The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 19, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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COTTON MARKET DECLINES. I OC AI. SPOT* OFK v CKST AND Fit. TIMES MIA POIXTS. Ikr rmriil Declliilww ('■ uec# 4 IlMlUlf Pending; U<-vrll>nirala llrrrl|iti at (hr furls llcatlu Is Hull I>— spirit* Turpentine Firm hi ;174U It I.l—llns- Inn Firm nnd I ncliuugrd —Local HUd Trlriiraiililr WarVrli. The Morning Nr Office, Tuesday, Sept. IS. The cotton market continues to be the eenter ol Interest In commercial circles. Thlo I* due largely to the present apathy In tha stock market, which does not at tract the Interest It usually does (ram the business world. Spot cotton throughout the belt showed a weaker tone to-day. Futures c lose I steady at n decline ot 8 and 15 point*. fending the present excitement and un settled condition of the market trading In spots Is hghl. and exporters are supplying only the urgent demands on them. With the marks! going down hill, as tl has done fur the past two days, they do not care to tnier at present prices, when the pus* pests form tiioir standpoint Is that cot ton will be much cheap* r hi the course of e lew day*. To Ihe Inciease In the re. cftplft at ihe ports II Is expected will be j.ldisl reparts of a belter condition ot the crop, which will exert a depressing effect. Then. too. liberal offerings are looked loi The demand for cotton abroad during Ihe past two days has been light, probably due lo the Inclination of spinners to awa.t tin developments of a declining market. rot ton f. o b. was held at from 10 11-Me to 1094 C. with exporters bidding lu4kc. OfTenngs were pretty libera! during Ihe day. but many of (be proffers were at j \e. which was beyond tho r. ach of ex. porters. It Is believed there I* consider able cotton which will be oflered a little later. It may be ruehed forward, how ever, by holders who fear prices are go ing lower. The spirits turjentlne market clos-d firm at 35% cents bid. with a good demand Factor* were not wilting to let go at this price, however, believing the market * entitled to a further advance. The to.-ln market closed firm and unchanged. The following resume will show Ihe tone and quotations of the markets at the closing to-day: fOTTOt. The cotton market closed easy to-day at a decline of 5 cent throughout the line. Hales of <WI bales were repotted at the Cotton Exchange. Rectelpts for Ihe day were W. 306 hsie*. against 11.186 lao year, and 6.636 year before lasi. The locsl re ceipts were nearly half the receipts at all lulls for the day. It seems the market Is nearing n point where prices may possibly drop still fur ther under liberal offerings. The opening to-day was unchanged. At the midday call prices dropped 54 cent, and at Ihe closing call another Vs cent. With the drop In spots there was a corresponding drop In future*, which dosed steady. #J 18 point* off. The drop In futures was due to a quiet Liverpool and a more favorable government report than expected. With the prorpedts of receipts at the port* showing a decided Increase shortly. Il would seem this Is to be another bearish Influence. Cotton f. o. b. was anywhere from 10 11-16 to 1014 c. It was understood exporters were bidding lo#*.-. Owing lo the apparent Indifference of bolder* the market stif fened somewhat towards the dosing, when brokers weru holding for lic for good middling. Ths following were the official spot quo tations at tha close of ths market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: | This Lost i day. j yaar. Hood trod. Wing I<V.„ |* 1-14 Middling 110% j 6 11-14 low middling ,lo |i 3-14 <>orl ordinary j.,.. |4 11-l Market easy; sates, MV. Savannah receipts, exports and stock* Hx-alpta this day I" 3V- K-celpt* this day last year 11.096 This diy year before lasi icy R< -ipls Inca Sept 1, 1900 IMli Same time last year 74.361 clock on hand this day 42.6*6 Aims day last year 64,601 Receipt* and stock# nt the ports. Receipts this day 38,734 Receipts this day last year 41.93' Receipt* this day year before last. 39.15.’ Total receipts since B*p:. 1 19t> .. 20,819 Sam* time last year 886,370 Ham* ilms year before last KS.ST7 Hiock at all ports to day 170.113 Stock sumo day lust year 633,<73 E% I SI, iSi li COTTOSf. Reports from the sea Island rolion growing section continue to Indicate that the outlook for a big crop 11)1# season Is anything but favorable There seems to bt a disposition to hold for higher price* and the chances are anything short of fancy prices, will not bring the cotton to market. The fact that receipts are light has no: < nabled factor* to establish a trading basis. However, these prices are quoted: Fancy Florida* 30%0.’l Extra choice lo fancy Georgia* r- Pally Movements nt Other I’ort*. • latveston—Stock. 19.001. New Orleans—Wrak; middling. 10*4e; net receipts. 9.148; grow receipts. 2.656; Bales. W: stock, 11.172. Mobil*—Easy: middling. 10*ir; net re -1 dpi*. 1.007; gross receipts, 1,087; soles. 300; stock. 6.581 Charleston— Firm; middling. 10*c; net receipts. 2.439; gross receipts, 2.413, -ale*. 100. stock. 10,196 Wilmington—Firm: middling. 1054 c; nei rsrelpts, 4 #64. gross receipt*. 4.564. stock, 22.784. Norfolk—Easy: middling. lOVic; net re ceipt*. 2.029. gross receipts. 2.02*. sales. 174; stock. 9,#29 Baltimore—Nominal; middling. lie; stock. 1,081. New York—Quid; middling. in’ic; net receipt*. 9; gross receipts. 