The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 19, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 STATUS OF GEORGIA’S CROPS. liBSBHAL N4IN* II4VK !K\K 4.000 l\ MOftT *BCTItMIJ*. Ilfllnt. llowrir. \V*rr Tno l.l** !• ll**n‘fll 4*lt#n r l ori—4 tlou Brtrii ItNmnsni < ©isll*rMr • Rumf •trHlon*—Thr 1* llrinjc Hii|* it I > rirknl Miitl MnrLrird. %tuii > l urniii* * n i nil 'lurh I*l o** Inm Ulll III' ur. Atltnia J*epi. IS ' *vn*p*s of ih* crop frport of th* rnitfd * Digvirtmini of Afrtculuirt, J l .Marbury. •*‘vtlon dim tor. f*U£ b*-df>. follow*: Th** iirotro trd drougbl *** broken on th* ISth Mxt 141 h by Ritifral and. In most • aai**. h**vy r.iin which greatly reviv ed Hoddii'l up the *>il h,> that fall plowing and aoedlng tan be *t*rtf*l, but which cirm io lute to lw of bandit to (ton oi irn, both of which art too fi? ndvgikcetl to t*o ImprovtA *! >n t whdi 1* mostly opts in th* mid . • hkl southern roufitk**, haa b**en dam *•J eoiwlikrahly In nom# section*. Moat of tha wi t*k |>i king tr>4;r unlnter • u|*uUly and .atg*< quantltka of Ih© t4t>l*- were picket Ni.d marki-t#l. Thera ara unit< romi'lalnia of boil worm#. In ihe ml blit* and southern divisions about all the cotton I* picked. A guul ffnany turnips have l*- u man during the wk. s**cii a*n mowii varilec have not come up well, th* land twAng too dry for r.aisl<Vr ahlf plowing wll during the com ing wok Kul i garden* nr* In ing pinn ed an ! some rye ha* been sown iVaa. potatoee nnd <>th*r minor < rop* are I*- ginning to ehow the t n**rlcul effet ta of the recent rain* While the outlook for lair crops I* mu b brighter than last week, that for cotton fa really not so encouraging, aa this crop reed.** dry wrath* r so it may be saved In good condition. C’Ot VI H\*S < HOP ( U4DITIOK9. Cotton l llailly l>n In Ollier fctntea llealilee Tnaa. Washington, ftrpt If The following la the weekly summit* of crop * ondiiiona Issued to-day by the West her fturesu: The droughty condition* in the Atlantic cosst districts have been relieved by rains which, however, mm too late to he of material benefit io many crop* Drought ronflmit-s in the Ohio and Central Missis sippi valleys and |x>rtton* of the low r lake region Heavy tainw have caused damage to cot ton in ftnuth 'aro.iti*i, tirorgia. Fb.r.*la ami Alabama. No improvement In the con dftion of cotton 1* rei*on*al from the en trsl portion of the cotton belt, cxref* In Southern Louisiana. where, a o whole, the prospe* t* ar* *om**what better, will!*- in Texas the tr*fi al storm Of the 4th an*l hh completely destroyed the crop |n *h<- •outhrrn pori*on of it* jath, and damage*) It In the central nnd northern portion* Cbitsid- of rhe storm -**• ilon •'oiton madr j IIV ora Lie eatress in Tex#*. although In tact* cause.) damap in som- localltb*'. The report* generally. Indirate that cot ton |s opening ratddly. nnd that picking Is wadi advanced, and will be completed at a much earlier date than usual. Tobacco (titiing. where unfinished hie progrease*! favorably, nearly the* whole .f the crop l*eitig se uredk Pennsylvania. Maryland. Virginia .rnd Kentucky being the only states in which cutting has no? been finished. i MM.I U U4)Kft To g%l*yi&*tov HIhIi | Will %|| MHhntfltli of Thl U||. Atlanta. f?**|>t li. lUshoft Warren A Can<lJ*r l*fi to-fui?ht fur (ialvoton, wh*r. ti* fro*# In rwpofiM* 10 the* for help from the MeihcnllM miniMcr* of that *©r rowlngr c ity. All the tmeiM* r* iirul pre ying Elder O T llurchlneon of (lalvee. ton. have written to BUhop Cm roller tell ln#r of their lo#* and Imploring him to a hi The Methodist* In G;ilv*?ton are Buffer greatly. There were more than lo* Uvea lon umcnr the mem)e r ahlp of the church*#, and he**lde the . ln* .ss ; , n d euf ferlng from the lot# of dear on*#, the prop erty lorn* waa enormous. 