The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 22, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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AT AUSTRIA'S COURT. Ml. TUHtW* lUPHKmiOM or ho % i* naaxA. thi* Ho) el Hull* of the Empire. i>mr * **•• #■■ Prank* Thai H l>|iri-Tk liurrhra and Haim. I,ana-Tlir loir F.mprree Who roll Hi,. 4 101 l an nf on *>unli. ~vright. 19GU, The New Tork Chrtx'.ten Herald. Vienna on fire wHh aa.itriotli' lllumlna * ,n The figures “IS*)" and "1900" biasing Parliament buildings and palate*. and pended acrotxs alreei*. and decorating uri and nrchea. Emperor From I# Jn* ie 10 year* okl. and tor ihat reason and lino are pu> a I'le by eld* The .lit In in regalia of life ll la amazing ,• the moil destructive element In na . ran be commanded Into service, and will lake the shape of a crown or a rone or a ecepter. or a ahiehl or a eword, an equipage, or a human face; and . that element which unreal rained Is . terror of the world can bo compelled express admiration and kindness and . how It can be mnde to write on the k paaiee of the night coronation and trothai. For Hirer nights fire has artcd In Vienna and all Austrian elites : ii has been a peaceful reign. It mean* arauilutlon ond victory over the wear l tear of aeventy years. . I r Emperor U a unique personality, n i but for the peoples love for him, i empire would long ago have been .lidded. Hungary Is as anxious now to "dependent as In the days when lands K'ssuth struck for freedom. and bis son i w stands In the Hungarian Parliament e h an Influence that ball* legislation ■ rnlug th. empire whenever he will, I Emperor Francis Joseph Is so kind. , heritable, so sympathetic, so helpful t ,t while he lives Austria will remain :i act Every one knows some story of r compassion and generosity. Hearing pmi one of hia officers who had become Hind had said Ihat his only comfort now s.* music, the Emperor gives the poor n 111 a seat for life In the opera house I such deeds he has won all hearts. His * nixing bereavements have Intensified affection of the |**oplc for Ihelr ruler. 7 * treble or murder of his only son ii I It atlll remains a mystery how he so done lo death), and the aasasstnatlon he Empress io year* ago have call . i forth a loyal love seldom seen In other is: his Having no son lo succeed him ) s educating bis nephew for the throne i splendid lad of tnlrtee# or fourteen ns. Otto, the father of the lad, would i , been the next Emperor, but he does want the throne, and no one In the empire warns him to take It He Is one r. il* had and one-half Imbecile. He goes Ia restaurant, orders all other persons ispari, and having taken full posses - r of the place, he and Ihe group of w i fe) ows with him drink themselves .perk, and then smash the. crockery, and th decanter*, and th tables, and the k 'owglaas. and no one dare protest for he belongs to the Imperial family But * , next day the bill for this. royaler ug destructlvenesa Is sent to the Emper or ind he pel s It. "ho Is the terror of the neighborhood* wh-i. he Is Inflamed of strong drink Rid* - on horseback through the coun y i-irl,-ts. he met a funeral procession of l-nvanls. As Is the custom, they were lining Ihe coffin on their shouMers. ini made them slop, end put the -ojffln o* i* ground, end then he with his hors* •ap-d over Ihe coffin this way end Ihat t I the drunken delfrum was satisfied Hearing of this, or some equal offensive i— the Emperor called this erratic *■- men of royellty Into his presence end - r*ly reprimanded him Otlo was soon ..ft*r seated et his own table with some •■king companions, and. when the l-.-ror's name was mentioned. I "t will show you my opinion of the Emperor.” Then the outragoue eeeen hfted from the table s how; of greens aid look It to a stetne or bust nf the Etn peior standing In the* room, and poured * ii** greens over It, thus obliterating all 'he attractiveness of that work of art. The Emperor heard of this, and command 'd the recreant man Into his presence and to l him that he knew of ihe Instill offer htm on that occasion, and In the pres •i of the Imperial family and Ihelr X .**ts. he boxed Otto's ears. This royal nuisance Is u peculiar eques * * ii. and has one of hi* horses so trained that he can without dismounting ride up lie front steps of restaurants and hotels. I Into the doorway, and through the bull and into the barroom, and the horse ,!.- hls forefeet on the counter and wail* ' r a drink and the cup I* pul lo Ihe < ■ •-- > mouth, either by Otto or ihe land rd. and Ihe animal is compelled to drink. * bout having nny choice as to the style ' liquor he may prefer The old Emperor ured of paying Ihe bills for these rei k xdventures. but he finds that ihe •ner such bill* are paid the less die rouble publicity. The royal outlaw Is rrlglble and will never be allowed to c int the throne of Austria. Hl* son doe* • Ike after him. hut after hls mother, is a most excellent woman. be three mom Interesting church**, to i' In Vienna. are "the Votive Church," ihe Capuchin Church" nrl "The Au ► Hoe Church," The Votive Church wo* illt by Maximilian of unhappy Meal •is exiwrtcnce*. He ami hU brother, the I ••fit Emperor, while young men, were iK rig a walk In what were then the Held* • <1 an *.a-ln sprang at the young Em i • ior anil cut and atwbbed him until 'hrougti lot* of blood. he eeemed dying m Maximilian standing there mad*- a w that If Ood would .pare hie brother * •* he cn that spot u magnltt •nt temp o to the pralte of Uod. Krancl* • • -eph recovered, and throuah the effort* t Maxlmll an the promletd church