The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 21, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. Established IKO. •- - Incorporated ISM J H. KBTILL. President TWENTY-FOUR DEAD CAII'AMT 1.1 ST IST PHILIPPINES CONTINVE* TO GROW. TWO OFFICERS LOST LIVES. cf a, UIC ARTHI'R SEMI* LIST OF THE CMIIAITIU. glory "I the Fight I ahlrd to the Ad jutant (irnrrnl-L of Amcrlran Force In "Inllonn Lni>rnratVta> S3 |'rr Cent.—4 apt. John K. Mnrgau tmooi the W ouoded—l'lulil an a Sllkkors one and Against Heavy odda. Manila. Sept. 20 —A corrected list of the casualties sustained by the American sol diers Monday last In the engagement at Hinlloan, situated at the east end of Ijt guna de Hay. between a force of 1,000 Fil ipinos and detachments of the Fifteenth und Thirty-seventh United Slates Infan try Regiments, show that twenty-four nun are dead. Including those who have dud from the effects of their wounds since the fighting and the missing, and that ■ ineteen are wounded. Including Caps John E. Morgan of Company L, of the Thirty-seventh Regiment. The number of Americans engaged Is now announced as 124. The enemy's car -I,.lilies hove not been reported. Gen. ttaetrtknr's Report. Washington, Sept. Jl>.—A dispatch has t -en received from Gen. MacArthur which confirms the report cabled to the Asso ciated Press from Manila regarding the activity of the Insurgents. The blank us es arc In place of words which could not be deciphered. The dispatch Is as fol ic ers: Manila. Sept IS. To Adjutant General. Washington. Considerable activity Crntighotil Luzon Fighting reported In vl lnlty of Cnrlg and Estella. Isabella province. Insurgents estimated 590, prob n >iy much exaggerated. but sufficient /one to moke —— In district heretofore e,silei. In the Ilocan province Samuel It loung (brigadier general! report* numor cis small alfatrs and has railed so em jehallcally for more force (hat Kingsbury's eiuadron Third Cavalry and Borden's battalion Fifth Infantry has been sent him; other battalion Fifth same destina tion upon arrival. country north Pasig. Including all of Eulucan. vtry much disturbed and numr nt ontoct* with small parties through out the district, south of Pasig. Including Tayabaa province (Luzon), srtme condlt -1 ns obtain This activity has been an ticipated and reported upon In letter* August 2-i and cabled Aug. 21. The Fatal Kiiciittsler. Sept. 1* Capt David Mitchell. Fifteenth lifantry. ninety men. Company 1* Fif teenth Infantry from Blnlloan. Laguna province, attack* and Insurgent Gen. ("allies, who had 800 men In position at Mavltac. e.ime province. Desperate tight ensued, which was pushed from the front by Mitchell across causeway and through water waist deep. Co-operative attack under Cant. George F. Cooke, with forty men. Company K. Fifteenth Infantry, and ten men. Company H. Thirty-seventh ln fintry, could not reach enemy's position lecause of high water In arm of lake which could not be crossed; entire coun try was afl.-at In consequence of recent rains; this very mush Impeded of fensive action. After an hour and twenty minutes fighting command withdrew to Blnlloan. Cpon renewal operations 18th. ftiund that Insurgents had escaped from Mavltac previous night, most of them, no doubt, going back Into contiguous barrios to appear from time to time or until call ed Into Held again as peaceful amigos. Mat of Casaalttra. Casualties, which all occurred In Mitch ell's command, consisting of four officers. 1 men. were: Company L. Fifteenth Infantry, killed and died of wounds: Capt. David MIUli *11; George A. Cooper, second lieutenant; First Sergeant William Fitzgerald. Sergt. Evremond Dehart. Corpl. l-aurll* Jensen; l’rlvalcs Edward C. Coburn. George R Horton. Thomas P. Kelley. Thomas Mul roy. John P. Brink. William L. Banker, Arthur 8 Mansfield, Thomas I. Pitcher. Bcotl L. Smith, Richard Taylor, Edward M. Neal. Fred Duggan, Emanuel Kauf man. Company L, Thirty-seventh Volunteer Infantry, killed ami died of wounds—First Sergeant Thomas P. A Howe; Privates Edward J. Godahl, George A. Haight, Edward Stallcup. Alfred J. Mueller. James C. West. Thlrtv-lhree per cent. Is profoundly Im pressive loss,and Indicates stubbornness of light, fearless leadership of officers and splendid response of then. Insurgent lona, as far as known, ten killed, twenty wounded; among former Col. Fidel. MacArthur. more MARINE* TO HE KENT. Tfileera of New Battalion Ordered to Phlllpplaea. Washington. Bept. 20—Arrangements sra keing made to send another battalion of marine*, to he known as the Sixth battal ion. to the Philippines. It will be organtx -1 I In this city ami Annapolis In a few seek*, and proceed to Manila by way of Pan