4.132; rales. 474; stock. 26.090. Boston—Quiet; middling. 10%c: net re ceipts. 2: gross receipts. 1.371 Philadelphia—Quiet; mt-Mllng. 1154 r; net receipts. 10; gross receipts. 10; slock, 1,- 549 Dally Movements at Interior Town*. Augusts-Quiet; middling. 1054 c; net •>- cclpie. 5 316; gross receipts. 5.113; salt*. 1.- Kl. stock. 33.M2. Mean phis-Steady; middling. lo%c, pet re ceipt*. 1.041; gross receipts, 1,041; sale*. 1.000; stock, 7,977. St Louis—Steady; middling. I<l%c; nt reoelpta. 131; gross recslple, 197. slock. 4 11*. Cincinnati—Dull; middling, lOVic; stock, 7 "94 Hottaton— Easy; mlddlng. 1014 c; nef r<- ■ dpt*. 17.199; gros* receipts, 17.199; sales. 347; stoek. 29.731 Louisville—Firm; middling. 10’*c. Export# of Cotton This Day. Nw, 9*. Mobil*—Coastwise. t 9. Wilmington—Comlnent, 9,6*1. Nnrfolk-Couetwlse, 2.580 New York—Continent 1,9*0 I lost on—To Orest Britain. 4.V* Total foreign exports from all ports this day—To Otrat Britain, 4.608; to the con tinent. 11 441 Total foreign exfiort# from all ports 'bus far this week-To Orsal Rrltain. 14.- 718; to Franco, 11,877; to the continent. 54.844. Total foreign exports since Rapt 1, 1900— To Great Britain. 16.413; to Franca, 12.420; io the continent. M.SIJ. COTTON FI Tl HER. The Market Cioaea 9trsß> With Prices 44088 Points 08. Haw York, SapL 16.—The forenoon In ths MURPHY & CO., INC.. BoarJ of Trad# Building. Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, 9TOt K* AND CHAIN. ne'" W * or * t 9*°°. No. <1 Broadway Ofh e* in principal elites throughout ths South Write for our Market Manual and book containing instruction* for traders. cotton market was spent In fixing up Ihe situation and In preparing lor Ihe govern ment report due at 1 p m. Alter a steady start at unchanged price* to a decline of 3 point* Ihe market worked 2 to 3 point* lower under lort-lgu welling arid room liquidation. But coin-id. ring the extreme ly bearish tenor of English cables, the t ally market here w.ia remarkably steady The local trade was naturally slow to t>c heve thuruughly In the bear movement in Llvi ritool. In.i-much as It was known 1 bat the European cotton trade was )ti no position to assume the short side owing to ihe semi-cotton famine prevalent 1 hi".shout the forenoon fluruatlons In the e* at pit did not exceed 10 points, and at no line did either side have positive advantage. The government rc|w>rt proved to be 'de cidedly less bullish Ulan the trad had prepared for unit a* a result selling be came general. Price* withered gradually under the pre>ur* thus brought to bear, •b-Mlnlng ten pom's by 2 p. m. Addition al Influenes* ending to create prejudice against the bull side were estimate* tor heavy rc.alpts at ihe more Important cen ters to-morrow, encouraging crop r. ;*jrtw Irom the central belt and a relustal on tne part of the speculative public to sup port the market. Late advices from the other side explained the English break was due lo offerings of 10.009 bales Bcp iember delivery cotton Irdm tne continent. During the last hour Ihe mark<t was leverlsh with a wi ak undertone. Trad ing was spasmodically active with Wall street a liberal seller. The market dosed steady 8 to It points net, lower. Fl.l f Tt ITION* IN FI TIRES. New York Sept. 18—Cotton futures opened steady ai the decline and cloeed steady Prices us follow*: Open High L Clo January .....' 9737 993 | *.~j~*.4g“ February 9.71 ,979 i 9.43 9G6 March | 9.71 b j 9.59 | 9.82 j 9.46 April I .... |979| 944 #4O May ' 974 9,79 j 9.63 | 940 June | 9.74 991 | 9.64 9.66 July |9 70 #73 963 | 9.63 August j .... j .... j .... j .... September ...| Wait. 10.28 i 10.17 | 10.17 October • lo.a> 10.23 ] lo.Ui ions November.... 9.91 93 979| #7v December ... 973 j 984 j 967 | 9*7 Table Showing Net I>. dines— M'H - Tues- jDe | day. day.j dine January | 9 76b 944 | .10 February 971 946 ! .9 Marcr I 9.74 | 946 | . 8 April i 9.75 j 9.66 | . 9 May | 976 | 966 j .10 June | 9.73 j 9 46 . 9 July I 9.73 I 943 | .10 August j | ... | .... September jlo 27 jlO 17 I .10 October jlO 23 | 10.08 | .IS November { 9.92 978 .14 Deot mt>.-! 1,9 j | .11 LIYIOHPOOL COTTON DE4T.INKS. Liverpool. Sept. 18.—The cotton market was quieter to-day and there was a de cline in price*, principally due to unex- IHailed free movement In cotton In |h* United States. Liverpool. Sept 19. 4 p m—Cot ton, *it. very dull, prli'es lower; American mkl dllng fair. 7 3-ltd: gooil middling. 6 15-16<I, middling. 614d: low middling >*\d; good ordinary, 5 2tw32df ordinary, 5 23-32-1. Tho sale# of lha day Were t.Ouu bale*, of which 201 were for siieculatton ami export. Includ ing 3,500 bales American. Recelpls 3,0(> tiales, including 1,(80 American. Future* opened easy and dosed steady; American middling, low middling clause; Setaember. 4 19d. value; Bei>lemher-tlcto lier. t.tßd. sellers; October-Novemher. 5 431), sellers; Novcmber-Decemtier. 5.36d. buyers; 1 oecernber-Jur,uary. 3 29t>3-3(i. value; January-Kepruary. 5 20^5.17d, buy ers; Fehruary-March. 6.24w5.25d. buyers; March-Aprll, 5.22413.23.1. buyers; Aprll- May, 6.21d, buyers; May-J one, 6.19H521W1, buyers; June-July. f.lßd, buyers; July-Au gusi, 5.144:3.17d, buyers. New Orleans, Sept. IS.—Cotton future* • September 10 80tilo.Sl' February ....9 528(9 51 October 9.70*t9.71 March 9.54'u9.33 Novemlver . 9.6209.31 April 9.344(9.(8 riecember ...9.50ti9 51l May 9.552(9.57 January 9.50u#.5i; COTTON LETTER!. New York, Sept. 18— Murphy & Com pany say rollon In Ltv rpool detdlned Hd on spots, middling S’# I. Noon prices near (utures, 19 to I*V!