wa* Ht In • nmmemnra'lon. The seventy - lit *e-.iln< d-giaa* window* alorlfy the • fit a* it pour* Into the moat brilliant in h in Auetrla Kverythlntt beneath two grrat tower*, three hundred and ' * nty f>t, I* a* wonderful a* the * areal art* of painting and aculplure l architecture can make It, Ala*! that • builder of mi great a cathedral In mmemoratton of a life spared. *hould ivf been *hut a* a uauriier. far away '•otn hotna, and In a strange land, the •tMer thrown g hi* poor wife Into a •nentia which for more than thirty r* ha* pi**e**ed her. *o that *he hard know* her owti I) other, tn whoae home I* mercifully laola'ed. •it the of the unfortunate Maxl rn real* in lllustrlou* coni|>any, It tai in the Capuchin Church, ,another ling of ahaorblng Interest In Vlenn • near three h undred year* It ha* ■•>! •oleum of the Imperial family Marla •e*4 I* (here Marie lu!*c. Kmpre** •he French I; there. Charier VI I* Joaeph I I* there Kllxnbeth. the more**, the wife of Frincl* Jonepli ere. The ohaequle* two year* **•> f**d m one respect from all the other menta. inatiaoleum* are In the ba**m*nt of lurch. The litany and the dirge- are • ;r real |n the main audience-room •ervleaa ended, the body of the ‘••I I* carried down the *tep* pr -1 by in* priemhood and followed by 'amlly of the departed The place of ••puichre I* ckMed with a huge Iron 1 •! within which tand an officer of ■Hglon. The aad and solemn procegaloo ’ tvmg rew -heal the Iron gale. Ihe nearet elartve knoekg on the gate, and the rob- -1 * le.lastlc within ask* "Who |g th*r. ■d why do you com*'"' and the leader 1 the proeetwion replies*. "I am Mafia : nren, Kmpretw of Austria I come 'i*hlng my eoul conducted to the realm* O' the**ed and my body put In eepul bte' Then the gate I* opened, and. *tth ■ -banting. the bodv ta welcomed and ' tombed Of courti* the right name of the ruler builad la mantloned But Km For Girls Ml* A. M. Roberson, |9B S. Fill Hugh Street, Rochester, N. Y n tells how Dr. Willi sms' Pink Pills saved her lile. “Th*** years ago 1 was to a pitiable condition; I had rust reached that ****“ J**P ,n girl’s ltic when she merger from girlhood into woman hood. I had grown 100 fast and the rapid growth bad sapped my strength. Consequently, when the change which is incident to this time ofliie took place, ray system was unequal to it and I broke down completely. I was scarcely able to drag roytcU horn one chair to another. My face wat white ax a shoet, and I looked as though I had not a drop ol Mood in my body. 1 became so nervous that at times I was hysterical- One day a frsend told me about th. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and Induced me to try them. I did so, and improved rapidly. 1 gained in weight, grew strong, my checks took on s healthy color, and 1 looked and felt like a different gtrL In fact, I was made well enough in three months to be able to accept a position and start to work. I cannot praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills foe Pale People too highly, as they have made of me a strong and healthy gM." A. M. Roberson. flubtr-rlbed and sworn to before me Ibis stb day of July, I*o* Fa*.** INISHLSB, Notary PuhUe. Bee the common eonspf slot, of women Dr. WUllamt• Pink Pllle are oarfrsfM. Dr.Williams’ PinK Fills for Pale People At ah •tmestst* nr Direct from Pt WUltama Me-Urine Cos. Schenectady, IS Y., potpaM on rvcfipt t pries, sue. per box: six boxas. gl so. pie-s Elisabeth was taken to the tomb In this church with a different utterance. The service for the dual In* Ihe main nudlen-e-room ond the fWqulera being con cluded. Ihe bod> was taken down ihe step* accompanied only by the Emperor, ant the heir rs. an I the priests who officiated The Emperor, overwhelmed with the assassination of hls wife ami not having left the palace during Ihe week that pass ed between the cruel deed and the day of entombment. de - er.dd with slow and feeble gall at ihe head of the casket, and then there wa* a hall, and the Emperor with trembling hand knocked at Ihe iron gate of the mausoleum, and th* priest within asked: "Who Is there, and why do you come?' And Ihe answer given was this: "I. Francis Joseph. Emperor of Au*- irlo, come jrith Elisabeth. Em pres* of Austria, asking that her tout be conduct ed to the realm of the blessed, and that her body tie put In sepulchre!" Then ah* who had been the most, beautiful woman In Europe and who had ridden with the Emperor Into battle wllh the hoels of Auetrta and who had he*n the dashing equestr.enne on as spirited a horse as waa ever bitted or saddled, easily controlling Ihe whirlwind with her rtdlng-whlp, now lies down haggard and broken-hearted over the behavior and tragic d*ath of a foolish son. who was "ihe heaviness of hls mother " Another difference lhal Emperor Joseph ordered In regard to KHxwbelh. Ihe dead Empress, was that her heart should not be taken and placed In the Church of Augustin**, another of the great churches Fo. iSstiturlei* it had been tile custom, that while the rest of Ihe body of prince or princes*, king or queen, archduke or archduchess. emperor or empress wa* hurled In the Capuchin Church, the hewrt was removed from the holy and taken to Ihe Augustin* Church. In a darkened room of this church we looked upon Hie Hit IJ6 earthen or metallic Jars containing the heart* of the princely and royw! dead Bui the hi art of Kllaabeth. Ihe Empress, for some reason. Is not smong them The Emperor probably thought Ihat Ihe sacred form that had heen pier-ed wllh the as sassin's flagger ought hoi lo be touched with |m*i-mortem Incision. This