The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 SOUTHSIDERS GET TOGETHER. THRKi; ADMUimi ATIO* POUT JCAL 4 1.1 ll OtHtIAKO 14 OMC. Administration snpportera f thr >nal hll<> Nnlllrd at Unn Hall and I ull and Their Thrrr t lub* lain On'-U . T. HnMff ttadr l*rrllri| and Hr ar > <iarwe % It?#—The %d --lalnlatratitin lndrrd. hat a Honthllilirrman !■ \% anted. The 4 Inh \% 111 Piadorae no 4 andl datea I mil the %omlnatlona Are .Hade—ftpprrhr* Hade b> Heaara. Hasaep, Hassell and Others. The Southtlde administration supporter* h#ld a very j\rnKrv ilali on Second street i#*t night tni rr t*elng over KK> In The occasion m-a* the <oti#olilai ioti of the three admmlstf ition rluhe nhl< h *xi*t*<l in that Hon during the last <nmpaln. The i rirotidatlon atvceaafully a -om|liah- I •--I and tb* following oflicra mt+e elect’ id President-Wllltom T llursey. M(v ITmldent—Henry tiarw*** Acting Kf-retury-W H .!• ne* In the ri#i*tlon. President Hu*- ! ee> thanked the club for the nnnor <*n* ui*on him and pledged It hie hearty and loyal HUp|>ort. In ronaolhUitlng the rlub* In th** aouihern sect ton. he raid. all <. the worker*- there were hrtjughi together j •*Our aim." mU Preldent Hunary. '*h j to grt Jum representation. The present ! ndmuilstr.itlon ha•* ck>n mor for us tb-an ni > ottrrr. hut if hal one good ai-ler- ■ man from our Motion a cmild get more We are non in harmony to tty- pou hern : ee.'tlon, and by Matwhng together, will get Justice." Mr Hussey offered the following reso lution . Whereas. This club m in s>mpathy with tha present administration, we derm U our duty to eland hy the art ions of wild ilminit ration. and further 1*- it resolved, ttiat no member of thts club put In nom ination for office, any cundWiat" until indorsed by the .idminieiratkai All nom inations nw • • otherwliM will lx* dr* taueJ curt of order by the president " The resolution was a<tof4r<! Vice Preakfem Henry tJarwes a 100 Ihauk*| the club for *•!*• tlon. and offered the following r< solution. "Whereas The present admlnlatnttlon l< in sympathy wdh labor. b jt r< solved, that w* |nhroe the . tlom of th* admin- Sstratioti. and further, that ail printing, etc. use. | hy this club. t**r the In ion We furthei leg that all culm in tut ra tion clubs do likewb* Bpcechos were also made by Mr M-*- ! Jntyre. Mr Jones Col. Waring l{u##*!i made untie H talk, and congratulated ihe tiuf* on It* l:rg** attemlance On motion of Mr W. H. WiO. a flngnc* and steering iommitm was nnmtd. ron sisting of J. It. Creamer. Henry (si%rwes •*hd Clare Penton. Mr. Penton was nominated for secretary nrvrl will deckle by the next meeting An executive com mittee of twenty-five w!ll be named at the next meeting Tuesda>. Bept. 26. The new club will be known as the Houthside Administration Club It is com |xi*ed of the former memtiers of the W. tV Osborne Club, the Hotithslde lnd*- fwn<lei,t nub and the Routhaide Consoli duted Club It was thought best to get all the administration workers and sup porters In that (action into one organisa tion. to save friction and to permit of the club being drawn upon for laborers In other fields WILL *<>o\ HI ILI) THi: HILL. Messrs. Dlekey and Heard Looking After 4ewr Interests. Mr John W Dickey and Mr Charles B Heard were in the city yesterday to look after matters connected with the big lumber business they are about to es tablish. It was their desire to consult j With Mf. W W. Markall. but they found i he had gone North. Mr Heard left for ; Charleston, hut Mr Dickey, before re turning to Augusta, visited the ite they expect to secure for the erection of their sawmill The gentlemen expect to a deal very du>ril) with the Seaboard Air ldn** by which they will lease a tract adjoin If * that of the Pterpont Manufacturing Company, which Is Just east of the Her mitage plantation They will have the privilege of buying the site upon the ex piration of the lease. An arrangement has already lx-en made with the Pt* r|*nt Company, which marnifa* lures boxes for the use by It of all the waste material from Messrs I>lckey a Heard a mill. The extensive Mill Haven tract In liurlc* and Hcreven counties has been pur* bused by Mtsorv Dickey ml' Hmr.l and the timber will be floated down the Ha van imh river to be sawn Into lumber her** Mr Heard's headquarters, os tne manag Lrg partner of the Arm will be lit Ravan rwh Mr Dkky ex|lained their ap|Mr *nt desertion of Augusta in this matter o' their lumber buln-#a, by saying that they were forced to It by the fact that I the Savannah river happen* to run this way instead of toaard A iguda Jt is the puriiosc of the Augusta gmtk*- | men to begin work on their pteint Jioit as aoug a* the lei for the site can be made Mr. Heard expacts to have It ready for operation within ninety or 100 days Tn capacity la to be from 40.000 to iin.OOO fe* t of iumbei a diy The firm will engage In no retail trade, but expect* to ship m*M of Its lumber coastwise, huvlng made wnat it heltev*** to be advantageous ar rangements at the North HI rr ItKHtITK '1 IIP. HRIUMI. Paaltar> Inspectors to Itrgln an Ar llve ( ampNlßn T.ila>, The sanitary lns|>ef*toni will begin a thorough campaign this morning against all lot owner* wno have not removed the weed* from their lots. In every Instance where a lot has not t**n cleaned of weeds or