The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 19, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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getting oesperate IH>\\ HIMKU FOR Vd l HIM; liltY AN OK HVPOCKIM, thinks there are no trusts. TOOK BHf tBTTKH OF M ( El*, r%M K Hl§ TWIT. snlil Hr %N nuld l.ikf In lime llisnn i, ml Hoar n Ihr fin t form to Trll Tbrtr Itraaona AiiniiiM Im l>rriHlliu a -l'r ~|t ‘ n( M lie H Alna.t ||r*n ua the *ldr of Ihr KnrkAim in m ii—lll • 4 blrarn *per*h a MIDI C'hU ifo. R*pt 18 Senator M. A. Han ,,.4 at tuMin tf-rtay m*ui an to r./ vrrul i down-town business men th*lr employe* at the room* of the Commercial McKinley Club. He Mid In P*ri: you will find my text In the letter of epftinc# of that apoatle of frt-* iver. William J. Bryan. It l* hi* last r.l nnd he begin* hi* Interemiiifc appeal the |>* opto of the United Suite* by tell ing what he know* about tru*t*. At the Kan*** City convention there developed a uid* difference of os>ink>n in the Demo te ... party a* to they should 10, ~r ought to do. utul various pilgrim* of 1/ncnJn found Mr Brynn very uneasy w.ll he might have been, since the nr r. w lg of one vote In the convention Ml i! the waving of hi* pet hobby, free silver. Etui hoar ha* It been *lnce that eon .niion? In all hi* apeerhe* during this , impalgn he ha* made only the barest t< ference to free silver. But be look up mother Issue, one which he labored In V. ifthlngton to manufacture He gave pos hive order* to certain members of Cot . .f. m vote to ratify the treaty with jip.iln. and for no other reason than that might have an imaginary ehanc- to k the clminlsttiitton. \\ nnled lira nn and llonr. i wish I could have together >n this platform William J. Bryan and Senator . lt orge E. that each might tell his r*. a sons for opposing expansion' or Imp* nl*ni.' - i.stor lloar would t*>nvlnce you that h* ..jpo*l It from conscientious motive*, but , n all other points a unit with the par from which he differ* In that one r* t, ami thot be is a supporter of Wbl tn McKinley. With them- two together l would (•or the mask off the face of • at hypocrite. WHUam Jennings Hr> m neors and htssr * one stand* on the : rm foun kit am of his convictions of right , ,j the other on the flimsy foundation of ! ;. rlh> liryan has bsr, afraid to push • silver issue te<'*ue h- wants to carry * York and s<m* other Eastern list* - ii and ii if m !l v ’ • tifty spa-chea a day. nt* audience . Ain!'. le- awl less every dav. It - trump and last ard. and we will hokl \m down to that Usu* and on every aide If ( ir greot corporation* of arn.ilgnmtt . ipiul ate In tire Interests of the man* ,rc*r. then ir*? tRt tabor organisation* ~and •-omblnatloo* In the interests of th* v kiugmen? Iw. first man In oh* • r ’ gruie orgtimzed labor in 1871. and .. i.* that orßHiHMtion of bituminous >1 miners exist*-.! we never had a strik*-, I tieiiev* In arbitration between ialxr and ni. arul tn 1887 when If *otf >*tor e men ami women In Cincinnati, 1 toi l n that If tliey would prove to me t. i 1 nid ever wrong**) any workingm tn w sing for me. gr urged the reduction of pay, I would resign from the f’nlt*-*l '• - Henate next lay, and the offer still **• > m There %re nn Trust*. 1 would i.k* Mr. Bryan or any other IV mo tat to tell me what a trust Is. I l•!.* v*- there Is not a trust In th-' United h*t.**s. Ther* Is a national law. an*! In • \ st;ii there |* a law. against trusts T■ y nnot exist, and every law against t• national or state, has teen the pro •ii of Kt publican Ms maker* and the * lit Is *lu tne Republican party. 1 • v no objection to the Demon ml* oppo*- trusM-, but they have not got any pat *nt on It. ltr\.n tell.** u ih< he would *lo if sleet 'd. Ill* first act would he to haul down •*' American flog in the Philippines n of ’no. ro.’) Well, that Is wnat he • iv* he would do, but the Am* rlcan t*co* li* tvo*j|<| not let him Then he would • M itilish a 'stable government.’ probably ‘Vit i Aguinabko at the hea*l of It. Think f it! Pull down our flag, remov* our 11 oops and leave the brave dead, our hoy* m l.ue. to the tender mercle* of Aguinal ‘Kryan will stand on any platform they make for him. ride any bobby, indorse any * . yew. he will even abuse m** for th enj.* pun**e* of being President. That I* 11 he wants. (Cries of *V’ou arc ail tight.*) Ye*. I am all right, for I talk things 1 know all aboiM. and 1 don’t He either. Cast your vote-* n your own Interests, and not ot in the interests of Mr. Bryan. The oportgnee of th!* campaign is greater than any ever liefore known In the coun try. because and reversal of the policy ' f the government would bring about a change In commercial Interests which would dwarf the awful storm at Galves ton. It would mean a commercial and in dustrial revolution from which this coun try would not soon reooccr.’* HANNA WOI LO NOT Dl*€T ** IT. • >H*d Speaker* M?otld Handle Pol. Ilrsaa'* letter. Chicago, ftept. 18.