The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 22, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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closed Arm at 17 cents. with sales of 1 o*7 cask# at thl* price. The opening mae Arm at 17% cent*, with sales of 113. Receipts 1,4*0, export* 1,748 The week a receipts of turpentine were 4.788. against 8.844 la*t year, and the ex porta 5r3, against 4 SIT leaf tear. The export* went to New York*, Interior 1,744. and Gars'.on Dock. 1041 ROBIN—Th* rosin market closed firm at yesterday's outside price* Fairly go**! demand prevailed. Receipt* 1.170. extorts 4.858. The week * export* of roain were 53,- 71J. agalnat 22011. and the exports |4.jf2, against 27.212 last year. The exiaorta went to New York *l7. Philadelphia. 170, Balti more. 1.124. Interior, 2 47V Bremen, 1.440, and Garaton Bock. 4.0P9 Quotation*— 4* 'he close of the market to-day tha following quotation* w. re but letlned at Ihe Board of Trade! hptrtta Turpentine -Firm at S7c bid, with tale* of 1.3"" caaka. Roetn* Arm, sales none A. B. C II 25 1 |1 ,V. 1 U K 1 sjti E 1 k> M 1 sc 1 s n 1 p i t] 1 SO wo 2tn 1 M W W 335 Hume week last year— Spirit* Turpentine—Firm at 47c; sales *l2 casks Koaln—Firm, aales M 9 barrel*. A B, C I *a I 1 J-, B *5 K 1 3" B *5 M 1 A-. F 1• N 2 l 0 1 I" W G Ito H I 3W W. W 2JO Receipt* Past Week. Splills Rosin ReelptVpast week 3!7i Same week last year ... < 14*4 22.019 Export* last week j S,*>3 14.312 Same week lasi year ....j 4.537 27.222 Movement— New York i 2.54" 027 Philadelphia j ....j 3Tn Baliltnora j ....j 1.2N Interior j I.7**, 2.47* Bremen | —I U# d* ret on 1.044, 4, Total 1 S.AC 14,2*0 Receipts and block*. Receipt#, shipment* and stocks from April 1. ll*. to date, and to the corre apondtng date of lost year: MOO-1001 Spirit* RoMn Stock April I. 19"" 2.197 112.P* Recalved thl* week 4.758 22.710 Received previously 214.403 bcM> Total 22*.M U. 346 Exports— Foreign 1*4.553 350.758 New York 47,jti Coastwise and Interior 34*92 179.W7 Total 111.121 4* ** Stock on hand 4hC* day . 11 3*4 124.4*0 r 99-l*n>. Stock on hand April 1. IW> .. 3.M4 111.2*4 Received thl* week 5.8+4 22,010 Received previously 205.227 .329.414 Total 443.021 r Kxoorts— Foreign 140.0*4 258.254 New York 23.M7 l* Coastwise and Interior 21,2*4 153 747 Total 185.897 515.593 Stock on hand ••• *•* Charleston. 8 C. Sept n.-Turpentine Arm at *4c. sale*. 20 cask*. Rostn steady and unchanged. Wilmington. N. C . Sept 21 —Spirits tur pentine Arm at 94ff$7e: receipt*. 80 Rostn steadv at 11.15*1 20, rocotpts. 144 Crude turpentine steady a 81 WflW; receipt* Tar Arm at II 4; receipts. 93 Now Orleans. Sept 21- Receipt* Ro*ln, 3SI b®rrelt. Turpentine. 112; exports. none. FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keep* fairly u|> with tha supply _ . BANK CLEARINGS—The bank .bar me* during III* V>*l week wer* H.SI6.6S* 9! aaatnat $L#4$.3M for the. correspmding period laat year, and $2.1#7.422.57 for me orrespondlng period of ISM .’learto* by Day*- Saturday ro Monday }•■**! “ Wednesday *•**•*}* JJ Tnureday .. 1.555.3.0 46 Friday I-**-” 3 * Tn ,,i • $9,519,636 ki FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Worker l weak Commercial demand. $4 63 T |; tUty day* S4U4; ninety day#, franc*. Pari* and Havre, alaty day*, t tiv Swlaa, alaty dava. 5 24’4: mark*, aixty day*. 9* 16-16 c. ninety day*. 93 9-16 c DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; banka are buying at *-W dlacout* and aell lug a* follow* $25 and under, 10c pro. mlum: $75 <o ss*. 15r premium; Ed to SUM. 30e premium $M# to tJO’ 2s. premium; I jnn to SI,OOO. par; ll.oon nnd over. 1-1* dls rount. SECURITIES—'The market la very tnar. ttv* ararcaly anything doing Quotation! are rathrf nominal Itaoka. Bid. Ask Auguala and Savannah R R.... to} no Atlanta and We* Point is 4 IX do 6 per cent, certificate* ltw ion Augusta Factory m m t Uliana Bank ISO 132 Chatham Bank 111 Chatham R E A 1. Cos.. A Ml* 574 do do B * if Eagle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos tot - Edison Electric Ilium 100 105 Enterprise Mfg. Cos 90 1(0 Germania Bank 127 I*o Georgia A Alabama 25 77. Georgia Railroad, common 710 31$ Granltavllle Mfg. Cos 160 165 J P King Mfg. Cos I*o 1(0 Langley Mfg Cos 117 l*n Wen hanta Bank 11* 111 National Bank of Savafinah 140 I.V) Oglethorpe Savings an-1 Trust.... 101 M 0 People a Savina* and loan un 101 Southwestern Railroad Cos tot 10S Savannah Gas Light Cos 14 a Southern Batik 163 156 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 116 Sibley Mfg. Cos . Augusta 9* PI Savannah Brewing 95 I*o Banda. Bid AalL Char., Col A Aug lgt la. 1900. .M 4 lug Atlanta cUy 4a. I*2 lot 1M Auguala city 4*. 1137 1* 1(77 do h*. ires tit in do 7a. I*o3 10$ 10$ 4o n 1919 11$ U 1 Ala Mid Is. Ind'd. IK*. M AN. 97 Auguala Factory. $ per emt Itll US IS Brunswick and western 4* 190* *1 *3 C R R A Banking collateral 5* 92 9$ C of O lat is. I*-vear gold. 1*45 F A A 11l 1 C. of G eon i* lit-. M A N #2 C, of O. lat Incomes. 1145 42V* Ul* do $d Income*. 194S M H do Id Income*. 1945 $ * C. of <X (M o A A. Dlv ) 6*. 1147. J. A J 2 W C. of G (Eaton Branch). I*. I9M. J A D M City A Suburban R R lat 7e....M9 11* Columbus city, I*. 