where there Is not some evidence that this work is about to be done the owner will be placed upon the docket. Pare will Ur exericead in getting the names of the owners. This Is the result of the hearing In Po lice Court yesterday morning when a large number of property owners appear ed Ufor* the Recorder on €he charge of not removing the weeds. The majority of the slxty-flve owners who hud been docketed by he inspectors were on Land and the police court room presented an unusually respectable appearance. As was to be expected the lot owners h*d many excuses to offer. Home had not understood the ordinance aright, others had had the work done since their names were placed upon the docket nnd still others wen- making preparations for th work. After a casual investigation Re corder H*r4ridge deckled that as the or dinance was anew one and as the Jot owner* se#*med willing to comply with its terms not to Impose any lines. All the cases were dismissed with the understand ing that those who appear on the docket on this charge hereafter may expect to be And. HA* THK HI 4TKH HOUR. Mr. •. P. Shot ter U ill tlrenpy It Dar ina the Winter. Mr 8 P fthotter h.* secured the real • • • i 1 Mr 1 r H. . ; i ‘ * ■.? - - lon street, east, for the winter Mt. Shot ter* residence at Greenwich Park has not teen completed, and it was a* a temporary aboard that he desired a house in th# rty. Mr Hunter and his family go abroad soon to spend a year They will winter in Italy Mrs. Hunter returns to day from New York, where she, has been for a While, and she ami Mr. Hunter wbl leave lor thcU lour. MATTRItft POH POIAfIL The Itnrriaan tlrdlnaaee I'.vprrtetl to Pass I *-• la lit. There are several Interesting matters to come before h** meeting of Coun il to-night. The llorrigati ordlfiince. the election of i messenger of Pound I to fIU the vacancy caused by the death of the late John Harrison, and other malt<ra wji| come up The indications are that the llorrlgan ordlnanca wilt ;uss All the aldettm-n are In thv city except Aldermen Thom u. Mills and Well- Aid*>rmn Bchwartx. h(wevei is too unwtAl to Mti*n*i Akler mait llorrlgan. who wan absent at th* last meeting of routs II on account of ilineais. will be present, ami Alderman Jarrell, whose absence at the previous meeting prevented the ordlnsn- c fiom *•- ing brought to *i vote announced yester day that he would he in attend.nice and woukt vote lor the nrdu •• • The ordirauii'** repeal* si ton l.’ of th* tax ordlnan- e for 1 |*rov.;!* for ihe *Plolntment of a spe< lai ofle * i as an a stsiant to the treasurer nd p*%*fs *he wav for an election of a deptity it> mar shal As air. ai* in.turned in th* Morn ing News, the | <-sag*- of the ordinance •louhtles?* means tie dkipl.*cement **f th* acting deputy m.iroh tl Mr K J. Kelly, an<l the election of Mr .1 H Prc.tmcr. Mr <Tarl* • A ttrndot will dmibllesa l*e # *ct**i messenger of t'ou:i r Mr / .Morgan is ;in appli* ant. hut all the indi- i cations point to Mr tJradot as the su * j (cwsful € aralkUtc A |wt If ion will i*e prrwen *sl from nun* |iH iltion f Mi J H Colling, for certaat street railway fra nr h Is* s In r#rit to |r* I v ld* a nw street rail way system The ! petition h* stmply evidence that *• mim | Iter of btialn***# men an.l o *er c itixens think Mr. Collins means husinew* Th** I rcute whl 'h he a as for Is tri*m Wale* s I road, nlutig Kighfh street •< Montgom • ry street, north on Montgomery t< Hay, thence to Price, and south on Price to eighth street The line* w- li .ontie with the tlavann h and lei* 1 <f Hop* lS** r efitly pur* l. its 1 •> 'lt l*olfins TANARUS; •• (etltkm will 1e receivetl ■* information, but the indications are tkal Council a* txgtnnlng to regard Mr Collins' petition more favorably .*i*l that something tan gible will develop **on The residents south of Anderson street have filed lengthy fedltion. oeklng the city to pkire a bell In the cupota of the new Klghtb Htrert .**• nool. nw in tnr>* of e* ction As alrealy stated, th* pl.tntt for the 00l <k not iiKlu<k* a < up**k*. hut t'ou. . .. may take up the matter with the I bat:. | of ion . The matter of h* removal of the old uuiMing In the rear of No. 21* Broughton street, east, owned by Mi J W. \l In ty r* will utr mi come before Council to night. oiid some decisive a* lion will prob ably he taken. DM H I DID MIT AMIAIIII.K. Col. T. 8. U > ll*. Jr., President, \% a* tlat of the t It). The court-mnrtlal heWI no session la*t night The president of the court. Col T 8 Wylly, Jr , was absent from the city, having been called way on urgetit tmnimo It was announced that the ses sion WIH is* h* I*l to-night It is hc*|M>d by all connected with the court that this will be the concluding session, as there have been many more than were expected, tifwi are heartily tlrc*l of the tedium of the trials The Walker cave, that of the colored soldier* charge*) with lifting a weapon against his superior cfSlcer. was * on< baled very quickly, hut ons session having hern re*iuir*Ni. l*ut that of Corpl Harris of the Republican Blues, was long-drawn .ut One wse remains, that of Corpl Kd. Brown of the Colquitt Blues, colored, who will le represented hy Capt. J Fer ris Cana, who also defended Corpl Har ris It n * th*.tight rn.e session will suffice for the Brown case. The fln'tlngs of the court