The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 19, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 OTljc IHofiting ffeto£ Morning >r Httildlng sauno *•. Hi;D\GiDAV, HKmSMBI H 10. I MOO. liegtatariAl at th© I\w!offlc in Sivitnntb. Th© MORN IMO NEWS l© publi©:iad •vary day m lb© y4r, and © ©crvwl to • obacntHr* In lft© city, or ©M by mM, it Me • mouth, liS (r a months, b w for die >mr Th* MUHMNU NOWS, by mall. *l* tuiK* ■ week (without Sunday uwui), xhrae niix.ins, sljo, ©la tnuntaa b#w, un© y car R ju. Th© WEEKLY NEWS. 2 lmue a w©©k, MuJiJay and Thursday, by ma.l. one y*t, bubH’rlptiona layubli In advance. R©* xntl b> piatil order, check or reilMer*l latter. Currency ©cut by mail at riak ot a©* alarm. Transient advr rtiaetnenta, other than ©pc. tal column, local or reading notice* (amusement* and cheap or want column. Xo cciiia a iim*. Fourteen linea of agat© type—equal to one Inch square In depth la me standard of measurement, Contract iwiea atul <Hs< , ount made known t>u appli cation at bußiixw* ofliv e. UrtHr© for delivery of the MORNING New# to either residence or pa. f butuirsi may be mad© by poatel card or tnrough telephone No 210. Any irregular ity in delivery ahouUl be Immediately re ported to the office of publhutlon. Utters anl leiegrama ahould be ad dreaeed * 'MORNING NEWS.** Savannah. Ga. EASTERN OFFICE. r* l ark Row New York city, H. C Faulkner. Mjnager. IM)LX 10 m ADYfcRIISEMESIS. Special Noth et- Bumaner Hotel. Pti wanec. FU.. Fancy and Itf-PTMldl Brick. Savannah Building Supply <'on pany; Bruno Ifdffcr of BBiffrr, Ga., cn the Merit* of Sow once Spring. Water. Levan* Table d'llotr. Burin, s* Nolle*#— te A W. laundry. Biscuit—l'ii..*.l.i Hiacult. Educational - Merton's School for Boy* Malt Nutrlne—-Anhcurer-Bu*ch Brt-W --lni Association. Art) Your Children's Feet IToperly Fitted— Ryck Bros. Amur -m< tin —Robson Theater Company at Treai*r. Matin.** rul Night; Man-o'- Waraiiran at The iter Sets. 2. It I. Now tin —At Uiltlomr. *. What are You Going to Ik> With Your Hoy * Keel—Globe Hh.a* Uunr.-any. Sauce—Lee A Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce. Mineral Water—Apolllnarts. Postum Food Coffee*—Postum Cereal Company. Medical —Averse nils: H*l's nil*; Mother's Friend; Munyon's Kidney Cure; Lydia I'inkhum’s Vegetable Fills; Stuart’s liyspepsla Tablets; It It It.; II or# ford t. Aeld Phosphate; Castorla; Hoatet tor's Stomach Hitters. Cheap Column Advertisements Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Lost; Personal; Miscellaneous. The Weather. The Indication* for Georgia to-day ur. fair wtwther. with northerly win.!*; and for Eastern Florida, fair weather, with variable winds. If there were a little lees diplomacy and a little more action In Ihe Chlneac affair, the doubt with respect to It would quickly be dispelled. The red tape is be oomli.g tltesome. There Isn't any danger ot sanding too much money to Oa Ives ton. The and hut re*, there 1a still acule, and will be so for some time yet. KfTort* to help the un fortunates should be continued until they are upon their feet. A ship WCt New York the other day for Manila, laden with supplies for the Anurl enn army In the Philippine*. Among the articles in Ihe cargo were 820 coils of Ma nila rope, matte In the United Stale* from hemp brought here from tin* Island of Lu son. The effort to make a cotton mill hand of the negro has not proven successful at Charleston, ofter several attempts; never theless another attempt in that direction Is to be made In Togas. A cotton factory, to he bultt, owned and operated by ne groes, Is project**l at Dalit*. Chairman Hanna is understood to be vary busy just now stirring the lire under the campaign fat frying pin Ills leans. It Is salJ. Involve spending gM.OOO.OW on the canvas* of the .loubtful stale*. This would Is. about twice a* much as Is esti mated to have bee . spent by the Heputdl cans In the lost presidential election. Congressman Itoutelle, cf Maine, who has been re-elected to his seat, may not be a mauler of the* next Congress. Mr. Itoutelle I* In very bod health Indeed, he has been confined In the McLean In sane asylum a: W'averley. Mass , sin * last winter, and hi* friends have begun lo en tertain Ihe fear that he will not recover. The Lemorrats, meanwhile, hold that his menial condition makes him legally In eligible to hold office. It I* not sure hut that slope will be laken to have Ihe of- Itce declared va< ant. m Th© Cobra, <l*wt Hrltaln’© nr©* bout, has shown h**iwlf to In th* fat©t vtitvl ilkwi When th© Vip©r itop>iU *1 ty Ihe I’arroti© tyrtrtm* mg In* h.i.l mult forty-thr*** nillet mi hour. It ©r thought ?lui pretty i*-.iriy the limit ot #!••! Un (la ht't). hut In the Cobra thv Arm fetrong firm of bulkkr© ha* tuir©o out u craft that l* f.ift©r by half a mile an hour (nan the Viper wl*hout bring puvhttl •© ber very leit pace*. Her efKln%er raj that, pul to tH© left, th*© Cobra % an do quite forty-four roller un hour. Th*re n* pot many *x(n?“* trains which moke lat ter 4verag© im** than that. % Tor broom twiidie, It la the fav orite weapon of th© ’hli !#> wom.'r Lur ing iiveh* month© recently ©tided there were, according to tii© puilte recortle, 771 fight© In which women took iart. In IK of thea© encounter© th© broom handl© W 4 tn© tve.