—-Neither Senator Han na, choirmnn of the Republican Execu tive Committee, nor Vice Chairman Payne would discus* today W. J Bryans let ter of acceptance. "Enough replies will be made to tha' I** er from the platform by men who ire it the habit of speaking.” sold Senator Hanna. Por two hour* before he left national • tdrpiarter* to address n meeting of the • ommerclal McKinley Club. Senator lian • was besieged by cullers, the most con picuous of whom, was Sen tor Welling ton of Maryland. ”1 am going to make speeches In Dc -1 r *il and Grand Rnpids,” said Senator Wellington. "Despite all thai may be said * the contrary the It* publicans ar*- In fave danger of losing Maryland, where •*H they have been hojH'ful of winning her*.'' It was announced at I>etnocratlo na t'onal headquarters that next week Adiai • Stevenson will begin a speaking tour r,# Michigan. Wisconsin. Ohio, Indiana. Kentucky nnd West Virginia. Hanna to lalk to Laboring Urn. ' hie a go, S* i*. 18. —Sena'or M A Hanna, of the liepubllcan National ' mmlttea, will make ravens 1 speeches to ♦he laboring men of Chicago liefore the • *m* of the campaign. The principal one W| H W made In Congressman Eorlmer’* district some time during October. < orl**t> Want* to I**l a Clab. I-ondnn. Kept 18 —James J. Corbett, the ugillst, who arrived In this dl) Hatur ust from New York. In an Interview PuMithed In an evening paper, *a>* the Pencil*| object of his vlsll here is to try 1,1 * # t hold of the National Sporting duo ***d run It on the same basis as the Amer ican boxing clubs. HISTORIC OCCASION. (Continued from First Page.) its and tolerance. mu| so long as the am id: too of man, the w*t *>f |xwer and coil* quest tint k}tnini*n shall tie stronger tha.i tae lov • of j tanka nnd liberty ai*l •'quailt) an.l if the Kur.irge. in deadly aisi unv|ual vambmi, shall search the hor- Ixoi for * i).hk help. 1 know that this and Its inspiring inscription will give swift wings to tn* Alaunn • to hasten to th* rescue ami turn her flaming guns uiK>n the common erumy. • • • this tablet with Ms proud Inscrip tion that will be revett-d tqxn the stout tlnil** r* of th** Alabama, has already left .in unfading image ii|H>n the hearts of our I** } .*• one that win forever uM- N*or Hampshire with her majestic mountains and ihrtvlnK clile* and thrifty j*eople In enduring p* • ,• w'iih Alukitna, th- fairest of all tin fatr stubs in the ftiir land of th*? sun and sky.” Because of th*' Incvne nt weithcr the prxqK'fn! xer l*e.- <ii l>*>a i the t*tt>* •hip K*srsirgs vrera omitted, and Oapt. N' I*. Fc U rof that ves.*> Iw as lntro*)uce.| and accept, and the tablet in hehuif of the officers an| men. extending to the slat, and the city their uppr*ciation for the gift. t' lpt. Widitm li Btownson, commander of th* Alnbima. was also Introduced, and on flmikut lines. Sprreli by Herbert. The *xer-is. a w* re coiedude*! w ith an historical a*k)re.*s by ex-be rt ary of the Nvy Herbert, who sakl: "How wond* rful is th* march of history sin. .* IM!. Think of |t for o moment. Aii < ffort by eleven states to form an Ind* pendant * i,.. , . • .... Uu.t *'.*! ,tj...>k j ronttn.'iit, t'luturmit f. i four y.-jir* on I m l jin.l M‘-n .hip ..f ’ ! 1 nen Confederacy caii,-i *h.* \! jUimu •I* ,lio> u.v mllilon. I>l Vnlml sttat.- . .mi thci . , .1.-riviatj. tn the heat of war jr ■ j pirate, that ommerc deettoyer aojr.< ■lonn In h.rolt h,u|e to the hut tom of the e, „n thi .i,t of Kr.ut. • , h-fore the Kilns of ihe brave Kearsiirgc floating the oi.l Ask. Just ,s the niv Kovernm'-iit a .s shortly to go .loan itefore lh< nnnj.j an.l flute of rhe old union—the atalden ' ■'*’ ot .he mighty conflict—the alneere ■.uhmi.slon of the vniufiileh.-y a elmlra'lou between lh.- sohlu-rs wh. hv.l fought ca.di other th.n itntn.,- 1 ’ **’-■ following |u the woke of war. could t'ot e, • I ngulah— *t he |*rncc*e of re onatraotlon - the slow and pain ful rehabilitation of the late •'..uful. t lie State, Into the Union- the ■‘•■l fr j'ernir itlon. Unit of the soldlei. • tfl sailor: m l then of the people, of the two t none. Ihe tailing of an ex t •nfj-lerii. soldier to comm-an l th. navy of the rotort-l t'nlon. the ordering by urn. eg-Confederate of the>.rge to the waters of t'entrel America to ma'n -1 tin tht rlghi, of Ame luu merchant*. Ihe melancholy wte k of the old ,hlp on a reef. th. Congrec, of the United States at the suggestion of that ex Confederate tuthorlzlng the hutldinc and the natnlug f Ihla splendid v. ,s* I for the Kearsarge, then while these two ships, tht- new K*arsarge otal the new Alalutma were still on the stocks, ano-her war. this tlm* a foreign war ihe President of the United States, himself n gallant soldier In the Ulvil War. appointing In that war ex-Con feilernle soldi, rs to i-ommsml Union sol* *ller, an*l Union soldiers to eommand ex ■. nfeelerale solell.-r.—'he Congress of th** United States for the first me In otir his tory sustaining with unanlmliy the gov ‘■rnment In Its tight with n foreign foe. and now the splendid ehaiaer In the march of American mnnhisad and chival ry nnd sfutesmanshlp that Is being wrtt ■en here to-day on ihe eonsi of New Kng hind. Ihe gm-ernors and peoples of New Hampshire and Alabama tinder the nits- P'ces of the national government. Joining hands to send forth freighted with the prayers and hopes of a united country, the two greit battleship,, the new Kear sorge and the new Alabama. It Is Xot a Drrsm. "The seer who forty years ago could have bodied forth this picture would have been set down ae a dreamer. Put we are not dreaming, w-e are rejoicing over real ities. rejoicing that though our c attest was bitter anti bb*o.