The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 18, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 SIX DROWNED TOGETHER. DO%T I/O %I) OK bKt.ROF# CAimiSßn 1% THR HIY EH. AH bat Four Uat Their (•% erlonded With Workmrn Krnn (he iNllMHird Terminal* Their %*•> to the City and wn|i **d by Ihr of a l*nluit MMimrr-Tbp Ram I i*ef *ad *** lm On a|ian( Wrwl Dnevn \% IU If. Bix negroes were drownid jeflfrdfjr af ternoon abortly after 4 o’ckNk near Hie middle of the Savannah river and I moat direct l> opposite the East Broad street dock. The men were employes of the Naval Store* Yard Sea Board Air Line Pier No. 3. on Hutchinson'S Inland. They were on their way across the river to their homes in the city, when the boat. which were ten men, and whi h was In wvosequeine low in the wafer, wa- strtn k broadside on by a heavy swoll from the steamer Harry O. Day and swamped. Four of the men when they saw that the boat was going under Jumped overboard M id kept afloat until they were picked up by boats. The six men who were drown ed. however. w*ent down with the boat, so many of hem clinging to one side that tha lioat was turned upside down and drifted down the river In that position. The watchman on the Horry G. Imy w iio was aeeti left night by a Morning reporter, e*id that the slhimrr was on her pay to her landing place from the Gordon wharf. In passing the East ]trraid street dock, he saw a number of bateaus, nod on** of them w.s loaded with passengers. No particular attention w .is paid tu it. as it is quite r common Right The boat had gone several hun dred yards, when one of the d* k hand* ended out that the boat load of men had been Mum kIJ ihi ‘ II lIWR 1 ‘ • UtMMM er*s paddle, and that #be had been *wmp rd. and th.f then were a number of men struggling in th** w.iter. As tHr. •were a numln-r of the other boats in the vicinity of the men. no effort was deemed tsscesaary on the part of the iHiy's crew, •md so the steamer didn't stop. N*a un til a considerable time after the accident, •lid the crew learn thut anyone had bet* drowned Jim Green, i negro who was on oik* of the small sloop* m the K>t Hroal t tliH'k. when the a* id nt h.ippen* and. **.w the who*** affair. The l*>at he said wt# too heavily (muled. and whet) 1 was struck broadside by the #wcM, It w ■ simply swamped. There were several IsMite nearby, he said, and w m to the r cue of the men struggling in the water tin** of the men swam for th© short, and had almo* reached it when he wa pick'd tip. Of the other*, one tva* rescued Jake Heyward, a colored boat hand. nn other by t negro hoitrnan name Willie, #md the other two by other boatmen. The names of all tlk drowned are un known It Is believed, however, that J*e White and Henry New son art* two of them. The news of the disaster spread and In m short time hundred•< of the relativo and friends of the workmen a? the tormina!** gathered at th© dork. . a h making anx ious Inqulri©# Kven so late as |l:ja oViock email groups were on the docks saying that some relative or friend had failed to come home, and asking if h* had l>een se. n or heard of. Agent C. <* Martin of the Bcahoard Air l.ine ami Mr. Ham Boss of the Smith & Kelly Cos., went over to the bland short!v after the accident, I ait secured # little in formation other than that th men had Iteen employed on Pier 3. some In the na val store* yard and others in discharging the cargo of the iris It Is the opinion of ll those who knew of the accident and who are familiar with the practices of the colored work men employed on the island. h.t the drowned men alone are resjHmsihle for ♦heir death. The Hen Board Air Bine gives free passage in the steam launch to all of Its workmen lo*h coming amt going, but many of th* men. In fact the majority rather than wall a few minutes for the launch which would land #h*m at the Bui! street dock, prefer to cross in row boat# to the Hast Broad street dock which is nearer their homes In order to make 4 " 1 these trips back and forth as cheap ns possible the boats are filled as full ns i possible and a small pro rata is charged by the boatman. TIIK I\IT%TIY I**l ED. Cqthedrai Dedlrnllt Oct. 2* to lie nn linpoMlnir Affair. Right Rev< rend H/nJemln J. Kelley, Bishop of Savannah, ha* Issued Invita tions lo the dedication of Ihe Cathedral of Hi. John Ihe Baptist, Sunday, Oet 7* The Invitation* are In Ihe following lan guage: "The Bishop of B.ivannah would ho honorrd by your pre*. nee at the dedica tion of Cathedral of Bt John the Baptist, Savannah Ga.. Sunday 1 let Zg, IBS) Feast of th* llolv Apwtles B, B. Simon qnd Jude, al 11 o'clock a m "Ills Excellency, the Most Reverend S hastlan Mnrtlnel l. o. 8 A , Archbishop of Ephesus and Delegate Apostolic, will officiate. "The Bishop most earnestly requests a favorable and *,ieedy reply. "Savannah. Ga: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 8- pi 11. 100 ''Benjamin Joneph Keiley. “Bishop of Savannah ” The request for a speedy ttnd favorubi/ replv ts not an unmeaning one. It Is evident thm the demand for seat* In lh<- Cathedral at the dedication will far ex ceed the aifommodatione, and hence those Who have been honored with Invitation* Itave Iteen requested to give no;lre of their acceptance or .!