The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 21, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 URGES DEMOCRATS TO VOTE. Dt 1)11(909 SAYS THE OPrOMTIOA Ml *T III: lll.T. Yhc Reenlt In 4,r.irgl I*. f C t*ir*e, n I'nrrinNf I imrluston, lint 'I here I* Krlrtlnn In Ittmr rnunHr*—! In. oroua I'lHhl laa He Xlnde In I *n*t lon n I ri-*—Per L*' Friend# I'Will Prrnnar Ills Ynntr laa I ha- lawa His Opponent'#. Atlanta. Sept. 3ft —Chairman FI, mlng duUlgim of th* State 1 'emooratlc Com lultira. returned to Atlanta to-,lay from n visit lo Mill* l' villa anil took tip hi* work nt th* Democrat! headquarter* In th* Kimball Houa*' ll* will r. m ain In th* office until after th* el. < tlon In tK foliar, exc*pt for short trips lo point* where he may hat of M-rvlcr to the party •We have the Ismo ratio campaign well In haml.'* he s.ih) "an 1 will keep It •o until the election Is over We have no anxiety about the election. Of enure.- the result Is a foregone conclusion. The Dem ocratic party will win hanala down, but we war.! u full vote for the affect It will have. If a light vote la cast. It will hut: the party and for this r*.nu>n 1 want to urge upon all Democrats to vote the straight ticket on eleetlon day The tick ets have already been malld over th* ■tate. home Wayward Counties. •T think the state will he quit* as Demon rat leas It has ever hern In all Its hlsiory when the voles nr roomed There are some countl* that havt never gone Democratic, tot In th ■ we ar** making Ms lights and * ttprt to cut down the majorities of the other parlies con aldetahly. "The fight f r Democracy will he eepe - tally vigorous In the . ->a*i . unties where the party will have opposition There Is friction In fifteen or twenty countl— and one or two eenatorlal districts that w are endeavoring to overcome "A gre at m iny people have an Idea thot the state ticket will have no opposition, bur this Is a mistake We hive opposition and the Democrats must come ut un.l meet It In all tdaces." Among the .lalhra at headquarter* this morning wa Judge Gutvr of Marietta Hi says there I* a warm tight on in Chero kee county This sis noted at headquer ter* and some k.hbl sisakei- will he sent up there In the next few days. t amri Some I nrnalnrsi. One feature of the slate campaign Is the uneasiness the friends of Democratic Nominee II E Parks, for state irr isur. i are feeling, by reason of the similarity of )>M name to that of the Populist nomine* for the same office No one I- afraid of the Democratic candidate being beaten, The Populist nominee Is J. \V Patk, a cousin of the Isemocmilc nomine. It E Park and J W. Park could be very easily mixed up. Several letters have ls-en re ceived tn Atlanta relative to the nutner and election minnger* throughout the elate will he cautioned to Is* careful In counting the treasurer's vote. POLITIC Ah riOIIT 19 ATLAMTA. Tt.o Friend* Fell Out Ovrr a llrt anil Pnntmellrd Knch Other. Atlanta. Sept *o.—The first fight In the red-hot campaign for Mayor of Atlanta occurred to-day. la-wls Miller, an em ploye of the Southern Furniture Company, and lalward Towns, nil. a Igtri. nder, were the combatants. • The battle took place In Pabat'a saloon, at lha corner of Broad and Marietta streets. Townsend b*t Miller llftft In caah and put up the money, that Mims would brat McCullough. Miller promptly cov ered the bet wllh another hundred. Then thay raised an argument over the question whether Townsend had t-ci Mini would be elected or would beat McCullough only, there being two other candidates tn the Pace. The lie was In the course of the argument and Townsend knocked Miller Hat on the 11. aye. The iV.lcc rushed in and arrested both men They were taken to police headqunrters. where they furnish ed collateral for their appearance In Po lice Court to-morrow morning. The nun were fast friends before ihe fight, and even after the affair each wanted to go on the other’s bond to be released from custody The tight was no surplse In view of the •trained relations existing among friends of each candidate toward those of thr other candidates. Other fights are ex pected before the primary settles the dif ferences. M ILL HK*t VIK tll-KH tTIOIH. Vlrgl blm-Cm rnllnn ( 'inn iji tt > \ot to lleaert Interim*. Oa., 8* pi. 20.