-hlch has *r rlv t| i Norfolk, reported having encoun tered the hum. Mm- i>n H* pt 5 off Alli gator Key light, during which she lost lh*- greater part of her deck load. She sighted off th Florida an unknown bark drifting ashore, which was piobabiy lost. The schooner Anna R Bishop will he towed to 8’ Andrews to-day hy the tug W. F McCauley. It Is exp* < ted the tug Abram Minis will pro6*eed either to-day or to-morrow, to J *• khonvllle. where she will low the barge Edith Howes north Th Minis towed the hchooner Harry A Ibrwlml and the bark Essex to sea yesterday. Savannah Alaianac. Bun rises at 5:4.1 a. m and sets at ft# p. m. High water .it Tybee t.vday at 10-4 ft a m in*! 11 p m likgti water at B.van nah one hour later. Pliaae* of the Mun for kept*mher. . I>. H M First quarter 2 1 56 morn. Full moon * 11 6 eve. Last quarter 15 3 57 eve. New moon 23 1 57 eve Moon Perigee. 9th; Moon Apogee. 23d. ARRIVAL* AND DEPART! NR*. Vessel* Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Masconomo (Br). Mann. New York -W W Wilson Nrssel* Cleared yesterday. Bark Cyprian (Nor). Hansen. Harburg Patorson-Downing Cos. Barßentln* Ramona (Br>. Treleaven. Hull.—Btra han A Oo B'hooner B vern (Br). Kerr. Rio de Ja neiro—M aster. Vessels Went to 9m. Bark Essex. Smith, New York Bchooner Harry A Berwind, Wallace. Philadelphia % Bchooner Ida loiwrence, Campbell. Phtl adelphU B hooncr Longfellow. Hanoah. New York. Arrived at C|iiarantlne. Bark Latona (Nor). Carleaon. Pernam buco. At %neli>r and Proceeded. Revenue cutter A'.4>nqutn. Shipping Memoranda. Philadelphia. Bept 12-Sailed George Fleming. Ba van nah Key West. S*-pt. U—Arrived night 11th. steamers Olivette. ‘Bmlth. Fort Tamp*, nmi sailed for Havana; 12th. Lampasas, New York, and sailed for Galveston; Mi ami. Delano. Miami; tug Dauntless. Floyd, Tamp*, and silled for l!av:ina with schooner B. Frank Neally in tow; schoon er Molly H*ck. Curry. MuJeras Balled. steamer Whitney, Havana; schooner Oolikn Hind. Botmcco. Ja-ksonvllle. Fla.. Kept 12 —Cleared, barge Edith Homes, Verity. New Haven; Nt#-.imer Comanche, Pennington, New Y'ork New Orkans. B*pt 12— Cleared, gteam shlp Berenguer-el-Orandc tßpan). Berra. B*r.*elona; bark Clara (Port). Camlxa. Oporto. Port Fad**, Bept 11. -Arrive 1, steamship Aluimm.i (Nor). Hlversten. Hlueflelds; An glo Australian (Br. Parsons. Barry. Balled, steamship Hiram (Nor). Peder sen, Minefields; Profaus. Sager. New York; schooner James W. Fitch, McDonald, Bos ton Charleston. B C. Bept 12—Arrived, str-amern Ir*iqio|, Kemble N* * York, and proceeded to Jacksonville; Lord K Ivin (Hr). BtceJ. Hamburg, via Halifax; Fol tnlnit (Dutch). Van Eyk*n, Hamtiurg. via Port Royal. Sailed, schooners Jessie Lena. Dever* caux. New York; Edgar C Ross. Qulilln. New- York. John C. Gregory. Hutchin son. N-w York; Mary B. Judge. Morris. New York; Fannie Reiche. Ru< kak>o. Bal timore; Mary Patton. Steelman. Hltl morc; Anna L Mulford. French. Philadel phia Port Tiimpu. Fla.. Bept. 12,—Arrived, steamer Fanlta. Thompson. Havana 4ai>d, steamer Rtyrla (Amt), T T slg!vlch. Trieste and Venice. Pensacola, Bept 11 —Cleared steamship Tul loch moor (Bn. Moffett. Alexandria. Georgetown. B C.. fkpt. 12.