The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 23, 1900, Image 13

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I’AKT TWO. _ GRAND AUTUMN EXHIBIT. The display of FALL MILLINERS which will be made at otir opening; on Thursday and Friday, will transcend anything; ever before seen j avann a . Pans, Berlin, Vienna and New York have literally been invaded to secure the newest fads, fancies and feathers in Ladies’ T accomplishment of our desire to surpass anything; ever before attempted by us, has been attained. This week is to be LADIES and CHILDREN’S week principally- the last part to the Millinery and all week to the Children. THIS STORE w b l e l CLOSED TO-MORROW, MONDAY. RESPLENDENT SiLKS In all the New Autumn Shades. 75c Black Satin Rhadame 59c. '! plee.ea of extra heavy quality Rlat k 5 ,iln Rhadnme of very flne-t grade and I lullful Mack. Inqiteetlrmithly the I t wearing nl Ik, with a high I Mater, •j la la a quality never sold un.ler 75c n j rd. Rut our eapeclal pure ha re permit* i, to oftor H for 68 cents u yard. 69c Black Gros Grain, 69c. m pieces of genuine .Cashmere-finished Black Oroa (Sraln 811k* of the heaviest and beat quality. The beat wearing *llk on the market—and the moat staple. Thl* 1- a quality for which every atore ak* rents yard. BPETIAL SALE PRICE, t eat* a yard SI.OO Black China, 59c. Another great value. This lot eonalat* • 5 pieces of finest Itluk China, ex tra heavy quality—and beautiful Nack. } iiilv warranted In every respect The regulsr retail selling price le one dollar vnrrl everywhere. Our SPECIAL SALE PRICE wilt be ®c. a. yard Instead Our Grand Fall Millinery Opening—Thursday and Friday—Your Presence REQUESTED Perfect Housefurnishing Goods. \V* never Mni.rwl you a - k,, r.l'P l in whan we look up the fiidßel again,! i • unmerchantilk" prrtli' of some .Tiler* who have attempted 10 eel von u imaged KmiuplM Ag.ilP Wore. Th#l * lot the worm feature of their met ho 1. They told you seconds couHn’t he loW from flr*is. and thnl seconds were |>ra<- t illy an rood ns Urals for use. Thus. T experienced housewives tn.iihi have been ipielv<-d Into buying old. blemished .link mg utensils In which dancer to health I irks. We've spent niueh money In ad \ • the fact that we offer faultless A rate Ware for the attne. or less, than others ask for trashy seconds. It has paid us—and >ou. tirny steel Knameled Hanging Soap I ties and Candlesticks ro at 7c [each. Gray Bt*tl Enameled Tra Pot*. 3 puirt f;/ 29c. Gray Steal Enameled Tea Kettela 7 mmo, 38c. Japannsd Tin Bread Boxes, the 50c else, 34c. Galvanized Iron Coal Hods 16-Inch stxe 49c. In our China department we are closing r t the following Items In decorated ' rman China: racker Jars. Tea l*ot. Cake Plates ami i ' ream Jugs, worth 25 to 50c each. at.... 49c each. We opened up the largest line of Cut | *laes this season lhal has ever been of l h.I In Bavannuh. 