-Afurnce Ih Stvrn to-rtay by Ihe Vlntlnlu-CliroUtUk Chrnvi. #1 < omimny that the urge ferti liser plant# nt .\merku> am) Albany will be ofter*tel thi# #ea*on to their full capac. Ity. the company ln< r-F.iaing ihe capacity of the a Id chamber of • < h plant SO |er cent. The company** j>imi tn Amerlcus partially destroyed by fire last year, but thin wil; be rebuilt upon a larger ecaie than before. For a long while the plant* in loth elite* have been closed down ami cltliens here frated the Virgin!i-Taroltna Com* pany wonal übtnlon the local fte#l n which event an Independent company would h ive he* n orguctlted mid anotlnr factory estahllahed. However, they nre much gratified to learn that the Virginia. Carolina < omp my had previously deter mined to re-eetahlteh the plant here at.l return* operation* thl* *ea*on. FINK KK<<IOKN< K 111 IINKO. Home of K. 11. I.nliftalilll at Keritnn dlna. Oral rn> e.l It> Fire. Eemandlan. Fla . Sept 30 —A disaster ou# lira at about 3 o'clock thta a. m camptfiHy rtMtrn\ wt the handsome and luxuriously furnished residence o| K I). I.ukenblll, o Sixth elreel, A< vet the nuw la unknown, but tht> ol<l alory. rata and matche* mm th<* moot likely. Tht* entire family la In Atlanta, having left only a man servant In charge. Tin- in surance la only partial, aa many article* of rare intrlnalc value have lieen con •umnt. atnoni them helnit the desk and private papers of Mr. Dukenblll. who la a aeot for the Seaboard Air Lille, at Fer nandina. OPKNINO OK I NIVKHSITV. Healaf ration 1IN) In Kxreaa of Same flay I nal Near. Athens. Oa.. Sept. 30.—The ope nine of the unlvertlty yesterday waa the hrltthi eat In Itt htttory. The ehapel waa filled to i*verflowln, ami the reception Riven to Chancellor Hill wns .in ovation. The realatratlon to-day at I o'clock, waa 210. which ta 10n In excess of thta day last yeor. The attendance on the law cleat la 90. to more than ever attended before. After Dinner To aatlat dire* lon. relieve distress after eatlnp or drfnklmt 'no heartily, to prevent constipation. lake Hood’s Pills ■ *ol<s eras y where. 89 cental M UN YON’S I do not belies* them jtfdrSfeSm. " * ca,# of drspep *ia, indigestion or tv' i if stomach front I* cannot h r- ID lievsd at ones and F -/V '*w, At all druggist*, Si®! 25c * r!al Guide k to Health and ni*di- F cal advlr* free K-Ofl ■ Arch street, rhlla. DYSPEPSIACURE <L " aL - aS "- v:T PKU IlhKtM II t miF.. Ilf |M>rf of Ihe Cattle l**prrlr on (•ciiruin CoMOtlea. Atlanta. Kept. -Th* flr#t annual re port of M. } Htatham. cattle ln*peetor for the f •ointi * of Habun. Town*. I’nion and Fannin i* in the hand* of Comm!*- *fc>nr of Agriculture tJtevens* The * *A>mewht lengthy, but Mr Htafham naye In *ub*t.nce the following There are at 1 a*t rattle In Habun county iilm**t all of which have been in:• j e*'te I Only two Infected Jo. alitle* were found In thin county, on* In and ul out ih*> piettir** of J* p r r. Itlaokly in the extreme *aern part of the county and the other In aid near th* pasture* of I Jam*.h Mc< lain !n the e**thwet rn pari of the county In each case quarantine reaulatloii* wre rigidly **n for. e l and within a few week* the inf* • - ticn disappeared Mr. Hat ham think* th* people of the r. iinty f*r their rvance of the law** and r gulatlon* about the*e mattere Th** cattle in Town* c- unty have all been inF|*ected and three *•< tion*. of *ma>l .'ll* a in thl* county w. re found to t>e in- j fectei Quarantine regulation* were also enforced m the-*- Instances an I the trou ble disappeared> arc .l*o extended to the prop!*- of Towns c unty for th*lr compllanc* with th** an.l quarantine regulation* In l*nlon county there re at leant 4.uOC s-attle whl h hav. )i teen ln*p** Tw* lmierfect pla ** were found in the Dooly district of thi* county, but the lnf*s tlon# were r m<t *A hv th* Fm v noon* applied in the other two countie* Mr Htaihrrn -ay* that the people of thl* lOunty ore thoroughly in accord with th* law arid rendered him valuable assistance. The county I* at present healthful. Many of th* l.tbO cattle tn Fannin coun ty have also Wen Insp* t*d and the coun ty aet-m* to be healthful, with the ex cap tion of a section around Mineral Bluff Thl* section is now under quarantine and the owners of the caMle are daily apply ing disinfectants, which will probably, in the near future, (dace this county In good ondhlon The people of th** county are doing all In their [*ower to bring this about. The only Infections found were in dicat'd by the •tick.” and there has not l*een a death In the four counties thi* year from thh* cause. Mr. Btatham states that h* believes the ol**en**e of other In fectlons. which have given trouble in this •f don in the pa-t. is due to th© strict enforcement of the cattle laws. TUB HOI t: KELL t>\ THEM. Three Hen Hurt at Ohunpee—% Queer Strike at Lynns. Lyons. Os.. Kept. 20.