The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 21, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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COTTON MARKET DROPPING. MMTS OFF 0 'KW *\n miRBS Sftligft B*4Bl NTS. The Otrlliln* Tfinlrf( Ctmt nil |iH(rrr*l Drmanil From Kipnrl. rrt-Urff Hrrp||ii> at the Parts a Factor la faualna the Decline*. Spirits Tarprallar Firm al 3TO tents. W llh !W tip. I,weal aad TMairapkla Markets. The Morning Near nnu-c, Thursday. Kepi. 20. The cotton market seem* to be going down hill about as fast as It went up. Umler the pressure of liberal receipt* it the ports. ImMfferent foreign advice*. go.l crop news, ami a somewhat backw.ird de mand, prices have yielded vluitply during the past few days, to which was added to-day another decline tn the futures mar ket of 25 to 29 points. Local spots drop ped V cent, with the demand fairly sat isfactory. The demand for fo b. cotton wa* light In the face of the declines, and the result was a restricted volume of busi ness for the day. Exponent were unwill ing to pay the prices asked In the face of u declining market. Estimate* of re telpts st the ports feu- to-morrow arc large. Houston expects upwards of u.’JOO bales, and other port* look for a good snowing To what extent the market will drop I* a matter of conjecture, but with (tie continued prevalence of present con dition* It will not he surprising If 9 cent* Is approached before evidences of u check appear. The theory Is that the down ward tendency will produce fear among holders of cotton, and consequently cause a piling up of offering* thot will have n depressing effect on prices. The spirit* turpentine market I* still on a boom. The opening was Arm at 37c, thw closing at 37V". and after the clos ing U wa* reported that fat lore were act ing 38 cents. Thw demand is good for stuff for both foreign and domestic aevoun' The wholesale market* were in satisfac tory condition The following resume of the differer.) market* wlil show the ton. and quotations at tho closing to-day cotton. The cotton market closed easy to-day at a decline of Q cent, with sale* on th spot of 1.1X3 bales. The receipts were 9 33*. against 7.190 last year, and 7.69S year I* fore last. While there wa* considerable business done on the s|ot, that by wire was small. The unsettled condition of the market deptessed prices, with exporter* seeking good middling f. o. b at P, ( . which wa* las* than holder* would ac cept No oil* seemed to have any offer ings on a lower hast* than lt>o for good middling. With spot* off oc, and futures the same all around, exporter* were not disposed to pay the prices a-kl A lit tle reaction may he necessary to again get the buying element Into line. The following were tne official soot quo ration* at the rtoee of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: | This ; Last I day. | year. Good middling 100 * 3-16 Middling 10 jS 14-16 Low middling | 94* 5 5-ls flood ordinary | | n-|g Market easy: sale*. 1.183. Savannah Receipts, Export* and Stock* Receipts this day 9.32S Receipts thl* day last year 7.190 Thlr- day year before last 7,098 Receipt* Since Sept. 1, 1900 99.9 H Same time lasi year 90.971 '"oastwise export* 2.645 <’eminent 1.000 stock on hand thl* day 63.437 Sam* ilny last year MC Receipt* and Stock* at tho Ports— Receipt* thl* day 26.842 Receipts thl* .ley last ywir 26.752 RoV-tpts this day yenr before last... 30.116 Total receipts since Kept. 1, 1900 258.927 Rum time last year 449.551 Same time year before last 327,392 stock at nil ports to-day 395,182 Slock earn-- day last year 638.600 8114 ISLAND COTTON. Report* from the aea Island cotton growing section continue to Indicate that the outlook for h big crop this season Is anything but favorable. There seems to h. a disposition to hold for higher prices, and tho chance* are anything short of fancy prices, will not bring the cotton to market. The fact that receipts are light has not enabled fo -tors to establish a trading tasla. However, these prices are quoted: Fancy Florida* 308x4771 Extra choice to fancy Georgias .190830 I'ally movements at other ports.— Galveston—Stock. 18,0 TB New Orleanw— Hatty; middling. 10 1-16; t-et receipts. 9.584; gross. 9.5*4, sales 2.850; stock, 43.103. Mobile Easy; middling. 100; net re ceipts. 152. gross. 152; sales. 200; stock. 6,878. Charleston—Quint; middling, 100; net re elpts. *7l; gross, 871. sale*. 50; slock 12807. Wilmington—Firm; middling 1048; net re ■ elpte, 2,490; gross. 3.490; stock. 28.688 Norfolk-Steady; middling. 100; net re ceipt*. 3..>7, grots. 3,367; sales. 431; stock. 11.730. llalilmorw— Nomina); middling. 100, stock. 181. New York—Quiet; middling. 100; gross, 197; sales. 102: stark. 25.511 lioston—Quiet; middling. 100; gross. 4.- 323. Philadelphia—Quiet; middling. 100; net receipts. 50; gross. 50; stock, 1.1818, Dally movement* at Interior towns— , Augusta—Quiet; middling. I0Q; net re ceipts. 2.498, gross, 2,757; sales, 2,100, slock. 25.120. Memphis—Steady. middling, 19 9-16; net receipts, 724; gross. 734. sales. 050. stock. 8.784 fit l*>uls—Quiet; middling. 10 7-16; net receipts, 1.063; gross. 1.628. sales. 503: stock, 4.741. Cincinnati—Strong, middling, 100; net re ceipts, 129; gross. 129; slock, 7.152. Houston—Easy; middling. 100; net re ceipt, 4 886, gross. 4.836; sales, 110; stock. 