The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 18, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ENLARGING ITS TERMINALS. M£ABOARD Bl ILDIXG MiiHK UTIIH- AbE SIIEUA OH TIIE ISLAND. Tno f Buildings Going I i> With n ( aparlty lor A.tMto Itnrrel* <>( Spir it* anti llte Capacity of Ilit* 11, Inspection Mird Being Doubled. Thr Trrtulnala a Must rinrr since the Opfulna of thf Shipping Sra aon. The Seaboard Air Line is doing a hcjvy business at lla terminal* on Hutchison a Island. Many vessels have loaded atnl are now loading there, anil th< office .itid wharf force* have been kept busy. The officials of the company are well pleased by the areal volume of business that bus followed so closely upon the establish ment of the terminals, and they are look ing for a great Increase In the Immediate future. II has been found that the original plan for the terminals was not sufficiently com prehensive. Necessity ha arisen before the terminal* are fairly In use for a con siderable addition, and work upon spirits and lostn sheds continues. Months ago It was deckled that the slips as planned would he too small, and the upper two were made twice as long The carpenters hove been kept busy longer than they had hoped for. It developing from time to tins- that more than had been expected was to be done, jtome weeks more will be required for the .'ompie'lon of their work. They are now adding two shed* to the south side of the spirits shod* on Tier No. 1, and ad II- Honal cupaclty for 3,000 or 4 barrels will thus be afforded. Three hundred feet are being added to the rosin lns|>ecllon ahed. also, doubling Its capacity. No Hrt r '.pulls and rosin yards In the . otintry .an be found than I hoe of the Seaboard when work has been completed. SIR. ARMAKD RE3IU3). I’laat System Ticket Agent tir to Mints A t o.’*. Mr. E. A. Armand. city russenger and ticket agent for the Plant System, has resigned to accept a position with Messrs. J. je. Mini* A Cos. Mr. Armand hits l-n with the Plant System in lhat -opacity for several years, and the traveling pub lic will entrs him greatly. He has pre sided over Ihe DeSoto ticket office of the Plant System with air ability and courtesy ■ hat have made him very popular The road will lose a repreeetitutlve, who has been valuable to It. . It I* not known who will succeed Mr Armand. but It Is staled that li will be someone af Ihe ticket agents already in the employ of the com|>any. Col. H. \V. Wrwnti. passenger traffic manager. Is In Atlanta to-day, and it Is expected he will issue a circular relative to the position as soon a* he returns to Savannah. BXCIIMOMm ARRIVE. trowel* Hennght In by the Central anl the Plant System. Two excursion* came in yesterday. On was over the Central and the other was over the Plant System The Central brought Its excursionists from nil along lit lines, while the Plant System gather ed Its passengers principally from the Florida territory. The hotels show that there ordinary business Is In creased. The limit of Ihe tickets Is two day*. (E.\TH%L' Rlli KXC t R9IOV 4lioat 2,000 Vro|tlr llronulK In From Pnliild All 11% *r f Im* Svutf m. Tb Central of Georgia Rail nay brought ir It* higgeM excursion of the reason luat nixht. there beiitg three sections of the regular train with 2JOO excursionist' nbo.ird The excursion covered nearly the wi.ol# system, there lu lng luimvrou* pas* sejigers atHMird from Macon. Mil ledge vllle. f’ovlngton. Augusta and other widely scat tered points. Fully two-thirds of the ex cursionists wer** colored, but the percent ass of whiles whs considerable. The x -• ursionists will remain in the city to day. and many of them until to-morrow night, when their time limit expires. The excursion was worked up by C.ipt 1,. M. Pleasants. Havantiah’s veteran oi ored excursion worker, t'apt. Pleasants rm tlmates that he Im* brought fully 20.600 excursionists Into the city this season, bur the excursion yesterday w.ta the largest of all. COUFBRWfE COMHITTRB MKKTV M 111 Consider the Elks' Itntr In At* Inntn To-day. A meeting of the Conference Commit tee of th* Southeastern Passenger Aaro clatlon will bs held to-day in Atlanta of the rajewnger tnen representing the Savannah line* left last night to be in attendance. It Is at this meeting that the matter of the rate to be allowed for h'i Kilts* Carnival In November will la? settled. Tha Klks expect to receive a rate that is as low as that allowed for #ny of the cities In this territory that are shortly to give fairs or street enter tainments. %CK ALL TO HF PHKSIDfSiIT. I nlon Station <nnt|tnnv \% ill Noon Meet for Oritn n Itulliin. It Is exp eted that a meeting of the Co lon Btatl n Company will be held shortly for organization. Th chart* r ha** been secured, and organization Is to be the n*xt step Plana for the station are roe b*ing drawn. Mr W. W M nek ill. U I** understood, will be president of the company Mr Mackall is senior meml er of counsel f r the Seaboard Air Line, and It w- he who conceived the plan for much of the railway Improvement thl ban !