19*9 I*s Mf Charleston city 4*. i45 Ml Ml Eagle A Phoenix Mills *e 192* .144 10* Idlson Electric Illuminating da .I*4 I** Enterprise Mfg #. 19#t J* Georgia Railroad la, 1910 IM ,l $A O. S A F.. 1*46. J A J Georgia A Alabama lat la. !•** • •!*} Georgia state J'x*. 19*0, J. A J. .lot 1W do IHt. 1911. M. * MJ do 44*. 1915 1” Macon city 6s.# 191*. J A J l do 44**. 19*4. Jin. par ** W Ocean Steamship •*. I9st I"® I<a savannah city io. quar. Octohar I*lß 11*4 lt'4 do la. quar Nov . 1909 •• JJi South Carolina afat* 44*. 193 [ 1J Sibley Mfg Cos. I*. 1903 * j* South Bound 5* MURPHY & CO., INC.. Btwrd of Trad* Building. Savannah Private leased wires direct to New York, vhi, ago and New Orleans. t tITTtIV ITOCKS AMD tilt 41%. York office. No. 41 Broadway. Offices in principal elite* throughout the south Write for our Market Manual and hook containing Instructions for traders 8 F. 4 W gen im'ge, 4a. 1934.. 123 134 do do Ist s*. gold. 1931 11054 IBS do St. John Olv ll is 1324 ... 94 94 WF.F.R-a HIM, CLKAHIXGff. New York, tScpt. 21-The total hank clearings ai the principal elite* of the 1 nltert Slates a* reported to Bradstreci for the week ended Sept. 2' w.-r<- 11.348.- ott.aT* n dectear. of 27 7 a* compared with year Exclusive of New Y'ork B*s*s,- t>32.21, a decica.e of 4.2 |tt*r cent. New York. Me pi 21. —Money rat call steady *1 I%*>■ 2i —r i ent Prime mri mule Palter. 4%ff5%-per cent. Sterling exchange -aster with actual business In lainkers' bills at 84 M> >, ,j 4 a* 7 * for demand, and at 81*31* for i-lxty day*, invaltal rate-. 34 *1,7 * *4’ a and 84.8* Common lal hills. 84*2', fit >2', Silver ertiAcales, 62%ti3%c Bar sliver. <n*e. Mexican dollar*. v.% . ,„ v -rnmem bonds weak, slate bonds Inactive, and railroad bonds weak. ‘•Tilt K 4 AM) HUM)*. The Market Closed With Small %et (••In* Hfopfil . New York, Sept. 21 -There was consid erable further liquidation In to-day's stock market, hut prices showed some resistance all day and In the later trading there were quite general recoveries of all the ear.ler losers and small net gains are the.rule The late roovery did not, how ever, bring price* fully up to the open ing level. Buying by arbitrage broker* when the market opened here was re*ron*lb!e for the advance, and the buying for London account was estimated at close to 2un*> shares The professional oiierators In New York seemed suspicious of the rise In London and of the high opening made In some of the specialties, notably Sugar and Brooklyn Transit They therefore sold those steck* with assurance at the high level Yesterday's rather violent de cline had the Inevitable effect of attract ing considerable selling orders from out side source* Price# therefore yielded very generally after the opening, and de clines tanging from 1 to its were affect ed In a long list of stocks People's Gas was especially .life-ted. and loet 2% and General Electric as much Louisville was the weakest of the railroad list and fell at one time a point under last night. Some wider dec.lne* were made by newly awak ened dormant stocks Considering the range of this movement 'the day's Anal changes will he found surprisingly small; a consummation which suggest# a gener al closing up of speculative accounts That the short* were buyers on a large scale wan pal|ible. and the circulation of the favorite canard of the President * death went to show that the bear* were rather hard pressed. The forecaat of an unfavorable hank statement, the develop ment* tn the miners' sttlke and the re port that an agreement between steel op eratives and their employers seemed Im probable did not app-ar to weaken the market, as they had been discounted by ytaterda)'* selling The leport of the weak * currency movement Indicated a loss In , ash by the banks of 84.00t'.f100 or upward* of SI,OOO uOt more than last week This showing dispose* of the supposition that last week's movvmetit was made ab normal hy the movement of the relief fund to Galveston A further loan ex pansion 1* counted upon with conAdence. In view of the large remittances known to have b*>n made on account of the Ger man loan payment which Is certain to be reflected In the loan Item of the banks. There Is every probability, therefore, of a further mbstanUal Inroad up n the sur plus reserve. Bonds continued reactionary and did not rally with stock*. Total sales par value *955.000 I'r.lted States 8a and new 4s de clin'd *4 per cent. In the bid price. The total sale* of stocks to-day were 212.700 shales. Including Atchison. 10.500. Atchison preferred. 14.19". Baltimore and Ohio. 5,220; Burlington, 11.770; Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago and S . I-ouls. .5.35". I.ouisvtde and Nashville, 10.3k5. Missouri Pacific. 8.170. Northern Pacific. 7.00; Penn sylvania. 8.800; Heading first, 7. IF*. St Paul. 15.3HV; Southern Pacific, 4 990. In lon Pacific. 21.1M0; Steel and Wire. 7.1 W: Tobacco. 9 140. Brooklyn. 17.791; People s Gar. 20.015; Sugar, 27.89". Tennessee Coal and Iron. 7.FM. Sugar, *7.890 New York Stock List. A’chlson . 2*%Unlon Pac 54% do pref 4* do pref ........ 711, Bait. A Ohio .. 47V Wabash 7 Can. Pac .87 1 do pref 14% Can. Sou 44 Wheel A E. E-. *% Che* A Ohio .. 34%: do M pref .... 22% Chi. Gt. W. ... Id Wise. Cen 12 Chi.. B A Q. .121% Third Avenue ..lo" Chi., I. A E. .. 