|y, our reconciliation I, hearty and complete rejoicing th it It has been given to us to witness nt last that more perfect union" which the fathers dreamed of In Ihe preamble to our constitution, hut never lived to see. "How has this all come about? The anawer Is simple. The people of the two sections have at lasi come lo understand , tch other as never before. "What did seem strange for a time to you of Ihe North was that we of the Souih. afl> r sc and. pt lin a - have accepted with stub entire unanimity th arbitrament of the sword Hut the reasoning which Influences us all men now can sec Slavery, th- occa sion of the quarrel between North and booth, was dead. Ihe unity of the great republic was established, ihegre it streams that had floater! lo ns nsn-of-war. and the highways between Ihe two sections along which armies hint irurnpel wer now occupied with traffic; this country was geographically otn country, th* du pi me Court of ihe I'nlon was proclaiming from the bench that ihe constitution of the father, was still Ihe law of th> land piotectlng everywhere the rights of the lUtSen. Why should not lh seceded stale, again seek place* In their fathers house? There was hul ole- hope of peace and happiness for u* mid ur children, that hoi*- lay In the pain of the I'nlon. and we made up our mind, to tread Ihut !th, the path that was soon to lead a reunited iteOfde to the foremost place among Ihe nation* of the earth.” Assistant Secretary of the Navy Hack ee t. n Port-mouth man. also spoke. At th.- conclusion of the ceremonies, cheet* w.-re given for the Governors of Alabama md New Hampshire, and Ihe audience dl-l>eea*tsl after singing "America." The .lot's celebration concluded with grand tsinquet at the Hotel Wen worth, si which many officer, of the fleet were present, as well as all InvHr.i gu-sis. m hiding tlov Johnston of Alabama and hie daff A half-dogen of ihe guests made speeches. tn litlrresllsg Banquet. The banquet to-nlghl was a naval af fair. Thrte secrelarlea of Ihe navy, two now retired ami one In active service, to gather with the two governor, who had been piomlnent In the day'a cWebration, were the cbftf figures and the prin cipal speeches. Th* flrui *q*k* r was <ov. r mnK Hollins, who r.ferre.l lo Ihe union of Hu- North and South as typified tn the day's celebration. Following <lov. Rollins came (lov. John ston of Alahfltna. who k pt the . ntir. t om pany In a roar of laughter wllh his hu morous remarks, closing his speech with nn eloquent peroration on the event, of the day. Secretary or the Navy Ix>ns roponded In part (or the President, and immediately following Mm came Secretary of the Treasury (line. Former Secretary of the Ngvv Chandler spoke of Ihe old navy, and ex-Set-r. lar> Herbert of ihe new navy. While Rear Admiral command ing officer of the North Atlantic squadron, spoke of the fleet. The banquet c os-d by a very Inteiesting spec, h by (lov. Hollins wtio pre--nt and o tlov Johnston a Iragm'-nt of two lsHtl<- tlags. Jill that at. left, which floai>d ..w r Ha it cry No j In from of Petersburg, and which were captured by Private p. t-r Mitchell of Conway. N. 11.. and Sergl. lames R Morrison now of Pomona. rU. In reluming these haul, flags (lov. Rollins asked tlov. Johnnton to ascertain to what regiment and states they belong saying. •This jetton on the port of New Hamp shire will IS) as a token of love and friendship." tlov Johndon scce. t-d lh' fl >g In worils that came from hi* heart, and from the verge of -ars the entire awHinldy sent to the bounds of enihnsh*m a* the tattered emblem, were raised up *0 every one could sea (hem. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMREK 19. 1900. The a* PSnkham Remedies For disorders of the feminine organs have gained their great renown and enormous sate be cause of the permanent good they have done and are doing for ihe women of this country. ff all ailing or suffer ing women eould be made to understand how ab solutely true are ihe statements about Lydia E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound, their suffer ings would end. Mrs. Pinkham counsels women free of charge. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. The advice she gives is practical and honest. You can write freely to herf she Is a wo man. ONE KILLED. TWO WILL DIB. Falnl nt Fcml IliiMcrn flu* Knxnnh nml Nlo4i#*r*. on\lllo Term.. Sept. 18.—Thr IBs ar.l-M• <;** Bud hart n rtumuilo sn*l trmcr vltmax to-rtay. in which one man wss kiilert, -wo others fitolly uisl on* wtl otisly vroundsi Trwlav nt noor. Uhsrls* .loner nnrt t*ls cr.thcr. Joshua, rntrrM the Flew Hoi si i'.irtr*f r *m. which w<* fllls i with quests, in*! took *••;!s ala table*. A moment later t' livtik ati*l T* tn Howard rnirrH thf iwin nnd met th* J*im*s htothtm face to f h<’* In an inainiM revolvers wen* drawn by the ftour m-n ami about thirty snots **T* brrt in ijii. • eu t-Hhlon, the terrl tl*l iru-sia making th**ir exit from the MKHn iv* wav of rrt tvlmlows. Wh*n the Mrlntr oesMxf Chari** Jotief* r • - fouml tie i*l on th*- floor with ta bul let wounds m his heart and three In the heart: Jo.'hua Jones and Calvin Howard were tnortnlly wound***! and unconscious, and Tom Howard, the only one of the quartette left on his feet, had a number ol bulb i wound* on his body Two year* uro Tom Howard married a member of the McGee family despite the strenuous opposition of the McOeas. A few dnv* after the marriage two brother* of Mr*. Howard w*nt to Tom’s house and cutlintr him to the door be*an firlna upon him. Two of Tom’s brothers. Ernest and Will Howard, and Oeorge Morrow Jolne 1 in th* fusillade and all three were shot and killed by the M<*Geee. That was th*- ’ * -innlni of the f.aid since which time it h * developed and *rrown wMh Intense bit terness. The McGees were arrested for Ihe kill- Ing of Ernest ami Will Howard and Mar row*. and their ulster, Mrs. Tom Howard, remaining true to h* r husband, i stifle*l against them Tli* final trial of th* Me- G* *• was set for to-*lay at this (riace. IIOEI4H UVD ttl-.A Y % LOH9EH. I*lfrb* *l flnttlr \% as L'oaght Nrnr M**rlr Hpraltt. London, 8* pi 18.