*i>on u*xl. Th© table knife W tha weapon ©f* ond in favor, followen ui order nanml by the ©tove lifter, the rolling pin. the plate, the l©t pin and the mop The revolver make# a rather poor ahowlrig. tarMlins away down ttu ll©t. Tner© a may one tight during the twelve month© in which a minting Urttk- ■ wieklcG agauukt in* opfiosltc 'flu: uieoHhU f*Tm; fair. In*r©Mt in the (iMrKM rttaie Fair, to te li*kl at Vaidoata. i ©teudtly itK’reaitjiu;. Tne premium lie tvi© publLhtnl -• veral I l v© ago. an-l I mi© \" ©i quite generally i‘-n: 'ited. glaiio * at It ©how© that I the premium* are well worth cotitemPru (or. There I© on< of £OO to the eointy I making the l*e*t •l.eplnv of pnmluct© by :•* re ©Mien;©; uiM>th< r of pnu t> the coun ty making the neeik) beat dppliy; an) n thiril of sto the conit* making th© fhliil heju di©pm> T the |ml|viiul mak ing the (urgent .ial l>eat ll©|d i> of u* •© pri*tu< cd by him--* if. or un<l* r hi* *llr Hen, ;© tho liuftlvidual muklng the ©ccofld tael dl©|*la\, |3on. and to the ndtvidual nvrking th* third m d'plv. 9100. The foregoing are the largest premium* offered, but there are many premium* ranging ftowi $j : up to !-* In all th r* •re ©ixty-four. very one rf whi ti l© well Wtrih i-onutiding for. T'ier* will he i numiMf of u’tru' lion© lnt rd*l w*i ly to ;imu*o the people. The manager hu© gone to ii Kr*it !ejl of trouble ik> expen**-* to 1 *-*■ ure them. n*l. from what No Nrn | iUI of their char ider. there I© no doubt | l|' whl help gr©aily to ©well the nt j t* m!an< •• at ♦ *• fair. .**onth Ororg..* hie i ©pt-clul prtd© in thl© I fair Tfait w iKn *f the fwt•©t• - ha© never ;he fore had the Ptate fair. It I© fait | '•coming tire nat populous nod w*aliny of the ©late. It I© getting a large amount | *f immigration, i.*l it© for*-t© are rapid- Is giving tv©y to farm© find vtllagf© It i© worthy of f!ti* e that |n the tax retuirw of thi* year the gnot Irr rew wae large* i\ from S**uth Georgia. Ii i.- but natural therefor©, that the itouth Georgia conn* •lea ehotthl *.int to ©how the other coun ties wluit they > m !•• In the way of a fair. I |h we|| understood, of cour©e. that the fulr will continue from Oct. 29. to Nov. I If it doe© IK)t prove to l>e the bed ind moat ©urce©pfui fmr ever held In the ©late, many provb* will l*e dhuppointed. At preecnt all the Indication© arc that the Agricultural Ho* My will have reason to rejoice that It K*hct*d Valdosta, u* tno plice for holding It. li•:in ll.DlMi likt.i \. While tne newapaper© are dl©cus©ing the question a© to © hdh* r Galveston w ill be rebuilt, the buMHc© and r* ;d* nt© of that city ore advcrti©ing for bri k mitpon© nnd c.arpenter©, amt hnve nlr* a*lv bgtin th* work of rebttlldmg They did not hold i m *ev m* tlng to dlecus© tne question tie to whether or not they would r*maln on the lhiau<l. It never entered iheir mind© to nbnndon it. The ©fatrnu nt of Prof. M<lee, of the Pmithnoninn In stitution. that Galveaton ©hotild not lie re built heeriuae the highest point of the l©l and on which I! I© situated, 1© only iw lv© fet alcove water at high tide, tind th.* •it y eould not be perman* nf one be >iuf© the islnnd together with th© whole Atlantic coast, b* ©lnking at the rote of •>ne to tno feet u century. ilo * not muse them to (Muse © mom*it In the work of restoring their buslnei© houses and their home©. What loc* It matter to them if the Isl am! I© ©lnking at the rate of a foot ©very fifty* veur©. That 1© a qioetlon for their grandchildren. Th* great atate of T* xa-* want© a |ort, ind (Salveston I* ih* very best on*- on the **fitire Texas roa-(, Til** volume of business that pour-- Into that j Ity for distribution, throughout jh** world. t Immense. A© long n* there |© < there—money to la* n> ule— men nnd wo- j men will take the risk of living there. But I© the risk greater than In some other Titles'* Every mco in n while a 1 town or city in the West I© ©truck by a • yclone and wrecked or badly damaged. And many |wople ure kilbd In these cltlc© and towns. It bus not been so very long ©inc n considerable part of the city of dt. Lou p whs wrecked by a cyclone The destruction of property was great and the loss of life was latge. If people are to be ©mrol by what iTof. McGee suy© there arc ninny place© along the Atlanti roast that svill lose soon of their easily alarme,*. population©. Hut nolxsly |© going t* 1c ©rarrd. It will he time enough to <t!tnd<>n sinking towns when th* ripples of hc flood tide lip th* l*or ©His. nnd that will be some centuries j hence. DKthHit Vni ROT AFATHETir. It Is refreshing to read an Interview with Senator Jones, chairman of the !>em* ocratlc National Committee on the politi cal situation lie Is a© confident of Mr Bryan’s election a© If vote* suffMenl to elect him had already been < ast and count* ti. In Washington, last Bunday. he told of the enthusiasm of the Democrats everywhere, and of the apathy among the R*fub]|( an.