will be made up after the Rrow'n rase is concluded. The officers of the court are Inund hy oath to divulge none of the results of the trial, ns the findings are supposed 10 le known to none until after they have been examined at headquarters In Atlant The friend* of the accused and those who hnve follow**! the cwiu* will be Interested to learn the result*, and th* report* from Atlanta, where the finding* will be given out. Will !e watched closely. t II %y.KD 111 Till: HTtiRM. Hr. Leon Levy Receives *nd >rsi ot Ills i oit n h Ulster. Many drealfu| horror* of the Galvefiton storm have Ui*n written, hut few hove ■ otne h*>me to 8a vannahlans, and none of these tieeti worse than the new* th it nas reached Mr. Leon la*vy. who learmst through a letter from his mother, that rd* 16-year-old sister had become erased •luring yie dread aesnea of ileath ami •le st rue lion, anl ha* not regained her min*! The young lady was separated from others of the family during the storm It was some t|m*' before she wa* found, au l ihe It wa* m*en that the terrors through which she bad |a**ed hod 1h en too mur.i for her reason Mrs, Levy wrote her son that they were ulioiit to leave <rtl vestoii, aml he hoped that change of scene and removal from the surrounding* of •he stricken city would serve to restore his sister's mind. Mr Ijcvy wm* told of the heroic work of a younger brother a hoy of noout Is, nr ho was hiHriHnetital In saving many lives. Hi* mother wrote thft twenty hod been saved through his efforts, beside* the memters of hi* own family He then assisted for two days in the burial of the dead and the relief of the living. The Igtvya will remove to Houston. n XKHtL or j. kmm; Body Laid • >••-< VPHlrrilfl) \flt*r non In • utttedrnl 4 i nrlrry. The funeral of Mr. Jeremiah Keane wan held yesterday afternoon at S;SO o’clock. The body was taken from the late resi dence. No. 411 Price street, to the Ca thedral of Hi John the Haptlst. where a* rvlce was held. The serv ice was con tinued at the Cathedral Cemetery, where the Interment took place. Me*n*rr. thorite Monro John Carrtek, John John Pltgßerald, James Ptnon, Michael Me(jund<. James lenrar l and \V J. Cleary were the [t!!tvenrers. KM tIRTKiI 111 TIIK ORnCMI, Timeral of Mr, Patrick tain \\ lilt Mllltnry llonora. The funeral of Mr. Patrick Cain was held at t o'clock yesterday afternoon from the late residence, on th corner of Hay and Well Boundary streets The remains were escort'd by the Irish Jasper Green*, under, command of 1-leut. K. A l, to 8t Patrick's Church, and thence to the Cathedral Cemetery, where the Interment was made. KolkvwitiK were the pallbearers: Messrs John M Reynolds. T. 41. Honan. Daniel 4’onnors. J J Ma Mahon, Wil.ljm Fallon and Frank lirown. Ksllss and sleeping. Food supplies and substance for repair ink the wastes of Ihc lly. and give* slrentfih. Sleep affords the opportunity for these repairs to lie made Hoth ara necessary to health If you can’t eat and sleep, take Hood a Bnr-.ioarlll.i D rrr . ate* a good appetite and tones the dikes, tlve orasn*. and It kivcs the sweet, rest ful sleep of childhood. Be sure to g* Hood's. Biliousness Is cured by Hood’s Pills. - -ad. A IHkh-tlrade Institution for laidles Shorter Colie**. Botnet, Ca, Writ* tor i catalogue.—of THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. TWENTY-FOUR WERE INDICTED *1 PI It lull t Ol HT DR 4AD J( Hi M %D % Ml *• Of 111 ftfftßM* tnilrruin ining Indicted for ttie Harder of Ida t srler-iossi Hick* Indicted for the Mfcallna of glfA From the € hsfharn Hunk-#• la dlrtinrots Returned for %*nuir With Intent to Harder. Four for llnralar? nnd f-tj|h! for l.arrrny In t Nrimia Forms—Two A**nnlt nnl Hotter) I am, Two for Carrying t nil* CM led Weapon* and tine for Sel action. The Superior Court grand Jury held a tno-hour Session yesterday and rrturne*! twenty-four Indictment* Over 100 wlt m***e* were in attrmkance. though not all of them were exited to testify One In \ dlelawni was for murder, six for assault with Intent to murder, four for burglary, four for lar tny from the house, two tor arceny after trust on#- for larceny from th* person, one for seduction, one for slm t* lar ry. twi for carrying * ocu'eah-d area |*>t * and two for assault and bat tery The • *k>n wa* a busy one. both for the grand Jury, the soli,4tor general* office iud the sheriff s deputtea. An dor son Yivung was Indicted for the murder of I*U Carter in the eastern aec tt.n f th*' it> about thr*** week* ago Young qua relief I with hb wlf*- and In th*- ourse *>f the nffray br*vk* into the room* occupied hy Carter .in*l his wife In the same lioum Htveral shots were fired nnd carter's wife a i* kl *'*l aft* r Young h.d shot and wounded to* own wlf* t'arter wa* the only wlt n* s* hrfors the gratal Jury. Three assault with Intent to murder rises resul ed from colored church fait uml akr-walka Marta Harris wa.