—Tht* Dally Telegraph publishes th*? following from laortnso Marquez, dated yesterday: "A pitched battle hoe been fought mil way between Kaap Mulden and Hector Bi>rult, resulting In heavy Boer losses. The Roars removed and now threaten to destroy the <og wheels of locomotive*, without which the railway rannot b* worked. They have blocked an.l dimugcd lh** railway for six mile* on the Crocodile Poort sectkvn, have dcatroyM the cul berts aisl the Hector Hprutt bridge, and UsHer) nnd btune<l K->*m tl|ort. The British are now #n Komatipoort and heavy lighting I* proceeding. "It is rumored that Mr. flteyn haa ar rlved here.” ffl ptn red Locomotives. Pretoria. Wept. 18.—Gen. Pole-Carew ha* or upied .Mulden, about twenty miles cast of Nelspruß. where he captured a number of locomotive* and a considerable quantity of ro.ling stork. NEARLY ALL IIOIMBS GONE*. Many ll*sil*\lere Deported Found at It Iu b Island. Gatveslon. Hept. 18.—" There are only ten houses in habitable condition >outh of High Island,** says II P Hpangles, general manager of the Gulf and Interstate Ball-j w ty Companv. who returned to-day ".**>m a tour of inspection of the property of hi* comiany "There were thouaand>? of bodtex of dad i animal* and about Jttn b.*lle*i of human kielngs foun dthere. The latter have been ’ hurled, but the hand* and feet nre pl*o irudimr from the earth In many places, and there are not enouzh p*Niple leli in : that section to bury the ilead.” Ili:i’l IX t IXIMD4TR*. Three Put In the Flcltl for t nsgrri. In Xtrglnln. Richmond. Va.. flcpl. I*.—At llurltevlllc j to-tljy the Fourth District Republicans met In convention and nomlmued C. K Wilson of t'rcwc, Nollawsy county, for ('ongre. The Third District Republican Convcn lion met In Manchester to-day and nom inated Edgar Allen, district attorney for this district, for Congress by acclama tion The Republicans of lha Seventh Dis trict tin t at l.uray to-day and nominat'd C M Gibbon* ot Winchester for Con gress PIIKkIUEVr I.KDfc* 4"*>7YV Cnlleii to Washington by thr Chinese ktlnntlon. ("anion. 0.. Sept. I*.—President McKlo- , ley started for Washington at 1:2& p. in . via the Pennsylvania Railroad. Secretary Cortelyon accompanied him. Matter* connected with the Chinese hit- i nation called the President to the capital at this time, but It Is said there ts nothing of great moment In that situation to de mand attention. merely an accumulation of routine maetera which ran be better tils nosed of there than her*. 4 THEY HAD A STREET FIGHT. TWO II til BTA NEN% ai* %I*KK tllA 4 \%ll TO4*KTHKM. t srtlrdxr of tlie Tribune anil Fur l of tbe I hroMii-h* Eaeb tuber’s Faeffr-lt All brrw Out ol Reports llelatinu to tl I aetr> tlperatls rs-Kurlow *s stories Here Detioaneel b> tbe I'rlbunr aut Mr Hreaiue I n*l ian •* nt. Augusta, Bopi Is.— A sensational str** t fight iK’fiirtol tn front of the Dyer build ing *t Bim*l street to-da> U-twn-ii two well-known newnp.t|M-r parti* f. Charles M Fur low of tjie Chronl.U* and J. C Cart ledge. huslnciM* manager of ihe Lui*y Til* bune. In the Wist thre <d!tions of th* Hinnlav Chronicle Mr b'urlow has publishe! sign ed artk k-s presenting different phases and • *M)ditHa\e utmuiK the fnoittry *p‘ratlvcs in th** mill district of Auguxta The ar ticles wer l>a-***l on Interview** with K v J*hn Chlpman, rector of Christ Kids* Hal Church, whose w.rk is am *ng these peo ple. and who is deeply Interested In r -taln reforms. The first article dealt with cases of ueatltutkHi, the sccoral wtlti the need for wholesome ent* rtalmm .t and amusement, and (he third and u.i w ith cases of tjaaertloo of wives by husbands and remai ringe, withoui the formality of a divot *. Yesterday afternoons Trimin* made FurKwv’a article* tin* b.i*l* of u bitter ♦**ll toriui, omlng to the d* f* m*. of th? fac tory people, nmi charging that Furiow was using individual case* rhat might be found in any cioes of society, to slander the whole factory popiibition. The rd >•**** were inspired by the present ma>- oralty • ampaign, a rut wer* written fur political eft*. i In this morning # Chronicle. Mr Fiiriow publisfusl i r*l to the pubis denying that the aril le* had any poll. al signtli canoe, aoving that the authority for them was Rev Mr. Ctiipman, whoM *htlly Ilf* ts spent among th*- factory people, and who had lieen quoted In each article. To-day Furiow chanced to me* t Ruslne** Manager Ctrthdge of the Tribune, and after a few words, n lively hghi follow •!. in which both g>t bl<M>l> (sort*, Fur I *%v a black eye. and Cart ledge a bone biok'm in hi* rlgnt hand By-stunders state tlmt b'urlow ha*l irtledg** town when he was pulled off by outsiders, ami wu* atru. k heavily In th* ey a* ii* wax puile*i away. This is Oirtledge’s statement *V hut 11.,- I’nrile* *s). "1 was coming up the street wlnsi I wee met by Mr Furiow an I lie a.