Augustine Church Is the place of marriage for the Imperial family, and the 0 of this cathedral would, If well told, thrill nations. You must visit the treasury of Ihe place to get a competent Idea of what diamonds und emeralds and rubles have glowed and flashed on the foreheads and necks of royally moving lo the alt-ir In this St Augustine Church at Vienna. they are In bracelets In knots of hrlMinnts. In aigrette and corage. In Im r aldlc embroideries, in diadems Bridal gifts from kings and queens to I hose who were about to lake Ihe path of life to gether. But I do not suppose that this radiance of wedding attire and the pomp of entrance and departure of this Ha. Au gustine Church assured any more happi ness to Ihosr there united In wedlock, than Is assured by Ihe grasp of a hack* w.mdsman's hand taking thr hand of the mountain !a*sl* In the presence of the country parson, and without so much a* a ring placed on Ihe third finger of the left hand. Ihe wedding trip neither to Berlin, nor Newport nor Niagara, bul to the .tnnr of Ihe next farm house ti Is not Ihe Jewels on the forehead or the Jew els on Ihe hand lhal make a happy mar riage bul Ihe Jewels of the heart Three arc Ihe rubles presented on marriage day by the King whose robe Is ihe morning light and heaven lisrlf Is only one of hls palaces. T. DeWltt Talmage. hi UK <HH NW WIMMIT KttMMW. I omaaadore Vanderbilt'* Oanabter. Mr*. 1-a Hen. Tell* a M**r klory ol Mer Vlelone- From the Philadelphia Pre** New York. Hept I—Lp In the Ihird •tory bay window of a big while brick and marble mansion that topa one of ftlvereble Drive'* hill* at an old lady to day. looking out of* lh- window. Bhe w* Mr*. Alltla Vanderbilt. La Ban. daughter ol old Commodore Vanderbilt and po*ee**or of many of hi* million* The Pre* to-day told of the eult for Sjinn brought agalnsl her by Arthur p I lodge and of Mr* La Ban'* remark able defence In a word, .he declare* to her worn anewer that he wa* In fluen ed by a medium. Jeannette l>*- forth to buy a quarter Irdereet in rmdge-* intent* he, au*e the nw-Tlum gave her nioup* from the aplrtt world Mr* I t Bau wa* w>m*what ivror to aolng In-O detail* about the technical *wlc of her def*n*e. preferring to leave " Tu h > ; *he -aid .BCdedly •that Imdge hypnollx*d Jeannette l>n ,„_,h t( >ll me tho*e m**ag* from the ' , r -, world I'm *orry now I didn't do a* P .jrlt* themaelva* tolm m> They gave 1' '. control Which .h.rwed ad **>* • -heme* 'o he worth nothing me. "But do you believe In spiritualism : M m^r r .he old lady MMtated. Then *he *abl "I have never denied, and l denv now that I thoroughly tielTeie In gplrltuallam Everybody la ...Lis.b borne people are more o ™h.r* Now my eon ha* healing ww-r He can cure ache* and pain* by eimplc laying on ol hi* hand ?V. -1 have the healing power; nobody <an -J, aw.y in <h* Mime hou*- With nev W !iJ Jnew*Vhm my little boy went, many year* ago w * w * re hrr * “ Ne * ' o^,, THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 190a Th# baby, who was only 3 months old. wa* In Saratoga Suddenly 1 saw hls spirit It was Just as If you looked out on those beautiful clou.l* there In the west. "It was Jusi like that." *h ukl. softly. "High above the cloud wss a great, round Harm*. Just as If It had heen made of opal And there through Ihe cloud* was Illile baby's splrli going straight toward ihe opal dame. I eaw him rra--h It, Just as plainly as day. Then hi* lug!* spirit stopped and waved Us llitle ling-rs toward me— 'flood - by, good-by!—and he was gone. *• 'The baby's gone, he's p#*s#d on,' I raid My husband laughed ‘Nonsense!' h•- said 'You’re always worrying Hut In a Mw hours came a telegram The habv was gone He had passed on Ju*t at the minute when 1 saw hls Illile spirit It ws* thr same way with our Mile girl "I knew Elllotl F. Shepard was going three weeks before I suddenly felt It coming from th* spirits." Mr* l.n Bsu believes that the plan • hetie labte, a heart-ehapeil affair, wllh two wheels and a pencil, will work for come people through spiritualistic agen cy;' but she never heard of the weird Oulja board. DAYFAItIY Et HIM M AHI’E. IS*niorrats Ist isesisnlstlßS a Brest Etaud. From the New York Herald. Washington. Sept. 11.—Democratic man ager* are mourning over the failure of ihelr alleged gigantic campaign fund lo materialise. The In ug'- contributions which they con fidently expected from some sources have not been forthcoming, and thoeejn olo*e touch with the facts about campaign finances say Ihat the condition* art lltlle. If any, belter than they were four years ngo when the National Committee had scarcely enough money to pay Its postage bills. Former Senator Clark, of Montana, has disappointed them. Oliver Haxard Terry Bel muni ha* l>een another disappointment, and us for Coogati. Ihe mere mention of hi* name is obnoxious lo Senator Jones and former Gov. Mono. When the Kansas City Convention seated Clark s <!