The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 22, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CANDLER IN APPLING COUNTY. nt:un< it %ti< < ihpam* l> 901 TN <iHUIA. U 111 lli* \% nrm fr litlil In I I iihml)-I Imlriim n duHiunon I# Hard *• rra Will Mr *rnl •# < hnlrninn il uII Ik noli I wwnot tltrml thr Hrrllns nt ilrwaffatli* l lul In ln!lnnnvoll. { Affiant* • fl.—Ckw AIIMI I* CS#9- Oj r ti tr Ari'i'i'k •'ouniy t>. n j** hto i voH ’ot • t i*ii H a/M"*- i# • part of fh- vigorous • m* pa:gi thr I>*m#icr#t< Kx# “iitivr • i* ##mK lr m hr h*-#*!#! mrt* r h*r In inter**t *f Ifn**r# y. T.v tigv •gain*’ the growth of IV>fHihjm In Ap Idinc ounty, I# jvtrtl'Ularty w irm. I*'* nuMt the I*#m rnN to Iwat th on • • - for all Tne <nmminee •*.. make n hot light In Kloy*t <vv*n*y. In that district prrKlrnt arr out atc**tm*t th* I democrat i*. arl PpullM# ate joining 1? lor the of t.'ir atKie tlrket. Ooffj it>ui i > a! ** !?• * ► ene of *rm fM>itll • ** thr pi'imlirr* fhr. mm worrying thr Dtmo rai < ti ‘inkatrs. Chairman Firming tfuHignoh. of thr Far- ative <’omnil trr. 1* one of the hul -r? mrn in Atlanta to-lay. H<* 1- r * • reiving a heavy mail n<l ntertama num erous - al.erp at h* <**V\ i#*rt• * Mr haHignofk thl* morning rrrelvr.l an invitation frntn hr National A*mx n: on of Democrath- Out*# * atterul thrir lug convention io held in Indian •|wlk‘. j Oet. 1 and 4 This ir to he on* of the bggfit aathrringe of the Democrat* out- \ aide a national convention ever known The imm> tation ie mm;* •■•l of club* from every gintf in -h* I’nk* All thr clu comroeing tin* a?-<> ttioti. will have r* j*- reaetitative* on htt*f Mr liHignon m\ * t * u i | t to attaoA U •>n vent ton. hut the l.tfe is the same ie the s*ae election fty her* and hi* duti* cn ke it ne* es**ry for him to he In Oeor* | gia In *r>raking of the presidential election, j Mr dußlgnon >•*! •‘Brvan aeem* to he gaining ground ev- j ery day Report from everywhere he j goe* are very gratifying. The proepet ir are brightening daily " WILL GIVE -I Mill HKNKKIT. Minister#* Oh|rrtlon W 111 Aot £f| I imrrrt fr <>nh r.ton, Atlanta. f*ef>t 21 -In the face of a vig orous protect by the Minlfter#* Am# - * la- j tlon. a ea red concert a 111 be given at . the Grand Opera Hou#* next Sunday night hv the Fifth Regiment Band for j the benefit of the Halve#!on sufferer.-. The concert was pr>j*o!“e*l for lasi Hun- I day. but eu- • alkd off at the* eleventh ; hour by Manager Henry DefJlve of the j Ope* Houm , tie aus* the miniater# of the city Condemned the Hunday night mu sic To-day a committee from the- hand, ' beaded by Ja< k Wllaoit. t ailed on M inag* r DeOlve an*rl a-k and him for th# use of the theater Sunday night They -fated that all the arrangement* for the event had been made ,iml that tinier* the tlwatsr w • f—rstlsbed the er* w-**s!*J be •Iven a* •he Kxpofitton Park Wtlaon wa* |ar- j tl tilarlv ar.xkiiM for h concert to b* I given In the theater M* ha* been exceed- j ingly wtlve In raising subscript ion* for the Ga:ve#ton sufferer*, hia effort* having merured almost Jl.fttt for th* fund Atlanta #ent. ID urgent that a larger wum wouid be mlMil on the <om*ert If the theater was used, and In- presented th# case to Mr DeOlve in that line. The musi lan* in the hand, and also tnoae In lb#- regular theater orchestra hall, previously donate*! their service* free for the occasion When Mr DeOlve had heard the arrangement* outlined lie conaente*i that his theater should he u*# 1. without cost to the promoter# of the benefit m —. f AFFAIR* %T K tTONTOK. %tl tour n men • off f narl—New I ount) t nmiaissianen. Kator ton, da Rept. 21 Superior Court has adjourned. The session was shorter than has be* n the • In a numb r of years The grand jury elected Dr. K V Walker and Mr Robert Young to pll va* can ** mi the Board of CYmnty t’ommis •ioners The retiring * *mml * loners. W. II Hearn and J G. H|iv* y receive*! high tommeniatlon from the grand Jury for their excellent work The new rornmis aioner- are cap#Me men and their ap pointment has the approval of the pub lic. A lyceum aesoi iotion has been organis ed in Eg ton ton with H A. Jenkins presi dent; J H Reew. secretary; K. W In gram. treasurer. This give* the town the benefit of the *ntertainments that are enjoyed by th* cit lea. and I* another step in the dlre that of prtigtes.H. Th*- armory of the Puiuani Rifle* was formally npcmd a f# w flight* ago. there being n reception, with refreshment* ac companying, in honor of the m-Aeion. PRIMITIVE HtITINTD. Nevewly-llfth inn*l of Vrl law Hl*—r 4 ..