The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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SUMMER MPIIB. DYSENTERY, DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MORBUS. Internally Hadway's Ready Relief in water will lit a lew momenta cure Cramp*. Spasma. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Malarial Fevers, Stck Head ache, Colic. Flatulency and all Internal Tain*- Externally for Rheumatism. Neuralgia Sciatica. Hptalns. Bruises Mosquito tilt.*. Stings of Inserts. Sunburns. Burns. Tooth ache. Headache. Palnn In the Back, the application of RRR to the part or parts sfTected will In stantly relieve and soon cure the suf ferer of these tomplab ts. Hold b> all druggists. RtllHlY CO., few York. WANTS OFFER RENEWED. *>T VTK Ik REYDY TO HEAR KHI'M THE ATLANTA RAILROADS. (.net Year the Hallrnada Entering That I Hr tgrerd to Pay a Heatnl of A Per rest. I pa the Inst to tlar Mnle of New I sins Depot—Ff fori to tlet a lull to Itollil Tlirnoah the legislature t'atled—offer of the ■loads Old Not Hold l.ttod After Jin. I, Last, nail the State Manta It Made Asolo— Tide Mn, Meao n New Util Before the Leglalnlore. President John M. Egun of the Central Rsllrond returned yesterday morning from Atlanta, where he attended the dts i usslon before the Governor of the fa mous Atlanta depot case. The lines In terested In the present union station were represented, and the merging may result In n restoration of the mailer to the phase ll assumed at the close of lasi year. The railroads believe the slate should build the depot In Atlanta. Mr. Egan says the public generally falls to catch the idea and that It is commonly misunder stood. H*. in common with other rail road men whose lines now use the union depot, believe the slate should build be cause it owns the tract upon which the hutldlng stands. A proposition was made to the state by the railroad* last year that was not ac -pted. This was that the state should build the new depot. The railroads, for thetr part, would agree to share among them an annual rental of 5 per cent, on the investment, allowing 1 per cent. ftvr depreciation. Some of the members of the last Legis lature adopted the broad view that the date would be benefited by anew depot, n? It would be upon Its property, which Is ore of the most valuable tracts in At lar.ta The depot site and It* approaches ftem one side are assessed at in the lease held by the Nashville, Chatta lo- a-i and St. Louts on the Western and A totic, the state road, upon which 5 per cent, I* paid the state. To build a tew depot would be but to add to the n,.ue of the property leased, and the rall would pay & per cent, for the priv l>*t of using the A bill was introduced In the Legislature to tpuroprlate money for the erection of the depot. Principally through the tn ; rumenlnttty of Mr Joseph Hail of Rlbb ccuT. y. the measure was defeated. Tne ■fi r of the railroads extended only to J:n I I*oo. so !ht the incident was prac ti. illy c.osed in so far as they were con ferred. Tee Depot Commission, however, want • I mother contdderatlon of the mailer. The meeting of day before yesterday was called, and II ivas then decided io grant i railroads until Ort. 5 to determine w ther they eared to repeat Ihelr offer af i t year. It Is believed they will do to. It Is understood to be the purpose of • tne interested In the nuttier to bring it before ihe Legislature again. It will he i ■ cessary, probably, to get a special ap propriation to build, ns the cos! will he eotnethlng like $303,000. The railroads. If the plan currlee. will be given a clianfc to examine the bill, and it will Is- made to secord with their views The roads were i.ot given an opportunity to see the bill thai resulted futllely last year. MR. LE FEN HE APPOINTED. Circular Mill Nr Issued From the Office of Ike President. From the office of Presidanf John M Egun of Ihe Central Railroad and Ihe Ocean Steamship Company will be Issued to morrow the following circular: Effective this date. Mr. P. E. LoFevre lias been appointed manager of the Ocean Sb amshlp Company, with heatlquarler* at Pier *5. North Rtver. New York city. Mr will have charge of all departments (except the traffic depart ment) und his Instruction* to officer* and mployes under hi* Jurisdiction will be re spected and obeyed. (Signed) John if. Egan. President. A* Indicated In the rlrrular. the ap pointment will he effective to-morrow Mr. LeFevre will then assume charge of the several departments, except thai of train, which, for the present, will prob ably lemain In the hands of Traffic Man