• I. gallon from Montana Ihe parly managers made no secret of the dreams they entertained that the multi millionaire would iontrlbuie at least half a million dollars. Former Gov Haone of Missouri, was deputised lo have a talk with (’.ark and when he came buck from ihat talk hi* annctimonlous face war longer Ilian ever The five hundred thous and of which the members of the com mittee had dreamed had dwindled far be low the on* hundred ihourand mark - that, they fell sure, would l>* the minimum limit—and had become a paltry twenty five thousand. When Mr. Stone remon*trated with him ar.d mildly hinted that he ought to give more, the lines about Clark's mouth be en me firm, he began talking about “heavy expense* in the Montana contest,” ond Hlone hurriedly told him It was all right In the fear that there might yet develon a string to th* twenty-five thousand dol lar gift. o. H. I*. Belmont was looks! uixm as certain to give at l*at sltD*m. All hi would give was *l‘.no. and the commit tee'* agenl who secured lhal subscription held out 10 tier cent, of 11 for titmudf. Thl* lb per eem. cHtimlesloh buslnc-ee lias • au*'il a good deal of dlerallefa lion among member* of the Democratic -om mlttee. who are dl*|io*ed lo -Nlilrl-e what thev call Chairman Jones' •‘amateur *n' met hols Through hi* promise of a lb tier eem commission on nil subscript am. Chairman Jones turned "Huek" Hlnrich of lillnot*. and a lot of leaser lights, Into canva*er*. There was noi much ob jection to this. *o long * smell contribu tions c ame under the 10 per eem provis ion. fur || was believed thai throe o al canvasser* wer# able to reach a lot of little fellow* thnt It woukl noi pay campaign manager* to deal with but when Ii cam" lo Ihe big subscription* ilk* lhal of Belmont, with It* on* thou sand dollar commission, there was a bowl Ollier members of th# committee thought Jones or (Hone ought to list* go that subscription, to th* party might have bad Ihe benefit of the who'* amount The iwmmltte* expeeied to get lA-.W from Jobe K M'Eean. but la In Kitrope and II Is understood that the) have nothing from Ihe Ohio leader ae yet exeepi a promie* snd that thr promt-e call* for nor much over one-filth of the amount expected Denxncrai* In much with Ihe Congrew smmiul Campaign t.’ommlitre. whleh s working In complete hsimony with Ihe National Committee and I* more or lese cognisant of the trial* and HMMtBM of the more Importatr organlaatlon ay that another source of distppoln’ment ho* b"*ii th* lack of substantia: return* from the prominent tiold Democrats who hive signified Ihelr friendship for Bryan Al mu.-t without exception, the ©virtue** of the manager* for flnanclil assistance have been met'by polite refusals But. despite the disappointments, th* Democratic managers seam lo receive much , ornfort over the Improvemr' In ‘ “0 ' year* ago If TamY l *") leadsra do not contribute heavily to the national fund the) wit!, il I* expected, put up a big fund to be used In the ‘effoc to secure New York's electoral vot* for Bryan. Henator Jon** and hi# associate* expect John H Mcl-ean to contribute heavily to the Ohio camimlgn fund, which will be under the dtatrlbitllnn of hi* active leu'enastl# and former Repri-entstlva ’Tom U John* n Is •*lie. led tv part wllh a food deal o' hls cash ui the active fight bs will wag* in Clr\|fti\4 •rnator Hanna'* home, and hip on for Brvan. iAri.aior Gorman bar to.d the National r<Hnmltte' that the Mdryiatul l>em* rai* will he able to t;*k car© of th*ie etatt. %YHKNt: |% *PK*T. Hntertallm befeh of I’malilonnlle Folk at \ev|Mrt. Corr**ppoi;< of ihe Baltimore Hun. Nnport, It 1., Hept. When Uomroo dore Perry founhi iha memoiahor haiiU* of laike Erie In I*U, n *hlevin* anotlur hrllllant victory (or Amrrlran aima *a laml .iikl >n ae*t. Ihe Ittf. loan of N a port, hta birihpUt'e. wio Ujml of nation ally alinoei for the firm time. For yar# ami warp thereafter he aa conUitl to tmk in Ihe eunllahi ol that fame But tv and h> there oim* a kite* ktutf •( m> lad. at her door; Madam Hocleiy nd autle entered, and unlay, 10, and in nokl’ presto chanye* I'aahion, at nome and e|e tel lo tak< up Newport. aii<l here ti < m t( h Mint *et hlgn ii)K>n the brow© of the cliff* ©here Ii l* extremely difficult lo pick it iij* Neither brawn, hr tin nor t iiikt *■* of hiah o yrer can iccompMab tbe im It tk!. tnUllot •ol •lollaiih lo du It, for the rei4 Uft* i| Nea* l*ri la ih merry minflnit of millionaires, and to be atrii tly "In It" tn must la* t**rn atth m very guMt ii i>|NX)n In htn mouth, r have put*h a Bpu*h thrust uj***n turn when he giows up. His twcvifbon nuiu Imp m - ivtut U*-e ud dUmun-h, he iniist entertain In a marble p.ilaue. and hi* very dtt’BS must U* tut fioin the t loth of £•>!<!. The iuxurlouMK of the okl Homan Km- Tdr* tfeelf could affodl no fnohe than i* *•* Joyed iuila> by the * K*r* at NeW|M>rl The open perunw it* no *ii**t to th** |Ntttals of high society herb, whrro it la a Question. How much art you worth * A few* million* cut no partli tilar figure. It |h a • aee of how man> inlilluns, .ml your plwto la gauged accordlikgly. One can p ent the very air of Newport many mliea away, add whether one i\>m* via ioat or train It I* evident that cm*- I* jp;*roa< hlng a neaort out of the ordinal > The kx Km and bagaagt looms ai pilcl high wllh irunki* and trunks and tiunki*' The very awellest kinds of trunk*, he |M(chet on every side with hotel |tid* of the vartour* oltles of Europe— more and dif ferent kind* f stylish Iwgaage than • n ha teen elsewhere In this country From 15 to 3u trunks is the average, going or • omln. luggage of a l*d> living at N*w port. A list of the numerous mihionalr<*e here is to tedious to go o\er. and a description of ihelr happy ltomn< would require im much tpaee mifff. e It io pay that here < an be seen the h.indsomeiK lumna r home* in the work!. There I* nothing in Kuro*** io compare to them egcepUtig of courw, the |nii f*r of the monarch!