21 Adams Ex 123 do pref 53 American IS* Chi AE.I. .. 941.. United Slate* 44 C. A Nw 158% Wells Fargo ...128 C.. R I. A P .104’.. Am Cot Oil . - C. C. C. A St. ( do pref 8* I etuis 58 | Am. Milting 4*B Col. 8011 *H do pref 22 do lsl pref ... 38 [Am 8 A H. . . 35 - do 2d pr. f 14 | do pref % Bel A Hud. ...1(7% Am Spirit* ... 1% B . E. A W. ..1715r do pref IT\ Ben A 11 O. .. 1* A> Steel Hoop. 18 do prel 45 do pref 45 Krt* 108. Am S A BV. .. 305, do Ist pref ... *l*4 do pref 71‘ Gt N pref 149 VAm Tin Plate .. & Hocking Coal .. 12s do pref 77‘, Hocking V Sl*. Am Tobacco . S7‘i lllinotr Cen- .. 11*V do pr-f 125 lowa Cen 1* Aral Min Cos. .. 12 do pref 4° I Brook R T. .. 5! ■ LEA W 25*, Col. F. A 1. ... 313, do pref Coot Tob 24*. Lake Shore X 1 do pr-f 75Q k * ,• 49 7 , Federal Steel .. 3h'> Manhattan L. . '• do pref * Met St R ...1481* Oen 134 U Mex Cen >'*'• Glucose Sugar 494, M A St E . 52 1 do pref 9*', do pref 1 Intern Paper .. 14‘, Mlseouri Pae. .. 17', do pref 525, Mobile A Ohio.. 34 'Laded- Gas .... 70 M K A T. ... * Natl Biscuit ... 32 do pr-f 27V .lo pref 85 \ J. C. 1-5 JNati. l-ead 175a ij y r 1275, do prsf *" K. 4'w 32 Natl Steel 24 do pref 74 I do pref ttt North Pac. •• 48‘a'N Y. A U. ..121 •to pref 49*. North Am 145, Ont A Weat. .. WVPaclAc Coast ..52 ore Hy a N... 42 I do Ist pref ... 74 a,, pref 74 do 2-1 pref .... 42 Pennsylvania ..125H Pacific Mat: .... 28 i V Reading u * Ga V"' ** do Ist pref .... 52V!*rased Steel C. 34 do 3d pref ... •* do pref .<*, ItvG W £ pref N* S R A T B, gr L AS F . 9*, Sugar lISN do Ist pref . 42 I do pref 114* 2d Ptvf - *'*: Tenn. C. A I ... 57*, a, E 8w ... mt\ S Igather .. "L do pref do pref 454. S, Paul ” , , Vt: J 8 H'tbher.. W do nref 173 do pref • a. r A O. ...IK> |ss>t*m t'nkui 7854 21 „ p,7 315- R I A 8 105, E Ty U .V, pref T ANARUS„ \ Pac. ... l*‘-5 U* Bonds V. S ref 2* reg. lt !M.. K A T. Sd* 445, do coupon .... 104*i do Is ** I do t, reg .... 109% N. Y. C. lata... 148% % mis. J. C. gen. Is 122% do neeTta.rag 134 Pan 8. do new ta.cou 8* . -' - 10M * do old 4% reg IIS N. Y.. C. A St. do old 4s. COU 114 B- *e_ ’2 do I* reg .... 1185* N. A 95 con 4s 94 doss' cou .... IlimOrs. Nnv Ist* . 1* _ r 1 *4ss .122 do 4s 142 xtch Gan 4# .. l<*4lGr 8 E Ca ... 127 do gdjt. 4a ... So conaol 8a .. 114 THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1000. C of G con 8 925, Read Gen Is .. 84% do Ist In (bull H. G W lsts .. 9*' : do 3d in tbldl 9 St E. A Ir. M Can So 2d* ... I4', consol 5a 111*4 C A O t%* %St E A 8 F do 5* 12" Ocn 4e 123 C, A N. W. con. St. P consols . 149 7s 129 st P . C. A Pac. C A N W S.F let* 117S Beb. let 139% do 5s Ill', Chi. Terminal 4s 92 Southern Pac 4s 78 Col. Southern 4s 8- Southern Hy 5s 108*, D. A 14 O. lsts lffl'k Stan K A T. * 44 do 4s 9S%T A P lsts ... 112*5 Erie Geti. 4 .... 48 do 2d* 57 Ft. W. A B. C. Cnton Pae. 4s .. 1045, Ist 73*, W abash lsts ... 117 Ocn. Electric 5* UJ | do 3d, K*l lowa Cen 1-is 111 I West Shore ts 113% l. A N. Fill. 4, 99 Wls Central lsts 85 M. A O. 4, Ibid* 82 Va Centurirs . 89'^ N-w York, Sept. 21 -Standard Oil s> MIB(EI.EA%EOtS Htltkr.Tt. Note These quotation* ar* revised dally, and are krpt a* near .a possible In eccord with the prevailing wbole-als price* Official quotation* ar* not usl when they disagree with tha prlcta whole ■alera ask Country and %arlla*rn I'rotsee. POCI.TKY—The market Is steady- Qua ta'lons Broilers. 30825 c. |>er pair; half grown, t C-V8 . three-fourths grown, 55® 4t5-. hens. 457J75C. roosters. 49k50c. ducks. s>* i7sc; geese. 75 ql! o> EGGS Soady at UUldc BETTER The toi e of the market H firm Quotations IVestern creamery. 18'y 'i33c; N-w York slate dairy, IT',®22V. ex tra Elgtue. 248825 c CHEESE Market firm; fancy full cream ch—- 13c for 20 to 12-pound average. 2*tE9o-pound average, 12%c. Early Vrgrtahlri. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, $1.9" rack CABBAGE 4'*B7%c per head. ONIONS- Yellow. In barrels, $2 25; eras- >. 90-; red. 81 90 Itrredaluft., liny and Ciratn. FIA >t*R Market steady; patent. $4 in. Straight. 84.15. fancy. 84.**; family. $3.75 MEAE—Pearl, p-r barrel. *2.75, per aack, $130; city meal, per sack, bolted. *! anj 1.25; water ground, *1 25. cily grit*, sacks. $136. pearl grits. Hudnuts*. tier barrel, 82 85 per sack. 81 32%. sundry brand*. 81 27tl *> sacg CORN Market firm, while. Job lots. B.V. cnrload lot*. 42c. mixed corn. Job lota] 82c; carload lots. 4A BICE— Market steadv. demand fair; fancy head. 4c. fancy. 554 c Prims Good ISBEv, Fair 4 ($4% Common 354 OATS-No 3 mixed, carload. $2%; )ob lots, 2Sc. while clipped. ]Bc. joo; 27r ear*. BRAN—Job lot*. 96c; carload lots 90c HAY- Market steady; No I, timothy. IS- Job. 90 rare: No. 1 90c Job; 85 cru Bacon. Hams aud l-ard. BACON—Market firm. B S C R side* 9V. t> S t>e|Ues "E 4 , 1 Eastern 1; P P bellies. 9%J*9%c (Western); emok-d C. R side,. 9%r. HAMS- Sugar cured, 12>ygn3V- I-ARD-Ptne. lb tierces. 8> t fitV . tn 50- pound tins and So-pound tub*. compound, in Herce* 4%c: 50-pound tins, and 80-pound tuba. 7c. isgsr and (ogee. SI'OAR- Cut loaf 653 Dlamnntl A 4at Crushad 8 SS'Confecttonera' AS IS Powdered .sS|YY'hlle Extra C..5M XXXX. iww'd. ,(.