ager K. 11. Hinton of the Central Rail road. where It has been for some two years. R is the Intention to separate the traffic deportments of the two companies, but ihe traffic manager for the steamship company ha* not yet been determined uton. The names of several gentlemen ore being considered In connection with the position, but President Egan said yesterday that no definite conclusion had b' en reached. Mr. R. G. Trexevant will remain Ihe Joint agent of the Ocean Steamship Com pany and the Central Railroad at Savan nah Nothing has been m.ule known of any Intention to make the agency of the two companies separate. lIIVINION EXTENDED. That Pram Charleston to Wayerosa Mill Re Mr. Wright*. The Plant System division changes. a announced by the Morning New* Sunday, al l be made on Oct. I. MaJ. Gadsden will then retire from the position of superln 'e: <>eni of Ihe Charleston anti Savannah division, and Mr. W. H Wrlghl. Iraln tna-ier of Ihe second division, with ■ciarters at Waycross. will succeed him Mr Wrlght'a headquariers will be In Sa vannah. and he will operate the division given up by MaJ. Gadsden, with the ad dition of the line from here to W'aycroes The branches between here and Charles ton win etui be Intruded In the division Mr. Wright Is widely known among till -1 and man, end his promotion on the Plant System it richly deserved He has always "en recogntxrd as a matter of the art of running trains and the ability he has *hown In that line will doubtless extend •o the superintendence of the Important division to which he has been assigned. The Seaboard Air Line la Arranging to I ran big excursion Into Savannah on | -*• l from the Weal. It It expected that I the passenger, will be aatbered from all ■ long the line of Ihe Georgia and Ala ! *t>d Traveling Paaaenger Ag< nt Huber la looking for a great crowd This will be the Seaboard's Harvest Excursion from that secilon REAL ESTATE MEN ORGANISE. Mill Petition < ssarll To-night That They Not Re Required tu Puy an tddltluaal Tax. The real estate agents of Ravann ih will prearnt to the city to-night a petition asking relief from Ihe propoeed tax of f!5 which recently R has been sought to collect from alt of them who negotiate loan* while doing the business In buying and selling property. The agen's claim that they are now among the highest and most taxed of any of the businesses in the city. Besides a tax of $S> for the right to collect rents, they hsve an additional license of $75 to pay for the privilege of buying and sell ing real estate, while to sell the same class of property at auction requires the payment of only $25. and. should the auc tion sales Include the eale of merchandise there ts yet an additional tax of another IMP. This stare of affairs Is bad enough, sa.d one of them yesterday, hut now II Is •■ought to change the ordinance under which form (or $75. we were allowed to buy and sell property and negotiate loans, in such a manner u to made the negotiating of loans a separate business, and subject to an additional specific lax of $75 "Me are not trying to be relieved of a tax." he sold, "but trying to pro vent an additional tax being put upon us." Continuing. he said that the raininess of negotiating lean* was su much a par: of the a dual buying and selling of prop erly that, practically, all sales were made '•itb the understanding that the agent of the property would negotiate loana for the payments. "If we got anything out of It for our services In the matter." the gentleman continued, “it would be differ ent, but in the far greater number of rase* this work goes for nothing, a* the agent has to do It in order to make Ihe sale. Title is eo generally the case that, should a tax of $75 be levied on the busi ness, It would be in a number of oases, more than the actual amount of money secured from the business that 1* taxed. "Anyway you put the matter," said an other dealer, "the thing Is wrong. We represent now the Interests that bear the burden of luxation. Again, the transac tion* of our business are a distinct ad vantage ,o the city, for we tiring out In vestment* >of various kinds many sums of money that otherwise would not be lit Into taxable property The real estate dealers say that they have effected a permanent organization that Includes In Its membership nearly alt of the firms tn their business In this city. They have elected a chairman and a sec retary. but are not yet’ ready to make public their names. HDD FELLOW* HONOR A GEORGIAN. Hob. J. H. linndnln I nnntrannely Elected Deputy Grand hire. The second highest office in the gift of