> en made by that company In ftavaanah within the 'oat year or two. The Southern and the Plant System are also Interested in the Union Station Company Mr O. o. Van den Rerg executive Plant Bystefn. has resigned to go to H:. Ixuls, where he will Ih connect* and with the Louisville and Nashville. He is auo ceedad here by Mr \V. L. O’Dwyer, for merly traveling fright agent for the Flor ida Central and Peninsular. Mr W. C. Pavla has returned from P>rtamouth. where he s|ent two weeks on business connect'd with the Seaboard Air Line. I>KATI! OF JBRKWIAH KEAMC. Mia Funeral Ulll Take Place This Afternoon. Jeremiah Keane died yesterday mining at hla home. No. 11l Price street. He had been In 111 health for some time, bu: had not been closely confined. He was a member of the police force Just after the "ar, and later waa keeper of u governm nt light on Cock spur Island for many years. He was in his 53d year, and leave- u wife ••*1 six children. Ilia funeral will take place from hla lute residence at 5:30 o’clock • hla afternoon. Hines* !irw Officer. At a meeting of the Republican Blues night Corpl. J I. Martin was elected secretary and treasurer of the oowpony. The position waa held by M. R. Quirk. Who defaulted* Sleey.” Sleeplessness marks the very climax of human suffering. It is only a step removed from insanity. When sleep no longer restore* the exhausted nature, the * tru KKlc with disease cannot last long. The starting point of the nervous dis orders which produce ill • health and sleeplessness, is generally a diseased condition of the womanly orgat . Re store these organs to sound health and the appetite comes hack, the day’s work no longer wearies, and sleep is sound and refreshing. I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures diseases of the wom anly organs. It stops the drains which weaken women ; it heals the inflamma tion and ulceration, and cures female weakness. There is no alcohol in " Favorite Pre scription ” and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It is a temperance medicine. " Mv health ha* been poor lor manv mn and I haa taken a g f ct deal of medicine, but it did me n rood - write* Sir* Roar Kennedy, of Spring bluff. Adam* Cos , Wir M La*t August my health wm very poor; I had no appetite and could not tirtp I wrote to I>r Pierce and he kludly advtved me to Utkr hi* * Favorite Pre •criptiou 1 took five bottle* of the ffeacrip tion * and one bottle of the ' Golden Medical lit* coeery ‘ ant! 1 feel like anew woman ” Cure sick headache by using Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. FIRST DECISION M’LAUGHLIN'S Continue) from Tenth Pag*. rccihlng a flhare of the profit* for the >** of hi- money. ThU wax ihe extent to whit li h* had engaged In thin biifdti* > Kef erring to th* Int I lent yes terday morning aline** aald he had no intention whatever of nhowing the alight • t conti mpt for th* t ourt. Mr. Neidllnger • •*lltl<l to hearing flturtf vant and Bourquin agree upon a price to tx p.ihi for a lot of furni ture. ani to peeing the money paid over ir. his more, though he wns uncertain a* to the exact amount of money which changed h inds. The parties came into hi* -or* and called hi* attention to the transaction. Mr. Sturt-vnt tMtllird tiiat he wa* mtvcil with the paper* m the recelverohlp e S iturd.iy night. He naw statement* in Sunday** Morning New*, he said, to the ff. t tha he had removes! good* from th*- More without the knowledge of •Mr. McLaughlin. nl*o that he had re moved good* nor included In the aiatement which he h id m i l*- for McLaughlin, and that he had *okl gorubi for a le** *um than their real value. The*e charge* were all made In Mr. petit ion to the court, hut Mr. Hturteviint cre dited th* in to “Sunday* paper.” He unl r*iood. he *.ld. that the order of the court applied only to the good* and *- net* remaining in th** ntore of McLaugh lin A- Hon. and not to thoee whh h he had removed. He had gone- with Mr. I sailor he during the morning merely to verify the lint ;ir;d to show th it he had vnadr a cor teef *• itement of the good- taken by him and ha l requested Mr. Laßockr to meet him f>r tht* purpo**-. The wltne-.- contended that he had had nothing to do with th- removal of the good* by liourquin; he h id rdmplv want ed to heck up the goo<l* before their re moval and al*o to single out norm- rti .•K- belonging to Mr. MrtoMjghlin As to the removal of th good* from McLaugh lln's store, he aald ihat he hal acted in thl* upon the advice of hi* counsel. Mr Sl.ner. having been unable to aecure a Settlement with Mr Mel*aiighlln. The step wa* taken with the Intention of forc ing a settlement While tak- n without Mr. M Laughlin’* consent, they were taken during regular btmlneew hour*, and there ttiii no at tempt to conceal his move ment*. He had not Intentionally shown any owiteropt of the court In the part which he took In the matter ye*;rdgy morning. When asked If he had not said to Mr. Botirquln to go ahead with the removal and he would eland all the dam ages. The witness was positive he had not made any *urh statement. Judge Kalliyant declined to permit di gression*. either by th wlmet** or the attorneys, entering into the merit* of the receivership case, only the contempt and attachment proceeding* iteing under con sideration. The attorney* announced that they would submit the mailer without argument, but Mr. Water made a statement in which be urged that hi* client* had shown by their own ml* ne nls and by the evidence, that they had no Intent ion of showing any contempt