©. .According to his Informa tion h gr-at many Republicans will not vote this year. He look* upon Wisconsin a© certain to give It© electoral vote to Mr Itryan. and, as for New York, lie *♦*© Democratic victory thetc. lie ©ayw that Mr CToker tell- him that New York city will give the Democratl 1 tl kei ma jority, and yvrjf well-informed |Hllti(lati knows that such ii majority ns that iwti not l>e overcome up th* state. Of course th- He nil or has no doubt that the electoral vote© of \\ cst Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky. Indiana un i Michi gan will go to Mr. Bryan. Indeed, th* r-|*ort h*- Is receiving re©p> •.rtlng the for mation of Democratic club© in all iurt© *f the country, and the enthusiasm then 1 i Uing displayed by l-m*K'rats every where. convince him th it th* r* is to be !.i great 1 >*-mo*-ratlc victor > Th** fact that \ Mr. t'roker him bet 160.<n0 on Mr llryan i l**, he thinks, u strong Indication of the way the political tide |© running 1 Th* chief thing the Democrats have to < contend MMuinwt in the campaign 1© mom > . | The Keprbll<an© MfH>ear to have an abun dance of it. It enables them to fHit ©|H*.tk* -rt In every county In every • loubtful Mitk and to have work er In every lAeclmt. Doubtless a I great deal of th* money come© irom jtne thousand© of government employes The Democrat* have to depend up*in the j Kin ill sum© they can pick up here and there from lN*m<iat© who are ©o thor j oughly In earnest that they are willing to make vacrlflcea fur the doctrines of lheir pany. | AiiKUata ,how* pl. I iNhy riawlh. ! a n * naa now. In round ruralan, 4a.<ui In- Mlbttan'* wlihln ti) corporate limit*, and a Hi- at many nxrte In the *uhurl. And there ha b*en no tiem<lli or lm arowth about the cliy, M ha* all been -olid and laatln* liurlnx the next ten I year* we axpect to aee Aoau*ta expand leven more rapidly than dairy the ten >:• poat. THE MOKMNG NEWS: WEDNESDAY,’ SEPTEMBER 10. 1000. ORE <FT*JbT* THE OTHRA. Thtr© ha© been ooußderabl© ©peculatkw* sin • Mr. Olney wrote hi* letter In favor of Mr. Bryan whether Mr. Cleveland would writ*- a ©ltmiar letter It 1© known jti a ne hni boen uiged to do ©o. An Al l *ny. N. .p ml aay© that word |i*e Nrcn rwcelvad there By Gold I©rcnoi4ts in th* ff*-4 that Mr. riaveland will multi* inn ©lleftco ns to whether or not he will voto for Mi Br>an—tltal h* will do nothing to Msslf't Mr. Itryan In any way. It I-* of course Mr Ckveland*© privilege j to pursue such a In the matter : d* ©cern© to him l>est. It I© certain, how ever, that a loiter from nlm advising ( Gold I- iii'ii ii in support th* D* rn*> | < mi. n<’k* would h worth u great many I vo f - to Mr. Itryan. But. after all. the !>• mo* rat© htiv* rot more cause 'o complain of Mr. Cleveland*© j*Hcnr*“ than th* Repubh. aits hav to com- I plain of th* Hl*ti*** of ex-President Ilarrt *an. If I- worthy of notice that the He publican ex president Isn't raielng hU \olcc for Mr. M Klnlcy. It was said some time ago that h was not aliogeth* r pleas* <1 with the BhlUppinc policy of h.s party. If that Is th© case ihe Hcpubllcan party would Jm-* a great many voles If Mr, Harrison should say In t letter to the public (hit he war* against the Imperial ism of his party. There I© no probability, however, of his raying anything of the kind- Ho, like Mr C”.*w land, lit a dope* I th* j*illcy of silence. He ha© come to th- conclusion doubtless that If he cannot help hi© party he will do It no harm. Hut will not Mr. Harrison’s ©Hence do the Republican party more harm than Mr. Cleveland s *-l* tc*- will do the D* mo* r **- : i irtyT Tin ebangaa art that it win. be* a use Democratic leader© have satl M*m pretty sever* thing© ngainst Mr Cleveland thing© that have wounded him d* eplv and he |© * man of an unforgiving nature. Beside he l© a Gold Democrat of the most pronounced kind, nnd It Is prob able he is satisfied that If elected Mr. llryan would undertake to overthrow the gold *t and ard In fact Mr. Bryan 1 pledged to do what tu • r for 1C to 1. and. accord ing to Mr. Cleveland’© view, h* must carry out hi© pledges If he . an. Therefore Mr. <*!• v land’s silence is not having a© much Influence on the political situation a© Mr Harrison'© is. It is probable, however, that a letter ndvl©ing Gobi Democrats to vote for Mr Bryan would do the Democratic party more good than a !ett*r from Mr. ifarri m advising R* puhli* un? fo vote for Mr McKinley, though It I© apparent that n great many Itepublii-ans are going to vote for Mr. Bryan hecaufle they approve his posits*n In re**|H ci to the Bhlliftpin* Hut. all things considered. It I© probable that the ©lien c of Mr. Cleveland Is a pretty fair offset to the alienee of Mr. Harrison. THE TNI *T I**l K. It B fiotlc able that the tru©t Issue I© bt ng glv-n mon l prominence In the He* chea of the camiiMign orator© and In the iar'jr oigon Thla la owing dmbtlesa to th*- gr at ©trike of the cnl miners. The grievances cf the miners offer a “.'lcndld opportunity to ©how th creedy nd grinding charicPr of trusts. Th** ©bowing the miners are able to make will arouse sympathy for them, prov.derl they ihntafn frm vfolenc*. The party that make© the hardest fight agninst trust© I© certain to he popular wi*h the working elas . Even the full dinner pan argu ment will h tv*, hut llttk weight In the fa- e of i Hcrtlons that ©Uady work Is ob tain-d only when wages hat afford hut a ©canty living, are (old by trusts, and that trusts control nearly every kind of Industry. The Republican# fo r j ,j| Er that In th* matter of trust© they ar on the defen sive. not withstanding their platform de claration© that they are against harmful 11usts. It fiftnu that the