>-■ !itm! Utti Besides Monelgnor MartlnelH. assurance* tmve been received of Ihe attendance of n large number of prelates of high stand ing. AiYomiwnlstton*. It I* understotal will lie engaged for th* visiting ttrelates al Ihe De Soto, and their suitable enter tnlnmenl in every respect will tie fully looked after. Many leading Catholic* as well, from throughout the state trill doubt less tie In aitcndani-e, llie Inter.e! tn ihe Cathedral and the presence of Mott signor Mar lined, furnishing a double At traction. The Invitations to the dedication were sent out yesterday, among those honored being many leading elllxetts, ■ RUISTIIAH* *WfRK Km. The Hrmnvala Yealerday Were All Itend Mrs. The county board of registration made a very good h*glnnng with It# work ye*, trrday. A hasty survey of Ihe 7,000 name* on the list resulted In the removal of 2f •lamts of m/n who have died during the last few months The mortality among th* voters has been unusually heavy of late, and It is thought that there are a Yew other nanes of dec.a* and persons on the list Bt r ange to *ay, two registered voter* did yesterday, tioth of the same name Registrar Thomas Cooley, the Liberal Club tx-preoentallve, did not show up, evi dently being satisfied to leave the work •o hi* two asso-ta er on Ihe hoard, Mesara. William Pease and J. R. Cream er During the afternoon th* two regis trars present looked over the Fourth dis trict list and sent out summonses to 2* per son* whoa* right to vote l challenged It I* not believed, however, that there will be many removal, as the registrar* are already swsre that the objection rais ed In several ease* to ih eligibility of the voter* are unfotlndrd Th* hearing of the partly xummoovd will begin this monolog. HOI UK It Oil HUM a AT WORK. It nitlenre of Vlr. T. K. Thomson frit tered, hill Little Plunder Nresretl. The residence of Mr. T F. Thomson. No. 11l Bolton street, west, was enured and robbed yesterday morning atmijt 4 lift o clock. Fortunately only a few dollars in hose ©hang* found In the pocket* of the clothing of Mr. Hubert Thomson and acme thong** lying on the table, in all amounting to leas than 110. was taken. Shortly after 4 o'clock Dr. It M Thom son was awakened by Mrs. Thomson who coiled his attention to the rays of what Is thought to have been a dark 1 intern. whl h could la?#seen reflected from th 11 arts* n over the door of th* room The flashes u|>fnared once or twt-*©, and then Dt. Thomson, who was by that time thor oughly awake, heard the knob of the door turned. He waited a second or two to see if another attempt would t* made to en ter. then hastily ©lipping on his clothes, and taking a pistol with him. he stepped out on the veranda shed, thinking the thief might attempt to enter from that direction. A policeman ww* passing, and Ir. Thomson called to him. tail ing him that he thought a thief wan In the house, and asking him to keep a lookout on the outside while he -©arched th* Inside. lit then went to hi# father's room and roused hint, awl to gether they searched the house. At the head of the stairs at the second floor they found a pair of trousers that the thief had dropped in his haste, and on the lower floor they found other articles of clothing. Th* sideboard was open, but as far os could la* discovered none of the silver was missing. A careful search of the entire house failed to reveal th* burglar The examination as t* how he got in fol lowed. it was found that he bad entered ♦ h** garden on the Howard street side, and pi icing a box against the house had forced • ■pen th- window leading Into the pantry. Before proceeding to the real business of Id* Visit he* had m tired to himself mi avenue of escape by opening the fk*r I leading from th* dining loom out on the side veranda, and then carefully remov ing from a shelf that was built to the balustrade surreal ml Ing the balcony a number of put Pel plant- that m.ght have hindered him in hi* effort to escape should there be .i necessity for quick action. The thkf left no due to Ilia Identity, anal (hough the fktt* lives are it work on th* case, no arrest has ns yet been made. W.%* % t (WTI.I LOLIdMoV. I’ilotn Nmigßllon t *mpnny Paid fl,- •UNI Hit* Th© Pilot's Navigation Company has re ceived the bill f*r permanent repairs of the steamship Thornsby from the owners of that vessel. Me *#r# Roiuicr A Cos., 'Vest Hartlepool, England. through their agents. \l* r*. Ilk hard son A Barnard of this city, and arc now able io figure up the cost of the damage* to the Thor* j naby. caused by th** collision with th> ' steam pilot boat .1 M htotlll on the nth of March last The bill amount* to about 91.3G0. JTbe collision cost the Pilot’s Navigation Company In round figures about this Includes the temporary repair* to the steamship Thornaby, which had to put back port; th** repairs to tl* steamer J. II I*> ill. tin* charter of a tug to t ike her place while being repaired and Inci dental expenses The Phot's Navigation Company has to pay everything, as it acknowledged Itself at fault The steamer was partly insured by individual stockholder*, and they will of coarse, be reim by red for their share of the loss by the insurance companies H M RU, OK L4H RKSrB J. DISK. Took Plarr Imm Ihr I ntliedrnl ol ftt. afolin thr lln pi lot. Th# fun#*rl of th#* lnl# l,awr#nrf J. Dunn