The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 22, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 CREAMER GIVEN HIS JOB. HE WILL T IKK CHARGE At DE PI TY maraiial ON OCT. I. >of ifled of IDs Appolntmeat bv Mnvor Myers—Deput* Kelly Also Not ilteil That Ills Services %% 111 Not He Required After Aept. :tO—t res itter Waited a lona Time for Ills Vlettnrd—llls Appointment only a ntepptaa Atone to the City Mar shal's .lob. The expected has happened Mr J Bob' rt Creamer r* eived r.o* ce yester 4ay from Mcnr M>ers of hie appointment as deputy city marshal The apftolntment i mi dr under s t;on 2.3 of city cod#, which p*rmtts of the appoint ment of not more than three deputy mar shals L r the cMIe tion of t ixe and other purpDU The api ointment l* effective Oct 1 Mr Edward J Kelly also received no tice fr#n Mayor Mvers that his services a* a spec •a I assistant to th# Dhurer will pot h# required after Sept m. the section cf the tax ordinance under which his ap pointment was made having been repeal rd t*> Council Mr Kelly has dts* harg pi th* duties of hi* p*isltlon for the iat fourteen years, having begun his oervb * under 51 ay or Ut*r 'Faithful and hon est sen le* ” w ould be liter rib* and *u*on hi* dlsrharge pap* rs If he were a soldier of (he t nited States army. Th* notice to Mr Creamer contains the following language: "You will enter upon your duties Oct 1, next In addition to the duties la.d down In the above quoted section 1223). you will repvrt to the city treasurer and th< tax assessors from time •o tlmf You will report a 1 persons who are required to take out license as <-all-d for b> the tax ordlnan<*e, al*o. who #half neglect or omit to do so. an l all property subject but not return and; ind to perform such otiier duties In connection with the office as may !*♦ required or you by tle Mayor and the F!nnn> ♦* t’ommittee The appointee i als reiul*ed to file a bond fot s„*.ouo for the faithful fw-rform ance of hi# duties Mr t’reamer’a friends will l*e glad to know tht he ha* landed at last He h * tern on (he waiting list for a long tim* and It had begun to seem that h# would not b# provided for As one who had done veonitn rvl e f*r the t'‘ltlxens■ Club, an*l who had contributed Jsijfely to Its success in re ent campaigns, (his was regarded as rank injustl* * The tr*uble. It Is pretty well known, was that Mr Creamer ha*l been promts*d tdty Marshal Power’s Job. and the ad ministration found Itself unable to keep the promise. Marshal Power iwdng en trenched behind the city charter As Mr Creamer gave up hit* position as state ferttllur Inspector ?*ome time since In or ler to glv* his time more fully to the registration and as sine# then he his l*een doing nothing and drawing no sal a ry for It. It was felt Dat It was time that something should be done It was accord ingly decided to sacrifice Deputy Marshal Kelly, which has been done This will give Mr dreamer three months In which to famiharlse himself with the du*b s of the marshal'# office, at the end of which time It is confidently expected that he will step Into the shoe* of Marshal Power As the present • ’lty Council elects the city officials for the ensuing two year# (here seem* to be no reason to doubt that this expectation will le realised lilt K# PLEADED DtILTN. Aowag Hank Thief Sentenced to Aim Month* In Jntl. Frank Htrks. the young white hoy. who #rs arrested some time ago on the charge of larceny from the Chatham Rank, pleaded guilty In the Superior Court yesterday and was sentenced lo spend six months In Chathafcv county Jail. Hick# Is only about 15 years of age He was employed as a messenger at the bank and took advan tage of the opportunity presented at the time of the removal of the Iwink to Its temporary quarters on Whitaker street to ah*tra*t several bills from the money* packages Hts dishonesty might not have been so quickly del#, led had he not had the luck. 11l II proved for him. to extract two s:*> bills from a package when he doubtless qspected to get only fives. The package bad been in his care for a short time dur ing the removal of the funds, and suspi cion soon pointed to him as the guilty party. In the quiet of the jail he will Lava amp)# lime to reflect utaon the se rlousness of his mlstak** and to resolve Upc-fi a different course for the future. HI ft I ED WITH nOLUIEH HONOR A. Tap# and Military *slate at the Grave of T. J. liavlt. The funeral of Thoma* J. Davis, wrho xras shot and killed Thursday hy Jas K Flaming, took place yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock The body wa* taken from the house at No. 12i Congress street, east, to the Cathedral of St. John th** Baptist, tnenee to the Cathedral Cemetery, where th# burial was made A corporal and a squad of eight privates from Company B of the Guards attended the funeral, and tired a salute over the grave Taps were sounded by Bugler Joe Wltbtngton There xrns quite a large attendance of the war member# of Convpanv B, and among the handsomest of the tlhral tributes was a pillow from that company Inscribed "Company B.