>(.in 1 1 tt . Atlanta. B-(.t 21- Prlmlllvp Baptist# gathered ai the Elxitosltlon Park to-day The a—venty-flfth untiual session of the Yellow Rlvsr Association begun this morning About twenty-five churches are repr-a-tst-d Several hundred people are In ati-ndance from till* slate and a IJoln. Ing slater The we. a lon will last thr*. day*. Tiiert- - little or no • tsinr-- t., h<- transari-.! b> tn. etders, the preach er* are .ailed, and Ih.y will give inem eelve, over io religious discussion*. Each of th* churches will mike a atatiailcal report of its membership and s-tncihlng of Hi- work done by Ih- liody. Hlw D-iHttcratli- Hully, Atlanta. He|4 21.—There will he ti grand liemocrailc rally next Friday night nt th court House. Th- movement was Inau gurated by Ihe Young Men's Democratic League B-nator A ff Clay. Gov. Can dler. ConftMtman W Adumoon of Car rollton. Hon. C H Reed, member of the from Palm-uo: Hon. Ja. k J Hpaldlng. Hon. Clark Howell and others have het n Invited by President Cochran to It* here next F'rltlay night, Be(d. 2*. and address the Demoeruts oil the issues of Ihe campaign J —lT—rsttn'a Ordinary. Louisville. Ga . Sept, 21 —ln the primary tie tlon for ordinary of Jefferson county to-day the return* from nine precinct* give* the resujt as follows: W. W Rhodes MS B II Carswell iW. J T H. Ale*ati der IB>, giving Rhodes a majority of !*9 vote- Wllh "be nnall precinct to hear fI mu *riier- w.-r only a>tout vote* p l td in the county. Reword tor I linrles kpler, Atlanta. B-t*l. 21.—The Governor 10-tluy issued a proclamation off. ring a reward of ten tor ihe apprehension of Char!** Bpler, who, It I# charged, committed homi cide upon Ihe |>eison ef li<* Hogabnok In Macon county. Spier la now u fugitive from Justice. Reword for InUnown Murderer*. Atlanta. S-pt. 31.—A proclamation was Issued by th Governor to-day offering o reward for the arrest, with evidence lo convict. of unknown parlies who murder ed two unidentified negroes tn Brooks ■ oun’y. Tut amount of the reward It •MB ' -- , “ Give Him an Inch. He’ll Tike an Ell." Lei the snuUUst microbe jwn lodgme’:i in your body end your whole system nvitl be dtseesed. The microbe is microscoptc. But the perms become inches end then eUs of pern. Hood's SersepenUe destroys the mtcrobe. pren-ents ihe pern, purifies the biood end effects e permenent cure. UccdS Sa uafyafitfa Never btsappo/nt? hi H I'll IMl> THEIR I HI:M*. Nils# I,rile I'mkr and l nl. Jeffords Mnrrirtl l'iwr Month* %k. Way. rot*.-, <i . Rept 21 —Mi** Lett l*age and <’ol l>! 1 Jefford* sprung a genuine surprise on th* ir friend* this week. I* ha been known f#r a i*g nrm that the uir young.attorn* y and the * >npli*fi#d Miss Pag#- had a very tender regard for each other, anand many one day rulminaie in a union for life; but their most intimate friend# were not pre pared for the surprise* whi 'h was in store for them, only yesterday i’ Baked out • hat the •euipj** w*re mirrl* 1. and had r • li> been tnan and wife about four months, ft !*>• one of the most romantic affair* ->ming to light her#' in nun> a k*og day. The young ady and her lover w* nt for n drive one afternoon in May and oif h*- puhiu road uMding from here to the Hattlla mer they met judge J. H VNiiliams of the <‘lt) Court of Way cross by previous atpolntment. ind m a few minutes th*.. w-i*- made mm and wife The ma ter was kept a profouis! secret until yest-r --tay. when one ot tn# trutai one* gave it away. In fact, it was too g<md to k* ep Mr* Jcffrds I* on a visit to her sister Mrs. Bennett, at Wafeboro, but Will re turn in . f*-w days anti join her hm-hand Tne brioe ie ii# .deet daughter of Mi- Ail* e V. Clandv and 1? a lady of many a < ompUsnmenr*. The groom is a popu lar young lawyer who counts his friends by the score. He a son of the la< H P Jeffords. * B H Fisher, a w*ll known turpentine o|seftor. died at hi* home in this cltv la*‘ night, after an Illness of several da vs from typhoid fever Mr Fisher wis u axi* yar* of igs Hi- body w u hurled this if’ernoon at Kettle creek. MHUhI; Ot r OF V*E\ITF\TIAR\ . Two Wnnffh t nrollns Deape cm does Nfjake tood Tlielr F-a**ape. c#lumlda. S C.. Hept. 21.