The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 21, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. MalTa (•real liinro- rr y . On* umali bottle of Hal!* (Deat Di ccvery curea all kldn#) and bladder trouble*. rßov*a grav* i. eure* d.abet*r * animal evnDalon*. *ek ar J nn ba'k*. rhtumattin arid all If r* yuUrl: W • of ,h# kidney* an>! Madder in both n n an*l woman. igulata bDdbr trouble* in chll <*r#r If not aoM b> y<#ur dnajf*• w‘l be aor.t my mal! on of II < ’ ll * MBall bot; • w treatment, and will cure anv ca* above m**i tl*>na X>r E \\ Ha l. *ol manufacturer. I* O Bo* t 9, a,, Mo Ber 1 for ww moniai. b©!4 by al. drugjslat* and Bo l ®* ****** Cos.. bavnoah. Ga. Read Thla. Dr T W Hall. Bt. L ill*. Mo : Dear •lr—PDa*? ahlp me three do**n Hal! a O aa by first expram. I hav# ao and over one Croat 1 #lve je rfect sat lafactton ard Id it to my customer* Youra trtlh H C OROVBfI Pr-P Ani M^ r -)pol> Drue Stora. Ocala Da. Dec is IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. *rH ami view* of tiii; mv i\ THU ST4TB®. I’.riHrr* Ironnil I m.rlru. lr. l*r,i*- IM'rnia.— H nrli n( t.rllYln (nailing l*.rlnri—ltnlnnrM ( aanty'a l*rr lrt of I oflnlf Line— \ i-r --•llcl Auhlii.i llctr.iii Railroad*. I'lurlilH lu Need of Laborers—4pn- Inrlitrola Building I p—Orange* In llnnatrr I ounly. Amcrlon HenU: l -irmi-t. r<- buyin hor*t. Iw|||.fl aixl tragon* In Amerl u < .very <ty j. n r..utl .'ll thr good |rx < of colioti, The flashing i>nkN of ihe Otw wagon or buggy. or tin- pram mg jrourvg horn* eti route lo tin form of our roomy show* that the firmer* are on • morx pro. |.-roo*. County Lair*. Houston Horne Journal: A Jones coun ty fair I. being held at Round Oak th< week Kor pra -tlcal homo horiefit*, routi ty fnlr* an- better than 1 ho..- on a me et pensive scnlc. It would materially al, vanre the ngrfc-uliural InlirNl. of lax atat* Hboold there hr a fair In each coun ty In Uxor .hi every year. 4 Griffin Intln,try. Urlfltn f'•II: Col. II N. Harrow hroug it lo market this morning a lot of riMml pecnm put up by th Orimn Canning I vtory. w nlch I* hlffi.-elf. They arc neat tuck-nr.-* oral flnl ready sat* at good prle' Cot Barrow pul up li’.iMO 3-poind ifni and 6.<WO -'ypoun.! can. this year, and wtII protibly g, into the business on ■ great deal larr*r scale nx*t year. Hr*, Harrison lixta Verdict. Mrs. F, It Harrison wai awarded a ver cll' t by a Jury In ihx Superior Court at Covington Tuxaday evxnlna. against ihe tbonrla 7> diroad for f.iui y.,,. hrouaht auii for damage* for the death of h-r adult non. J |< llarrtaon. who waa killed while coupllna 'rs at the Covington de pot laat October. Georgia Southern Ultra *r,i"i. The Georgia Southern ami Florida Itall foad has given ss(> to the building fun.l of the Young Men* Chrlatlan Association In Macon Chairman W E Dunwoody. of the commit lex of the Young Men’. CftrUtlan As.oetatlon. haa received u check from th< Georgia Southern for the amount. whnt Hlmaelf tccldcntnlly. Mr Roa, a young man, eon of a prominent Methodic preacher -it tlor don. Hu . trat* cidxmally . iot at Nlcii. o.: Sumlav mornlu. The bull xnterx<> the lower part of hi* left hre.iat. circling • round and umx oui umlxr hi* left nrm I*r It H Mxxka attended him and are tne wound ix not tie. .wearily fatal. The tam~ old alory, pranking with u pietol. waa the cau-e. He *hoi hlmtelf. Kmployea re Uraleful. The employee of the Southern I'lne Compuny of (L<orsla. at S.igltmw, Ga., MU No : are very grateful to Mr. J. J. McUonough for the manner in which he ehowa Ida appreciation of Ida employee and by hl“- thougliifulneex In endeavoring to make their burden* to. light ax jk>h.|. b!e. and uffordlng lh<tn all the plcaaure he pound.;y .an. a* wa. the com on Sept 15 when he ga\e them an excureion to Brunswick. Money Meat Ip Pipe. Dawreon New*: Sip Rlchanlaon. a well known negro farmer of thl* county, came •tear losing a hundred itollarx Friday. He had this amount In greenbacks store t in hi. hat. and while having a bale of cotton gint • and t the oil mills, walked under the suction |dpc. which drew the bill* from the bat nnd carried them up *i! IDs tin Rlcnarrpon recovered id t ... * n °ney ex. c|g $lO, atxl now' carries hte lucre in his pocket Instead of in his hat Protest Filed liy Gwinnett, Exceptions ami protests by the author ities of Gwinnett county have been fl|| with Secretary of State Phil Cook against the survey of county lino between Gwin nett and Hall counties The plan of allow Ing dissatisfied counties to fl|e exceptions and protests axalnst the decision of Up surveyor arc new features in the stale government, an act having been passed In December, putt Previous to that time the decision