—At Ohoopee to-day Will Htephen*. Gut* Fortner and Jasuic \V* blows weie hurt while moving a house, liy some means the houe col- U|>• and und ftll on them, breaking Will Stephens* shoulder and hurting his back, hurling Gus Fortner's leg and back, and Peaking Jessie M* dd<w' nose and also hurting his buck. At this p act to-day .while Fannie Hen nett wiih chopping some splinters to light a tire In the stove, a |rtece of wood flew up and struck her in the eye. living a large splinter in It. Dr. Aaron extracted it as soon is he could Is* called, lie •<*> * that she may not lose the eye. but that the chance* are that she will. A strike on ihe part of the negro wo men is one of the result* of the elect loft day l>efore yesterday. Yesterday they brought hon;* ill of the washing which they hal on hand in the same condition In which they received It. and said that they did not Intind to w.ish for the while folks any more, because they, the white folks, had mortgunel the negroes’ prop erty to build u school house for the white children. HIM STILL Ot T OF Mi IIOOL. Faffort to Pros tile for the Many %p --plleant* in Atlanta. Atlanta. B*|M —There are 573 appli cants for admission Into Atlanta public schools who have not lee stated. The s.itinu of so many of the larg* number of the children who were lefi out the first few days ha* been accomplished by meins of transfer- and the addition of several new grades. An additional grade had to he mde In the Girls' High School, also at the E.lg‘WOod Avenue Bhuol. ihe Walker B’rcrt School and ihe We t End School. In this manner many have been provided for A *peml meeting of the Hoaid of Bd iicution lias been r.ilN for to-morrow af ternoon to <on eider the be.t met ho I of using the appropi latioo made by the Council ter th* r**lef of the school situ ation. The appropriation Is tI..VW. 11l ill M IT W b WITHHIIIWL Alia* .lacolil's t I aim Against Florence I'lilillr Mrlimilk, rolumbla. K C.. B*pt. 2tl -The case of Miss Gertrude Jacobi, nguln.d certain na mbers of the board of trustees of Flor ence Graded Hchotds. for Li.W, has h<**n withdrawn from the docket of the Court of Common Plegge by her attorney. It Is not Inteiulcd. however, to end the asc. hut it le. lnt*nlel that It will next .i|*i>ear on t;e dot'k**! of •he Criminal Court Miss Ju abi. who i . J< wees of refine n.eni and *slucatlon. elected teacher In th© Florence school*, but. it 1* al)eg#l. at the instance of the defendants, the demon was reconsidered and annulled, because of her race and religious opin ions. I of Inn tinm *t* ft Mref. Caiiimh *, S c . Kept. 2© -Pro ldenl J. c W||horn has Issued a cull fm a conven tion of the South Carolina cotton growers in thi-- city Get 31.—At the same lime Mr WHhorn urges the farmers not to become a trrned b* t au*e of th* ctoeing of mllla in thi* slat* nnd elsewhete. hut to on tlnue to bold their cotton where |*>s*lt>le. It was mai. farturel. )* siya, when it • old for 3f* cent# pound The Heat l'r*serl|ci>n far Malaria, Chills and Fevar, Is a botlia of Grove's Tasteless Chill Toole. It t* simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No curs —no psy. Price 60c —ad • poaltloti \ffil* Money. Columbia. B K**pi 3G.—The |lr**ctora of the Booth Camllaa Intemate nd West Indian Kx{x>ritlon have I‘Wiel n rl for W < *nt. of Mu a o k sub- nhed to*'. The expects the next legislature to appropriate and la also working for r sulNitantia) iun>itpi|*Uot) Horn Ihs national tjwunmgit, THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. BEPTE3IHER 21, 1900. t t)A( KMAIOAM TO Ff'HMfAC’Bt. Itallraada Make Nednetlona In the ttafea on lrn. Atlanta. K-pi Kl.