8?. John** Church, the htrjreM in the city. I* a total wreck Bt. Jim*s la in a little better iotu dltlon ami the W.#t Ki<s Church I ton •hlerahly damaßed The mlnltfter* of the town with churches destroyed and member* d-nd or mourn ing have turn*tl for aid ao their b!*hop They r* in sore need of help and Id*hop Csndler wilt not fall them in th. ir hour of need. Jut wh.t will be done llHhop Csndler couM not nay. He says b*- will hsve to get on the ground and look over the field before he can *ay what will be Advisable. The object of hi* visit. will, of course, bo the reatomlion of the ehurche* and ahe aiding of the suffering Inhabitant*. 80 far it ha* be* n lmfo*!<lble to estimate the amount of the property loss In dollars and cent*, but It will he foun<l to be enormous whenever the cal culation* are made. Bishop Candler will help the minister* In giMherlng their mattered congrega tions. rebuilding thetr churehe* and <vtn foning he hearts of the afflicted. It may be necessary for him to ask outside aid toward the restoration of the destroyed property. w | GDTTIMJ RfiAlil roll TIIOI BLB. Two Ptetehers. Mitiililln and V'h*l|* field for Slaonttng ( asow. Fitfgerild, G*. Bcpt. If Kltsgerald has been ail excitement to-day over the arte.t of Jam** Mauldin. Grc.tHOn Fletcher. Al bert Fletcher and John Phelps who are accused of assaul with Intent to murder J. K. Cison. the mirshal of Mystic, who was shot on Sunday evening. They waived their examinations and h< foie Jud ;< Faulk, were placed urol- r bonds ca h A number of revolver* and Winchester rifles were bought to-day by unknown por tlet. and It I* thought they were relative* of the men who w re *hot. Trouble is sure to happen in (• w days, ar.d from reports both side* aie reul> for trouble. TOOK TOO Ml CM LAI II %M >l. Prominent Physician of Ocala Is Head ss a llrult. Ocala, Fla., Bept. IS—Dr. P. Potts EagUton. a piomiiunt eye and eir spec ialist. died this afternoon from the effect* of an overdose of laudanum ink* n hist right while suffering from a seveie ner vous spell. He came here from Phlliiel phia. and had built up a \ery large prac tice He wn* the Plant By stem physi cian for this division* %rm t ut fill by n tain. Talbotton. Os.. Kept 1# -Mr Owen Fry*r- **' Of M. iflobt. C. Fryer, n prom litcrn planter of tht* county, had hi* arm cut ofT above hi* elbow US-day, while op erating his father's ginnery at Valley Grov# 1*• J H I*• a .it \\ H* Bryan amputates! the arm Hood's Pitt* Do not gripe nor irritate th* alimen tary canal Tb*y a< t gently yet promptly, cleanse effectually and Give Comfort Seid by all druggists. 25 cent*. “THE ACADEMIE OE MEDECINE OF FRANCE HAG PLACED Afiollinaris JL (“THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.") At the Head of All the Waters Examined for Purity and Freedom from Disease Germs.” i:iioky ( UtlhtlK OPKHk TO-OiV. Address lo New Ntinli*nl*—The %tfen danre V\ ill Hr l.arue. Rmorv College, Oxford. Os . B**pt. lk The sixty-third ** Mon of Kmorv College will Isgin to-morrow morning with quilt* an elaborate opening servl After the regular prayer service ha* been hekl in the chapel an address of welcome to new students will <* tlellwr*.) by Mr Alfred K Drown of N* wnan Mr lirown Is an orator of no mean reputation and abil Ity, having on m.ny o*-i-a*lonw dlsttngut*b /l himself tn forroMir . unteat*. nd he h.ii, won rtianv orat*rical honor* alma he entrance to college. To this which j romi-e* to lie a sphndtd effort, a resfionse on lwhlf tf the new student* will h** m.wle by Mr (Albert Hale of ftom* 1 . an applicant for tha sopfiomoi .lass. Mr. Hales reputation, l*>th a* a student and an orator, haa pri ced#*! him to limory. These adder* *•* will bo followed by a song to t* render***! by Mr. Henry A Johnson. Jr . of Atlanta, who possess. * one of the finest voice* ever heard In the stouth. aftei which the servhw will be concluded by ilk* from President Dow nturn and other m*tnh**ra of the faculty The attendant* 1e expected to be th** largest Jn the bhitor.v of th college, at>d will doubtless be between .125 an*) 3.V The curriculum of Krnory has lHen gteatly lmprovel. espeiially In th* d**- (Mi inent of English, through the effoita or Prof W L. \V i*er Prof. Edgar Johnson, who last year was elects*! to the chair of History nnd Political Economy, but was granted six •..