*d lower, laite |*>- sklon* Bto 6-c4d. down. This was follow*.! by a recovery of S-6td on near and 4-6-td on lato months and canned this market to open steady, about three points decline hut advanced alavut seven point*, owing to local buying and Indisposition to make bear sales, because this market Is below Southern mark** Active bud specula tion has not as yet come Into the market nor has Ihe sllort interest been entirely eliminated and we do not look upon the reaction as a culmination of the advance. We are Inclined to expect a fluctuating nmrket around present prices and prefer th* long side on any depression. There I* practically no change and char acteristic of the cotton market. The lln* continued unsettled nnd reactionary and while the extent of fluctuations proved less sensational than during the previ ous days of the reaction, senilmeni was the same. Commission houses exerted a contervatlva Influence over customers, looking lo more aettled conditions In the near future loevelopmenls of the morn ing were sufficiently conflicting to Inspire caution, and profe*tonal operations were less than for ten days past Receipt* nt Houston amounted to lifts bales ugtlnsl 33.890 halss last year and Ihe Increased movement I* having a somewhat unset tling effect on spot market* Liverpool broke sharply, following the decline here yesterday and Ihe loss of and in the price of spots abroad caused some liquidation But on the other band a very unfavor able weekly repot* was read In the after noon. and operators were not Inclined to antlcliaite any decline In the market. Short sellers took quick profits and those who Mild In the advance of last week were Inclined lo buy moderately on any break. Within thla generally conservative view of tho Increased movement nnd the quieting down of Liverpool market there ws enough business don# to keep the market active hut not enough to cause an Important change In prices. New York. Sept 18.—Hubbard Rro* A Cos i"> Liverpool showed a weak under tone before the opening of our m irket. whet! Ihe steadier tone here caused a sharp r.illv abroad. With ihe exception of Galveston, where communlcalioti Is still Interrupted, the movement Is becom ing normal During the morning the mar ket remained quiet, awaiting the bureau reD ort which was expected to b- had It was not gotal. but the trado had cot ton for sale and the market slowly broke on this realising- Offering* of cotton from the Houih were at slightly easier ratis The temper of the trade Is. how ever In favor of buying on all weak move ment*. Receipts promise to be- heavy for soma time lo come. dry good*. New York. Sept. 18.—Demand on a quiet er* .sale to-day owing to the difficulty of securing quick aopplte* and the .advance# asked bv seller# Very little open lo buy r* fur forward delivery in either heavy ..own cottons or coarse colored goods, except at prices based on pr.aenl co.t. Bleached cottons unchanged, print clotha ot W but strong, print. *llll aelltng Wall. gingham, landing upward. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1900. NAVAL 9T4IHM. Tuesday Sept. 18. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The turpen tine market opetv.l firm at 885# cents hid to-day. with sale* ot #49 cask* repotted at the Board of Trado at this price, and closed ttrni ami unchanged, with not fur lb. t sales reported Factors seemed to think the market was entitled to an ad vance. and were accordingly stoat to sell at quotations The day a receipt# were 1.453. and the export# none ROSINS—The rosin market closed firm and unchanged, with a fair demand re ported lot the offerings Sales of 3.839 barn 1 in I. reported at Ihe opening call, which (Awmlituted the day's official busl i ■ ■ Th.- rc ■ were 3.489 barrels, and Ihe export* I.#UO barrel*. Brice# a* fol lows: A. B. C |! 30 I (1 (0 D 1 39 K 1 53 E 135 M 1 h F 1 40 N Ii 0 1 43 WO 2Oi H I 43 W W 285 Receipts Tuesday— . Spirits. Roam r. R R 210 546 .. F * W *72 2 814 H A L. 722 1.638 Sir. Day 4# 71 flhlpmentw Tuesday— British steamship Hosvtck Hill. Bremen i.aost Naval fttorcs Bialcment— rtplilts Rosin Slock April I, 1999 2,197 142.3u6 Receipts to-doy 1.463 5,9*# Receipts previously f15.895 474.194 Total since April 1 219.845 *21.773 Exports to-day ... l.ux. Exports previously 176.429 490.272 Export* aktcc April 1 178.120 491.972 S:ock on hand to-day 41.425 129,701 Slock on hand earn* (lav last year 99.747 1M.207 Charleston. H. 0.. Kept 18.—'Turpentine firm at 84c. sale* 30 cask*. Rosin steady, B. C. D. E. t! 30; aaka 239 barrel*. Wilmington, Bept. 18 —Spirits turpentine, *4early, 35‘)036c; receipts, 82 casks. Kosln dull, 811501.20; receipt*. 499 bar rel*. Crude turpentine, steady, t 1.1002.10, re ceipt#, 49 barrel*. Tar. firm. II 40; receipt*. 393. New Orleans, Sept. 18 Receipts: Rosin. 49 barrel*; turpentine, 70. axitorta to Cos ta Rica, rorln, 7(X FINANCIAL. MONEY—Tha demand keeps fairly up with the supply FOREION EXCHANGE—Market Is weak Commercial damand. 84 44; sixty days. 84.81 V ninety day*. (4 9014; francs, Barts and Havre. lxty days. 5 21V Swiss sixty day#. 6.2454; marks, alxtv days. *3 13-lr* ; ninety day#, 93 9-I*c. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; banka are buying at 14 discount and sell ing a* follows 823 and under. 10c pre mium. 821- to 830. 14c prrmtuni. 80 to 8100. 