—At a ronf-rnrs ba tw.rn Hi- rsprss-nlaitxaa of Boulharti fuinare operators an I ttw* tsa<tln offi. lai. , f Boiitlit-rn rallroaits at *h- Kimball llnusr t.v.iay, h!<l at th*- Inallgallon of th- formr for thr purpoar of obtaining Hilrir roncra.lon In frright ralr*. a dr cl* on sit rrai'hrd. wh|. h. In rffi'ft. rr durra thr frrlght ralr on furiw.r pro duct* flfiy c-nt* a inn to Ohio and Mls slsalppl rlvrr point* ard bryond. and to Bouth Atlantic. Vlrtrln'a clHr* and F.a*(- rrn point- Thl* d# rtmn- orpllrs oh-ly to itomrallc tusin* .*. Kipoft rate* Frrt* not Inicrf* ra*l with Tii.- rattro , 1 ant rw ".u it i dotncrll frnuhl t.m.- II and rii-s l the <.aast for Iron .Vi cent* on the lon Th- furnaci- operator* ma<K llttl* iom p tain I of tho adv mc' no long as gr *•••■*" of Iron to Id up. hut when thr m.irkrt w. ik mod ih- turnnre men tirf-l a IKW lo a rate* with the de line In pig iron. Thl* the railroads declined lo • ntertaln. eon lend,nx that tnelr operating e\|>< n* would not Justify Ihe eonr***lon asked. Aitempl* to K r l together on this Mn* w-er** unsuccessful anil in consequent e (ho furnace |*eopte claim ihry hove well nigh |os the Northern market Whip the con cession of 'o .ents on the ton obtain*d from the railroad* to-day was not all Ihot was aske l for. It 1* thought Ihe furnace operator* are reasonably well satisfied. Kverv prominent furnace In the South was re|*reM-nte.| at Ihe meeting and the president or general freight agent of each Southern :in was present. i hi; hiii %t lt in n. tenth anniversary ot n Popular Iteiintorl tlrganliallnn. Beaufort, S. C. B<-pt 3ft—The tenth an niversary of th# organisation of the Rl h.nilt Social rtuh was flttingy celebrated In It* hall her* lant night Many promi nent clttxen* were present. Among the guest* was Bear Admiral Sumner. V. S N . Commandant of the Port Royal Naval Station. An exe*)|*nt supper wa served, after which appropriate remark* were made hy Dr H. M Stuart, the war captain of the Beaufort Volunteer Ar tillery; Hr William Klllott, Jr. a promi nent member of the Beaufort bar. and other* Mr Nell Christensen. Jr., a mem b. r of the club, exhibited and read a copy of ih original manuscript report of Klhauli, Ihe French navigator, who dts coveted Port Royal tn IK3 Mr. Christen sen obtained the copy from London, Eng , where the original document is owned The report Is illustrated by rude draw ings made tn the spot hy one of Ribault'w men, and some of the sketches were vrry amusing The Rlhaull Club I* In a prosperous condition and tt members In clude the very beat young men In the town. THEY MR A H A TEH SPOVT. If Narrowly Missed Tug Neptune. Timber Morket Hull. Dublin. Ga . Sept 30—Mr*. F H Mir- I'arland. president of the Darien and Western Railroad, and Mr P. C. Roche, a prominent lumberman, have Just re turned from n trip along the coast be tween Darien and Savannah on the tug Neptune. They report having seen a hug* waterspout while In Ossahaw sound it came dire Hy from out at sea and broke as It reached land. The Nepmne esratved the monster by a few hundred feet, but a small row ts>at was struck, stood upon Its end In the air and waa carried to shore In the whirl. A negro man who wus In the small Imat. Jumped and swam ashore Just In time to escape being whirled lo ht* ek'ath. The luriientlnr market I* extremely dull. Very little llmlier Is coming down the riv er. but there Is a large stock on hand and the merchant* are not *hl|>plng It fast. ou account of ths- high freight*. Baseball at Fltsirrrnld. Fitzgerald. C.n . S. p- -i One of lh %t h.a •* ' ever played on the diamond at Flsgerald was played here to-day between Moultrie and Fltxgerahl. the latter winning the game by a s.'ore of Ift to 9. The Moultrie club was composed of players from Jack sonville. Kla.. and Thomasvltle. ami not wlthslanding their goosl p'.Hylng they were outclassed Over IJou change I hands on Ihe outcome. Both club* play again to morrow. Hud Fire nt Milieu. Millen. Oa.. Sept 3ft.