♦'ratin' |*>av* .f nh-n e. hi** re*urn*l from the ITrlverslty of Phicago. wnere he ba be* n taking poet graduare work an.l will this term enter upon a full *l|s- hurg* of tn* duties The two newly elecied member* of the fa- ulty. Profs Murray and William*, will, with I*rof F rivd** Hrown. have charge of the •lefwrtnv'nt. which they purpose to great ly Improve in mnty ways. MII.IT ARY WILL til TO NtCOK. f ••ni|ianlr tsrnnird IVrmlMion to l.eave Home Stations. Atlanta, Kept. IS.—Acting Adjutant Gen eral Byrd ha* granted permission to com panies A. I). E. H. I. K. L. and M of the Second Infantry to leave their home sta tion* on Sept. 27 to take fsirt in the mili tary day exercises whh-h will occur on that date during the street fair at Macon. Th** companies which will go are the Dublin Guard*. Capt. T. W. Hardwick; Pulaski Volunteers of Haw klnsvllle, Capt Warren Grice; Htirncsvlllc Blurs. Capt. H. L. Hwatts; I’pson Guards of Thomas. Capt. It. Atwater; Perry Itlfl***. Capt H L. Carter; Quitman Guards of Forsyth. Capt I* l\ Carter; Griffin Rifles, Capt J W Smith. Kastman Volunteers, Capt. C. The remaining companies are In Mu< oi and are commanded by Col. C M Wiley. MADNUKH LI K bid TO HKMMGW. flat \o Positive tMatemcnt tan lie Obtained In Charleston. Charleston, 8. C.. Hept. I*.—The rumor current In Bavannah to the effect that Huperlntendent C. 8. Gadsden would re tire from the place he holds with the Plant System, could not be verified here to-day owing to the absoence of klaj. Gadsden from the city. One of the lo cal officials, when spoken to on the sub ject, said that he would not be surprised it a change of the kind MaJ. Gadsden has been promoted by the Atlantic Coast Line repeatedly and the Impression cem* to prevail that his du ties of an official of that vsteni will oc cupy more and more of his time In the future In his abscence, however, no au thoritative stab ment on the subject can In* obtained here. WTO PH THE COI'ON tun WORKS OFF THE COLD. I*nxatlve Promo Quinine Tablets cure a < old in one day. No cure, nu pay. Plica 25 tvntsad TIIIAK* HE'LL tIIKY GEORGIA. Wharton Barker ll*llevea He Will Get I..MN,HH> Voles. Atlanta. Sept. IR.—Hon. Wharton Barker, nominee for President on the Mtddle-of the Road Populist ticket, is In Georgia He believes h will get KSQO.OQG votes in November and that his vote will com** from the 2ono,o<w of Populists who sup ported Bryan In the laG election. ll*' think* Bryan would get but a quarter of a million of Populist vote* He thinks under present condition* President Mc- Kinley's chances are better than tho*e of Mr Bryan. Mr Parker says he Is hopeful of carry ing both Georgia and Texas. ll** expects to get 15.000 votes In Nebraska, and make • good showing in Illinois. Indiana. Mich igan. Minnesota, West Virginia, Ken tucky. Kansas and South Dakota. LYONS TOWN ELECTION. Honda Will lie Untied for lluHdinu a Vi hunt Mnir. 1,,\ ns. Ga.. Sept. is.—The election w*hl h took piece her* to-day on the <tuetion of howling the towrn for the amount of $3,000, the mom > to be used In a school building, was almost unanimous in favor of the homtw. there being only six dis senting votes. Th** Be-alioniil Air line R lilroad broke ground to-da> to build large passenger <le|Hit, ii long felt need of this place. The Re*t Pr-aeri prion for Malaria, Chills onJ Fever, is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price k* —ad fill IDKOHII I Ot M V I'ltm IKY. Ileault* of Election for i*lit tl vc € mid id a tea. Starke. F! i . 