20i premium; 81<> to 8200, 26c premium; LOO and over par. CJrecka must average liJO to get the par rale. SECURITIES—Th>- market Is very tnac. the scarcely anything doing Quotations are rather nominal ■ tools*. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R. R.... 109 110 Atlanta and West Point 184 U 4 do 6 per cent, certtflcata* 108 10* Augusta Factory 90 98 Ck liens Bank U 0 132 Chatham Bank 110 U 1 Chatham R E. & 1. Cos.. A 6654 6754 do do B 56 67 Eagl# and Bhoenlx Mfg. Cos 104 Edison Electric Ilium 100 105 Enterprise Mfg. C 0...- 98 108 Germania Hank 125 129 Georgia A Alabama 26 27 Georgia Railroad, common 210 216 Oranllevllle Mfg. Cos ,140 146 J P. King Mfg. Cos UW 10* Langley Mfg. Cos U 7 U* Merchants National Hunk .... .10*54 1101* Notional Bank ol ynsnnsn 140 150 Oglethorpe Having* and Trust —lo* 110 People'a Having# and Isoan ion 101 Bouthweatern Railroad Cos. 108 108 Bavannah Qaa Light Cos 2* 26 Southern Bank 161 156 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 118 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta H 90 Savannah Brewing 95 190 Busts. Bid Ask. Char., Col. A Aug. Ist (a. 1900... 10* 108 Atlanta city 4a. 1922 104 108 Augusta dry 4*. 1821 148 107 do 454*, 1925 U 0 lit do 7a. 19US 105 10* do 8a 1912 119 121 Ala Mid ss, Ind'd 1928. M AN 97 99 Augusta Factory, * P*r cent.. 1915 108 110 Brunswick and Western 4a. 1938 90 42 C R. R A Banking collateral 6s 92 91 C. of O 111 6*. 50-yaar gold, 1916 F A A U 8 130 C. of G. con. E, 1943. M. A N 94 95 C. of G. Ist tn< omes, 1916 42*4 43*4 do 2d Income#, 1943 1054 1154 do 3d tneone#. 1945 5 6 C of O. <M. O. A A. Dlv.) ss, 1947. J. & J 3 M C. of G. (Eaton Branch), 6a. 1938. 'J A D *4 *8 City A Suburban R. R. Ist 7a—loo 110 Columbus city, sa. 1909 108 107 Charleston city 4*. 1945 101 101 Fax la a I'benix Mills **. irs... lid 7 Edison Electric Illuminating *a 104 108 Enterprise Mfg 4*. 1901 102 108 Georgia Railroad Bs, 1910 114 11854 O. S A I*.. 1945. J * J lit US Georgia A Alabama Ist (a. 1946 .104 10* Oeorgia slat* 854#. I*Bo, J. A J..10* 10P do 854*. 1915. M A N 104 108 do 45*#. 1915 HT 11* Macon city 6*. 1910. J A J 11* 118 do 45#s. 1928, Jan. par K7T 1* Ocean Steamship s*. 192* 100 108 Bavannah city 6a, quar. October 1913 n0v411154 do ss. quar. Nov.. 1909 110 111 South Carolina state 454*. >*33 .118 111 Sibley Mfg °o tl. 1903 101 102 Boulh Hound (s 99 100 B . F. A W gen mt'ge. *#. 1984. 122 184 do do Ist ss. gold. 1934 11054 *54 do Bt John Olv ll 4a 1984 ... 94 M New York. Sept. 18—Money on call steady. UR) 154 per cent. Prime merean- I! * . |>cr - • tit . el’ 1 ling •' change, strong with actual business In banker* hills at l *7>-4424 *7< 4 for demand and at 34 3* for sixty days; posted rates, 84 M'at MH and 84 B*. commercial Mila. 84 82MM.83, silver certificates. 524f735ir. Har stiver. S2c, Mexican dollar*. 4Mc. Government bonds, sarong; atat# bonds. Inactive; pallrcad bonds. Irregular. STOCK* AND UONDB. The Narket santn Cornea 40 a Practi cal Hall. New York. Rept, 18,-The stock market demonstrated Its Inecinesa again to-day and tho effort* lo continue yesterday* course of recovery fell flat Price* ware at one rime advanced considerably above last night’# level, but they did not hold and ihe closing showed some of the gain* ompletely lost and all of them reduced to small proportion*. The announcement during the day of a failure of a alock exchange house had-a rather depressing effect, although the sus pension ro* to be due entirely lo private cause* About 2.000 aharew of stock* were sold under the rule for Ihe aroount of the -uspended firm on the RtoJk Exchange aid the quotations for some of Ihe stock# •old were considerably depressed They re-overed somewhat after the selling un der the rule wa# completed, but In the late dealings Contiolldate.3 Ga* was forced down again and told 2% under th* high noim London wa* Inclined to buy stock* In lb* market, notwithstanding the gen eral depression In that nmrket and th* demand from that source wae a factor In the early n In Ihe market The expectation that a portion of the American #ub#< rlptlor.s to the German loan will be paid by th* transfer of *Dr llna exchange MID helped to weaken the London market. Th# atrangtb of Amerl cans In that market In sptte of the gen Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savanosh on 81 tb Meridian Tim# Oar* Hour Slow r , Than Cl ly Tun*. Schedules In Effect So nday June ifl, 1900. RRad doWnh tu rtt e liabt u read up "Ho.'ifj'No. Hfi ' " “ S,( 14 *NoT£* I 11 (Crnlr t I Time.) J| J 13 kflitniu 2uam ,Lv ' 1 ' Ar li h 10*1 11 j >] (ha ie; n Tune.) 4 21pm; 4 2kam Ar Black villc Lv 3 iiu, 1 J7|sn 4 u#|su 8 14am Ar Codumblo Lv, I Jinn'll As*m 9 Itlpan 9 46am Ar CMfkata 1.4 11 44pm 12 Rpm Ar Onnn*bolo 1,. TI- | 4 48iR) niin. Ar Nor I L llj-lam I JSptti At ................... Danville l.a; a 40pm t wu ' ’nn 6 Aim, At 11l motld ..a . Oil 14*nm| I 48pm ,Ar Ly n irg La 4 Ram 5 15ptn |Ar .< hnrint tesville La i -Sam 12 4pi t 7 16am 4 50pm Ar W < h 1 . 1, 1 r IIRR t 15am 11 33pm Ar Billlmore I.a 4 l.’atn I JTpni tt Rnn| 8 Mem Ar ..PblMstelphia l.v J Ware! •-Rpnt 2 OBprn 4 33#m Ar New Yolk Lv 12 I0*m; 8 2bptn 8 Rpm 8 OOptn At Boston . La No* to THE NORTH AND WENT. I No.K II (Crnirnl Time.) || _ U JUantilldr dnva nnah All] 1 MM* (Easier 1 Ttmo.) • 80am |Le not uni i l.v!) l Yam 40*11., ILv a Ipaitakburg . L- >'■ :6pm I! lupin Lv Aabetrili*. Lvjl I Rtm 4 02ptn 'Ar lie* Sprit:!