The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 18, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MAULDIN SHOT DOWN CASON. *!%% STINT % ITU II .NKTHKM IMNIUM OF 111 WIN ( HI STI. imrirtl Tbm • l•• Wonmlril *•••’ KrlentU Halt tarlr<l out to Jrrb llrtfagi' Moili I •!•% Man) Mr In 11% *• *• ••* “ffliiin. Tronlilr I ni *l lh*r llir %rrrl • Muulilln'a llrofli* r-l*-1.%% •* <- •nn-i aana %l 111 ProbHl> Dir. Flt*u**raLi ‘in 17 At tUn# mil*-* a '( • Fit*** il *•* ibt Tlftoii and Non iltrn K;n wav, b*l • hooili.K iffi iv t K |'a >• M* rI >ev n i(i|r ,i .i u o lo K. In * i h th* town mar>tii. tv Ihi* n*irm- of <“*. ***l. shot tbrnufil and ihroiXh w th Wit. Ihmrr In in# h o ,? ol Junv'* Mujllfn. *n kon k> *| r of that plart Tht inuiM • m t> havr i t m*n nvtf thr arr* 'l of MiuM.i broth<*r-ln-law 1 John Kkl< hr. Ih* la> !*♦ and Ia! o f# out * on* of 11 o 11• i hid • 'Hrly it > tr Ihpfor# be wern rawon ar.<l Mauidii <’ ‘-*o 1* Mill*. tmi no tiofiep ri* tn’t t t.iln*'i for hi# r#t ovrry Th* wound* and man'll hontc I# n* ar Rodi#|n. Wtl •* oumy whprp h* ho mar. relative# find H l rtporttd they art on their way hero to revet a# their min i probable <v tth The Mi and im* ar I F etcher# are ,ilo very M *c in relstt'i whip In thie county, an If a n*ht l started It will he eerlou . The eh totii a I.- r arefied vrr much t> all the ROud |*ople of Irwin e in?-. %noflier irritant f It. Tlftori, Ga . Bepr 17 - Marshal Caan of arte town of Myatl ft ft * n mile a on-‘ of Tlfton, In Irwin com * wa# Mj? *r.d | fatally wounded la*t night by unknown par i* The rouble appus to have originate*) a few week# *o when Caeon had u Jiffl ulty wltn two men oanvd Mauldin aid John Phc-lj**. wno re arrr#t when Caeon arreMei young John Fiet her i Im# n*r-iii-..w of the Phelpe and Mauldin. Yesterday evening Cason went to Fittgerald. and on hi# raturn. moou- nigh*, was a*cn#te| by • party of three or mor< men near trie de pot. who opened flr tipcai him He re turned the fire, knoc king one man* hat *ff. when h* w,. root from * dlwan with >* Winch*...ter •rifle. ?h* ball enter ing hie hreapt and -online out through his ha k. I nil Ting wnat will probably prove a fatal wound He i- iisn shot through the legs with *mall shot Sue;* <*n points •- Mauldin Fletcher and Phelps, hut pending tn Investigation It la tmio-*sth|e to knate the man who fired th rifle ho*. AIDITOH* MKKT IN %TL.%%T%. They U ere Ills*uins *tl|erf of In terline Itllltnic. Atlanta, flepr 17 —A meeting of the auditors of the varlotie lino- inrereo# t In interline hiring from K M*tort> nd Vlr ginla cities, wits held In the office of F A Htaljr of tir Atlanta and West Pom# Railroad and \S estern Railway of Ala bama this morning Interline billing was nrr.m*e*j to take effe ton O : 1 This |s anew departure for the roa 1- u l |t saves re-blUlng at Junction point*. nat |e. n one-wav billing will cover freight from New York to NVw Orleans h\ and roll lines. This billing will be b> way of the Atlantl C'oaet Une 0-.>tgia Kailroa I and Allant.* and We- Po'nt Railroad, oral Western Raliw iv of \ t >ama. rv>i th< and Naahvll.e Raltwav. This means i through fr Ight line over this routi Thos.. present or th. nn-ting were R A William- .itidltor t Rich m>rHi and Hprn ,’er U > (lran4. nssis ant auditor at Norfolk, ol he Atlanta. Coa*d Line. I. j f><*onnor. re}res*‘nting th** R<<llrnl. Aiik n>l: < i Hi. w • n .li->Mnl audllor. lulvtll a r<l Is.>bvlllt i, K < H. siy, aiMliK.r Allans uni Wmi I'oin* nn.l W.-urn Kalimay . f A,ai..rmi. Allan!, . A K w H |r* of ih. irnffi 'l.|.uim.-nt of tho At lanta nn.| Point Rallrw.l rwl \\'*,.i. *m Hallway of Alataim i, at M-intiom •nr- Chari** A Ml.nk rhlnf , l*rk of th* tram <|. narim. nt of :h* noil at Ati*u*t. ( . THVIWU TO nttf *l Mm f.01.K. Atlanta Foil** H*pnrt fh* Hnl(*r to M rriintrr Rroylr., Atlanta, Bpt. 17 -Bun.lajr golf cum*, at. PiwlmnrM Fiirk my Iw- atoppi.l hy ,h* Atlanta fiollce. It ha. h*. n cu.tom of th* Flrdmont tlolf Club to play „|| KuniJav at th* park. Th* iwrlio* hav* hrrrtofor* b**n hi tin! to th* mm. . on th* • round., hut to-day Capt. John Thompaon of the morn mu war. h. K reorder Hroyl*. |f th* prar’l** wa. * violation of th* Bunflay law. Th* Recorder r***rv*d hi. decision It thoiiKht h will .I*. t.|* ■aaln.t th* Ram* 11. r, pr**|.