08p R Bl||| M inet to-dai i * m ( Imbio of Starke and J. W Pin holster of Brooker were nominated for the lower house A conservative estimate, four precincts to hear from, showr* J It Crews of Lake Ilutlei has defeated N J. Jones of Stark*- fo ih Senate ny twenty-five majority. % ii Un*tn m < olluii Hrrii|il, Auruiun. Sept. IV —Augusta* tot ton re ceipt* to-day broke all pn-vk>ua facorda u mounting to bales. i THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1900. TIUIN W4l It AIM.V RX4MIKI). It***l An iilrnt fin the AA siahlng •* Itrwnrh Hallrond. Washington. Oa . Bept. m —The worst wri k that ever happened on tba Wash ington branch road took place yesterday morning at o’clock as the train was returning from Harnett. Just on the oth er sele of Picklen’s the front axle under a freight car loaded with lumber broke in two. car was next to the engine UpgUner Gullut haw the aretden' and rushed bis engine forward, getting It out of the way of danger. The broken lum ber car slid on the rails for norm* dis tance till It struck a culvert. Here It *tof7ed .in*! the four freight oarw behind It began piling up and rolling off th* tra. k The itassengcr cars also rolled of! the track, but were not go badly bi*>ken up a* the freight cant. There were fifteen or twenty |M**sen gert* aboard, ope of whom Mrs. Amanda Haker. was returning to her home tn the country. Fortunately no one was hurt, though both pienger cars turned over. The train was running vry rapid ly and the only reason no one w<ii hurt waw that the sliding of the lumber <ar brought the train to a standstill gradu ally. The passengers and crew were brought to Washington on the engine. At present only the engine is running un til the track can be cleared. HI NNIAb ON MIIOHT TIME. Carolina Mills Held Hark ty Utah ••rlee of lotion, Columbia, B. C., Hept Ik—A number of mills In the upper part of the state have declared that they cannot run on full time with cotton at Its present price. Thes#' mills all manufacture for foreign consumption almost exclusively, and thetr foreign trade has been cripple*) by the Chincar trouble. However, the ma jority of the mills in the state mnnufac turc for home consumption and they are running on full time. Although the crop In this state In only a little more than half, the prb*e Is pro portionately advanced, and farmer* are trying to hold for sill! better prices. Made a iirmni of band. Atlanta Sept !*—Secretary of State Took to-day made a grant of land con sisting of two and three-.jigirter acres to H F. Lester of Bullock county, under the authority of the old ffeadright law. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought j;";.:::, •PKCIAL NOTICES. 320 %Vrt Broughton afreet, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY# Agent for following manufacturers, make your selection from them: Mayer. Columbus. Buckeyo, Fraaler. Cortland, Waterloo, Wa tart own. West cott. Rock Hill. Old Hickory. Milburn ami Florence Farm Wagons. Full and somplete line of Harness, Sad dle*. Lap Robe*, etc. Kelley Spring (bid Rubber Tire* put on at short notice. hi IIOOL HOOKS. % full line of School Hooka and Srbnul at EITILL'I nl IIKPOT, No. ) null Mr*,l. y.rnnnah. li.. DAVIS n.IRK. irHCLiTCKEt, 141 Jrffer.rtn mrd. Kollo. InK KO.MIII for rtirtalti# iin<> u|>- holMlrrlnK. with frlnur and Ktilmp lo match: Bilk Birtp. Valour. Blrilt#iin*. Bilk Oochctln Topemry. Cotton Tapes*ry. Moire Diinwtk Oriental Heralillc T peatry, Verone.e Velour.Bonvlne Tpe*lry. Bilk Armene. amt Ulnen Tape,iry. Lei me tMlmate on your work. RED HEART. The beer of all beer* la -KUi> HEART.