—Arrived. Meamrr Baginaw, Hale, New York, via Wilmington. N<tlre to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic Infor rn ilon will be furnishH masters of vca pe!* free of charge In I’nlfed Btntes hy drographic office In Custom House. Cap tains are requested Q caii at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelict* received for transmission, to the Navy Depart ment. Foreign Exports. rer Norwegian bark Cyprian, for H.*r burg—s.6(o barrel* ro*ln. 114,277 —Cargo by liniereoti-lrownlng Cos. Per berkentlne Ramona (Hr), for Hull— -1,356 barrels ro*ln. 33.421; 1.382 cask* spirits turpentine. 325.425 —Cargo by l'ateraon- Downtng Cos. Per schooner Severn (Br>. for Rio ile Janeiro—3.o*o barrels roeln. 18.513 30 —Car go by Walter Coney. Womler* 44 111 4'*er Cease, Lippman Pro hers, wholesale druggist*. Lippmon block of thl* city, are giving away fre<-. splendid regulator clock nearly 3 feet high, with calendar attach men', also three dozen Llppman'a liver pllls. free, to the purchaser of three dos m Llppman'a chill and fever tenc. Thl* c-lebraieil and renownel chill tonic is wild with a positive guarantee "No cure, no pay." “t* l Ihv P r,<, ‘' an< * ~,a la the same a* other standard rhfll tunica. Thl* great rxpensb I* undergone simply to Introduce Llpi man’s chill and fevsr tordc the best In the world —ad. —A remarkable engineering feet k* soon to he attempted In Borton-ihe moving of a six-story brk'k and none hotel build ing from one site to another without tak ing It apart The ground upon which th ou tiding now stand# I* ot a awnmpy char seter. and 790 pile* will hove to be drlv-n around the foundations of the structur to support the ooe thousand Jack* upon which It will he raised from Its founds done prior to R* removal. It will be tranoported to Its new loratlon, forty-taro feet distant, on steel rollers. —•'Do they allow you to vote, Mr. Pr'Whly?" "Yes. Indeed. I'm going to support McYClßtey and Roosevelt." "Isn t that strange* I heard papa say you would never ha able to support two " Harper Bazar. , Southern Railway. Train. Arrive ami Depart Savannah on in ih MartdUn Ttma OO. lloue Blowtt Than Cl ly Ttma. Schadutea In Effrct Ba nday. Juna 10. 1900. RKad bdwSTT fit TH e east ~ J *k*dot. TRUTWoir TTT* i No.fa ( (Centra I Time.) j j U 39piu 12 JUnui ,Lv Savannah Ar | I 10am{ 3 !6pan j , (Ea.iarn Time.) 4 2lpm| 4 25am Ar Ulnchvtlle L\ * Odamj 1 77pm * Gu|ri. 6 Ivan Ar Columbia ftv, 1 35ainill Imid 1 ISim. • san Ar .Chariot'* l.v 9 55pmj I loam 11 ttpmJiS Spm Ar Orren.boro l.v, 7 l<q>m| 3 dua Ar Norfolk : l.v ... . 6 fcftian 11 51am 1 3Xin Ar I'an villa ~..77~. l.v 3 ttpan 9am _6j9am 6 Stan A i Hah 583! l,v| lj tnpm u 'Ppm J 46am, 2 ttpmjiAr Eynvhbtirg l.v t 32|*an 3 Sam 4 15.11 H 6 3jt>m'jAr t bar ot tr.vtlle I.v| 2 CdiOß 12 6ipm 7 >snpi a stq>ni Ar W i.hlnattm *.v|l 11 lham 9 Wpan :t.'qm Ar I' lilnwr* l.v 9 22am * 17pm *1 atari J 56.<m Ar 1 tAlrlphla l.v 3 U'am • (6pm 2 M|>m 6 23am Ar 2 tv York I.VM2 Ham 3 Xiwn * ftpm 2 OOpanHAt liotalon fcyj, 5 6pm 10 Ukvrn No 36 It TO THE NOKT II AND WUT. I| No * ||_ (Cratm 1 Time.) (j _ 12 iVant { Lv .Savannah Ar.l 4 iOarn y (Eaatar n Time.) 6 30am I.v Colombia l.v;| 1 X>am 9 50am |l,v Spa'Ulbburp lav ! 