28.539 Louisville—Firm; middling. 10V Exports of cotton thl* day New Orleans—To Orewl Britain, 7.800. Mold Is—Coastwise. 30 Savannah—Continent. 1.000; Coastwise. 2845. Norfolk—Coast wi5e.2.083 New York—Continent. 384 Total foreign exports from all port* thl* day; To Great Britain. 5.800. to tha Con tinent. 1.9*4. Total foreign exports from all ports thus far this weak: To Great Rrtlsln. 22.592; to France, 11.817; to tha Continent, 36.- m. Total foreign exports since Sept I. 190® To Great Britain. 53.212. to France. 12.*>. to the Continent, 68.336 COTTON FI Tl HKB. The Market Closes Barely Steady With Prlee# 25929 PoIBIB Off. New York. Kept 20—Orest excitement prevailed at the Cotton Exchange upon the resumption of business thl* morning The English cables. Instead of coming higher a* expected reported a decline. Now Ready HcCORD’S COMPLETE CALCULATOR for computing cotton from I point to 11440 per lb. Figured at 90 points and 1-16 rise. pages; | |h. tn ino.MX> lbs. largest and mo,? complete. Prlee, express prepaid. 1665 lift <*••!). Book contain* orar live million flfur^a. MoCord Book Company* ATLANTA, OA, MURPHY & CO., INC.. R'etrd of Trade Building. Savannah Private leased wt.-e* direct lo Nw York. 8 tilcago and New Orleans. COTTON, STUCK* \\ i> UMAIN. New York othce. No 61 Broadway. Offlces tn principal elites throughout the Roiuh iYrMe for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for traders Belling became more active anil the open ing call wa* at a d-. in. of K. 821 |>otnis The selling was general and with advice* rally bearish. u„. decline was In creased lo 27n> paints. Receipt* at the interior towns w-re a bearish factor, he- Ihg much larger than the movement of last year. The weaktigp* was Increased by reports of unsettled Soul hern markets with spot buyers said lo b* retreating and Hu English market* declining under the pressure of Increasing offerings for near by shipment which were emphasised by the withdrawal of American spinners from the spot maikete. Indications of heavy receipts to-morrow also added lo (he selling movement. Crop accounts were certainly no woise. If they wore not more favorable. Keliing for Wall street was an active feature At tilth * here the market was very Irregular arid almost panicky. Khorls were about the only sup port. ulthougn n few substantial parties wire buying for a reaction. The close wa* barely anady ala net ti/.llne of 25 to 29 points. FM'CTI 4TIONS IN KITI RK*. New Y’ork, Kepi. 20—-Cotton futures opened Irregular and closed barely steady. Price sas follows: [Open High Loir CtoM January j 9~40 "j 948 935 936 February .... 943 | 946 | 933 [ 931 March I9 41 947i 933 935 April j94B| 946 934 ! 954 May 944 | 948 \ 9.33 j 936 June 943 9.43 9.34 | 9.85 July I 940 1 940 | 935 j 933 August ! 935 j 935 ; 911 | 977 September ... 9 95b | 995 j 9.89 | 988 1 iciober j e x* | 9 8* 973 9.76 November ... 9.50 j 9 59 946 947 I e 'ember 939 | 9 19 | 936 | 938 Table Xhonlng Decline*. Wei- Thure De nesday day. |cllne. January ; 961 J 9 36 | 35 February j 9hi | 9.34 j .27 March I 961 i 935 | .26 April | 9.61 | 934 | .27 May j 961 I 9.36 .25 June | 9,61 j 935 ( .26 July j 959 | 933 | .27 August j 9 .54 j 977 .27 September jlO 12 I 9.86 j .26 October jlO 05 | 9i6 | .29 November j 971 j 947 | .77 December j 962 I 936 | .26 Lit EH B*ool. M 8141\ KT. Liverpool. Sept 30.—The cotton mirkei opened higher, but prices afterwards de dined In consaquexie of i**>r demand from the livde and iiearlsh reports from America. Liverpool. Sept 20, 4 p. m -Small busi ness. price# lower; American mkhUtng fair. 7 l d; gooxt mixidling. 6 T d. middling. 6 11-16d. low middling. 6 U-16d; goo>l or dinary. 5 27-32d. ordinary. 5 23-32*1. The sales of the xloy were 3.000 bales, of which 2"0 were for j>ecuhtlon nnxl ex|*>rt. and induxled 2,500 bales American: receipts, bale*, Including 2' .'<oo American. Future* opened steady unit cloeed bare ly steoxly ; Aim-rtcan middling. Ixhv mtd xiling clause: September, 6 49d, value; Bep tember-October. 5 49115 60d, sellers. Octo- Irer-Novemlier. 5.29r1. sellers; Novemoer- Deeember, 5.7i'd.>.23d. buyers; December- January. 5.17*1. sellers; January-February. 5.1 lire■ 15d. buyers: February-March. 5.123! 5.13d. buyers; March-April. 6.10(15.11x1. val ue: Aprll-May, 5.09d, sellers; May-Junc. 5.08x1, sellers; Juue-July, 5.06<1. sellers. July-August. C *>4d. buyers. New Orleans, Kept. 20—Cotton futures steady a4 the xlecllne. Kept 9.5109.85 Feb 9.1509.17 Oct 9.31419 32 tlareh 9.1809 19 Vov 9.1709.18 April 9 1809 19 Dec 9.1109. l.Uuy 9 1909.21 lan 9 1509 16 COTTON LETTERS. New York. Sept. 20.