|*nt of th* • luh. .aid to-*lay In ref *r*nr* to th* Sunday Ram*.: ‘'Sunday la th* Rr< a Rolf day In th* North rd K.h| and every one plays u thr* on that day. Th*r* I. a very va.l rtlir*r*m* h*tw**n Rolf a,„t o h*r out-of door .port, for th*r* ii- no nof.* and no crowd attracted l,v It that l. no crowd. In Ih* writ** of thorn .■ g g ■ -n„>*r of our club or tm. of them. *o out on Sunday, and knn k th* ball ,it.iut • lit*l* }u*t for th* cx*rc|*c tha* they Ret That I. about all that ha. been done hy them and I do not think that th* poll** hav* anythlnß to do with It. 1 am .ur. when th* ma'ter I. presented to Recorder Rroyl*. that he will not order It .topped If th*r. wrrc any exhibition In It. It would b dlfTrr*nt." A. fh* affair now stand, there will he nothlnß done uijlim Recorder Hroyl*. or der. It. lit RT OKTf Hl l-ll IM Ilin:. Mar Mart lit* Fleetrle Light and Power Plant. Atlanta. Pept 17. Joel Hurt and the Allan a Hallway and p wer r mpirv. af ter applying to the ('tty Council for more than a year for franchise to construct an electric lighting anrl power plant, wu to-day voted the coveted privilege by the city fathers. Th* only electric lighting and power plant now In operation here I* that of the Oeorgla Kle trie Light Company, of which H M Atktr.Mm 1- preittdent and hi* aroo|at< J;*ve u|)y fought Hurt ?, demand for permission to *tart com petition for many month*, contending that the l grin'* to Hurt were un fair to hi* i manv in pdnt of time and condition* nam and In the franchise. Th< ordlnar • |.i**-d up to-day limit* the if of Hurt'* grant to twenty year*. I wa* pic-'l without any of the long debate- wh'ci chararterUed former con iidetati tr of Hurt'* ai-pt. rattens. Hoitf-: monta ion v Atlanta Hill %rrne to Admit All Children \|ipl>iHH. Atlanta. Sept. 17 Th> City Council to day approprlini 1i.500 from the treasury to relieve the pr**ui- f n the public school*. The money w.?l b vpent in ad ding new room** to th* ?- hon’ huldHlgt which *r now in. I fjiuit* inn ?cmtno ‘at< tne pupil- wjjo were anpl ng Thu* the children wnl h* given privilege or it* tending in* pubic school* through ihc new ttppiopnaliwtv ** Wilful Waste Makes Woeful Want." ft is as tvAsteful not to letrart <a'h*t you nerd *nd might hjtvr as it is to squai drr whit you ibtidy pcssrss. Halt h a a priceless possession. You art secure -t And keep it by tikmg HooeTs SirsApA’CiA which purifies the blood, cures disease . and imiigorites the whole system. W /> n . /a If __M f i.l •#/ . DtsappoZuT. wHiruuM. mhit:t hiiiht. fr**m lmpr% emml l 'on t Me Mnilf An iilnnis | * it— M\<*r Wnmtwgnl tr*. Iny h4> n i 'live and energetic measures iow.ird> th* buikib tt of n viaduct over Whitehwd street r.!!rod ros*lng. If th** * (Torts of t**e Mayor ne ! * s*. work 1 t>r th* fotirsiihon ft the gigantic structure will lieg-n In i short lime In fh.vt event i \.4- f Improvements will follow oc White- I hall an 1 Penchtree streets. It 1* estimated t v - onsef v stive p i sons •nm th.. $2 *•••*•* will b* expends*! I or. the tw*> streyis If the viaduct is * on* -trii t*T For several w* ek Mayor Wools irtl h*- hid the question of the viaduct under <on*iant onslde rat loti, and i **w he feele grsatly * n oursged. and hope* t t h* Yi-id.i- t will h* (xmatructrsl very aan Mayor Woodward has already c nsuli* *1 wih President John M Kgan of the Central K tilt* id ami President ‘Jt-org* c. Srniih of the Atlar.M ami West Point Rudroad regarding the vidu t Whl> r ere was ro deflnlfe conclualon reiched is a r-sul of these conference#, and no dire t protsositlon made to th** r*ll r*ud h> the Miv >r. ihe meeting, were loth highly tory o him Ho h gentlemen aeeme 1 favorablv impressed with *h* ide * of a viadu- t over IVhiteht s*r-et The Atlanta Rapid Transit (V-mpanv, nn ipplhant for strict con'ess lons. luis of fertd ths r l ty gvtOfin toward- the \i*<lu t. nolMK* OK ! %% MJiHUKA. I'latol kkota siionnl That Murder \\ •'mini hi % t inmltted. Quitman. Cm . Sept. 17 —Two unknown negroes were found dead Sunday morning near the public road, etx miles south of Quitmis' The Mks were about thirty yards from the road and were badly de composed and It Weis by the terrible ordor that they w. r** discovered estlgatkm by the coroner's jury showed that n number of pistol shots were heard last Wednesday night at 1 o'clock by farmers living near the scene of the rime, but bere was not the slightest rrace of evidence tending to show a motive for the crime or ita ierpeirator*. One of the negroes was shot directly In the top of th** head and evidently while was asleep The other had three wounds In the hack and side of his head, moat prob ably made while trying to rise. There is no known cause for the crime and h- murder li- a mystery. Letters on their p • -one addreem-d to P< t r and lan k Clurk nl mailed at Camden. 