look plx< % e y#‘#t#*r#lay aff#*rn#>on at 4 o'clock. Th#* body was f*-om hi home. No. air. Jones* Ptrecr. r,#t, to the CVfh*#|ral of 8* John the and t hence lo the Cathedral Ccmctcpy. The nervtcep were eon#lut“ted hy Rev. Father Philip t'arey. The |*ali hearer? were J L, MorriPon, J J. Parolan, Harry Jordan. Frank P i iall.urher. John D Kvans, John Power#. John Brennan, and Hon. A II Mar Donall. The funeral w?i# attended by a in rare number of people, many of whom n)*o nc * ompanie#! the eort#*(fe to the <emetery There were mirnerou# h.indaome floral offprlni#. TO ttHMII.IIHTR TMK fM R 4. Three %ilininlktrnlioit linha In (hi ?onlhiilr l I olle. A poiltieal rally of the adminlatrt!on fn lion will he held to night a# th#* \r mory ll.ill on Smmd utreet. the pi>r|w>#e heinc to nmalxamate the three a tm(ni< tration club#, which now exit In this <li#triet. These club# are the W W. On torne. the Independent and the Boitthide Con#oHdate#l. It b propo#e#l to merire nil three Into one Huh. to he known nn the RoulhikfA A!mlni#iration Club. It I? that Mr. W. T lluaney will be chosen pre#ktont and Mr. Henry (inrwe# wi’rr tary. Uffolutlotu* will le adoptHl ‘n#lore (nic the city admintotmtlon and It# pol icy. I.OUil l) ll* KOH MKI'.kHiHXi. Ilijt !>• the Hark %‘nlA **Hd to Hn % e I in* I teil I natihord Inn 11 on. Two boy#, each about 1$ year# oil, were arreated from the Bfl iih kirk Vala ye?- teitlay at the requeat of the c.iptnin. who claimed that they incited in#ulK>rdlnation In the crew. He #ay# that the boy# were •hipped frotn London. They were formerly inmate# of n reform # houl and are wtlll Ificorrifflble. The boy# claim that they have (wen overworked anl otherwise badly treated, and that the pallor# hating to wee them imposed on, took their part, which led to the trouble with the captain. The boy# were p!a#'cd in Jali until the #hl|> i# ready to sail, which wIM be Saturday week. AT HEM 1% IM>a% KSKTI'HK. I'nnernl of the l.ate J. I*. Walthnitr l.nruely %tleaded. The funeral of the late Mr. J L. Wal thour took place yesterday afternoon it 4 o'elork from the family resilience. No 314 Hall etreet, ea*t. The oervlce wa conducted by the supply rector of 8t John’# Church, Rev. L C. Birch. The in terment w# In Bonavenlute. The remain# reached th* city at 6 o'clock in the morn in from New York. The imllb# rcr# were: Me##r#. W. I>. I><siring. 11. I>. Bte\eti#. A It Hull, J M leang, W. 1 • BlmkJit#. William Pratt, T 8. Wylly. Jr . aul Albert Wylly. moyeii ivro IT4 m:i% none. (bat ha Rank Or (fled In It# Hand* #4int** (|uarter. The offlt'cr# and clerk# of the Chatham Dank are now In their 4juartcr# on John mxi square Yesterday’# waa* the flmt day’# buslnen# transictel In the new quarter#, and all hand# found the change to the attraction# and convenience# that were ml wed while on Whitaker #tre#t. very plea#ant Few flntohtng touche# re main to be added to the new building. When we have good bkMod we are h#wlhy. #tnmg. vlgorou# and full of life and energy. Hood's BantaparUia make* good Wood.—ad. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1900. TRIED A COLORED SOLDIER. i I’ItIVATK U d.KF.R fir C OI.(|l ITT HU K* ( Ol RT.MUTtUn. ( li. r,,(f W ill. Ha. Ins Vtol.leit Ih, 'lnr.l,-llr.l Artlrlr l War h* I.lnina a Mra|.n lialn.i Hla • firrlur IMU/pr—Pint I,lri Hubrrl Ur.l ll,r ljnirtf-d <MRr,rTi*ll. mil.) Ikimril I lirrr Wa, a “Houah Huur" In I l.r lllnr,' l|narlrr. nr a \\ 1.11 r—,iin r nt Ihr K.ldeapr Vrrr \ i.hi.liim I ar Ha. l.r II With •hr I Without trtenmrnt. The geii-ral <ourt-mrtlal -onven*4 U*t night tor th<- trial of Private Jime C. Waller of the ColqutU Blue*. Comptny K of the Kind lialtallon. Ororgla Stale Troop*, colored. The leeilmony of aome of the wlltteaMW was of a humor that *tralne.| the *erlou*neaa of lha rourl, often Jeopardising lla atald and auatere de. meanor. The manner of their teatlfylng .t* In llitelf a hit peculiar, but the eg preseiona that were made ue of were more than Mara could aland with un wrinkled front. Walker la charged wlth having violated the Twenty ilr.i Arll l- of War. m that he lifted a weapon again*! hi* luptrltr ofßeer. The *pectfloallon under Ihe charge set* forth In just whal way this article wia violated, a bowing that a ride was dubbed by the en'l-ted man, and that, being taken away from him, he further Bought lo do the ofllter harm by (tabbing him with a bayonet. All the row 1* alleged to have occurred on tint night of July 11. In the quarter* of the Blue*. I‘an.lemonlum. according to nearly all the testimony, seemed to to.*ak loose on that &era*ion, and the quar ter* tvrre |n a fine atew for while I. ten, they called a fifteen minutes' rough house down | n Texas, ae Billy Bax ter say*. II started by Walker gelling gay In rank Thut Is what the witnesses for Ihe prosecution declared They said he pushing the man In front of him, toe snip* i*i transmitted to him being commit nhwted nil .long the slng.e lUe in which ihe < ompany marching nl Ihe time The first lleutenani remonstrated with the private, tapping him with a stick, gently or energetically, ihe modification depending the side upon which th. witnesses trail fled, thereby arotising ids wrttb I fid nwnkt nlng his mine! o n settse •u the great Insult that had been put tifwvn him Walker cluhhed hi* rifle so those ar against him a* witnesses state, and Was !