—Hubbard Bros A Cos. say: Liverpool palxt little attention la our market being Influenced by the weakness In the Stailhern markets, where ihe pressure lo sell cotton has causexl u sharp decline. Receipt* at thx* Interior lawns are showing heavy In eomiwrtson with last season. These factor* caused n break at the opening mnet marked on Oc tober and December In the midst of the call, Ltverimol cables showexl a rally, which stiffened the market and brought the local trade as buyer*. They held their purchases until thx- afternoon, when the liquidation for outtxldc account* unit sale, against the Southern offering* broke l>rlcea below- the opx-ning quotations. The trade have been buying on break* for the past three days and don't feel so sure to day. New York. Kept 20-Murphy A Cos. *ay: Cot (on traders expect ext Liverpool would stand about 1-64*1 higher to-day In re sponse to the advance bxre yesterdav. Consequently the decline there to-*lay of 3-32d on poi* and Sepleml*er delivery, and 2 10 3-64.1 on later position*, coupled with large order* to sell hxridtng* Eoro pean account caused this market to open irregular and weak about 20 points de cline Houston estimate# for to-morrow 11.500 to 12.500. Receipt* all Interior town* arid Southern ports are Increasing rapid ly and holder* offering more freely to Eu rope Decline brought In covering of boar sale* and a steadier tone to the market, with fairly good buying by conservative interests. DHt 12001*9. New York. Sept. 29—The market quiet In all line* of staple notion*, so for je the demand gone, but tone conttnurv sirong. No further advances reporied of any moment Work* of brown bleachexi and conree colorad cotton* reported clean e*l up nlmost entirely. Business In print* continue* good, but print t loth* are quiet. Olnghame very firm, t’otron lining* td vanrlng In kid cambric*, slieslaa. per,-- llnes. etc. NAVAL STOHE*. Thursday. Kept. 20 SPIRITS TURPENTINE The turpen line market .xpcried Arm to-day al TT cent#, with eater of 633 cask# reporied at this price, and cloeol hrm at 370 centa. with further sale* of I* caake. The d.mtin.l was good both for foreign ami tlomcdlc account It was eald after the t toeing that factor* were asking *8 rent*, nnd In oome case* declined to turn loose for less. Th# day * receipt* were 960. and the ex port*. 1,074. . ROSINS—'The rosin market closed firm to-day. With I and K five up as the out side and D and below five up The d ni ind xva good Kale* ni th# opening weie 2.4.16 barrels. The day# receipts were 3.046. ami the export* 75. . H C 41 35 I 81 Sfffll 55 D ; 1 K I 4501 Of la ‘ 1 49 M I 99 r I 45 N I r, 1 49 WO 2 99 “ 1 59 W W 2*4 Receipts Thursday— SpfrMp Ronln B F 1 W. W •>"> BA L y Exports Thuvsdny— -8 8 Birmingham. N. Y 1.005 <5 Nava. Bior- block Apr.lh I*9o *.m 147.506 Dai-alntS I red# V 3 ."1* nZX*. previously mm Total *lmw April 1 221.9 M 42M28 Bsports to-xlay j Ox ports peevknwly 49857i Export* lnc April 1 •v , #x.ll*ls** 49%***, THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. WOO. Ktox'k on t**sni toutsy 41.883 134.673 Stock on hand same day last year .<* i50.409 Charleston, 8 C., Sept. 2 Spirit* tur pentine *t*adv. 35x-; eubw 15 cask*. K**in quiet, unchanged Wilmington, Kept 20 —Spirit* turpentine steady, 36V: receipts. 212. H***tn dull. 81 1501.20. receipts, 223. Crude tuipentlne steady, 81.100710. re ceipt* 58. Tar hrm. 8140; receipt*. 105 New Orleans. Sept. 20.—Receipts: Rosin 50* barrel*, exports. Liverpool turpentine 516 barrels. FINANCIAL. MtJNEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE—-Market 1 weak OmnmmM damanil. 84 84: sixty xlav*. II 810. ninety day*. |4 80*,. franca. Paris and Havre, sixty day*. 5 21V Swiss, sixty day*. 8.240; murk*, alxtv ilax* 93 15-16. ; ninety days, 93 916*- DOMKBTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; bunks are buying at 0 discount an*t ej|- Ing a* follow ;■ 82-5 and Ulster. 10x- pre mium. $-'1 10 B'o IS*- premium: I'O to t',lß) 20. premium; |K> to 830*' 25*' premium; |."00 and over par Checks must average jjo lo get the par rale SECV R!Tll*8 —Th ' market Is very Inac tive. scarcely anything doing Quotations are ratter nominal ■lseks. Bid. Ask. Augusla and Savannah R. R 10*3 jjq Atlanta and West Point m m do 4 per cent certincatrs log m* Augusta Factory go 86 Cliixens Bank ~..130 133 Chatham Batik no ni Chatham H B. A I. Cos.. A 560 570 do do B 56 87 Engle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos 105 _ Kxkson Electric Ilium lui 105 Enterprise Mfg. Cos 99 nv* Gerinanm Bank 125 1 Georgia A Alabama 25 Z 1 Georgia Railroad, x-omtuon 210 215 Granltevllle Mfg. Cos. 160 Its J P. King Mfg. Cos 100 108 Langley Mfg Cos UT un Merchants National Bank 10*0 1104 Nnuonsl Bank of Savannah 140 iso Oglethorpe Roving* and Trust tog 110 People's Savings and I*>an KM 101 Southwestern Rallrand Cos. log 109 Savannah Gan Light Cos 24 28 Southern Dank 158 156 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 116 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta 8S to Savannah Brewing (6 I*o Moada. Bid Ask. Char., Col A Aug Ist is. 1909 .. IDS 196 Atlanta city 4s. 1922 104 104 Attgu-ta city 4a. .937 104 107 do 40S. 1925 U HI do 7s. 1908 104 146 do 4 <v 1914 U 9 121 Ala Mid ss. Ind'd 1926. M A N 97 99 Augusla Factory. 6 pcroenl.. 1915.10* 119 Brunswick and Western 4s. 193* .90 0 C. K. R A Banking collateral 6s 92 91 C of O Ist 4s. 50-year gold, 1945 F A A It* ISO C. of <5. .on. s*. 1945 31. A N ... 94 *5 C. of Q. Ist Incomes. 1945 420 430 do 2d Incomes. 1945 190 110 do At Income*. 1*45 6 4 C. of G. (M O. A A. Dlv.) sa. 1*47, J A J 92 93 C. of G (Eaton Branch), Sa. 1931 J. A D 94 95 City A Suburban R R. Ist 7a....109 110 Columbus city. ss. 19C9 104 197 Charleston dlv 4s. 1945 101 102 Eagle A I'hsn.s Millais. 19a....106 107 Edison Electric Illuminating 6s 104 105 Enterprise Mfg 6s. 1901 102 103 Georgia Railroad 6a. 1910 114 1110 a. 8. A 7’.. 1945 J A J 11l 112 Georgia A Alabama lsl ss. 1944 .104 104 Georgia state 30a. 1960. J. 0 J... 108 107 do 80s I*ls. M A N 104 104 do 40s. I*ls 117 114 Macon City 6-x. 1910, J. A J 11l 11* do 40s 1926. Jan. par 107 10* Ocean Steamship s*. 