-roeled m*-, by neklng if 1 Indorsed the article about him in yesterday's Tribune I tobT him the Tribune wae r, -t.uij.tMc for 11. where upon he struck me I struck him sevetol tine*, when he ran In the National Ex j-haugn Hank Thl- ended the light Furiow", statement folliaxs "I had jteckted to (ak*- no further notice •f the 7'tihune's attack on me. than tne brief card to the public in to-day's Chron icle 1 was waiting at the Dyer bulMing for n street ur, when I saw fartiedg of the Tribune. I ro tmiui*lve, anil the sight of him aroused In me anew, tar Iteling of ibilignatlon which t mol when I first rea.l the outrageous atlaj-k on me Stepping in front of him. and looking him In the eyes. 1 asked. "Are you responsible for. or lo you sanction the alta.k on m In yselentay". Tribune’" He re|illi*l: "The Tribune Is responsible," "Well .lo you snne tlon It?" I asked, nisi when he replied ■yes." I struck him In the face, and had ,tm down giving him a thrashing when 1 w is pullet ~ff by to jMati.b-rs, and while I was held. Cartleiige stru-k m- -i blow iu thi- face Ibe only one 1 received. Had 1 not been held f would not have r-. lve.l n scratch Tne stu. meni that I ran into the National Kx. hange Hank hardly require, repu.Hatlon by me. n Uicro were plenty of bystanders. Afir we had been separated I went with friends Into the street railway office and washr-l my face before going home. I am mortl liol il the occurrence, a, I hud deter mined not to make It a matter of personal difficulty, but the sight of Carlledgp stir red tm> lo sudden resentment. This Is the xvhole story." nu: i Him nt hiimi i'i.imi:. One of Tin*** dust Htricken In fttss- SOtl Hu Cl- II 111 bell, Glasgow, He pi. I*.—One of the four mem bers of one family reported yesterday lo have been stricken wllh the plague has since died. Actress l.rft the I‘lnjr. Gordon. Sept. I*.—Mine Evelyn Mtilard has n*lgne<i her role tn Mr Henry Ar thur Jones' play. "The lackeys' Carni val." Ik cause ihe author has declined to change certain lines In Ihe dialogue which Ihe husband of the- actress objects lo have her utter. t'olumlila I hsrrh t'.yirnki ■ t all. Columbia. 8. C, flept, I*.— The vestry of Trinity Church ha* unanimously de Ided to call Rev. John (1. Murray, now pastor of the Church of the Advent In Itlrmlng- Itant. Ala. A vacancy In this parish Is caused by Ihe resignation of Dr. W, E Evans. III,! Fire al Ksslrr, tin. Klrmbigham. Ala . Hept. IS —Fire broke out In the town of Knsley between 11 and 12 o'clock to-ntglil. Frran meagre reports at hand Ihe rntlie business section was de stroyed. entailing I os* of perhaps 250.010. Telephone communication was cut off by the flames. NOT TOBACCO Hut Coif re Was the Cause of ib. Trouble. An old veteian from flprlttgflirid. Mass . made a curious experiment In the use of tobacco and coffee. He says: "1 have be. r. an Incessant smoker for forty years, utng at Ilmen twenty cigars a day be sides several ppt s. 1 was also very fond of ceffee. "In HUS I nolle, and my stomach wa, t e amlttg weak and that I eould not retain my breakfast. Within six months afteiward, 1 had arrived at that stage where I vomited up at least five break fasts each w.ek The doctor claimed that the sickness was raused by smoking, so I went under the cate of Dr.Harbault of H|iet)j-er, Ma s., who cutrd me of the tobacco huh.t. For eight months 1 re fram'd from It* us-, bit vomiting still continued "My physician then attributed It to catarrh, so I carefully dosed myself with the catarrh cures, lull the vomiting he catne more severe, though not more fre quent. I theiefore concluded to resume my amoklng end get as much comfort as possible In that direction. I noticed that the smoking did not Increase the vomit ing. ""Suite a time after that I met a frl-nd who In one minute put me on the right track, by telling me that he wa, satisfied that It waa i-offee that eiuaed mv trouble. I stopped drinking coffee, and within a w- vk Ihe vomiting ceased entirely. "Shortly after that look to using Post urn F 00-) Coffee .*nd found It filled all the tequlrement* of coffe. My family are uknt it reguluriy, and like It as well as the lust Java coffee, after be cotffing accustomed to It* use TV* kin* from practical experience cf me heneflj-lal effects of 7'ostum Food Coffee. Phase omit my name" Name and a-t --dress can he alven liy I’oetum Cereal Cos., 4am.. Creek, Mich. H tit LD in: TWO t.O\• II N Mt.\l a. Lari II Predicts t osarqtenre of Em* lcrnr*a Hecall. Berlin. H* pt IS L 4 Hong Cbnng. ac cording to o Ha.inghal dir|itch to th* Anxetger. promt Dr Mumm von Hchwarsetixteln. German minister to Chi na, tha’ Kmp*t*r Kwang H*u would r**- turn ti Fekin. bu: h* .*ai*l that this would !*.! t* th* *-i i listim* *it of anothet gov ernmen: in Fu. proof of thb ” th** corn x|>*n.l**nt says. "Karl 1,1 (ointnl out that the con spir.i* > r* ently *ll-.,* r*i a: Hankow, who * aim wm the re-estabatohnient of tb Kmi**rur. th* lesnron* ment of th* Emptexp Regent anl thk * v•*. *: ion oi !*rlr. * Tuan, wuich therefin** coincided wuh the .vets of the Fow*rs %v.** iM|uelch cl by lh** ) ing-tse viceroys lx- a use they i’. si*is,l with the Kmprcft it*>:em and Bidiuv Tuan.” Other Hhangb il corrcfpondcnts say that •he |uxr niov* m*nt In the province of Bh:m Tung increasing ami tha* tb.