Francisco. Order* Issued to-day by Navy Department assign Ihe "Tol lowing officer* of the marine corps to service with 'he new battalion: First Lieutenant F. M Eellck. st Nor f"lk; Second Lieutenants Robert Y. Rhea "•>*l L O Millet, at Washington. D. C.; Second Lieutenant P. E. Chamberlin, at Annapollt; Second Lieutenant Meeker Rahb at Norfolk, ar.d Second Lieutenant "HUfifil h. Prltrhartt at New York. Dr. Ilntls Vlee Prealdewt. lawiavllle, Ky.. Sept. 20 —The American Aiaoclatlon of Obate<rlctans and Oynecolo gists have elected Dr. W. E Davis of Bir mingham, Ain., vice president. Satiannal) Mottling MARTIAL LAW WILL CEASE. Mrn of All (Tnasr* Working Mile by Mlr to Tlniifc Onlrr Out of ( lino* In knhciiun. Galveston. Ti„ Sept. 2&—'This tvcnlng Mayor Jonn prooUlmt-d that martial law would cease at noon to-morrow and tho civil authorities would assume direction of municipal affairs. This w.*a done at the suggestion of Gen Scurry, who ei pressed the belief that condition* had reached ouch a stage that the civil au thorities were able to cope with the sit uation. This, however, does not mean the im mediate withdrawal of the militia. They are to co-o|*erate with the city officials In the enforcement of order, and will con tinue on duty u* a part of the govern ment. Since martial law has prevailed in Gal veston good order has resulted. It was feared In some quart era that when It became known that the mlDtia had given way to civil authority the looting ar.d rob bery which began after the storm and continued unili the declaration of martial law. might recommence The military forces will be used as a the k on this character of crime, however, and will in ell probability remain here for the n* xi twenty flays. The shooting of negroes by military m*n for looting has had a most salutary effect and lias, in n!*tt>urc, terrorised the of femlers. still there *re cases of robbery reported dully that are dealt with severely. l*ator in Galveston k* at h premium. There Is not hii Idle man In the city. Ite icardleM* of smticn or |Msition u man must work. The merchant ami his clerk are working side by side, along with the men who have known nothing hut hard work since the ilme of their childhood. It Is :• cosm>poiltan force now at w>rk on the city avenue#; white men and Mack work ing In such gangs under one head, is h dally ecene. To-day orders wore to inrprees every able-ltolied nruin for street cleaning service. Over So* m*i \ere aecured under this order. and to-day there are fully 2.610 men engaged in the work. Htlll this forte H nor sufficient, ami more men must be secure*). Men for this service are to Is imported from the interior f thowMate. The work *f removing ih’- dead from tlo debris still continues. The prevailing method of disposition is cremation, ami ■* each cor|M>e Is taken out It If thoroughly saturated with ooal oil ami thrown Into a hhixing tire. This plan of incineration has been entirely successful, alii the tsslicw are quickly destroyed. Funeral pyres are biasing throughout the city, and in this wav Galveston is lidding her-elf of dead. Benefits for Galveston. Baltimore. B©pt. 2b.—Special matinees for the benefit of the Galveston sufferers were held at the theaters yesrerday after noon. It Is estimated that the receipts will aggregate 116,060. v i, ..i. n Pensacola Haisrd 92.7HJ1. Pensacola. Fla . Sept. V* The fund rais ed here for *he Galveston sufferers amounts to *2.7>. \tlnnfn'a I ontrllu(ton. Atlanta. Sept. 3>.—2M12 has been raised here for the Galveston storm victims. DID HOW AMD HAVE MOt "T.ACfiE f On That Rnestlon Depends Ills Lib erty, Perhaps Ills Life. Frankfort. Ky.. Sept. 20.-Did Jim How ard have a mustache on Jan. 307 On that question In a great measure de pends hla liberty, perhaps his life. The witnesses for the defense, Including the defendant himself, all state that on Jan. 3 and tWtys before, his face was clean shaven. Bowman Gaines, Ben Hike and James F. Daly, who have Identified How ard a* the man they sow on the 30th of January..swear tnat h* had a mustache. "There goes Jim Howard, chan shaven, and better dressed than any man In town. If he keeps on that way wc will never be n.ile to prove that he Is a fool." According to hla testimony to-day ex- State Senator Erl Parker mad.- that re mark In London on Jan. H, where he saw Howard on the streets. Parker ex plained that the reason he had said this was that Howard waa then at London to appear for trial for the murder of George Baker and Ills plea was to he Inr-anlty. The dr fense Is resting Its case on tho alibi claimed for Howard and Is not pay ing any attention to the chdm of the prosecution that the shot corn*- from th* secretary of stale's ofitco a tel other col lateral matters which figured largely In the trial of Cal b Powers. - t - y FOPI'L.ATIBN nr THE "TATES. IMrrclar Merrlam Will ** Begin Giving (hr Figures. Washington. Sept. 20.