government sent Professor J. W Jenks. of Cornell Uni versity. to Kump* to get ©tatlstlc© in re h|mc( to trust© and their relation© to la bor. lie will arrive In New York this week, and It Is probable that It will not be long I efore hts report will h* given to ♦he public. Doubtless th*‘ effort will be to ©how that trusts arc demanded by th< ne< < ssitbs of huslnei-fl condition© of the present day—th it they are a necessity, and that no bglslatlon ran reach them— that Is. Irgl-lailon that would rot be pro ffu* live of inoir* hrm than *>d. Jf the Republican© ©houhl taW< that po sition it I© pretty certain that public ©**n tim*nt wou'i run ©tr>nKiy .icain©t them And tho trust Issue is In ©om© resp*ctF more important ihan any other In llie canipiian. bee a us* every voter un*!er slan I© that hie pocket I© touched by trust exactions. For Instance. Ihe Miftur trust has, without any a|>partnt re:©* n. put up th** price of ©imar and other trust© are Increasing th*lr prices. L,et if be *iearly oral* rstood that the ling* rs of trust© arc in the pocket© of the jxople, taking out wfttat th* 1 ! please, and there- will lea im r oii© revolt ©KairKf th* prty that apol )*!*•-* for tiu* j Th Kov rnnieiit ma\ discover that in ►erHln* Pn.f J‘oks to Kurope for htat*siUs to sustain trusts It made a great mlst.ike. Not w ♦tin indinK the repeated Official de nial© that tin* American* took any purl in the looting of Tl*n T*ln an.! Pekin, etorie© to the opj>o©ite iffri roii rnue to |*n *ol.ite through the lim - 1 . \ I iter im© J • i>*rn feiclvfd at Han cock. Md . from Henry Burkholder, of rho m ilines, who wa* at Tl* n Tsln. In whi. h it is stit.‘l that marine • 'krd n mint at the t iking of the city •**! obtained a hd of l!v*-r bullion, which tho officer© furred fbm to jrive up. II il!s. howvi, that many of the men *ot lIOUI of c*th*.T v.iliMblea which the) I held on to f'nc mun, h** ©av©. got i iox ' (nil of diamond*, for vh! -h Admit ii | 8* vmour off* i*d him $-*►.*•. while other- j got jeweirj j*l hric-a-hrac of conekicra- j bio value. Blgn>r ttued. the Italian fastei, has hal him©* If ©©ib and in a glars cage nt the Pari© RxposltkMi. where he iX|©rts t remain | for forty duy© without iaid Hinguiarly j * nough he will undergo hi© long last for th** purpose ot obtaining food for other© The money that lie mak** I© to be de-j it to piovlde relief for underfed children. ! Jm© Cieein-Mn ard Willi© J. Abbott are candid©’©© foi the poettl*>n of Be< re mry to the President in !h** event of Bryan’© election. ffhouid Ureeiman i© selected. I her *- would be no ned of a c ab inet or a diplomatic corps. UreHman feels himMdf • ©mpsunt to run the earth | and at Hi have tuno lor tfv.Uug. Tli* big Insurant* cofgpaoßs *U> rot insure the lives of negroes. anl the hulk of their btMiw mi i© confine*! to atlu-l white men Of lh* 6,t©* estimated lo have been killed in Texas by the dorm, the major lt\ wei** women and children. Eliminat ing tbs women. chUdrrt: sad negroes, th number *f ©form victim© was comparative ly email, and the proportion of them that heil Ilf** insurance) wu© probably smaller. It 1© now believed by insurance expert© In N**w York that th losses on life In . anre in Galvewton will not go beyond if they tea h that sum. In many |nstam th#* letirfl' lark© of the policies, as well M th* ln©tirei. were kilhd. hence It I© probable that In ©om** cane© no ■ lim will lo made for the Insurance. However, om* agtnt I© quoted a© saying that fie h© never heard of a case wh*re tfure wu ImMinuid* money left without a claimant * omimj forward to secure it. Both (Mrlles arc * l.umlng that they will airy W* t Y'lrgima. I*ut, a* cording to tba* cor r'©|*mdent of the Baltimore Fun at Parkersburg. It I© largely a cause of bluff on both sides. Neither liei&ocrat* nor Hepuhli bnt> are at all mil dent of victory, lltough the protMibllttles are that the form* r have a shad** of adwintugc 8o fir a© the* Unlt*l State© e*-nator©hlp B oncern**l. It B prohubie that the Ibm orratM will securo .i an* ce.©or t Se nator Elkins, who I© a candidate for re-election In the event of the Democrats ekctlng u majority In tin* Legislature, Ih*fi. John T M* draw* will d>ubtle©© Im- chosen senator, ,m he ha© the Indorsement of th# recent Democratic ©late convention. It sem© thot Mr Btatichfleld, th- Dem ix-rafio nominee for Governor of New York* talked too freely about the Philip pin* - before he knew what fortune ho i in store for him. At the annual dinner of the members of the Amherst Alumni Association of New York city, last Feb ruary. at Ddmonlco’s restaurant, he made a speech In which he declared himself in favor of holding the Philippines—of re taining. in fa -f, u grip on every foot of oil that l .id come to us a© the result of tie- Bpa n Dh-Anver lean wr. Th*- thing for him to do now Is to say that n wr facts h ive can > and him to change his mind. Bens tor Beveridge* much auded Phil ippine ii©-* *h, which it predict'd would make ?u h fine campaign material. Is not to be circulated by th* Uepuhlb an Bt*rsry bureau. Asa matter of fact, Ldc.