~The dwelling own ed l>y Mr*. K. A Perkin* of Perkins June, lion, and occupied by L* A Burke, of this place, came very near being consumed by Are here tools)- at 1I W o'clock. But for Ihe bucket brigade's quiek r**|>on*e every thing In that vicinity would hove bc-n a inn** of Aam< s They reached the scene soon after the alarm was turned tn. and hy their heroic work II was soon ex tinguished. The Are originated In a de fective Au*. Damage about 1150. Whitehall street \ Induct. Atlanta. Sept 30. Mayor Woodward to <hty called meeting of the official* of the various roads running oid of Atlaniu. for the piir|K>se of discussing with th"tn the proposed "Whitehall street viaduct." The Mayor has instructed the city ernriu ecr to draw up plans f the vlsducl to bo considered when the railroad men moot. —The German Emperor asked the bal lle-pdr.ter. Ko.sak. to accomiutny Count Wilder*** to China to paint a series of war pictures for him The artist, how ever. declined to go, and a Polish news paper publishes a letter from him. declar ing that he could not make th* Journey owing to previous engagements. STOPS THE COltiH tin WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet* cure a cold In one day. No euro, no pay. Price 33 cents.—ad. special NOTICES. St IIOOL BOOKS. A full line of Seliool llnoks un.l School Supplies ut ESTILL'9 NEW* DEPOT, No. 4.1 Bull Street. Savannah, fan. HR. F. C. 95 A LEY Hue returned tn the rlty und resumed prarttre. TO W ILLI tM MeKINLEY. St Hint: TO )l fltK II tNNA. ETC. A Satire by Judge T M. Norwood. For sale by Wm. Estill, Savannah. Price, alngle cof>y. Me: to clubs of ten or more fftc each, postpaid. BONUS K3KUTKO By the American Bonding and Trust t oti psny ot Baltlniors W# are author- Ixed to ex ut> locally (tmm dlately upoo application) a I bonds In Judt'-lil pro cxdltgs In either tie stile or Unlhd H ates courta. and of administrator* and guardians DEARINO * HULL. Agent* Telephone 3k Provident Buildlay. ] PtNRHAL ISTITfTIOIIs DAVIS The friend* and acqunlntances of Mr and Mr*. T. J. Davis, ami of Mr und Mr*, lem IMvl*. ars rswpectfully Invited to a'tend the funeral of the for mer. from the kite reshlence. 131 Congress street, east, this (Friday) afternoon, at I o'clock. ■Krrixee. LAN DR CM LODGE NO. x, r. AND A.M. A regular communlcetfcm of thl* Mk lodge will he held this (Friday) *v- Vy enlng at Masonic Tt mple at *:3O o'clock. Member* of sister lodges and transient brothers cordially Invito! to attend By order GEO. T CANN. W. M. W C. TRAVIS. Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. LEVAN’S TABLE D’HOTE DINNERS. 50c—DINNER—SOc Dinner 1 lo 3 and * to 9. Friday, Sept. 21. Clarel Wine. SOUP. Crtih Chowder. FISH. Mackinaw Trom, Egg Sauce. Potatoes ala Julienne. Cold Slaw. Queen Olives. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. ENTREES Diamond Back Terrapin Stew. Macaroni au Gratln. BOILED. Fresh Fulton Market Corned Beef and Cabbage. ROASTED. Prime Ribs of Beef. Dish Gravy. VEGETABLES Mushed Potatoes, Green Pea*. Rice. Ssewed Tomatoes. Candled Tam*. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Apple Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers. Pesch Sherbet. Drip Coffee. LEVAN'S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, ill Congress street, west. STATE SPECIFIC TAXES, IIHMI. All persons engage,) In any of the fol lowing line* of business, who have not already registered and paid the state special taxes thereon for ISftft are hereby notified that such tuxes are due IMME DIATELY ON COMMENCING to do the business taxed: Agents negotiating loans. Auctioneers Keepers of Pool or Rllliard Tables, etc Dealers In Spirituous or Malt Liquors. Intoxicating Ritters, Brandy, Fruits or I a,meet |r Wines. Dealer* In Cigarettes Dealers In Pistols. Pistol or Rifle Cart ridges, Bowie Knives or Metal Knock*. Pawnbroker*. Failure lo register or to pay the state spri lul tax constitutes a misdemeanor. jas. j. McGowan, Tax Collector C. C. PI III.If SCHOOL NOTICE. The Public School* of the city of Sa vannah and the county of Chat horn will be reopened on Monday. Oct. 1. Cards Of admission to the city while school* will be Issued from the office of the Superintend ent on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Kepi 3*. 