|Extra C Iff Granulated 643 Golden C 5.78 Cubes *sS'Yellows ( Mould A 6.58] COFFKE- Mocha 36c |Prime, No. 8 Java 34c (Loo). No 4 .. ,U%c Feabarry 14%c Fair, No 5 ... U c Fancy No 1 .. ,13%e! Ordinary, No. *19%.- Cholce. No 3 llSgc Cummon. No TlB c ll.rknar* and Hnidtag Sugglle. LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT— Alabama and Georgia lime in fair d*n>sn> and soli at 10 cents a barrel; special calcined piaster. It OB per barrel; hair, 4ffsc, Hosedaie cement. $1.3U8r135; carload lota, speclai. Portland temeni, re tail $2 a. carload lots. $2 uff2 30 LUMBER F O B Y'BFSBLd SAVAN NAH—Minimum. yard star*. $lO 50911.60; car allls, sl2 506)13 Cos. different sixes, sl4 9) 818 0b: ship stock. sl4 OQff 11 08. sawn Has. $. hewn Ilex 35g)d6c oIL-ilarket steady: demand fair; sig nal. bti(ec West Virginia ola. k sffUc. lard, 58c; neatsfoot. flotilb . machinery, 14 (125 c. linseed oil, raw. 6T%c; balled. 75c; kerosene, prune white.. 13c; water whit*, lie; Frail's astral. 14; deodorised to e gasoline, drums, ll%c; empty oil ugrreht. delivered. 85c SHOT- Drop, $) 50; B. B. and iar*. ffl.Tff; chilled $1.25, IRON Market very steadv; Seels. 5%e NAII-B—Cut. $260 base; wire, S2H base, BARBED YVTRE—S3 50 per 100 pounds straight good*. 236880 c; sugar housa mo iaase. 156 38c GUN POWDER—Fer keg, Austin crack shot, $4 00: half kegs. $2.25. quarter kegs, $1 25: champion ducking, quarter keg*. $2 25. Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. $11.35. quarter keg*. $5 75, 1-pound canisters. $1 CO; less 25 oer cent.; Troiedorf smokeless powder, 1-pound can*, SI.OO. 10- pound cans. 99c pound. Frails and .Kara. APPI.EB Early Northern variety, $2.1561 $.75. BAN A K AR—51.1501.60 bunch. PINBAPPIjEB—Extra large Abhaka* Cayennes. $3 50 per standard crate, small Red Spanish $2 o>ff2 50. LEMONS -Market steady at $4 50ffS.00. CoCOANCTd $3 253.50 per 10" Nt'TH—Almond*. Tarragona. 16c; Ivtcaa, 16c; walnut*. French. 12c, Naples. ]2c; pe cans. 12c; Braxlls. 7c; fllberis, 12c; assort ed nut* id-pound and 25-pound boxes, lie. PEANUTS —Ample stock, fnlr demand; market firm, fancy hand-pleked. Virginia, per pound. 4%c; hand-picked. Y'lrginta, ex- Iras. 6c, N. C seed peanuts. 4e. Urlrd and Evaporated Fruits. APPEJSff— Evaporated. 7%fftc; sun-dried. s’vM"> PEA' 'H Ed—Evaporated, pealed, lg%c. unpeabd, 8%419c PEARS— Evaporated. 9c AFRF'OTS— Evaporated. 9%c pound, nectarines, 10c KAJBIN8 —L. L.. $200; Imperial cabinet*, $2 25. loose. 60-pound boxes. 6®*%c pound. Colton bagglag and Ties. RAGGING—Market firm; Juts. 2%- poond. 9%c. large lot, 9%c; small total fpound 8%89c; 1%-pound. $%08%c; seg Island bagging. 12%c TlES—Standard. 46-pound, arrow, large lots. $1.40; small tots. $1 50 salt, little# and Wool. SALT Demand ta talr and the market steady; rk/.oad lota, tou-poutid burlao sacks. He. l""-pout)d cotton sock. 45c, 110-pound burlap sacks. 4*'#c, 110-pound cotton sack*. 49%c; 25-pound burlap sacks, Ur; 125-pound cotton aack. 56c, 2">>-pound burlap sack*. Ssc. HlDES—Mackei firm; dry flint, ls%c; dry salt. ll%o; green salted. 6c. WOOL—Nominal; prim* Georgia, fre* of sand burr* and black wool. 19c black. !6c: burry. 10c. Wax, 25c; tallow. $%. Deer akina. 29c. MIOCBELAffEOtff. yigH—Mackarel. ltalf-barrala. No E BSM No S. . No *.; Ml'*- So- L gl 40; No. 2, $135. No. i. 48c Codflah, '■pound brick*. 4%c; 2-pound bricks, (c. Hsnokcl herrings, per box. 30c Dutch her ring. In kegs. $1.10; new mullets, half barrel*. $3 SYRUP-Marker quiet: Oeorgt* end Florida syrup, buying at 28030 c, selling at (3||*sc; sugar house at Htl) V ; selling at HONEY s'slr demand, eiramed, In bar rels. Bffd'c gallon. High wine basis, 11.2*. OCEAN rNKICHTI. COTTON.—Savannah to Boston, par ewt,. 25-. <* New York, per cwt.. 10c; to Phttodeiphla. par bale. $1; Baltimore, ** FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. MfflA-', (Oc*. 54ci; Uverport. s*c; (Oct. JSffOTc); Hamburg. 57c; Genoa. s>c; Barcelona. 10c; Manchester. s*-. Havre. NF; Antwerp. t*c FOREIGN ;NDIRECT —Liverpool. 40c; Manchgater. 80c nominal; Hamburg. 40c; Havre W ; Genoa, 70c; Revol and St Petersburg. 78c; Antwerp. Boc | "SR" Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Pepart Savannah an 90 th Meridian Time One Hour Siosr-a Than Cl ty Tun*. Schedules In Effect Hu nday, Jun* 10. 1800 HFAt'IW'WN ‘ WtH t EAM . iffckAl'El 'Ro.s4 j No> 14 (j 1, N.*JiTHSSr ( || (Centra I Time.) || | 72 3pm .2 xs>m Ev a*ya anal At .Run • ikttisrn Ttme.) 4 31pm, 4 28am Ar lllsekvill* Lt 1 I Tfpm 4 4 loan. Ar Columbia Ev.j 1 Aim 11 Seim 0 lopm 9 46.1 m Ar .Cbaglotta ... 1,1 1 10am U 44pm i2 3pm Ar Onaneboro Ev,i 7 lopmj 4 item • Ar (or f I. 12 Siam 1 !8;u Ar .. 7....'. Ban Villa Ev.ilstysn (mu (Warn 4 Aten At 11l n.otul l.i '2olpn "c 2 40am J 43pm Ar* .....71.7,77777 Eynohlnirg I.v 1 6.|.m 2 idem 4 35am 6 35pm Ar chariot tesvtll# Ev| 2 04,un|12 7 3.0- s fdpnv Ar W 1 hutgton I.v ’,! tfcauij 4 lO;gn 9 Jsam II 25pm Ar B t|timre Ei 8 3am I *H*m 81 10am 3 Mam Ar PhUndelphie I.v 3 ifiam| 8 t*P'U 3 (Bpm 6 22em Ar New Yiwk Ev ,13 Iftaml 8 Apm $ 3epm 3 OOjen At Boatoo Ev > OttpmjlO Mata No 18 II TO THE NORTH AND WMT. | No.A II (Centra I Ttme.) j| 17 Xntt.jEv mv 1 stall gr I * tiki* y (E.<atarn Ttmo.) |l 8 3"*m JEv t'alumld* Ev'| I >.