1924 100 108 Savannah city is. quar. October 1913 .1100 1110 do ss, quar Nov.. 1909 110 111 South Carolina state 40s. 1933 .116 lit Sibley Mfg Cos 6*. 190* .101 102 South Bound 6a 9* 100 8. F A W gen mfg*. 6a. !9M 13t 1 do do Ist 4s. gold. 1934 1100 1120 do 8t John Dlv. lsl 4a 19*4 ... *4 14 New York. Kept. 20.—Money on call steady, 104*2 per rent.; last loan, 10 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 40R50 per rent. Sterling exchange easier, with actual business In banker#' blit*, at *4 860 at.*7 for demand, ami at 84 830 for sixty days: posiexl rates. 84 84414 640. nnd 84.49. Commercial hllle. $4 8200 4 93; silver cer tiorate*. 62*I|it30c; bar silver. 620< ; Mrs Iran xioll.irs. 490 c. Government bond# weak: atate bomfcx inactive; railroad bonxla weak. STOCKS AND 11UN196. The Market Flnsrd 4|nlet tin.l Steady for Ihe Hay. New York. Bcpi. 9.—The closing of the stock market this afternoon wax quiet nnd sternly In remarkable contrast lo the disturbed state of (ex-ling which (travail ed all xjny. But there had been such lull* nt various lime# before In the storm of liquidation, which swept over the mar ket. amt whether the final quiet markexl clearing weather or simply a gathering of force# for n not her outbreak of the storm, wa# the question of grwMeat In terest In Wall atreet, and upon which opin ion# greatly varied. The volume of the selling and Ihe scope of the movement In th number of stock* Involved Indicated plainly enough some general cnueevt or conditions al work to Induce the selling The*# general x-00-11- tion# are the hardening mom-v market, ami the coal strike, and. rather In the batkgrounxl, the Chinese situation. Thxxse who found nothing In tha actual news eufltcient lo account for the extreme weakness of the market, offered a suppo slilxm that ex>me development not yet generally known in Ihe Fhtneee tangle, had induced large selling by persons with axfvanca Information. No selling was forced by actual iron traction of i-rexiMs. although the rates for money showed a continuance of th* re cent hardening tendency. The fxwee# to ward xtepletlon of New York money re serves continue operative. The relief on sub-treasury operation* I* also on a di minishing scale. The progress of Ihe strike arouse* keen apprehension of oul brnnk* of violence nnxl extension of the trouble Into new- field*. The letting go of npeelal holdings whieh have been r--ceily accumulated on the conviction that the prolonged dullness of the market would be terminated by a buying movement was an Influence In the weakness and ptofe*-tonal short selling undouhtrxlly played a large part as well The stun-lal weakness of the *teel stock* icemed to show some peculiar apprehen sion that ths conference* over wages and Ihe effort* to adjust prices would not bring the Industry to a profitable haul* Ten nessee Coal wa* appaienlly without sup port and wa* nearly eight point* off at the lowest. Tha stock rained 20 on short covering Pressed steel car. American car preferred. Steel and Who and Fed eral Steet preferred were down from 2 to 20 In the railroad list MDsourl Pae eifle. Baltimore and Ohio, and Reading first preferred suffered most severely among the active stock*, losing two points or over. Rond* yielded In sympathy with stocks hut th# selling was not on anything like as large a scale Total sales par value •1.125.(0). United ftlote* new four* and five* de clined 0 In the bid price. The total sale* of stock* to-day were U6.6W share*. Including Atchison. IJ..VW, Atchison preferred, 20.700. Baltimore and Ohio. 17.970. Chicago Burlington nnd Quin cy, i5.685, Missouri Pacific. 21.485. Penn sylvania. 7.670: Reading flrat preferred, 664D- 81. Paul. 14.964; Union Poet Ac, 16,***; American (Reel and Wire. 16.74*. Ameri can Tobacco. 17.115; Brooklyn Transit. 40.- *65 Federal Wool. 7430; People# Gee *,- 114; Huger. 27.114; T*nri**ee Coal and Iron, 27.19 U, New York Stock Dot. Atcnloon •• ... 2SOI R P*ef ........ 710 do prel $7%) Wnoa*t w* Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Depart Savannah on tl th Meridian Tun* One Hour Blower Than Cl nr Tuna Bchadules In Effect Hu uday. June A IM ItEADDOWNU TO hi F 1 a*i up ■R0.84 1 Mali [j ~ I Nc. 18 ~No.ti I II (Tantrt I Tims.) || J UPn i2 ko*) ,Lv Savannah Ai 6 .imui (Ea lar n TUne.J |i | 4 21pm 4 38.1 in Ar Blackvillo L 3 dim 1 I 37pm 4 Obpxwi 6 Ham, Ar Culumbla L< 1 I Ram II 2Sm 8 Mpgn: 9 45am Ar Cbarloti# U 44pm 12 9pm Ar Or* an* boro l.v 1 7 10tmj 8 48.itu 5 tSLnij ...... Ar Nxrrfolk .... ..... .... Lv| . 8 9U|xni ’ .*ni 1 38pm Ai Dan vllle .1 40pm *•.• fcawi 8 28pm, t Ar * Rich inoi .l i.v :. Olpm 11 4p 1 49a I 43p*n Ar l.yn.-hbuii. .... Lx 4 16am 4 35pm ; Ar cbariatlcsville Lx| 2 06i<4n|12 81pm 7 I6ani 8 50pm Ar Waxhmgton l.v 11 18ainj 9 .'*>,• 9 ISain 11 ;xspm ,Ar B ililmorw l.v 8 .'am, I ITpm 11 I6ani 2 Mam Ar .....PbUalelphia l.v 3 ioamj *. tAp’ii 2 68pm 6 23aai Ar .