*„,( hnnj{ |hp , n|n T(o _ lent collision with the head of the ofTleer A sergeant sprang to the nsslstance of the lieutenant, catching the piece over Wal ker s shoulder and wresting H from his grn-p I "Oiled |n Ihls effort to wreak ven gerince for the blow he had suffered, the private sought to do his superior harm With hl> bayonet, and his hand flew to Its shank, drew li from its scabbard and raised II aloft. Then, the witnesses for the prosacii "°tt. or most of them, continue. Walker Marled for the lieutenant. The latter. In the meantime had no; lost his hold upon the Mirk stlii whleh he had administered ihe gentle tcprtmundlng touch to Walker, and Ihls he pro -ceded to hreAH in piece* upon ihe private's face, so disconcerting him lhal he could not thrust the bayonet home, but was forced to relinquish it 10 Ihe grasp of Ihe first sergeant who had sprung to the rescue of the lieutenant. That Is the story put up by the prose r**tb ti The defense said It was not so. Testimony was adduced to show that things were In a turmoil and uproar, and that th. private had not raised his gun again-! his superior. It was shown, too. that tile Ilrst 11-utenant had n gentle tit le way of breaking botrds over the heads of his men when they did not ros|>ond with alacrity to hi* order*, and that the dal of his swnrd played an Important pan in Ihls discipline when a board, stlek or olhfr rersuasive I mb.r was not ai hand. This waa all a showing by the defense, brought out In Ihe testimony, though the lieutenant Is not on trial first 1 .leutenant Robert 1., West was the Offleer against wham Walk'r Is alleg ed to have raised hi* piece. The officer was the- first witness . n the stand He am pa j wt ■ n the quat r, r teat.dung In single file, shir Walkei rais ed his hands and shoved th.* man In front of him. Ihe-ehv throwing the line Into dts onbr lie mid him to stop, but might a* well have held his |u-1 >■ Walking up to Walker, h" then told him lhal it was to him he was speaking, accentuating his word* with a couple of light taps with a small stick, these being administered upon Walkers cartridge lox. With lhal, the lieutenant’s story goes. Walker stepped nt* of ranks, swung his rifle above his head and was about to strike the officer, when Her*. Jackson raught the piece, wresting It from the infuriated private Then Walker drew his bayonet and d -vnneed on the lieutenant, whereupon the latter used the slick with some effect, splitting It upon Walker's face. The bayo net, nl the same time, was taken from him by First H. rgeant Cook. Capi. James 11. farter was a witness for the proseethlon. and his statement was practically the same os Hint of the llett tennnt. though he said Ihe bayonet had not been drawn by Walker. The latter only had hi* hand upon the shank when the lieutenant struck him across the face. Th captain said he hardly thought the circumstances had demanded that the officer strike the man. Korgt. Frank Jack-on -aid he had taken the gun away from Walker and had start cd io the rack to put It up. hut was set upon by a crowd that thought he was after a cartridge to put In It to do a lit tle ox cut ton himself First Be rut. Cock was put on the eland and his evidence bore out that of those who had preceded him The state then rested Its ease, the judge advocate l.huit David C. Farrow, saying that there were no more witness.s to appear for the pros ecution. Mr. II K. Wilson, representing Walker, then called hla witnesses, the first being Private J a me- lav, who ws easily Ihe most amusing. Jim was rather i.rtnn that the little stlek the wit ness's for the prosecution had described very minutely was a barrel slave, ami the h'ows .tdnilnl*leted kith It were by no m* an* love lap* He look a hand In tlw row himself, and hi* stnlwarl appear ance would have nwi le It ctear to Ihe most skeptical that it was no feeble part he played In what came very near being a tragedy In ihe Blue's Armory that night He said It w* West h. allng Walker that •'lore up the rotnpany." and he told Jack son when he caught him on the way to the gun rack after a cartridge to load the KprlngfleM "to quit that foolishness, or you'll gel all of us In Jail" West, he said, was all the time heatlnr some of the men, owing a slick or the flat of Ills • word. He mild the weapon was applied so forcibly lo Ihe anatomy of one of the men while drl’llng near Ihe IV Soto that the b ow might hv- been heard from one end of Ihe hotel to Ihe other. Private John tlarretl said he had seen the tleulenant break n stick In pieces over Walker about a year ago. and Pri vate J M. Telly was another witness for the prose niton Corpl Kd Brown, against whom . barge* are also pending lo be heard al Ihe session of the court to night. s.vld no love was lost between Ihe lieutenant ntvd himself. Brown seemed to be the well educated one of the bunch of witnesses that appeared for the de fenae. and h admitted Mr. Wilson's ques tion a to whether West were not pretty dictatorial, at th* same time raising the attorney the limit, by saying th* lieuten ant was n "perfect Caer." The Aimes* lx the bully corporal of the Colquitt*, and k Is to him that the proud privilege usually fall* of marshalling a squad ami oCvutlerx oft