the liwlependent Order of Odd Fellows, was yesterday. In Richmond, bestowed by a unanimous vote, upon a Georgian. Hon. John B. Goodwin of Atlanta. The posi tion I* that of deputy grand stre of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. The Information va* received yesterday by Mr J. S Ty -on. secretary of the Slate Grand Lstdgc of Georgia. In two telegram*, one from Mr. C. H. Dorsett of this city, and the other from Mr. Jacob IVpperman grand master of the Alabama ledge. His men age read as follows: "Many congratula tion* at Goodwtn'a election. Hurrah for Georgia." Hon. John B. Goodwin I* a native of Cobh county, this state. In early man hood he moved to Atlanta, and cradled law. Soon after his admission to the tmr ha attained an enviable reputation in hi* profession, and is to-day one of Ihe lead ing lawyer* of North Georgia. He has served two term* as Mayor of the city of Atlanta, and as many as city attorney: he has also served a full term tn the Legislature. M'hen quite a young man he Joined the Independent Order of Odd Fellow*, be ormng n member of Capital Lodge No. ou, which is now Ihe large*! lodge in the slate. Very much of Its success is due to his effort*. He entered the Grand Lodge a* n rep resentative at Daßon In 1*73. In 1*79 h was elected grand master, a position that he filled with distinguished ability. In lltsn. he was elected a grand reprraentatlve to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, ami ha* been continuously re-elected eoch term *lnoe that time. In I*BB, he waa made chairman of the Committee on Appeals in tha’t grand body •ami ha* been re-nppointed every year since, exi-ent once, when he was absent on Important government service tn the Northwest. Two years from this time he will 'ae elevated to the highest office known to American Odd Fellowship, that of grand sire. To-day all Georgia Odd Fellow* are re joicing. congratulating Mr. Goodwin themcelves, and Ihe stato. FOR GALVESTON 111 FFKHEH*. Total Ntaonat of anbaertptlone to date gn.lUKi-Td. The following additional subscriptions to the fund for the Galveston sufferer* were rtcMvtd at the City Exchange yes terday: C. J. Eaton 1 tin W. W. Sheppard 2 00 IV H Ftaher 200 Employes of the Mutual Gas Light Company II 25 Oliver S. Nichols 10 00 John D. Robinson 2 on John Kelly io on Cash 2 Cash 1 oo Sergl. Leonard 3no James T. Well* 5 00 T A Bryson 300 Mrs Levy J Myers s> Mrs. C. C. Cambridge 50 George Turner 5 oo SOS 25 Total to date. $5.3*2.33. SLASHED HER AHM M ITH A KNIFE Two Colored Mnmeu Hud a Fight nod One la Moaadrd. Ella Freeman, colored, waa assaulted and cut last night a* Liberty and West Broad street* by a negro woman named Rosa Jenkins who was arrested by Pa trolman Bosiwlck and sent to Ihe bar rucks. The wound was made on the arm and I* n <>* of * dangerous character though It took four aikrhe* to clone It. K0SlH!tl& £“ ““ I* Indigestion, . A ferer K*TOH*CHaar e'etnarh I,la B ITtE&* ;r,. nj? THE MOUNT NG NEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. r- is |svi and deiight cd by the vari ous members of the I Uneeda Quartet All grocers sell these famous biscuit and wafers. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. IJ.UAL .toiICMS. PROCLAMATION—State of OcorgU. Executive office. Atlanta —Submit tin,*? conotltutional amendment regarding pen pione for the wldowji of i. *onfederate ol* er to a vote of the peopL t th next getirral election. !VVri'i, the gencr-il aiwmbly of poprefi by m con.Htltuilonal niajorlty this following net, to-w lt: "An net to amnul pection 1. article 7. paragraph 1, of th i’ont(l(u(lon of Geor gia, so m to rxtenil the provlftlona of smll section, article him! imragraph to la-* wuiowrs of <?onfederute aoklKre, who, by r<eeoi of ag< ami poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or hlindnc** nml poveriy. are unable to provide # living for them •elvee. and for other purposes." flection 1 He i*. ena veil by the general asemhly of Georgia, ami H la hereby an arted by authority of the aame. that aec :k>n 1 article 7. paragraph 1. of the con stitution of Georgia be. and the Fame la hereby amended by Inserting after the tvord "aarvlce” in the thirteenth line, the following tvorda. "Or who, by reason of age ami poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or bllndne*< anti poverty, are unable to enrn living for shemeelvep." to that •aid *ection. when no amended, will read a folJowfi. 