37 and 33. from 9 lo 1 o'clock Cards of admission lo the Eaal Broad dersnn and the Duffy street colored will he Issued at the** school* on Wednes day, the 24th Inst., only, und to the Au and the West Broad streef colored schools schools on Thursday, the 27th Inst., only. Pupils who wore condKlonrd on summer work will report for examination at Chat ham Academy on Friday, the 2Mh Inst., at 9 o'clock. OTIR ASHMORE. Sup!. CENTRAL OP GEORGIA RAILWAY CO Havannah. Ga.. September l. 19ftft, Interest at the rale of 3*. fur cent., be ing $32 sft dollars on each bond of a thous and dollar*, has been declared ixiyab.e October I*l. 19u>. on the First Preference Income Bond* of the Central of Georgia Hallway Company, nnd will be pall on presentation of the bonds on and after thai date to the Guaranty Trust Company of New York or to th* Cl liar ns Bank of Savannah. No Interest Is payable on Ihe Second Preference Income Bond* or the Third Preference Income Ronds. By order of Ihe Board of Directors. T M CUNNINGHAM. Treasurer. ROYAL Ml NIC HALL, 214-318 Broughton street, west. Week commencing Monday. Sept. 17. ALL NEW ATTRACTIVE FEATURES First apiiearmc* of Harry-SHAFER * TiII>MPKGN-Rel|s Comedian*. Vocalists and Danners. REST SHOW OF THE SEASON. A SPECIAL ATTRACTION TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! FRIDAY. SEPT. 21. A GRAND FOUR-ROUND GLOVE CON TEST BETWEEN TWO LOCAL UNKNOWNS DELICIOt n FRUIT* Those Lemon Cling Peaches we are of fering at 32 75 per doxen. Th* flavor Is as flne a* that sold at one dollar a dozen higher. Each can contain* übout ten halves, and the syrup used Is of extra quality. A M AC. W. WEST. SPECIAL NOTICE. Arrived, schooner Hilda, Sift lons Poca hontas Stram Cool, We guarantee Ihl* to l>e the genuine Pocahontas coal. DOMESTIC COAL AND WOOD CO • IWANEE SPRINGS HOTEL, Nnavanee, Fla. Situated os the basks ol the Suwsaee river Climate unequaled No malaria. No mosqul toes Cool night* Most healthful and delight ful resort In the South. Water curea ever? known dl*eaae Board $lO per week Special rale tor . ommeirlal msn of 2 per day. which Include* transfer Table and accommnds tlnns strictly nrst class For illustrated nam phlnt address Suwanee Kprlng* Cos Suwanee springs ) la ANDREW HANLEY Mgr LARGB yy *lll-trill *1: AND OF FICK to rent, located head of Rroughton street, on Weal Broad, now occu pel hy the Savannah Carnage and Wagon Cos A* they will gvc up business In Ihe city on June 1. 1 ot ter I: for rent from that dite H. P. SMART. WB HI Y AID BELL HKAL ESTATE, Negotiate loans on *m* at 5 per eent. and collecl rent* Represent The Travel ers' Insurance Cos., accident and ilabllily department*. Repretent th# New York ! Underwriter* Fire In*, agenev I4epr**ent the Greenwich Fire In* Cos Represent ih* Phoenix Mulual Life In*. Cos. All bu*|. n**a eniruMed to Ub wlli be'.ed, I and will receive prompt and careful at i tenilon No. 31 Bay street, east. Tela i phone m. V. C. FRIPP * CO. PHONE 383 And Let Oar Wagons Call for Your Soiled Linen. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. SPECIAL. NOTICES. PAILUIAC or LONG ISLAND CELE BRATED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. ThU pur,- elder la tserved on *L utnera os the American line, biul ai the Waldorl-Aa loila and leading lamlly grocers la New to k city Paulding s Pippin elder Is made from the pu.w Juice of hand pi ked appi** from hi* own mill on th* premls**. It la abso lutely pure apple juice, and all the efler vscnc is natural, and w* guarantee t* to be the chi least cider In >h, worl I. Leading phya < lana In Ne w York and Brook vn recommend this cider lo their pa ienta Its p-rf ct purity Is gfuaranteod. ITT Paulding * Pippin elder, only Long Is land Newton's Pippins aia used. Th# ap pies are left on the free* until late In Oc tober when they are hand picked end placed in a dry ro, m to ripen. Paulding say* “the appl • are thorough ly cruati.d in h * own mill and the Juice pressed out and run Into sweet clean casks” The difference between crushing and grinding a, Is very great You wlli know the difference :#tw#en er slo and ipp es ,nd g tin I njiplcs If >ou take some atnma and chew tnem vou will A, i laa* biller ta:t* w inch I- noi wllh Paulding's crush'd apples. This cider hat not the extreme aw. e'm *s of the Russet doer, and everyone will And the Pauld ing* Pippin cider Just right to take with dihtirr LIPPMAN BROS. Sols Agents In Savannah. HARK APPLE, ItZfl West nroUKhlnn street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Agent for following manufacturers, make your selection front them: Mayer. Columbus. Buckeye. Frailer, Cortland. Waterloo, Watertown, West coli, Rock Hill. Old Hickory, Ullburn anl Florence Farm Wagons. Full and lotnplele line of Harnear, Sad dle*, I.ap Rohes, etc. Kdley Sprlrigfleld Rubber Tire* put on at short notice. NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Fire Department. Savannah Ga . Kepi. 1, 1900. Proposal* for furnishing ihe Fire De partment with winter uniforms will be re ceived nt the office of th* undersigned until 12 o'clock m of Saturday, Kept. 22. 