- tn*llcl-fl f*r stabbing Willie Mywon one of the * ocnmltteemsn at a fair In Ka*t Havann.ih. Grace Middle :**n uim Indicted for cuftlng and stamping on William* George Irving was in li ted for shouting Coliln* Joshua. Dud ley Barr was* ted for assaulting with intent to mur*ter Richard 81mm*. Moses Jones was Indicted for sheading Arthur Mkhlleton In th** WHitheaatern section of th- Itv Toby Rtmmons was indictexl for *ha>ting Joe Mugcr n*ar Montdih som* tlm*- ago. Frank lli* ks. the boy who robbed Ih** Chatham Hank t various time* of money amounting to won Indicted for lar <*ny from the house. Other oases of larceny from the h*y**- were one against A It. Cole for sHaikng meat from the Ba vannah t#ro<-ery Company, amther ttgainst Harry Gilbert for stealing fji. entrusted to him by Champion A Kvans, J*k* Har ris for snallng a lot of canned goo*l* from the Houfherti Grorery Company, and Frank Bttnlers for steating g>*o*is fr*>tr. the TietJen Gr***-erf Company. John Crawford wx imbeted for larceny ifter trust for taking Haul Bryan's blcy d and failing to return it Both Crawford and Bryan are colored Wm. Moran was Indicted for st'-allng .in overcoat from Peter Morton* place Kphratm Robinson was Indicted for sim ple larceny for stealing brass frm> the Gordon cotton press. Wm. Green nnd Wm. McCall were in dlcted for burglary. J B. Y'ork was indicted for larceny from the person. The charge was that York took 13® from A. Slater, Jr., while the two were out together "seeing the town." K B Robert*. Jr., was Indicted for se ducing Kdna Norwcjod under promise of marriage. Both imrtbs are colored. John Oraddlck was Indicted for assault and battery on K. Tillman Oraddlck charged Tillman with having had some chickens belonging to the former killed Tillman denied she charge and the as sault followed. Both men are neighbors in the southwestern port of the city Wlllltam Goodenotigh was Indicted for assault and battery on RHita Hammock Charles Hay ward and Wade Smith were indicted for carrying concealed weapons. I \llFit \ SKHIOIH I'HtRUE. flow ell Tito* trrrslrd nn the I lnur nf t lirallug nnd Hitlndllng. Howell Titus, a lawyer, who though a native of Florida has been spending the lasi three months In Bavannah. was ar rest. and night before last on the ehirge of cheating and swindling preferred hy W, It Sturlcvant. The alleged offense . on slet* In having secured Mr. Bturtevanl'a endorsement through false representations In a drillt on the Indian River Rtute Bank 111 Titusville. Fla., for *36 Th* draft wa* endorsed lasi June; shortly aflerw-arrta Thus, so Mr. Sturtevant stnies, approach ed him with the request that he oblige him In the same way a mcoml time, but he was refused. The day after this request the tlist draft was returned. Since that time Mr Sturtevant ha# been on the look out for the man. but was unable to find him until a day or two ago. when hr heard that he was living at a hoarding, house in the southwestern pari of the city, lie swore out a warrant for hla arrest, ami Officers Constantine and Beck ett of Magistrate U. Noble Jones' court found the man and took him tn their cus tody. Being unube lo give bond, he was pm In jail. Tllu*' family In Florida ha* a high so cial nnd business standing, anti Tltus, himself, at one lime occupied a position of honor ami trust, that of solicitor gen eral of a circuit In hb* native state. Aft erwards he wen! to Washington ond en gage!* in Ihe practice of taw, hut was forced lo leave. Noe all of his record Is known since that time, but It Is said that he ha* within the last few months do frmidol number of hotels, and It Is thought, other institution*. Among hts victims are wild to be, the Columbia Ho tel In Columbia, the Calhoun Hotel In Charleston, ami the Screven House in flu vurtnah. When he left the Calhoun House about two month* ngo. he owe.* It Ito. To sesile thl* amount, he gave the proprietor draft which wa* said afterwards to have been found tvort blew* The proprietor learned of Titus' where abouts In the City and about six weeks ago came to Havannah nnd arranged a meeting with him. He told him un less the money was nude good that li“ would have him arrested. The matter was tin.illy egimptomlse.l by the acceptance on ttu part of the proprietor of n Joint note made by Titus and a friend In this city. Il I* said that the note Is not yet due. At the Hercven House Titus ran up a bill of sl4 and gave the clerk tn payment a draft on a firm In Charleston Thl* drall was subsequently returned. Titus wa* questioned about this transaction yesterday. He admitted that the draft was no good when he gave It. but said In exienuatlon of his act that he had left In the Sceven House enough guods to more than |siy for the bill. The goods re ferrc.l to are an old suit of clothes and a battered valise. To the officer* that made the arrest Titus stated that he had In tend! .1 io practice law In ihls e|iy Though he ha* a wife and. It Is said, children In Washington, he Is re|orted to have en gaged himself to an esttumble young lady of this city. HI IHR l* It ELK tSEIt. • •Is Hlinrtawe Willi Ihe Hepnhllcan Blue* Has Iteen tdlnsted. M. R Quirk, ihe ex-secretary and treas urer of the Republican Blues, was releas ed from jail yesterday His friends got enough money together to satisfy the flnanace committee of the company, so th* Charge of larceny upon which he was ar rested will not be pushed Quirk engage* to repay those who were kind enough to advance him the mouvy lo release him from bis iroubles. Illt irt LIBT** t (.Oik t ALL. \\ . T. Harr lowa Injured by a- Barsard Straw# far. W T Harrison. machinist In the on* ploy of me Central Railway, wa# pain fully hut not aerlouely Injured hy a col lision with