> g*v ernor geti* r il. Yuan Hbekan. If* unaM** to suppress It. Ilerr Knap|***. German con sul n Shanghai, hn* Invited the leading firms there to submit their l*let.' regarding future conditions. Count \on W alder see Is expe t c*| to ar rive at Tien Tsln toward the etui of the |*r*x*nt w*k The H'.mpli' isimus has a cartoon show ing him tn th*? * • of b- ing photugrnpb.rtl in u score of iMMtthms, In all if which th* field marshal assumes a heroic |wo*m The cartoon Is entitled 'Walden**? in bat tle.” Berlin merchants with branch houses In Hhanghal an*! Canton are In receipt >f ♦lie patch** Kitying that husln* *s In Inhli thc*e •dtb * ,* nt * siHielatill. Twelve thousand Ciiinc-, cooliex ar* without employment. The German expedition t* l*ao Ting Fu w.s aban*b>n*l t*ecaqp# of the lmpo**l Mlltv of ‘**nv vlng artillery *o the d**lred point. orroaiwti nt xux nicftins*. Hrltlsb Authorities will Take n Vl orona Ktniil. Copyrllhi, 15(6). D** AwancUt* I T*r<?iM Tlon Tsln. H*|>t 17 —lt 1* understood that th*' British autharltlfs her* htv<? Insiruc’.mtl to oppots tha lroi>sa-1 Russian o • uplllon of ths Bhsn Hal Kwhii and Tlsn T.-ln Railway, whL'h is ow n and 1\ i Rrid'h syinfirsf* and |#n**- 1 lo hn r*hlnrk*. T.* r*csni mova j fi*nt northward l- h r *lisvrl l.*rt i<> in* | lutl*? nn oi f.. Kin Hal | Kwan. which D now h* 11 liy thr imp* troop*. • Both thr British nn 1 th Amsrlcans h ivc an t-yr oti Hhati Hal Kwmi an n tqxn wlntr |oi Only a f?w miles of thr railroad hav* i* • n dntroyol nnd th*- hrktfrn ar*- intact. A llrltlnh X|. dltlon to Bhan Hal Kwnn la prohahU- at an -nr|y and its. lirt# 4jrr ilumphrry. * hl* f quarlnrman trr of th** Fnltrd Ht.*l**n expeditionary foroi*. anl Col. SamuH 8 Humn*r, hsv* irrlv*'tl h*r* Tin* latter will command thr B**<-otirt Rriga*!** \\ %%4 IlCIPia XTHKET t %H LINE. l'rof*rt nf thr I otnpMti > —lt •(■lain In IlnlaiiiH Broom f orn. Waycroaa. Ga.. 18.—Will P Btall ln*r*. (ho younK whitr mn wlm wa* rauihl In th* storw of Hon. Brn G. Mr* liot.uld nt Folki?i*m n f**w night- uk?. was hrouitht hr*r* Inn nlitht by II B. Mattox, nhcriff of Charlton <ouniy, nnd pi nerd in Jail. Ill* bond wnb flxrd at IW, arid up to this limn he ha.** not b*en able to give It It is sua;x*ctcd that others arc guilty an wall ms young Htaillng*. Tne projector* of the Wayerosn Htr*el Car Company con template the establish* ment nf a park of several arrea at some suitable |o!nt on th** HuillUt river, which will reached by their line noon to be built. Their idan I.?* pi build m large fia vlllon arul arrange seals, etc?., for the -oro fort and convw)l*‘iW’ of vlwltorn. Horn** of the river lakes may be , feared out and us*-*! for iKMUing*. H nd bath liounes, will tn- erected. If they rarry out the plans !>• Ing dlnt-nssed here now It will prove a big thing for the Magle Cltv. The Ruskin < ommonwealth In exhibit* ing very fine quality of broom* mad** at ihelr factory, aaven miles from here. Tbene brootne are made from tritw grown by these |H*oplti on tnelr colony farm, and by the farmers living near by. Ls. year they gave to a number of far mer*. who experimented with broom rorn quite nucre**ifully thh \e*r. The Ituekiii people buy all the straw the farmer* raise at the high* market price. Mr. Carnegi". of tl**- Riiitgin *-oloriy, nny* Ware rounty land wdi < about half a ton **f broom corn jar a r* whbh I* worth from 6to 8 cen#* per pourwl Thin. In ndlltlon to the need Wfilch t* more valuable than any crop of lixllnn *orn that can in grown He *oy broom factories ran b** established no cheap that they should be m operation all over the country. Walter Bopp. . young farmer living four mile* east of the city, burled til* f->ear-old *ai thi* ifternoon. The littte fellow liej thi** morning about 7 o’chot a from fever. —Borne people gratefully reflect, say* the laondon Telegraph, that we owe the clouds an 1 the tide* and flie wind* to Ihe "Mother and of men,” but throe uf*- lens numerous than D*e folk* who ••would like to know” what we should do for nob * and rod and mackerel if there wen no ocean. Yea think only how big It I*! If you divide the whole glolM* * area lt)*o eleven parts the Sea rovers eight of those, with an average •■••ptk of 2.h0 fath oms. Try to imagine 12.060 feet of solid, perpendldtilar sea water lying upon eight elevenths of the entire planet• A patent mathematician ha* bean at the pains to Inform us that thl* hulk of brine would weigh on- and ■ hnlf million million mil lions of ion- For th' most |>art this vast body of wotsr—thus rot 'town tn flgurs* as 1 5rt>.nniJ.'.9nD.<j(io,iin tot.*— is of ttu- ..m. composl'lon sv'-rywhsrs. and. as owry iKslv know*, rarrls* great quantities of ocean *k. Hut that same suit ts Itself singularly complex. Not only ars thers In It the chlorMes an<4 sulphates of so dium potash, msgji'-slum amt lime, which are familiar to many, hut It contains olso silica, boron, bromine. lixHnc. fluoric acid anfl the ovklea of nirkle. .-'-t.alt. man ganese.xtnc. sttver.lexd, <<rpp*r. alumlpum. barium and strontium Areenle and gold are a Is.) found In 11, along with loose ran* metals llthlnum. rubidium and eoe aiurn. THE "DINNER PAIL" ARGUMENT •tit 1 %V* %NfHKJt TO HF.IM'RLI4 AN % Ml* 114.N NLtMfl NN. Ilcpiitalh nn rum lias Mnnllrah il no t nneern Inr tbe U clniri- uf tbe Maoaes lnerenar tn the trim *•)• * It I* Nit n I’firti *f tbe |'r>- Wbi n %*!*! Ntiout tbe Near** In Nrib < orollnn He |l*l of tbe v iln Mi*i-r 1 rent). Fi i .K‘Oti Kin. Hep? !