—D. C Mur phy% convicted five year- ngo of a*ss*|- nating the county treasurer. Copes of Orangeburg county, and robbing him. hat* e?- ap*d from the state penitentiary, ac companied by W H. Collins, also whl e. hi* cell mate '‘oillti* was serving a life sentence, being a nosorlous burglar and “bad man." Nothing w known of their departure until an inape tlon in the morn ing revealed their emptv cells, tra e* on the wni.* *f which were these inscrip tion* ; “Out for South Africa -W ft Collins. D C Murphy'. Good-bye, for we are gon* “ In Ood we trust; God be with you til! tv* meet again?*' Thr m-ii hart coiten hold of a "Jack" fciw In m r.y—a li'lla pl-- of atocl five Inthr-a lons—ami with that th-y had ■ ut Ihrmarlvpa on) ot the mo.t ' yni|.|i x tiutom if Ic f.ratcn.'d —t—l door ftrrang** menta known to k—fwra of d*r*rat character* Tluti. d—pttc th— fact that thr. yard wa brilliantly tlghicrl h>- e|.> . trlclty. th-y rcaohcd th- around, cro*-d h>< yard, mad- tin- of guy wlrt to n *mr>k- -tack, m-al-d th- out wall and t>lututrt to liberty. Pursuit I* h-init mad in -v-ry direction and r-ward ofT-r-d In mtir murtn-r Murphy -*cap-tt th- *l- I-wh. hi* a-tit-m- lirai* . ommut-d to life im|<rl*ontn-nt. RE: 81 PORT AFF AIR*. < olleetlona fur Galveston sufferer*. Military Inspection. Beaufort. 8. C.. Kepi. n.-The Harmony laalge No 22, of Chapter Masons, has eftn trlbuied as liberally as the limned means of its number- would allow lo the fund for the relief of lhe survivors of ihe Gal v.-aton disaster, and the Rev. A. H. Karla, rector of the Meth<Nlt*( Kpltc opal Church, i* actively soliciting subscription* for the saint purpose. Mite Mary Hamilton, who ha* been nn active Christian worker here for ttmrty years, If also busily engaged • ol leotlng raiment to forward to (he d-wlb tule of Ihe stricken district. Assistant Adjutant General E'roat In speeled the Tlilrrl Division of the Bouth Carolina Naval Battalion to-day. The three-inch brass breech-loading rifle, be longing to 4he division, was well handled during tlir Inspccilon by a gun crew of sixteen men. A %alutr was tired In honor of ihe inspecting officer. HAD A V 81111088 ENCAI'E:. Blra. Keith untl Iter f hlldren ,ltea caed Front llurnioa Moose. I.outsvtile. Ga.. fh-rd 2t.—At an mrly hour this tncrnlng the ie<ldence of Mrs A. C. Keith was deatioyed by tire. Had Ihe Dre nol Itetn dHcoveied when it was, sh- and her two little ones might have pctl. hcd lit the llame*. as the house was 111 full hluxe when they were awak-ned. The neighboring tetdeivcs of Mr George McKensle was saved with gnat difficulty. Loss 83.'S*>. with ll.tin insurance. HAD HIB 111. VII ITT OFF. Grnrae Hryunl Run Otrr by n Cen tral .Uwllrh Ksgiss, Macon, Ga., Wept ll—George Bryant was run over by a swit<-h engine on the Central this morning and hi* head was cue off. being thrown seven feet from h: body. It wa due to his unsuccessful effort to step on the running hoard of the engine. Fussed the Century Vfnrk. Halcyottdale. (la.. Bepc 21.-K.tmin.l Austin, rrrinrwi, the ntde:-i person In this (Screven) county, and perhaps In this sec. lion of the stale, tiled ai his home near litis place yesterday at (he advanced age of 133 years He was horn In Hancock county In 1787 and always hors a great reputation, having the respect of both while ami colored cltlgens tn Ih- commun ities In which he lived For the past twenty years he ha* been entirely help less. having been supported by the coun ty for a number of yeata. llls„igr while remarkable, is vouched for hv prominent eitlaens, who hive Investigated the mat ter and And thac while seemingly almost Incredible, ha- not exaggerated. Talked t npltnl Removal. Lake City. Kepi 21 -Two of the *|u-ak ers of the Jacksonville capital Removal Association. Col. 8 T Fletcher of Tam -i and D. C. Campbell of Jacksonville, held forth In th- Court House here yesterday on the so-called sdvantaaes of removing th- capita! from Tnllaha,**- to Jackaon vtlle. _ Flics 4 need AAllboul the Knife. Itching Rttnd. Bleeding or Protruding Piles Your druggist will refund your money If Fato ulmmetu lads lo cure you. . 