a Barnard street car shortly after i o clock yesterday afternoon Mr lijtrrboti was on ha* way home from work, and was riding a bicycle on the south, side of liberty street going west, he approached the -orner *4 Barnard -•reet he either raw or beard a car ap proaching and slowed up bis wheel The car stopped a* he thought, and he start ed to crus* ahead of It. The car came on, however, and Mr. Harrison, seeing tlmt he could not crosa ahead of the car. attempted to turn to his right The re sult whs that he came in collision with the Aide of the car. his left side striking against th* exf of the seat* or some other projecting work of the car. He was thrown to the ground and partly si untied. The car was Immediately stopper) and Mr Harrison was given attention by the conductor. It was thought at Aral that he aa* very seriously Injured, and efforts were made to get a physician Although the neighborhood ahnunda In doctors’ office?, not a physician was to le had. The injured man was placed in a c arriage and taken t oh Is home at No 3(8 Wald hurg street west, where he wa* attended by Dr. 81 mmoos. The latter slated last night that he did not regard the Injury as serious. General Manager Ix>fton. when about the accident said that according to ♦he statement of the conductor and nx tormun. which had been corroborated by several itassen'ger*. the car was brought almost to a stop at Überty atreet. accord ing to the usual custom The mixorman stated he raw a bicyclist gome dis tune* away, but had no idea that he would attempt to rmos In front of the car. and accordingly quickened his speed. The bicyclist came ah* ad. however, but attempted o turn when bo late, and brought himself in roilldon with the *kje of the car, receiving Injuries a sstated. MAY \K\\ 4|t AKTFHfk M'lmw* Camp May Itetara to the H) 4 It In it■* Hall. Mclaiws* Gamp of Gonfed-rate Veterans met last night and dlacussed the approach ing reunion of the Georgia division In August.i It Is de*lred to have the camp fully represented at the Augusta reunion and step* will be taken to that end. The •letall* of the trip will be (llscuased at the •yctoher meeting While the matter wa# not formally pre *eni*d to the meeting last night It was generally understood that there is a move ment on foot looking to the n ban* lon men t of the pn’sent hall or room In the Whit fleld hulkllng hy Melbas camp arwl th# securing of quarters in the Knights of Pythias Hall. The argument# In favor of the *-hsnge are that mu.<h more comfort able and d*w!rabie quarter# can be secur **d at the Pythian Hall for about one-half the cost of the present quarters. it WHS generally understood when the two <smjs of veteran* and the other Gon federate organisations united upon the r.Hm in the Whitfield building that the quarter# there were to be irrprov*-*! and the place made sp-*-|/iffy attrac tive n* a veterans- hall. Thooa who favor the change say that while con sitlernlile money and effort has tieen ex pended in this ltrection. but little has been accomplished, a# the room doe not lend itself readily to decorative purpose# Other arguments w#r# also rained against the room The question of making a change will probably he brought to the attention of the Gonfadcrate Veterans' As sociation. Camp TMi and the other organi sation* Interested The veterans were quartered in the Knights of Pythias Hall for sonw years previous to their removal to the Whit field building and had no complaint to make of their surrounding# there, the bleu In making the change being to se cure M me# *ing place solely for the ua* of the veterans and their allied societies. 4 TOR \ OF A DFLI DKD W4JMAV drought From Germany as a Xervant Hut Intended for mm Imi morn I Life. An interesting core came to light in the tenderloin yesterday. The proprie t/e#s of the house on Perry wtreet, *•{. Is said to have brought over with her from Germany. girl, Geclle. who wo* hired with the understanding, on her part, shat she was to he a servant, hut who. when she was introduce*! in the house |n this city, wa* given to under stand that her dinle* were to he of a dif ferent here for immoral purposes The woman returns*! to Ravanvmh from a Furopeon trip aU>ut two weeks ago. nd the girl wa* brought with her. though a# a steerage passenger. Bhc could not '|4feik a word of th** English language. It I* said hy a woman, who was an inmato of the house at the time, but who subse qoently left it. that the morning after the girl's arrival she came down stair* wearing an apron and cap. and In every way preparrdho begin the domestic duties of sweeping, dusting, and general house work that she supposed herself to have been hired to do. Bhe wait soon told dif ferently. The woman Is of the average intelli gence of the uneducated peasant class. Here, in a land whos- language she was JmXh unable to understand or #peak. with out frlen*k# or the mer**## chance of ac quaintance to whom she might have, ••veil ha*l they been aide to understand her. told her trouble, she was force*! to #ubmt4 to the life for about two week#. Then the story leaked out that she had been brought over under false pretense#. nd was detained against her will. The story reached the authorities and an in vestigation Into the matter was imme diately #e: on foot. The woman wm seen anil told her story. Bhe seemed to re alise ner unfortunate position keenly, and wept during the recital. She had come over from Germany she said, With the understanding that whe was to l* given a svant's io*!tion The work of such no office, sho sold she was familiar with, having been *o employed before leaving iisr home The author!!!