lo ike barracks for improper conduct Dapping from h** ornaia Kngltah into th#* v**rfrulr. th#- corporal wt abom io *•)’ that h#* ha J h#ar#4 hi* rj>t*in *VPawinit thr rag * af#r th fliffl ulty. bin ‘Vhaarrd*' i >ff him*r!f aftrr grftlng out thr Aral word, rritirmng io hi* more e tog ant dtoiion. Other wttß#e* followed, urui i w ms no* until about 11:30 thbt the Judge dwii# and the counf t'i for the d#*fenlsint greet to puhmit the o*~* to the court without argument. RUHR 111 KOMHIi:4 CORK TO LIGHT Kterra of ll*- A f'e. and Ra- l.linr t o. Katered. Two o#her hurgtorie* egme to .light yes terday which ar# believed lo h-tve been commitfrti Sunday at nearly the *am time that the Solomons Company and the Adam* Paint Company were rob cd, and probably by the wm# perron*. The vic tim# are Betoinger A Cos., No. 43 Whita ker atree#. and Ihe Havannab IJquor Com pany. No. Congreaa atreet, weet Neither 4o: much a a there wa* but lit ito money left in the cash regimtera. and the stock wi neither portable nor eaay 4e !e diffpnaed of without detection. Mr Beijinger reported to tb#* police that hie etore h*l teen entered, and the de t" Uvea were at once wet to work. It *#- found that the thieve* had gained an #*n tr.ioce by forcing hoclt the iron gr-#te opening inco the cellar, which it geeviM hji#i <areie**iy been left unto#*ked. From tne cellar they went uptt .re and opened the cah register, from which lhe> aecure,| ai>#>ut 91. The thieve* evidently wante>l only money, and having got all that they any ponalblllty of getting, left, g - log out through the rear door, which they left open. The .'Livgrtr ip Liquor Company 41*0 was entered through th# cellar, th# grating In thto .--i*e }*o *emmgly having been unfastened or innumcleiuly ae#-urel. Th thieve* proimMy went in near 11 o'clock n . .i#. Mr. Brown of the firm of Cohen A Brown, eaya he waa in hla place of tuialneaa next door to the liquor etore i'k>u* that time, and heard aomeone walk ing around in the other store, though he l*aM no particular att*ntion to it. thinking tint it wa* pome ofi#- connected with the ef ore. The only thing ha? been ml ruled at *l;l* More i* ji hamner, which ha* nine#* lw-en i<l#*iitiflei (h> Mm# one found In the Hot onion* Co.’* more. The thieve.* •re evidently a cool lot, for finding runn ing in the form of money ih.if they could appropriate. #hey drank the aarsapariii t from two !ottle*. and then taking jhe hammer, left the premia**. * An attempt at hurgiary, which wa* evi dently mill# by the e.n*- hand* that did the other Job*, w.i*. reported by Mr 8. 11. Oppenhelm. of th#* Old Book Store, at I'reeidertt and IVhitaker Mre*ta, who found when he went to hla *tore that a pi**. of the glap* near Ihe lock of the Prrakient *#reet door had been cur out in the mannr that the work wa* done at the Solomon* Cos., and that the thief had evidently tried to get in by the *.m* mmn* employed mi the other Job. Till# time, however, it did not work It Ip the opinion of the* detective* and of fwrpon# familiar with the aeveral ca-e*. that the robber* In # ach rape are the earn* and that the burglar!#** were done within a very abort tim of each other; that Ip. comparatively epeaking The de tect! re* are *t!H hard at work on the rape#, hut up to th* prepent have not made any arr**!*. Kl M) KKKPR (.HOW lhG. Cltlsrn# Relief <tab#criprton# %om Foot I p i3^112.3N. Bubecrlptlon# for the Galveafcn relief fund 4'ontinue to be received. Mr M. J. Solomon#, chairman of the committee tot Bryan #treact. we#t, dd#d |13.%0 to hi# 11-1 yesterday, bringing the total amount receive! by hi# committee to tofm-thing ovar |WQ. The following additional #tih#crlptlrn#, including tho#'’ handed tn hv Mr Rota mono, were rc4*eiv*d by Mr. W P Bailey, tieaatarer of the fund, at the City Ex change G#*4frgs 8 Brow n 3 W. A R ave# 1 SO Barrow A* Barrow f m I’ R. Cohen ft flfl Clarence Murpttey b h> Bavannah Pudding and Btippiy Cos. 10 on Sa\ mriah Monumental and Tito co ft nn II A. Crum ft n> A. W. Carmichael ft no If. 8 Turner .. 2no 11. Robert# 1 Oh F J Hineath Inn R. C. Qulnan 1 (w Painter# at Bavannah Building: and Supply Cos 2 fW John I Fcrguacm ft no 8 Mend I ft r> Wm P. Halley fih> Ttda! received to date* - .. Vt.HZ ftS A HOI T U HP9KY Ml I AHK4. .liulgr Falliaant llcairalna aberiff of (he l’lt> Court. A re#tr lining order wa# gr.iif?ed hy Judge Falllgant in the Superior Court yesterday, restraining th#- sheriff of the City Court from takinx posses ion of the liquor license# held by W. C. Graves, and for which ball in trover proceeding# have Nen Instituted hy the Rasterltn Whisky Company Th*' f.cense# are In the* of the Eaatarlin Whisky Company, but Groves claims that this I# only a mat ter of form, being a part of the con tract under which he geik charge of the Planter#' Hotel saloon last May. The Kasterlln Company made a con tract wit it Groves hy whtoh he was to pay a certain price for th** fixture# a# well an the rental of ihe place, and was in addition to buy hi# good# from the company. It was not long before the two parties to the contract fell out, however. The company charged Grove# with rais ing a receipt for K 5 to IlftO and sued him for the difference in Justice Naughtln*# cmtrt. where, however, the decision was In favor of Groves. The latter charge# ?hat