* Th** homed In them**elvep are a treat to look upon, while ihe beautiful drive on Bellevue av - nue. where the smart aet" members un be seen In th ir nobhy turnouts every aft ernoon. iiiii.ol ie etpialh’d elsewhere, either m home or abroad. Th“ drive in Hyde Park Igondon, ai prone healt mo re closely for style and hand home equl|Mge, but th** drive **l New|*rt from tk* I'asinodown UHlevu* avenue and akmz the 1r Hr re can be seen a constant proreaalon of strikingly handaome carriages of various etyles.wlth Ihelr sleek-lo'dtlng **achmn and w*il groomed footmnn. Now anl then n tally-ho g*ies by with h lady on th bo*, carts al most two stories high, not forgetting the two Irish "Jaunting cars"; smart k*klng tuna boot* built for two. with the lady driving, men and women on horseback rigged In the "swAggerest" sort of riding toggery, so many of them that they re semble the entree number In the circus only they war no spangle* on Bellevue avenue and are altogether better dressed Isost, but not h ist, the automobile? Will they never atop* And what a |*i e th y go* They are as thi k ns trolley cars In llaitlmore, and twice as busy There are over private "autos in Newport. The fad among those seeking dis traction here Is the organisation of an u -tomobtle ateeplechase. Into whh'h all the • scltcment Is to he crowded that Invemlv** iiilndw can suggest Automobile steeple chases are a novelty In this country, al though in london they have already en joyed a slight vogue Mr J. J VanAlen, whose daughter, by the way. rumor says is engaged to Mr Harry Ijehr. of Balti more. is credited with having been the ln jmrier of the fad from abroad Ppeaklng of servants—that Is. of mll ilonwltv servant a—l observe there |s h dis tinction among them here—those of the multi-millionaire taking rank In their own set, above those of ordinary, every day millionaires They are oil of them white servants. Many of them wear their g*od lothes to the manner bom, and are point s-d nut 4 tnla or that man’s valet, maid or coachman The servants arc all known to the ahp keepers (loan In the* town, w I had o *n *lon to see Hundav last. ! hapi ne*| In a newsdealer's Just at the time the . >t fag* ra wre ending for Ihelr Sunday pa- Iters, and 1 had a convincing ißustratexi >f the deep Interest society people mani fest In what the new-papers say about them. It had been a very gay week Just cloatng, including a round of social fum tlona. ending up with the Ooelet ball, the Oelrlchs dinner atul the Clews w-Mlnw As each servant cam* in be would get not one or two Journals, but the whole list of New York papers Ho Ii was obvious that those In the slm were all desirous of see ing what each paper publish*-! of the dif ferent affairs. The millionaires and their doing** arc th# principal topics of conversation d*U> among the villagers, and scarcely a move Is made fhxt Is not noted and dl* usee.l Even the children keep tab on the "swells’ and ihelr functions. Passing through one of the bumble quarters of the city I was attracted to tw> tiny girl* at play on their doorsteps Over their own ragged little dresses they wore long train skirts evi dently belonging to their elder el*!era. and they were aff* ting high society "for fair" One of them with tqgn white cotton gk>v s miles too l*rg*. and a piece of fish nattirg for a vei:. assumed io be "Mrs. Vander bilt," and she win* calling on "Mrs A*i©r ' Th* latier ww arrayed with a long buggy whip In her hand and a man a derby hat fell all over her pretty blond curls and ai most concealed her pretty blue eyes fr*wn view These tw** tots were addressing each other as "Mrs Aator" and "Mrs Vanderbilt" and telling their "troubles about servants," thts and that ball, and soon "Mrs. Vanderbilt," final y bringing her call to a cloae by asking the loan of Mrs Awtor’s" automobile which the lat ter was so awfully sorry, but "Mrs si rkdis had Just borrowed It to go fishing'" —Cinders from the forest fires on t'ape Od wer a carried hy the wind a far as Boston, a dl-eance of almost fifty mile*, falling In the streets and the wafers of tfie harbor In considerable showers A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease hy Tutt’s Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. “The Fly-Wheel of Life” D.’.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had anew lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, CoL Tutt’s Liver Pills and Fja There UonlyONr POND'S EXTRACT and everybody know. It, purity. Ktej A R '' ,Uh ~' , P *p • , IOB, eepee.enfed to he "the ,me ,i ' POND^ M Ifl XT^*r T They generally contain "woo 4 at, oho)." which Imtala, I! j Sel PONIJ'ff BXTWACT. sill enly In hotllaaln belt aftlewi. iiKrttiAi.. CITY GOVERNMENT'. - i (tlTiritl nun i.niivA iif coin. I IL. Savannah, (’.a S. |il 19 -The regular meeting of c*miik II was held this own ing • * 1* o'cbH*k Present Thw lion liarnwn Myn- intyot. presiding; A Kid man George \V Tlcdemin. cltglrmaii of Council snl Alderman Haas. ItorrlKwu. Bacon and iMylc A majority of ihe nidi invn in the city l*elng pryiMiit, minutes of meeting qf Hep* f were. u|H*n motion, toiflrtncd as publish**#! Reporta of <%mmltis *• City f Savannah. Sept. 19. INS -The Commit tv* on Aivounu report that they htivc tlHOUliwI apd found Mtrinl bills .tKilnst *he dt> anuMinlluß twenty-seven : t ho .-ami nine and * vetUy M-ven j dollar#* and ninety-seven cents, as per j iceomi*a trying gt'heilule, and iv*commend that Ihu same be paseed for ia)inetit. Isaac (i llaas. Acting chairman Commiti*< on Avc<*unts. | r/7 R 77 r, l<> port recvlv and and a< counts passed for payment Ibrnutn M> rs. Mayor. Boaid of ll* auh < #>rl'ink* i A H*mis $ 39 A lr. W. F. Brunner .... 301 M John Lyons A Cos 3k tU J Young to v** A Hi|*t#le ...... 3 or | W A II II laininiors .. 10 | Western I* Tel. Cos I **i W. F. Held 2 J* j j W. F. Held 3* j M H A1 A Byck .. 435 I Jus. M Dixon A Cos .... 3-U I W. T Dixon 14 tin j officers and employea .. 