8. C.. show tbit they came from that state Two ne *4-0 desperadoes heve been In hiding ne£r The scene of the crime and It la believed they committed the crime for the purpose of robbery, but this i* mere surmise. \TI.%\T% IIKINIT PItOHLI.N. Itnllronri* Heunealcit tn Nnhmll n I'I>• nI l*rn|inMlnit. All ml*. Sept. 17.—1n a three-hours meting *hls morning the member* of Hi* fij—,al legislative- Depot Commission, which ha* under advisement the pl*n to build i new depot In Atlanta, threshed over old without definite result*. When adjournment came |t was an iioutM • I by memlierti of the mm ml salon tlmt the only thing done war to request the railroads to atuhmtf their final propo sition at a meeting of the commission, to be held on Oct. 5. The tni .-tlng to-day was held In the Gov ernor's ofh. e Representing the r.lTviads, there were present. MrJ. Thomas of the Naehvllle. Chattanooga nml St. Louis Railroad President Kean of the Central Railway . President Smith of the Atlanta •nd Wes* Point. Col. Andrews, vice pres ident of the Southern Kailway ami former Gov McDaniel, a director of the Geor cta Railroad Gov. tan ller presided others present on liehalf of the slaate. be- Ing Attorney General Terrell. .\|t Hrown. special conn*-. for the Western ami At lantic, and Represeii te*lve Rower. 1111* l IRRRkTBD AGAIN. \t hltley Company Ant Satisfied With Former Reanlt. Amerlcua, Ga . Kept. 17 —A warrant was Issued here this afternoon at the Instance of the Whitley Grocery t'ompany. against K. l. Maya, formerly connected with I hat house In the capacity of traveling salesmen, charging a discrepancy In re turns made of collections from customer* In nearby towns. Similar warrant* were issued again I the defemtani In Webster county recently. • ut iin.mb.,..l Upon hlr -*M?!!Tstffn***t 'rtil Is-fore Justice of the Peace Hell. Not atlstled with this dispovttlon of the case, the WhlUey tlrocery Company had war. t ints issued In hoih Macon and Sumter counties, upon practically the same title gallons a* In Webster county. Mr. llays Immediate >• gave bond In the two left r e*. waiving commitment trial. Hr pro lesses uhiiitv io establish hi* Innocence of .my wrong doing when the cose i* I < ird It Is und< r-tood that the alleg.-d discrepancy a* charged by the Whitliv ompany. |* nearly C.isxi Hay* Is now traveling salesman for a Columhua whole sale house. RAISED A DIRTINDANCE. Mayor of l.oulevlllc Fined a Yanihcr of Hill's*. I-oul*vllle, Ga.. S.-pt 17Alhert Key. Chatlln Danforih. Richard JarkMvn. El herl Lowery and Josh Edwards, all ne gro.*, yesterday went to tamp meeting and got pretty thoroughly filled with comp meeting bug Juice They came back to town raising such a disturbance that the.v Were to-night brought before Mayor Crawford, who plac'd a line of fl.*> or thlt ly day* each, cn th-m Altxrt Key was *• nt IO Jail tor Hixty days fos tiring a plltoi Inside Ihe city limit*. JKFPRRsnVM ORDI9IHV, Primary on Sepl. 21 will Deride Who It Sholl Be. Louisville Ga 8- pt 17—The number of candidate* tn ihe nice for ordinary ha* gradually dwlndl and down from < .ght lo five a* the primary which l* called lor Sept 21. draw* near, the warmer the race he com* - The surviving candidate* are Cap! W. W. Rhode*. Mr J |. H. Al exander. Mr J J. Whlgliam, Mr. B 8 Car*,ll and Mr. J K. Kingman Ii Is rumored that the latter will rellre from th. tore. tCCF.KM % i WO Cl Mil. All pqy. Your 'lruxglM will refund your money If Paso Ointment fall* lo rure Ringworm. Tetter. Oid Ulcer* snd Sore*. Pimple# and Itlaekheade on tbe lave. Wild all skin d!s aases. aOv —atL i THF MORNING NEWS: Tt'ESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1900. n.Mt:R HCPONTBD *IAK. l. t.rral ( In (oluntbn. I .ill It Wa. DUtiro.*n. oolutxtitu. Us.. H*p( 17 —Ur*nt *x It*- m. pr*ll*d h*ra U>-<ljr ov*f |h. r*- l>rt that th* ••!ttj W C Itra<H*> h.l h**n .unk ami nil on honrtl !