** took no Immediate steps, a* it was Intended to make a more com p’.ete investigation, but the woman in th*- moan time, got rid of the girl by shipping her bog and baggage to New York. IID SOLD IT* HI ILDING. IV. C*. T. 1 . Disposes of Its Quarters to Joseph Levy, Th Woman's Christian Temperance Union has sold Its building. No. 230 Broughton street, west, and will seek quarters elsewhe A deed wa# filed In the clerk** office of the Superior Court yesterday from the \\ . T. V. to the lot in question, with improvement*, the price named being $8,660. At the same time a deed to .i one-half Interest In the prop erty from Joseph Levy to Htmon 4)olden was tiled, the price named being $4,325. The W G. T. t*. ha# had the question of disposing of It# iiulluiiiß uinivi consid eration for some time At a meeting ncid 8* pt 11 format action was taken author icing the sale. The deed is signed by- Mary 8 Allen Webb, president, and Mrs Joseph B Wiley, tertiary pro tern. +//(a/f£. Sift'd/ne h, no rqust (or It* writ itrAn and purpa,,, of i:d:ni thr eonvalMcent. the weak thr rooth-r In weovartn* health. ,tr-n,th. appatlt*. Madr only hy th* Anhauaar- Buach Hr—ln, An n. St. Louts, L\ 0. A jloU by aU drusitlsta. THREE NEW KINDERGARTENS. WILL IIF. COAPI t 11-D 14 BAVANRAU HY THK It %LDM 14. Two of the Schools Mill Be Free. The Other a Fay Hehaol, F.arh la ler a Dtreetor and All I ader the Naperxlaion of %flsa M. tt. Hackaa. Two Training t lasses to He Taaghf In 4 onne*tloo With the flcboola. hew Work and Materlnla That Mill He Introduced. Th* Kate Baldwin Free Kindergarten, which last year proved so successful In Its work among the children of the city's poor, will this year conduct three schools instead of one. Two of the kindergartens will he free, while the third will be for pay pupils. The free school* will he opened Oct. 1, and the other probably Nov. 1. Mias M G. Backus, who last year organised the free kindergarten, and was In charge M It throughout the season, ha* only recent ly returned to Kavannah. but Is busllyy engaged m looking for quarter* In which to conduct the school*. Ont* place has al ready been secure*!. It Is a part of the storeroom of the Edison Electric llJuml nat •’ompiny's building if Indian and Ann streets, ft Is much roomier than the d.t pfac* at Bine and Ann streets. The pla • has been especially prepared for school IHtrpoera. new wads and floor#, having htau buMt. and ventilators and 41 stexm heating apparatus put In place. Thi# school will have a commutation* for be tween seventy-five and one hundred pu pil*. find will he under the direction of Miss H. H. Hardee The second school will he located In the southwestern part of the city wherever suitable quarters c.m l>e obtained. This school will have accommodations for about fifty pupils nnd will be under the direct ion of Miss M. L. Palmer of Go lumbus. Th** kindergarten for pay pupils will he located centrally and will be under the di rect charge of Mis# M 4J Backus who will also have u general supervision over th* other school#. In addition to th* kus will have two train ing classes, the senior, and the Junior. In the manual labor of teaching these *las#s she will he itsslsted hy the Misses Mardee and Palmer. The senior class Will le composed principally of the young ladies that taught In the kindergarten last year. The junior class will be composed of ahotM nine; there are still a few va cancies in this class though applications already have been sent to Mis* Backus from a number of ladles who desire to en ter It. some of the candidal*** being from Macon, Golumbu*. and Griffin, and even ns far north as Pennsylvania. The t<lea In having a pay kindergarten, said Miss Backus yeesterday. Is to allow the richer person* to send their children, where they will be taught according to kindergarten method*, an*! also to give to the member* of the training classes the experience that can only be gained from coming In contact with all classes of children There i* no desire nor ex pectation of making money out of this school: the promoters will he amply sat isfied should It pay expense*. Should the Income he more than th* expenses, how ever. the surplus will he devoted to en larging the work among the poor chil dren. Miss Backus spent a month studying ktnik-rgarien method* at Chatauqua Teachers from all over the country were present and she had the opportunity of comparing the work done here last win ter with that done In other cltlee She found that the methods used here have been as progressive and valuable a* those used In any other part of the country Nevertheless she found that there was other work and material that could he uses* to good purpoae In addition to that used last season, so she made a study of ii iud will Ist wanes I* In the work here this winter. Some of the new features of the work will be blackboard drawing, modeling In clay, and brush work. In which will be used Japanese brushes and Ink. Other things that will rfatm the