whatever for the court or It* officer*. Judge Kalugant said, in rendering hi* derision, that It wm* evident that i*>th of the defendant* had had auffb'ien* notice of the order of the court and that to a certain degree both were acting togeth- r H, announced tha* the temporary receiv er should take chain* of all the p r **;* r *y In dispute and hold It subject to th* for th*! order of the court. Mr. Bourquin should not have attempted to remove the good*, he said, it being hi* right and priv ll* * to petition *he court if h thought his interests were In danger. l*nlew* tlie d* fendants should disobey this last order of the court he would not punish them for the contempt they had already com mit tel. he said. This concluded the first chapter of th** MrLi ughllti*dturlevant matter and leave* the r* *.eivershlp cast to be heard on li merit* Saturday. Stilenient of Mr. kfnrlevanl. Savannah, 8 S* 17. IM.-WIWr Morn- Imt N-ws: Will you please allow mo *o (hat in the peltton fw receiver In ih>- cat*.’of McLaughlin A Son. vs W. H Sturt, van! It ra.fl that I had gone Into Mr. McLaughlin's ator* and removal goods wWhoul his consent; that T had sold them ■it a price m less than thslr value, and that I had taken more good* than my statement called for. etc. Th- facts are that iftcr trying for more shin a month to gel a settlement with him so as to withdraw from the ro-psrmer hip. wllh out *!• ocas, under the advice of my mi torn, y 1 removed eerlaln goods during regular business hour- I charged them to myself on the joint books. * a Mem oranda of goods taken from joint "*<*> *° hf accounted for ns soon us on amicable settlement can be arrived at by J. Mc- Laughlin * son. and myself I gave a complet* list and sold them to n hona flde purchaser at thetr full value. The whole affair 1* merely a dispute lie (ween two partners, which Ihe courts will adjudleii e. Id and rot "go Into hie store hut was In h * store a partner when I d.d it Very respectfully. " ’ \v. n Sturievant. AT THE TIIEtTEH. Ilol.son I ompsnj’s Oyesiek Fer formnnee Ilefnre l.arae The Kohson Theater Company opened lt engag. ment last ulfh " Tn,> Rtt * ,- ro ,s Nurse.” The bou.e was crowdct to (he door*, and the standing room sign was l„ evidence. • The Hed Cross Nurse" I* a four-act THE MOKNING NEWS: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1900. military Jr.irnn ffenhtic with ineldcnt* In the Ppantwh-Amerlt an war. and rrve* Vri > mli the ptirpu*** lor w hich it i* ill* tende*l. Among tha i* of Ihe * ocn p.iny are th* following: VV T Hobson. Nat Drew*. Frank MaiWlock*. L J H evin, P Kllkary. Bhep Own. C. li. lirard, Kotherlna It. Olrnn, Eatelle Wardette am) Norma Yrger. The apeclaltba introffureff by Mr. Kil kary. Mr. A.lam*, Mr Maddo* kw. Mr Owen iii *l Mi** W.ird* tte were pleading nnl entertaining ft'ature*. mu) the per formance altogether w.ia very good. At a matinee thl* afternoon “Knit Lynne.” that tear-eompelling dr.una will be pr*w nicd, and to-night Vial Heda play. “Roanoke ” will b#* the bill. HFroHIIHH'v MONim cot IIT. % Large One In \\ tileti Several In tereat I tig ( ■• \%**re Heard. Forty prisoner* were before Recorder llartridge yenterday. Wm. Wllson. the negro afre*t'i) Satur day night by Patrolman Broom, whom he ahu*rd and attempted to *hoot. wa* fined slj or lmprt>onm*nt for twenty day* on the first hargri*. and remanded to the City Court on the further charg* of car rying a conceal**) weapon. Peter Bubee. white, for a*a.mlting the red-hot man early Hund.ty morning at W* *t Broad and Liberty turret*, an ac count of whl.h wa* published In ye*ter day'a l.vue of the Morning New*. w.a lined which h- pa I*l. The oih*r men who were with him and who were arrest ed on the *amc charge, were taxed )ju or twenty and y* each. They went to the lock-up. G. Bevlll. Jr., arreafol for abuxlng and threatening hi* mother. Mr*. Bevlll. wa* turnel over to M iKi*trate Nauchttn’* (’ourt. in w hlyh a warrant charging him with a breach of good behavior bad been *worn out. He released on a bond of SSOO. HOTTEST DAY OF THE MO AT 11. Meienry llctfiatered 111 Dearer** Here While It In PreealUK In the W eat. The hlghc*i temperature of the month wan recorded yeaterday afternoon at 5 o’clock when th** mercury reached W de gree*. The minimum for the day was 71 and occurred at 6 a. m. The forecast for to-day and to-morrow l* for fair weather, cooler Tuesday in the extreme east part of the state. Fresh north wind* may la* expected. In a report received a the weather bu reau ye*terdny morning It |* nnld that since Raturdny morning a *ool wave, no company mg an area of high pressure, ba* moved In pnd now' rover* the Missouri valley, the upi* r and central Mississippi valley, th* I-ak** region and Ohio valley: It lw* caused a sharp decline of from H to 21 degree* In temperature, with freel ing weather in South Dakota, and lifN to heavy frosts over North Dakota and Min nesota. CITY IIIIKVITIOS. Only a few arrest* were made by th pod< e yest rd*v end none of those were of any particular interest. Bill Hugg. th* negro arrested Run day by Detective Stark and who I* wanted In Augusta for th** burglary of the Comin**r cial Club, was- taken back to that city yesterday by an officer of th** police de partment who came for that purpo#*e. Mr. J.-hn Hlilyard. who was former!