—Director of the Census Merrlam staled 10-day that the announcement of the cltlca Is practically completed, as no bulletin will be Issued for a town under 27.000. The bureau, he said, probably will begin next week announcing the population of Ihe states. The first will be Arkansas, ami thereafter they will be Issued In al phabetical order, bcglnhlng with Alabama It la thought that all of the states will be given oot before Congrere assemble*. The returns from the several slates will iUao show the population of the cltiew un der 25.000. SPANIARDS SCt TI LED "HIP". Hobson ((aotrd aa Saying Dewey Did 6nl "Ink Them. Vancouver, B. C., Sept. 30.—1n an Inter view with Lieut. R. P. Hobson, published In a local paper. Hobson is quoted as aay- Ing thot Admiral Dewey did not sink the ship* at Manila, but that the opened Ihe valves and scuttled the hl| Ihemselve*. He said, according toche In terview. that thq American aliell tiro dkl very lllt'.c damage. B.AN ANTONIO’S I’OIM LATION. ft Ha* 5.1..TJ1 People, an Inerease of 41.. H Per Cent. Washington. Sept. 29 -The census bu reau announce* that the population of Han Antonio. Tex.. I* -Ml. a* against 37.- 73 In 1899. Thl* la an Increase of 15.54*. or 41.64 per cent. Many Fishing Vessel* Lost. fit John*. N. F.. Bept. 3h—Forty-two fishing vessel* ar ashore In th* fitralta of Bell* lele. and thirty will be totally loat. This I* In addition to (be dtaagurs previously reported. SAVANNAH, GA„ FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, V.m. MAY ANSWER TO-DAY I!UTED UTATBI UIIX RFTLT TO td.HMO PROPOSAL. RUSSIA STILL SUSPECTED. OTHKH i POR KII WART OP lh>K.M I PO> CHIXA. I ntted States \\ 111 Make Ammrr to Several Otbrr Notre—Will Pr*>a!l> It r f ue- to Accede to tacrman>*e I'ropoeltlon—Troope tsettiag ltcal> for the \\ later Season—4 ha flee tile trllintlng lllee to the Poor—t ap tore of Pel-Tana Forts. Washington. Bept. 20.—The status of th*.* Chinese situation nt the close of the duy. at cording to u high authority. Is as fol- Iowa: There are now before the state depart mU a number of notes aw'aiting stumer. These includ** the German note concerning the surrender of Chinese ringleaders, the original Hussan proposition for the with drawal of troop* from Pekin, which has not yet been acted upon ns a finality; a memorandum of the Hus.dan government, aeking as to the purpose* of this govern ment. and a request by Prince Ching that in.(ruction* be sent to our minister to proceed with peace n**goti.itl<Hia at once. In ndlition there Is n verbal lr qulry from the French government as to the programme of the United Stales. These various communk' it ions have slowly accumulated and an understand ing has now been reai'heil by she admin istration that there shall be a general clearance of the entire subject. The* my b** ex|tec(el either late to-morrow or early the following day. It will cleariy enun ciate the programme of the t'ntted tftates ot the various questions presented. A\fll Be Separate Ansnpri, There will he separate notes according to the character of the communications addressed to this government; that le. the recent German note will be answered by a note, and the memorandum or inquiry from Russia will be answered by a mem orandum. while the French verbal In quiry will receive a verbal response. As to the contents of these several com munications the authorities are not will ing to give any positive Intimations, though as far as the German note is con cerned. the belief is almost general here that the response of our government will amount to a declination to make th* sur render of the offending Chinese a condi tion precedent to negotiations of any kind. Concerning the Russian proposition for withdrawn! It is stated officially, that It stands to-day the same as first presented, there having been no modlftcationa what ever on the part of Russia up to the present time. HI **l A I* I \DBM "I SPICION. Chaffee's Plans 4’rlllelaed by Rrlfish ( nrri*spanilcnls. London, Bept. 21. 4 a. m.