80 cents.—ad. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1000. THE WEATHER. I'nrr'itt for Saturday and Sunday— ir-oraia and South faroltna: Fair, **- crpt ah<>a*r* In th- atourtam dlatrltta Sat jWI> Sunday fair; vartabla wind* Ka-t-rn Kbwtda Fair Saturday and Sun<lay; dyht -aat-rly wind*. \V-trrn Klortd.t Fair Saturday and Sunday; ll#ht to fr-ah aoutb-aat-rl} a lil* y.-f-rday'a W-ath-r a* Savannah— Maximum trmy>-ratur- 1! 3a p tn * d*r-* ijmitnuiu t— lit,**, r—uf— f—! a, TI dr-* Mean t*tnp-ratur T* da*r* Normal i-mp-ratur* “4 dr— K* —* of i-mp-ratutw I d*r A umulitrd cacaaa alnca S*p; 1 M dr— s A umulatrd d-ft-t-nry tin.— Jan 1 W d**r** Kainfall Trace Normal . 1> mah 1 Wlrkttry .in. r S-pt 1 ......... .38 Inch taefk tency alnr- Jan 1 afl inahe* Rlv-r Hport—Th- h*i*t of th- Savan nah river at Au|ota. at t a m tTSth me ridian timet yeat-rday. a a feet, a fall of h? foo> durmc th- |tr- -ding iwnty four hour* t'otton region hull-tin. Savannah. Oa for th- twenty-four hours -ndtna at 8 a m ulli meridian time. B*pt. 31 IS*' IMatluna at iMat. Mitk|Kaia Savanrah district. |Tena|Tem.| fall AlafMha. Oa . clear 88 tiff tn 'Albany, clear St *7 j .<*> •Am-rlcu*. clear *7 | *1 | ,® Ratnhrldg- clear 87 | *4 | hti Etstmin cloudy M j 84 | .*) Fort i lain- *. cloudy ......j 13 | 41 nt • iatn-stIII-, Fla . clear ... *& | 71 tn Mlllen. Oa c|ar S> j nt Quitman, clear 8* | it* fti Savannah, pt. cloudy j *4 7! | T Thomanvllle, clear >1 | tilt | .tn Waycroaa. i l-ar > j *7 [ .(• •R-c-ived too la’e for tel-grapht' aver age* Special Tvxa* Hainfall Report*—Coral rarm l.jn, Palla*. 2 10. Itublln. 40. Hen rietta, (U; tiOnjcvlew. 2 $0; Paris. St. Sherman. 3 70. VV-ath-rford. & 30; Bren ham T. Tyler. Ot;. Hcvy Rain*—Rales vllle, Mai.. I<M Shreveport. La., 1 54i Dyerehiirg. T-nn , 2 It; Vicksburg. Mira . 1.94: Sherman, Tea 37. HW-na Ark.. 1 SB. Weather ford, Tex . £ ao. Ptnebluff. Ark . 1 *4; Longview. Tex. 2 10; Prescott. Ark. 2 01, Texarkana. 4 . Warren, Ark . 2.32 I No H— —( i S-a Max ’ Mtn 'Rata Can tra I Statlona. |tlana Tern., Tam ) fall Atlanta .. ! 12 H ''' S4 r_ . n l — Augusta | 11 | *4 t>4 | .0" Charleaton ) i | 84 | *4 | .08 Qalveton |lB 82 72 j m IJttle Ho k | 11 | 7* re 134 Memphis j 13 | 78 i |llß Mobile | 8j 88 hi j .34 Montgomery j 8 | 88 j *8 j ,*6 New Orleans U to W | .18 Sivanimii | 12 ] 88 , 85 1 T Vicksburg | 10 |BO 88 .84 Wilmington jlO 82 HP j .no Remark*.—'Temperatures decidedly low er over the Little Hit. It tnd Memphis di* trh ts, and slightly lower over leouixlana. elsewhere a slight Inrrewae la shown Showers In all dlatrhde exce|H Momgom ery-and those along the Atlantic roast heavy rnln* over Arkansas. Northeast T-xiis. Western Tennessee and Northern Mlsstmlppl. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations, Sejit 21. 1900, 8 p tn.. 7£th meridian time “Names'of Station*. | T~ \ Rain itoston. (tartly cloudy i 88 j 8 ' .00 New York city, clear ....| 72 | 18 | M Philadelphia, clear | 73 | 10 | 0) Washington city, cloudy 72 | L ."0 Norfolk, mining j 73 | 8 | 04 Hatters*, clear [ 78 12 on Wilmington, clear j 78 | 8 | .00 Charlotte, clear ,j so a 00 Raleigh, cloudy | 74 J 8 | .00 Charleston, dear | 78 ■ L m Atlanta, clear j go | Li ' .88 Augusta, clear | 80 Calm .00 Savannah, dear j 78 | L j T Jacksonville, clear | 78 j L | .00 Jupiter, clear |BO 8 no Key M’est, clear | 82 ! 8 | T Tampa, clear .....| 80 ' L | flo Mobile, clear | 80 | 10 j .00 Montgomery, clear | M L | .CO Vl-kshurg. partly cloudy | So ) 8 | .00 N-wr Orleans, clear jn 8 | .00 • lalveston. cloudy | 81 | 8 .00 Corpus Chrlstl. clear ....j .. j 2! | .<i Memphis, cloudy j 70 | .* Cincinnati, tairtly doudy | 70 | 8 | Oft Pittsburg, doudy j 7 ! 10 T fiufralo, dear | go | ] 1 .12 Detroit, partly cloudy ....