*’ WILL .NAME THE HIN AGRiI. A List Approved f > the t andldnte 4* • mil tee. The committre of the County Commis sion* rs appoints I Ht the last meeting to name managers for the October election Mill dispose of this matter next week. A list of nam#s of pirdes who w.ll lx* satis factory as managers to the candidates named at the ret ent primary has been furnished to the committee. It Is not known yet If any other ll#t will be fur nished. The election t ike- place Tuesday, Oct. 2, and an the Indication* are that there will be no contest there will prob ably be no rivalry as to managers. FORM % HIRED #.VHR MOIIE. Savannah Has Ac-nt Over S7.IVNI to talvrklon'i Hcllef. Treasurer W. P Bailey forwarded sstn additional In N* w York exchange to Treasurer John Sealey of the Galveston relief fund yesterday Till# make# a total of M.fiho already forward**! from the cltl %• r.s subscriptions, besld a nearly $3,000 forwarded from other sources. The treas urer wtlll has yifih.D In hand to the credit of the fund, and will continue to receive aubcnpt!ons. EGKNAE AND HAILS DISC If AIIUKD. Evidence Not Sufficient to Hold Them for \\ ina Slug lt*l*l*er>. John Kgense and Robert Hayes, the two hoys charged with having broken Into Wiug Sing’s laundry some time ago and also thought to have been connected with the recent burglar!**, were heard before the Recorder yesterday on the ftrat charge •nd dismissed, as there was not sufficient evidence on which to convict them. America# gieatest beverage is Cook’s Imperial Extra Dry Champagne, it Is th# pure juice of toe gtapta naturally fer %It It FATED FOR HONRK RTEBLDb. W . I). C arter Rsitl to Have Commit* fed That C rime In Screven. W D Carter, a white resident of this rpy, w is arrested yesterday by an of ficer of Magistrate Kline’s Court, on the j charge of horse st- aiit.g The warrant us sworn out hy Mr. 8 H Morgan of , Oliver. Screven county, where the theft I is said to have leen committed A or ding lo the story of Mr Jason ! Fiankllti of Excelsior. thJ animal was \ stolen from Mr. Morgan on the night of s *’*f*t JO The next day ’arter am# to him and. under the inme of Hunofekl. made a trade, leaving the animal that he I bad taken from Mr. Morgan, and tak ng j It* the pUt e of It a horse and buggy whl h bad leen given to him in x hangv by Mr Franklin The day after the -whsjp Mr Morgan Ira uig the fbelng thief, ime o Mr Franklin s hem** and readily Identified ms i his properly the .tnimMl ffist he had *.*k • n in exchange Mr Frankbn then starred j out on a hunt for Mr ’ Siinofski*' and traced him to Liberty City, where he i found chat he had sold the hor-e and bug kv and tuken ttv train for K.tvann ih. Mr | Franklin yesterday visited the Jail and [ idem I fled Carter h the pseudo horse. I tr.t*lrr of the suggestive name that had I done htm out of his horse and buggy. It | l# likely thit Ca nor will be taken back to Screven county for tral FASTKHLIA t O. lAJOINBD. W. f*. Croe Not to Re Deprived of Ilia Liquor Lftcenaes. A temporary Injunction was granted hy Judge FalMgant In the Superior Court it •* • j- Groves, restraining the lias erlin Whisky ( ompiny and the sheriff of the City Court from depriving the petitioner of the license used hy him In his business at the Planter's saloon, or otherwise intei fenng with him. Groves was required to tile a bond for |„* , <V conditioned to pay ail dam .iris whirh the Ki terlin Company might -uffer hy reason of th* granting of the injunction. The Kasterlln Whisky Company, In its reply to tlrov* # petition, ti fi yost**rda\. denies the allegations of Groves, charging htm with Ini filth, and a seen Ing that Groves did make a payment for IB on June I, !!■■* and that he afterwards ex hibited a receipt for 1150. double the amount of the payment The Ihenses In dispute are in the name of the Kasterlln Whiskv c ompany, but are claimed hy Grove# his prop rty under the arrange ment with the company FLBMINC. Ht.LK %*KD ON H AIL. %n Appro# ed Hood for S2.CHMI Fur nished Two Hondenten. James E Fleming, who Is charged with voluntary manslaughter In the killing of Thomas J. Davis In the De Soto bar Thursday afternoon, was released from Jail yesterday having given a bond of for ap|*earance brfore the grand Jury of the Superior Court. The bonds men weie W. I. O'Brien and John L. Archer. The bond was approved by Solicitor Gen* tal Osborne. Judge Failigant having slat ed that he considered the amount named sufficient, under the circumstances, the evidence before the coroner’s Jury appar ently Justifying h chaigc of manslaugh ter. It Is more than probable that che killing of Davis will be Investigated at the next session of (lie grapd Jury, and that the case will le dlspo**ed of at the present . rind n cf the court. HAVE ALL BEEN FINED. O'Dell anil llryan Paid •UNN) Each for Policy Lottery. In the City Court yesterday Charles J O'Dell and G D. Bryan pleaded guilty to charges of conducting policy lotteries* ami were fined ea.*h $l,OOO and cost#. The tine* were promptly paid The cases agalmd Messrs O’Dell and Bryan were entered u|*on th* docket some time since, hut were allowed t< lie over, presumably le i Miise of tl>e absence of the solicitor gen *ral from the city. They were the only two lottery proprle lors who were not • aught In the recent raid on the office# In Paradise Alley, and now that they have been Hse*pT| $1 n • ich the local sports can feci that JustD** has lieen •bw.i out with an even ham! all aropnd ami that nobody has been slight ed. Still, their experience was much more pleasant than that of Messrs Fulton and Henderson In th*- Superior Court. VUE PRESIDENT PALL lIDIIK \i raiiftlni for t liauges la Street Itsllnnr Ay sir ox* Mr. J II Fall of Nashville, vice pres ident of Savannah’s Street Hallway Sys tem. is in the city. The object of Mr. Fall’s visit here Is to close up the deal with the city for the re-arrangement of the tracks on Barnard and Whitaker street#. It Is largely due to Mr. Fall’s efforts that this change In the scree* railway lines, for which there has been a pubii • tft-inand ever stnee the present system rearranged, vrni decided u(H>n by the company. Mr. Fail -aid yesterday that the work will be taken up early this fall, as soon a* the material can !e secured, and the city ordinance* will |ermit. and pushed to completion. Barnard and Abe r corn streets will iw operated * * double.track belt ami car# run both ways on Whita ker at short Interval?