•* William J Bryan arrived hetc at SBB n. m H#‘ w.ia eat* rtaimd ut brrakfaat by Mayor Goot lainlcr at Die GoislUinder llot* l The flrrt m* eting of the <|ay was to htv* I**gun at lit o’ckv k. nnd the hall which hold* B.ooi* |ersoos. was filled be f*r * oMttt K It had been e*|** ted that th*' only speech would be made In the hall, but It was foand necessary lo hold the m* ding li* the pubd* square In or*ler t accommodate Dm rowd. .Mr. Rr\ an content* I hlmelf with nugMtailng i*oinfs tm argument to his follower* letter In the park ha spike |rm the ball Hand Ills audience theta Included n number >f pfupje front Indian Territory and MisMotirl, as well ss ttinny fr.*m the neighboring towns of thi*' slat# < *wtng ti> the den#e crowd Mr. lirvan found It ImpoaslKle to mount Die *pe<kar'i> •land H* therefore had hi* carriage • topped In the midst of the crowd and sjsik* from lh* carriage bo* Thai “Full Dinner Pmll.** The fun dinner pall" argument of she Repuhib un* it- , ivt*d his Aral attention and he * oiiieftd and a* usual that the work ingman I* not wall contented with a well supplied talde Wh*n the hog I* hungry h“ tqueals," ••aid Mr. Bryan "When he l* full he goes to Sle' p That ne* ms tn I**- the RepublU un kbn of the workingman” No |krty. hr argue*!, had any claim : cltixen xcept as a means of prrv motlng his welfare, anil n* man was bound to support any imriv which was not true lo the Interests of the lieople The Republican party Ih*h. he asserted, mani f? ed no concern for th* vrelfore of the mMerei* hence It hail forfeited all claim ' upon their support In substantiation of this statement he Instanced what he de signet*?*! a* the Republican immalltv for tb* trust*, which were, he sad. as private monopolies, entirely In the entered of the f*w. and opposed to the interest* of the many. Th** incr*aM in the army, Mr. Bryan | declared, wa* one of the facts going lo I -hoar that the Republican party was not the party of the people. Am ounting for *bo Increase of the size of the army, hr said that p rhnp* It was tnt**rw! > 1 to m*e# such emergeniqes as fhat which had ur sen In the anthracite cotl region* The only <b>metlc reison for increasing the army w;* to *uppreaa by fores that dla content among th* petipla which should ba cured by legislation. Tt>* Have t|ueatln. While he was dlß'-ussli.g the rolonlal IJollry of the government some on* asked Mr Mry.ii> Jthou! North I’arollna and the rare qtieallon In that slate "I am glad you mentloneil North t’nrn llnji," aald Mr., "Now I want you to read Ihe flulu treaty, and having done that, I think you will bluah until election day and never have time to think of Norih Carolina." This sally brought a prolonged cheer from Ihe crowd, and when It had sub sided Mr. Ilryan outlined this treaty, showing how tt tolerated anil recognised Slavery He then said that the Republi can parly hnd many year* ago disfran chis'd the negro In lh* District of Co lumbia and by legislation during Ihe Inst session of Congress Ihe negroes of For to nieo had even been denied the right of trial by Jury. No state legislature of Ihe Cnltefl mates had gone so far "Yss." he said, "this rw > question Is n serious quest (on wherever It I* encounter ed And Is not the presence of race preju dices In thl* country a reason why we should not take the chance* of In creasing It by adding to our population eight millions of people of a totally dif ferent ra.e? No Intelligent rltlgen can deny Ihe existence of Ihe race question here, and It Is such a serious queadon that It will lake all the Intelligence of both the while and the Mack people lo settle, even under existing conditions For God’s sake. then, don't let us take any step which tvlll further complicate trie situa tion." Mr. Bryan left at 1 to p m for Kansas City. cot., mtvil AT AHMttt RDALK. He Addressed the Employes of the Kansas City, lt.—Armourdale, the center of the packing and stock yard In terests of the vicinity of Kansas City, was Invaded late this afternoon by William J. Bryan He arrived In this city at 2:30 and was driven to the Industrial suburb. Mr. Brysn's speech was addressed en tirety to tbe labor element, of which til, audience was composed. He plunged Im mediately Into the "full dinner pall" sub ject and In that connection referred lo tie- anthracite coal (trike as proof. He said that the dinner poll Is nol always full as the Keputdlcan orators would have their aisMences believe. Mr. Bryan also repeated his argument against the trusts, contending that they were calculated to cut off all the old lime opportunities for young men. The night meeting In this city waa held In a big Ihree.rlnged circus tent which covered several thousand people. Mr Bryan wa, received with deafening cheer* ggd the applauee did not subside for sev • a MOTHERHOOD ” |' A ABaok £SSt^ m SEHT FR£E ,!,TfV nT tells plain facts that everyone of the gentler *e* rjtSZM ',*6 * * outfit to know. Its common sense advice saves * pain, trouble and anxiety. One or more copies sent upon request, to one person or to different ad- // dresses. If the readers of this announcement know <J v expectant mothers, they will do them a great favor by 1 *** having this book sent to them. Address the publishers, Tt*mr- THI, BIUUI7UJI Rn.ILITOR ro.. Sttaata. *. eral minutes ll* spoke with evident ef fort hla voice being hoarse as a result of the m*v re campaigning of the past two ilays. The sjieech uprn general llncg j* did not develop many new po.nts. THE WEATHER. Foremst for NNedneaday and Thursdays Georgia Fair Wednesday ami Thura* dt> except showers Thuriulay In extrema eastern portion; northerly winds Eastern Florida Fair Wednesday; Thursday partly cloudy, probable showers in r *tern portion; variable winds Y\ • *trti Florida: Fair Wednesday end Thursday; fre*h north € ea;t winds Hottih I'arollna Generally fair W*d n< sin) and Thursday, light to fresh non heaMarly winds Yesterday's weather at Htvannah Maximum temperature, a 4ft p. m degresa Mliiitnum u mperatura, 84& p m 63 degrees M* -n temperature 72 degreaa Notmnl fem|>erature 76 degreeg lN*flc|en< v of rasure 4 degrees A * umu at*(| excesa since Heps ii: degreaa A • nm’iUted deflcteory since Jn t . 