'lelow are prices. Bee our line before | huy. * r m. h heavy cut Nappies, worth $2. t , Il l* < met. heavy cut Nappies, worth $6. I ,63.50 ch heavy cut Nappies, worth 65. a! |3 50 | h heavy cut Bowls, worth 65 nt 6300 : rent heavy cut Decanttrs. worth 6S .t 65 CO ’. l int heavy cut Oil Bottles, worth 62 ■ I 61.25 ' 1 Tm heavy cut Table Tumblers, rth M dozen. at 66.00 THE SECOND FLOOR SEEMS Don’t fail to note that the seduc tive prices in this “ad” will remain in force Tuesday and the baiance of the week, as we are closed on Monday. Sa&tnual) 11 lutniug $1.25 27-inch Taffeta, 98c. The very finest grade of Amerl an mun ufacture of Black Taffeia Hltk. Very' heaviest weight, and has the new. soft rusilr finish. An In. i<m|>urable quality— whleh positively lannoi lie duplicated anywhere under II 75 a yard. SPECIAL MALE PRICE, *>. . ii yard $1.25 Peau de Soie, 95c. S piece, of tine quality Black Peau de Sole, the most popular dies* sl'.k of ihe season. II Inches wife, of hr-aullful tex ture and tine wearing quality. Regular retail price everywhere II 75 a yard SPECIAL BALE PRICE. 95 c a yard 75c Colored Taffetas, 69c. 25 pi ?rr* of vry fiiir* quality plain •<>:- orerf Tiffota Hllks. In nil th‘ now***! *nhn*-t tor fall wt nr. mioh aa rad*t, brown, navy, tuvquol**. rtjd. pink, light blue, lavrndrr. hello, violet. w*ll a.- white and btoi k equality e !lom aol under 75- a yard. SPECIAL SALE TRICE. Me. a yard Children's Necessities, The little ones take pre cedence of everything just now. Children's Muslin Drawers. Plain or with ruffle, sites 2 to 12 years, 40c. Children's New School Aprons, Lssn, Hemstitched and Insertion trimmed 3Sc up. Children’s New S. hool Dresses, Fancy Plaid. Solid Cashmere. Bevers and Fancy llrald. Percallne lined throughout, 4 to U years. $1.50 up. Children’* Outlie rnderskirta, mith Whims. Deep Hem. , 25c. Children’s Hose. Children's Fast Blak tin* fib school line*, high spliced heels and toes, and double-knee, sites sto 9 s . Special price J2'jC pair. Boy's Black Itlhbed Hoac warranted faai .tnd stainless, extra heavy for *choot wear special 49c pair. Children'* Fine Ribbed Black Hoae , Rpltced heels nd toes 40c pair. New Curtains and Draperies- LACES. CHENILLE, BAGDAD Our line of Lace Curtains is superb. W'e are showing— A Good I-ace Curtain f* 6 - A Fine Buffl*d Curtain \ * i re A Hllk I’ortlere KM Urn' Window Shades SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY. SKTTKMBEH 23, HWK). Boys’ School Suits. Let the young gentleman feel as proud as his class mates, with his new suit. Double Breasted Cools with pants, something very nobby, rtal value now at $2.48 a Suit. Children's Vestee Suits, laarge Bailor C!lar with fain-v veal— f(lecrantl|r trimmed, well made. n<od walue at $5. now at $3.50. Children's knee Pants, All (tzee. Blue end Black Cheviot, and plaids The very thing for achcoi at 35c a pair Boys’ Alpine Hats, The fl quality, brown and bla k, at .... 