—Such Pekin dispatches a* appear this morning tend to confirm the suspicion# regarding the al titude of Russia already expressed by Dr. Morrison, the correspondent of the Times at the Chinese capital. The Dally News prints a telegram al most identical with the advices to Ihe Dali) Expree# from Pekin, but adding that, In Ihe opinion of the correspondent, the Russians only desire to Induce tho other Power* to withdraw. The Morning Post's Pekin representa tive. writing, Kept. 13, expresses Ihe sam> opinion. He declares that M. de Glers will not go unless tha other ministers go also. The Russian legation, he asserts, had prej>ar*d to go. but reversed Its In tention. pending further Instructions. This delay, he thinks, due In all protwblllty to ihe non-departure of the other legations. "Chaffee," continues this correspondent, "has directed o dtotrlbutlon of rice to the poor. This plan Is a good one. but Its application Is somewhat premature. What Is chiefly needed I# security of trade so that necessities may be purchased. "The American commander has express ed hla disapproval of furthet; expeditions against the -Boxer*. The Indecision ex hibited In this respect 1* shameful. No settlement la possible until the Boxers and their official accomplices ore vanquished. Numerous schemes are on foot for catch ing the Boxer leaden*, but the task Is very difficult as they always keep out of the way." Del.lrra "till Remains. I>r. Morrison, wiring to the Time* un der date of Sept. 17. eonflrme the report that M DeGßrs has Indefinitely postynned hi* departure, ami announces that a col umn of Americans started that .lay to res cue Christians at B:tuan Halen. twenty five ml Ice northeast of Pekin. He reports ahav that the British Hong Kong Regi ment has left the capita! ami that the Jap anese hove occupied Huang Tsun. ihe railway station next to Feng Tal. where they will immediately begin the recon struction of the line in conjunction with the British. The Tien Tsln correspondent of the Dally Mall, referring lo the. attack on Ihe Pel-Tang and Lu Tal fori*, already cap tured by the allies after heavy losses, ac cording to advices received at Berlin. *a>a: "The surrender of the forts was de manded at 2 o'clock on Tuesday, with the threat of Immediate attack by the Rus sians and Germans In event of refueal." The news that 8!r Claude MacDonald's removal from Pekin to Toklo wan arrang ed last April Is commented u|on by some Loudon paper* as Indicating that the home authorities were dissatisfied with hla con duct of affair* CHAFFER TO DIVIDE 111* MEN. Noar of the Powers Are Moving Forres A war Frotn Pekin. Washington. B*pt 20—The War Depart ment ha* received Ihe following cable gram from Qen. Chaffee: "Taku. do date; To Adjutant Gen., Wahtn<m Frkln. B<*|>t I*. To avoid Bidder rrowdlnz l>kln hav* ha<l In mlital a dlvlulon of my foro* bflwrcn Fokin. Yana Twin, Tlon Tain, at th* latter place leavlna one battalion only bec*ue around Tien Tain low. damp, unaultahle. Other rnmmand*r* no instruct lona, hui they a •ume com* at leant of their troopa re main Pekin during winter. I Wot* thl* a* lndlcatlna what la to bn awertalned her*, not knowing the eourae of action be ing taken by the Power* and (he I’nilcd Slate*. Only one regiment Ruaalan troop* retired toward Tien Tain, yet moved. (Have troop* of other Power* done *oT) Conditlon* of Chlnr*e come better; gard ener* entering th* city freely, relieving the diet re** prevailing come day* ago. Slight rerumption trade, other condition* very fair, rendering the Mtuatlon quiet. Kxpt-dKlon to-day. WUcon commanding, to ezpel Boxer* to the weatward In order to free the country for coal vupply mine Pekin. Headquarter* one aquadron Sixth cavalry, Yang T*un to camp Telegraph ed you thirtieth railroad to be repaired. LI Hung Chang left Shanghai Itih. Itmuy report# Hockhilt expected. Taku, 14th. "Chaffee."" A portion of thla dlupatch W unintelli gible to the department officlala. and they have aaked the telegraph company lot * correction of It. Mt RDBMS (■ MISSION ARIES. Chaflee Wires of KIIIInK of Atwoter Family anil Other*. Waahlngton. Sept. X —The war depart ment haa r.celve.l the following illganh "Taku. no date.—To Adjutant General, Washington —Pekin. Sept. 17 —Further re ply to your number 38, following accepted here a* reliable; Two daughter* of At wa er ami twenly-wx oth r murdere<l at Tayuan, July 9 Clapp and wife, four other* murdered Tat Ku. July 21. At water. wife two children. *!x other* mur dered by Ihtlr eacort near Pen Chow Fu, Aug 16 In Shan 81 province. Same me*- aage report* *lx person*. Dixon and wife. Occurren and wife, alrgle gentleman and lady a* having escaped Into the moun tain* from a mldi n thirty mile* to north of Takuan. They escaped on hor*ehaek and possibly have evaded their pursuer*. /•Chaffee.” ANXIOI * FOR NEGOTIATION*. Southern Viceroy* W*nt Some Ae tton Taken nl Owrr. Washington. Sept .