- New York l.v' '2 loam I Stum 8 lup'" * x Do#ion I.x 6 aopm|lO Mam No MII TO THE NORT H AND WEST. II Nx* 34 (I (Cenira I Time.) || 12 19ain{|Lv davaonab Ar -ua*o U (Laaiaru Time.) |( 4 80am,[Lv Catumbla Lv|j I 2>*m 9 Mam l.v foH>raabiirg Lvl! 6 18pm 12 lilpm Lv A*ri"Vllle l.v]| I 08t*n 4 02pm, Ar Hal Springe Lv 11 dim 7 30pm. Ar .Kaoxvllle Lx 6,m 4 10am Ar Iwxlngrxm I.x 10 80pm 7 45am Ar Ctncinnall Lv • h)i*m 7 Mam; Ar lauavtli* 1.v,: 7 *Bpm • MpmllAr st Louis I.r||Mam All train* arrive and depart from Ihe Plant System Sudan. THROUGH CAR SEHVICK. ETC. TRAINS AND 34 DAILY. NEW YOlt K AND FLORIDA EX PIUTSS VesU buled limited ualns, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car* b*la>*ei B.*vaiv nah and New York Connexcxa at Washington with ColonMl Expre * for Hnatxwi Pullman Sleeping Care between I'hirxwtr and Rlchmopd end * hail.aie and Nor folk Dining Cor* serve all meal* la 1 ween Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 34 AND 36 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL V.stlhu’ed llmllcd trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Care between 8* anxnah and New York Dining Care >srve ell meal* between Savannah anxt Washtnulxer Also Pullman Drawing B.xxm Ste- ping Care between Savannah and CbicluhOtL through Asheville end "The 1-nnd of ih* Sky." For complete Information as to rate#, achednlcs. etc., apply to O OROOVFR. Ticket Agent. Plsnt Syalem Station JAMES FREEMAN, C. P and T. A, 141 Bull street. Telephone*—Bell, 150; Oeorgla 850 8 H HARDWICK Assistant General Passenger Agent Atlanta. Ga Balt. A- Ohio . *7V do pref 16', Can Puc 87 HVhnel L E... Can. Sou 46 j <k> 2*l pref 224 Che*. A Ohio .. 360 Witte. Cen 12 Chi. 04 W 10 Third Avenue . .109 Chi.. B. & Q .. 120% Adam* B* 12* Chi.. I & L. .. 200 Amerl-wn . 159 dx> pref 53 jt'nhed St iles .. 45 (Til. A E I. v ... M'f WeJl* s'argn ...Ml Chi A Nw 1880 Am Cot >il ... 390 C.. R. I A P... 10401 xk> pref 65 C. C. C. A 81. ;Am Malting ... 40 Louis 58 | xlo pref 22 Col. Sort 50 Am. 8 A R. .. 365, do Ist pref ... 27 | do pref 8* 1 * do 2d pref .... 11 Am Spirits .... 14 Del A Hud .106'. 4a pref 17 D, L. A W. .172 Am Stex-I Hoop. 18 D A H G 1*0! *B> pref 64', xlo |>ref 65>,!Am B'eel A W #t Erie .. 108* di pref Tl do Ist pref ... 310 Am Tin Plate... 25*, Ot. N. prx-f M 0 do pref 79 Hocking Coal .. 120 Am Tobax’x'xy ... *7O Hocking V. ... 800 do pref 127 Illinois Cen 115 |An. Min. Ct>. . 12 lowa Cen IS ;Bmok R T. .. 89% xlo pref ........ 43 Col. F A X. ... 3D, L E A W. ... 2S'i*t'oot. Tob 245, do pref 92-. do pr* f 75', lorko Shore ... 299 Fexlernl Steel .. 390 L. A N 790' do pref 63', Manhattan L. . 850’Oen. Elec 137 Met St Ry. .148 iJhrcosw Sugar .. 490 Mex. Cen 19', do pref 96', M A St L. . 524fntem. Paper .. 170 do pref 11 I d<> pref Missouri Par .. 47V, Igu-Jexte *Rrn .... To Mobile A Ohio .31 Natl Rl''Ult -...310 M . K A T. .. 4' do prx-f *5 do pref ........ 2*iV|6*atl. Lend ..... l-’t N J. C 1270, do pref 9 N. Y. C 1274 Nal Rteel 230 N. A W. 31V do pref u *- *k pref 74 [n. Y A B. ...If North. Pac. ... 490 North Am I do pref 690T%*Tflc < oaet ... 510 Ont. A West. .. 190' do Ist pref .... *9 Ore. Ry. A N . 42 j do 2d pref *2 do pref 76 iPsdfl* 1 Mall .... M 4 Pennsylvania .126 people's Ga* .... B*o Reading 15 !Pre*#ed S Car.. 364 xlo Ist pref .... 520' *fo pref <* d*> 2*l pref .... 234'pu11. Pal. C9ar...m Rio O. W 53V, 8 R * T do pref 86 Sugar ]'s St L. A 8 F... 9V .b pref .........11Jr do im pr*f ... **■' Tenn f*. A 1..• xk> 3d pref .... 32 |JT. 8 I*eather .. W* St. L . Sw 11 l do pref T do |>ref 360%’. 8. Rubber .. 270 Paul IHH do pref ck> Union St P A O. ..195 1 ex-dlv 774 B**o Pac lIOIR 1 A 8 m Sou. Ry 194 dxr pref • • do pref 824 P. C. C. A St Tex. A Pac. ... 144 Louis 60 Union Pac 534 Bonds. V 8 2*. rtf*. ! M. A- O. 4s W l *’ registered ... 194 IN. Y. C. lau .19*41 do x-oup 1944!N. <7. gen. s*. 12*14 dais, reg ....119 Nor Pac. 8*.... 644 do B*. coup. ..110 | do 4# 101 do new 4. reg.l344iN. Y.. C. A St. L. do new 4s, c0u.1340 4s '97 1 * do old 4e. reg 115 N A W. eon. 4*. 974 do old 4s tu 116 Or#. Nav. l*ts...l' do sa, reg H34j do 4# .1* do s*. coup. .1134 0. 8. L. 6a ....1274 D of C. 3 65* 122 I <F> x-xsisol 5*....113 Atch. gen. 4* .101 Heading Geo 4* 860 do adj 4s ... *4.R •W. I*4* 9K Can. Sou. 2d# .1060 St L. A I. M. C of G. con. 5# 930 consol 5* 1124 do Ist Inc .bid 424 St L A San F xlo 2nd Inc .I*l*l. 1 general 6* 123 C. A O 40* 64 B*. P 4 controls ■ 1690 do 5* 129 ißt. P., C. A P. C A Nw. con.7*-139 | lsla ....118 do S F Deb.5a.1204. do 5a H 4 Chic. Term. 4*.. 92 isou. Pac 4s .... TT* fol Sou 4* ... BOOBOU. Ry 5* t*V D A H G. Ist* 1980 8 R A T 6a.. C itn 4* W fTex A Pac. Ist* 11*4 Erie Gen. 4s .. *9 do 2nd* 55 F W AD. C. fit ton Pac 4s ..lo|o j*,* ' 74 |Wabash Ist* ..117 Gen. Elec. Ss .. 119 | do 3d* I®> la Cent Ist* 11* West Shore 4* .1124 LAN uni 4s 990 Wl*. Cent, lets . 854 M . K A T. 2da 640 Va. Caoturles .. 694 tit* 4a ........... 99 | Naw York, ffx'P* 20 —Stanxlard 011 5394) 515. MISCELLANEOUS MAHKKT9. Nota.—These quotations ara revised dally, and ara kept as near as poealbl* In accord with the prevailing wholexai# prtcaa Official quotatioa* ara not uad when they disagree with the prices whoi*> aalera ask. Cosslry and Northerw Prodaee. POULTRY—Th* market la steady Quo. (aliens Brotters, 90©350. per pair; half grown. 48059 c, three-fouiah* grown, 86t* 0r; hen*. 45075*'; roosters, 4OtlMk-. ducks, 80078. . geese. 75c0|l 90. EGVTB— Steady at 14018 c BUTTER-Th# tone of th# market *• Arm Quotations: Western creamery. I*4 OMc; New York stale dairy. 170032 c. ax tra Elgin*. *4025c, CHEESE-Market Arm: fancy full cream chaeae. 13c for 29 to 22-pound average. 