*. TCI It ALLA FOR TUB TIC KKT. Hr >an and Itrvraaiin ( Inh to Whoop Thing* If* %e*t Week. The Bryan and Stevenson Club has #e cured tli* theater for Thursday night. Sept. 27. when It will hold a rally In be half • f the Democratic nomine***, to which all sympathiser# os well as club mem ber* will be invited Invitations have been Issued to a number of premium! men of ihc state and other w* II known Demo crat#. to take part In the rally, and It Is ex|ected that enough will accept to make the occasion an Interesting one. Among those Invited are Gov. Candler. Senators Clay and Bacon. Congressman Livingston, lion Boykin Wright. Hon F. G. dtilHgnon, Cd P. W Meldrlm. Hon. \V. W Oslorne. A A Lawrence. Ksq.. and others The president. Hon J. Ferris Cann. will preside, and the twenty-five ■ \lce presidents are expected to occupy seat# on the stage RTIIKET C'AHI IV C'OLLIRIOIV. One t r Derailed anti Rlighll> Dnin- N‘il Hut No One Hurl. Two cars of the Bivannah. Thunder lioit and Isle of Hope Kitiiway had a col lision yesterday afternoon Just before 4 o’clock at Broughton and At>ercorn street#. The north bound car on Abercorn street struck the trailer of a llroughton street ear going west. By the force of the blow the Abercorn cor wa# derailed, and the rear end swinging around struck the curb poat and smashed the foot hoard. Th*re was no other damage anti no one was hurt. A message for Jacks to get the car back on the track was sent to the office, but whan the car arrived with them the .othtr war was back on the track.. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1900. PAVING COMPANIES COMBINE. got THF N A < OMPAhIBS P AID TO HAY K FOR HKD A TRtXT. Aaptinlt and Brick People Have I nttnl fa f'sitrsl the Territory and Divide It %mma Them—Mrlck People Are >#w Laying Aaphall and t|ihalt Hea Are I.m> tn llrlck. vsvannsli Deserted l* the Asphalt Mepmlr Force. Rat Work to He Re ■ ■mrd best MoMfh-\tlr* of Itr nesjil of Aaplmlf Maintenance f ontrnct* Already C#l*en by the 4 Ity. All the asphalt and hr Lit pivlng com pat.le.- operating In this section have en tered Into a combination and divided the southern territory between them This Is the Information that oms to the Morning News from reliable sources The asphalt and the brnk people, after fighting each other for ten years, have concluded that there is more money In acting In harmony ni have made their arrangements to do wo. Hereafter when there t* a paving con tract to be awarded the same concern will mak** bids on asphalt, brick, granite bkvk or whatever material may be desired. In fact, this sort of thing Is already being done Mr. W. M Lasley of the Tennes- Paving Brl k Company of chattanoo xa. which has furnished most of Kavan t ah'* paving brick. Is now filling big con tracts In Atlanta and Norfolk, Va Mr. Arthur Bhreve, mang#r of the Routhcrn Asphalt l*a\lug Company, which laid Drayton street. h row laying paving brick In some of the Virginia cities. That there is such a combination was confirmed from two separate, and distinct xdurcew. A* to how tt will work out, and is to what the effect will be upon Bavan na h. there was some difference of opin ion. but that a combine baa been effected there is no doubt. The first overt evi dence of the new leal here was the dis appearance of the Southern Asphalt Pav ing <Y>mpony's foice from the city. Aft er giving the asphalt street* a thorough overhauling hupt Nichols of the Koutlt • rn too* i, rlb over the city with Direc tor < b*i wien of the put>ll' work*, and an nounced that h* considered the asphalt *irets go.-l until October. There Is rome difference of opinion on thl score, bow evf r. and aw home wear ami f**at ha* developed, the ntgro watchman in harg* •*f the company’s plant here, being the • de remaining representative of the force ha* been notified to that effect. Hupcrtn tend^nt i* now in Atlanta, help ing Mr. lailsy with hi* paving contract There ha* been no attempt on tlie part of the Kouthein Asphalt Paving Company, however, to Jump Its contract with the lty Superintendent Shreve. who was hero two or three weeks g*>, gave some intimation of the state of affairs, and th. conditions which have arisen. While it I- stated to be the Intention of the Southern Asphalt Company to give up It* office beta It will still retain Its repair force and the force Is expected t* put in an upp atari. • on tw*t. 1 The company 1* under a $ I •<m Uvnd to the city for the faithful performance of its contract, and it cannot afford to back out, even If It had any dc. ire to do so. which Is not believed to be the case. In order to be on the safe side. Phalrmnn Dixon of the Street and Lane Committee had Director Gadsden notify ih** Southern Asphalt Company of the Intention of the *dty to take advantage of the renewal clause in Its contracts, by which the con tracts for maintaining the gtreta can be renewed for five years by giving notice three month* before the expiration of the present contracts. The dlr*ctor was In structed to give nottc of Intention to re new all contracts. As the city only pay* b cents a square yard for maintenance and the contracts are hardly profitable to the company It I* seen that there U good rea son for