* an officer and magistrate In C. D Kline’s (’ourt. will In future be with Magistrate Sam Reynolds, having made the* change yesterday. Mr lllllyard’* courtesy and ability ere well known and tb*re little doubt that he will make numtw-ra of new friend* in his present position. tlcnfh of Patrick ( oln. Patrick Gam die*! yesterday afternoon it his horn** at Hay anl West Boundary street*, after a long tllne**. lie was a native of Ireland, ami waa about TO yearn old. Hi* funeral will take place from his late liom- at 4 o’clock this after noon. Wftnf 1 lirlr Mi'rn.r HrilttP.4. The real .•.tagent* will appeal to the City Council 10-morrow for a rodue rion In their Hems* lax. A conference ho- hell] yesterday afternoon. with a view to prM.ntlnx the appeal to the aldermen. On. it. liltin' “Kn Ia 11 tia -Boom." From the Chicago Journal. Washington, Sept IS.--The girls In the r 111 ml Staton olflee think tho> have a protty hard time thoao hot il.ivs Ihe building where they work la only two stories In hlght. and a. tho top lo of glass Ihf aun boat* In and makes the temperature resemble that of an old-fash lomd kitchen on Ironing day. Most of the employes are engaged in operating the punching machines, and * they (>unch on an average of a thousand cards a day, the physical labor In considerable. Every day two or three of the girls faint or get hysterical, and have to be a.ken In hand by the trained nurse and physician who are in constant alien dunce. There Is a special room provided for pa tients. called the "fainting room." and here they may hive their troubles attend ed to. .There are cot*, und stimulants, and co'.l water and Ice. and a man with pth* and (lowder*. When the girl tins recovered from hys tcrl-w or hw come out of her faint she It bundled into a cab and aent home at the government's expense. I.ast >n title > Excursion to llrnne wick WUI leave Savannah, via the Plant Sys tem. Sunday. Sept. JO. train leaves Savan nah 5.a) .m : returning leaves lirunawlck 9 O', p m. Ticket* ll.iu for the round trip, —ad. Arrangement* have been effected by which 1,000 mile book*, the price of which 1* {£>.QU each, issued by the Seaboard Air i.lne Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail road; from Portsmouth to Raltlmore over the Raltlmore Steum Packet Company, between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and Laurens Railroad ThU arrangem-ng Includes the books Issued by the Florida Central and peninsular and Georgia and Alabama Railroads.— ad. ••It Pared Me.” "Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on me." *ay Mr. Ch. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker treel. "And put me In better health than 1 have enjoyed In a long time." Take Oraybeard PHI* for that dlny feeling —la*- 1 appetite, and follow R up with a bottle of Oraybeard. It I* all you need Re*pe Drug Cos., sol* prop*.. Savannah. Ua- ad. A IJelletows Smoke. The Herbert Spencer I* an elegant cigar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of this line tobacco; It 1* evhilaratlng and delicious. See that tile r.ame of Herbert Spencer I* on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which rone are genuine The Herbert Speneer cigars are only sold by Ihe Im* of U Concha* at S3 50. and Perfeelo*. M W at IJppman Uro*.. whole *ghle druec uard and Coogrosa atreet*. of this city -ad. "Oraybeord I* a family medicine with at" said a prcmlmnt butlnes* man yea. terday. "My wife take# It. and I notice etv I* etijoylng better health than f t veare. The children ketp well by taking U." Oraybeard may be obtained at all drug etoree or write to a* for It. Respeas Drug Cos., eole pr .p*., Bayat nab, Go.-ad. CLASSIFIED AUVtH fl SEMEN TS. raiuuxM. "REMODEL! NO A RAUB < bauct> to ur btrtlwlav. and x.-dillng pr.-srnt hi wry low itl; •aihl gold watch, lady’. tti\ wa* lift, now $7 3c; B W. Ravraond watch, wa. $45. now sl* 50, patent l.vvr allvrr watch. Btc; plain gold wadding ling*. sl6*l atal tip; •ilaimXHl ring, .a $75, now ssl; hand-om*’ clualer ring, lady . .lxo, waa sll, now $5 35; mall ordnw piocn[t4lv tilled. Figt-,t* TH *5-i Broughton, llalr. JrwHry ami Httav tng Supply llouatv “•STAFF OF LIFE Hit AIN HUB AIX r.i-omnirmlnl by ptiy.l* tans, crimp and Vienna loavon hot).-.! iwtic a day; my i.o-pniinl Vtriifui I. an oxo-llcnt loaf for aandwlchot. ■T)or!lt'.' , Varlrly Bakery, 13$ Eu.t Broughlon atrool. TANARUS“ SHOI'LI) BKB 11IU.F.1CS Fl'BNl tuie; newt-at ityliy for bolrtunt, dining, room. i>ailor. In oak. walnut uml mahog any; Miller * price, and term, are rea ftonable. 207 Broughton, weal TO! WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It * rich and pure; fry It. S!HO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they laid. C. P. Miller, Agent "r SIIOI Lit BEB MILLER'S NEW wtyie. In carpel., inalllng. window whadoe, art *quare*. rug*, hn curtuln*. etc.; Miller*a price* and term* ate reasonable 307 Broughton, west. 'FINE BICEFIEI.D r.AMH AT HA krr a.' every day. beat of all other an at. In markat IF ITS Rt't’.S YOU WANT. TOU CAN gat them cheaper from McOUlle. KIMBALLS ANTI l; IIE U MAT! C rtngs. ihuu.nnd, uaing Ihrm end all ben efited. Oardner’e Baaaar. agl “special, an Unlimited supply of nice willow rocker,; ladles' wire, at $2 J. W. Treple. SL4tfBUTS Nil E RATTAN RtB’KEIt?. ladles' slae; larga a.M-rtmenl of rockers, couches and easy chalrw. C. P. Miller, Agent. ~OCT. IST I WILL MOVE TO 411 \VI>T Broughton. Ring up S4*dt If you want lo have your furniture movrxl or packe<l for ehlpmenl or storage. I guarantee price* lh- same as I do the work that'* given 10 me A 8 Urlffin. 