23039-pound average. 120 c. Early Vegetablca. IRISH POTATOES-Northern. 81.90 tack. CABBAGE—6OO7Oc per head. ONIONS—TeIIow. In barrel*. 8325. crates. 0c; r*4 *1 *9 Hreadaial*. May and Grain. FUJUR— Market ateadyj patent, 84 80; straight. 84.14; fancy. 84.09; fanally. 88.74. MEAL— Pearl, per barrel. 13.75; per sack. 81.19; city meal, per sack, bolted. 81 89** 1.24; water (round. 41 25. city grits, sack*. 8125. pearl grits. Hudnuta', par oariel. 82.84; per aack. 81120; sundry brand*. 81.2501 30 aaett. CORN-Market Arm. while. Job lots. Mo; aarload lota. 82c. mixed corn. Job lota. 82c, carload lot*, B*u, RICE Market stcadv. demand fair; fancy heaxi. 4c: fancy. 40c. Prime 8 Good 40010 Fair 4 040 Common 30 OATS Nx* 2 mixed, carload, 33',; J.,b lote. 35c. while dipped, 29 Jon; 37,- care. BRAN—Job lots, 95**; carload lote Ev il A Y Market steady; No 1. timothy. 95c Job: 90 car*; No. 2. 90c lob: 86 cars Me* Meet* ****** loarxl. BACON Market firm. I> 8 C It rMes. So*-; D S. bellies. 901*9% lEaslerni. D, S C R el*le*. !,. HAMS Sugar cured. 120f>130c. LARD—Pure. In ller -ee. k'y'uK'jr; In 50- |K>unil tins and 69 ;>ouiml tube. 844t9c; compound. In tlerxes, 64''; 80>pouhd line, and 80-poon*l tuba. 7c. Sugar wnxl Coffee. BUOAR- Cut loaf 6 *3! Diamond A * 3 Crushed 653 Confectioners' A.6.3 powxlered 6.s3jWhlte Extra C.. 6.98 XXXX. pxiw'|Extra C 696 Granulated 1.41 Golden C .6.78 Cubes 4.63! Yellow* 6 68 Mould A 6.3*' COFFEE— Mocha 26c |f’rime, No. 2 ...Moo Java *•►■ Hiood. No 4 .. .lioc Psalwrry 140 c r.xlr. No. 6 11 o Fancy No I—l2',c| Ordinary, No. 6 100 c Choice. No. 2 ..114*'i''ommon. No. 7.10 c Biurxxxxar, aitxi Mutxilug Supplies UME. CALCIUM. I’I.ASTKIt AND CEMENT— Alabama and Groigla lime In fair deniano and sell at 66 cents u barrel; special calcined plaaial. 81 00 per barrel, hair, 44i5c Ibisaxlale cement. 81 ami 35; carload lot*, special; Port rand cement, re tail. 82 25 carload tors. - o. u j .v LUMBER F. O. U VESSELS SAVAN NAH Minimum, yard six* a. 810&U0II 00; car alila. 812.5v015.<w. different stars, |!4 00 him*'. s)up stock. 816 'toy 18.00. sawn tl**, 8s hewn ties. 35031 c. OIL-Market steady, demand fair; sig nal. 460&.F. West Virginia Mark, 9012 c; lard, 4*r. nealsfoot. 00070*. machinery. 14 025*.'; linseed oil. raw. 670 c; ladled. Hr ; kerovene. prime whtiu. 12* ; water white. IS' ; Prall s astral. 14; rtexaturiaed slot* gasoline, drums, 110 c; emtMv ol! bgrreK Oehverexl, 45c SHUT Drop. 11 : B. I*, nnd large, 8l.; chilled 81.76. IRON Market very steady; Swede. 40e. NAILS —Cut, 12 60 bsa; wire, |2 85 two*. DAUBED WIRE—BB4O par too pounds straight goo*)s, 23080 c, sugar houxM mo laaseK. 15030 c. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin rrach •hot. $190: half kegs. *2.25. quarter kegs, 81 25; champion ducking, quarter kxsgs. 82 24; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. 11l 15. quarter kegs. 85.75; 1-pound canisters. *1 00. less 25 per cant : Tculadorf smokeless 4a>wder. l-pout3 can*. 1100. 10- pound cans. Mm pound Frnlla aad Nuts. APPLiai—Early Norlharn variety, 82.250 2.75. BANANAS tl.2T4< 1 50 hunch. PIN APPLES—Extra large Abhakns Cayennea 83.19 |>*r siundard crate; email Ue*l Spanish. 8: <st) LEMONS Market >iwidy at 815005.00. COTOANUTS i* 2.U.:50 par lon NUTH -Alnvutda. Turrugune, tfc; Tvlraa, 16c; wiilnula. 4’rench. 12c. Naples. 12c; pe cans, 12c; Braalls, 7c; Alberls, 18c aasor*- l nuts. iO piHind and 35-I*ound hoses, IJ*'. PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand; market llrm; fancy h ind-plcked. Virginia, per pounxl. 4H*-. hand-picked. Virginia, ex tras, 4c, N C. seed peanuts. 4c Deled and Keapuraled Frulla. APPLES—Evaporated. 70Q4C; suti-drlsd. I‘EA'TIEP -Evar***rated, pealed, 180 c; unpeal-d. 80*h*> PEAKS Evaporated, 9c APRB'OTH Kvai>oraied, 90c pound, nectarines. )0c RAISINS--!- L.. 82.00; Imperial cablneta, 82 25; loose. SO-i*ound boxes. 4080 c pound. Cation Imaging anil Tire. RAGGING—Market Arm; Jute. 20- pound. 5V large lots 90c; email lota, 1-pound. 84b*c. 10-pound, 40040 c; sea Island bagging. 120 c. TIES Standard. 46-po*md, arrow, large lota. 81 to. small lots. 81.60. Salt, llldea and Wool. SALT—Demand is ralr and tha market steady; canoed lots, lau-pound burlao sacks. 44c. 100-pnund cotton sack, 44c; 110* pound burlap sacks, b'y; 110-pound rollon sacks. 490 c; 225 fatund burlap a< ka Me; 125-pouial cotton sack. 56c; 20’- Ist If id burlap sacks. 85c. HlDES—Market Arm; dry flint. 130 c; dry sail. 110 c; green salted. 4c WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs snd black wool. 19-t; black, 14c; burry. Itr. Wax. 25c; tallow, Soe. Deer skins. 19c. MIiCKLLANEOf S. FlSH—Mackerel. Ualf-Lirrels. No. 1, 89 bu. So. i, W'Ai, No 4, 84.40. kits. No. L 81,46. No 2. $1 26; No. L 86c Codllah. '.-pounxl bricks, 40c; 2-pound bricks, 6c. smokx-l herrings, pr box. Me Dutch bar ring. In kegs. 81.10; new rouliau, half barrels. 8* 50 SYRUP Market quiet: Oeorgla and Florida syrup, buying at SdJJOc; selling al 82045 c; sugar houa. at lieulV, sailing at HONEY—Fair demand; erramad, tn bar rels. 85060- gallon. High wine basis. 81.26. OCK 4.N FIIMILMT9. COTTON— Savannah to Bxauon. par cwv. 21c; 4o New York, par cwi.. *9c; to Piulaxhtiphia. px>t bale. 81, Baltimore. 81 FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. MIS9d; (f*ct 54c); l,lv* r|HWI. 56c; (Ox'l sfio67c); Hamburg. Sit ; Genxm. 