-\Vtlh the Powet* wavering o to w-hen pea'e iiegotlatloii* with China shall open. China I* exerting all her effort* to turn the wale* toward an Immediate opening of the negotiation*. Another move In that direction wn made to-day when the Chinese mtnt*'r preeented to the state department a dlr patrh from the two powerful aouthern viceroy* of Nan Kin and Wu Chang, ask ing that the t'niled State* Instruct It* ofil e|*l* In China lo l>eg;n pence negotiation* The viceroy* set forth the disadvantage* of continued delay |n prolonging the pres ent unsettled condition of China, and In further •■ompllratlng the question* to be dealt with by the Power*. TROOP" TO W INTER IN PEKIN. Allies Would Not Guarantee Protec tion to Empress. (Copyright. 1990, by the Asso.fated Press.) Pekin, Sept. 14, via Shanghai. Sept- 19. Gen. Chaffee expresses a preference In favor of tent* for the winter comp rather than Insanitary buildings. The Indications are that 10,000 of the al llee will winter at Pekin. The German force will be the largest. Home of the troop* will probably be distributed In the surrounding cities to relievo the strain. The Japanese will withdraw the most of their force to Nagasaki. Tha Husalans WIN retain at least 2.OUU here. A Joint expedition to Pao Ting Fu has been planned by the British, German and French forces. Tha Dowager Empress has expressed her willingness to return to Pekin If guaranteed protection. The gen erals In command and the ministers of the powers are unwilling to assume such a responsibility. A number of small hands of Boxer* hava been reported In the neighborhood recent ly. PKI-TANG FORT" APT! HKD. Reported Thai the Allied Foreea Mel W Mb Heavy Losses. Berlin, Bept. 20.—The Ixtkal Anxetgrr’* Shanghai correspondent cables that the allies to-day captured th# Pel-Tang and Lu Tal forts, with great losses. Atlaek Made at Daybreak. (Copyright, 1900. the Aeso la led Pres*.) Taku. Bept. 3).—Tha allies attacked th* Pel-Tang fort* at daybreak. Heavy can nonading Is going on. AMERICAN" Will* WERE KILLED. Conan! fieneriil (ioodnovr Give* the Nnmrs of Those Mnaanrrrd. Washington. Sept, 30 —The state depart m*nt has received the following telegram from the consul general at Shanghai. China: "Shanghai. Sept. 20. To Secretary of State. Washington. Killed to date: Rev. and Mr*. Slmcox, three children; Dr. and Mr*. Hodge. Dr. Taylor. Rev. Pltklns, Misses Gould, Morrill at Pao Ting Fu; Misses Desmond. Manchester, at Ku Chau; Mlsse* Rice. Huston, at Lu Cheng; Rev. and Mr* Clapp, Rev. O. L. Will iams. Rev. Davis. Mites Bird, Hartrldge. at Talku; Rev. and Mr*. Atwater, four children; Rev. and Mr*. Price, one child, al Fen Chow Fu. Have mailed report. "Ooodnow.” TO ENTER MIN ATE BOXERS. Orders rn That F.ffeet Have Been Given In Chi LI I’rovlnee. Washington. Bept. 20.—'Th* State De. partment ha* rtcatved the following Dia gram datad the 18th Instant, from th* con sul at Che Foo. China. Secretary of Btat*. Washington— teenth. Yesterday again beseeehed gov ernor ascertain lacD Pao Ttng Fu, al/o (Continued on Fifth Page). STRIKERS INCREASE MORE MIA HAVE |l IT UOHK l\ TUB COAL MIMA. MINERS ARE WELL SATISFIED. ip to tui: phi:mat tiikrk hah ■ASTA \o niOOHOFaH. Only Onf Man Arrrvfed a a Hranlt uf Ihr atrlkt-—o|MTlnr 81111 Hr faar to Arbllratr Ihr Matter \% lilt the fttrlkera t nal Nrarrlly l krrnh Frit and la (ihlng Troaltlr In Hr rn n (■—<Malrmrnl Madr It) tlir Mlnrra. Phltedrliihla. Brp*. 20 —*'Every tblna qrlet n*l orlrrly.*‘ la Ihr rr|*rt that from ihr atrlke rrfioii. A frw more mitu* tvorkrra jainml Ihr alilkrta* rinks to-day, but not many. The temper of the mine owner* on the question of trill:notion t lndW atetl in In terview* ami Matrmont* Kivrn out to-day, 1* very ninth agaltirt the pro|>*itlon Nevaitbrlrar. Father Phillip* came here from the llaxleton realon to-nlabt. wi l |* with ArrhblPhop Ryan in *on*ultation on the aubjert very near and ikur to hi* heart: the qub'k eettlement of the etrlke by arbitration, or any other honorable mem* I’roteatant rlernymrn |n Haxle ton lo*'c al*o taken up tlie matter. unl tvlH emleavor to brlntc the oppiwini He rn* nt* tm* ther amicably. Coal r r<*lty I* more keenly felt tvday. nnf), although the lta)!nji ‘ompny a* mining ami *hi|plnfr It* u*ual quota of nnihiu lie. *l* alrr* are ftielim; It hard to c; o* mu- ti a* they tired. The tonnaxe of the other great 'ol arryimr omipn nle* 1* aradiKillv ilimlniebttig. however, and m the natural order of thing*, unleea the ptvike la nettled, will Mn ora** alto gether from pome dlairlcAa. Somewhat vaitur report* are lomtna In of preparation on the part of the ehertff* arut <oal rontimnie* for n po**H k claah with the rtck' hi dement Anton* the striker*. Nearly evrryliody believe* that trouble, come, yet there ha** bean no elan of nn outbreak, mi l the mm appear to be wdl handled by the leader*. Miner* t lain* Aeeeaalon*. Hazlehiiret. Pa., fkpt. 20.