*n AlOwnr I.v Spattatti irg lev ' BlCpm I.v Asti-rllle I,vi|B®tu 4 "2pm!)Ar 1101 ■ffrtngi B.' " *am T Apm [Ar Knoxville E> * 'A>m 110 am Ar Eevlnghon I.v to 30pm T 45an. Ar ciratnnatl I.v • OOnm 7 lb..m Ar lnuwvtllc I.' 7 (pm 8 Ot%m-. Ar t 1. I All trains arrive and d-part from the liant System Station. TIIDOrUH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS AND 24 BAIEV. Nt555 YORK A Nil FlatlBIDA EXPHiSBB Vaatl be led limited tialna. wttlt I'uiuna- Brewing Room Sleeping c'ata* n>vai. nah and New York. Connect* at Wa-hlugton with Coiotunl Espre-s for Pullman Sleeping Cars between Cbar;otle and Richmond and chstlofta and Nor folk Bint ns Car* srv, all meal* Iwtwwan Pavsnnnh in.l W lehlngton. TRAINS 35 AND X DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAH. V-atltnil** limited trains, carry ing Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping c#r l>< isten H' sitnalt and New York Dining Cars -erve *l, meals letsm 11 Htv.nnah and Washtn tra* Also Pullman Drawing Room Ste ping Carr between be van nah and through Asheville and "The l.end t th# bkv " For ■ ompleie Information s to rat<a, acbedutee. etc., apply lo O. GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant System Station JAMES FREEMAN, C. P and T. A. lit Bull streat. Telephonea-ltetl, 330; Georgia 8M 8 H HARDWICK Assistant Central Passenger Agent Atlanta O* LI'MRER -Rv “oh— Freight# dull. P Baltimore and eastward. $4 50 to Is 00 P-r M Including Portland LUMBER— By Steam-Savannah to Bal timore s& 00. to P R H or B A O des k*. $5 50. to Philadelphia. 18**e per ret, (4 lb* to foot 1, to New York Ntb pet M. $4 75 to do k, lightered to Boston to dock. SB Uu NAY’AI. STORES —The market is firm: medium stse vessel# B>tn Cork for order*. 3s and per twrrel of 31" pounds, and 5 per rent prltnag*. Spirits. 49d par p gallons grors. and 8 pee cent iwtmag*. Urre vessels, rostn, 9e. spirits. *s 54 Steam, lie per M 8 pound* on rostn. 21JQC on spirits. Savannah 10 Boston, and 95jC on roain and '9c on spirit* *0 New York. OR AIK. moviaioxa. New Y'ork. Sept 21.—Flour market w* quiet hut fairly steady without much change, es-ept for a slight decline in spring txrtents, Minnesota patent*. $4 2<Wr 4.89; rye flour firm: corn meal firm, rye firmer; No. 2 Western. "c Burley quiet; barley malt dull. Wheat—Spot firm. No. 2. 82V , option* after a steady opening de lined rathr sharply from site effect* of further liqui dation and weakness in Northweet mar kets. This was followed late In the day by a full recovery nnd ectiv* demaiel from eil elder based on favor*hi* weekly wheat and further cleqrancto. and a sharp Jump In corn; closed firm *1 sgc net (advance; March closed, 87'ec; M*> ck>el. 87i Sep. temner close-1 82%c; October closed. K2V . December closed Stke*’ Corn—S|>oi firm; No. 2. 47%c: option* market opened steady With wheat. If then eased off on big receipt* at Chicago, but finally turned strong on a aqu—se of Seplember shorts in the Weat; closed firm at t*c. net advance; May cloned. 41V; September closed, 47%' . October closed. 45c. December closed, tl'y. Oats—Spot firm. No. 2. 25c. options quiet, Skit steadier with corn quiet; cut meals steady Eard easy. Western st tamed. $7.52 I,*. 1 ,*. re fined quiet Fork firm Tallow steady. Petroleum dull.' Hoeln quiet. Turpentine Irregular. 4!')6420. Rlc* firm Coffee—Spot Rl< easy; No.- 7. Invoice. V. nominal; mild quiet Futures opcn*d Iwrely steady with prices 5 to 15 i-olhi, lower, and ruled weak much of the ses sion under local and light foreign selling weak cables, large Brasilian reeelpi* and a heavy spot markei. Covering cau**| 5 points rally at the end of the session. Closed steadv with price, 5 to 10 points, net lower. Total sales, 20.25" latg*. Includ ing October 8.15 c; November, 7 05c. De cember. 7.15 c. Sugar— Raw strong; fair refining. 4%r: centrifugal. 94 teal. sc. molasses sugar. 4c; refined firm. Butter strong: creamery, 14'*ii21V; state dairy. HsffHhdc. cheese irregular; large white, ltc: small white, lie. Eggs eerong. state and Pennsylvonla, lM3"c: Western, regular packing, a' mark. 125kffl*V9c. Potatoes quiet; Jetoey's. $1 "fidl S"; New York. *1 Wfl 42%, Ing Island. $1 .K%| 1.75; Jeisey sweet*. E’ 25812 75 Peanuts steady; fancy handpicked. Iff 45 c; other domaatlc, 2>tG4c Cabbage quiet, Ing Island, per JOO. 81 .we: 25 Cotton by steam to Liverpool, 9n. COTTON SKUI) OIL. New York Sept. 21—There was a sale of I.""" barrel* prime suptmer yellow, promps at TJ'i r and general firmnese throughout with 28c asked. Prime rrude barrels nominal: prime summer yellow. 375*c for prompt, off summer yellow, 34%c: prime winter yellow. 411842 c; prime while, fcttfi il. . prime meal. 824 ( Hit AGO MtHKCTS. Chicago. Spi H —After a weak begin ning to-day wheat turned e'ronx and Oc tober closed %c over yesterday. Corn dos ed %skc and oat# %c higher. Provision* closed 5c lower to ilk- higher The hading future* ranged ns follows: Opening Highest.Lowest.Closing Wheal No 2- ffepr 77 78% 77 78% Oct 77%77* 7*%1i74>, 74% 78% Nov 780*78% 79% 77% 79 79'. Corn No 2 Sept ... yw.ltsr, 40% 39*4 a Oct 38% 38%3% ‘,fW% 3*S*t.ts, Nov ... 35% 88% 34% 34%n*8% Oats No tr- Sept ... 21% 2t%4)21% . 21% 21%21% Oct 214*8821% 21%22 2:4. 21%tr Nov 22 % 22%8f235i a 22.% Mess pork, per Irarrel— Oct *’2 15 *l2 l3 95 *l2 15 Jan II 5" 11 55 11 425* 11 45 Lard, par Id# Pound*-- • Oof .. 