the present pre reeding Is merely brought to trouble an l annoy him that he Is not Indebted to the Kasterltn Company, and that the latter hive no such inteicst in the license# a# alleged by them An early hearing will k given the case. VIOLATED I IHE HECit LATIO\. < nptitln of *teattihlp Hornby on (he llnrkef. Capt. Bhtold# of the British Pteoimhlp Box by. and Mr. A. F. Churchill, charter *r of the ship, were both put on th© In formation docket yesterday by Supt. M i* guirc. for violation of the Are regula tions'lntended for the protection of cotton ships. The charge# grew out of the (In i 1 board the It OX by Sunday night, being jo the effect that InaufllrtMit hose was provkted for the steamer. that there wcr no barrels of water near the hatches as required, anti that there was no steam up on the ilonkey engine. Bupt. Maguire holda thac hod these reg ular tons been observe*!, there would have been a great deal tos# difficulty tn dealing with th© fire and le## damage to the car go* Cook'# Imperial Extra Dry Champagne has no equal for table u#e. Karp a ftw bottla# In your let chart.—ad. f lo#e of the Excursion Season, The Plant System Sunday excursions to Charleston and Brunswick will be discon tinued after Sunday, Sept Tickets eotd to both points at rate of $1 GO for th# | round trip, limited to date of sale.-ad. FIRST DECISION M'LAUGHLIN S. KIRqiTIRF. ni*!>l TE fiIVKH IP TO HD KIVBH 1. % RIM Hi-. Mr. fiMtllr Boorquln's 111/mpl lo ( sr* thr Furslturr Away 1 a Llveli Tim.- In thr Morninu and nn Interrsllna llrnrins Ilrforr Jailli- Fnlllaant In Ihr tflernnun. Vlr. Iloarquln lain. Hr llnd llnnnht Ihr Knrnllnrr From Mr. Vlarirv.nt n Wr.k Ixn. ami Tolu Ihr story of (hr Transnrllon to thr < onrl. Thr M. Lu*h!ln-Rturtrv4nt receivership rase In Ihe Superior Court took a some what sensational turn yesterday, due lo the removal by Mr. Ouille Bourquin, who claims lo be the purchaser of the good* taken by Mr. Sturtevant from the store of Mr. last week, of a por tion of these goods In apparent della nee of the order of the court, placing all of Ihe goods and asset* of the firm In possession of either party In the hands 'of the tem porary receiver. The Issue, as stated In yesterday's Morn ing News, is over the settlement of a partnership between Messrs. McLaughlin and Sturtevant, which the latter attempts to bring io a focus by removing a large share of the goods from the store oc cupied by Ihe Arm. This action. Mr. Mc- Laughlin. contended In Ills petition to the issurt. to be unwarranted and illegal, and also Ihe further alleged action of his part ner In disposing of the goods at a figure named and refusing to turn over the re ceipts. He accordingly applied to the .■ourt and secured the appointment of Mr I. I > I Roe ho as temporary receiver, with a restraining order enjoining Mr. Slurle vani from further Interfering with or dl* posing of the assets pending the action of the court. The la'er trouble seems to have been due partly to a misapprehension on the isirt of the receiver, who agreed lo a sug gestion by Mr 81 unevsnl that he take •in Inventory of the goods to corroboraie the one furnished by Bturtevant lo Mr Meletughlin. and see whether there were any articles not included in the Inven tory or which were Ihe private proiwrty of Mr. McLaughlin. The goods removed by Mr. Riiirtev.ini ha.l been stored In the rear of No. 17 Fon gres.- streel, west, and Mr. larß-sne made an engagement to meet him there al 11 o'elork When he arrived at 11:30 o'clock he found Mr. Qullle Bourquin heeling the good- Into wagons for the purpose of mo\jng them to a store under Odd Fellows' Hall. He regarded (hi* pro ceeding as somewhat Irregular, hut was al loss how lo proeeed until hi* attor ney* arrived and Informed him that the order of the court positively forbade In terference and plaeed all the aasels In the possession of Ihe receiver. Both the attorney* and the re elver en tered a decided protest against Ihe re moval of Ihe goods, hut Mr. Bourquin an notinced that he had purchase.! the goods previous lo Ihe flilng of ihe |tellllon for a receiver, and that he had legit advice to Ihe effect lhal he had full right to make such disposition a* he pleased of them Mr. Stflricvant • pr/eent and apparent ly-consenting lo ihe temoval of the goods though he claimed at (he heating Itter lhal he was only present for (he purpose of pointing out such goods as were the personal property of Mr. McLaughlin, The contention attracted a crowd, and there was quite a lively scene In Ihe lane for a time Seeing that there was noth ing to he seComptlshed by argument, ihe attorneys for Mr. Melaiughltn withdrew and prepared a statement to the court The result was that go attachment was Imtnedlaiely Issued for Ihe goods, and an order was Issued for the arr/si of Messrs. Bturtevant and Bourquin for con tempt ot court. The hearing was set for I o'clock, at which lime all of the parties appeared with their attorney*, Mr. W. F. Blater representing Messrs. Bturtevant and Bourquin Mr Blat*r freed himself of any suspic ion of contempt hv stating that while he had leen Ihe attorney for Mr Bturte vanl ho had not represented Mr Bour qtiln. and it was not hy his advice that the removal of the good* had b en undor tak n. He also stated that h* had not seen a copy of the restraining order until the affair In <".lngres* lane and had not had time to consider It. He asked for fur ther time on this ae ounl and alo to pre pare an answer lo the proere.llngs In be half of hls ellnt and requested a post ponement until in o'clock to-day. . Mr McFaugnlln's attorn y* preferr-d to go ahead with the case, hut were wining lo agree to a postponement provided Ihe Roods were plaeed in iwxsesslon of He eelver L.