50c. Children's Shirt Waists, The K. & E. Brand. The regular Bhe gooda at 35c. Fresh, New, Beautiful, White and Cold FURNITURE Is the Latest Thing from New York. Arhk This Book Case in rr^ This Cliiffoaier io, rr nthitr ■■Hi! Ou.irtered Oak, ad- ftidteWt While and (.old, uni iftid ITf, Sfl* jostdble shelves, SO jJbs~=sdjL swell Iron!. Frencb Swell B inches wide, 250 in- Betel Mirror, brass HR Will bold 000 SeHs in New York brimmed oSS' SI3JS. • ~ j?J $12.50. SeHs Cbilfoniers, witboni Kew York w This table, mirror, only SB.9S ntv jsS■■ S,LE 12.50 linish with Golden Oak. oval ( T j e y f [j K Shapfd shell French Mirror, HALL SEAT Wor th, fjfr f k well front; , and sl.7d ; ONLY, $1.19* £jjgg|jjp sb.oo, This on?, complete, fosrrdf n-grri This Wasbsland in White; $8.98. I ill TSTiI O I-- ! aD(I swell from, Or Mirror, $3.49. !j; {= f- ~~i i I T French Bevel Mirror, Brass Seat, $5.49. iII 1 Mtrrrm ’ iEsaL.himmed. Sells in New > jpwgfYork, $14.98. Onr price N||cum ■ l? fjfllf * 4 on * . . * UML This White i.iumel Bed. id; silt, ” oil E> - Tktc „„„ . ' n iLi Ig tension or • ir rt I Ms A l * ,n with brass rod, made especially iof ikalM n Dining ta l|p|§ Ss-trimied, this salt, with an all iron spring. ! 1 . 11 Jc'qo st,ls * n litf ' ork at ODr price polished lop: best made lor the money. wiiLi m re< s7jso- Worth, sb.9s ; only $4.98. Fifty Complete BEDROOM SUITS on the Floor, and Each One Cut to a SPECIAL PRICE SALE. TO BE THE MECCA FOR THE SCHOOL CHILOREN-BOOKS! BOOKS!! / n l#S’ j W -/4 4fc % K M The Last Week of our Special School=Shoe Sale. Ncver % during any like period did we sell as many nor as satisfactory SCHOOL SHOES —as during this Ten Days’ Special Sale. Our School Shoes please the children —Iwcausc they are stylish; they please the par ents because they are economical—but, above all, you can bank on the wear of every shoe bearing the name of Adler. Children’s School Shoes, sizes 5 to 11.... Sl.oo Misses’ School Shoes, sizes 11 to 2 SI.OO Boys’ School Shoes, sizes 13 to Syi SI.OO Adler’s Bunker Hill School Shoes. NONE BETTER. Children’s sizes, 5 to 8 SI.OO Children’s sizes, 8 to 11 $1.25 Misses’ sizes, 11 to 2 $1.50 ouths sizes, i to 13•••••• • ••••• •••••• •••••• ~50 Boys’ sizes, 2 to sx/%5 x /% $2.00 I Kite Goods. Special line In Mlxrd Chavtot*. deslruhle design* and coloring*. Suitable for thil dren'a School l>ieaa, 26c instead o( 49c. A luge variety In all tha papular da aigna and weaves, Including Bannock, Burn llnmo-pun,, Mnow Kl.vka Pamela Hair il Mot I lad affect*. |n tha newest Kail colot Inga, 3X inrhas wale, 50c instead o( 65c. New Half Hulling,. In a handonme va tlaty of New flvtt-ona *'olorlngs. Medium and Heavy Weight., Hull tide Hloyce and Rainy I>ay Hklrta, b Inch.* M Inches and 5A Inches wide. $1.25 to $1.30. M-lneh nil wool I*n<li<>B* Cloth, not lh Inferior ulasy kiwi. hut hit* tlu ItnuM Cloth Antnh, choir* of the l”Aling full <o!nrlng* titjrh ti Myrtle. Navy, Cording I, Hrown. Gurnet. Mmh* awl |Mrk nud Me dium Ur.iy, regular 91 quality, for 75c. Ladies’ Attire. N*w thing* for th Ladles at Figure* that please. I^sfiles' Bilk \VUt. latest Novelties, In lienißiiicheil efface, $5.00 and up. Dadlr*' t'olorwl I'ettlioNls, In Mercer ised Baleen uni Near Hllk effe.-ts. New Hhadlngs. $4.00 aqd up. An $8 Rainy day Skirt For $5.00. TVe shall ee*ll as a special favor Tues- Uy only, lw Ktilny-eUy \V • Iking Hklrts, n ade vsith the improved lnv< rsl pleats, flni*hrd with eight row* of *(it<’h hiK anil fei* wl. All mmitih helng double stlii'hed. In plain >iihl |UM lM k *pun, Oxford, Htwl (Vvloli. hiiht ami Dark Dray and Navy Itlue. A $-• garment pe< ial)y priced for this on> day only. $5.00. A Specially Enticing Value In Ladies' Suits. KP Bur>erlor strirtly htgh-rkiM Tailor made fwimfi, Hull these floods are of the better itsae-they are rut and fashlon e.l in the lalrat alyl.'