715 7 15 705 7 975* Nov .. 7 15 7 15 7 42% 7S Jan ..4 8" <* 8" 4 72% 475 Short Rib* per w" pounds- Bepf .7 8" 785 77" 771) Oct .. 7 I" 7 7 37% 7 42% Jan 4 l*% 8 IS t 07% 4 I" Cadi quoiatlon# were as follows: Flour steady: No I spring wheat. 721874 c, No. 1 red 74®79%c. No 2 corn. 4%fJ|o: No. $ yellow 4"%ffllc; No 2 oat*. 3l4kfs22c; No. 2 white. %XV; No. 3 white. s4f| 2.V4C; No I rye. 58c. gaod feeding barley, 891139%c; fair to choice mat'lng. 63QM-; No 1 Has *.*d, *l*l. No. 1 Northwestern. $1 52 prime timothy seed, 84 3"94 59; mess l>ork’. per hhl . * 15*12 30. lari, per 10" lb*.. >1 "T%7 17%; shert rib, sides tlnoife) $7 40877. M; dry salted aboutder, (boxed) 4%ffg%r. short r ear sides (boxed), $ Kqs g. 99; whisky, basts of high wines, |l.*(i clover gonuact grade, liujOO. MAHIN3B IYTKLLIUE34C, Mafters of Interest to shipping Men litairrally, Bnil Jnnnuiift f**r kma la pilot Vo #la Av nlahlr, and form nr<4 ton n igo in off* r#tl r|miliikl>, ownrra hi kma to olMaln 4 furtn*r unnrovrnirni tn ratr* to (oktninl or tit far |M*rtp< for ati*n • ml cargo and .as., oil. #,>• a Fb I lade I Phla report. There I.- also -i a•,mt tnqiilry for lumber nbd general cargo tonnage t.i "eat Indira and South America, but the tates lsl are not sufficiently attractive to influence a prompt acceptance of the business off.rc.l (’) order*, to Erstern por:* are - arc* anil, with tonnage abund ant, fates do not Improve. The British eteam-hlp Aldersgate, due Oct. 5. for Bremen, was po-’..l at the Cot ton Ex- hang< yeaterday by W. YY'. Wilson. A most Important fador In the equip ment of the modern merchant n well as war vessel* and other craft where light and air are appreciated at their full value I* the air port and deck light Those 'aluahle adjuncts tn construction of utl ' • h" • It.' t. -..1 o, ,in, . ~ ~ | h a, there are as many iieol on shipboard as |,tsst tge witno'.n lessening the structural strength of the hull. Mavannah Almanac. dun rise# at 5.49 a. nt.. and sets at 854 p. m. High water at Tyhce to-day at 4:4! a m . and 4:67 p nt High water at flfcvan nuh one hour later. Phase* of Ibe Moon for September. . D. H. M First quarter 3 1 54 morn Full moon 8 11 4 ave. Last quarter 15 1 87 eve. New mooli 23 1 87 eve. Muon Perigee, 9th; Moon Apogee, 23d. ARIUi L AM) DKIVtIITI F.*. Irrliril mt U iiaranlliir. Dark (BwM), Wivlcn, Ol**gow, Vraarla %%rnt to flea. Hark Carl ILi.ifttari (Nor>, olnen. Garaton Dock. Nklpflaa Mrmuranda. Tem rlffe Hf|4 15 - Haikd ateanvr G®p*vior, (frocn Tynei. I*ens6®f iia Ja -kaonvUle, Kin . Hepf. jo —Arrive-! tug A brim Mink*. Avery. Hntannah, (clear*) for Norfolk with kcw in tow) KnUrwl, •#.-hcM oner kief Hebe aae* Kerry. CHoacfftir. MuebiiMHs. 4*lear<%t. at earner Hoanoke. Joy, Phtla* delpbta Ja< k/onvllle, Fla , Kept. 21 Botereff, ai earner < Vmiancbe, , IVnnitigtfjn, N**a York. Port Tampa. Fl*.. Kept. 21. Arrive*), afeamcr I'unlta. Thoni*son, If.ivana; tuir Dauntleea. (owing: aohooner If. Frank Nealy. Jiao's, Havtwa. Key Wfwt, Fl®., Kept. 21 —Arrive® schooners lu* linatinßp. Alhury, Mo lr. Lykes, Kankr. Havana. Railed, schooner Lily. White. i*unt Ra mt. firnos Kept. 11.-Hallwl. steamer Apex, Pensacola TrlcMte, Ki-pt. IS—BIN, steamer Agul kjs. Fans®col®. Amsterdam. Kept. 2* ™B.llri), steamer Puritan. Savannah. Ifakimore. Hepf. 21 —Arrived, steamer 11 a in'® Havannah. t'barleaton. H C. # Kept. 21—Arrive*) steamer Aiaonqmn. Piatt. Jacksonville .4ri(l proceeds*) fo New York, scHbone s L‘?>enexer Hiftirelt, Pendleton. New York. George It. Concdon, H.iyles, New York. Knllee lo Mariners. Pilot ch.irla and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished maulers of ves sel* free of charge tn United States hy drographic office in t*utom House Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Iteporle of wreck* and derelicts recslved for tranml*iOK to fths Navy Depart ment. ITIftftBIA POUT. ftteii nmhlpa, Hogby fßr). 1 r*ftl ton. mk-lde; !dg for Bremen and Hamhurg-A. F f'hun hill lmaum (Ttr). 2.7**! tone, Penberthy; Hg cotton—Rtrarhan A Cos. Bre kfield (Bn. 1 *** tons. Jeffels; idg cotton.—Mints A Cos Darlington (Bn. LkS> tons. Work; Idg for Liverpool -Ktrarhsn A Cos. Labunn (Hr). 2 3M tons, Gardner; Mg. for Bremen.—Minis A Cos. Treasury (Hr>. 1 **-'* torn, Davies; idg for Oanoa.—Mints A Cos. , rrsuUi Bright (Hr), 2.114 tons, Goode; Idg for Bremen Wilder A C®. Maiuonomo (Hr), 2.7Sft tons. Mann; Idg for Bremen.—W W. Wilson. ffklffs. Germ ante (Nor). IJftft tone. Bunde; Idg n. Dahl A Cos. “ *' Oarki. Crown (Nor). 629 tons, Hrberg; to Id. n. #,—Master. Elt*i- Curry (Hr), 494 tons Landry; Id*. lumlwr for Wucb*®-- Master. R B MeKulf (Nor), 1,357 ions. Dun*; Hi r #.—Bah) A Cos, Eatons (Nor). 522 ton*. Cgrleson, Id. n. (. —Master, Nuuanu. $77 lons, Jvaelyn, iw id. u. MastCfi ' ar| t System. of Railways. Train, Operassd by sett, Meridian Tl me -On# Hour Flower Than city Ttma. BUAB bOYY N , LIT .’( a A , cUM „ It. aD ~ ~ • . I*4 i(2 .is ; North sn3 South. ) 23 35 fuTJtr • 1 4"• ■- lot U (9a 2 (5a 1.. eav . push.. . At, 2w . juo i•• ■ -^7- U ita u Ale, ( tap ;o e^e, i jxa Ar <'liarleaion .. Ev It Isp 6 KU-. * l(V| 7 Its 1 Off •••••••I j * -i.i .. | i 2iip Ar ....lUtlimom) . Evj 9 06.1, 4 Mi>( t I i 7 (la, ... ,11*1 Ar . Washington... Ev; Ast. 3 (Klpj i I 3tsj | I tu. Ar .. BaHtmara 1,. I (taj l 4,9 —- I I!