10-wm “To supply the aol dlera who lost .i limb, or UmL* In the mil- itary service of the Confederate etatef. with substantial artificial limbs, during life, and to moke suitable provisions for such Coo fad orate enMiertf n may have been otherwise dtffnMrd or permanently In- . Jured tn ruch service; or who may. by reason of ag am! poverty, or infirmity ; and poverty or blindness and poveriy. ora i unable to provide a living for themselves, and for the widows of such (’onfeileratc soldiers as may hove died in the service of the Confederate states, or since, from wounds received therein, or disease <*on trarted in the service, or who. by of age am! poverty, or Infirmity and pover ty or blindness and poverty, are unable to provide a living for thtnudvM; provid ed Gmi the act shall only apply to such widows as were married at the time of such service, and have remained unmar ried since the death of such soldier hus band." 8-c. 2. Re it further enacted, that If this amendment shall he agreed to by two thirds of the members of the general as semhlv. of each house, the sum** shall be entered on their Journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon, ond the Govern or shall cause the amendment to be pub lished In one or more of the newspapers in each congressional district for two m*ifh* immediately preceding the next genera! election, nml the same shall be submitted to Ihe people at the next gen eral election, and the voters thereat shall have written or printed on their tickets. "For ratification of section 1. article 7. paragraph 1. of the constitution of this state." or "Agatnst ratification of section 1. article 7. paragraph 1. of the constitu tion of this state." as they may choose; and If • majority of the electors quallfb <1 to vote for members of the next general assembly, voting shall vote in favor of ! ratification, then said amendment shall ; become a parr of said article 7. secilon 1. paragraph 1. of the constitution of thin state, and fhe Governor shall make procla mation thereof. flection 3 repeals conflicting laws Ap proved December 21. IW9. Now. therefore. I. Allen D. Candler. Governor of said stale do Issue this, my proclamation, hereby declaring mat the foregoing propoeed amendment of the con stitution Is hereby submitted, for ratifi cation or rejection, lo the voters of this slate at the general election to le held or. Wednesday. Oct 3. I**> as provided In saWI act. ALLEN D. CANDLER By the Governor. Governor J. W WARREN, fleerctery Executive Department. BTATK OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM County—To Maty Louisa Kill* Lillis Horton Waring and Char he Kills of said county and state. Horton Kills of UGranF. 111. <*arl Nelson Brandt, Carl Kills Brandt and Erdmann Neumas ter Brandt of Hot Hprlngs. Bath county. Virginia Charles Ell s having as execu tor applied for the probate In solemn form of the last will and testament of Clara M. Ellis, late of raid county, de raasd. and having mad* known to the court that you are the sole heirs at law of said testatrix, you are hereby cited to be and aj>pear at the next November term. IKK) it 10 o'clock a m a* *aid term of the court of ordinary of Chatham county, a* the said will of the said Clara M Kills will Gun and there be offered for probate In solemn form and for record and appll catlcn for letters testamentary will be considered snd passed upen HAMPTON L FERRILL. * Ordiaary C. C., Gw Attest FRANK K KEI LEACH. Clfrk Cl. Or dy. C. C.. Oa. ~~ JOHN C. BUTLER, Faints. OU. ano Otaw. and Butlfien. ffupiw*■ *f a nd. L, * coc ?- tie. Well Paper, Toi+gn aad Cement*. Urn*. e*#<| 12* ” ! Atr**>t ,nT Ak-ntln* water Patet m CoomeM etreet. w*et and U M. JktlM 1 alr-et. e*R- I.Lt.AI, BOTH Kt. debtous'7?rfr?TTErr- ITOHB GEORGJA. CHATHAM COUNTY Notice la hereby given to ull persons hav ing df minds against John llarriaoti, tale of i-alii county, daceased, to present th m tt/ me. proje-rly mad** out. within the time prescribed by law-, so as to show their character and amount; and all per rons Indebted to said deceaaad are re quired to make Immedlatt i*>m*nt lo me. BORER 14 TATF.M. Executor, 7 Y r ork strset. west, flavannah, Ga. Havannah. Ga . Bept. 4. l?dk> GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTT- Wherear. Jordan F Hrooks has applied to the Court of Ordinary for letters of admlnlat ration on the estate of Don Agoor. deceased. These are. therefore, to rite and ad monish ail whom It may concern Lo be and appear before said court to make ob jection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise Mid letters will be granted. Witness the H0..0 ab e 11 tmpton L. Fer rftll. ordinary for county, this the 4th day of September. JflOi*. FRANK K KEILHACH. Clerk <’t, Ord'y. C. Cos. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texas Ruat Troof Oats, Coasl-iatsed Rye. Cow Feed, Hay. Grain, Bran and Feeds of all kind* for stock and poultry. T. DAVIS, Telephone 223. 113 Bay atraet, west. aOJXE YOURSELF! tfss Stf €4 for tint talar*! iMrbargsa, Inttaou ■•tmu, rritalioas or abrraUoas , if mu rat* Oifißil r FaioUwi. sad u<>! aslrta , gem Of soiaosoas ••Id by bpacvUb, or sent In stain r*sp*r, hr Ptprm*. 1 tot fi or S hotfi*. $-• Cirrolar --t on roorasl Empty Honshcads. Empty Molasses Hogsheads (as aal* by C. M. GILBERT & CO. MIaCKLLAXKOta. ary people at the Southern Grocery Con , pany, 114 Barnard street. ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RK- I palr.d while you watt; all work t:aran teed. For poor people (re*. Benton A Bon ~ wall papers, paints, van rlnlaa. kaliorrlnen and alas* and a od m>ehanle*. B<e Taylor, K of P. Itwll. WE CLEAN CIXmiKK BY THE RR sorrlne antiseptic proeosa. Try u* New Ycrk B:e*n> Dye Work*. Whitaker amt State. W'rfoiV!: YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or felons finish; perfect work. Forest City Laundry. Park avenue. KOCII A SYLVAN 8 CREAM PASTE clean* frohl and *llver better than any thine on earth; at their More. 43 Whit aker. WALL PAPER, ’ PAPERHANGINO done In bent style by Interior Decora tin. Company, 113 State, west. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLS, OO to Cornwell A Chipman’s. "WR SELL 'SEWER PIPE; FLUE pipe, fire clay, fire brick at lowest prices. Adams paint Company, 104 Congress, west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earmd hard cash at the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard etreet. BINDER NEEDLE*. THREE FOR five cents, gill oil with doaen free Penton A 800 NO BOTCH. NO HUMBUG, BIT A thorough painter, paper haeg r and dec orator. Taylor. K. of P Hell •PHONE im FOR FOREST CITT Laundry. They will call for your linen Immediately. SPECTACLES OF THE BEST GRADE at moderate price*; aye* tested free. Koch A Sylvan PAINTING AND KALSOMININO done by expert* at Interior Decorating Company: ‘phone 1061. ~FOR RANGES AND ST6vEB. 06 _ T 6 Cornwell A Chtpman. OTPsTNE - IS THE BEST~WALL FlN lah made Adams Paint Cos.. Savannah agent*, tot Congrea*. weal. REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your herd--*rned nurd cash with the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Manuitl euteu THE RETURNING HOUSEHOLDER AA ILL FIND MNY THINGS ARE NEEDED TO START IIOISEHEF.riNU AFRESH. NOM' Till A STORE IS THE GREAT m mi urn xe for GOOD THINGS row KITCHEN, DINING ROOM AND PANTRY. M E II A null: the REPRESENT %TI F. I'NODt CTIONS OF ALL THE GREAT MANUFACTURERS. 4ii it i, MKT— THEY IRB RKLUBIA- And are aoll aa low aa liar aarae qaallt) la offered nn> where. UR SRIaL THR FAMOIII AGATE NICKEL STEEL WARE. NONE IIKTTr.It IN IHE MOHI.II. tame and let aa 111 ,ou oat. THOS. WEST & CO., II BROUGHTON STREET. W. CLASSIFIED AUVEKHSEMENTS. KkIMJU. "REMODELING HALE?" IT RARE chance to secure a birthday, engagement and wedding present at very low U*l; solid gold wntcli. lady's vise, was 315. now $7.25, It. \V Raymond watch, $45. now sl4.stv patent lever silver watch, Xlc; plain gold wedding rings. |! 5n and up, diamond ring, was $75. now ssl. handsome cluster ring, lady 's size, was 312 now 35.25. mall order* proni|M|> filled Fegras, 23 Bast Broughton. Hair. Jewelry and dilat ing Supply House. "STAFF OF LIFE' BRAIN BREAD recommended by physician*, crimp and Vienna lonvea linked twice a day. my two-pound Vienna i* an excellent Innt for sandwich**. "Dersl'a" Variety Bakery. 12s Bast Broughton street TTiSiouLD site millers fi rni ture; newest styles for bedroom, dining room. parlor. In oak. wrslnut and maliog any; Miller * prices and terms are rea sonable. >r? Brought.*:, west —"ATTENTION SOLDIERS." ~ LET DB pres* ond dean your uniform while in Bavannah: we know how lo do It Bter llng Pressing Club. I* York. west. YOC WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Spring hi Id Dairy; It's rich and pure; try It. lion nit WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last. C. P. Miller. Agent. IT SHOULD BEE MILT.ERB NEW style* In carpet*, malting, window shade,, art squares, rugs, lace curtains, ere.; .Miller s prices and terms are reasonable Jin Broughton, weal. FINE RICSFIBLD -am:: at "BA ksr n." every day. beat o$ all other tn market IF ITS RUCM TOD Want YOU CAN get them cheg ver (com McGlllle. KIMBALL'S ANTI-R HE IT M A TI C ring,, thousand* uMng them and all ben efited Gardner s Haxaar, agt SPEC!A!.. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers; ladles' atzr, at 12 J. W Teeple. Jl I* BUYS NIUE RATTAN’— ROCKERS, ladles' Star, large assortment of rocker*, couches and easy chair*. C. P. Miller. Agent. "ATTENTION KOLDIKRK." IJ-T I H press and elean your uniform while In Bavannah: we know how to do It Ster llnp Pressing Club, l York, west, OCT. IST I WILL MOVE TO 414 WEST Broughton Bing up 2134 If you want to have your rurnirare move.! or parked for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the name as I do the work that's given to me A B Griffin. 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made tn order. M'Otl.LlS LACK CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. V SHOULD SEE MILLER'S OFFICE desk*, office table*, office chairs, office ; matting, office shades. C. P. Mi.lor, ! Agent. FIrORAL DESIGNS. PAI.MB AND CUT flowers, at Gardner'r Basaar, agent for Oetschlg's Nursery U WIU. SOON MOVE AND U WILL certainly need something In my line; IT will save money by trading with me C. P Miller, Agent ’ M’OlLLlfl BEI-Lb SIXTY-IN'TI RUOS —Smyrna pattern*—for M cents. 'GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN~t At Gardner’s Baaaar. "ATTENTION SOLDIERS LIT US iwrns and dean your uniform while In Bavannah; ws know how to do It. Ster ling Pressing Club. It York, west. IB YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF? Stlffel A Freeman have a standing offer of 31.1*0 for every safe of their make that does not preserve Its contents. One nafe was In burning dehrt* 111 hour*. When taken out, the hose had to be turned on It. When opened, not a page was dis colored, not a record lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Stlffell A Freeman safe. C. P. Miller. Agent. M'OILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETd. lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pit town, picture*, stoves, bedroom suite*, snd furniture of every description SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND range* for sale by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. u SHOULD SEND your OSDBM for tuning and repairing plana* and or gans to W P. Manning, with C. P. Mil ler. Agent: promts attention to out-of town orders. C. P Miller. Agent. MOILLIS MOVES, PACKS. SHIPS and More* ptanoa end furnllurt; beat work only, no Cheap-John price*—oo "Cbeop- Jobn" Job*. V SHOULD SEE MILLER’S STOVES and ranges; the best makes at reanonabl* prices. C. P. Miller. Agent. ’•TURNITURE MOVED WITH CARS " la a aoacialty with McGtlHa. U SHOULD SEND ME TOUR OR dere for upholstering parlor and dining room furniture In leather, silk and other fab rics, In the best manner, curled hair, moss and cotton mattresses renovated, all work well done and satisfaction guar anteed. C. P Miller. Agent. PULLEY _ BELTS, BC. BU< KLES. !0T; aluminum shirt act. 10c, al Gardner's Da aaar. WHEN YOU SEE M'GILLIB' SIXTY Inch M cent* rugs, you will buy them Juat can't help It; will sell In an; quan tity. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, ordet your lithographed and printed stationery aad blank books from Iterator News Saeennah Oa. SSSKM. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR reel are troubling you. call on me and I will glv# you relief. I cur* Ingrowing nail*, corn* and all disease* af the feet without pain: charge* reasonable; caa give the beet references In ih* city; pa tients treated at residences, order* can be left *4 Livingston’s drug store. Bull end Congr*a afreets; telephone 83. Lera Davit, turf von chiropodist. What Are You Going to Do With Your Boys’ Feet? They should not le distorted by ill-fittinjj shoes. Careful Parents should examine our stock of stand* ard-goods, ordered specially for school opening. tiood honest, solid hoes in Calfskin. Box Calf, Vici and Dressy Patent Leathers. “Armored Cruiser.’’ “Steel Shod” and the “Bunker Hill School Shoes.” VVc have them all —and “there art others.” Yours for pood shoes and low prices. GLOBE SHOE COMPANY, IlkCl.r W AM UK.MU.IC. WANTED, FXIKHIKNiKD HU.KH m*rt to mII n lint* of men** ihw* io th#* r* ;nll itude of) i *.llv# n*f*r < nci s unit * i|M*t i*ih*i* M-iD RhoM." I* o Don Ho on. HOY WANTED UKHHKCTAIILK COD* or l porl**r l>> tsatiiilat Ulrveie 4ur> fr mie fi< iK)’, IO # to It© t’oiiitri'w ■(!>■ t, wmi WANTKD a 04HID TRAM HOAD KN runner who ■ ti r<‘\Hk\r In** host tong run Appiv to Lumbtf Compony, Krm*r, Os WANTKD KKDIAHI.K COI*OHKI mtn and to < t tluyloii m.n to tjtUH uni! Himk an*l woman to t'ook. food qtiurlrra iiml |d**nty id flrr* xviMY.i Annlv 3D 1 Whiokfr mr***t. W \ NTKI * 3 <;oo!> MILK HAND.'* Appl> Riirliigllfld latr>. 