<. Sn* • olor wa* 4*n' th* r*port hy Ih* 1 * ‘ t that th* ittimti wa. mor* thut four boar. p. .t ilu. Th* owntti -tn*l n*i> ptp*r tiflli*. w*r* h*.t*R*tl with tl' *r* ml t*l*i>hon* m< -natß*. all th* af<*r n-njr. a-klnß about th* rtport tl thl • ftrri.oon an I to-n!cht teiewram. (rant all .•*r th* countrv knt* in m.ikln* Inqu.ri . ' about the affair. Mann r Ittitl*\ rr *l\*.t a toltttnm a .• >,io*k. ►tntin* that th* ntimti ti*.al Kufaula a' I o . ... k whi, h put an *tv> to th* anxiety, tb* fact t>*ln* hull\ttn<.l ital ttnnotiniexl In th* afternoon |-<!'*r | To* Itrfl*v will Hrnv* a: .lavltßht win a tho i,an-1 bat*, of votton. and big title *ll innut fr* ght TILLMIN OX OIK. (XI/ATIOX. In Xnnther Klaibt ll* XXIII llax* III*, Xian Xam*<t. Columbia 8 C.. Sept. 17 -Senator Till man rloj pe I over her* on bl way to make *p*ch** In XVlaconaln long enough to *xpt*- .atl.lactlon with Ih* r*ult of th* prtmarlea. He dhl not know If th* uueatkm wa. nr,ally arttle-l If another organt*.d fight wa. mad*, he did not know if he would take part, but would Ccitalnly * rgan xatl n met with or gantaatlon He would hav* th* dl*p-n*ary people nam* thrlr min a. ih* Prohibition, let* had don*, and not .livid* up tie r *tr<ngth That would only be a "nt||ti- Hon. ’ he .aid, that th* i-eottl* would rot obj* t to *T, my.elf. wa* - by th* Mar ti ( invention and then triumphant ly elected ‘ " XX XX DRIIUXIT) XT SEA HREECB- The XXtf* of Hr. Rrott, an Knwllab* •nan, l.nsl Her I ll*. Jackaonvlll*. FH . Sept. 17 N*ws reach** h*r* of th* accidental drowning while bathing at B*a Mr****, a r**ort on th* Ka.t Coa.t. of Mr* Scott, wtf* of I>r Bfanl*y Scoat of (iotha. Fl*. Ir. Scott 1* an Kngll.hman and I* wealthy. Sine* th*tr marrlag* I)r and Mr*. Scott hav* .pent most of their time In Europe They had reeently returned. Ir and Mr*. Scott had been .pending a few week* at Seabreea*. enjoying ;lte eurf bathing They have a pleaeant horn and an orange grove n mile south of floth*. In ftrtnge county Mr. Bcov leave* tan young ehlklren She a t* a hatwleom* and rultured lady of about thlrty year*. Mr. Uoule Koehne and Mia* Koehn*. her brother and l*l*r. have gone to Se t breeze APPOINTED % VOX NO I. XDT. liar. Nr(*rf*f> bend* Her to the xVeitleal Cfillea*. Columbia. 8 C., B*pl IX —Oov. Me- Sweeny h-< appointed *o Ihe >|. d|cal Col lege of Charleston from the First Con gressional district. Mis* Annahelle K Prentl*. Thl* 1* a departure for the exec utive. The young lady la the nr-t to re ceive an appointment to the collage, al though It l* a eery oil Institution with a high standard. The appointment of Ml*. Prentl* xat strongly recommended. Bh* I* an orphan with .*\*r*l loot hers and sisters, and these she has been helping support She wished to enter the college and the t|ov. • rnor has given her the county scholar ship. JORDAN GIVEN A HKCKI'TIOV 'I r tide red hy the Operatises of the finale anil Phoenix. Columbus, tia . Sept. 17.—President G. Gantry Jordan of the Eagle and Phoenix mills arrived from a lour of Europe to dny and was given a pleasant surprise. The liras* Hand amt Mandolin Cloh of the Eagle and Pho.ntx Club met him at the depot and escorted him to the club house where an elegant reception was tendered, site tided by urn or I.oo* opera tives of the mills, and lh**lr guests. Will El* Hdssaond Desse. Atlanta. Sepc 17.—Edge wood avenue, one of the prlnctpul thoroughfares of Atlanta will be Immediately han*ed from It* al most ImtsissibU' ci,million The City Coun cil to-day appropriated 11.510 lo Imptove the street. The work of raising the grade of the avenue was stopped several months agt# because the npproprtalton gave out The new money allotted to-day wl I he sufficient lo complete ihe work. New Hotel at Holnhrldtae. llulrbrldge. Ga.. Kept 17—The beautiful new hotel, the Walntnan. was formally opened 10-day hy Mr. Gevrge p Babcock of Bradford, Pa, The building ha* ion room* and Is located on the corner of Itroad and Shotwell streets. surrounded hy giant oaks, for which Balnbrldge Is famous. HI hhlA'N m EEH ALPHARET. It lias Tltlrty-Dve l.rttera and home Other Eeeentrle Vnaarlea. From Stray Stories. At the very threshold of the Russian language you are confronted hy Ihe alpha bet. and a most formidable obstacle It Is to