• *saj | Ik, Ar .. . Philadelphia • IdWIS MU M j | 1 l-'l'! j 7 <*S(j Ar .. .New Y'ork .. Ev „sp * kec ■ , is , 84 , 32 ;”i8 •'■"bp 2 25c llka • Jo., 3 i-ijjl.\ - innah .. Ar|l I 49i;'.3 k{l2 loptll toatw 15a osij 6 10 uii 7 jk'M 4 • ,\r . .Wu 1 tom ... Lv lu Sup; * p I 7 12 9 :*>p J l&pj ? it,.| j 14,, \ r .. Tnn.\tUs . IgV* 7 fk| t -Op’ • ■' & 10 &\ 7 MH> 12 kN *♦ AJ * • \r ... JiH k onvlli* tv N .90.• S §op{ 4 ©*! 7 SQm 4* *+ |IO |i • UfpilS 08p 12 o:j* Ar . r Ufkt . I.v : o|>g 4 op| 4 04j*| 40f ij ...• • *j k 4up | Ar .. Sanford I.v; l*i Up .1 1 1 i*>4 ....■ , 2 . ■ Ar 1 * (11. •( * v l D',. (MU ..m - j .. W fcOf ( lo 6*| Ar .81. r**ir*hur* Lvi. j v oo#i .. , .(.• I 7 4||o (Ih-tlO UOp.lO Oo|\ Ar ... Tnp* I.v(| 7 * 7 UUrti 7 l&pj 7 3Kp . | • !*>,* 10 |lO 90p(|Ar I*ri Tumpu l.vii 6 tk* •* 7 00\> 7 OOp j | 1 lOu 1 l*w 1 10a Ar . I'uiM* (forOw I.v ' j 4 <Ai>| 4Up ... | ! . jio 4.%Mt10 4*2* Ar .8t Au ruutln** I.v < 3>p| C 30p! ..( ...... ( 7* "0| -7 lAi S l'4 . : m I.v Hv.irn.ih .. laVjfO If** 1: Km ....... j*' 4-'.|> b ts| 4 toil’ lun \r .... JtdUP I.V 4>% 10 ( ..j 1 I aupj 7 10.5 j I 2ftp; I OskiJ Ar Ilrun wtrk Lv 4 4<Hj • 06pj ) j NORTH. WEST AN I> SOUTHWKBT W it VIA Jv up )| 14 } Id J 3.1 V|® Muni4onlury.ll 14 | *• ft S .*0.4 I.v thivaniuh At 10 ) . IJ Uk* I ft uoiw s fan |*\ h. mi ah Ar 10 Vm I 44ia § 4jp| < 40a Ar .. JOup.. Lv t | t Rkl|!o K>t U* *• p Ai M iff mrry Lv 1 7 4S|* 11 2ft® I ooj 1 Iftp Ar.. ftUowi . -!ev|! 1 Pa S 3‘V I 14pt < ftAa Ar Vafthv'll* Lv!| •<• lM® ft 30nJ I 4<*i Ar Atlanta Lv i iftp Oftp t .10 IS Mf Ar Igmiluvill** Lv‘< 3 ftfta t ISp t 4fta * 40p Ar CtUTnoutf® L 4 ® *• 1 T 44n 4 of*i Ar <l* initall Lv U <Np ft Up 7 PH* 7 U>h At l4m* v U.) 4fta 4.p T a>* 7 In. Ar Si l.oula Lv I uftp I J3ft 7 ■!> 7 A*'* Ar rinricfk®ll Lv ft 7 <<p |; ® N > 7 tHv ft flop,) Ar U*uu Lv ft !:*p ft 7tk ||Ar H Ixwitft Lv loop 7 laai 6 tfl|< Ar Chirapo Lv I 3Up ft OVp || 4\f AO > ftp*,* ♦ -i I.v Atlanta A .10 ftftpill 3na ft oftv 9 fRnHAr Chlnto Lvij 7 I 50R ft Oftpj 7 lfta Ar Mamptma .Lv I • 3V5| ft Oftp ft A'.a! 7 10a Ar Kanßaaf HtvLv‘l ft inp. ft *.p 4 I*pj 5 of.Ji!|Ar M.Wla Lv||i2 ftip{U 94® “• land unmarked .rur Uady. * * > '* l T n " Ar N Grl.n* ***H 7 7 * Bally escept liunday. * W| , jo.i ,gv (savannah Ar ili) )sa|t2 Ida (Sunday only , „ *,, Ar.. Tlfton .. Ev ; 2 16a) 6 ff Though Fullman Rieeidtig Tir fLrvtr* I 45#: 2 t"t' Ar - Ailwny Ev;'l2 oi,.| I („p to North. F.a.t and Weal and lo Fkald* | 6 Sin Ar Coiumhua Ev|j, to OSa 4 (*ii nr t* •I<l ti • Hiarfr at I'ort 'lamp a with atrßMffrs fur Kr> V% rat ail Havana. I.ravtai l*urt Tampa .Montlnya, Tharatlaya an® Patardajra at 11 i4W> it m. J. H I’olhnnua. T. P A . K A Arrnan® . CTty Tkl Afft.. !>• Koto Hot®. I‘uoua 71* R W. WRKNV, rtitrnifr Tra Mnnaprr. Havannah. Oa • McDonough a dallantyne, Iron Founders, IVlachinists, 1 1 “ 4- * * he, Katie. (Makes., manuta •>( <'■•• .L’ ' :■,^B mri Ud C.i.kl, gßxgluaa, as* lew Muantag "/' '■ iwra M 111, Sager Mill r..., ska (dag. Falter., eta. TELEPHONE NO. 123. Hrlgs. Zenit (Aust). 3*6 lona, Hentch: to Id, n a— Hlra< hi> A Cos. Hevtiab. HI tone, Richardson; to M. ——• ilwlrr. Xebnonere. T YV Dunn 635 tone. Bond, big lumber blaster. John It t’enroae. 433 luns. Ohcen; Idg. lumber. -Mneter. 181,11. 561 tons, Hines; fo Id. lumber blaster. Hobiwlek. 4D ions. Hogerthy; to bl. lum ber -Master. Th- Jo*e|.nln.-, 5*3 (on*. Townsend; to Id lumber—Master. It tluaraatine. * , , Dark Solid (Hw'-li. Wedan. T W A FABBOI ft X HITS IUDVEII. The Original Grandfalhrr’e Hat I# Found In Indlnnn, From the Indianapolis N'ewa. John C. Wingate of YY'ingale. one of In diana's best kiH>wii Republican poltllctoßa, Is a g.Kxl story Idler. One of hi# pecu- UartDen la that If n story he tell# la doubted h never falls to back lt up. White the Stale Board of Tax Commis sioners wa* in session in ln*U*nopnlt* re • ently he tost a alory of the origin of the famous obi while beaver of the campaign of 1868, known as "grandpa’* ha." le*f there should I>* doubt of th* BUI bentlclly of his narrative, Mr. Wingate on his last trip to bln home. In Motvtgomery coun ty. brought the hat 40 IndMnnpoto with him (ltd kindly lent It to the New*, which presented a plrtuie taken from tha old ,ejver Itself. Mr. Wingafe goes hack to the days of |kl> to begin hi* story. "In ihe ibsyx of the old Tlppacgnn* Harrison campaign." he saya. "the old Tlppe<wnor laitti* giound, seven mile* north of lAfayette. wmi a famous point for the gathering of B-publbans. The reason for this, of course, was that It was on Shat spot where Gen. Jlurrlson fought and defeut-d ilia Indian*. People in those days would '•one for mile* and mile* to attend ih* gathering* There w<T* no railroad*, and ih-c' -nortly, they hml lo drive. At on*' meeting 1 remember be-'dnK my nahr ,a.v. the prseene* of a bnus band from PlttslHirg, F„ was a gnwf aitraclion It had come down (he river to Ulnetnnall, ami then had driven aeroa* the country | RUts grouml rally. Two week*. I ii, Hove my mother said, were consumed In the trip. "But nhout the bat. It was first worn by my grandfather. Christian Coon, or Old Zip ( on. a# ha t*# |*opularly known in that tirt of the counsry. He had t on who clerked In a store In Phil nVlphla who had made him a present of an ele sant while beaver hat of fh* etvl* then lu.pular In the Quaker City. It was to the old Harrison rally on the Tlpp*c*oe bat tlefield that the hat was first worn. "The sunrequeni history of the whit* l eaver 1* not known until In the campaign of IMb when Benjamin ll.irrlwai of ibis city, ron for President A tog rally on the old Tippecanoe battlefield had been annoum *d and 1 was preparing to attend It. I w.