314 llroughlon atreet, west; nviltiesee* made lo order. li'GILLIS* LACK CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. V SHOULD SEE MILLER'S OFFICE desks, oltt.-e tublra. office chairs, offle# matting, office shades. C. P. Ml.ler, Agent “floral DESIGNS, PALMS AND CITT flowers, al Gardner'r Bazaar, agent for tdeischtg a Nursery. V WUX idol MOVE Arfi- 0 WTIX certainly need aonw-thlng In my line; i; will nave money by tradlnx with m*v C. P. Miller. Axent. M'OlLeLdli) BE iiUb BIXTT-nfCH RUG 9 -Pmyrna p.ittrna— for B eenta. OUARANTKICD FOUNTAIN PEN. |1 At Qardner’a Ibisaar. 18 TOUR IRON BAFK FIRF PROOF? Stlffel A' Frermmn have n mantllriß offer of fl for every xa(n of (heir n*tke that do** not preiM-rve It* content*. One w.i* In burning debrla 113 hour*. When twken out, tlio hoae hi to bo turned on 11 When o)M>ned. not m page wn* dla coloretl, not a record loat. not a dollar de stroyed If you want Mcufily, buy as Stiff* II Ar Freeman mte. C. P. Miller, Agent M OILM9 IS CHEAP ON Rt ’OB. NETS, loro curt Aina, hammock*, water coolers, pillow*, pictures, alovoa. Mroom suites, and furniture of svery d*a thslon ""see the jewel stoves and range* for sale by J. W Teepls; also agent (or In.-urance gasolin** stove. ’U SHOULD SEND YOUR ORDERS fot tuning and repairing piano* and i*r gana to W. P Manning, with C. P Mil ler, Agetit; prompt attention to out-of town orders. C. P. Miller. Agent. MOILLIS MOVES. TACKS. SHIPS and store* pianos and furniture; best work only; no ’Chsop-John” prices—no “Chswp- Jobn" Jobs. U SHOULD SEE MILLER’S STOVES and ranges; th#* be*t nmk* h at rcuAonable prices. C. P Miller. Agent. ••FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,” Is a specialty with MrGIIIAa. “u should bend me your on dorsfor upb>l*tering parlor an| dining r<>-*n furniture in I# si her. nllk and other fab ric*. In the best manner; curled hair. rno*s and cotton mattre**#* renovated, all work well d*me and atl*faction guar anteed. C. P Miller, Agent. PULLEY BELTS. 23C. BUCTCLEfOoC; sbiminum shirt set. 10c, at Gardner’s Ba zaar. WHEN TOU SEE M OILLIB’ BIXTT- Inch 99 cents rug*, you will buy them. Just can’t help It; will sell In any quan tity IF TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, ordst your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books from Mcrnlnr News Savannah. Q*. MkUICAL. LADIES? CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable Take no other, flend 4e stumps for particular*. "Relief for La'lles,” In letter by return mall. Ak your druggtai. Chtchenter Chemical Cos.. Phliada., Pa. 'HOW ARE TOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief. I cure Ingrowing nail*, corns and all diseases of th* feet without pain; churgee reasonable; can rive the best references In th# city; ps ttenta treoted at residences; orders ran be left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Comrre*# *4re#*ts: tslspnon# 2. Lera Davl*. surgeon ehlronodlrt |||;|,p A$TU>-41.E. in* thtPiuttAl^l?^rjßfV erry htilne*. yount innn with “mtf who uiwW.limxV* plain hook k. ptne: comr writ rwomnwrMtfd from taxi employer; strictly kooM habit*; none Other neerl apply Also a youn !•! Ilv tiiK with his p.irents; strawy cmiiloynieii* Ihr year roun<l. Addresa Mornlnfl News, care Grocer. W ANTliI>rT$7N HANDS TO ~ BPI.IT and .la k *oo>l near rlly. Meet k'nlle man at H Oarken a. 715 Wheaton street, at 3 w __ w A NTKH. AN EXPKIt IBNC E 7 > salesman for Ihe retail trade, to sell n po|Milar liraixl of < l*r. Aikjress "llusl ness." this offli-e. 1 _ WANTED - EXPERIENCED BAUBB - to sell a line of men's ahoes |o the retail trade on lommls.lon Olve r<-fer enoes nod ekpertence, ''M<n'a Shoes,” F. O Ho* 24X6. I to. ton. Mass “active hustlers evert where to take otdrs for ‘Story of the lit vrston Horror” Over f(H ra‘ E'ab ora'ely lllu tratet from aetual proto- H aphs Agents <• Inlry money. Illtist>id elrrular and otnflt free Art jmek Ad dress fllob. Illbje I'uldtshlhK Cos, 723 Uhsatnut street. ’ Ptillsdelpdia, Fa. MANAOER FOR BRANCH orFTCE ■t favsnrah by old established house; .alary SIOO month: also liberal nmmlaslons on saUs; $6lO e\sh and tefe:n-e* re<iulr ed Address 14. x ■>. I’hlltl Ip’ll I, I'a. WANTED "MU FIRST- -CUABR white barter; auod pay and permanent position. Aintly lo T. C. Davis. Ocala. Fla. lIi:L.F V\ ISTbP-I'CUALR. 'wanted! m iiii Lf>a4 JeiT^wom'a^n os rook and general servant. 100 Ninth street, east. “wanted! REV BRAD BAI.EB DADIBO for dry oo>!s; only those with experience need, aiiply. Rekateln's. WOMEN TO I*o WATER COUIR work st home; experience unnecessary. We teach you by mall and buy your work Tha Onffin Art Cos.. Scranton. Fa, AUBXTI W AKTKB, |2C* TO fk) DAILY EASILY MADE BY our Itvs agents men or women, selling our latest novelty, campaign aaterproof neck tie* Good* entirely new and |Mlent<*d Agents delighted. Hal** unlimited. What others do you can do. Tlm I* short. Writs to-day and secure eiclustve terri tory. Gusiant**d beat seller. Address, with stamp. M & M. Manufacturing Com pany. Dept. C. Bprlngffeld. Mas*. ■WPLOYMEYT WANTED. "wavi tPIT man. or a.