- '■JO copies of the ©|>t©ch were the other day (’orfirnwl to the flame© In Washing ton by order of the campaign commute* which had reactord the conclusion that a© a vote catch*r the speech was a flat fallute. Now that M< Kinley, Roosevelt am! Brv - an have formally accepted their novum tions, thero cannot be much doubt wjih iFi|©ci to what Mr. Stevenson i© going to (la about It. PER SO* %L. James MMhon. the Sul* plclan prin-st %vho gave |SnfM©o to the Catd • lb Univirslty of Americu In Washlngtor a few ymr© ago. h i-* now given Hint in stitution eleven lot© of land in Washing ton valued at IIOO.UOO. —Gen. G.iselec. the British r.inirni- l * in China, Is not. It appears, us reported the e*n of the original Justice Stare high f "Pickwick.** Hi- father wu© r* -tor .►( Mills Ysldham. Essex. The gen< is now serving in ni© eleventh war. -The Buesian General Krynnovsky le endeavoring to curry om a novel idea In • ©nnectlon with th*- Thlrty-fourtli Divis ion of Infantry, which I© under his com mand. ll*' has ordert'd that each com pany ©hall burn • separate war song, to be sting when making on ifttack, *> that the general In command may know at a distance which comismv Is nt tacking. For this purlins** each battalion of the Thlrty©fourth Division will form a choir from among th* m* n l*donglng to It. and to this choir will N* attached some drum mers. players on cymbals, and other mu sician©. —A unique clock hns been made in la>n *b>n for the Bliuh of Persia. Not only is the Teheran time shown, but tlm* In twelve other cities of the world Tne enter dial which Is th* largest, show** Teheran time, while the smaller dials show the time** at Pekin, Washington. Yokohama. Bombay. Harrmrkand. Con stantinople. Vhnna Rome, Beilin. Paris. Bt. Petersburg, and London. All the tigures on th** dial* are in Persian rh.r icters. Including the name© of the vari ous cities, and each dial I© mounted In a handsome ormolu frame, richly engrave*! I t It It KM ( OMMKDT. Th*- Cincinnati Inquirer (Dem) ©ays: The chairman of the Hepubllc m Nation, al Committee I© a ’business man.’ and af fect* ©kill and confidence In figures, but in his speech In Delhi. Ind . on Ekitiirdav which abounded in statistics, there was nothing about the eb rtlon flgur* © from '’eruj'int ©n*l Maine They mike a deplor able showing for the Republicans. True he election return© are not doctored sta tistics, wuch ms Mr. Hanna deals In when telling fairy stories about prosperity and defending Imperialism on trade grounds twit, nevertheless, they demand his atten tion. Congr* - -man Grosvenor should nc ompony the chalrmin in an explanatory tour and *ell why his spe-'ch**© In Maine did not save that state ns a harbinger of It'publl m vl lory ai the pr* .-| Untial elec tiori In November.” The New Orleans Picayune fD*-m 1 so vs "Mi. McKinley mention* imperialism onl\ *• dl- ivowr i*. But what. then, is Impe r’allsn * What ess*ntlnl Ingredient has Imperialism that Is ln< king In th** course pursii *1 by t‘ • MKInl > administration *n the Philippines? Mr M Kll’.lry hlmwelf do*'© sot Ilk • to he known a© an imp* rial Is*, but h© takes forcible possession of im met * • terrltorif s iKonging to o her Pow er©. and. wh**n the Inhabitants complain, he assure# them that In has don* It tor flie lr good But that Is w hat Imperialists *n*ial!\ sav under auch circumstances; ©rd. i ally, if Mr. McKinley di*:ik< the n m*-. he should icold the prartl • Mean whll*. he sN*uld under©land that the ni ilc objection to hi© |*oll-*y I© not avoided or re moved by his silence on that point." The Louisville Courier-Journal (Dem.) say- "An Arrot'litul Pres- dbpidrh. *le. scribing *he looting of Pekin, says that •he mlss’orarie* ermplnln hecaus* the B©< re l City haw rot been lo*> I They •itg** that *h* ?< *al family n*l othei hlglilv-pla and •’hiniw iHisorigr©, who wer.* behind all the tumble, Vn-ald t* n cl* tc ruffei tnor- than thee w! o blindly fodowd th* in Evidently om , nest shlpm- t t of to Chin* should be ti* werk Ofl the mlnslotiatl*. * ;il- j uady there" The Mtphl Commercial-Appeal (Dem.) i says. "The theory M. Kh ley \* *i *|i- , v!a rosier who '.so mend the prh e *.f .•- •oc and restore ht©lth to tlie* mat k# *. oT\ the hug rhOr enlai© • the goober crof make the tuns lav *•©* smt the cow© give n ilk. create fatnlip# a bttrad. pi*-eent the country w|rh half . billion dolia © of sold. an<! act ©s m uu|- v. r*al hair :t©t**fei U iHflvki *ui ©- Vtw jol'*." , | The < iiHiUMdorr'a t ur, In the srly day© of ©team'.waiting' on the Ohio river, says the Denver Time©, they had only ©♦••rtiwheel Ist.its. and old Commudoro McCullough of Cincinnati, conceived a s in nv to bulk! nnd laun fi n puls: © *'B<lefhesler," whl-h would, by grace of tier bcautv urd tx* "run the M**rnwheeler© out of the trade.” He curried tils kl**.s to a stiecesxful and leautlfui tinlah. an! •* nt her no her ini tial trip. r.d h|m ime back b" loaer. Tin* native© along the river would not ship mi her, nor wotiid they ride on hot i**r trust their live ntock mi her. They '‘couldn’t s • the whtfl go rourvl ” 8o the Ft>ra Belle rna*l** trip after trip, burning from !