1,217 N Tim,' of hatiila ''J Tim*- ol ItaiHla X So Tlmi* of huttfis 9 m— l! 391 IM Cri n<atu lee— Jae M Dixon A Cos ....# 7iM E Latvell*' Huns 11 13 t'almer Hwii Cos 1 U Yonnslove h Hippie 99 no Time of hands !9t* 60— 324 94 City l-amt>*~ iNtdlaon E 111 Cos 3.051 31 IMspen.-ary— Adatn Kessel S to AO C'oliimola Drue Cos IM 31 I.tppnian Bros XI i>7 Holomons K Cos 3i **) The liorrle Ire MIC Cos .. 3to Dffirers anil employee IXT> no Mutual tiss l.lyhl Cos .... 3 1* Edison E- Id Cos .* do Lunteey A Morcan 3SO IM. M I take, 1(- *l3 4* Dry ('uliure- Uo Lehwald I 123 ! M Dixon A Cos. 29 S3 j A. J. Ilaneler 1 23 Dixon, Mitchell 4k Cos. ... 10 04 E. 1 xivell'a Huns .......... #B3 Tim** of hands 337 Hl 3X6 96 Fire Deparlment - llenry Jiiehter I XI no j W K Ward IV> Mutual das Eight Cos. .. 21 30 Fshrt.' F Hose Cos MSo l*o Frank 2* 4 E E. Neltllinger. agent .... IS ! I.lppman ftros 7 JO M H * D A Byck 4SO John J Butler 620 Thus West * < o 1 75 Fainter lltlw Cos. 3*3 K. Mivell's Hons 1* *3 N'eal’Mlllard Cos JX 60 | # Edison K II!. Cos. 2 90 John F Canty 1! '< I'alm Flehteler Jk Cos. .. 200 tile.tsoi: ft Bailey Mfg Cos. 214 87 Electric Hupply Cos 43 m T. A Ward, manager ~ *'■ ft H. Clements hi J H. Henneesy 334 Oeo. J Itarthelmess ..... Si 03 Jas. m Dixon c Cos I "0 lie,man Coal and W. Cos. 6 10 Edison Elec. 11l Cos I Ol Ho I*., t Base * W. P. Cos. 73 Mtngledorff 4 Cos 3 10 Electric Supply Cos 8# 07 tia Tel. and Tel. Cos 3X9 to Fay roll. N D 3.261 14 l*ay roll. H D .74 o. A Kelly 4 47- 6.9*! 14 Hospitals i eii gi a Inftimary I 3*o in Hi Joseph's Infirmary.... tot no Savannah Hoapltal 400 00— too 00 Harhor and IVharvea— John Ifelily IJD Ml House Drainage fClty)— tieorge $ 384 Henry Juehfer ............ 4 Bo E 1-OvHl'l Hem* 14 (’has A Cox SB Dixon. Mitchell 4k Cos. ••• ! 31 Time of hands It a* Time of hands 39 89— 108 IX) Incidentals—- Thus West A Cot. t 86 Norton Frierson S* Edison E. 111. Cos. <n The (Sorrle lee Cos. !<* 14 Morning News * W Mrs. Annie M-dlay 13' Tho- tiamhle, Jr ........ 100 tax— 140 10 laaursl Drove Cemetery-. Time of hands 1183 74 Mai ket ones i p nnd employe#....l 283 50 M J Doyle ** K Eoveil's Hons 106 Edison E 111 Cos 46 00— 328 08 Farks amt Squares— Time of hands I 339 B 0 Paving Street#— William Fogarty I 437 tieorge Eehwnld 13 10 fin-hard Fogarty 18 37 Mrs E. V' Mhuman .... 174 John Met Hath 21 On W. H. Connerat 12 24 J P Brown 101 E lasveir* Hone to .'tO Thus Ma 'Donneil II M) J W Wiggins 780 J W Wiggins 424 A H Cohen 9 tsh-# 144 71 Police— Mrs J J Barrel* I 40 00 P McUtashan 24i E L Netditnger. agent .. lon Kdw I.Ovett's Bona T 24 !A m AH H Eartlmore 26 o The (lorrla Ice Mnfg Cos. If* Edison K A I Cos 110 The Mutual Oae U Cos .. 13 88 Southern Drug A C. Cos. 22 In Fied Schwars 34 x3 H I >Htan 810 A. Enrllch A BrO to 34 M H A D A Byck ... 21 00 W’estern IT. Tel Cos. .... 134 H H Hemslit# 3TI George J Hartheimess .. II 24 James F Furlong ........ !40 Dr William E Norton.. 10 80 Garturikel A Hons ...... 840 Thoa Screven 6At A. Jaime 4 00 W" Rtlward Wilson 889 Pay roll 8.3*5 lu-l 8819 t< PlutnlHng Inspector— M 8 A I). A. Byck I 2 W F W rampo* I 89— T 10 Printing and Bmtlonery— Braid A Hulton t 10 10 Morning New# ............ BTS MSA D. A. Byck 8 14 J. W Fret we! I Iffi j W Fretwell lto Morning News to 60 Wm N Nichols llt oyyiuiL. J W Fretwell 3ii M H Alt A I M 33 10 Puhlti Building- W i !<• t t 3 t7* K.IUon Electric 111 Cos 9 49 Mutual Gas Eight Cos. .... 42 11 *8 Hilaries— City officers and employee 3.629 to m Scavenger Deiairimeni— Edison Electric 111 C0...# 9to Dixon. Mitchell A Cos. *76 M H A D A By. k M i . D. W /ipperer 17 to Jae M. Dixon ACo 41T 7*• Time of tyurtiis 429 37 493 22 Hlnk Department— Jas M Dixon A Cos. ... t 788 Patrick Huttlmer ill 74 641 41 Streets ar.d Canes Mrs. E. V Hi Human .. .I 1? ftai Ja, 61 Dixon A Cos 219 42 K laiveH s Hons 844 J. H MtMl 48 3# U 't'O E Share lad) , lNma Mitchell A fo. ... 11 i. Smith A Kelly Cos ..... • XJ td M HAD A Dyck 12 94 -fy Henry Jiiehter 4 <u D W /.Ipperer II ••• s Frank Barker 21 04 Time of hands 1..,t, to Time of hand# 29 68 Htdewnlke— , Time of hands 199 92 2,199 25 lister Works— Oiean Hl-.imehlp Cos. .. # 1 to 61 H A D. A Byck I .'at Dr M A Morris 4 tat Southern p o W'. I*. Cos.. t 45 T 11 Ward. 6lgr 776 Beahoard A U Hy 38 17 Henry Juehter I*9 24 Hlewart C. Cos 40 33 Palmer Hardware Cos .... 3* a* Jas F Furlong .... 134 Knlt ktsrho*her Ire Cos. ... 3 0B Thomason A Hsrvey 423 14 Hteanrt Oil Cos 12 I* Herman Coal Cos 22 At Andre w Hanley Cos. 1 an Bond, Harrison A Cos 191 Og- B*l9l Total .127.977 97 The Committee of the Whole, lo which wax referred iha following peiMlon* lo transfer Ineniex, t,yg tv report favorwhly to same Herman Myers, Chairman Committee of the Whole It Andepo. for permission to transfer hls license at No. 1218 West Broad street to T Andepa at the aame place of hual nes. Adopted. Hap Wah. for permission to transfer hls laundry license from No * Jefferson ! street to No to West Broad street Adopt ed. Jake Williams, for permission to trans fer hts cook shop Itoens* from No. 41* Bol ton street. weM. lo No. 830 Huberts street. Adopted. Ellison A Cos., asking permission to transfer Ihelr green grocer s license at Gwinnett and East Broad street* to Frank Huts s' the sums place of tiuatness. Adopted The comntixiee of Ihe Whole, to which was referred Ihe petition nf Barrow A Harrow, attorney*, for J. N Andersen, asking the refunding of tltoto paid Into the c!,y treasury In September. '99. for Ih# offense of selling liquor un Sunday, peti tioner having eertloraried the case to the Superior r 'otirt. and that court