at tention and Interest of the children will hi- lessons In rooking and general house keeping. All applications for positions In either the schools or the training classes should be addressed lo Miss M. G Backus, care of Maj. C. 8 Hardee 1 : Ok MIH WAY TO GILVERTOR. I.lrstrssnl Commander Hheraiaa to Join thr Itnneroft. Lieutenant Commander Francis N Sherman. IT. 8. N.. spent yesterday In Sa vanna h on ht way to Key West to Join the I’nlted Stales gunboat Bancroft Commander Sherman was stationed In Sa vannah In charge of the hydrographic office about eight years ago. and Is pleas antly remembered by many Savannah |ieo. pie Since leaving here he has seen va ried service He was on Admiral Dewey's flagship, the Olympia, but was detached to other duty shortly before the breaking out of hostilities He has recently been on Ihe IT 8. S. Montgomery, attache.* to Admiral Schley's squadron In South American waters, and recentl> attended national celebration of the Hraslllan government. Returning tft New York with the Montgomery, he wa* ordered to the Bancroft, then on her way to Galveston to assist In the relief work there. He hurried lo Fort Royal, egpectlng the Bancroft to touch there, but wa* later directed lo proceed to Key West, where hi* vessel will touch on her way to Texa*. Lieutenant Commander Sherman's son. who wa* a lad when hi* father was stationed here, Is now a cadet at Anna polls. THE KID Ik t HTAVEtI. Hr Is HHII l.iinAlna for That Fight With a Featherweight. Kid Carver of Wnyeross, formerly of Cincinnati, Is still looking for a game He reiterates that he Is ready to meet anything In Ihe ftfc.itlng line In Havannan thl will go on nl his weight, anywhere along nhoiM 116. The Ktd writes that he :* coming to Savannah next Monday, and that. If there Is anything doing in hts line, ho would like lo meet some of the sport* and get up a light with anyone they want to produce The Kid is philanthropist He I* after helping the Galveston sufferer*. That Is •he direction he wants tne gate receipt*, over and above meager expenses, to take. It I* ijoeslble that something In the way of a preliminary might be arranged for him In one of the bout* Corronsn seems m a fair way of pulling off In the near fu ture. l.adles’ ItalklSK Hats. Knox. Dunlop. Phlpp & Hutchinson, and all leading shapes. In tvalklna hats; w • sell you the same style and quality hai ns Knox or Dunlap; only difference is price. Over 75 different style* m ready to-wear hat*. Krouakoff’s—atf. Ksr the Trim Sufferer*. Masonic Temple Pharmacy will Rive Ihe entire receipt* of It* soda water fountain to-day to the flalveston fund. The hour* will he from 7 o’clock In Ihe mornlnk until 7 o'clock at nlaht. On previous occasions Masonic Temple Phaimacy has given Its soda fountain's r*elp' for charitable purposes and sur prising sums were raised. trn kpHool Hals. KrouskofFs are showing oil the newest style* in school hat* at popular price.- KrouskofFs offer special Inducements for ths next 4en days in this Hne. Oran-J fa)] .opening, Oct. 4th and HU.— ad. MUNYONS I will loarantr, Eft tbe ®T Cor* JrSmBPXSfa -111 <T>r 90 p*r wnt of *ll form* of k!doy JrV wq complaint nnd In dp* ra,r.jr ln,torr* tb, V tooot KTlou, form, of P T IW Brlgbt', ,11mm*. If \ /olf the llwiw U eom \ J/w pllwM Mod • four ooace Tlol of orl*— w * -111 nI7M it ohd adTIM 7M fit* At n dm,fi,t, Mr , ,1,1 Oold, to n*lt mt mfd'ol .O'lM lm IV*> *4n . PMI* KIDNEY CURE Thr ElflnW* oprnln, of Mllllarr, Opt. 4 and ft. Thurtday nnd Friday, Oct. t and 3. th* Krouokoff Milllnory Company will op*n th* fall and winter aeaeon in Savannah, with on* of th rh hnat and rareat dl,pta of fin* mllltncTv, curpnaalnk anythin* ever before ehown eouth of New Yotk Prepa rattorta are now icolnc on. an. 4 all the buy er* connected with this mammoth firm are whipping the latest novelttee Ju*t a# they appear In fortlkn market*. *pect*| pro duction* f.w their retail department*. The aenortment of ikttlern haf* thl* *eaon comprlee work* of art from all the lcadlnu modl*fe* of Part* and l/mdon Rememtter that KrouekofT* ahowj. on their flrr’, 4lr more millinery than all other* in Savan nah combined The display on Oct. 4 and a will elmply be exqulalte. and Pari*, lam don and all foreign nnd domeellc efyiea will be ehown In abundance. Krotackoff a —ad. ftnnday. kept. Itttth. I the la*t day for the Sunday excurelon* to Gharleeton. Ticket* on eale for train leavtnc Savannah :* am., ood to return on train leaving Charleston at S:fl# p. in or 11:13 p. m , Smvlays. at rate of ft 0 for the round trip. Chair cars 30 cents extra. -<- Johnson'* Phil* nnd Fever Tnnlc la 100 time* better than quinine and does In a sltutle day whet s.ow and uncertain quinine cannot do In ten days. It will cure In a few daya those obsti nate types of fever that hang on for weeks when treated with quinine. It will cure typhoid fever and nothing else will. It doe* Its work quickly and thoroughly and nothing el*, does. It places the fever patient beyond th# point of danger In a day and nothing else can. Those who have Implicit faith In the tonic are secure Those who doubt are In danger Those who will not use It, place their lives In jeopardy. Front n Doctor. Our people were suffering from fypho fever Horn,- 31 IVs called It gen uine typhoid Many of these patients