—1n the ab rtnoa of I're*ilent Mitchell from hea*l quartrra to*day Benjamin Janir#. who U nexi In charge of the strike In this region, issued the dally bulletin from the United Mine Workers' headquarters. Il Is as fol low*: Haxieton. Pa.. B*pt 2D. &:!& p. me-The rejort* received at headquartera today have been most gratifying. Harwood, Col. eralne and the Btar washery at Audaaraid •hut down thl* morning: the men at these place* deckled last evening to strike with their feilowmen. This 1* a gain for ih# mine workei*. "At Jeddo. where Mr John Markla tried to Influence tho men to go to work, they remained firm, evidently realising the •halk.wnrss of the offers made by their employers. "Eight hundred more men are on atrlke In thha district to-day than any previous day during the strike "The suspension In Ihe Wyoming and Lackawanna valley* I* now complete, the only mine which worked the forepart of the week being closed. "Reports' from district No. 9 (the lower anthracite) show that there have been large accessions to the striker*, great In roads having been mail* on the Philadel phia and Reading employes. “The situation over the entire anthra cite field I* such that we have every rea son to believe that In a few days the sus pension will be general throughout the three districts. (Signed) “Benjamin James." "Memlper National Executive Board, United Mine Worker* of America." First Arrest la Made. Wllkesharre. Pa.. Sept. 20—The first ar rest In connection with tho mlmrs' strike was made this afternoon when Joseph I legos, a Hungarian of Nantlcok*, was taken Into custody, ebarg, and on oath of Alexander Monsyock with pointing a re volver and threatening to shoot him last night while he was returning from work The prosecutor l employed at company work In one of the mines at Nantlcok* and when he started for home last night he met Begos. who asked him why he was working. Monsyock did not answer and waa proceeding on his way, whan, It I* altered. Begos pointed Ills revolver. Upon hi* promising net to report for work In the morning Begos did not ahoot. The prisoner was brought lo this city and In default of ll.S0) ball, was committed to jail Nearelly of 1 nal. Scranton. Pa., Bept. > Scrantonltes, strange to relate, are the first to experi ence hardship as n result of the scarcity of coal. The men at the Columbus wash er)', out of sympathy for the strike move ment. refuse to prepare any culm, except tor the electric light plant, of which the washery I* a part, und this compels the trolley company to u-e unwashed culm lust a* It come* from the refuse heaps. Fifty per cent of thla Is incombostlir.e. and conaequently It Is extremely difficult to make steam. Asa result tha electric ilnes are badly crlpplwl. Kcraniotr also ha* the distinction of having the first operator to sign the union arale. He la Michael Gibbons, who con ducts a small working In Bouth Scranton, from which he supplies some of the school* and a few private families. He feared his fifty men might quit at any hour and agreed to sign the scale If the union would exempt hi* place, from th strike order. Tin- district board of Ihe Miner Worker* Union told him to sign the scale and close down him works, and they would consider the proposition. He consented and the board will pass on Ihe matter to-morrow. WAGES OF IHE MINER". operator* "ar They Get 82.8D and 81.07 Per Day. Scranton. Pa.. B*pl 10. —Tho Pennsyl vania Cowl Company iMuad a statement to-day. showing by a resume of Its con trailer’* report*, that lb# averag* wag. , of miner* and laborers In all of their twen ty-even colllerle*, for the month of Au gust. wa*. respectively. 12.80 anal 21.87 per day, and that twenty days war* worked NI.IMP |% f'OTTON MINKHT. Hears Had the %U*aaiaa- and lard It for All If AA a* Worth. New York. Bept. 30—The eotton market excited prttly much all thrmjgh t>- day'a *aaton. with price* lumldlng around st mui h the same eens.itlotial rate a* dur ing the great bull movement of some two week* ago Only to-day*a fluctuation* were in the nature of a collapse In all month*. Si* t iilailon *w pt through the market (n wave*, ami con*l*teil for the most part of HquMulloi) by liolt|*-rs who had held through the late decline*. Weak cable*, weak nr** 111 Wall street, heavy receipts In tha South, weak Southern spot mar ket*. foreign selling pressure, and an al most total absence of speculative support of any description, were the factor* which created havoc In bull circle*, and prompt*! Ihi bear* to Invade th ir opponent*' ter ritory. The opening was Irregular at a lo** of l.t to 24 |M>lnt*. After a rally of in to 12 point* the market once more plunged downward under terrific selling from all quartern. !