— All (ood people urlnk It. WJI URICKJEN. Manager JI'NQ BREWINU CO. rhon* (IS. IF IT’* Ales:, ME HAVE IT. Veal laef Hum I .oaf anti Chicken Loaf In half ami |Kiun.l tin,. Olive*. elufTc.l with pepper*. Peanut Duller. W.ildor? Rell*h and Chill Bauce. | Phoeie (. HARDEE A MARSHALL. FIVE MEATH Ah I M IL. Prime Beef. Mutton and Veal. l.omb, Mntchles* Corned Beef, at my alalia In the City Matket. Rnh phone* SJ7 JOHN FI’NK HUH racicßiraon . Will be fllled at Park Avenue Pharmacy while yo wait. We fill theen at any hour day or nisht. The only live drug atota In eouthern aectlon of Bavomtah LARK AVKM V. I’ll \ RMACT. J L. Branan, Proprietor . Corner Park avenue and Uarnard St. 80- Photic UM. SMAI.L STORES FOR REST. Two toree on President eireet and two on State rtreet. In rear of Whit held build- Ins, end near new pan office. Rent low I .oration excellent for ftore or office. Ap i*i v w M A w i: COMBI son* m. Neither the owner,, maeter nor con- ! alcnce of the Brttlnh *team*hlp Oeorpe Kkmln* will be reaponaibi# tor any debt, j cootracted by the crew ft'. FARSLOW, Master, j IprnAL AOTICt*. i.kvaj*’* T*m.n iniivrtc dh*ebh. BTK—DJNNBH-SOt Dinner Ito S nn-1 to . Weane,4y. Btpt. Cliril Win*. BOLT. BWlXtll. FISH Fill*** or !la*a ala NormiindK Tomato*,. Qufrn Olivet. Chow (. how, M'ikl Fickle,. KNTKF.KH Breant of Unib ala !V in t-ilw. Urren Apfilr Fritter. Fruit Snucs. ROASTED Prim* Rth, of Beef. Dl,h Oravy. Fartwcued Pork. VEfIETABLEB Potatcei, Frt*<l Kbit Plant. Rico St,e<l Tomato*'. Ob’ age. FABTRtr AND DEHKIIT Prar Pie, A,aort*tt C.ikea., Ch*.,e. Cracker*. Pineapple Fruit, Cream. Drip Coffee. LEVAN'S CAFE AND RESTAFRANT 111 Conre,a alreel. west. Till* IB \OT ( HIUAK. Meaara. Bloat llroa. Cos., Bavaonob, . Grnllrmrn-rira.r ship one dole* boltlea of Bloai'a Vefrlablr llltlera, II.IM alae. We have hern aala* It for In dlßeallon and Anil It O. K. Have derided to pat It in aiock. Ship al oner. Year, Respertfallr. J. E. IMkKt A CO. Bammer enmplalßt of rhll* dren qnlrklr eared by Bloai’a Vegetable Dillera. AFTER IBTENBB St’FFERINO for over a year from malaria. Bright’* disease and enlarxemcnt of the liver. I came to Buwanee Bprlnee after helng con fined In lied for five week,, on the advice of my doctor. B. W Mlmmt of Bylvanfo. Q:i , who told me that the water* of Bu wanee Bprlnic were the only cure for me. My disease had advanced *o rapidly then when I arrived here, medicine* would do me no Rood After stuylnir here three week*, and following Implicit Instruc tion*. I m entirely cured I cannot *y enough for these water,, and will always prl,e them In ihe highest, nnd W’ould certainly recommend anybody afflicted a, I have been to go to Kuwanec Spring* at one*. BRUNO PFEIFFER. Pfeiffer, Go. ALL YOU CAN DRINK FOR 6c AT LI VI NORTON B K Mtill I > PHIRHLCY, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Beef. Win* nnd Iron 75c Roach Balt (guaranteed) 10c K. H. C 61 00 Talcum Powder, borated 6c Palmer * Toilet Water* sc Empty Capsule*, ion for 6c T. P. I>yapcplti Tablet* Free Imported C**lle Soap Insect Powder. P. D. A Cos <oc Tru**e, .50.' to 6-'. 00 ByrlnKee. Kount.iln 7.V to $3 '0 Thermometer (Kever) .Vk- to 62 0 We lead In everything In our line. KNIGHT’S THARMACY. Ga. Phone Bell Phone 6K. UOllitlTOlCt will not trouble yon if yon nee IHOOMUKBET. It la n pleasant perfnane. HEMIP.RH* Is n toilet powder that Instantly dls pels the dlsapeerahle odor, nrlalng Iron peraplratlon. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM gives quick relief for son barns nnd skin troubles. •OLtIMOAS CO. MATTRESSES, MATTRESSES. Have your mattresses and leal hat a ren ovated by our mcdliuled •team process before a change in weather take, place. (The only plant In Baiannah.l It over comes all Impurities and renews life and volume In all l<eddtng material. Prices on renovation of feathers a, follows: lied* 61.60. bolster* 61. pillow, 6tk- Cotton, new* and hair mattresses made to order. Kin* work, low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell phone 1136. El Drayton street WE III’ V AND SELL REAL ESTATE, Negotiate loans on same at 5 per cent, and collect rents. Represent The TravcL ere Insurance Cos., Occident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriter* Fire Ine. agency. Represent the Greenwich Kir* Ins. Cos. Represent the Phoenix Mutual Life In*. Cos. All busi ness entrusted to u, will he appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful at tention. No. V Bay *tr*et. east. Tele phone M* W C. TRIPP A CO. noon liquor. Get Wilson Whisky at ROBT. REM LKH'S. LlLet'y and Drayton. Head quarters for ih* best brands. Country trade aoliclted. No charge (or tugs. Phone 816 THE WAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. Th* only way to get your carpets prop er y taken up, cleaned an I taken care uf for the summer I, io turn th* Job over to the District M'Sa- hg r and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery atieet, and they will mak you an esti mate on the mat of th# work. Prloe# reaannat'l# They also pack, move and atom furniture and ptanoa C. H. WEDLOCK. Bupt. and Mgr, HKLMKKVI CAFE. Liberty nnd Whitaker. The only up tc da'o cafe aultable for select parties In th* city. uni block from Da Soto. Phone 4. J. 11. HELMKEN, Prop. FAT CHICKENS. Juat received, freak Egg* and Fat t’lilrkeu* Send in your orders. Heat of meal,. Frlula nnd Yrgrlnblea. rhonea (ITS. VI. S. GARDAF.R. KAMA AMI HK-I'HMMU MICK. We manufacture nrd aell all kinds of famy and re*pres#d paving and bui.iilß t brt h* Our r< mmon brick nr the leal for bu I Ing pu po e . b Ing larger than other kiln, m.ik . and cheap er. Bee sample, and pi Ices SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Coogreag and Drayton streets, Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world. INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP CIGARROS. You will find them on sale everywhere. PHONE 383 And Let Oat Wagons Call lor Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; (our bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. BELSINGER & CO ULLOm ULII Cos UUif fllllinf.of claket wines. SPECIAL VOTICEA. PACLDIAt, OF LOitt* ISLAM) ( ELL UHATEII PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pure cider la served on •Lamere on the American line, and at the Wildorl-A*- toita and leading family grocers In New Yotk city I'auldlig a I‘lppin cider la made from the put# Juice ot hand p ked apples from hi, own mill on the premises It la abso lutely pure apple )utce, and all the effer vrocnee i* natural, and we guarantee M to be th* ch' lcest cider In the world. Leading physicians Ip New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their pnilmta lta perfect purity I* guaranteed. In Paulding , Pippin cider, only Long Is land Newton'# Pippin, are used Th# ap ple* are left on the tree, until late In Oc tober when they are hand picked and placed In a dry room to ripen. Paulding **>’ "the apples are th rough ly crushed In his own mill and the Juice pnaacd out and run Into sweet clean cask* ’’ The difference between crushing and grinding apple* Is very great You will snow the difference between er .shed app ea and ground apples If you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter taste which I, not with Paulding's crush and apples. This elder has not the extreme sweetness of the Russel elder, and rveryon* will find the Pauld <ng • Pippin elder Just r ight to take with dinner. HI THAN BROS., Bole Agents In Havannak. SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work In competition with Northern and Western menu far lurera. * Repair work on Engines and BoUera. NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Klrc Department, Savannah Ga., Rcpt. 1. 