| on | L | .oo < 'ii' ago. ctaar 81 1. > Marquette, cloudy | 54 | L | T St Paul, dear | 84 | I. | i liavenpon. deer |Bl j L no St Idiuls. partly i-loudy ~| 72 | L j ,06 Kansas city, doudy I 7n | L on Oklahoma, doudy I 88 | 8 .01 Dodge City, doudy I 81 j 8 j .141 North Platte, partly cldy j 70 | 12 | .00 Palestine rnleslng. H R Royer. Ijocnl Foreeaet Olßdal. Death nf B|r*. Fitch', Rrothcr. Mrs \B' E. Fitch left th- city in-t ntgnl for Kails bury, N C., being called there by the sudden d-ath of her brother. Mr George F Crump Mr. Crump died ye#, terday afternoon from an operation for appendicitis. Dot; a morphine; fif.nd. Crippled ( nnlne Reas His tinner to Infect the Urn*. E'rom the Philadelphia Record Atlantic City, N J Kept. 17.-An Irls.i seller owned hv Dr. J \V Knowluti! nf this city was recently run over and had his back severely Injured. E'eellng sure the dog would die. the doctor began to experiment with morphine One morning he forgot to give the .log Its injection It crept Into Ihe office and lay at the doctor's feet He was unable to understand Its queer antic* Finally It crawled lo the medicine chest from which hr had taken the morphine, anl. looking up at the chest. It began to whln- Dr Know boll wondered If the dog was really trying to make him understand that It wanted li* Injection, lie rook ihe inje. lor and morphine from the chest 88'hen the dog saw the Implement it barked gladly and lay on It* back, whin ing for ihe doctor to Inject the drug He thinks Ihe ha* become a mor phine fiend. —The most recen* statistic* how a dc creass of the blrih rate In every European country, the average a- reuse being 8 |>er cent, since 1891 This Is curious fact and seems to show that the Malthusian theorv failed to take Into account certain condi tions In nature 'hat tend In prevent the overpopulation of ihe earth For some time it has been known that the birth rate ill France hos been unsatisfactory. Blit It was not suspected that every coun try In Europe was in Ihe same declining condition, though to a less degree. TO rilß A FOLD IN OWE DAY. Take laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund th* money If It falls lo curt F. W. Grove's signature Is on each box 25c—ad. 4TKCUL MIUKk DR. 88 8 H ING Has returned lo tkc city and resumed practice. Albemarle Madison Square, West. N. Y.. 0. B LIBBEY. Prop. F—lset* #e|Be law—l 1t...' The location of this house la most de sirable. being central to all place* of amusement, and to the shopping district Special attention paid to the cutsln*. A number of very desirable suites to rent for the winter. MKCTIXOI. a BVANN SH Y St HT CLt R. A m-eting of the dub tw called at lit Club House on Saturday, the 221 Inst , at 590 p m . to consider a recommendation from the Roard of Bt-wanl* relative to the Issue of bonds for the payment of land recentlv pur-h**d and for other purposes W. W. STARR. Commodore. JOHN TV CARSWELL. Secretary. SPECIAL XUTICKA. t NOTICE. We are In our new atone, 111 BROUGHTON STREET WEST. Ready for Business U DKYFC3 F.DI*ON F-LEfTRIC ILLI MINATIM. to. OF SAVANNAH. The October interest on the outstanding bonds of this company will be paid be tween th* date* of Oct 1 and 2ft. Inclusive, on prssentstlon of coufn at the Mer chant* National Bankvd Savannah After 0-4 3h they wtll be paid on presentation tn Boston. Mass at the office of the Am erican Loan and Trust Company GEO J BALDWIN. Prew:dent NOTICE. I. the undersigned, admfhlstratirx of the estate of H. L Love!!. 0r . late of the county of K-nton. Lexington. Ken tucky. hereby give tstffl-e of my inten tion to transfer seventy-Hve share* of the capital stock of th- Merchants* Na tional Bank Of Savannah as requlrsd by the laws of the state of Georgia FANNIE B LOVELL, Administratrix of th* Estate of If. L. Lovell. Sr., Deceased. E*TIM tTEt* WANTED. For the erection and completion of the new three-story building for thr Chatham Academy Plan* and specifications can he er at the office of HENRY CRHAN, Architect, 23 Provident Building FINF. FRY ITS AND VEGETABLES. Fancy Delaware Grapes 20c basket. Fanev King Apple*. Fancy Concord Grapes. 