linguistic study. Cadmus, with n pro phetic sympathy for the modern school hoy, slopped short at Iwenty-four letters when he Invented Greek, hul Cadmuskof fovltchsky (us hi* Russian prototype is • ailed), launches no fearer than thirty five on the guileless foreigner, Rome of these, R is true, have the name form ae Roman characters, but as their sound is Usually entirely different, this similarity Is rather an addlilonnl stum bling block than a help Others, again, resemble our letters turned upside .town, or wrong side about, or otherwise con. lor led There is one teller for which we con ceived a profound respect, not unmixed with awe It resembles Ihe figure 111 on a des k dial, and ha* Ihe appalling sound of "ehtch " When w* came across a word onlaining this letter we gaseil upon It In Kent ndmlrailon Any a'tcmp: to pro nounce It would, we felt, prove fatal to our Incisors, and considering the high fees hsrged hv good dentists we could not afford to run any risks Another curious specimen, like a small b with a projecting snout on top, has ab solutely no sound whatever, and Is defined as a "Unal tnul* " In spile of (or perhaps on a count of) Its silence It l* greatly In evidence, no word of any site being con sidered complete without It. Its only purpose, sport from that of an ornament, -e.-me lo is- io warn Ihe reader that Ihe preceding word l* in Russian, and that he must not try to pronounce It according to Western rule# When a foreigner write* his name In Russian, he Invariably tack* this •final muto" on to It, II |s regarded as a sub lie compllmeni to the Russian nation, and doubtless ha due we.ght'wllh the secret police. Til EIRE % rtll.D l\ ONE n AY. Take imitative Hrom • Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund the money If It falls to cure E W. drove's signature U on each box. 25c —xd. I v Albemarle Madison Square. West. N. Y.. 0. B LiBBEY. Prop. W tNMl>f*t)# N givr Th* location ol ihl* house I* most de ttrsbl*. being entral to all pine* ol amusement, ami to tbe .h iving district. Bpeela! attention paid to the cuisine. A number of very desirable .ulte* lo rent f.*r the aimer rrXENAX. .XX ITATION CAIN The relative* an.; frbmls of Mr sod Mr* Patrick fain ar- invl.ed lo at tend the fun- ra! of the former at l oTIo-k thl* afternoon from reslden-e, corner Bry and Wf.t Boundary. KEANE—The relatives and friends of Mr and Mr. Jeremiah K*an* and fam ily jr* Invtied to attend Ih* funeral of tbe former, from No 111 Price *tre*l. at \ :*• o'ok* k this afternoon. MKKTIfMM. DE K XI.B I.ODOE NO. ft. I. O. O. P. A regular meeting of tbe lodge will ha held this evening at S o'clock M*mh- rs of sister lodge* and visiting brethren • rdlally Invbed to attend C. H CARSON. N. O. V w. OROSB, S* retary. axx xxx xii i.odgf. xo. iwa, n. p. o. ELKS. A regular meeting of thl* lodge will be held this (Tuesday! evening at * JO o'clock at Elk. Hall Visiting brother, are cor dially Invited to attend J J KIRBY. E R I. J MAXWELL. 6- retary. t XPAYETTB xi,i xxx* t xxip. SW. r. c. v. Veterans: Attend the regular meeting of Ih* camp thl* (Tuesday) evening at Confederate Hall at R, c'ckvXc By or der of the commander A. K WILSON. Adjutant MII.IT AM X OHIiKR*. Irish Jasper Green*. Savannah, (in , Sept I*. wno Orders No 23- The corps will assemble at Ihe armory. In full uniform, ihla (Tuesday) afternoon, to pay th* lasi tribute of respect to our late veteran member. Patrick Cain The (V)mpany will be formed at S:3O a clock prompt r F GLEASON. Captain SPECIAL NOTICES. NT XTF. SPECIFIC TXAF.N, lIHM. All peraons engaged In any of the fol lowing line, of business, who have nol already registered and 'past the state special taxes thereon for ]*> are herehy notttbd that such tuxes are due IMME DIATELY ON COMMENCING to do Ihe business taxed: Auctioneer*. Keepers of Pool or billiard Tables, etc. Dealers In Spirituous or Malt Laquor., Intoxicating Hitters. Brandy. Fruits or Domestic Wines. Dealer. In Cigarettes. Dealer. In Pistols. PlMol or Rifle Cart ridges. Bowl* Knives or Metal Knuck*. Pawnbroker*. Failure lo rigt*ter or to pay the state pe> wl lax constitute* a nued*n auor. JAB J MeGOWAN. Tax Colleclor C. C. AIBI HX XX AGONN —ln FARM TIRrKYTIXE SIZES. Only at < OMKN-Kt LAI AN CARRIAGE AND W.AOON CO., hosannah. SCHOOL ROOKS. A full line of School Books and Nr h not Xnppllr* at BSTILL'S NEAVS DEPOT, No. 4,'l Hull Street, savannah. Ga. NOTICE TO THE PI BMC. Our safe having been burglarised and a number sT chP*!!