*r and. cl Inn* for still heavier receipt* and rumor* thit Southern market* were on a verge of a heavy slump, added to the woe* of luckie** holder* and Increased the jubilation of the short*, who were merdleo* In their iwld*. The eloon was barely steady *t at<out the lowest figure* of the day, >1 net decline of 2£ to 2H points The day'* tranactlona were conaerva tlvely tsttmabd at 110,160 bale*. HRTORT OX hAA Al. IITATIOff. Indication* Arc That If* llrmmal M ill He Recommended. Washington, S**pt J' Af llie Navy 1 >e ptliment If is expected that a report of the Rear Admiral Rodger* loaid of the tratisfcr of the station, from Fort Royal to rharienton. will be ready to sub mit to the Secretary of the Navy within the next week or ten day*. The report ha* been delayed owing sounding* In the haristr. and taring* on the land, to satisfy the board that the land and water facllltle* at t'harleaion are ample for the station. sounding* and t>orlngw are now being •Haile at Fort Royal, which are expected to show that Hie board will l*e Justified In recommending the transfer of the station lo f 'hat k ston. The various sites |imposed for the *t llon at or near Charleston are b* Ing care fully ogamlned. and llie report* of the liorlugs and soundings are cxpecied to be in the hand* of the board by th* latter pari of next week. Rear Admiral Endt coit. say* he look* for the report to in the hands of the Secretary of th* Navy not laier than the Ural of October. a . .. UOEHS UtUI.Y WATTE RED. lluhrrla Yl'lrn Niithtas la Lft bat a Fan Naraatrra. In<lnn. Rvpl I#—Lord Rohrrtx from Nrlaiault. on tha Prtoila-Dria*o* May Railroad, not far Iron, Koomailpoort, lha fronltar nation, untlar <lat of W*l naaulay. Hapt. I*. aa fottoara; "Of tha Ihrae lhoutwin<t Boar* who r traatad from Koonailliwrt. tiaforo tha Mrlilah a.lvanca, aavan humlrad have an lara.l Porttjgaao territory, olhara have dnarlnt In vartoua dlractlona. aml the halanaa era raportad lo have aroeaa.l the Koomatl rlvar. ami to ha occupytnc apura of tha nxountaln. aouth of the railway. "A general tumult seem* to have <*-cur red when they recognized the hopeless ness of llirtr cause. Their la>ng Toms an.l field guna have been destroyed, anal noth ing I* left of the Boer army but a few marauders.” tjnlsg 4r President K rawer. Perlm. Bept. 20.—The Dutch cruiser Gel dr: land I* going to De sgra Bay In order to lake on board . x Pre-l tent Ktugar and convey him t< Holland. ■USED A HARK LOT OF I/OOT. rualnnaa Inapeetair* Made a (irewt tin at I al Mare Island. Ban Franc two. Ba-pt. 20—Revenue of ficer# hava- brought down from the Mare Island navy yard, on a government lug 151 asses of rare oriental goasl*. which had been brought Into thl* country on Ihe hoMdial ship Baylor*. Tha- articles seized would net a small fortune. The duty is nearly • per cent, on this account most of the stuff, which Incluales layot from Tien Tsln. probably will ba abandoned to the government. The aaees of sllka and curious are addressed lo persons all over th- United State*. RI.AI K DIAMOND RAILROAD. Opltayn Haa Expired aaal Bayaane Com pany Claims 6’rana-hlsr. Knoxville. Tnn.. Bept. 39 -Tha option gianteal last y*r by Boone’s Black Dla moral Railroad to T. G. Dickinson. William Kirkly and other* to construct the rood over Roonc's right of way expired to. night and the Boone Company now claim* posiaessloti of tha. franchise. Official* say work will livgln within a year and the road will be financed by Amerl.wn capi tal It 110 run from Cincinnati to Port Royal. 9. C. WOLCOTT WILL NOT ACCEPT. He Declines the A ppaaln t men t ait Ambaasndor lu Italy. Waahlngton. Bept. 30.-Pr**td#nt McKin ley has been advised by ex-Gov. Roger Wokkrtt of Massachusetts of hts declina tion of the offer of the post of amhasaador to Italy. The position wa* tender**! Mr. Wayicott upon the recaHpt of the resigna tion of Arobasa<lor Draper. HOI TEI.t.K I" IMPROVING. Haypea Are Now Entertained for Ills Heeovery. Bangor, Me.. Bept. 21).—A report from the asylum In which Congressman Charles A. Houtall* ht receiving treatment for aphasia, received by hi* famliv her# yes terday. Mates without qualification that b I* rapidly Improving . -n - Forty Passengers Drowned. London. Bept 30 -A dtspairh to-day from Athens lo Lloyd*, giving further de tails of the disaster lo the Egyptian mall steamer. Charkleh, now ashore on the Island of Andros, one of the Cyelodes, say* that forty of the pa** cog era and craw were drown*! DAILY P A YEAR. 6 I'KNTH A COPY WEEKLY I TI.MEB A YEAR FORCED HIM TO KILL JCIIHY WALDO9R I*l T* THE IILAMC IDO t ill AA>OM AM. SAYS SHE THREATENED HIM. m; STRI’CK the. first IMIW and "HE DID THE RENT. Tbet la (hr Way W blah Welda* I lain. Nra. INma'a lleabeed Waa "turtle ral Waldrn'a ron(putin Was Admitted Deed .Men We* "tala With an %x—Horrible "(ary uf l.iiltt, ( ulHilnaitna la lllabollral Murder, Told In I'uerl. Tcimtlle. G* . Hapl. Ji. Tha Irkil of Jerry WaMan waa n'Mimal al Wflfhlt villa thla mornlnK W. G tl.ilnra, brother of Mra. Dixon, taallllml that whan ha went lo the house ha quaellona.l botli VVei.lm •ml iha They danled any knowt ailge of the murder of Dixon. Ha treed footprints fiom tha house to road W'et d.n went part of Ihe way. The frrah traeka, the .h< Mid, were old one*. Maine- Immd Ihe ax with which th* dead waa . iflninittr.l Other* (entitled alm ll.'ri), in anibaianoe, on thl* point. 