of the surveyor was Until, but txw countl. s can file |>u]>er* with lh> st retery of tht state and he hears the ev idence and either affirms or tlrnlcs the ,|e. vision of the surveyor. The present r ise Is the set Olid one of the kitxl since the passage of the act. . tstaxation of Sperinc Tax. An Interesting legal point under consid eration by the comptroller and attorney general la whether or not brokers shall have to pay a separate license for each place of business In cases where two cr more are conrluelrd under the stmt man. agettient and owned by the sanp parties. Murphy A Cos. of Atlanta, who also operate the Houtherti Exchange have, through their attorney. Col. llrown. of Grey. Brown A Randolph, consulted with the attorney general In regard to the matter, and some, derision will be nude within the next few days. The lax Is tl.4(S> for each separate business conduct ed under a different name, and the ques tion Involved some money. FLORIDA. Pensacola News: Hon \V. A Howls Is Ihc only candidate for the office of state chemist, ami It Is not prvibahlc that he will have any opposition This I* as It should be. not only because of Ills ac knowledged and superior ability and tit ties* lor the office, but because few Hem p-rats In the state have a better record for earnest, continuous and efT-’Ctlv# ser vice In the Interests of ihe party. Apalachicola tin lid lug Ip. A special to the Morning Xewa from Aptlechlcola, Fa. say* A number of large brick building* arc being built here, and many wooden onts. The Are In May destroyed nearly every business house, but all have resumed business, and several new Anna have been established. The Kimball Lumber Company and the Cypress Lumber Company are running oil full tlmr D.f CvprfMi Itumlvr ‘ompny h\e many mUt>n of n*. lmnl*r on h*ir dock*. (•range ( rop in Manatee. orartK*' U rrmer* In Manatee are unea#y f r far of .1 bow that all! dam tire (hr * ro|* Th crop thl* year will comp*** very faiorab.i. a ih t of |-t m 4ion, It may i** a*il >■ it a Iltt.c l r*er A f** have F.i.j in bulk From present indica* tion. ther* will be m*>re fruit till* Million t K *u In my one year tle fiMir. (iroweffi have* got thr Itn p:***lon—whether true or *. t. that huy ir* have • nt*-red Into c mblnr to lower the pri • of Truektri are prepar ing gtiund for •* Some have plant* up large enough to re: out only the Name l.eft. Gatnaatlll* Sun: Tie w< *ke*t political otffanlutlon li; the S u h I* th • so-callad K*-ptib!tcn forty if Florida Thr nana 1* all that remain** of It In ion* raaprof* we doubt n t that the mafrr al intarawt* cf Florida wo U j t j j,, advanced were th*- Vtepuhlii an* In .1 puotlon to offer the Democratic party .1 more vigorou* opiu aith n Trie Demo hit havlrg no pllti cal •ii •’* :•' to combat, occaotomilli ic**t into a acr.ip among tl m*#lve* When lo to the h and lntere!t* of the u ho.e |e opb m far a* m.eriil pr h *on nicl, no*n> puliii f-in *-i and enter iri ltnr ate invlnc*ed that the I’♦ hick ratlr party of Florida I* too utrong and the Republican forty too weak. I lnrliln \eel f.wborera. Kudin Dike It felon: Florida now fil.rto p r annum for all of h**r • onvlrf J.ihor. lea*el The etate now- ha* an offer of four time tlw: amount, or S<4.o* fer annum, for ail of them, about S ihle r* ee ,ir- n -w yladlv paylt.g month f r them. A r*t many phopliate plant*, with thfHieand* of fl ll ir* Ir.vep’ei n ma- hiiv r\ and 1 • k. ar Bhul clown for want < f lalor to run them Th-ro are hundrei* of rre?< of turpentine faime ‘tiindln* Idle iltc- crude sum running out on th.. ground for lack of labor, much of ft hn\lng been tmx*d lH*t w .nter. and f r lack of hilor the idne- h $d not hacked more than four to *ix imhep above the box Over rnen could e tnpl>yed to-day were It i **lbb io get them to v rk the pho* pha*e mir e atd tur< entire farm* of South Florida Where Is till this labor* A large proportion of It may be found filled with hilariru* laughter. If nothing el**\ on th.* *treels .f every large town and city. UFA <l( DEN** ( (M HT ( AURfI. barrens, Vagrancy, (•amhllnir nnd I'orgfrt Mnkr Ip the Oftcnsea. In the Re order'** Court yesterday Nor ris Thomp on .and At.drew Saxton, the ne. grma arrested for the th* ft of cigars from Messrs Bmlrn Broa. were remand ai to the City Court. Smart Albright and Alec Haygood wera sent to the same tribunal on the charge of vagrancy George Friz* 11. white, arrected for ginihlirg In the sreet was **rntetv*ed to thirty days In Jail, while Ml'haei Have* who w.s arrf*td on the Mime charge had hD a. nen*e aus|endd lbnry Holme*, color**l. charged with forgery was sent to the bui*rt>r Court Thonght t< lln%e Been Stolen. Imective B‘ark yesterday