* Lv 11 L*m 7 khan Ar ICn -x ville ... L< * h'tn 8 km Ar Lexlilg4on L> 10 39pm 7 43am Ar rtnclnnat! Lv * 9Vm T Hum Ar Inunv'.lle l.Vjj 7 48pm All Irelna afnvi and depart ftom tha I’lant Hystem Btallon. THROUGH CAR HERVICE. ETC. TRAINB 83 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YOK K AND FUIRIIJA EXUItEKH Vaalt buled limited trains, with Pullman l>rwing Ruin He ping Cat# b-twetn A var# nah and New York Connevia at Washington with Colonial Lxpre-a for Iknurn Pullman 81c#|>ii>g Can* between Char-018* and Richmond nnd I'harkdl* and Nor folk Dining Cars scran all meals la-wean Savannah ami Washington. TRAINS IS AND 86 DAILY THE UNITED BTATEH FAST MAIL V-Mtbu ed limited train*, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Caro between 81 slanwh and New York Dining Car* Mirv# all rn<abi belwein Bavannah and Waahir. lon Also Pullman Drawing Room Sloping Carr belwean Buoamuxh and Cincinnati, through Asheville and The Lind of ’ha Hkv " For complete Information as lo rate#, schedule* etc., apply to O GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant Syatetn Station JA6IEB FREEMAN, C. P and T. A, 141 Hull street. Talcphonea-Ball. 158; Georgia *SO 8 H HARDWICK Assistant Gsnr*l Pass, nger Agent Atlanta. <7* cral weakness and of ths- further rise In discount rate# was a dDtlncilon for that group of serMrltie# Notwithstanding the buying Jn-re for laxndufi account ami the continue.! large t-xport* of mere Ini ndlsc. the rlw In London dls ounta was eff- - tla-( In causing a sharp upward Jump In ster ling exchange, the price for detiund I*lll* rising quite S*' In the pound The New York money market showed a hardening tendency, and call loan* com manded 18* per cent Time loan.- were also more firmly held. The movement of money to the Interior also continue* large, both by expresa and registered mull, and by telegraphic tranfer# through the sub treasury. The amount transferred In thte m inner to New Orleans to-day amount- -I to (623.U(X>. On the other hand the sub treaaqry warn a debtor at the 1 tearing house to-dav to the amount of 12.W1.W Thl wa- mostly represented by order* on Klondike gold deposited at Pacific ooaat points, but the payment for pensions were also large to-day The Incidents of Ihe last week strength ened the conviction that the controlling Interests In lln* various leading stoke will lend no countenance to efforl* by speculators to bull prices pending Ihe so lution of the v.-irtou* uncertainlba hang ing over the market, but they an- equally prepared lo support price# and protect stocks when unfavoraldc factors develop The hond markei was dull and Irregular In aympathV with stocks. Total salcr. par value. 8X45.UW1 Unllid Stales 5a advanced 1 . In the bkl price. Total sales of stocks to-day were 114,3*10 shares, including Atchison preferted, 7.430. RaafHng Unit preferred, Ht Paul. 6.6*1. Union Pacific, 6.423, Amerl- an To bacco. 4.310; Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 4,13. People's Gaa, ]:t.i.n, Sugar. 10.9k'.. New York -Stock List. Atrhlnon 27 | do pref 7254 do prt*f *954 Wabash *’6 Hall. A Ohio ... 7<5 do pref 17:4 fan. Par 87>, Wheel. A L E . X'y Gan. Sou 46 | do 2nd pref 21'. Che*. A Ohio .. 275* Ml# Cent 125# C. O. W 105 x 8 bird Aw 110 C. H. A Q 123 ,Ada him Ex 124 C. Iml A L. . 22 Am Pix l&l do pref 5* jll. 8. Ex. 41* c. A K. 11l 965# Well* Fargo Ex. 122 Chic. A Nw 141 (Am. Cot. Oil 32 C„ R I. A P.. .10554 do pref XX Col. South 554 Am Malting .... tty do l#f pref. ... 39541 do pref 23 do 2nd pref. ... 155x|Am. H. A Kef. .. 36N* Del A Hudson 10X5* do pref *95 Dal., L. A W. .173 Am. Rplrti* .... 154 Den A 11. O. .. 1854] do pref 17 do pref V Am. Steel Hoop. 19 Erl* I*>s4, do pref 6 do Ist pref 836, Am ft. A Wire .. 33*# Great Nor. pref.lsl4- do pr*f 7-”i Hocking Coal .. 13t Am. Tin Plat* .. 2Aj Hocking V4l -t! ) do pref xu 111. ....115'yAm. Tolracca .... •' la. Cent 1 | do pref 127 do pref 43 ;Ana Mln CO.. 44 L. E. A W 27 [Brook. R. T ... 53 do pref 92‘,;Coi. F. A Iron .. 34*4 Lake Hhor* ... 209 |l'ontl. Tolac- o .. 255* lands A Nash . 71V, do ptVf 7*54 Manhattan L ... X*s*[Federal Hleel ... 81 Met ft Ry ....IS | do ptef *6 Slex. Cent 11 !Gn. Electric ...13XV, Minn. A Ht. L. .. 53 |Oluco#e Sugar .. 49'- do pref ....... 93 | do pref 9XS Mo Pacific 8054 lnll Paper 1X Mobil* A Ohio . . 35 | do pref *4*4 M K A Tex.. 954'Iaclede Gas .... To do pref 29 (Net Biscuit 3754 f*. J. Central .130 I do (iref 9* S. Y. Central .1295# Nat. Lead. ..... 17*4 Pfor A Weat. 335* do pref 90 do pref 74VNat. HleeS 25* Nor PaMflcl.. SO'-* do pref, 57*4 do pref 70S N Y Air Rrake.l2s Ont A Weat. ... 1954 North Am 1454 O. H A N 42 Pa lflc Coast .... 545# do pref 7* do laf pref *5 Pennsylvania . 12754’ do 3n-l pref. ... 64*4 Reading IHllPifliO Mall 29',* do Ist pref. .. 54X4 People'# Gas .... 91*. do 2nd pref. .. 3* 1 Pressed B Car H ft a. W 88 i do pref 715* do pref 90 |Pull. Pal. Car .I*s 81. L. A Han. F. 9% B R. A T 554 do I*4 pref. .. 85 [Sugar 11854 do 2nd pref. .. S3 | do pref 114 Bt L. 8w 1154'Tenn. C. A I. ... 87*4 do pref 27 ill. 8. Leather .. 10** B# Paul -12254 do pref *,54 do pref 17254 U. 8 Rubber 29* 81 P A Om. -.110 I do pref 92 Bou Pacific .. 22541 West Union ...,7!