1900. Hpeclflcallon* will he furnish'd upon application al the office of th* Fire De partment. corner of Indian and West Broad #tre*ts. any day between the hours of 9 a. m nnd 3 p m All proposal* mud he sealed and ad dressed to Ihe Committee on Fire. Fnlforma to he delivered f o. b. In Sa vannah on or before Ocl, 15. HMD. The committee reserve the right to reject any and all proposal* or to award the contract In part or a* a whole. JOHN E MAGUIRE. Supt. MOSQUITOES will not trouble you If yon as* •HOOMt SHEET. It Is s pleasant perfame. 91 A lea toilet ponder that Instantly dis pels Ik* dlsaareeablr odors arising front itersplrntlon. OLD STYLE COLD CRFeIH • Ives (julsk relief for sow barns and akin trooblen. SOLOMON* CO, thi; Wil TO ILK Ah CARPETS. Ths only ay to get your carpets prop, ariy taken up, le ined an I taken . arc < f lot Hi* summer I- o turn the tub over to the District M<ss"'g r and Delivery Cos . telephone 2. or call at .12 Montgomery street, nod they will moke you an **tl msf on Ihe cost of the work I’rtowa rauaoi'Wl le They also pack, move an] •tor* furnlmr# and r lanns C. H. MED LOCK. Supf. and Mgr. NOTICE. Ctly of Snvannah. Office Clerk of Council, Savannah, Ga., Kept 4,190 P. Bids will be received at thin office until 13 o'clock m Friday, Kept. 21, 19u0, for furnishing ihe Bollce Ihpariment with winter uniforms, aeordlng to specifica tions to be **n nt the police harm, kn. The right la reserved to reject any or all bids. WM P. HAILEY. Clerk of Council. I'LA 9XI I II l-ll h’ AID 11A a 0.9 * IIP. FLIES, Cement, Lime. Plaster, lUlr and River Band. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. BAVANTNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Draytun and Congiwx Phone 61$. gJft.OOO. Oo* of our client* ba> placed In our hand* $25,000 to loan ou good Savanmb real sate I* at raaonabl* rates of Inter*** BECKETT A BECKETT, 34 street, east. THE GEORGIA STATE BliLDiVi AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 1 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposit*, withdrawable on demand. Inter est credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT per annum allowed on deposits ot even hundred*, withdrawable at annual period* GEO W. TIEDBMAN, President. B. II LEVY. VI. e Pruldtni. B. W. BELL. Secretary. c. O. ANDERSON. JR . Tr#a*urar. OFFICE, YORK STREET, WEBT. 1 A 91 USE 91 ENTS. Jt^AVAN^ZirTMc A T*H. Two rights, two matinees, commencing Monday. Kept. 24. ROBSON THEATER CO.. Presenting at Ihe marine# "ROANOKE." Night 9:3ft o'clock, "The Slaves of Russia" Ladles admitted free Monday night with every paid 30c ticket, reserved before 6 p. ra. gAV AINNAH TMCATBR. Saturday “£ Sept. 22. FOURTH TRIUMPHANT SEASON. COMBS A GRADY'S Greatest of Naval Dramea. “The Man-o’-Warsman” (Not a War Play). HERE FIRST TIME PRESENTED STUPENDOUS SCENES! K I'L STIRRING SITUATIONS' Prices— adults We. children Isc Night. Il.flft. 75c, Me and 23c. Scats on rale Thursday, aaaa ■UI3ICU NOTICES, 4 AVO3IAN OF GOOD JUDGMENT always buys groceries from a reliable dealer. Wo offer you th* best goods to be had anywhere. They are guaranteed to be the !>** that money can buy, and you get the benefit of a long experience In the buying and selling of goods In our line. We are offering this week: Fine fat Mackerel 15c each. Extra large Bloater Mackerel 23c. Fine Fulion Market Corn Beef per pound 10c. White tmd Yellow Yam Potatoes. Large Spanish Onions. Fancy Full Cream Cheese; per pound 20 cent*. New Swiss Cheese per pound SOc. Fancy I-emon* per dozen 3ftc. Fancy Delaware Grapes basket 3ftc. Fancy Brighton Ornpe*. basket 15c. —al— JOHN T EVANS A CO B. Congress and Barnard streets. Fones 244. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Is better organise,! than ever be fore. Watches repaired hy Incom petent workmen can be mode lo go right. Now Is a good rime to get ready for correct time during ih* busy season, when time counts. THEUS BROS. RING US UP FOR HARVARD BEER JOHN LYONS & CO. FOR RENT, from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Heal Estate and Im provement Company, lo taw Hi. lor tala, a Foraalth Newspaper Folder, will fold sheet ExU It M tn good order. Price SIOO. It oast originally but w# have no use for It and wont Uia room it o-cupln. It will be or Invaluable adjunct to aoy newspaper affisv. Audi rt MORNING NEWS, Hv***ak. O*. MEN with tender toe joints or bunions go to _ Bros. F WTCOVEREjrSrtMIJtaHK/Hz where they are especially prepared • for these measly annoyances. Try us. Li-OPObt) ABLER, JNO R. DfLUJN, President. Cashier C. T. ELLIS. BARRON CARTNR, Vice President. Aast. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive ihe arcouota of Merchants. Firms. Individual*. Eonka •nd Corporation* Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities. Insur ing prompt returns. SEPARATESAVINGSDEPARTMENT l> 11-Blcr t'llHl'lllTDKij QUARTER LY ON DEPOSITS. Safely Deposit Boxes and Vaults to* rent. Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank F SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $500,00a lr*u,,.. bcounl uuuklu* Dealaeu, Sullen* A croon i* ladlvldsaia, ■•reksslt, Banks •■ •(Boa Cerfw rattens. Collection* ksoileg with safety, eeeaem, and dispatch. latere. t eeaapouaUrd gearterly tllewef on deposits In a* ietlxfa Deport we.,. Safety IKepeell .. d atm|| Yawlto. BRANTLEY A. DENtLAMJC. Preetdeab MILL* B. LANE, Vie* PreelfeeL OEftßftß C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L GROOVER. Aeet. Caekkß SOUTHERN BANK ot tbo Stole of Georgia. Capital LOO 000 Surplus and undivided profits ItOl.lM DEPOSITORY OK THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facUllloe lor transacting a General Hmuaiiik Buslmsy. • Hons made on all points <• • bin through bonks and bankers. Account* ot Iceiik*. (UiTkeii. Meithaiiia and others aolicUwL Sat* Deposit Box** tor rent. Deportment of Saving*. Iniereit payable quarterly. Kolia Sterling Exchange on Londoa 0 and upward*. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice Prealdcnt JAMES SULLTVAN ('ashler. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. OORDON. E. A WEII- W W GORDON, Jr. H. A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H P SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELT.T. JOHN J KIRRY. Slim fii Jimsiti CAPITAL, $.130,000. Account# of bank*, merchant*, corpora tlon* and Individual* aollclted Savings Department. interest pi id quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vault* for rent. Collection* mad* on ail paint* at rea sonable rales. Drafts rol l on all the chief cilia* of th* world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vic# President w. f. McCauley. ca#hi*r. THL GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital 1*0,104 Undivided profits Thl.- hank offer* it* service* to corpure ttoia, merchant* and milvtduals 11a* authority to act executor, d* mlnlatrator, guardian etc leaura diet to >.n the principal elite* In Great Britain sad Ireland and on th* Conti not Inter* at pld or compounded quarterly on depisll* In Ihe Having* Deptrimmt. Safety iloxe for rrnL HENRY If I .UN. Pi.ellmt. OED W TIKDEMAN Vice Pr**d r 'V JOHN M HOGAN, ( a*hler WALTER F IIOOAN. A‘t Caahlrf No. 164a Charter*). Hf*- —THE iMiis ill it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. ioO . Or. SURPLUS. UNITED STATU DEPOSITOR*. J A. O. CAUSTIN, I’ra ld til. BEIHNE OORDON. Vice Pr<tldent. W. M DAVANT. Caehler. Accounts of banka and hankera, mrr ebanta and corporai lona received up the no*’ favorable term* conalatent alt® aafe and conserve' tve banklna NATTHKftEt, MATTRK.*E< • Have your mallreaaea and feathara ren ovated by our medicated steam proves* before a change In weather takes P 1 * 4 * - (The only plant In Savannah ! It ov *b cornea all Impurities and rentaa Hl* volume in all l>rddlns material. Ericas n" renovation of feathera aa follows: I 1 '"* .;*). ho <-terv *l. pillows SO-. Cotton, m 4 ** and hair mattresses made to order r' : * work, low prices. Work guaranteed. _ NATIONAL. MATTRESS AND RENO VATINO CO-. Cell phone 1126. S3I Drayton *■