•' i.. f! *<• worth of coal, and taking In perhaps tan. Th** n* w tsi pers t**>k It tip. uml It wu© sr**t talk aimut wf>t a "frost" tin* Finn* B lie w as Everybody from honker to hoot Ida* k kn*w Dm tale. At thD time the old National Theater on 8v a more street was the Imhi t*>n th*ter of (Tiulnridtl, nt it© gil luiit men and lovely vvotu- u throng***! th* P©rfornwrwes. tin* right the commodore att©n*le*l. and as h- ♦■nt*r*-*l there wn> a *• © *•* fti©lk ih ami wnisiM rimpi. ’There’s the • •-mmodorc. There’s the owner of Flora Belle." The play was one of those "Berth.i. the Hewing-M e hlne Girl." dramas, with a as l*erlH>i*’ heroine, tind there wu on* •no in which tn* lover propos* •! mar r ©<•. No." ©ai*V th© heroine "I ran nev* r h* your wife, Harokl. You at** wealthy, you *re a millionnlre. while I urn only • ioor sew .ng-girl If I marry you all my friends will -:\ jt was f*r your rn**i •y. ■md I kvi* you. durling. for yourself Get rl*l of vour mom y. m iartlng. and I will b- your wife." Ai .1 ©he. made her exit in tear©. Th** lover walk* ! up and down the ©tape t i How h* crail. "how can I win her? H *w • <n i get rid of my money?" Thaf w*r*e the 01l commorlorc*# cue. He rose up in the center of the iMrqtiettc nn*i shout* and: "Buy the Flora Belle!" Tin* Vlurphv’a Joke. Tfm Murphv. <om*liin. was at one time a government employe In Washington. sa >* *he Bt. lavuis Republic. He held • l>o©hion in the p*t* nt oftl* *. and it was Ills bulsncss to draw Ihos. Interesting pic tures of harrows, plows. . Icvtrlc rb>. ks. submarine bat,, pi thing- of tbit on that appear in th* I’nrni Office Gazette Murphy would probably have kept his Ida * in th *ltpari:n* i t to this *| v * ia .| li not been for his humorous inclination. Even b* those day - he wa- a humorist, uiwi unfortunately, or fortunately, h it h i.- since develop**!. *ould not kc. p fiorn g* tting tunny with the week Intrusted io •m He i© quick nnd clever at Pitching a liken* >©. fn th*••*' davf ih rtgulnr mechanical draw ings of h. ; .r© *f th* various m.- hlnc, on which patent© were giant* and wie by drawing© In pro-- !*• Be -tiowlng Hum In o|n ration, and in r* Murphy in-. *1 to find a Arid for his talents as a art* aturi©t. A *opy of th** i'atcnt Office Gareuc. ©till pris*d l> < >ll* i torcontains a picture of a jAitmr working a patent p ..w Two hua. ly looking mu Ice. in . weary and *ll©- gu*.ted attitude. .r- shown ©training their !’ * rr ’ " w *lle .* n. ty-lo* king Jer>vtnan D.m. over th. handles, chewing , vtimw. Nothing odd r p*. ullar wjm i oil *d about •he drawing until p w published, wh* n ! WlV ‘* ** f * over th* Office, th* g r.c* n-look trig farmer© I p was that f Jam* - G. Blaine, the llkents© b ing re markably gnO*l. It was impossible to suppress (ha edi fi‘ll B wg© allowed to go out, hut Mr Murphy w it , 110, ,1 tu j. p Jr , , he lime. * linrlrn t}|rl.ei, mid HI- 4’*,. r'tMWlea Dlch.-ne wm a lover of anlmnle. ui'l had a upri’l tl fon.lueee for rule, eaya iho IkMlon Itrai 'an. One of h 1 (avorlln. known frrm hr ili.ollon to Llekena a* Ih. mi ier'e tal.' follow him ilmmi, Ilk. a <k>K, ulld Ml iH-rlile him while h- wrol. . Om- blt-krim was at a email (able by ihe liahi of a t-atsli. , with pussy, as usual, at his elbow Sud denly Ih. llftht went out. Dickens waa mueh Interested In his book, redithiml the candle, Kivliur the cat a stroke as he did so. and went on reading In a short time the light again became dim. ami turning suddenly. Dickens founil puss deliberate ly -putting out the eandle with her |iaw. and looking at Mrn apis dingiy as she .II I so. Not till did her master glass what was wrong. The little creature felt neglected and wanted to Ik- petted, and extinguishing the candle was the best de vice she could (htnk of for bringing Ii about. Indian \Ylt. There wns n lawyer In the Indian coun try who laid none too good a repui illon lor honesty, say* the Philadelphia Call. One of the aborigines employed hint To <k a bill*- legal business. It was .lon- It. the client's satisfaction, the free duly p ild and n receipt for Ii duly demanded "A receipt Isn't necessary," the lawyer s.tkl. "Itut I want It.” replied the red man. There was some argument, and the attor ney tie ally demanded his reason. "Since iM-eotnlng a Christian 1 have been very eareful in ud my ihallngs, that I may he ready for the Judgment," answered the brave sententlously, "and when that -iay comes I don't wain so take time to go to the bad phtce to get my receipt Irom you." The receipt was made out and delivered promptly. “Tliem'a the l.utes.** A visitor In Farts was sealed ala table In one of Ihe hlgh-prh-ed restaurants In the exhibition grounds thinking of various things as he r> ad over Ihe bill of fare and observed the price-, say* London Moments "Ity thunder!" he exclaimed to the wal ler. "haven't you-any i-onscience at all In this placed" Beg pardon." replied the haughty ser vitor. "Haven't you any eonsolenee—conscience confirm—? Don't you umlerstand?" The wall r pleked up the bill of far. and h. gan looking II over. "I don't know if we have or not. If ,v --ba.e. It s on the bill; If w. utn'i. you'vr gut i > pay extra for it Them's ihe rubs, sir." ’t A Rest >l**tl> vion. HcMow ha© iii*r<.' Ixtn a man more fer tile in tiUKK* >tl*>n chan Mr. Moody, bui it wa* alvvay© hi© tie*lre lo fir. 1 out the kle.if of ocher men, ©a>© the Advance. Upon ono occasion, at u nutllitf of • lioa:*! ol Htinday 8 h*>ol m in.tK' ii, iu* of the nv m- Ih r# m-*•!** a v* r> novel proposal. Turnloii quickly to a very successful .