*x, 8011 Ry 11541 R. I. * 8 5* do pref 53V do pref 53 Tex A P*c. .. IP- C. C. A Bt. L. 5* Union Pac 555*| Bonds. H#f 2a ref ... i0454!M A O. 4s bid 835 x do coup 1045* N Y. C. Ist* 1084s V. 8 4a. rag... 110 ;N J. C. geu. 5*..122’ •o a*. (i>up 110 [No Pac. 3a A‘-’ do new 4a. r*g.lM44i do 8a 104*. do new 4a. con 134** N Y. C. A 8t L do old 4a, reg.lls 4* 1tf754 do old 4a. cou.ll* |N. A W. con. 4a 98 do sa. rag 118 jOre Nav. lata. IM do 6a. fCup. ...114 | do 4s 10854 D. Of C. 3 86# .122 to 8. L 8# 1275* Atch. gen. 8a....101541 do conaol 6#....114 do ad) 4a B'-54i Read gen. 4a. .. *7 Cof O con 5* 93*4: It G W. lata 9954 do I*4 Inc 834 Ht L. A Ir. M. do 2nd Inc 10’4i consol 6# 11254 C. A O. BH* ... *54 81. L. A Btn F do 8* IJU j gaer*l 8# ... 128 C A Nw. con IHt P. conaol*....l® 7* *• P C. A P C. A Nw 8 K I I*l* 11* Dab. (a 1205* do (a 1 Chi Term 4* . 92H So Pac. 4# 7\ Col Ho 4* IR® Rv 5* 10X*. D A K G la*# l® l # 3. Rope ATS* 87*4 do 4* * Tex A P Ills 113’ 4 Erl# gen **•■••■ ® 1 do 2nd* 59 F W A D. C U Pac 4a 10454 Uu 7Js4’W*b#sh lit* ... 117 Qao. 85...U0 [ do tnda 191 lowa C. isi# ...lU% W. Hborc ta . ..11254 L. & N U. 4s .W 4 Wl* C let# M K A T. 2d*. 8654! Vn. Cetilurle# .. 595. do 4* 91* 4 N> w York. Hcpt. 18.-Standard Oil. 535 U 540. 9ll#t EI.I.AYF.tII 9 XI6IIKLT9. Not* —These quotallon# are revised dally, end are k< pt e* near as po-ulUle In accord with the prevailing wholcaala price# Official quoiallon# are not u#*d when they disagree with the price# whole saler* ask (.'eiiatry and Norlliern Produce. POULTRY -The m irket Is steady Quo. tatlona: Broil era. 80(f36c; |xr pair; half grown. 454 t; thn lourths grown, 55 1 AV-; hen#, toll7l- . roosters, 401)a- , duck#, tot)7sc, geese. 75c0|1.<4) EGGB Ht.-udy at IttilV-. BUTTE It Tlie tore of th market # firm. Quotations. Western creamery, 18’, 4623 c: New York #tate dairy, 175x4122c; ex tra KiglllH. 24 1135 c. CUKES). Market firm; fan. y full cream cheese. 13c for 20 10 31-pound average, .'S4iY>-pound average, 125#c Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES—Northern. 31.99 sock. CABBAGE—4S4O7S4c per head. ONIONS—YeIIow. In barrels. 22 25; . ratts. SXX-. red, fI ta* nreailstvfl#. May and Uraia. FLOUR—Market steady; patent, 84 59. straight. 14.15; fancy. 84.00; family, |3.75. MEAL— Pearl, |-r barrel 137;.; per each. 81 30, diy meal, per #ack. Inlted, 81 kMf 125. wig: ground. 8126; city grim sack*. 8125; iarl grlta. Hudnula*. |r barrel, t- l*er aai.-k. 8i 325*. sundry brands. |I.3ML3u sack. CORN- Market firm, white, job lot*. 86c; carload lot#. 62c. mixed corn, Job lota. S>; carload lota, 59c. HICK Market tteadv. demand fair; fancy head. So; fancy. 854 c. Prime 8 Good 454114% Fair 04% Common 54 OATS—No 2 mixed, carload, 22%; Job lots, 35c, white clipped. 39c. Job; J7c car*. IIIUN-Job lots, 96c; carload lots. 90c HAY—Market steady; No. 1, timothy, 85- Job: 90 car#; No. 2 90c Job; B car# Macon, liana# nnd Lard. RACON—Market firm; I>. 8 C. It shir#, t'.ec; D. 8. bellies, PVO9V' (Kaslern); D. H. bellies, 95*4)9540 (Western); smoked C. It etdcs, 6%c. UAMH Sugar cured. 12'44)13%c. LARD—Pure. In llervoa. X%'uX' 4 c; in 59- pound tins and 90- pound lube, V' 4 k9c, compound. In llcrcea. 6%c; 59-|>ound tins, and Xu-jiound iulm, 7c. Ougar and Cadre. SUGAR— Cut loaf 6 83; Diamond A 8a Crushed *63 1 ’on feet Inner*’ A.6 a Powdered 883;While Extra C.. 5 96 XXXX. |#w'd...6 58!Ex!ru C AM Granulated 6 a Golden C AN Cube# 6 54 Yellows AM Mould A 858! COFFEE— Mocha 26c Prime. No. 3 ...1154c Java .26- [Good. No .....US4c Paalwrry 1454 Fair. No. 5.... .11 o Fan-y No. 1 ...ISs4clOrdinary. No. 8.10541- Choice. llaruaari nnd Maiding Xapplte# LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT-Aiabatna and Georgia iltn# In fair deman-# and self at 9< <#>nt a barrel; special calcined plaster. 81 <W per berrel, hair. 44)5c. lb>edalr cement. 81 Jut . 28; carload but*, special. Port rend cement, re tail (2 25; carload lots. 82 'ij4)2 29. LUMBER F O B VEBHELH SAVAN NAH Minimum. yard atxca, 819 594y1l ®; car alii# BUsb)l3(b. dlff- r-nt alse*. (14 00 018 99: ship stock, 116 on* ix On. sawn H*a. 8*9*14)540; hewn Ilea. 30038 c OIL— Market steady, demand fair; *l*- nal. 444)b0c, Weat Virginia k 94/IJc; lard. s*c. nealnfuot. 004170- machinery. 18 li 2sc, lln*#ed oil, raw. *-%(•, boiled, Tsc; kerosene, ptgne wtiltu. 12c. water while, lie; Preil antral 14, deodorlxed stove gneollne. drums, 1154 c; empty oti barrels, delivered. 85c. SHUT Drop, tl SO: B B. and large. *1.78; chilled 11.75 IRON—Market very aleadv; Swede. 8540. NAIIJB-Cut. 22.60 bate; wire, 82 89 t*ae*. HARKED WIRE 8350 tier 100 pounds, straight orl*. 34)J0c; sugar bou#* mo laaar* 15029 c GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack shot. 84 00: half keg*. 82.26. quarter k-g#. |l 25; champion ducking, quarter kega. 8121: Dupont and llaxar-l emukeleaa, half keg#. 81126: quarter keg*. 8-. 75, 1 t-n-tnd canlalers. 8100; lea* 26 tier cent ; Trroadorf emokeloee powder, 1-pound cane, 8; 00. 10- pound cans. Wc pound Frnlta and Ants. APPLES—EarIy Northern variety. $2,360 2.75. BANANAS—II 2501.® bunch I’IN BAI’PI.EB—Extra large Abbekx* Cayer-nea. 83 O' p- r standard - rata; atnail Hed Spanish 8: <**o2 SO LEMONS- Market -teady at 815005.09 COCOA NUTS 13 2.-113 50 par 1- NUTS-Almond*. Tarrag-.n*. lie; ivtcaa, lie: walnut*. Frcaeb. 12c. Naplta. 12e; (>•- can*. 12c. Jlratlla. 7c; Alberta. 18c; assort ed nut# 60-pound and 28-pound boxe#, 13c. PEANUTS —Ample slock, fair demand; market nrm. fancy hand-picked, Virginia. gjC'ir* J I** 1 ** B’ow>c3 nil’ll •->< V’f jislj, • Ira* 4c; N. C seed peanut#. 4c Dried and Evapornaed Frnlta. APPLEB-Evapor*ied. 7%08c, aun-drled, (Mb PBAi ’HER-- Evaporated, pealed, 154 c; unpeal- and. XsiA)9c PEARS Evaporated. 9c APRICOTS -Evaporated. 