5-lb. lac basket. Fine Sickle Pears IO- quart. Fancy Meeelna Lemons 30c doxen, ETne Limes 10c doxen. Extra fin* Pears for cooking 20c peck. Fancy Yellow Yam Sweet Pettitoes. E'lne Northern Brel* and Cabbage. Extra fine new crop Rico cheap. New K. J. Peas, lkei pack. 10r can. Best Swlsa bheese 25c pound. Elxtra quality of Celery. In glass. 150 Jar. Mnfde Byrup. ’-gallon cans, II each. Extra line New York Klate Irish Potatoes cheap. Extra No 1 Mackerel Just In 19nn catch. 15c each. C A DRAYTON GROCERY COMPANY, G. 8- Van Horne. Manager. IK MOOL HttOKk. A full line nf Krhonl Books and School Sappltea at MTtlL'l NEWS DEPOT. No. 45 Hnll Street. Savannah, tia. AT JOYCE'S. R lee tie ll l.e m li. Fat Fryers. Prime Rib Reef, Juicy Steak*, fruits of all kinds and vesetahlra. Phones 1117. JAS. J. JOYCE. P. B.—Hcinnnbcr this Is headqasr trrs for every thing nice. Orders tlilrrl any lime of day. Best meats brought to Savaunak. FIT ( Mil KENS. Just received, fresh Kus* and Fat I'lrlcken* Send In your ordrra. Rest of meats. Frtnts and Vegetables. Phones fiTS. M S. GARDNER. 4 HANG'S PI. ACE. Rest nf every thlna lo eat. Conked by the late President Hnntlnaton's aid rhef. Only She ns von order. Speelnl rate tor boarder*. SAN FHANtISfO HKSTAIRBNT. 114 Drayton atreet. DOORS, s 1811, BLINDS; And everything In the building material line. We are headquarters for these goods, with th# largest and most com plete stock tn Ihe South. Buy 88 hlte Pine Door*. Sash and Blinds for your new hom*. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY PAINTS 8 811 HOt SB PAINTING. W* handle nothing but *e" VERY BEST grades of PAINTS and OILS, arrl employ (lie very best painter* to be had. Allow us to make bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO, Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone 518 pine; mf.ats as phi al. Prime Beef. Mutton and Veal. Lamb. Matchless Corned Beef, at my stalls In th* Cily Market Both phones M 7. _ JOHN FUNK. PALMER HARDWARE CO., SAVANNAH. GA. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Rubber Belting and Packing. Builder#* and General Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Rifles, PiHtols and Ammunition. Rope, Tinware, Stoves. —AGENTS i^oK — Fairbanks’ Scales. Austin’s Crack Shot Powder. .f£tna Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. KODAKS SPARKLETS Makes Soda Water at horns. Film., Photo. Supplies. Craphophones and Developing, Robin* sow n.i repaired. . EYEGLASSES and SPECIACLES. son s Bath Cabinets. j lo# (hal other, -harg# 1240. If you have RHEUMATISM be sure and get a bottle of FRAXk S KHtIMATISM CURE It never fails. Price $1.50 bottle. When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON'S TWO PHARMACIES. Ball and Congress. Branch 309 Bail Street PHONE M BOTH PHONES. PHONE 382. SPECIAL NOTICES. LEV IN'4 TABLE D'HOTE IJINNKIIB. 50r— DINNER—Sur Dinner 1 to 3 and 8 to 9 Saturday, Sept 22 Claret Wme. BOUP. j Vegeta bl*. FISH Whiting Point Shirley atyle Potatoes ala Duchess- Queen Olives, Potato Fatal. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickle,. ENTREES Prwhette* of Calf's Liver ala Bretonne. Itan.ina Fritters au Fugar. ROASTED. Prime Rib* of B-ef. Dish Gravy. Stuffed Loin of Lamb. Tomato Sauce. VEGETABLES Mashel Potato-*. Boiled Okra Rke. Shewed Tomatoes. Candied Yams. PASTRY AND* DESSERT. Pumpkin Pl*. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Cracker*. Cabinet Pudding. Dmon Sauc*. Dtlp Coffee. LEVAN'S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. ISO'I l< 4. City of Savannah, Office Fire Department, Savannah. Oa , Sept. 1. 1990 rropo.-als for furnishing the Fire De partment with winter uniforms will be re ceived at the office of th* undersigned until 12 o'clock m of Saturday, Sept. 22, !9no Specifications will he furnish'd upon appltcation at the office of the Fir* De partment. corner of Indian and West Broad streets, any day between the hours of 9 a. tn and 5 p m All propo-ala must he a-aled and ad dressed to the Committee on Fire. Uniform* to be delivered f. o. b. In Sa vannah on or before Oct. 15. 19ftn The committee reserve the right to reject any and alt proposal* or to award the contract In part or as a whola. JOHN E. MAGUIRE. HupL HU9I4IITUK9 will wot trouble row If yon as* ■HOOMIstKEET. It I* a pleasant perfwaae. 