6 Ihpaa 12 10pm l.v A.m vill. l,ej| I 66tn 4 Mpm Ar Hot ■vr'nca L.v 11 46am 7 30pm Ar Kn .will. t.v I ft'B 6 lan; Ar *>vlnf*n 1.v',10 hftim 7 4Sar Ar Cincinnati. Ev'i i ftp* 7 Warn Ar iAulnv'.lte I.vl 7 46pm 6 00pm Ar ftt l,oui I , > Main All Iralna arrive and depart from tha Syalem Station. THHOCOH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 7>AIEY. NK4V YORK AND FLAtKIDA EXPRESS VaaU holed limit..l iralna, aitlh I’uilman DtoWlnc Kuun SI.-idiia Cara brtareaa Sava nah an.l New York Connect* at Waahlnaion wllh Colonial Eapreaa for H*ptom Pullman Sl.eplnp Cara between Ch.rtotl* and Rlchntond and Chatl*tt. and Nor* folk lilnln* Car. nerve all meala ba'wean Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 36 AND 36 DAI GY. TIIE UNITED STATES EAST MAID VeaHholaft limited Iralna. earning Pullman Drawing Moan Sleepinp Cara brtwran Savannah and New York Dining Cara -erv* all meala between Savannah and Waahlmtioax Alao Pullman Drawing Room Stwplng Care between Savannah and ClnclahaU, through Aihevllle and "The laind of tha Sky " For complete Information as lo rale#, arhedulea. etc., apply to O GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant Syal-m Station JAMES FREEMAN. C. P and T. A. Hi Dull atreet T*lephon*a-Bell, B 6; Georgia. 9SO 8 H HARDWICK Aaalalanl General Paaaenger Agent Allanla. Oa. THE SUM 111 NtfS IS SOLD At the following News Stands: 6K44 YORK CITY'. %Nfnr Mouse New* ?M*nd. llri ntNiiH-l *qunre. HO*TON. M AM. IVrker llue New* hlnudl. W4*Ml*GTO*, I). C. Metro|*ollli*f Hotel News Nfssd. Willard** Hotel New* *tand. I’libltt llon*e News Hand. >I*HRVILLE. N. C. lln> V Photo Supply NosiOi Asheville I'rlntlnK 10., L. lllutu berg. HE 41 FORT, . C. K. W. Holley. W. R. Bristol. CHARLHfTON, * C. 11. Rnarher. Ilalon News C 0.. Co>*t Line Depot. PORT ROYAL, *. C. Mrs. If. Cninpbell. ATLANTA* OA. Him hall lfla*e New* (0., fl. flh-ermtH Jfc Cos., | Al’(il'9TA, OA. Parker New* (o„ Aan No> H. H. News Cos. 41.11 4NY, GA. Mrs. John llnenel, I, |lr. AMBRICI'ff. OA. M. R. Holiday. bainbridgb* oa* 11. L. Hicks, brraailn Drnic C 0.. III! I 5411 UK. Ci .4• I'lemlng A Waff. i OHDFeLF* Ci A. Riwaaer New% i . KITAbLII Al l). GA. I'ltsserald New* fa., Gelder'a News Aeary. Cil 4 TON. GA. 1 O. N. Ilfirke. ji:4l p, ga. Alassle Swindle. MACON, OA. Hrnwit House News *faad. t enfral Depot News Stand, f leeninn A Turner Newa C o. POOLER, GA. .Insepb Wlllmsn, Ml IT WAN, GA. t'. 11. Hrmlßfto*. THOM I4VILLE, G A. A. Renoett, 11. Thomas. Jr. VALDOSTA, GA. *. 11. Breedlove, C*. R. Honduras!, H. F. Toole. W 4 VI NO**, G%. Inion News Cos. APALACHICOLA, FLA. M. A. Moore, R 4RTOW, FLA. Wot. Nan Fleet. C ARR 4HI£.LLIt: i FLA. John Nash. DAYTONA, FLA. Geo. 11. C lark. DHL AND. FLA. Ci. W. Fisher. FCR.NANDIHA, FLA. F. 44'. Simmons, FORT MV EH*. FLA. Mm. R. 44 ashlisrn. t.a inesv II lr, l la. Miller A Avrra, Janies Hell. HIGH SPUING*. FLA, Grumbling Droa. INVERNESS, FLA. 44. If. Miller. JACKSONVILLE. FLA, The 11. A 44. H. Drew C 0., James Ifonnlus, The Dsval Newa Stand, J. D. Merritt, McNamsra A Doslrr, 1 nlnn News C'o., ( sins Depot. * laron