* and notes taken from Ihe vault. the |nihlle Is cautioned against negotiating any chei k or noes to our order. 80LDM0N8 COMPANY ESTIMATES AA ANTED. For the erection and completion of ihe new three-story building for the Chatham Academy. I‘lans and #|hx in. ations can be seen at the office of HENRY URBAN. Architect, 23 Provident Building n ARTBO, pants and gents' furnishing goods sales men to cover territories In Southwest Georgia. Central Hatlroud amt Alabama. Only experienced salesmen, with refer ence. need apply. MOHR BROS.. Savannah, Ga, MOSRITTOICa will aat troable you If yon use annum SHEET. It la a pleasant perf am*. MEt,DERMA Is a tollef powder tltat Instantly dis pel- the disagreeable odor, arising from perspiration. OLD ATYLE COLD CREAM gives qtlrl relief for eaa barns and skin troable*. SOLOMON • CO. THE AAAI TO CUBAN CARPETS. The only way lo get your carpet* prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken are of for the summer I* io turn the Job over to the District M-sa- tg r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery at: eel, and they will moke you an esti mate on the cost of th* work Prloea reasonable They also pack, muva and Store furniture and ptanoa C. H. MEDI.OCK. Rupl. and Mgr. nRICK, BRICK. BRICK. Augusta brick and others. Good slock on hand Lowest price*, prompt delivery. gee our samples cod prices helots buying. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. t i PALMER HARDWARE CO., SAVANNAH, GA. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Rubber Ileltlnfir and PaeHing. liullders* and General Hardware, Cutlery. Guns. Rifles, Pistols and Ammunition. Rope. Tinware, Stoves. —AGENTS rViK Fairbanks’ Scales, Austin's Crack Shot Powder. .Etna Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. PHONE 383 And Let Oor Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, KODAKS SPARKLETS Mskes Bnda Water at IMMne. i ilm.. Photo. Sopplie.. C raphophones and Developing, Robin* ©id n*i repaired. son's Bath, | If yon have RHEI'UATISM be sure and get a bottle of FRANK'S RHkIMATISM CIRE. It never fails. Price $1.50 bottle. When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON'S TWO PHARMACIES, 801 l and Congress. Branch 309 Ball Street PHONE 392 BOTH PHONES PHONE Shi. SPECIAL NOTICES, LBYAVA TABLE D'HOTE DINNERS. Kk—DINNER—SOc Dinner 1 lo J and A lo 9. Tuesday, Sept U Clarel Wine. SOUP. Scotch Barley Broth. FISH Trout ala Boulels Potatoes ala Algerlenne. (Told 81aw. Queen Oliver. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ENTREES Diamond Hack Terrapin Slew Rice Crnguettes, with Wine Sauce. ROASTED. Prime Ribs of Reef. Irish Gravy. gaddle of Muiton, Brown Gravy. VEGETABLES Ma lt-d Potatoes. Rice. Slewed Tomatoes. Candied Yams. Oren Pea* PASTRY AND DESERT. Poiaio Pie. Asorted Cake*. Cheese. Cra< kers. Baked Apple Rolls. Silver Sauce. Drip Coffee. LEVAN 8 CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. Mr Andrew Hanley: My Dear Sir—l have returned home from Savannah, where we stopped for three week* an.l from St Augustine three weeks after being at the Suwame Srrmgs Hotel, and while In those plaits and now at home drank and am now continuing to drink the Stiwanre Spring water, having It ant to me through your est.emid agents, the "Kallsh Pharmacy" In New York, and a* a result 1 want lo *av that 1 have b.*r. greatly benefited, and I believe will hr entirely cured of the painful bladder trouble from which I have suffered since lasi August I congratulate you upon the curative value of th-* Su wanre Springs water, and hope It will lie a God-srnd to others a* it ha* been to me Respectfully ycurs, JAMES C. BROWER Pres.dent of the German-American Rink. Brooklyn. N. Y. J*t Quincy street All you can drink for 5e at Livingston’s. SYRI PS. Georgia Cane Syrup in hotlles. Has ihe flavor of that fresh from Ihe cane. Maple Syrup In half-gallon and quart tins. Made from rap. Ideal Table Drip Syrup, of delightful flavor and sold by the gallon. Strawberry and Raspberry Syrups for flavoring. —at— A M A C. W WESTS Ml ONI.Y IHE HIST GINGER ALE. The best Is the Whauler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from th* celebrated Cromac Spring* of that city. Tnsse spring a are ih* properly of Wheeler A Cos., benos no other Ginger Ale niAnufse. turer In Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale le made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as other* are; ons Is delsterlous—the other Is s tonic. For Healthfulnrs* snd Purity th* cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ala Is the best. LJPTMAN BROTHERS. ■ole Southern Agents. Savannah a*. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Sept 7. 1909 A vacancy having occurred in ihe offi-e of messenger of Council, caused hy ,h* death of Ihe laie Messenger John Harri son. and In accordance with a resolution adopted In Council 8e;il. jih, 1900 notice I* hereby given that an elecllon will Le had al the next regular meeting of Coun cil. lo be held on ihe 19th Inst at R p n, to All Ihe unexplred term, all applications lo he tiled wllh the Clerk of Coun- II at or before 12 m. of the 13th tout. Bond of LW til required; name* of hondsmen mutt accompany the application. WM IV BAILEY. Clerk of Council. MATT REUSE*. MATTRESSES. Have your mattresses and feathers ren ovated by our medicated steam process before a change In weather takes place. (The only plant In Savannah.) It over come* all Impurities and renews life M ri<l volume In all Iverldlng material. Price* on ■ el.ovation of featipr* us follows: it.sis $3 -VI. Po ster- 11. pillow* . Colton, ni ss and hair m.ittrrsee- ma le lo urder Fine work, low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND KENu j VATINO CO.. | Sell phene 113*. AJi Drayton street. AMtbKMERTB. g*VANthIAH THtATCR. " ROBSON THEATER CO. Matin*. To-day 3 p m , EAST LYNNE" Trice*—Adult* 3<V. (hlldren 10c. To-night 8 3f o'clock. "ROANOKE • Price*—lftt. 2bc and 20c ;■ ■■ RII1XI.S) NOTICES. “Nothing New Under the Sun.” 8o goes ih old adage, and yet we ctxn ehow you any number of articles In our Une *o NEW an-t and *o PRETTY thai not even change* of *tyle or fashion can m.ike them kok old We have heard of th* "GOOD OLD TIMES" and we helleve In tin- "GOOD NEW ONES." and Juat think It over, our price* are always right. Hunter & Van Keuren, Oa. I‘hona Ml . 143 Bull Street RING US UP -FOR Harvard Beer. BRANCH ESTATE •FECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Fire Department, Savannah. Ga . Sept. I. 1900 Proposal* for furnl*hlng the Fire De partment with winter uniforms will be re j calved at Ihe office of the undersigned until 12 o'rlo k m of Saturday, Sept 22, 1900 Bpeclfkatton* will b* furnished upon application nt the office of th* Fire De partment. corner of Indian and West Brood street* any day between the hours of 9 a m and £ p m All propo-al* must be eealed and ad drc**e<l lo the Committee on Fir* I'nlformw to la- delivered f o. b In Sa ; vnnnah on or before Oct. 15, iwxi Th* commit!** r**< rv* th* right to re 1. , t any and all proporai* or to award Ih. contract In part or as u whole. JOHN E MAGUIRE Supt. NOTICE. _ City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, Savannah. Ga.. S*p* t. 1900. Bids will be received a; Hit* office unlit 12 o'clock m Friday, B*pt 21, iftrxt. for furnishing the Pod. Department with winter uniforms, guarding to specific*, tion* to be seen at th* pollca lurra Vv Th* right Is reserved lo r*)*cl any or all bids. WM P BAILEY, Clerk of Council. LARGE Vt AIIKHUI l t.M) til FICB to rent, lovated head of Broughton street, on Weal Bread, now occu pied by the Savannah Carnage and Wagon Cos As they will up business In the city on June 1. I of fer Ii for rrnt from that dale H. P. SMART ana,two. On* of our clients has placed tn our hands IL.OOV to loan on good Savannah real salats a reasonaUe rats* of Intarett BECKETT A BECKETT. ** i ie#;.i.-ci uraat, aaat BONDS EXfctt TED By lha American Bonding tuid Trust company of Baltimore. We are author ised to exa-ute locally (tmm-dtately upon application), all bonds In Judicial pro ceeding* In either the state or United State* courts, and of administrators and guardian* HEARING A HULL. Agents Telephone SI. Provident Riilldlng WALL PAPER, CAPER HAXUIAU. We carry complete assortin'nt of lat ei etyle paper*, and employ only beet aitlsta Be* our good* and get our eittmai# be fore giving out your work. Our pile** tha very lowest SAVANNAH BUILDINO SUPPLY CO.. Corner Draylon a-ad Contrwa Phone 911. inriru. NHher the owner*, master nor con signs* f me British steamship George 1 •• min* will be responsible for any debts cunUacted by Ibo'crew I’AKSLOW, Mbaler. IdvOPOLD ADLER. J NO. R DILLov President C*M.,“ C. T. ELLIS. BARRON ’art-. Vk. President. A ,.t Ca.hVj N Tfie uiisfhsin Bank . SAVANNAH. Will b# pleased to receive . ol Merchant* Firm.. lndlMdiL*, u'.