taking time by the forelock In making renewals. According to the understanding her. the Southern Asphalt Paving Company and the Tennessee Paving Brick Company have got control of all the territory south of Baltimore, both for brick and asphalt. The Barber Company of New York, whit h owns the Trinidad Lake, practically controls the aspnalt supply of the world. The Barber Comp.gty appor tions the territory between th* various asphalt companies, and the W.irren-Rchnrf had exclusive control In this section un til the Kuiithern Asphalt Company of Baltimore entered the field The recent deal l* understood to have been made with the WtrrenJkhsrf Company. Asked as to the effect this combination is likely to have upon Havannah. Alder man Dixon said that he was not sufficient ly Informed as vet to hasard an opinion on the subject Savannah la not likely to w ani any more asphalt paving for some time to come, he said, and so Is not likely to worry on that score. The city ha* a contract with the Tennessee Paving Brick Conn any, good until Jan. 1. Insuring It all thenrlck It may need at a low figure About the only paving work Aldermin Dixon has in view for this fall 1* Indian street, and thl*. be think*, will have to t*e done with Belgian block on account of the heavy traffic on that Mrert. Il 1* understood to be the Intention of the usph tli t oni>ny to begin next month putting the streets in thorough condition for the Winter.. If the afreets are per mit tel to get in the same condition a* they wne last spring, however, It I* like ly to mean a serioua reduction In the com pany's bill. There are several places which ne*l repair now. and the asphalt streets have a way of going to pieces very rapidly, when they once start on the decline. ritlth* MEDAL A KNOW I.BIMJED. l ot. %. H. l or, ton Ktprrur. the Thunk* of the Association for 11. Mr. Charlew Mark*, who gave the Charles Mark* m-< to the Savannah Military Rttle Rung* Aseoi'latlon, receiv ed yesterday the following letter: "Mr. Charles Mark*. Savannah Oa Sir: I am dlrra'led by the Savannah Military Rifle Range A**odat!o to express to you It* cordial thank* and appreciation of your gift to It of a medal to he shot for an nually under such condition* a* may be prescribed by the asso. tatlon. and to be known a* the 'Charles Marks Medal.* Thh* gift the association takes great pleasure In accepting, and begs me to assure you of It* high appreciation of the public spirit prompted It. It will he the earnest endeavor of the association to continue the rifle practice which It ha* *o long fos tered. and to make the Improvement more marked In flic future even than It ha* iwen In the past. 1 am. very respect fully. Your obedient servant. Alexander R laiw ton. President Savannah Military Rifle Range Association." Mr*. Golden, who ha* been engugrd to manage my millinery department, has re turned from the North, where she has lieen for several weeks sele ting the stock. She will la* prepared to show the very latest etyle* In few day*, when she will be pleased to see her many friends. P. T Foye—ed. ■—l. . ■ - i■■ f .Hinder, kept, doth. Is the last day for the Sunday excuratons to Cliarlealon. Ticket, on sale for train leaving Savannah S:io a. m . good to return on train leaving Charleston at S:00 p. m. or U:!S p. m . Sunday*, at tate of ft > for the round trip. Chair cars o cents extra - d - . A PHILIPPINE TMALBDY. MfMfßtSfi sf a I ol#red AoltlirT Re ceived la inißiinnh. Two pbturea and a simple, perwlled let ter ate In the hands of Mr* K P Hamil ton awaiting identify atlon that may con nect them with someone of the thou sands of tragedies that have been enact ed In the Philippines within the last two years. One of the picture! Is of a stal wart colored soldier ami the other is that of a very young colored woman and a baby. The letter Is that of the wife to her husband. Mrs Hamilton is at a loss to under stand Just how she ome* to be In |*o*- sejudon of the mementoes They reached her while she was at Hendersonville. N (’,, a few day* ago. having come from Chaplain Allen A liens worth of the Twen ty-fourth Putted Ktates Infantry Th* of n-er mo t have forgotten to encloee a word of explanation, for save the three articles mrnttoned, there Is not a thing to explain why the envelope Inclosing them was sent to Mrs. Hamilton or whai was desired of her. The picture of the soldier shows the best type of the colored Infantryman The man wa* a bright mulatto, tall and well pro|inrtlon#d and his uniform wg* the kh.tkt that i* worn in warm climates. It i* believed the man enlisted m Kavan -14.1, for the letter was sent from this city Hie wife addressed him as “Dear Clem.” though without giving his sur name. so that identification by that means wus not po*.h,e Mr*. Hamilton Is ready to showr the picture* to any worn ti who may rail, a* she anxious that the trust that wo* reposed In her may result in the discovery of the wife. Mrs Hamil ton's name and address were given tn the woman's letter to her husband, and It was from that the chaplain probably obtained his cue. Mr* Hamilton, how ever. ha* never been called upon by any one inquiring for a reply to the letter, nor dots she recall either the man of the one picture or the woman of the other One woman heard of the plcturee Mrs. Hamilton had received. By a singular co- Inc dence. she had a son in the f'hlltn pines, who had enlisted In Savannah, and III* name was Cieni Rhe had heard that was the name of the man of whom Mrs. Hamilton had pe n advised In the chui laln's strange manner, and when she call ed at