Zarharloa. KEY 44 EAT. FLA. Key West New* C*o. LRRSBI RCi. FLA. Garrett A Gerl. LIVE OAK. FLA. } Ibnnm A Abrams. MIAMI, FLA. John R. Dewey. MONTH ELLO, FLA* 44. A. lmmons OC ALA, ri.A. W. K. Connell. PALATKA, FLA. (harlra E. Rawton. PENSACOLA, PLA* Van Ray hrvl Cos, PUHT TAMPA, FLA, J. H. Mnrdlrk. PI NTA GORIU, FLA. De Soto Drug Cos., Gnlf Phariaa*y. SANFORD, FLA. Tkeo. J. Miller, It. L. Philips A Cos. l-KED.4Nn. PE ft. G. J. Forbes. LAKE CITY, FLA, Yotann's Drug Store. ORLANDO, FLA. Cart Is A O’Neal, A. T. Howard. ST. Al'Ol STINF*. FLA. Ci. Solomons. 9CWANEVC SPRINGS, FLA. Snwnnee firings Cos. *T. PETHRSBI RG, FLA. J. G. Brails hen A Cos. fITARKK. FLA. Newell H. Hull. TALLAHASSEE, FLA. K. 44 . C larlt. TAMPA. FLA. 44 . E. Chennl, Tampa Hook and News Cos., C. 11. Barnard. And on Plnnt Syatem, Seaboard. Cen tral and Southern Hallway Trains. KOVAL PROPOSALS. How honae Kinn* and Queens Have Arrnnned Tbelr Mnrrlnges. From the Unwlon Mail. Without proponais there omibt bn ro m.irri igen. for fr*m time immemorial mqi of n’ t \ rmildmalttle*.in>m the moat untutor ed -ivKi to the most refined have, a*''Oi\llr)ir to their several ruatonis and individual meihodH. * fs>pfMd the ques tion.** Thin applies equally to the highest as to the k*v<At. though the Idea generally obtains that many mutrhea mnong Et rpean royalties, being mere mi tiers of Mate entente and utterly hpklag tluiae elements which we term *‘k>ve.** are brought anout without an/ proposal Iteing made by the gentleman to th* lady Row ertotieou* this la can readily bo (Moved by taking few notable examples It was m a certain continental cathedral that the Prince of Wlns first saw his wife, and It is an ©pen secret that on the occasion be was mpeh struck with her bnuiy. It was at Rosenthal, the palace of the Danish royal family, that his Koval Hlghnca* had the tate-a-tete with the Princess Alexandra. In the course of which he asked the ”!laughter of the He Kings'* to be his wife; nor dkl he plead In vain. The Prince's younger brother, the late Duke of Haxe-Cotnirg and Gotha, wooed anil won hie Buaetan bride in one of the magnificent Miens of this palace at St Peierwburg. nisi it t* recorded In this con nection that the "sailor prince" had to ask the daughter of the Great White Czar more than once ere she accepted him. The story of how the Queen's marriage came about la at once one of the most unique and prettiest In the annals of royal matches. Though widely known, it Is *0 charming that l can scares be re pal'd too oflen. According to court etiquette. Prince Albert could not pro pose to her majesty, and thus M came about that the young Queen took the In itiative, In an essentially maidenly way. during a dance with the Prim e at Wind sor castle, nil* wae wearing n spray Of while lilac and with a blush the took It from her or eat and bonded It 10 her royal suitor Prince Albert wore a military uni form. hut he did no! let the lack of a but tonhole stand In the way. for he mode a silt In hi* coat with hls po ke,knife and fastened the Sower In It. Then the royal couple slipped Into an adjoining apart ment. and In a day or two after the en gagement