1(00. Proposals for furnishing the Fire De partment with winter uniforms will be re ceived ill Ihe office of the undersigned ut.til 12 o'clock m of Saturday. Bcpt. 22. ITK) Specification* will be furnished mn application nt the office of the Kir* De partment. corner of Indian nnd West Broad afreets, any day between the hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p m All proposals must be sealed and ad dressed to the Committee on Fire Uniform* to be delivered f o. b. In Sa vannah on or before Oct. 16. 1990. The commit tee rest rv- the right to reject any and all proposal* or lo nwsr.l the contract In part or ns a whole. JOJIN E, MAGUIRE. Bupt. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Bept 7. 190 ft A vacancy having occurred In the office of messenger of Council, caused by the death of ihe late Messenger John Harri son. and In accordance with a resolution adopted In Council Bept. 3th. 1(00, notice I* hereby given that an election will be had at the next regular meeting of Coun cil. to be held on the 19th Inst at 8 p. in. to fill the unexptred term, all applications to be Hied with the Clerk of Council at or before 1? m. of the 19th Inst. Bond of (600(10 required; nam>, of hondamcn must accompany the application WM I* BAILEY. Clerk of Council. NOTICE. City of Bavannah, Office Clerk of Councll. Rsvannih. Ga., Bept t. 1900. Bid* will be received nt this office until 12 o'clock m Friday, Bept. 21, 1900. for furnishing the Police P.partment with winter uniforms, acordlng to specifica tions to be seen at the police barru-k* The right I* reserved lo reject any or ail bids. WM r BAILEY. Clerk of Council. LARGE tYAIIKHOIME AM) lA - FIFE ** I to rent, located head of Broughton street, on \V.*t Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carr age and Wagon Cos Aa they will up business In the city on June 1. 1 uf. fer It for rent from that date 11. T. SMART gSO.OUts. One of our cuonts has placed In our Lands Ob.iWU to loan ok good Bavannah real MUM at reeaonwtd* rates ot Inlerssi BECKETT A BECKETT. (A President street, vui IIOMff I.AK< (TED By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore We are author ised to ex*cut- locally (Imm (Lately upon application) a.l bo no* til Judi lal prr*. c -dtig* In either tie atute or Unl’-d Bate, (ourts, and of administrator* an i guar dl na DEARINO * HULL. Agent# Telephone 32u Frovldant Building. AMLSEMEBTS. gAVAHNArTT^ATa^? ROBSON THEATER CO. Matinee To-day 3 p n . ''THE INVENTOR " Price,—Adults Jltc, children 10c. To-night *:SO o'clock. •THE SLAVES OF RUSSIA.” Prices—ltv. 3P- and 3Uc. gAVANNAH TMCATEB Saturday Sept. 22. FOURTH TRIUMPHANT SEASON. COMIiS A OIIADY 8 Greatest of Naval Dramaa, “TheMan-o-Warsman” (Not a War Tlay). HERE FIRST TIME PRESENTED STUPENt>Ot’S SCENES! S'H I- STIRRING SITUATIONS! Price,—Mutlnee, adults 50c, children 35c Night. Il.rtl. 7.-C. Me and 25c. Scata on aulv Thursday. aaaa ■VSIBBSa BOTICBg. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT la belter organised than e%-er bo lore. Watches repaired by Incom petent workmen can be made to go right. Now la a good time •to get ready for correct lime during the busy season, when time count,. THEUS BROS. PHONE 499 or 700 and our wagon will respond. FOR RENT, from Oct. 1. that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Aflfiiy Tbe Chatham Real Estate nd Im proYement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET. EAST. Ti Hew Piste. For sal*, a Forsalib Newspaper Folder will fold sheet r.xk. It ts In good order Price (100. II cost originally (1.100. but vt have nuiwlerll and want th* room t occupies. It will b* r Invaluable adjunct to *ey n*wap*per udlss. Addrea* MORNING NEWS, (*v*aaak. Qa. GREENE & CO., 138 Whitaker street Picture Frame Factory New Mouldings constantly arriving FRICKS REASONABLE. THE GEORGIA STATE ELUDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Intar ert credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, withdrawable a> annual periods GEO W. TIEDEMAN. President. B. H. LEVY. Vic* President. B. W. BELL. Secretary. c. O ANDERSON. JR , Treasurer. OFFICE, 16 YORK STREET, WEST, I ARE Jjf your children’s FEET Properly Vy^SF 3 Fitted? Jflj' It's an outrage to fit itrowlnjr feet in a manner repeatedly called to our attention the past two weeks. We have a special man WHO KNOWS HOW. | Foorcov£*E/rs**MiNK, a LEOPOLD ADLER. ,/NO. R. DILLON. Pre,Blent. Caahla, C. T. ELLIS. BARRON CARTUR, Vlr* President. Aaat. Caahie, The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pi pawl to receive the aceounu of Merchants Ktrina, lndlvldiiala. Lanka •nd Corpoiyidona iJbrrai favors extended Unaurpueaed rolleetlon facilities lr.aur lr> prompt returns SEPAHATEiAVINGSOEPARTMHT iMi;HPi!,T compoi tnu) ~i untn. I.Y OB IHCPOMT* Safety Deposit Roxe, and Vault, tit rem Correapondenca solicited The Citizens Bank or BAVABBAM. CAPITAL 5500.00 Q. *—**-•*' ’- O cuveal ii.uki., Uiularia. •ullaita iPtaaat, mdlvldnala, ■akaati, Uaaka and atkat Carp*. ratiaaa Calleeiloas handled with, •“••*/ dlapateb. Interest r**n>onnded qaarterlr all-area „ deposits la ear aartapa Department. •••ety Dap-a It Basra an and Storaoa Vanlta. BHANTI.CV A. DENMARK. Pvaaidaab ■ ILLS B. LABE, Vie# Prealdeac GCOnGR C. FRRCMAB. Caakler. MOKDOB L GROOVER, Aaat. (kaltab SOUTHERN BANK of the Stale of Georgia. Capital EdU.OW Surplus and undivided proflla.... Moi.ow DEPU6ITUR V OF THE STATE OK GEORGIA. Superior faclllttr* lor transacting a General Hanking Business. c'oilectlona n. id. on all point, acc>aUiio through banka and banker. Accounts ut u.i.o. Hanker,. MetcKat.t, and others aollcilad. Safe Depoait Boxm tor rent. Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly. Seila Sterling Exchange on London a and upward, JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A CRANE. Vie, President JAMES SULLIVAN Ca.hler DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. Wli W OORDON E. A WEIU W. W GORDON. Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M EC.AN. I. ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLES BLUR EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY SiliMKl CAPITAL, #.150,(t00. Accounts ot banka merchants, corpora tion, and Individuals solicited Sating, Department. mitre,l paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storags Vaults for rent. Collertlona mada on all point, at rea son, hi# rales. Drafts aoid on all Iht chief elites ot the world Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice PraxUaoL W. F. McCAULEY. Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital OMMV Undivided protlta fc'.t*" This bank offers its aervh * to corpora tion*. mrrch.iti a and mihlduala Has au horny to net executor, '• mlnlgtrator, guardian etc lesue# drafts on the principal cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent Inter. S' mid °r compounded quarter'? on deposits In ths Savings Department. Safety llox for rent. HKNRT HU'N. Ptealdenl GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vice President J' lIN M WIGAN, ('ashler. WALTER F HOGAN. Ass't rahlr_ No lfrto. Chartered, I** —THE Mills ill 111 OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL VO'. SURPLUS. *. UNITED STATES DEPOSITOR!. J A. G. CAHSON. PrastdanL BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M DAVANT. i'ashler. Ac onnts of l auks and hankers. m*r ehenta and carpor t'lons received up n the mor favorable tnn> roeslstent WltS safe and conservative byiktng HUItUII NUTICBS. TRULY UMUhHIi L. WATER A aubttllute for oil. ps* n< • rK * T' ah. Fire-proof aid weather-proof excellent dlelnfertane. Can be spplb" any one to any kind of surface with r kind of bruen. ANDREW HAN LET CO* •ole