Mr* Hamilton's home she was un able to restrain her gtl f. being sure that it wa*# the picture of her son she would bud Her transition from taara to Joy was rapid, for a glance showed that there was a • oincidein e in names; that the man of the picture was not her son. *l\tiKM LBIYBS FOR *F.YY YORK. Mrs. C. D. Yflse Will *pend the Y% la ter There aad May Make It Her Home. Mrs <’ D. Mlxe. for the last four years •v resident of this city, where she has been recognized as among the foremost of Havannah'* singers and teacher*, will leave Monday for New York, where she will spend the coming winter, and where -he may make her future home Hhe goes to secure for herself a wider musical Held rd that musical culture and at m**pheie that can le obtained only in the metropolis. Two of her pupils from thi* city. Ml** Kills X Snuptrlne, and Ml** Ida K Kline together with Miss Alice Hartwell of Riimtntrviilf, Mrs*., and Miss Pfaff of ogwego. Kan., will Join her In New York, and under her tuition and onage. will continue their musical studies. Mr*. Mlxe wa* r member of the choir of the First Ir -byterlan Church, and of the Bavanntth Music Club Khe has al ways taken ;*n enthusiastic Interest in all things musical, and her departure will be *s deeply t< ©retted by ail mush* lov ers as It Wdii be by those closer friend* to whom she h*.l endeared herself by her many social qualities. I MV. MI .< I. IV I. It s|| 11* i %J4F.. Url/Nnahlln-Stnrlrvsnt Trnnhles to Re Ylred In I mart To-day. The M> L’ignhn-R’urtevjint receivership ■ •as*, the clrcum*taq< ci of whioh have al ready bean given considerable space in the irewspapars. la set for a hearing in the Su perior Court this morning The two part ners, who have been unable to agree as •o a division of the stock, and a settle ment of the partnership, will air theli trouble* and leave the court to suggest a remedy. Th> main question which will come be fore the court this morning is likely to that of the appointment of a permanen; receiver Mr. Melting.illn. who bring* he |>eltion for the receivership, and hi* vttcrtiey*. favor the continuance of the Temporary receiver. Mr. I D Laßochc. * permanent receiver. It Is understood <hat Mr Sturt ova nt and hi* attorney will ask the court to appoint Mr W F low. The issue* which have been raised b* tween the partners hive attracted con sider h> attention aiut the hearing Is ex pected to be an interrating one. KF.t HI ITINt- THE GANG. Judge Norwood Furnishes Half n Wcore of htrrtdy Workers. Judge Norwood drill nut twelve months sentences with a painful monotony, to the offenders in the City Court yesterday Among those who will serve the city for this length of time, unless they cat) man to stir up considerable nmotint* of ash for tines and costs of court, are the following Willie Hnrrig. attempted larceny from the store of J It. Einstein; Andrew Sax ton. larceny of cigars from the store of Smith llro** ; Alex Haywood and Sid ney Albright, vagrancy; While Togc. lar eny of bicycle material from J. L. Cheevr**; find Arthur Wesley, larceny of clothing from Willie Wong Kee. Joel Grant and Willie Wilson, for car r>lng concealed weapons, were let off with fine* of s2h even, or three months on the gang Rosa .lrnkln*. assault and but tery. and S William*, larceny from John Rourlte A Sons, were each given six months. TRIM bit: in tiik TKNDFHMMN. Ilesulted In %\ arrant* Being Auel Out Against the Participants, There was a fight between two residents of the Tenderloin yesterday afternoon that will find Its way Info the magistrate’s court# to-day and may have an Interest ing sequel The inmate of a house on Oglethorpe avenue. letween Habersham and Price streets, decided to change her abode and w*rp to another house a few doors away. The proprietress of the house That she de sired to leave, according to her story, re ft* nied her going, and in the difficulty that followed <isenulted her and tore tier clothe*, beside* refusing to Allow her to remove her property. The victim of file assault has sued out two warrant* against her assailant and they doubtless will be served to-day. The proprietress of the house to which the girl afterwards went has sued out an attach ment for the girl's property and that also is likely to be served to-day. Ussaart Paid tlae t oots. The case of K A. M assart. proprietor of the Royal Music Hall, against Mis* Llszie Stewart, a we!) known vaudeville artist, who broke her contract with the Ro>al to go Y) the 'Alhambra, was settled yerterdwy. Mi Mssvart paying the coats. *nd the proceeding* being dismissed. LIMITS OF THE DIVISIONS. CIIK I'LU THAT RHOWII HOW Pl* %NT IVRTKM W lIX Hi: DIVIDED. DuUlnn *npr rlnirnd**nt* and Their il**iift<| ti ii rfrrn Ind ten ted by Infor* malliMi From the Office of the lieo eml Anperlatendral—4 Me moir Effective on tbrl. I-Meori. W . H. U right. (iifirgf W. Malar*, n. K. Kirkland. R. R. Fltsslmon*. M. A. Kord and J. J. Pardon Will He to t horse of the DtF'lotos*. Information of the change* in the Plant System d\ieions ami the name* of those Ik> will he in charge a* wuperlmenttentn. will he nr of out fiom the office of Oen Supt W. H. Denham in the following cin ular: Kfle tlva. net. 1 I>*. tne arrangement of divisions will he a* follows. First Division-Mr W, H Wright, superintendent; Charleston and Savannah Hallway, Green Pond, Walterboro arxl Hranrhvllle Hallway. Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, between Central Junction nd davannah, Oa . including •he Savannah terminals, headquarter# at j*a\ innah Second Division—Mr George W Haines, superintendent Savannah, Florida and Western Hallway, between gout hover Junction. Ga and Jacksonville, Kla Rrunswl k and Western Railroad, includ ing the Waycross. Jacksonville. Brunswick id Albany terminal#, headquarters at Wnyerocs. Thltd Division-Mr D F Kirkland, superintendent: Savannah. Florida ami Western Hiilway, between Wiycro## ami Thomasville. Oa.; Dupont Junction. Oa.. and High Springs. Fla . Thomasville and Albany Junction. Ga.; Thomasville, On and Month >Uo. FI . Including the Thoni tisvlllo terminals; headquarters at Thom asvltle. Os. Fourth Division Mr. 8 8 Fltseimoß* superintendent: Bav innah. Florida and Western Hallway, between Thoma*vtlle •nd Hailihridge, (•!.; t'timax. Oa.. and t'hattahoiK hee. FI * . Alabama Midland Hallway. Abbeville Southern Hallway. Southwestern of Alabama Hallway, head qu trier.- at Montgomery. Ala Fifth Division—Mr. If. A Kord Super intendent Savannah. Florida and West ern Hallway, between High Springs and Gainesville. Fla.. High Springs and lake land. Kla . Florida Southern Railroad. Pa latka Division. Stiver Springs. O* ala and Gulf Railroad; Sanford and St Peters burg Railroad tsouth of Trilby); St Johns •tnd Lake Kustls Railroad; Sanford and I#ake Kustls Railway, including the High Spring.! and ka terminals. Head quarters at Gainesville. Fla St*th Division—Mr. J J Purdon, Super intendent. Savannah. Florida and West ern Railway, between Jacksonville and Port Tump'i; DeLand Junction and De- Und; Sanford and Oviedo; Kissimmee and Narcooasee; Bartow Junction and Par tow; lakeland and Bartow. Kla : Rone Valley Branch; Thonotosa*** Branch; Sanford and St Petersburg Railroad (north of Trilby): Florida Southern Rail road; Charlotte Harbor Division, including the I,ake|;md terminals. Headquarters at Sanford. Fla ►Vtf'TJl tnill T <M.(H €' INK. Inf*trmntton Inr l'nrmf*r Ufttrd lt> tlif* Mitral It if 1 1 r.M*l. Under thn aorlfs of "Fact* for th* Farir er,“ begun l>y Pre.ldrnt John M of th# Central. Mr. R. 1.. PrHihard, land and ln<lu.trbil agent, ha* jut tu#d 111* bulletin for Heptember lo the farmer* living the 1 line. The bulletin l* ilr* voted exclusively to augur cane—lt* cul ture. oonveraloti Into syrup and the mar keting of the product. The circular. In l>urt. 1* a* follow*: "Cane grown on a black alluvial eoll will make a greater totmagf per acre than cane grown on a light soil, but I* lack ing In sugar content. Thu*, analyses of Georgia cane show IS per cent of sugar, white analyse* of lat.ilsiatia cane show hut 12 |-er cent Most of the land* of Houth Georgia ami Alabama are admira bly adapted to the growth of sugar cane, and there Is no doubt but that the near future will see most of these lands being used for this pur|K*e. bringing the pro ducer* even greater financial returns than are obtain.d by the planters of latutel ana Hut economical sugar making ha* become an exact science, regulrlng costly machinery and educated experts, and the present scattered acreage o( Georgia and Alaiuma I* not sufficient to warrant the establishment of central sugar houses, costing from *2W,080.Q to tcMMKOOO. Fotlnnately, however, the syttip which is made Irom the cane grown In South Georgia and Alabama Is of a super.or qual ity and brings n financial return which enaale* a farmer to make as much out of hi# cane by making syrup as he would In- ultie lo get by making sugar. Geoi gia • enc syrup ha* ntwrnys had the very !>et reputation in the markets, but here tofore the market* have only been tit. home markets and a few localities of North Georgia and the Carolina* During trcenl year*, however. Georgia cane syrup ha* been Introduced In the Northern mar kets. where It competes with maple syrup an article universally used throughout the North. The supply of pure niapl.- ayrup. however, does not and cannot equal the demand, and of recent years most of the so-, ailed maple syrup found ill th: open market is simply glucose mixed with other materials and chemicals in order to give It flavor. The pure Georgia cane syrup I* superior lo any syrup made, and when Inr rod nr. and pi any market it demand Is created which Is over Increasing The supply of syrup during the past year was noi near equol to the demand A vast market, heretofore closed, has now been opened, and it will t ike an Immense In on i*e In acreage of Georgia cane In ol der to etipply the demand for the syrup In the future. ' Many experiment* have be“n mad.- In order to obtain come method of making syrup *> that It will not ferment. Until recently no simple method of obtaining this deslr. and end lias lieen made know n For s-veral years, however, ninny of the farmers of Houth Georgia and Florida have been ti-lng the common Spanish mo>* for Ibis purpose with great auc c, **. The moss glows luxuriantly up>n tile forest tree* of Mouth Georgia and Florida, and the meCiod of using It to pr. vent fermentation of can* syrup was explained by I’rof Htockhrt.lg.