hawing re vereed the decialon of the re. order, t>eg lo report favorably lo aame uisl recommend tho refunding of the fine of llixito to the psatlioner. Herman Myere. Chairman Committee of the Whole Adopted TTie Committee on Finance, to which wa* refsrred the petition of Eoulse Wylly, asking the usual discount of in per com. 10 make fe- simple lot No. t. Monterey ward, west half, tie* to report favorably thereto Oeo W. Tiademan. Chairman Committee on Finance. Adopted The Committee on Public Health, to which waa referred th* petition of (’has. Cole*, asking permission to dig a privy vault nt pr-m'ses No 19 Screven ward Waldhurg street.between Cuyler and Bur roughs, beg to report favorably thereto, conditioned upon connection being made to the n* w house sewerage eyaiem as soon aa ayallabte J G Jarrell, t hat,man Committee on Fubllc Health. Adopted The Committee on city ltota. to which wa* referred the petition nf W. F. Gil bert. keeptr of the powder magastne, ask ing permission fo erect upon th# premise* certain sn,“ 1 fowl house* snd brooders, enclosing same withs Wire fence for the purpose of raising chluksne. petitioner to remove same at hls discretion or when deetre and by the city. b*g to report favora bly to same Gen W. Tledsman. Acting Chairman tonunltt* on City Ito's. Adopted The Committee on Fire, to which was refsrred Ihe following p-tlilon. be* lo re port by ordinance. Jas. 61 Dixon, Acting chairman Committee on Fire Mary A Connolly, asking permlaeion lo repair, remodel and Improve, two twn slory fr*ut house* un lot No. II Berrien ward William and II H Eattlmore, asking peimlssion to build seven iwo-elorv frame metal roof hour** on lots to end 31. For eyth ward Joe E Je-'keoti. asking permission to Far down and rebuild Improvements on lot No 34 Crawford ward If If Miller, for permission to Improve and temodel southeast of lot No. 34 B-rrlen ward The Committee on Fire, lo which we* referred the petition of Bond, Harrison A Cos , asking permission to build an open • Dad. I'* by 19. on lot No. kt, wharf lot. west of Bull si reel, beg lo recommend the aame he granted J** M D.xon. Acting Chaltmsn committee on Fire. PETITIONS AND APPEICATIGNH The following petition* to retail liquor xn<t to transfer 11-enxe* were road snd re ferred to the Committee of the Whole Pat McCarty, to retail liquor at aouth aet corner of Price and Oglethorpe ave. nue lane John 61 ullana. for permission to transfer hls liquor license at No. ato Indian street to J W Wall at Ibc same pla-e of bust " near E-tale J F. S Batliour. for permission to 11antler bli liquor license to ihe north west corner H-nry and We#t Broad streets lo I Ehrennch. at Ih* north***! corner Alice nnd Weal Itroad et teals K. G. Norton, for permission to trans fer hie green grocery lp-ena s at corner Gwinnett and Burroughs streets to W T Morgan at the same pla>-e of business A. A Marlin, for permission to Ugnsfar hls green grocery II an**, comer Presi dent and HateXolph streets, to Newton * Newton st thr same place of business Petition of Ah* U Byck. asking pee mission to ttansfer hw license ae a retail ifcealer lo Hobart 8, bn elder at Ihe seme piece of business. Bull and Bay street lane Petition of J. E. Fulton A ton, et si., asking relief from lloente lax for noaotl atlng loan* in root estate, was read and referred to the Committee of th* Whole Petition of Herman Winter, by R E Coftflng, atiernev asking Ihe granting of a franchise to operate a line of automo bile* through tha following street*. Bay street on 19*1) eoqth to Gaston, eeet op •rrifiki. Gaston to Drayton, south on Drayton tg Fork avenu*. west on Park avenue to Bull, ihen- e couth un Bull to Plant Hydras crossing was read and referred tu thg Committee of the Whol<* Pete lon of G. il Eewla, for permlasto* lo dig n privy vault on lot No. 34 Boltoo street, east, was road and referred lo tho Committee on Public Hejlih. Petition of Dr. C. I* Brunner, for per mission to dig a dry well at premises <*, Grapevine* avenue, fourth door west of Burroughs street, was read and referred to the Committee on Publlt llewlth Petition of E Giff'krn and Mr* 61 8. Kahn, offering portions of lots E and F tn Hoiithvlllr for the opening of Ahercoru slree, to Kid til avenue, also portion of !o4 l> for tho opening of Drayton street lo Eallll avenu*. hi the ra'e of 12 cents per square fool, cash, waa read and referred In thr < rnniittce on opening Hireeta Petition f Paul Cnntda for permission to enlarge work shop on lot No. 1. Pef t lvwl Holland tvlhlng No 136 and 137 Bull street, wa* read and referred lo the Com mittee on Fire ORDINANCES. The following nrl!n*,i. e read In Council the first time Aug. 22. 1990, read the sec ond atme Hep, Sand upon motion, laid on Ihe table, take,, from ihs table Kept. 19. IBM) placed upon Its passage and pass ed: By Alderman Horrlgan An ordlninci to amend an nrdlnamg pasted In Council Dec 1 Uto entitled, "An ordinance to assess a, and levy taxes and rale# revenua tn tha city of Ha van - nali. for the irgutatlon of certain kind* of business In the corporate and Jurisdic tional IlmM* of said city; Axing penalties for the violation of th* revenue ordinance of eald cliy, and for other purpoees con - iirded with taxes and revenue of said , it) flection t. Be It ordained by the 6fynp a,MI Aldermen nf tha city of Hsvannah, In Council assemhtfd, and II la hereby ordained by authority of the same. Tn** an ordinance pained tn Council on Decy IX 1*99, and entitled. "An ordinance to a-sess and l#vy taxes, and raise revenua for the city of Havatinah. for th* regu lation of certain kind* nf