<*qst4iit packer, in store or cel lar. reference and reemme mbit tons fur nl*he|. for stxne businer* m in's influence will |*tv a good ta-ii prU*-. and bettellt of trade; corn *pond nes t onffdeneiai \A dress. Watchman. A&orning Nr we WANTED. BY A MAN WITH Ex perience, |k sit lon *h hookk*** par, shipping clerk, buyer, manager or salesman. f*r • • HI Ml I ItOtMM furitlhlNfl Addr •h p D Q . care Morning New*. iioim:* tv aati;i. WANTED, A BIX TO EIGHT RO .M south of Waktbiirg. t>etvn Hab ersham and Montgvvna ry at reel k; front yard or lawn desired. Addr* •* Minister, can* News. H ro<\ HOUSE V\ \ N (with lawn or garden preferred!. In good location. Aiktreas Good Tenant, this office It on vi * WANTED. COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN would like rooms with or without board Must le noitli of Liberty Im-i*i t|i Aber corn and Barnard Reference If desired. Addrt m* Manager, car* New* office TWO YOUNG MEN WISH LARGE, nicely furnished front room. g<w| locu tion. Reply II M care Morning News. W ANTED—M IStRLLA RMOli IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfickl Dairy, it * rich, pure and wholesome. IF TO!? WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt. saml. manure, etc . free of charge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard mad write or teleph>rw> Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. ■ ■ 1 FOR RRNT-IIOONI. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; ALL conveniences. 30H Barnard street, near Liberty. DESIRABLE BASEMENT FOR OF flee or will rent furnished or unfurnished to party wanting to lak** table board* r*. 214 V\et Liberty. 3 CHARLTON STREET, WEST. (’OR* ner Bull. lw#> I- 141 f$ 11 front room*, fur nished or unfurniaiie*!. "■ ' ' —■■■■■■■ ■ FLATS FOII HEAT. with bafh, firm floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose John Lyon*. "FLAT FOR RENT. WILL HELL OR rent g* stove and one xult of furniture. 214 Liberty, west “for RENT. FLAT OF 4 ROOMS over drug store, corner |l<|fon nn*i Mont gocnery etr***s*. s!'• per tmedh; key In drug store. J T Shuptrine, corner Con gre** find Jefferson street*. “for rent, a flat or four de 4ightful room; pries reasonable 211 Wabl burg. east. "to RENT 12 JONES. EAST. FLAT and basement, to small family ‘"PARTLY FURNISHED PARLOR flat. Oglethorp** avenue, east; to parties without children Apply 125 Broughton. West. “FLAT FOUR ROOMS TO COUPLE from Oct. 1. unfurnished or partially fur nished; 120 Duffy. ea*t. Apply 30i Hull street. FOR RENT ~ THAT DESIRABLE flat of three connecting room* and pri vate Imth. 3 Charlton street, went. ron Hictt t-inu uA FOR RENT. NI7XT TO THE CORNER of t?oriKt'*'’s sittl Montaomury streets, three-atory brick house First class condi tion Apply tu J 11. Ilelmken. Whitaker anti Utterly streets. TIIAT DERIRABI.E llot’HE. NO. 215 Jon s street, east; renovate 1 throuKhout. Apply W A. Ftaman a drug store, Aber eorn atreet. "FOR RENT. DESIRABLE BRICK house*, number 402 and 40. Huntlnadon, east; newly papered and repwired. with all modern improvements. Apply to E C Way. Bell Telephone. 1576 ‘FOB RENT. RESIDENCE 336 801.. loti street, west; seven rooms; all con veniences; newly papered and painted. $22 per month; tense for one year. Apply to J T. Bhuptrtne, corner Congress and Jef ferson streets. “for RENT TO AN ACCEPT A BIJC party. ny residence, northeast corner First and Drsyton streets Apply C. W. llowatd. No 3R! Bay street, east. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 317 Wutdtiurß street, east, between Ahercorn and IJncoln, flrsl-dasa nrd. r and condition; every convenience, litshl rent to rlkht tenant Estate ttalomon Cohen. West Rrnad amt Rrotißhlon streets. FOR RENT. COMFORTARI.E HOUSE. No. 215 Wsldhur* strset, east, tadween Ahercorn and IJncoln; perfect condition, newly papered, hot and cold water; every convenience Relate Salomon Cohen. West llroad and llrotißhlun streets. Torr rent! ;o;t Ji:rrEH“'*N and 216 Aitelerson. nest; also parlor tint. In quire tl2 Jefferson. “SMALL HOUSE. 427 BARNARD street, facln* Chatham S|uare; poeee-e on Immediate. Apply J. C. Fostell, 12 Bay, eaat. ' DESIRABLE HOUSE S BARNARD street, factnc square; possession Oct. I. Apply J. C. Fostell. 12 Hay. east. roll IIBI4T—STOIUES. FOR RENT. SUITABLE Foil STORK or office, southeast corner Montgomery and Ferry street lane. FOB BENT. TWt* STORKS 13 AND 17 Bay street, west, thirty try ninety feet, mi’ll, with cellars and elevators; posses sion Oc4. 1. For terms, applv to George W. Owen*. 4 Itryan street, east. “one of THE BEST nUSINEHS stands for rent. Apply Flalshek ft Cos., Bryan, east. “FOR RENT. STORK. 115 IIROUOH tret street, rtist; ponsoslon Immediately sl-o eevetal and airable residences and Rata. Apply A. Wylly. 12 Bryan atreet, east. FOB 6*I.I7—HEAL ESTATE. OOOD STRAWBERRY FARM IN lllilsborouKh county. Flu.. sV*t. six-room house, seventeen acres land, near ■’tlp pln* point. Box 142. Tampa. Fla. FOB SALE. A FINE RACKROX TUr". pentlne form, on line railroad, new ?•- barrel still, plenty shocks and other hulid tnirs. iwtvate sldln*. -< ro|> yearly. 