-Kocht To this Mr Slater was not dlp*“d lo agree, offering various object tort* as to why hls client should not surrender potßesslon of the gods. After a brief conference with hi* clients, how ever. he announced that lie would go ahead with Ihe hearing, ttnd was given until 5 o'clock to prepare th - answers of hls clients. In making rop y for Mr. Bourquin. Mr Slater stated that hls client had received no notice of the pending receivership, that no paper from the court had been served upon him and that he had not been made a party to the receivership: that he had bought certain personal property from Mr. Sturtevant fbpt. 7, and that this probably was in hls |M-ar*ahlc pose salon at the time the order w granted. Any Intent to violate the order " the court or to show contempt was denied. Mr Sturtevant'* reply and nied that he had disobeyed the order of th* court In any way and further denied the truth of 'he allegation* to this effect contained In Ihe attachment pro-eedings. The evidence was then begun. Mr La- Roche wns put on the stand and narrated the Incidents of**hc morning occurrence V take an Inventory of th( goods removed hy Mr Sturtevant under the Impression that Mr. Sturtevant was to remove the goods nnd turn over the money which he claimed to have received for them. He was Informed a llllle later hy hls lawyer* that the order of the court placed the good* In hls possession. He found Mr Bourquin removing the goods The latter declined either to erase removing the goods or to turn over the keys to the receiver. A cer tified copy of the receivership order was exhibited lo Messrs. Bourquin and fkurle vant, but they refused to let him have llie corals He saw three or four wagon load* removed. Mr. Bourquin made a very Interesting witness. He said he had bought the goods from Sturtevant expecting to enter Into a partnership with him Bturtevant. he said, expected to buy Mdaiughlin's share of the stock and then he and Bourquin were to go Into partnership together. "You expected to move everything out of the store -hen except Mr McLaugh- Itn?" humorously Inquired Judge Falll gant. !n arswer to que*(i-ms the witness said t*at he oily entered Into negotiations wltii Bturtevant for the purchase of the goods Monday morning, when Bturtevant came to hi* house about 7 o'clock Just as j he was getting up This was th* first time th* matter of the partnership had been broached to him They concluded the j trade In a few hours, th money being ! raid over In Mr, K, L Neidllnger's store He bough! the good* without looking at them, taking Bnirtevant's word that they were ** t prerentrd The purchase price was Mflh. to pny which he drew MW) from tlfe bank, lock MO out of hla pocket and **ve hie due bill f-r th* remainder. Mr Pttirtevsnt to:d him th* th* firm had dissolved. *nd that he. B'urterant. had taken hi* rhar of the goods. He hod on previous occasion*, he and. advanced money to Me**-*, McLaughlin A Bturte vant with which lo buy household goods. /.Continued on Third Fege-J 1 LOt AL PKRSOAAL. Mr. Edgar Dunlap of Atlanta la t lb# Pulaski Mr. E. F. Cary of Macon Is a guest of thy Pulaski. Mr. l> Bam* of Alkndai* Is registered al the Bcrevtn Mr. U. An Ira* of Americus Is a guesl of the Pu.askl. Mr. J II Rwsty of Bylvanla Is a guest of the Pulaski Mr. J K Bailey of Atlanta U register ed si Ihe Pulaski. "Mr. W. L Lttiloit of Dorlen I* register ed al the Pulaski. Mr R J Downey of Darien Is regis tered at the Pulaski Mr A M. Chandler of Valdosta Is a giast of the Pulaski Mr. U, C. Freeman la expecleJ home on the City of Augusta. Mr. J W, West of Valdosta la regis ter and at the Pulaski Mr. B. B. Saxon of Sylvonla Is regis tered al the Screven Mr. James K Kelly of Vienna la a guest of the Screven. Mr. J. T.. Westbrook of Cordele Is reg istered at the Pulaski Mr. W. H. Simmons of Liberty City Is a guest of the Screven. Mr H. M Overstreet of Sylvan!* 1* r. glstered at the Pulaski Mr. Q. N Dent will sail for New York Ic-day on Ihe Tallahassee. Mr. E. 8 Rvck left via the Plant Sys tem Sunday for New- York. Mr W A H.trr/11 of Americus regis tered at the f*iil.t*kl yesterday. Mr. K Danner left over the Southern yesterday for Saluda. Mr. Harvey Oranger left via the Feuth ern yesterday for Wnynesvllle. Mrs. Ouyiiemetle sailed (rom New York Balurday on the City of Augusta. Mrs. A. N. Backus lefi via the Plant System yesterday for New York Mr. D. B. Lester left yesterday via the S. abuord Air Line for White Springs Mr. J. W. Comer ha* returned from Su wannee Spring* after a delightful visit. Mr. Ludwig Schmidt of DarPn was In the city yesterday a guett of the Pulaski. Dr. H. H Marlin has relurntd from Su wannee Springs, where he made a short visit. Mr. A O. Wise of Prosperity was among yesterdays arrivals at the Pu taskl. Messrs T. Y Smllh and CS M Williams of Bartow. Ua.. are