9lc pound: nectarine' 19c RAISINS—L L.. *2.00: Imperial cabinets, 1: 25: loo**, io-pound t>o*eu. 104%- pound. Cation Magging nnd Tlea. BAGGING—MarkaI firm; Jut#, 254- nouad. 954 c; large lot*. 95c; small lot*. Plant System. of Railways. Tram# Operated by mth Meridian Tl me—On# Hour Slower Tnan City Tlmw KUAD D *SVN I KffVcilve Aug 6 .AO ~ Il ID p ‘ * * *< ,( North and bo-dh. Jl¥| 25 5 Jll U 7 4. a* *-# k ioj, w.i joL L. “.Bavannah..."77 Arj, 2 isu 1 #** sup il usi tm I. lha UM 1 101,18 BW| 8 y*., Ar 1 harlestsn. .. Lv jll lip; 5 50a, 1 10p| 7 41# I<o 1 * 1 7 -5) Ar Richmond Lv| 9 05.i 6 4*t-l t I I 1 ulaj II |9p| Ar ..Washington.. Lvj 4 10n;8 67p 1 1 *l| 10*. Ar llalliaiar*.... Lv 2 ia| 1 4*p| - I .19 3*a . 140* Ar .... Philadelphia Li; 12 *lp II 33pj I , 1 *6pi . ,7 •( Ar ... New Torg Lv :6p I 16*1 ■. . I * 3iv 6 V|. Ar l.o# ton Lv: I Uo;i ll®nt( #|..u#i 0 2 BoiT t’r- > I*!' * •##* •J 9 - 8 1-ajil.v -a-.niah .. ArJI I 40.!) la|l2 lOptll 54n( UA ► cnii ( t| ; uu.4 7 &#• Ar . W>cro4M |#v lo Jtfpj if > -fcMj 1 12 :-M( >8 .0,4 J r M . • lij.j s sti, Ar rn*tiv|l|# . |,v : <|)| l 3JP' :> 464? & 3 Jfc* 10 Aqi 7 top I;* mm 9 38.1 8 pai ,Ar ... Ji-kotnlllt l.i 20.. ixn 4 0.1,7 80a Ida I * “an 8 49p j. Ar Sanford Lv,l2 06p| 1 09a| 1 oOa .... i - I 2 20|> . Jl>|. Ar Ualneovltle | 49;> a# I- 3 lp ) I|| \r . ■ B # Lv, I 80|i I 19 601 10 lop Ar .81. I’#t*r#burg Lv .. ooa I a# | J loa|lo Mw{lo Mp|lo ®p Ar Tampa l.v 1 * T 90a! 7 Mnj 7 Sip 7 SBp ... * 10a 19 |U|.|lo aup 10 S-q Ar Port Tia|# Lv 2 2-a| 6 2f.-i, 7 Uop: 7 OOp ...._ I IMs iMb >Ma tr Funag Uaraa Lv Ia 5., t 38p .... • ••••• I I 119 45u 0 45a Ar Ht Au guallne Lv 6 B>pl 8 39pj | I 5 OOp 8 15* .1 3p Di l.v Savannah . Lv||l9 15a,12 10# .... | ,4....._ * 46p 6 15a| 4oft. 6on Ar Je*up .. . I.v| 4w 10 1> I 8 35p| 7 lo#| 8 75p; * Of.i' Ar . Ilrun awlrk Lv A 40a; 9 06|>{ j j....... NORTH. WEST AN l SOUTHWEST. Via J. up 14 , 18 \ Muntgoen- ri 18 j 0 ■ u-i- Lv Savannah Ar do 1a 12 10a j 8 OOp dot Li Ha mi.ah Ar ,10 15a 1 U)u 8 44pi < an. -Ar ...Jaaup,. Lv|l 8 *!18 Mp tin. n ~ i r .Migmerv l.v 7 45|> 11 36 Wa| 1 15p Ar Maoai .l.v |1 , I JOp 7 lOpi 6 50* At Nashville Lv|| 9 00a I 21a 8 39*1 (Up. Ar Atlanta Lv 10 45p 12 Mp 8 39* 11 Mp Ar Lvil * 85a 9 llfi 9 45.. *9p Ar Cha nouga l.v, 6Up 6 lon !(• 4(I p Ar CVi Innall Lv|!|l flop 8 48p 7 >q. 7 hxi Ar laHitavlll* Lv ! 7 *s* 7 4-p 7 Ma| 7 lit Ar HI. lamia Lv ’ BMy BMa 7 *’|. 7Am Ar Cinch-tiatl Lv X 80s 7 UOp [ i ({. A N J I 704 . 6da Ar St lamia Lv; lip I Oka ; na| Ar Hi lavuls Lv 9 OOp 7 1-i 5 RV- Ar Chicago Lv X4p 9 OOp j : (M AO l |j j 8 4** . * Lv Atlanta Ai lu 869 11 80s * •#’ l6n At Chlcntw fall T spi ll* X 05pj 7Ua Ar Meniphn# Lv’ *am 0p 96. 7 ton Ar Kan##*t 'MrLvIl 6 #)p| 8 tup 4 l!p| 3 OTwi 1 Ar Moblla . I#*|ilß 88p|U ®* • 1#...1 unmarxatl tratnaj dally. • 20pj 7 40a Ar N Orlaana 1. ■ 8&al 45p t D*ll> en-ept Bunday. t W(/ , am.iLv oavansah Ar, 10 lit 13 ie# IHunday only J 41#a 11 80p Ar.. Tlflon ...Lv! 3 16a 8 20p Thtough Pullman Hlw| tng Aar Service 2 45a J top Ar Albany Lv! 12 0* I 45p to North. I a.I and Weal an.l in Floti.l# | I JOp Ar Columhu# Lvl 10 00g i onairHliiua iulr t Tunipa %llh alrMNirra fr hr> U rai lln %it iim . LravUi l*ort Tampa Nouilayi, Tharlat and KtturdAfi at I I rtio p m. J. 11. Polhf'fmu. T V A . K A Armand . City Till Act., Da Solo {foul. I'luMia 71* I*. W. WIIKNN. PaiMnurr Traffic Manager, Bavannah. Oa. McDonough & dallantyne, w Iron Founders, Machinists, •.“Uiaili#, Bel lev ns# 6 era. mult eiurer# a, lntt..a. erj and I’oelnbl# Vertleel a. # Yep Manning |f, Lnrn Milt#, tag.. Mill nn# Inn., a#, hi,. Inllexa. eln. S TELEPHONE NO. 123. I pound. K%o9c; 1% pound, 85#0554c; #ea lxland hagiiing. 12%c TIES- Standard. 45-pmind, arrow, large lots. (J to. small tuts, 215” Salt. Illdea nml Waal. SALT—Demand ts fair and the market Steady; canuad liKm. It*, pound burlao sack*. 44c; 100-pound rot tun aack, 45c; 110-pound burlap suck*. 4*%.-; U 9 |Hjiin.| coilon sack*. 49%c; 228-|#>und l.urh.p oa. ks. 66c; 12.>-|Kiun(l cotton aack. Me; JM) pound burlap sack#. Xf*'. HIDES alarket firm; dry flint, 1354 c; dry salt, 1154*-; green luilted, 4c. WOOL Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burr* nnd black wool. 19. . black. 16c; burry. 10c. Wax. 2bc; tallow, B%c. Deer eklna, 30c. MI9I&LL ANBOIg. FlSH—Mackerel. half barrel*. No L 29:.); No. 2. |x txt; No. 3. 85.59. kit*. No. L |l4O. No 2. II 36. No. 3. s<: CodUah. ’ pound brick*. 85*c. *-pound bricks. Sc. Htnokrvl herring#, per box. 89c. Dulqb her nng. in k-g*. 81 19. new mullets, half barrets. 83 K> BYUUI’ Market qulef: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying al 2M!80c; wiling al 824)35. . augni house al 10-dIV. selling at HONEY Fair demand, srratned. In bar rel*. 6509 c gallon. High wine Ivaala, 11 26. OCE6N KIIIUIGMT*. COTTON— Bav*nnh lo Ilonton, per eel.. 25c; 4o New York, per rwt , c; to I‘hiladetphle, per bale, 81, Hallltnore, 81 FOREIGN DI RWT—Bremen. 690500 (Oct. 68c); Liverpool, 5Xc; Hamburg. sc; Genoa, sc; Barcelona. Ttk.-; Manchester. DU- ; Havre, 60c. FOREIGN INUIIUDCT— LiverpooI. 40c, Mancheder. 60- nominal; Hamburg, 0c; Havre 73. . Genoa. 70c; lt< vat and 81. Beteraburg. 75c; Antwerp, ®c- LUMRER Rv 9..11 Frelgbta dull; tx Baltimore and eaatward. 8( M lo 30 00 per U.. Including rortland LUMBER By Steam -Bavannah to Bal timore. 88 00; to F. ft It or It. A O dock*. 16 59, to I’hlladclphta. 