9IFI.DF.It !M A la a toilet powder that taalaatly dis pels the disagreeable adore wrlslag from persp Ire t lon. OLD STYLE COLD CBE.4M • f give* quick relief for aua burns and akin troubles. •OLUkO.NI CO. SAVANNAH POtSDHY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marins and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on now work In competition with Northern and Western manufacturer* Repair work on Engines and Boilers lit I ONLY THE REST GINGER ALB. The bast la th* Wheoler Brand of Bal fasl Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., uf Belfast. Ireland, (rum tn* calebrutsd Ciouiac opting* uf that city Tft>* spring* are th* property of Wbteler A Cos., benoo no other Ginger AJe manufac turer in Ireland bus I nos* waters but tbameelvea. Th# Wheekr Ginger Ale Is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, aa others art; on* I* deleterious—the other la a tonic. For Heallhfulness and Purity th* eele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ala is ibe best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS!, •ole Southern Agents. Savannah. Ga. ~T44L 88 AY TO L LEAN CARPETS. Tha only way to get your carpet* prop, any taken up, - leaned and taken are of for tha summer Is io turn the Jub over lo the Dia.'ricl M a ng r and lielivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery •tteet, and thay will make you an cell mate on the cost of the work Ptloee reasonable They alro pack, move and a’.ora furnl'ure and pianos C. H. MEDLOCK. Kupt and Mgr. LARUE v\ BIH. lint BMr OF FICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by th Savannah Carnage and Wagon Cos A# they will give up buslne*, In the city on June 1. I of fer It for rent from that d,te H. P. SMART Bl.(*i TO I.OAN At *ix per cent, on real estate Mcurlty. BECKETT & BECKETT, Attorney# at Law mid Conveyancer# 80909 BAKU TED By the American Bonding and Trutt i ompany of Baltimore We ar# author ised to execute locally (irr.m dlately upuo application), all bonds In Judi lal pro c-eding* In either Ihe state or Unli.d •rate* courts, and of •dmlnlsirators and guardians DFARING A HULL. Agents Telephone 38k * Frovtdent Building. amisements. gAVANNAH THtATtW. Two nights, two matinees, commencing Monday, Sept 21. RORRON THEATER CO,. Presenting at the matinee ROANOKE." Night * 30 o'clock. "Th- Hlaves of Russ:*" Ladies admitted free Monday night with every paid #u tlcke* reserved before 8 p m. gAVANNAH THEATER. Saturday " N Sept. 22. FOURTH TRIUMPHANT SEASON. COMBO A GRADY'S Greatest of Naval Dramas, “Man-o’-Warsman” (Not a War Plavl HERE FI RUT TIME PRESENTED STUPENDOUS SCENES! BOt'L-BTIRHINO SITUATIONS' Prices- Matinee, adults jftc. children 2.- Night. $1 00. 73c, Sftc and 25c. Seals on rale Thursday. aaaa ■llllALU NOTICKA. THE FLOUR YOU WANT IT IS THE PUREST. BEST. IN THE MARKET. In auks. 34 Ibr. 75c; 12 lisa. 40c; 8 lb*. 25c. GET PRICKS FOR BARRELS ami HALF BARRELS. it s. i. in co.. Corner Broughton km#! Whitaker. 8 WOMAN OF GOOD JUDGMENT •Iwy# buy# <rocericff from a reliable dealer. We offer you tlie b#!t goo#l# in be ha<l anywhere. They me'guaranteed to be the bet that money can buy, and you get the benefit of n long xperience In the buying and gelling of good* in our line. Wo are offering thlf* week: Fine fat Ma< kerel tV each. Extra large Bloater Mackerel 25c. Fine Fulton Market Corn Beef per pound Vk*. WhUe and Yellow Yam Potatoes. Large S|>anlith Onlona. Fancy Full Cream Cheeae; per pound 2f> ctnti. New Hwlxe Cheeae per pound 30c. Fancy Lemon# per floxen 30c. r#n*y Delaware Grape# basket yv\ Fancy Brighton Grape#, baeket 15c. —at— JOHN T EYANO A TO 8. and Barnard afreets. Font# 2fr*. SAY STGP AT OUR WORKS AND SEE HOW WE GET THAT LOVELY EFFECT ON LINEN. BPKCIAL NOTICES. MATT4BEB—>, u vithKBKB. ’ ‘ Have your matiresses and feathers ren ovated by our Hied I.tied steam process before a change In weather tak- place. (Th.- only plant In Savannah I It ovar comea all Impurities and renews life and volume In all bedding material Price# on renovation of feath-e* as follows: Beds 83 .30, holster* 81, pillows 80c. Cotton, most and hatr mattresses made to order Fin* work low prices Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO „ „ v ATI.S'G CO., Bell phone USB. in Drayton lr,t. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R DILLr .v President. Cashier ' ‘ C S ELLIS. BARRON Carter Vice l’realdent. Asst. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive ih* acco,-,„ of M-rcbanlt. Firm*. Individuals, Bar a*, and Coritorarlona. Liberal favor, extendad. Unstirpasae.! rollacUon facll.ii#*. Ing prompt returns SEPAHATESAVIN6SOEPARTMENT IMIIHIAT CONPOIYDPA qi ARTLH. I.Y ON DEPOSITS. Safely Deposit Boxes and Vaults taa rent Correspondence solicited The Citizens Bank OF •AYAkAAJI. CAPITAL. 5500.00a IrasM.u a liisrrsl U.Skl.. Uuaiucsc. soi.elts Aec.aut. mt ißdlvldaala, •••aakSata, kaaks wad a ikes Cwrpw. Oallsrtloas haadlod with aafaty, a—mamr amd dispatch. Iwterrst easuponuded qaartesly allausk as depaslta la sir Oastaas Drpartasanl. •dfety Itapaalt Bases wad a.- Yaw Its MR ANTI.BT A. DENMARK. Fve.ig... MILLS B. LANB. Vie. Fv.eta-., SBORGB C. FREEMAN. Caahl,,. RORDON I_ GROOVER. Aast („ lh% SOUTHERN BIN* ol the Stale of Georgia Capilxl B.VXM4, Surplus ami undivided profit, tg>i ni DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior faclliliae fur transacting a G n-f ii Bank . Bj'.r Coileclions made on all point* accessible through banks in it xr. Account. iiankt, BenkrT. jin r,7t* and others soliAlad Bata D*po*c. Bore* for rant. Department of Bavlngs, Imereti payshla quarlerly Beils Sterling Exchange on London a and upward*. JOHN FLANNERT. President. HORACE A CRANE. Vie* President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Caehler DIRECTORS: JNO FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON E A WEIL. W W GORDON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN lee: ROY MYERS JOSEPH FF.RBT H r SMART CHARLES ELLIS F.DWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY MMIM CAPITAL, 8380,900. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora, (tons and Individuals solicited. Saving* Department, Interest p*id quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vault* for rent. Collection* mad* oa all points at rw sociable rales Draft* sold on all th* chief cities of th, world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vtc* President w r. McCauley, caahur. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital 8*8.948 Undivided profits MMMt Thl* bank offers tut service* to corpora tions. merchant* and indvlduais Has authority Io act us executor, ad ministrator, guardian etc Issues drafts on the principal el'lea in Great Britain and Ireland and on th* Conti n cRL inter.*' r*!d compounded quarterly On dep',ll* In the Saving, Depsrtmeeit. Safety l)ox* for rent HENRY’ BLUN, President. OEO W TIKDEMAN Vice Preslder.t JuHN M HOGAN. Cashier WAT.TFR F HOGAN, Ass't Cashier No 1640. Charter*!, lIM. —THE— Mill; ill Ml OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. tuOyO*. SURPLUS. IMM.O 4 UNITED STATICS DEPOSITORY. J A. <i. C.UIS'N, l r#ldnl. FEIRNE GORDON. Vie* President. XV. M HAVANT. Caahler. Accounts of banka and tanker*, mer chants and concretions received upn the mo*' favorable term-* ron*l*t*nt wltk safe and conservative barking THE GEORGIA STATE BIILDINO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Assets over SBOO,OOO. & PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposit.-, withdrawable on demand inter est credited quarterly. t PER CENT per annum allowed t deposit* of even hundreds, withdrawable at annual period* GKO W. TIEDEMAN, President. B. H LEVY. Vice President. E W. BELL Secretary, c O ANDERSON JR Treasurer OFFICE. 15 YORK FOR RENT, from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Heal Estate and Im provement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET, EAST iti Newsooper Pi*. For eele. a Forsalth Newspaper ra w * rs will fold eheef*. ll Is In go®* ord*'* Price fIOO ll coat originally .• bu * we have no use for It end want the rw tt orcuptwL It will bear Invaluable adjunct ta aa newspaper uffloe. Addresa MORNING NEWS, •aiMeab. u * IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIA and work, ordar your lithographed printed etetionery and blank books Uvtuing Neva, Savaonab, Qn>