of the Quern was announced The garden* around White Lodge were the scene of the Puke of York'* proposal to Prmceas Mary of Teck In "Leaves from the Journal of Our Life In the Highlands." the Queen wrote as fallow* with regard to the engagement of Prince** Louise to the present Duke of Argyll: "Till* was an eventful day Our diar Louise was engaged to laird Larne The event took place during a walk from the Glasealt Hhlel to Loch Pell. We got home by 7. Louise. who returned home some time after, told me that Lome had *P>kn to her. and that she had accept, ed him. knowing that I should approve" It was In Rrotlind also that another of the Que n* daughter* became engaged The two royal lover* wandered off on a moor from the rest of the party with whom they had been Espying the white heather, the frown Prince of Germany plucked a spray and offered It to the Prln cese Royal, who accepted I*, .tnd with tt the hand of the Prince The betrothal was shortly afterward announced. It was during a family party at Copen hagen lhat the present Czar of All the Russia* propised to Prlncees Allx of Hesse. It Is understood that he first made known hi* devotion to Princess All* while S’roHlng with her among the flowers In the palace garden. —"Pld Mary have a pleasant week In New York’” "Oh. yea. But tt waa a lit tle exciting at limes." "How was that? Ws* stir buncoed?" "Oh. dear, no! Bui a 'quad of Eighth avenue policemen chased her several Mock* and only clubbed her over the head one*—and then her hair saved hex,Ctovt.aod Plain Dealer, Plant System. of Railways. nkUD IkAvn li Ett-C>lv. Aug, i, a*. )1 K \i ’ 1' ' - tt ; Nunli . i 21■ .li 113 ~ hT~ * •- "• ■ ...4 l.v B.V .11, , , V .DM . ft. V 4<v* u I ‘lU 499., 4 lip. 10 MM. • *j|Ar ...ChurlMUMI.... DV||II Isp| i 56uj 1 lOp 7 41a| ( I * 2*u | 7 2bp Ar ... .Kichmonrt .. Lv 9 05n| 6 Mpl —• I t #i.| 11 >ip||Ar ..Wuhingtun... 1-v juu 3 (r?p| ... * I • **j f I 06>; Ar ....Baltimore.... L.v j 2 56.| 1 - { 1 15* j I 00(4, Ar ~..Nw York.... Uv | 9 26p| 9 56*1....... I * **P •I 1 Out At •.. Do.ton 4.- . I OO? lailOnli. - . 15 . i3s Ifj 21 |l " South ' alk 134 j 32 fl* iti 3 26|. 9UU 5 Juifl t ..i|ji.v .. ..Hav.iumli ... Aril 1 46u|12 I<M(l2 i>ill s.ito U. l>| 5 65piU) 66a | 7 AV, 6 . Ar. Waycrow.... Lv.ito 2up, 9 30p, 55u 9 3ft.| I 9U* 12 ft><| 30,. 2 15,,1 J 15,,j , 10,,. Ar Thmnagvlll,. l.v 7 ,>[ 7 'o' ■ 46.; I 46.| 3 2k. 10 JUp 7 tup 12 (MM 9 -ftti 9 *>l4 Ar ... Jiv'k-onvtll. . l.v 3o;> * ip| ou| 7 3U. 6 (AM I 2 Ua.| 6 40p j ji Ar ... Hanford Lv 11 Obp J 1 4A. 1 i I I I atpl 1 20p Ar ...Gutnavltl<> ... I.vj 2 46p| j I I 2 I6|> I I6p Ar Ce.l* ... l.v | | 40,i| I •• .. |lO si)i io p Ar .Hi. r*l,r*burg.. l.v,| * von I 7 20;i0 aft. 1 00|.;!0 (top;!Ar ... Tampa ... l.v ,7M 7 lUt 7 Sip 7 Ssp ...• i 2 16*ill) Wpiio p,W 2Up -Ar ... Port Tampa . I.v(| 6 25. 6 36* 7 thp 70p.... M | i 1 10.(i 1 1(m. 1 lUu.jAr ~.l'uMt Gord* . l.v ' 1 4 36p| 4 36p ...._ I ■...).. 110 45* 10 *5 Ar St At) guMtn* l.v' 1 I 9>p' 6 JOp i I 300 pl I 16*| 3tp ;9 * l.v Sava nn.ih I.v||l6 16* 12 10* j j—... I Up| 7 lou| 6 25p| I 06*liAr ... Drun xwlrk .. I.v|| 6 40*; 9 Q6p| j NORTH. WEST AN D SOUTHWEST a. 5 VUkJmtap. I, 16 hi li 135 Vt, Montgcmrry ,| S| i 5 X*P, o 2ttu l.v Savannah Ar,; 10 15*,12 10* | i OOp! 9 05. l.v Ht vntiah Ar to ti) H** 6 46p| 6 40a ,Ar .. J**up.. Dv|| 9 20|I0 50p * Inn y .