* of the Florida Station, at the recent meeting of the Georgia State Agricultur al Society, Kvery syrup maker should ob tain two barrels of ml* mo**, and the farmers of Central Georgia or other lo calities where the moss I* not native, can easily obtain a supp’y -from the southern portion of either of th*jr stair* The fresh moss should le cur. and hy placing It ender a bed of sand for almut three weeks. The Juice from the mill atioul.l run through a barrel compactly tilled with the moss, and from iht* barrel go Intei the evaporator. In * me unexplained way the moss has the power of extrac.lng the Im port* lea from the Juice, so that the syrup will not only not ferment, l.ut will not crystallise After the barrel of moss lie* iieen used for a day the moss should he thoroughly washed atd exposed to the air end sunlight for a day liefore being used again. Thus two barrels of the m*m are needed, the same on# being used every other da>. This meitwd of making a non fermenting syrup I* very simple and sltou and be practiced by every Georgia ayr up maker In making up this season's crop. "Syrup should he of a uniform dentily Old syruy-tnakers pride themselves In snaking a syrup always of the tame thick- nets They know Just worn to slop in. boldng. or think they do By the mettH**i at present in use the mutter of obtain ing the proper density Is simply guess work, and there is 3 world of difference between gues* work and accuracy There Is a little instrument, known as the Baume hydrometer, or saccharometcr, by mran of which the same density can always be obtained. The eacv’harometer can be ob tained at the drug store* for 75 cents, and every syrup-maker should have one. no matter how expert he may be “Afer the rant Julct has passed through the Spanish moss. It should be plm tai into th. grand .ompartment of the evaporator Here the heat coagulates the arum*, which *liould be removed by of a *tr.nn# r on a long handle. After re moving tlw**. the Juice should he transferred to the sirop.where It lx allowed to boll, ami any xcum* now forming should be removed back to the grand by means of a wooden paddle When a thin syrup, whkh will teat J* to 2& degrees with the save barometer Is obtained. It should he tran*ferred t the bottery and boiled until It tests 34 to 3t> degrees By the prove** above described a good qualify of non-fernentlng syrup may be obtained which will bring a very profita ble price If the *yrup l then put tip In small packages.quart or gallon will sell for a much higher price than If put ftp in barrels. The “mall packages should bear attractive labels wih the makers' name snd address In this way It Is nn easy matter to work up a reputation In the maiket. and once the reputation is ob tained. it will be almost impossible to sup ply the demand for the syrup. “The farmers of South Georgia and Southeastern Alabama have a great source of future prosperity before them in the cultivation of sugar cane, and It I* ho|ed that ample quantities of seed will be saved this year In order that an In creased acreage may be planted another season.” The circular Issued by President John M Egan of the Ocean Steamship t'ompa ny. announcing the appointment of Mr P K. LaFevre as manager of the company, wit headquarters In New York, is being mailed to those whom If concern*. Any "segregation” news is eagerly watched by Ocean Steamship Company empkvyf*. The general freight and passenger agent has not yet been appointed. An exhaustive and comprehensive artl c|e on railroad* and their relation to the farming, industrial, manufacturing and commercial development of the country, prepare#! by Mr Alexander Helper, secre tary of the Retailer*’ Association of Bal timore. and delivered by him before the Southern Industrial Convention at Chatta nooga last May, ha* been published In pamphlet form It Is Interesting reading for railroad and <ommercla! folk HOWELL TITIB RELEASED. Settled YYltk the Prnseratar aad thr Charge* Withdrawn. A nolle prosequi was entered tn the City Court yesterday, by request of the prose cution. In the case of Howell Titus, chatged with cheating and swindling Mr W. B Sturtevant, tpe prosecutor, made a statement to the effect that Titus had sen led with hi in for the Amount of the draft, which he help#*d ihe latter to cash last June. Titus also agreeing to pay the cost* of the case. Your best friend can give no better ad vlce than this: "For Impure blood, bad stomach and weak nerves take Hood's Hat saiarllla— ad. Mrs. Golden, who has been engaged to manage my millinery department, haw re turned from the North, where she has been for several weeks selecting the stock She will he |re pa red to show the very latest sty lew In a few days, when she will he pleased to see her many friends P. T. Faye.—ad. Half Hate to Nnros Via Tha Central of Cieargla Railway Arrosst Macon Xtreet Fair. Tickets on sale from all points tn Geor gia. Kept U-2S. Inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive Macon forenoon. Sept 29 Final limit Oc4. 1, 19tt> Ticket office 107 Bull street and Central paw- ng r station.—ad. Jnhnuns's Fklli and Fever Towle Is ion tlm** better than quinine and does in a single day what slow and uncertain quinine cannot do in ten days. It will cure in a few day# those obsti nate types of fever that halig on for weeks alien treated with quinine. It will cure typhoid fever and nothing else will. It does its work quickly and thoroughly and nothing else does. it places the fever patient beyond the point of danger in a day and nothing elsa can. Those who have implicit faith in the tonic are secure Those who doubt arc In danger Those who will not use it, place their lives in Jeopardy. From a Honor. Our people were suffering from typho malarial fever Some M D .’* called It gen uine typhoid Many of these* patients died and those that recovered were sick from 4 to I weeks. I gave my patients Johnson’s tonic and in every Instance the fever cooled down within twenty-four hours and did not re turn. and the patten'* regained their for mer good health rapidly J F Klncheloe. M D.. Conway, Ark —ud. Last Holiday Emearslaw to Brans, wlelt Will leave Savannah, via th* Plant Sys tem. Sunday. Sept 30; train leaves Savan nah 6 30 a. rn ; returning leave* Brunswick 3:M p. m. Tickets s!.