47! ,\\>m fkiumt* ary W ANTKD. ONK I'IHUT - CIaAHH Mhlte bwrlirr; *<mkl pay ami permanent |M>*liior A|iply i I* <* Divli*. 4h*ali, Fla. MKI.I* WANTKU—VInIf %LS* TTn^oirHrTTK!?r srsi; s.Fr\mt for K*'n‘ral houpr work; underilund k ip ilovr, rffwmcfi. W ANTKD < <M FKTKNT, FNINCI’M Imti-iI witli* rN'rvaiit who won In horn* in i rook ntl mirar, stiile aRe, K, lUx 44*. Valdosta. il. WANTKD. A WOMAN AJ< HlAM l>rrm.lft anl sens|reNt, wl.llntc to live ■it iMvtnM* Apply at 13k Hint** at roof. • ■•ist. Atticm W ARTklk TTuiTf T*a hh a^madk^iTy our llv> affiant#, men or tromsn, sailing our Inleat novHy. ciini|>M!ati wmerproof neck lira (ioods entirely new anl |iatetii<d Amenta dellßhtfd. Halra unltmltoil Wtiat others do. you ran do. Tim** la abort. Write to-day and secure ricluslvs tarrl tory. (luarant*e3l bant idler Addrrsa, with stamp, M A M Mnnwf turlnK Com IMsny. Dept. C, Nprlngnel*l. Miss MttPl.OY WKMT WANTRII. I*4 MIITIQN WANTKD AH ooK k*-*-per by man, rotnpetmt, jstrlrtly pi her am! htichly reromnDan*W<l. Akl<eap Hookk*-|irr. care Y. M C. A. A CAFAHLK GIRL* WANTS A PLACR to cook or mine. Oord<ai at reef lane we*i between Hull and Wbltakar • iraet, • all for Jane. HOIBRI RAITED. W f ANTWI>, A BIX TO KIGHT-ROOR. house eouth of W.ildburv. between lUh •ishatn and Montfomery atreeta; front yard or lawn deal ml. Addne** Mlnuier, care Newa. TWO RTf*H Y HOI RK “fTANTED (with Dawn or carden preferred!. In cood oca t ton. A'tdrea* Qood Tenant, thla office. MOORf W lITKD. WANTKD. O.NK LARGE OR TWO connecting room** wit bln a Piuare of Hull sol Duffy alreeta. Addreiw Room, thla office. HI AMKIe-Uin tUANRUSk monttip, by e*|erlenced operator. No. 4 Hcmtnctoo typewriter In *opl order Rtate rentnl. Addn-sa Hicno . care Morn- Inc Nets. IF YOC WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy, H > rich, pure am! whole aome. IF YOIT WANT A PUCK TO DtJMP eartn. dirt, and. manure, etc., fra# of charge, juat at city llmlta. hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bioe., corner Anderaon and Eaal Broad etreeta. roH niAT-itoosif NICELY FURNISHED RCmpMH. ALL convenlencea. JQB llarnard atreet, near Liberty. 3 CHARLTON BTHKKT WEST. COR ner Hull, two tn aut If til ffont rooms, fur nished or unfurnished F1,,%T• FOR MKAT. with bath, first floor. Lyons block, aulla bla for any putpow John Lyona. FOR RENT FLAT OF FOUR KOOMH with t>ath. also furnished room for gen tleman Apply 124 IlaherPham. FOUR-ROOM FIngAT FOR RENT.WILL pel! or rent gas atove and one ault of 5 . west. TOP FLAT'OF ROOMS W GWIN* nett, we*,!; 4 rooms aisl Iwich. 11l per month, from cvt. 1 W J. Mlgcally, Jr. 211 WEST BOLTON UPPEIt FI.AT. ! Apply on premises or W. B. Sturtevanl. 11 ( ongrrso. west DKBIRABLE FLATS NEWLY RENO vated; furnished or unfurnlnhtd; with or without table hoard. X Mu. on street, I i-OKt. HB'OND STORY FLAT OF FOUR room* anti bath room 117 Jones etreet mat • ' FOR RENT FLAT OF t ROOMS i over drug store, turner Boiton and Mont gomery otreem. sls per month; key In .drug store J T Bhuptrlne. corner Con gr-e* and Jefferson street*. ~TO RENT II JONHS. EAST. FLAT 1 ond basement, to small family. FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE flat of three conn- ling rooms and pri vate bath, 3 Uharlton street, want. FOR RENT—HOI SKA FOR RENT. NEXT TO THE t’ORNER of Congr-t# and Mont*' m- ry street*, three-aiory btlck house Flr-t class condl t;m Apply to J II llrimken, Whitaker and Liberty etreeta. THAT DESIRABLE HOUSE, NO 115 Jonie ntree’, e*n. renovate I throughout. Apply W. A. Plgman s drug store, Aber corn etreet. FOR RENT.~ DESIRABLE BRICK houaen. number 402 and 40* Huntingdon, e*l; newly capered and rejmlred, with j ail modern improvement*. Apply to B. C. Way. Bell Telephone, 1578 I"! I • AUfEPTARLE parly, my residence northeast corner First and Drayton streets. Apply C. W. Howard, No XU Ray etreet, east Fttß RENT uttMt mRTATU.E HOUSE, I No 217 Waldburg street, east, between . Abereorn and Lincoln, first-rlaea order and rondltlon; every convenience Right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon I Cohen, West Brood and Broughton etreeta. I Fdi. I.MI-11-MIKI FOR RENT. COMFORTAHLK HOITBF. No. 21* Wsldhini streel. *wPt. between Abe r corn arut Lincoln. |*erfe't condition; newly papered; hot and cold water; every ixmi veil fence l> i< Salomon ('ohen. West Hrc.iti and llroughtoti n|reels. FOR RENT till NINTH STREET; !M --metllate jo ♦ Nston Apply 11. H ‘Tag horn. ltd e.tat. FOR RENT. 274 MONTGOMERY; IM m**tlllr p.