arrested R Johnson, colored In the possession of an excellent macintosh of fine quality and almost if not quite near. The negro was trying to pawn It at the time, and said that he hid had It for forty-five months The macintosh Is al the bar racks and the defective would like for any one that h-in lost such an article te cently to call there and **•• If it is hl property. N lllcycle ( olllalon. A bicycle tolllaion at Drayton and Holton street* yesterday afternoon came nar resulting seriously. One rider was coming up Ifadbin. while the other wa on Drayton. They crashed tigether at full *pee<l, t4h went together on the pavenvnt. One wheel was Muolhd an<l the rider was badly bruised. The other escaped with a few slight a*Tatches* a* me men toe* of hi* *ato. A (|ueer Olil % Ireroy. New* York I-etter In Philadelphia I-edger A letter re< elved here frm a clergyman who ha* imssod .1 number of year* In China, and who 1* now in- Hong Kong, give* nn Interesting sketch of Dl Hung Chang and the two viceroy* recommended by him for pp*inment ns commission er*. on#* of these wa* Dlu Kwilii. Vice roy of Nankin. From the description fur nished of Dlu Kwun by ihe gentleman wl- ImWd to. In the event of an International commission being a|*finte<l to adjust the trouble* lietween the Rowan* ami China, the gentlemen who would serve a* com missioners have escaped the most novel and amusing experience through the fnll ure of th- Kmperor or ihe Dowagrr Em press to h- t favorably on the re..ommcn datlon of Karl Dl Dlu Kwun W said to he one of the queer est of queer Chinamen, and in distinguish •••l by traits that p ace him In a class by himself. While not *0 old In years -* Dl Hung Chung, when In his rlgii mind Dlu Kwun Is quite as atti!o and cunning Idke most f the viceroy*. Din Kwun has made himself Immensely wnlthy by leal- Ing In brlties ami reprisals. He Is a con firmed igduni smoker, ami lh<* r t*rt of his time Is *[enf In sucking the pipe. The reault of this devotion t. tlie pll*o la serious Impairment of th* dig*> tlv> organ*. nl consequently a miseraMe exlstenca f*r the oUI viceroy. He h is passed into n condition of second rhlidhootl. an*l for several years has kept hlronolf alive am! se**uri<l strength enough f. endure hliwopium smoking by nursing like nn Infant. There have teen fearful riots in hi* province during the past few vests, nnd one terrible fnmlm*. but th* okl man claims to know nothing whatever of any such events, having been under the Influen.v of his pipe nil the time. —One of the curious and suggestive o*- tall* in the Infest report of the factory Inspectors nates to th* attitude of the operatives In n tlrrtaln factory in reg.r*l to an Improved ventilating appa ratus. They objected lo it he(*ata<w It would breed rheumatism Two years in ter the same laborer* refused to go to an other building because It l ked that vn tllatlng ap|*arittus. PiUS Look at your*elf! Is vour face covered wiih pimples? Your skin rough and blotchy? It’s your liver I Ayer’a Pills arc liver pills. They cur* constipation, biliouanoas, and dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Want yoar iaauttarh* or b*r<t a baautlful hm n or rick bi*<*k t Then BUCKINGHAM'S DYE (ft.ttSr. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1000. URINARY and Llf Ff J G-NITAL st“ tireole exture ro tioatwklek Dr. lUlhaeay treats Far 30 rrjrt he ho; Cir.Cie: *.. prscUcs to tti* elk** oj eoaj ,.u:uts to nr; ail eo;.:rv, f’llt: i an.formHF ef hu entek ha* M o rroofor war.'-■sltofra;;. K:a *D tarolwt Jtuili'i t)|tr ut rr * *t?”s - :1 r‘ul- rjila hy r..* raattiiu V t'orul Irnt rat of Dr. ID.' iasr:;’*. No ceil,- an wish inapt* 0 Irupoitry t>.r,le efle.-tran r ,:r* j ;; )oo aee4 ireatcea: which ** will S.O to the fooaiaUon of; cur ire able and wipe :t cat, mestallr. /] nemmal) asl phyt'ril!;. All forrr. ( ( lin-r c F -itei. Iccl 'ilus Verlen -!e. Stricture, • Blood poisocloe. Ciiacy and I —pdatßTl. et-'.. art ,r lie w:li be tad to h.;e ;v ir: :i>t:n or caUa; fc’.f ef refer tree •Vy <• eia-jtaa'lor i“<l IJo win aln s-art free. po*t paid lo a plain wrapper, hla new C 4 peso b t-“Mrellne*. Vljor, , V : Health”—to r.' one. naa or *imu. srho auScr* froa aaj c a route ' i disease or weakne**. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M. D. ~m f hour*-! lo 1! in .*te I ar.4 TANARUS• Dr. Ilatlsawar A Cos. SI ''A” Rrjan tireel, Ravannah. O*. spm Htn dty to a m lo 1 p. m M4RI4F. I%TIII.I.IUEMB. Matter* of I mere,l to Nhlpplns Men Generali*'. A ct>fi(r*et haa been masle with the lver Drerttrlnic Company lo <Jre<l*e out the Itrttlih < ■ imrl- Bene<li.'t. llllarlo ie. Kendall Cattle and Bnma. ajrotinrt it GalsnsKon Tee latter vereel. tvhl. h w.