guest* of th* Pu laski Mrs. M A Ambrose has returned from Suwannee Bpilngs after a visit of two week* Mr. R. L Edenfled of Edenfleld was among the arriva 1 * at the Screven yes terday. Mr J Arthur Rrvwn of Jacksonville was among yesterday's arrivals at the Pulaski. Mr. Tinsley Smith was among th* pas sengers of the Southern yeeterdey for Asheville. Mr E J Piitscl will he among the pas senger* of the Tallahassee to-day for New York Mr. Wm RsbnewPs was a passenger of Ihe Seaboard Air Line yesterday for New York Miss J W. Hxrtrldg* will be among Ihe passengers of the Tallahaaste to-day for New York. Mr. H. M Johnson who has been In Augusta for several days returned to the city las night. Miss Aveilhe Is among the passenger* of the City of Augusts, whloh sailed Sat urday from New York. Messrs. G. N and R W. Walker were among the passengers of the Plant System yesterday for Richmond. Mr. Charles Wlllerax and Mis* WClrox were among Ihe passenger* of the Central yesterday for Greenville. Mr J Katskoff and son were among the passenger* of the Beg board Air Line yesterday for New York. Col, A R, Law-ton returned yesterday after an abs nee of several wteks. Ills vacation was eptatl In the North. Messrs. Donald and Harry Rauer* are among th. passengers of the Tallahassee which sail* for New York to-day. Mr. N. J. Gillespie will sail to-day on the Tallahassee for New York where he goes on a two-weeks business trip. Mrs. TANARUS, P Reynolds and Utile son. Mas ter Sam Itave returned home, after spend ing several weeks In Screven county. Mr. and Mrs. R. Van Keuren and Mis* B Van Keuren are pissenger* on the City of Augusta, which sailed from New York Saturdny. Mrs. B Dub was among the passen ger* on Ihe City of Augtteta last night from New York While at the North M'W Dub epent enme time pleasantly tn ih* Adirondack*. She has h*n away two months. Miss Phllomena Mulherln of Augusta, who ha* been spending the •umnrr In the Norlh. arrived on the Tallahassee yester day and will be the guest of M!*a Rourke on Gaston aireet for several weeks. Alderman George W. Tb-demsn was among the passenger* on the steamship Alleghany from Bulilmore last night. Saratoga comes to town at Solomons Drug Store. Bull and Charlton street*. You will now find ihe celehrapd S-ra toga Waters Arondack and Catharta on draught In their natural state. All you can drink for & cenla.—ad lair of Hope, Grand soiree at Isle of Hop* to-night. Fin* dancing and pNiy of bra***. Rosen n'.d's Introducing tho lateef and moat up-io-daia waltzes and two step*. The guessing contest will be lor ih* ladles. the prize being |f> worth of merchandise donated by W. K. Wimpy. In addition lo thla we will serve an ele aani supper. Including diamond back ter npln eoup. Be sure and allend. Gar* leave junction every ha f hour. Respect fully, Barltee A Bandy —ad. Sunday, Pepl. .lath, I* the In*! day for Ibe Sunday excurelon* to Gharleaton. Ticket* on sale for train leaving Savannah :K> a. m., good to return on train leaving Charleston at S:flO p. m. or 11:1a p. rn . Sunday*, at rate of It on for the round trip. Chair car* £0 cents extra, -ad. Johnson** < hlli nnd Fever Tonle la 109 times better than quinine and doez In a single day what alow and uncertain quinine cannot do In ten days. It will cure In a few days those obatl na'e types of fever that hang on for weeks when treated with quinine. It will cure typhoid fever and nothing else will. It dees Its work quickly and thoroughly and nothing els*- docs. It place* the fever patient beyond the point of danger in a day and nothing else can. Those who have Implicit faith tn the tonic are secure Those who doubt are In danger Those who will not use tt, place their Uvea In Jeopardy. From a Doetor. OtR people were suffering from typho malartal fever Some M. D.*a called It gen uine typhoid Many of these pat ents died and those that recovered were sick from 4 to I weeks. I gave mv patients Johnson's tonle and In every Instance the fever cooled down within twenty-four hours and did not re turn. and the patients regained their for mer good health rapidly. J. F. Kiricbeioe. M D, Couwoy, Ark.—ad* We Manufacture All HARNESS and SADDLES We Sell. Our Quality, Styles and Prices beyond competition. Congress and Whitaker Sis. LEO FRANK. THE FALL GOODS Are Coming In Every Day. New things are now on exhibition in DRESS GOODS, NOVELTIES, LINENS and WHITE GOODS. The balance of our sum mer stock goes at unprece dently low figures. You can find many rare bargains here. Don’t forget that Oct. 1 is near, and the school chil dren must be provided for. We can fit out the children and save you money. Look Out for Our Fall Aonour.coinenl Later. Daniel Hogan, The corner Broughton and Barnard st*. H 1 MS 1 51 125 Congress si. isi We handle the Yale & Towne Manufactur ing Company’s line of Builders’ Hardware. See these goods and get prices before plac ing your order else where. BUILDERS' HARDWARE —AND— WAGON MATERIAL. mm Mill's suns 113 nroaglmt Mrret, Wfili BRENNAN BROS., WHOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. >3* BAY STREET. WMX. 1 .Upturn. •. SEED RYE. * GEORGIA SEED RYE SOUTHERN PEED RYE TEXAS RED R. P. OATS. HAY. OR AIN. FLOUR. FEED. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHEESE. BEANS, PEAS W. D. SIMKINS & CO.