(np ,\ r 3! (g mrry I.vl 7 4iplU 26. I oU*| 1 I6p Ar Macon l.v I I (*M| 2 3ot> 7 10p{ 6 OOi Ar Na.hvtlln DvH 9). 2 21* 6 30*| 3 top Ar Atlanta Dv |to 4!.p 13 06P 2 *0.112 25p lAr l u t,wll l.v* 2 65* 9 t2p 9 46*j 3 b'p Ar Ch* noog. Uv 4 (bp 6 4.M 7 (V- 4 05p Ar (Yn. Innall l.v II Onp I 46p 70p 7 60*1 Ar Umlavtll. Lv 7 45* 7 45p 7 30a 7 16p |Ar St lA>ula Lv 1 OOp I3W 7 30,i 7 45a Ar rinrt<vt*tl Lv 3 30a 7Op | (I, ft N.) 7 04a 6 OOp !Ar 81 1-oul* Lv 9 15p I Ok* 7 SJaL Ar Ht. I-outa Lv 300 p 7 lfc* 5 IflviAr Chicago l.v A .lip • 00p (K O) l tin 4 liMltftL Atlanta Arl 10 35p|1l 30* 9 *rl lo Ur Ohlra.n Lv I 7 <9MI I 46* I 05pj 7 I6.||Ar Mrmphna .Lv ] 9 30a 9 OOp 9 46a1 7 10a Ar KanaaaUUyLvt; 4 Jop| 9 46p 4 17p| 3 06a;IAr.. 26nhll* ..Lv||l2 6tp|U *a • Tanrl unmark-d ,ratiM) dally. [ * 20,*' 7 40.i Ar N Orlnan* Lv!t 7 Ba| 7 46p f Dally *<vp Sunday. t Mpi • ***,|l.v Savannah Ardio 16* 12 16* (Sunday only. , g,.), **, lAr.. Ttflon ...Lv|! 3 16* 6 30p Yhrough Pullman Hloaplng iVT 9,rv1r41 3 65. 2 lol*j Ar.. Albany . 1.vj:12 01* I tip in North Eaat and Writ and tn Florida | 63p Ar Columbua Lvlj. 10 00* I luarrlliia. m*lr .1 I'arl tamp a nllk fur Hry 4* vat and Hava... Lr.via* Fort Tamp. Monday*. Tharaday* and Katnrdaya at 11 KMt p. at. J. H. Polhrmu*. TP A.. R A. Armand , City Tkt Agb. Da Soto Hotel. Phoa* 7X. R W. WHKNN, Paaavngvr Tra (Be Manager. Savannah. Ga McDOiNOUGH & BALLANTYNE, W" Iron Founders, Machinists, a.llrm.k.r#, v.l a rlot-r. of *(((. •* 7 “**t rartaOl. Kaalam. and 7.. p Ituauln, team HIIU, Mill a• a ran., aa. tn.. Fail.)., .in. TELEPHONE NO. 123. IT WATCH EVENTS IN CHINA. Y cm ran do It, 100, with •atlafactloa If you ronaalt RAND-McNALLY MIN IMS! OF THE WORLD. 91 COLORED MAPS. 97 PAUES OF READINO MATTER. And you'll have It ready for ALL OTH ER WARS If they take place anywhera else ON Tillß BIG EARTH. A Big Little Thing I oavrulrnl la alar aad rrai|r •9rat. Will help to dll the alrhra la roar irroarapblral hanwlrdfr. Will take bat a aaaall apare aa > oar deak or abeir. Hal will akuw what r<> want. This Dollar Atlas CONTAINS MAPS of every State. Territory, Coo iln<nt. Canadian Province, Porelan Coun try Our New Possessions, Mexico. Cen tral America, ale. All from new plates, handsomely en graved and printed PRINTED MATTER relating to His tory. Area, Physical Features, Forestry, Cllmsle. Agriculture. Dv. Btock. Fleh-/ erles. Manufactures. (Commerce, Minerals, Population*. Hallways. lags I Govern ment. Education, Politics, etc. tl seem* small, but will ahow what you are looking for. and Its convenient Mas Is one of Its strongest points. The Dollar Atlan is Sold Everywhere for sl, But If You Are a Subscriber to the Morning News the cost to you will be only 40c The Atlas It now on sale at (ha Busi ness Office of the Morning News. If Al las Is to be mailed add It cants for post age. making 50 cents for tbs Atlas 6s -1 tv era*. MORNING NEWS. Savannah, Ga. Empty Hogsheads. Kanpty Molasses Hogshead* fa* onto by C. M. GILBERT & CO. IF YOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery aad blank books from Morning Nrw, Savannah, 0* jfpPt %GEQRGIA RYCoy Schedule* Effective Rept. 10 190(1. Train* arrive at and depart from Central Station. West Broad, foot of Liberty street. 