-nt from lUoints after <l|. ■ cargo of Java eiix*r will be the most tllfflcult to float. A channel will have to be .Ircltp-l fn>m one to two inllca lonjf aiwl ileep enoucb to Aoat the Vestel* I’nleta ru - etttaful, Ihe company trots nothing The Hrltlehs bark lJxale Curry. towllßg lumber for 11 irrh A Cos., nt the fott of Wnliaker ,tre.-t. r|trunx ti leak A p.rt of the cargo will be <ll- hargeil to admit of the necereary caulking The Spanlah bark lo>renao I, expc.-*e,| from Havana 111 ohou a ** to ios<! naval rtave, for M.mtrvl.leo, She t* coni- Ing In balloat l*a,enaera br kleamalilp,. Faatenger, by Meimahip City of Au gu*t.s for New York yesterday—ll J. Jon re. Mat I. Denboultlon,. b It Hoff man. Mr Taylor. Ml** Show an<l l*tet. J H Hllvn P H Kley. Cha* llayne*. worth. George M Powell. Mix* M Don nelly. J M Etwirl. Mr Meer* ntwl wife F. T Holme*. Mr- T 3 10-wl*. Ml-t Ruth 10-wl*. Ml** Ihiullr.e lawl*. c 3 lot wren 8 C. lan<l. Mr Seymour cha* Marvin. Mr* Cha* Marvin tinA *l:cr. Him J W Hir:ii!g< II H Heymour. W. J J.-nee J It Van Sternh*>rg, \\ II Roi>ert*oti <• K Si. Men and wrlfe, Mr* M A Kurk and chIM. Mr* J Bchsvan, Tom Bi hwan. Jame* Peach. Will iam Colbert. I> Mother. p.seeuger* by *team*hlp Nacoochee, New York for Savnnnnh. 3ept 1* —F I Allen Mrs. J Stafford. Mi-t.r N Btaf fonl Mr Chare, Mr*. A Hmtth. Mi-- Denney. Mb* I’nang*t, F J latmbert. D A Kelley. E Walker ami wife. Mr* I, T llubtwil. W. H. MePhane. F; Hr i*l Mr Goodman. F HiuMk’k. P. Mayen. Ilev. J Frnrrlleht. Ml** M. K>- gen. Ml** E. J 11. Kennedy. W D Farrell. Mr* M. A Gol.len. F K. Hunn. S P Ketio*. A Homp*on. W. A. Streeter. E K. Grant. Rev. N C. Dyer. Tom lla.llgiin. R. H llalllv in. T J Hogg*. Rev. J Gum in. Mrs* M. M.t<*k>rk. Mr* Halligan. A. J Garfunkle aixl w-jfe, J. C Kelov. Sifter Winfred. Morris AVolf Cha* Wa-'htel. Mr Herxfeld. W O'Brien. Mt* A O'Brien. Mica K. O'Brien. W P. Grady. C W Sau*wy. Mr* C S Kuhn*. Mr*. T. .1 O'Brien and two children. Mrs. J C. /.eigler. Mr* C opperman. Mi** Ely. Mr* D B. Hull. Mt I. H Hull, J. C. Grantham W. H. i'alney. Mr*. E If. Coleman. W Coleman Mr* 11. S hulls. Herman Schultx Paul Schultz. G A Towner. J W Byrd. Mr* S Sim nn*. Mr E II Coleman. M D Coleman, Ml** rt. Hoot Irk. J H Morgan. I.ula Dav ini<orl. Jctmle Davenport. Adel Bera. Ethel Flaher, the four Hragon* J. W. Sullivan. Kita Tlioma.-. Sarah Simon. P lasvcit. J Bell. D llogan. W. Powell, J p. 1 organ. F K. Cuyler, W. K. Pol ler, A He Ford. Pa**engcrw hy ateam*hip Alleghany, for Halllmore ye*terdiy Mr*. P. II Ben brook, Ml** Benbrook. Mi** M Gates, W M Stmkln*. F J Waa*. Mr* S K. Maine*. W. A Halnee. loom Belmont. William Thompeon. S S. Thompson. PsswngiT* arrttwl la*t night from Bn.- iinx.rx, <xi attainatitpTaiaa Mlaa a Cmh .took. Ml** .1 Kttgorr Mi** K. Marshall. T I, 81 Ctatr. J H. Nit“>n. D p ~N< at. K#v. I Orltnan. Ml** R Smith. Ml** E. Mrn*t, K. J. Walter. Mias J. Thomas. F Cleft. Savannah Atmnnne. Sun rise* at 5:44 .. m . and set* at 5:57 p. m High water of Tybee 10-day at 401 a m . atxl 419 I> m High water at Savan nah one hour later. I'hu.r. nf the Sloua for Sr|Hrmlirr. t>. H. M. First quarter 2 1 56 morn. Full moon 4 116 eve. East quarter 15 2 57 eve. New moon 3 • 57 eve Moon Perigee. tli; Moon Apogee, 23d. All|||\ 41,8 AM) OEPARTt'BISf. Vessel* Arrived Yesterday. steamship Stale of Texas. Rtdrhfee. Bal timore.-J J Oarotan. agent. I'irk Nuuanu. Josetyn. Philadelphia; .out to Hoist. Harrison A Cos. Master. Bchqoner John It. Penrose. Gheen. from below, to I<li<l lumber.—Master. AerlA Cleared yesterday. Steamship Rreekfleki (Br), JsffeU*. Bremen Mini* A i'o. Hark Carl Hoaatad (Nort. Gl*en, Gart ton Dock .—Petefwon-Dow'nlng Cos. Vessels Went to Sea. Steamship City of Augusta. Daggett. New York Steamship Alleghany. Foster. Baltimore. Ahlppintt Memoranda. Charleston. Bept 2> Arrived, sieamer* II It (Itrl. 77 1111* Olhr.illar. Coman che. Pennington. Nev York pi 'o Jacksonville; schooners Annie C. Graee. EskrstKo. New 7'<>rk. 77'tlllam H Sum mer. Yeaton. New York; 7Varren B. Pot ter. Slocum. Georgetown. Silh.t. steamer Folmlna (Dutch). Van Eyken. New York. Key 77’ret. Fla . Sept 20.—Arrived, sti-omer Miami. Delano. Havana, proceed ed to Miami; tug Dauntless. Floyd. Sigu.i, towing schooner B. Frank Neatly, pro . ..... lo.) (O Port Tam: I. r -hooner* Glaxier. McDonald. Tortuga*; Elly, 77'hlte, I’untn It.i**ii, proceeded to Cuba. Fernandlna, Flo Sept. 2' I**l. schooner Flora Rogers, Cook. St. \’lncem. Port Tampa. Fla.. Sept, jo.