11 vlruln crops, plenty tlmlier. paid for. to cut 15 crops; full equlppesl. and at work will sell now or after awtherlna scrape and rJtp. Ad.treaa C. M. 0., Tlfton. Ga. ONE DOLLAR FEU WEEK WILL buy nk-e kds on Eleventh und Twelfth streets, near West Broad. Savannah Real Eatatn Exchange. A HOME WITHOUT CASH-TWO dollar per week will buy one. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. FOR SALI LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR Bast Brood, at s2u. each; will soon ba advanced to s22s; when a lot has bean paid for I can arrang* to gat a boms bulM. C. U Dorset!. FOII MALE— URAL ESTATE. n^r^SALErTToT^FCM^^ dred dollars, easy terms, on Ninth strsee, near ICaxt Brvud. no city taxation. C. ii. Dorset:. FUH S v )-i TII’oHE ON JSTIN PII street, near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, who Will make good neighbors, ami none other an buy. The term* ar# very easy, and they ar# cheaper than any other In the vicinity, l II PfitHli. FOR IAU INT! 1 STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at LHB each; Iwentv-fivs dollars cash, uiul easy monthly payments. C. II I*oratt. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING I/YTS for sals all over the city. Robert H. Totem, real estate dealer. No 7 York •treat, west. Pl.t Mill Mi. MODERN PLUMBING. IT Wild. UK to your Interest to let me give you sn ex ttm.ite on vour plumbing, new or old work. repair work a specialty. I .$m a practical plumber. N guc ' work to endanger your life. Wiggins, phone ?T7. Georgia or Ibdl. run Ulil-BlMßiiUlktUll. VVUVMItA/.LLI i Ill.itL 1H WITCII hazel and witetilusar) one Im ntado to euro the otlitr I* mad*; to sell, put a t'otils of ours by the Mds *.f on** of tha otter kind; we give you all the quality and .til the quantity that your moaey en titlem you to—a pint for a quariet INinse a Drug Hti r *, llenry und Ab crn. Whit aker and Taylor FOR HALE. GENTLE BUGGY HORSE; also covered delivery m igon. new. A*l dr* R . Morning News. FOR SALK BUGGY AND HARNESS, ■•oldie nn<l bridle; good as new, cheap. Id Congress, east. FOR BALE, TWO GENTLE IIORSKS .•.! one tine inulr. Apply 24 Broughton, c.wt. COW'S FOR HALE. IF YOU WANT A good milk cow. r* aiohobv. 1 can su|q*ly you Call 471 West Boundary. AHlf AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR sale feet of ash suitable for wheel wright*. carriage maksrs. car works and interior houae finish. Also cypres* lumber of all size* We tv.v* re*umesl cutting oir famous brand* of cypress ahlngles and will soon have a full line ,>f them lot salt. Vala lioval Mancfacturtng Company. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, purs milk, try It; >ou will h* p|ea*el. LUNI AA li FUt Ml. LOST KNIGHTS’ TEMPLAR CHARM set with small 4lunto4ule; name engraved und other engraving*, reward. Cha*. C. Ely. !♦• Ilr>aii. east \A >BT, GOLD RING. DIAMOND AND * ipphlre setting. Reward paid at 213 Per ry. w est. U >HT. SUNDAY A FTF3IIN4 K .V. SMALL pm. leaf shaiie; set with |wnrl* nnd diamond Kln.i.r r. w.rd"sl by leaving • 1 lon?> Montgomery street. EDIiATIOXIL SAVANNAH ACADEMY TIIK THllt iv-m . oiml annual *‘ilon of the s.ivatm iti Ai vietny commetn-eti ti-t. |, | i|Mr.i k>o for or iMj.Htncss. mteidal primary atMl grammar §< h*ol department Applv mi 334 Bull at reel f 4 >r catalogue* and *pe dal terms John Taliaferro, principal. Mlllld.UNKUliß. R^r7Hr^T*XTNTLD with German ready mix ad paint, entire sat tsfacl ion guaranteed.* Paint 1 omptthy, “wanted, ONE THOUSAND lll’N gry |eqt|e st th Hoiiihein Grocery Com pany, Hi Barnard street. “WE SELL HEWER PIPE. FLUE pipe. Are day, firs brick al lowest prlctw. Adams Paint Company, 104 Congress, west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS in every dollst of your hard-earned hard ash at ihe Southern Grocery Company, 111 llarnard *tr*et GYPSINE IH THK BKST WALL FlN tsh made Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agent*. Ih4 4’ongrea*. west RKDYTCR YOt.TR I.IVING EXPENSES by Inveniing your hard-earned hsr*l cash with the Southern Grocery ('om|ai)>, HI Barnard street. j Good Positions aA r< 4D ECURED I B/acfiVe Vtdr Atstlf Young Men , Women I | 1 ’ (oilrse II ' BUSINESS { ffMmmat&Ui' COLLEG ES .1 > WArfaabtJqtw’ lkual botickb. NOTK’K TO DKIITORS AND CRBDX TORB. CfSOIUIU, CHATHAM UAUNTY—MO tIee In bi.r#4y giv#*n lo all having •bmamt* agalnet Clara M Kilt*, late* of Ktild county, furd, io them to me, profwrly ine'k Hit, arithin th* time pre*crlb**i) by law. wri a* to *how th4r charicter ami .im*unt, ami all |K>raon* in debt**<l to *akl <lv*ea*el are required to make fmrn*llat* payroant to m* CHARLICB EL LIB. Kxacutor, I2X Bay Street. <taßt, Hav mnah. Ga Bavannah. 01., Augu*t U. 1900. Si fl I iEBTOItfI AND CHKDIT ORB. OnOfIGIA. CHATHAM COUMTY - Notice la hereby given to all paraofi* hav ing ilcm-ind* againet William J llurty. late of *alcl county. ff**cea*e!. to |reaent th‘m to u*. properly mnh* out, within th. Mint |r<M*rllHtft by law. mo n o tthow their **haracter an<l amount, anil all per *ona indebted to waUI <!*<'<•*<<} are requlret) to mike immediate payment to ih .Mary Ellen llarty, arwl Marie Harty, Exectitrleaa of Will of W'illlam J. Harty, I>rd|sf<| Bavannnh, Ga.. Wept, t, 11W. GEIL & QUINT FOR GOOD QUALITY SHOES. 205 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. AICTIO* HALM Ft TfTir DAT!. VOI >IIM A* UENdOMi. isetleaeers. Under and hy virtue of an order of lbs Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, I will sell st public out . ry, betw>*n the legal hour* mt ■*.