—all Ihe leading •hadea of cloth., are to tie found In thia aaaortmeni the lining* and trimming* ore of the very he.t— It In eeldom that any <on<ern aeeuree itith a lot .f deolrahle K.eel. a., mily In the reaeon. Rulta reng- Navy Blue. An 64 garment, ap tally priced for thla one day only 'French Flannels. French Flannel*, ICmhrotdeml Dnta, 61.U0 quality 15c French Flannel., Newrat Deetgn. 75c Frrn h IT im.rl. .11 Mhh. of Solid Color. ; K)c. I.INKNH, I.lnen tflieeked Itoy.lea Be. do. Bleached Colton Buck Towel. ~,,50c. do*. Kxtra el*e Honey I'nmh Towel. Woven Colotel Border We All I.lnen llink Tow, In, 15r. Quality. 10c. All I.lnen Ilitck Towela Hematllehed al-o Dutnaak Towel. Knotte.l Fringe Fancy Border. 66c. value 26c. 64-Inch Bleached I unci,k J6c value... ,65c 70-Inch All I-lnem Damaak. 75c. vnlue .. 50c, Full else Crochet Rpread, Hemmed Ready for uae Kuril Rlxe Crochet Rpread, 61.25 value. Me. 16-4 Crochet Rpread. fringed. 66 value. Me 12-5 Imported Maraelllea Rpread*. 64 v.l u® Don’t send your child into the battle of life without placing in its hands the weapons with which to fight. Books ! Books !! Books!!! I*AGES 13 TO 24. let to Goods. Something really worih vour closest attention Black and Navy Storm Sergei M incheg wide 25c. Black Camel,-hair Serge, M Inrhe, wide 50c. Black t'reputw. (heavy), for fall wear $1.25. Ladies’ Kid Gloves. SI and $1.25 Kid (iloves, 75c. 68 dozen pairs of Ladles' Kina Quality Kid (Hove*. all In tha laical g-rta.p atyi. and In black and .ueh dawlrabla shades aa White, Tan. Had. flray. Mode, Ac.— which .old regularly at $1 lo II IS a pair, will ha offered to-morrow for 75 cent* a pair. Why- Wall, because these are "mended " glove., and were returned to the fin lory lo repaired after having tl|i“d 111 tha .rums or been tun They are pruclk-atly good s. n w oven stouter. In fact, for the weak purls have hern strengthened There ore ,1: size. In the lot. snd these same tllove. sold over the . ounter. of leading more at ft to ft ’s a pair. These 91 dozen pairs go at 75c a Pair. Domestics. Y.rd wide Rea lalnnd to d'.rd wide Bleached Rhtrllng .......... io 30-Inch Percale*. Nevy Blue. Oernet. Id. Heat Quality Dreee Prtnu, new de algn* sa. Hlmpaon Ron* beet 2d. Mourning Prlnl* 1,. 10-4 Unbleached Wheeling .worth lie, 15c. 10-4 Bleached Rhretlng. worth 22c, lto Yard wide Cambric. 12%c. Quality. I l-3c. 12V Quality Outing Flannel*. Man ufacturer*’ *liort end* itye. lie. Quality Flanelette* for Watlt* and Dreaalng (iooda Ilfyv 25c quality heavy Outing Flannel*, for Cloak* end Wrapper*, He. 1214 c Quality Drea* Plaid* 16c. 15c. QuaUiy Drea* Plaid* 12Hc. 20c. Quality Drea* Plaid* lie. Sc. Drea* t'laUl*. e. New Carpets. The new Carpets are not only novel but exquisite. The Axminsters are col ored as soft as a pastelle. We are showing a good Brussels at 50c. A Good Ingrain at a. A Good Mailing at Hr. A Good OU Cloth at