died and those that recovered were sick from t to * weeks. I gave my patients Johnson's tonic and in every Inslance the fever cooled down within twenty-four hour* and did not re turn. and the patterns regained their for mer good health rapidly. J. F. Kincheloe. U D., Conway, Ark —ad. Close of thr F.trsrilas Season. The Plant System Sunday excursions to Charleston and Brunswk'k will be discon tinued after Sunday. Sept #> Tickets sold to both points at rate of ft no for the round trip. limited to date of sale —ad. Arrangements have been effected by which 1.000 mil* books, the price of which is 136 00 each, Issued by the Sea boa rd Air Lin* Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail, road; from Portsmouth to lialttmore over the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and Laurens Railroad This arrangement Include* the hooks Issued by the Florida Central and Peninsular and Georgia ami Alabama Railroads.—ad. ••It Cared Me.” "Orayheard broke up rheumatism on me.” sy Mr Chas Thomas, the jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In bencr heulth than 1 have enjoyed In a long time.” Take Grsybeard Pill* for that dtixy feeling—l.o,l appetite, snd follow It up with a bottle of Ornybeard. 11 Is all you need. Respess Drug Cos., sole props., Savannah. Ga—ad. I.aat holiday Rirnrilns to Hroai wtek Will leave Savannah, via the Plant Sys tem. Sunday. Sept. 30; train leaves Savan nah 6:30 a. m . returning leaves Brunswick of. p. m Tickets tl.oo for the round trip, -ad. % Di'llrlou* Mtuoke. The Herbert *ml la truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fume* of this tine tobacco; It la evhilarating and delicious. flee that the name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine The Herbert Spencer clgara are only sold by the bo* of 80. Concha* at 33.50, and Perfectos. 14 Wat IJppman Bros. whole sale druggist*. Rarnard and Congress streets, of thia city.—ad. "Greybeard l a family medicine with u.” said a protnln'nt buxines* man yea tar day. "My wife takes It, and 1 notice ah- la enjoying be'ter health than for rears. The children keep well by taking It.” Greybeard may be obtained at all drug stores or write to u for It. Reapess Drug Cos., sole preps . S ivumli, Ga.-ad. The Heat In llaltlmore. I received your letter and got the Tet tertne without difficulty. 1 used It thlx last time for prickly heat, which It clean, ed off nicely In three days. I am glad 10 know that Tetterlne Is for xale In Baltimore, a* 1 desire to recom mend II lo my friends. Yours truly, Do; Enxey. Baltimore. Mil. Aug. 22, 1900. so cents per box at druggists —ad. Wonders Will Sever Cease. Llppman Brothers, wholesale druggists. Upptnan block of this city, sre giving away free, a splendid regulator clock nearly 3 feet high, with calendar attach ment. also three dosen sample bottles of Upinnsti's liver pills, free, to the pur chaser of litre- do*, n I.lppman's.chlll and fever tonic. This celebrated and renowned chill tonic Is * Id with a p sitlve guaran tee. "No cure, no pay." and ihe price and si*.- Is the same as other standard chill tonics. This great expense Is undergone simply lo Introduce Lppman's chill and fever tonic, the best In the world —ad For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the chial. softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-flvs cents s bottle, —ad. Paulding's Pippin Cider. This celebrated pure, apple Juice elder, made In lying Island, can be had in pint or quart bottles, direct from the manufac nlTT* W "JL' ,h *‘ r own *> Dlppman ilvbUucs, UfUffUtl, Bavann.ify .je,—eil. Your Boys’ School Shoos Rcqiisr. rot k ttentiov vot flllOl'LD RBK THK ARMORED CRUISER SCHOOL SHOES For Boys and Girls. Kvery pair xxarrantrd to *i T( dnublp thr arrxlrr of any ordinary ■rhnol alior aoM In lhl city. Do not look to Ihc aaxluK of a few penntra. Rrmruiber thr bnt Aa thr rheaprat. IT BROUGHTON ST WEST;' At LATTIMORE'S HHaaaaowaHaaßi‘aMak> aa Now It is On. Thr Movr nnd Hanar hti#ltirw Kina lM‘ft&tn. Dvrrj tin % ipih nn lnrrrn#p In lininr*R. nti.l xx r Mntlrlpntr n hnrxrttt of plrnard patmna. An hrifr r#ngi' flo hr liuil than lhn*t- Inrluilrd in our liar—l*l It - KBIT, ROYAL MAGIC nad OTHKLLO. All kiatl. of u mml ainxra at all kinds of lon prlrra. In Hardware Wr glv# thr karaaloa of thr town. Larpraf llnra, brt qualitlra. When Bicycling fttrlkra yon think of thr t Irrr lund. Thr bl|fiK‘ftt xalnr to br had nnywhrrc. Oar forms nrr madr to aalt. At LATTIMORE’S $5 Chamber Sets Igate*t *tylr. nrwrat <l*-#lgn, ppedal aula of th#s# beautiful ##•* at ONLY 13.97. We have all the BEST THINGS In our line, and WE DO. WE DO. SELL CHEAPER than other people. Call here and this fact will be easily demonstrated. G. W. Allen 8l Cos., State and Bernard Htrert* R R Near. j.p Mm.i.aud Frssldanv Vice President Himit Ul tra. Jr Secy and Tree* NEAL-lIILLARD CO. Builders' Material, Sash, Doors and Bilals, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Class and Brushes, EULCERS’ HARDWARE. Lime, Cement and Plaster, •* *s4 ttml* UVUIAO, U. BRTNNAN BROS., h ttOLESAI.iI Fruit, Produce, drain. Etc. JJJ BAY STREET. Wee*. T step boas SHI. OPIUM Morphine and Cocaine habits cured pain lessly In to to 20 day*. The only guarsn teed painless cur*. No cur* no pay. Addrtta, DR, J. 11. HEFLIN. Locust Urol*, O*.