28 degrees Rainfall 6D Inch Normal 88 Inch Excess since Hepr 1 3* inch Deli. |en > sin* * Jan. 1 8 84 Inches Itlver R**|*ort The high* of the Havan nth river al Augusta, at 8 a m l7lth me rMlan m** yesterday, was II 7 feet, a fall of 31 feet dur.rig thr preceding twen tv-four hur* Cotton legion bulletin. Havannah. Oa., for the twenty four hour* *><dlng it l a. m . 7f*th meridian time. He pi. 18 lfno Htatlom* of Mm Mm iiia Havannah district (Teas iTem ♦ fall \in ihi ha Ga . clear | V? Bf> 'h Albany. r|e.r At 61 { 00 Amarlcua, dear . - tl U ol) Manila big**, clear ( 82 •+> , 00 Kasimitn. clear ........... 81 ! 60 00 •Fort Oaiat*, clear i 82 s* Flh ... fl§ TANARUS: •< Milieu Da . clear M <lO Quitman, clear 83 64 j 00 Havannah. clear j 84 €8 00 Thomatvllls, clear ....... 8a 67 jon \Naycroas. clear |Bl 64 | flu •Received too late for telegraphic aver ogea. Hpeclal Texas Rainfall Reports— Galves ton, 10 jN. i 1— < flt. M.x t Min !Rala C.ntr.l fl'.tlnna Kton, Tam.iTan | falL Atlanta 12 J k. S“ Augusta : It IM j M 0# t'iistli'ilixi | 6 12 flii 40 Halves!.* , 19 W <W M Ullle Rui k | ]J M . M 00 Memphis ....l | U ? M 00 Mobtle j II U M on Monlgomery j T | M ! M | 00 New < irlnans ) U M Havannah il2 ; H uj 00 Ylrkstiiirg | 10 jMI (W .00 Wliminglon j to M| M li ID marks—Temperature* over tha hell raeor4al a inurkefl .lerllnc •luring Ihe paM twenty-four hour*, while ihe only rain ro |s-te<l fell In (he (lalvtwlon .llslrtel. (Mmrrvadnns (ak* n at the same mo ment of time at all station*, It, I**'. *t p. tn. 7Sth merollan time Name, of Rta'lon. | T ( V Rain Boston, rle.r V, M | fl" New York ollY. rlmr ....j ! JO iOO I‘hllafMphla. e|ar j (Mil* 00 Washington CHy. clear ~| *0 j L | .00 ( Norfolk, clear | 00 h | m Mittera. clear jOH * 00 Wllmtngton. clear j M j I, ; .00 rharlotte. clear | M I. ; .00 Raleigh, clear 1 Mi |, ot> fharleslon. clear jli L i*> Atlania. clear ! 41 g | .00 Aitgu.ta. i tear I k L 0A Havannah. clear | 7* ; I. I .00 Jacksonville, clear { 74 L. i .00 Jupiter, door | R-j • j .00 Ke> Weal, clear j*2 L. to Tampa, clear jKt I, DO Mobile, clear ...j 70 | 0 , no M ait gome r > clear | 74 I. .00 Vli'ksburg. clear | m * 00 New Orlean*. clear TH 1 ,00 Ualvesnai. clear I M OO M- mphls. pi cloualir j 74 g . 00 (Tnclnnati, pt domly 0k , I. oo Pill.burg, dear 0 00 liulT.lo, C *OO Delrqlt. clear H | L | 09 ('blcago. cloudy j M M 00 Mar'iuetle, cloudy | 14 i I. I .00 Ht Paul, cloudy | 10 I (D Davenqiort. cloutly j M 1 L. .20 Hi. loula. cloudy .] <2 j 10 T Kansa. City, rain I 74 j * | W Oklahoma, pt. cloudy ....] *o *; T Dodge ("tty, pi. cloudy TO 0 00 North Platte, clear |k* t <> "Corpus ChriiTT and Palestine miaalng. H. B. Woyar, Icicel Forei ast official. nr him hath or i.owaoKa. Tkr Club Is Wll Organised—-Jadgea n l h>nir krsssk. Valdosta, Oa, Be-pt U-The I lemo-raihi Club brlit Its second mrnina lasi night at tha Court House and III# roll call show ed that about mrmtsri have already Inert rnllalrd. A programme •oimnMts*. constating of Col. R. Oue-ey and Messrs. C 11. l'vrplas and B. F. Fulghum. waa ap polnted to arrange a programme for fu ture meetings and satacl local speakers to entarlaln the iVowd* Another cogp mlttae. consisting of Judge tlrimth Col Oualey, was appointed to confer with Congressman Ilrantley with a view to having him address tha voters hare at an early day. Thare la no opposition hero from any source, but the cluh was form at! at the suggestion of the National Com mittee atvl to keep In line for any tight that may spring up Echols Buiwrtor Cowl will convene at B alenvtlle next Tuesday and It la under stood that a large civil and criminal docket la lo he disposed of. It la under stood that Judge Hpence will preside there. It la rumored that Judge fgrk Russell will preside In this county and that arrange merits have been made to relieve Judga Mansell, whose feeble condition will pre vent him from attending lo the duties In these counties. Mr. Bmlth Coachman, who waa a cltl sen of Valdosta sixteen years ago. was tn the city this week on a vletl to old friends and relatives. He says that whan he left Valdosta the hoys were playing marbles where some of the hundsomest business structures now aland tin hla return he find* not a solitary thing lo re mind him of those days. The Acme Whiskey business waa sold at receiver's sale yesterday evening and wns bought by Mr. Joe Pry. of High Hprlngs. Fla It la not known yet wha% he will do with the atock. —P'raps Not—"Beems to me I'va Wet you somewhere, sir. I can't recall your name, but I'm sure I'va been In your eom patny before " “I think not. elr. but you know heat. I'm the keeper of thO bouao of correction.”—Pick-Me-Up. 5