—Arrived. *t< imer .71n*> tate 77'tiltc. H i .oca via Key 77 et. (salted on return). Baltimore. Sept. 2 • Soiled, steamer D. II Milter, Savannah Arrlv.d, steamer pai nle Relche. Char;#*- ton N. • . Sillol r • <m. Phllalelphto. Sept 20 Arrived, steamer Hnrrv A Bsrwlnd. Savannah; Anna E MnKord. Charleston. Nolle# to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic tnfor mntton will be furnished masters of vea ssts free of eharg# tn L’nlted Stairs hy drographic off)*# In Custom House. Cap tains sr# requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and deretlets received for transmission lo Che Navy Depart ment, Foreign Exporta. Per British *temhlp Br.k h*..l for Bremen. B.7tti Kile, rolioit, PVC *fv<, lorn* pig Iron. tto.CBO —Cargo vartou*. Per bark Catl llaastad tNori. for Gart ton Hock. 4.<® barrel* rr>*tn. 111.333. All barrel# spirit*. 115.3A4: Tit) spirit*. 14,571.30 Cargo by Paler*ot>-Hownlng Cos. 4on*tssl*e Export*. Per Steamship City of Augusta lo New York. Se|K 30. —1.35* balea upland cotton, 51 bole* sea Islan.l cot*on. 001 |<aokwge* box material. st> bale* <Vmies:|*,. bar rel* ■ oil on peed oil, 225 horrent roln. 305 barrel* turpentine. 231.451 feet lumber. 441 bundle* hide*. 5 barrel* frill. 37 boxen fruit. It boxes cigar*. 4 rut* shingles. 7* harre4* rosin oil. At bn rre Is tar. ?i barrel* lamp Wa< k. 247 packages m<l*e Per e eimslilp Al.eghany. for BalUmor,. —1.047 bn.e. cotton. *24 barrel* rosin 242.010 feet lumber 45 barrel* p*tn. 5 barrel* rosin oil. pi bundle* handle*. JG7 P . kagea mdse. 121 pa, kagea .dotli.-stic*. _*) cnees foilmetlo fiber, 14 bales hides an I wool. WITH IRON MASK.— How the !.*• ol a lose Made One l.tfe a Tragedy, From the New York Press. After a somewhat remarkable earear, Ihe Be] evue H<piia! pitlenl known aa Ihe "Man with the Iron Maak." Is dead Thoroii* Oliver Colt was the name of the man. Twice In hla life he had <x>me prom inently before the public. Cos!( wa* related distantly to the cele brated family of gunmaker* of that name. HI- pareni* were well-to-do In Connecti cut, where he was horn At the age of 15. while playing ball, he wa* struck In th# face with a bat. His cheek bones were fractured and hla nose was broken. Bry. xiprla* follow.-] and the nose was lost, * wa* a portion of hi* face. He was re coy erlng In a ward of Bellevue Hospital, where he had been brought by hi* fam ily from Connecticut, when he learned cf hi* appearance. ! would rather die than go through life without h nose," said he. "And 1 wll die." In the hospital the head of the aurgteal division wa* Prof. Thomas C. Hablne. who heard the -lory, and sakl he would nwk, Ihe lo>y a nose. "<>t(t of what?" Inquired the other sur geon* ">nt of one of his finger*." replied Mr. Sabine, and Ihe result was the first Sabine operation, as It now Is know'n. Coll s left hand wns placed on his face, and the third linger re leved of the nail and placed at Ihe br.dge of hi* nose It took two month* to grow ft there, while It was held In posit ion by a plaster cast nnd then It was cut from ths hand at thi' second Joint. Thirty-two ofieraiion* aid two years In the hospital made anew fn c on Colt. It was not a beautiful one. hut It was H face. People titled at him and made remarks. Naturally sensitive, he became more so, aixl finally took to hiding his face. He transacted most of hla bnslnet* through another person. Mentally lie wa* bright. In business he was shrewd and made money In the pho tographic supply business, having a wholesale place In No. 15 North Moore street, this city. In IW4 he fell |n love with Miss Plate of Orange, N J She was h beautiful girl, and he said she reciprocated hi* affection and had written to him that *he loved him because of his mind In November. JUK. he Shot her in ffont of Taylor's Hotel. Jers.y City, He then shot himself Both lived nnd he wa* tried for attempted murder before Judge Hiidrpeth He et up Insanity a* hi* defense There wa* testimony by expert* on ln*anlty and the Jury found him guilty. He was sentenced to fifteen year* In Trenton After serving two vesr* he was pardoned He returned lo New York and again went Into busi ness. Hi* aversion to having persons see him grew us he grew older He rontinunlly wrapped ht* face tn n muffler when on the *ir,et. so that he showed llitle more than his eyes. In cold weather he wore a coat with a collar that hid hi* face Ap extra sixed strap** It held it together *o that he nearly wa* ma*ked. In August he wa* admitted to the hos pital. Bellevue had saved hi* life thlrty ttve year* before, and he went there when taken 111 with Bright’s disease. In the hospital, fearful that other pailrnts would see hi* faee. he kepi It muffled and be eorne known to them ns Ihe "Man with the Iron Mask." He died yesterday. WEATHER PROPHET .4 HERO. Ilan Through City Imploring People In Flee, From the Philadelphia Record. Galveston. Tex.. Sept. IS.