*u l*ertiiien<i* nt who happened to bt pre©tnt Mi. Moody ii>k*H): Wlixl do you thli.k nioul thtit?" I think it a mofi excelieni kie. Mr. Moody. n*l I may ©ay chat w*- hove been uirninK to h tiist very hlr. for two ! year©,’* replied Che ©uperintendcin. "Ii that >o‘" >.*•! I Mr. Moo*|>. "Then' don't you chink It 1© about time you fii©il Tin* i lilld Mind. A little xirl. w i hliqr to set her cap from n dark room, ticket! (tie nurec for it. sn>> Harper*© Monthly. The nur©* told her that iriie should >C Ih* afraid of the dark, a© God In Gw dark a© ©**ll ns- in tq* . Itsht Th** Utße girl .ook**i douhtfuiiy into \ • lie dark mom. thn walking bravely to th*- door. ©aid. "Ood. please, sir. hand in* 1 my *'ap." A little rhlid In Sunday School i ai*i. beltx queiitoned hvw Eve um* to l*. made, hesitated >*i*nie time, nnd then brtabter.lua up ©aid: "God iook-*l at Adam ami ©aid. T sues# I can do r*;tuj j tuttn that,’ aud he then made Eve.’* j The Quakers Are Honest People. §Tb. Qu*k*r Kert Tonk l. not only a Nor.l purifier, bul • Flood maksr for Fair. Weak snd De bilitated people who have not strength nor blood It sets sa a tonic. It regulslas digertlon. cures dys pepsia and lends strength snd ton, lo ih- nervou, system. It la a tno-llclne for weak women. It Is a purely vegetable medicine aid can he laken by ih, roost delicnl,. Kidney Dis ease*. Rheumatism and all .llea- of ih* Blood. .Stomach and nervrs aoon auccuroh lo its wonderful effect* upon tbs human system Thousand* of peopla In G>rgl* i (commend It. Price II.CO. yIJAKKR FAIN MALM Is th* medlclr. that Ihe Quaker Doctor made ail of his wonderful i.ul-k with. It’s anew and wondetlol mediclna for Neurelgl*. Toothache. Baekacha. Rheuinatiam. ■bpralna. l'aln In liowels. .n fact, all pain can be relieved by It. Price 2k and ihe. Qt'AKICR V% HITE WONDER RoAP. a medicated soap for Ih* skin, scalp and comi-lexlori Price 19c a -\ke Qt'AKER HI- ALI NO SALVE a veg-- tahl- ointment for Ih, cur, of letter. c -irmi and eruption, of th, akin. I hie 10c a box. FOR S*I.E ET ALL DRITOOfSTB. An Open LeKer Jaaper Sitringi, dtrar) ©avauuab. (•., *epl. 7, 1900. nliinitnln l)ric ( nnipany, Viuiniiiih, fa.t Gentlrnii’N—l liaxr unfTrrlna tv iI It ( lillli nnd Fftrr f*r iurr limn Hirer month©. Have been niidrr treatment of ©evrrsl doe tors, tried ■i vrral *o-called < hill Tnnlrm, none of vvlilelt benetlted me. At lat I (red one bottle of your ©mtth’n Cliltl aol Fever To ate. and tvilhlu three ln>© I felt mueh better, nnd after iMinu (lie second bottle I nut Kind lv av I nm entirely eared. I %vrlte tlii© mi that yon may le able to Inform other© vvlio tony ©offer nnd ansnre them of n cure. Very trnly yours, (Mined) HUSKY TOF.TTEH. for (hills & Fever] a dumb ague and; J k;- MALARIA^ IIPPMAN BROS.. Proprietors. OraggtiU. LlppmAn’t Block. SAVANNSH. 6* BUCK’S W-J Dyspepsia ' -7 Cuyfe IL& Tablets • t" * <-•' B 1 -•. f.A*.b .Hisnw*. id r 'st • v,- ©*• •♦♦•• ■ p*'miMnl cur*. j| W Promote the Appetite 1 J and Fm Flesh on Thin J People All titeßlHf *f lfc#©ofbvK •rd “ ©*••!• *-*o he rtired I*y Ihsir N#a| r,d|.ri r n hwe*rr,#.t ,n U.a (akrfc ■ Pnem Vw jwf lw>t Al *|| <?*".•*!••• m i-ou >u©k a co , m©*w*i>9in. m. M IlltOl © ASO tOLLLtiES. Morion’s School for Boys. Tha flftrenth session of this school which Is the la-gcst an.l beet l-rlvate school in IhP city, commence, Oct. 1. Thorough bistrucilon In all <le l-utmeni- Student, from this sc hool en ter lln- Stale Unlveralty on Principal's - ertllLal, without entrance examinations Special Insiruction for those wishing to enter tho U. 8. Academies. For catalogue* or other information ad dress, J R. MORTON. M. A. 17-17 Macon street, east. Principal. ST. VINCENT'S ACADEMY, A! VANNAH. . FOUNDED IN 1M.7, Day-School for Young Ladles, conducted by Ihe Sisters ol Merry. The - ourse of Instruction I# thorough and comprehen *u *.. The scholastic year rnrnmenre* LAST WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. A UNO PIIKIVAIt ATOII 7 St HUOI. FOR I.ITTI.K ROY*. Small boy. receive that special care and attention which their axe demands. For terms apply to MOTHER SUPERIOR EPISCOPAL HICIM SCHOOL, U M BLACKFORD. M. A , Principal. For Boy*. Three mile, from Alexandria. V*. and -Ig'.t ironi Washington. I,’ C. The iL’d year open* Sept. 26. 19t>'. t'ata logue rent on application lo th* principal at Alexandria. Edgeworth Boarding A Hav School I'or Girls. Reopens Sept, fj, jstn year Mr.-. II I'. LKFEHVRE. Principal. Miss K I) HUNTLEY. Associate Prln. 12 and 124 XV Franklin *t,, Baltimore.Md LADIESr E sa h f e e oy A safe an-1 powerful remedy for functional troubles, delay, (tain, and irregularities, is APIOLINE (CHAPOTEAUT) S'irrnf„l|Y preerrihed hv SpeeUlitta for Dt of Wot r-n. Prirt f i.rvi of all T>ruirfrist. ' ,r by mail. I*. O. Rot K/V. ~ " Ie ®ORO;S FRENCH PIUS FEMALE fiFGLLATOR. sd*nt i-mtjY.iM /*r the ***** **<Uv© tor Soc a boa. ,ir ~rR *’ ** lk?itT than Tn©v ■K* J ©♦•! PvtinyrovaL <n!\ t©<i l* * mMr Cc tr ' *v ‘*w Ibnird ClirmKal Cos., ■K u 4*<> olive ©trett. LouisvllU, Ky. Ocean SteamsiilD o. -FOR— New York, Boston —AND— THE EAST. Unsurpassed ealiln aceommodailon*. All the cunif.wta of a modern hotel. Klectnj lights. Unexcelled table. Ticket* Inuod. meals and berths aboard ship. Passenger Pares Irom Savamiiii. TO MW TOKK—FIRST CABIN. Lo FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. IXI. IN TER MEDIATE CABIN, *ls. INTteBML DIATK CABIN ROUND TRIP. Lii. BTteteKAGg, HO. TO BOSTON FIRST CABIN. L>; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. I. IN TKK.MEI -lATte CABIN, *l7; INTteRMU DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. JAW. STEERAGE. 