** •nd Corpoiationa •r. 114 Llbetai favors cxlendad. coHecUOft facilities t r -„ Ing prompt returns Jr ' SEPAmAIE vAVINGSDEPARTMFnt IXTKHBgT con *•' OX DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Hole, and Vault, rent Ctwre.pondence wnUclled ,of The Citizenslai w* bavabaam. 11 CAPITAL. 5500.00a A 0 011* a*, g —aa M r* BaaiaaM. -lieU. imut, w lad.vtßa.,. “V,* 1 * * ,k * -Xb.. ratJuus. Callectt... kawAlua with a-awwsw* aad dtsawtak. r * la tr real ••■, p „ Oßd . - -U8M..1. alt.w.u .. deposit* I. Drparfaarn,. “•* •MARXIST A DERMARK. ■ ILLB B. LARK. vie. *" U WOHOK C. FREER XT. Cash,,, MOMDO.X L. GROOVER. Aa.t , SOUTHERN GUNN of Uia State of Geurg.„ ** C *P"l **, and undivided profit* u ,, DEFOSIiORY OF 111 tl hTAIS o? GEOROIA. Superior facllitlM lot transecting t 1 tellers! Uul.xing Buslnees Colleclione n.ade on all i* a> *.sib|r through bank* ■: • -c*r,. Account* ul iiwiiks, Bunk- . .i, and other# eolicuod Safe box.e (or rent. Department of Savings, Interest p*ytb.e quarterly Seila Sterling Exchange on London and and upwards. JOHN FLANNERT. President HORACE A. CRANE. Vic* Prudent JAMES SULLIVAN o n ,h|* r DIRECTORS JNO. FLANNEKV. WM. W GORDON E A W'EII* W W GORDON Jr H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROV MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART. CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLT JOHN J KIRBT iiiWHi' CAPITAL, 1350.000. Accounts of banks, merchants, eorpw*. tlons and Individual* solicited. Savinas Department, interest peid quarterly. Safety Boxes snd Storage Vxultt for rent. Collections mads on All points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all tha chief cities of tbs world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED, Preeldent. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice FresUeot W. F. McCAULEY, Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Cap.tal 13W.94 Undivided profile SvM This hank offers Its aervl es to corpore lloua. merchants and Individuals Ha* authority to act ms executor, ad mlnlgtiator, guardian etc Issues drafts on the prln Ipai elites tn Great Britain and Ireland and on the Conti rußt Interea' paid or compounded quarterly On dap telle In th# Snvlng* Department. Baf*tv Boxes for rent. HENRY RI.UN. 'President GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vie* President Jf >HN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F HOGAN. A't Csahler No IWO. Chartered. !M —THE— HiS Nill Bill OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. MI .'OI. SURPLUS. IHHU UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. G. CARSON. I'rovU U. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice Pr eldent W M HAVANT. Cashier. Aee-ounts of hank* and banker*, mer chants and corporation* received ui> a the moat favorable trrrn- consistent with safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDINC AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Assets over $300,000. 6 PER CENT, per annum allosied on deposit-, withdrawable on demand. Inter eat credited quarterly. PER CENT per annum ellowed a deposits of even hundreds, wllhdreweN# at annual periods GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. B. H LEVY. Vice President * E W BELL. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON JR Treasurer. OFFICE. IS YORK STREET. WEST FOR RENT from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply Tbe ibaibam Heal Estate and In* provement Company, It RRYAN STREET. EAST u iewsDoper Piisfc For oalo. a Foraalth Nswspap** Yo-<lr. will fold ahoef Kite It k In good eras'- Price MOO II coal originally 11.IM- t,ul w* have ou ue* for It sad want <*>• r,orc II occupies. II will b* an lovaluabl* edjuaot *■' newspaper effioe. , Address MORNING NEWS, ■avaassb. 00. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERI**' and work, order your lithograph**! printed atallonory and blank books Iro— Nows, Savannah, 00.