—One of the heroes of the storm Is Dr. I. M. Cline. I'nltcl States weather observer here. In hi* office a; Ihc top of the New Improve ment ami Unn Association building. Di Cline observed Ihe weniher. and al 12 o'clock noon sent warning* all over the . liy llnit n disastrous storm was Indl aied At Ihl* lime the wind began :<> blow, and hy 3 o'clock It had reached KO nti.e* in ieilit Dr Cline, that an unparalleled hurricane was approaching, went out through the city on Southern Beach, frantically Imploring the people to leave their home* and fit* to the renter of the island A few accepted the advice, hm the majority would not believe the water could submerge and raxe their home*. Dr Cline had no lime io explain. Th oul*ldo world must be notified that Oal veeton wn* near her doom The telephone nnd telegraph system* downtown w*re wrecked The only way to send a message to the mainland wn* lo go to the tele phone station at the bridge west of (he city. Dr. Cline surled thither, but wn* urged by friends lo go home and save his family. "7Ve will he cut off from the world ami will need aid.” he cried, nnd plunged on through lh<' hurricane, reaching the sta tion Just liefore the cable parted. Re turning lo ihe street where he lived. Dr. Cline found his house gone and his wife ami one child wnsheil away and lost. Neighbors had saved three of his chil dren . —Cpon the recommendation of Ihe war department. Ihe agricultural department Is preparing nn order setting apart as for est reserves, the Island of Rombolln, north of ihe Island of Panay; also (he Island of Pnuiltnul. which Is one of the extreme group o! the Jolo Islands Officers of the army who have been looking over the Islands have found that these sre perhaps ths richest Blands In the world for rubber trees, and It la the Intention of the 77’athlngton authorities to have the trees preserved and cared for. especially as some fears lately have been expresd that ihe rubber supply may become rx \a usted. ANTI-AMERICAN SENTIMENT. roe DOMINATE* Tin: Ctß.%* Dt:i.K(. 4TICH* Otlrlala %r* t Ihr Oat ntmr of llir K|e*fton*—Kr*r*d Thai There Mill Hr Trouble In the ( on b enilon Prominent .( uhnna Thluk II I aforiunnte Tlinl n Resolution mry Halorll) Ho* H<*ew Fleeted. *onfloß Ho* Kleeled Robbie.** Hivaihi, Br|*t. JO.—HUi Am(*rlx:n of!1- Isis while expre.*.inir themrelve* an *t- Ipftrtl with ihr tfiMleriy chwra* ter of the recent eitetion of tlrlegwtre to the • on convention, are dUMwlnt'l lo find that majority of the delegates repree# nt Ihe ar ti-Amerl n hihl revolu tionary element. Hrcretavy laWioste a defeated N.itlonal lat candldaie n Santiago province, dla cuesina the general altuaHon to-day. **ald: "Such men ae Juayn Gualberto, Gomes Salvador. Cisneros, Betancourt, Mlgriel, Singuilly. Bravo Corrrso. Argenter. ami Dr. Blva w’lll prove turbulent factors In the convention. *Tt Is evident that a revoltHlcnory mn- Jorlty has been elected These men will away their w**.ker < olleagues to actions which wll result In an unsatisfactory and poasibly threatening convention ’ A wealthy Cuban, a m-mber of the con servative party, said "The province of Rintingo has e'eeted a rabble The Cuhsnw .j>jiarently do not re allae that the I'nlted Htatee Intervened to rUI them of oppression; for. If pu h tnen as have been choeen to tne convention there should ever hold the reins of Cuba® powrer. the Dland wl l feel an opp r#> **lon equal to that of the Upanifth regime "In spite of Gov. Wood's urgent re quest that the lest m n should le chosen, tlie majority of the delegates are of (he class whose prominence causes the keen est anxiety regarding the outcome of the convention to .ill Cubans of conservative Ideas." TO KK*:r I I* MISSION ARY WORK. I'rrihMerinn Hoard %aslnst the \\ Itladrntßal From € hlnn. Net? York. Bept. )0 A conference was held to-day nt the headquarters of the Presbyterian lr*ird of foreign missions, regarding the pre**nt situation In China. Those present Included the members of the executive council, and the eight rep resentative mtsstonerf* to Chino, w ho eith er were |n this country on regular fur lough. or have come home since the trou ble began The members, all of whom were present, are the four secretaries and the treasurer of the hoard. At the close of the session the Rev I>r flrown said It had been unanimously agreed that there was no ground for dis couragement over the missionary outlook In China, and that there would he no garn er ll recall of missionaries Those present anticipate*! an early resumption of mis sionary activity, and for the time being It was thought most of the missionaries should remain In Japan or Korea in Chi nese (torts, where they