8.1 l Willi, ma Identified tha ax found aa the property of lira murdered man. clerk Anthony of Johnson Huper:or Court baeaii ihr story of Ihe ronlnuton of U blilrn lie waur Walden's veil end *(H "Jerry. >on era In a hole.” "What has sho bean InKlnuT* eakert Walden. •*A plenty." said Anthony, "fihe told me you killed her hualmnd with the ex I showed you yealrnl-ty." ''Wall." said Walden, "wa axraed to aay nolhlnir Now I will tall It all.” Altornav I' sake. I that th* ran fee alon be excluder!. Jerry wa* sent Into Ihe rr apt ton room ami aryumant begun. Mr. foopar aeld the confaeal.ui wa* nui I*4-A and voluntary, anl planted M" case on the decision of JuiUtce WMl* of the I'nMad Htalae Ruprrtne tlaitrt. Jislfq Evans admltta.l the confession. W bnt Wnlden t'unfrased. Wald, ii confesaad. Anthony aakl. that he had liaan Intimate with kirn. Dixon, who had asked him to -kill her husband, lie refused. Bhe Insisted and brought him en ax. Haatruek the first blow. She did th* res*. Walden at the woman's bkt.ttne, threw tit* ax Into the wood* After com* mining th* crime they ware to have eloped Preel.lent ""'oodward, of tha Nannie Loti ' Warthen Institute, swore W'aiden made. In suhetam *. a similar confeeslon to hlm- Mll and Editor McNally at tha dpot In leonille. The detulla of the Intimacy between (he defendant and the woman wer* absolutely shocking. Dr. T. L. Harris swore that Dixon died from seven nlmaat Indescribable wounda on the hrad and body. A Remarkable "latewtewf. Walden’s statement was a remarkable one He came of a good family, and wa# 19 year# old. The Dixon woman, he said, had complete control over him. On July 17 whan Dixon was coming through the woods from the field to the house she gava him a shotgun, he said, end told him to shoot Dixon and nobody would ever know who did It. On the night of the murder Mr* Dixon went to hts bed. lie stales. She hud an axe. "Jerry.” she said to me, "Dixon la as'eep. If you don't kill him I will kill you.” and I did not wont to do It. Gentle men. ahe went to Dixon's bed with me. I struck the first blow. Hhe did Ihe rest. * Attorney Cooper announced that hla position wa* that Walden had to kill Dixon lo save his own life as he could not otherwise escape from the woman. The arguments were th>n regun. NErfiRUE" ATTACKED HtIDUE. He "liot Dawn (he l.eader af Ihe Mab sad They lllspereed. Columbia. 8 C.. Sept. 20.—Al East over, (wanly mile* below this city, negroea working on Ihe cotton plantation of W. H. Hodge, struck for an advance of 10 cents a hundred for picking cotton. Tha de mand wa* refueed by Hodge and neigh boring farmers. A band of negroes gathered about llodgr'a house, cursing and threatening, lie reported the name* of a number to •h* nearest trial }usltr. They wer* fined K each. The negroes followed llcslge from lha trial Justice’s office, gathering numbers as they went, until 4<JO arrived at hla houae. They surrounded hla dwelling. In whltih Ibelge, hla wife and two children barri caded themselves. When tha crowd advanced to the door Hodge shot down the leader and they fell hack. Mra. Hodge, with a revolver, stood by her husband'* aide during Ihe four hours of suspense. Finally three neighboring planters cam* to their rescue on horeeback and scatter ed most of the negroes, who are, how ever. still making threats. A supply of arms was obtained from this etty this af ternoon. FOR HOIIHINU THE MAIL. Pretty Daughter of a Postmaster la I nder Arrest. Columbia. 8. C., Sept. Mlaa Kata Arnet: Carter, daughter of the posunaa trr at Bataon. Greenville county, baa bean • Treated for robbing th* mall,. It waa known that mall wa* being tampered with, amt two Inspector* cent marked coin* through the office. Tha letter was opened and the money extracted. It waa found In Mite Carter'* poeseeeion. |f!a waa arrested. Mlaa Carter la a pretty girl of 11. tnd tha family Is wall con nected. Thirty-five Were Killed. Dux. Bohem.e. Bept 29.—An explosion occurred at the French Glueck mine yee terday Thirty-five persons ware killed and fifteen injured. Five persona ara missing.