(v for the round trip. —ud. Close of the Excursion Reason. The Plant System Sunday excursions to CharleMon and Brunswick will be discon tinued after Sunday. Sept gg. Ticket* sold to both points at rate of Si on for the round trip, limited to date of M U —ad. A Belleloias *mile. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and is truly a delightful enjoyment to inhale the fume* of this fine toha co It Is evhilaratlng and delicious. B<e that the name of Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper of every cigar with out which none are genuine The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of fin Concha* at S3 an a Prfe<.to. USO a( Uppm.n Bros w'hola- Mlo dru**!-" 1 Barnard and tonara,. streets, of this city -ad. • * Arrangements have been effect* and by whic h l.flOO mtla booh*, lh* price of which I* each, laauod by rh Seaboard Air idii* Kailway. arc honored through to Wachtnutott over th* Hrnnaylvanlu R a u road, from I'orumouth to Maltimora ov* the Baltimore Hteum J’a. ket Compani and between Clinton and Columbia over tnc Columbia. Newberry and Luren* Railroad Thla arranßereeiM Include* tha book* l*ued by Ihe Florida Central and I'enlnaular and Ueorgla a IM j Alabama Railroad*.—nd. ma “It ( ureit J,e.” "Oraybeard broka up rhaumatl.m on me." aaya Mr. Chaa. Thomaa. the tew eler on Whitaker atreet. "And put meTn bewer health than J have enjoyed In a loti* time." ■ : Jr,rb '* M Plll * tr " h dlwy 2l?h • nd follow Rup Oraybeard. It ,]| yo £ Savannah, CO ” nn Of HOPf nmoa 11 rt l HIUUk Tor of Hop-. Mon,*om*rjr. Thunder bolt. Cottle Park anti Want tnd Daliy except buiula),. Subject lo cbang without notice. IBUE Of HOPt ~ Lv. city lor 1 or H.| Lv Ida of Hope *> an fm Team i~e Mi am for Boitoo TJO am from Tenth | tui am for Tenth **o am from Tenth | 700 am for Tenth tIS am from Bolton SOO am for Tenth MlO am from Tenth 10 00 am for Tenth UOO n n from Tenth 11 do am for Bolton 1 U pm from BoMon 11 SO am for Tenth ISO pm from Tenth 200 pm for Tenth ISO pm from Tenth , 2 to pm for Bolton 410 pm from Tenth tue ( >m for Tenth INpm from Tenth 4m pm for Tenth So pm from Tenth 4uo nm for Tenth 7M pm Item Tenth 700 pm for Tenth ISO pm ffbrn Tenth 100 pm for Tenth so pm from Tenth SOO pm for Tenth 10 SO pm from Tenth 10 00 pm for Tenth __________ U 00 pm ter Tenth MONTOOMKRT. Lv city for Mone ry.~"T,v. Montromery' *lO am from T-nth 7IS am for Tenth' 2SO pm from Tenth lIS pm for Tenth 4so pm from Tenth 400 pm for Tenth CATTLE PARK. Lv city tor cal. Park! Lv. Cm tie Park SO am from Bolton j 700 am for Bolton 7 SO am from Bolton ( I 00 am for Bolton 100 pm from Bolton 110 pm for Bolton fSO pm from Bolton j S 00 pm for Bollcn 700 pm from Bolton 7SO pm for Bolton O' pm from Bolton *lO pm for Bolton THINDEBBULT Car leaves Bolton street Junction (So a. m. and every thirty minute, thereaft r until 11 SO p. m. Car leave. Thunderbolt at 4:00 a. m enl every thirty minute* thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton areet Jim . tlon FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR Thle car carries trailer for on all trips end leave, west aide of city market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and all Intermediate point, at t.Ou n 1:00 p. m , fc 0U p. m. Leave, Die of Hop* for Thunderbolt City Marked and all Intermedia!, po:nt, at 600 a. m 11 00 a m-. 240 p. tr. WEST END CAR. Car leave, aide of city market for Weet End 400 a. m. and every 40 tn ... thereafter during the day until 11:10 r m Leaves Went End at * 30 a. m. and ary 40 minute, therr.tf4er during the and. until 12:00 o’clock midnlrM H M LOFTON Oen Mrr BUILDERS' HARDWARE —AND— WAGON MATERIAL. turn Min sis 11.*! Bronglon JHrret, Writ. Seed Oats! Seed Rve! Texae Runt Proof Oats. Coast-rat<el Rye. Cow Feed. Hay. Grain, Bran and Feed, of all kinds for stock and poultrj. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 222. US Bay atteet, west. BRFJVNAN BROS., B HOLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. BAY STREET. Was*. Ittepheat 4h. SEED RYE. OEOROIA BKED RYE. BOI.THKKN HKKD RYE. TEXAS RED R, P. OATS. HAY. GRAIN. KLtOL’R. FEED. FRVITfc AND VEGETABLES. CHEESE. BEANS, PEAS. w. 1) SIMKINS & CO. H CMICMCSTCR’U INOIIBH Pennyroyal pills ■ OrtfUsl Bfct (Tnlr Ussfclsr. IF7ir‘AHrE. ssttofc'* j suHft i-- '• >fpA i ff ('ll l( IIK'iTKH** RKGLUH ir’W' jtK .la 111 U n1 nwiEUkr UIM oea*l TTV **l Tnkt" sits ftlkrr Ufu*w M vA K| Ssagsmsi NsWtllsllM* Mi IsiU ( / fr Hmi. S7 ft r*r I•• ||im t iel 4e. • l W Jf mmmlm Partkslsp* Tfstlasslsl* \U* 0 s4 “ Rrll*r ffcf U4ls." lt*r > r*. ' y farm Msill. 1 o.rtfci tmifcii ii* AM *f ill !>rmin ('ktellcwter t heml**l Cm., Mnii-t'Mipsf'f UftSlft** IPMII.A.. I*A. •M I; L. X. Sruaavii 4 C* WWlt. br4isis, Jk Oil—*sl [tpltJSCMk Tltese liny Captulos are superioi I lo Balsam of Copaiba, IN 1 CubebiorlnjectionsanrlilUDf I ItJ CURE IN 48 HOURS V S WJ the tame diseases without inconvenience. SfiM l y r!l f'rtrrfttfl. J JOHN (~ BI’TLEK, —DEALER IN ralut*. Oil* wrul tllae*. B.r*h. Door*.Blind* and Builder*' Hupplle*. Plain and Devora live Wall Paper. Fortlfn and Dotneetle Cement*. Unr. Plaster and Hair. Sol* Agent for Abcatlne Cold Writer Palm 31 Cpngrene atreet. went, and 19 Bt. Jullrn rdreet, weal. DONNELLY DRUG Cft, SAVANNAH. GA. DRUGS, SEEDS, ETC. Mall ordrra solicited. Kail phon*- T* P. 8.-Mend for free sample F. A F Dyspepsia Cure. W. ROSS ORAVENLK. Manufacturer's Aflent, RAILW AY AND MILL Ml rPLIES. Provident Building, Savannah, Ua M Morphine and Whl*ke h*b lu treated without pale 0* aftrsfeTi vssz