11l 75. The express steamships of this line are appointed to .all from Savannah, Central (9Mh) meridian time, as 'allows • AYASSAM TO SEW YORK. CITY OF AU< lI'HT rapt T>.,g ,- THURSDAY. 8-pi 30. *:>. p m NACOOCHEE. Capt Smith. SATUR DAY. Sept IJ. 400 p m KANSAS CITY. Cl.l-1 Fisher, MONDAY, Hepl. 24, s;il p. m. TALLAHASSEE. Cap*. Aakln*. TIP Rs. DAY. A pt. TANARUS, r, p m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Cap- Da -e|| SATURDAY. S. pt. 29 * ID p m NKYY YORK TO HO*TOX. CITY OF MACON, Capt Bavage, WED NESDAY’. s-pt 1, niKin CITY I-F MACON, Cap* Savage, .MON DAY, Sept. ?4 neon CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. Kpj. DAY, Sep' 3*. n->on This company n-arves the right to change Its sailings without r e gr | without llahllliy or aecountahiilt> u.-re. for Sailing* New Yotk for Savai T days. Thur.--I.iys snd Saturday- -a. W O BREWER. City Ticket , I p * enger Agent. W 7 Hull street, 5... Ga. K. W. SMITH. Uotitraciln* Kreirht Agent. Savannah, fin 1! O. TREZKVANT. Agent. Satan Ga WALTER HAWKINS General Traffic Dep't. —4 W. Bay strec J, k eonvllle. Flu K H HINTON. Traffic Manser Sa vannah, *fi I’ K I.E FEVltf!. New I’ler 35. North River. N w York. N Y MERCHANTS ANO MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. tIMHsIUI' LINES. SAVANNAH Tu II Yl.TltiOltK. Tickets on sa;, at company'* olti ,-t to th, following i -ie<> a> t ry low ra w ATLANTIC CITY. N J BALTIMORE MD BUFFALO, N Y H'tSTON. MASS CHICAGO. ILL CLEVELAND. O. t;iu; fa HAGERSTOWN. HARIUBBURG. PA HALIFAX. N 8 NIAGARA FALLS NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURG PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER TRENTON WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON Flrat-Clara tickets include meals end stat, r->om berth. Savannah to Baltin- re Atoomroodatlons and cuisine uoequal,i F'n'trtit capacity unlimited: caraful l-an ! ling and uu k diepot-'h. The -team-1111-* of this company are ap pclntad to sill fram Savannah to Balti more a follows (f.landar I lime): AI.LKGII.XNY. Capt. Foster. THURS DAY. S-pt. 3>. 4 <) p. m. TEXAS. Capt. tei lr. Ige, SATURDAY, Sept 22. ; P m !> H. MILLER. Capt. Peters. TUESDAY, Sept. 25. ti Ofi p. m. ITASCA. Capt. Diggs. THURSDAY. Sept. 27, *:Bft u m ALLEGHANY. Capt Foster. SATUR DAX- Sep. 2t* '• '• i p m. And from Lamniore *lue-d,iys, Thura days an i Saturdays at 4.0 p m Tli k*l Office. 112 H-ill street. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav AgwtL J J C A ROLAN. Agnt. So vannah, ga W P. TURNER. G P A A D STERRINS. A. T I*. 3. C. WHITNEY. Traffic Manager. General Office, Raltlmoro. 511 1 1S I. Of HOPf fi y MD fi * l R 7 SLUED! *.E For Isle of Hope, Aluidgomery, Thunder boll. Cattle Park and Weal End. Dally except Sundays. Subject lo chang, without noth*. Lv. t'py for I of H Lv. Die of Hop, * M am fr.mi feat* j i, uu am f..r Bollogt 7SO am from Tenth 800 am for Tenth *am from Tenth | 700 am for Tenth t 15 am from Bolton i * cw am for T-mh 10 JO am from Tenth |lO 00 am for Tenth 12 00 n'n from Tenth |ll 00 nm for Bolton I 18 pm from llukun 11 20 am for Tenth 3pm from Tenth ; 2U) pm for Tenth *SO pm from T- ntii ■ 2 4u pm for Rollon *0 pm from Tenth j3 u> pin for Tenth I*o pm from Tenth j mpm for Tenth 830 pm from Tenth I * uo pm for Tenth 7pm from Tenth ; 700 pm for Tenth *SO pm from Tenth ) 8 00 pm for Tenth *0 pm from Tenth i 900 pm for Tcnh 10 kpm from Tenth jin on pm for Tenth |U 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY Lv city for M-ing'ry. | Lv Mortlgomert 830 nm from Tenth (Tlsam for Tenth Ipm from Tenth | 1 15 pm for Tenth *_M I' m Pom T. nth |(00 pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. Lv city for Cat. Park LvT Cattle Park' 8 M am from RoUon ( 7 €0 am'for Bolton 7 am from Rollon |IOO nm for Bolton 100 pm from Rollon | 1 S9 pm for Bolton 330 pm from Bolton ; I an pm for Bolton 700 pm from Bolton 730 pm for Bolion *OO pm from Bolton 1 * 30 pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT Car leave* BoMon street Junction 53* a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter until II 39 p. m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 63)0 n. m and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12 A) midnight, for Bolton a*reet Jus • lion FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR. This car carries trailer for passengers on all trips and leave* west side of city market for Isle of Hope. Thtinlerholt and all Intermediate points al 3:00 a to . 1:00 p. m., 600 p. m. Leave* Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt. Pity Market end all Intermediate points at 8:00 a. m 11 W a. m.. 2*o p. B WEST END CAR. Car leaves wc-ai aide of city market tor West End 600 a, m and * minutes thereafter during the dny until 11:30 p. m. Leaves West End at : a. m and ev ery *0 minutes thereafter during lb, day until 73 00 n'rloek midnight. 17 M IX7FTON. Gt Mgr J. D. WEED ft CO ttVAUAS, GA. Leather Belting. Steam Packing 4 Bose. Agent* for NEW YORK RUBBER BELTING AND PACKINO COMPANY OLD NEWSPAPERS; SM for B oaoia ** Uuaineas Offic, Morning New,