61a'; Harci-lona. 7n; 3tnn. heater, s*c; Havre. sc; Antwerp. 54c FOREIGN INDIRECT— Liverpool. 60c; Manchester 60 n mlnal. Hamburg. 6r: Havre 73; Genoa, 10.; H* *' ah'* Petersburg. 7&c; Anlwrrp, h*c LUMBER -Bv a.,s-Fr*lghl# dull; •> Baltlmoie and east ward. l |6.W par 01.. Including Portiaod. Plant System. of kail ways. Ttstns Operated by 99th Meridian Tl ms—On# Hour Slower Tnan City Tima. HHADDIU n | Eff.ctlv* Aug a 1S „ SfIXU UF *** I" - 14 ,7s Norxh and South. (, 2* i46 * - c lii. * .ua as „ g,., w ., i,, .--ai .i tiaii Ar,, t 46a —u l ‘ “ *** 11 hi, Ilp l b)u t 24a Ar .Charleston ... Lv ( jß lap 5 69aj * h'p 74L 4sp I j * 18a. 7 36p Ar Richmond lv" 9 641 6 I I 7 8I: 11 ip> Ar ..Washlbgiun... Li | IU 307 p I I 8 Mat Imi ,Ar .. .Baltimore..,, Lv 2 50a; I 46m. I >9 58a' IWu Ar PhllatldphU Lv> 12 4up 11 J3pj I | l l*pl 7 Wap A r ....Naw York... Lv„ 8 24p 4 46a|.. i * Jop 3 oop Ar .....Ballon .... Lv|t I tn,. |luoiit| - *4 I 18 | 15 | M i 3 (Tmlh ; 7* | M i U [ fi [ " RH* 5 24|> * Was 5 Jo|, 4 l.ujilA ...SaveMush .... Arp I 40.12 I a|U l'V 11 "W,IO lia 8 '|>, 6b p 1 50ai 7 55a| 4 aAr . VV*>cru* Lv 1" Sup: *p :• 45.1 9 *B] 7Wh • • i-i - iti-i : .... x nw mwvMs i m <s> < *• 10 30;. 7 440 13 *■*• :4a. khw \r ... Ja k omIII* Li[i**nz s Oup .Ft 7 JO* 6 | Mp| 8 op|U p.u OKp; Ar ... Palalka l,v:, V 40|>t 6 60p| 4 66a| 4 66* * j I 316 pi I lap, Ar Oeala ..... Lv I 40pj I I .... :to 80: )u b'p Ar .81. I'atarsburg . Lv ... 4 ism i 7 *9.1; 10 90- 10 oi|i 19 Uop(|Ar Tampa Lv! ; mm. tbui 7 lip] 7 *sp j 8 Kk] 10 hqtjlO V'c 10 Sip Ar .. . I'orl Tampa Lv|| 4 2ai 6 35a[ 7 OOpi 7 99p .... I J 1 Hkit 1 19st llmAr .. Duma Gorda l.v | 4 35pl 4 *tp .... j 5 Win .1 13s 3 p 5 **; l.v .. Savannah ... Lv||lO Urn 12 10a .... i [■... I I 7 10aI 4 26p! I 05.1' Ar Ilrun swirk Lx < 40a| 9 *6p< ’.. NORTH. WEST AN D SOUTHWEST i; ' ■ -U Aus Jx up || 14 II 1j ; 3. vim Monigxgin r> ,16 | 71 ■>o9' a 2x6* l.v Huxaitiiah Ar |lu Is 12 lua ift ixi| 4 66a l.v Sa\annah Ar at La 1 tOa •45p| 4 40a[|Ar .. Jwup.. Lv|| * 20a;i0 Wpj *li * ff* Ar M'lg tmtry l.v ’■ 7 ttpill 25a I Goal I ISp Ar Mac* Lv wax, 2mp 7 ISp 6 60s lAr Nshvlll* lew)! * 09al BRh 6 Jna. I K';> Ar Atlanta Lv 10 4i> 12 o-p I 16a 18 hr Ai Loulivllle Lv' 2 iia; S 12p * 4...1 V 40|C Al Cha'nxwga l.v 6it p ; .lax 7 9,5. 4 05pAr 4'Ui. Innall l.v II Oop 6 46p 7 >9*l 7 h'a Ar lanilvvlile Lv 7 4&a| 7 4jP 7 *oaj 7 lgf, Ar St. lul* Lv * Mpj *Ms 7 30p: 7 *..a Ar i mclctiail Lv , 8 ta, 7 imp | || (L 46 N > 1 64ai 4 Pg.ilAr St Limla l.v * ISp s oea 7 Slal IjAr Hi Loula Lv I OOp I llfdl 6HP ‘At Chicago Lv • 20p| 9 OOp I u (MAO) 6 4txi *l a- l.v Atlanta Ar 10 15p|lt 30a * 9 ISp"Ar , Chlcsaxx t.v 7Sp 1 46P 8 ft.p| 7 16a Ar Memphna l.v 4 *fci 9 oop , _ Hadis Ar Kansae) UyLvll 4 tap) 9 top 4 ItPj * 06a Ar.. M.b4l# . ,Lv||l2 ilp|ll Wa • tat,.i lag) gaily. • N Drlaans Lv|| 7 Sal 7 46p t Dally except Sunday. , 4 „ OMUBV cavumsli Ari|lo 16i 11 19a (Sunday only t 15a tl 89|> Ar . Tlfton lawtj S Ita 8 90S Through Pullman Hlceplr.g Car Kervlc* % 46*. I JOp Ar. Albany l.v 12 Ola S 44g <o North. Kail nnd West and to Fhwlda i \ 4 36p Ar Columbus Lvj| 19 00s I unnirllosx made al l'**rt 'lampa with ateamers l*r Key Weal as* Havana. I.esvlag I'orl Tampa ilvadays, Thuradays and latardsri at 11 iClxl p. m. J 11 Pol hem us T P A ; E A Armund . City Tkt Agt.. De Solo Hotel. Phone 71. II W WRENN, Passenger Tra m- Manager. Savannah. Oa McDonough & kallantyxe, w Iron Founders, Machinists, Uux a.uii :h. Simle are. xnnifiriDmi *.t xisii.n- '. '., v -■, 'Jjt ar> and I'vrlatu Kabiw. Vertlaal and lap Manning tarn Mills, Sugar Mill and Pnna, Ska tllag, I’alleya, e- . TELEPHONE NO. 123. LUMBER By Si earn -Savann ah to Bal llmore 45 M. lo P. It It. or R. A O. docks. 16.50. to Pbllaxlclphta. lli-v per cal., (4 (bn to foot); lt> New York. V <*> per M. *4 75 to dock, lightered to Boslua to dock. 86.U0. NAVAL BTOItKK -The market la Arm; mexllum *l*e x easel* It rain (Vtrk f-JT ortb-i a, Ss 6d pet barrel of 316 pound*, nnd 8 per cant prlmag-. Kplrlts. 4a 9d per 6> gallons gross, anil 5 per cent primage, large vessels, rosin. 30. spirit*, 4* *>l Kteam. 11c |er 100 pound* on ro#ln; 210 x on spirits. Kavannah lo Boston, nnd 900 on rosin snxl fir on spirit* *o New York. tin t lv, pnorißiaxn kto. New York. 8x pt 20 -flour market rather quiet, being -lleturtieil hr the sharp break 111 Wheat, although held nominally at unchanged price*. Rye flour, firm Corn meal, firm. Bye. xtutet Barley, steady: barley malt, dull Win ut —spot, easier; No. 2 rexl. 830 c; options o|* nexl firm on rains In the North weat, but suffered a collapse taler In the day through pronounced weakness at Mlnnea|to|ls. a reaction In* riwsit ca blea anil eslt-nalva unloading by lox-als. outsiders and forx urn house*, tog.-lhcr xxllh tin* xtlsfaclorv export developments, ciored weak si I'VfH'V net lower Bep t-mIH-r dosed IV. October, 82c; Decsm ber. #4O-. Corn—K|tol. firm; No. 2. 470 c; option* showed a declining tendency *ll -lav • sympathy with wheat and on liberal Chl rugu ear lot recetpto Closed weak. otf V net lower Be|ilemler t-Ug"-'d 47c; Oc tol er, 45c. Decavnber, 410 e. Oat*—Spot, quiet; No. 2. 25c| options ne glerted and nominally lower. Beef, st.-ady Cut meats, steady. |,ar-l. firmer; Western steamed. 