■ u tt * FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER. 1900. being the second 4lay thereof, before th#* Court House loor of Chatham <*>untv, to the highest hm! le*t Udder for cash, purchaser paying for titles and o venue stamps, an undivided half interest in twenty-five acres of land on the Oge* rheo road, at it Junction with the Chnrb jP*n ami H.tvapnah Railway, aisl known as the Mlilen place on said Ogerrhee road, with Improvements there on Sold for tnuintalnance ami upt*>ri of minor heirs EMMA RKIBEN. Guardian. The owm-rs of the other undlvliletl half Interest In property itswe deacrllied will a* II for tlic *im* pric that the guardian obtain* for th* other half YOU MANS A DEMMOND. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. 4 11. l % III.I* IXHIMMIAT PROPERTY C. 11. DORHKTT, Aaetinnerr. Under anil by virtue of an order grant t I b) the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, I will sell at Court House In Ha\annuli, during the us ft il hours of sab*, on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1?M0. for the purpose of th- payment of dels* and for distribution, the following property of the estata of Barbara A. Koch, deceased Those three certain lot* of land In the city of Buy i nah. known a* lots Nos. 4. 5 ami 1.1, Jones ward, with Improvement* thereon, known an Nos. 230. JQ, 2*4 und 23* Reynolds street, mid No*. 223. 2£*. Arnold street. Term* cash, purchaser paying for Mle*. JOB II KOCH. Administrator Ktffate Barbara A KM*h. GUARDIAN SALE. IM IIOIIKHT 11. TVIIAI, Aaetlanser. UNDER ami by virtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of county. Georgia. I will sell at public out -4 ry leforr the Court House of Chatham 4 aunty, Georgia, on Yuoulay. (t'*t. t. st II n‘< 104 k. thfffi three lots of land known a* lot* Nos. 1, 2 and A. in Hull's stth-di \ Uton of southern portion of lot No 2, In thick tything. lYrcivol ward, being on Montgomery street, extended, and about yards south of Tw# !fth Mnvl Tern*# tush. THOM AH WALHH Guarill m for Joseph O. Walsh. LEU AS. N.tLR*. CITT MAltftllAl/B RALE. City Mitrsluir* tittlce, Havnnnah. •!., Hept. 4 l pm I’ntlcr and by virtue of ex ecutlons for real estate for the year IttU, p's etl In my liinda liy C 8 Hardee, eliy treaeuter, I will sell, as required by the City ordinance, betor the Court Hotter, In the city of Kiivsnnah. county -if titanium, atnto of (.Borgia, between the lawful hours of rale, on the first Tuesday In October, Ism. the following property (lot and Im provenirnte thereon), to wit: Each piece of property (lot end Improvement* there, on* pvt-d on as the i r->(erty of the portion or p< raons who-.' netne or names litiite* dlately precede Ihe de,script Ion; all of tho said property tint and Improvements thereon) situate, lying and bring In the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, state of Georgia: It. Win Brown. trustee, south half of lot No H. Johnston ward 11. C W. Howard, lor No. 18. Itepperd ward I’atle Hopkins, east half of lot No It, subdivision hit No 31. Robertsvtlle ward. R. John Hmlth. lot No. t. suh-dlvlston lota No 7. S3, *3. Hi. , Choc tew ward. W • Estate Michael Walsh lot No. 14, Choc* taw ward Term* issh; purchaser paying for li.e and stamp* JOHN POWER. Ctty Marshal. CITY MARSHAL'S HALE Clly Marshal's Oftlee, Havannsh. Ge. Heptember 4. 19Mo liider ami by virtue of eiecultons for paving, laying, repairing or curbing sidewalks. placed In my h anda by C. K. Hardee, clly treasurer. I will sell, as required by the clly ordinance, before the Court Iboise. In the City of Hevannah, county of Chatham state of Georgia, be tween the lawful hours of sale. on tho First Tuesday hi *ciot>er, 1900, the follow ing property (lot and Improvemrnts there on*. to wit Each piece of property l.ot and Improvements thereon) levied on as the |in>|H'rl)i of ( the |wr*on or person* whose name or no mew imm. <l4- ately precede the description; all of the said properly (lot and Improvements thereon) situate, lying and being In Ihe City of Savannah. county of Chatham, state of Georgia. H C, Wallace Howard. Lot No U, Rrppant Ward Terms, cash. |*urch*ser paying tar till* and stamps. t JOHN POWER, Ctly Marshal. I.KGAI. JOTII'H. NOTICE TO DEBTORR AND CtRBD ITOIIB GEORGIA. CHATHAM COP NTT Notice la hereby given to sll persona ha*. Ing demands against Rosa Green, late of said eounly. deceased, to present them to me. properly made out, within the limn prescribed by law. so a* lo show their character and amount; and all persons In debted to said deceased are required lo make Immediate payment to me. Havsnnah. **.. July se. ie> PATRICK O'CONNOR. Exe-utor. NOTICE Tf) DKHTOHH AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice I* hereby glveti lo all persons hav * : I 1.1 <|l.| , them to me. property made out. within tha time prescribed by law. no as to show their character and amount; und all per sons Indebted to sab! deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to me. Savannah. Ua.. Aug. 13, ltd). SOLOMON CONYERS. Executor. Care Denmark. Adams A Freeman. DONNELLY DRUG C 0„ SAVANNAH. UA. DRUGS. REEDS. ETC. Mall orders solicited. 14*11 phone €79 P. S—Sand for free samplo K. n ft. Dyspepsia Curt. 3