9bth Meridian Ttme—One hour ekrwer than cily time. leer* Arrive Savannah! Savannah! IA ugusr v Macon. 6 45am,Covington Mlllidgevllle|*i; onpen land all Intermediate potnta| i Augusta. Macon. Atlanta.| ’Athens, Montgomery. Co-j *9 Otk>m,lumbus, Birmingham. Am-|*6 00am |erlcu*. KufauJa and Troy.f N Oopia Dover Accommodation! ||7 Mans K opm| Guyton Dinner Train" |t4 Mpoa •Dally (Except Sunday. BETWEEN SAVANNAH ANP TYHEB. 74th meridian or Hsvannah city ttme. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Monday only 6:35 a. m Pally except Monday 930 „ m Pally >OO p m. LEAVE TYREE ‘ Monday only 7:15 a m Dally except Monday 10 35 n m Dally 5:80 p m Connection* mini' si terminal paints with all train* Northwest, West and Southwest f H!*#,*(ng car* on night trains between Savannah ami Augusta, Macon. Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor car* on day trains between Sa vannah. Macon and Atlanta For complete Information, acvhedulea, ralee and connections, apply to W O BREWER, city Ticket and Pass enger Agent, 107 Bull at reel, or W R MCINTYRE. Depot Ticket Agent. J C. HAILE. Generel Paaeenger Agent. E. 11 HINTON. Troffli- Manager. THEO. D. KLINE, Geo ftuperlntMident. Savannah. Ga. Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk, Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia, Near York an 2 tba East. r „ ~ iMo m w~r l.v flavannah. i. A. L. hy 12 Wrot Ar Columbia, H A. L. Ky| 4 pm 4 Kam Ar Raleigh, 8, A. L. Hr II *7pmjU Warn Ar Durham. 8. A. L. Hy.. 7 Swam 4 !pm Ar Petersburg, B.A.LRy 4 Uam< 4 Mpm Ar Richmond. 8 A L Hy 5 liinj 5 40pm Ar Washington, Penna...[ * 45am; lopm Ar Haltimore Penna 10 03nm.1l pm Ar Philadelphia, Penna... 17 17ptn 2 (Warn Ar New v„rk Penna .... 303 pm I Uem j'Ko" iff NftV l.v Savannah. 8 A L. ftv lllfiptr. il Ppm Ar Portsmouth, B.A.LHyI 7 lam( f. tOpra Steamers leave JJorToIIT dally, exospl Sunday, for Baltimore. Philadelphia at*4 New York. and dolly for Washington. The short ~Hn to Montgomery ilom and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7: a. at., arrtvlng at Montgomery 7:00 p. m . at which point close connection la made with the L. * N. R ft., arriving at Mobile 1416 a. m. and New Orleans 7 40 a. m. The short line to Fernandina, Jeckaosi vlile. Tampa ami other Florida potato* f No. 17 f Ms* IT !,v Savannah, ff fill Ry : 4 Ar Fernamllna, B A.L.Ryi Slam; ospm Ar Jacksonville. 8 .A.L.Ryi loaml 7 40pm Ar Tampa 8 A I, Hv * 10pm 3oam ' tfagnlftcent Pullman buffet sleeping car service to Washington. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; alao to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining care from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply *a Ticket office. Bull and Bryan streets. Phone SI. 1,000.000 HIDES WANTED. PHY FLINT* Ulle PRY HALTED I*o OIIEKN HALTED I*o D. KIRKLAND, Successor to R Kirkland. <l7 to 421 St Julian street, west, 9