are safe. It was de Ided that the missionaries who took part In the conference snould Issue an ad dress to the churches, setting forth their views at lergih An app al Is also to he Issued on behalf of the native Christians, most of whom have Icat all their posaes stons. even If they hove escaped worse persecution The f*re* board has already sent out some fSO.OOO in resoonse to an appeal recently cabled from Pekin. TAKR9 HORWOVft VIEW. Spanish Vessel* fAot nnk by Ad miral Dewey** Shells. New York. Bept. 20 -Dleut Commander H T Hall of the Brooklyn navy yard to-day talked about Dleu - Hob on's In terview apropos of Dewey** achievement at Manila Mr. Hall sail: ‘ When the hulls of the Spanish ships sunk at Manila were raised they were found to be all right. They were simply water soaked, aside from the burned top* >f the decks. It *em* to m. a* If the Fpanlarda seeing that their opposit ion! was of no use against the I'nited Btntes vessels, took refuge back of n land projection and there sent some of their shl|s to the bottom. Of course, •.•me of the Spanish ships were sunk immediate ly." Hall held a commission with Dewey at Manila WH AT DKAAKY *% % * OF IT. Hardly Think* Dlent. lloh*nn Meant to Be I nkiml. New York. Bept. 2f>.—Admiral Dewev. who 1* flopping at Biyvllle. Jng Island, talked to-day of the llohron interview, saving "I hardly thing the Young man nteint to say anything unkind, and perhaps he did not say whai is said there. The thre vessels he referred to are the Isla de Cuba. ls!a de Duson and Don Juan de Austria. They were the I as! Injured of the ten or twelve ships sunk at Manßa. Naval Constructor Capps, a very able man. was with me and he and divers and experts from llong Kong tnaile on examination of all Spanish ships and decided that these three were worth sav ing. Three out of a dogen were raped and temporary re|irs were mad* at Ca vite. The vessels prneeded under their wn ste.irn to Hong Kong and lie, n there for some time undergoing repair* before Mr. Ilohson saw them. "Asa matter of fuel I never claimed that we sunk the ships. I reported that we destroyed them. I did see with my own eyes an eight-lneh shell strike the stern of the Hctna Marla. Christina. Ad mtral Monte Jo* a flagship, and that de stroyed her. "The statement Hint the vessels were not much Injured below the water line Is probably true Everyone knows that it Is impossible for shells to do much ex ecution below the water line, or for any thing bin torpedoes to do much damage there. A few Inches of water in a great protection.'* TWO WERE F4T4EEY 17.11 It Ell. Horse nn the Track Derailed an En gine and t'nnch. New Orleans, Sept. 21.—A horse on the track derailed an enlgen and coach on Ihe New Orleans anil 77’estern Railroad In ihe suburb* near midnight. John Crow, the engineer, and A. 7'lttur, the flrem in. were fatally Injured. Over 100 longshore men from Port Chalmette were on the train, but escap'd harm. Xrlinrninii kpokc to ttcpnlillciiii*. Richmond. Ind.. Sept 2a—Ja-oh t; Srhurman, pre*l<lent of Cornel: l'nlver*;iy_ and a member of the (list Philippine Com. mls'ion. stroke here to-nlah( for the He. publicans. He was heard by a tout 3,080 people. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought KNOWN BY ALL NATIONB. Twice the price could buy no better. I.IPP.MAN BROS., Savannah Agents. To Save Expense of Moving, we have decided to sell entire* stock of Furniture. Carpets, /V\at ting, Shades, etc*., at slight ad vance above cost during Sep tember. YA/ill t>e In store, ! 1.2 Broughton, west, early 1 n Octo ber \A/ith ei full arid complete line. We can fill any order Right Now. Call and see us at old Post Office building. LINDSAY & MORGAN YOUR CATERERS. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From the moat celebrated tnanafnrtarera, both fire-proof and bnrglar proof anfea and ranlt door*. We carry an Immense at nek nf Fire-proof *afea. Oar atock em brace* a eery elrgnnt line from TOO to 4.000 pounda, Inclnalee, alnale nnd donble doora, and a vl*4 to oar eatnhllahment to !n --apect theac elrgant anfea will be a aonree of much profit and tn atrarflon to oar frienda. The price eilll be aa love nanny really Fire-proof 9afe can he made, and oar motto la Quality nod Safety of the tirat Import ance. fiend or call on aa for fartla+r partlealara, catalogue and prtcea. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. WALSH 6c MEYER, 1-4 Broughton, West, LADIES’ FURNISHINGS. This Is Ihe season of the year when we take great pleasure in showing our NEW GOODS. PERGA EES. OFTINGB. FI.ANNF.gB. FEANNEEETTKS for HOUSE 0077'NS. SHORT SKIRTS. LONG SKIRTS HOUSE FURNISHINGS. DRAPERIES, ART SATINS. DENIMS TAPESTRIES. CURTAINING In SWISSES. LACE atxl FIGURED MUBE.NS. LACK iinrt NET PANELS for GLASS DOORS. INVENTIONS. H'rw I,neks AreMrslt In Devising Proti table One* Nowadays. From the New Orleans Times-Dcmocrat. "Most of ihe big discoveries and Im portant Inventions of times gone by were lucky accidents." remarked an engineer of ihls city Ihe other day; "but at present chance plays less and less of a role in such affairs. We have accumulated so much ab*trnct Information that an Inven tor can figure out a problem in mechanics very much n* he would figure out nn ex nmpte In arithmetic. A manufacturer, for Instance, wants a special machine to do a special clan* of work—so peg shoes, rut button*, trim cork*, head ta.lts, stamp tiles, screws, wind arma ture*. or do any one of a hundred other thing*. He call* In a mechanical ex|wrt, explain* the requirements of the case, nnd the expert begin* to figure out the ma chine If he get* 'stuck' oilier ex|>ertr are called Into conference, nnd the rnmple. lion of the <|, sign I* only it matter of ilmr There I* no luck or accident about If, be • \iu*e liio work l* ba*ed on eatabltshed principle In mechanic*. "The larger part of the elaborate *pe flal machinery In modern manufactories 1m evolved In that manner, and aome great houses keep one or more In vent ora • m ployed all the year round, perfecting different detail* In the plant or output. Very few of tho*e processes generally known a* ‘trade *ecret*’ have been hit upon by chance; they are usually the outcome of patient and intelligent experi ment wlfh n definite end In view. I know' a monufacturer of celluloid article* who wanted to grt a certain clouded, tortol*e •hell effect nr.d kept a high-priced chem ist on the problem for over a year He got n little rnaror to the polution every day. and finally hh It. “Ida re may no lex* than a thoueand electrical expert* are at work to-day on n Improved *fora*e battery. They knew What they want and have enough data to enable them to keep *traigh( at the mark wj’hout experimenting merely at random Nothing t more certain than ultimate *uc • c-s. although ♦he dlfflcultle* ore formida ble and they are not to he overcome In a drv Probably half a doxen will reach the goal at about the came time." Alllaon Ipokf at Clinton. Clinton. Ia Sept. JO—The Republican -tote ar.d national campaign tn lowa war opener) to-night by Renator Alllaon Hr •poll- at length on th financial queatlon. an.l defended the administration* policy on th Philippine question. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Continued from Seventh Tag*.) prim*' timothy Mf|, s4flfrd4.3A; pork, P*r barrel. sl2.u\hi2.lo; lard. per !d pound!*. r short ribs tid- * (loo**). |7.£0fi7.75; dry .united *hi>uide* (lioxed). short *ldcw (hoxcdi. f • i:.. whisky. basts of high II 26; clover. <ootract grade. IK*OO, (I.AMOH HAhfiD HY A ( U. Molluml* Knrmril n Strong K (■rhmrnt. From the New York World Atlantic City, Sept. 16.—1 t wj* only an Innocent sand clam, but several thousand bathern had a fright because of It. A* for Ml** Kllsaheth Carlton. of Six teenth and Hare street*. Philadelphia. *b* will never tuck another sand clam Inalda her I tithing suit for safekeeping. Tint clant ha* sent her to bed and ha* c tiled the doctor. Min* Carlton l* possessed of much beau ty. likewise of 3iiu pound* of nvolr'lnH*- She came to Atlantic City to-day with *ev cral thousand other excursionist* from Philadelphia. With the other* ihr *•'* b. l thing When ahe stepped on something and f*und it to lie a fine, big *and dam. four Inche* long. *he tucked it Into b* r Imfhtng drea*. Alhum one minute later there were sev eral yell* that made every bather *b*P bathing. ** Worn an drowning!** wa* the cry. Thousand* of eye* were focuaed on Ml** Carlton. She wa* atandlng In water scarcely up to her knee* screaming clutching frantically at the waist of her bathing *ult. wherein the Mind clam had been placed. “Help! help!" *he *hr>ked. and made n wild rush for her bathing-house. When a woman attendant reached Ml** Carlton *he found that the clam b tackled In good *ty|e and wa* hanging Ml** Carlton wa* badly bitten by the zealous mollukn It had to lie broken o>* hammering before *he wa* freed. —A policeman walking along RiversM* drive, New York, found a ma** of straw colored subrtance. He carried It to th* atat'on hou*e where n match was to one strand. It exploded with a *nar nnd wa* at one# **t down for anew kin of exploaive. The whole maa* was at cn' turned over to an analyst, who mde tn_ disgustful report “I have examined sample* of alleged combuatlble* hrml,r .. here and flivd It to he woman's hair w# - bleached from peroxide of hydrogen |rrt * ment.**