*‘i***swtt n. Apply R H, <'lag horn. DO Hr van. east FOR ItKNT. M 2 ELEVENTH STREET* will rent in flat - or whole huuw, immell te |H>eaeaploi Ap|ly It. H CUghorn, 110 Hryan, ra*t. " FOR RENT DESIRABLE DWBLLDfO with aM modem Improvemcnta. In k*hhl repair 3hs Junes, east. K tllo. h A Screv en. ’ FOR RENT HOUBWH t'A AND At Barnard atr*H Apply 113 Itruuglitun atrewt, weal. roit NKn-rrogci. FOR RENT. 12R HRYAN. WEST. FOR inerly . upl* and by I* II Ward; Immediate ,o*Hu*>lon. Apply IC. B. (Magliorn. H Bry an. east. FOR ItK NT. STORK. 115 llßot'Oif ti) stmt, .-ogt; I'aaenslun Imm.qiately Jo *v#ral *1- grnlile re*t’tencc-s an t tints Apply A Wylly. 12 Bryan atreat, • ■at Foil IXI.K—ItICAt. F.XTATK. TUltl KNTINt:. WB MAVE A GUIOD Inrallnn tor lnrg- • prrator. ttlffurd com- I .any, Jat‘ks*>nvill*‘. GOOD TH A WHERRY FARM fN lllllstatrougb county. Fla;, 3500. six-room huusr. scyrniacu acre* land, near gnl|>- plng (Htlnl Box 142. Tampa. Fla. FOB SALK. A FINE BAUKBOX TT'R". |n-nttne farm, on line railroad, new ?n --liarrct still, plenty stta>'ks amt other build in*!. iwlvate ruling, g-crop yearly. H virgin crofw, pleniy limber, paid fr. to cut 15 crops; full cqi,lpie.l. irut a work, will sell now or after gathering scrapa and dtp. Addres* C- H 0., Tlfton, Ga. ONK DOLLAR PER WEEK WJIJ. taiy nl e lot* on Kieventh and Twelfth Ktrreis. near W--t Broad Savannah Real Estate Exchange. A HOME WITHOUT t'Aflft TWO dollar per week will buy one. Savannah Real Email Exchange. FOR BALK. Lois on NINTH. NEAR Kant Broad, a* < each; will noon be advanced to 3325. when a tot ha* been paid for I can arrange to get a hom* built. C H. Dorsatt l"H sai i. > |,oT FOB TWO HUN ■I red dollar*; eaey terras, on Ninth street, near Eaat Broad, no city tarnation. C. ML Dorset I FOR BALE THOSE DyTIWNINTH etreet. near Katt ilr ad have only been nold to firnt-clen* parties, who will msk* good neighbors; and none other ran buy. The term* ere very **ay. and they era eheaper than any other In h* vicinity. C. H. Doreett. FOB BALK. LOTH ON NINTH HTREET near Kant Broad; no city tax**, at EX each; twentv-tlv* dollar* cash, and easy monthly payment*. C. H Dorsatt. RF.HIDKNUKH AND BUILDING IX>TK for nai all over the city. Robert H. Tetcrn. reel eatata dealer. No. T York atreel, west. i " " ———mmm mu lAiA-aiMkiaAkwiti. wituiihazfl: there ib'wTtvh haxet and wltchiwxel One la made to >cura; the ottwr la made to a*U, put a lot: la ot oura by the -ala of one of tha other kind, we give yuu all the quality and all Ihe qiiartby (bat your money en title* you to-a pint (or a quarter Per Bee n t 'rug St • r< a, llenry and Abereorn. Whit aker and Taylor. COWS FOR hale, if YOU W ANT * good milk cow r* aa -noble. 1 can supply you. Call 471 West lluondary A fill AND CTPREHS LUMBER FOR eale—lso,ooo feat of aoh oultoblo for whoel wrtghto. earrlage maker* car works and Interior houae tlnlnb. Alan eypreae lumber of *ll sixes. W* resumed rutting our famou* brands of cyproso shingle* and wMI soon have * fti:i line >f them (or sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. * HPRINOFIKI.D DAIRY IB NOTED for having rtch. pur* milk, try It; you will b pk**l —— . = LOST AAU WHTD. HARM. >••( with small diamond*. name engraved and other engraving*. liberal reward. Cha*. C. Ely. I* Uryan. cad. ■CIHCATIOML. MlHr’ HAKTKIDUE fVASSAR A H), wIU re-open her school Oct. 4. corner Clan ton and Habersham streets; Min Hort ridirc will be assisted by Mia* Ward, (Vaster A! H), Mies Cornelia E. i>. Mr*. Mark Oorfain. vocal music; Mr*. George Schley. Instrumental mu*lc. Mira Sara Charlton, caleathenlr*. Por further Information, i<Mre* Mire Hurt twice. South Orance, N. J. - iaa— | ri.l-MBINO. MODERN PUITMHINU. IT WILL BE to your Intercut to let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old work, repair work a specialty, aa I am a practical plumber No guess work to endanger your life. Wiggins, phono fOT. Georgia or HeU HIM BIXAISM a. THE STAR THAT DEADS THEM all. New Irurmatto Machine, with ball bearing*. I‘entun A Hon. POH TAPER HANOER AND PAINT er get Taylor* animates. You wont re gra: it. I*alniera' supplies LADIES. HAVE TOt lt PINE CR l>on and tailor made dresses dyad by i.ew oaatlye prate**, guaranteed not to shrink or g.t ou: of a .ape. New York Dye Wotks. Wh.taker and State 'Phone *U K IS lielng turned out by Poraat City Laundry. 'Phone IS7L WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING given personal attention, at Koch A Syl van'*, k Whitaker. INTERIOR DECOR ATINQ OP~ALL kinds done by ikltled workmen. Interior Decorating Company; see u* early. EOR PISHING TACKLE. NETS. ETC., go to 1 Cornwell A Chtpman. HAVE TOUR HOt’SE PAINTED with German ready-mixad palm; entire ■at I*fact ion guaranteed. Adams Paint Company. 3