1V! per rat . (4 lb# to foot); to New York. 16 00 per M, 86.75 to dock; lightered lo Boston to dock. fb m. NAVAL STORED - The market la Arm; medium eta* vcawla. Itoeln Cork for order# 3# 6d p#r Uirn l of 310 pound*, and 5 per cent primag*. Hplrlta. 4# ltd per PI gallon# grot*, and 5 per cent, primage. Large vessel*, rosin, 8#; spirits, 4e Id Steam. lie per 1® pounds on rosin: *ls%e on aptrll*. Bavannah fo Boston, and B%c on roaln and 19c on eplrlt# *r New York. gii 419. I'Roviaiona. ktc. New York. Hept. 18— Flour market le#a active, recent demand having supplied tha trade. Buyer# and seller# were 10 to 30c apart on prtng patents to-day. Rye flour, firm, rofnmwi, firm. v # Rye quiet. linrley. Arm, Herley mult. dull. Wheat -Spot, firmer: No 7 red. 63N,c: option# opened steady on ttght offerings only lo #ag oft under disappointing Liver pool cable#. Bouthweat selling and local realising From thla depression price# flnally more than recovered on report# of rain In the Northwest, very afrong out aldo market#, and active local covering, closing strong Ike to 54c net advance. Bepfembar cloecd X2s*c; Octolier. X25%c; lie- M’ 4 r Corn Hioi Vo 2. 47 tyc; 9riion market wh at flrt depre*ed a little by large Chicago car kit arrival# and tower cnhle#. hut later recovered on a demand from abort#, and with wheat closed firm %n%r net lower. September closed 4754 c; October. 46c, Deccmtier. 4194 c. Oat-Bi"Ot. teady; No 2. 2Sc; option# glow, hut nominally steady. It.-ef firm. Cut meat*, quiet., strong; Western *team. 17 45; re fine I. #troagcT; continent. 27 75. fork, firm r'heeve, firm; large white. 11c; *mll white, lie. Tallow, firmer; country, 45%04%c; city 494 c. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, firm. Rice, firm. Butter, strong, creamery, 1654021 - etiite dairy. 15%J®- Eg#. Arm; state and Pennsylvania. 1X47 JV: Western regular packing at mark. 11017 c. Potatoes, quiet; Jr*ey. ll.ffWl 50; I-ong 81 5001 75; Jersey *weet. 82.850 2.75. Peanut*, steady. Cabbage, quiet; luring I*land. per i®, tl .6002.18. f'2*ica. kv steam to Llveroool 4c Caffee-Hpot. Rio. barely steady No. 7 Invoice. P- ; mild, quiet; CoHova. 944014 c. Futttree opened steady, with prlca# flv# to ten points lower and showed n weak undertone all d*y following a e*er* de cline tn Europe an mark#** a marked In crease In Rtagttlan receipt# and a weaker ruling of spot murkot l>irope and local* cold on ’.hr dec’ln- The de mand from hort# chiefly for omfll# con -ttiute.t the huylnx. Clod steady, price# unchanged to five point# lower Total Mle*. 13.860 bag*, including fleptemher. 'Continutd #n Sixth Fag#.) mGLORGIA Schedule* Fffeellve Sept. JO, IMS. Trln arrive mi an<l depart fr.n Central Station. Wwt Broad, foot of Llharty afreet. •Oth Meridian Time—One hour atowar the If rlty time. leave Arrive ““ Savannah: Savannah: I Auguata] Macon, A Han tall ♦8 45amjCovlngton. Mllledgevl!U-{*6 (Npaa _____ land all lutemtedlule point a) jAugurta. Macon. Atlanta,l (Athene, Montgomery, (to-j OOpniPumhue. An i' Him |erlcue, Kufaula and Troy.f M uiptn, Dover Ar.-omnjodatiew |ff 41am “'pm; Guyton Dinner Train |M kpoa * Rally. tßiivpi Bunday. 1 I Wi;|;n , A.NNAH AMD TY BiE 75th meridian or Savannah city time. LfcIAVK SAVANNAH Monday only 4.25 a. m Dally • icepC Monday 53 0 u m Dally lop p, m. I.EAVK TYBKE. Monday only 7:15 a m Dally except Monday 10 m . Dally SM p. m. Conntrtlona mad at terminal ponte with all tralna Northnreat. Weat and South weal f i Sleeping cars on night tralna between Savannah and Aiiguatn, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. I’arlor cara on day tralna between Ha vannah. M. m and Atlanta. Kor nenpleta In formal lon. a vhedulea, rale* and connection!, apply to W a liltKwKit. fity Ticket and Paea enter Agent, W 7 Bull afreet •or W. It. MeINTVHK. Depot Ticket Atertl. J- C IIAILK, <len> rat Paaeenger Agent. K H. HINTON, Traftle Manager. THRO. D. Kld NIC. Gen. Superintendent, Savannah. Oa. ivi Q^ TIBIJLtD Double Daily Service Tha abort line to Norfolk. Wahlngto% Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and the Kaat. ’ ' ~~ rMcTMTwnc A L By It K, Ar Columbia, fl A. I. Hy 4pm 4 Mam Ar Kalelgh, ft A. I- Ry.. 11 *7pm 11 Mam Ar Durham. K. A L. Ry . 7 Mam 4 14pm Ar I'etereburg. HAD Hy 4 Uam I k|im Ar Richmond. S. A U Hy< S 15am 5 Mpro Ar Wuehlngton. Benna... 8 45am Mpm Ar Italtlmore Benna 10 03am 11 Mpm Ar Bhlladeiphla. I'enna .. I.' 37pm 2 Mam Ar Nan York Banna 1 tpm| Uam B. A L RylU Ss|imllt spm Ar Bonemouth. B.A.DRyj 7 00am| 5 jopm Bleamera leave Norfolk dalifr except Bunday. for RulUmore. Philadelphia and Mew York, and dally for Washington. ...emery IldESs and New Orleana, leaving Savannah at 7:25 a m„ arriving at Montgomery 7:10 p. m . at which point clone connection la merle with the L. ft N R. R.. arriving at Mobile 3:06 a. m. and Now Orleana 7:40 a m. Tha Tiort Ifnein HVrnantflna. Jaekaoa vllle. Tampa and other Florida polnta. j No. 27 j No. *T Lv Sllvnnneh. fi A. C. T Ity 5 Mam| B Spa Ar Fernaridina. HAI, Ky iham, o6pm Ar Jackaonville. B.A.LRy l*mj 7 Mpm Ar Tampa. H. A L Ry....| 5 pm| • 10am Magnificent Pullman bulTel (leaping car aervtce to Waehlngton. Baltimore. Phila delphia and New York; alao to Jackson vllle and Tampa. Dining cara from Savannah to Hamlet. and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cara Savannah to Mont " For additional Information apply to Ticket office. Bull and Bryan etreeta. Phone J* 1,000.000 HIDES WANTED. DRY BUNTS IM*e DRY SALTED HHo GKEKN SALTED MM D. KIRKLAND, •ucceuor to R. Kirkland. 427 to 421 St. Julian treat, west. 7