*s dls< usslng tom- of Die old em blem s that would be displayed on that day when my mother said to me: '• 'John, why don't you get out your grandfather'# okl white tmtver hat (hat he wot* to the mg two day*' rally on the battleground In 18107' "Th* old hat wa taken out of on obi chest, where, erumpied end crushed. It had lain for year*. It was stretched over a leu Jar and pul Into shape to be worn. "Blaine wa* to lie one of the speak'ta at the rally. He was to speak at (,’raw fordevlile on hi* way to the rally. I was present at the Crawfordsville depot plni lorm when the Blaine troln pulled tn. Tho statesman raid he would not make a •pt-ech at the lime, Imt he made reference to the hat 1 wore, saving ll must be one that had been worn In the Harrison cam paign of 1640. The hat was passed up lo him a* he stood on the rear of the plat form of the train, and. ‘taking It and rais ing If high w the tr. he said " “The* hat ha helped to make one Har rison Free Wen I, and It will now help lo make another—three cheers for (he half "The cheer* were *R*n with vigor, and the hat .attracted much notice. In the Amy-luted Fre* report of the *top_ nt Crewfordevllle th* Inctderx of the "hat wa* referred to, and Blaine's word* were quoted." The next week. Mr YVmgafe notes. Fuck appeared with a cartoon of "Grandpa'* Hat " Five years eg" the question of the origi nal "Grandpa e Hat" i taken up. and Mr Hodge*, the AsaoctHlerl Fre* corre afnndent who wrote the "story" of Blaine and the beaver hat. wrote another story. In which he asserted I net hi# reference tc the Crawfordsville Incident wa* the start of the "Grandpas Hal" slogan. (Hi this reat# Mr. YYlugalg’a Usum u the original hat. jfiP^ %svaiy Schedules Effective kept W. IPO4I. Trains arrive a' and <l*pari from Central Station Weet Hroad. foot of Liberty street P7tl> Meridian Time—One hour slower Ilk , city time. I.eave Arrive Sa van na h: Sivannabr 1 A ux uVt*T~ Ila l or,, “aTT* n ta.| •f 15am c ovlngton. Mllledgevlllepi >vm m (anil all ItiternMrdlala p-unls| | August* Macon, Atlanta.l (Alliens, Montgomery, Co-1 ** Mpmllumbu*. lilrminghuni. Am-I*6 (hang lerlcue, Enfant* and TroyJ l Mptaj Dover Accommodation. WKS ' n <*‘i>m| Guyton Dinner Tralnf (ft uipra •Dailv |Except Sunday. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTHEBi .’.lli merl.ll m or Sivannah city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Monday only •35 a tn l>at|y except Monday 9:80 „ m i>#j|y 8;i p. m. LEAVE TYREE Monday only 715 a m Dally except : Monday 1* 35 a m. Dally 530 p. m made at l.rmlnal points with all trains Northwest. West and Southwest. f Sleeping car* on n ,ght (rs | n , between Savannah and Auguala, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham Parlor cars on day tralna between Baa vannah. Macon and Atlanta. sor complete information, • vhedutetL rates and conner-ttona. apply i* ’ G KRKWER. City Ticket and Pane, rnger, I*7 Bull alreel or R MclNTl’ltH, Depot Ticket Agent, i HAIM ;**i!ra! piiMcitgf-r AKnl MiNTOX. Trnfflo Mar,Mirer. THKO. D. KLINE. Gen Hiiperlnlendetlt, Savantwh. Ga. jIMITEO Trains Double Daily Service Tha short line lo Norfolk. Waahlngtop, liaiflmore, rhll.idelpM*, k,. w York "H the K*m - ~~ I No 44 | Hhl’ Lv tt a L* Hyl! Mpfi Ar Columbia, g. a. L. Ry| 4 pn| 4 Mam At Raleigh. H A. L. Ry ,jll (7pn>jU 50am Ar Durham. 8 A. L Ry.. 7 Paint 4 16pm Ar Petersburg. S,A L Ry! 4 ISam; 4 Mpm Ar Rlchmotat 8 A. L Hy| 5 15am, I lptn Ar ashlngton, Pnna ..| I Hum; 9 Mpm Ar Baltimore penna |lO (Barn II 25pn Ar Philadelphia. Penna.. |l2 ffpmj Mam Ai New York l enna 2(Bpm 4 Una h v • Nd' Uv Bevan nub. 8 V L It. 12 IT, pm M lspii Ar Portsmouth. 8 A.L.Ry| 7 9aaa| I Mpm Sienmcra leave Sorfollt dally. axcapt ‘ Sunday, for Ilaltlmore. Philadelphia and Mew York, and dally for Washington, The short line to Montgomery, Mobil# and New Ortexna, leaving Savannah at 725 a m . arriving at klontgomery 7:4# p. m , at which point clone connection la made wlrh the L. A N. R. R., arriving ai Mobile a. m. and New Orleaan ti# a. m. | The short line to Fernandtna. Jackson* | vllle, Turn i* and other Florida point A '■ ■ n‘ l.v A’tvannah. i JT L. Ry) $ Warn $ #7pm Ar F> rnandlna, 8 A.L Ryj 9 tiamj 9 06pm Ar Jacksonville, HA.Ui) 9 ltiam I 40pm Ar Tami i. I. A I. Ry. 5 *opm 6 Mam Magnificent Pullman buffet aleaping car service lo Washington. Ralllmore, Phlla delphla and New Tork; also to Jackson ville and Tampa Dining cars from Bavannalt to Hamlat, and Richmond to New York. Ruffei parlor cars Savannah lo Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Ticket offlea. Dull and llrynn stream. Phona 29 a ; 1,000.000 HIDES WANTED. DRY FLINTS U4* DRY SALTED U4* GREEN SALTED 14# D. KIRKLAND, Buccaasor to R. Kirkland. 117 to 4H IL Julian alraat, *au 9