business tn tha corporate and Jurisdictional limit* of mid city, fixing pens tiles for the violas ton of the revenue ordinances of said • I7y. and for other purposes connected with tsxea and revenue of said city," he and Iha same Is hereby amended by striking out and repealing section 15 of said ordlnanc*. (Sold section 15 relating so Ihe appoint men# by the Mayor with the concurrence of the Finance Committee of a competent person, whose duty It I* fo report to tha tax assessor and city tr#ur#r. r aspect - Ivaly. from time to tlms. all persons In said city requlttsd to make any return* or take out any license required by said ordinance, et, as will spiwsr by refer ence to said section 14. which Is printed on page 23 of the official published re port of eald ordinance ) Se< J Be It further ordained, That all ordinance# and parta of ordlffancsa In conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. fSn Its first reading Hy Alderman Haas— An ordinance to giant th* permits h*rw- In mentioned for the Improvement nf th# property herein mentioned Be t ten 1 B# It ordained bv the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of flavasnsh In Council assembled. That the petitions of Jos E Jsi kson for Die Improvement 9f lot IX. Crawford w*td, of Mary A Con nolly for th* Improvement of lot 11, Ber rl'n ward, of M If Miller for the Im provement of the southeaat I, nf to Ber rien want, and nf II H I-attlmore for tha linprovemeni cf lots to anl 31. Forsvlh ward. In Ih* illy of Aaiannah presented to Council nnd referred hy Council to the Committee on Fir*, b* and they ara hereby grouted 8> i 2 That all ordinances snd part* of ordinances In conflict with this ordlnanc* are hereby repealed The following ordlnanc* road tn Coun cil the ftiat time Hept 19. by unanimous cons: lit read the second tint*, placed upon It* passage and unanimously adopted, all members present voting In Ih* affirma tive: Before th* following ordlnanc* for *e lab.lshlug Ihe official statement and as scssinciil roll for Ihe Improvement of Bull *tr*i, from Ihe emifh side of Tenth *tr#*t, waal, to Ih# nnrth aid* of 10*1111 avenu*. was acted np>ii. Council heard etldeneg touching Ihe correctness of fhe said state ment and aas-ssmenl roll and duly re (• seii im- and ad ipt*d By the Committee on fftr**t*<xndl-an*s An ordinance establish Ih*' official stalemen* and assessment roll touching III* improvement of Bull street, from th# south aid* of Tenth *tr**i. west, to th* north side of Eallll avenue, mad* under an ordinance of the city of flavannah ( adopted May 3. I9fio flection I. Be II ordained hy Ih* Mayo# amt Aldermen of th* city of Havannah. In Council assembled. That the sialematit and assessment roll submitted lo Council Iky th* director of puhlb works for tha city of Savannah and Ihe Commute* on fltr**ta and l<an*s for said city, under an ordinance passed May 1, 1900. snd anlWladi "An ordlnanc* for th* Improvement of Iha portion of Bull street In the city of Savan nah h*rein de-. rllted under th# terms and provisions of alt act of Ihe legislature nf Georgia, approved Oct. I, 1887," be and they are hereby declares! to be Ihe offi cial statement and osaessment roll of salt# Improvement under Ih# xaid ordinance; th# said statement and assessment roll being that entitled: Statement and Aa seesment Roll for Improving Bull Street. A statement showing Ihe cost of Ihe Im provement of Bull street in the ey of Sa vannah. from the south side of Tenth aireel. west, lo th* north side of Eetill avenue Aa made under an ordinance of th* city of Havannah. passed May 3 IW; and an *eameut roll ahowlng a* to two ■ bird, of thl* coat, how It I* apportioned among the .everal abutting pared*. In cluding the street Inierweetlon# and giving *he *um* chargeable to each pc net, with the name, of the owner*." And the clerk of Council of the city of Bavannah I* hereby directed to mark the *ai4 state nt and a****am*nt roll tiled a. of thl* dale and to enter h# amr on the min ute* of council for due authentication and preservation. He t. Be It further ordained. That tho treasurer of the City of ffavannah la hereby directed to make out and **nd to the property owner* a tub for the r**P*'- Ilve amount, due by them. a. provided for by the *ald ordinance Bhould the .aid bill, be nor paid then If .hall bo the duly of the treneurer to l*wue ex.'Ar tlon* a. provided for by the .aid ordi nance. which .hall be made and levied, aa are execution* for t-lty tax** Bee a. Be II further ordained. Thgl all ordinance* and parf* of ordlnan,*. In cotw fllyr with thl* ordinance are hereby re pealed ELECTION* A vacancy having occurred tn ibe ofll*o of meeeenger of Council h> region of tho death of ihe late Meeeenger John Slarrlson an ale> f ion wa* held* (here being two applicant*. Chari** A flradof atid Z O- Morgan, It i Hot mg being had, Mr. Oradol re ceived -even vote*. Mr Morgan non* Mr. Oradol wa* therefor* declared elected mee*eng*r of Council for Ih* unexptred term MIbCEI.I.ANKtH'B Communication from Mrs. Margaret D. Morrttaay of Bull alreet. Mating that the weed* on the unimproved property bound'd by Third. Fourth. Bull and Bar nnrtl street* are now I wing cut. and the presuaintlen I* that thay will be burned, pot it loner desire* to put the city on nolle* that any damage that might a rig* ta her property by reason of the dew ruction of these need* by lire, the city of Bavannalt will be held r> sponsible, we* read and reierred lo Ihe Committee on Street* and Lanes There being no further bu*tne* Coun cil look a nc*J subject to the call of thacaaif. BMP bailey. Clerk o: Couault 7