27 8); cioiwl 17 *>> iiomlii4il, rclinw, firmer; continent, 87.85. Pork. firm. ; Tallow, firm. Rosin, steady I'etrolrum, ilull. Turpentine, firmer; 40 07141. Hlee. firm. ... ... Coffee—ffpot, Rio. quiet; No 7 Involeo. 10c; mild, quiet; Cordova. 9>,t114e FU turea o|s-ned steady, with priees MH'I petnto lower and rull quiet n-I weak un der liquidation following disappointing t able*, heavy receipt* at Rio and (Kotos, tin# itisfa- lory warehouse dallvertss and liearlsh attitude of spot bxiver. f loaed st-ady ni a decline of 5 pdntn. Total „ ,|e-. 18,580 bag*. Including rtepiember, 17 o*c December. 57 70. Kogxr raw firm; fair refining. 40c. centrifugal, 96 teal. *c; mol—e. ..war, 4c; refined, firm Butler sir Otis. Western creamery, K ,7f 210 c: stale dairy. 1508180 c. Cheese firm; large am* email white, lb' Eggs Arm; at"'# ■!>■ Pennsylvania. IMf KF. Western, regular packing, at m k. ’l'lUatoe* quiet; Jersey*. 81 fftttl 50. U>og Islarnl. ftl Vfijl.7s; Jersey sweei*. 8-Jdf * Peanut a steady, unchanged- Cnbtxoge quiet: lying Island, per 109. Cotton by ateam to Llvarpool, 40x\ (OTTO* 6KF.O OIL. New York. Kept 19-0045 W seed oil ,newel a firmer Influencl partly by continued strength In lard prod uds Prim* summer taumpt. off summer yellow. * V • P rl * Winter yellow. 4Hi42< ; prim# whMe. toy 41c; prime meal, 826 CHICAGO M4HKF.T*. Chicago sept. 20-U'hci.i broke heavily on clearing weather ami unreoponstve ca ble* to-day. October closing 10c lower Corn clotted V rtmra ami oat* unchanged IVovNonx at th* cUmn wvrr> WTtys to 12*£4- hthr. The fuium rnwl nn fOOow. Opffntmt flt*he*t U>w‘t.Clolnir. Whil No. t Sept ... 790 790 Od 7*'s7*o 790 77011770 770 Nov. ... 790H500 *o*s 7808780 Corn No *— Kept 40 2l? Oct *0 Nov 360 260 M 0 960 Sop*'t*7t 0®21H RH 2107W10 2108210 Oct 110R210 210 2108210 2108210 Nov O 30 210822 220 Mess pork, per barrel— -0 4 81190 812 120 811 *7O 812 10 Jan 11 30 1t 55 11 *7O U 620 laird, per ll oour.dtt— Oct 7 10 7 20 7 10 7 170 Jan 6720 ** R 0 * Short Rtb l-r ion pounds— Oct 7 *6 7 40 7 18 7 40 Jan 6OTO 414 4 070 615 Cash quotation* were as follow#: Flour steady; Nu. 2 spring wheal. 79ffT$0c; No. 2 red. TTO4IBOO' No * corn. *oc; No * yellow corn. *)ofta"#c; No i uat*. *lO 2Jc; No. 2 white. 25c; No. * white. 3\© 250 X-; No 2 rye '.20 ; ol feeding bar ley. 29c; fair to choice malting. f>lws.v. No. 1 flsssr—l 11.56; No. 1 Iteorthweslarn, It 51; (potitlnuad ua Butth l’ttga-J wGEORGIA liven. J Schedule* Effective Sep*. 19. 19M. Train* artlro at and depart from Ceairal Station. Waal proud. foot at Liberty street •fith Mertdtan Tima—Ona hour slower than ally lima. lava Arrtra Savannah: Bivanoah: jAuxusta, Macon. A Hants. | " *® 45am Covington. Milledget HleiNi win _ |an<l all intermediate puintsj (Augusta. Miron. Atlanta.) j Athens, Montgomery. Co-! *9 COpm Inmhoa, Birmingham. Am-|S (Oans _ |rlcu, Kufaula and Troy.f < <M tt *>fan( Ouylon Dinner Train. |t4 ISpm •Dally. IHxrepi Sunday. nrrrwKKN savannah and ttbkb. 7Sth meridian or Savannah city time. ÜBAVB SAVANNAH. Monday only (:& a m I rally except Monday 9.30 . m I lolly 3:ou p. in. LEAVE TV It BE. Monday only 7:15 n m Hally except Monday 10:96 a. m. Holly 6:30 p. m onnrrlloiis mad' al i.rnnnal points wllh nil trains Northarral, West and Houfhwfil, Sleeping corn on night trains between Savannah and Augusts, Macon, Atlanta •nd liirmtnirham. Parlor eara on day tralna between Ha Mkon and Atltntu Kr comp)* ta In forma Hon. a*vhe<lulc* ( ralftn and form** tionn. mply to W. O. lUtKWKH, Oily Ticket and Pm *"*** A*ent. JO7 Hull afreet, or W R McINTTUE. Depot Tleket Asent. f, PMNIIttr A pent. *.'**•**lNTON. Trsfßc Ms(,.r TIIEO. D. KLINE, Oen Superintendent, Savannah. Ga. fmfonmiia limited Double Daily Service The short lint to Norfolk, Washington, lialtimore, Philadelphia, New York and •he Ea at r | MftHl 11b" W I-v Savannah. 8. A. L I<y l 7 itpm]Ti~iipm Ar Columbia. 8 A. L. Hy 4 Mlpm| 4 Nam Ar Raleigh, B. A. L. Hy.,|ll 37pm|lt Kama Ar Durham. a L. Ily .j 7 Sbaml 4 tepm Ar Petersburg, BAI. Hy 4 Ikm; 4 Mpm Ar Richmond, 8. A. L. Ky| 5 Warn & 40pm Ar W'uxhlngton. Penna. | 9 Kami Mpm Ar Raltlmoro Penna...... 10 oSam U Bpra Ar Philadelphia. Penna.,. 12 CTpm 2 Ham Ar New Tork Penna I Opm * llata N o 44 OS. (J Lv Saranmb, I. A. L. Ryiu Bpmitl 64pm Af . l ‘ ort * ,Tloulh - B.A.URyI 7 (am| t 60pm leave Norfolk dally' excopi Hunday. for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New Tork, and dally for Washington. The short lln I > Montgomery, M obi la and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7: a. in., arriving al Montgomery 7:40 p. m , al which point clone connection la made with Iho L. A N. R. R-, arriving at Mobile 3 x a. m. and New Orleans TNO a. m. The short line to Kernandlna. Jackson ville. Tempi ami other Florida points. 1 So T n ITv 8a van ns ft . S. A.~L. ItyT K 4tatn| 1 Btpa At Frrnandlna, B.A.L.Ry 9!m 9 04pm Ar Jacksonville. B.A I..Ky 9 10am 7 40pm Ar T imps. B A. L Ry i pm 9 *oam Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping ear aervlce to Washington. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining cars from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Ilufrst parlor cars Savannah lo Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Ticket once. Bull and Bryan at roots. Phone t*. 1,000.000 HIDES WANTEO. DRY FLINTS UH* DRY SALTED HO* OIIEEN BALTED IVtO D. KIRKLAND, Successor lo R. Kirkland. Ml to 421 Ml Julian stroet, want. 7